24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri.. May 28, 1982 ,,, Will Coltman Vet recalls East defeats FRE^flOUlNffHSALE! run in 55th? war writer Manchester ... page 9 ~ . . p a g e 7 4 BIG DAYS/ FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY/ p a g e 3

COLSCO *Smtf’ ■/ .-^N Chance of rain Manchester, Conn. tonight, Sunday Saturday, May 29, 1982 — See page 2 Ulanrli^atrr |IrraI& Singie copy 25qi 3 ..

-'i l)abv Hocm mmi oil

British t2 1 capture \ . W T .' 9 •p. -X -M- , -tf ■ ■■.'A ,. i--' ' 'I :___ , u ilS; bases n» p ilS I m '‘"'i',-'C-'i IMS811 By United Press International % 5-6*5 , j About 4,000 British troops slicing south and east s s s across the Falkland Islands captured the Argentine gar­ rison at Port Darwin and the nearby Goose Green air­ strip Friday, the British Defense Ministry said. The British Defense Ministry said Argentine forces suffered some casualties and a number of prisoners were taken. Initial reports said casualties among W!n3r Britain’s 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment were "light.” The military command in Buenos Aires denied the i l l loss. It claimed its 600 troops at Darwin, the second largest Argentine stronghold on the Falklands, had repelled the offensive and forced British paratroopers to retreat back to the British beachhead at Port San Carlos 17 M i miles n o ^ of Darwin. iffi “We have just teamed that the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute regiment have taken Darwin and Goose i Green," British Defense Ministry spokesman Ian -V. McDonald said in a bulletin broadcast live on television. S M l i i rtMKiWtthi British defense sources also said a second thrust by tM. Royal Marines had advanced east through marshy bogs In«BWf»»y toward the island capital at Port Stanley — heart of the i i I t0,|pliMM ^9ur ^tsura^M < 9,000-man Argentine force about 50 miles east of Port San Carlos. Herald photo by Tarqulnlo 5M SWIFT ATTACK helicopters, light-track Scorpion A 4^%- ;w tnpka and artillery backed the ground troops, press Honoring Manchester’s heroes reports said. Exiled Falklands Gov, Ray Hunt broadcast a Eugene Freeman, Connecticut Commander of the American Legion, prepares for Memorial Day ceremonies to honor local citizens who died prophetic message oii the BBC to the islanders 8,000 miles away, telling them “I have nay bags packed” and for their country by decorating the graves at East Cemetery. would rejoin them “very soon.” i n “It may be, as I speak, that those of you in Darwin, ilii Goose Green, Douglas station and Teal Inlet know more about what is going on than I do,” Hunt said in the BBC Y .Of “Callii^ the Falklands” program. Memorial Day ’82 GOP hopefuls sure ;:4^.| The twin British thmsts south toward Darwin and east toward Port Stanley began Thursday from the 54- aovemment offlees: All federal, state and square-mlle British beachhead established by 5,000 municipal offices closed Monday. Manchester M l marines and paratroops at Port San Carlos. emergency numbers: highway, 647-3233; Britain said four soldiers were killed and 20 were refuse, 647-3248; sanitary sewer and water, come ■ 1-84 funds will fc:.lfAI oiV(j ‘'1 Robertson School to Nathan Hale Cemetery Candidates Lewis B. Rome, Both said they view the highway alternatives, such as revamping Falklands by nearly 2 to 1, but that was about to change Russell L. Post Jr., Richard C. Boz- as essential to the hopes for Route 6. with reports that the Queen Elizabeth II had arrived at for ceremonies, then to School Street. ..,. :V*.v zuto and Gerald Labriola faced off economic development in eastern The four gubernatorial candidates South Georgia Island, 800 miles from the Falklands, The Herald: Will not publish Monday. All offices will be closed. in a debate sponsored by the Connecticut. answered questions covering a wide 2 * m ^ i with 3,S00 reinforcements, including a battalion of Republican 1st Congressional Post agreed it would be unfor- range of issues. Some of the .1W m Gurkhas. highlights included: 1 .*.' • Labriola’s insistence that he h.- would not accept the lieutenent »ii5l^:,pp:8i||;:: governor’s post, because he is not 4 r«e«iat8,M i, pola8,ti0t ^ willing to give up his medical career dead at 75 for anything less than the governor’s / job. Labriola is a physician. • Rome’s insistence that he op­ Technolo^ in Kumasi, Ghana. 9 Jo h n T:. R o g e rs, 75, th e history in New Engla^. He had a poses an income tax, despite his sup­ M l , Manchester man who was known as long list of honm and awards and He reerfved an honorary doc­ torate of Humane letters in 1970 port for the tax in the early ’70s. I the "book of knowledge” on the w as active in many civic from the 'University of Hartford, Rome said his opposition now to the c l e a r a n c e . income tax does not show he is in­ JSr'^m ^K Thf.^te Ella T. Gn«»o ap- where be started the school’s first Save on our black history course and served as a decisive, but shows he can adapt to entire stock ol \ J Fieedimi of Mormation Commis- ^inted t o to the state F T e^ m of changing facts. His opponents all ywmtt0: Sion died Friday in WaUingford.' Information Commlaalon in 1W4. He consultant. ‘ientiam^m ^ H R 'e r ^ A t He also taught at Greater Hart­ repeated their opposition to an in­ lawn btacT&rtford- sm edonthe^ofsu^^^ come tax. f e r t i u z e b s ford Community College, Middlesex Ixm form er postal employee who ford civic ^ a to U o n s u tte U rto Community College and other • Bozzuto’s defense against *gfiiiirtaiii* 'Kave Umkelf ah education, oven- J;*®®**. ti>« ^m m im i^ Rct^ I charges that he is inflating the toMly MMing a reputation as the Team and Hartford Neighborhoods sebboU and the state. He appeared counts he has released of delegates before hundreds of school and civic supporting him. Bozzuto claimed foremost expert on Afro-American CMters. • groups served by Uie Capitol Region Locally, Rogers was active with . .4jt. his delegate counts are tallied with the Masons, the Boy Scoots and the Education Council. a scienWic system and they reflect 28.4d '"The loss of John Rogers is a real support. Rome, especially, l« ...... inside todan RogersAm bom in Hartford, and ' grievous one for Hartford and for M-Ji charged Bozzuto’s niunbers include had lived in Manchester since 1938. this school,” said University of Hartford President Stephen J. delegates “leaning” toward Boz­ .'"4; I 23 naaes 2 sections He was the first black elected cap- zuto. - ____ t ^ of the football team at Weaver Trachtenberg. He said Rogers • Post’s defense of the aggressive "shovrad us what America has been ' Adidoe V ...... ,,.. .13 High School and was the first black style of his campaign, in which be ;■ :8:V.-1-:5>-.^;'.:.L..22 hired hy the Hartford Ppst'trffice. all too willing to forget: the deep and vital contribution that black I has ebaiged Rome’s past as a lob­ *'C3initfied He rArod ftom tte Poet Office in byist would make him unelectable nrjwna 19 1988- after 40 years of service— cltizena have made to the history of I-and that the alleged comiption in MANCHESTER VERNON Editorial ...... ‘.i ...... 4 and became a lecturer on black ' COnnMticut hnd the nation.” I the Department of ’Transportation is Tri-CHy Shoppino Contar ' fiWTfaiinmMit ...... iS-18 history with the Capitol R^ion Rogers ahto investigated Bie role 1145 Tolland Tumpiko of blacks in Manchester history. His a s c a n ^ for which Gov. ’William A...... 3 Education Council. O’Neill is responsible. “I’m not research revealed a waystop in town Herald photo by Pinto ReUgious new s...... ,14 His studies led t o to die InsUtute trying to go around befriending peo- r^ousne^ . , ...... ; ?-« of African Studies, held at the of the “underground railroad.” DAILY 10 AM to 9:30 PM • SATURDAY 9 AM to 9:30 PM * SUNDAY 11 AM to 5 PM # (MON. MAY 31,10 AM to 6 PM) ePRICES EFFECTIVE THRU MONDAY HISTORIAN JOHN ^ ROGERS Tdbvl^ ...... 16-18 University of Ghana in Accra and Please turn to i 1 0. .15...:...... the Unlveta^ of Science and Pleaae turn to page:JL he was active In civic organlzat^ne i MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., May 29, 1982 - :i

2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. May 29, 1982 NATWHM. WEATHEB StRVICt FOBECA8T lo 7 l>M E8T S-t»-«7 ^JO.00 _n ii Will Eleanor Coltman run? News Briefing Falir7A Manchester lacks clout in 55th district Professor urged ' 8AN niANOMCO House leaders U' .Warm area believe the convention may sex with students Fourth in a series Sullivan said Manchester, as the turn to Ahearn as a candidate, if largest town in the region, has to be meet on budget LONG BEACH, Calif. (UPI) — An out­ lEMKRAtUme By Paul Hendrie nobody else appears able to give careful not to step on the toes of sub­ Fusscas a strong challenge and WASHINGTON (UPI) - With the spoken professor suspended for dating OfItCMia -V- and Richard Cody urban Democrats. This is even more women in his sex class wrote a letter two iM O tm •— ■ "W n match his financial strength. federal budget process in a shambles, a Herald Reporters of a concern in this case, since the Ahearn has said he would not run few members of the sharply divided years ago extolling the educational northeast corner of Manchester just benefits of intimate student-teacher Some Manchester Democrats are this time, but he has not ruled out House met behind closed doors Friday to has been linked to the 55th District ever punning again. Some believe he relationships, it was reported Friday. UPt WEATMe»t FOTOCA8T » considering mnning former Board for the first time this election. try to determine whether passage of a of Education member Eleanor Colt­ could be convinced to run. “Although I would not make too much 1983 budget is at all possible. man for state representative from STILL, SOME Manchester The candidates for the 9th After five long days of discord and of the point, there can be educational the 55th District. Democrats are excited about the maneuvering, the House early in the day benefits through intimate relationships Assembly District, which includes But Democratic ToWn Chairman prospects of running the popular Manchester’s southwest corner, re­ rejected all of its leading budget with students, particularly from being Former Rep. Aloysius J. Ahearn, Mrs. Coltman. involved with a faculty member,” Theodore R. Cummings said the main up in the air. proposals and adjourned for the Weather possibility of a Coltman candidacy Bolton's Democratic m chairman, “She’d make the best candidate,” Memorial Day weekend without ap­ Professor Barry Singer wrote in a 1980 is remote, because the small portion has said he will not seek the job this said Herbert J. Stevenson, I'he seat has been held for six proving any spending plan. letter to fellow professors that he gave to time. Some believe Aheam, who is Democratic registrar of voters and terms by Democrat Muriel T. House Budget Committee Chairman of Manchester in the 55th Assembly the Long Beach PressTelegram. District has almost no political well known in the region, would a leader in Voting District 3. Yacavone of East Hartford, but James Jones, D-Okla., predicted the Singer, a tenured psychology professor clout, compared with towns like make the strongest run at Fusscas. Mrs. Coltman, 66, served 10 years Mrs. Yacavone now is running for economy, the country is going to suffer" at Cal State Long Beach, wrote that a Today’s forecast Marlborough. Many believe Fusscas won in 1980 on the Board of Education. Most secretary of the state. because of the impasse, and he asked romance with a student can be beneficial primarily on the strength of the recently, she was chosen as If her run for the statewide office members of his committee to meet “Anybody who knows Eleanor because “we can get detailed ongoing Saturday occasional rain in the morning, a chance of . knows she’d be the very best,” said Reagan landslide. chairwoman of the newly-formed appears doomed, she may seek re- privately in the afternoon to "see if there feedback from the person about how his showers afternoon. Highs around 70. Winds south 10; Cummings. “But Manchester Without Aheam, there is some Cheney Hall Board of Com­ election to her House seat. If that’s is a basis for building a truly bipartisan or her classmates are feeling about the mph. Saturday night mostly cloudy with a 30 percent doesn’t have much of a say in that question about the strength of missioners and served as a A.' the case, little would stand in the ... budget." instructors and about the class. chance of showers. Lows in the 50s. Light southerly district. Redistricting took all our Moore, Giaccope or any other Manchester coordinator for way of her re-election. In 1980, for In Santa Barbara, Calif., a “disap­ winds. Sunday partly sunny and warmer with a chance Democrat who might emerge in the Congresswoman Barbara B. example, she ran unopposed. pointed" President Reagan blamed the “Also (a teacher) might feel more like strength away. Marlborough dic­ of showers. Highs in the upper 70s.Outlook Monday, tates that district.” district. Kennelly’s campaign. She is a Democratic leadership for the budget showing off in class, which can translate former political science teacher at If Mrs. Yacavone does not seek re- into teaching well," he wrote. partly sunny and warm. Mrs. Coltman could not be ■ If it appeared that none of the sub­ chaos. urban candidates has the strength to Manchester Community College. election, the potential candidate "The Democratic leadership of the reached for comment. Singer was suspended Wednesday for Republican incumbent J. Peter beat Fusscas, the door could be named most frequently as a poten­ House has failed," Reagan spokesman 30 days with pay after the California Extended outlook Fusscas of Marlborough is expected opened for Manchester Democrats FUSSCAS’ STRENGTH at elec­ J. PETER FUSSCAS ELEANOR COLTMAN tial replacement is Democrat Harry Larry Speakes said. "The American peo­ State University Board of Trustees dis­ . . . Democratic candidate Egazarian of East Hartford. Extended outlook for New England Monday through to seek re-election, but his to promote Mrs. Coltman as a tion time is financial. As the son-in- . . strength is financial ple demand a budget. It's the only way to r cussed his controversial Psychology of Democratic opponent remains un­ favorite daughter. law of Locktite Corp.’s president, Egazarian is chairman of the East do business” Sex course and disclosure that he had Wednesday: Hartford Town Council and the Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut: Partly certain. But Cummings said the possibility Fusscas can draw on wealth and Ignoring warnings that interest rates been “romantically involved" with at of the 55th Assembly District con­ uses that advantage in his political image. Both Moore and Ahearn have Moore — so far the only an­ town’s deputy mayor. will not fall until Congress passes a sunny, warm and humid Monday with a chance of Daniel J. Moore, 24, of least three students. Marlborough, a Democrat, has an­ vention turning to Mrs. Coltman “is campaigns. attacked Fusscas for his alleged nounced Democratic candidate — is If any Republicans are interested credible budget, the House voted 235-192 UPI photo showers or thunderstorms. Fair and less humid He said he wrote a four-page state­ nounced he will run. George Giac- remote in this case.” When he ran unsuccessfully for nonvisibility on the local level. a political rookie. He spent time as in the job, nobody seems to have against the Reagan-supported Tuesday. Cloudy with a chance of showers Wednesday. ’ the GOP 1st Congressional District For example, Fusscas recently an intern at the State Capitol and is ment outlining the advantages of Highs in the 80s Monday, in the 70s to low 80s Tuesday, cope, another Marlborough John J. Sullivan of Manchester, heard of them. The 9th District is Republican budget, 289-137 to spurn a state central committee member nomination late last year, he raised walked into the Bolton Town Hall in a big booster of education. Some moderate bipartisan budget, 253-171 student-teacher relationships in letters and Wednesday. Overnight lows in the 60s to low 70s Democrat, has shown an interest in mostly in East Hartford and it is Today in history to some campus administrators and running and has been touring the from the area, said he believes Mrs. more money than his opponents. But search of the Republican Town believe Moore might have a chance assumed that contenders for the against a Democratic budget plan and, Monday, upper 50s to 60s Tuesday and Wednesday. to unseat Fusscas with the proper fellow professors. Singer said he has Vermont.: Warm and humid. Chance of showers or ’ local Democratic Town Com­ Coltman would make a strong can­ the money and the radio adver­ Committee meeting. Instead, he seat will come from East Hartford; finally, 265-159 against the original, un­ On May 29, 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary of New Zealand became the first tisements failed to translate into stumbled on a Board of Selectmen campaign. But he faces an uphill amended budget as approved by the never strayed from his written policy thunderstorms Monday and again Wednesday. Highs in mittees. didate. But he cautioned that he person to reach the top of Mount Everest. Here he catches up on some statement, which analyzes the ethics of (^mmlngs said discussions with wants to see what develops in the convention delegates. meeting. The first selectman, Henry battle in the primarily Republican In any event, the 9th District House Budget Committee. mail after coming down from the summit of the world's highest moun­ the 70s to low 80s. Lows in the 50s. Fusscas is vulnerable because he district. appears to be a safe Democratic such relationships. Maine, New Hampshire: Clearing Monday. Fair^ leaders in the other towns indicate surrounding towns before promoting P. Ryba, didn’t know who Fusscas Most House members then wearily left has been tagged with a “do nothing" was. Some political observers in the seat. town for the holiday weekend. tain. Tuesday. CJiance of rain Wednesday. Highs in the 70s. that Moore is the likely nominee. her candidacy. Defense rests Lows in the 50s. Moon spared Reagan seeks r Education Notebook Extra troopers in Hinckley case National forecast Most seeking more testimony to ease strain to be on duty WASHINGTON (UPI) - Fists Bv United Press International l^s Angeles pc 65 81 .... SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (UPI) — rify 4 t Fcsl Hi Lo Pep l.4iuisvllle pc 63 61 .36 HARTFORD (UPI) — Sixty state NEW YORK (UPI) - The Rev. Sun President Heagan said Friday, despite clenched and eyes riveted on a television Albuquerque c 7B 48 .... Memphis pc 87 75 .03 troopers will be assigned to overtime Myung Moon, head of the Unification monitor, John W. Hinckley Jr. Friday Anrhorage pc 56 47 .... Miami Beach r 80 78 .15 Good writing requires skill to attend MCC its “painful and difficult” decision to Asheville pc 80 61 .30 Milwaukee pc 63 49 .16 duty to supplement highway patrols over Church, was spared from further back Britain in the Falklands conflict, joined a jury in watching “Taxi Driver" Atlanta pc 86 69 .... Minneapolis pc 73 SB .... the long Memorial Day holiday weekend, testimony on his religious beliefs Friday the United States shares a “common — the film psychiatrists say so obsessed Billings r 49 42 .« Nashville pc 84 87 .06 by an appeals court ruling that allowed a him that he shot President Reagan. Birmingham c 89 70 .... New Orlens pc 94 77 ...... To transform that into good writing, skills such as the preparation and techniques they use. The result state police said Friday. desire” with Latin America to end the Boston cy 78 53 .... New York r 82 62 .... By Nancy Thompson Moon follower to drop a damage suit 82 62 1.04 coordinating, subordination and transitions are is vastly improved writing, he said. The 60 overtime troopers, to be paid bloodshed. Alter the two-hour film, Hinckley’s BcwTisvll Tx.pc 90 79 .... Oklahom Cty r Herald Reporter 87 Omaha r 74 60 .... have applied against a professional deprogrammer. Buffalo r 81 .... needed, he said. He illustrated by having the Board with money from the National Highway Reagan sought in a speech to the 22nd lawyers rested their defense — without 81 S9 .... F.XGEI.I.ENCE IN writing isn't limited to the Chrlstn S.C. pc 81 71 .... Philadelphia r of Education membhrs perform some short exer­ Traffic Safety Administration, will join Mexico-United States Interparliamen­ calling him to testify in support of his in­ Charltt N.C. pc 82 70 .ffi Phoenix c 91 69 .... Good grammar doesn’t guarantee good writing. high school, however. Recently Christine Ryan, a The 2nd Circuit Appeals Court ap­ 83 64 2A the usual patrols in focusing on drunken sanity plea. Chicago ppc 77 S3 .43 Pittsburgh r That was the message Gil Hunt, chairman of the cises. In one exercise, board members were told to sixth grade student at Buckley School, had an arti­ tary Conference to ease the grdwing Clovelanfl cy 86 62 .85 Portlana M. pc 79 43 .... Applications for Manchester Community College are drivers and speeding motorists, statg proved a motion by Anthony Colombrito, Prosecutors prepared to get to the 66 51 .... Manchester High School English Department, gave tie together three sentences, “I went home. I had 30, of Brick Town, N.J., to drop his $9 strain that the Anglo-Argentine war has Columbus pc 82 63 .14 Portland Or. cy cle published in "Chart Your Course," a quarterly still running ahead of last year, although the number has police said. put on inter-American relations. heart of their case Tuesday — after the Dallas pc 86 70 .02 Providence cy 86 82 ...... to the Board of Education in a presentation Mon­ supper. I shot Mommie.” magazine published by and for gifted and talented leveled off in recent weeks. The Connecticut effort is part of a million complaint against holiday weekend recess — with rebuttal Denver pc 84 56 .... Richmond pc 79 6B .06 day. The purpose of the exercise was to show the im­ deprogrammer Galen Kelly of Kingston, “1 know the bloodshed taking place Des Moines pc 76 57 .... St. Louis pc 78 61 .01 students. According to Andrew Paterna, MCC director of ad­ campaign by state highway patrols from psychiatrists who will testify Detroit cy 75 59 1.04 Salt Lake Cityr 85 36 .36: Countering the claims of back-to-basics ad­ portance of subordinating lesser ideas to more im­ around the Falkland Islands is of deep 84 74 .... Christine is a student in the school's PROBE missions, applications for full-time enrollment were nationwide that has been dubbed Opera­ N.Y. concern to every nation in the Hinckley was sane when he shot Reagan Duluth pc 66 43 .... San Antonio r vocates, Hunt said high school students do not have portant ones: “After I had supper at home, I program. Her teacher, Barbara Nicolson, said it is El Paso c 84 SO .06 San Diego cy 70 66 .04 serious grammar problems. Where they do have about 200 ahead of the pace of last year as of May 4. tion CARE for Combined Accident Moon had testified since Wednesday hemisphere," Reagan said. March 30, 1981. Hartford r 86 53 .... San Francisc c SB 50 .... murdered my mother.” quite an accomplishment to have a piece published Hinckley’s eyes left the monitor only Honolulu c 87 70 .... .San Juan r 88 77 difficulty is with writing skills. “The whole business for more people is so dull Paterna said the number of applications received by Reduction Effort. about the practices and policies of his “We understand and are sensitive to 64 47 .02 in the magazine. State police said they hoped to improve once during the screening — when ac­ Indiaifhpolls pc 78 58 .66 Seattle cy Hunt noted that even the students most in need of that the teacher must insert some personality into the school has leveled off In recent weeks. Most high controversial church and his personal Latin American sympathies in this .lacksn Mss. pc 93 71 .... Spokane r SB 44 .... “The competition seems to be quite monumen­ on last year’s ■Memorial Day weekend beliefs. Including his conviction that he tress Jodie Foster, who played, a young .fRCkiavnvIlle r 87 08 .01 Tampa pc 87 74 .... help — the students who fails the writing sample on it somehow or most people turn off before the bell tal," she said, nothing that works are submitted by school students have now applied to the school, he said. crisis, something which made our own 79 62 .... Washington r 77 68 .04 traffic statistics when troopers made 1,- could become the True Messiah or rein­ prostitute in the film, was caressed'by Kansas City r 63 .17 the ninth grade competency exam — do not need rings,” he said. students across the country. decisions more painful and difficult." l^ s Vegas c 94 66 .... Wichita r 80 Hunt also said English requires a perfection not He predicted that the number of applications would 628 motor vehicle arrests between 6 p.m. carnation of Jesus. her pimp. Little Hock r 86 66 2 3 extra help in basics like punctuation and capitaliza- Christine’s article was a comparison of Rubik's As Reagan spoke, the Organization of required in other disciplines. For example, he said, start to increase again as adults begin to apply for ad­ Friday and midnight Monday. He covered his eyes, then returned his tion. t . cube solution books which appeared in the "Viewed mission. Traditionally, most applicants apply between Of the arrests made last year, 1,246 American States ihet for a second day in gaze to the screen as the movie’s hero, “The kids who fail (the exam) have perfect if a student misses 30 problems on a 300-problem Colombrito, a church member for five Washington to consider an Argentine and Reviewed” section of the magazine. She tried May and August, he said. were for speeding and 24 for drunken years, asked that his charges of “kid­ cab driver Travis Bickle, practiced capitalization,” Hunt said. “We found to our sur­ math test, he still scores 90 percent correct. the solutions given in three books and chose the one driving. State police also investigated resolution condemning Britain, calling shooting at a target range. Hinckley prise that all the spelling and capitalization lessons However, if a student misspells 30 words in a 300- Paterna also noted that more of the students who are naping” against Kelly be dropped and for an end to U.S. support for British that worked best. 198 accidents over the last Memorial the trial, in its fourth week, be ended in uttered not a word as he watched the Lottery are not necessary at all. What is necessary is word composition, he fails. applying to MCC seem to be serious about attending the Day weekend in which there were 58 per­ order to protect his leader from “further forces and opening the door to OAS aid to film — which he has seen perhaps 15 writing skills — vocabulary, transitions.” Student writers today are not worse than they school than in past years. He said that 75 percent of sonal injuries and three fatalities. Argentina. Hunt said recent advances in writing theory have were years ago — and the good ones are better. A SIXTH TEACHER laid off in February has those students who applied recently took placement suffering.” times. been rehired by the Board of Education. Meanwhile, the National Weather Ser­ Diplomatic sources said confirmation Testimony introduced indicated led the changes in the way writing is being taught in Hunt said, noting that students in some classes at tests. In addition, more students are coming in for Hinckley was so infatuated with Miss the schools, including Manchester High School. MHS learn what he was taught as a sophomore at Anne Messecar, currently a teacher at Highland counseling sessions than in past years, he said. vice in Windsor Locks forecast a soggy The 62-year old Korean evangelist and Thursday that the United S ta^s is Park School, was one of 12 teachers laid off by the start for the holiday weekend, which businessman already is appealing his supplying Britain with sophisticated Foster and her performance in the film Numbers drawn in New 4520. New English courses have been made available Yale University. New Hampshire weekly:; specializing in writing for college- and noncollege- Phil Steams, an MHS English teacher, said stu­ schools because of declining enrollment and the "Those numbers point out the seriousness of the peo­ marks the traditional kickoff of the conviction last week after a six-week Sidewinder missiles has helped to fuel that he was driven to shoot Reagan to' England Friday: ple who are applying,” he said. They aren't just trial on charges of income tax fraud. Connecticut daily: 545; 926-52-yellow. ; bound students, practical writing, expository dent writing can be significantly improved without closing of Bentley School. She has been rehired for summer season. anti-American feeling. impress her. next year as a Head Start teacher. throwing in an application to MCC as a back-up.” “Play Four” : 8255. 'Rhode Island daily: 4892. • writing, short stories, and debate. added expense by changing teaching techniques. Vermont daily 361. , 1 Hunt said many people tend to think — and write Since participating in teaching workshops. Five of the teachers were previously rehired and Paterna has said that the school could have to close Maine daily: 499. one of the laid off teachers is going on maternity Bozzuto wants Police foil killer’s escape New Hampshire daily: — in the “Dick and Jane” primer style of, “See Steams said, he has increased the amount of some courses of study if the classes fill up. He predicted writing students do in his class, as well as improved leave for the next school year. that popular courses such as data processing will fill up HARTFORD (UPI) — A convicted killer, attempting his third prison Spot. See Spot run.” error probe escape, leaped 40 feet from a courthouse window Friday and was cap­ early. HARTFORD (UPI) - The Depart­ tured an hour later in the cellar of a rotting warehouM. i. i. ment of Education, which was sharply Angel Osario, 25, who previously was a resident of Bridgeport, broke criticized for a $29.2 million error in free of leg shackles about 12:30 p.m., bolted from prison guards in Almanac caiculating school payments last year, Superior Court — where he was appearing on a previous escape charge — goofed again. Republican gubernatorial and jumped from a second floor window, officials said. YWCA,YAACA begin planning day care program hopeful Richard Bozzuto said Friday. He was captured by a search party of 20 state troopers, city police, Bozzuto said the department's Bureau sheriffs and prison guards who tracked him with dogs and surrounded the By United Press International W3r6housc« of Grants Processing made a $1.8 million Today Is Saturday, May 29, the 149th day of 1982 with Gerber, program director for Indian when schools close, until 5:30 p.m., "Neighbor’s Care,” for our program MS. STONE SAID that even will not be an extension of the school mistake in figuring payments to It was his third escape attempt, the last one from another courthouse 216 to follow. By Barbara Richmond Valley. during the school year. and the YMCA will keep the name though the program is flexible, day, but rather the pro^am will be municipalities for fiscal 19821983. in Hartford, police said. The moon is In its first quarter. Osario was serving 13 years to life in the state’s maximum-security Herald Reporter Ms. Wilson said the school of­ Parents who are interested in the ‘Latchkey,’ which is a natural those participating can’t just drop in patterned to be more like what the No money has been paid yet, but many The morning star is Venus. program should reserve their space children would be doing if they went municipalities figured their budgets prison at Somers on a felony murder charge, said Gary Jenkins, ficials said they will reassign name,” Ms. Wilson said. and out as they wish. They must spokesman for the Department of Ckirrections. The evening stars are Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Monday night the Board of Educa­ children to either of the schools in now for next fall. Flyers were to go register at least one week in ad­ home after school. based on the original total they were told Saturn. home with the children today. The The program stems back to World they would receive when the new fiscal Jenkins said he was attempting to find out who Osario’s victim was. tion approved the use of space in two order to allow them to participate in vance and pay the fee one week in A police spokesman said Osario escaped from the courtroom “the mo­ Those bom on this date are under the sign of Gemini. elementary schools and waived a $5- the care programs. flyers have a registration form on War II, when young fathers had to advance, “This gives the parents The Robertson School has a similar year starts July 1. John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States,, the bottom and this is to be filled out go to war and young mothers had to program before and after school. Bozzuto said the error came about ment prosecutors and guards turned their backs on him.” a-day fee for their use, thus paving “There won’t be any transporta­ more security and people signing up “He kicked off his leg irons,” said Adam Berlutl, state police was bom May 29, 1917. the way for a YWCA/YMCA day tion problems Involved if students and returned no later than June 23. go to work. The name stems from for regular hours will be given first It’s administered by the Manchester when the bureau used all Aid to Families On this date in history; A $10 deposit will be required. the fact that the children wore their Early Learning Center and is with Dependent Children recipients up to spokesman. “It appeared they were already opened somehow — he had a care program for children in Grades should be transferred because preference.” 7 key, or by some other means. Apparently he had a history of escape. In 1453, Ckmstantlnople (now Istanbul), capital of the 1 throu^ 6. parents will be responsible for Fees will be based on a formula of door keys around their necks so they primarily for low income families age 21 in computing the data, although Byzantine Empire, was captured by the Turks. Some wouldn’t lose them. "so we feel we are not competing state law says only AFDC children 5-18 Still handcuffed, Osario apparently injured his leg in the fall but Officials of the Nutmeg YWCA bringing them to the school earlier $1.25 an hour. Space can be reserved Reidy said he assumes by the size managed to “drag himself” 200 yards to an abandoned railroad freight historians say that marked the end of the Middle Ages. and the Indian Valley 'YMCA met in the morning and picking them up in morning and afternoon blocks and of the rooms available at each site with that program,” Ms. Wilson should be counted. In 1790, Rhode Island became the last of the 13 Officials said highlights of the added. He called on Gov. William O’Neill to depot where he crawled Into a dirt cellar in a crumbling brick Wednesday to discuss plans for the late in the afternoon,” Ms. Wilson officials said they will be willing to program include’ nutritious snacks that the maximum number of original states to ratify the American Constitution. program, whlcdi will provide before- allow children to be registered on a investigate the error, which he said will warehouse, police said. ^ . . . explained. children will probably be 30 at each "But our philosophy is, for our In 1953, Sir EMmund Hillary of New Zealand became! fulltime or part-time basis. The before and after school; accident mean a loss of funds for Connecticut's Two officers crawled into the pitch black cellar and seized Osario after and after-school supervision at and liability insurance coverage; one. He said there would have to be programs, that no child will be the first person to reach the top of Mount Everest. , Buckley and Keeney Street schools, THE CHILDREN can be brought YMCA will be administering the five largest cities although smaller “a little scuffle,” police said. to the school at 7 a.m. and they will field trips in the local area; oppor­ at least 15 students a day to break turned away because of financial towns might benefit because of the But Osario had to lie in the cellar for several more minutes while In 1977, a flash fire swept through a night club in Patricia Wilson and Merle Stone Buckley site and the YWCA, the even. need but first we would try to fit the Southgate, Ky., killing 162 people and injuring 30. remain in the special area until Keeney Street site. tunities for quite time and personal mixup. firefighters used crowbars and a power saw to cut away a section of a will supervise the programs alpng hobbies; “and lots of tender loving child in the Robertson program," boarded-up bay door so a stretcher could be lowered into the shallow with Tom Reidy, executive director school starts. They will also be "Since these cities are in the process A thought for the day; American Revolutionary, provided with care from 3 p.m.. We’ve chosen the name care.” Ms. Wilson emphasized that this Reidy explained. of or have already adopted their budgets C6ll6r of the Indian Valley ’YWCA and Fred for next year, it will mean they will face UPI photo A moaning Osario, his leg bandaged in an emergency splint, was taken leader and orator Patrick Henry (bom on this day in built-in deficits that will have to be made by ambulance to Hartford Hospital about 1:45 p.m. and later was 1736) was the patriot who said, “I know not what course up through additional spending cuts or ANGEL OSARIO CARRIED TO AMBULANCE returned to the prison at Somers. others may take but as for m e ... give m e liberty or give new taxes in subsequent years,” he said. . . . he Injured leg In escape leap Police said Osario would be charged with first degree escape. me death!” Zinsser wants Legislature calendars 2 killed, 8 hurt in attack at IBM iianrliPBtrr Hrralft steering Committee, 7:30 p.m.. Board Room, Town to review fuel aid program Bolton Hall. BETHESDA, Md. (UPI) — A masked Mann, 38, of Mitchellvllle, Md., a former Richard M. Diamond, Publisher man crashed a Lincoln Continental IBM employee. County Police Chief Ber­ Thomas J. Hooper, General Manager checks, because, “this is an energy Tuesday through double glass doors Into an IBM nard Crocdte said the man resigned .two Criticism of the $tate’6 handling program without considering its Board of Selectmen, 8 p.m.. Community Hall. Manchester office building Friday and opened fire years ago from IBM. “I understand he fiscal impact. program,' not a rent-subsidy USPS 327-500 VOL. Cl, No. 204! this year of the emergency fuel Board of Health, 7:30 p.m.. Fireplace Room, Com­ M onday with an automatic weapon, killing two had some kind of grievance or legal ac­ assistance program has prompted a Mrs. Fahey was not available for program.” In his letter, he also complained munity Hall. Municipal Building closed for Memorial Day. people and wounding eight others. He tion against the company.” . Publlitw) dally •xccpt Sunday Suggaatsd carriar ratas ara' call by Sen. Carl A. Zinsser, R- comment. that $3.7 million appropriated for T hursday Tuesday was captured about seven hours later. Crooke said the man was armed with and cartain holldaya by tha S I.20 waakly, tS.12 (or ona. Manchester, for immediate At the heart of Zinsser’s complaint month, $15.36 lor thraa months, winterization of energy inefficient Board of Library Directors, 7:30 p.m., Bentley Comment session, 9 a.m.. Municipal Building direc­ The man, described as a former IBM four weapons "two long guns — a Manchettar PubUthlng Co., IB meetings of the Legislature’s ^ is his charge that the program’s , Bralnard Placa, Manehsatar, $30.70 lor six months and $61.40 homes never has been spent. Memorial Library. tors office. ¥ employee, was taken into custody shotgun and an automatic — and two propriations and Energy Com- guidelines only authorized payments Conn. 06040. Saeond claaa lor ona ysar. Mall ratas ara' In his letter to Mrs. Fahey and Hockanum River Linear Park Commission, 7:30 p.m.. r: “peaceably” shortly after 6:30 p.m. handguns.” poalaga paid al Manchaatar, avallabla on raquaat. ’ . to energy vendors, not to Individual niittees. Wright, Zinsser said the Ap­ Municipal Building probate court. EDT, some 7Vk hours after he began the During negotiations, Crooke said, the Conn. POSTMASTER; Sand ad- Rep. Lindaa Emmons,'R- renters. But the Appropriations and draaa changaa to tha Manchaatar propriations Committee created Coventry Board of Directors, 7:30 p.m., Municipal Building shooting rampage. He had no hostages as man talked to his wife and a reporter by To placa a dassHlad or display, Elnergy committees authorized pay­ Harald. P.O. Box 68t, advartlaamant, or to raport a Madison, issued a similar call hearing room. telephone. “Our negotiators talked with ment directly to renters whose utili­ problems with the assistance had been feared. Manchaatar. Conn. 06040. nawa Itam story or pictura Mas,’ earlier. T hursday A spokeswoman with the Maryland him very calmly. We worked out an ty costs are included in their rent. program and should meet to solve Tuesday call 643-2711, Oflica houra ara Zinsser, a member of the Ap­ Republican Town Committee, 8 p.m.. Board Room, Cheney Brothers National Historic Landmark District State Police said police forcibly entered agreement. Then he gave h im ^lf up.” To aubacriba, or to raport a 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. M.onday; propriations Committee, com- That, charged Zinsser in his them. dallvary proMam, call 647-0846. through Friday. , Town Hall. Commission, 4:30 p.m.. Municipal Building hearing the area where the man was holed up and The gunman drove his luxury car into p la i^ in a letter to committee co- letter, is “in direct contradiction of Otfica hours ara 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 the published guidelines for the Focus/Food Housing Authority, 7:30 p.m., on site. room. apprehended him. But Montgomery the lobby of the sprawling building where p.m. Monday throuph Friday and Tha Manchaatar Harald la a.’ chairmen Sen. Marcella ,C. Fahey, Judge’s hours, 6:30 p.m.. Municipal Building probate County Police Cpl. Phil Caswell said the 7 to 10 a.m. Saturday. Dailvsry aubacrlbar to Unltad Praas Intar-i D-East Hartford, and Rep. Gardner program.” Menus, recipes and shopping tips W eilnesday some 700 people are employed in IBM’s Parks/Recreation Commission, 7:30 p.m.. Planning court. UPI photo gunman surrendered after talking to administrative and marketing divisions should ba mada by 5 p.m. Mon­ naOonal nawa aarvloaa and la a; B. Wriil^t, D-Biistol, that the two Zinsser said he believes pecqile are featured in The ttenchester mambar ol tha Audit Buraau ol. Democratic subcommittee, 7:30 p.m.. Municipal police and his wife by telephone during about 11 a.m., jumping from the car day through Friday arid by 7:30 dominlttees arbitrarily changed the whose rent includes their heating Herald’s Focus/Food section, every Office, 'Town Hall a.m. Saturday. Circulations. ' Girl Scouts, 7:30 p.m.. Nurse’s Office, Town Hall. Building coffee room. POLICE SURROUND IBM BUILDING lengthy negotiations. amid shattered glass and opening fire at th^Mt of the energy assistance costs should not get the assistance Wednesday. ^ . V . crashed car In center of Pt^oto The gunman was identifieiLgs Eldward ahyone in his path. I*) MAN('III''.ST1;;R h e r a l d . Sat., May 29. 1982

