SHAMAN'·Michael Twoyoungmen, SNOWBIRD'·Narya, demigoddess SASQUATCH'·Dr. Walter Langkowski, physician and mystic Fighting: EXCELLENT Physics Professor Fighting: GOOD Agility: EXCELLENT Fighting: REMARKABLE Agility: GOOD Strength: EXCELLENT Agility: GOOD (REMARK­ Strength: GOOD Endurance: AMAZING ABLE) TYPICAL Endurance: EXCELLENT Reason: Strength: GOOD Reason: EXCELLENT Intuition: AMAZING (MONSTROUS) MONSTROUS Intuition: AMAZING Psyche: Endurance: EXCELLENT INCREDIBLE (AMAZING) Psyche: Health: 110 REMARKABLE Health: 50 Karma: 131 Reason: 110 Resources: TYPICAL Intuition: GOOD Karma: REMARKABLE Resources: EXCELLENT Popularity: 5 Psyche: 25 Popularity: Powers: Health: 70 (t85) 70 Powers: SHAPECHANGE. Snowbird is a mela· Karma: morph, capable of assuming Ihe form of Resources: GOOD MYSTIC POUCH. The Shaman carries a any creature found in the Canadian Arctic. 10 medicine pouch thai acts as a focus for his Popularity: If the creature is smaller than man·sized, magical powers. He can pull virtually any­ she lakes on the size of Ihat creature. If Powers: thing he desires from the pouch by making the creature is larger than man-sized, she a successful Psyche FEAT roll. (Karma BESTIAL FORM. When Dr. Langkowski takes on the shape of the creature, but can may not be spent lor these rolls.) The is in his human form, use the levels not in grow no larger than polar bear size. When parentheses. When he changes into his Judge can require, al his discretion, a she changes. Snowbird takes on that higher level FEAT roll if the ilem is unnatu­ bestial form. Sasquatch, use the abilities creature's Fighting, Agility, Strength, and ral (say, a machine gun) or of a power level in parentheses instead. It takes one round Endurance (but not Health). for Langkowski to change form. Whenever higher than Amazing. Any object desired by Shaman must fil through the pouch's EXAMPLES: he changes form, all damage is instantly healed, but it Langkowski has less than 35 opening (sw·2,. but can be 01 any length. WHITE OWL (Wings,Claws) Health points at the time of the change, It can grow after being removed from the Fighting: EXCELLEN T Sasquatch will be in a Bestial Rage (see pouch if Shaman gave it that ability before REMARKABLE Agility: below). trying 10 pull il au\. In the past, Michael has Strength: GOOD used Ihe pouch to produce medicinal Endurance: GOOD BODY ARM OR. As Sasquatch, Lang­ herbs to heal damage (at Amazing level) kowski has Remarkable body armor. His and a magic powder that, when spread in POLAR BEAR (Claws) fur also provides Excellent protection from a ring, teleported characters in the circle Fighting: REMARKABLE cold. to any desired place. USing the pouch is a Agility: GOOD LEAPING_ While not in a class with the form of extradimensional magic. If a FEAT Strength: EXCELLENT Hulk", Sasquatch can leap up to three roll fails, the item drawn from Ihe pouch is Endurance: REMARKABLE areas distance in one round. only of Excellent or lower power, at the FLIG HT. Snowbird can fly without chang­ Judge's discretion. BESTIAL RAGE. Recently, Sasquatch ing shape at up to Excellent speed. has become prone to violent fits of temper. LEVITATI ON. Shaman may levitate him­ POSTCOGNITION. Snowbird has the This occurs if Sasquatch fails a Psyche self and also fly at Poor speed by tapping ability to myStically see events that FEAT Roll at the start of any fight (Karma the universal energies of the earth. occurred in an area up to six hours in the may be added). If Langkowski had less than Talents: Michael Twoyoungmen is a phy­ past by making a successful Psyche FEAl" 35 Health points at the time of his change sician and surgeon. His Reason is rotl. She can see events between six and into Sasquatch, he must make a successful Remarkable in medical matters. His Rea­ twelve hours old in an area by making a red FEAT roll to keep control. When he son is also Remarkable in any malters red FEAT roll. She cannot see events fur· enters a Bestial Rage, Sasquatch shifts right involving the occult, especially the mysti­ ther in the past than twelve hours. one to Incredible ability, and anacks are cism of the North American Indian and resolved on the Hack & Slash table. He may LIMITATI ON. Narya is mystically bound Innuit (Eskimo) tribes. not choose to do less damage than the maxi­ to the land 01 Canada and its coastal mum, or to have a lesser effect. Background: Dr. Twoyoungmen was a waters. If she leaves this area, she cannot noted surgeon who found that madern sci­ change shape or fly, and begins to age Talents: Dr. Walter Langkowski has a Rea­ ence could not save Ihe life of his wife. Fol· rapidly. She loses one rank in all her abili· son of Incredible in physics and radiation lowing her death, he turned 10 the ties every two hours. When all abilities studies. In addition, he knows American mysticism of his grandfather, shaman of drop below