The author and astronomer David Asher 1 have performed high-speed computer integrations analyzing within the Maya Classic Period where outbursts of the Eta Aquariid (ETA) meteor shower may have occurred on or close to specific Long Count dates within those years.2 The Maya may have associated those ETA outbursts with specific events recorded in the hieroglyphic script. Previously there had been no scientific attempts to correlate any meteor showers with any specific dates in the Maya corpus. The most extreme outburst that occurred during the Maya Classic Period (AD 250-909) likely occurred on the morning of April 10, 531, and was actually composed of three separate outbursts whose peaks occurred at local times of 02:42 AM, 03:05 AM and 04:39 AM (08:42 UT, 09:05 UT and 10:39 UT respectively). Four3 days later, on April 14,, 4 Ak'bal 16 Pohp, the royal accession of K'an I was recorded on Stela 15 at the site of Caracol.


There are no records of ancient peoples in the New World (before contact with the Spanish in the 1500's) recording specific dates of occurrences of meteor showers, unlike cultures such as in China, Korea, Japan or Europe. Hagar (1931) wrote that prior to the Spanish arrival in Mexico, the Mexicans commemorated falling or "Tzontemocque or Falling Hairs" with the annual celebration of the festival known as Quecholli. He claimed that the falling figures found in the Borgia and Vaticanus 3773 and other codices represented meteor showers, possibly the Leonids and the Taurids (Vaticanus-3773). In the codex Telleriano-Remensis Köhler noted that the Aztecs recorded a meteor in 1489 on page 39V (2002:4; see also Taube, 2000:287- 290). Trenary found a possible recording of a Leonid shower date, within a few days of 709 October 28, that occurs on Lintel 24 at Yaxchilan by using a one day shift for every 71 years of the Earth's axis precession (1987-1988:112,113). The actual date of that shower may have occurred, however, about 2-3 weeks earlier than October 28 due to the precession additionally of the Leonid orbits themselves (Ahn, 2005). The author found that cognate almanacs in the Dresden and Madrid codices may have

1 Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland, UK. 2 Presentation at the 2016 International Meteoroids Conference, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, Netherlands, June 7, 2016; Kinsman and Asher, in press, Planetary and Space Science, abbreviated "in press" as a reference within this paper). 3 April 14 corresponds to a correlation constant of 584286; although a correlation constant of 584283 would mean the accession occurred on April 11, one day following the outburst, other data compiled so far by the authors favor 584286 (Martin and Skidmore [2012], Kennett et al. [2013]); all dates are in the Julian Calendar.

26 recorded outbursts of the Perseid meteor shower in AD 933 and 775 (2014b:98, Figure 5). Since the Maya (and other New World cultures) seemed to have been concerned with astronomical events within our solar system that focused on the , Moon and planets that affected crucial activities such as agriculture and religious rites (see for instance Milbrath, 1999:Chapters 1-6; Aveni, 2001), there is very little information in ancient Maya literature concerning sidereal--relative to the stars-- issues such as the zodiac, comets, supernovae, meteors and meteor showers (for example see Milbrath, 1999:249-293, Chaper 7; Aveni, 2001:82-91, 95, 200-205).


There are four named4 meteor showers seen today that were likely observed during the Maya Classic Period: the Lyrids, Eta Aquariids, Orionids and Perseids (see Kinsman, 2014b:91, 92, Figure 4); of these four, the Eta Aquariids presents itself as a productive shower for investigation due to the close proximity of its parent Comet Halley to Earth’s orbit during the mid-Classic period (see Figure 1) and the fact that Halley’s orbital parameters are well known back to 1404 BC (Yeomans and Kiang, 1981).

Several of Comet Halley’s immediate orbits after perihelion (point of closest passage to Sun) previous to and around AD 530 passed very close to Earth's orbit (known as the descending node, where on the downward path the comet cuts through the plane of Earth’s orbit). When Halley is close to Earth’s orbit, it follows that the stream of particles ejected by Halley will also be close to Earth’s orbit, as described below. That the stream of ejected particles is immediately close to the Earth’s orbit is conducive to particles having a good chance of impacting Earth, as our model shows (in press). Halley passes outside of Earth's orbit by about 0.3 au5 at the ascending node (where the comet’s upward path cuts through plane of the Earth's orbit) on its way toward perihelion. See figure one.

4 Annual showers recorded in ancient literature and possibly observed during the Classic Period however apparently not seen today are numbered in Jenniskens (2006:598-611, Table 1) and lettered in Imoto and Hasegawa (1958:134-140, Tables 1 and 2). 5 One au, known as an "Astronomical Unit" is the average distance of the Earth to the Sun, about 150,000,000 kilometers.


Figure 1. Orbit of Comet Halley in AD 530 (courtesy of D. J. Asher).

Particles of the parent comet stream off when the comet approaches and is heated by the sun: in our model particles (which become meteoroids6) were ejected in the positive and negative tangential directions at the time of perihelion passage. Knowing the exact time that the particles are ejected is critical to the accurate results of the model of the resulting meteoroid stream; to this end, the orbits for the time of Halley's (known as comet 1P) perihelion passage were extracted from Yeomans and Kiang, who use a combination of ancient Chinese observations and computer-corrected observations (1981: table 4) to determine the time and distance of each of Halley’s passages. After ejection, the particles then generally follow the same orbit as that of the comet; individual particles are subjected to continuing gravitational effects (perturbations) of all eight planets and radiation pressure of the sun; initial positions of eight planets were obtained from JPL Horizons (Giorgini et al., 1996). The computations used the RADAU algorithm (Everhart, 1985) implemented in the MERCURY integrator7 (Chambers, 1999).