4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 29, 1982 Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Dan Fitts, Editor ; Shop Sunday, 11 AM to 5 PM .Shop Monday (Memorial Day) 10 AM to 6 PM OPINION Alex Qlrelll, City Editor *DIY Jack 2 It's not exactly coexistence, but... Anderson Washington ...... , thorothere that has Iwenbeen broushtbrought abouabout Merry-Go-Round tion. Instead, he prefers to go the by the Soviets’ policy of expan­ By Helen Thomas long route of years of ^ H O U M T sionism. And w e’re not so naive “ T h e Prefident believes that the East-West negotiations, while both sides UPl White House Reporter as to ignore that in any dealings relationship will be fundamentally build up their nuclear arsenals as that we have. And yet, at ttie WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ bargaining chips. changed by the end of the decade» same time, we ourselves are dent Reagan has approved a Reagan also is seeking a sum­ Pentagon y l • Boys’ Crewneck Tops proposing such things as arms major strategic policy document mit meeting with Soviet Presi­ Sizes S,M,L. O O ' ) reductions and trying to improve Our Reg. 4.59 0 > 0 0 aimed at curbing Soviet expan­ dent Leonid Brezhnev and says if sion and changing East-West chances for peace in the world Reagan began his administra­ it comes about he would not rule fosters A relations by the end of the Soviets. and reducing the possibility of •Boys’ Twill Jeans tion by calling the Soviets “ liars out of discussion any of the points Sizes 8-18, Reg, Slim 816. A year ago a member of the war.” decade. and cheaters,” but he lifted the of friction between the super­ Our Reg. 9.99 7.44 NSC staff, Richard Pipes, told a “We are willing, realistically, The paper, prepared by the powers. At the same time, reporter that the Soviets would grain embargo, keeping his cam­ contusion •Boys’ 4-7, Our Reg. 8.99 6.77 National Security council and to sit down with the Soviet Union paign promise to the wheat Reagan has abandoned the policy foreseeing the end of the have to reform; in effect change and try to elminate some of the farmers. of "linkage,” which he set WASHINGTON — ’The death of an •Infants’ & Tots’ Polos Brezhnev era, sets forth major their communist lifestyle, or friction points that are there,” Reagan's ambitions in terms of earlier — that is the United American serviceman is tragedy Sizes 12-24 mos. and .2 4 c% A A objectives of U S. military, there would be war. His remarks Reagan said. Our Reg. 3.29 i 3.79 promoting a turn-around in the States will not negotiate with enough for his family under any cir­ political, diplomatic, economic were quickly repudiated by ad­ “But basically, the primary 2 Soviet Union are great and there Russia until it pulls its troops out cumstances. But the loss is made and propaganda poiicy. ministration spokesmen, but it problem today is reducing the • Infants’ & Tots’ Jeans is little talk of coexistence or of Afghanistan and eases up on even more painful when the Sizes 9-24 mos. and 2-4. >| .>1 >| An NSC official, who asked not now appears he was reflecting store of nuclear arms that detente. But at the same time, he Poland. tagon is less than forthright in dis- Our Reg. 5.99 ‘ t.**** to be identified, put the policy in Reagan's determination to threaten the peace of mind, cer­ has faced the reality of no Asked to describe his ad­ closing the cause of death. the strongest terms possible: challenge the Soviets on many tainly of all the people in the • Men’s Knit Shirts winners in a nuclear war and is ministration's relationship with For example, the Navy recently q that the United States is fronts in hopes of bringing about world and that do pose a threat to \\ Sizes S to XL. Our Reg. 12.99 9 . f U pushing for arms reduction talks. the Soviet Union when he attributed the deaths of some dedicated to the “ dissolution or a softening of the communist all of us physically,” he added. Although Reagan is willing to dropped into the White House saioors to “ unfortunate accidents.” shrinkage of the Soviet empire. system. And so while taking a very •Men’s MAVERICK Jeans abide by the Strategic Arms press center earlier this month, Investigation established the true Court Shoes for Stzas 29 to 38. q q The little publicized goals are “ The president believes that tough line against the Soviets, Our Reg. 17.99 1 ^ . 0 0 9 Limitation Treaty (SALT II) he said: cause of death as harassment and Men, Women & Boys enunciated at a time when the East-West relationship will Reagan has decided that he will negotiated by three presidents — "1 think it’s a very realistic brutal mistreatment. Reagan is optimistic that be fundamentally changed by the be forced to do business with • Ladies’ Knit T-Shirts two of them Republican — he is relationship. We know that there Here’s another tragic story of con­ Our negotiations on nuclear arms end of the decade,” the official Sizes S,M,L. not willing to seek its ratifica­ is an adversary relationship them. tradiction and uncertainty in the Reg. 15.88j Our Reg. 7.99 5.88 reduction will soon begin with the said. 11.88 death of a serviceman: •Men’s Sizes 616 to 11,12 More than 14 years ago, the •Women's Sizes 5 to 9,10 • LadiSs’ All-Cotton Jeans •Boys’ Sizes 216 to 6 Sizes 5 to 15, 8 to 18. .a ys 7 c Marine Corps reported that James Our Reg. 19,99 Miller was one of 47 Americans who Rugged canvas uppers, sure- '/ f x grip rubber soles. Features f : • Full Figure Jeens, Reg. 23.99 17.33 died in the crash of a helicopter in cushioned insole and arch. Vietnam. But his brother Lee wasn’t U 't •Girls’ Knit Tops satisfied that the Miller family had •Youths’ Sizes 11-2 _ _ Sizes 7-14. Our Reg. 5.99 4.44 The bloom is been told the whole truth. Our Reg. 11.99...... 0 .0 •Girls’ Jeans and Slacks AFTER A YEAR and a half of •Zori Thong Sandals for Sizes 7 to 14. r% c c trying, Lee Miller finally was able the Family. Sizes lor all. i OufRegJ2-5® % I.O W off the boom to obtain some of his ..brother’s Caldor Low Price...... 0 9 C | medical and service rec^s.. My a JV/ff a\\\' I t • » ’ On Saturdays the Manchester inflation have, until recently at associate Donald Goldberg has seen Herald reprints editorials from least, been feeble strokes the records and the classified Air­ other New England newspapers. against the population tide. craft Accident Report issued at the HOLIDAY DEVELOPING This one is from the Torrington President Carter finally gave up time. The official documents are Register. his war on inflation to wrestle riddled with errors and internal dis- The baby boom has been a with its alter-ego, unemploy­ crepencies. For example: troublesome generation, the ment. President Reagan has had • “The accident report listed 27 dead. The helicopter’s manifest SPECIAL/ 36-Posltlont"^^>s^ social dislocations of the late considerable success taming in­ Colorful showed only 42 men aboard. ’The “60s and early ’70s were flation by sicking a recession on Folding Sand Lounger Contour Lounger telegram to the Miller family in 1968 On rust-rsslstant associated with the swelling tide it. But the inevitable con­ Great lor beach or said 45 died in the crash. The burial backyard sunning ' frame with colorful, no-sag PVC tublng.l of youth born after World War sequence has been high un­ records account for only 39. A few Sets of Color relaxingl Ught- II. And now the population bulge employment. months ago, the Marine Corps told a snooze In oomforltt ~ that lies between 17 and 3d years But for the decade ahead the member of Congress that 48 persons of age has also caught blame for picture looks brighter. The were killed. the Price of w v n \ sluggish growth of the American economy will probably be more Only five bodies were ever MR. A economy, inflation and declining hospitable toward the positively identified. BAR-B-Q productivity of the workforce. reasonable numbers of young • Not a single dogtag — the vir­ One Set to Keep...One Sot to Share! Charcoal T hat’s a heavy rap for a folk now taking their first look at tually indestructible metal identity Briquets generation to bear, but it’s the want ads than it was toward tag worn by every serviceman — f i Uve develop your roll of / nothing personal. It’s their older siblings. The was recovered at tae crash site. 2.99 The crash occurred shortly ^ Kodak or Pu|l Color Print Film / Owritag.3.77 demographics. Recently, a spate whippersnapper^ may actually b a r ^ Q 20-lb. bag of test before the Tet offensive, in an area of articles rejoicing over abate­ find that they are in demand in a lighting, long- crawling with Viet Cong and North - r - •t'.. 10x17” Adjustable burning brkFiels. Y ment of the baby boom has potential era of labor shortage. •Cherooel- Vietnamese troops, yet the Marine Cast Iron Hlbachl Lighter marked an isoteric, but signifi­ Meanwhile, with the boom of Corps insists no enemy forces were 14.97 PAY CALDOR’S Double bowl with Fluid cant occasion: entry into the youth of the baby boom, a huge near the scene of the death. vent conltole for , a a c BEQUUR LOW proper heat. Wood I O . D w lS ql .1.17 work force of high school number of workers is entering Two of the reported victims had handles are cool tofour Reg. 9M graduates born in 1965, the the the years of peak work produc­ “ homocide” listed as the cause of PRICE FOR the touch. ' first post-war year in which the tivity. And members of this death. Two were identified on the THE 1st birth rate fell to the pre-war group are also finally having death reports as battle casualties in “r SET OF level. families — their own little another province. In all, 10 death certificates don’t match the crash The problem with the boom boomlet, publicized by a splashy Herntd photo ^ COLOR PRINTS, babies was that there were so February Time magazine cover records. ’The worst contradictions are con­ Q E T T H i darn many of them. They story — and are thus providing a In 1959 Trinity Covenant Church Instituted Rask, then pastor of the church, Illustrates tained in James Miller’s individual flooded the job market when vast market for consumer 2nd s e t ' Dial-A-Prayer, a service which permitted how the system worked. It was Installed In records. they came of age in the late ’60s, durable goods. callers to dial a phone number tor a moment the church office. The service was carried on On his death certificate, the words “FREE ^ their already populous ranks Certainly, the baby boom has for about 10 years. “ body recovered” are sloppily typed •S E A * SKI (4 m .) of spritual Inspiration. Hero the Rev. Ejnar K. s ... 7... 20 swelled by women seeking brought mixed blessings to the over the original "body not Oil, Lctkm Of Beby OH SAVE %! careers in unprecedented economy and the culture. It is recovered.” His combat records 4 J^p|^lifil.l«tdCALOORF9RSFEiOY ' Ow Reg. 3.19...... 2.00 FOSTER GRANT numbers. Unemployment surged reassuring that its members are show him fighting on various mis­ BERViCi, FROFESSIOMAL QUALITY RESULTS. •CALDOR Moist Sunglasses for Ml and real wage gains slowed, sions at the same time his medical finally getting credit for positive Jowetottdsdso’t ) ,, ^ 3.39 to 9.51 providing a disincentive for in­ contributions to society. But records show him recuperating ..------■ ■’*" o w R ^ i .7 9 ...... 1 . 2 1 1 Assorted designs and colors. dustry to invest in n^w labor- they should not become too com ­ Open forum/ Readers' views aboard a hospital ship. And his ser­ saving equipment. placent about their newfound vice record lisb him as a rifleman Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester. C T 06040 on active duty with the First Marine Improvements in productivity respectability; Just wait until Division a month after he was sup­ WENZEL 7x7 Foot also slowed, driving up prices, they file for Social Security in posedly killed in the helicopter 3‘Person Hiker Tent fueling inflation and hampering record numbers. The complaints instance the law of gravity, you may Who is this UConn professor crash. economic growth. of the past will be compliments 2 not believe it or even know of it but Bruce SUve? Why is be against our ’The appalling truth seems to be 3 8 - 4 4 Riig. 49.77 Government efforts to control by comparison. ‘ Law of lift if you step off the edge of a cliff it right to vote? b it because his wife that throughout the winter of 1967- Comfortable 18” wall height is chairman of the Coventry School 68, the Marine Corps has no idea plus 3-way zip screen door, automatically goes into operation. rear screen window. Board? Is this why they want our where James Miller was. Directory To the Editori However, even this natural law can Includes all set-up gear. be superseded by the law of lift. tax dollars? services had been repeatedly unable I have read with interest your You go up, not down. Is it true that Stave was former to deliver mail to him. write-ups of the Billy Graham director of the American Civil Wherever he was — and whether “There is still a chance to hear one > WENZEL 4(K>unco Crusade. I was privileged to be of the greatest preachers of our Liberty Union, or is he affilbted alive or dead — there is little 9 there Sunday. This dynamic man generation, to get in on the law of with the A.C.L.U.? If so why b the evidence to place him aboard the Hollofil II spoke so eloquently about the love of Uft. All aboard? A.C.L.U. against our right to vote? helicopter when it crashed. Sleeping Beg God, that over 1,800 folks from 8 to b n ’t oar right to vote a civil liberty M ILIT A R Y EXPER’TS suggeit 80, came forward to be ‘bom-agaln.’ Wllhelmina De Cormier granted to us by the Constitution of ! 2 2 < 6 0 m ^99J9 that the helicopter tragedy Was Billy Graham’s “ Boss” has called 379 Porter St. the United States of America? To Machine waeh and dry. turned into a “ crash of con­ him to preach hope in a chaotic take our right to vote is very venience.” This is the cynical term world and assurance of a ticket to dangerous. J» J h r n i m r used to describe a crash in which heaven on that day that we all face Let the word go forth from the Conspiracy? records of those aboard were not SUPERIOR (Mnoh sometime. town of Coventry to every town and well kept. It then becomes an easy If folks would read “ The Manufac­ city in Connecticut .that the torch Persenal Desk Fan task to write in the names of ad- turer’s Handbook,” they would find, To the Editori has been passed to a new generation dlUonal “ victims” from the backlog 9 . 7 6\ ° nng, * in Luke 4:18, that the job was to of Americans. Let every councilman of men who are missing' but Just'the ttght m s tor desk or reach deliverance to the captives. I Remember, that on this and legisbtor and politician know Memorial Day, one of our most fun­ presumed to be dead. It’s a con­ ' iMd tabiel A t^uatti^ neck do not find that it says to take a that whether it wishes us well or ill, angle for dlrecMndirect damental rights was taken from us. venient way fqr the recordkeepers machine-gun and blast the captives we shall pay any price, bear any cooling breeze. “The right to vote at the voting to close the books on these free. (I think someone tried that for burden, meet any hardship support statistical annoyances. •CMtKy«%krWfndei^M the hostages.) I believe other machine on your tax dollar. and friend, oppose any foe to assure iA«i S ^ E LP Rloorde. ; ...... •.: .T".. .;/T8ach 3.99 Lee Miller wants the Marine methods freed them. The very thing that so inany young - ...... 4.78 sns2.Qmm.ssm .... . 2 M 0 the survival a ^ success of our liber­ * J ■* ^ * • Perhaps when we have led over 2 Americana gave their lives for in all Corps to reopen bis brother’s files ty. and take another lodt at the con­ million souls to Christ, we can the wars since 1776. Let us go forth and lead the land Isn’t this a conspiracy by a small fusing findings. So for, be has bad no criticize the work of a man called of we love, asking H b blessing and Hb luck. God. Perhaps if we would get on our group of people to deprive us of our help, but knowing that here on earth right to vote? Why doesn’t Robert Footnote: The Pentagon denies MANCHESTER VERNON knees and pray for those in captivity God’s work must truly be our own. “ Skip” Walsh, former Democratic there are any serious discrepencies 1145 Tolland Turnpike TrK^lty Shopping Center (as "The Manufacturer’s Hand­ (Partial quote from President John « representative, believe in the in the Miller files. Officials at­ book” says to do) we would see F. Kennedy.) MAY 31) 10 AM to 6 PM • PRICES EFFECTIVE MONDAY majority vote? Wasn’t thU group led tribute the contradictions to clwlcal '10 AM io I PM •SATURDAYS AM to 9:30 PM • SUNDAY 11 AM "O r ‘Budget’ seems frisky today!" results. You may believe Billy Graham’s by Mr. Walsh? b thU person run­ Raymond R. Eliioll errors, which they say are eh— lint |e« «g*9Sb^iY««A 9 iTiBMaffP hot like manv thinim fhr - in s asaln for state reo? Coventry ,r MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 29, 1982 - 7 Rick Mears pole-sitter PORTS Page 8

urney tilts • ' t - V .t i ' r - 1

for ball clubs • -z . . V -S f* .

