
SHAMAN'·Michael Twoyoungmen, '·Narya, demigoddess '·Dr. Walter Langkowski, physician and mystic Fighting: EXCELLENT Physics Professor Fighting: GOOD Agility: EXCELLENT Fighting: REMARKABLE Agility: GOOD Strength: EXCELLENT Agility: GOOD (REMARK­ Strength: GOOD Endurance: AMAZING ABLE) TYPICAL Endurance: EXCELLENT Reason: Strength: GOOD Reason: EXCELLENT Intuition: AMAZING (MONSTROUS) MONSTROUS Intuition: AMAZING Psyche: Endurance: EXCELLENT INCREDIBLE (AMAZING) Psyche: Health: 110 REMARKABLE Health: 50 : 131 Reason: 110 Resources: TYPICAL Intuition: GOOD Karma: REMARKABLE Resources: EXCELLENT Popularity: 5 Psyche: 25 Popularity: Powers: Health: 70 (t85) 70 Powers: SHAPECHANGE. Snowbird is a mela· Karma: morph, capable of assuming Ihe form of Resources: GOOD MYSTIC POUCH. The carries a any creature found in the Canadian Arctic. 10 medicine pouch thai acts as a focus for his Popularity: If the creature is smaller than man·sized, magical powers. He can pull virtually any­ she lakes on the size of Ihat creature. If Powers: thing he desires from the pouch by making the creature is larger than man-sized, she a successful Psyche FEAT roll. (Karma BESTIAL FORM. When Dr. Langkowski takes on the shape of the creature, but can may not be spent lor these rolls.) The is in his human form, use the levels not in grow no larger than polar bear size. When parentheses. When he changes into his Judge can require, al his discretion, a she changes. Snowbird takes on that higher level FEAT roll if the ilem is unnatu­ bestial form. Sasquatch, use the abilities creature's Fighting, Agility, Strength, and ral (say, a machine gun) or of a power level in parentheses instead. It takes one round Endurance (but not Health). for Langkowski to change form. Whenever higher than Amazing. Any object desired by Shaman must fil through the pouch's EXAMPLES: he changes form, all damage is instantly healed, but it Langkowski has less than 35 opening (sw·2,. but can be 01 any length. WHITE (Wings,Claws) Health points at the time of the change, It can grow after being removed from the Fighting: EXCELLEN T Sasquatch will be in a Bestial Rage (see pouch if Shaman gave it that ability before REMARKABLE Agility: below). trying 10 pull il au\. In the past, Michael has Strength: GOOD used Ihe pouch to produce medicinal Endurance: GOOD BODY ARM OR. As Sasquatch, Lang­ herbs to heal damage (at Amazing level) kowski has Remarkable body armor. His and a magic powder that, when spread in POLAR BEAR (Claws) fur also provides Excellent protection from a ring, teleported characters in the circle Fighting: REMARKABLE cold. to any desired place. USing the pouch is a Agility: GOOD LEAPING_ While not in a class with the form of extradimensional magic. If a FEAT Strength: EXCELLENT ", Sasquatch can leap up to three roll fails, the item drawn from Ihe pouch is Endurance: REMARKABLE areas distance in one round. only of Excellent or lower power, at the FLIG HT. Snowbird can fly without chang­ Judge's discretion. BESTIAL RAGE. Recently, Sasquatch ing shape at up to Excellent speed. has become prone to violent fits of temper. LEVITATI ON. Shaman may levitate him­ POSTCOGNITION. Snowbird has the This occurs if Sasquatch fails a Psyche self and also fly at Poor speed by tapping ability to myStically see events that FEAT Roll at the start of any fight (Karma the universal energies of the earth. occurred in an area up to six hours in the may be added). If Langkowski had less than Talents: Michael Twoyoungmen is a phy­ past by making a successful Psyche FEAl" 35 Health points at the time of his change sician and surgeon. His Reason is rotl. She can see events between six and into Sasquatch, he must make a successful Remarkable in medical matters. His Rea­ twelve hours old in an area by making a red FEAT roll to keep control. When he son is also Remarkable in any malters red FEAT roll. She cannot see events fur· enters a Bestial Rage, Sasquatch shifts right involving the occult, especially the mysti­ ther in the past than twelve hours. one to Incredible ability, and anacks are cism of the North American Indian and resolved on the Hack & Slash table. He may LIMITATI ON. Narya is mystically bound Innuit (Eskimo) tribes. not choose to do less damage than the maxi­ to the land 01 and its coastal mum, or to have a lesser effect. Background: Dr. Twoyoungmen was a waters. If she leaves this area, she cannot noted surgeon who found that madern sci­ change shape or fly, and begins to age Talents: Dr. Walter Langkowski has a Rea­ ence could not save Ihe life of his wife. Fol· rapidly. She loses one rank in all her abili· son of Incredible in physics and radiation lowing her death, he turned 10 the ties every two hours. When all abilities studies. In addition, he knows American mysticism of his grandfather, shaman of drop below Feeble, she dies. If she returns football quite well, since he spent three the Sacree Indian tribe. He was intro­ to her land before she dies, her abilities years with the Green Bay Packers. duced to by Heather Hudson, return to normal within two hours. Background: Dr. Walter Langkowski and is the protector and mentor of Snow­ Background: Snowbird is the daughter experimented with controlled dosages of bird. of the lnouit goddess Nelvanna and the gamma radiation following the tragedy of mortal Richard Easton. After the northern Bruce Banner, who became the Incredible gods, including Nelvanna, were impris­ Hulk. When he experimented on himself, he oned behind a mystic barrier, Nelvanna turned into the shaggy known as Sas­ gave birth to Snowbird, a demi-goddess quatch. immune to the barrier. Snowbird is charged by her mother and the other ancient gods to combat those great beasts that occasionally break through the mystic barrier to menace the Land of the North. 6857


They are Canada's greatest heroes: Sasquatch"', "', Snow­ The Judge (but not the playersl) should read Ihe enUre adven· bird'", Shaman"', and Aurors .... They are ...Alpha Flight"'l ture carefully before starting to play. Study the stats of the villains Originally an arm of the Canadian government, the learn has lost carefully, and plan what they might do. Also inspect the large map, its official status. But in their short existence, the team has fought which shows all the areas where fights might take place. the X-Man"', saved their nation, and undergone tragedy-the While this adventure Is designed for Alpha Flight, any death oltha man who brought them together: James MacDonald moderately·powerful group of heroes can be challenged by the Hudson, known as '". dangers herein. If you use a different super-group, you will have to Gat's·Pawis an adventure for " change some of the boxed text and come up with a story to get your Role·Playing Game, featuring Alpha Flight In a Marvel-ous module heroes involved I of mystery and mayhem. A word about the tille. There is an old story about a monkey who This adventure is designed for a Judge and five players. Players used the paw of a friendly (and easily fooled) cat to fetch hot chest· can roU dice fOf their choice of characters. The inside cover describes nuts out of the fire for him. A cat's·paw is a dupe tricked into dOing the Alpha Right heroes recommended for play. HBather MacNeil Hud­ something dangerous for its master. And that's how the villains in son"', the new of Alpha Flight. and GaIY Cody"', the team's this adventure use each other, from the mysterious master down to former government liaison, are non-player characters. If desired, the lowest minion. In this adventure, the players move from one '" and Marrina'" can be added to the team. Colorful cut-out cat's-paw to another... until they find the final answer! character cards on the gatefold are for the players' use. On with the storyl Presenting ... Alpha Flightr


Designed by Jaunty JeffGrubb Edited by Madcap Michael Dobson and Boisterous Barbara Deer Graphic Design by Jocund Johnny Meyers TSR, Inc. �" Cover by POB 756 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 TSA,lnc. Interiors by Jubilant Jeff Butler ISBN ()'88038-1 32-9 PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION'" Cartography by Diesel 394-54553-2TSR0600 n...... 01 .... �� lINd... 1IenoII\ tlctftlou, enddOnot ..... lOWly ,...-.1IvI1I1Ior _. Any"""",,, ""',IncIudlIl1l"""lerttlHto peNOII'IIYInO'"_ .... "*"'YcoIncIdeftUol.AI � a..ct...end .... dIIIIncII'o.lII<_... tMnot trHemIobM.fftI 01.... Com"" Group. MARVEl.IUPER HEIIOElI.MARVEl. SUPER VILL\INSend AL.PH.t. nlOHT... � 01.... � GroupComIc4o ...... GrouP. ComIce ' ...... 01 � 1__ Co

'fhII;boo/! Ie "ptOIectedUtIder copyright .... len01 1M UnlttodStol .. o' ...... n.:.. Any "'f'I'OdUCtI<>or u",ut� u.. 01 IhI ""',""lor .rtwortcoontolned ...... n IeproNbIIld wi't"-' ...... OMIMlI wrlttIn oIl'M. Inc •• end ...... Com"" Group. Dlllrtbutld to1M boo/!In � 1M Untl... Stet. . by Random _N. Inc.,.nd In Cenllllby AtlndOm_ .. o. Clnllll.lid. OIettlbuted10 IhlloyIW'd hobbyby ..... reoIOM'dIeIrtbut ...... Chapter 1:

