嶺南動態 2 第42屆學位頒授典禮 LINGNAN 42nd Congregation DEVELOPMENTS 與朱拉隆功大學簽署合作協議 4 Inter-institutional Agreement of Co-operation with Chulalongkorn 有關泰國的書展 Exhibition of book collection on Thailand 黃浩川堂及伍絜宜堂開幕典禮 5 Opening ceremony of Wong Hoo Chuen Hall and Wu Jieh Yee Hall 陳偉南會堂命名典禮 Naming ceremony of Chan Wai Nam Function Hall 2012年度榮譽院士頒授典禮 6 Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2012 商界領袖吳建民獲頒授榮譽院士銜並發表中美關係演說 7 Business leader Dominic Ng speaks on US-China relations after receiving honorary fellowship

嶺南人 8 陳玉樹授辭任校長 LINGNANIANS Resignation of President Professor Chan Yuk-Shee 施雅德授續任副校長 Re-appointment of Vice President Professor Jesús Seade 新任校董會/諮議會成員 9 New Council / Court members 博雅人物與心聲:陳化玲老師 10 Liberal arts personalities and voices: Ms Chen Hua-ling 傑出學、研究及服務獎項 12 Awards for excellent teaching, research and service 新任榮譽諮議會委員 14 New honorary Court members 香港博士研究生獎學金 PhD Fellowship 300多名優異生獲頒共950萬元獎學金 15 $9.5 million scholarships awarded to 300 students

嶺南紀事 電影研究中心開幕會議:「電影創作人育-環球視點」 LINGNAN EVENTS 16 Centre for Cinema Studies inaugural conference on ” of the Filmmaker: Views from around the World” 香港賽馬會傑出現代文學訪問授梅家玲授公開講座 17 Public seminar by Professor Mei Chia-ling, Hong Kong Jockey Club Distinguished Visiting Professor of Modern Chinese Literature 迎新日 Orientation Day 嶺南大學週2012 18 Week 2012 「思、動、獻」健康推廣計劃2012啟動禮 20 TAC Programme 2012 kick-off ceremony for health promotion 嶺大校友戴桂冠書法展 Calligraphy exhibition by Lingnan alumnus Day Kwei-kwan 2

(前排左起)司庫王忠秣先生、校董會副主席高靜芝女士、瑪哈·扎克里·詩琳通公主殿下、校董會主席陳智思先生、陳玉樹校長及(後排)蘇以葆主及 嶺大管理高層。 (Front row from left) Treasurer Mr Ben Wong Chung-mat, Deputy Council Chairman Ms Sophia Kao Ching-chi, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Council Chairman The Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan, President Chan Yuk-Shee, and (back row) The Rt Reverend Dr Thomas Soo and members of the senior management.

第42屆學位頒授典禮 The 42nd Congregation

大於4月17日舉行第42屆學位頒授典禮,由校 he 42nd Congregation was held on 17 嶺董會主席陳智思先生頒授榮譽文學博士學位予 T April. Council Chairman The Hon Bernard 泰國的瑪哈˙扎克里˙詩琳通公主殿下,以表揚她多 Chan conferred the degree of Doctor of Letters on 年來熱心社會服務,並於泰國和世界各地積極推動 Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn 文化、社會及環境發展的成就。 of Thailand, in recognition of her long-term commitment to and outstanding achievements in promoting cultural, social and environmental 詩琳通公主誕生於1955年,其父為泰國國王普密蓬, development in Thailand and other parts of the world. 其母為王后詩麗吉。詩琳通公主自幼聰穎好學,求知 若渴,自青少年時代便致力於公共服務。詩琳通公主 Born in 1955 to King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit of Thailand, Princess Sirindhorn 在朱拉隆功大學人文學院以一級榮譽畢業後,於1979 has shown an aptitude for learning and has rendered public service since her 年獲得辛巴克恩大學東方金石學(梵語及高棉語)文學 early youth. After graduating with first-class honours from the Faculty of Arts at 碩士學位,1981年獲得朱拉隆功大學東方語言(巴 , Princess Sirindhorn continued her studies, obtaining 利語及梵語)文學碩士學位,之後又進入詩納卡寧 an MA in oriental epigraphy (Sanskrit and Cambodian) from 威洛大學攻讀跨學科發展育博士課程,並於1986 in 1979, and an MA in oriental languages (Pali and Sanskrit) from Chulalongkorn 年獲得育學博士學位。 University in 1981. She then went on to enroll in an interdisciplinary doctoral programme in development education at Srinakarinwirot University, and 1980年,詩琳通公主於朱拉中高皇家軍事學院執 graduated in 1986 with a doctoral degree in education. 歷史,開展事業,並於1987年出任歷史系主任;所授 課程包括泰文化研究、泰國史與東南亞史、東亞史及 Princess Sirindhorn started her career by teaching history at Chulachomklao 當代世界史。 Royal Military Academy in 1980, and became Director of the Department of History in 1987. She has taught courses in Thai studies, Thai and Southeast Asian history, East Asian history and contemporary world history. 3 詩琳通公主於典禮上致辭時提及她喜歡嶺大「作育英 In her address, Princess Sirindhorn expressed her admiration for Lingnan's 才.服務社會」的校訓。她認為育,尤其是高等 motto, “Education for Service”: “Education, especially higher education, is much 育,遠不止是職業訓練。設計優良的課程與課外活動 more than career training. A well-designed curriculum and set of extracurricular 能培養學生成為更優秀的人才與領導者,掌握幫助他 activities can transform a student into a better person and leader, who can 人的藝術。學生有了服務他人的心志,未來就會為社 master the art of helping others. With this service-minded attitude, he or she will 會作出更多貢獻。 contribute much more to society in the future.”

詩琳通公主亦指出,課程廣泛且強調人類整體性的博 Princess Sirindhorn added that a broad-based with an 雅育,是最適合現代社會的育。她認為大家必須 emphasis on the wholeness of humankind seems most appropriate for modern 共同合作,培養青少年的共享與關愛精神,讓他們成 times. She stressed the need for collaboration to educate our young people to 為本土乃至全球社會中有用的一分子。 become sharing and caring members of their local and global communities.

詩琳通公主富有責任感,充滿愛心,積極倡議社會與 Imbued with a sense of responsibility and caring, Princess Sirindhorn 社群進步,比如為偏遠地區兒童提供基礎育,開展 has devoted her life to fostering social and community initiatives such as 耕種午餐計劃,促進學校職業培訓等。其中有些項目 providing basic education for children in remote areas, starting a programme 更早於公主二十多歲時便開始,歷時三十多年,持續 of agriculture for lunch and promoting vocational training in schools. Some of 至今。 these projects, begun over three decades ago when she was in her twenties, continue to this day. 詩琳通公主曾多次到中國探訪,致力向泰國國民推廣 中國文化歷史。中國四川大地震後,她曾幫助重建一 Princess Sirindhorn has been to China many times, and devoted much effort 所地震區內的學校。詩琳通公主對泰國的孔子學院的 to introducing Chinese culture and history to Thailand. She supported the 發展亦貢獻良多。 construction of a new school in Sichuan in place of the old one destroyed in the latest earthquake, and has also made great contributions to the development of the Confucius Institute in Thailand.