By Len Auster The East*Bloomfield winner op­ Herald Sporlswriter poses the Kaynor Tech-Crosby winner Thursday at 3 o’clock at a This is a holiday weekend and site to be announced. most everyone has Monday off to Andrew Warde of Fairfield is r--i celebrate Memorial Day. The local defending Class LL champ, Water­ baseb."!!! and softball editions, ford High defending Class L winner. \'i hnwever. will not have long to South Catholic defending Class M champ and Griswold High defending recover as ClAC state tournament % rankings and pairings show all four Class S champ. Waterford High is in action Tuesday. top ranked in the Class L field this Rankings and pairings for the year. A' .liirls' softball and boys’ baseball On the distaff side, Manchester tournaments were released F'riday High girls’ softball team is the No. 4 2 it! Hamden. seed at 15-3 in the 26-team Class LL Manchester High, 10-10, is the No. field. The Indians, a semifinalist a \ ; ai, seed in the M-team Class LL year ago, face CCIL rival Windham fitdd. The late-charging Indians, High, 9-9, Tuesday afternoon at 3 •m who won eight of their last 10 to o’clock at Fitzgerald Field. , (iuolify for post-season play, return Manchester took the measure of W toja familiar site Tuesday, traveling Windham twice in the regular to; Middletown s Palmer Field to season, 9-1 and 9-4. The Manchester- A time for all Am ericans to face 14-fi Xavier High in a Region III Windham winner opposes the b'iit at 3 o’clock. Rockville-NFA winner Wednesday 9 m '■ The Silk Tovmers faced the at a site to be announced at 3 pause in remembrance of those who died in Falcons a year ago in a first round o’clock. The Manchester-Windham I' -ti ■>. ., ’ 7% i ■ ___I UR and came away with a 5-2 win. tilt is a Region II encounter. lEast Catholic, 11 8, is 20th ranked East Catholic, 12-8, is 13th seeded the service of their country... defending our cherished in’ the 27-team Class L field. The in the 21-team Class L field. The Ejgles, who've dropped three Eaglettes are at 12-5 South Windsor CfH'V straight and five of their last six, High in a Region I bout Tuesday at 3 ..... freedom. These men and women, from all branches of our armed w3l have a return bout Tuesday at 3 o’clock. o’clock iigainst Bloomfield High in East and the Bobcats split during Bloomfield in a Region 1 clash. the regular season, the Eaglettes forces, so gallantly played a vital part in preserving the peace of E'ast hosted the 12-7 Warhawks taking a 6-4 verdict in the first en­ c.'irlicr in the season and took an 11-3 counter and South Windsor a 10-1 Herald photos by Pinto decision. duke in the return encounter. a nation. We applaud their outstanding courage. We honor their The Manchester-Xavier winner The East-South- Windsor winner CRAIG STEARNS faces 14-1 Bristol Central DAVE LAMMEY NANCY KELLER JANE MURANO f.aces Norwich Free Academy ... Catholic’s top female .. East's No.1 player loyalty, and we sadly m ourn their passing. L e t s m ake this Tfiursday in Norwich at 3 o’clock. Wednesday in Bristol at 3 o’clock. No. 1 with Manchester Indians' ace performer Memorial Day a proud and heartfelt tribute to them all. East netters down Indians Herald Angle took straight set wins for East while East Catholic edged past 6-2, 6-2; Greenwald (EC) def. Beth Earl Yost, Sports Editor Only the singles were played as Pagani 6-2, 7-6; Morressette (EC) rain wiped out the doubles competi­ .)ohn Dean and David Rochester Manchester High, 4-3, in girls' ten­ were forced to the three-set limit nis action yesterday at Memorial def. Allison Knauth 6-0, 6-3; Tara tion as East Catholic scored a 4-0 Sullivan-Natalie Gee (EC) def. before pulling out triumphs. Field courts. Jane Murano, victory over Manchester High in Sharon Lucek-Carolyn Goodman 7-6, boys' tennis action yesterday at the Results Stearns (EC) def. Dave Stephanie Greenwald and Lynn Lammey 6-4, 6-2, Hovanec (EC) Morressette took singles matches 6-2; Lynne Sampson-Karen at Manchester Community College def. .loe Donovan 6-3, 6-2, Dean for East while Chris Szarka was the Cosgrove (M) def. Terry courts. Greenwald-Lynn Tracciola 6-1, 6-2; 'The win was the first of the year iECi def. Gordon Fallone 6-2, 5-7. 6- tone winner for Mancbeater. The In­ 4; Rochester (EC) def. Brian dians wind up 3-7. Results: Murano Linda Weiss-Carrie Schumaker (M) for the Eagle netters while the loss def. Jeanne Gillespie-Melissa i Lights pass test Beckwith 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. Three of the (EC) def. Nancy Keller 6-4, 6-3; gives the Indians a final 2-10 mark. Damigan 6-4, 6-2. Craig Stearns and Mike Hovanec four singles matches went its was as Szarka (M) def. Kathy Harnett 4-6, ’^“The Dlavers saw the ball well. The comments I heard were all favorable. Tlie lights were much belter once it got dark. Pd have to say they were eScelleiit. “ ‘I can't believe the job they (Park Department crew under Ken Irish) did Lakers banking on quickness against 76ers la improve that infield. It was big league,” Manager Gene Johnson of l^riarty's baseball team remarked yesterday. Trhe lights were turned on for the first time Thursday night following don't have the homecourt advantage third quarter but went the next 9; 24 . This Page Paid For And Sponsored By The Following Civic-Minded Businesses PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -- The down to 16 points ahead with dedication of the playing field in honor of Matthew M.(for Michael) Moriar- now.” said Jamaal Wilkes, who without a field goal. The Lakers out- „ Lakers are thinking startling quickness Thursday night tj. The field in the Mt.Nebo complex was originally dedicated to Moriarty scored 24 points in Game 1. “The scored them 37-7 in this stretch and that they planted a seed of doubt in en route to a 124-117 victory over the fact they were 15 up and then 16 extended the spurt to 40-9 to take a seven years ago. • ...... the minds of the Philadelphia 76ers 76ers in the series opener and go into J4o one was more pleased that Matt Moriarty, his always-present wife, down has to bother them.” 108-92 lead with 7:49 left to play. going into Game 2 of the NBA cham­ Sunday's second game with con­ jniia and their children and grandchildren who "helped” the senior Moriar- Philadelphia held an 83-68 advan­ Although the Sixers managed to pionship series. fidence. tv unveil a plaque behind the centerfield fence before the start of the game. tage with six minutes left in the make the final score respectable, , The Lakers went from 15 points "We broke their service; they -Baseball teams bearing Moriarty's name have been known- on the local the Lakers feel they are going to feel ‘■Sene for nearly 50 years and most have been successful. some heat before a sellout Sunday. MINIT-MAN PRINTING NASSIFF ARMS GO. >loriarty’s were the first business to enter the sponsoring field 49 years “This puts a lot of pressure on SUUiVAM & CO. PIC-AN-SAVE “Low Cost Printing While You Wait’ “House of Sports Since 1944’ ;^o and during this span hundreds of teams, in a half dozen sports, carried them,” said Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. •Advertising Specialties 725 Eaat MIddIo Turnpika 423 Cantor Straat 991 Main Straat the name of Moriarty Brothers in league and independent play, “They’ve got to think about what we 806 Main Streat Manchaatar a 646-2785 Manchaatar a 046-1777 Manchaatar a 647-9126 i lt was a well-kept secret that May 27 was designated as Matthew did. They came out with a 15-point Manchastar • 649-6523 W.Moriarty ,Sr. Day by Steve Penny, Manchester mayor. The proclamation lead and we were able to get by w “Service You Can Trust’ “All Lines of Insurance With A Personal Touch’ \(Cts removed from the plaque. happened was basically: So what? MANCHESTER PRESS “Sales, Service & Parts 180 North Main Straat Forget it, and Look ahead, was the 378 Main Straat “fThen you think of 288 Broad Straat, Manchaatar Manchaatar a 646-1232 Wotes off the cuff motto. - Manchaatar • 646-2457 printing — Think of Us" 643-4168 ^Freshman outfielder Georgeanne Ebersold, who hit .431 with the Bates “ As you remember, we lost theT opening game of the Boston series 143 Waat MIddIa Tpka. (Jillegc varsity softball team, has been selected to play in the New England by 40 points,” Philadelphia coach Manchaatar • 643-2186 L GARMAN, GLOTMER intercollegiate Softball Division III All-Star game Monday at Raybestos THE MANCHESTER HERALD Billy Cunningham said. “ FTogress? T SAVHIGS BANK OF MANCHESTER 607 Downtown Main Straat, Manchaatar Meld in Stratford. Ebersold, who starred with Manchester High before “A Family Newspaper Since 1881" Yeah, I guess you could say we’r e .' Manchaatar • 646-1700 643-2401 A llege fielded 1.000 (33 chances) and led the squad in runs batted in with 11, Harald Square, Manchaatar , “14 Offices To Serve You" slolen bases with 11, totals bases with 27 and runs scored with 13...When making progress.” CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY But the Lakers, who can set a - “Quality Service At Its Best" Manchaatar • Eaat Hartford a Bumalda Itarold Orf item aced the 12th hole at Manchester Country Club last week the feat was witiiesserl by Sam Crispino, A1 Chevrette and Paul Rossetto... league record Sunday with their 10th Routa 83 FILLORAMO CONSTRUCTION South WIndaor a Andovar a Aahtord JAMES R. McCAVANAGH consecutive playoff win, appeared Talcottvilla • 643-0016 (illection at Thursday night’s Twi League garne at Moriarty Field vvas 17 Hlllcroat Road REALTY ®5.71 and collectors did not canvass the outfield area...Have a nice holiday awesome with Norm Nixon at the “ Bolton a 643-9808 “Residential & Commercial Sales" | controls on the fast break. Nixon, - yjeekend. who went scoreless in the first . CANDBS by CAROL 73 Waat Cantar S t LYDALL, INC. “You CaU The ShoU" quarter, matched Wilkes’ team-high ’ Ona Colonjal Road Manchaatar a 640-3900 24-point figure and added 10 assist. AL SKFFEHTS APPLIANCES, TV-AIRNO 003 Main Straat, Manchaatar Manchaatar • 646-1233 “We started running as a team,” 445 Hartford Road, Manchaatar 040-6619 R08ERT J. SIRTN Malfbie red-hot he said. “For us to be successful,, 647-9097 “Insuransmiths Since 1914" I’ve got to get men on the wings on I d UBLIN, Ohio (U fl) — Roger with a front side 35, tying the tour­ our break. It started working in the lUNCHESTER PACKING CO. 68 Eaat Cantar Straat Mfaltble fired a record-tying, 6- nament record of M set by Miller third quarter. It’s not common to go • Distributors of Bogner Meats NEW ENGLAND MECHANICAL SERVICES KRADSE ROM ST t GREENHOUSES Manchaatar a 649-8241 i$der-par 66 Friday to take a six- Barber in 1980. 40-9 but I knew we’d get a spurt. 349 Watharall St. 166 Tunnal Rd. “Largest Retail Grosvers in Manchester" ^ o t lead after the second round of Maltbie's 36-hoIe score of 134— he Whether it was 6-0, 8-0 or whatever, , Manchaatar, Ct. • 646-5000 Vamon a 871-1111 921 Hartford Read, Manchaatar tjte $380,000 Memorial Tournament fired a 68 Thursday — broke the I was expecting one.” LYNCH MOTORS ^ placed himself in position to win previous record of 137 for two And when that fast break is ■ Pontiac a Toyota Dealer first PGA event since he cap- rounds set by Jim Simona, who went working, it taxes not only the op-’[ HKHUmD PMIK tU R K n STAN BYSEWICZ WSDRANCE AGENCY pjyg( m l l JOYCE FLOWER SHOP 500 Waat Cantor Straat Manchaatar tfired the first Memorial six years on to win in 1978. ponent’s defense, but its offense as 386 Main Straat 640-4321 qjo. Tied for second place at 140 were well, “Flowers For Every Occasion” Peter Oosterhuis (71-69), Scott “The Choicest Meats in Toun" Manchaatar . Maltbie, crediting a new putter “Nixon ran some one-man breaks 317 Highland Straat, Manchaatar 30 Oak Straat ct id renewed confidence for his Im- Simpson (71-69), Hal Sutton (71-69) and it seemed to get them going,” ” 646-4277 Manchaatar a 640-0701 MANCHESTER GLASS. GO. I] oved play, shot a 5-under-par 31 and two-tlnie U.S. Open champion said Julius Erving, who led.-^ ALLIED PROTECTIVE ALARM, DK. 01 Woodland Straat’ 0 rer the final nine holes FrldaY to go Hale Irwin (70-70). Philadelphia with 27 points. "We-; “Total Burglar & Fire Alarm Protection" Manchaatar a 646-8066 started concentrating on getting ^ GENERAL GLASS W. G. GLENNEY CO. I back and that seem A to hurt our 330 Qraan Road Manchaatar, Conn, a 046-0220 ^‘QiuiUly — The Best Economy Of All" offense.” ' Manchaatar • 646-4920 336 North Main Straat Northway REXALL Pharmacy lling nine tops Bennet, The Sixers relied almost -. Manchaatar a 649-8283 exclusively on their outside shooting . HEHTAGE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION “Prescription Specialists" in the final stages of the tliird.. 1007 Main Straat 230 No. Main Straat Manchaatar iennet JVs fare better quarter and the opening moments of "v PAP AUTO PARTS 04S-4810 307 Eaat Cantar Straat Manchaatar a 649-4586 the fourth, and it proved to be their THE HAYES CORPORATION Dave Mazzotta and John Gallant Manchaatar a 640-3820 “We Buy, Sell, Trade Real Estate" ; Iliing Junior High baseball team downfall. Darryl Dawkins, who.^ MORIAilTY BRnHERS ! lopped crosstown Bennet, 6-1, played well for Bennet. powered inside for 14 in the firsts GRAMES PRINTING Our 20th Year of Professional Service! half, had just one basket in the se-~ “49 Yeprs of Dependable Service" i “sterday at Charter Oak. Bennet Junior High jayvee Herald photo by Pinto MANCHESTER DRUG “Same day service when you need it in a hurry, 362 Eaat Cantar Straat 318 Cantor Straat baseball team held on for an 8-7 win cond. "We relied too much on the out- - “Prescription Specialists Manchaatar a 640-0131 Manehoatora943-8138 * John Tracy twirled a two-Mtter over crosstown Iliing yesterday at 80 Pumall Placa, Manchaatar : jr the Rams, striking out nine, side jumpers,” Dawkins said. “I?^ 717 Main Straat 643-6669 rendan McCarthy was 3-for-3 with Iliing. Manager looks over troops at Moriarty Field don’t mean to put the blame on them;; Jim Kelly had a single and double Manchaatar a 649-4541 tripie and two RBI and Sean (teammates) but we definitely took— MANCIESTER HONDA SAPORm MEMORIAL CO. IcCarthy had two safeties and an to pace the 6-3 Bears while Neil Manager Gene Johnson of Moriarty Moriarty Field Thursday night. Gas Housers too many outside shots in the second II PARKER STREET USED AUTO PARTS, tMfL “Connecticut’s Largest Exclusively Hondo ;BI to lead 9-2 Iliing. Greg Turner, Archambault was the winning dropped 5-4 decision to Bristol under arc half. We’ve got to go in and out, i n ' “MemorlaU of DUtinctlon" with Dan Soucier picking up Brothers’ entry In the Greater Hartford U . REM. E S TA n ASSOCIATES, MC. “For All Your Auto ParU Needs, Come See Us" •k Sales it Service it Parts ' [en Krajewski, Bobby Blake and lights. and out, and move the ball aroond;^ 470 Cantor Straat a save. Bob Lovett and Mike Custer Twilight League jaaused to watch his team in 618 Cantor Straat 778 Partwr Straat 24 Adanw Straat Manchaatar ' (aveBrasefield also played, well for thp wj>v we ean ** Manchaatar a 843-773S collected doubles for Iliing. opening game of season at Mt Nebo's Manchaatar a 646-IOSO Manchaatar a 649-3991 949-9818 ; Hptio N en ri .Ilm Foparkw H - MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., May 29, 19R2 MANCHESTER HERALD. Sal., May 29. 1982 - 9 Yanks trim Twins MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) - Oscar who pitched the first six innings. Gamble’s RBI single triggered a Brunansky gave the Twins a 3-1 : five-run ninth inning and Graig lead with an Inslde-the-park homer Scoreboard 'Nettles capped it with a grand slam that left-fielder , lou Pinlella lost in Friday night, lifting the New 'V'ork the lights. Yankees to a 10-5 triumph over the Castillo, who pitched the first 71-3 in a game that innings, walked Nettles to open the featured eight home runs. sixth and Piniella followed with a Gamble’s single to right came off two-run shot over the center field rlNf'INNATI MONTREAL ^;\\ i)iK(;o M .LOUIS loser Ron Davis, 1-5. Randolph fence to tie the score 3-3. Gamble ab r h bi ab r h bi ab r h bi ab r h bi led off the sixth with a and KMilncr rfr 4 0 0 0 Raines 2b 4 0 00 Wijjjjins ir 5 1 2 0 OSmi(h ss 4 0 0 0 singled with one out, advanced to se­ Ocsler 2b 4 12 2 Francon If 3 110 Rif'hrds lb 5 U 0 0 McGee cf 3 3 2 0 Golf cond on Dave Collins’ single and Brunansky hit his second homer of Com-|K*n ssi 4 0 0 0 Dawson cf 4 111 Templln ss 4 0 0 0 USmith If 4 0 12 stole third before Gamble helped ex­ the game in the bottom of the in­ Baseball Oriessn lb1 4 0 10 JMilncr lb 4 000 .Jones rf 2 111 Hrnndz lb 2 111 Cedeno cf 3 0 0 0 Norman If 0 0 0 0 Lezeano rf 4 0 2 1 Oberkfll 3h 4 10 0 tend Minnesota’s losing streak to ning. Biitlner II 3 0 10 Carter c 12 11 KenntKly c 4 0 10 Green rf 4 0 i 1 nine games. Nettles’ homer'was his l^nch 3b 3 0 10 Cromart rf 3 00 0 Salazar 3b 4 0 0 0 Sanchez c 3 0 0 0 Trevino c 2 0 0 0 Wallach 3b 4 0 2 1 Flannry 2b 4 0 10 Ramsey 2b 2 0 0 1 - m \ second of the season, both off Davis. Berenyi p 0 0 0 0 Speier ss 3 0 1 0 l^chll)^gr 3 0 10 Forsch p 3 0 0 0 Rich Gossage, 1-2, pitched the Liebrndt p) 0 0 0 0 Sandersn p 2 0 00 Perkins ph 1 0 0 0 Suiter p 0 0 0 0 Astros 8-3 1110 29 5 5 5 final two innings to register the win. AMERICAN LEAGUE l^ndsly ph Totals 3f) 2 8 2 Totals Rv I'nited Press International By United Press International Price p 0000 San Diego 000 001 0 1 0 - 2 $125,000 Corning Classic The Yankees took a 5-4 lead in the NEW YORK (UPI) - Nolan (Nieht games not Included) Barrm- ph 1 000 St l/iuis 100 100 2 1X -5 At Corning N y . Mav 28 I--' eighth when Gamble tripled and Ryan, pitching in a steady rain from * ® W L Pet. GB Kern p 0000 K Ramsey 2, Richards, Wiggins. I.OB • P.ar 72) S 15 .661 - Totals 29 2 6 2 Totals 28 4 6 3 S.m Diego 9, St I.x)Uis 4 2B- I - Boston 000 OCO 000-2 •scored on Bobby Murcer’s single. the second inning on, struck out 11 Detroit 25 16 .610 Cincinnati Hornandez 3B-McGee HR—.lones (6i Kadiv Hite 70-67 -137 The Twins tied the score in their 21 » 612 6 Montreal 300 001 OOx- 4 SB Wiggins. McGee S—Ramsey SF— Sandra Haynie 70- 70- 140 and allowed only three hits before New York DP—Montreal 3. LOB— Milwaukee 21 21 600 6>A Fr-Bilttner. llci nantiez. Nancy I.,opez 67-74-141 half of the eighth when Gossage being forced from the game with a Cincinnati 1. Montreal 6. 2B-Dawson. IP R R KR RB SO 69-72- 141 i » i r Baltimore 21 22 .«B 7 Carter (9). S-Sander- Sandra Spuzich walked Larry Milboume, who took groin injury in the sixth Friday Cleveland 19 23 .4G2 HR-Oesler (1). S;m Diego Sandi a Palmer T3-6&- 141 son. Liebrandt l’.i» helhrgr (L 4-6) 8 5 5 4 2 3 67- 75-142 third on a single by Tom Brunansky night, leading the to Toronto 18 25 .419 10 IP H RERBBSO P,ittv Sheehan West *<1 U)uis ■\li(f Ritzman 74-66 142 and scored on a sacrifice fly by Ran­ an 8-3 victory over the New York Chicago 38 14 .667 - ('incinnati Fmsch rW 6-1) 7 2-3 7 2 2 2 0 \im Alcntt 72-70- 142 'j dy Johnson. 29 16 .644 Vt Itorenyi (L 4-4) 1 2 3 Sutter (S 14) 11-3 1 0 O’ 0 0 ( alln Sherk 71- 71-142 Mets.' California i.lobrandt 4 1 C Roy Smalley opened the home run Kansas City 23 19 646 5 Wl’- Forsch T-2 13 A-31.733 Rankin 72- 71 143 Ryan, who has averaged more Oakland 22 23 .469 7^ Price 2 3 1 |)iinn.i II While 69- 74 143 derby leading off the third to give than 10 a games in five Seattle 22 25 .466 8^ Kem I O C I indv Hill 72-71- 143 I . the Yankees a 1-0 lead off starter Texas 12 27 .308 14>4 Montreal .In Ann Wasliam 74-69 143 career starts against the Mets, 12 35 256 18^ Sanderson (W 5-3) 9 6 1 l,m Slcplicnsun 71-75 144 2 Minnesota Bobby Castillo. The Twins allowed only a pair of singles to Tom Friday’s Results WP Borenvi 3. Kern. T - MAJOR Ihirbaia Moxnes'- 71- 73-144 , '.fe’M ; countered with consecutive third- Veryzer and a single to Wally Chicago at Cleveland, nl^ht 31 m I .\ nn .\(lam’' 72- 72 144 Herald photos by Yost Kansas City at Texas, night C.nl llitala 72-72-144 inning homers by Gary Gaetti and Backman in 5 2-3 innings while New York at Minnesota, night LEAGUE rill IS .Inhnsnll 72- 72 144 Gary Ward off starter Ron Guidry, Milwaukee at California, night SAN FRANCISCO PITTSBURGH M It tv 1 )lC'kct '■nil 74-71- 145 boosting his season record to 4-6. ah r h bi ab r h bi JOE CATALDI JOE BARRE Ryan, who pitched in a steady rain Boston at Seattle, night LEADERS Ka'liv Whituni Ih 74- 71 145 JOHN KRAVONTKA Detroit at Oakland, night Morgan 2b 3 2 2 0 Moreno cf 4 110 Shrllev Hamlin 71-74-145 pauses with Lee Fracchia (r) In lawn chair oldest competitor at 80 from the second inning on, removed Toronto at Baltimore, night Sularz 2b 1 0 0 0 Rav 2b 4 12 1 Riinnic l.aijci 76-69- 145 ... former boxer untangles line Wfihlfrd If 5 2 3 1 Ma'dick 3b 4 122 himself from the game after suf­ Saturday's Games By United Press International Rf'ih Daniel 73- 72^ 145 Orioles off (All Times EDT) Davis cf 5 112 Thmpsn lb 4 0 00 Including games played Thursday. May K.alhv Young 68- 77 -145 fering a slight pull in his right groin New York (John 4-4) at Minnesota Smith Ih 2 2 2 1 Easier If 40 10 27. 1962 -lerilvn Riitz 71- 74-145 while striking out Dave Kingman for iWilltams 2-2), 2.15 p.m. Bcrgmn lb 2 0 0 0 Pena c 4 100 AMERICAN LKAGUK Dianne Dailey 72- 73-145 BALTIMORE (UPI) - Rain post­ Milwaukee (U rch 3-4) at California Clark rf 5 2 2 5 BRbnsn rf 3 122 Individual Batting \'i(ki Fergnn 70- 75- ite 9 poned Friday’s scheduled game the third time. iRenko 5-1). 4:06 p.m. Rrenlv ( 5 110 Berra ss 4 0 0 0 nlayr.clb ab h 2b 3b hr rhi avg H(‘(k\ Pearson 75- 71-146 Day in sun for most Mike LaCoss relieved and pitched Detroit (Wilcox M ) at Oakland (Norris O Mally 3b 5 0 4 1 Candelar p 00 00 lionnell. Tr HE 22 41 9 1 3 18 4(E Lvnn Stroncy 74- 72-146 between the Baltimore Orioles and 2-4». 4:06 p.m. Ix'Mastr ss 5 0 0 0 Romo p ! 000 iiarrah, Civ 166 35 64 8 1, 9 26 .388 .loyci* Kazmierski 73- 73-146 Toronto Blue Jays at Memorial into the eighth before giving way to Chicago (Hoyt 94)). at Cleveland Laskey p 3 0 0 0 Reitz p 1000 Murray. Bit 109 16 39 10 1 6 23 358 Ro)nn Wallfin 74- 72-146 Dave Smith, who pitched out of a (Sutcliffe 2-4), 7;86 p.m. Smini^ ph 0 0 0 0 Niemann p 00 00 I/iwnstn. Bit 85 24 30 2 1 10 23 353 Mar\ Dwyer 73- 73-146 Stadium. 10 0 0 \ jam to notch his seventh save. The Toronto (Clancy 5-3) at Baltimore Srhalzdr p 0 0 0 0 Montnz ph Upshaw. Tr 144 19 49 7 3 3 21 340 Pal Movers 74- 72-146 The teams will play a (McGregor 6-3), 7:86 p.m. Sarmient p 0 00 0 Ystrzmsk, 118 17 40 5 1 8 27 .339 Pally Mayes 75- 72-147 doubleheader Saturday beginning at Astros snapped a five-game losing Kansas City (Spllttorff 2-4) at Texas Walton ph 1000 Co/ipcr. Mil 164 27 55 11 1 4 27 . 335 Kalliv Marlin 71- 76-147 (Honeycutt 06), 8:06 p.m. Totals 41 10 15 10 Totals 35 5 8 5 Hcrndn, Dl 158 25 52 4 5 8 24 329 |)eani(' WihkI 70-77-147 Few fish caught streak. San Francisco 530200000-10 144 17 47 10 1 2 19 .326 74-74-148 5:35 p.m. Boston (Hurst 1-0) at Seattle (Moore 1- I’acinrk. Ch Sallv Litlle . The Astros, with just one run in 5). 10:36 p.m. Piltshurgh 001 120001-5 Garcia. Tor 165 22 S3 8 1 1 13 321 Kalli\ Posllewait 74-74-148 their previous 40 innings, staked Sunday's Games Fr Morgan, lx?Masler. Sularz, Moreno. Rnchte. Sea 156 13 50 8 0 2 18 321 Cailu'rine Duggan -73-75-148 Detroit at Oakland, 2 DP- San Francisco 1. LOB—San Francis­ Thrnln. Civ 156 35 50 7 012 40 321 Mexamlra Reinhardt 74-74-148 Ryan to a 3-0 lead in the first against Milwaukee at California co 7. Pittsburgh 5. 2B—Morgan 2, Almon. Chi 128 20 41 6 2 3 11 320 .l;in Ferrans 74-74-148 Expos 4-2 loser Randy Jones, 6-3. Kansas City at Texas O'Malley, B. Robinson. 3B—Brenly, Gcdmn. Bs 100 14 32 8 1 2 15 320 in senior derby New York at Minnesota Davis Ray. Moreno. HR—Clark 2 (7). lorg. Tor 100 10 32 5 2 0 11 .320 MONTREAL (UPI) - Gary Chicago at Cleveland Madhw k (4>. B. Robinson (3). SF—Smith. Rndlph. NY 132 21 42 8 2 2 16 318 Toronto at Baltimore IP H RERBBSO McRae. KC 159 21 50 12 2 7 37 .314 Rv United Press International Carter belted his ninth liome run of Braves recall Boston at Seattle, night fian Francisco Wshngtn. 115 9 36 3 2 1 8 313 saon nno Mcn.orial Tournament the season Friday night and Scott iJiskov (W 4-2) 7 6 4 3 2 3 (’aben I)el 160 18 50 9 2 2 IB .313 Al Dublin. Ohio. Mav 28 Elbow to elbow anglers in the bring in a second fish. Diminico NATIONAL LEAGUE S< halz.cder 2 2 1 1 0 0 Sndhrg. Tx 129 11 40 6 0 3 12 .310 )I’ar 72) Sanderson pitched a six-hitter to Terry Harper Pittsburgh third annual Manchester Senior reported 285 trout - rainbows and By United Press International F-snren. Mnn 84 7 26 6 0 2 8 310 lead the Montreal Expos to their (Night games not included) Candelaria (L 1-3) 1 8 7 7 0 1 Mrlick. Mnn 141 24 43 8 2 10 27 306 Roger Mallbie 68-66--134 Citizens’ Fishing Derby were lined brookies - were released Tuesday in­ W L Pet. GB Romo 353314 White. KC 141 23 43 14 2 1 12 305 Hale Irwin 70- 70- 140 seventh straight victory, a 4-2 deci­ ATLANTA (UPI) - The Atlanta Niemann 3 0 0 0 0 1 71- 69^-140 up on the banks and the dam at St. Louis 28 17 .622 Olis KC 148 27 45 15 2 3 28 304 il.il Sutton cluding 10 that weighed between 2 sion over the . Braves Thursday recalled outfielder Sarmiento Wtnfild, NY 126 24 38 9 1 5 25 31E Scott Simp'^on 71-69-140 New York 26 19 668 2V^ 71- 69-140 Salter's Pond Wednesday but few of and 2'4 pounds. The largest fish cost It was the seventh loss in the last Terry Harper from Richmond (Va.) Montreal 22 19 637 4 Individual Pitching Peli't Oosterhuis 22 21 612 5 T-2:37. J73. pitcher.clb w 1 ip h bb so era Scott Hoch 73-68-141 the 285 fish stocked were caught. $3.60 a pound from the State nine games for Cincinnati. and sent their formerly starting left Philadelphia 9 0 62.0 58 12 33 1 45 l)loy 73- 68-141 l n Chicago 20 38 .436 8^ Hoyt. Chi : Joe Diminico, coordinator, Joe Hatchery. fielder Brett Butler to their AAA Ousnbrry. KC 1 2 36.2 30 0 9 1.47 Frank Conner 69- 72-141 The Expos chased starter Bruce Pittsburgh 17 24 .415 9 70-72-142 Carman, who served as a judge, and The oldest angler was 80-year-old farm club. West Rarojas. Chi 1 0 32.2 20 11 191.66 .Ia\ Haas Berenyi, 4-4, a lastminute replace­ Renko. Cal 5 I 47 2 37 7 21 1 70 Dau Pohl 70-72- 142 several of the participants, said that Joe Barre, “I’ll be 81 next month Atlanta 27 17 .614 - 70- 72-142 ment for the injured Frank Pastore, Butler, 24, was batting only .226 so San Diego 23 19 .548 3 Auto Caudill. Sea 6 2 33.2 21 12 36 1 6? .lohn C«H)k less than two dozen trout were and have been fishing 40 years.” Ki'-am. Cal 4 0 48 0 38 22 25 2.06 (111 Moigan 72- 70-142 in the first inning. Berenyi walked far this season and had lost his star­ Ix)s Angeles 23 23 600 5 72-70-142 caught in the competition which Barre caught one trout. Houston 19 26 .422 8t4 Racing Jvfkersley. Bs 5 3 68.1 57 13 52 2.11 Bel) Gilder three and threw three wild pitches ting job to Larry Whisenton, who is 18 25 .419 8>>i Spillncr. Clev 3 4 37.2 29 16 22 2.15 .hm Colbert 71- 71-142 Cincinnati 71-71-142 started at exactly 6 a.m. and ended Five anglers each caught two fish, as Montreal scored three times. batting .405 in 25 games. San Francisco 19 27 .413 9 .John. NY 4 4 64 2 62 11 19 2 23 Fil'd Couples .lack Nicklaus 74- 68-142 with the noon whistle blowing. Lee Fracchia, John Berk, John Mor- Friday's Results Tsa) 70- 72-142 Sanderson, 5-3, completed h'ls se­ Chicago 4. Los Angeles 3 NATIONAL LEAGUK ,)ohnny Miller This year’s field of entrants, davsky, Joe Dupont and Janis Individual Baiting Rohhv Clampett 74-68-142 cond game of the season, striking Cincinnati at Montreal, night 09-73-142 which was open to all seniors, at­ Labrencis. With one prize to the San Francisco at Pittsburgh, night pl.ivr.clh h 2b 3b hr rbl avg llruce FU'isher out eight and walking none. The Rangers 8-2 Thmpsn P 143 28 50 7 0 12 33 .350 Hav Floyd 74- 69-143 tracted a record number. “We had man who caught the most the five Houston at New York, night 146 34 51 9 0 5 25 .349 75- 68-143 Reds scored both runs off the right­ Atlanta at Philadelphia, night Bv United Press International .Inncs. SD \rulv Rean ARLINGTON, Texas (UPI) - World 600 Guerrr. LA 166 26 54 8 4 9 31 .325 'lorn I’urtzcr 74-69-143 ^*•1 about 40 more than last year,” names were placed in a hat and hander in the sixth when Ron San Diego at St. Louis, n i^ t 09-74-143 John Grubb drilled a two-run single Saturday’s Games At Charlotte. N.C.. May 27-28 Morind. Ch 168 20 54 7 1 8 33 .321 Stove Melnyk Diminico said. Fracchia’s name was drawn. He Oester’s first homer, a two-run (Listed with type of car and qualifying WHwm. NY m 77 SB 6 a 2 20 .317 ttruco l.tctz.kc 73-70-t« to highlight a four-run first inning (All Times EDT) 182 43 57 12 2 5 23 .313 71-72-143 At one time, SI anglers, were received a reel...... blast, followed a pinch single by Los Angeles (Stewart 1-2) at Chicago SfH'Od.) 1, Smth. St Rob I’^astwood and a d d ^ a solo homer in the fifth I. David Pearson. Buick, 161.511 mph. Baker, LA 157 16 49 4 1 8 X .312 Howard Twitty 73- 70-143 counted on the south bank, the most Labrencis’ second catch was the (Noles 2-6). 2:36 p.m. ^ ^ 93 14 29 4 2 1 9 .312 71- 72-143 Rafael Landestoy. San Francisco (Chris 0-1) at Pittsburgh 2 Buddv Baker. Buick. 182.3B6. 3, Geoff Backmn NY Mike Sullivan popular spot. Diminico said 125 took day’s second biggest, 2 Vi pounds. Friday night to power the Texas B-Kiine. Pontiac. 161.9n. 4. Harry Gant. Dnu'sn. Mtl 165 31 51 10 0 6 22 .309 Peter Jacob.son 74- 69-143 The National League record for (D. Robinson 5-0), 7:36 p.m. 175 23 54 12 3 2 19 309 part. He also received a prize as did Hills Rangers to an 8-2 victory over the Cincinnati (Seaver 1-6) at Montreal Buick. 161.862 . 5, Cale Yarborough. Knight. Hou l.on Hinkle 72- 72-144 most wild pitches in an inning is Buick. 161.932 . 6. Darrell WaUrip. Buick. Durhm. Ch 146 21 45 8 1 4 19 .306 l.oii Graham 70-7f-l44 The day’s largest fish was caught and Matteson. m . (Rogers 6-3), 7:36 p.m. 146 22 45 9 1 3 11 306 74-70- 144 four, set by Atlanta’s Phil Niekro on Atlanta (Daylcy 1-2) at Philadelphia 16166B. 7. Terry Labonte. Chevrolet. Sterns, NY Wa\ne l.evi on the second cast made by Stan Lamar Johnson added three RBI 161 574. 8. Bennv Parsons. Pontiac. Sax LA 173 29 53 8 2 0 13 .306 George Rums 74-7«M44 Thanks to the generosity of Shady Aug. 4, 1979. (Carlton 541), 8:06 p.m. 160 35 49 9 1 14 39 .306 70- 74-144 with a two-run homer and a groun- Houston (Niekro 3-4) at New York 161414. 9. Bobby Alli.son. Chevrolet. Mrphy. All Greg Povsers Matteson of 486 Parker St. Minutes Glen, Tierney Funeral Home, 161251. 10. Ricky Rudd. Pontiac. 161.122. Raines. Mtt 160 18 49 10 1 0 10 306 Tom .Jenkins 71- 73-144 (Zachry 4-1). 8:06 p.m. 151 20 46 8 1 5 21 305 72- 72-144 after 6 a.m. he pulled ashore a 1614 Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs, and the dout. San Diego (Curtis 2-3) at St. Louis II. Joe Ruttman. Buick. 160.969. 12. Driossn. Cn Calvin Peele inch rainbow that weighed 214 Charlie Hough, 4-3, went the dis­ Dave Marcis. Buick. 160.839. 13, Nell Cedeno. Cin 142 15 43 10 0 I 20 303 I.annv Wadkins 72-72-144 Town Retirees amd Town Employee Giants 10-5 (Andujar fs), 8:36 p.m Bonnett. Ford. 160.536. 14. Bill Emott. Obrkfll. SIL 109 12 33 3 1 0 10 .303 Arnold Palmer 72-72-144 pounds. Unions, $600 was realized, $500 for tance to register his fifth complete Sunday’s Games 169 28 51 8 0 1 X 302 Danny Kdwards 71- 72-144 Cincinnati at Montreal Ford. IfOMB. 15. Dale Earnhardt, Ford. Hrnndz.. StL Cliff Hills had the honor of the fish and $100 for prizes. PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Jack game, striking out five and walking 160 182. 16. Morgan Shepherd. Buick. Oliver, Mtl 153 23 46 12 1 4 24 XI Torn Kile 70- 75-145 Houston at New Yprk 162 221. 17. Ron Bouchard. Buick. 181.237. Woods, Chi 97 12 29 8 0 1 14 .299 .1 C Snead 76«-145 catching the first fish, seconds after The fish were in the Salter’s but Clark drove in five runs with two one. Atlanta at Philadelphia 154 18 46 8 1 6 27 .299 72- 72-145 San Francisco at Pittsburgh 18. Mark Martin. Pontiac, 100.596. 19. Chmbiss. A Rill Rogers K the competition got under way un­ homers Friday night to help the San . j • C O Tlin Richmond. Buick, 156.044 . 20, J(xly RoruiT. Atl 148 33 44 11 0 10 27 .297 Keith Fergus 69-76-145 for a majority of the seniors it was Los Angeles at Chicago 165 18 49 6 3 1 X 297 73- 72-145 der ideal weather conditions. JOE GARMAN Francisco Giants snap a three-game I n Q l a n S O - ^ San Diego at St. Louis Rldlev. Ford. 156.721. ('nepun, Cn Bill Kratz.erf LEE FRACCHIA nothing but a morning out in the 21. klchard Petty. Pontiac, 156.711. 22. Ray. Pill 163 21 48 to 0 2 18 294 .John Schroodor 76^9-145 Neither Matteson nor Hills could fresh air and sunshine. measures catch of Janis Labrencis losing streak with a 10-5 romp over Donnie Allison. Buick. 156.574 . 23. Rusty Individual Pitching Seve Ballesteros 72-72-145 checks on two trout he caught the Pittsburgh Pirates. CLEVELAND (UPI) - Mike Wallace. Buick. 158 824 . 24. Dean Combs. pitcher.clb 1 ip h bb so era P'd Sneed 74- 72-146 LOS ANGELES CHICAGO Buick. 156648. 25. Kyle Petty. Pontiac. Tekiilvc. J’lll 2 0 » 2 32 10 22 I 26 Mike Reid 72-74-146 Hargrove singled in two runs to ab r h bi ab r h bl 156 305. 26. Delma Cowart. Buick, 158.177. Garber, Atl 4 2 X 1 27 9 28 1.73 Mike Holland 75- 71-146 highlight a five-run third inning and 5>ax 2b 6 110 Wills 2b 4 0 10 27. Buddy Arrington, Dodge. 158.066 . 28. Rogers. Mil 6 3 72.1 56 17 53 1.74 Goerge .Archer 78-68-146 Cheney cops John Denny scattered five hits Orts rf 4 14 1 Sandbrg 3b 4 0 12 Connie Saylor. ()ldsmobile. 157.030 . 29, Redrnsin. All 3 0 X I 27 X 261.83 Vance Heafner 75-71-146 Baker If 4 0 0 0 Bucknr lb 4 110 H.B. Bailey. Pontiac. 157.614 . 30. Brad Swan. NY 3 1 37 1 29 5 14 1.90 Payne Stewart 71- 75-146 Friday night, enabling the (Cleveland Guerrer cf 4 0 11 Moreind rf 3 12 2 Teague. Chevrolet. 157.561. Sutton. Hou 7 1 73 1 57 10 X 1 96 Leonard Thompson 74-72-146 Pole-sitter Means and Cogon net finale Indians to extend their winning Garvey lb 4 0 10 Durham cf 4 0 0 0 R a d id ig Gerulaitis advances, Cev 3b 3 10 0 Hendrsn If 3 0 0 0 Cheney Tech tennis team ended streak to five games with a 5-2 vic­ Vaeger c 3 0 10 Wds If 10 0 0 tory over the Chicago White Sox. Monday ph 0 0 0 0 Bowa ss 3 0 10 -TV its ‘82 season on a successful note Russell ss 3 0 0 0 Davis c 1.1 1 0 L ittle fined for misconduct with a 4-1 win over Vinal Tech Denny, who snapped a personal Welch p 2 0 0 0 Martz p 2 10 0 1 ^ Forster p 0 0 0 0 Smith p 0 0 0 0 yesterday in Middletown. The win. five-game losing streak after win- 1000 oiuos »hp Rpavprs a 6-9 overall ning his first two starts of me Landrx ph Penske racing team SA'rURDAY gives the Beavers a 6-9 overall ning Romo p 0000 League PARIS (UPI) - Fifth-seeded games against Hungary’s Andrea “ m ark,■ 6-6■ ■ in■ the Charter Oak season, allowed both runs in the Roenick ph 00 0 1 I - While Sox vs. Indians, Temesvari before going on to win 7- third Inning. The right-hander Totals ' S3 3 8 3 Totals 31 4 7 4 MEMORIAL Cliannel 30 Vitas Gerulaitis advanced to the ' 'Conference. Los Angeles 001000 011— 3 fourth round of the French Open 5, 6-0. Results: Govemale (CT) def. retired the final 19 batters in raising Chicago 000 21) OOx—4 ROOKIE 2: LI Yankees vs. Twins, WPOP, The men’s fourth seed, Jose Luis his record to 3-5. DP-Chicago 1. LOB-Los Angeles 7. Grandslam home run by Cliannel 11 Friday but the 27-year-old New • Camp 6-6, 6-2; Kieman (CT) def. Chicago 6. 2B-Garvey, Orta, Davis, Yorker was astonished when Open Clerc, played somewhat erratically - ’Etheridge 4-6, 6-4, 6-4; Smith (V) Sandberg. HR—Orta (2), Moreland (9). Mike Cunningham and two drivers favorites 3 - Pro Golf, Channel 3 SF-Roemcke. doubles by Kathleen Shells officials fined him $2,250 for miscon­ and appeared displeased with his ' 'def. Spillane 4-6, 6^), 7-5; Brookes- IP H RERBBSO 3: .30 - Pro howling, Channel 8 form as he dropped a set against led the Silver Bullets to a 4. - Brewers vs. Angels, Channel duct. ....Wright (CTT) def. Muyak-Young 6^), Los Angeles DAY France’s Bernard Fritz while win­ Welch (L 5^) 41-3 6 4 4 1 4 24-9 win over the Yellow Meanwhile, Ivan Lendl had no "''6-1; Mazzeo-Martin (CT) def. Milar- Cards 5-2 Forster 2*3 0 0 0 1 3 INDIANAPOLIS (UPli - Most 30 ning 6-2, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3. 1 Jackets Thursday night. 'Based on performance at this point, I think he 4;.30 T Boxing, Channel 3 trouble reaching the fourth round as • doMorril 6-6, 6-0. Romo 210000 teams wish it wasn't so, but the con­ Austin took an hour and 40 ST. LOUIS (UPI) - WiUie McGee Chicago Paul Eilerman and Jeff 7:.30 - Mels vs. Astros, WINF he overwhelmed Ramesh Krishnan sensus among drivers is that the m ight have a little edge, but Indy is a long race. of India, 6-2, 6-1, 6-0. minutes to get through to the fourth had two hits and scored three runs Martz (W 4J) 71-3 7 2 2 1 3 Goodin played well on tandem of pole sitter Rick Mears 10:1.3 - Red Sox vs. Mariners, Smith 2-310011 Gerulaitis, who defeated round. Friday night to spark the St. Louis Campbell (S 6) 1 0 0 0 0 1 defense. SHOWDOWN Obviously, reliability will be the biggest fac­ WTIC, Channel .38 and tcaimnate Kevin Cogan has the “ 1 had a little trouble in the begin­ ■Softball Cardinals to their fourth straight Smith pitched to 2 batters in 9th. Bob Hardlien homered Switzerland's Heinz Gunthardt 6-2, WP-Romo. T-2:18. A-14644. best shot at bringing Roger Penske tor.'' SUNDAY 7-6, 5-7, 6-4 in the third round of the ning, but I am pleased,” she said. victory, a 5-2 decision over the San with Tamle Richards his third Indianapolis .500 victory in I - Yankees vs. Twins, WPOP, men's singles, was fined for three “Yesterday I had some trouble too, uoCHARTER OAK Diego Padres. starring defensively. four years. — Roger Penske C hannel I I incidents, two of them occuring but 1 think that was due to the fact ;j.i Standings: F arr’s 4-0, Tierney’s 3- Bob Forsch raised his record to 6- CHICAGO CLEVELAND Mears won Indy in 1979, Bobby lyfondso). May 31 1:30 - Mels vs. Astros, WINF, when he twirled his racket as he that I have not been playing for a - -1, Highland Park Market 2-2, 1 with his 99th career victory. He abrhbl abrhbl Unser was successful in a drawn-out l.eFlon. c( 4 110 Dllooe II 4 010 C hannel 9 walked to the referee’s chair during long time.” Manchester Pizza 2-2, LaStrada Piz- allowed seven hits over 7 2-3 innings, 3100 bid to secure his 1981 triumph and Bemzrd 2b 10 0 0 Harrah Sb Hite leads “Every year this race turns into champ car races to date. 3:30 ■ Pro golf, Channel 3 changeovers. Like Navratilova, defending uiiiza 2-2, Army & Navy 1-2, including an RBI single by Sixto Kemp If 4 0 11 Hargrv lb 4112 now Mears and Cogan enter Sun­ Luzlnxk dh 4 110 ILwriiln dh 4 111 an endurance contest. We had to How does a driver cope with 4:30 - Boxin;?, Channel 8 Should Gerulaitis receive ad­ women’s champion Hana .: Manchester Oil Heat 1-3, JC’s 0-3. Lezeano in the idxth and a solo 3020 pm Matinee 3 0 0 0 Baraistr lb LPGA event 1 :0 0 day’s race with the two fastest Paclork lb make sure during the month of May speeds reaching 207 miles an hour, 7 - Pro tennis, USA Cable ditional fines and go over the $5,000 Mandlikova Was in strong form. The Of* ( ------homer by Ruppert Jones, his sixth Baines rf 4 0 2 1 Hayes rf 4000 qualifying speeds. 1110 that we got enough miles on the cars the figure Mears reached in 9 • Indy 500, Channel 8 limit, he also would incur a three- fifth-seeded Czech quickly disposed :vM,jrELINE homer of the year, in the eighth. Fisk c 3 0 00 Nanrdny c CORNING, N.Y. (UPI) "Based on performances at Morrlsn 3b 3 00 0 Mamma -d 1110 so that we’d know they have the qualifying? 9 - NBA playoffs, C hannel 3 week tournament b an ., of British veteran Virginia Wade 6- 6 . Standings: Anderson Bros. Amoco Almon ss 3 0 0 0 Dybznsx ss 1000 — Defending champion Phoenix and Atlanta (both won by B67S reliability to go the distance.” “I don’t know whether I’ll get 2, 6- 1. Tidy 1-2, Clark Paint l-2» Totals 30 2 5 2 ToUls Kathy Hite fired a 5-under- Mears) and the tests we made at Ip- Chlcaso 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 Mears, at a Thursday news con­ “■You work with your car,” Mears through this tournament,’’ Swedish hopeful Mats Wilander T9*Maln Pub 1-3. 00600000X-S par 67 Friday to take the • dianpolis prior to qualifying, we Cleveltnd ference, said that luck plays a major responds. “ You do what the car Gerulaitis said. “I was kidding also reached the fourth round, bt»------Cubs 4-3 B-Kemp. Koosman. D F -^icag o 1, lead after the raindelayed 4 *^ ROUND probably have the best effort we’ve factor in winning a race of this allows you to do. If you enter a turn where he is scheduled to meet I^jWESTSIDE aeveland 1. LOB-Chicago 6. Oewland second round of the around, doing it for the folks. This is CHICAGO (UPI) - Keith 4. IB-NabwDdny, ThomUm. 3&-L^ ever had going into an Indy race," magnitude. To bear this out, Mears high, exit low. The car will work Standings: Purdy Corp. 4-0, LPGA’s Q)ming (Hassle. a joke. Now I may not be able to Lendl. Moreland hit a two-run homer and Flore. Bannister. ^ B em aiard , Nahorod- Penske said Friday. “Obviously, wore a T-shirt sent by his younger smoothly if you direct it properly. ic Buckland Mfg. 3-0, Ward Mfg. 3-1, ny. Showers that occurred on Perrault signs play Wimbledon.” The 17-year-old Swede, winner of Ryne Sandberg added a two-run dou­ IP H RERBBSO reliability will be the biggest factor. sister Robin that reads: The Harder It’s important not to be in a position >uming 0)unU7 Club point, I think we might have a little Mears had a winning streak Mears said if he gets the early Veteran center Gilbert Perreault, world, defeated Spain’s Femahdo :*;«ed-Lee 0-3, Elks 0-4. Koosman turned to heavy rain in edge. But Indy is a long race, more who has been a member of the Buf­ apparently virulent stomach virus. Dodgers. Geveland Who will win the Finals? broken at Phoenix last year when he lead and feels the car can run up Sue Barker of Britain was ill and Luna 6-3, 6-1, 6-0. Denny (W 36) 9 6 1 1 3 1 mid-afternoon a ^ forced a like an endurance situation. Rick falo Sabres since the expansion Moreland hit bia ninth homer in T-2:S. A-35.106. blew a right rear tire, but the af­ front all day then he’ll stay in the withdrew from the tournament “I think that was my best match lijjWOMEN’SREC delay of the round, but See for yourself. and Kevin finished one-tnree at franchise joined the NHL In 1970, the fourth inning off Bob Welch, 54. fable Bakersfield, Calif., driver vanguard. without playing, Bettlna Bunge and ever,” Wilander said. “I am playing Standings: X-Mart 44), B&J Auto golfers were later allowed Phoenix and usually the first race of has signed a three-year contract Sandberg added a baaes-loaded dou­ ■found the winning line right from “The 500 miles, rather than other Billie Jean King suffered from it well and hope to play a good mdteh ii'Ilepair 3-1, Hungry Tiger Cafe 3-1, to return to finish up. the year determines your edge." with the club, the Sabres announced ble in the fifth to knock out the Los KANSAS dlTY TEXAS the start of the 1982 season and took drivers, will be the biggest com­ Thursday and lost their matches, against Lendl, but to beat him would I'liTalaga Associates 2-2, Dreamland, abrhbi ab r h bl Fighting off some Angeles starter. 5121 PLANA Penske said he would have like to the checkered flag in the only two petition," Mears said. Friday. and American Bonnie Gadusek and be very difficult.” I Beauty Salon 0-4, Renh’s Tavern 0-4.' Wilson If 4 0 0 0 Sample If opening day nervousness, use three cars Sunday. If Unser had Randy Martz, 4-3, pitched the first Wathan 4 0 0 0 Wridit cf 4110 m R T Y FREE Another 17-year-old, France’ Guy Brett Sb 4110 Sb 4000 Hite, who has an overall Czechoslovakia’s Jiri Granat were 7 1-3 innings to gain the victory, Spedsl M iages (jeneral Admission agreed to com pete instead of forced to default Friday from their Forget, completed a five-set victory OUs cf 4 110 Bats lb SlOO score of 7-under-par 1S7, becoming team manager for young Rockies have long-term pact in New Jersey while BUI (jampbeU notched bis fifth McRae dh 4 0 3 0 Grvbb rf 48SS Groi^B of 15 or more! fo r S e n io r matches. over Hie Nastase of Romania, to set >eu'' NIKE save in reUef. Aikens lb 46 0 0 Sandbrg c 1111 leads second-place Sandra Mexican driver Josele Garza, up a third-round meeting with top qo, Standings: Nels Johnson In­ Itertin rf s o il Uhnso dh 4188 Haynie, who shot a 2- hiCMk. has the capability of seating 19,100 So far, none of the top players has 8100 1-800-932-1159 Citizens to all Penske would have had three racing EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. “We are proud and honored to surance 4-0, M orlarty Fuel 3-0, White 1b 4010 Rtchrdt tb under-par 70 and stands at for hockey. The one hockey game caught the bug and all who were seed Jimmy Connors. : Cooepen n 5 3 0 1 0 FI;Flyim „ SOOO OMflfSUIc Performances cars on the grid. (UPI) — The New Jersey Sports and bring the excitement and thrills of ysTumpike TV 2-1, B.A. Club 2-2, SliM 1-800-243-0114 played there previously was on Sept. playing Friday headed for places in The match, interrupted Thursday Touts M19 1 ToUls 4-under-par 140. “Using two cars reduces the level Exposition Authority announced NHL hockey to the people of New -ill Washington Social Club 2-2, Deal Phils postponed k in iu City There was a three-way 29, 1981, when the New York the last 16 of the two singles com­ night, finally ended with Forget win­ Texas OODQIOOb^l of challenges and problems, Friday it had conclude a long-term Jersey,” said Authority chairman Pizza 2-2, Reed (^instruction 04, tie for third place between Rangers beat the Philadelphia petitions. ning 6-1, 5-7, 6-4, 1-6, 9-7. I PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - The DP-Kamu Oty 1, T«m i 1. LOB- State law, no one under IB admitted however," Penske acknowledged, lease that will permit the Jon F. Hanson. “This is a landmark But American Kathy Rinaldi Was cr Mota’s 04. K anui a ty », Texaa I. ZB-McRm . HR Nancy Lopez, Sandra achievment, not only for the sports Flyers before 18,123 in an exhibition The second and third seeded Philadelphia PhilUes have poit- _On.ht,af.L.Johnacp(S).S^Ig».^ “and hopefully will give us a transplanted Colorado Rockies to women, Martina Navratilova and the youngest winner of the day, Palmer and Sandra stronger effort. We had a pretty play its home games in the 20,000- authority but for all Jerseyites who poned their Friday night game McMullen, who is also the owner Tracy Austin, each won in slightly defeating compatriot Kathy Hor­ -uREC against the Atlanta Braves because Kansas City Spuzich, who were all at S- strong one last year. Our new cars seat arena beginning with the 1682- have dreamed of this day for of the Houston Astros of the Frost (L 4^) 7 4 4 1 contrasting styles. vath 4-6, 6-2, 6-2. Standings: Nassilf Arms4-0, Main of rain. Jackson 1111 under-par 141. Ipok good, the potential is there. We 83 season. years.” National League,said, "being the Rinaldi was the youngest «irer 73'Pub 3-0, Nelson Freightway 2-2, Texas Patty Sheehan, who The $85 million Byrne Navratilova clinically eliminated The meeting was reacfaeduled to gave the cars their fine tuning and The Rockies franchise was sold owner of a major league franchise is fellow American Lisa ^ n d e r 6-1, 6- French Open quarterfinalist last }«>yittner’s 2-2, MCC Veta 2-2, HauRh (W M l • « 1 1 I 5 shared the first-round lead COHN. TmUIPIKE (RIC. 52) TO EXIT 87. PLAINFIELD you had the proof in our qualifying Friday to a group headed by John Meadowlunds Arena opened its take place August 30 as part of a lim »-by Jackaoo (W rizhll. WP-Froat. somewhat like -being in the public 3 but Austin lost her first three year when she was 14. r Telephone Society 1-2, Oak St. twinlght doubleheader, beginning at Joi-kaon. Ralk-Jackann. I•B-S«ndb(f||. with Lopez, fell to sixth InCoMi. l-aOO-93 2 -1159. Direct PtaMMdlne:564-2 l4a. Out olSlate I-BOO-24 3 -OU4 needs. McMullen diMirs to the imhlic on Jiilv 2. 1981. It T J:15. A-ll.Bl. i Paduge Store 1-3, Garden Sales 04. 5:35 p.m. EDT. place. A t /