6 meteoroids--particles in space prior to entering Earth's atmosphere, at which time they are known as meteors. 7 The integrator program (the Mercury package) is designed to solve problems in orbital mechanics involving the gravitational forces of massive bodies such as the Sun, planets and much smaller bodies such as comets, asteroids and meteoroids; the algorithm (RADAU in our case) resolves how dynamical steps are utilized in these computations.


After ejection particles begin as a cluster and then gradually spread out due to differential initial particle ejection speeds8 as the number of orbits of the cluster increase (Asher, D. J., 2000:11,12, figure 4; McNaught and Asher, 1999:92). Therefore, under normal conditions, the previous revolutions of the comet most recent to the of examination can produce the densest cluster of particles and thus the most intense outbursts. The greater the number of orbits of the cluster of particles, the more the particles spread out, and thus the lower the intensity of an outburst as the particles spread out during an intercept with Earth. Occasionally, however, particles get trapped in clusters for upwards of a few thousand years in a condition known as resonance (discussed further in a future article) and thus an outburst of meteors may easily occur in the Classic Period due to a passage of Halley as far back as 1404 BC9 or even earlier.

The critical parameters for producing an outburst are measured in 3-dimensional space (Asher, 2000; McNaught and Asher, 1999) and are: (1) the distance from the Sun of the particle cluster when passing through Earth's orbital plane (ecliptic) compared to the distance of the Earth from the Sun (miss distance—the closer to zero, the more intense the outburst) measured in astronomical units (au), the position of Earth in its orbit equal to the position of the cluster in space along Earth’s orbit (solar longitudes10 are equal), and the cluster of particles in its own orbit intersects the Earth in its orbit (along-trail positioning). The typical process of computation began with choosing a Classic Maya year such as AD 531 where a date had been recorded in the inscriptions during the month of April and then designating a number of orbits that Comet Halley11 would have completed prior to that particular year. For instance three revolutions of the Comet would mean that the Mercury program would initiate the ejection of particles at Halley's perihelion passage in AD 295; four revolutions of the Comet would mean the particles would have been ejected at the passage in AD 218, five revolutions at the passage in 141 and so forth until 26 revolutions of the Comet would mean those particles under examination in 531 would have been ejected in 1404 BC. At our particle ejection speeds (in opposing tangential directions) the size of the orbit (measured as the semi-major axis a of the ellipse, i.e. half of the length of the long axis of the ellipse) of the particles would be up to approximately 3 au smaller and larger than Halley's orbit (about 18 au, the approximate length of the semi-major axis).

Meteor outbursts come from a separate grouping of particles than make up the normal stream of meteoroids (particles) that produce an annual (sidereal, i.e, in relation to the stars) shower. The first ETA was observed in 74 BC by the Chinese

8 ejection parameters depend on particle size (0.1 to 0.5 cm radius), density (set at one gram per cc) and the assumed radius of the Comet Halley (4 km [Whipple, 1951]). 9 Halley's comet was perturbed by a close passage to Earth in 1404 BC, thus although its orbit is well known after this passage, the orbit is undetermined prior to the 1404 BC passage (see Yeomans and Kiang, 1981). 10 Solar longitude can simplistically be thought of as a point measured in degrees on a 360 degree circle--the Earth's orbit (with a known zero degree reference point) about the sun. For a detailed explanation see for instance Jenniskens (2006:159, Figure 11.4). 11 Halley made its closest passages to the Sun (prior to AD 1000) in AD 989, 912, 837, 760, 684, 607, 530, 451, 374, 295, 218, 141, 66, 12BC, 87BC, 164BC, 240BC, 315BC, 391BC, 466BC, 540BC, 616BC, 690BC, 763BC, 836BC, 911BC, 986BC, 1059BC, 1129BC, 1198BC, 1266BC, 1334BC, and 1404 BC. Unknown prior to 1404 BC. See Yeomans and Kiang (1981).


(Zhuang, 1977:199; Pankenier et al, 2008:306, 307, 646) and has been noted throughout history up to the present (ibid.; also see Jenniskens, 2006:599, Table 1).

Comparison to other results

Our model produced highly favorable results when applied to actual historical observations recorded in the Chinese annals (in press, Table 5). For instance, there are two separate accounts by the Chinese of the ETA outburst in AD 401 April 8: (a) 5th year of the Long'an reign period of Emperor An of the Jin Dynasty, 3rd month, day jiayin [51]; a multitude of stars streamed westward, passing through TAIWEI ([Jin shu: An di ji ] Ch. 10) and (b) 5th year of the Long'an reign period of Emperor An of the Jin Dynasty, 3rd month, day jiayin [51]; a vast number of scarlet meteors traveled westward through QIANNIU [LM 9], Xu [LM 11], WEI [LM 12], TIANJIN, GEDAO, and penetrated TAIWEI and ZIGONG, (Jin su: tianwen zhi ] ch. 13 [Song shu: tianwen zhi ] ch. 25), (Pankenier, et al, 2008:309-310, 648)[note: LM = Lunar Mansions, the Chinese method of dividing up the night sky along the ecliptic].

According to I-Ching Yang (e-mail personal communication 2015), these meteors passed through the Aquila, , Pegasus, Cygnus and Cassiopeia, and also Virgo, Leo, Ursa Minor, and Draco at about 03:00 AM local time. Our integrations showed that an outburst occurred on April 8 at 03:37 AM (in press), a difference of about 37 minutes from the actual Chinese recorded observation12.

In comparison with Vaubaillon's integrations recorded for historical dates (Jenniskens, 2006:666, Table 5e), our results were similar where heavy outbursts were noted, such as in the years 531, 539 and 964 (in press, Table 6). Of special note is the intensity of the 531 outburst that Vaubaillion post-dicted, at an ideal rate of approximately 900 meteors per hour (Jenniskens, 2006:666, Table 5E), which would also have been likely the most intense outburst that the Classic Maya would have observed, just as in our model. Our model, however, actually predicts much more intensive activity, apparently three times the activity of the Vaubaillon post-diction, due to the fact that in our model three different passages of Halley would have caused three separate, though overlapping, barrages of meteors.