嶺大於典禮結束後設宴款待公主殿下,安排學生演奏傳統中樂與表演書法,並向公主贈送即席揮毫的書法條幅作紀念。 At a post-ceremony luncheon students performed traditional Chinese music and presented Chinese calligraphy to Princess Sirindhorn as a gift. 4

與朱拉隆功大學簽署合作協議 Inter-institutional Agreement of Co-operation with Chulalongkorn University

位頒授典禮前,嶺大 rior to the degree conferment ceremony, an 學與朱拉隆功大學簽署 Pinter-institutional agreement of co-operation 合作協議。校董會主席陳智 was signed between Lingnan and Chulalongkorn 思先生致辭時說:「我們希 University. “We hope this inter-institutional co- 望這個合作協議能增進兩地 operation programme will enable students from both 學生對中國及泰國文化的 sides to enrich their experiences and understanding 認識。」 of Chinese and Thai cultures,” Council Chairman The Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan remarked. 副校長施雅德授感謝所有 贊助人對學生交流計劃的支 Vice President Prof Jesús Seade thanked all the 持,同時希望嶺大及朱拉隆 donors for their generous donation to the student 功大學的學生能享受在泰國 exchange programme, and said that he hoped that 及香港的生活體驗。「如果 Lingnan and Chulalongkorn students would enjoy 他們能擔任大學及國家的使 their stay in Thailand and Hong Kong. “It would 者,促進兩地的聯繫和友 be even better if they can serve as ambassadors 誼,那就更好了。」 of their respective institutions and homelands, fostering closer ties and stronger friendship between Thailand and Hong Kong.”

有關泰國的書展 Exhibition of book collection on Thailand

蒙泰國領事館慷慨捐獻,嶺大獲贈57套泰國 ingnan received a generous donation of 57 books on Thailand from the Royal 承書籍,內容涵蓋政治、經濟、烹飪、旅遊等。 LThai Consulate-General in Hong Kong, spanning a wide range of subjects 雙方均希望這些書籍能增加嶺大學生對泰國的興趣 from politics and economics to cooking and tourism. It is hoped that the book 和了解。 collection will enhance Lingnan students’ interest in and understanding of Thailand. 嶺大博雅育其中一 個主要目標是擴闊學 Expanding students’ horizons is one of the key objectives 生 的 視 野 , 加 強 學 of Lingnan's liberal arts education, which is carried 生的通識育及跨學 out, in part, through a strong emphasis on general 科學習。施雅德授 education and interdisciplinary collaboration. “This new 說:「這套新藏書非 book collection is thus perfectly timed to support our 常合時,有助擴闊學 continuous efforts to broaden the knowledge base of our 生的知識領域。」 students,” said Prof Seade. 5

黃浩川堂及伍絜宜堂 開幕典禮 Opening ceremony of Wong Hoo Chuen Hall and Wu Jieh Yee Hall

大兩座新學生宿舍「黃浩川堂」及「伍絜宜堂」 n opening ceremony of Wong Hoo Chuen Hall and Wu Jieh Yee Hall was 嶺於10月8日舉行開幕典禮並正式入伙,合共提 Aheld on 8 October, officiated by Dr Patrick Wu Po-kong (representative of 供約700個學生宿位。主禮嘉賓包括伍絜宜慈善基金 Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation and Dr Wong Hoo-chuen), Council Chairman 及黃浩川博士代表伍步剛博士、校董會主席陳智思 The Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan, Treasurer Mr Ben Wong Chung-mat and 先生、司庫王忠秣先生及陳玉樹校長。 President Chan Yuk-Shee.

陳智思先生感謝黃浩川博士及伍絜宜慈善基金對嶺大 Mr Bernard Chan expressed his deep gratitude to Dr Wong Hoo-chuen and 的慷慨捐助,為嶺大達致100%全宿的目標注入強心 Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation for their generous support: “Dr Wong and 針。陳玉樹校長亦感謝兩位學長一直以來對大學的 Dr Wu’s support is a cardiotonic fortifying our effort in achieving 100% 支持,使學生能夠在一個舒適且設備齊全的環境下 residential rate.” President Chan also thanked them for their contributions 學習和生活。 over the years, which on this occasion have enabled Lingnan to provide 700 well-equipped and comfortable hostel living places to students.

陳偉南會堂命名典禮 Naming ceremony of Chan Wai Nam Function Hall

答謝屏山企業有限公司董事長陳偉南先生的慷 n appreciation of a generous donation from Mr Chan Wai-nam, BBS, Chairman 為慨捐助,嶺大於10月25日舉行陳偉南會堂命名 Iof Ping Shan Enterprise Company Ltd, a naming ceremony was held on 典禮。當日的主禮嘉賓包括屏山企業有限公司董事長 25 October. Officiating guests of the ceremony included Mr Chan Wai-nam, 陳偉南先生、屏山企業有限公司董事總經理陳幼南博 Dr Ian Chan Yau-nam, Director and General Manager of Ping Shan Enterprise 士、校董會主席陳智思先生及陳玉樹校長。 Company Ltd, Council Chairman The Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan and President Chan Yuk-Shee. 陳偉南會堂位於新校舍(近富泰)底層,該大樓 是為配合大學四年制而興建,為嶺大提供更多學 The Chan Wai Nam Function Hall is located on the ground floor of the 設施。由陳偉南先生捐資成立的「陳幼南博士助宿金」 University's new campus (near Fu Tai Estate), which was constructed to 留本基金,將定期援助有經濟需要的學生,為他們 provide more teaching and learning facilities in line with Lingnan's needs 投入舍堂生活增添動力。 under the four-year university system. The Dr Ian Chan Yau Nam Hostel Bursaries will provide regular support to students with financial needs so that they can enjoy hostel life. 6 2012年度榮譽院士頒授典禮 Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2012

10月15日舉行的2012年度榮譽院士頒授典禮 t an honorary fellowship presentation ceremony 2012 held on 15 October, 在上,校董會主席陳智思先生頒授榮譽院士銜予 ACouncil Chairman the Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan conferred honorary 何喜華先生、錢乃驥先生、黃友嘉博士及榮智權先生, fellowships on Mr Ho Hei-wah, BBS; Mr Samuel N Tsien; Dr David Wong Yau-kar, 以表揚他們對本港社會的卓越貢獻。 BBS, JP and Mr Lincoln Yung Chu-kuen, JP, in recognition of their valuable contributions to the well-being of the community. 何喜華先生從事社會工作逾30年,多年來致力改善 香港弱勢社群的生活及權益,先後協助居住環境惡劣 With over 30 years of experience in social work, Mr Ho Hei-wah devotes 的居民,亦組織邊緣社群爭取權益。何先生由1988年 himself to improving the livelihood and rights of the underprivileged in 至今擔任香港人權聯委會主席,現時是香港社區組織 Hong Kong. He has helped people living in poor conditions, and mobilised 協會主任。 peripheral groups to defend their rights. He has been serving as Chairman of Hong Kong Human Rights Commission since 1988, and is currently director of 錢乃驥先生是擁有超過30年豐富經驗的資深銀行家。 the Society for Community Organization. 他於今年4月,獲委任為新加坡華僑銀行行政總裁。 在此之前,他曾擔任美國銀行(亞洲)及中國建設 Mr Samuel N Tsien is a senior banker with over 30 years of experience. Based 銀行(亞洲)行政總裁。錢先生積極參與公共事務, in Singapore, he was appointed Group Chief Executive Officer of the Oversea- 對本港銀行及金融業貢獻良多。 Chinese Banking Corporation in April 2012. Prior to this, he had been President and CEO of Bank of America (Asia) and China Construction Bank (Asia) based in 黃友嘉博士是經濟學家,於美國芝加哥大學取得博士 Hong Kong. Mr Tsien has contributed significantly to the development of the 學位,現任聯僑遠東有限公司董事總經理。他多年來 banking and financial industries through his public service. 積極參與社會事務,現為香港工商專業聯會主席、 香港中華廠商聯合會永遠名譽會長及香港董事學會副 Trained as an economist with a doctorate degree from the University of Chicago, 主席。 Dr David Wong Yau-kar now serves as Managing Director of United Overseas Investments Limited. He has been actively engaged in public service. Dr Wong is 榮智權先生是南洋集團有限公司副常務董事、寶豐 Chairman of the Business & Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, a Permanent 保險(香港)有限公司及上海商業銀行有限公司董事 Honorary President of The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong and 長、上海商業儲蓄銀行有限公司董事。他現時為香港 Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors. 銀行學會副會長、美國芝加哥大學國際諮詢委員會 亞洲分部成員,並為中國人民政治協商會議上海市 Mr Lincoln Yung Chu-kuen is Deputy Managing Director of Nanyang Holdings Ltd, 委員會委員。 Chairman of Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd and Paofoong Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Ltd, and a director of The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank 黃博士代表榮譽院士向嶺大致謝。他致辭時表示,完 Ltd. He is Vice President of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, a member of the 全認同嶺大博雅育的使命,並認為全人發展的 Global Advisory Board Asia Cabinet of The University of Chicago and the Chinese 育方針,有助培養學生的國際視野、開放和求知的 People’s Political Consultative Conference Shanghai Committee. 精神、優秀的語文能力和獨立思考,使「他們以後能 繼續吸取所需的知識,並把知識應用在不斷轉變的 In his address at the ceremony on behalf of the honorary fellows, Dr Wong said 世界,以解決問題。」 he fully endorses Lingnan’s mission as a liberal arts university. He believes the whole-person approach to education at Lingnan will equip students with global 黃博士指出:「追求人生和事業理想,依靠的並非專門 perspectives, an open and inquisitive mind, excellent language skills and critical 知識,因為這些知識會過時。所依靠的,是不斷吸 thinking, so that “they could continue to acquire the knowledge they will need in 取新知識和適應新環境的能力。這便是博雅育的 the future, and to apply it to solve problems in an ever-changing world.” 目標,而我認為嶺大非常成功地實踐了這目標。」 “Fulfilling one’s life and career goals will depend not on one’s specialised knowledge, which will become obsolete, but on one’s ability to continually acquire new knowledge and adapt to new situations. That is the goal of liberal arts education, and I think Lingnan is fulfilling that goal with tremendous success,” Dr Wong added.