MANCIIl'iSTI'lR HERALD. Sat., May 29, 1982 - 1 1

10 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. May 29. 1982 ' - Assistant town Engagements / Weddings F O C U S / People TV'Movies/Comics manager to be I selected soon Jeffers recalls 'What Price Glory?' author The June 27 groundbreaking for. construction of Manchester Com­ munity College’s pennanent cam­ By Paul Hendrie Oral testing of qualified applicants took place Thursday. pus can go ahead as scheduled, now Doughboy's memory sharp as ever Herald Reporter Weiss received the names of the top that the state Bonding Commission Town General Manager Robert B. three scorers on the tests on approved on Friday $10.9 million in lungs. He walked to the aid station Weiss expects to announce the Thursday afternoon and now will bonds for the work. By Adele Angle hiring of an assistant general choose from among them. The state Bureau of Public Works on his own steam. He never saw Stallings again. manager sometime next week. now can sign a contract with a con­ Focus Editor Of the 68 applicants, 12 were in­ struction company: Bids rang^ Stallings' leg was amputated. He It’s too bad the man who wrote vited to take the oral tests. The from $9.4 million to $10.8 million. was sent stateside, and. his Army "What Price Glory?” never knew University of Connecticut’s Institute TTie appropriation of $10.9 million career over, he became a journalist Clarence "Peter” Jeffers’ name. of Public Service narrowed the list already has ben approved by the and eventually teamed up with Attachment If. the playwright were alive to 12 and administered Thursday’s state Board of Higher Education Maxwell Anderson to write “ What test. Weiss will make the choice today, he just might want to buy the Price Glory?” and the Regional Community 84-year-old Manchester gentleman a from among the three. U P l photo There was more glory in store Colleges Board of Trustee;. beer this Memorial Day weekend. The project is the largest single for Jeffers, however. is filed Weiss said he did not even know ’The two could compare notes on community college capital project ; After three months in a hospital. 2 who the 12 applicants who took the the day they were both shot by (3er- Kennedy remembered ever in Connecticut. Jeffers rejoined his unit. But in Oc­ test were. He said he has kept a dis­ man snipers. An attachment has been filed The 150,000-square foot building tober. still weak from his injuries, tance from the process and left it to Back in 1918 —six years before against K.W. Associates, developers for classrooms and administrative he got separated from his unit the Institute for Public Service. A 1,500-pound cake of the American flag celebrating the late president’s birthday Laurence Stallings delighted of East Meadow Condominiums at offices will replace the during a night march. That is to avoid anv appearance of highlighted by a cake portrait of the late today. Preparing for the event (from left) are Broadway with his shockingly Center Street and Thompson Road. prefabricated buildings that now “ 1 was pooped out.” Jeffers favoritism to acting Assistant General Kenneth Lyons, president of the National realistic war comedy —both men President John Kennedy was placed house the state’s largest community says. “ I was just going to lie down a The attachment, for J13,500 is in Manager Steven R. Werbner, who is Association of Government Employees: served with the 47th ^ m p an y, U.S. together from sections Friday at the John F. college. few moments. ■' favor of Marketing Design Inter­ an applicant for the permanent posi­ Marines. ’They fought just a few Kennedy Presidential Library In Boston. David Powers, library curator and bakers ’The bonding commission’s action national Inc., and the writ was tion. miles outside Paris, at the Battle of He woke up when it was nearly "Friends of the Kennedy Library" are George Montlllo and John Maloney. authorized the sale of bonds for the issued by the United States Belleau Wood, Chateau-Thierry, daylight, and walked until he found a 9 work. Bankruptcy Court in Bridgeport. Weiss said ’Thursday afternoon he France. French aviation outfit The men Construction will take about 18 did not know if Werbner was one of And it was the 20-year-old recruit gave him a sandwich and he started months and the college hopes to oc­ It IS against Kenneth Schwartz the 12 who qualified for the oral test, Jeffers who briefly helped drag the on his wav. and Thomas Worth, doing business nor did Weiss know if any minority cupy its new facility by September badly wounded Stallings to an aid An M P arrested him standing in as K.W. .Associates. It attaches the candidates were among the 12. 1984. Rogers is dead at 75 station. front of a jewelry store in a small property on which the con­ MCC President William E. Vin­ The assistant general manager’s " I only got about eight or 10 feet French village. He was charged dominiums stand and about 80 con­ cent has said he also hopes to position has been vacant since and then I got hit m yself,” recalls with desertion. dominium units. receive money to renovate some of Charles McCarthy left last summer Continued from page I Jeffers, a 943 Center St. resident Hartford’s St. Benedict Award. Private funeral services will be the prefabricated buildings now in The condominiums were con­ to become Coventry town manager. Rogers died Friday in the Masonic held Wednesday at the Bolton use. Since the low bids came in less WORLD WAR I was nearing its “ T H E Y SH O U LD H AV E known verted from The Presidential Werbner, the personnel super­ which secretly conducted blacks Home and Hospital in Wallingford. Congregational Church, 23 Vine St., than the amount appropriated, the end by the time he got to France. a man wouldn't go AWOL carrying a Apartments, purchased by K.W. visor, has been filling in. However, from slavery in the south to freedom He had been sick for some time. Hartford. college hopes to convince the state He’d joined up, he says, because he rifle, a knapsack, two gas masks Associates last July for $2.1 million. the personnel supervisor’s position in Canada before the Civil War. Memorial gifts may be made to to allow the difference to be spent on was bored staring out a window of and an ammo belt.” the old soldier Soon afterward the owners filed a He is survived by his wife, Oertta; since has been eliminated and com­ Among the honors awarded to the John E. Rogers Scholarship the renovations. Cheney Mills; He still clearly recalls says, still chafing at the declaration of condominium. two sons, Alfred Rogers of Canton bined with the assistant manager’s Rogers were the NAACP’s Fund at the University of Hartford. his fpUier’s anger when he told him ridiculousness of it. Thurgood Marshall Award, the and James Rogers of Bolton; two position. ■ he’d gone and enlisted. His two older Eventually, the Army reduced the Connecticut Commission on Civil daughters, Mrs. Margaret Andrews The B.C. Bailey Funeral Home, Butter was used in India as early , brothers were already in the ser­ charges —but not before Jeffers Applications fo/ the position Rights’ Human Rights Award and of Hartford and Enid Rogers of 273 S. Elm St., Wallingford, is as 2000 B.C., recorded history handling the funeral arrangements. shows. vice. spent m ore than a week in a closed on April 30, Weiss said. the Catholic Interracial Council of Manchester and five grandchildren. “ We were sitting at the table, and Condo guardhouse. ooowooeoooooottiooBiB oooeii ' he said, “ ‘Well, at least we still A doctor wrote a letter praising have Clarence,’” he says. “ I was Jeffers for his actions helping carry papers filed scared to tell him I’d enlisted.” Herald photo by Tarqulnlo In Memoriam In Memoriam the wounded Stallings. ‘ At 84 years old, Jeffers still has Hopefuls In sad and loving memory of In loving memory of Charles the bearing of a Miarine. His posture He got off with a summary. The Fire Calls Michael Bonee. CLARENCE ("PETE”) JEFFERS REMINISCES WITH HAROLD OSGOOD A declaration of condominium has Trotter, who passed away nine is ramrod straight and there’s not a Army, in its wisdom, also took away Sadly missed by been filed with the town clerk for an years ago May SOth. spare ounce of fat on him. For years . . both are members of the Veterans of World War I two-thirds of three months pay — W ife and Nephew eight-unit condominium develop­ he operated the Love Lane Gas Sta- "about $40” — and charged him the Although our loved ones leave us ment on the west side of Oakland Tuesday, 11:05 a.m. —Medical streets. (Eighth District) debate price of a new shirt. ^ tion at the comer of Love Lane and were needed to go clean out a Ger­ had given us a four- or five-hour the wounded ’ Thursday, 3:19 p.m. —Diabetic For a brighter, fairer place OOO— OOOOOOOOOOOObOWOBBC Marines over there. That’s not "That was about $5.83. Something Street on a 1.36-acre parcel of land. call, 317 Highland St. (Town) ' Center Streets. He still looks like a barrage. We figured that had He kept going, scared because he ’The hour of their parting true,” he says. »-. man machine gun nest. The declaration was filed by Tuesday, 12:27 p.m. —Medical related problems, 40 Spruce St. In Memoriam man who spends a good deal of time couldn’t see the faces of the other like that.” he says. Is a time that’s hard to face. And, like any old soldier, he reels softened the Germans up.” Oakland Development Corp., 2264 call, 437 North Main St. (District) (Town) outside. Nobody expected that there’d be men around him. Jeffers, a member of the Veterans But tim e’s passing has eased the In sad and loving memory of Mr. off his outfit: "47th Company, 5th JEFFERS SAYS he didn’t kriow Silas Deane Highway, Rocky Hill. Tuesday, 12:50 p.m.-Gas leak, 81 Thursday, 5:58 p.m. —Dryer fire, And though he says he forgets Finally, he saw two medics, of World War 1 as well a? a member issues sorrow & Mrs. Schilling. Regiment, Second Division, U.S. Stallings very well at all. Jeffers snipers waiting for them. It involves two buildings, each Linnmoore St. (Town) 62K Ruby Drive. (Town) ' what happened yesterday, his dragging Stallings under the And the memory of you has Sadly nqissed by Daughter was just a green replacement — he A soldier named Jonsie next to of the ^cond Division Association, containing four two-bedroom Tueadav. 2'.0t o.m. —Medical call, ’Thuraday, 7 ;27 p.m,'—RoHoyer ac­ Marines.” shoulders. They hollered at him to brightened each tomorrow. and Son In Law • memories of 1918 haven’t dimmed only arrived in Belleau Wood about Jeffers quickly took a bullet in the won’t march in any Memorial Day townhouses, and its name is ‘ "rhe 61 W. Middle ’himpike (District) cident, Interstate 84 and Spencer ‘ "The Second (division) was kind much in 64 years. 15 days before. arm. come help. parades Monday. Ridgefield Condominium, an expan­ Tuesday, 3:02 p.m. —False alarm, Street. (Town) Continued from page 1 of a mongrel outfit,” he explains. Sadly missed by. OOeOOOOBOOOOb BOaimOBOOBOB ■ A slow smile spreads across his But he does remember Stallings "There was a bone sticking out “ The medics told me to carry the “ No, No. N o.” he says, laughing dable condominium.” Bentley School (District) Thursday, 8:35 p.m. —leaking oil "Th ey didn’t have enough Marines A Peg, daughter Cheryl and face as he remembers what his as "a regular guy.” “He didn’t halfway out of his shoulder,” says injured leg. They were half dragging mischievously. "The last time I ’Tuesday,9:32 p.m. —Auto extrica­ tank, 19 Madison St. (Town) pie in the state of Connecticut,” said In Memoriam to make a division so they combined Post. “ I ’m not playing it safe. I w ill sons Jeff and John father said when he told him he’d throw his weight around like some the old soldier. He turns the memory him ... he was a pretty good sized marched in a parade was in the ser­ tion, Hillstown Road and Spencer Friday, 8:10 a.m. —Car fire, In sad and loving m em ory of John them with the regular Army, the 9th speak out and the political con­ enlisted in the U.S. Marines: of them did.” he says. "H e could over in his mind in disbelief. g u y ” vice.” Street (Town) Oakland Street and Rachel Road. ooooeoaoooooooeooowoooo* Poggie. and 23rd Infantry, the Second The medics were unarmed. He sequences will be what they are.’’ “ He said,’You’re too damn lazy to have said, ‘I ’ll take you, you and “ 1 still can’t understand how he Tuesday, 10:02 p.m. —Public ser­ (Eighth District) Sadly missed by Engineers and the 12th, 15th and He thinks a moment, and then • Labriola’s opposition to public In Memoriam work,” ’ Jeffers says. you.’ But he didn’t. He asked for got hit. I didn’t hear any shot?.” he was carrying a rifle. ’The German Corrections vice, 44 Fairview St. (Town) Friday, 2:53 p.m. —Brush fire, 58 W ife and Children, 17th field artillery.” snipers, honoring the conventions of adds: "Maybe when I get old and funding for aborUohs and his call for In loving memory of Rosine Hoar, volunteers.” says. Tuesday, 10:41 p.m. —Dumpster Linnmore Drive. (Town) and Brother-In-Law A F T E R BASIC T R A IN IN G at , He recites the particulars of the decrepit someday. I ’ll sit in the back The 10 started out into the woods, He kept advancing. war, quickly shot at Jeffers, too, but Honorable Menschen, the Jewish fire, ’Tudor Lane (District) Friday, 7:32 p.m.— Odor of smoke, parental notification for abortions who passed away May 38, 1950. Parris Island, S.C., Jeffers was sent day he and Stallings got shot like of a limousine.” by minors. Bozzuto and Post said fanning out by twos. left the medics alone. adult group, will host New Britain Tuesday, 10:49 p.m. —Gas 46 Ansaldi Road. (Town) sooopooooeoooooBeoocioaBtw . overseas with the Second Division. yesterday’s baseball scores. Stallings would have smiled at they are pro-choice and believe. If E very day in some small way “ We were all pretty cocky,” “ TIIF.RE W AS nothing I could Y “ You know,” he begins, “ some "Lieutenant Stallings asked for a T H E B U L L E T LAN D ED in his senior citizens Wednesday at 11 a.m. washdown. Main and Wadsworth Friday, 8:14 p.m. —Odor of fuel Memories of you come our way. do. We were ordered not to stop for that. abortions are legal, public funding In Memoriam show of hands,” he says. Ten men Jeffers says. “ They (the artillery) at Temple Beth Sholom. The Herald streets. (Town) oil, 484 Wetherell St. (Town) Tim e and years roll swifty by , people think there was a division of should be available. "L e t’s face up In sad and loving mem ory of erroneously reported in Friday’s Wednesday. 3:15 p.m. —Gas Friday, 8:50 p.m. —Brush fire, But love and memories never die. publication that the meeting would washdown, 303 Adams St. (Eighth Nike Site. (Town) to it,” said Bozzuto. " I f it Indeed is Charles Baldassario. the law of the land, then the state, be on Sunday. The business meeting District) Sadly missed by Wednesday will followed by Wednesday, 11:57 p.m. —False Now you know must meet its obligation to pay for Sadly missed by. W ife and Children luncheon and guest speaker M. report of car fire. Interstate 86. the poor.” Rome said he is pro- Son Clarence Even while standing still, choice. Changing hairdresser is fhe cruelest cut of all Delott Garber of West Hartford, (Eighth District) aaDoooooooooociuouuoowooc iQooeoooo 0 B ooaoaeoooDBeo earthlings are traveling at in­ who will show slides of his recent Thursday, 10:08 a.m. —Medical Card of Thanks trip to China. rescue, 25 Westwood St. (Town) credibly high speeds. ’The earth is In Memoriam Air quality report We wish to express our sincere Thursday, 11:09 a.m. revolving at the speed of 1,000 miles In loving meiqory of my Brother before your eyes ... I'usually see all right up there with changing while singing “ People who Need HAIRDRESSERS HAVE a cer­ HARTFORD (UPI) - The thanks to relatives, neighbors' and The Manchester hairdresser, who Jane E. Moran, of 79 Sprice St., —Unnecessary alarm, Hilliard per hour and orbiting the sun at the Russell C. Sadrozinski, who passed husbands. If you’ve got a good one, People.” tain way of looking at you when you Department of Environmental friends for their thoughfulness and s h a ll remain nameless, was the awful haircuts I ’ve been stuck speed of 66,700 miles per hour. away on M ay 29th., 1978, and my graduated from Manchester Com­ Street. (Eighth District) with through the years march it’s best to hang in there probably, go to someone else ... 1 know they Protection reported moderate air many acts of kindness shown to us extremely mad at the Manchester My official policy on hairdressers munity College Thursday. Her name Thursday, 3:09 p.m. —Water call, Mother Margaret Scqtt Sadrozinski, even if he does have little quirks and teach them in beauty school to pre­ quality across Connecticut Friday during our recent bereavement. across my mind. In was missing from the list of MCC 183 Oak St. (Town) 'The Pilgrim s played darts on the who passed away on June 24th., 1980. Herald. is that as long as they do my hair the aqd forecast good conditions ’The Felix Godlewskl Fam ily This woman, who by the way was things. tend not to notice but 1 can see graduates carried in F rid a y ’ s TTiursday, 3:18 p.m. —Garbage M ayflower while crossing the Atlan­ Sadly missed: Bobbie I won’t tell you why she was mad Focus way I want it, they can chew gum, statewide for Saturday. an extremely competent hair­ I had a hairdresser once who was through those looks. Manchester Herald. can fire. Main and Woodbridge tic. at the Herald; it’s too long and com­ listen to AM radio, have any kind of dresser, made the mistake of asking Adele so crazy I often wondered if he I only left my last hairdresser plicated a tale. personality they want. ’They can Angle didn’t piit something in the hair •because she was three towns away But, suffice to say, I found out that me what I did for a living. • belong to far out political parties spray. He’d sing whole songs from and I got sick of traveling long dis­ she was extrem ely mad at the paper I could tell from the way the and they can talk endlessly about old Barbra Streisand musicals while tances to see her. Right now I ’m Public forum set on Hamilton building plan I work for the first time I sat un­ scissors started speeding up that I ’d their Phil Donahue. snippingtmy hair off. playing the field. I haven’t made any derneath her scissors. said something wrong. Just cut my hair OK. commitments; I ask people for the There are all kinds of things that It called for immediate action. He also used to call m e “ baby,” a from the estate of road. residents when Hamilton and I had visions of wearing bathing (Changing hairdressers is a little Plans by Hamilton Test Bolton and Andover. (GRAND OPENING First I said a little prayer to the term I like just about as much as I names of hairdressers the way some terrify me: watching small bugs like getting a divorce, too. Being Systems Inc. to build an Alexander Jarvis. ’The site ’Die center is one of 18 Opposition from proposed building the caps to work for the next six weeks people men ask for good tips on crawling on carpets, seeing my, patron saint of all women who visit like “ dear” and "honey.” It was auto emission test center is across from the the company will build un­ residents forced Hamilton center in E)ast Hartford, as the hair grew out. between hairdressers is a terrible hairdressers. ’Then I swore at the always "Hey, baby, you’re looking horses. on Parker Street will be Ostrinsky Secondary der contract with the state to drop plans to build the but the firm says inability toaster oven catch on fire, and thing; but once you decide to do it, person who recommended this mad goregous” and “ Baby, you’re so The one who was mad at the the subject of a public Materials. for its new emission center near the Burnham to reach agreem ent on M & S Mini Mart riding on the back of a motorcycle. I ALSO HAD visions of all those there’s no turning back. I ’d no 2 Manchester Herald didn’t do a bad hearing by the Zoning The planned building testing program. It will Industrial Park In East purchase was the reason it woman waving a blow dryer. old prison movies I used to watch as beeutiful.” sooner switch hairdressers and then would have three test lanes serve East Hartford, dropped plans for that loca­ B U T I ’ D R A T H E R take part in And, did I ever complain? job. hut I doubt I ’ll go back. Board of Appeals June 28, Hartford. Then I tried to change the subject. a kid. You know the kind when Joan go back to the first one with a in 6,680 square feet and Manchester, Vernon, Opposition arose from tion. any of these activities for weeks at a I don’t think it would be a good The firm must get a Crawford gets all her hair cut off by No way. The man cut my hair just different cut than I ’d hang out the tim e than go to a new hairdresser But she had her beef and she special exception from the spaces outdoors for the mean matron. right and who was I to discourage marriage. parking 15 cars. A circular HOURS; MON.-8AT. 7 AM - 9 PM SUN. 8 AM - 6 PM_ wanted to get it off her chest, as she Russian flag ... ZBA because it is • lor the first time. Changing hairdressers. In think, is anyone who could do a razor cut classified as an automotive driveway would lead to the Tailt about seeing your life flash was getting the hair off my head ... service industry. rear of the building for MPMMHALDAYIIIIBKEHPSPHIIAIS nTtt,M^r^llfc.ll^^llMl^>«« If the facility is approved cars to enter. TTiey would Hamilton will buy a 2-acre exit from the front of the Annual Estate {Sale site at 734 Parker Street building and out to the COOL mm News should be above, beyond money 9 Estate Jewelry Antiques • Period Jewelry no one likes to read about it. 'Those Antique Reproductions A young reporter I talked with last answer to one of the cop’s questions has nothing to do with world events AL’S GREENHOUSE JUICE weekend said he was In trouble with and the cop Instantly pistol-whipped but with events in the news business two had it coming to them anyway. What a collection: 1/k QAL. QLA88 his readers and with the police him to the ground and went after itself. It has become such a big In London last week, Margaret How to get 24 Watrous Rd., Bolton Necklaces, brooches, earrings, because of a story he had written. him again with his feet. Andy business that there is Inevitable ’Thatcher complained about a BBC 646-5743 watches, bracelets, rings and news broadcast that suggested that club news Open Daffy • - 6 His newspaper Is in a medium-size At this point, one of the three men pressure for the product to make much more. Many of the pieces MMUTE Rooney the death of a husband was just as city In the Northeast and the Inci­ who had originally captured the money. in Herald come from executors of estates, WISE robber, pulled the cop o ff and told ’This is a reasonable enough expec­ sad for a woman in Argentina as it dent Involved a holdup of a small Syndicated Memorial Weekend heirs, banks and individuals, was for the wife of a British soldier. grocery store. The two men who did Ijjm to cool it. tation for owners and stockholders, ’The Herald wants your club andfron\all over the world... Columnist ” ’The case for our country is not it were chased into a dead-end alley When the reporter got back to the but most news men and women like news! . meticulously exanfiined and CHIPS being put with sufficient vigor” by and caught by three men who heard office, he realized there were three to hope that news is above and selected by our experienced 7 OZ. In order to get your club news ways to write the story. It could be beyond money. They don’t talk certain journalists, she said. FROZEN the grocer yell for help as the in the paper on time, please sub­ May 29 - 30 - 31 and discriminating buyers. knows and by half a dozen letter­ She was answered by spokesmen thieves ran out of his store. the grocer’s story of the robbery, about it much and they wouldn’t There's something for everyone m it items no later than five days The two men were not armed, and the story of the three citizens cap­ writing readers. want the owners of their newspaper for the BBC. before the date you’d like to see and all at precious savings, FUU LINE I suspect a lot of newspaper when they were caught, they were turing the thieves or the story of the or television station to know they “ It is not the BBC’s role to boost it in the paper. UL come early for the choicest' SOIM: pinned to the ground while someone cop beating one of the robbers. readers and almost all cops would think that way. troops’ morale or to rally British selections. . , , OP: agree that the story should have people to the flag,” they said. Please include a name and a TOMATO called the police. ‘The reporter wrote the story of ’The reason for their dream of in­ 11 the policeman beating the captured been about the holdup and the cap­ dependence for news Is simple. If “ What we are about is not propagan­ telephone number which we can The reporter heard of the chase PUNTS NMIIT call if there are questions. In­ thief. ture, not about police brutality. Not news' is to be treated like any other da but information.” over his police radio band and raced dicate the date you’d like to see it many newspaper editors would product being sold for money, then Whether a journalist is reporting a PRESH to the scene, arriving at about the “ You wrote the wrong story,” a published. though. They’d agree that the it will be made the way people like war or a grocery store holdup, it is sam e'tim e as the cops. cop said to him after the story 1 Trusted Jewelers Since 1900 emphasis should have been where it. Newspapers will print what peo­ not his business to consider whether Call Focus editor Adele Angle DEU MEATS appeared. ' "Those two were guilty • p a THE TWO SUSPECTS were the reporter put it. ple want to read, not what they the story will do good or harm. He at 643-2711 after noon to set up DOWNTOWN MANCHEami as bell.” Harttord • N«w Britain ‘ W Mttim it MW ______PACKAOE tTO M AND released ^ their captors and they ought to know. Reporters w ill ignore has to have faith that, in the long, photo appointments. ■tood up to face the police. One of The reporter has since been IT SEEMS TO ME there’s a 2 M IIm on Bolton ConOor Hd,t PoMow Mlgna stories of police brutality because run, the truth w ill do good. MAIICHEtTBI TAIUMO • made a smartass remark in reprimanded )iy several cops he news crisis in the world. ’The cripis /

MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., May 29, 1982 - l.’t

12 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., May 29, 1982 Supermarket Shopper News for senior citizens A dvice W eddings Clip ‘n- file refunds | checker keep Miscellaneous Food Products ! (File 9) Center says goodbye I Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-olf I Reader remembers coupons — beverage refund offers with beverage I stores on toes coupons, for exampie. Start collecting the ne^ed I proofs of purchase while looking for the required I By Martin Sloane Supermarket shopping to activities s refund forms at the supermarket, in newspapers I with your spouse is a and magazines, and when trading with friends. I DEAR MARTIN: I positive experience if you sermon for soldier Offers may not be avaiiable in all areas of Ine coun­ enjoyed your coiumn about keep your sense of humor. Editors note: this throughout the summer June 7 — new day for beverage. try. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. the shoppers who got free And for girls who are column is prepared by the and is looking for hew chess. Thursday: meat loaf The following refund offers are worth $16.19. This groceries as a resuit of an thinking of getting members. You don’t have June 7 - Sign up for with gravy, whipped DEAR ABBYiMay31 is plicate matters, my first A&P correct-price married, I adyise them to Manchester Senior Citizen name is Joanne and so is week’s refund offers have a total value of $23.23. Center. It appears in the to know the game, but just movie trip at 9:30 a.m. potato, buttered lima Memorial Day — the day guarantee. But other shop with their future beans, roll, lemon tart, for Americans to officially hers. And to make matters B/ S JOY Egg Offer. Receive a coupon stores also have such husbands first. You wili be Manchester Herald on have, a desire to learn. June 16— 1:15 p.m. Play worth up to 80 cents on the purchase of one dozen Bingo, setback, bridge and "Red Mask of Death’’ by beverage. honor those heroes who worse, we live in the same guarantees. abie to tell whether he is Wednesdays and Satur­ apartment building! eggs. Send the required refund form, the proof-of- days. pinochle will continue students at Illing Junior Friday: vegetable soup, have given their lives in Dear Abby Stop & Shop in our area really the same person you egg salad sandwich, When I married John, his purchase seal cut from the cup of one specially throughout the summer. High School. defense of their country. marked can of Baker’s Joy and the register tape will give a shopper an item thought he was! — Paula By Jeanette Cave June 17 — legal aid — dessert, beverage. I would like to quote an Abigail Van Burerr ex-wife became “Joanne free if it is marked higher Cohen (her maiden name) with the price circled. Expires Oct. 30, 1982. D from Ft. Carson, Colo. Executive Director We have three trips com­ please call for an appoint­ excerpt from a sermon than the price listed in the ing up in June. StlllEIMILE FOR WFIBIK delivered by Roland B. Jones.” Or “Mrs. Joanne BAMA Refund Offer. Receive a $1 refund. Send DEAR P A l I.A: I ment. Monday: closed. Jones” — not “Mrs. John J. the required refund form, the net-weight chain's weekiy advertise­ Thursday we all said 1. "rrip to the movies at June 24 — Film. Gittlesohn, the Jewish ment. This guarantee also agree. Supermarket shop­ goodbye to Gloria and West Farms Mall. Free Tuesday: 8 a.m. Golf chaplain of the 5th Marine Jones.” j statements from two 2-pound jars of Bama Jam or ping is an excellent test of The staff wishes League; 9 a.m. bus for Our personal mail, bills | appears on signs in the wished her weli in her transportation — sign ups everyone a very safe Division, when he I Jelly and the register tape with the price circled. marital compatibility.J retirement as activities shopping; 10 a.m. chess 'and magazines are con­ I store on June 7 at 9:30 a.m. Only hoiiday weekend, dedicated a cemetery on hand in hate against' a like “Darling, you are Expires Dec. 31, 1982. On severai occasions I If your intended spouse specialist at the Senior 50 seats available. and checkers; 12:30 p.m.' the bloody, windswept brother, or thinks himself wonderful and I love you stantly being misdirected I DOLE-COCO LOPEZ Offer. Receive a $1 refund. can't show you courtesy KKIDCB: SCORES: Tom return from shopping; 1:30 have taken advantage of Center. Her loss will be felt 2. Trip to Fenway Park island of I wo Jima: superior to those who very much.” Then he said, to each other. It’s a mess! I Send the required refund form, the complete label this offer and enjoyed the and consideration as you by all. Although Gloria’s June 26 for Milwaukee v. Regan, 4,100; Kay Bennett, p.m. exercise class. happen to be in minority, “Just don’t say anything. I can’t believe she I walk down the super­ Wednesday: 9 am. “Somewhere in this plot from one 48-ounce can of Dole Pineapple Juice and experience. My free items position is not going to be Red Sox game. Call 3,690; Ed Hindle, 3,570; of ground, there may lie makes of this ceremony You are interfering with doesn’t know better, so I the complete label from one 15-ounce can of Coco include peanut butter, market aisles, then you refilled, we will not Pauline at 643-1711 for Helen Hardacre, 3,520; public health nurse, 10 a.m. and of the bloody sacrifices my fantasies.” please print this so I can I should think twice before 92 that man who could have Lopez Cream of Coconut. Expires Dec. 31, 1982 soda, napkins and more decrease the level of details. Doris Hunt, 3,160; Rene Friendship Circle, pinochle discovered a cure for it commemorates, an emp­ Fantasies? Abby, why mail it to her. Or do you I venturing down that other games; noon lunch; 12:30' GOLDEN GRAHAMS-GRANOLA CLUSTERS than a dozen other items. programming. 3. Trip to “Can Can’’ will Maire, 3,070. cancer. Under one of these ty, hollow mockery.” does he have to have fan­ think she knows better, but I I now bring the ad with aisle with him or her. Spring classes are now leave June 9 from Pic an bridge games; 1 p.m. craft! Christian crosses, and Abby, it’s regrettable tasies when he has me enjoys giving me a I Refund Offer. Receive a refund of $1.50, $2.50 or $5. ending. However, plans for PIIN()CHLE SCORESi class; bus pickup at 8 a.m. headache? For $1.50, send the required refund form and the me each time I shop and Save parking lot at 10 a.m. Rene Maire, 611; Joe beneath a Jewish Star of that Chaplain Gittlesohn’s right there? I spend a few minutes Smart shopping award summer are under way to Sign-ups for the Connec­ return trips at noon and 3 David, there may rest now powerful words will HURT IN BRAINERD THE ONLY MRS. JOHN J. Universal Product Code symbols from two 12-ounce The Smart Shopping G aribaldi, 608; G ert JONES I or larger packages of Golden Grahams and two six checking the prices on all include free and low cost ticut Boat and Train Ride p.m. a man who was destined to probably go completely un­ the sale items — Carol B. Award goes to Mary Zipp Mrs. Blaine G. Ericson Mrs. Richard J. Friday Jr. trips, films, picnics and McKay, 603; Mary Hill, Thursday: 10 a.m. darts, DEAR HURT: Since a I roll packages of Nature Valley Granola Clusters. in Essex wili be on 603; Bess Moonan, 596; be a great prophet. Now heeded when — and if — DEAR MRS. JONES: from New Haven. Conn of Columbus, Ohio. She outdoor activities and June 23 at 10 a m. |22 in­ orchestra rehearsal; noon' they’re read by those who “fantasy” is “an imagined I For $2.50, send the form and UPC symbols from Ann Fisher, 586; Harry dinner; 1 p.m. program ori they lie here silently in this fulfillment of desire,” your Since you are both in­ I three packages of each product. For $5, send the used a 50-cent coupon to games. cludes lunch at the Gelston sacred soil, and we gather need most to learn this convenienced by the confu­ purchase Aunt Jemima Please make note that Pospisil, 575; Ruth Search, Health Care. Bus pick up at husband may be I form and UPC symbols from five packages of each DEAR (\ROI.: House, boat and train ride 545; Archie Houghtaling, to consecrate this earth in lesson. sion, it’s highly unlikely Pancake Mix and a 25-cent 9 the center will be closed on and a tour of the 10 a.m., return after “hallucinating” about I product. Expires Aug. 15, 1982. Shoppers like you are the Ericson-Jaworski Friday-Harrison 559; Vincent Borello, 544. their memory .... MAR'i’IN M. SEGALL, making love to Cleopatra, that she “knows better.” coupon to purchase Aunt Monday in observance of Goodspeed Opera House. program. “Here lies officers and HALLANDALE, FLA. I KNOX-WISH-BONE SALADS. Receive a $1 re­ best thing that could Jemima Syrup When her Memorial Day. Friday: 9:30 a.m. crib­ Mona Lisa or Betsy Ross. Here’s your letter. Mail it I happen to a store that Julia Mario Jaworski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lesley R. Harrison of Manchester and Richard J. Piease not the following MENU FOR WEEK men, black and white, rich to her. And I hope it doesn’t fund. Send the required refund form, two top panels I supermarket doubled 'the The chess and checker program schedule: Monday: Closed for bage; 10 a m. bingo; exer­ DEAR ABBY: Last Don’t feel insulted. Exer­ I wants to be known for Charles JdwoiSki of .1.1 Clyde Road, and Blaine Gerard Friday Jr. of Manchester were married Aprii 30 at and poor. cise your right to fantasize, wind up in your mailbox. from any Knox Unflavored Gelatin, two neckbands I value of the coupons, she South United Methodist Church in Manchester. club will start meeting Thursday: Informative holiday. cise class; 12:45 setback . . . . Here are night I got the, most terri­ I from Wish-Bone Dressing and the register tape in­ pricing accuracy. paid a total of just $1.38. Erie.son, son of Marillyn Ericson of 159 Olcott St., were Mondays, starting June 7. games; bus pick up at 8 too, if it will help. I I Where else could the married May 22 at the home of the bride’s parents. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert talk on alternative health Wednesday: cream of FTotestants, Catholics and ble insult froni the man I dicating the prices of those purchases. Expires The cribbage group will c a re by a h e a lth mushroom soup, veal patty a.m., reU a trips at noon love — my husband. While I I store find competent help But her savings weren't Elsie Swensson, justice of the peace, presided at the Harrison Sr. of 106 Hawthorne St. The bridegroom is the Jews . . . Here no man DEAR ABBY: I have . Everybody needs Dec. 31, 1982. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Friday Sr. of Torrington. continue meeting maintenance organization. on a ro ll, p e a c h e s. and 3 p.m. prefers another because of we were making love, I I I to check its prices for the finished until she sent in double ring ceremony. Music was provided by been married to John J. friends. For some prac­ SMUCKER’S Coupon Offer. Receive four 25-cent I cost of a few items? I both labels for a $1 refund. guitarists. David Blish of Manchester and Steven The Rev. George Webb officiated at the double ring his faith, or depises him started to say something tical tips on how to be pop­ I and he said, “Please don’t Jones for nearly three coupons for Smucker’s Jams and Jeliies. Send the I would like to see more “Getting a bottle of pan­ Grinold of East Hartford. The bride was given in ceremony. James McKay was organist because of his color. Here ular, get Abby’s Popularity I required refund form and the front labels from two The bride was given in marriage by her father. Maid there are no quotas of how talk to me now.” years, and I am still being I I stores adopt correct-price cake syrup and a box of marriage by her father. confused with John’s ex- booklet. Send $1 plus a 32-ounce jars of Smucker’s Grape Jelly or Grape guarantees — and rpore ^fencake mix for 38 cents is Wanda Twohey of Manchester was matron of honor. of honor was Terri Donlon of Manchester, and the best many from each group are I tried to tell him that I long, self-addressed I I wasn’t going to start a con­ wife because she insists on Jam. Expires July 30, 1982. I conscientious shoppers quite a bargain' ” she says. Bridesmaids were Martha Jaworski of Manchester and man was James Friday of Torrington. admitted or allowed. using the name that now stamped (37 cents) I Following a reception at the Manchester Country Theirs is the highest and versation with him, I just WELCH’S Free Coupon Offer. Receive a 20-ounce I keep them on their toes by Ms Zipp and other Debi Kreuscher of East Hartford. Jessica Twohey of V- belongs to me. 1 am the one envelope to Abby, I checking the prices. Manchester was flower girl. Club, the couple left for a honeymoon at Point Judith, purest democracy. felt like saying something Popularity, P.O. Box 389U, I jar of Welch’s Grape Jelly, Jam or Preserves. Send I readers whose smart­ sweet and loving per­ .and only “Mrs. John J. the required refund form and two net-weight Marc Ericson of South Windsor and Michaei Petroski R.l. They will be making their home in Manchester. “Any man among us, the Jones.” To further com- Hollywood, Calif. 90038. I I shopping experiences of Manchester were best men and Steven Agostinelli of Both the hride and groom are employed at Connec­ living, who . . . lifts his taining to the situation. I statements from 20-ounce Welch’s Grape Jelly, I D E \R MARIIN: I appear in- this column Tolland was usher. Justin Lott of Enfield was ticut Bank and Trust in Hartford. I Jam or Preserves. Expires July 15. 1982. I enjoyed the letters from receive a free copy of my ringbearer I WELCH’S Free Better Homes and Gardens I readers who shopped with refunding magazine. The After a reception at the home of the bride's parents, Personal advice I Cookbook Offer. Receive the Better Homes and I their husbands. You can in­ National Supermarket the couple left on a wedding trip to Martha’s Vineyard. I Gardens “ Fix It Fast!” cookbook. Send the I clude me in the group Shopper. They will make their home in Manchester. The bride is Abigail Van Buren offers personal advice daily in one Fibrillation is rapid required refund form and three net-weight I I employed by the Savings Bank of Manchester and the of America’s best-read columns, "Dear Abby,’’ in the I statements from 32-ounce Welch’s Grape Jelly or I groom by Industronics of South Windsor. Manchester Herald’s Focus section. I Jam. Look for the form on specially marked jars. I Rehearsal Tuesday Expires Dec. 31, 1982. I I The Beethoven Chorus will rehearse Tuesday from 10 I Here s a refund form to write for; Pond’s $1 Re­ I to 11 a.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Church, 60 Church St. Lambert-Lee twitching of the heart fund, P.O. Box 2003-L, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102. I I There will be a coffee hour before the rehearsal. I Requests for this form must he received by Aug. 31, I Carolyn Jean Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Would you please explain I 1982. This offer expires Sept. 30,1982. The company I The chorus will perform June 10 at 2 p.m. at the A. Lee Sr. of 1075 Forbes St., East Hartford, and George DEAR DR. LAMB: ...... asks that you send a post-card request. I . What is fibrillation of the what pleurisy is, what are I Manchester Country Club for the Manchester Green Douglas Lambert, of 23 Henry St., son of Mr. and Mrs. the symptoms and can it be | • aaRP installation meeting, George J. Lambert of Fitchville, were married May 29 1 heart? Is this a condition cured? How can I get help? I at Trinity Covenant Church. that occurs suddenly and My doctor says that I may goes away suddenly, or is it Your Health have a touch of it. I sure The Rev. Norman E. Swensen officiated at the double a chronic condition? would like help from ring ceremony. Dawne Gagnon of Manchester was I am 27, and several Lawrence Lamb, M.D. someone. soloist and Steven Nielsen of Manchester was organist. \\ times in my life I have had A The hride was given In marriage by her father. spells with my heart beating irregular and then DEAR READER; Mrs. Robin Vollaro of Manchester, sister of the bride, beating real fast Pleurisy means inflamma­ was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Barbara afterwards. The last one I tion of the pleura. The Brewer and Janice Smyth of Manchester and Janet had I went to the hospital pleura is the sheet-like Holmes of Blast Hartford, all friends of the bride. pump blood through your trocardiogram. That is lining that covers the inner and they did an electrocar­ arteries. why long-term monitoring diogram, but by then it had surface of your rib cage. It William Tedeschi of Austin, Texas, brother-in-law of If the number of im­ for several days is, looks a lot like clear plastic Herald photo by Tarqulnlo stopped, or returned to nor­ pulses that get through are sometimes done. But if you the groom, was best man. Ushers were Darryl mal. TTiey didn’t detect wrapping paper. Tlie in­ Heathscott of Searcy, Ark., nephew of the groom, less than IQO a ndinute the^ only have such attacks flammation usually in­ M y i anything. person may not even notice once or twice a year this Warren Lee, nephew of the bride, of Ftichville, and Is this something I volves the tiny muscles in Robert Tedeschi, friend of the groom, also of Fitchville. Going once what has happened. But if may not be practical the chest wall just under it. should be concerned a lot of the , impulses get either. about? My heart has been When your chest wall The reception was at Veterans Memorial Clubhouse, Susan Barash, left, and Marilyn Scheinblum $2.50. Among the Items up for bid are a through causing a fast Extra or irregular or look over some pf the Items to be offered at checked many times and heartbeat then he will moves it causes pain. The East Hartford. The couple will make their home in complete children's party, a flight to premature beats just hallmark of pleurisy is the Temple Beth Sholom Fantasy Market nothing shows up. This is usually notice it. The im­ Manchester. Martha’s Vineyard, a new Dodge Arles K, an the reason I want to know before the onset of chest pain with breathing, The bride is a buyer at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft and scheduled for Thursday beginning with a electronic pinball machine, as well as pulses that get through are paroxysmal tachycardias Mrs. George D. Lambert if fibrillation of the heart irregular and the pulse is particularly deep breaths, the groom is a tack welder, also "at Pratt & Whitney. wine and cheese preview at 6:30 p.m. at the artwork and housewares. could be my problem. may make the pulse or with coughing. irregular. irregular. To give you Time Again...| temple, 400 E. Middle Turnpike. Tickets are DEAR READER: To Atrial fibrillation can oc­ more information I am There are many causes answer your question cur in episodes, starting sending you The Health of the inflammation, from directly, fibrillation refers suddenly and stopping Letter number 6-12, Heart virus respiratory infec­ Engagements to a rapid twitching of the suddenly. Or it can be Irregularities, Skipped tions to inflammation from heart muscle.’ When the chronic with persistent Beats, Tachycardias. a blood clot to the lupgs. A bou t Town atria are flbrlllating it is fibrillation. Others who want this issue Treatment does depend on You’re sure of a successful called atrial fibrillation Most attacks of sudden can send 75 cents with a the underlying cause. and they may be fast heartbeats that stop long, stamped, self- suddenly are paroxysmal addressed- envelope for it The vast majority are “twitching” at a rate of 500 virus infections and are sole when you advertise ^ Britannia to meet Open house planned per minute. Only a few of tachycardias. And they can to me, in care of this occur in people who have best treated with these 500 impulses are newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, analgesics, plain aspirin Britannia Chapter, Daughters of the British Empire, The Square Circle Club of Manchester Lodge of transmitted to the bottom no underlying heart dis­ Radio City Station, New will meet Thursday at 11 a m. at the home of Mrs. Masons has scheduled an open house for Monday from 9 ease. It is annoying that may help, and local heat. part of the heart, the ven­ York, N.Y. 10019. The rest depends upon the it in the Manchester Herald! Russell Camp, 41 Walnut St. a.m. to noon. There will be cards, pool and ’ tricles that are the heavy the episodes are often gone Carl Zinsser, state senator from the 4th Senatorial refreshments. All Masons and their friends are invited. pumping chambers that by the time you get an elec­ DEAR DR. LAMB: “tincture of time.” Mr District, wili be the guest speaker. Coll 643-2711 Sunset Club to meet Thoughts Patient hard on self Sunset Club will meet June 1 at 1 p.m. at the Senior am very upset. DEAR DR. BLAKERi This bothers him, too. Is for a helpful Ad-visor X Citizen Center. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Three months ago my back Members who are interested in going to dinner on God.’’ there anything we can do went out. My doctor told Ask about it? June 8 should make reservations at this meeting. Humaiily speaking, this is an impossible statement., me to go to bed and I did. Anyone having any questions should call Betty at 649- We all know our hearts too well to begin to believe that - Then he suggested that I Dr. Blaker DEAR READER: First, 4450. anyone, living in the human condition, is pure in heart., see a specialist because it try making an agreement We know the thoughts that flash through our mind, we, was still bad. Karen Blaker, Ph.D. not to fight during one Barbara A. Landolina Debra A. Caouette Christine A. Carpenter know the activities of our youth and middle years which The specialist admitted specific phone call. If pure FREE Richard M. Webster could not withstand the perfect scrutiny of a Holy God. ^ me to the hospital and I Ilk self-restraint does the Dance recital set We know that none of us would dare stand before others, ‘ was In traction for two trick, you can expand that Caouette-Webster Carpenter-Salcedo and surely not before God, and say, “I am pure in . weeks. When that didn't idea to cover all com­ TAG SALE SIGN* Uandolina-Davis Richard Risley of Coventry, and his dancers, will be heart.” help, he advised that I try munication with each ■^r. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Lan­ Mr. and Mrs. George J. Caouette Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carpenter presented in a dance Whatever, then, did Jesus mean? He came to tell us, physical therapy exercises. That thought makes me your treatment decisions. other. dolina of 195 ..Ralph Road announce Jr. of 173 Mountain Road announce of 18 Hillcrest Road, Bolton, an­ recital June 6 at 2 and the good news that it is by His righteousness. His purity, I am involved in that terribly depressed. It is also clear that you If that doesn’t work, you engagement of their daughter, the engagement of their daughter, nounce the engagement of their 4:30 . p.m. in Longley that we can stand before a Holy God. program now and altboogh have been cooperating with may find that writing When you place your ad In ^ rb a ra A. Landolina, to Michael S. Debra Ann Caouette, to Richard M. daughter, Christine Ann Carpenter, Auditorium at Mansfield One day I was asked this question which I shall never' I feel somewhat betto', I DEAR READER: From your doctors at every turn. letters back and forth helps Oavis Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Webster, son of Mr. and Mrs. to Ramiro D. Salcedo of Danielson, Depot. forget, "Have you arrived at the place in your splrltuab still can’t go back to work. the facts you have given You don’t deserve your reduce the fireworks. Michael S. Davis Sr., of Wellswood Richard H. Webster of 24 Newman son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Students to take part in life where, if you should die tonight, you are certain that ■ All along, doctors and me regarding your medical harsh self-criticism. Reduce the role of televi­ the Manchester Herald—I Rpad, Hebron. St. Salcedo. the show range in age you would go to heaven?” Jesus knew that for men it is friends have been saying history, I would say you If you can't go easier on sion in your household. The bride-elect' is a graduate of The bride elect is a 1976 graduate from 3 to adults and they impossible, but when one pufs his faith in Him, His are being too hard on 3rhe bride elect Is a graduate of that 1 probably will have to yourself, seek some Write for Dr. Blaker’s Blast Catholic High School and St. of Bolton High School and a 1979 come from Manchester, righteousness is imputed to us, and our sin is bourne by. go through an operation yourself. professional counseling. newsletter “Taming the *Limit 1 Sign—Mutt Bo Picked Up At Tht Htraid M anchester High School and Vincent’s Medical Center School of graduate of the Manchester Coventry, Bolton, Most people want to TV Beast.” Send 50 cents Manchester Community College. His substitution for us on Calvary. The pure in heart do i before this is really over. I Nursing. She is employed at Mount Hospital School of Radiologic Tolland, Vernon, see God, and they see Him by the substitution of Jesus, am terrified of surgery and avoid surgery and take a DEAR DR. BLAKER: and a stamped, self- She Is a secretary at Pratt St Sinai Hospital. Technology. She graduated from Willington, Hebron and more conservative ap­ My 'husband and I have addressed envelope to Dr. Whitney Aircraft. Christ, paying the penalty for sin, and the simultaneous; have been doing everything The prospective bridegroom is a Manchester Community College this other area towns. rimputation of His righteousness to our account so we in my power to prevent it. proach until it becomes been divorced for more Blaker in care of this •The prospective bridegroom is a 1074 graduate of Manchester High spring. Participating will be V caff^e God. Now I am beginning to clear that surgery is the than a year and we still newspaper, P.O. Box 475, graduate of RHAM High School, the School and a 1979 graduate of New The prospective bridegroom is a Rlsley’s award winning Wiiat Incredibly good news! God welcomes us through face the fact that it may be only possible solution. cannot speak in a civil way Radio City Station, New England Technical Institute, New 1977 graduate of Coventry High groups: The Richard ‘the invitation in John 3:16,17 and 36, to put our faith in Remember also that to each other on the phone. York, N.Y. 10019. lilanrlfpBtpr Hrralh Porter School of Design and Hart­ the only solution to my ford State Technical School. He Is Britain. He works with youth in the School. He graduated this year from Risley Dancers and the His Son and receive him as Lord of our lives. Through problem. And I bate myself your back Just miipit have When I call to t ^ him Employed as a draftsman at local scouting district and is Ellis Technical School and Risley Boys; Junior Mr. Him we shall see God. for not having just done responded to the bed rest, something about the children, we are fighting stay on top oi the news— “Serving The Mancheater Area For Over 100 Years” H&milton Standard. employed at Hamilton Standard, Quinebaug Valley Community Dance of Connecticut Go to church on Sunday and you’ll hear more about that in the first place. If I traction or physical Windsor Locks. College with an associate’s degree 1982, Adrian Morris, and this. therapy and then you would within two or three subscribe to The had, 1 would be on my feet Manchester Herald. -3A. July 2 wedding, is planned at An Oct. 30 wedding Is planned at in aviation maintenance. first runner-up, Danny Rev. Norman E. Swenten and back to work by now. have felt terrific about minutes. When I bang up, I dh&vh o l the Assumption. St. James’s Church. An August 6 wedding Is planned. Richard Risley O’Neil. . Trinity Covenant Chureii A MANCllKSTKIl lll•■.UAU) SM M ;iy'.!!), Mm? IA

I I - MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., May 29. 1982 ■ M ACC News

