Lesson #1 Bat Hat Mat Pat Rat That Flat Brat Chat Bad Had Mad Pad Rad Glad

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Lesson #1 Bat Hat Mat Pat Rat That Flat Brat Chat Bad Had Mad Pad Rad Glad Lesson #1 bat trap gash batch hat chap hash glass mat snap mash grass pat wrap rash graph rat strap sash plant that cab flash grasp flat dab trash bath brat jab crash lash chat nab smash latch bad lab slash mass had tab clash mast mad blab back raft pad crab pack staff rad scab jack vast glad stab rack bask lad grab lack brand sag slab sack cash wag dam tack clash nag ham black cramp brag ram quack draft drag jam crack shaft shag clam track branch snag slam shack camp lag cram snack catch tag wham stack fact can swam wax mask fan yam pal pant plan gram tax pass than band fast past clan hand last patch scan land gap path map sand lamp ranch nap brand last shall yap grand match brass tap stand scratch grand zap strand snatch grant clap bash stamp hatch flap cash task lamb slap dash class Lesson #2 bet deck slept get neck stretch let peck tent net wreck test pet speck west wet check bent vet best cent fret nest check jet pest fetch yet rest less den test mend ten vest peck then west pest pen step rent when them self wren yes shelf bed stem swept wed web tend bled hem tenth fled gem fresh shed next bless shred best clench bell bend crest cell chest flesh jell desk lend sell dress lens tell help scent shell held sketch smell kept speck spell left vest swell melt went dwell neck wept beg nest jest keg rest lent leg send pelt peg sent tempt Lesson #3 kit still six dish frill fit dip swim hiss gill hit hip this kick hitch lit nip brim kill limb pit rip crib kiss mill quit sip did lick mint skit tip lid lift risk spit zip rid milk shift big whip slid print shrimp dig clip slit quick twist fig flip strip quilt squint pig slip trim rich stiff rig skip din sick swift zig drip grim spill swish bin trip jig till thick pin chip skid brick witch tin ship skim chill chimp win lick twig cliff dill grin kick whiz crisp disc twin pick wit drift tilt chin sick fish fifth frisk shin slick hill film glint skin quick miss fist grill spin trick pick gift hint bill chick stick hint nick dill flick still limp prick fill vrick trick mitt quill kill stick which pill switch mill thick will pinch sift will did wind pitch skill drill fix wish sill still grill hid sixth brisk thrill chill him bill ditch skill his chick drill spill mix click flick Lesson #4 cot sock bog dot tock hog got block log hot clock fog jot flock doll lot smock fond pot shock bond blot bong gosh slot gong prompt plot long stock shot song stomp spot strong blond cob throng mock rob boss notch gob toss romp mob moss frog sob gloss lost snob loss boss blob cross cloth glob bob cost bog box cross fog fox soft hog mom toss jog knot frost log trot gloss clog crop loft frog plod moss mop plop moth top rod broth slop knob golf flop prop loss drop sod long shop throb lost stop con bong dock pox rock prod Lesson #5 but suck shut fussgruff cut tuck bud hush gut yuck lug lump hut pluck plus munch nut cluck shrub mush rut stuck strut must hub bump stud pump rub jump sum punch tub dump thud rust club hump thus stump grub lump jut struck snub pump nub trust stub rump smug skunk hug plump strum bluff jug stump duck blush mug thump jump brusk slug sung just clump plug hung lunch crumb drug rung much crust snug lung must grunt bug swung bunk gust gum slung brush hump hum strung bump hunch drum clung bunch mutt plum sprung dust numb slum wrung fuzz plump scum cup hunt suck chum pup rush tuft fun buff stuff tusk gun cuff such gush run huff thumb husk sun muff thump plumb spun puff crunch ruff stun fluff crush scuff buck bus dumb stunt duck mud dusk slump Lesson #6 bash gosh cash shrub dash brush gash crush hash hush mash mush rash blush sash gush flash push trash bush crash shade smash shake slash shape clash shrink shed wash shred shoot shell shout fish short shop crash shot brush shaft dash clash wash shelf shout fish share wish shave dish shove swish shop shift shrug Lesson #7 chap pitch torch gulch chart ditch teach starch check hitch reach drench chin switch beach arch chill lunch peach catch chip much coach patch chick bunch screech stretch chop suh couch clutch chum crunch crouch fetch match munch pouch hatch scratch punch lunch match snatch hunch watch pitch batch change bench witch latch each branch scratch branch teach bunch batch catch beach march ditch patch reach porch clutch ranch peach stretch latch hatch cheese