The Haunting of Harris House


Read the following to the players: The small park where Simon was found is located at the edge of the city. Heroes The call has gone oul across Canada­ with postcognitive powers, such as Snow­ not the Alpha Signal that warns of a bird, can determine the route Simon took nallonal crisis, but a simple series of to reach the park. Heroes with tracking telephone calls from Heather Hudson, ability or high Intuition can trace the scent the leader of Alpha Flight. At her (and the occasional spatter of blood) to request, you and your teammates have find the path. If none of these abilities Is gathered in the city 01 Hull, Just north of available to the heroes, witnesses come Ottawa, to meet with Heather and Gary forward to reveal the route Simon took. No Cody, former government liaison to matter which method is used, the route Alpha Flight. can be easily traced to an old manor in the Heather and Cody have bad news. residential area. Anyone in the area knows Simon Hedley-Brown, Canadian that this is Harris House, and that it Is Secret Service agent, lies al death's reputed to be haunted. door. He was well known to you when As soon as the heroes near the manor, you were part of Department H, the they meet Jamie Mitchels, a seven year government agency in charge of Alpha old boy (all abilities Poor, Health 16), who Flight when it was connected with the runs up to the heroes, believing them to be government. He'd been a friend. police looking for his lost friend, Ron. If the Simon was found stumbling through heroes are in costume, he runs up to the a small park in Hull earlier hlday, badly team and announces that he is their big­ mauled by animals. Now he is listed in gest fan. Sasquatch is his favorite. Jamie critical condition at SI. Anne's Hospital. tells the heroes the following story: According to Cody, Simon was work­ ing undercover to investigate security "Me and Ron were talking, an' he said leaks in a government project. His he wasn't scared of nothin', an' I said reports said that he was on to some­ he was scared of the Harris place, an' thing big, but he gave no details. His he said he wasn't. an' to prove it he last message was that he was looking went inside. Ron's older th'n me and forward to a meeting with the other thinks he knows everything, y'know. side. Nothing more is known. Heather Anyway, he went inside, an' I prom­ and Cody want you to find out who's ised to wait for him, an' an hour went by responsible, finish Simon's mission, an' he didn't come out an' this big guy and bring Simon's attackers to justice. came up to the house and went in. I ducked in the bushes so he didn't see lithe heroes ask, Cody tells them that me. About fifteen minutes later he... the Simon was Investigating security leaks big guy... comes runnin' out an' he's all involving the construction of government cut up. The old lady an' her cats got hydroelectric plants. Since there are over him. An' I think they got Ron, too, an' I 50 such projects currently being built, was going to tell his folks, or go In there is no way to know which projects myself. 'Cept for the ghosts, I was Simon was working on. going to go right in ..." Simon is currently resting under seda­ tion at S1. Anne's Hospital. If the heroes speak with the medical personnel, they If the heroes talk with Jamie, he tells discover that Simon's last words before them the Harris place is haunted. ("Every· goirtg under were "James Bay." James one knows that!" he says.) Neighbors and Bay Is an inlet oN Hudson Bay, and the site police confirm that strange lights and of several large government hydroelectric noises often come from the house. The projects. police and local newspapers can provide

2 history on the manor. Harris House was ten points of damage. Characters who are through the secret panel into the sewers owned by Nathan Harris, a wealthy running may take additionat damage. (fourth round). II he makes it into the explorer who disappeared attempting to There is a storage closet beneath the sewers, he gets away. reach the North Pole. His widow, Amanda, stairs. The of Amanda is non--corporeat died awaiting his return. There is a legend THE UPSTAIRS BEDROOMS, These and non·aggressive. Blows and weapons that her ghost and the ghosts of her cats were once guest rooms. They are now pass through her. Magic cannot banish still wait lor him ...or for news that he Is entirely empty. The in the Hallway her; she is immune to any spell that would truly gone. Attempts to locate the heirs has small footprints in it. stop her from waiting lor news of Nathan have failed, and the manor has been THE LIBRARY. This was Nathan's or his return. abandoned for years. library. Amanda never comes here. The The house is indeed haunted by room contains mildew·stained memorabi· Amanda Harris's spirit, waiting for Nathan lia from Nathan's travels-ivory, har­ Aftermath to return. She did not attack Simon Hed· poons, animal skins, and books about If Alpha Flight defeats and ley·Brown. Those responsible are two new northern Canada and the polar regions. , Heather and Cody ask them to residents of Harris House: Constrictor'" The Library also contains books (aU water turn the villains over to the authorities. and Sabretoofh'". They have built a hide­ damaged and unreadable) on meteorlogy, Inspection of the equIpment in the base· out in the basement, taking advantage of glaciers, and legends of the . ment reveals that il was being disassem­ the house's haunted reputation. The ghost AMANDA'S ROOM. Except for a few bled, evidence that the villains had gotten never enters the basement. Constrictor cobwebs, this room is in perfect condition. what they wanted. The computer tapes has never seen Amanda; Sabretooth, who The far door (leading to the Sun Parlor) is contain government records of La 8a/ is more savage and superstitious, has open. In the bed, asmall child sleeps. This James (James Bay) Hydroelectric Project. seen the ghost several times and fears is Ron landers, Jamie's friend. When This is apparently the "big leak" Simon her. Constrictor thinks his ally is seeing awakened, he explains that he had was Investigating. Sabretooth does nol things. entered the house and discovered Con­ know who their employer was. Constrictor Use the map of Harris House to run the strictor. (He doesn't know about Sabre· knows who hired them (Justin Hammer"; heroes' exploration of the manor. The win· tooth.) When Hedley-Brown entered Ihe see Chapter 3), but will not willingly talk. II dows are boarded up with a Good house, Ron ran upstairs to hide. He coerced, he admits that his boss can be Strength material, but the front door is doesn't know how he got to Amanda's found in an apartment complex in Mon· unlocked. Use the following room key for Room, or how long he has been asleep. treat. That evening, the complex mysteri· encounters and events In Harris House. He has not seen Amanda's ghost. ously burns down. THE SUN PARLOR. This room has If the villains defeat Alpha Flighl, they THE HALLWAY. The north wall forms a windows on three sides and a door leading teave Harris House through the sewers long staircase. A balcony overtooks this 10 a widow's walk. All windows have been after destroying the equipment in the room from the second floor. The first hero boarded up. The first two heroes entering basement. The ghost of Amanda keeps entering this area sees Amanda's ghost­ the room see Amanda sitting in her rock· any heroes from dying, and heals aU dam­ an elderly woman hotding a cat in her ing chair before the hearth. She disap­ age. The team awakens in beds in the arms. The round after she is lirst seen, pears aher the first round. Hanging on the guest rooms. Those who were near death Amanda retreats to the Sun Parlor. east wall is a portrait 01 Nathan. have a of Amanda asking them to THE DOWN STAIRS PARLOR. This THE BASEMENT. The Basement Is find out what happened to her husband. room is empty and covered with dust and filled with high-speed computers and a If the heroes do not go upstairs before cobwebs. In the dust are footprints of two radio hook·up. The computers contain the battle, Ron Landers comes downstairs men wearing soft·soled shoes (Constrictor stolen tapes concerning James Bay Pro­ afterwards. He tells the heroes about the and Sabretooth), one man wearing dress ject 117. A secret panel in the north wall "sad lady and her cat" upstairs. shoes (Hedley-Brown), and a child wear· leads into the Hull sewer system. This is Simon Hedley·Brown regains con­ ing soft-soled shoes (Ron). how Constrictor and Sabretooth enter and sciousness in 36 hours, in serious condi· THE LIVING ROOM, tn addition to dust leave the house without being seen. • tion but no tonger near death. He explains and cobwebs, there Is broken furniture in that he had made contact with a "leak" this room. II looks like a fierce light took who was passing information about con­ place here, The rotted carpet has a large Battle struction plans and schedules on James stain from a leak in the ceiling. The Bay Project fl7 to a mysterious emptoyer. entrances to the Dining Room and the The battle starts when any hero enters He disguised himself as his contact to Downstairs Parlor are wide arches. the Dining Room. If you are running just meet with the information buyers (Sabre­ THE DINING ROOM. This room is in the battle, place the heroes randomly. tooth and Constrictor), but Sabretooth rec­ better shape and has been recently uSed. Sabretooth starts in the Dining Room, ognized his scent was different, and well, The oak dining room table is in good con­ perched on the wide sill over the arch. He the rest is history. dition and was recently cleaned. Sabre­ attacks lirst in the 'irst round of combat tooth (see Battle seclion) is on the wide sill because of surprise. He always uses his All heroes can heal up to twice their above the archway. When any character claws and never chooses to reduce his Endurance before the next chapter. enters this room, go to the Battle section. damage on the Hack & Slash table. THE KITC HEN. The Kitchen is old· Constrictor starts in the Kitchen. He fashioned, The linoleum is peeled and the enters in the second round of the fight, Karma wallpaper has rotted away. The old fur· extending his electrified cables from the nace from the Basement has been doorway. He concentrates on the largest Finding Harris House dumped in the middle of the room. (Con· and strongest targets first. II Sabretooth is Defeating Sabretooth strictor and Sabretooth did this to make defeated and Constrictor is outnumbered, Defeating Constrictor room for the machinery downstairs.) Rick· he retreats to the Basement (this takes Attacking Amanda ety stairs lead up to the Upstairs Hall. Any· one round), contacts "Hammer One" by Finding Ron one using the stairs must make an Agility radio (a second round), explains the situa· Being defeated roll, or break through one of the steps lor tion (third round), and tries to escape Finding Computer Ta pes