O t* GENERAL AARON COOK A hole, a door, 3 feet of earth not enough MANCHESTER HEATING OIL This column is prepared by the Manchester Area survival but questions about national security and to his own faith will ask internal questions.also — tributions to both the Fuel Bank and the Human QUALITY SERVIf.F Conference of Churches. It appears in the the threat posed by.the Soviet Union. not questions of policy or megatons, or roentgens — Needs Fund. Will the freeze "freeze" the U.S. into military in­ but questions of morality and personal responsibili­ and to a lovely lady, Lucy Bergin, who has gone Manchester Herald on Saturdays. 646-3322 feriority? ty. Some of those questions will be addressed in above and beyond, for her donation to the Fuel « L L 5 6 8 - r By Nancy Carr Would it give the Soviets a military advantage in many of our local churches and synagogues on Bank. -.HELDON ROAD • MANCHESTER, CONN. Executive Director Europe? Peace Sabbath, Saturday and Sunday and at the to South United Methodist Women for their gift to HASITI MACC Is a freeze agreement verifiable? area-wide Interfaith Peace Celebration on Sunday, the Interfaith Day Camp. Can we trust the Russians to stick to their at the Old State House in Hartford. to Helen Daly and her mother. Helen has a son, When we consider nuclear disarmament, the con­ / treaties? Don’t forget Thursday provides Manchester with Jonathan, who has a paper route. Helen and her e n u n MITO BODY sideration indeed may change from the discussion Even questions about jobs, since military spen­ a welcome opportunity as peace and disarmament mother cut out all the coupons from the extra ROUTE 63 TALCOTTVILLE. CT. of peace or war to a question of annihilation or sur­ ding is so important to Connecticut's economic sur­ move into the public form. Please come. papers and sent them over to MACC with Mrs. '6 4 3 - 1 1 9 1 vival. Edwin Gregory, her sister, to be dispersed through 191 vival. NOTICES 24 HR. TOWING Several weeks ago, the study released by the Hard questions — legitimate questions. the Pantry. r.'A.itg S I State Office of Civil Preparedness indicated that in It's going to take a lot of determination and a lot Last cheese distribution for the summer is next All donations to MACC and MACC programs are 643-001B FEATURING THIS WEEK ... M >11 !• the event of a massive exchange of nuclear of commitment and a lot of know-how to turn Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Center tax deductible and can be mailed to MACC, Box 773, weapons, Hartford has a 50-50 chance of being Congregational Church. Requirements are 200 per­ .COMPLtTt COLLIflOH MPAIR 643-1900 around 35 years of national and international com­ Manchester, Conn. 06040. • FOMION AND AMERICAN CARS targeted. cent of the federal poverty guidelines — one person Since 1947 mitment to the nuclear armaments race. * PLEA If the bomb drops on Hartford, 90 percent of those This Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. the Manchester $8,620, two people $11,380, four people $16,900, Arl Cunliffe, Prop. who live in Manchester would die instantly. The limited to Manchester and Bolton residents'. Pass We badly need used cloth diapers for families Board of Directors has arranged for a town hearing with infants. Disposable diapers are so expensive. ENERGY SAVING rest of the statistics left me with the strong impres­ moderated by Chief Justice Emeritus Charles the word along to your friends and neighbors. Cap N Cork Package Store sion that those 90 percent would be lucky ones. House. An excellent opportunity to begin.to surface Ecumenical Celebration of New Life. All church Please leave them at the MACC Department of STORM PRIME birthday party on Sunday, June 13 from 2 p.m. to 5 Human Needs, at Center Congregational Church. Unfortunately, the potential for nuclear holocaust some answers. We urge you — please — to attend WINDOWS REPLACEMENT ■ ^ by accident or design becomes more real every p.m. at the Band Shell at Manchester Community We need teenage counselors, age 14 or older, for CAfiu! Thursday night s hearing on the nuclear arms the annul MACC Interfaith Day Camp for under­ 1 & DOORS WINDOWS day Both the failure of sophisticated computerized freeze. College. Clowns, love balloons, dance and folk safeguards and the inadequacy of more or less For Christians there is another question. What groups. Put the date on your calendar now. privileged children age 6-11 referred to us by local YANKEE ALUMINUM SERVIC>:$ sophisticated survival measures la hole, a door and has Jesus to do with the arms race? For Jews, what social workers. Camp will start July 12 and run on 2 THANK YOUS Painting Professionals three feet of dirt, for example) have made most of does God and Torah say? Mondays through Fridays 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for Glass & Screen Repeir^ us begin to ask some hard questions about where we to Dr. Frederick Spauling for becoming MACC the next two weeks. Call the MACC office at 649- 133 Brandy St., Bolton, CT. Hardware & Accec:^ are and even harder questions about where we are PKIVATK llEAKIINtlS sponsor. 2093 or 646-4114. VINYL headed Questions not only about our chances of F^ach of us in his her own way and and according to SI. Bridget parish for their generous con­ ALUMINUM 649-1106 6 4 6 - 3 1 1 7 SIDING 705 Main St. M.inrh'- Who's most religious? WE SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTBIAL AND COMMERCIAL Complete Auto AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION “ • STARTERS <• COOLirjfi • TUNE-UPS 9 s'fSTt^r'iri Church bulletin board HEATING and SHEET METAL • B R A K C S 'ALTERNATORS . v jm is J " COMPCFIE AUIO \zU. f. New England Mechanical Services. Inc. Blacks w in FOREIGN « POMFSne South United’s calendar FACTORY TRAINFO lYlF CH/l''IIC 166 TUNNEL RD. The following events are scheduled for South United By David E. Anderson VERNON, CT. 06066 r.no.''-.u Methodist Church during the coming week: UPl Religion Writer 671-1111 k -K -B -= au to m o tiv e Rzj3-i.;(j-v; Sunday—8 a m. and 9 a.m.. Holy Communion; 9 a m., In one of the most extensive surveys ever undertaken, nursery through grade 9 church school; 10:15 to noon, in­ "SiTfing yfanr/ir.slri I nr ternational gift shop; 10:45 a.m.. Memorial Day ser­ blacks emerge as the most religious subgroup in the CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER'S vice, Pastor Webb preaching with Manchester veterans United States. TEl. 649-3828 p - p AUTO as guests: 10:45 a m , nursery and senior high; 6 p.m., The survey, conducted by the Gallup organization for Penl\and The f/ the Roman Catholic Center for AppIiM Research in the PARTS S O S picnic; 7 p.m., vesper service, 24 BIRCH ST Tuesday —12:30 p.m.. Mizpah Spencer circle; 12:30 Apostolate, examined values not only in the United “ 4UT0 PORTS FOR LESS" TEL. 643 6247 p m., Stanley circle; 7:30 p m., women's praver group. States but in Europe and Japan as well. HOURS 1208 Main St. It looked a host of different issues, including attitudes 8 TO 8 MON.-FBI. 643 4444 toward, patriotism and religiosity, finding the Italians, ______8 T O 5 S A T. a S U N . Wednesday —7 p.m,. district goal setting workshop; MASTER CHARGE Irish and Americans all scoring high on religious wciiii ' '.’jir.'t 7 30 p m., scholarship committee. 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) Last year we remodeled and cold beer; kegged beer is always on AMERICAN EXPRESS Thursday -staff-parish relations committee; 7:30 questions, including strong affirmations in a belief in MANCHESTER Vi"? God and an after-life. enlarged our store; thus giving our hand for all your party needs. See p m., adult Bible study at 224 Indian Hill Trail, Glaston­ BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY ggjn*w««-'’X7;' ■L'; ' bury. In the United States, the survey interviewed more valued customers one of the largest pG^p N Cork for all your Memorial than 2,000 people, including special sub-samples of Friday —10 a m., Al-Anon, education wing selections of imported and domestic « ^ y beverage needs. Don’t forget ^6C0/tatihg ^ § blacks, Hispanics and young people. GAP-N-CORK PACKAGE STORE Here’s Center’s week Consistently, when asked religious questions, blacks I wines in this area, as well as chilled Fathers Day, June 20th., plus Wed­ ' V tended to score higher than the other sub-groups and 48S-489 No. Main St. wines for your convenience and dings and college graduation par­ Events scheduled at Center Congregational Church usually higher than the U.S. average. Manchastar, Conn. pleasure. ties. We are well stocked with all ^if'' during the coming week are as follows: Asked, for example, "Independently of whether you 649-0591 .4. Sunday —10 am ., worship in sanctuary; 10 a m., go to church or not, would you say you are a religious Our capacity is now doubled for your favorite brands. church school; 11:15 a m.. Pilgrim Choir in choral person,’’ 87 percent of the black sample said yes com­ Remodfh’d & Eularuvd (■ " room: 11:15 a m., coffee shoppe in Woodruff Hall. pared to 73 percent for the young people, 81 percent for To Heller Serve Voii 1^1 e ; SPECIAL ORDER r 1L 1’ <:< h Monday —Office closed. Hispanics and 81 percent for the general U.S. popula­ LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIALS CAKE a iM irM ri^ (■'lOh. oAI.IO-q Tuesday —6:30 p.m.. Sacred Dance group in mez­ tion. Larg* Salactlon ol Convenient Location - Friendly Service D id |'(2031 646-0228 T H O R S 1 0 -9 zanine; 7-.30 p.m., Diaconate in Robbins room. Only 11 percent of the blacks said they were not imooMtd a Pom»8tlc wjjvef ni'-ydArT - 1 ■r.-tn Wednesday-7:30 p.m , Chancel Choir, choral room religious and none said they were atheists, compared H IMMiONN. DAILY LOTnat TIOBa------You Thursday—7:30 p.m., property committee, church of­ with 22 percent of the young people who said they were oven 4?? fice. not religious and 2 percent saying they were atheists. MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. Cap N Cork Know MANCHESTER Among Hispanics and the general population, 16 percent That We Now Sell Y E A h S Pentecost service said they were not religious and and 1 percent said they Ilf Safi-ly I'riilri liiiii 485-489 N. Main St., Manchester Connecticut Dally MEMORIAL CO. atheists. Phone 649-0591 Lottery Tickets? Concordia Lutheran Church will celebrate the feast of Ciarion Brass Quintet Asked about belief in God, 97 percent of both the black •FOUL WEATHER SUITS Op(3. East Cemetery CALL C40-5R07 Pentecost Sunday with one service at 10 a m., preceded and Hispanic groups said yes, compared with 94 percent by a family breakfast at 8:30 a m. of the young people and 95 percent of the general popula­ •BOOTS •HOSE , The Clarion Brass Quintet will join the choirs works by Orlando Gibbons, Dvorak, Healey QUALITY HARRISON ST Seven young adults will confirm their baptism after tion. •OLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS MANCHi-STTH three years of instruction. They are Eric C. Heinrich, of Concordia Lutheran Church and organist William and Peter Hurford. as well as two All groups dropped off sharply when asked about MEMORIALS .lennifer A. Heinrich, Julie E. Kane, Laurie L Kehl, M. David L. Almond at a Pentecost service at 10 movements from "Come, Holy Ghost, God belief in life after death, with 71 percent of the blacks 5 Ql»n Rd. • Mancheater* 643-5 T07| Sven Roth, Kimberly A. Sharp and Ronald W Schack a.m. Sunday. Members of the quintet, from and Lord" by the contemporary German- and the general population affirming such a view while left, are B. Edwards, C. ZanettI, K. Peacock, American composer Jan Bender. on 69 percent of the young people and 68 percent of the New England Potiuck is scheduied J. Monticello and R. Phillips. They’ll perform Hispanics said they believed in life after death. But the figures climbed again when survey par­ The following events are scheduled during the week at EVERYTHING IN GLASS 643-2072 ticipants were asked whether they believed in a soul, "WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT' Emanuel Lutheran Church: with 91 percent of the blacks saying yes, compared to 88 Mechanical Services, Inc. • DRAPERY • CARPET 'WALLCOVERING Monday -O ffice closed for Memorial Day. Outing set at Harkness Musicians win prizes percent of the young people and the general population The colorful store that comes to y o u r d o o r. Tuesday —3:30 p.m., staff meeting; 4 p.m.. Cherub- J.A. WHITE GLASS CO.. and Junior Choirs; 6:30 p.m , Emanuel Church Women The following events are scheduled at the Salvation The winners of the Second Congregational Church 1982 and 83 percent of the Hispanics. 166 TUNNEL RD., VERNON, CONNECTICUT 06066 potiuck supper; 7:15 p.m., Conway Diet Institute. Army during the coming week: Young Artist’s Competition are first prize, Ruth Landis, Overwhelming percentages also tended to affirm that DECORATING U m harp; second prize, Christine Shapter, cello, and third- each of the 10 commandments “applies fully,” although 6 4 « - 7 3 a a • Custom dropory • woven woods • mini bl tr>d5 ♦ .-l < Wednesday —7 p m., MARCH Inc.; 7 to 9:30 p.m.. Sunday -9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:45 a.m., oi'C H .’to YFAHs f:\ pf.h i i ; m f • vertical blinds • swogs'% ■ shnt|f»s prize, Robin Blowers, voice. there were significant drop-offs in agreeing to the se­ Brownie leader workshop. 7 to 9:30 p.m., lector holiness meeting: noon, fellowship luncheon and family cond and third commandments, which prohibit the 131 BI88ELL ST. MANCHESTER E Xpert docorairog oU» ' p 1'. ■ • workshop. Michelle Moses, Marcia Balk and Amy Champagne, •MIRRORS •SHOWER DOORS •STQRE FRONTS Appointmonit doyi «»*ningt wer devotions. No evening meeting. taking of the name of the Lord in vain and keeping the Thursday —10 a m., prayer group; 11:15 a m., care Tuesday—10:30 a m , home league outing at Harkness all pianists, were given honorable mention. •SAFETY GLASS •BATHTUB ENCLOSURES »ETC. b Memorial Park; 6 p.m., Y.P. Band; 6:45 p.m.. The awards concert, featuring all winning per­ Sabbath holy. and visitation; 3:45 p.m , Befle Choir , 6:30 p.m., grade 8 Only 57 percent of the young people said the second confirmation final class; 6.30 p.m., grade 9 confirma­ Songsters; 8 p.m., friendship circle; 8 p.m., band. formers, is scheduled for June 6 at 7 p.m. at Second J. B. ELECTRONICS Thursday —6:30 p.m.. Corps Cadets. Church, 385 N. Main St. commandment "applies fully,” compared to 68 percent tion rehearsal; 7:30 p m., Scandia Lodge. for the general population, 76 percent for Hispanics and FAMOUS BRAND STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • IV Friday -Scout paper drive through Sunday. Sunday —12:30 p.m.. Sunbeam picnic in Center Judges of the event were Dorothy Fidlar, Wilfred SALES AND SERVICE Saturday —8 p.m , Alcoholics Anonvm.ous. Luther Springs. Fidlar, Charles Palmer, Louis Lazzerini and Herbert 84 percent for blacks. TELEVISION - APPLIANCES Hall. Chatzky. HAMIIKSTKH f 'T 3 1 NOME IMFMVEMENT _ _ 000 1 MV. THE Religious Services 649-3589 JACK BERTRAND BIBLE Nnt It Slop I SImp SPEAKS LUTHERAN CHURCH, Route 31 Pepin, pastor. Saturday masses bank, team ministry; Rev. Edward nursery provided. CHURCH. 1226 Main St. Rev. Dr. school for children through Andover .ind North River Road. Rev. W, H. at 5 and 7:30 p.m,: Sunday J. Reardon. Saturday masses at 4 CHURCH OF THE NA2ARENE. George W. Webb, Rev. Laurence Grade 6, nursery. By I Sin-rinliaiiifi in M 1 m'r masses at 7:30, 9. 10:30 and and 6:30 p.m.; Sunday masses at 236 Main St. Rev. Neale McLain, M. Hill. 9 and 10:45 a.m. Worship SECOND CONGREGATIONAL FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Wilkens. pastor. 9 a m.. Sunday Bugana I OLCOTT PACKAGE STCllE ^ 7:30. 9 and 10:30 and noon; and senior pastor; Rev. George Em- service. CHURCH. 385 N. Main St. The CHURCH of Andover. UCC. school. 10:15 a.m.. worship ser­ 11:45 a.m. Brawar . at 5 p.m. mltl, minister of visitation and EMANUEL LUTHERAN Rev. Leslie Chapman, pastor. 10 MERCURY I 654 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER, C r. J Route 6 at Long Hill Road Rev vice CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST ST. BRIDGET CHURCH. 70 outreach. 9:30 a.m., Sunday CHURCH. Church and Chestnut a.m. worship service and church j Pine Shopping Plaza I Richard H. Taylor, pastor. 9;30 ST MARYS CHURCH, Route OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Wood- A> Jesui' disciples wistfully Main St. Rev. Philip A. Sheridan school; 10:45 a.m., worship, streets. Rev. Dale H. Gustafson school; 11 a.m. fellowship hour. a m . Church school; 11 a.m 31 Rev. F. Bernard Miller, pastor; side Street and Hillstown Road. watched his ascending form and Rev. Emilio P. Padelli. co­ children's church and nursery; 7 and the Rev. Michael R. CENTER CONGREGATIONAL worship service with nursery, Rev John L. Suprenant, Wendel K. Walton, bishop. 8:30 pastors. Saturday masses at 5 p.rn., evening service, nursery. Lohmann, pastors; Jeff Henrlcks. CHURCH. 11 Center Street. Rev. enveloped by a cloud, two i DISCOUNT LIQUOR STORE - coffee hour after service. associate pastor. Saturday a.m.. Priesthood and Relief Phone 648-2786 f masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sunday Society; 11:15 a.m.. Sacrament and 7:30 p.m; Sunday masses at CALVARY CHURCH intern; Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Newell H. Curtis Jr., senior heavenly messengers appeared * Ona of Manchaatar’i Laroeat Salactlons Ol Flauiol Cerjmii s Ir § masses at 7:30. 9:30 and 10:45 Meeting. 7:30. 9. 10:30 and noon. (Assemblies of God). 647 E. Mid­ pastor emeritus. 8:30 a.m. pastor; Rev. Chet Copeland, beside them, promising that NO SERVICE CHARGE AIR CONDITIONING, REFRIGERATION, HEATING, ENERGY I dle Turnpike. Rev. Kenneth L. Worship service; 9:45 a.m. associate pastor; Rev. Clifford O. Stock. Out Voluma Savaa You Money. 100’a Of Specials Bolton rl m SALVATION ARMY. 661 Main JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. 647 .Jesus would return, as he bad Matter Cftaraa and Visa Accopicd SECOND CONGREGATIONAL St. Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Tolland Turnpike. Tuesday; Gustafson, pastor. 9:30 a.m.. Church School, Adult Forum. Bi­ Simpson, pastor emeritus. 10 I Ta/a-Chack.. ■ Sunday school; 10:30 a.m., ser­ ble Study. 11 a.m. Nursery; 11 a.m. Worship srvica, sanctuary: left. Acta 1:10-11. Other scrip­ ______8 lor • H o tils • AIrtInM • ttM m 8 M p s CHURCH OF ST. MAURICE. 32 CHURCH, (United Church of Carlson, corps officers. 9:30 a.m., Congregation Bible Study, 7 p.m.; J Ftnonal Chocks Cished up to vice of worship; 6:30 p.m., a.m. worship service. tures are equally forthright Hebron Road The Rev, J. Clifford Christ). Route 44A. Rev. Robert K. Sunday school: 10:45 a.m., Thursday: Theocratic School 10 a.m: Church School. |i t t 7 Msin sirawi Itafidtsslsr d 1 evening service. NORTH UNITED METHODIST Curtin, pastor. Saturday mass at Bechtoid. pastor. 9:30 a.m. holiness meeting; 6 p.m.. open- (speaking course). 7:30 p.m.; TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM, 400 in confirming Jesus’ second CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH. 300 Parker St. The MANAGEMENT, SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS 5 p.m.; Sunday masses at 7;30, Church school for all ages; 11 air meeting: 7 p.m., salvation Service Meeting (ministry E. Middle Turnpike. Rabbi CHURCH. (LCA), 40 Pitkin St. Rev. Richard W. Dupee. pastor. advent. Such an event surely 9:15 and 11 a m a m.. worship service (child care meeting. training). 6:15 p.m.; Sunday: Richard J. Plavln, Israel Tabatsky, M IM l -M VN IM tIM IND Rev. Burton D. Strand, pastor. 8:45 Adult Bible class, worship, has a meaningful purpose. 423 ClRTtR It • UARCHinill B4IM7r ; BOLTON UNITED METHODIST provided). UNiTED PENTECOSTAL Public Bible Lecture. 9:30 a.m.; cantor. Or. Leon Wind, Rabbi 8:30 and 10 a.m. Holy Commu­ nursery for children 5 years old CHURCH. 1040 Boston Turnpike. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 187 Woodbridge St. Watchtower Study, 10:25. Emeritus. Services, 8:15 p.m. nion. nursery care provided; 10 and younger; 9:45 coffee Jesus is coming again to Rev. Marjorie Hiles, pastor 9:30 CHURCH OF COVENTRY. 1171 Rev. Marvin Stuart, minister. 10 ZION EVANGELICAL Friday and 9:45 a.m., Saturday. New England Mechanical Services, Inc., established in 1966, is located at COMFUTl MUHTINe t COPYTC SlRVItt LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri a.m. Sunday School through fellowship; 10:15 Worship, church raise the dead — all the dead, a.m . church school: 11 a.m., Main St. Rev. Bruck J. Johnson, a.m.. Sunday school; 11 a.m.. LOW COST PRINTING minister. 9:30 a.m. Church School morning worship; 6. p.m.. evening Synod), Cooper and High streets. grade 6 in classroom wing. John 5:28-29; to Judge the Tunnel Rd. in V.ernon. The firm specializes in sales, service, design and mstailation worship service, nursery. MMWIL^MI^INC. WHILE YOU WAIT (PHOTO READY) at Church Lane House: 11 a.m. worship; 7:30 p.m.. bible study Rev. Charles W. Kuhl, pastor. 9 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL SOCIETY: East, 153 W.^ Vernon world. AcU 17:30-31; to reward of industrial and commercial air conditioning, refrigeration, heating & ventilation mmsi cuss • sunooi • mmu siuin CHURCH. Boston Turnpike. Rev. Worship service, nursery care (Tuesday); p p.m.. Ladies' prayer a.m.. Divine worship; 10:15 a.m WHEEL ALIONMENT • BHAKE SERVICE • WHECKEB SERVICE St. Rev. Arnold Westwood, ANNUAL the Juri. H e b .9 :^ lo receive John C. Holllger. vicar. 10 a.m,, provided in Church Lane House. (Thursday); 7 p.m.. Men's prayer Sunday School and Youth Forum. OENEHAUBEPAIHINO systems and energy management. There are presently F.0 employees in our serv- minister. 10:30 a.m., Service. his own, John 14:1-3; to Family Eucharist; 11 a.m.. (Thursday): 7 p.m.. Youth servll^ Holy Communion first and third Propane Cylinders Filled • uS FOR ENGRAVED NAMf Sunday. I fS, crakruction, sheet mftal and energy management departments to serve you. Nursery program and coffee (Friday). ^MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE sentence the unjust to e te n ^ i Air Conditioning Service • IHT OUR NEW 3-fH i0«u COPlim fellowship. banishment from God s TBi aDMONff 19 MAIN STREET I Satisfied customers have been our best a dvertisement. BOLTON CONGREGATIONAL Manchester TRINITY COVENANT presence, 2Thes. 1:69. At his W M M l MANCHESTER. CONN 06040 CHURCH. 228 Bolton Center PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 43 CHURCH OF CHRIST. Lydall CHURCH. 302 Hackmatack St. SOUTH UNITED coming he will deliver up his Road at the Green. Rev. J. Stan­ GOSPEL HALL. Center Street. Spruce St. Rev. Richard Gray, and Vernon streets. Eugene Rev. Norman E. Swensan, pastor; METHODIST CHURCH ton Conover, minister; 9:30 a m., 10 a m., breaking bread; 11:45 pastor. 10:30 a.m., worship ser­ Brewer and Steve Holt, ministers. Milton Nilson, assistant pastor. 8 kingdom to the Father, ICor. '• ' RF nT-inp' ■ V i X . ■ •' worship service. Sunday School, a m.. Sunday school: 7 p.m., vice. nursery; 9:15 a.m.. Sunday Sunday services: 9 a.m. Bible and 11 a.m., worship services, Comar Hartford R c ^ and 15:21-25. OSTRINSKY, INC. nursery; 10:30 a m. Cbffee Hour gospel meeting. school; 7 p.m., informal worship. classes; 10 a.m. worship; 6 p.m. nursery for infants; 9:25 Sunday MalnStraal HEIUION HARTFORD 643-5879 643-5735 in Chandler Hall; 10:45 a.m. FULL GOSPEL ST. JOHN'S POLISH worship. Wednesday: 7 p.m. Bi­ Bible School; coffee time at 10:30; For these reasons we aboukl 731 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER Forum Program. iNTERDENOMlNATIONAL NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH. ble study. Nursery provided for all 6:30 p.m. evening service. Sunday, May 30th, 1982 be watchful, prayerful, not CHURCH. 745 Main St. Rev. 23 Golway St. Rev. Walter A. services. ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL knowing when, but that be will Hyszko, pastor. 9 a.m., mass in CHURCH. Park and Church Phiiip Saunders, minister. 10:30 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. 10*.4SA.M. come. This hope wUl move ns C o v e n t r y a.m., praise, worship service and English; 10:30 a.m., mass In SCIENTIST. 447 N. Main St. 10:30 streets. Rev. Stephen K. Jacob­ Color Baarars Asaembla at CALL US FIRST! Bible stu^y; 7 p.m., deliverance English and Polish. a.m.. church service. Sunday son, rector; Rev. Alan J. to a more refined, singularly 871-1111 728-6600 10:15 A.M. 50 FT. TRUCK SCALE COVENTRY PRESBYTERIAN service. ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S school, and care for amall Broadhead, assistant to the rec­ devoted life, less adultented CHURCH. 741 E. Middle Turn­ CHURCH, Route 44-A and Trow­ FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH. 52 children. tor. Rev. Frederick P. Moser, by the world. Uohn 8:M. LICENSED PUBLIC WEIGHTS pike. Rev. Martin J. Schoisky, COMMUNITY BAPTIST assistant to the rector. 7:30 a.m. The Permanent MhmoHal Day bridge Road. Rev. Brad Evans, Lake St. Rev. James Bellasov, DEALERS IN IRON. METALS. PARERS pastor. Saturday mass at 5 p.m.; CHURCH. 585 E. Center St. Rev. Holy Eucharist; 9 a.m. Family aer- pastor. Sunday. 9:30 a.m. pastor. 9:30 a.m., Sunday school; Committee tveleomm Vetermnt, Sunday masses at 6:30, 10 and James I. Meek, minister. 9:15 vice and Eucharist with church worship; 10:45 a.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m., worship service; 7 WE SEU • WE SERVICE • WE CARE 11:30 a.m. a m., Church school for all ages, school. 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist Friend* and Towntpdopla to thU school; 7 p.m. Bible study and p.m., evening service. CHURCH OF CHMST ' CM Far Fne aHaute 8 DwiU Hflnilloiil CHURCH OF THE ST. JAMES CHURCH, Rev. kindergarten through Grade 4 H o ly c nm un >n e v e ry Patriotic tervlce. sellowship. Wednesday. 7:30 William F. Carroll, Rav. Francis V. continuirtg during the service; "'''^nesday io . -n. LgMuM miM VufTMii MOri ASSUMPTION. Adams Street at n* PtwnntM-SOn p.m. prayer meeting. KrukowsKI. Rev. Robert. Bur- 10:30 a.m.. Morning worship. SOUTH UNITED METHOpIST PRINCE OF PEACE Thompson Road. Rev. Edward 3. MANCHESTKR HERALD. Sat.. May 29. 1982 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., May 2ft. 1982 AAA tries to stop sole Pipes, golf clubs, records on block Class of ’57 still square of candy in 'beer cons' More than 70 percent of the graduates have CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI) - Rich, square, graduates come across as consummate and con­ Crosby auction tinuing squares,” MaeVeagh said. family income in excess of $50,000 ; 25 percent I’ikelob for Michelob; NeVercan.s!,! and still in love with their wives— such are the CONCORD, N.H. lUPl) - The Posters first to go at said it tops $100,000. Fifty-four percent of the male Ivy Leaguers of the class of 1957, acixirding The results were based on responses from 901 New Hampshire chapter of the for Naraganselt. to an alumni survey of Harvard, Yale and male members of the three classes. Harvard graduates are in law, medicine, finance American Automobile Association “ I met Bing when I was in high “The song was, 'What I Want for The Class of 1957 is a stable group, prefering or education. Five of the cans contain nainc;- the time of his death in 1977,, super­ "I think Kathryn is great,” he Princeton University graduates. has launched a campaign to stop the year-old bottle of bourbon. school at a football game between Christmas,’ and it is wonderful. He work and home to altered states of con­ ”We skirted pot, pom and punk rock as a way that are take-offs of soft ^ink ByJ^lchard M. Harnett vised the auction and said she was said. “We helped her get these These Ivy grads view themselves as conser­ sale of candy that it claims en­ The posters of Crosby’s series of San Mateo High and Bellarmine, sings about pipes and things.” sciousness. MaeVeagh said two-thirds of the of life,” MaeVeagh said. A search for quirks manufacturers. United Press International doing it to “have a party” with things together for the sale.” vatives “too young for Korea and too old for courages young people to drink “Road” movies in which he starred where his son went,” she said. “I The sale of Bing’s artwork, jewels respondents were married, to the same woman, which might contradict the picture turned up Crosby’s fans. William Cummings, who has a Vietnam,” said Charlton MaeVeagh Jr., a beer. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - First with Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour wrote to him and met him several and two automobiles earlier this would marry her again and claim to have sexual on6 inconsistency. The candy is manufactured by brought between $150 to $300 each to “I thought it would be better than chain of drug stores in Wichita, marshal at Harvard’s 25th reunion. Called Chug-a-Can, the confection to go were old posters from the times. He sent me Christmas cards week netted the Crosby estate about relations only with her. And those who admit in­ Three percent of the Princeton men, he said, Fleercorp, of Philadelphia, bc.sl buyers who came from around the putting all this in a museum,” she Kans., said he flew in especially for “There were assassinations, war, the fight for comes in 2-inch high plastic con­ Hope-Crosby “Road” films Friday and letters. At first, he addressed $ 120 ,0 0 0 . fidelity said it happened “rarely.” admitted to buying pre-recorded pornography. known for its baseball cards. said. the sate. civil and womens’ rights in America, ac(»p- tainers with labels that resemble at the auctioning of Bing Crosby’s world to bid. them ‘dear Miss Koemig and later On the first two days of the auc­ Barely one-third said they had tried But no one admitted to watching it on home Paula Saunders, wife of an Most of the 400 people who "I go to garage sales tance of previously forbidden behavior and infla­ beer cans. ”Chug-a-Can candy capitalizes personal belongings by his widow ‘Dear Miss Priscilla.’” tion, Mrs. Crosby sold furniture, marijuana, even less said they experimented videotajie recorders Among Harvard men, the onn the dangerous impact alcotiol Oakland, Calif., real estate man, crowded into the Butterfield’s auc­ everywhere,” Cummings said. jewelry and other items, netting tion. The results of this questionnaire would The containers are opened with a Kathryn. “’This has to be the ultimate garage She said she helped Mrs. Crosby with cocaine. About 20 percent said they don’t figures were two percent in each category. has on the young members of oui On the block were the mementos bought the poster from “’The Road t tion house had special reasons for more than $100,000. suggest that during this 25-year period we were flip-top tab like a beer can and the sale.” get records out for the sale and they somewhere else,” he said in his report. drink and one-fourth called themselves “Perhaps Princeton graduates were just series of 20 includes names of beers society,” stale AAA (lencrul most familiar to the entertainer s Zanzibar” for $250. being there. came across one which had never middlemen,” MaeVeagh said. “I have a collection of movie Larry Gunn, a retired electronics Priscilla Koemig, of San Mateo, “Whatever we are, the Big Three 1957 “weekend drinkers.” altered to make a pun. “Scores” Manager Dwight (,’onant said fans at the latest of the nostalgia- been released! On the average, each American things from Crosby, Bob Hope and worker from San Mateo, Calif., said Calif., who has a “Crosby room” in resembles a Coors beer can; Fridav. filled auction sessions — his her house, said she planned to add to “We persuaded her not to sell it in uses between 560 and 575 pounds of trademark pipes and golf clubs — Shirley Temple,” she said. he came because he headed a her collection. hope it will be released,” she said. paper a year. along with old records and a 140- Kathryn Crosby, Bing’s wife at worldwide Crosby fan club. Saturday TV Sunday TV 8:30P.M. Championships from Copen QD QD @ ® - News h ag en 5:00 A.M. (3D - Oral Roberta QD - Churchill and the CD (ID * A t A Tim e - Streets of San Francisco (2D - Best of Take Threo ® - Snaak Prsviawa Hosts by a very speciar delivery ser­ (5D ( D - News QS - Old Time Qoapal Generals First of T w o Parts J u Iig has a 5:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. Roger Ebert and (3ene Siskel vice. (R) G5 - Night Flight Tonight’s ' ® - Superman CD - CBS News problem and runs home to (22! - La u re l Ri H a rd y highlight six films that they con­ GD “ Best of Groucho mother (R) m - Sign On/News (3D ($D - Tarzan/Lone Ranger/ GD - Sonny and Cher Comedy programs are 'Take-Off. The IS ) - People Now Sunday CD - Persuaders (30) - S o lid G old Zorro Adventure Hour sider to 'Buried Treasures,' Hour Doors Are Open.' Vicious Cy- .. (2D-Sports (25 - Siemprei en Domingo 12:30A.M. (S ) - Bast of Groucho Saturday good movies that the public cles' Video Artist.' Astonish­ ® - Oral Roberts arnl You (32) - 1977 Wimbledon (3D - MOVIE: Jalopy' The - PopI Goes the Country Raul Velasco os ol anfitrioiji de missed the first time around. ing Odyssey.' Make Me 5:30 A.M. Highlights este programa do ontreteni Q ) - MOVIE Ordeal' A (tOVf- - McHale's Navy Bowery Boys go in for jalopy (S) - MOVIE: 'KHI or ^ (S d 5 “ One of the Boys Psychic,' 'The Police' and 'New - ( D - Public Affairs orlul businessman, iiijuied 'n ‘i (S) ' Sports racing and get caught on the ® - La Hors Menuda Pro- Killed' Two savage squads of (53) * MOVIE; 'The Americani­ miento intornacional producido i - 7 grama infantil en el cual nines Oliver makes two dates for the Wave Theatre.' (4 hrs^ GD - Biography elite karate champs settle an old zation of Emily' An admiral on Mexico, on el cual se prosen- fall and abandoned iii an (2 l - Laurel & Hardy curves-even with the 'new' ga- • same dance. (R) latnd desert .irea by his wif' soline formula. Bowery Boys. entrevistan personiladedes im- (2D - Press Box (55 - Schrade Pro Team debt of honor. Rated PG. thinks it would be great for tan los mas popularos ariistas (2§) - 24 Horas (|Z) - Last Chance Garage Navy public relations to have a de la farandula hispana asi and her Irtver. fights despei rit'’lv Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall. 1953 portantes. Rodeo ® - Mr. Rogers' Neighbor­ In her lelevislon movie (jranial Fred Rogers rides aboard a Host Brad Sears gives the low- ( S i d5 - Saturday Night U v e i.' sailor as the first man to die in como invitados ospecialos de for su rvival against impo.-i;-'blo 5:30 A.M. (3D @3) - Thundarr/Goldie - MOVIE: 'Cutters Way' A Host Bruce Dem is joined by (S ) - Inside Business hood ic (jebut, Raquel Welch portrays odds Arthur Hill, Diana Muid.it pachyderm pal. On Saturday. bitter Vietnam veteran draws down on tools needed to do re­ the Normandy invasion. James todo el mundo d ) - MOVIE: T h e Saint Gold/ Action Jack Comedy pair work and offers his opinion Luther Vandross. (R) (90 min.) ' (25 - Carrascolendes an American Indian wotnan who Garner, Julie Andrews. Meivyn James Stacey Michael An:.it,i Hour May 29 PBS will air MISTER hit wKe and his only friend into S i - Laurel & Hardy 9:00P.M. Meets The Tiger' The Saint on one of the '82 models. G5 - MOVIE: 'Evil Roy Slade' ^ O ) - Jetsons fights for her life and the survival Douglas 1964. 1973 trails a gang that plans to trans­ ROGERS TALK WITH PAR­ an' obsessive mission to un­ (25 - MOVIE: 'The Heist' A (3D - Newark and Reality cover an murderer. John Heard, The meanest outlaw in the Old G5 - World Tomorrow of her peoplq in THE LEGEND - Calliope Children's CD SD - Alice Mel’s mother (11) - R o o k ie s port stolen gold to a worthless ENTS ABOUT PETS. Rogers 9:00 P.M. French gangster aims to outdo (35 intends to publish his secret (55) - Magilla Gorilla Jeff Bridges. Lisa Eichorn. W est changes his ways when Programs Today's stories ate (33) - Liberace in Las Vegas South American mine to sell the criminal deeds of his hero, (3D - OF WALKS FAR WOMAN The chill recipe (R) investigates the complex rela­ 1981. CD CD - MOVIE: 'Fast'Break' he falls in love with an innocent John Dillinger. Charles Azna- ’Egg-Ceptional,’ Once Upon a stock and gold at high prices. (53) - Best of Calliope Today’s A clerk in a New York delicates- school teacher. John Astin, Edie world premiere drama will air ^0) - MOVIE .’Seventh Veit' A stories are 'Egg-Ceptional,' tionships between children and vour, Vima Liai. Rated R. 9;15A.M. Tim e' and 'Niko: War of the Vil­ CD " Merv Griffin Hugh Sinclair, Jean Gillie, An­ O ) - Jeffarsons sen achieves his ambition of Adams. Milton Berle, Dom De- Sunday, May 30 on NBC. pianist w h o se hands rire l>uf' < ; 'Once Upon A Tim e,’ ’Niko: their animals. The adult-oriented lages ’ (60 min.) (D ■ Indianapolis 500 To thony Quinn. 1943. coaching a college basketball Luise, Mickey Rooney. 1971 S - Ukely Stories CD - Davey/Oollath jn a fire, losr*s her d f'S ire tc (S ) - Matinaa at the Bijou CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME • day's program features the Indi­ (S) - Biography War of the Villages,' ’Spout,’ special Is hosted by the Emmy 'Parlor, Bedroom and Bath.' In team. Gabe Kaplan, Harold 9:30 A.M. 1 (35 ~ Festival of Faith A doctor helps h e r n*gain I'ei 'Dance Space,’ The World Ac­ 11:45 P.M. 6:00 A.M. anapolis 500 from the confidence James Mason /*r,T> ® - Legendary Pocket Award-winning Fred Rogers, the this hilarious comedy Buster Sylvester, Michael Warren. (2D - Press Box cording to Nicholas: Comes in 1978. G5 - On Location: Robert . ( D - KIdsworid CD - Comment Indianapolis Motor Speedway Todd Herbr'rtlom 1946 Billiard Stars Tournament All Colors. Shapes and Sizes,’ creator o( “ Mister Rogers' Keaton is mistaken for a ladies ^ 5 - Paper Chase (3 hrs ) Neighborhood,” man. Starring Buster Keaton, CD ® - Love Boat A widow Klein at Yale Robert Klein re- j - CD - Straight Talk CD - Dialogue 12:45A.M. dS) - Sports Probe 'Uncle Smiley Goes Planting,’ turns to his alma mater with his - Embajadores de la ( D - It Is W ritten 'It’s All Downhill’ and 'Sign of CHECK LISTirKJS FOB EXACT TIME Charlohe Greenwood. Reginald is aced out of a romance. 8 (5D “ I Dream of Jesnnle CD - Point of View (23) - That Giri Denny and Dorothy Christy. (90 new nightclub act. ' Musica Programa musical pre­ (23) - MOVIE Penelope d Victory.’ |3 hrs.) woman finds herself falling for e G3) - MOVIE: 'The Americani­ G5 - Time Wee... the Sixties sentando la musica y el folklore (5D - Lawrence Welk bank presidents wife rofi. ii.