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Nature-Is-Too-Big-To-Fail.Pdf י׌ׁ׀㝕 蔦撬ַם愵׎ 欰暟㢳圫䚍 걄㚖ך如ךؙ盖椚أꆃ輐ٔ ծ➂겲ָ湫꬗ׅ׷כ孡⦪㢌⹛ה㋨㣟ךխ 荈搫 ׮ג׏עא湡׾ח׍׵ו׷կ֮ד筜䚈✲䡾պךչ⿽㶨 ׵ֶׅ׉׸ָ֮׷ խׁחؙأծٔ׃ח朐䡾ז⪑噟׾搀꣇⟰ WWFչThe Nature of Riskպ㜠デ剅ծ2019 䍇倀 ׮鹌䯴ח׶ת֮ג׃הծ⣛搫כ涪邌ׁ׸׋䲃縧חדתծֿ׸׃ַ׃ ׅկת׶֮ח⤘ꟼך⡤♧邌酅חׁתծכ欰暟㢳圫䚍ה㸜㹀䚍ך⦪孡 ך孡⦪㢌⹛כׇ׿կ欰暟㢳圫䚍תְִכה眔㔲׮⼧ⴓך縭せ ָ鹼ֻծ׉חծ2019䎃猧כ统㕂㹺⚺䌎ך⚥㕂הؙٗٝ㣐窟걄وךأؿٓٝ ׷欰暟ְגָׅծ植㖈遤׻׸תְג黝䘔׾㹋植ׅ׷꒲׾䳢׏הꡙְծ欰暟㢳 箢ㄤהծ孡⦪㢌⹛׃挿׾䓼锃ךֿד⚥ך׋չ⻌❨㡮僇պ׃ ׇ׿կ欰暟㢳תֺׅח1玎䏝ך10ⴓך겘זծ䗳銲כ䫎项ךפ䕵ⶴ 㢳圫䚍ז卓׋ׅꅾ銲ך项ꆃؿٗ٦ך㸼孖ד㋨㣟׾꣖姺ׅ׷ֲִך圫䚍 ְכ٦ٕخ䎢ֻ钠׭׵׸׋ךؙ׾鐰⣣ׅ׷׋׭أꆃ輐ٔך׋կ 圫䚍ꟼ鸬׃ת׃⿹鎉גְאח 䕦갟׾㜠デׅ׷׋׭הؙأꆃ輐ٔך׌㶷㖈ׇ׆ծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬ת 鋉ך㋨㣟ך׋ծ欰暟㢳圫䚍תׇ׿կת䎢ֻ钠׭׵׸׋㛇彊׮֮׶ך ׷儗➿ְג׃♴⡚欰暟㢳圫䚍ָח䚈鸞וק➙ծד⚥ך〷娖ך겲➂ ꆃחֲ״ךו㋨㣟ָךꟼ鸬䚍ծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ךה٦ةؙإぐ穗幥װ׶ծ➙⚅秀 垷ֶג㣐ꆀ窫徦儗➿ָ鶕׏ך痥6כחׇ׿կ猘׋׍ת׶֮כ ְד鹌׿חⴓ⼧כ׮椚鍑גְאח׏׋挿ְהַך׷ָזאחؙأׅկ㕼㖑 輐ٔת剑㣐100♰珏ָ㖑椔♳ַ׵嶊徦ׅ׷〳腉䚍ָ֮׶כח劣 ׇ׿կת 欰䡾禸׾ך㢳ֻכꃐ䚍⻉ծ寅厩ך栻ծ嵲峔✉Ꟛ涪٥✉װ⻉㢌ךⵃ欽 窫徦׾♧㾴⸇鸞ׇׁծ欰䡾ך珏כ鷄ְ鴥׫ծ孡⦪㢌⹛הפ戭䨫ꥷ ךծ遤⹛׾饯ֿׅ׋׭׃㼎Ⳣח㉏겗ךֿכח2020䎃ծぐ㕂佟䏍 ך׷荈搫״ח欰䡾禸כ䏝➙הׅկׅ׷ת׃㢌⻉׾׮׋׵ז䚈慧ך禸 ծ⚥㕂٥傸僇כWWFן״ׅկPwCֶתְגֽ」堣⠓ָ䖉׍ך瑞⵸ ג׃ׅկֲֿת׃⻉䝤ח挥稆ꥫꨄָ㣐ֹֻ䫇ⵖׁ׸ծ孡⦪㢌⹛ָׁ׵ 欰暟גְֶח㕂鸬欰暟㢳圫䚍箍秈㕂⠓陽COP15ךꟚ⪵✮㹀ד ׹ծ䠐ֿהךדתָׅծֿ׸תְג欰ָׄفؙٕ٦حغس٦؍ؿך頾 ծ2020䎃ָדה㕂ꥷ涸単穈׫ָ䱰䫛ׁ׸׷ֿזꟼׅ׷倜׋ח朐屣 㢳圫䚍ךֿח㸣Ⰻרק׆׸׮ְך٦ծ鋉ⵖ䔲㽷ةؙإ䙼寸㹀罏ծꆃ輐 ծכCOP15ד䕦갟ךشׅկ倜㘗؝ٗתְג׫ה׷זח䎃ז׋կ 寸㹀涸׃תֹג׃׾搀鋔 ծג׃㼎חيذأءꆃ輐כ׶ぐ㕂佟䏍״ח䒀劍ֿ׸ח2021䎃10剢 䓼⸂ֲ״侭さׇׁ׷חⰋ٥ⱄ欰⥂ך欰暟㢳圫䚍זׅկ 项ꆃؿٗ٦׾䗳銲תְג׏ת넝כ㼎ׅ׷ꟼ䗰ח僴➙ծ猘׋׍ָ湫꬗ׅ׷孡⦪⽬堣 ꅾךׅկ剑ⴱת׶זחה堣⠓׾䖤׷ֿך׾涪⥋ׅ׷窫㥨آ٦إحًז