3 Chapter 2: H Campaign

Read the following to the players: an O'Hara "Skylighter" jet-copter(Control Problem number three appears to be Excellent, Body Typical, Speed Excel· related to the thefts. large footprints have lent). Heather accompanies the team, but been spotted around the camp. Some The James Bay Hydroelectric Project Cody stays behind. men fear that it might be ; others in nor1hernQuebec is one of the largest Ross Kinkaid, chief engineer, meels the whisper that it might be , the fear­ of its kind, dwarfing Hoover Dam and heroes al the helicopter pad. (Ross some monster of the far nor1h. If Kinkaid the TVA' . The mighty rivers of the nor1h Kinkaid, all abilities Good, except lor decides he can trust the group (a Popular­ country have been harnessed, and Excellent Endurance, Health·50.) Ross is ity FEAT lor the team). he tells them that their power has made one of a burly, friendly man with a care-lined he thinks he saw the beast one night. It the most energy·rich states in the face. He is cordial to the "visiting inspec­ was a large, shadowy form with eyes that world. Excess power lights the other tors" and is willing to discuss the prob­ glowed green. provinces of Canada and is fed Into the lems he has been having with Project 117. All of these factors cause problem num­ United States' Eastern Seaboard One of Ross' problems is Professor ber four: the project is behind schedule. power grid, providing electricity to the Greg Anders (all abilities Typical, except Kinkaid's bosses in Ottawa and New York sprawling mega·city that runs Irom for Excellent Reason, Health·24), who is are pushing for rapid completion. He Boston to Washington, DC. at Ross' side when the helicopter lands. needs results, and hopes the "govern­ The Canadian government. in con· Anders is a noted environmentalist who ment consultants" can help. junction with American corporations, has has been lobbying heavily against the Neither Kinkaid nor Anders recognize been very Interested in James Bay Pro­ James Bay projects. He is a slender, Alpha Flight as super heroes unless they ject 1t7, soon to become the largest gen­ narrow-faced man, nervous and very announce themselves, use their powers, erator of power in the free world. Now touchy. He takes every oPpor1unity to con· or appear in costume. someone else is interested, someone vince the team that James Bay is an envi­ It is now afternoon. Anders volunteers to whose motives are less than pure . . . ronmental disaster-in-the-making. take the consultants to see the footprints. Kinkaid's second problem is massive theft Kinkaid offers to show them the main gen· Heather has arranged for Alpha Flight to of supplies. Entire warehouses of material erator plant. where the coils are being pose as a government inspection team are disappearing in spite of locks and installed. visiting James Bay. She gives the heroes guards. He is most concerned that the The heroes can decide which group security passes for their secret identities, thieves,whoever they are, will steal the large they want to accompany. They can divide and arranges for the team to have use 01 generator coils for the power plant. He has into two groups if they wish. Heather goes them under 24-hour guard until their installa· with Kinkaid. -Tennessee ValleyAuthor ity B8rbs ,a �I iO" ' "'h::""uled for later today. � � _ ._T" .,.;,,;r 

4 Anders' Group Once the lighting in the generator room of them involves Ihe use of IIthluml starts, Heather and Kinkaid try to clear the Read the following to the players who tungsten coils in the main generators. area of non-combatants and get to the accompany Anders: He shows you the generator room power control room. If no PC hero is with where the coils are now being installed. them, Kinkaid is kidnapped by the syn­ Anders tells you thai the best tracks It is a voluminous structure, filled with thetic Hulk at this time. If a hero is with can be found in some mud flats about a construction machinery and lit by sky­ them, the second synthetic Hulk, armed quarter 01 a mile away. He believes the lights forty feet above the floor. Soon, with teleportation disks, is waiting in the monster is a Bigfoot. As he escorts you Kincaid tells you, this plant will be hum­ power control room. The synthetic Hulk through the high grass to the Iials, he ming with whirling generators and elec· uses one of the disks on Kinkaid. The syn­ nalters on about his theories. He tricity. thetic Hulk then bat1!es any hero in the believes thai the tracks are made by a Suddenly, the skylights are shat­ room before teleporting away. If it defeats tribe 01 Bigfoot. also known as Sas­ tered, and four men in flying armor Sasquatch, it teleports Sasquatch away quatch. (Anders knows that Sasquatch zoom into the vault-like generator as well. It will not kidnap any other hero. Is a member of Alpha Flight, but has room, The leader, wearing blue and The synthetic have been pro­ never seen him.) Anders believes thai white armor, says in an Irish brogue, grammed not to damage the area. Accord­ the rising waters behind James Bay N7 "Don't een' think 0' movin', boyos. ingly, they will not pick up equipment to forced the Bigfoot to leave their natural This is a robbery. No one moves, no smash and will try to catch any equipment habitat. ("These projects cause Incal­ one gets hurt." thrown at them instead of batting it away. culable environmental damagel" he Their master wants this plant to be com· adds.) He believes thai Ihe thefts and Battle pleted on schedule. footprints are the result 01 the Bigfoot being forced Oul of their homes. The four men in flying armor are Aftermath When you arrive at the Iials, you see '" (Brendan Doyle) and three what Anders described: huge, humanoid Raiders'". They are after the generator As soon as the synthetic Hulks' mls· Iracks imbedded deeply in the thick mud. coils, hoping both to sell them on the black sions are completed (stop the Raiders, market and also slow down the James Bay kidnap Kinkaid), they teleport away. Project. If the Raiders defeat Alpha Flight. they If Shaman, Snowbird, or Sasquatch Unless immediately attacked, they should be defeated or run 011 by the syn· check out the prints, they know at once attach anti-grav units to the coils. This thetic Hulks. At least one Raider should be that these are not the tracks of a Wendigo. takes captured, II it looks as if they will make a The Iracks have loes like a man, not claws one round. They do not attack any· one unless they are attacked. Two rounds clean getaway, have one of their jetpacks like a beast. But there are no whorls or pal· later, before they can steal the generator malfunction so thai the battlesuit will terns, like on a human foot, to be seen. coils, a large, green-skinned monster with crash. It Is important that one Raider be If Sasquatch is present, make a yellow glowing green eyes drops through the sky· captured so he can rat on his boss. Reason FEAT roll for him. If the roll suc­ light and attacks Mauler and the Raiders, If no hero followed Heather and Kinkaid ceeds, the footprint reminds him of the into the power control room, Kinkaid is kid­ HUlk'",whom he has fought both with and This is not the real Hulk, but an android synthetic HUlk'". napped, Heather receives 10 points of against. If Snowbird uses her postcogni­ replica, a The synthetic Hulk has the following characteristics; electrical damage. tion power, she sees a green monster with I! a hero was with Heather and Kinkaid glowing eyes standing in the footprints. S E when the second synthetic Hulk Once the heroes have investigated the F A RI P Ex appeared, Kinkaid is still kidnapped. II the footprints, read the following: Gd Mn Mn Pr Pr Pr synthetic Hulk defeated the hero, the hero Health; laO is left behind unless he is a gamma·irradi­ Suddenly, the air is shattered by the ated creature (such as Sasquatch). The sound of an explosion coming from the The synthetic Hulk has Remarkable synthetic Hulk will attempt to kidnap any power dam site. A flash of green In the body armor and Good resistance to such hero. air catches your eye. Even from this energy weapons. I! Sasquatch (or a similar hero) is kid­ distance, you recognize the Incredible The synthetic Hulk attacks the heroes napped and teleported away by the sec· Hulk bounding into the worksitel only if they attack him. A second synthetic ond synthetic Hulk, give the player Hulk teleports into the power control room; another Alpha Flight hero. Northstar and its mission is to kidnap Ross Kinkaid. If the heroes return to the worksite on Marrina are included for this purpose. Use the following timetable to run this loot, it takes six rounds. Flying heroes (from the boxed set) can also be battle: take three rounds. Heroes traveling at uSed. supersonic speed take one round. Sha­ ROUND I-The Raiders break into the man's tete porting dust takes one round to power plant. Karma get all heroes to the site. ROUND 2-Heroes at the mud flats hear Recognizing footprints ·10 the noise and can react. Kinkaid's Group Each Raider defeated ·30 ROUND 3-The synthetic Hulks and any Being defeated by Raiders -30 Read the following to those who went with teleporting characters arrive. Defeating lirst synthetic Hulk ·75 Kinkaid: ROUND 4-Characters moving at high Defeating second synthetic Hulk ·75 speed arrive. Saving Heather from ROUND &-Characters lIying at normal Ross Kinkaid takes you on a tour of the second synthetic Hulk ·30 speed arrive. James Bay 117 hydroelectric plant. He Sasquatch kidnapped ·75 ROUND a-Mauler (if still active) calls on explains that, In addition to standard Each defeat by either the Raiders to withdraw. construction techniques, the plant synthetic Hulk -30 uses many experimental methods. One ROUND 9-AIt other heroes from the mud Ilats arrive.