A similar model to ours was used by Sato and Watanabe (2014) for the successful predictions of the ETA outbursts in 2013 with similar integrations (the author and D.

12 Dealing with dates in ancient astronomical records can be confusing, mainly in deciding when, exactly did the ancients change the date--midnight, early in the morning, at dawn? Regarding the Maya and an Eta Aquariid outburst at 4:00 AM local time, UT converts to 10:00 AM UT on the same date. In China, however, for the same time frame that the ETA's would have been seen, 20:00 UT for April 8 converts to 03:00 AM April 9 local Chinese time. A study of lunar occultation records by Kiang however (in Yeomans and Kiang, 1981:636) found that Chinese astronomers continued to use the date that the previous night began with. "It thus appears the Chinese practice was closer to the Korean practice of dating all such observations with the old date (Saito, private communication) than to the Japanese tradition of making a fairly neat divide at the 3 am mark (Saito 1979 and private communication," (ibid.). Our data for outbursts of the ancient Chinese Eta Aquariids seems to confirm this practice (in press, Table 5).


J. Asher also verified Sato and Watanabe's results). In an analysis of the Orionid meteor showers using the same integrator package, Sekhar and Asher (2013) found that historically recorded Orionid outbursts that occurred in 1436-1440, 1916, 1933- 1938, 1993 and 2006-2010 were caused by particles ejected by Comet Halley before 240 BC.


The accession of K'an I of Caracol is recorded on Stela 15 which was found cached at the top of Structure A6 beneath Altar 7, noted by Grube and Martin (2004: II-15). The reading of the stela is unusual in that it is read left to right all the way across each line from top to bottom. The top part of the inscription is shown in figure 2, which includes the first three lines and contains the Introductory Long Count, lunar series, Calendar Round date, and accession statement. Unfortunately the following glyphs are too eroded to discern much more information. The date can be read as, 4 Ak'bal 16 Pohp, which corresponds to April 14, 531 (Julian Calendar, 584286), or possibly a few days earlier if one of the other acceptable correlation constants is used as noted in the footnote above.

Structure A6 makes up the central pyramid between structures A5 and A7 in the architectural complex known as the E-group at Caracol and is located on the east side of the A plaza (Chase and Chase, 1995:95-99). Structure A2, topping out nearly 25 meters above the plaza floor, is located on the west side and makes up the single pyramid opposite the group of three structures on the east side (ibid.). First discovered by Frans Blom in 1924 at Uaxactun, E-groups were thought to be observatories for solar phenomena (see for instance Aveni, 2001:288-293; Aimers and Rice, 2006:79-96). On a recent trip to Belize the author found that an excellent observing point for the Eta Aquariid shower would be from atop Structure A2, as the horizon to the east is visible over some small hills just to the east of structures A5, A6 and A7.

The radiant for ETA would have risen at about 02:00 AM local time approximately over the central pyramid A6 on the morning of April 10, 531.


4 Ak'bal

16 Pohp Long Count

"8 days since the Moon arrived"

Figure 2. Stela 15 from Caracol. The lunar series glyph D, "8 days since the moon arrived," may indicate the actual date of the astronomical event (the meteor outburst on the morning of April 10, 531, when the age of the moon was 8 days. The actual Long Count of calls for a moon age of 12 days. (Drawing from Beetz and Satterthwaite, 1981).

From another location on the east coast of Belize the author observed ETA meteors on the mornings of May 3 and May 4, 2017 (though the morning of May 5 was too cloudy for good observations). Most of the meteors unmistakably originated from the known radiant, very near the Eta Aquarii .


Structure A2. The author on top of Structure A6 (looking west, photo by my guide, Jorge De Leon)(May 7, 2017).

ETA radiant rise here.

Structure A6. Looking east, from atop Structure A2. (Photo by author, May 7, 2017).

Figure 3. Site of Caracol, Structures A2 and A6 in the A plaza.

As stated earlier, the first outburst would have occurred on the morning of April 10 at 02:42 AM. The parameters in all three dimensions were very strong, indicating heavy particles that collided with Earth close to a direct hit. Our computations indicated that this barrage of particles originated from the perihelion passage of Halley13 in the year AD 374. It is likely that this heavy outburst was still active when the second densely packed cluster of particles impacted Earth at 03:05 AM, originating from the perihelion passage of Halley in 295. Further, approximately an hour and a half later,

13 All times of perihelion passages of Comet Halley herein are from Yeomans and Kiang, 1981:644, Table 5).

33 another extremely intense package of heavy particles struck Earth at 04:39 AM due to particles ejected from Halley's passage in 451. Sunrise followed this third outburst an hour later, its actual length in minutes being somewhat arbitrary to estimate, which likely intensified the experience of the early morning "conflagration". The moon had already set at 01:02 AM, so none of the displays would have been diminished by moonlight.

Our data indicated that at least 30 meteoric outbursts of the Eta Aquariids possibly could have occurred during the Maya Classic Period; most of them likely would have been caused by only one particular perihelion passage of Comet Halley (known as a trail, associated with the particular year of the perihelion passage), only a few by two separate Halley passages, and only two outbursts by three separate passages of the Comet. Thus the very positive results of our model for post-dictions not withstanding, the likelihood of three separate outbursts from three separate trails (374, 295 and 451) on the same day in AD 531 being a random occurrence is extremely remote.