ؙإꆃ輐ח䫇ⵖׅ׷׋׭חծ㖑椔庛军⻉׾1.5˫劢弫גֽ」׉׸׾ ծ欰׃׾鏣甧أؙؿؓ٦أةծ荈搫ꟼ鸬頿⹡䞔㜠Ꟛ爙כفحذأז銲 ג׏ת项ꆃؿٗ٦׾侭さׇׁ׷䠐妜׮넝חծ孡⦪湡垥׃٦׾鋉ⵖة ׶⡭ٕس项ꆃ♶駈䎃꟦5,000⭙碛ג׃ꟼחⰋ٥ⱄ欰⥂ךׅկ1EU 暟㢳圫䚍ת׶ָ֮א3ך如ג׃הぢ׾邌ׅ《׶穈׫⫘ךׅկֿתְ ծⰋכفحذأז׷ꅾ銲זׅկׁ׵דה׷植朐׾钠׭׷ְֿגꆃ輐 ָ欰ׄךծ醱侧׃ٝ׾瘻㹀ٓفّٝءؙ،٥أٝش؎ؿ؋ٕـشذأ؟כ ֶؙأꆃ輐ٔךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬ג׃㼎ח鋉ⵖ䔲㽷ה⡤ꆃ輐⚺ךג ⤘חؙ瘝أꆃ輐鋉ⵖ䔲㽷ָ孡⦪㢌⹛ٔה鋉ⵖ׾何姻ծ2⚥㣛ꋒ遤 ךג実׭ծⰋֲ״䞔㜠׾Ꟛ爙ׅ׷גְאח䕦갟ךפ欰暟㢳圫䚍ן״ 㸜ךծ孡⦪㢌⹛ָꆃ輐׃⸂⼿דٙ٦ؙNGFSزحط׷ꆃ輐䔲㽷 䗳銲䚍׾渿׶ךⰋ٥ⱄ欰⥂ך欰暟㢳圫䚍ח⟢鎶罏顑」ך⡤頿⹡㣐 ꆃ輐⚺ך׋׭ך滠䩛ծ3孡⦪㢌⹛㼎瘻ח庠㹀ךׅ䕦갟ר⿹ח㹀䚍 ׅկדה鋉㹀ׅ׷ֲֿ״׶穈׫ 鴥׬》ךׅկֿ׸׵תְג׃ؙ⡚幾׾邌僇أٔך茼鸬さָ孡⦪㢌⹛ ㋨㣟ךׅկ欰暟㢳圫䚍דך׋׮׃׶׮ꅾ鋔״⡦ծ孡⦪㢌⹛׾גⰋכ ׮ח灶笼כ٦ةؙإꆃ輐חؙ׾ֹ׏ַֽحّءٝو٦ٔךؙ 2008䎃猧حغس٦؍ؿכח꟦ך帾ַַֻ׻׶さְծ⚕罏חְ✼כ孡⦪㢌⹛ה ծぐה׫׷ג⳿勻✲׾䮶׶鵤׏ך䖓ך׋ָծ׉׃תꤒ׶ח朐屣ְ׃׶穈׫׮ծ 瘝》ךא3ך׵ծָֿז婍䙀׃ַ׃ׅկתְג׃㶷㖈ָف٦ٕ ꆃ輐噟歲荈׵ָ䬸ְ׋㉏כח鸬䵿ծׁ׵ז鴼鸞ך⚥㣛ꋒ遤ה׋׭ծ孡 㕂佟䏍ךׇ׿կ׉תְג׃挿׾钠陎ך׶穈׫׮ծ׉》ך׋ず圫ת ծ鋅כ项ꆃ⣘窌ז㹋倵ׁ׸׋蜒㣐תּׁׅחׅկ 겗ַ׵噟歲׾佸ֲ׋׭תְג麓㼭鐰⣣ׁ׸חծⰋ⡤涸כؙأꟼ鸬ׅ׷ꆃ輐ٔח㢌⹛⦪ ג׃猘׋׍ָ湫꬗חׁת➙ծ׃ַ׃׋կ׃דך׮ֹץְֲה㼎䘔ז✲ ך׶ծ猘׋׍֮דך׮זꤹ⽬וקⲲּח׷ַכծ׉׸׾כؙ׾钠陎ׅ׷ꟼ⤘罏 ְ׷⽬堣أꆃ輐ٔך׮欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬חծ䎊ְ׃ַ׃ 䕦갟׾׮ח➿⚅ךגⰋך䖓ך׶ַծ㶨⣘⚅➿ծ㷝⚅➿ծ׉ַל欰崞 ך䕦갟ך⯓菙ծ欰暟㢳圫䚍כ⠓陽أ׋կؿٓٝ׃תֹג鿇植׸♧ָ ׅկדך痥173勴׾ ׋׵ׅ׮ךؘ٦獳遤岀ٕط׷岀䖒ְؒג׃⻉䞔㜠Ꟛ爙׾纏⹡ ةךٝٓفّٝءؙ،٥أٝش؎ؿ؋ٕـشذأ؟ך׋կEU׃ת׃何姻 ך׋ֹדָה欵噟׾佸ֲֿךא׈1זכ2008䎃䔲儗ծ䠐䙼寸㹀罏 ה׷ֿ֮ד㋨㣟ך걄㚖ָ欰暟㢳圫䚍ך如ךؙأծ橆㞮ٔכ٦ىظاؙ 灶א帾ⵟַחծ⚅歲穗幥ל׸ֽז׃堣׾䫇ⵖ⽬ךխ׉ֲַ׳׃ד 鷄⸇项חⴓ匿ךؙأ橆㞮ٔכׅկNGFSדך䓼ֻ爙㇗ׅ׷׮ח׾ׁ׵ ׅկ2020ד׋ַ׵ְג׃椚鍑ה䕦갟׾׮׋׵ׅ〳腉䚍ָ֮׷ז㋨㣟ָꆃ 徦涸ך⚥㣛ꋒ遤׮欰暟㢳圫䚍ך׶ծ♧鿇ֶג׃䫎Ⰵ׾秈勲ךꆃ ծכח׷׋׭זח׶荈搫ָ鞢ַ״⡦ג׃植㖈׮ծ穗幥ծ爡⠓ծ׉ךׅկ 䎃תְג׃滠䩛ח庠㹀ךׅ䕦갟ר⿹ח㸜㹀䚍ך輐 ׅկתずׄ寸䠐ָ実׭׵׸ה2008䎃 荈ה➂ծչ׃湫꬗ח堣⽬ך׋麓⿠剑䝤׃ծ荈׵ָ䒷ֹ饯ֿכ겲➂ ׅկ䋐㜥ծ佟䏍ծ䋐תְג鶕׵׸ח䗳銲ךꟼ׻׶倯պז倜׋ךה搫 ׇ׿կ荈ת׶זל׸ֽז׃ծֿ׸׾㹋植כ׷ꟼ⤘罏ײ׵֮ך⠓孖爡 惓גծ㣐ֹֺׅחず圫ה㉏겗ך㣐鋉垷ꆃ輐堣ꟼךגא׋ծַת搫׮ ׶ծ֮ד燉ך׷崞⹛ײ׵֮ך꟦➂כׇ׿կ欰暟㢳圫䚍תֹדכהֿׅ ׅկדך׮֮׷ד燉ךيذأءꆃ輐ִײ׉׸ Andreas Staubli, Thomas Vellacott, CEO PwC Switzerland CEO WWF Switzerland 荈搫 | 3ְז惓ׇג㣐ֹֺׅ 㺔珲罏 ״䗰ח涺圫ך㺔珲罏ךծ劤珲כ箟꧊罏♧ずךي٦ث،؝ ׅկת־♳׃׶䠬闐歍 ي٦ث،؝ • Dr. Antonios Koumbarakis, PwC Switzerland • Stephan Hirschi, PwC Switzerland • Konstantin Meier, PwC Switzerland • Sofia Tsankova, PwC Switzerland • Amandine Favier, WWF Switzerland • Giulietta Duyck, WWF Switzerland • Ivo Mugglin, WWF Switzerland • Marco Tormen, WWF Switzerland 㺔珲罏 • Dr. Günther Dobrauz, PwC Switzerland • Dr. Catherine Weinberg, PwC Switzerland • Amanda Ammann, PwC Switzerland • Lex Huis in het Veld, PwC Netherlands • Mila Harmelink, PwC Netherlands • Magnus Emfel, WWF Sweden • Hugo Bluet, WWF France • Joanne Lee, WWF International • Elizabeth Aceituno, WWF International • Karen Ellis, WWF United Kingdom • Chris Weber, WWF United States • Christa Anderson, WWF United States • Pierre Monnin, Council on Economic Policies • Günter Mitlacher, WWF Germany • Stefan Schwager, BAFU • Prof. Markus Fischer, IPS University Berne • Sybille Borner, WWF Switzerland • Thomas Wirth, WWF Switzerland 荈搫ְז惓ׇג㣐ֹֺׅ | 4 䎷俑 3 6 ח׭ׄכ .1 㹀纏 7ך欰暟㢳圫䚍 .1.1 欰暟㢳圫䚍 10ה孡⦪㢌⹛ 1.2 ׷ 11֮דؙأꆃ輐ٔחִײ׶ծ֮ד穗幥涸䴦㣟כה㋨㣟ך欰暟㢳圫䚍 1.3 ؙ 