5 Whenthe Hammer Falls Campaign At least one Raider will be left behind, from. He has no idea what happened to either by capture or by suil malfunction, as Kinkaid, or why he was kidnapped, copter. The craft gives a lurch to the left described in Chapter 2. The captured Fort George is only an hour's flight and the whine 01 the engines increases Aalder can be easily persuaded to talk if away, so Heather recommends using the as a battery of green lights in the can· the heroes put any sort of pressure on jet·copter. The group may use other trans· trol booth turn amber, then red. Alpha Flight is under attack! him. II the heroes do not, Anders extolls portation. (NOTE: Shaman can use his the virtues 01 the Canadian prison system, teleporting dust to instantly transport the and explains how long the Raider will be in team to Hammer's location. but frequent Battle it unless he cooperates. use of this magic can toosen the binding The Raider identifies his leader as the spells that hold the Great Beasts in check. The copter has been fired upon by a Mauler (il the heroes did not recognize This becomes Important in Chapter 5,) Drainer Gannon mounted on the roof. This him). He says that the Mauler has a con­ Heather decides to remain behind to device causes a power loss in all electrical tract with Justin Hammer, a criminal busi· organize search crews lor Kinkaid and to systems it hits (blocked by force fields, nessman who employs super-powered search lor any more synthetic Hulks. range of 10 areas). The Drainer Cannon is mercenaries like the Raiders. Hammer is Read the following to players if they use mounted in one area of the Krupp Building behind the disappearance 01 supplies. If the jet·copter: on the map provided in game . Ham· the heroes ask where Hammer can be mer's private jet-ropteris warming up on the found, the Raider resists a lillie. then Fort George was just a quiet Quebec hetipad. Alpha Right's jet-copter is currently breaks down and tells them that Ham· town on the shore of James Bay until in the area just north of the one marked mer's headquarters is on the top floor of the power plants came. Now it is a "Rathbone Park." It is descending rapidly. the Krupp Industrial Building In Fort boomingindustrial base supporting the The copter'S power loss is temporary. George. hydroetectric plants upstream. New The pitot can safely land the craft by mak· The Raiders have conducted several buildings have shot up like plants ing a Reason FEAT roll followed by an Agil. midnight raids on the project, using their through the spring frost. One of them is ity FEAT roll. Aaise each ability by one flying suits and anti-grav lifters to break in the Krupp industrial complex, a giant in rank if he or she has piloting experience. A and get out without being seen. Hammer's the subarclic wastes. The Krupp com· crash results In Aemarkabte (30) damage objective was to steal the special lithium· plex, you have learned, is actually can· to those inside the craft. Check for Stun for tungsten coils and sell them on the inter· trolled by Justin Hammer, a multi· all inside. II the copter lands safely, it is national black market. millionaire industrialist ... and criminal. obvious to the pilol thai the power loss is Make a Popularity FEAT roll for the The wind picks up in the last few only temporary. If the copter tries to take questioner, If it succeeds, the Raider adds miles of your trip, and a light snow off, the cannon fires again. that Hammer has a secret partner whom begins. Visibility is worsening, but the Once the copter has tanded in he calls "the Other," The Reider has no helipad atop the Krupp Building is in Rathbone Park, Hammer's other agents idea who "the Other" is. sight. A second jet-<:opteris on the pad, attack. Hammer has employed Me/,er"" The synthetic Hulks are a comptete waiting to take off. Suddenly, a beam of and Blizzard'" to take care of super' mystery to the captured Raider, He has no energy lances across one side of your powered opponents. Mauler and any idea what they are or where they came escaped Raiders aid them. Blizzard is the

, team leader, charged with delaying andlor defeating Alpha Flight while Hammer pre­ always kept his visual picture scram­ pares to leave. Hammer is clearing his bled. All I can say is that the signal files of evidence, taking important papers Aftermath came Irom the north-northeast, but that with him. and setting explosive charges to could just be a relay station. I should deitroy the building after he goes. If the heroes capture Hammer, the crimi­ think no one would live up there if they In addition to his super-powered opera­ nal businessman surrenders peacefully could avoid it... tives, Hammer employs five uniformed and with good grace. He is confident that You see, "the Other" knew of my mercenaries as his bodyguards. Their his super-powered allies and political con­ interest in James Bay, which meant only objective is to protect him and guard nections will get him out of jail quickly. He that he had lapped my personal net­ his escape. Each mercenary is armed explains his nefarious plot if questioned work. This disturbed me. But he offered with an automatic rifle (range 10, damage (see below). a trade. If I would use my resources to 10). One mercenary is Hammer's personal \I the heroes are Stunned or defeated by plant a few additional devices in the pilot. All five mercenaries have the same Hammer's hirelings, they are taken to the James Bay complex, he would show abilities: roof and fastened to the machinery there. me how to block off all power from the The heroes are manacled with Inhibitor complex. This would shut down the F A SEA P Bracers that prevent any use of super power grid and cause a massive black­ Ex Gd Gd Ty Ty Pr Pr powers. The Bracers can be broken by a out throughout eastern Canada and the hero with Excellent or greater Strength on United States. In the resulting paniC, Health: 46 Karma: 14 a red FEAT roll or unfastened by a hero my operatives could loot at leisure. with Excellent or greater Agility on a red Your activities have stopped that, I'm FEAT roll. afraid, but those items I planted for

On the fifth round alter the heroes' cop­ If the heroes are captured and mana­ "the Other" are still in place ..." ter is shot down. Hammer's copter takes cled, a pretaped holographic image of off from the buitding, heading west at Typi­ Justin Hammer appears before them. \I the heroes have been subdued and cal speed. If it makes it off the map edge, Hammer is wearing a smoking jacket. His manacled, Justin adds the following: Hammer has escaped. Hammer is head­ tone is very urbane and slightly superior. ing for one of his aircraft carrier-sized sub­ If Hammer escapes, the heroes find a marines, currently stationed in the bay. If holographic projector in his apartment. "Oh, by the way, if you're going to hunt the players somehow manage to track and Once the heroes have either captured down "the Other" and stop his plan, capture Hammer, see the Aftermath sec­ Hammer, been captured, or found the you'd best hurry. While we've been tion. holographic projector, read the following: chatting, the countdown is under way. If Hammer's jet-copter is destroyed Oh, did Ilorget to tell you? The building before it takes off, Hammer uses another is rigged to explode. 1\ should go off in a The image 01 Justin Hammer speaks. escape plan. One of his mercenaries, minute or so. I don't look forward to "As you may have already surmised, , " dressed to look like Hammer, enters a lim­ seeing you again, so have a good day! am Justin Hammer_ I am a business­ ousine at the north door while being man of sorts, save that I am willing to guarded by the other mercenaries. Mean­ The bomb will go all in three rounds, invest in ...ah ... unusual enterprises, and only if the heroes have been subdued. while Hammer, dressed casually, enters a including some activities a lesser mind taxicab at the south end of the building. 11 would consider criminal, such as It does Monstrous damage as it goes off, and Amazing damage from the flames the heroes do not detect the cab depar­ smuggling, robbery, and blackmail. To ture. Hammer escapes. The mercenaries each round afterwards. The building will this end t employ super-powered oper­ go to the bus station, change into street atives. You have met several of them. be destroyed. II is empty except for the clothes, and disperse. 00 not place Ham­ We have a mutually prolitable arrange­ captive heroes. lithe heroes get out of their bonds, they mer's counter on the map unless the play­ ment: I develop and improve their can try either to escape or deactivate the ers discover his whereabouts. weaponry, post their bail, and aid them II the leam uses Shaman's teleportation as much as I can... and they give me 50 bomb. It takes a yellow Reason FEAT roll to deactivate the bomb. (Puck receives a dust, layout the map and ask the players percent of their take. Would any of you one column shift to the right because of where they want their heroes to arrive. be interested in working for me? ... Ah, I previous experience.) They can only appear outside the Krupp thought not. A white result means the bomb goes off immediately. Te ll Building. II they start on the roof, Hammer In any event, I was interested in the has already escaped, but Melter, Blizzard, James Bay project for two reasons. the players this so they can decide Mauler, and all remaining Aaiders are One was money-it would be very prof­ whether to spend Karma. walling lor them. II they start elsewhere, itable for the industries I control to they see Hammer's copter landing on the receive contracts. I spent a good deal Following this chapter, all characters roof. The criminal businessman is in his of money in bribes and kickbacks, but recover twice their Endurance in Health. penthouse apartment, getting ready to the contracts went to other corpora­ leave. His mercenaries are with him. Make tions. That disappointed me, so I began an Intuition FEAT roll lor each villain to see to take action against the other corpo­ Karma if he notices the arriving heroes. rations. If they lost enough money, they In the light, Melter uses his cell­ would be forced out, and my industries Deleating Meller -20 disrupting ray on the heroes first. It causes would come in. Defeating Blizzard ·30 30 points of damage and forces a red While involved in these activities, I Capturing Hammer -20 Endurance FEAT roll to avoid being was contacted by "the Other." I wish I Hammer escapes -30 Stunned. Blizzard uses his powers at one could tell you more about him but I Krupp Building destroyed -25 level higher to hit and damage, because of can't, for he contacted me by overrid­ Jet-copter crashes -25 the cold and moisture. Mauler and the ing my own communications system Krupp Building damaged In battle -10 Aaiders have all regained their Endurance (an impressive feat in Itself), and Defeating Mauler ,40 rank in Health. Each defeated Raider -30

7 hears Cascade continually railing against someone called "the Other." All communi­ cations have been cut off, but Anders called the Army before communication was lost. Battle

Cascade starts in any area of the main generator room. Heather, looking like a drowned rat, is in the monitor room. All other personnel have been swept out of the area. The west doors are jammed shut. Alpha Flight enters through the sky­ lights or the east doors. Cascade does not want to hurt anyone. He witl fight only if attacked. His primary purpose is to start up the plant and keep everyone away from the generators while "the Other" sucks up power. Cascade repeatedly shouts that he is just doing his job at the command of "the Other."


