J 24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri.. May 28, 1982 ,,, Will Coltman Vet recalls East defeats FRE^flOUlNffHSALE! run in 55th? war writer Manchester ... paGe 9 ~ . p a G e 7 4 BIG DAYS/ FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY/ p a G e 3 COLSCO *Smtf’ ■/ .-^N CHance of rain MancHester, Conn. tonight, Sunday Saturday, May 29, 1982 — See page 2 Ulanrli^atrr |IrraI& Singie copy 25qi 3 .. -'i l)abv Hocm mmi oil British t2 1 capture \ . W T .' 9 •p. -X -M- , -tf ■ ■■.'A ,. i--' ' 'I :___ , u ilS; bases n» p ilS I m '‘"'i',-'C-'i IMS811 By United Press International % 5-6*5 , j About 4,000 British troops slicing south and east s s s across the Falkland Islands captured the Argentine Gar­ rison at Port Darwin and the nearby Goose Green air­ strip Friday, the British Defense Ministry said. The British Defense Ministry said Argentine forces suffered some casualties and a number of prisoners were taken. Initial reports said casualties among W!n3r Britain’s 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment were "liGht.” The military command in Buenos Aires denied the i l l loss. It claimed its 600 troops at Darwin, the second larGest Argentine stronghold on the Falklands, had repelled the offensive and forced British paratroopers to retreat back to the British beachhead at Port San Carlos 17 M i miles n o ^ of Darwin. iffi “We have just teamed that the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute reGiment have taken Darwin and Goose i Green," British Defense Ministry spokesman Ian -V. McDonald said in a bulletin broadcast live on television. S M l i i rtMKiWtthi British defense sources also said a second thrust by tM. Royal Marines had advanced east through marshy boGs In«BWf»»y toward the island capital at Port Stanley — heart of the i i I t0,|pliMM ^9ur ^tsura^M < 9,000-man Argentine force about 50 miles east of Port San Carlos. Herald photo by Tarqulnlo 5M SWIFT ATTACK helicopters, liGht-track Scorpion A 4^%- ;w tnpka and artillery backed the ground troops, press Honoring MancHester’s Heroes reports said. Exiled Falklands Gov, Ray Hunt broadcast a EuGene Freeman, Connecticut Commander of the American LeGion, prepares for Memorial Day ceremonies to honor local citizens who died prophetic messaGe oii the BBC to the islanders 8,000 miles away, telling them “I have nay bags packed” and for their country by decoratinG the Graves at East Cemetery. would rejoin them “very soon.” i n “It may be, as I speak, that those of you in Darwin, ilii Goose Green, DouGlas station and Teal Inlet know more about what is goinG on than I do,” Hunt said in the BBC Y .Of “Callii^ the Falklands” program. Memorial Day ’82 GOP Hopefuls sure ;:4^.| The twin British thmsts south toward Darwin and east toward Port Stanley began Thursday from the 54- aovemment offlees: All federal, state and square-mlle British beachhead established by 5,000 municipal offices closed Monday. Manchester M l marines and paratroops at Port San Carlos. emergency numbers: highway, 647-3233; Britain said four soldiers were killed and 20 were refuse, 647-3248; sanitary sewer and water, come ■ 1-84 funds will fc:.lf<P|r-f' wounded in ArGentine jet bombing runs on the 647-311. ilMot hpaphhp«d Thursday.* A sea Harrier jet was shot down, Mall: No deliveries will be made Monday and all as were two Argentine Skyhawks, the Defense Ministry post offices will be closed. Banka: Most offices closed today; all offices By Paul Hendrie District organization. tunate if the highway is not built, but said. Interstate 84. throuGh eastern LCOSt The military command in Buenos Aires said its closed Monday. Herald Reporter he cautioned that would not be the warplanes launched new attacks Friday on the British ScHooii and llbrarlaa: Closed Monday. Connecticut, rnay never be built, end of the world. » d«rt( lor dotalls. < I Htcludod on I r light.) troops near Darwin and “put the tactical situation under Bualnaaaaa: Many retail stores and restaurants WEST HARTFORD - The four since Rhode Island Gov. J. Joseph “It is frequently arGued that ■mmssm'k - * J control.” will be open Monday. Most other businesses Republicans running for governor Garrahy announced his state will without completing 1-84, jobs will will be closed for the day. said at a debate Wednesday night not build its portion of the highwaj, suffer in eastern Connecticut,” he IN WASHINGTON, the Organization of American Llquon Liquor will not be sold Monday at drug, they simply refuse to believe the due to environmental concerns. said. "But 1-84 is just a piece in the M s States was expected to adopt a resolution asking the grocery or package stores. Bars will be open. federal