(左起)黃友嘉博士、何喜華先生、錢乃驥先生 及榮智權先生。 (From left) Dr David Wong, Mr Ho Hei-wah, Mr Samuel Tsien and Mr Lincoln Yung. 7

校董會主席陳智思先生頒授榮譽院士證書予 建民先生。 Council Chairman The Hon Bernard Charnwat Chan confers honorary fellowship upon Mr Dominic Ng.

商界領袖吳建民 獲頒授榮譽院士銜並發表中美關係演說 Business leader Dominic Ng speaks on US-China relations after receiving honorary fellowship

大於8月30日頒授榮譽院士銜予美國華美銀行 n 30 August, Lingnan conferred an honorary fellowship on Mr Dominic Ng, 嶺董事長兼首席執行官吳建民先生。 OChairman and CEO of East West Bank. 吳先生在榮譽院士頒授典禮暨午宴講座上,以「中美 At the ceremony-cum-luncheon, Mr Ng gave a talk on “US-China Relations: At 關係:在合作與競爭的十字路口」為題發表演說。他 the Crossroads of Cooperation and Competition”. He pointed out that the US, an 指出,美國是發展成熟的超級大國,中國則是嶄露頭 established superpower, and China, an emerging global power, are standing at 角的世界強國,雙方現正面臨合作與競爭的抉擇。兩 the crossroads of cooperation and competition. Amid global market uncertainty, 國均清楚意識到,在目前全球市場前景不明朗、國家 security risks and domestic pressures, both countries are well aware of the 安全受威脅及來自國內的各種壓力等情況下,要尋求 high stakes and hard choices involved in finding a common ground. 雙方的共識,將牽涉重大的得失與困難的決定。 “Pragmatic partnership between Washington and Beijing requires bilateral 吳先生表示:「華盛頓和北京要成為切合實際的合作夥 trust-building based on common ground and mutual benefit. Constructive 伴,首先需要在共同基礎和互惠互利的關係上建立對 cooperation is essential in managing complex bilateral and global challenges in 彼此的信任。兩國建設性的合作關係對於解決即將面 the months and years ahead,” said Mr Ng. “Hong Kong is well-positioned to play a 臨的雙邊及國際的難題至關重要。」他續稱:「香港 productive role in strengthening communication and trust between the US and 處於一個非常關鍵的位置,將在加強中美交流、提升 China for greater economic good.” 兩國互信,從而為兩國帶來更大的經濟裨益等方面發 揮重要的作用。」 A native of Hong Kong currently residing in California, Mr Ng has been named by Forbes as one of the 25 most notable Chinese Americans, and one of the 100 吳先生出生於香港,現居加州。他曾獲《福布斯》雜誌 most influential people in Los Angeles by the Los Angeles Times. He transformed 選為25位傑出美籍華人之一,亦榮膺《洛杉磯時報》 California-based East West Bank from a small savings and loan association into 洛杉磯100位最具影響力人士之一。在吳先生的領導 one of the 30 largest banks in the US. Mr Ng began his career as a Certified Public 下,總部設於加州的華美銀行,由一家小型的儲蓄及 Accountant, and holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Houston and an 貸款協會,一躍成為美國30大銀行之一。吳先生畢 honorary doctor of law degree from Occidental College. He serves as Chairman 業於休斯頓大學,並獲西方學院頒授法學榮譽博士學 of the Committee of 100, and on the boards of directors of Mattel, Inc. and the 位,本身為註冊會計師。吳先生是「百人會」主席、 Pacific Council on International Policy. He is an advisory committee member 美泰公司及太平洋國際政策局董事局成員。此外,他 of the Resnick Institute at the California Institute of Technology, and served on 是加州科技學院Resnick研究所諮詢委員會成員,並 the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Los Angeles 擔任三藩市聯邦儲備銀行洛杉磯分行董事達六年之久 Branch from 2005 to 2010. (2005-2010)。 8

陳玉樹授辭任校長 Resignation of President Professor Chan Yuk-Shee

個人及健康考慮,陳玉樹校長最近宣佈明年辭任 ue to personal and health considerations, President Chan Yuk-Shee recently 因校長一職的決定。陳校長表示,嶺大現正推行 Dannounced his decision to resign his presidency in 2013. He believed it 大學四年制博雅育課程,為確保大學領導層平穩過 is in the best interest of Lingnan to initiate a search of his successor soon, so 渡,以應付未來的各種挑戰,他遂提出由校董會盡快 as to provide a more stable and longer term leadership to the University as it 安排其繼任人選。 implements its four-year liberal arts curriculum.

On behalf of the University Council, Council Chairman the Hon Bernard Charnwut 校董會主席陳智思先生代表全體校董會成員,感謝 Chan expressed his deep appreciation of President Chan's dedication. “We are 陳校長於過去五年盡心竭力對嶺大所作的卓越貢獻。 proud of the University’s achievements under his leadership in the past 他說:「在陳校長領導下,嶺大不但成功落實於2013 five years, including 100% student residency by 2013, 50% student exchange 年為所有本科生提供四年全宿,並為半數同學提供外 rate and a smooth transition to the new 3-3-4 academic system,” he said. The 地交流的機會,更順利推展四年制博雅育課程。」校 University Council also wished President Chan good health, and look forward 董會誠心祝願陳校長身體安康,並期望他離任後繼續 to his staunch support and sound advice in Lingnan’s quest for excellence. 支持大學發展。

施雅德授續任副校長 Re-appointment of Vice President Professor Jesús Seade

大校董會諮詢了大學諮議會的意見後,議決 fter consultation with the University Court, the University Council has 嶺邀請副校長施雅德授由2013年9月1日起續任 Aresolved to re-appoint Prof Jesús Seade to continue his vice-presidency for 一年。 one year from 1 September 2013.

“The University made very significant and promising progress in recent years. 校董會主席陳智思先生表示:「近年,嶺大研方面 The support of the University Council and Court in favour of extending Prof 佳績有目共睹。大學校董會及諮議會均支持副校長施 Seade’s appointment is an acknowledgment of the accomplishments he has 授續任,可見大學社群對施授任內作出之卓越 brought to the position and the remarkable achievements he has made 貢獻,深表認同及讚許。校董會深信嶺大在包括施 with the Lingnan community thus far. I am confident that liberal arts education 授在內之大學管理團隊領導下,將繼續推動博雅育 at Lingnan will continue to forge ahead with the University management, 邁步向前,再創佳績。」 including Prof Seade’s continuous leadership, in 2013-14,” said Council Chairman the Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan. 9 新任校董會/諮議會成員 New Council / Court members

新任成員 New Appointments

孫梁勵常女士獲委任為校董會司庫,任期三年,2012 Mrs Loretta Shuen Leung Lai-sheung was appointed as Treasurer of the Council 年10月22日生效。 for a term of three years with effect from 22 October 2012.

李以力博士、李錦祺先生及譚國權醫生獲委任為校 Dr Alex Lee Ye-lick, Mr Li Kam-kee and Dr Vincent Tam Kwok-kuen were 董會成員,任期三年,2012年8月1日生效。 appointed as members of the Council for a term of three years with effect from 1 August 2012.

林奮強先生及史樂山先生獲委任為校董會成員及諮 The Hon Franklin Lam Fan-keung and Mr John R Slosar were appointed as 議會當然成員,任期三年,2012年10月22日生效。 members of the Council and ex-officio members of the Court for a term of three years with effect from 22 October 2012.

陳顏文玲女士、黃敏華女士及吳宗權先生獲委任為 Mrs Edith Chan Ngan Man-ling, Ms Nikki Ng Mien-hua and Mr Douglas Woo 校董會成員,任期三年,2012年10月22日生效。 Chun-kuen were appointed as members of the Council for a term of three years with effect from 22 October 2012.

管胡金愛女士及梅樂活先生獲委任為諮議會成員, Mrs Agnes Koon Woo Kam-oi and Mr Mui Lok-wood were appointed as members 任期三年,2012年8月1日生效。 of the Court for a term of three years with effect from 1 August 2012.

續任成員 Re-appointments

張亮先生及鄺心怡女士再度獲委任為校董會成員及諮 Mr Cheung Leong and Ms Anna Kwong Sum-yee were appointed as members of 議會當然成員,任期三年,2012年10月22日生效。 the Council and ex-officio members of the Court for another term of three years with effect from 22 October 2012.

歐陽伯康先生、葉成慶先生及葉毓強授再度獲委任 Mr Bernard Auyang Pak-hong, Mr Simon Ip Shing-hing and Prof Albert Ip 為校董會成員,任期三年,2012年10月22日生效。 Yuk-keung were appointed as members of the Council for another term of three years with effect from 22 October 2012.

葉毓強授、梁紹鴻先生、馬紹援先生及余嘯峰先生 Prof Albert Ip Yuk-keung, Mr Edwin Leong Siu-hung, Mr Selwyn Mar and Mr Frank 再度獲委任為諮議會成員,任期三年,2012年8月1日 Yu Siu-fung were appointed as members of the Court for another term of three 生效。 years with effect from 1 August 2012.

卸任成員 Outgoing Members

以下卸任人士對校董會/諮議會及嶺大多年發展貢獻 The University expresses its deepest thanks to the following outgoing members 良多,大學同仁深表謝意: for their invaluable contributions to the Council/Court and the development of the University in the past years:

校董會及諮議會 校董會 諮議會 Council and Court Council Court 陳林麗冰博士 Dr Alison Chan Lam Lai-bing 高靜芝女士 Ms Sophia Kao Ching-chi 陳仰宗先生 Mr Roy Chen Yang-chung

蔡少洲先生 Mr Tony Choi Siu-chow 王忠秣先生 Mr Ben Wong Chung-mat 方文雄先生 Mr David Fong Man-hung 李梅以菁博士 Dr Jennie Lee Mui Yee-ching

鄧淑德女士 Ms Karen Tang Shuk-tak 紀文鳳女士 Ms Leonie Ki Man-fung 黃志光先生 Mr Patrick Wong Chi-kwong

以上名單不包括現為嶺大職員的校董會及諮議會成員。 Council and Court members who are Lingnan staff are not listed here. 10 博雅人物與心聲:陳化玲老師 Liberal arts personalities & voices : Ms Chen Hua-ling

熱心學 情繫戲曲 An enthusiasm for education and a passion for opera 多嶺大學生都認識陳化玲老師。她是中國語文 any Lingnan students know Ms Chen Hualing, Senior Instructor of the Chinese 很學與測試中心的前高級導師,自1990年起 MLanguage Education & Assessment Centre (CLEAC). She has been teaching 於嶺大授以普通話語音為主要內容的「實用中文」 Putonghua phonology in a compulsory course called “Practical Chinese” here at 必修課程,從前年開始更授「京崑藝術欣賞入門」 Lingnan since 1990. Since 2010, she has started teaching the General Education 通識課。 course, “An Introduction to Chinese Kunqu and Peking Opera Appreciation”.

如果博雅育的目標之一是培養學生「學識廣博, If one of the main goals of liberal arts education is to encourage students to 生活高雅」的氣質,陳老師豐富的文化修養正正呼應 “acquire broad-based knowledge and live in a noble and graceful manner”, then 了嶺大的使命。她愛好文學、音樂、旅遊,更是一位 a highly cultured individual like Ms Chen is just the right person to advocate this 忠實戲迷,有二十多年學戲練戲的經驗。陳老師的 mission. She enjoys literature, music, travelling, and is a loyal and passionate lover 學目標清晰,希望課堂能達到四個“in”:切合時代 of Chinese opera with over two decades of learning and performing experience. (in fashion)、生動有趣(interesting)、內容豐富(informative) Ms Chen has set clear goals for her class, hoping to achieve four “ins”: in fashion, 及融會貫通(integrated)。事實上,修畢課程的學生都 interesting, informative, and integrated. In fact, after taking her course for a 表示一個學期的課讓他們眼界大開,不少更愛上傳統戲 semester, students all found their horizons broadened, and many of them fell in 曲,其中一位在期末報告中提到:「陳老師的講課信息 love with Chinese opera. One of them wrote in their term report: “Ms Chen’s course 量大卻又不落俗套,讓我們體驗京崑戲曲的夢幻、深 is really informative, but it does not fall into trite patterns. It allows us to experience 情、悲壯、蒼涼、詼諧、靈異、風雅之美,且與現實 the fantastic, impassioned, solemn, desolate, humorous, mystical, and elegant 生活並不脫節,生動有趣,真正做到了四個“in”。」 beauty of Beijing and kunqu opera, while still keeping in touch with real life. Her 翻閱學生的期末報告,不難感受到陳老師對學生意見 classes are lively and intriguing. She really has achieved the four ‘ins‘.” Reading 的重視。無論是學生對課堂的建議或批評,她都一一 through the students’ term reports, it is quite easy to see how much Ms Chen 用螢光筆標出,希望來年將課程辦得更好。 values the opinions of her students; both suggestions and criticisms are marked and highlighted, taken into consideration to make the course even better next year. 陳老師的學成績殊非僥倖,而是靠熱情和熱心 成就。她憶起1966年初到美國各大學中國語文聯合研 Ms Chen achieved her teaching goals not by chance, but by enthusiasm and 習所(現稱台大國際華語研習所)的導師時,中心主 devotion. When she first applied for a teaching position at the Stanford Center 任請她用三個月時間導一位口吃的學生,從而觀察 in Taipei for the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies (now 她的學能力,然後再考慮是否聘請她。雖然三個月 known as the International Chinese Language Program) at the beginning of 1966, 後學生沒有太大進步,但主任卻因她在學時表現的 the centre director asked her to tutor a student with stutter problems for three 耐心而聘用了她。 months in order to observe her teaching ability and decide whether or not they would hire her. Three months later, the student’s stuttering did not improve much, but the director hired her anyway for the amount of patience she displayed. 11

Live honestly and gratefully Ms Chen’s enthusiasm for education no doubt takes root in her passion and honesty toward life. Her great grandfather was proficient in kunqu opera and highly skilled in traditional musical instruments such as di and sanxian. Her grandfather was adept in Peking opera; and both her father and uncle loved it as well. Due to family influence, Ms Chen developed a passion for Chinese opera at a very young age, and almost quit secondary school to pursue her passion. Although her parents prevented her from joining the world of opera professionally, her desire to study Chinese opera never wavered. Under the pressures of a busy job and child rearing, she still managed to squeeze time out of her tight schedule, and studied under Mr Bao Youdie for a whole decade.