What would have all these "shooting stars" looked like on that morning of April 10, 531? Although an actual count of the meteors on that day would be somewhat arbitrary, there are records of famous outbursts in the historical records, one of which is the incredible Leonid meteor storm of 1833. One description reads (in part), "On the night of November 12-13, 1833, a tempest of falling stars broke over the Earth...The sky was scored in every direction with shining tracks and illuminated with majestic fireballs....--Agnes Clerke's, Victorian Astronomy Writer (elctronic document, website, viewed 27 April 2017). See figure three. The radiant would have favored the morning eastern skies as opposed to the overhead radiant of the Leonids (Leo), and thus the meteors visible to an observer would be relatively less as opposed to a radiant that is directly overhead (see Rendtel and Arlt, 2015:9-12, Figure 1.8, Table 2.1).


Figure 4. A 19th century woodcut with an impression of the spectacular November 13, 1833 Leonid storm. (Courtesy Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Early Settlers look up in amazement at a sky filled with shooting stars. [website]).

Whether any sort of description appeared on Stela 15 following the initial information cannot be known because of the erosion of the glyphs as noted above, but the author thinks it notable that the eight day age of the Moon corresponds to the actual date of the outburst.

Table 1 shows recorded lunar ages for sites where probable ETA outbursts occurred (in press--[except for RAZ, an Orionid outburst, which was determined recently by the author’s computations]).


Event LC Date Site Mon Event Wrt Rqd Outburst Act 417 Sep 29 RAZ Tmb 1 birth 11 3.3 24-Sep 27.0 531 Apr 14 CRC St 15 acc 8 11.9 10-Apr 7.8 566 Apr 23 CRC St 3 birth 11 17.6 10-Apr 5.0 618 Apr 14 ALS St 18 pe 11 13.6 10-Apr 10.0 639 Apr 13 PNG St 36 acc 4 4.1 13-Apr 4.1 721 Apr 27 CRN Pan 5 arr 26 26.1 12-Apr 10.0 752 Apr 30 YAX St 11 acc 12 12.3 11-Apr 21.8 756 Apr 9 CPN St M pe 5 4.5 10-Apr 5.4 781 Apr 18 HIG St 1 acc 18 20.5 15-Apr 17.4

Table 1. Comparison of Lunar ages (days) for written (Wrt—inscribed in the supplementary series), required (Rqd—that lunar age that is called for by the Long Count, [determined arbitrarily by the author for 12:00 UT, 06:00 local time]) and Act (actual age of the Moon at time of outburst)(Lunar ages determined using SimCorpSoftware). (RAZ = Rio Azul, CRC = Caracol, ALS = Altar de Los Sacrificios, PNG = Piedras Negras, CRN = La Corona, YAX = Yaxchilan, CPN = Copan, HIG = Los Higos). A lunar age of 4 days is recorded on Quirigua Stela J for (Lunar written ages recently updated courtesy of M. Grofe, personal communication 2017). LC = Long Count, Mon = monument, acc = accession, pe = Period Ending.

Although the sample is likely too small to draw any conclusions, four of the five accession event lunar ages coincide with the outburst lunar age. The event in disagreement, the accession on, however, may have been manipulated by the Yaxchilan Ruler to have occurred on a Period Ending date (Martin and Grube, 2008:128), and thus the lunar age of the Period Ending is recorded.

Results of Recent Eta Aquariid Study

Using a data base of Maya dates (Mathews, 2016; Martin and Grube, 2008; Grube and Martin, 2004) found in the inscriptions, the authors compiled a list of 5514 dates that occurred in the month of April during the Classic Period. The month of April is ideal because the ETA shower would have occurred around the second week of the month, allowing that if the Maya were marking the shower by the celebration of some event such as a royal accession then that event would be recorded on or some days following the shower or an outburst associated with that shower. Computer integrations as described above were then performed with Comet Halley back to as early as 1404 BC and applied to those years associated with those 55 dates to determine if an ETA outburst had occurred during that year. It was found that in 3015 of those years at least some outburst occurred that the Maya had a chance of observing (see in press, Tables 2 and 3).

14 55 represents the quantity of dates associated with the least number of unknown events that were available to the authors at the time. Continuing research is being applied to more dates as they are discovered or revealed to the authors. 15Parameters for each probable outbursts are listed in Tables 1 and 2 (in press).


Five of these years, in order of descending intensity, with the resulting date of the most probable post-dicted outbursts and the associated Long Count with Julian date and event were:

Outburst Event Long Event Date Count Calendar Round Date Event Site 531 Apr 10 5 Ak'bal 16 Pohp 14-Apr acc K'an I CRC 566 Apr 10 5 Kib' 14 Wo 23-Apr birth L. B. Ek' CRC 618 Apr 10 9 Ajaw 18 Wo 14-Apr pe ALS 663 Apr 13 9 Chikchan 18 Sip 23-Apr dedication CRN 849 Apr 14 13 'Ix 17 Sek 15-Apr u pataw kabaj CRC

Table 2. The five years during the Classic Period with most probable outbursts.

There were another 13 years where a high probability of an ETA outburst(s) existed, though of slightly less intensity (listed loosely in descending order of likelihood)(in press), Table 3:

Event Long Event Outburst Count Calendar Round Julian Event Site 756 Apr 10 8 Ajaw 8 Sotz' 9-Apr pe mult 790 Apr 11 1 'Imix 19 Sotz' 12-Apr jatz' bihtuun NAR 644 Apr 11 11 Eb' 0 Sip 9-Apr jatz' bihtuun NAR 721 Apr 12 8 'Ix 17 Sotz' 27-Apr arr CRN 562 Apr 10 7 'Ik' 0 Sip 30-Apr Star War CRC 572 Apr 10 10 'Eb' 0 Wo 7-Apr acc PAL 675 Apr 14 1 Chuwen 4 Sotz' 26-Apr dep CRN 752 Apr 11 11 Ajaw 8 Sek 30-Apr acc YAX 484 Apr 9 10 Kib 4 Pohp 13-Apr acc CRC 781 Apr 15 9 Ajaw 3 Sek 18-Apr acc HIG 716 Apr 12 5 Chikchan 13 Sip 4-Apr attack NAR 511 Apr 11 11 K'an 17 Pohp 20-Apr acc TIK 639 Apr 13 8 Muluk 2 Sip 13-Apr acc PNG

Table 3. Probable ETA outbursts (listed loosely in order of descending probability). pe = Period Ending; jatz' bihtuun = "strike the stone road" (Stuart, 2007); arr = arrival; dep = departure; acc = accession.