- - Moneyline. min.) romeo and Capt. Stubing's (23) - Lassie 12:00 A.M. zation of Emily' An admiral Dick Cavett hosts a look at this de Colombia. (55 - AM Service Revelation bank in order to get fiis ain ■ - Laurel & Hardy daughter drives him crazy. tNnks it would be great for decade of change and unrest. tion Natalie W ood Ian B n ' ' ( ^ - Inside Business 6:30 P.M. ( D - This Week in ( S - MOVIE: 'Over the Edge' (2D - Newsmaker Sunday Guest starring Nannette Fabray, Navy public relations to have a (55 Scholastic Sporta Acad. Dick Shawn 1966 - Different Kind o/ CD CD - CBS Nawa Rose Merie and Robert Alda. (R} Entertainment When.their plea for parental at­ (22) (3® - M O V IE: The Winning (@ ^ - Smurfs sailor as the first man to die In ® 1962CompuK>g tention is rejected, a group of CD ® - Nawa (60 min.) [Closed Captioned] ( D - Championship Wrestling the Normandy invasion. James (25 - Batman Legend of Walks Far Woman’ ( ^ - MOVIE: 'Oh, GodI Book e 1S82 Compulos California teenagers turn to vi­ A 19th century American Indian 5:45A.M. i r The Visitor from above ( D - Wild Kingdom G2) - NASL Soccer: Ft G5 - NCAA Tennis: Division I . Gamer, Julie Andrews, ’ Meivyn S - of Discovery olent retaliation Michael Kra­ 1:00A.M. Men's Championship from IS caught between the glory and ( d - News charms an innocent into spread­ ® - MOVIE: 'Cardiac Arreat' Lauderdale at Tulsa Douglas. 1964. (2$ - Numero Uno 'Irena Szew­ mer. Pamela Ludwig, Ellon Geer C D " News University of Georgia tragedy of her people's last ing his message. George Burns. An offbeat homicide cop dis­ - AM Service Revelation IS )-N o w s inska.' This program profiles 1979 great stand against the white (J4) - MOVIE: The Hamning 6:00 A.M. Szewinska, who has during her Suzanne Pleshette, David Bir- covers a black market operation (2D - Freeman Reports - ABC Niaws man. Raquel Welch, Bradford of Julia’ A woman obses’f'ri !/•/ - Pincelades (25 ■ Nashville on the Road ( S - Laurel & Hardy career competed in five Oly- 'Oppenheimer.' The scientists of G5 C£) ney. 1980 (§ ) - Portraits In Pastels Out' This biography of ball­ that trades in an usual commod­ (25 " Lucha Libre Lo mejor de ' (D - R4X Humberd 3:30P.M. . Dillman, Nick Mancuso 1981 the tragic deatf) of her (faierii“ ( 3:30P.M. ity - disembodied hearts, sold ( S ) ' Newsmakers S - What About Women piads and wix> seven medals, the Manhattan Project begin life (§D ~ Maintenance * C£) - Patterns fgr Living @ ) - Real People player Jimmy Piersall, follows lucha libre desde el Auditorio - GD - MOVIE: 'The Naughty (25 - MOVIE: Night Moves’ tries to begin a new life r.T* 11:30 A.M. his rise to the top and his fight (3D ® - Pro Bowlers Tour for transplants. Garry Goodrow. Q I® - Barbara Mandrell her last at the age of 30. in the Army barracks atmos­ (D CD ■ Memorial Golf Shop Farrow, Keir Dulle.i, T«/tn i.n ':i d - Children's Gospel Hour Olimpico. Santiago Mena. 6:15A.M. Nineties' Gamblers on a rlver- Tournament Today’s program Private investigator Harry Mos- 9:00 A.M. (3D (3D - Blackstar with mental illness. Anthony Today's show provides cover­ Mike Chan, Maxwell Gail. 1981. and the Mandrell Sisters Bar­ phere of Los Alamos and Op­ - MOVIE: 'Lovers and' C D -N e w s (S ) - New Jeraev Hlapeno b M t set the scene for remem­ 6.30 P.M. eby is hired by a former actress Rated R (55) - Barba pa pa CD - Apple Polishers Perkins, Karl Malden, Norma age of the Tucson Open from bara and her sisters are joinec 05 penheimer is given his security features final-round coverage of CID ® ) - Heathcliff/ - Sporta Probe Liars' An American girl travell- ’ (S - Celebrate bered routines by a famed this PGA lour golf tournament. QD - CBS News to find her daughter Gene (31) - Professional Tennis The Moore. 1957. Golden Pin Lanes in Arizona. by Donny Osmond and Ray clearence despite reservations (5i - MOVIE: Odette' (H) - Big Blue Marble Marmaduke ing in Italy unwittingly falls in ^ 6:30A.M. comedy team. Abbott and Cos­ (2 hrs.. 30 min.) Hackman. Melanie Griffith. Su­ French Open Middle Roimds cousin of Winston Churchill is (90 min.) - NBC News Stevens. (R) (60 min.) ® - Three Stoogea about his past. (60 min.) (5D - Nows - NCAA Instruct ional (5D ~ World of Survival love with a married man. Goldie; CD - Today's Black Woman tello. Alan Curtis, Rita Johnson. san Clark 1975 held as a hostage by the Ges­ @ ) - MOVIE: ‘Blondle Hits (52) (55 - NA6L Soccer Transa­ - Yravelir>g Hopefully Ro­ ® - Insight (Closed Captioned] G5 ~ American Q D - ABC News (2D - News/Sports/Weatficr the Jackpot’ Dagwood is fired Series (5$ - Video Jukebox (25 - MOVIE: Ashanti' A mar Hawn, Giancarlo Giannini. 1979. , 1945 " Masterpiece Theatre tapo and must endure the or­ tlantic Cup Challenge: Napoli ger Baldwin, 97 year-old foun­ crosses the Sahara in pursuit oi CD - Tima for Timothy s ^ r t s m a n Larry Hagman and (23) (2& - Pelicula; 'Los Arnoro;. tlf again so he goes to work as a 10:00 A.M. (35 - All-Star SportsChallenge 1:15P.M. ® - Inside Business ’Flickers ' Arnte, totally preoccu deals of a concentration camp. - MOVIE: Take This Job (53) * NASL Soccer Transa­ at Chicago der of the American Ciyil Arab slave traders who kid 12:30A.M. GD - Christopher Close-Up his son challenge the Blue Mar­ Marieta' laborer for a rival contractor. (53) (5D - Candid Camera pied with the filmmaking busi­ Anna Neagle. Trevor Howard. and Shove It' Blue-collar work­ tlantic Cup Challenge: Na­ Liberties Union. Is profiled. napped his wife. Peter Ustinov. CD - Sunday Morning ® - MOVIE: 'Angels in ble of St Thomas in the Virgin ® ® - NBC News Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake, @ )-S ty la CD “ MOVIE: 'The Eyes Have ® -T h a t Q lr i ness. cannot undersjand why •130) - Risk/Marriage 1950 ers stand up to i^ewery tional at New York - Bob Newhart Omar Shariff. Rex Harrison Disguise’ The Bowery Boys 1:30 P.M. Islands. ® - 300 Mlllonas Anfitnones Jerome Cowan. 1950 @ - MOVIE: 'S.X .«nd the It' (S ) - PtoM Box CD - Wonder Woman his new bride gives him a cold (38) - Independent Network bosses. Robert Hays, ^Barbara (S ) - News/Sporta/Weather 1979. turn detective when their real (S ) ' Best of Fred Saxon Paca Galbadon y Kiki Ledgar - Dr. Snuggles T w o divorced - Twilight Zone ' CD - My Three Sons ( D - : reception on their delayed wed New s (2D - Money Week Hershey, David Allen Coe Rated . Single Parent' 7:00 P.M. (3D (S) - As Schools Match Wits estate friend ia shot in a hold presentan este programa do (S ) - News (25 - M O V IE : 'The Dain parents try re-establishing them­ dZ) - MOVIE: 'Shadow of a Houston at New York Mats ® > Wayne and Schuster ding night (60 rnin } [Closed - Programs infan- PG. CD - Agronaky and Company ( D ' Sunday Mesa up. Leo Gorcey. Mickey Knox, variedad musical producido en 1;30A.M. (23) Burbujas Curse' Part 1 A young woman, selves as unattached, available Doubt' A man eludes the police 12:45 A.M. (S ) ^ Ring Around the Worid (S ) - Naws/Sports/Weather Captioned] - Rock Concert til producido en Mexico. (3D - Dr. Snuggles Edward Ryan. 1949 4:00 P.M. Espana. (51) - Scholastic Sports Acad. obsessed with a deadly family adults. Susan St. James. Mike CD - Sbe Million Dollar Man and hides out in small California 05 - MOVIE: 'The Kids Are c S - Evening of Comedy and (D ■ Calendar (23) - In Performance ^ 0 - Phil Silvers ( ^ - MOVIE: Roller Boogie' ® ) - Mr. Moon's Magic curse, draws a private eye into Farrell, Dori Brenner. town with his sister's family. Alright' The history of the Bri-- Magic G 5 - ESPN Sporta Center 0 ) - Special Report ( D " Kiner's Komer ( ^ - That's Hollywood Some skaters band together to (25 - MOVIE: 'The Kids Are CD CD - Muppot Show (.Vi) - Independent Network Circus Alright' The history of the Bri­ a whirlpool of mysterious kill­ Teresa Wright, Joseph Cotten, tish rock band The W ho i s , ® - Davey/Goliath ( ^ - MOVIE: 'Derby Day' (25 - Enfoque (S ) - MOVIE; Raintree G3) - MOVIE; 'Caveman' The ® | - In Search of.... 9:30 P.M. N ew s keep their roller-disco open. ings. James Coburn, Hector Eli­ CD - Chronicia Macdonald Carey. 1943 traced through interviews and • ’ County' An Indiana youth falls story of prehistoric man forms Linds (S) - Sesame Street tish rock band The W ho is 4:00 P.M. People's lives are destined to ® - News Makers - MOVIE; 'New Daughters (12) - '81 U.S Open Golf Blair, Jim Bray. 1979. traced through intervlewa and zondo, Jason Miller. ,1979. (H )S t a r Trak concert footage. Peter T o w n ­ 6:45 A.M. in love with a Southern belle the backdrop for this slapstick 7:00P.M. CD Rated PG 9:30 P.M. cross by Derby Day events. of Joshua Cabe' Three beauti Hilites 9:30A.M. concert footage. Peter Tow n ­ (33l - MOVIE: 'Foree of One' send, Roger Daltry, Keith M o o n ., ® - MOVIE: 'Foul Play' An and marries her, deserting his comedy. Ringo Starr. Barbara (2$ - Last Chance Oarage (S ) - ESPN Sporta Canter GD - Devey/Ooliath Anna Neagle. Michael Wilding, CD CD ~ Minutes ful assumed daughters’ devise (25) - Romina (3D (3D “ Bugs Bunny Road send, Roger Daltry, Keith Moon. Martial arts and underwater de­ (5D “ Teles of the Unexpected Rated PG. 1979. Googie Withers. 1952. innocent woman becomes en­ childhood sweetheart. Montgo­ Bach. I960. Rated PG. fii) - Real Pictures - This Week in Baseball tective work are combined in Q3l - Sports Look ® - Sacred Heart tangled in a strange murder plot mery Clift. Elizabeth Taylor. Eva CD - MOVIE: Bad News a plot to smuggle their innocent - Consultation Runner Show Rated PG 1979 G5 “ NASL Soccer Transa­ (35 - AM Service Revelation (35 ' MOVIE: Oliver Twist' A this story of the Califomia drug 1 3 - Sha Na Na 1:00 A.M. ® - MOVIE: 'Abbott end in San FrarKisco. Chevy Chase, Marie Saint. 1958. Bears in Breaking Training' ’father’ out of prison where he's (5D - Vic Braden's Tennis tlantic Cup Challenge: Napoli The Bears are Astrodome 1:45A.M. (S ) > MOVIE: The Country (3D - MOVIE: 'Sherlock young boy finds himself caught scene. Jennifer O'Neill, Chuck CD - MOVIE: 'Mamie' A 7:00 A.M. Costello In the Nev/ Abbott Goldie Hawn, . ® - MOVIE: 'Take the (2D ' Freeman Reports about to hang for a murder he Giri' Holmes and the Voice of IS) - Sporta Saturday at Chicago and Costello find themselvea in bound for a big playoff game. didn't commit John Meintiro, CD - News/Sign Off 12:00 P.M. up in the corruption, poverty Norris. Ron O'Neal. 1979. Rated woman's complex life leads her 1978. Money and Run' A young man S ~ SportsWorld Today's Terror' When saboteurs carry ® - U. S. Farm Report - Backstage/Grand Old CD - Chrietopher Cloee-Up the Navy, and that's not good William Devane, Jackie Earle Jack Elam. Jeannette Nolan and greed of 19th-century Eng­ PG. into becoming a compulsive, ® - 'This Week With David tries to become a bank robber, show features the W omen's 2:00 A.M. 6:30 A.M. out their threats of destruction (3D " 30 Minutes Opry CD ® - Kenneth Copeland for the Navy. Bud Abbott, Lou Haley. 1977. 1976 land. John Howard Davies. Rob­ (SD - HMdy Boys/ Nwwy thief. Sean Connery. Diane Brinkley but can't stay out of jail tong W orld Powerlifting Champion­ (X ) - Best of Barrio via radio. Holmes steps in. Basil (SD - America's Top Ton - MOVIE: 'Abbott anA - Health Boat successful transplant creates a 12:00 P.M. (2 hrs.) (55) - Tom & Jerry 'The Ransom of Red Chief ’ A Rukeyser analyzes the '80s with Costello In the Navy' Abtxm CD - News O - Chalice of Selvetion 1:45 P.M. (52) - ESPN Sports Cantor (3$ - MOVIE: :Dogs of War' A (2D - M O V IE Chincso (3D - Davey/Goliath a weekly review of economic lethal two-headed monster. GD - Dr* Robert Schuler - ESPN's Sportswoman boy outwits two hapless kid­ and Costello find themselves in ® - M*A*8*H ® *> Sports America CD - Face the State ® - Neuron Suite “ Professional Tennis: deadly mercenary who is tor­ Connection’ Bruce Lee smijlr-* (5D nappers (R) [Closed Captioned] and investment matters. CD ® ) - Fantasy Island A Bruce Dern. 1971. G 5 - ESPN Sports Canter (3D - This Week in Baseball (55 handedly takes on the Ja[)an' programa are 'World in Action; House (60 min ) [Closed-Captioned] Suite Three couples occupy Milwaukee at Califomia George. (R) (60 min.) (Closed ® - Pelicula: 'Sabotage' - Momingtown (SD ' MOVIE: 'Captains. ($5 - Independent Network -* English Channel Today's N S W York Mata at Houston Mysteries and adventures of an­ A Dangerous Age,' 'City Lights ( ^ - MOVIE: Tribute to a 2:30 A.M. (S ) " Week in Review (p) - MOVIE: 'The Outlaw' (53) Suite 719 of New York's Plaza Captioned) - Sonny and Cher ® - People Now Courageous' A spoiled rich kid New s Billy the Kid, wounded and on programs are 'The Wilmar Hotel at different times in this ® - MOVIE: 'Ijndarground (S ) - Solid QoM 7:15A.M. cient China are discovered by Dusty Springfield' and 'The Na­ Bad Man' A man's passion for Aces' A fun-loving team of grows up fast under the care of 10:00P.M. gj) - MOVIE: 'The Fugihv. - Rir>g Around the World the run, is aided by Doc Holliday Eight' and 'The Nature of comedy by Neil Simon. - NASL Soccer Transa­ CD - Kiner's Komar 1:15A.M. ® - MOVIE: 'Btackbowd Marco Polo. Rory Calhoun, tional Gallery: The Age of Rem­ ® - MOVIE: 'The Story of horses alienates everyone ar­ Kind' Guitar playing hol'o ar parking lot jockeys is thrust Yoko Tsoi. Robert Hundar. Mankind' A High Tribunal must a crusty sea captain who has no who hides him with a beautiful Things: The Evolution of Flight.' tlantic Cup Challenga: Na­ Jungle' A teacher is caught in a . brandt.’ (2 hrs.) time for pampering and special ound him. . Irene (D CD - Trapper John, M.D. rives‘'in Mississippi town Mar 6:45A.M. 39) - MOVIE: Ths Bant upon a posh Beverty Hilts hotel. GD ® - Independent (53) - MOVIE: 'Force of One’ ' determine whether or not man­ ' girl. Jane Russell, Thomas (90 min.) tional at Nsw York Network News war of survival against teen-age 1962. ® - Sports Week priviloge. Karl Malden, Jonathan Papas. 1956. An infant who was born a her­ Ion Brando. Anna MayM.i'i - New Day From 20.000 Fathoms’ After Dirk Benedict. Melanie Griffith, Martial arts and underwater de­ kind should bo preserved or (3D Mitchell, Jack Beutel 1949 @Sl - MOVIE: 'Tanan the gangsters at e l^w York City ® - Rex Humbard Kahn. Johnny Doran. 1977. oin addict is discovered to have Joanne Woodward. Mmiii;»'i‘ an experimental atomic blast a Robert Hegyes. 1980. ® - Amarlca's Top Tan G5 - MOVIE: 'The Four tective work are- combined in^ S - Twilight Zor>e destroyed after the H-bomb ia (23) - Lord Mountbatten: Man Rated G Fearless' Tarzan helps a young school. Glenn Ford, Anne Fran­ a critical heart ailment (R) (60 Stapleton 1960 7:00A.M. scientist sees a tremendous Seasons' The change of sea­ this story of the Califomia drug (Q ) - Electric Compehy ® - Hoy Mismo Anfritiones invented. , Marx ® ~ MOVIE: 'Stagecoach' A For tho Century Mountbatten girl and her fiance through the ® - MOVIE: 'Love Me I Q - As Sbhoola Match WIta cis, ^ n e y Pokier. 1955. min ) (3D - Captain Bob - It's Your Business pre-historic beast. Paul Chris­ sons marks the changing rela­ scene. Jerviifer O'Neill, Chuck Guillermo Ochoa. Lourdes Guer­ Bros., Hedy Lamarr. 1957. stagecoach with six passengers welcomes India's Prime Minister (52) - ESPN Sports Center perilous jungle. Buster Crabbe, tian, Paula Raymond, Ceci Kella- Tender' A Southern femHy is & - MOVIE: 'The Hsiat' A Norris, Ron O ’Neal. 1979. Rated 10:30 A.M. Pandit Nehru to Singapore and (D - New s (3D - World Tomorrow parted by the Ch/il War and div­ tionships of three married 7:30 A.M. rero Y Juan Dosal presentan ® - Great Railway Journeys leaves for Cheyenne and comes (25) - Special Report 10:00 A.M. Jacquejine Wells. 1933 way. 1953 French gangster aims to outdo couples. Alan Alda. Carol Bur­ PG. QD-TV Maas under an Indian attack. Ann- the meeting begins a deep CD ~ Teiethon: Stop Arthritis ided by love as brother fights the crirninel deeds of his hero, SD - My Natghbor'a Rattglon este programa de asuntos publi- - MOVIE: Family (3D - Six Million Dollar Man (S ) - Sports Week (2D - People Now nett. Len Cariou. 1981. Rated - Kids Ara Paopla Too To- cos presentando noticias y var- - Pelicula: 'Los Dos Margaret. Bing Crosby. Alex friendship between the two (2D CD gffi - Richie Rich/Scooby brother. Elvis Presley, Richard John Dillinger. Charles Azna- 1:30 A.M. ® - Insight QD (3D -* Independent Network Enforcer’ A portrait of the ( D - News & Scrappy Doo Show G. day's guests include comedien iada informacion. Plllates’ Cord. 1966 men. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ (22) - Wrestling Egan, Debra Paget. 1956. vour, Vima Ual. Rated R. CD - MOVIE: 'Sergeant York' tioned] New s workings of the ’mob’ on an ev­ (2D - California Dreams 'The QD - Viawpoint on Nutrition Robert Klein, psychologist Or. ® - Outdoor Ufe (55) ~ Josie and the Pussycats (3D - Dr. Who @1 - Moneymakers dZ) - Antiques ® - Wrestling A mountain boy during World ® - It's Your Buainoaa (S ) > Swinging the Blues ~ M usic Makers In eryday level and a small-time Valley.’ This program, narrated ® - Ones Upon a Clasalc ® - CalHopo ChUdran'a Silvia Feldman and magician ® - Wild, Wild West (25 (52) ■ ESPN Sports Center QD - Old Time Gospel (2§) - Pelicula: ‘Narida para ® - Newt/Spbrts/Weather W ar I captures a German posi­ ® - MOVIE; 'Siwnwidoah' A (S ) - MOVIE: 'D-Day. Tha 4:15P.M. Concert hoodlum bent on becoming tiu. by Lome Green, looks at the 4:30 P.M. ® - Danes Fsvar tion single-handedly. Csary' Programs Todm'a stories are David CopparfieM. (60 min.) Sixth of June' A British Lt. Col. (g ) - Mister Rogers Talks best in the underworld socu'ty (58) - No Programs (52) - ESPN Sports Center Amar' growth and conflicts between Q ® - NBC Magazine farmer tries to remain neutral @ ) - Para Gente Grande Vivo (2D " News/Sports/Weather CD (D - CBS Sports ® -F i a h Cooper. Walter Brennen, Joan'. 'Mo and tha Monatars.' 'The Q) - Thafa Tha Spirit during the Civil War but be­ and U.S. Captain stand together 'With Parents About Pets ’ In Joseph Corteso Lou CrescunU, ( ^ - Heckle and Jeckle (5$ - MOVIE: Beyond the ( ^ - Prince and the Pauper farmers and workers and in­ Saturday Today’s prowam fea­ ® - Boxeo Desde Mexico Leslie. 1941. Fisherman and His Wife,' 'Ths as their assault craft moves desde Mexico, Richard Rocha es this special program parents are (23) -* Flambards 'Christina.' Or­ Joseph Pesci Rated R cludes an interview with agricul- ® - In Search of.... QJ) - Tom A Jony comes Involved when it begins el anfitrion de este programa (2S - Dk>s se lo Pague Telen­ Reef' A pat tiger shark helps a (@ -r MOVIE; 'The Apple tures a 15-round WBC Super - MOVIE: 'Foul Play' A s­ Worid According to Nicholaa: swiftly to the Normandy beach. told about the benefits and limi­ phaned since childhood. Chris­ tura) leader Cesar Chavez. GD - Independent Network ® - MOVIE: Th o Lagond of to encroach on Na land and Na ganador del premio Emmy en el C4® - ABC News ovela en la cual Carlos Pereira young man and his sweetheart Dumpling Gang' A penniless Featherweight bout between - Up and Coming sassins are plotting to kill the Frsidy CaU,' 'The Remarkable. Robert Taylor. Richard Todd. tations of ' having family pets tina arrives at Flambards to live News the Lone Rartger* When the family. James Stewart, Doug que presenta acontecimientos para continuar manipulando la save some fabled black pearls. gambler, three orphans and a (25 - Lucha Libre Lo mejor da Rolando Navarreta and Flafael 8:00P.M. Pope. Goldie Hawn, Chevy Ridariaas Runnaway Tricycles.' McClura, Patrick Wayna. 1965. Dana Wynter. 1956. and how they can help their with her relatives (60 m in ) 2:45 A.M. herencia de su hija, le prohibe Dayton Ka'Ne. Maren Jensen. lucha libre desde el Auditorio ( S ) ' Best of Fred Saxon 'Ira Sleeps Over' and 'MIgual: Cavendish gang sets out to kid­ recientes en los Estados Uni- children cope with the death of [Closed Captioned] huge gold nugget is complicated 'Bazooka' Limon plus the Wom­ Chase, Burgess Meredith. 1978. nap Utysses S. Grant, the Lone ® - Soccer Made In (Q ) - Danger UXB From (33) - MOVIE; 'The American! casarre con el hombre que Rated PG. by two bungling burglars and a Olimpico. Santiago Mena. en's Gymnastics Championship 3 ) d ) - Weh Disney Conclu­ @ ) - Twilight Zone lip From Puerto Rico.' (2 hrs.) dos. a pet. ($8) - Major League Baseball; sion. 'Smoke,' A young boy has 10:30 P.M. Ranger end Tonto ride to the Owmany Maaterplaca 'Theatre ‘Unsung zation of Em ily’ An admiiai ama. Federico Luppi, Leonor Be- ( ^ - Art of Cooking crook disguised as a preacher. (SI - MOVIE: 'Kill and Kill of the USA. (90 min.| (S ) - MOVIE: 'Hanover Street' ® - Worid Tomorrow rescue. KUnton SpUsbury, Jason Heroes.’ Brian confronts a 4:30 P.M. 7:30P.M. Boston at Seattle thinks It would be great for rtedetto. Bill Bixby, Susan Clark, Don difficulties accepting his step­ C D -B lack Nawa (25 - Hoy Mismo Anfritiones Again' A martial arts champion Q2l - NCAA Tsraile: Dhdslon I father. (60 min.) A chance encounter leads to a- ® - Rax Humbaid Robsrds. Michael Horse. 1981. 12:30 P.M. bomb wedged in the wall of a CD ® ** Wide Worid of S i - Antologla de la Zarzuela (St ) - Firing Line Navy public relations to have a ( 3 - Groat Space Coaster Knotts. 1975. must save a Nobel Prize winning love affair between an English^ sailor as the first man to dv' m Guillermo Ochoa, Lourdes Guer­ Men's Championship from CD - Agronaky and Company - Heritage Comer Rated PG. QD - Qraatact Sports Lagonda burning building and ia repri­ Sports Today's show features Programa producido en Espana chemist from the hands of a de­ Q D M O V IE : 'Daric Pbaaege' girl and an American bomber' manded by hia senior officer for 10.30 P.M. the Normandy invasion Jamee (S ) - Viewpoint on Nutrition rero y Juan Dosal presentan @ - MOVIE: 'Magic Voyage Universitv of Georgia (H ) - Public Aflaira ® - Actuellded Semenal An- a lightweight bout between Ed­ presentando extractos de famo- mented billionaire. James Ryan, A men eacapea from San Quen­ pilot against the background of QD - Outdoor Ufa his reckless handling of the Garner. Julie Andrews M oivv' este programa de asuntos publi- of Sinbad' Sinbad sets sail for ISI - Matinae at the Bijou 8:00 A.M. fitrion (zeorge Volsky presents win Rosario and Edwin Viruet, sas operetas clasicas. (D - Sports Extra - Momingtown distant lands to find happiness Anneline Kriel. tin to prova NmaeH inriocent of ® - Flying Wing World W ar II. Harrison Ford. QD - Soccor task. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ Douglas 1964 cos presentando noticias y var- 'The Big Show.’ TNs is a tune- O D -Banlo eate programs producido en location to be determined. (90 (3D - From the Editor's Desk iada informacion. for his people. Edward Stolar, murdaring his wife. Humphrey ® - Major League Baeaball: Lesley-Anne Down, Christopher- tioned) ( 0 > Media Probes Design ’ 7:15A.M. I S - MOVIE: 'King of Kong filled. fun-ftlled western extrava- Bogart, Lauran BacaU. 1947 QD T Jimmy Swaggart Miami en el cual se discuten te- ® - NCAA Tannia: Dhrialon I min.) (ID - News/Sign Off Anna Larion, Maurice Troyna. Island' Boston at Saattia Plummer. 1979. Women's Champloiwhlp This episode shows that vir­ (35 * Living Faith (3D - Calendar @ - MOVIE: 'Hanover Street' g w a in which ths skwing mdi recientes de mejor interes. 2:15P.M. f P - Music Worid tually every object in the man­ 1962. cowboy plays a dual role. Star­ GD ® - Banjf Takaa A CHve ® - A B C News QD - Confluence (S) - MOVIE: 'The Postman A chance encounter leads to a ® - Presente Benji makes history by becom- 11:00 P.M. ® - MOVIE: 'Buck Privatea ® - MOVIE: 'Tha Outlaw 03) - Major Laagua Baseball: (S ) - Uberace In Las Vegas made environment has been 3:00 A.M. 7:30 A.M. love affair between an English ® - Candlepin Bowling ring Gene Autry and Smiley Bur­ QD - Celebratlofi/Euchariat Joaay Waloa' An ex- Alw ays Rings T w ic e ' Passion 2:15P.M. Ing the firai In the world to CD CD CD ® ® - Nawa 1:45 A.M. Come Home* Returning home San Frandaco at Chicago fashioned not only to serve a turns to murder when an aim­ ( ^ - News Wrapup (3D - Oigglesrtort Hotel girl and an American bomber (§D - open Door nette. (90 min.) QD - Nine: « i New Jeraey (tonfsdarata sokfiar saaka 5:00 P.M. function, but also to carry a ■ diva. (R) - MOVIE: 'BaMa of m - Evening at tha Improv from overseas duty, tha boys Cuba /or Saattia at DatroH less drifter and a sultry house­ ( ^ - La Carabina de Ambrosio - Encore News pilot against the background of (5D - Major League Baseball: @ • Julia Child Si Mora CD vangaaiKa whan Ns family and message. (Closed Captioned] (3D ® - Power Boat Racing from Britain' This epic drarna takes QD - Fred Price smuggle a Httie giri into the CD - Starsky and Hutch wife meet. Jack Nicholson, Comedia musical presentando a World W ar II. Harrison Ford, 12:30 P.M. New York Yar9(ees at Company - .-a -- 2:00A.M. country and get mixed up with ■ home are destroyed. Qlm East- 2:30 P.M. (3D - Hot Fudge Lesley-Anne Down, Christopher CD - MOVIE: 'The Black Minnesota iwiaiiN,. Flotlda place In 1 9 ^ when Nazi (Bar- ® - TMs Week In the NHL wood, Chief Dan (jaorge, Sorv CD - Hardy Boys/ Nancy 8:00 P.M. Jessica Lange. John Colicos Fito Girori. Ofelia Guilmam Ja d S - MOVIE: ‘A Man (>Hild fellow and 1^ racing car. Ab­ ® - Entartalnmant This 1981. (3D - Make Peace With Plummer. 1979.. Rose' 13th Century English 5:00 P.M. ® - MOVIE: Taka This Job many aavsgelY attacked Great ® - MOVIE: 'Ceveman' Tha dra Locke. 1976. Rated PG. Drew vier Lopez y Gina Montez Oat KUIad' A n Annerican bott end Costefto. Tom Brown. Waak CD CD " Archie's Piece Ste­ Nature Saxon searches for trade se­ 2:30P.M. and Showa IT Bkie-coHar work- Britain as a prahide to thek atoty of prahlatoric man forma (35 - 'Yout' Meg. for Women (3 ) - Ask the Manager (D - Miuion ImpossIMa banker, on a confidential mis­ JoM Fulton. 1M7. ® - Inskto Buatoaoa phanie's photos of Archie reveal 11:00P.M. 3:30 A.M. crets along caravan routes in (X) - MOVIE: The Black era stand up to brewery planned Invasion and occupa­ tha backdrop for this slapstick 3:00 P.M. more of himself than he'd like 0 5 ) ' Cartoons (S) - Sneak Previaws Hosts CD ® - WIda Worid of sion, is suspected by everyone' ® - KIda Ara Paopla Too (2D - MOVIE: '55 Days at CD J3) - News (52) - N C A A Tennis: Division I the Orient. . Or­ Rosa' 13th Century English botsat. Roban Hays, Barbara tion. , Sir Laurence Olivier, Mi- comedy. Ririgo' Starr, Barbara ® ® - Moat tha Proas - MOVIE; 'Tha Big Slaap' & ~ Mighty Mouse Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel Sporta Caine, Trevor Howard. of being a secret U.B. or B M sh , QD Peking' Chinese resentmmt to see. (R) Women's Championship son Welles, Cecile Aubry. 1950 Saxon searches for trade se­ Harahav, David Allan Coe. Rat*d Bwdi,. 1980. Rned PG. ® - Matinaa at th . Bijou ® - Mlatar Rogan Tahu Detective PhlHIp Marlows la em­ against the infiltration of West­ (D - Off the Set ® > Sports Review highlight six films that they con­ crets along caravan routes in CD - Outer Umha agent. James Garner, Mellnar 'Pallor, Badroom and Bath, ki CD ' Straight Talk fiS) - Slempre en Domingo ( D - Portrait of a Legend PG. ® - Cartoon 'With Parents About Pats.' In broiled In blackmail, murder and ern ideas erupts into violence (5D - Odd Couple sider to 'Buried Treasures,' the Orient. Tyrone Power. Or­ Mercourl, Ton y Francktsa. 1 9 M t tNa NIarioua comedy Buster - Kur»g Fu Raul Velasco es el anfitrion rfe ( S - Battle of the Planets (S ) - Whita Shadow ® - DoHyl CD - Hogan this special program paranta are underworld crime, ftobart Mit- against missionaries and foreig­ (5D - ESPN Sports Center good movies that the public (3D '■ Tom and Jerry son Welles, Cecile Aubry. 1950 ® - NASL WaeUy ® - Newra/Sporta/Woalhar Keaton ia mistaken for a ladNa told about tha bonofita and limi­ (32) este programa do eniretom- & - Johnny Quest missed the first time around. G 9 - To Be Announced ® - Nawa/Spocts/Wsathsr O - Odd Couple chum. Sarah Miles, Jamet Ste­ ners. Chariton Heaton. Ava G2) - 1981 NCAA Worid (3D - Get Smart GE) - Wild Kingdom ® - Sporta ( ® - Robert SchuMar man. Starring Buattr Kaaton, tations of having family pots wart. 1978 Gardner, David Niven. 1963 Series Final Game (35 ~ English Channel Today's miento internacional producido ( » - From the Editor's Desk S I - IncrsdOila Hulk ® ® - Harper Valay StsF ® - ESPN Sports Canter Charidtta Greenwood. Roginakl arxf how they can help thair programs are The Last Tas­ en Mexico, en el cual se prosnn 10:30 A.M. GD ' Greatest Sports Legends - Natural History/ ® -K o ja k ® ® - Beaeme Street ® - Bportabaat - MOVIE; 'Carbon Copy' A (2D C S )- Naws/Sporta/Wsathar la's job.at City Hsi haa Flora in Fostlval cmMaFahh Danny and Dorothy Cfxiaty. 190 cNklran cope with tha death of QD ® - Naws/Sports/Weather (53) manian' and 'Gallery.' (2 hrs.) tan los mas populares artistas & - Superman @ - MOVIE: 'Beauty and the (S ) ~ Newsmakers Sunbeam G5 of wNte executive's life takes an an uproar. (R) 2:30A.M. : ® -C k ib P T L min.) a pot. ® - NCAA Dhrialon I Man'a s - MOVIE: 'Look Back In ( ^ - Portrait of a Legend de la farandula hispana nsi Bandit' (S ) - Checking It Out ® - Fantasdoo Anbnal Pro- ® - MOVIE: 'Tha DavH'a unexpected turn when his unk­ 8:00 A.M. (2$ ® - Victory Garden grama Infsntil acarca da el O - MOVIE: 'The Pihrats Ufa ® - Oral Roberts and You Lacroasa from tha Utihroraitv Anger' An angry young man como invitados especiales do Style Hand A man becomes involved ® - ESPN Sporta Cantar ^ 10:45 A.M. ®-Dirtettoni of Virginia nown black son shows up (H) - Sports (3D (3D - Popeye/OHve (SU - Baseball Bunch 3:00 P.M. murvlo animal. of Den Juan' Whan an knitstor in a voodoo worsh^>ping cult ® - DHtarent Kind oi vents Ns rage against society George Segal, Susan Saint todo el mundo \ (Qi ( ^ - Splderman & His ® - Baal PIcturas ®-J«wlahUfa S - MOVIE: 'The Gain Comedy Show ( B - Frugal Oourmat la kMad In a dual, Don Juan pai^ that survives on hats ^one but 1:00 P.M. (3$ - Soma Call Tham Fraaks by lashing out at his broken- James. Jack Warden. Rated PG. Friends (3D CE) ~ Memorial Qotf Richard KUey hosts iNa aensi- spirited wife. Ns best friend and Curse' Part 2 CSD ** Car Care Central 1:00 P.M. Tournament, Today’s program he man to be buried in hie discovers ha cannot forsake ® - MOVIE: 'Sax and thV 11:00 A.M. QD QD - NBA Baokotb— : 3:45A.M. Singla ParanT Two dtvorceri Worid Viaion Sunday tiva account, of soma extraordi­ Ns eager mistress. Use Elanes, (2D - MOVIE: 'OrMmar' A ( S ) - State W e ’re In & - MOVIE: 'Feudin' Foote' will feature third-round coverage 5:30 P.M. Douglat Fakbanka Jr.-„ compaaalon for others. Robert uiamptorishlp Qdmo #2 S D - MOVIE: Night Moves' (3D ® - Super Friends CD - Sha Na Na Alda, Linda Chriatisn, NeU Ham- perents try re-esteblishing them^ CD - MOVIE; ‘Myatarioua nary human cxJditiea. Malcolm McDowell, Fran Brill. young man struggles to reach When the boys inherit a run­ pf this PGA T6ur golf toume- ® - MaStta Manahaatar In S Monatan' Tha atoiy ol tha QD - MOVIE: 'tho bicraiMiia 11:30P.M. Private investigator Harry Mos (3D ~ Christopher Ctose-Up (D - Kwicky Koala Obaron. 1B34 selves as unatteched, avaUabl4 S -L e d n o the top of the professional down plantation, they also in­ 'iment. (90 min.) . Concait Uton. 1962 ItoiEky Moufttaki Rooaa'-Young ® - MOVIE; 'Tha Mark' An 1958. eby is hired by a former actrase adults, ^aan St. James, MHte Abominabla Snowman, Big Foot bowling circuit. Tim Matheson, CD - CBS News (55) - Tom < 1 Jerry herit a feud. The Bowery BoySj CD - Maka It Raal ® - Tima-Out Theatre To­ ® • PaBouia; *Im Amoras da lS9)-8ports 8:30A.M. and tha Loch Naaa Monatar. Maik Twain and Miks Fink sat amotionaliy ahattsrad young I23) - Mattars of Ufa 8i Death to find her daughter Getw Leo Gracey, Huntz Hall, Dorothy ® - Pursuit of Victory Farrell. Dori Brenner. Susan Blakely, Jack Warden. (D - David Susskind (52 - Schrade Pro Team CD - MOVIE: ' C i ^ n t day'! program la '24 Hourd at Nawsoantar Q ) - Portuguaaa Around Ua Narratkxvby Patar Gravaa. off on a madcap race from Mto- man ia rehabifitatad through the (g | . El Show de R. Bsirral Hackman, Melanie Griffith, Su Ford, Lyle Talbot. Benny Baker. (3 ) - MOVIE: 'Girt Hunters' A skill and undaratanding of a 1979. Rodeo Courageous' A spoiled rich kid LaMana.' (60 min.) m o v ie : -PHYMa _ 2:45 A.M. ( D - J a n y FalwaB ouki to Cakftimia. Lwty Storch. (SD -.Say Brqther CD - Benny Hill Show san Clark. 1975 1952 grows up fast under the care of detective skillfutly dissolves an ■A apotlad rich giri, ( Q - . MOVIE: The DaIn QD-ElghthDay Chris Connalv, Forrsat Tucker. psychiatrist. Stuart Whitman. ® - Naws/Sports/Waather O - MOVIE: The Four international spy network. Lloyd Shopamlth Pait^l A young woman, ® - MOVIE: 'Tha Four (3D ^ Streets of San Francisco 4:00A.M. (S ) - Last Chance Oarage a crusty sea captain who haa no > btmar of Ufa. c u m ‘ QD - Day of Dtaaowary. CD - Muato World Maria Schell. Rod Steiger. 1961. 5:15 P.M. S - CHiPa Porwh moon­ Seasons' The change of sea- Nolan. Natalie W ood. Jim iaeonriadlnwje***g^ihaA^^ obaaaa^ with a deadly family Saaaona' Tha change of tea- Q) - MOVIE; 'Whan Lpgonda (53) - MOVIE; 'Caveman' The aona marks the changing rold^ Host Brad Sears gives the low- time for pampering and special ® - MOVIE: 'Ths Outlaw' Gotdis Hawn, sons marks the changing rala- ® - SportsTdk BpacM From ffl) - Throa Btoogaa Die' An orphaned Indian boy ® - MOVIE: 'JaiNwuaa Rock' (33) - MOVIE: 'Qotdon'a War- lights as a guard on a movie ® - Style privilege. Karl Malden, Jonathan Backus. 1965. curse, draws a private eye Into story of prehistoric man fonns tionahips of three marri^ down on tools needed to do re­ Billy ths Kid. wounded and on laan Brennan. 1B80. a whirlpool of mysterious kill­ tionahips of thraa marrieit ttw hreitanapnia Bpeadway OoH: 1BB1 Kampar ridaa ths rodao circuit and A young Southerner in jail tor After attending tha funeral of set. (R) (60 min.) ® - MOVIE: 'The Roma' pair work arid offers Ns opinion Kahn, Johnny Doran. 1977. G2) - Schrade Pro Team manalaughtar la taught■ ht by Na the backdrop for this slapstick couples. Alan Alda, Carol Bur­ the run. la aldad by Doc Holiday ® - MOVIE: 'Fivs Caid Stud' ings. James Cobum, Hector Eli­ ctxrplaa. Alan Alda, Carol Burs- Buga Bunny D Friends shuns tha unscnjpuloua prac- Ns wHe who died from an over­ ® - Nova comedy. Ringo Starr. Barbara young singer struggles to sur on one of the '82 models. Rodeo callmata to play tha gunar ana nett. Len Cariou. 1981. Rated (ID - Hostess Classics who hidoa him with e beautiful A profaaalonal gamblar gate kt- zondo, Jason MHIer. 1978. natt, Len Cariou. 1981. Ratacf ® - Nowa/Spoita/Waalhar ticas of Na mantor. Richard dose o( haroki. an sx-Graan ® - MDVIE; 'Charlie DtM Bach. 1980 Rated PG. vive in the harsh world of rock IS) - News/Sports/Weether girl. Jana Rutaall, 160010! G. V Wkfenatk, Frederic Forraat. sing. Ehria Prailey. Judy Tyler, Barat captain de^raa an ai-oui music. Bette Midler, Alan Ba(®6, 6. 11:00 A.M. ® - World Figure Skating volvsd in a crooked poker gama &- In Parfarmanea s Eye' Two outcasts, a Nack ® - Worid Championship MhehaS. Jack Bsutal. 1949. and is gfiabls to prsvsm tha ^ BebuBar S S — IZNaionoa IfifaSt 1972 Micksy Shaughneaay. 1957. war txi ^ drug mob In Harlem. Frederic Forrest 1979. G 9 - Scholeatic Sporta Acad. CD - Soul Train Championships from Copen­ & - MOVIE: 'A Star Is Bom' m ^ and an Indian, meat in the Tennis hagen The original version about a ma­ Rated G. ' other playsri from lynching the «D-NlghtaBt 3:00A.M. - Hourof Rowar O - MOVIE: T iIIm W «o a QD-OutdoorUto ____ ® - Nawa/Spotta/Waathar Paul Wkifiald, Cart LM, David Mexican desert and defend ® - little Raecale CD ® - Fonz/Happy Day* Q D - MOVIE: 'Dr. Cydopa’ A' ■ad EEtn'.A man'a paaaioo tor Downing. 1973 (S )' Inslda Business ® ® - Major Laagua tinee idol on the decline as his (B ) • Say jt'W M i Sign chtsL Dm Martin. Robert Mh- 11:30 P.M. O - MOVIE: Tlia I '!? a-MOYIEf-liueaUtThroa ® - MOVIE; 'KM or Ba themaelves against evarytNng 4:30A.M. ® - Newt/Sporte/Weather - MOVIE; 'Ffontlar ybung actress-wife's career ebum, kigsr Stavant. 1SB8 doctor traps Me aaaiatanta ana VTW. WWW ^WOTMWWW w«w>gw.rw • that walks, crawls and aitthars. (Q ) “ Nawscentor CD Baseball: Clncinn^ at Mon­ CD - Hawaii Fhra-O Bugs Btmtiy Movis' KIBad' Two aavaga aouada of 5:30 P.M. Q D - Abbott and Costello ’ * O • FIbnstonea Comedy Horizon' A promoter is swin­ skyrockets. Janet Gaynor. Fred­ . 6:00P.M. raducaa them lo mkiiatura paoF ound Nm. Jamas (tognsy, fcana "vanyaia aitts karats champs aattia an old Richard Roundtree. Roy treal/ or Chicago White Sox at pie. Albert Dekkar. Janice Lo­ Bunny rscala abma citei ® - Money Waah (3$ - HBO Snaak Pravlaw ( 2 t - N a w s Show dling rarKhers out of land in or­ erick March, Ursula Kent. 1937. .,CD CD ' Nawa wrj® - AmSnaak Pravlawe Hosts C D -B en ny HBl Show manta , from Na flkn Papas. I960. debt of honor. Rated PG. TTiinnas. 1973. O - MOVIE: 'Dogs of War’ A Clevaland Roger Ebi gan, Thomaa Colay. 1940. Host Leonard Harris takaa a deadly mercenary who is tor der to build a dam to flood the ® - Futbol^ Intemackmal: CD - Staraky and Hutch Ebert and Gene SlaksI CD - MOVIE: ‘100 Riflas' A 1B81. O - Qunamoka (S ) " Worid Cup Tennis 11:45 P.M. a - MOVIE: 'The HetoT A 123) - Quitting six films that they con- ® - Matinaa at tha B(|au ® - OrMt PerformancM look at upcoming movlea. tured ar>d deported by the Afri land for a reservoir. John Hungrle vs. Peru NgMglit at bank robber and a black law­ ® - Nawa Wrapup O - MOVIE: -Tha Dain C D *- Blues Awards Special French gartgster aims to outdo (D -R a d n g aldar to 'Buriad Tfsaauraa,' ® - Jawiah Harilaga ® - CHa oon C^tambiiM 'Dance In America: 'Boumonville sporta and apaclala. (B ) *■ Nova 'Life: Patent Pend­ can government returns -to the crin^nel deeds of his hero. Wayne. PhyiKs Istey. Jennifer ® - Superman man join up with a female revo­ ® - Quiwmoka ' Curaa' Pait2 Disncaa.' The Danlah Ballet ia Jones. 1938 (S) - Nova Test Tube Babies: Q ]) - Star Trak good moviaa that tha public lutionary to help save tha 9:00 A.M. — Ariptants ® - Battsr Homaa and ing.' TNa program looks xt the 12:00 A.M. ovenhrow the decayed regime. John DiWnger. Charles Azna- ® - Lawmakers A Daughter for Judy.' This epi­ tniaaad tha fkat tkna around, ® - Why In tha World abown in rahaaraal and in per­ work of biologists, who are be- Christopher Waiken, Tom Be> ® - Faathral of Faith Mexican Indiana from a despotic 3:30A.M. formance with axctfptt from Gardana C D - Th is W eek In vour. Vims Usi. Rated R. (5D ' Haa Haw sode tells the intfiguirtg story of Q D -U p Front 11:30 A.M. ® - Chwnpkmahlp WraatNng girining to unlock the mystery of enger, Colin Blakely. 19,S I. 1:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. mlitary goverrKX. *iim Brown, ® - NASL Soooar: Pt; Boumonvilla'a balata. (60 min.)* ® ® - Tony Brown's Entertainment a • Teotro Fanteetloo (52) - AU-8tar SportsChaHanga the conception and bkth of the ^ S -K u n g Fu . W - Wrindstama Q ) - Fans tha Notion creating new kinds of Kfe Rated R. C D - BIg VaMey R a q ^ Welch, Burt Reynolds. LaudanWa at Tulta 9 - Conwaraatian With... Journal CD ® - News News first 'test tube' baby In Amer­ S ) - Waak In Ravlaw CD ® - At First Sight . m - Sunday Mombig 6B) - Lord Moumbattan: A through genetic engineering. (60 .t>T' - • aJ' ica. (60 min.) {Closed Cap­ - MOVIE: ’BilaiU OD - TNa waak taMh OaaM ® • A^naitoan Playhouaa M vt fur the Cantury v min 1 fi^sari -Lnoni 0 0 -3 0 Minutes Ths Pkik Panther sneountsra nmodm MO m)n t ii;OOP M a * CarTMcolendes O O-Space •tars * . rjr.wic- 'C«..r tioned’ ® - Nawseantar ^iaadyantiiraa whan ha la hkad - Racing {rom Rcoxe'/ali Elernin' ' ’ fr 1 n n -M a w fhw M A N C H E S TE R llE R M .t). Sal . May 29. 1982 - 1')