15أꆃ輐ٔך欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬 1.4 侄鎮ךؙ׾׭ּ׷陽锷ַ׵أٔ⦪孡 .2 ךؙأꆃ輐ٔך䖞勻ח㋨㣟׾ְַך欰暟㢳圫䚍 钠陎ׅ׷ַ 18ג׃ה鿇♧ חؙ׾ְַأꆃ輐ٔך䩛岀欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬 .3 ׷ַ 26ֹד窟さחأإٗفؙ盖椚أٔך䖞勻ך⡤ꆃ輐⚺ 胜兝 26ך鋉ⵖ 3.1 ⴓ겲 26ךؙأꆃ輐ٔך欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬 3.2 鐰⣣ 29ךؙأꆃ輐ٔך欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬 3.3 ׭ 32הת .4 5. 䲿鎉 34 ⿫罋俑柃 37 ㉏ְさ׻ׇ 40ֶ 荈搫 | 5ְז惓ׇג㣐ֹֺׅ מ״׋ע .1 Ꟛ⪵ׁ׸׋G7דأؿٓٝח׷կ2019䎃ְגץ鶢ה䗳銲ָ֮׷ְֻג ⚥㣛ך׷պկ40⡭׶֮ד㔓⾱ךא1ךؙأꆃ輐ٔכؙأչ孡⦪ꟼ鸬ٔ 佟瘻٥鋉ךꆃ輐䋐㜥ֻז㉏겗ָ꟦麩ְךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍כד껷膷⠓さ حط׷ꆃ輐䔲㽷⤘חؙ瘝أ׷孡⦪㢌⹛ٔזꆃ輐鋉ⵖ䔲㽷ַ׵הꋒ遤 ծ欰暟㢳圫䚍׃ַ׃䓼锃ׁ׸׋կָה׷ֿ֮ד걄㚖ךꟼׅ׷如חؙ ⵖأꆃ輐ٔך孡⦪ꟼ鸬כ׋կNGFSץ׉ֲ鶢כٙ٦ؙNGFSز կ㕂鸬ְזכדה׏׋ֿת㨣ח➙ծכה➰ֽ׷ֿן项ꆃؿٗ٦׾穠ה ׋ծ ꆃ 輐תכהֿך׷կְֿג׃钠 陎ג׃הא1ך⟢׾頾鎶ׁ׸׋顑 ׷ֶֽח٦ةؙإծչꆃ輐ח2007䎃כـث،ءص؎孡 橆㞮鎘歗٥ꆃ輐ג׃㼎ח׷ꋒ遤ծ⥂ꤹ⠓爡ծ䎃ꆃ㛇ꆃծ项欵麊欽⠓爡֮ד⡤⚺ ծ㕂ꥷ׃⪵׾Ꟛفحّءꟼׅ׷ٙ٦ؙח堣⠓պהؙأٔך欰暟㢳圫䚍 תא׷կְג׏ז׮חآ٦إح嗚鎢׾実׭׷ًךؙأꆃ輐ٔךꟼ鸬⦪ 铬겗ַպך如ךꆃ輐堣ꟼכչ欰暟㢳圫䚍ח2008䎃כ׌կ 荈搫⥂隊鸬さהְֲֿה׷֮ד橆♧ךأإٗفؙ盖椚أٔך剑⯓畭כ׶ծֿ׸ ׷կְג׃겗ׅ׷㜠デ剅׾Ⱅ邌ה ה侭さ׾㔳׷ֿךהؙ鯪幾أꆃ輐ٔך孡⦪ꟼ鸬ה׋ծ项ꆃؿٗ٦ת ָ⢽剑׋׷ך׷կ׉ְג׏זחֲ״ׅ実׭׵׸׷תׅת♳ծ鋉ⵖָ ծ2020ְָ׃⛉גꟼ䗰ָ㺔ׇ׵׸ח㋨㣟ך欰暟㢳圫䚍חֲ״ךֿ ٝٓفך׷կֿ֮דٝٓفّٝءؙ،٥أٝش؎ؿ؋ٕـشذأ؟ךEU ג搊挿ָ䔲ח暴ח➰ֹן穠ך项ꆃؿٗ٦ה㋨㣟ךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍כ湡 䎃ךꟼׅ׷ػٔ⼿㹀ח孡⦪㢌⹛װꟚ涪湡垥SDGsז䭯竲〳腉כ ׷կ֮ד僇涯כٕشؚءך䙼׻׸׷կ剑ⴱה׷זח䎃ך爙ׅ׮ ׵׸׷鯄堣ַך׶䖤׷זה꒲ח٦ְַָةؙإծꆃ輐ד垥׾麦䧭ׅ׷ֲִ 统㕂㹺⚺䌎ָծչ欰ך⚥㕂הؙٗٝ㣐窟걄وךأؿٓٝח倯ぢ 2019䎃11剢ְ״㹋⡤穗幥׾ג׃⸂׾崞欽ךծ项ꆃؿٗ٦חず儗ה׷֮דך ծչ庛㹓⸬׃ꟼׅ׷⻌❨㡮僇պ׾涪邌ח孡⦪㢌⹛הⰋ⥂ך暟㢳圫䚍 》ך׮֮׷կֿ׸׵דך䠐妜׾邌ׅ׮ךׅ׷佟瘻甧周罏הֲ״㢌ִפ ׵׆ծ欰暟㢳圫ז׫ך涪㾜ז䓼ꬥג׃㼎ח⦪孡ד䱖⳿㘗⡚أծ 卓ؖדך罋ִ倯׾《׶Ⰵ׸׋׮ךպ؍ذٔ،ٔذوٕـتչגⰋכ׶穈׫ 项ꆃؿٗ٦׾黝さׁחぢֽ׋倯ꆙחⵃ欽זٕـشذأ؟