Government won’t give That will require Connecticut to puzzle, not the salvation." United States to stop supplying arms to Britain. The Parades: Manchester, 9:30 a.m. from the Army & Connecticut the money it needs to get special federal permission — He called for other efforts to probably from ConGress — to get promote economic growth. Official * i» nyion «KMM] (Mil ■k*-* i resolution was not expected to impose sanctions against Navy Club, 1090 Main St., to Munro Park and complete Interstate 84. r London, diplomaUc sources said. ^ back to Center Park for ceremonies; Andover, However, all agreed there’s no federal money to complete the road. Rome repeated that he is com­ ■Ilie U nit^ States has sold Britain 100 Sidewinder air- 9:15 a.m. from Andover Elementary. School to way the state could shoulder the Both Bozzuto and Labriola in­ mitted to completion of Interstate to-air missiles,.anti-submarine sonar buoys and other the Center Cemetery: Bolton, 10 a.m. from expense of buildinG the road if the sisted the state could successfully 84. But he said if the federal govern­ ounxm war supplies,Recording to administration sources. Bolton Elementary School to the Town Green federal government decides not to convince the federal government to ment does not come through with , ._,_»c6t*. f ■*«■■-’* » fund it. release the fundinG. the money, the state should look at FQGGBf The Argentines still outnumber the British on the for ceremonies: Coventry, 9:15 a.m. from vi 0S*>AI oiV(j ‘'1 Robertson School to Nathan Hale Cemetery Candidates Lewis B. Rome, Both said they view the hiGhway alternatives, such as revamping Falklands by nearly 2 to 1, but that was about to change Russell L. Post Jr., Richard C. Boz- as essential to the hopes for Route 6. with reports that the Queen Elizabeth II had arrived at for ceremonies, then to School Street. ..,. :V*.v zuto and Gerald Labriola faced off economic development in eastern The four gubernatorial candidates South Georgia Island, 800 miles from the Falklands, THe Herald: Will not publish Monday. All offices will be closed. in a debate sponsored by the Connecticut. answered questions covering a wide 2 * m ^ i with 3,S00 reinforcements, including a battalion of Republican 1st ConGressional Post agreed it would be unfor- ranGe of issues. Some of the .1W m Gurkhas. highlights included: 1 .*.' • Labriola’s insistence that he h.- would not accept the lieutenent »ii5l^:,pp:8i||;:: governor’s post, because he is not 4 r«e«iat8,M i, pola8,ti0t ^ willing to give up his medical career dead at 75 for anything less than the governor’s / job. Labriola is a physician. • Rome’s insistence that he op­ Technolo^ in Kumasi, Ghana. 9 Jo h n T:. R o G e rs, 75, th e history in New EnGla^. He had a poses an income tax, despite his sup­ M l , Manchester man who was known as lonG list of honm and awards and He reerfved an honorary doc­ torate of Humane letters in 1970 port for the tax in the early ’70s. I the "book of knowledge” on the w as active in many civic from the 'University of Hartford, Rome said his opposition now to the c l e a r a n c e . income tax does not show he is in­ JSr'^m ^K Thf.^te Ella T. Gn«»o ap- where be started the school’s first Save on our black history course and served as a decisive, but shows he can adapt to entire stock ol \ J Fieedimi of Mormation Commis- ^inted t o to the state F T e^ m of changing facts. His opponents all ywmtt0: Sion died Friday in WaUingford.' Information Commlaalon in 1W4. He consultant. ‘ientiam^m ^ H R 'e r ^ A t He also tauGht at Greater Hart­ repeated their opposition to an in­ lawn btacT&rtford- sm edonthe^ofsu^^^ come tax. f e r t i u z e b s ford Community ColleGe, Middlesex Ixm form er postal employee who ford civic ^ a to U o n s u tte U rto Community ColleGe and other • Bozzuto’s defense aGainst *Gfiiiirtaiii* 'Kave Umkelf ah education, oven- J;*®®**. ti>« ^m m im i^ Rct^ I charGes that he is inflating the toMly MMinG a reputation as the Team and Hartford NeiGhborhoods sebboU and the state. He appeared counts he has released of delegates before hundreds of school and civic supporting him. Bozzuto claimed foremost expert on Afro-American CMters. • groups served by Uie Capitol Region Locally, Rogers was active with . .4jt. his delegate counts are tallied with the Masons, the Boy Scoots and the Education Council. a scienWic system and they reflect 28.4d '"The loss of John Rogers is a real support. Rome, especially, l« ....... inside todan RoGersAm bom in Hartford, and ' grievous one for Hartford and for M-Ji charged Bozzuto’s niunbers include had lived in Manchester since 1938.
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