If Cascade defeats the heroes, he WhiteWater sweeps them out of the generator room with a wave of water and continues guard­ ing the equipment. The heroes can recover and attack again. WhiteDeath The Army arrives one hour after Cas­ cade starts the generators. They are a special force under the command of lieu­ tenant Colollel Walter Grigsby, Royal Canadian Air Force. His unit consists of 40 men, five armed with lIame throwers and Campaign the rest with assault rifles. (See statistics for soldiers, page 28, and flame throwers, Read the following to the players: page 17, in the Campaign Book; assault thought it was another of those Hutk­ rifles, page 14 in the Battle Book.) Their like creatures, but whatever it is seems With the defeat of Hammer and his orders are to maintain the safety of the to have tapped into the water lines. operatives, a relative calm falls over the plant and remove any threat to it. Most of the men have escaped, but James Bay project. Kinkaid is still miss­ Grigsby does not like costumed heroes they look hall drowned. Whatever is in ing, but that does not quiet the bustle of very much. If Alpha Flight has not there is opening the main valves. construction as the project rushes to def':tated or Is not engaged with Cascade That'll start up the generators and who completion. when he arrives, he orders his own men to knows what else. I'll meet you here at Tha disappearances have ceased, attack. Without Alpha Flight's support,the the generator room and ...GOOD and there has been no sign of Raiders, attack fails without injury to Cascade. GRIEF!" she shouts. The sound of synthetic Hulks, or Bigfoot. Alpha If Cascade is defeated (knocked uncon­ rushing water is heard over the link, fol­ Flight remains to deter their return. scious), read the following to the players: lowed by a burst of static... then all com­ munications are lost. If Blizzard escaped the lasl conflict, The defeated Cascade shimmers and add: "The Royal Canadian Mounted solidifies into a familiar form: Ross Heather is safe, although she's inhaled Police have picked up Gregor Shapanka, Kinkaid, the kidnapped project engi­ some water from a sudden flood in the also known as Blizzard, and are holding neer. The shock has released him from monitor room. The flood was created by him in custody." "the Other's" control, but he Is dazed Cascade"', Master of the White Water. He Read the following to the players: and disoriented. has flooded everyone out of the room and adjacent areas. No one has been hurt,but The quiet is shattered on the second he is keeping everyone at a distance, giv­ evening by the cry of warning klaxons ing him time to fire up the generators. Karma and the low, urgent beeping of com­ Water is flowing through the gates, the munications links. Heather's voice, coils are turning, and the plant is produc­ Defeating Cascade ·50 sounding hurried and harried, comes ing energy. The read-outs, though, show Being defeated by Cascade over the line. that none of it is going into the linesl (each time) -20 "Troops, we got trouble," she says Through the ruined doorway, Heather Letting the Army go in first -10 quickly. "We've had a break-in in the can see Cascade, a watery humanoid Accompanying the Army generator area again. At !irst we wearing gauntlets and a headband. She on their attack ·5

• Chapter 5:

Campaign 1

Read the following to the players:

When Ross Kinkaid recovers, he lells Alpha Flight he remembers being transformed into Cascade by a being who called himself "the Other." The details are fuzzy, but his captor was evi­ dently a green-skinned humanoid with an oversized head; Ross thinks he may be an alien. The only thing he remem­ bers clearly is that they were farther north than this, in some old army Instal· latlon near a glacier.

Ross, as Cascade, activated several power laps on the main lines, channeling power from the generators to a hidden Ice Station Gamma transmitting station. Alpha Flight quickly locates the transmitter beneath the mud Iiais. From the trajectory of its transmis· If Sasquatch was taken prisoner, he is sions, they discover the receiving station "Good day, heroes," he cackles. "A held in the shelter in a filled with is an abandoned Army radar installation. pity you could not have come sooner. sleeping gas. Two of the leader's crea­ Colonel Grigsby, who doesn't trust Alpha Now you are too lale to stop me from tures are replicas of Sasquatch; the others Flight, recommends a low-level bombing tapping the greatest power in the are improved synthetic Hulks. If Sas­ run on the area. world. After all, there is no "Other" quatch has not been captured, all four are If the team does not act, but allows like ...the Leader"'." synthetic Hulks. Both types have the fol­ Grigsby to call in his air strike, the bombs lowing statistics: destroy the radar shelter. "The Other" and II lhe characters attack the leader and his minions get away. Any captives are his minions, go directly to Battle 1 section. F A s E A p blown from the wreckage and lose con­ If the characters speak to the leader, he Rm Ex Mn Mn Pr Pr Pr sciousness. They revive in one day unless tells them the following: found earlier and helped. One of the Health: bomber pilots reports seeing a huge, cat­ 200 like creature break through the ice and "You won" find me as easy to defeat stalk off to the south. Grigsby blames Ihe as Justin Hammer. All that greed-filled These synthetic Hulks have Incredible fiasco on Atpha Flight, leaving Ihem no fool wanted was to profit at James body armor and Good resistance to option but to go north and fight the mon­ Bay's expense. He could have had all energy weapons. Their glowing eyes ster. The players lose 300 Karma each. Go the money he wanted if he hadn't shoot force bolts of pure energy (range to the Battle 2 section. double-crossed me, hadn't tried to three areas) for Excellent damage. If Alpha Flight talks Grigsby out of the steal the generator coils. My synthetic The leader is confident that his crea­ bombing run, they head north on their Hulks stopped him, and "borrowed" tions can deal with Alpha Flight. He is own. When they reach the area of the Mr. Kinkaid in the process. My first armed with an entangler gun that shoots radar station, show them the map of the thought was to hypnotize Kinkaid to coils 01 Amazing Strength. He will use it on glacier and read the following: check my power relays, bul l soon dis­ anyone that gets through the Excellent covered his latent abilities. Strength walls of his compound. What a pleasant surprise he turned out The leader also clutches an ancient The sky is clear In this far north oul­ to be. Pity he failed. I should never put book; he attempts to protect the book if post, but a stiff breeze kicks up puffs of my trust in humans. Still, thanks to him, attacked. Any character who gets close snow from Ihe ice. The station itself is I am about to control a force thai will enough (same area) can read the name just ahead. Snowbird senses an eerie make me the Supreme Power of this "Nathan Harris" in tarnished gold leaf on presence. A shiver runs down Sha­ globel My creatures here will keep you the cover. (II no character remembers thai man's spine. There is ancient magic busy while I finish the job. Attack, my Nathan Harris is Amanda's miSSing hus­ here, and there is something else as pets]" The huge forms advance men­ band, ask one character to make an Intui­ well. ..a great evil. acingly. tion FEAT roll for this information.) Beside the bleak slation, a modern If any character gets the book away apparatus that looks like a drill rig from the leader and starts to read it, go to bores into the glacial ice. A dim, dark Chapter 6 and read FRAGMENT FROM stain can be seen below the cracking Battle 1 THE LOGBOOK OF NATHAN HARRIS. surface of the ice. Four huge, human­ The leader is concentrating on remov­ oid forms stand between Alpha Flight The heroes begin at the maple leaf on ing the last of a powerful mystic barrier. and the station. Above them hovers a the Ice Slation Gamma map. The syn­ The barrier will be torn away In five rounds green-skinned figure in an orange bat­ thetic Hulks begin in the starred area. The with his help. SUbtract one round for each tlesuit. leader is inside the sheller; his image on time Shaman has used his teleport spell in the Ice field was a holographic projection. the past two days.