To her students, Ms Chen sets herself as an example, teaching them to be honest with themselves and accept their own shortcomings. She has the courage and honesty to say “I don’t know” in class, for she would rather look for answers with her students together than give them false information. She often tells them, “When watching a performance, you need to exercise your judgment and form your own opinion. It’s okay if you don’t know how to critique, but do not applaud just because you see other people clapping.” After many years at Lingnan, she knows her students very well. She hopes all her students will be capable and 忠實生活 常存感恩 independent after graduation.

陳老師對學的熱忱無疑是源於她對生命的熱愛和 Talking with Ms Chen, one feels that she often views life with a sense of gratefulness. 忠誠。由於先曾外祖父精於笛子三絃和崑曲,先外 Looking back on her past, she is thankful her father did not let her quit school, as a 祖父擅於皮黃,加上父親、伯父均愛唱京戲,陳老師 result of which she managed to “follow the rules” and received higher education. 自小鍾情戲曲,中學時更有放棄學業去學戲的衝動。 With the qualification, she was able to start a career in education and find the 雖然父母的勸阻令少時的陳老師沒有走上唱戲之路, means to be a happy and contented operaphile. She is also thankful for joining 但她曾在工作繁忙和養兒子的壓力下,努力擠出公 the Lingnan family and getting the chance to communicate with students, which 餘時間跟包幼蝶老師學戲練戲達十年之久,學習的 is why she came back to work part-time after retirement, passing on the cultural 決心堅定不移。 heritage to future generations. Ms Chen expects one thing from her students: be an educated observer and exercise your independent judgment, and do 對學生,陳老師身體力行導他們要誠實面對自己, not follow the crowd. Indeed, in life as on the stage, not everyone gets to be 接受自己的不足。她有說「不知道」的坦誠和勇氣, the leading star, but we all possess the ability to reflect, criticise, and improve 不會搪塞了事,寧可跟學生一起尋找答案。她經常跟 ourselves as well as the world we live in. 學生說:「看戲時要訓練自己的判斷力,不會評論 不要緊,但不要人家拍掌你也拍掌,隨波逐流。」 在嶺大生活多年,她很了解自己的學生,期望學生畢 業後做個有用而獨立的人。

跟陳老師傾談,會感受到她經常以感恩之心看待人生 的際遇。回想過去,她感激父親嚴禁她學戲,令她 「按部就班」接受高等育,能夠投身學,有條件做 個自得其樂的戲迷。她也感激嶺大這個大家庭,讓她 有機會跟學生相處交流,故退休以後仍不辭勞苦回校 當兼職老師,延續傳承文化的重任。陳老師對學生 有一個期望:看戲要做個有水平的觀眾,做事要有 自主能力,千萬不要人云亦云。誠然,生活跟看戲 一樣,不是每個人都會成為台上的巨星,但每個人都 有能力反思、批判、改進自己和造福社會。 12 傑出學、研究及服務獎項 Awards for excellent teaching, research and service 嶺大每兩年頒發學與研究獎項予出色的員。2012年共有12名員獲得嘉許。 Lingnan awards outstanding academics in teaching and research every two years. In 2012, a total of 12 teachers received recognition for their achievements in teaching and research.

優異學獎勵計劃 Teaching Excellence Awards Scheme (TEAS) 三位員獲頒優異學獎。以下引述評判小組的部分評語: Three colleagues received 2012 TEAS awards. Commendations from the panel of judges include the following remarks:

歷史系馮建明博士 Dr James R Fichter, Department of History 「馮博士學方法極具創意,在嶺大素有聲譽。他採用學生為本的學方法,著重學習過程,而非純粹要求學生 搜集史實。他的學方法顯著提升了本科生的寫作和批判思考能力。」 "Dr Fichter has established himself as an innovative teacher at Lingnan, adopting a student-oriented approach that focuses on the learning process rather than the mere acquisition of facts. His approach has led to significant improvements in undergraduate writing and critical thinking skills.” 中文系劉燕萍授 Prof Grace Lau Yin-ping, Department of Chinese

「劉授在嶺大18年的學生涯中第三度獲獎。她的課程設計和學水平均獲得學生一致好評。劉授著重同 學在課堂上的參與,並啟發和激勵他們盡展所長。同時,她能配合學生不同的學習需要,增強他們的自信心。」 "As a third-time awardee during her 18 years with Lingnan, Prof Lau received high student evaluations for both her course design and teaching quality. Her classroom strategies engage, motivate and stimulate students to achieve their best. At the same time, she addresses students’ diverse learning needs and strengthens their confidence.” 中文系黃淑嫻博士 Dr Mary Wong Shuk-han, Department of Chinese

「黃博士自2005年起加入嶺大中文系,不久已注意到本港學生往往只為了通過考試而學習的心態。故此,黃博士 努力拓寬學生的視野,通過跨文化和跨媒體的角度,培養學生的通才技巧和能力。」 “Dr Wong joined the Department of Chinese in 2005 and soon noticed the functional mentality of Hong Kong students, who tend to study only for the sake of passing exams. Against this background, Dr Wong strives to broaden students’ vision and develop their generic skills and abilities through adopting a cross-cultural and cross-media perspective.”

政治學系何家騏博士 Dr Lawrence Ho Ka-ki, Department of Political Science 「何博士仔細考察每位同學的背景,瞭解他們不同的需要,再量身訂造最合適的學模式。他亦是其學系中第一 位把服務研習概念引入課程的老師。」 “Dr Ho’s strategy is to motivate students by tailor-making his teaching, as far as possible, to each student’s individual needs. He examines his students’ profiles in detail for the development of the most appropriate mode of instruction. He is also the first teacher in his department to incorporate service-learning in his course.”

三位師獲頒優秀學證書,包括翻譯系 / Three other members of the faculty were awarded a “Certificate of Merit” in recognition 中文系鄺龑子授、中國語文學與測試中心 of their quality teaching, namely Prof Charles Kwong Yim-tze, Department of 李斐博士及市場及國際企業學系尹振英博士。 Translation/ Department of Chinese; Dr Li Fei, Chinese Language Education & Assessment Centre and Dr Lisa Wan Chun-ying, Department of Marketing & 評判小組成員由三位來自不同課程的員及 International Business. 三名學生組成,並由協理副校長(學術素質保 The Selection Panel was comprised of three staff members from different programme areas 證)陳增聲授擔任評判小組主席。 and three students, chaired by Prof Chan Tsang-sing, Associate Vice-President (Academic Quality Assurance). 13 優異研究獎勵計劃 Research Excellence Awards Scheme (REAS) 四位員獲頒優異研究獎。以下是遴選委員會的部分評語: Four colleagues received 2012 REAS awards. Selected comments on their research work from members of the Selection Committee are as follows:

歷史系潘淑華博士 Dr Poon Shuk-wah, Department of History 「身為年輕的研究學者,潘博士在頂尖學術期刊刊載論文的數量、研究項目和科研水平均傲視同儕,並從事新方向的 研究。」 “Dr Poon was awarded for her peerless strength in terms of the number of top-tier publications, research projects and quality of work in the pipeline. Being a young researcher, Dr Poon is doing cutting edge research in a new direction in her discipline.”