WInniB WinklB — Henry Raduts and

v > ------V ------W e e k d a y TV ANOTHER THIN6, VOIR BROTHER THAtHEFaT SORRY I'AISLAPiaANTEP T JUST Crocysivord A' Astro^graph AIR. WRISHT... PISCUSSEP HIS FOR you,' THAT YOU >OU IN My BROTHER'S C O R T /R U e ® -P K f a N ® - Utda Raacala MEETINS WITH YOU WERE AS S/YOBB/SH FIRM,MISS (TOOPER... TO KEEP 9 - S o n y s C B -N e w a 9 - Magic Garden ® ® 9 iSl-Movla AHP AIBR/IS/YE AS YOU'LL BE AMPuy yOUR EYES (B - Jimmy Swaggart 9 - Beverly HHIbillles (B - News at Noon ^WITH HIS BARTNER, 5:00 A.M. 9 - Corbnatlon Street ® - Again TUTU JOHNSON. EVER...BUT HE PLANS REWARPEP,' ANP EARS ,(jJ) - Josia and the Pussycats 9 -N e w s 9 - Candid Camara C D - sign On/N»w« 9 ® - Scooby Dr» I SEE Y0UA6AIH! O R £ R f (B) - ESPN Sports Center ‘ 9 . Cristina Bazsn 9 - Varied Ptograma 9 - Nawa/Sporta/Weather M ayX,1M2 SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) ACROSS 45 Slak Answer to Previous Puzzit (H ) - Biography Channels 9-ANvaAWaNI Your acts ol kindness and Ybu're very kind and compas­ 48 Home o^ Ir'sr 9 - No Programs . DHTrsnl Strakea 9 - U S A M o y i e 9 - Anodiar World : I 'S'C Cl E N e1 19 - McHale't Navy 9 9 - A M Saivlea Ravsiation compassion pay extra-high div-. sionate and these are admira­ ' Nigeririr kings 9 ~ Bugs Bunny 9 ^ Rockford Files 9 - Andy Griffith 9 - Nuava York Ahora ble traits, but be careful today T T ^ o.s (H ) - Sports 9 -M u p p a tS h o w '.X' idends in the year ahead. This tnbesmer. 50 Former nuciea' 9 9 - Today Hartford, CT CE 9 - Taka 2 9 9 - M o v i a will be especially true when you that someone unworthy 5 in the same agency (abbr) 9 - Barmy Hilt Show WFSB 9 @ - Sasams Straat doesn't play upon your gener­ 9 - F-Troop CD 10:15A.M. 9 - Nawscantar 2:30 P.M. do things lor others without place (abbr, 51 Genetic ® - Varied Programs WNEW New York, NY 9 - Psracido Al Amor ^ seeking benefits for yourself. osity. 9 - News 9.TheDoctaca ® ®-Capital 9 Hole-in-one material 7:30A.1i/l. WLNE Providenco, Rl 9 - Thraa Stoogaa GEMINI (May 21-June 20) it's SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Deo. 12 Foret 54 Sentence fault 5:30A.M. 10:30 A.M. ® - New Haven, CT 9 - A d a m - T 2 nice when we can take others 21) Unless your objectives are 13 Pnma aonna 57 Was ® - Bugs & Woody WTNH 9 - Waltons clearly defined today, you're GD ~ Momlrrg Stretch ® (B -A ll o a 9 - FamHy Faud * ®-MatchGama at their word. Today, unfor- 14 Pillage introduced ( B - Jim Bakker WOR Naw York, NY tunatefy, another may make a not apt to have too much to (jj) - Varied Programs ( B - A l i c a 9 - Krofft Superrtera 15 Sooner state 58 Suffix New York, NY 9 12:30 P.M. promise which he or she has on show for your efforts,' Don't 9 - That Glri (jj) - Cartorms WPIX 4:30 P.M. (abbr.) 60 Causeway 02 ( B - Love Boat 9 - Infamla Telenovele en la intention of keeping. Predic­ shoot for fuzzy targets. 9 - Superheroes ESPN Sports Network ( B C D - Vounfl and the 16 Scorch 61 Employ N.OlM 1;c @ ) - Moneytlne l a - Oomar Pyle Rssdaas cual Linda atta caaada con un fy) - Jaffarsom tions of what's in store for you CAPRICORN (Dee. 22-Jen. IS) Motlsy’s Crew — Templelon & Forman Home Box Office (B) hombra cuyo unico interes as su 17 Spanish gold 6? Biblica' ^ d I o ' d io ( 9 - Laurel & Hardy 9 ' Scooby Doo HBO 9 9 - Wheal of Fortune (£ ) iS l - What's Happaningl • for each season following your You will not be too convincing OB ( B ® - Rysn’a Hope companla. A pesar de esto today if you tr^ to sell others on 18 Afr nation preoositior |d1r(A,t fli E ; D 8:00A.M. USA Network d ) ^ Marv Griffin birth date and where your luck 5:45 A.M. USA 9 - Andy OrifRth 9 9 - Independent Unde *se mantiene junto a su es- concepts or Ideas In which you. Sierra . .. 63 Old Testamep: Hartford, CT (9 and opportunities lie are in 6 Evoiutior 37 Wildebeest CE) - sign On gj) - Tom & Jerry WHCT 11:00 A.M. Network News poso rsspatstfKk) su raputacion d l) - Good "rimes your Astro-Graph. Mall $1 for yourself, do not truty believe. 6 E E ,E A R L ,W E , THIKIIL T H E V U 20 Compass book (9 hasta qua acddantalmente en- point 64 Television re theorist 42 Hear m - CalenrSar 9 - Alive & Weill WTXX Watarbury, CT 9 - 1 Eove Lucy - Qilligan's Island each to Astro-Graph. Box 489. Be sincere. 6m BEAT BAP./ V E IL AMD 6CREAM e a k l = 9 cuentra a Victor si cual seis A0KJARIU8 (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) If 21 Big boy ceive' 9 Perfume cnamber 9 ~ Underdog " CNN Cable Naws Ntwrk 9 9 - Search For (8 ) - Happy Days Again - Radio City Station, N Y. 10019. W r c H A T H E AT U6 LIKE 19EV' 6:00 A.M. (SI ' ( B - Hour Magazine ’ anos stras iba ■ crxivertlrse an Be sure to specify birth date. you ask a friend for an honest 22 Smell 65 Sound of a 10 Reddish 43 For hearing 9 - Capulina Springfield, MA Tomorrow su ssposo. Susans Oosa- opinion of something presently PAR EH T6 m m D IP L A 6 T 24 Cisalpine land cat yellow GE) ( D - Varied Programs WWLP ( B - Fries la Right CANCER (June 21-Juty 22) For 45 French autho' 9 - Bugs Bunny/Porky Pig Cinemax (2D 1:00 P.M. mantas, Julk> Aleman. one who usually prefers to be affecting you. be prepared to U 6 A 6 A IN - YEAR, EARL'' 26 Diving bird 66 Gather 11 Black wood ^ C B - Now Zoo Bovuo CINEMAX ( B - Tic Tec Dough 5:00 P.M. 46 Songstress 8:30A.M. WEDH Hartford, CT (a C B 9 - AN M y Childran ® - Variad Programs active and industrious, you hear the truth ~ even if it 28 Creed type 19 Long time C B - Public Affairs 9 - Medical Canter (3D - Bamay Millar 1 ,> may do an about-face today hurts. 31 Don Juan's DOWN 23 Smiling' Della ( B - Fllntstonos Paterson, NJ 9 C B - John Devidsoo Show ( D - Joe Franklin Show WXTV 9 - Ate You Anybody? C£) - Bionic Woman and find excuses to put off PISCES (Feb. 20-Merch 20) mother 25 Distant 47 Two quartets 39 9 -7 0 0 Club Companions are likely to 9 - Hot Fudge ( B - Varied Programs VWIT Hartford, CT 9 - Emergency 3:00 P.M. work which needs your atten­ 33Tothe|Fr.) I Fetish (prefix) 49 More uncivil (33) - Uttia House on the - tion. become quite annoyed with (H ) - Magilla Gorilla Spotlight iSD 9 - Movie - Guiding Ught Prairie f 34 Respiratory O f. 2 Childs vehicle m . ® - Daybreak SPOTLIGHT 9 9 - Texas LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) It's best you today if they fait to under­ gan 3 Bystander 52 Nobody 9 - Tonnossao Tuxedo O 9 9 - Days of Our Lives Smart 27 One (Sp ] ( 9 - Jim Bakker WSBK Boston, MA 9 - Beverly Hillbillies - Wonder Woman to leave your checkbook and stand Tvhy you say one thing, 38 Challenge 4 Tolerate B„ivni,e 53 Sedan, for 9 - Mundo Lstino Jesse (.o- - GatMral Hospital ( 9 - All Day Movies 9 - El Chapulln Colorado Co WOGB Springfield, MA 9 9 - Love Boat (S) - Newswatch credit cards al home today if but do another. Explain your 39 Depression ini. 5 Idenlilicalions ' one media producida en Mexico seda y Sonia Voihauar son los you plan to visit shops which actions. 9 ) ~ Health Field Springfield, MA ® anfritlones de este progrsma de (S) - Entertainment Tonight ' " tials (si i 55 Vegetable Roberto Gomez Bolanos. WGBY 11:30 A.M. offer tantalizing, but expensive, ARIEb (March 21-April 19) 40 Emerald Isle 6 Well (Sp I 32 Greek letter 9--''^^0"' ^ J f ^'Y and Friendt 56 Low tide 6:30 A.M. - Cartoon Festival ( B - AM In the Family asuntos publicos nacionsles | ^ (8 ) © ) - Mr. Rogers' s •. merchandise. Keep your mind on the tasks at 41 Blab 7 _____"the 35 Civilize 2 9 sentsndo entrevistss. noticias, '9 - S o n y a Neighborhood hand today if you are doing 59 Female hog (S) ® - Wake Up with the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Any 44 Heat unit Terrible " .. 36 Insect egg 9:00 A.M. C B - Family Faud dsportas y un sagmemo desde projects in which you cannot work which calls for an apti­ Captain 9 - Porky Pig (3) - Odd Couple ' ( B - BuH’a Eye Hollywood titulado 'En Pemslla'. truly pul your heart or interest tude for detail. Your attention ( B - Richard SImmrms 9 - Olid Coupla ® - You Asked For It 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 d D - Popeye 9 - Better Homes and should not be started today. span isn't up to par. World’s OrealBBt S’lperheroas ( B - Brady Bunch 9 - Romina TAURUS (April 20-AUy 20) Be d ) > Good Morning Conn. > Family Affair O ) - I Dream of Jeannie Qartlens Shelve them till you're In the ( B - I Eot'e Lucy 9 - Marcus Wsiby. M. D. mood to do them properly. content with where you are 12 13 14 (35) - Hot Fudge (3 ) > Daytime 9 - Hoy MIsmo Anfritlones 9 - CHIPS 5:30 P.M. — ANP IN THE COURSE --BUT COULP TOTALLY . ^ O N L Y THINe l& ,^ ( B 9 ■ Donahue (3 ) > Charlie Rose Show LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 23) If today and with whom you are WELU-,[^.(5RAY HIMSELF SEEMS THAT - Bullwinkle Guillermo Ochoa. Lourdes Guer­ 1:15 P.M. - French Chat (D - Eyewitness News OF HIS RESEARCH, HE mSINTNePATB mBTAL ^ i s HIS SUPERIORS ® - Carol Burnett and ® - I tjove Lucy rero y Juan Do sal pressman others do things which are wor­ sharing your time. If you start MAY BE M »9W S -6IJT MY SRAY WAS 16 17 ( B - Straight Talk AND STONE--\H EFFECT, S AT THE LAB 15 ® - Varied Programs Friends 10:00 A.M. este programs da aauntos publi- ® - N e w s 3:30 P.M. (3D (2 ) - M*A»S*H h \ thy ol compliments today, be wishing you were etsawhere OanaCT-AT HIS I AS CAME WORKme WITH PISCOVEREPA 6AS (3i) - Flipper sure to acknowledge their end with others, you'll miss the THAT RENDEREP PBOPLB SERM WARFARE THAT WANTED JUST THE > Romper Room ( B - One Day at a Time cos presantando noticias y var- 1:30 P.M. ® - Brady Bunch (2$ - Varied Programs ' ' * THROUSH FOR ME. CERTAIN TYPES 21 (52) - Varied Programs 9:30 A.M. efforts but don't use insincere good around you. SAVED THE PEOPLE 18 19 20 - Lassie iada informacion. - Bugs Bunny (8 ) - Programas Variados OFAERME UNCONSCIOUS FOR (25) - Celebratlon/Eucharist d ) - Brady Bunch (B-Waltons ® ® - As the World Tome flattery. You'll not gain your SHORT PERIODS p e sw a tE D pROPERTy' 9 & - B«witch«d ■ 7:00 A.M. ( D - My Three Sons (B - On# Dsy St s Tima ® - Love American Style 9 ) - Bawitchsd 9 - Dick Van Dyks ends. OF T IM E - 24 25 (25) - News/Spoits/Weather 12:00 P.M. 22 (X) C® - CBS Morning Nows (25) > El Chavo Comedia en la C£) - Tattletales ( B - Peopla a Court 2:00 P.M. ® -O v s r E a s y 9 - Naws ■M (B - EyawHnasa News 29 30 ( B - Great Space Coaster cual El Chavo" siempre se en- (35) - Qentie Ben ( B - Rompar Room ® - Ghost and Mrs. Muir 4:00 P.M. ® - Electric Company 26 27 28 cuentra envuelto en algun lipo (B - Midday - BIN Boggs ( B ® - Good Morning - McHale's Navy 9 - Varied Programs, ® 9 - One Ufa to Live ® - Lavema Shiriay A Co. ■ de problema. Roberto Gomez 37 Amerltra 9 - ESPN Sports Center C B - Chariis Ross Show 31 32 33 34 35 36 Bolanos. ■ Programas Variados 1 1 Bridge 38 1 39 1 ■PKupraPBSPS’ 3 44 41 4 ^ 4 ^ PELBO/ CjoilaNa ■ n o n d a y TV Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag 45 46 47 48 49 kevylB Law — James Schumeister 56 9 - MOVIE: Manlona of girl wins over her cantankeroi|i^ 50 51 52 53 ,54 55 defense propia y decide vengar father to become an actress a 10:00A.M. el crimen cometido contra aus Airwrica' Pt. 1 Good play pays off 5:00 A.M. and rise to stardom. Spencer 59 60 padres y hermano. Romel Canl- ® - PBS Late Night Tracy, Jean Simmons. Teresa- 57 58 ® - Telethon: Stop Arthritis (32) - ESPN Sports Center zares as el asesino y dueno de WHY5H0ULDI Wright. 1953. you to three. Against any 9 - Sports Probe (3D - MOVIE: 'FFolkes' A sol­ la plantacion de azucar qua los 12:30 A.M. other lead you would have L O S E 5 L ^ P ® - Qunsmoke 61 62 63 dier of fortune takes on hijack­ Monday padres de Jorge poseian ® -Adam -12 made at least five.” ovee G01N6 5:30 A.M. ers threatening Britain's oil in cuando el crimen fue cometido. ® - Gat Brrwrt ® - Cristina Bazan NORTH "Maybe I should have T D A V ID W (32) - Power Boat Racing from the North Sea Roger Moore, Axel Anderson. Gakfys Rodri­ 4J10 64 65 66 ® - MOVIE; 'Riff Rafr Stir­ (@ - MOVIE: 'Tha Fan' A wife ; rebid in no-trump," replied PAT ING 11 Miami. Florida Tony Perkins. 1979. Rated R. guez. VA85 ring tala of intrigue surrounds a is saved from an indiscretion by . North, “I hated to do it when 5EW ICE?jM p| (3D - Great Sports Legends 10:30 A.M. (S) - MOVIE: 'DeMh Hunt' A search for a stolen oil field in the woman that she believes is .< 4KB Today"s show features Lenny fur trapper wrongfuffy accused I only held that one stopper (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN j ® - MOVIE; On the Right Panama. Pat O'Brien, Anne Jef­ having an affair with her hue,- ,ij 4KQJII4 of murder most elude the relent­ in their suit." Moore Track' A ten-year-old orphan's freys. Waher Slezsk'. Percy Kil­ band. Jeanne Crain, George., On PfllVATE BENJAMIN, the less tracking of en aging Can­ WEST EAST "I sympathize with both of mw\ Sanders,’ Madeleine Carroll. d D - MOVIE: 'Blackboard amazing abilities to pick winners bride. 1947 ♦ T 5 i 4 A 3 Jungle' A teacher is caught in a good news is Sgt. Ross (Hel adian Mountie. Charias Bronson. 1949. you,” interjected West, "it l « || |||| at the race track attracts atten­ Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson. (fl) - Star Trak VJES2 VQB76 war of survival against teen-age tion "from numerous city offi­ Williams, c.) decides not to re­ 3:15A.M. ;,v’ took super defense by my gangsters at a New York City enlist in the Army The bad news 1981. 9 - Profaational Tennis: 4»5S2 4AQJ10 cials. Gary Coleman, Maureen 4lOS 4762 iartner to beat you at the school. Glenn Ford, Anne Fran­ Stapleton, Norman Fell. 1981. is his replacement is so obnoxi­ French Open Middle Rounds (3D - MOVIE: 'Tha Awaken-'I 10:00 P.M. ing' Attempting to save his • four spades.” CELEBRITY CIPHER cis, Sidney Poitier, 1955. 9 - Night GaNary SOUTH C«i8 bnty Clpl>«r crYptograms a/8 C78a i8d :'om guoiaiions Oy ‘amous p«opie past ous that Capt. lewis (Eileen ® ® - Lou Grant BUUe g a » child from demonic forces, an ' East said nothing, but he 11:00 A.M. 4KqBll2 C l i i i and prMant Each latter m the cipher stands lor anotne' s due G equals j 6:00 A.M. Brennan. I.) offers to assist Ben­ a marriage propoial. (R) (60 9 - W att Coast Report archaeologist meets the super- | smiled contentedly. He had 9 - MOVIE: T m AN Right, VKIO jamin (I orna Patterson, r.) In min.) 9 - Benny Hill Show natural head-on. Charlton Has- t found the one line of defense (3D - MOVIE; 'The Mark' An Jack* A young man who visual- 47B4 emotionally shattered young izes himself as an executive in getting Ross to sign up for ® - N a w a I ® - Late Night With David ton, Susannah York, Stephanie -i to beat four spades. He won Captain Easy - Crooks & Lawrence Zimbatist. 1980. Rated R. 4A3 man is rehabilitated through tf\e industry goes to work in a fac­ another hitch. (H ) - Indapandant Natworfc Lettennan the diamond lead and noted skill and understanding of a tory controlled by his uncle. Pe­ CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME 9 - MOVIE: You Ught 1^^! Vulnerable: Both that hb partner had led the psychiatrist, Stuart Whitman, ter Sellers. Terry-Thomas, 1:00 A.M. M y Ufa' A novice songstressr' rWANTA REPORTER I w ant th e m to ■PYV K LPCZTDMJPC VSA M3Z 9 - Star Trak Dealer: East deuce to show four or maybe Maria Schell, Rod Steiger, 1961. Margaret Rutherford, "i960. ® - Chartlo Ross Show struggles to make her dreamFiv'l three diamonds, but not any HERB. I WANT THE READ ABOUT ME. 1 9 - Ctoaaflra North Sestli MEANWHILE, 6:30 A.M. ® - Rat Patrol come true in the music busi* . E u i co untry to k n o w WANT THEM TO BEE XYDM YUUKWZ XLMD LX VJPMZC 11;30A.M. ness. Didi Conn. 1977. p- • 14 !♦ more. Hence, if he could BACK IN THE MY STORY. I WANT MEIN THEIR MOVIE (32) - Golf: 1981 Kemper 9 - Hogan'a Heraaa ® - MOVIE: Columbo; (S ) - MOVIE: 'lntematk>nel 2N T P u i clear dummy’s trumps he COLORAPO them to look u p H0U5E5. I WANT Open Lovely But Lethal' A coamatica 3:30A.M . ^ Lady' A G-Man and a lovely spy 44 Pan Pssi could score three diamonds ROCKIEE... THEM TO elect m e XYDMZTD UYT TYIIZTD. KM GLDM QD - MOVIE; 'The Mysterious get involved and fall in love, but 10:30 P.M. manufacturer Is auspectad ol (2 ) - PKA Full Contact Karate plus tbatrOrnp ace. TO p u blic Stranger' A printer's apprentice she betrays him. Basil Rath- (B )-N a w a murdering an employee who The lead oT ace, three of OFFiCE- bone. Ilona Massey, George ® 1982 Compukj^j,^ stole the formula for a revolu- 9 - Baal Pictures BYZD MY XTYHZ MSZ YQC DJAKPB daydreams himself into a Euro­ 9 - MOVIE: 'TTw Evil' A trumps wouldn't work. South pean castle and meets a magi­ Brent. 1941 tionary wrinkle-removing cream. 4:00A.M. ' ; house becomes a prieon of ter­ Pater Falk, Merlin Sheen, Vera Opening lead: 42 would draw the last trump cal friend Chris Makepeace, ror and dsetn for a group of (33) - Hazel MSJM KM MJJ^D YPZ MY RPYV Lance Kerwin, Fred Gwynne. 12:00 P.M. Miles. 1973. and run off umpteen club 9 - 1981 NCAA Worid people who meet wNh a Satanic (S ) - Freeman Reports tricks. (8 ) - MOVIE; Hanover Street' force. Richard Cranna, Joanna 9 - MOVIE; ‘Jana Eyre' A YPZ." - FA MAQZT FYYTZ A chance encounter leads to a Series Final Game governess falls in love with tha (S) - News , However, Ebst led the time for his children, learns to 9 (9 - NBC Nawa skier. (60 min.) Panel, Victor Buono. 1978. love affair between an English (3D - MOVIE: Touched by find time. Bing Crosby. Jane Rated R. master of the house whose wNe 4:30 A.M. ^ * By Oiwald Jacoby trump three. West had been Love' A victim of cerebral palsy 9 - Butinaaa Raport H D > Persuaders Is Insane. Joan Fontaine. Orson abd Alan Sontag girl and an American bomber Wyman, Ethel Barrymore. 1952 I - Indapandant Network a trifle over complimentary pilot against the background of corresponded with Elvis Presley. (12) - Australian Rules Football Wellea, Agnes Moorehead. (S) - Abbott end Costello 9 - Bob Newtwrt when he called the play 'S SOLUTION Science is a lot ol guys in tweeo soils World War II Harrison Ford. Rated PG. 3:00P.M. 0D - MOVIE: 'Savage 1944. QD - Time-Out Theatre To­ ® - ABC Naws "I guess I should have super. It was Just good, high- frogs on loundalions giants - Woody Allen Losley-Anne Down, Christopher (8 ) - Indianapolis 500 (3D - Auto Racing '82: Harvest' Meiveatlng lions at­ 10:45 P.M. 9-P40plsNow day's programs are 'Jim Fi)A:‘ raised you to three no- grade play that had paid off. (S ) > Over Eesy On Running' and ‘Monica Goer^ Plummer 1979 Festival Parade NASCAR Talladega 200 tack 8 Kenyan plantation. Tom 9 - Raportar 41 Alley Oop — Dave Graue 9 - Entsrtainnwnt Tonight man: Gymnast.’ (90 min.) • truinp,” said South, "A dia- (NEWSPAPEB ENTERP1USE ASSN.) 7:00A.M. (2D - MOVIE: 'Amazing 7:00 P.M. Skerritt, Michelle Phillips. Rated mdna lead would have held Adventures of Joe M ' A se­ PG. 11:00 P.M. ® - News (5D - ESPN Sports Center (X) - CBS News 1:30 A.M. ...ONCE VOUR MEN HAVE 12:30P.M. cret invention turns »year-old (3D > Profossional Tennis: ® ® ® 9 9 9 (2D - El Derecho de Necer T^** OKAY, OOP) TIINK Joe McClaine intOy-theWodd's (D ® - M*A*8*H ® - Nows/Sign Off ANP HIS ENTOLI- SECURED THE AREA. 7:15A.M. 9 - MOVIE: 'Uon> for French Open Middle Rounds lanovela en la cue! Marie Elena Priscilla’B Pop — Ed Sullivan PINNY ANP I WILL TAKE Breakfast' Two young broth­ youngest, brainiest and bravest (£ - Muppet Show RAfiE HAVE LEFT (2D - Wild Babies - MOVIE: 'Harrow House' ® - M*A*8*H ® - Bast of Midday del Hunco da a luz un hijo ilegi- ^ FOR MOO! CARE OF THOSE LEM- ers, an old drifter and a dog special agent. timo. Su padre al enterarse Kit ‘n’ Cariyie — carry Wriglit GD ‘ ABC Nows (S) - Primenewa/120 fm - Honaymoorwra ® ) - Indapandant Natwortt MIAN ROCK 8:00 A.M. pursue the dream of a better esto decide dashacerse M nlnp& LAUNCHERS.'/GOTCHA' 4:00 P.M. HD - You Asked For It 9 - ESPN Sports Cantar life. Jan Rubes, Jim Henshaw, (Q l ® - Little House On the pero 'Mama' Dolores. siKpegrepr ~ - J LET'S GO, (3D - MOVIE: Savage ® - MOVIE: 'Deaparata 9 - TwNight Zona Harvest’ Man-eating lions at­ Danny Forbes. (3D ® - News Prairie Laura's grade depends 9 - Faativai of Faith criada, decide ^cargarse d ^ ’' MEN! Journey' American pilots, on mors than her school work. bebe. Nedie conoce la Nstoria^ tack a Kenyan plantation Tom (32) - ESPN's Inside Besebell 9 - TwiHflht Zona 1:45 A.M. § 1:00P.M. downed over Germany, outwit (R) (60 min.) hasta qua Albertico se convier^o^ . Skermt, Michelle Phillips. Rated the Gestapo and escape across (3D - What on Earth Answers 9 - Sports Tonight 9 - MOVIE: The Fan’ A i / PG 9 - MOVIE: 'Tqrward th« to Questions Host Orson Bean (2D IPejT(3FTHE O F THE BsITIRE 'IN-fME CARROT congressman, and Secretary of War In the Pierce 9-StarTrak 9-MatchQama ® ® - Housa CaRs A wild Undibts. 1961. Pamlly-Slio $1* UNITED STATES U N I V B 3 & E ? TIME. administration. 9-OvarEaay JUICE REAU'i * IVIbI^Vb •duck' chaaa winda up with a*- "• , . a c a M E c jA V . Juna 4 — Bob FHniiiiiiiona (1082-1017), tha boxer 9 - MOVIE: -UndaiBtaund 9 - Paogla'a Court too-pradk»ablsrtat4ts. (9 1 -Soorta Look OPENS '!■‘>^E who was the world champion In three divisions — Acas* A funJovkig ttam of ®-PKAFiiiCont«rtlt4iata S T^io vir EVES. middleweight, llght-haavywelght, and heavyweight. He parking lot jockeys la thrust 8:00 P.M. 'TTw Dain lone*, flllBr and m ta m m i- upon a posh Bavsciy HMa hotel. 9 - MOVIE: T o u o h ^ ^ c !m 'P B rt3 wMranty* IneludM u t w t w a n i I weighed only 170 pounds when he held the heavy­ ® ® - PrfvBU Bai^amln Dirk Barwdicl. Malania Griffith, Lavs' A victim of oarabral polav a *Loa Trss tfollvory lor only MAKE weight title. Sgt. Rosa daddaa not to roant- corrtaoondadwithEhriaPraMsy. y . . ' * ’. Robart Hagyaa. 1980. lat. (R) M7B.MgfM0 8upply HIM Juna S — John Maynard Koynoa (1083-1940), tha RatadTO. . 9 - Jaffaraona ® - P.M. Magazina 9 - MOVIE: 'Qamas' A lo8to. rinaneing WEAR British political economist who advocated deficit 9 - Itoio Vaiano Tsianovsia THEM* ® -N a w V o l c a ® 9 • Th a fa InoradKiia To ­ an Is cual Jorga Solano ragrtaa young coupia dtvoisa tlirw to wsBiblo. CoR coF & cxji spending to fight economic depression. Hs greatly p u ^ of gamas unti a •Wg»M4e> I

Classified22— Condominiums 643'2711 Minimum Charge 46— Sporting Goods 56— Misc for Rant 23— Homas lor Sala 35— Haating-Piumbing TAG SALE SIGHS 12:00 47— Qardan Products 15 Words noon the N O r S E EMPLOYMENT 24— Lots-Land for Sala 36— Flooring 50»Homee/Aptt. to Shife 40— Antiquas Are things piling up? Then why not have a TA G SALE? The best way to an­ day before publication. 1 3 -H a lp Wanttd t^ ln v a s tm a n i Proparty 37— Mowing-Trucking-Sioraga 1— Loti tnd Found 36— Sarvicat Warltad 49— Wantad to Buy AUTOMOTIVE PER WORD PER DAY 2— Portontlf U — Buttnats Opportunitiat 26— Businatt Proparty 27— Raton Propany 50— Produce nounce it. is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you place your ad, 3..Announc«menit IS— SiiuaiioH Waniad 2B— Rati Ettaia Wantad 61— Autos lor Sale &— Aucttont Deadline (or Saturday Is MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS 62— Truclis lor Sala you’ll receive ONETAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Herald. 63— Htavy Equipment lor Sal# 12 noon Friday; Mon- EDUCATION 52— Rooms for Rant 1 DAY .. 14« MISC. SERVICES 40— Houtanoid Goods 64— Motorcycias'Bicyclas FREE da/B 53— Apanmants for Rant deadllrie is 2:30 IB— Privata InsUuctions 41— Articlas for Sala 65— Campari-Trailert-Mobil# 3 DAYS ...... 13» FINANCIAL 10— Schools-Ciattat 31— Sarvtcat Offarad 42— Building Supplias 54— Homas tor Rant Friday. 55— Offieaa-Storat tor Rant Homes B~Mortgsge Lo«ns 20— Instructions Wantad 32— Painting-Papanng 43— Pets-Birdt'Dogt 66— Automoliva Sarvtea 6 DAYS ...... 12« 33— Bmlding-Contracting 44— Musical Instrumants 56— ftaton Proparty lor Rant : Phone 643-2711 9— Portonti Loans * 67— Autos tor Rant-Laasa 34— Rooftr>g>Siding 45— Boats & Accatsoriat 57— Wantad to Rant 26 DAYS...... lilt CALL 643-2711 OR STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SO., MANCHESTER 10— insuranca REAL ESTATE