הⰋ⥂ך׮堣⠓ 䚍חؙأٔג׏הח٦ةؙإꆃ輐ח痥1כ㉏겗ך؍ذؽٔشذأ؟ ٕـشذأ؟׷״ח⠓ծ妌䊜㨻㆞ח׋կׁ׵׃欰暟㢳圫 ׇ׷պ䗳銲䚍׾邌僇ה葺ֻ׮䝤ֻ׮孡⦪㢌⹛כ项ꆃؿٗ٦חծ痥2ה׷ֿז׮ח 箢ㄤך孡⦪㢌⹛חծ⚺כ׶穈׫》ך٦ىظاؙةꟼׅ׷EUח崞⹛ז ׷♴㔳׾⿫撑կְג׃׾爙㇗הֿׅר⿹䕦갟׾ח䚍 ע⿹׮ח欰暟㢳圫䚍ג׃הو٦ذך׶ծ如ֶגג搊挿׾䔲ח黝䘔ה ׋ծPaul PolmanImagineծThomas Lingardת孡⦪㢌⹛ 〳腉䚍ָ֮׷կחծ暴כ⤘ꟼךה项ꆃؿٗ٦הو٦ذך؍ذؽٔشذأ؟ ٦ָت頿歲ٔ٦ךծ㢳ֻוז侧֮׷ꅾ UnileverծZhao XinYili Groupכծֿ׸׃ַ׃׋կֹג陽锷٥锃叨ׁ׸ח崞涪דꟼ鸬ךה ꟼ䗰חծ暴ִת堣⠓׾驎הؙأٔז㣐ֹךծ׉גְאחծ 欰暟㢳圫䚍ֻזדNGFS׌ֽכגְאח挿ךկְֿזֺׅחא1ך橆㞮㉏겗ז銲 ׷կְג׃邌僇ה׷ָ֮ ד⚥ךٝٓفّٝءؙ،٥أٝش؎ؿ؋ٕـشذأ؟妌䊜㨻㆞⠓׮EU ׆孡תծכ嗚鎢ך⠓堣הؙأٔך׮橆㞮ה׶ծ⚕罏֮ד׹ֿה钠׭׷ ־䎢דתח爡⠓㉏겗װ橆㞮㉏겗ך➭ך㢌⹛ַ׵㨣׭ծ׉׸ַ׵׉⦪ ؍ذٔ،ٔذوٕـتꟼ⤘ך橆㞮ה٦ةؙإꆃ輐 ؍ذٔ،ٔذو橆㞮涸 ؍ذٔ،ٔذو頿⹡涸 䕦갟ך崞⹛ך׉ן״ֶ... דٝ׾椚 鍑ׅ׷ֲִّءآه涪㾜ծ噟籐ծך噟⟰ ...眔㔲ז䗳銲 ׷ִ♷ח⦪噟ָ孡⟰ ꅾ銲ח頿⹡涸כ䕦갟 ׶䖤׷זח 孡⦪㢌⹛ָ ח⦪׷ ⟰噟ָ孡ִ♷ח噟⟰ 䕦갟 ♷ִ׷䕦갟 ⟰噟 孡⦪ ⟰噟 孡⦪ ׶״FOLPDWHUHODWHGLQIRUPDWLRQUHSRUWLQJJXLGHOLQHVBHQSGIHFHXURSDHXĠQDQFHGRFVSROLF\⳿ⰩKWWSV 荈搫ְז惓ׇג㣐ֹֺׅ | 6 ׷֮ד㔓⾱ךא1ךؙأꆃ輐ٔכؙأ孡⦪ꟼ鸬ٔ ٙ٦ؙNGFS, 2018زحط׷ꆃ輐䔲㽷⤘חؙ瘝أ孡⦪㢌⹛ٔ 㹀纏ך׷㕂鸬欰暟㢳圫䚍 1.1. 欰暟㢳圫䚍ְגꟚ⪵ָ✮㹀ׁ׸ד⚥㕂٥傸僇ח2020䎃猧 ծ宏颵٥כ걄㚖ך如ךأٝش؎ؿ؋ٕـشذأ؟ծִת箍秈㕂⠓陽׾驎 ♧׷կ剑׮֮דך׮ך׷欰ㄏ׉ײ׵֮ך♳ծ㖑椔כה栻ծꅿ 欰暟㢳圫䚍✉ך⸋⻉ծ瀧恉⻉ծⰕ㹱ծ눴ך㣐孡寅厩ծ啾卌灶㠨ծ㕼㖑 חꟼׅ׷勴秈CBDח㢳圫䚍ך欰暟כך׷ְג欽ְ׵׸חծ欰暟㢳圫 菙涸וז窫徦ך䯲栻٥䱰《ծ珏ז䭯竲♶〳腉ך⹛嗂暟ך欰 欰ן״㢳圫䚍ֶך㢳圫䚍ծ鼋⠗㶨ךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍׾珏ד㹀纏ֻב䙼׻׸׷Environmental Finance, 㛇ה넝ְג׷〳腉䚍ָ噰׭זה䚍 㹀纏ֶך欰暟㢳圫䚍כח׷կ1990䎃➿ְג׃㹀纏ה㢳圫䚍ך娎姺׭׾ַֽծ孡 䡾禸ח㋨㣟ך欰暟㢳圫䚍כ2019׮⿫撑կぐ㕂佟䏍 ׫ך鞢㺡ׁךծ珏כ׋կ䔲ⴱ׃䠐鋅ָ㼎甧ג庠㹀倯岀׾׭ּ׏ן״ ծד陽锷ׅ׷⚥גְאח׷䕦갟׾鯪幾ׅ׷倯岀ִ♷ח㢌⹛ָ欰䡾禸⦪ זְגろ׭כ㢳圫䚍ך欰䡾禸װ㢳圫䚍ךծ鼋⠗㶨׃ז鋅ה׾㢳圫䚍 ח٦ةؙإծ׉׸ָꆃ輐ג搊挿׾䔲ח暴ח项ꆃؿٗ٦ָ卓׋ׅ䕵ⶴ וק׷֮ל׸֮ד׮欰暟㢳圫䚍ָ鞢㺡ג׏הח欰䡾禸ךו䙼׻׸׷կ ַ׏׋կה׷ָזאח銲锜ז㼎ׅ׷倜׋ ծכ欰䡾禸זⰋ⨳ךוזٝ؞熸؟