Since royal accessions seem to dominate this list, those are plotted on a scatter chart, Figure 6, along with other accessions and events that occurred in April (though not necessarily on a computed outburst date). In addition to the accessions, the 3298 BC primordial event (Stuart, 2005:68-77) that is recorded at Palenque on the platform located in Temple XIX is also included because the solar longitude of that event occurs at the same time that Eta Aquariid outbursts occur (Kinsman, 2015:44-47),

37 the importance of which is discussed later in this paper. The five most probable Maya and historically observed outbursts are also plotted (in press, Table 5).

Five accessions (the sixth to the far left may be related to the Lyrid meteor showers) plotted to the immediate left of the 3298 BC event may be significant because the authors believe that at least four of these may have involved predictions of the annual ETA shower--not an outburst--by the Maya astronomers. A prediction is possible because a whole number of days (about 262) exists between the peaks of the Perseid shower in July and the Eta Aquariid shower the following April. The days between the same annual shower is not an integral number, i.e. 365.256. Kan Bahlam I from Palenque may have been the first ruler to predict an ETA shower by acceding on, April 7, 572. Serendipitously, perhaps, an ETA outburst may have also occurred three days later following the ruler's accession (ibid., Tables 1 and 3, paragraph 4.12).

Approximately 90 royal accessions occurred at Maya sites throughout the Classic Period (Mathews, 2016; Martin and Grube, 2008) and out of these a total of 26 accessions occurred during these two 30 day periods; the binomial probability of this being a random occurrence is less than two percent (in press). Although research is not complete regarding all approximately 30 day periods of a year, and events connected to meteor showers or outbursts may involve more than just accessions, the authors believe that the evidence presented thus far supports the notion that the Classic Maya observed and recorded ETA meteor showers and outbursts.

Primordial event of 3298 BC

The author now re-examines the pre-Era day (, 4 Ajaw 8 Kumk'u) Long Count date of from Palenque Temple XIX in light of the possibly greater connection of that date to the Eta Aquariids (Kinsman, 2015, 44-45, figure 3). David Stuart describes the ritual decapitation using the ch'ak (axing) verb of the Starry Deer Crocodile as involving flowing of blood and drilling of fire (2005:68-77). Fire drilling has already been related to meteors (Taube, 2002:294; Roys, 1965:xix, 6- 10), but the glyph collocation found at F5 (see Figure 6) is more obscure (Stuart, 2005:76).

38 1 Etz'nab' 6 Yaxk'in




na- POJOW/POJW? 3298 BC March 17.75 5 -ka -wa 43.299º (Solar -AJ Longitude)


Figure 5. Passage S-2 from Temple XIX platform, Crocodile decapitation, Palenque (Stuart, 2005:68-77) (Drawing by D. Stuart).

Stuart describes the glyph blocks at F5 and E6 as possibly being a couplet, where F6 would be analyzed a "fire-drill entity" where the -aj suffix suggests a person or entity (not the usual passive verb ending)(ibid.). Although looking for a transitive verb with the spelling of na-ka (nak) at F5a, the author believes the intransitive verb nak with the meaning of subir (to go up; to raise)(Barrera, 1980:553) may be more appropriate, as discussed in the following section.

Transliteration, Transcription and Translation of glyph block F5

The other key to the hieroglyphs at F5a may come from the idea that excrement could be "any bodily effluent, be it gaseous, fluid or solid....This includes blood, urine, sweat, mucus, vomit, afterbirths, exhalations and semen (Phillip Thompson, personal communication in 1985 to Trenary, 1987-1988:103) and "The existence of similar concepts exist among the Aztecs as confirmed by Xavier Noguez" (personal communication in 1987 to Trenary, 1987-1988:103).


Meteors as excrement of stars exists in several pertinent Mayan languages:

(1) ta' ek' -- shooting star. Lit., "star [ek'] excrement [ta’]) (Ch'ol, Hopkins et al, 2010:219), (2) sk'oy k'anal -- estrella fugaz ["fleeting star"--star-(k'anal), excrement- (k'oy)](Tojolabal [Volume 1], Lenkersdorf, 2010:332-333, 522). (3) tsa'ec' (aerolito, estrella fugaz)(Tzeltal, Slocum et al, 1999:129, 163, 206), (4) tzo' k'anal (meteor)(Tzotzil, Laughlin, 1975:93; Laughlin with Haviland, 1988:173).