9 Campaign 2 Kimara wilt attack those that attack it. It FRAGMENT FROM THE LOGBOOK will lash out against Snowbird, jf present, Even if the leader is stopped, the bar­ OF NATHA N HARRIS because it senses the blood 01 ils hated rier is still desperately weak. It will fall in , . enemies in her. II will speak wilh Shaman, 10 rounds unless slopped by an incan­ . ..Adams gone in the landslide ... boasting that its power will destroy any tation from Shaman (red FEAT rOll), or an Steuben and Cartwright smashed that cross it. 01 ice. by... ft came from under the Ice... unbe­ Alpha Flight's only hope is to reseal the If the characters succeed in repairing lievably huge... 8 smoke-darke beaste creature in ice, or 10 reduce its power the barrier, go to Aftermath, Chapter 6, with a fell vi . Kioche and I the only (Health.O) and place the remains back in and award Karma. survivors. We used his knowledge of the ice pack. This can be done in several Should the characters fail to halt the the tundra to wall the beaste In an ava­ ways: deadly countdown, read: lanche of ice ... sorely injure d... sent him off to bring back he/p ... hope he returns 1. Cause an avalanche. This is a red quickly... Am anda ...Amanda ... my The Ice of the glacier cracks and Strength FEAT lor characters ol lncred­ wife ... Whoever reads this tell her... tell groans. A huge, cat·like paw breaks ible Strength or beller. (yellow FEAT if her. .. through the ice, looking like a cloud 01 they know the slopes and ice well.) If an dark smoke. A second paw follows, avalanche is created before Ihe beast then the head of a huge mountain lion It is up to Alpha Flight to destroy or reaches the sea it will be buried again. with eyes of gold. A voice unheard in restrain the fell creature that the Leader Other characters in the path of the ava­ countless centuries echoes over the has brought forth. They will have their lanche take Amazing damage and are tundra. "AT LAST. MY IMPRISON· hands full with this one. tossed aside by the rush of ice and MENT IS ENDED! KIMARA WA LKS snow. An avalanche may only occur In THE EARTH AGAIN!" Battle 2 glacial terrain. Newly freed from its icy prison, a 2. Freeze Kimara in place. Cover its pelt great smoke·black creature towers Kimara appears in the area marked with water (from a rainstorm, for exam· above the field of ice. It resembles a "The Breach." The synthetic Hulks will nol pie) and lower the temperature rapidly. mountain lion, twenty feet high at the light Alpha Flight, but flee when the Cloud­ 3. Destroy its material body (HealthO() , shoulder. lis claws shine like polished stalker breaks oul. then carry the residue back to its icy ebony, and Its eyes and maw shine with tomb and lay it to rest. This must be a hellish electric-yellow glow. It is KIMARA, done belore the next sunrise, or the Kimara the ClolHi Stalker"', a hell-beast THE CLOUDSTA LKER'· creature will return at the same level of of old. And il is free once more. power as it had when it first appeared. Fighting MONSTROUS Agility MONSTROUS Kimara's first action Is to smash the ice Strength UNEARTHLY Aftermath bore and lhe leader's station. It will Ignore Endurance UNEARTHLY all other actions that round. Only after the Reason GOOD II the members 01 Alpha Flight defeat station is destroyed will it turn Itself to the Intuition AMAZING the Cloud Stalker, they will have saved a others. In a hissing, deep voice it will ridi­ Psyche AMAZING large chunk of Canada. No sign 01 the cule the vanquished leader. "FO OL," it Leader will be found in the ruins. says, smashing the shelter, "010 YOU Health: 350 If Alpha Flight fails to restrain Kimara, it THINK YOURSELF THE FINAL PUPPET­ Karma: 110 will stride into the ocean south of the Ever­ EER?" The leader's scream is cut oN ett Mountains, and reappear two hours abruptly. BODY ARMOR: Kimara's body is made later across the Hudson Strait at its Everyone within the Leader's lab when it of semi-stable vapors. This acts as Mon­ expanded powers. The town 01 Maricourt Is destroyed takes Remarkable damage. strous body armor against physical in nOr1hern Quebec will repor1 seeing the Any characters held prisoner are freed at attacks, and Incredible body arm or huge creature. It will rip through the town this time. Return Sasquatch (if captive) to against energy attacks. Bright lights 01 Maricort, heading southwest toward his player. No sign of the Leader is found weaken it. 's lightburst does James Bay, leaving broken and twisted in the wreckage, but the ruins contain a Amazing damage, and any laser does wreckage in its path. usable air car (body Poor, control Remark­ damage one rank beller than its rating. Allow characters to heal their Endur­ able, speed Good) with a laser (Remark­ REGENERATION: If brought to zero ance rank after this chapter. They may able damage, range seven areas) Health, Kimara will dissolve into a mass of heal twice that II they choose, but by that mounted on the . They also find the material resembling black colton candy. If time the beast will be approaching Fort Leader's book (if It Is not already in the this material is not trapped within solid ice, George, and the battle will take place in characters' possession). Most of the book it will regenerate to the above statistics at the streets of that city. is unreadable, but faded writing on the last the light of dawn. page can still be made oul. Karma The book passed into the mists of his­ Kimara's powers are weakened at the tory and only recently came into the Lead­ start because il has been without air and er's possession. All the Leader's moisture for so long. II will head south for Defeating synthetic Hulks ,75 machinations have been lor one purpose, the coast, reaching it in an hour. Once Finding book -10 to free Irom the ice the creature described immersed in salt water, it becomes fully Repairing mystic barrier -100 -100 in the musty tome ... and to make It his own. powered: Defeating Kimara But the beast has other ideas. It lives for Preventing Kimar a Irom , battle and destruction, and war against F A S E A P entering the ocean 50 ,75 others 01 its kind. It will be no hunting dog Un Un Un Cl Gd Am Am Capturing the Leader -20 for a mere mortal. Kimara enters Hudson Straight To tal Health: 1300 Kimara defeats heroes -20

10 ,� - ,

?'� \ / . : -�'�

If the characters have failed to defeat Any 01 Hammer's men that slipped Kimara, they get a second chance . II lhey through the net are trying to get out of choose to wait a single day to heal, they Canada quickly to link up with their boss Endings find him on the tundra near Lake Minto in a again. If Blizzard helps deleat Kimara, he similar environment to the one in which is granted asylum in Canada. they fought before. Use the glacier map. The leader is not dead. His scream was II they wait two days (healing twice), cui short, not by a death blow from they battle the creature in the streets 01 Kimara, bul by his teleporter activating. Fort George itself, where Kimara will seek He has retreated to his orbital lair, bul will to do maximum damage 10 human-buill not soon forget the team of heroes thaI structures. The Judge decides when has deleated him. Kimara destroys a building within the flow II Hammer has escaped, he is hiding in of the battle. They receive -500 Karma lor international waters on his submersible defeating Kimara, but lose ·50 Karma per yacht. planning his next operation. If building he destroys. under arrest, he is extradited to the United If the heroes fail a second time, an odd States for crimes previously committed trio will save the day. JI no one has exam­ there. ined the logbook. Heather shows it to Pro­ II the players wish to continue Ihe story, fessor Anders, who gets an idea. Anders, the Judge invites Alpha Flight to accom· Kinkaid (in the form of Cascade), and Bliz­ pany Hammer to the United Stales. En zard (in police custody and seeking to route, the plane is hijacked by a masked avoid extradition) team up, going Into bat­ foe. (Choose one 01 the villains still at tle in an O'hara jet-copter. Cascade pours large. II no one is available, one villain will a huge amount of water onto the beast. escape from custody to fill this role. The Blizzard freezes the damp smoke-fur, rest 01 the battle is yours to design.) II the while Anders pilots the chopper. It will take plane is successfully flown to Barbados, them three rounds to freeze the beast Hammer escapes. totally; meanwhile someone in Alpha Finally, the heroes can successfully Flight must keep it busy before it levels exorcise the spirit of Amanda Harris if they

more of La Belle Province .• bring the logbook back to Harris House. Should the heroes defeat Klmara, there Amanda recognizes the book and, if it is are still some loose ends to tie up: left behind, reads it, turning the pages The synthetic Hulks are slill loose on slowly. At the end, she closes it, sighs, and Baffin Island. If left to themselves, they fades from view, cat in her arms. The sto­ become wild and terrorize small towns in ries of the haunted house will continue, as the area, much like the polar bears. stories do, but the true ghost of Harris House has departed for her reward. If the • (Quebec, for aI/ you in the Lower 48 players bring the logbook to Amanda, give Francophile Barbara) them ·40 Karma.

11 THE LEADER� the Battle section of Chapter 2.) If you wish Samuel Sterns, criminal mastermind to use Humanoids in your own adven­ tures, they have the following statistics: Fighting: GOOD Agility: GOOD F A SEAI P Strength: TYPICAL Ty Ty Ex Gd Fb Fb Fb Endurance: REMARKABLE Health: 42 Reason: AMAZING REMARKABLE Intuition: The humanoids have Amazing Strength Psyche: INCREDIBLE body armor that makes them difficult to Health: 56 destroy. Karma: 125 WEAPONS. The lethal leader has vari­ Resources: REMARKABLE ous weapons and capturing devices avail­ Popularity: 5 able. Within this adventure, he uses an Powers: entangling gun thai shoots an Amazing INCREASED MENTAL CAPACITIES. Strength to tie up his target. He pro­ The leader's inventive genius allows him vided the plans lor Hammer's Drain­ a Monstrous Reason when inventing. His Cannon. He also invented stunners logiC is always precise, and his hunches (potential Stun if endurance is Amazing or are usually accurate. His genius is bal­ less) and force beams (potential Slam if anced by his malicious selfishness, his Endurance is Amazing or less). He has inability to work with others (except in a also created mind control devices of master/servant relationship), and a blind Amazing power. impatience. Background: Sam Sterns was a manual HUMANOIDS. Due to his lack of patience laborer who was bombarded with gamma with others, the leader has created an radiation from a nuclear waste dump acci­ army of plastic robots that respond to his dent. The radiation increased his mental mental commands. These robots are not abilities far above the human norm. lust­ used in this module, but are replaced with ing for power over lesser intellects, the the more expensive synthetic Hulks. (Sta­ leader has often sought new methods to tistics for the synthetic Hulks are found in control the world.

CASCADE� BODY ARMOR. His liquid form allows Rosa Kinkaid, engineer him to flow into small openings and gives him Remarkable body armor. Extreme Fighting: GOOD cold reduces that protection to Good as Agility: GOOO the external layers of his sell are chilled Strength: REMARKABLE and must be recirculated. Endurance: AMAZING Reason: GOOD ELECTRICAL CONDUCTOR. Cascade Intuition: TYPICAL is a conductor of electricity but has an Psyche: FEEBLE Incredible resistance to it himsell. Health: 100 Background: When the leader kid­ Karma: 18 napped engineer Ross Kinkaid to use as a Resources: TYPICAL pawn in his scheme to take over the James Bay hydroelectric project. he dis­ Popularity: o covered that Kinkaid had latent mutant Powers: ability. The leader bombarded Kinkaid WATER BLAST. Cascade can shoot from with gamma rays, changing him into a his hands a torrent of water up to five more powerful tool: Cascade, Master of areas away. and may shoot around cor­ the White Water. After escaping the lead­ ners. This blast has Monstrous lorce; a red er's mental domination, Kinkaid reverted FEAT roll is required to move against it to his original shape, but retains the ability (yellow lor Monstrous Strength, green lor to change to Cascade at will. Unearthly).