װ啾卌זկ欰暟㢳圫䚍ָ鞢ְַ״ ״ג׃㼎חؙحّء㢩涸ךוז㿊抟✲ծ㹱赇ծ氫氺װ鐰⣣ծⴓ 殯䌢孡韋植韋ךؙأ⚺׋׷䕵ⶴָꆃ輐ٔך٦ةؙإծꆃ輐כ劤㜠デ剅 ծ欰כ欰䡾禸ך➭ך饯㔓ׅ׷ꆃ輐ٔ ׶䓼ꬥ䚍׾涪䳸ׅ׷կ廩屜ծ弪㖑䌒ծ屎䊛׉ח㋨㣟ךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ִת׾驎ה׷ֿ֮ד匿ծ盖椚 ؙ✲韋ָ饯ֹ׋䖓ծ荈׵㔐حّءךאծ1כח㜥さז暟㢳圫䚍ָ鞢ַ ח⠓ꟼׅ׷堣ח㋨㣟ך׷ָծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ְגג搊挿׾䔲ח暴חؙأ 欽ְֲה欰暟㢳圫䚍ד׶鸞ְ〳腉䚍ָ֮׷կ劤㜠デ剅״嚊 䗁ׅ׷⸂ָךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍כד׭׷կ痥1畍והח鍗׸׷ח⽃ծ知כגְא ׷կְג׸׷欰䡾禸׮ろ׭ל׮ㄎה铂׾欽ְ׷㜥さծ荈搫荈搫⡤禸 גְאחꟼ鸬䚍ךה⦼⣣穗幥涸٥ꆃꌨ涸הծ欰暟㢳圫䚍׃䙀׾㹀纏 㢳圫䚍׮䠐㄂ׅ׷׋׭ծך鼋⠗㶨װ㢳圫䚍ך珏כծ欰暟㢳圫䚍׃嚊䙀ַ׵滠䟝׾䖤 ׋׌ךؙأꆃ輐ٔךծ孡⦪ꟼ鸬חծ剑䖓׃׾䲿爙⢽✲ ׷կ֮ד׶׮䎢纏״׷暴䚍ז⽃ךծ 欰䡾禸כדⴓ겲岀׾䲿爙ׅ׷կ痥2畍ךؙأꆃ輐ٔך׋ծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬 嗚鎢ז➰ֹծ㕂ꥷ涸ן穠ח✼湱חֲ״ךו项ꆃؿٗ٦ָה孡⦪㢌⹛ ׃⹛暟ծ嗂暟ծ蝑겲ծ䗍欰暟ָ㶷㖈ך♳珏⟃♰1,000כח♳׉ 㖑椔חծ如׃׾ⴓ匿ַך׏׋זח넝ְ铬겗ך筜䚈䚍ח׮暴ד⚥ך铬겗 ׷⹛嗂ְג׃ⵃ欽ח굸俱ծ⡝㽿ծ邅剪ծ讒ח׷կ➂꟦ָ傈䌢涸ְג ծכך嫰鯰ׅ׷կず畍ָ湡䭷ׅהꟼׅ׷植朐ח穠卓׾欰暟㢳圫䚍ך ג׏הח⠓ծ➂꟦爡ד珏ָ劢涪鋅ך׶ծ⡦⼪׮תוהח秈4♰珏כ暟 ״㋨㣟ֶךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ג׃孡⦪׾׭ּ׷陽锷ַ׵䖤׋侄鎮׾欰ַ ׷爡ײ׷CIFOR, 2019կ֮׵֮דתתך湡涸׮ⵃ欽岀׮劢濼ך 剑⮚⯓铬ך䠐䙼寸㹀罏ך٦ةؙإꆃ輐װ项ꆃؿٗ٦׾佟瘻甧周罏ן 植㖈ծ➂겲כ׷ָծ欰暟㕢ְג걾׏ח欰暟㢳圫䚍ח׋׭ך欰㶷כ⠓ ծꆃכ׷կ痥3畍֮דה׾䱱׷ֿزٝ؎هآحٖغٖךׅ׷׋׭ח겗 ך׷IPBES, 2019կְֿג׃幾㼰ח׶׮䚈鸞״儗➿ךוך〷娖ך ؙأꆃ輐ٔך׷欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬ְג׃滠䩛חדׅד輐⚺⡤ָ植儗挿 㣐ꆀךծ痥6׃60幾㼰כ欰䜁侧ךꅿ欰欰暟ך♳㖑椔ח꟦ך50䎃 