電腦及決策科學學系冷明明博士 Dr Leng Mingming, Department of Computing & Decision Sciences

「冷博士是營運和物流管理學的優秀研究者。他近期出版了兩篇有關生產與營運管理和海軍研究物流的論文,水準 非常高。冷博士在2009和2010年分別獲得優配研究金資助,並於2010年獲頒優異研究獎。」 “Dr Leng is an excellent researcher in operations and supply chain management. His two recent publications in production & operations management and naval research logistics are also of very high quality. Dr Leng has a successful record of obtaining General Research Fund grants in 2009 and 2010, and received an REAS Award in 2010.” 市場及國際企業學系尹振英博士 Dr Lisa Wan Chun-ying, Department of Marketing & International Business

「尹博士是一位優秀的年輕市場學研究人員。在她的學術著作中,其中兩篇論文刊載於有名的市場學期刊 Journal of Consumer Research,見證了尹博士的潛力及其過去三年所付出的辛勞。」 “Dr Wan is an outstanding young researcher in Marketing. Among her research publications, two have appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, a top-tier journal in her field. Her achievements in the past three years demonstrated tremendous hard work and great potential.”

政治學系張泊匯博士 Dr Zhang Baohui, Department of Political Science

「張博士有關中國與美國的研究,充分反映他對當代議題的深厚認識和嶄新詮釋,廣為國際學術界認可。」 “Dr Zhang’s research study of politics in the US and China demonstrated good knowledge and new interpretation of current issues, and achieved a high level of international recognition.”

此外,社會學及社會政策系張宇樂博士獲頒 In addition, Dr Francis Cheung Yuk-lok, Department of Sociology & Social Policy, received 「榮譽表彰」,以表揚他在學術研究方面的優秀 an “Honourable Mention” in recognition of his fine achievements in academic research. 成果。張博士的研究不僅具有啟發性,其研究方 Dr Cheung’s research is insightful, vigorous and sophisticated in terms of methodology and analysis. 法和分析亦以精密、嚴謹及具洞察力見長。 The Selection Committee was made up of senior academics at other higher education 遴選委員會由其他大學的資深學者組成,並由副 institutions, and chaired by Prof Jesús Seade, Vice-President. 校長施雅德授擔任主席。

今年獲頒伍沾德博士伉儷傑出服務獎的職員為市場及國際企業學系的楊麗娟女士。 The recipient of this biennial award was Ms Linda Jo Lee-koan, Department of Marketing & International Business.

楊麗娟女士獲頒「伍沾德博士伉儷傑出服務獎」,以表揚她在大學、社區和慈善機構的優秀服務表現。 Ms Linda Jo received the “Dr and Mrs James Tak Wu Award for Outstanding Service” in recognition of her substantial service to the University, the community and the charity sector. 14 新任榮譽諮議會委員 New honorary Court members

大於11月7日委任9位傑出人士為榮譽諮議會 ine distinguished individuals were appointed honorary Court members on 嶺 委員,以表揚他們作為前校董或諮議會成員 N7 November, in recognition of their contributions to the University as 對大學以至對社會作出的貢獻。 former Council and/or Court members or to the community at large.

校董會主席陳智思先生(後排左中)、陳玉樹 校長(後排右中)及榮譽諮議會委員。 Council Chairman The Hon Bernard Charnwut Chan (back, centre left), President Chan Yuk-Shee (back, centre right) and honorary Court members.

新委任的榮譽諮議會委員包括: The honorary Court members appointed include:

蔡祖光先生 Mr Christy Choy Cho-kwong

林祥博士 Dr Richard Lam Cheung

梁松聲先生 Mr Sammy Leung Chung-sing

吳亮星議員太平紳士 The Hon Ng Leung-sing, SBS, JP

潘柏源先生 Mr Tinlo Poon Pa-yuen

岑展文先生 Mr Henry Sam Chien-man

黃伯鏗先生 Mr Peter Wong Pak-heung

伍步剛博士太平紳士 Dr Patrick Wu Po-kong, JP

楊革非先生 Mr Young Kah-fa

香港博士研究生獎學金 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship

年嶺大提名「香港博士研究生獎學金計劃」的成 ingnan achieved a record success rate of 53% this year for its Hong Kong 今功率達53%,比前兩年更佳,較資會轄下所 LPhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) nominations, as compared to 35% for all 有院校的35%為高。八位獎學金得主已於9月入讀嶺大 institutions funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC). Eight HKPFS 的博士研究生課程。 awardees started their PhD studies at Lingnan this September.

由香港研究資助局資助的「香港博士研究生獎學金 Funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, HKPFS aims at attracting 計劃」競爭激烈,旨在吸引世界各地優秀的研究生, brilliant students from around the world to pursue PhD programmes in UGC 來港修讀以研究為本的博士學位課程。自2009起, institutions. Since 2009, Lingnan has participated in this highly competitive 嶺大已參與計劃,且提名的成功率相當高─2010/ and prestigious award scheme, and has achieved high success rates for its 11、2011/12及2012/13學年的成功率分別為33%、 nominations: 33%, 25% and 53% in the 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 academic 25%及53%。過去三年,資會轄下所有院校的提 years, respectively. The success rates for all UGC institutions were 26%, 22% and 名成功率分別為26%、22%及35%。 35% over the past three years. 15

300多名優異生獲頒共950萬元獎學金 $9.5 million scholarships awarded to 300 students

大於4月23日舉行2012年獎學金頒獎禮,由 he Awards Presentation Ceremony 2012 was held on 23 April with Dr Alex 嶺嶺大香港同學會主席及諮議會成員李以力博士 TLee Ye-lick, Chairman of Lingnan University Alumni Association (HK) Ltd 任主禮嘉賓。本年度頒發445項獎學金予300多名成績 and Court member, as the officiating guest of honour. This year, 445 awards and 優異及個人表現卓越的學生,合計約港幣950萬元。 scholarships totaling about HK$9.5 million were presented to over 300 students in recognition of their meritorious academic and personal achievements. 李博士在頒獎禮上致辭時,分享他如何身體力行嶺大 「作育英才,服務社會」的校訓,並勉勵所有得獎學生, Sharing his experience of putting Lingnan’s motto “Education for Service” into 以「實踐嶺大理念大使」的身分,「傳承母校的優良傳 practice, Dr Lee urged all award-winning students to be “Lingnan’s ambassadors 統,把嶺南精神發揚光大」。 in accomplishing the University’s mission, to carry on the fine traditions of our beloved alma mater and the mission to keep the light of the Lingnan spirit 2012年度「大學最傑出學生獎」得主為主修經濟學的社 shining”. 會科學(榮譽)學士課程三年級學生翁俊傑。翁同學學 業成績優秀,在學期間曾取得多項獎學金,包括嶺南 Mr Yung Chun-kit, a Year 3 student in the Social Sciences (Hons) in Economics 育機構大使計劃──領導及服務獎學金、經濟學優 programme, received the Most Distinguished Student of the University Award this 秀學生獎學金及社會科學優秀學生獎等。 year for his excellent academic performance. He has received several scholarships during his study at Lingnan, including the Lingnan Education Organisation 頒獎禮上同時頒發了2011/12年度「伍沾德博士伉儷 Ambassadors Programme—Leadership and Service Scholarship, The Best 傑出服務獎」學生組別獎項,得獎者為社會科學(榮 Economics Student Scholarship and The Excellent Social Sciences Student Award. 譽)學士課程三年級學生李瑞雲。過去三年來,李同 學積極參與多項服務研習及社區服務項目,包括「和 Ms Sharen Lee Sui-wan, a Year 3 student in the Social Sciences (Hons) programme, 富領袖網絡系列之星級服務研習『嶺』袖之旅」,遠赴 received the Student Award of the Dr and Mrs James Tak Wu Awards for 雲南探訪曾參與第二次世界大戰的退役老兵;經 Outstanding Service 2011-12. Over the past three years, Sharen has been actively Volunteers in Asia安排,到美國的非牟利機構參與義 involved in various service-learning and community projects such as visiting and 務工作;與國際社會服務社合作,支援新來港家庭; interviewing Chinese veterans of the Second World War in Yunnan under the 以及參加由德勤與嶺大服務研習處合辦的服務研習 Mentor and Wofoo Star Leadership Training Programme, providing volunteer 計劃,到雲南山區向婦女及兒童推廣健康育等。 service in the US organised by Volunteers in Asia, collaborating with International Social Service Hong Kong to help newly arrived families, and promoting health education among women and children in rural Yunnan under a service-learning programme co-organised by Deloitte and Lingnan’s Office of Service-Learning.