Although Stuart states that the MAIN-SIGN-wa collocation at F5b is the same as the "water-band"-wa collocation at F4, the main signs are somewhat different in that both the flow band elements and the ancillary "curly" elements are dissimilar. In fact, the author would like to propose that instead of "water", the F5b main sign may represent "pus" as a form of excrement. The -wa suffix provides a -w complement for, "pus" that Kaufman and Norman reconstruct as *pojow (Tz) and proto-Mayan *pojw, which mean "materia, pus,"; pus (Ch'olti, Ch'orti, Ch'ol and Cholan)(1984:129, entry 418). The Mayan Etymological Dictionary (Kaufman with Justeson, 2003:1343) lists several appropriate languages16 with the same or similar meaning: pojw (CHR) -- pus, materia pojow (TZE) -- pus, materia pojow (TOJ) -- pus, materia pojow (QAN) -- pus, materia (de herida [injury, wound]) pohow (POP) -- pus, materia (de herida) pojow (TUZ) -- materia pojow, po7w (CHJ) -- pus, materia (de herida) poow (AKA) -- pus, materia (de herida) pojw, poj(w) (QEQ) -- pus, materia pojwink (QEQcah) -supurar (vi. to ooze, to discharge) pojwo7 (QEQlan) - supurar

The English words meteor, meteoric, meteorism, meteorite, meteorize originate from the Greek; "Greek meteoros, high in the air, has verb meteorizein, to raise high, whence 'to meteorize'; derivative Greek meteorismos, a raising, becomes medical English meteorism, flatulence—cf Hippocrates' meteorizesthai, to suffer from flatulence," (Partidge, 1979:400)[note, abbreviations have been converted to proper words by the author].

The Maya may have then similarly used nak as referring to a raising in the air, though in this case, likely a raising of "pus" instead of flatulence, two forms of excrement. Maya nakal ha' glosses armarse aguacero, "to cause or create a shower or downpour"; similar uses include nakal muyal [cloud] and nakal yalil, "crecer la mar" (Barrera, 1980:554). Tzotzil glosses naka Ho' ch'ich' as "uterine flux. sangre lluvia" (Laughlin with Haviland, 1988:269), where naka functions as a type of adverb seemingly to indicate a flowing of sorts (author's interpretation), and ch'ich' means "blood". Thus nak(a) pojw could be interpreted literally as a "flowing of pus" or "the

16 CHR -- Ch'orti7; CHT -- Ch'olti7; CHL -- Ch'ol; TZE -- Tzeltal; TOJ -- Tojol 7ab'al; QAN -- Q'anjob'al; POP -- Popti7; TUZ -- "Tuzanteco" /mu:chu7/; CHJ -- Chuj; AKA -- Akateko; QEQ -- Q'eqchi7, lan = Lanqi*n, cah = Cahabo*n /k'ajb'om/ (ibid.:38-43).

40 excrement of stars."

The author thus proposes that the glyph collocation at F5 may mean nak[al] pojow/pojw "causing/creating excrement ("pus")"[to flow from the sky or heavens] or an "excrement (pus) causing entity," in a similar manner to Stuart's proposal of the collocation at E6 "fire-drill entity," (2005:76) and is either a descriptive term of the Starry Deer-Crocodile who causes meteors (excrement or pus) or is a direct (metaphorical) reference to meteors themselves as referenced above with meteors signifying star excrement. The transliteration would be: na-ka POJOW/POJW-wa - AJ, and the transcription would be nak[al] pojow/pojw [aj].

The above translation would provide even more support for the meteor connection of the primordial event in 3298 BC.

Other Meteor showers in relation to other Maya Events

Although by itself research into Eta Aquariid outbursts and the annual Eta Aquariid meteor showers provides some measure of probability that the Maya actually observed these phenomena, a higher confidence level may be obtained by examining other historical showers that occurred during the year and their relationship to events other than accessions that the Maya recorded in the script. Besides a more detailed discussion of the figure of the ETA's, three more plots of different segments of solar longitudes of Earth's orbit compare different Maya events to mythological dates in the Maya record and historical records of ancient observations by China and other cultures.

Plots of segments of solar longitudes, Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9

The following four plots show all (may be revised as new or missed dates become available) events/dates in the Maya corpus for each of four 32-34 day segments of the year converted to solar longitudes. Dates that fall on the same solar longitude define a difference in a whole number of sidereal years. Thus the plots show the connection of contemporary Maya events to meteor showers and mythological events. Each segment relates solar longitudes to the following approximate dates during the Classic Period (and earlier dates in mythological time):

Figure 6--solar longitudes 30º-62º, March 29 to April 30.

Figure 7--solar longitudes 294º-327º, December 24 to January 25.

Figure 8--solar longitudes 130º-164º, July 13 to August 15.

Figure 9--solar longitudes 230º-264º, October 21-November 23.

Visual examination of each plot seems to show a dense clustering of events at the solar longitudes of most known meteor showers, although a detailed statistical

41 analysis is beyond the scope of the present essay17. In the case of clustering at the solar longitude of only one outburst in the historical records18 it is possible a single outburst may represent the only observed outburst of an established shower.

In a paper circulated among epigraphers by the author (2016, October-November), the author showed that there was a high probability that of the first 14 rulers at Palenque, many seemed to associate their accession dates to one of 23 mythological dates recorded at Palenque with the length of the Earth's sidereal year. The length of the sidereal year that the Maya appeared to have favored was very close to the present value of 365.25636 days. Where there was no mythological event, the Maya ruler may have associated himself with an annual meteor shower. The author calculated a high success rate using binomial probability that was secure even with only a low sample (the first 14 Palenque rulers) which was based on the Maya using a maximum error of plus or minus one day in the difference between the distance of days between the contemporary accession date and the mythological date.

The importance of solar longitude cannot be overstated. Any date is merely a position of the Earth in space along Earth's orbit, therefore all dates must be converted to solar longitudes, fixed points in space (given a specific reference) prior to comparison19 with each other, especially when comparing mythological dates with contemporary Maya dates. Because meteoroid streams reside (for some length of time, depending on the stream) at a particular place in space, they are first defined by their solar longitude. When a particular date's solar longitude matches the solar longitude of a meteoroid stream, then a shower or outburst can occur provided the other conditions described earlier are met.

Since the plots show dates converted to solar longitudes, by definition when the events appear at the same or nearly the same value, there exists an integral number of sidereal years between those events.

