MONASTIC RESEARCH BULLETIN Published at the end of each calendar year. Subscriptions (£4/year) and correspondence to the Borthwick Institute, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD. All enquiries regarding subscriptions and back numbers should be sent to the Borthwick at this address. Editorial contributions only should be sent to the Editor, Dr Martin Heale, School of History, University of Liverpool, 9 Abercromby Square, Liverpool, L69 7WZ; email:
[email protected] Standing Committee: Dr Andrew Abram, Dr Janet Burton, Dr Glyn Coppack, Professor Claire Cross, Professor Barrie Dobson, Professor Joan Greatrex, Dr Martin Heale (editor), Professor David Smith. CONTENTS OF ISSUE 13 (2007) (ISSN 1361-3022) Julian Haseldine, A Lost Letter of Peter of Celle, p.1; Nicholas Orme, Monks of the Furthest West, p.8; David Austin, A New Project at Strata Florida, Ceredigion, Wales, p.13; Anne Müller, A New International Research Centre for the Comparative History of Religious Orders in Eichstätt (Germany), p.21; Caroline Bowden, History of Women Religious of Britain and Ireland, p.24; Sophia Deboick, Conference Report: Consecrated Women: Towards a History of Women Religious of Britain and Ireland, p.26; Janet Burton, The Regular Canons in the British Isles in the Middle Ages, p.29; Liz Eastlake, The History of Boxley Abbey 1146- 1538, p.32; Michele Moatt, Walter Daniel’s Life of Aelred of Rievaulx Re-Considered, p.34; Emily Bannister, Peter Damian (c.1007-1072), Monastic Ideology and the Religious Revolution of the Eleventh Century, p.36; Christian Steer, Commemoration in the Religious Houses of London, p.39; Select Bibliography, p.42.