「大學最傑出學生獎」得主翁俊傑(左)。 Mr Yung Chun-kit (left) receives the Most Distinguished Student of the University Award.

2011/12年度「伍沾德博士伉儷傑出服務獎」學生組別獎項得主李瑞雲(中)。 Ms Sharen Lee Sui-wan (middle) receives the Student Award of the Dr and Mrs James Tak Wu Awards for Outstanding Service 2011-12. 16

(左起)Hamid Naficy授、Mette Hjort授、施雅德授及墨美姬授。 (From left) Prof Hamid Naficy, Prof Mette Hjort, Prof Jesús Seade and Prof Meaghan Morris.

電影研究中心開幕會議:「電影創作人育— 環球視點」 Centre for Cinema Studies Inaugural Conference on “Education of the Filmmaker: Views from around the World”

成立的電影研究中心於5月25至27日舉行開 n 25-27 May, the newly created Centre for Cinema Studies held an inaugural 新幕會議,以「電影創作人育:環球視點」為 Oconference entitled “Education of the Filmmaker: Views from Around the 主題,探討「實踐導向」電影育的創新思維,以及電 World”, with the aim of exploring innovative approaches to practice-based film 影創作與可持續社區之間的關係。 education and training. Of special interest were approaches in which filmmaking is envisaged as contributing to the creation of sustainable communities. 多位來自世界各地的著名學者,包括加拿大、印度、 愛爾蘭、日本、荷蘭、尼日利亞、巴基斯坦、南非、 Renowned scholars from around the globe, including Canada, India, Ireland, 英國及美國等地,交流電影訓練的創新經驗。會議亦 Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Palestine, South Africa, the UK and the US, were 討論了距離電影主流較遠的地區的發展情況,例如 invited to share insights on innovative film training and to shed light on the 澳洲、非洲及中東等。 many promising initiatives that have been mounted in Australia, Africa and the Middle East, places that are generally seen as quite remote from the cinematic 在會議後的一個訪問中,電影研究中心聯席主任Mette mainstream. Hjort授強調中心與電影工作者之間的緊密關係, 並解釋電影工作者如何在處理民生議題上擔當重要的 In an interview following the conference, Centre co-director Prof Mette Hjort 角色。她說:「電影工作者是研究人員。他們研究問 emphasised the close links between the new centre and practitioners, and 題,並將他們的研究成果以影像方式表達,而這種媒 explained the important role filmmakers play in addressing issues central to the 體能將信息傳給世界各地的觀眾。這些充滿智慧、勇 everyday lives of people. “Filmmakers are researchers. They research questions 氣和熱誠的專業工作者非常值得我們支持,因為他們 and articulate their research findings in a medium that has the potential to reach 就社會問題不斷提出具創意、長遠、持續可行的解決 large numbers of people throughout the world. These marvelously talented, 方案。隨著中心的成立,我們會通過學術交流和網絡 courageous and dedicated professionals deserve support because they have 支持這批電影從業員。」 a huge role to play in articulating creative, long-term sustainable solutions to social problems. With the establishment of the Centre, we are lending whatever support we can through our scholarship and networks,” said Prof Hjort. 香港賽馬會傑出現代文學訪問授 17 梅家玲授公開講座 Public seminar by Professor Mei Chia-ling, Hong Kong Jockey Club Distinguished Visiting Professor of Modern Chinese Literature

012年度嶺南大學香港賽馬會傑出現代文學訪問 n 13 April, Prof Mei Chia-ling, Hong Kong Jockey Club Distinguished Visiting 2授梅家玲授,於4月13日發表題為「從『少年中 OProfessor of Modern Chinese Literature at Lingnan University 2012, gave 國』到『少年臺灣』─二十世紀中文小說的青春想像與 a public seminar entitled “From ‘youthful China’ to ‘youthful Taiwan’— youthful 國族論述」的公開演講。 imagination and nationalist discourse in 20th-century Chinese fiction”.

梅授先以梁啟超發表於1900年戊戌變法失敗後 Prof Mei began her survey with Liang Qichao’s “On Youthful China”, published in 的〈少年中國說〉為引子,循序說明「少年中國」 1900 after the collapse of the Hundred Days Reform in 1898. She explained the 與「少年台灣」敘事話語的源起、它和五四所強調 origins of the narrative discourse on “youthful China” and “youthful Taiwan”, as 的「青春」、「青年」等話語之間的錯綜遞變,以及它 well as their relationships with concepts such as “nationality”, ”fiction & education”, 與「國族」、「小說」、「育」之間的相互糾葛;進而 before exploring the issues of youthful imagination & nationalist discourse in 探討二十世紀中文小說裡的青春想像與國族論述。梅 20th-century Chinese fiction. Prof Mei argued that the biggest contribution 授指出,梁啟超〈少年中國說〉的最大意義,在於它 of Liang’s essay was its “discovery” of a relative disregard of “youth” in 重新「發現」了過去文學傳統中不大重視的「少年」。 traditional Chinese literature.

五四以後,不少新文學作品藉青少年人物的自我追尋 After the May Fourth Movement, many new literary works expressed visions of 來寄託家國憧憬。梅授最後指出,二十世紀的小說 China through young characters' quest for the self. Prof Mei concluded by 一路見證了百年來家國社會的動盪遷變,在文學史上 noting that 20th-century Chinese fiction had written a moving chapter of literary 寫下了曲折動人的一頁。 history with its vivid records of social upheavals during the last hundred years.

迎新日 Orientation Day

大於9月1至4日舉辦一年一度新生迎新營,歡迎 eld on 1- 4 September, Lingnan’s New Student Orientation this year 嶺1,430名新生,包括三年制及四年制的本地 Hwelcomed 1,430 new students, including three-year and four-year, local 生、非本地生及交換生,成為嶺大的一分子。大學 and non-local degree-seeking students, as well as exchange students. About 400 更招募了400名高年級同學擔任學長,協助新生適應 senior students served as peer mentors or programme helpers in the four-day 大學生活,並籌辦迎新營各項活動。 orientation.

此外,於9月3日晚上舉行的嘉年華會上,大學的系 A Campus Life Carnival was held at Wing On Plaza on the evening of 3 會和屬會擺放了超過50個攤位,展現嶺大多采多姿 September. More than 50 booths run by student societies and university teams 的校園生活,迎接新學期的來臨。 showcased their activities and team spirit. A great variety of performances was also staged to entertain the university community and celebrate the commencement of the new academic year. 18 嶺南大學週2012 Lingnan University Week 2012

嶺步同行籌款日2012 “Walking with Lingnanians” fundraising walkathon 2012 800名學生、校友、職員及各界友好於10月 ore than 800 students, alumni, teachers, staff and friends of Lingnan 逾7日參與嶺大第三屆「嶺步同行籌款日2012」。 MUniversity participated in the third “Walking with Lingnanians” fundraising 本年度籌款日的起點為沙田大會堂廣場,沿城門河畔 walkathon 2012 on 7 October. The walkathon this year started from Sha Tin 繞行一圈。是次活動共籌得約130萬元善款,為學生 Town Hall Plaza and proceeded along Shing Mun River. Around HK$1.3 million was 全人發展項目提供經費。 raised in support of the University’s whole-person development programmes.

