DUKE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER CURRICULUM VITAE Name: TRULS ØSTBYE (OSTBYE/ OESTBYE) Degrees: MD, MPH, MBA, PhD, FFPH (UK) Primary academic department: Department of Community & Family Medicine 2200 West Main Street, Room 622 DUMC 1004006 Durham, North Carolina 27710 Telephone (919) 660-0331; Fax: (919) 684-5108
[email protected] Present academic rank and title: Professor (with Tenure) CFM Director of Global Health Medical Licensure: 1981, Ministry of Health, Norway: general license to practice medicine (1979: passed the US Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Examination) Specialty Certification: 1999, FFPH (Fellow, The Faculty of Public Health of The Royal Colleges of Physicians of The United Kingdom) Citizen of: Norway Visa status USA: Permanent Resident Langhaugen Gymnasium 1970-1973 Junior College (Examen Artium) BERGEN, NORWAY Science/ Mathematics Concentration. University of Bergen 1973-1979 Candidatus Medicinae (M.D. equivalent) BERGEN, NORWAY Laudabilis, June 1979 Rana Hospital 1979-1980 Intern (Turnuskandidat) MO I RANA, NORWAY General medicine and surgery Harvard University 1982-1983 Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) BOSTON, MA June 1983 Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University 1998-2000 Master of Business Adm. (M.B.A.) 1 EDINBURGH, UK June 2000 University of Bergen 1993-2000 Doctor Medicinae (Ph.D. equivalent) BERGEN, NORWAY October 2000 Thesis: The Canadian Study of Health and Aging. Epidemiological investigations with special emphasis on dementia and related factors. Professional training