Feeble, she dies. If she returns football quite well, since he spent three the Sacree Indian tribe. He was intro­ to her land before she dies, her abilities years with the Green Bay Packers. duced to Alpha Flight by Heather Hudson, return to normal within two hours. Background: Dr. Walter Langkowski and is the protector and mentor of Snow­ Background: Snowbird is the daughter experimented with controlled dosages of bird. of the lnouit goddess Nelvanna and the gamma radiation following the tragedy of mortal Richard Easton. After the northern Bruce Banner, who became the Incredible gods, including Nelvanna, were impris­ Hulk. When he experimented on himself, he oned behind a mystic barrier, Nelvanna turned into the shaggy beast known as Sas­ gave birth to Snowbird, a demi-goddess quatch. immune to the barrier. Snowbird is charged by her mother and the other ancient gods to combat those great beasts that occasionally break through the mystic barrier to menace the Land of the North. 6857 OFFICIAL GAME ADVENTURE They are Canada's greatest heroes: Sasquatch"', Puck"', Snow­ The Judge (but not the playersl) should read Ihe enUre adven· bird'", Shaman"', and Aurors .... They are ...Alpha Flight"'l ture carefully before starting to play. Study the stats of the villains Originally an arm of the Canadian government, the learn has lost carefully, and plan what they might do. Also inspect the large map, its official status. But in their short existence, the team has fought which shows all the areas where fights might take place. the X-Man"', saved their nation, and undergone tragedy-the While this adventure Is designed for Alpha Flight, any death oltha man who brought them together: James MacDonald moderately·powerful group of heroes can be challenged by the Hudson, known as Guardian'". dangers herein. If you use a different super-group, you will have to Gat's·Pawis an adventure for the MARVEL SUPER HEROES" change some of the boxed text and come up with a story to get your Role·Playing Game, featuring Alpha Flight In a Marvel-ous module heroes involved I of mystery and mayhem. A word about the tille. There is an old story about a monkey who This adventure is designed for a Judge and five players. Players used the paw of a friendly (and easily fooled) cat to fetch hot chest· can roU dice fOf their choice of characters. The inside cover describes nuts out of the fire for him. A cat's·paw is a dupe tricked into dOing the Alpha Right heroes recommended for play. HBather MacNeil Hud­ something dangerous for its master. And that's how the villains in son"', the new leader of Alpha Flight. and GaIY Cody"', the team's this adventure use each other, from the mysterious master down to former government liaison, are non-player characters. If desired, the lowest minion. In this adventure, the players move from one Northstar'" and Marrina'" can be added to the team. Colorful cut-out cat's-paw to another... until they find the final answer! character cards on the gatefold are for the players' use. On with the storyl Presenting ... Alpha Flightr Credits: Designed by Jaunty JeffGrubb Edited by Madcap Michael Dobson and Boisterous Barbara Deer Graphic Design by Jocund Johnny Meyers TSR, Inc. �" Cover by John Byrne POB 756 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 TSA,lnc. Interiors by Jubilant Jeff Butler ISBN ()'88038-1 32-9 PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION'" Cartography by Diesel 394-54553-2TSR0600 n.......... 01 .... �� lINd... 1IenoII\ tlctftlou, enddOnot ..... lOWly ,...-.1IvI1I1Ior _. Any"""",,, ""',IncIudlIl1l"""lerttlHto peNOII'IIYInO'"_ .... "*"'YcoIncIdeftUol.AI � a..ct...end .... dIIIIncII'o.lII<_... tMnot trHemIobM.fftI 01.... Com"" Group. MARVEl.IUPER HEIIOElI.MARVEl. SUPER VILL\INSend AL.PH.t. nlOHT... � 01.... � GroupComIc4o ................GrouP. ComIce ' ............01 � 1__ Co<pomion. All Right._ . ""ntldIn U.S.A. PRODUCTSVOUR Of' I ..... GlNAT1ON ....:I .... TSR 1000... � 0WMdby 1'M. 1M. OMMdeeIgtI., .... 1'M. Inc. AM RIsIMtAIHro .... 'fhII;boo/! Ie "ptOIectedUtIder copyright .... len01 1M UnlttodStol .. o' .......n.:.. Any "'f'I'OdUCtI<>or u",ut� u.. 01 IhI ""',""lor .rtwortcoontolned ...... n IeproNbIIld wi't"-' .... .........OMIMlI wrlttIn oIl'M. Inc •• end ........Com"" Group. Dlllrtbutld to1M boo/!In � 1M Untl... Stet. by Random _N. Inc.,.nd In Cenllllby AtlndOm_ .. o. Clnllll.lid. OIettlbuted10 IhlloyIW'd hobbyby ..... reoIOM'dIeIrtbut ...... Chapter 1: The Haunting of Harris House Campaign Read the following to the players: The small park where Simon was found is located at the edge of the city. Heroes The call has gone oul across Canada­ with postcognitive powers, such as Snow­ not the Alpha Signal that warns of a bird, can determine the route Simon took nallonal crisis, but a simple series of to reach the park.
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