ד濼鋅׾䲿爙ׅ׷կ痥4畍גְאח〳腉䚍ך幾⡚ך׉ן״盖椚ֶך ׷կ嵲峔ծ啾卌ծ帜宏ְג橆㞮⽬堣׾䬸ְז׻׸׷⚅歲涸ְה窫徦 חؙ׾黝ⴖأꆃ輐ٔךծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ꟼ鸬כדծ痥5畍ץ穠锷׾鶢כ ָ⠓׷爡ײծ֮׵ג׏״ח⻉⸋ז㣐鋉垷ך欰䡾禸ך➭ך宏彁ծ׉ך 䠐䙼寸㹀ך٦ةؙإꆃ輐ן״ծ佟瘻甧周罏ֶגְאח盖椚ׅ׷倯岀 ז䴦כ腉⸂ך׾䲿⣘ׅ׷荈搫أ٦ؽ؟頿٥ז〳妀♶ד䲿鎉׾遤ֲկ 涪㾜ׅ׷ֲִגぢֽח罏 ׷կ֮אא׻׸ 䎂㖱幾㼰桦խ1970։2018䎃ך珏 帜宏欵珏 腣嗄⹛暟珏ך歲⚅ ꤵ欰珏 嵲峔欰暟珏 83 % 58 % 38 % 36 % ׶״⳿Ⱙ::),QWHUQDWLRQDO 荈搫 | 7ְז惓ׇג㣐ֹֺׅ ⦼⣣ח٦ةؙإ卌噟חֲ״ךוכ欰暟㢳圫䚍 ׷ְַג׃׾ⶼ⳿ ծꨒ䄶涪欰꣇姺ծ抟拄כ啾卌זꅾ銲ג噰׭ח欰暟㢳圫䚍 ꅾ銲堣腉ךծ欰䡾禸וז锃侭ծ挥稆ꥫꨄךⵖ䖴ծ宏䗃橆ך ٦ծ錁ٍآٖأ٦ؽ؟׾䌴䎢ֻ涪䳸ׅ׷ָծ俑⻉涸欰䡾禸 ח؍ذصُى植㖑؝ךծ㢳ֻחず儗ה׮֮׷ד㜥ךוז⯔ ׷ָ♳ח׶⡭➂♰1,320כ꧍欽ך欰鎘䩛媮׾䲿⣘ׅ׷կ卌噟 ծ暜ח攦䌒卌׾⚥䗰זIPBES, 2019ծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ָ鞢ַ 㢌刿ך㕼㖑ⵃ欽וז⻉Ꟛ䬪ծ鿪䋐ך屘鴋㕦ي㣐鞜٥ػ٦װ㜥 欰ך׷կ啾卌ְג鷿׾鴬׏♧ך♴⡚כծ啾卌鄃銻桦ג׏״ח ך嗂卌䌒ך呕㛅♧⽃ח׶ծ暴ֶג׵ׁ׸ׁח暟㢳圫䚍׮腘㪬 㢳圫䚍ָ鞢ךծ啾卌ל׸״ח灇瑔ך׷կぐ珏֮ד겥衼כ㜥さ ׶䓼 ꬥ 䚍׾涪 䳸״ג׃㼎חؙحّءծ 㢩 涸וק׷֮ל ׸֮דַ װծ埠加כ啾卌ך׷կ⽃♧呕㛅ְג׏זח僇׵ַָהׅ׷ֿ Ⰵծ⣿ך傸赇װ㣐ꆀ涪欰ךծ氺㹱赇גץ嫰ה啾卌ז珏ָ㢳圫 銲㔓أٖزأך➭ךծ㿊抟✲ծ׉أٖزأ׷宏ⴓ״ח孡⦪㢌⹛ כ䓲ְ⫘ぢָ֮׷Brockerhoff et al., 2017կ啾卌ⱄ欰ח ה䩛媮ז剣⸬דծ挥稆㔐 ׾䓼⻉ׅ׷ֲִ׃孡⦪㢌⹛׾箢ㄤ 㔐 ׾ך挥稆ךծ㣐孡⚥ל啾卌׾ⱄ欰ׅ׸ד׷կ㖑椔鋉垷ז 䙼׻׸׷կ傀㶷הא䕵甧חהծ孡⦪㢌⹛׾箢ㄤׅ׷ֿ׃⻉䓼 ח䩛媮ךא׮1ה嗂卌ׅ׷ֿחワ㔲ך鴋㖑ծ䋐遳㖑װ啾卌ך ך٦ٕةؙق9⭙ח׵ׁכ欰䡾禸ךծ㖑椔כ׷կ灇瑔罏׋׍ז ךETHZ, 2019ծֿ׸׵㣓搫欰卌ֹדָה啾卌׾佄ִ׷ֿ ׷ֹד挥 稆 ׾顕 殅ךٝ׮زծ2,050⭙ל埠加ָ䧭擾劍׾鵒ִ׸ ׷կְג׃׾爙הֿ ⣣ח٦ةؙإ讒ㅷ⼔חֲ״ךוכ欰暟㢳圫䚍 㢳圫䚍ך׷ַ鼋⠗㶨ְג׃׾ⶼ⳿⦼ ֮ד歋勻،ٔذؙغ屚洽讒ָ嗂暟ծ⹛暟ծ蝑겲ծך㢳ֻ 㷕涸㢳⻉כהծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ג׏הח讒ㅷ噟歲⼔ך׷կ植➿ ٝصؙٔ٦أך倜讒כ㢳圫䚍ךأوؔ؎غ圫䚍׾䠐㄂ׅ׷կ 㣓כ秈70ך׷կ䫑ָ׿⶝֮דꅾ銲ג噰׭ג׏החꟚ涪הؚ ֲך׷讒⶝150珏겲ְג剑׮Ⳣ倯ׁ׸ד׶ծ碛㕂֮ד搫歋勻 ָוז⶝ծ䫑欰暟颵ծ䫑過㼭匢暟颵א׍118珏겲䫑ֲ ׷European Business andְג㣓搫项彁ַ׵Ꟛ涪ׁ׸ 讒ך15珏겲⡘♳ךBiodiversity Campaign, 2019կ碛㕂 鶕׷GENENGחٕس1,170⭙碛כ㡰♳넝2018䎃ך⶝ ٝذهꟚ涪ך׶ծ倜讒״ח㋨㣟ךNews, 2019կ欰暟㢳圫䚍 㣐鋉垷ח➿׻׶ך暟颵ך׶ծֿ׸׵ֶג׃♴⡚ֻ׃衼ָٍٕء أ׋׭ծ؝ְז׵זל׸ֽז׃ؚٝصؙٔ٦أさ䧭欰䧭暟׾ז 㷕涸㢳圫䚍⻉כ׷Young, 1999կ㣓搫暟ְג׃׮㟓㣐ز 圓鸡׾׮׋׵ׅس٦ٔך䟝㢩✮ְזכח➭׶ծ֮ד彁ז㣐ֹך ׷կָ֮הֿ 荈搫ְז惓ׇג㣐ֹֺׅ | 8 ׷ְַג׃׾ⶼ⳿⦼⣣ח٦ةؙإ굸ㅷחֲ״ךוכ欰暟㢳圫䚍 ׷ָծ植㖈ծׁ֮ד欵噟ז司균׾欰欵ׅ׷ꅾ銲ח׋׭ךղ➂ך歲⚥⚅כ٦ةؙإ굸ㅷ ׏ְה✋醡ㅷװծ礵聘׃㟓⸇׾䠐㄂ך굸俱꨽銲כ׷կ➂〡㟓⸇ְג׃湫꬗ח铬겗זתׂת 欰欵ٔך٦ةؙإծ굸ㅷ׃ַ׃׷կ֮ד㟓⸇ׅ׷♧倯כ㼎ׅ׷꨽銲ח׋项彁꧊秈㘗醡ㅷ ծ굸כך׷֮ח׷կ胜兝֮אא׶ת넝ג׏״ח⻉⸋ז㣐鋉垷ך荈搫װծ孡⦪㢌⹛כؙأ ׷կ֮דה׷ְֿג׃㣐ֹֻ⣛㶷חוזⵃ欽〳腉䚍ծ⹛暟㯭ך㕼㠫ծ宏ז欰欵ָ肍将ךㅷ 腘ַׁ׸ח秈85ָ⣿굸ծ㞁겲⻉ծ㕼㠫㖇簭ծ寅厩ך罭⡲〳腉㖑ך♳ծ㖑椔ח׵ׁ ծ⚅歲Ⰻד׷䱇磋״חثعװ׍84ָ⹛暟ֲך鴋⡲暟ך׮264珏겲ד׷կ妌䊜׌ְֽג 䱇ג׃➜鷏磋罏׾ךוזثع׍71珏겲ֲָך鴋⡲暟100珏겲זծ剑׮♧菙涸ה׫׷ד⡤ ׷կְג׃⣘秈90׾䲿ך司균稆כ鴋⡲暟ך׷կֿ׸׵100珏겲ְג׃磋 ꟦ָ➂ח굸俱欰欵ז׷ָծ⚺ְג䱿㹀ׁ׸ה嗂暟珏ָ㶷㖈ׅ׷ך6,000׮כח歲⚅ ٦ٕف鼋⠗㶨ך嗂暟ג׏״ח窫徦ךկ珏ְזֺׅח׻׆ַ30כ׷鴋⡲嗂暟ְג׃ⵃ欽 鼋ךծ暴㹀וז㼎ׅ׷黝䘔ח庛⡚װ罣䚍ךפأٖزأ攦ְ⠵חծ׉׸׃簭㼭ֻ׃衼כ ׷European Business and Biodiversityְג׏זֻ׃׮ꨇה׷ֽֿא涸暴䗙׾鋅⠗ Campaign, 2019կ 荈搫 | 9ְז惓ׇג㣐ֹֺׅ 欰暟㢳圫䚍ה孡⦪㢌⹛ 1.2 ך㢌⻉׾⠵ְծ欰暟㢳圫䚍ך꣬宏ꆀה傻♳ךծ孡庛כ孡⦪㢌⹛ ד׋׌ֽ׃傻♳ח׷կ䎂㖱孡庛ָ׻׆ַ֮ד㋨㣟׾䒷ֹ饯ֿׅ⚺㔓 獳⹛ח㜥䨽ך黝䘔ׅ׷ַⴽח⻉㢌כկ珏ע⿹䕦갟ָח׮ծ欰䡾禸 ׋ծת׷կזחה窫徦ׅ׷ֿל׸ֽזֹד׵׆ծ׉׸ָזל׸ֽז׃ ׁ♴⡚ֻ׃ծ欰䡾禸ָ挥稆׾ꥫꨄׅ׷腉⸂׾衼כ㋨㣟ך欰暟㢳圫䚍 ♧㈓ך䱖⳿ׁ׸׷挥稆חծ➂捀涸כꤵ♳欰䡾禸הׇ׷կ嵲峔欰䡾禸 ꆀךծ׉ן״ֶחٝز56⭙כ挥稆ꥫꨄ筨ꆀך׶ծ䎃꟦֮דェ 彁ך 湱䔲ׅ׷IPBES, 2019կ孡ח60ך䱖⳿ꆀז捀涸➂ך♳㖑椔כ ⦪穠卓ծ孡ךׅ㣟׻׸ծ׉תׅתכ欰暟㢳圫䚍חוק㢌⹛ָ鹌׬⦪ ך珏ח׷կ孡⦪㢌⹛֮דٕٓ؎ػأך頾ח鹌׬կ㸣Ⰻח׵ׁכ 㢌⹛ַךז⬁כךְ׃ֶַ ⡚宏颵ָװ׶ծ鴋噟欰欵䚍ָזא׮ח⻉⸋ךծ㕼㖑ל 幾㼰ָ⸇׻׸ַךז⚥ך⚅׮ה׉׸ ׅ׷Australian Academy
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