陳玉樹校長感謝育局局長吳克儉太平紳士在百忙中 President Chan Yuk-Shee thanked our officiating guest Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, SBS, 抽空為活動主禮。他同時感謝嶺步同行籌款日的鑽石 JP, Secretary for Education, for his participation. He also thanked Mr Kwan Chi-sun, 贊助人關志信先生、岑展文先生、施榮懷太平紳士及 Mr Sam Chien-man, Mr Irons Sze, JP and Mr Ben Wong Chung-mat as diamond 王忠秣太平紳士,以及各 sponsors, as well as Four Seas 個支持機構,包括已連續 Mercantile Holding Limited, 三年支持是項活動的四洲 PARKnSHOP and Nestle Hong 集團,以及百佳超級市場 Kong Limited as supporting 和雀巢香港有限公司。 organisations of the fundraising walkathon. 適逢政府推出第六輪「配 對補助金計劃」,大學將 Under the Sixth Matching Grant 以是次活動籌得的善款向 Scheme, every dollar raised from 政府申請「一對一」等額 the Walkathon will be counted 資助,使嶺大雙倍受惠。 in Lingnan’s application for matching grants on a dollar- for-dollar basis, creating double benefits for the University.

嶺南大學檔案室開幕 Lingnan Archival Project Launch Ceremony 南大學檔案室於10月17日開幕,展出嶺大由 he Lingnan University Archives was officially opened on 17 October, showcasing 嶺1967年至1999年間大型活動所拍攝的舊照片以 Tthe University’s history since 1967 to teachers, students, alumni and the public. 及多份檔案資料,包括書信、校長報告、年報、活動 The exhibits include photos taken during large-scale events from 1967 to 1999, 小冊子及學生會出版的刊物等,把大學四十多年來的 as well as letters, President’s reports, annual reports, event brochures and student 歷史檔案呈現於師生、校友及公眾人士的眼前。 union publications. All these archival materials are precious artefacts of Lingnan’s 45-year presence in Hong Kong.

嶺南大學檔案室開幕典禮主禮嘉賓(左起):李以力博士、 羅世傑醫生、陳斌博士、陳玉樹校長及劉智鵬博士。 Officiating guests of the Lingnan University Archives Opening Ceremony: (from left) Dr Alex Lee, Dr Frank Law, Dr David Chan, President Chan Yuk-Shee and Dr Lau Chi-pang. 19

國際日2012 International Day 2012 大於10月17日舉辦「國際日2012」,透過攤位 nternational Day was held on 17 October, showcasing the vibrant colours of 嶺遊戲、美食展和文化表演,展現校園的多元文 ILingnan’s internationalised campus through an array of games, cuisines and 化色彩。豐富的節目包括混式太極表演、嘻哈爵士 performances from various cultures and countries. Just to name a few, there 舞、韓國流行舞、傳統音樂及樂器表演等。來自九個 were Mix-and-Match Taichi performance, Hiphop Jazz Dance, Korean pop Dance, 國家的學生於精心佈置的攤位內分享其國家的佳餚美 traditional music and band sound. Students from nine different countries shared 食、手工及遊戲。 their national delicacies, handicrafts and games at carefully decorated booths.

一群韓國交換生表演韓國流行舞蹈「江南style」。 A group of Korean exchange students perform "Gangnam Style", a Korean pop-dance

資訊日2012 Information Day 2012 0月23日舉辦的資訊日吸引了逾12,000名訪客,以 eld on 23 October, Information Day 2012 welcomed over 12,000 visitors, 1應屆高等文憑試考生及其家長為主。嶺大的三所 Hmostly senior secondary students who will sit for the Hong Kong Diploma 學院,包括文學院、商學院及社會科學院分別舉辦課 of Secondary Education in 2013, along with their parents. The Faculties of 程簡介會,詳述2013/14年度的學士學位課程架構與 Arts, Business and Social Sciences held briefing sessions on their respective 收生安排。 admission requirements and curricular structures in 2013/14.

各學系於資訊日設立攤位,並邀請多位嘉賓發表專題 Various academic departments set up booths to introduce their features, and 演講。多個行政及支援部門如服務研習處、內地與國 organised seminars for the visitors. Administrative and supporting units such as 際學生交換計劃辦事處、資訊科技服務中心及大學圖 the Office of Service-Learning, Office of Mainland & International Programmes, 書館也舉辦了展覽、簡介會及導賞等活動,介紹嶺大 Information Technology Services Centre and the library also provided visitors 多姿多采的校園生活。 with an overview of their respective programmes and service offerings, showcasing the colourful campus life at Lingnan. 20 「思、動、獻」健康推廣計劃2012啟動禮 TAC Programme 2012 Kick-off Ceremony for health promotion

100名嘉賓及屯門居民,於9月16日在「思、 ore than 100 guests and residents shared a Sunday morning of 逾動、獻」健康推廣計劃2012啟動禮上,共享充滿 Mfun, health and laughter at the kick-off ceremony of Think-Act-Contribute 繽紛、健康和歡樂的星期天早晨。 (TAC) 2012 on 16 September.

啟動禮由一場活力十足的舞蹈揭開序幕。在嶺大服務研 The kick-off ceremony began with an energetic dance led by Nicholas Ooi 習處同事黃田麒及數十名「思、動、獻」健康領袖 of Lingnan’s Office of Service-Learning (OSL) and health leaders of the TAC 的帶領下,主禮嘉賓及全場逾100名出席者紛紛手舞 programme, who are trained volunteers from the Elder Academy at Lingnan 足蹈,身體力行宣揚體能活動,藉此提升健康及生 and other community organisations. They were later joined by the officiating 活質素。健康領袖都是來自嶺南長者學苑及其他社區 guests and over 100 participants from the floor to promote better health and 團體的受訓義工。 more enjoyable living through dancing.

「思、動、獻」健康推廣計劃由嶺大服務研習處及屯門 Co-organised by OSL and Tuen Mun Healthy City Association, TAC 2012 is 健康城市協會有限公司合辦,集合社區力量,共同推 an 18-month programme to promote healthy lifestyles in the Tuen Mun 廣健康訊息。是次計劃為期十八個月,由食物及生 community. Activities include health seminars, dancing classes, training for 局健康護理及促進基金資助,內容包括健康講座、 health leaders and research on the health conditions of Tuen Mun residents. 舞蹈班、健康領袖培訓及屯門區居民健康情況研究。 The programme is also supported by the Health Care and Promotion Fund of the Food and Health Bureau.

嶺大校友戴桂冠書法展 Calligraphy exhibition by Lingnan alumnus Day Kwei-kwan

大校友戴桂冠應邀於8 ingnan alumnus Day Kwei-kwan held an 嶺月27日至10月26日於 Lexhibition of his calligraphy works from 27 大學圖書館舉辦書法展,提 August until 26 October in Fong Sum Wood Library, 高同學對中國文化和書法的 in order to promote Chinese culture and calligraphy. 認識。 The exhibition featured 20 pieces of calligraphy in 是次書法展共展出戴桂冠校 seal, clerical, regular, semi-cursive and cursive scripts 友提供的20幅篆隸楷行草書 by Mr Day. He has also donated 100 copies of a 法墨寶,他亦捐出100本由饒 calligraphy collection whose title was written by Prof 宗頤授為書名題字的書法 Jao Chung-I for lovers of this ancient art. 選贈送同好,歡迎各界人士 參觀。 A graduate of Lingnan (Chinese) and the New Asia Institute (history), Mr Day has been working 戴桂冠校友畢業於香港嶺南書院中文系及新亞研究所 at Po Leung Kuk as an executive secretary. His works have been shortlisted at 歷史學部,後任保良局行政秘書,其作品曾入選河南 international calligraphy tournaments in and Henan province. 國際書法賽、廣州世界華人書畫展,並獲「第五屆 He also won a merit award at the Fifth Exhibition of New Works by New 廣東省新人新作書法展」優秀獎。 Calligraphers of Guangdong Province. 21