»••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• Building ContneUng 33 •••••••••••••a********** aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa •aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa** •••••aaaaaaaaaaaaa****** **#***••*****##********* Help Wanted 13 Help ' □ BUSINESS •••••••••••••••••••••••• TAQ SALES Apartmente lor Rant 53 Autos For Soto 91 Motorcrclei-BIcycIa* 64 Articles tor Sale 41 Roome lor Rent 52 ••••••••••••a*********** ELECTRICAL SERVICES aaaaa#aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa • • •.•###################• »•.••••••••••••••••••••• •••*•*•••*•**•#*•***•*** and SERVICES HONDA, Accord new right - We do all types of Elec­ TAG SALE - Rain or shine r COUNTER TOP Range, VERY LARGE Four room SUZUKI 1974 RV-125CC. trical Work! L censed. Call ATTRACTIVE SLEEPING front fender, $45.00. Suitable for trail or road. biscduvif bEPAKTiiiim s t o r e i Moving to apartment. Must $15!00. Telephone 646-5847. room for gentleman. apartment - Second floor. Setvicee Ottered 31 after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. reduce inventory, some Telephone 646-0778. 1100 original miles. Asking MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES i Private entrance, shower, Centrally located. 6 furniture, man.r, FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER Carpeted. Appliances, $400. Call 644-2784 after REWEAVING BURN TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY bath, free parking. Apply 1975 VW Bug - 53.000 miles, lHanrI|f0lrr MrralJi EXPERIBNCBD TRADITIONAL, SPECIALTY : housewares, etc. M ^ 28th - -chest type - 14 cubic ft. at 195 Spruce S t r ^ . refrigerator, stove, p.m. AM-FM radio, air- HOLES. Zippers, um­ Residential & Commercial and 29th, 9-4. 14 Erdoni 6 Classified Ads DISCOUNT STORE AND DEPARTMENT ; g od condition. $99.00. Call washer/dryer. $425. conditioning, heat, no rust, brellas repairM. Window Construction. Remodeling, Road (off Lake Road) ROOM FOR Gentleman - 1976 HONDA GLIOOO - full MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL WELCOME shades, Venetian blinds. 649-6855 after 3 p.m. Security. References. new radials. $2,950. 643- 'Your Community Newspaper' home improvements, ad­ Columbia. Parking. Kitchen Available June 1st. 649- dress, excellent condition. Keys. TV FOR RENT. ditions, bathroom & privileges. Air con­ 2913. After 6 p.m. Call 649-9113. HARDLINE8 Marlow's, 867 Main Street. LENSES FOR Mamiya 2252. kitchen remodeling, TAG SALE - Saturday, C330, 250mm F6.3 ditioning. Washer-dryers, — COSMETICS 649-5221. roofing, siding, repairs, 1975 CAMARO - 4 speed. 4 1979 HONDA XR250. 2,300 — HARDWARE/PAINT/AUTOMOTIVE May 29th, 9-4.182 Carriage - teltephoto and 55mm F4.5 refrigerator/freezer, etc. COVENTRY Sublet with door & window replace­ Drive - children’s clothes,. new tires. Good condition. miles, new helmet, boots — HOUSEWARES BRICK. BLOCK, STONE - wide angle. Both like new. Phone 643-5600, fall botion. Two bedrooms ^000. Negotiable. Call 742- Help Wanted 13 ment and alterations.646- toys, household miST- $130 each. Call 644-2784 in country setting, 1/2-mile and new tire. Needs — SPORTING GOODS/8EA80NAL/TOY8 Concrete, (ihimney 9578. muffler. $1300. Telephone 2 1379. ceilaneous. 6 FURNISHED LIGHT PLEASE READ Repairs. “No Job Too after p.m. from lake. $380 monthly in­ — HOME ENTERTAINMENT Housekeeping room for a cludes all utUities except 647-8421. YOUR AD WORK AT HOME jobs EQUM. TO THE — DOMESTICS Small. Call ' 644-8356. FARRAND TAG SALE - Sunday, May 1976 MERCURY Monarch - available! Substantial ear­ NYLE GREEN gown, size mature woman. Available phone. 742-8626 - keep excellent condition inside REMODELING - Cabinets, 30th, 9:30 to 3:30. Four 8 June 1st. For details call Len Auster, Herald nings possible, call 504-641- C & M Tree Service, Free .; $40.00. Can be seen trying.______and out. Power brakes, GHALLEMGE... SOFT LINES Roofing, Gutters, Room families, 169 Main Street, between 5 and 7 p.m. at 426 649-0307. sportswriter, keeps you in­ dasslflad ads are tahen ^ 3 , extension 494, for in­ — INTIMATE APPAREL estimates. Discount senior power steering, air, low Mail To: war the phone as a con- Additions, Decks, all types Manchester. Children’s West Middle Turnpike, FOUR ROOMS - stove, formed about the local formation, — MEN8/BOY8 citizens. Company of Remodeling and mileage. Cali 647-1613. vanianca. The Herald Is THE clothes, toys, furniture, Apt. 53. THREE ROOMS - For men refrigerator, hot water fur­ sports world. Read the Manchester Herald — LADIES Manchester owned and Repairs. FREE books, electric guitar, and women; $25, $30, $35. nished. Pay own heat. responsible lor only one PART TIME, Your operated. Call 646-1327. 1969 VW Fastback - 10,000 latest in his • Thoughts One Herald Square — JEWELRY/ACCESSORIES Estimates. Fully insured. household dc more. Rain, BA-SEBALL SHOES ■ Also: hand made bed utilities, Working mature ApLENly. regularly in bicorract insertion and telephone and our CO N ECTKU T Telephone 643-6017. miles on rebuilt engine. Manchester, Conn. 06040 customers turn spare time — CHILDRENS, INFANTS, TODDLERS date Monday May 31st. . Leather. Adidas. Size 8. spreads and new com­ couple. $250 monthly, The Manchest*-! Hei.ild. Iban only to the alza of LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen- forter. CaU 649-5459. references. 643- Needs work. $600. Call 649- into super earnings. 528- M M Y NATIONAL GUARD — FASHIONS cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ Like new. $12.00. Call 649- Security, 8367 between 6 and 9 p.m. the original insartlon. SIDING AND ROOFING - TAG SALE - Saturday, 6221, keep trying. ••••••aaaaaaaa#aaaaaaaaa 7094. 9 6631. forors which do not ages cleaned. All types replacement windows, all May 29th, 10-4:30. 215 Oak - I______Apartment* tor Rent 53 •••••«•••••••••••••••••• OPERATIONS trash, brush removed. FOR PARTS - 1972 Comet. NOTICE lassan the walua of the — FRONT END phases of remodeling. Free Street, Manchester. SKIDS AND Miscellaneous OlHcaa-Stora* ASSEMBLERS AND COIL INFANTRY!!! Picket, Split Rail, Stake estimates. Telephone 643- Telephone 649-3110. PlIBUC HEARING INVITATION TO RID NAME...... atvarUsamant will 'not Winders - female — RECEIVING pin^ and hardwood, $5,00 MANCHESTER- One and lor Rant 55 Fences installed. 528-0670. 6478 after 6 p.m., ask for GIGANTIC MEMORIAL- two bedroom - apartments •••••*##•*•*»*********** BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sc.ikJ bills will be received m the ADDRESS ha corractad by an ad- preferred. Finwr dexteri­ pick-up load. Take note of BUICK ELECTRA - 1971. Illli 'e d Ihe Ibc Director of BRADLEE8 Is ona ol ths fliMst and fastsst = Mike. , Weekend tag sale - Satur-! this ad, it will not be run available. Centrally TOWN OF CITY , . iStional insartiwi. ty necessary. Experience IF YOU TWNK YOU A K LICENSED DAY CARE WORKSPACE OR 98,000 miles, new tires and I .eiierol ierviecs, 41 Center Street, day and Sunday all day. a ^ n . 646-2286. located on busline nqpr STORAGE SPACE FOR MANCHESTER, tjncbestcr. Connecticut, until ZIP , . . not necessary - will train. growing diacouni dapartmant atoia chalna In lha : HOME - Will watch your R.E. MILLER & SON - exhaust. Everything EQUAL TO THE Clothes, toys, Honda 750 shopping center and RENT in Manchester. No tune 11. 1982 at 11 18) a u for the Four day week, 10 hour day East Coast, and our axpanalon It an Important | child or infant days. Call Remodeling, additions, works. $800.643-4118 after 5 CONNECTICUT motorcycle parts, bicycle, COMBINATION Spreader schools. For further details lease or security deposit. Nolice is hereby given lhal the tollnwing. Print one word per box. - 7-5:30. Apply at Able Coil part to IMa auccaaa. 646-0262. roofing, rec rooms, pan­ p.m. Electronics, witon. Conn. CHALLENGE dishes, much much mor& and cart, good condition, call 649-7157, Reasonable rates. Suitable Itourd or Directors. Town of ( I I Ilii^k. llKill l.iMirl Ov. rhiv — eling, gutters, aluminum 75 Pine Street,- $35,00. Phone 643-5077. Manchester. Connecticut, will hold I .loirtrr Oiik 3 \ u II you hava strong managarial akilla, art coat af> SMALL LOADS OF for small business. Retail 1977 CUTLASS Special - YOUMAYQUAUFYFOR: fIclariL hava 2 or mors yaara of dapartmant atora : and vinyl siding installed - Manchester. MANCHESTER - Newly and commercially zoned. a Public Hearing at the Town Hall (Jll IVimiH iiml Un-^kfllntll SUBSTITUTE Teacher for STONE, trap rock, play year round. Telephone 649- automatic transmission, Hearing Room. 41 Center Street. day care. Pre-school and axparianca In SOFTLINE8, HARDLINE8, OR i FOR SALE: Baby crib decorated one bedroom Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. sand, white .stone, loam 1421 or 649-2954. apartment. Access to shop­ power steering, power Manchester. Connecticut. (.t| l')H2 itifloH \ iiii Haiirliffitpr school age children. OPERATIONS, and art Intarastad In solid ratall : •••#####•#•############# with mattress - natural Tuesday. June 8. 1982. at 8:00 P.M. I'he I'own of Manchester is an and pool sand wood with decals - old ping centers, buslines and Brakes, air, stereo Experience necessary. * n 2 M 0 managamant caraar growth; than conaldar our ■ DELIVERED. Telephone Roofing 34 NEWLY RENOVATED cassette, new radials, low lo consider and act on the eiiuat opiwrlunily einptoycr, and style. Would like $50.00. schools-. For further details 310 square feet office rec|uires an afltrinalive action Hrralft Call MELC - 647-9659. SMMY 644-1775. F L E A M A R K E T - mileage. $3200. 649-0764 following: opportunitlaa. Telephone 643-4325. please call 528-4196 available. Main Street ^Proposed Ordinance — To convey |H)iu v tor alt ot iLs Contractors and ROOFING - College stu­ Location: McDonalds alter 6 p.m. INSURANCE AGENCY Between 9 and 5 pm or location with ample to Richard S. I^wrence. Monroe Vendors as a condition ot doing Wo can otfar to quallflad candidatao a salary that : LAWN MOWERS dent with five years parking lot, 46 West Center after 5 pm and weekends, H Rackow and Stephen R liusiness with the Town, as per seeks mature, part time HELMET an d Moped car parking. Call 649-2891. 6 rallactt your axparianca, oxcallant comprahan- | REPAIRED - Free pick-up experience. Quality work Street, Manchester, Ckihn. caj-riers, $25.00. Hammond 649-7157. CHEVY NOVA - 1975 - Quatrocclli for the sum of 1146.- l■■cderal Order 11246, employee, afternoons, alva company banaftts and turthar prolaaalonal ; and delivery. 10% Senior at reasonable prices. Free Date: June 6th - Rain date cyl., automatic, under 30,- 1100.00 those premises known as the Hid l-'orms, plans and Monday thru Friday 1 to 5. n u t Spinet organ, two USED CAR LOT - 461 Main s()eciticalions are available at the caraar training. Discount. ECONOMY estimates. 875-1023. June 13th. Time: 9 am - ? keyboard, $375 or best 118 MAIN STREET - Three 000 miles. Like new. $2,850. ^ Ruckland School. 1075 Tolland Typing, filing, telephone LAWN MOWER - 647-3660. pm. Price: $10.00 pw; Street, Manchester. Long 643-4118 after 5 p.m. ' Turnpike, and the recreation area, ' ieneral Services Office. 41 Center olfer. Telephone 646-4625. room heated apartment. established. Call weekdays Street, tianchesler. Connecticut and answering service. AND STILL PRESERVE For Immadlata confidantlal considaratlon lor : Heating-Plumbing 35 parking space. Reser­ A (opy of the Proposed Ordinance Hot water, no appliances, may be seen in the Town Clerk s Town of Manchester, Must have car. Call 646- local and other openings, apply In paroonTuaaday : EXTERIOR HOUSE Pain­ a a a a a a a a a •aaaaaaaaaaaaa vations and information "-5, 646-2426...... b UICK Skylark, four 3078 afternoons. STQVE, $100. Matching security. Tenant in­ Office during business hours. Connecticut YOUR HOMETOWN and Wadnasday, June 1st and 2nd from 10am - ting, driveway sealing, call 875-6569 or 643-0815, surance. 646-2426, 9-5 ...... door, running condition. refrigerator, $150. and James R. McCavanagh, Robert B. Weiss, 0pm or call (or an appolntmant experienced. College Parking for 200 cars. built-in dishwasher, $100. weekdays. □ AUTOMOTIVE $300 or best offer. 649-2840. PART TIME Days - no senior, references. Call •••••••••a************** Secretary General Manager experience necessary, will LIFESTYLE M&M Plumbing and Excellent condition. •••••••*#*************** Trucks for Solo FOR GREATER HARTFORD. WETHERSFIELD, : Peter Krupp, 643-0468. BACKYARD TAG Sale - Telephone 649-4003. MANSFIELD Center - 62 Board of Directors 051-05 train. Call Edwards Free estimates. Heating, Manchester. 649- gas stove, metal desk, Auto Part* For Sala 60 •••••••••••••••••••••••• Dated at Manchester, Answering Service, 646- NEWINGTON, SIMSBURY AND NEW BRITAIN, Woodsedge apartments. •••••••••••************* INVEST ONE WEEKEND 2871. Small repairs, clothes, radio, household Newly renovated, country FORD 1976 Window Van - Connecticut this 25th day of K eep .Smiling 5081. CONNECTICUT OPENINGS: remodeling, heating, 16^000 BTU Air-temp air- 8 items and many more. coHditioner. Anytime, May setting, two bedrooms, FOUR ALUMINUM rims I ton, V , PS, PB, Air, May, 1982. N O TIC E ■ : Be floppy Bradlaaa Bradlaaa baths, kitchens and water in. good shape. $200. Call cruise, heavy duty trailer AMONTH AND Chartor Oak Mall May 29th and 30th, 10 am - 4 29th and 30th, 1135 Sullivan $310. Includes heat and hot 055-05 PI ULK, NOTICE PART TIME - 11:30 p.m.- heaters. Free estimates! pm. 74 Durant Street, water. Telephone 42^1270 647^125 aft«i 6 p.m. hitch, full carpet. No rust. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 7:30 a.m. Telephone 1300 Berlin Turnpike 940 Sllvar Lana ATTICS, GARAGES, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ave., South Windsor. TWO WEEKS DURING Manchester. or 233-9660...... Recently purchased in TOW N OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICl T operator. No experience Watharsliald, CT Eaat Hartford, CT CELLARS CLEANED - Flooring 35 Autos For Sala 61 California. Excellent OLD OAK FURNITURE Nutii e i» herebv given that the Board ol Directors, Town ol Manchester. Connecticut will hold a Puhtir ticaring necessary - will train. Call Ask (or Mr. Ed PocoakI Light trucking. All types of ••••••*#•*************** recreation vehicle in 1.4'gal Notice HAPPY THE SUMMER Aak for Mr. Saul Solln including childs roll top MAIN STREET - Three m Ihc Hearing Hoorn al Ihe Town Hall. 41 Cenler Street. Manche.ster. Cdnnectii ul. on Tuesdav .tunc 8 I 982^al Edwards Ajiswerlng Ser­ TaL 1-240-0601 Tal. 1-000-4101 brush and trash removed. FLOORSANDING - Floors CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe exceptional condition. Call TOWN t»F COVENTRY desk, dining set, commode, room heated apartment. To Ihc laOgal Voters of the Town of 8 181 li 111 to consider and act cm the following: BIRTHDAY ^ vice, 646-5081. Call 643-1947. like new! Specializing in DeVille - 72,000 miles. 644-2784 after 6 p.m. l•ll()l•<)SI•;l) S t.llK IH I K OK II V I K » VM ) ( II M tt.K ' F O R T H drqssers. Also, colonial Hot water, appliances. No lovonlrv If unabla to Intarvlaw, aand your roauma In con- older floors. Natural and BE A BUYER - Be a seller; Good condition. $2700 or ••••••••#********#**•*** MVNKMKSIKH \t \IKK nKl’MtlMKM I loye seat, drop leaf desk, pets. Security, parking. Al a meeting of Ihe Town Council 'Pi!- fldanca to: LAWNS MOWED, Avg. stained floors. No waxing -The Eastern Connecticut Motorcycla*-Bleycla* 64 I. y l VH I K.IIK W M KH s|. M K ' Um army*. PART TIME Lunch BEST PART-TIME rgiscellaneous items. 523-7047. Best offer. Telephone 742- held on May 24. 1982. the following 4 1 |1 Bradlaaa lawn $7. Odd jobs, painting, anymore! John Verfaille, Flea Market (Jet. 31 and •••••••••••••••••••••••• I.K N K H M . <1 SIOMKII llll.I.IM, tiMaik a Marta ? , : employees Monday- &turday and Sunday, 10-4. 6800 - Keep trying. resolution was adopted Mr. Arnold Bamataln cleaning, done by am­ 646-5750. 32, Mansfield) would be the MOTORCYCLE , Metor Allowing 1200 c.f 1* 13 441 1200 1 I XO Friday. No experience JOB M AMERICA! 37Jlollister Street. BOLTON - 3'/z rooms with RK.S01.VKD: That the resolution Raglonal Paraonnal Managar bitious graduate student. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa answer for you. Every Sun­ 1972 PINTO 1600, four INSURANCE • Lowest •‘i" Meter Allowing 1200 c.f I 13 441 1200 c l necessary, we will train. basement, appliances, like entitled "A Resolution Ap­ 1600 c l I 28.591 I6(XI c f 45 76 Telephone 646-6868. Houeahold Qooda 40 day. 9 am - 3 pm (seller^ 8 propriating $1,547,000 Kor The I " Meter Allowing Ideal for the housewife. 153 Washington Ava., North Havan, C T 00473 7 PIECE BEDROOM $500. private home. Working speed, standard. $500 or Rates Available! Many op­ 2400 c.I I 47 94 1 2400 cI 76 T1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa am - no reservations best offer. Telephone 649- tions. Call: Clarice or Planning And Construction Of 1' 2" Meter Allowing Earn extra money while CALL 25’! colored TV, $200. 2 single adult, married cou- 2" Meier Allowing 3400 c.I I 72.001 3400 c l 115 $1 CHILD CARE, Keeney USED necessary). Norhing to it..;, 7313. Joan, Clarke Insurance Henovaliims And Improvements 5500 c.f I 133 651 5500 c I 21TB4 the children are in school. B&W TVs, $10. 2 end, 1 le. No children, pets, To Coventry High SchtHil And Roof :1 ' Meter Allowing Street School district, ages REFRIGERATORS, but to do it. 487-1771. Open Agency 643-1126. Allowing 13300 c l 1223 831 13300 (1 m u Summers off if needed. BNMiriMIS doffee table, $75. Girls Lease, deposit. 643-2880. Repairs To Capt .Nathan Hale 4" Meter 71)5.27 Clean, pleasant surroun­ SGT. iiOHN HORN nmrtAlWATIANtWBOAMWfasaaPBBADUfl three and up. Please call WASHERS, RANGES - Saturday's too, beginning 1979 CHEVROLET Malibu « Meter Allnwing 21000 c.l I 440 79 l 21000 c 1 646-0887. clothes, 4 thru 6. 647-0040, hool And Authorizing The Issue dings. Apply in person: Clean, Guaranteed. Parts June 5th. Classic sport coupe - V8, MOTORCYCLE Ol $1,547,000 Of The Town To Meet Charges Inr water in excess of the amount allotted with the minimum cliurge arc as folliiws: MANCHESTER - available Kiir Ihc Kirsi 10000 c.f (»0.94l Jl 504 per 1181 c I Dairy Queen, 242 Broad & Service. Low prices! automatic, power steering, INSURANCE - For all your '^aid Appropriation And Pending □ NOTICES COCLEGE STUDENT DOUBLE CEMETERY immediately. Deluxe 3!(4 K.ir Ihc Next 40000 c.f l*0 821 I 312 |mr 1181 r I Street. 649-9454 B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main Lot at Rose Hill. Asking room apartment. Stove, brakes, AM-FM radio, air- motorcycle needs, call us. The Issue Thereof The Making Of desires houses to paint. conditioning, vinvl roof, (Competitive rates. Friend­ Teinporarv Borrowings For Such All m Kxccss ol 50000 c.f, 1*0,59). 944 |KT 1(8) iv) PART TIME Street. 643-2171. $600. negotiable. Call 647- refrigerator, dishwasher, The same water rate schedule will govern the billing for master and sub-meters Master meter readings willhc Experienced, responsible, .3-2880. Purpose", as introduced and read Lott end Found 1 0140 between 5 and 8 p.m. central air-conditioning, defogger, more. 643 ly service. Fine com­ i cduciHl bv the sum iil the readings of the silb-metprs The master meter would be tiilled cm llic minmnim.itnd 1- 800- 842-2271 reasonable prices, by the TAG SALE - Saturday and panies. Ask for Janet or IS lierchy approved by the council RESTAURANT EVENINGS SOFA - Three cushion - Sunday, May 29th and 30th ••••*•*••****** heat and hot water in­ granted an alliiwabic as would be the sub-meters. job or by the bouse.-’ tnodern design - black, 1971 CHEVROLET Con- Judy. Crockett Agency, .and is retomniended for approval MlisCKI.KVNKOI S \t Vl'KH KII\R(;K> IMPOUNDED; Male, 9-4. 83 Ridge Street, 43 cluded. $395. 649-4003. »iv referendum pursuant lo Section HELP IntaraaUng work makbif talaphona oalla Available immediately. brown and white floral Dogs-Blrd*-Pet* cours wagon. Posi- 643-1577. Meter Reading 1*3.57) $5 70 fnit Qua'ilef about one year old, SUPERINTENDENT - Manchester. Items from ••••••••••••*•*••**•**** !i-nie> of the Town ('barter. Samoyed cross, white and We are now hiring for Hard working, previous from our now offleo. Good volco ■ hnuot 7494)012. pattern. $80.00 Call 646- traction, trailering axle, M.-h-r R i iiltil UtT estate, Nippon, glassware, KITTENS FOR Sale - 175 TWO ROOMS - partially roof rack, 350 V8, power FOR SALE; 26-inch girls 3- ($15,661 25 05 tan. Center Street. 646- the following positions: experience require for 120 3067. furnished - $250 per month. Very truly yours. Salary, commisalona, and ploaoant working PIANO TUNING and dishes, linens, framings, ()a/kland S treet (re a r) 1" ( 31.95) 51.12 4555. units. Rent 11M per month, steering, automatic, radio, speed bike. Like new. Christopher G.F Cooper •WAITERS much more. Manchester, after 4 p.m. No pets. Call 649-4356. I'j" ( 55.65) 89.04 a#aaaaa«aaaaaaaaaaaaaa«a $4.50 per hour. Send conditions. Work from 5 pm to 0 pm and repair. Call Susan Akmen- G.E. REFRIGERATOR - rear defogger, more. Extras included. $50.00. Seeretarv of the Town Council •WAITRESSES 2" I 82.23) 131 58 PenonalB 2 resume to Fountain Saturday morning. tin at 228-3552. 16 cubic ft., G.E. wall oven Original oWner. 643-2880. Call after 5 p.m. 742-9515. 061-05 •BUSERS ••••«••••••••••••••••••• f r e e - Two long haired TOLLAND - Highway one ** >1. Irr ttiwltilh'd < I ll\tlniiil ($35.00) $56.00 each hook-up ####•##•# •••••aaaaaaaa Village, 175-A Downey and service plate. (No meter removal charge) •DISHWASHERS PalnUng-Paparlng 32 female kittens. One black, mile - 3'A room heated $29 33 Unit RUSSELL’S HAIR Drive, Manchester. Excellent condition. Mill r ItrilHurtl - ($18.33) Call Mr. Taylor ArUelaa lor Sale 41 onfe grey. Telephone 646- apartment. Dishwasher, PUBLIC NOTICE $16 00 hr STYLING & BARBER •CLEAN UP Telephone 649-9912. ••I i|iii|miriil < liiirift* Compressor ($10 00 hr I stove, refrigerator. Adults I 16 00 'hr SHOP- 195 Spruce Street. •COOK RECEPTIONIS'T - good 647-9946 INTERIOR PAINTING, 0798. TOWN (F MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Pick-up 10.00 hr ) - no pets. $310 monthly. Dump Truck I 15 00 hr I 24 IX) hr Unisex Service. Enhance Full or part time. Apply typing and transcription over ten years experience, FRIGIDAIRE - Electric DARK LOAM - 5 yards Notice Is hereby given th«l the BoanAof Directors. Town of Manchester. Conneclicul will hold a public hearing low rates and senior citizen (jUTE LITTLE Kittens are Security. 8’75-6752 days; in the Hearing Room at the Town Hdl. 41 Center Street. Manchester. Connecticut. Tuesday. June 8. 1982. at Backhoe ) 15 00 hr • 24 (K)-hr your image! Look good- In person only: Monday skills required. Insurance range, $75.00; used double delivered, $60. plus tax. $ RO.lHl rap aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa looking for good homes. 875-9075 evenings. * * I HiiliitiM 1 liiirMi* - Small Tap 1" - H 50 no lap) agency experience helpful. discounts. 643-9980. sink, single sink, bath tub Sand, Gravel, Stone & 8:IX) p.m. to consider and act on the tollowlne- 160 IK) tap feel great! Appointments, thru Friday 2 to 4. FEMALE c o m p a n io n situation Wanted 15 Please call 649-6480 after •tCHian I.K 4IF RATKS AND CHARCKS l.arge Tap 2" - l 100 00 lap i Many benefits. Call 522- for elderly female. Must be and toil». Best offer. 6^ Trap Rock. Call 643-%04.' & over 646-6&9. INTERIOR/EXTERIOH VERNON - one bedroom - MANCIIKMTKH SK.WKR DKI’ AH'l'MKVr 0333 for appointment. available dally 11 p.m.-8 4574, 747-5201. ------10:30 a.m. PLUS: l..abor Cost plus 25'i for oyrhead DAVED'S TYPING DONE in my PAINTING - Wallpapering garage, pool, all I. q l ARTKHI.V XKSKH I SK H VI KS a.m. Manchester area. ------BIG SUM M ER SA LE! l'ri\itl«- I’irf llAilriiiir- ($13.92) $22 27 livdi itnl > i In The home. Call 64M625. and Drywall Installation. appliances.es. $340 ins heat, 4;KNKH\I. Cl XTOMKK IIII.I.IV; Help Wanted 13 LEGAL SECRETARY - Send resume and TWO SINGER Electric Typewriter carrying cabes Minimum Charae' 1*7.681 18.28 lor the llrsl 1200 cubic feet Ic I i* l*rii ill!" rin - ’^iTi let" - Manchester Parkade haired pure white cat just Like new. Sone 646- i| 4 ■■nncclion 1<> publo. Experienced only. Coven­ references to Attorney (Quality professional work. automatic wall-type - Ideal for overnight bagSi All irs™ ? 1200 c.f.. '»0.64.100 c.l i *0 69 .00 . f t^iuirtcrlv connection charges for standpipe and or sprinkler head sysU'nis bascti on s(/c Reasonable prices. Free spayed. 342-0571, 633-6581. 1485. try. Full time. Send Richard Conti, 753 Main □ REAL ESTATE heaters 1500W, one 11^ , $10.00-$20.00. Al»d *AII use use is based on metered water use. viv'ilcm resume to P.O. Box 488, Estimates! loilly insured. one 230V, $15.00. 'Two tall typewriter covers, $2.50.- II. q l VH'l'KHl.t SKWKH I HK HATKS Street, Manchester. ONE BEDROOM Apart­ ($17.43) $27 «fi( Coventry, 06238. •••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa G.L. McHugh, M3-9321. ceramic table lamps, Yale Typewriter Service; Baat*-Acce**orle* 45 HIH I.IDAI I- IV;. , ^ Connection ment with heat. for ( 28.95) 46 .12 Homo* For Sale 23 $10.00. 647-9723. The above schedule of User Charges wlU a^Qly Lydall’s prior payment of its share of the 1971 ('oimection PAINTERS Wanted - Must Convenient location. $350 Conm'ction ( 58.02) SA IL BO AT - 10 f t . htmd debt, which credit has been calculated lo be 10.06 per 100 cubic feel. 139 Wi be experienced and have monthly with rent reduc­ User Charges for Lydall. Inc. shall be based primarily upon metered wastewater flow because luirl of their Ctmm'ction ( 86 97) - WANTED- FILM BARGAIN - Out-of- Norwegian built 1R5 42 transportation. Call 646- MANCHESTER "Three 30-INCH CALORIC gas tion for maintenance water, used mainly (or procesa. comes from private sources. Connection (115.92) 3117. bedrooms” , livlniig room, stove. Whirlpool gas dryer, date Kodak Verichrome mahogany. Has oarlocks, III. q l \HTKHI.4 XKVI KH I SK HATKS hlii- I'in* l'rol4‘cli«Mi: SUPERINTENDENT - INTERIOR AND duties. Call 6464)484,8-4:30. $24 00 Hydrant yr PART TIM E dining room, kltcnen, IW EXTERIOR Painting and natural butcher block Pan 126 film, 12-exposure peanut class. $600, 14 Er­ K4IH KIIRITII I TIKITIKS DISTRlirT Hydrant.s resident for condominium rolls for Instamatie. doni Road, Columbia, 228- The schedule ol User Charges In No. I. above will apply, including Uie measuremenl ol use based on metered Pipe Lines $ 0.024 lnch-l(H»t yr baths, basement, full In­ Paperbanging. Ceilings kitch en ta b le . All In 472 MAIN STR EET - 5 complex In Vernon. Twente-flve rolls for $5i (vater uae. Ir«. a e rclli (or Uie EighUi.Dlstrict's prior payment of ita share of the 1971 bond debt, which credit *'liul*4»ff S en l4‘e» - *. BABYSITTER - Grand­ sulation, gas heat and im­ repaired or replaced. Erie excellent condition-. 0771. rooms. $325 monthly plus HELP General maintenance Telephone 643-2384 CaU Doug Bevins at The lias been calculated to be $0.06 per 100 cubic feet. during Regular Working Hours; No Charge '■ m otherly type who is maculate condition. $59,- estimates. Fully insured. utilities. No appliances. n After Regular Working Hours: ($49.00) $54.00 or actual overtime wages paid to one (1 > eniployt'e plus 15,. responsibilities. Excellent evenings. Herald, ^ 2 7 1 1 , after 1 10 FT. FLAT BOTTOM IV. SI k u i a h <;k h a t f s MUST BE 18 YR8. OR OVER creative and loving for two 500. Century 21, Lindsey References. Martin Security, tenant insurance. for overhead, fringe benefits, etc., which ever is greater. *•! opirartunity for retired cou­ p.m. Alutninum boat - oars and ’n addition to the above sewer use charges, the Sewer Department will levy surcharges for excessive quantities children. Vernon Circle Real Estate, 649-4000. Mattsson after 3:00 p.m., Phone 646-2426, 9 to 5 Rr-iimpiloii of SiTxirc - Non-payment ‘ CALL 647-9947 ple. Apartment and salary. TWIN BED With mattress aneBor. Call after 4:00 nf Biochemical Oxvsen Demand (B.O.D. 5) and Suspoided Sotkis fS.S.) as follows; . ^ . area. P a rt tim e. Own 649^431. weekdays. B.O.D. 5 $0,067 per pound In excess of S80 milligrams per liter (m g/L) as determined bv laboratory A. During Regular Working Hours; ($25.00) $40.00 References. Call 647-3693. transportation. Call 646- MANCHESTER “Raised for $25.00 and curtains for PHOTO ENLARGER - Arr p.uh., 643-9356. B After Regular Working Rohrs: ($49.00) $54.00 or actual overtime wages paid to one < t • enqiloyiH' plus 25’^ ASK FOR JOHN ... “ a *- 5153 - leave message with Ranch” , three bedrooms, h o w r o y d -zu (x :a r o $3.00 a pair. CaU after 5 nold Sun Ray enlarger. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa S.S.: *0.06 p e r io d in exceu ol 3J0 milligrams per liter (mg/U, as determined by laboratory analysis. for overhead, fringe benefits, etc., whichever Isjjreater. Between 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 e.m. UNDERCOVERWEAR - 2 4 THREE ROOM Apartment III. W VI'FH S\STI-:>I CO NNM UON C IIV R I.I> answering service. large kitchen, living room, House Painters. p.m. 647-8715. Model D, for 2V4 by V Products47 available now, for an adult Septic tank discharge at Sewer Treatment Plant: ($10.00/loadl $20.00/1.000 gaU. As seen on Phil Donahue! diiung room, family room, / negatives. With 3.5, Inch, V. K x cw T 'm N — A Complete installation by Town In Town roadway, right of way. or easement ►.**♦ Learn how easy it Is to Experienced, reliable. working respectable AM) IMM HTRIAI. U STOMKHS sj/f ciiurgf 2'A baths, two car garage USED REFRIGERATOR - f/4.5 lens. Needs cleaning VARIETY OF Outdoor earn large profits at Protnpt free estimates. gentleman. CaU 643-^1. The Sewer Department will permit the use of exception meters. Installed and maintained by the customer al I ' ($750.00*) si.txxyQi) ANNUAL AUDITIONS for and beautiful yard. $80 s. Scheduling now. Call Steve copper - top freezer, frost- and repair. Great for parts Sukhes, ground covers, 1.330*00 exciting home lingere par­ C h u rch M u s ic ia n s - free, clean. In good condi­ or for copy stand. QiU the customer's expense, for the purpose of measuring process water that Is not distliarged to the sanitary 2" Conne<‘tlon < 900.00*) Century 21, Lmdsey Real at 643-63W or Jack at 647- sedium, perennials, also AVAILABLE JUNE 1st - sewer system. The quantity of water so measured will be deducted from the toUl quantity of metered water use Above 2 * Connection Direct Cost plus 25': for Engineering and Adniinistrali^ MOHINTIK CLEilK/ISCEimOII^ ties! Telephone 649-72K. Organists and Soloists - tion . $200. takes this Doug Bevins at T-Ue Estate, 649-4000. ^aHety of house plants - 2'k roonas, heat, hot water, prior to calculation of the sewer use charge. •Includes the cost of labor, tools, material, equipment. Administration, engineering, and InsptN tion.-* Regular and Substitute - excellent refrigerator Herald, 643-2711, after 1 eacti, Swedish ivy, appliances: References, VI. HKWKR SYSTKM UOXNM.TMIN UIARURH B Partial Installation by Town in Town roadway, right of way. or easement; > NEW PERMANENT Part First Church of Christ, MANCHESTER - “ Han- away. 649-7383. p.m. Ttkwn furnishes connection material and makes installation to property line Contractor does excavaliif Responsible person to work with accounting per­ time cleaning positions in NAME YOUR OWN Price - transcanthia. Very SMurity. CaU 646-3911 after A. Complete InsUllation by Town In Town roadway, right of way. or easement: Scientist, Manchester. Cali dyman special”. Four reasonable. Telephone 64^ Site Charge backfill and pavement repair. sonnel in performing functions relating to that new bunding in in and out painting, 6,p.m. $1,200 W|y,. Umr»o- !- 8754)238. room ranch, basement, KITCHEN TABLE, for­ PHOTO A(XESSORIES 6 " Connection — up to 40’ ...... papering - removal 6483. 30 r Connection* Direct Cost plus 25'A for Engineering and Administrall^ department. Manchester. Nooim p.m.p.n ••^•••aaaaaa************^ In Excess of ...... ireeotreed 101 lot,, convemeniconvenient tow P prompti quaUtyluality service. mica top, seats 4 4 people, Two Nikon 35mm film MANCHESTER ^ 1.350 shift and evenings 5:30 $40.00; living room cbalr^ cassettes and one Contas Antiquos 49 8” Connection — up to 40*...... ($720l/^ n ectlo n 2" Connei'linn* • Also able to meet and greet customers and direct p.m.-9:30 p.m. CaU for In- shopping and biM. G i^ t 6 4 7 - ^ - ^ 9 0 6 1 . Available June 1st. Four 34 ANivc 2" Connection* , , SECRETARY FOR starter nome with TIX) - ______blonde mahogany, $35;00; 35mm film cassette. -$6 .•^••aaaaa**********•*••• In Excess of ...... them to proper department personnel, as well as [erview appointment, 8 room apartment, stove, 6" Lateral Installed in right"K>f«way...... 30 *Th« above charges will include the Upping cost, labor, tools, material equipment. adminislraHoir. LOCAL LAW OFFlCB^Jall n e ^ work. $38,500. Cen­ vibrator-exerclsor, lose in­ each. Two GrafUte WANTED: ANTIQUE Fur­ 34 engineering, and inspection, except the work outlined above as the Contractor s responsibility. , % handle telephone calls, assist in accounts a.m.-4 p.m., 653-7217 - 6 646-2425. CAPES & RANCHES refrigerator, first floor, no 8’’ Lateral installed in right*of-way...... i$l8)/Foot tury ,21, Lindsey Rehl PAINTED-$300.00 per ches, improve circulation, flashbulb guns, $5 eacbi niture, Glass, Per, Oil pets. Security, references. The above charges Include the cost of labor, tools, material, equipment, administration, engineering and in r Installation in Subdivisions; payable/bllUiig functions. p.m.-9 p.m., 244-5022. Estate, 6494000. $65.00.646-7861 after 6 p.m. CaU Doug Bevins at The In a new subdivision or where a developer must insUll c new water main, ilif tlrM lM|H*r will insult till E.O.E. ^ u se. You Buy The Paint. paintings, or Antique $ ^ plus utilities. 6494003. spection. Herald, M3-2711, after I items. R. Harrison - ftirlRiJoM. iiirliitling limi*M* ronnrriil |k i mil High School Graduate. 1 to 2 years accounting Experienced, references tional. Call Mr.. John Manchester. application lo cover the coal of engineering. adminlitrtUon. and inapection. I) Recovery of Excessive Costs; , . , water, sewer lines in. Excellent condition. $950. exceUent condition. $150, )4 room apartment, con­ The above listed charges are to be considered minimum lor connection to cast iron or ductile in>n Ext^ji required, own transporta- Leahy, John Hancock Life • •a'^a********* ********** and office experience needed. Garden, garage, shed. CaU 646-5422. Erdoni Road, CoIunU>la, venient to center. $396 per inalerial needed for other mains will be additional. If the connection involves unusual depth over 40' in li*n|^h. Uon. 643-5799. Insurance Co., for appoint­ Itetom* lor Rant 82 Walk to center. Assumable ••••#••••••••••••••••••• 2284771.______^ month, includes heat, not T h r a t a v « ? t a S d S a r » i ^ t o b« considered minimum. II Utecorutedton Involves unusual dcplh. waiter w.iter table, the excavation of rock or removal and replacemcri of cement concrete pavement te x clu ^ g (Applications may be obtained at our facility.) If ment, 643-1124. EOE. mortgage. Asking $97,000. Building Conmedng 3S Aidelaa lor Bah 41 •••a******************** water, appliances. Seicurt- S S « T « c I r v .^ J ? 3 ^ of removal and replacement ol c*m »l eonerele pavement .es. ludmg '•ulcwalks. curb. etc.), the actual costs of insUlIation plus 25'. overhead shall be charged S Interested, please submit resume in confidence to; FULL TIME - Part time 848-7913, Ed U 7 ^ , Al. SWIMMING POOL MANCHESTER - Nice ty deposit, no pets. 643- sMewaUta. curb, ftc.i. the actual costa ol Inatallatlon ^ 1 1 ^ charged. „.nih.ss.m i.ci(«-. The abtive .schedule of rale.s to be charged lo customers of the Mam hester Water Department will b ect^ * truck drivers wanted to Theabmesrbcdulcd ratal lobe charged to customers of Uic Manchester Sewer Department wilimssimi eiier- charges are due and pavable upon receipt ol the bill by the cuslnmer. Any ihargosiiil LEON CIESZYNSKI Distributor needii rd'pm w ith k itc h e n 9687. deliver appliances. Full MAINTENANCE - Full 'privileges. Gentleman live on Juiv I US*. Chargea are due end payable upon receipt of the bill by Uie cpslomer Any cnarge nu pain ^ (hereupon be delinquent and shall bear inleresi Inmi Um- biimg Mldielle Virkler, Personnel Coordinator time position now open. BUILDER. New homes, homesltes to display o ejf wlU.ln"i“rtv i• iT „ d . .« M S e------d « ^--^ ------d«ll" A-ii-n,-.,.9«»nl and shall .h .11 bearhear interest Inm,Inm) Ihe durdue ihilc al ^ provided bv the General SU luleiol the Slate ol CnnncclU-ul for Dclinqjlhl time - experienced; part additions, remodeling, rec ★ prtdferred. $50.00 weekly, time - will train. Excellent Excellent benefite. Contact Rake in the extra money above ground models, 10 % irlty. Telephone 643- lh jret?an d In the maimer provided by the General Statues nf the SUIe of Conneclicul fur delinquent proiicrly Mr. Thurston or apply in- rooms, garages, kitchens ALUMINUM SHEETS 31 ft. with fence, filter, w FOUR R(X)M Apartment - GERBER SCIENTIHC PRODUCTS wages and benefits. Apply you can make by selling no- remodelM, ceilings, bath used as printing plates. .007 Second floor. Mature iax(^. \OTK I I Indicates existing charges: all others are proposed.C in person only - A1 person to Meadows Con­ longer-needed items with a deck. Only $978 ■P George A. Kandra, Superintendent George A. Kandra. 5kuperlnlcni|w< 261 Broad Strool, Monohastsc, CL 06040 v a le sce n t Home, 333 tile, dormers, roofing. thick, &28VA . 50c each, COMPLETE. Offer adults. No appliances, no Siefiert's Appliances, 445 low-cost, fast-acting or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- pets, references, security. Water and Sewer Department Water & Sewer DenartnicnlS BOB M/P Bldwell Street, Residential or commer­ Umlted! CaU now! M M fl- Doled .ot Manchexter. Connecticut 26 May 1662 Hartford Road, Classified Ad. 2711. They MUST be picked One car. Telephone 649- Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 26th day of May, 1982. Manchester. 647-9191. cial. 6494291. 5642. les. Call after 6:30 (64-05 Manchester. up before 11:00 a.m. only. 1265. 05»96 4781.