17 Future statistical analysis will include a full set of dates, events and solar longitudes for the segments under inquiry as space here does not permit inclusion. This information however, is available at anytime from the author. 18 The author only plotted outbursts that occurred before the year 1000. 19 The author used an ephemerides program known as Horizons located at NASA's online website, found under the Solar System Dynamics section (Giorgini, et al, 1996).


993 BC Mar 21.75 33.208º 3298 BC Mar 17.75 43.299º China Maya Events

Lyrids Eta Aquariids 461 China

30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000 55.000 60.000

Solar Longitude (Degrees)

Figure 6. Events recorded by the Maya, probable Maya outbursts, and observed outbursts by China plotted for the Classic Period month of April. Vertical spacing is for ease of reading only. The shaded circles represent royal accessions, unshaded circles = other than royal accessions; "x" = unknown event; cross = possibly deadly events other than actual deaths (i.e. war, fire and/or tomb ceremonies, capture, downing of flint- shield, axing); "x with vertical line" = death; diamonds with black-shaded centers = "soft" events such as period endings, arrivals, departures, dedications (not fire-related), 819 day count; black unfilled squares = births. Black triangles = computed Maya outbursts, unshaded triangles = historic outbursts recorded by China; shaded triangle = single outburst recorded not related to an established annual shower (as annotated by Jenniskens [2006:Table 1]).


Discussion of Figure 6.

The three unshaded triangles at solar longitudes 32º-33º represent the Lyrid meteor shower, the oldest known shower on record, first recorded in 687 BC and still seen today at the same solar longitude (Pankenier, et al, 2008:306; Zhuang, 1977:199; see Rendtel, 2014:20-21). There is a concentration of Maya events at this same solar longitude: 2-3 deaths, an accession, an 819 day count, a couple of unknowns and a birth. The birth event refers to K'uk' Balam, the first ruler of Palenque whose birth was recorded on, 5 Kimi 14 K'ayab, 397 March 31, which corresponds to a solar longitude of 33.899º20 (March 31.75). His birth can be related to the birth in 993 BC March 21 of U Kokan Chan (Stuart, 2006;118, 124, 125) on, 1 K'an 2 Kumk'u, which corresponds to a solar longitude of 33.208º (March 21.75). The difference between these two events is within a fraction of a day of the length of the Earth's sidereal year as discussed above (a correction of subtracting only one day from the interval between the two events would be required to bring the accuracy to as close as possible to the actual sidereal year).

The Eta Aquariid shower, from about 40º-45º, shows the five most probable outbursts that could have been observed by the Maya (in press) in about the same range and a clustering of Maya events within the first half of that range. The average of the probable outbursts is within about a half degree of the crocodile decapitation event in 3298 BC.

20 All solar longitudes in this paper are calculated for noon (12:00) local time (18:00 UT), which means the date will appear as a .75 decimal notation in Universal Time (UT), unless otherwise noted. This was an arbitrary time chosen by the author to help with comparing and identifying events and reproducing solar longitude values, not that the Maya were marking events to three decimal points of accuracy. Events that are identified as possibly occurring at night are usually calculated with a solar longitude that indicates midnight. Since 360 degrees of orbit occurs in 365 days, and there are 0.041 degrees difference per hour, an event calculated for noon local time could perhaps begin at 06:00 AM, or 0.246º less than the calculated value, or up to 05:59 AM the next morning, or 0.738º more than the calculated value. Although these values might seem trivial to the casual reader, they may not be when compared to some of the values produced in the plots of Maya events and the peak solar longitudes of some annual meteor showers.

44 3121 BC Dec 14.75 310.960º 819 Day Ct for opening date of Tablet of the Cross

Mecca,Japan, Europe, China Events

784 Japan Shower 32 765 Korea 773 Japan Shower 33

294.000 299.000 304.000 309.000 314.000 319.000 324.000 Solar Longitude (Degrees)

Figure 7. Showers 32 (unshaded triangles) and 33 (black solid triangles), single historical outbursts (shaded red) triangles, and Maya events, including accessions.


Discussion of Figure 7.

Figure 7 covers Maya events, outbursts and 12 accessions that occurred toward the end of December and through most of January in the Maya Classic Period. Two active showers including outbursts that occurred within that time period, though not active today, have been labeled Shower 32 and 33 by Jenniskens (2006:610, 611, Table 1)(see also Kinsman, 2014:91, 92, Figure 4). The Maya may have also witnessed these showers as shown by the clustering of events in the 300º-303º range, which appear to occur around the peak of Shower 32. Another clustering of events occurs at a peak of about 305º, along with a recorded outburst, which may or may not be part of Shower 32. A single outburst was recorded by Korea in 765 (Ahn, 2004; Pankenier, et al, 2008:317-318) which may have been a member of an annual shower since there is a clustering of Maya events at that same solar longitude, 309º. Shower 33 also shows some clustering of events at around 324º.

One of the many events that occurs around 309º is a temple and shrine dedication, a house-entering at Six ? Sky at Palenque on, 5 Eb' 5 K'ayab', 692 January 8.75 (Stuart, 2006:108-110, 133-134). This date relates to the 819 Day count,, for the opening date on the Tablet of the Cross, (2006:117, A1-B16) by 3,811 sidereal years, 1,391,992 days ([3,811][365.256363]). The accession of Ahk'al Mo Nahb' I on, 501 June 4.75, relates to the 819 Day count,, of the opening date on Temple XIX, by the same number of days, 1,391,992 and thus the same number of sidereal years, 3,811, thus yielding again the sidereal year length of 365.256363 days. Furthermore, both use the same number, 1699 (a prime number) cycles of the 819 day count. So, in both cases, the sidereal year can be calculated by (1699)(819) + 1.7.11 = (3811)(365.256363). 1.7.11 is the distance number written on Tablet of the Foliated Cross, S. Jambs for the 819 Day count (1 Imix 19 Ch'en at B6A7a). See Kinsman (2016) for a more detailed explanation of these calculations.