12 SABERTOOTHN smell, and lasle. He can track a creature (real name unknown). assassin by making a FEAT roll once every half hour unknown 10 see if he is still on the trail. He can iden­ Fighting: INCREDIBLE tify a person by smell with a successful Agility: REMARKABLE FEAT roll. Strength: EXCELLENT CLAWS. His claws are made of Incredi­ Endurance: REMARKABLE ble material. As an assassin, he has used Reason: TYPICAL them to kill. His teeth are made of the Intuition: GOOD same material as his claws. Psyche: TYPICAL Ta lents: nona. Health: 120 Background: little is known about Karma: 22 Sabertooth. He is wanted in several coun· Resources: TYPICAL tries, and it is assumed that he is either a Popularity: 4 mutant or an alter&d human. He has no Powers: color vision, but sees the world in black INFRAVISION. Sabertooth can see in dark. and white. EXTRAORDINARY SENSES. Saber­ tooth has Amazing senses of hearing,

CONSTRICTORN they do no damage). These coils can Frank Schlichting, hoodlum reach into any adjacent area and do Remarkable constriction damage. Elec­ Fighting: GOOD tricity sent through the cables does Mon­ Agility: GOOD strous damage. II used as a whip, a cable Strength: GOOD does Incredible damage, with or without Endurance: EXCELLENT an electrical field. Reason: POOR LIMITATIONS. Constrictor'S powers are Intuition: GOOD in his suit. Severe damage to the chest Psyche: GOOD plate area (sufficient to cuI through the Health: 50 padding, then a fed Fighting FEAT) will Karma: 2. disable him. In addition, he may fight at Resources: GOOD maximum charge for only ten rounds. Popularity: 3 After that point, his damage slips by two Powers: ranks each round and he must find a way BODY ARMOR. Constrictor wears a bat­ to recharge himself. tlesuit that provides Good protection from Background: Schlichting was a small­ physical attacks and Remarkable protec­ time hoodlum who was given the suit by a tion from electrical damage. large crime cartel called The Corporation. ADAMANTJUM CABLES. Constrictor's When The Corporation was broken up by namesake weapons are a pair of adaman· '" and the Hulk, Schlichl­ lium alloy cables issuing from the back of ing kept the suit and went freelance, seil­ his wrists. They are of Unearthly material ing his criminal services to the highest and are unbreakable (a successful bidder. Strength FEAT roll may loosen them so

JUSTIN HAMMERN Powers: Justin Hammer has no personal criminal businessman superhuman powers. He is merely a very wealthy, completely amoral businessman Fighting: POOR who controls a vast empire of legitimate Agility: GOOD and illegal operations. He is actively Strength: TYPICAL involved in "villain support." He takes hi­ Endurance: GOOD tech wonder villains under his wing, Reason: EXCELLENT repairs and updates their equipment, and Intuition: TYPICAL gets them out of prison when necessary. In Psyche: GOOD return, Hammer gets 50 percent of their Health: 28 take. In the past, Hammer has had such Karma: 2. agents as Constrictor, Melter, Bliuard, Resources: INCREDIBLE Porcupine"', Beetle'", and the late Man· Popularity: 10 Killer'" in his employ.

13 MAULERN ELECTRIC TOUCH. By touching his left

Brendan Doyle, mercenary arm to an opponent (Fighting FEAl) , Doyle can induce a pulsed electric shock for Fighting: INCREDIBLE Amazing damage. Agility: EXCELLENT FLIGHT. Strength: INCREDIBLE The MAULER armor can fly al Amazing Endurance: INCREDIBLE speed due to the Jets placed in its Reaaon: GOOD calves. Intuition: EXCELLENT LIFE SUPPORT. While wearing the suit, Psyche: TYPICAL Doyle can survive 3 112 days in a hostile environment (such as under water or in Health: 140 space) with no penalty to action. Karma: 36 Resources: GOOD Background: MAULER stands for Popularity: 4 Mobile Armored Utility Laser-guided Powers: E-beam, Revised. It was developed for the LASER CANNON. The cannon mounted U.S. Department of Defense by the Cord Conglomerate. The contract was can­ on Mauler's right arm does Monstrous damage with an accurate range of 15 celled due to a security breach, and the areas. suit was mothballed. Later it was stolen by Irish mercenar y Brendan Doyle, who uses BODY ARMOR. The MAULER armor pro­ it in freelance crime. vides Remarkable protection against physical attacks and Incredible protection against energy attacks.

RAIDER'· ARMOR RAIDER #2: Force Shield and Syphon Net. These microcircuit·inlayed plastic Fighting: REMARKABLE surfaces have two functions. The shield Agility: GOOD serves as Amazing protection from all Strength: REMARKABLE energy attacks. The Syphon Net can suck Endurance: INCREDIBLE energy away from electrically powered Reason: TYPICAL ilems. II reduces an electrically powered Intuition: GOOD device by seven ranks. If reduced below Psyche: TYPICAL Feeble, the operation of the device is • Health: 110 totally halted.

Karma: 22 RAIDER 113 • Amplisonic Shatterguns. Resources: GOOD These sound-based weapons project bolls Popularity: 3 of pure sonic energy. They hit for Excellent Powers: damage, but you should check for Stuns FliGHT. The Raider armor can fly at and Slams as if it were Amazing damage Remarkable speed. (in other words, they may affect charac­ ters of Amazing or less Endurance). BODY ARMOR. Raider armor provides Remarkable protection against physical Background: With the failure of the attacks and Excellent protection against MAULER contract, Cord Conglomerate energy attacks. invested in a lighter, less expensive ver­ sion of the suit, which they called the WEAPONS: Raider. These suits were used in a field RAIDER *1: Selecti-fire wristbands. lest against /ron Man"'lhatresulted in the These wrist·mounted weapons can fire Raiders' deleat, Cord's arrest, and the diverse shells, all with an effective range sate of the company to Stark (now Stane) of five areas. These Include projectile International. It is not known whether (Excellent damage), laser (Remarkable Hammer's Raiders wear the original suils damaga) and acid (Remarkable potency). or duplicates based on stolen designs.

14 MELTER" METAL: This setting can affect all but Bruno Horgan, professional criminal Unearthly metals (SUCh as Constrictor's cables and Wolverine's claws). This Fighting: GOOD has the effect of Monstrous Strength on Agility: GOOD a wall or objects of metal. Strength: TYPICAL SlONE: This setting has an Unearthly Endurance: EXCelLENT effect on all stone that is not mystically Reason: EXCEllENT enhanced. Intuition: GOOD WOOD: This setting attacks cellulose, Psyche: GOOD the basic building block of plant life. It Hea lth: 4. does Amazing damage to plant life, Karma: 4. and has an Amazing effect on wooden Resources: GOOD objects. Popularity: 3 FLESH: The final setting does Amazing Powers: damage to human and animal tissue. It MELTING DEVICE. Meller wears a does not melt flesh bul it burns, disrupt­ device on his belt that disrupts the molec­ Ing nervous tissue. Make an Endur­ ular bindings of certain materials, causing ance check for each round under the them 10 "melt." The effect 01 the melting gun. Failure indicates unconsiousness ray may be reduced by a , but for '-10 hours. body armor will have no effect if the gun Is Background: Horgan was a competitor set to melt it. The gun has a range of two 01 To ny Stark, who discovered the melting areas and can operate against only one phenomenon in one 01 his defective material at a time. It can operate continu­ products. Melter first refined the process ously lor four hours. The device has fOUf himself, then kidnapped Stark to further settings: refine il. Melter's ray is his sole superhu­ man power.

BLIZZARD" GLOVES: Blizzard's gloves allow him to Gregor Shapanka, scientist make ice-based attacks. He can create icy missiles of three areas range doing Fighting: TYPICAL Remarkable damage. He can form ice Agility: GOOD walls of Remarkable Strength. He can ice Strength: GOOD himself up to provide Remarkable body Endurance: EXCELLENT armor. Finally, he can generate snow, Reason: REMARKABLE sleet, or freezing rain at the Remarkable Intuition: GOOD level. Psyche: POOR BACKPACK: This is the heart of Bliz­ Health: 4. zard's battlesuil. It can sustain Remark­ Karma: 44 able damage (30 points) before becoming Resources: GOOD inoperative. Popularity: 4 BackgroUnd: Gregor Shapanka, white an Powers: employee of To ny Stark, stole the circuitry of All of Blizzard's powers come from his bat­ the original for personal gain. tlesuit. It consists of a padded lull-body Using that circuitry in combination with his suit, specially designed gloves, and a cry­ own genius, Shapanka created Bliuard and ogenic backpack that gives him his freez­ embarked on a criminal career. ing powers.

BODY ARMOR: The suit provides Good body armor from physical damage and Amazing protection against cold.

15 MARRINA� opponent's eyes. (Her power would not Marrln& Smallwood, allen monster affect Iron Man and Daredevil, as the first can shut the eye-holes in his armor, and Fighting: EXCELLENT the second Is already blind.) Agility: GOOD Strength: EXCELLENT BESTIAL NATURE. Marrina is usually a Endurance: INCREDIBLE very quiet, genial being. But under cenain RI.aon: TYPICAL conditions she becomes a killer, as Intuition: GOOD planned by her alien ancestors. Her fin· Psyche: GOOD gers become claws (damage is Excellent, resolved on Hack & Slash table). To date, Health: 80 only the mastermind known as The Mas· Karma: 2. ter'" 01 the Worlds has figured out how to R•• ourc •• : Typical trigger the reaction. Popularity: 5 Background: Marrina is a Plodex, one of Powers: the most aggressive races in the galaxy. AMPHIBIOUS NATURE. Marrina can Plodex imitate and eliminate the dominate survive equally well on land and in the life form of any planet they invade. A Plo­ water. She swims with Monstrous speed in dex ship crash-landed on Te rra and open water, and can create a waterspout released its eggs too early, without "pro­ three miles in length that hits with gramming." Marrina's egg was found Unearthly damage. When in the waler, her thousands of years later in Newfoundland, Intuition is raised to Amazing, as her skin and opened by a human female. Marrina can detect movement in the water. adopted the form of a Te rran female, and BLINDING TOUCH. Marrina's people grew to maturity. She was recruited into can exude an oil through their skin thai Beta Flight, and was ready to Join Alpha causes temporary blindness. The oil is of Flight when it was disbanded. Marrina has Monstrous potency, and will blind for 1-10 since learned of her lethal heritage, and rounds. She may use I1I1 she makes a yel­ has avoided the team since her run-in with low Fighting FEAT and has access to her another Plodex.

