The Socialization of Police Officers
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at .. ·U,S.DepartmentofJustice .. ConununityRelations Service :,' -' .... Principlt~s. of Good Policing: .. Avoiding Violence ,Between· . Police and Citizens . Revised Marchc1993 '. , 0 ,.' . :.i.-_ $' .,, ,,] N N N' ex:> 1/ ~ !i I j, > '." ~ [.. ,) I ! 'J' ~.J .. i:'" I, '. 'i i ~ , :AlJoutCRS....' \. ". .', '\ .(i. , . ..···Tli~CommtinityReI~tions .Sewce (CRS); 'a tlniq~e '. Wotkiug with v~ilip;tary, and govemment'agt;mcies, ·comp()hent of tbe l)epartlnentofJ'tistice, seeks 10 pre- ,CRS;als'o provides humanitarian s¢ryjces forthe vent or:resolve community conflicts ,and tensionsaris- ... ., successfui resettlement ofCuQan and Haitian entrants. m,~frofua'1tiQns; poliCie~h and Prac.tices'j?¢tcei\iedto,be· . TheseservicesinClnde slie)tercare,,' chUd welfare, and . 'di~criI:pinatoryohthe basis ofrace~ colot~orna~onal' ..;faillilyr~\lnifica~onfor th()~eindividua1sfoll()wing '. ()ri~;CRSprovjdes' services; .ihc1t1ding ~Qnciliation! .. ' .their release fJ:omI:mrn,igrauon.C\nd Naturalization·· .. :mediatioir, and; teqhnical~sistar1cedirecit1y to. :l>epple . Service, cnsto,dy, . •. ., H, . .,. "q', . -. :.,,' ~d thekcOnmiu~ties to ,help them resolve Gpnflicts . ..' ...' P9lice-citizencotifliq.taccoullts for Rmajorporf;ion , '·;thatte~at Uiefabric ,of an mcteasm,gly<;1l:'\fetse so¢iety.· ·offue ,cUsputes to which CRS, responds.'rheagency . .... CR~qoesnotmke Sldesafiioilg. disput;pig,PartJeS" .. '., '.' . provides a wide range;of~iollciliation~d technical· .,. ~.: ·and,inpromQtfug.the,prlndpl~sandidea1s' or nOll-clis~ ·~sistaUce tQ,4t1P pr,eyenti;Qr tes()lvedisagre~Inehts crhnmation~ applies skills that aUowp~es tQ;coine to· ;over:allegedp))iceus~ of.e~cessive .force arid o$er .'. Uielr.own agr~eInellt .. Inpenorinh1gthismissl,op;CRS issl,les.ORScames'optWostof ,its,licuvities itlfoirUally 'de~loyshigh1ys~ed prof~siollal conciliator$,wl1o " ,":hut will COIldu((f f01mhlnegotiatioris.itthe.
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