252 BC Jul 22.75 House ded? PAL 146.055º 3023 BC Jul 19.75 GI action PAL 160.446º

China Maya Events

Shower 9 Perseids 465 Ch 865 Ch Shower 12 902 Baghdad

130.000 135.000 140.000 145.000 150.000 155.000 160.000

Solar Longitude (Degrees)

Figure 8. Shower 9, the Perseids and Shower 12.

Discussion of Figure 8.

Figure 8 seems to show at least 5 clusters of events that correspond to Shower 9 (about 133º average), the Perseids (peak at about 140º), a single outburst observed by China in 465 (about 145.5º), Shower 12 (about 150º) and a single outburst observed in 902 at Baghdad (162º, see Jenniskens, 2006:603, Table 1).

One of the events noted at the Shower 9 solar longitude is a "strike" event, jatz'aj b'ituun, at 133.173º,, 558 July 14.75, recorded on Naranjo Altar 2, A1A3 (Grube and Martin, 2004:II-20). Shower 9 has only been observed in the historic record by China in 708 and 714, so it cannot be certain that the shower existed

47 before 708. However, if jatz' bihtuun does actually record meteor strikes, then it could be said that Shower 9 first occurred in 558. It is noted on Table 3 above that 2 Eta Aquariid outbursts likely occurred in 644 and 790, possibly recorded by the jatz' bihtuun phrase.

391 BC Oct 15.75 3765 BC Oct 3.75 3805 BC Oct 9.75 Unknown CPN "He played ball" CRN unknown CRN 230.674º 241.985º 249.411º

China Events

Shower 25

230.000 235.000 240.000 245.000 250.000 255.000 260.000 Solar Longitude (Degrees)

Figure 9. Shower 25.

Discussion of Figure 9.

The only historical shower to occur in the 230º to 264º range occurred around 240º known as Shower 25 (Jenniskens, 2006:608, Table 1), where the first outburst is noted to have occurred on November 1, 643 by Korea (Ahn, 2004 in Pankenier,


2008:313). Possibly within this range is another jatz' bihtuun, "strike the stone road" event recorded on, 735, Oct 31.75, 239.133º. This is a date on Tikal Temple VI, (Date F, F13-E14) that was recently recalculated by Martin (2015:6). Therefore it is possible that now all four jatz' bihtuun events have been recorded on meteor shower dates, which may say that jatz' bihtuun records an actual meteor or meteor outburst.

On 728 October 31 a "curious" ballgame was noted to have taken place at Tonina on Monument 171 (Stuart, 2013). The Long Count is, 7 'Eb' 5 K'ank'in, solar longitude 239.181º (October 31.75). This event may be related to a mythological ball playing event recorded at La Corona, Hieroglyphic Stairway 2, Blocks VIII and IX (A1-F3),, 8 Manik' 10 Sak, 3765 BC October 3, corresponding to solar longitude 241.985º (October 3.75). The difference between these two events is also within a fraction of a day of the accuracy of the sidereal year as discussed above. Both of these events may correspond to Shower 25.

It was mentioned in the beginning of this essay that Hagar wrote about a ceremony that commemorated the falling stars during the Quecholli festival. He states that the Lord of the Dead, who fell with these stars, governed the Festival of the Dead preceding the Quecholli, which was held "towards the end of October" (Hagar, 1931:399). It may well have been that Shower 25 was the meteor shower that was observed for Quecholli.


This paper reaffirms the conclusion from recent research (in press) that there is a likely probability that the Maya observed at least the Eta Aquariid meteor showers, among them the very extreme outburst that likely occurred in 531 with the possibility that the Maya at Caracol observed this phenomenon and marked the event with the royal accession of K'an I on 4 Ak'bal 16 Pohp.

There is a good probability that the jatz' bihtuun, "strike the stone road" event that occurs on Naranjo Altar 2 three times and once on Tikal Temple VI records a meteor or meteor outburst event, two times from an Eta Aquariid outburst, once from Shower 9 and once from Shower 25.

The author thinks that the crocodile decapitation event from 3298 BC March 17, involves an Eta Aquariid meteor outburst post-dicted by the Maya based on their contemporary observation of that meteor shower throughout the Classic Maya Period. The glyph collocation at F5 could be read nak[al] pojow/pojw [aj], interpreted literally as a "flowing of pus" or "the excrement (of stars)," thus possibly a direct reference to a meteor shower, specifically an Eta Aquariid outburst.

Four plots were produced that plotted the solar longitudes of most all Maya events within those four approximately monthly groups. These plots emphasized the sidereal year relationship between events and meteor showers that occurred in the Maya Classic Period.



Continued research will involve computer integrations for the Orionid and Perseid meteor showers, plotting solar longitudes for the entire corpus of Maya inscriptions and performing statistical analysis on the those plots.


The author is grateful to astronomer D. J. Asher for collaboration in producing the post-dicted Eta Aquariid outbursts and for use of the Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland, UK (Mark Bailey, Emeritus Director). The author thanks M. Grofe for the updated Lunar Series data base, B. MacLeod for comments, I-Ching Yang for translation of the Chinese observation of the Eta Aquariid outburst in AD 401, and Jorge De Leon for a superbly guided tour of Caracol.


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Figure 10. The author and his astronomer colleague (D. J. Asher) in Northern Ireland (on the north coast) where they began their research. Photo courtesy of Hutch Kinsman.


Figure 11. Caana, "Sky Place" in Caracol. Photo by the author.