NORTHSTAR� one round, for Remarkable damage. Jean-Paul Beaubler, champion skier Check for Stun with any target of less than Remarkable Endurance. Fighting: EXCELLENT LlGHTBURST. Working with his sister, Agility: EXCELLENT Aurora, Nonhstar can generate a bright Strength: GOOD flash of light which can blind at Monstrous Endurance: EXCELLENT level. Reason: TYPICAL Intuition: TYPICAL Background: Jean-Paul was separated Psyche: GOOD from his sister when their parents died. At a very young age, he was sent to his moth­ Health: 90 er's relatives; his sister was placed in an Karma: 22 orphanage. He discovered his powers of Reason: EXCELLENT flight in his late teens, and used them to Popularity: 40 make himself a world-class champion Powera: skier. His abilities came to the attention of FLIGHT. Northstar can fly at Monstrous James Hudson, who reunited Beaubler speed by channeling the kinetic energy of with his sister and recruited him into Alpha his molecules in one direction. This redi· Flight. Bad·tempered and egotistical, rection of kinetic energy gives him Excel­ Northstar remained with the team for a lent body armor when in flight. time out of professed devotion to his sister, MULTIPLE ATTACKS. Nonhstarcan land but has since departed. multiple blows against the same target in

6857XXX1501 PUCKTM HEAT HERTM AURORATM Eugene Judd, Bouncer Heather MacNeil Hudson Jean-Marie Beaubier, Te acher Fighting: INCREDIBLE Fighting: TYPICAL Fighting: EXCELLENT Agility: EXCELLENT Agility: GOOD Agility: EXCELLENT Strength: GOOD Strength: TYPICAL Strength: TYPICAL Endurance: GOOD Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: EXCELLENT Reason: TYPICAL Reason: GOOD Reason: POOR Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: GOOD Psyche: GOOD Psyche: GOOD Psyche: POOR Health: 80 Health: 42 Health: 66 Karma: 36 Karma: 40 Karma: 18 Resources: TYPICAL Resources: POOR Resources: TYPICAL Po pularity: 5 Popularity: 4 Po pularity: 7 Powers: Powers: none Po wers: GYMNASTIC ABILITY. Judd has no Ta lents: organization, leadership FUGHT. Aurora can fly at Incredible speed "super powers" as such, but has trained by channeling the kinetic energy of her mol· Background: Heather is the widow of himself to become an incredible fighter alld ecules in one direction. This use of kinetic James Hudson (also known as Guar· athlete. He has developed a unique fighting energy gives her Good body armor when in dia n"', Vindicato"", and We apon Alpha i, style, which consists of turning cartwheels flight. who was recently kiUed In New Yo rk. Upon like a human hockey puck (hence his code her husband's tragic death, Heather was lIGHTBURST. By concentrating, Aurora name). This form of attack can be cons� without direction for a time. She finally can produce a burst of brilliant light which ered a charge, but uses the Remarkable took command of Atpha Flight, becoming can blind watchers al Monstrous level. II a column to hi1 and does 30 points damage. their official leader. While possessing no 's Endurance is lower than Mon­ Puck can also Stun (but not Slam) � superhuman powers or abilities, Heath· strous, he must make a red FEAT roll or be nents with a higher Strength than his Endur­ er's common·sense approach and con· blinded for 1·10 rounds. If a watcher's ance using this attack. cern for the group has managed to keep Endurance is Monstrous, a yellow FEAT rolt Ta lents: Puck grew up on the street and them a 'liable leam. is needed to avoid blindness; if Endurance is traveled the world before settling in Canada greater than Monstrous, a green FEAT roll is and pining Department H. He has a good needed. Blinded victims shift left three knowledge of the street and the people thai columns on attacks. live there. His Reason is Excellent when SPLIT PERSONAlITV. Jean·Marie is a dealing with urban life. classic paranoid-that is, she has two dis· Background: lillie has been revealed tinct personalities within the same body. about Eugene Judd's past, but it seems to Aurora is the "super human"-very sure of have been long and violent. He participated herself, dominant, powerful. Jean-Marie is in several wars, some criminal activities, and meek, shy, submissive, and denies her even studied bullfighting with Ernest powers. Whenever Aurora takes damage, Hemingwayl When he heard of Alpha Right. GARY CODYT. make a yellow Psyche FEAT roll. Failure Canada's first hero group, Judd immediately indicates that the Jean-Marie persona has Former Government Liaison tried to join. He worked his way up through come oul on top, and she will neither fight the ranks, advancing from Gamma Right to Fighting: TYPICAL nor use her super powers for the remainder Beta Flight, and was about to join Alpha Agility: TYPICAL of the battle. Flight when the government stopped fund· Strength: TYPICAL NON-DETECTION. Due to an experimen· the team. When he was called in to help ing tal transformation, Aurora cannol be the team with an emergency, Puck decided Endurance: GOOD detected by any mutant-detection devices, to stay with Alpha Flight even though it no TYPICAL Reason: including or the Sentinels. She reg.­ longer had govemment SUPJXlrt. Intuition: GOOD isters as a normal human on all such Psyche: GOOD devices. Health: 28 Background: Jean-Marie Beaubier was an Karma: 26 orphan in a stat&-supported school when she first discovered her mutant abilities. Her Resources: TYPICAL story of being able to fly was severely pun­ Popularity: 6 ished by her teachers, and she repressed Po wers: none her "Aurora·sell" for many years. The wild, strong-willed Aurora surfaced on maturity, Talents: unsnarling government red tape. and it is that persona that has joined Alpha Background: Gary Ccxty was the official Flight. Her powers were originally the same government liaison between Department H as those of her brother, Northstar, but were (which operated Alpha, Beta, and Gamma altered in an experiment run by her team­ Flights) and the Canadian government, mate, Waher langkowski (Sasquatch). including the Defense Department. When Department H was disbanded, Cody contin­ ued to act as an unofficial liaison, and arranged lor Alpha Flight to have status as RCMP auxiliaries when the need arises. Cody has a Reason of Good when dealing with government bureacracy and red tape. SASQUATCHTM PUCKTM AURORATM NORTHSTARTM Eugene Judd, Bouncer Jean-Marie Beaubier, Jean-Paul Beaubier, I Dr. Wa lter Langkowski, Physics Professor Te acher Champion Skier

Fighting: REMARKABLE (30) Flgh\lng: INCREDIBLE (40) Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) Agility: GOOD (10) AglUty: EXCELLENT (20) Agility: EXCELLENT (20) Agility: EXCELLENT (20) (REMARKABLE 30) Strength: GOOD (10) Strength: TYPICAL (6) Strength: EXCELLENT (20) Strength: GOOD (10) Endurance: GOOD (10) Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) Reason: TYPICAL (6) (MONSTROUS 75) Reason: TYPICAL (6) Reason: POOR (4) Intuition: TYPICAL (6) Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) Intuition: EXCELLENT (20) Inlultron: GOOD (10) Psyche: GOOD (10) (AMAZING SO) Psyche: GOOD (10) Psyche: POOR (4) Reason: REMARKABLE (30) Health: 90 Intuition: GOOD (10) Health: 80 Health: 00 Karma: 22 Psyche: REMARKABLE (30) Kanna: 36 Karma: 18 Resources: EXCELLENT (20) Resources: TYPICAL (6) Resources: TYPICAL (6) Popularity: 40 Health� 70 (185) Popularity: 5 Popularity: 7 Kanna: 70 FLIGHT Resources: GOOD (10) GYMNASTIC ABILITY FLIGHT MULTIPLE ATTACKS Popularity: 10 KNOWLEDGE: Urban life LIGHTBURST lIGHTBURST SPLIT PERSONALITY BESTIAL FORM NON·DETECTION AS MUTANT BODY ARMOR LEAPING BESTIAL RAGE KNOWLEDGE: Physics and Radiation

SHAMAN'M SNOWBIRDTM HEAT HERTM MARRINATM Michael Tw oyoungmen, Narya, demigoddess Heather MacNeil Marrina Smallwood physician and mystic Hudson

Fighting: GOOD (10) Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) Fighting: TYPICAL (6) Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) Agility: GOOD (10) AglUty: EXCELLENT (20) Agility: GOOD (10) Agility: GOOD (10) Strength: GOOD (10) Strength: EXCELLENT (20) Strength: TYPICAL (6) Strength: EXCEllENT (20) Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) Endurance: AMAZING (SO) Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) Endurance: INCREDIBLE (40) Reason: EXCELLENT (20)- Reason: TYPICAL (6) Reason: GOOD (10) Reason: TYPICAL (6) Intuition: AMAZING (SO) Intul1ion: AMAZING (50) Intuition: EXCELLENT (20) Intuition: GOOD (10) Psyche: INCREDIBLE (40) Psyche: MONSTROUS (75) Psyche: GOOD (10) Psyche: GOOD (10)

Health: " Heslth: 110 Health: " Health: 80 Karma: 110 Karma: 131 Karma: 40 Karma: 26 Resources: EXCELLENT (20) Resources: TYPICAL (6) Resources: POOR (4) Resources: TYPICAL (6) Popularity: 25 Popularlty: 5 Popularity: 4 Popularlty: 5


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