birch sketch stretch cheek chuch stitch check chief munch switch fetch chime perch twitch clench watch pinch watch sketch chair punch chirp drench charm search patch etch church clench touch wretch churn hunch cheer which lurch torch chip chick cheer haunch chop chill chirp drench chug pinch porch lurch chew Lesson #8 that thrive than those then throne thick throat path both bath throng them cloth tenth smooth thrill mouth moth thought broth threw thud truth thus there thumb their thump thirst truth birth bathe third bath forth they north breathe worth thief thank theme think these throb Lesson #9 wham when whip which whale wheel whine whose whole whoop whew where wharf whirl whiz Lesson #10 ate stage cane live bake state crate nice cake strange date ride came tape daze side cave taste drape smile face wake fade time gave wave flake while lake ache gape white made bathe grave dive make blame graze drive place blaze jade five same brake lame ice care cape mane life take crane rate mice age fake sake mile base fame slate mine cage flame slave nine change gaze stale pile chase grace drake pipe gate grape fate quite grade lace grate prize hate lane haste shine late mate haze size page pace pane slide paste rage phase strike plane range quake stripe plate scale vane vine race tale vase wide safe tame bike wife sale trace bite wise save trade dime write shade wade fine glide shake waste hide guide shape whale kite hike skate ape like hive space babe line knife pine close froze wrote price drove globe dune pride hole lone flute ripe lone robe rude rise nose role rule slice note slope tube spine rope sole tune tide stone cove chute tribe those dome dude twice broke lope duke whine chose pose nude wipe clothe quote crude crime choke rove plume fife code yoke prude file cone zone prune lice home phone cute mite mole pole use prime owe ode huge spike poke smoke June spite shone spoke cube stride stole hope mule chime stroke hose fume lime throne joke muse scribes tone lone mute site vote stove spice wove whole thrive doze woke Lesson #11 her blurt fern lurch herd lurk jerk spur perch surf clerk bird germ first herb girl per chirp perk dirt stern shirt term third burn hurt birth turn firm curl stir purr swirl burst thirst church whirl churn squirt curb twirl hurl fir burr Lesson #12 bark yard car scarf dark shark far yarn part arch star dart start hard arm lark art mar bar scar card snarl cart barb charm harp harm carve jar large arch starve sharp barge Lesson #13 for pork born torch corn scorn forth force horn horse north forge porch gorge short more storm store worn shore cord bore cork chore nor score chord sore ford wore fort tore lord swore Lesson #14 Lesson #15 paint praise rain straight rail strait train vain mail aide main ail nail faith pail quaint rail stain sail day aid jay bait may braid play brain say fail stay grain way maid clay pain gray waist pray wait tray claim slay gain Lesson #16 brown ground clown out cow pound down shout how proud now round town sound bow count growl mount howl loud owl bound crowd hound crown wound drown couch frown crouch gown doubt plow mound sow ouch wow pouch bow scout prowl snout scowl sprout fowl stout vow drought cloud foul found mouth Lesson #17 high light might night right bright fight sigh tight flight fright sight slight thigh Lesson #18 boat loaf coat loaves float whoa goat boast moan coax road loan soap grow toad know toast show coach slow coal snow coast blow croak bowl groan crow foam grown load low moat own oak throw oat blown roam flow roast flown soak glow throat sow cloak tow goal Lesson #19 book moo cook moon good noon look pool took roof wood roost brook root foot shoot shook smooth stood spoon wool tool crook zoom hood boom hook gloom hoof loom soot loop food mood room proof school scoop soon spook too tooth zoo stool bloom troop boot whoop cool goof fool brood Lesson #20 coin join oil point soil boil coil foil joint hoist moist toil broil voice noise choice boy toy joy enjoy coy soy Lesson #21 steel teach seal sheep steep beach squeak sleep sweep beat steal street sleeve breathe steam three sneeze dream treat tree beef east weak breeze deed lead weave cheese eel lean flea deep fleet meat heal free glee pea knead geese kneel reach league knee peep read leak meet preen scream leash queen reef sneak squeal seek sleek stream bleat seem thee tea cease sheet wee team crease teeth breed bead ease weed fee beak feat week flee beam grease wheel freeze beast plea beep keen cream seam bleed reel creak bee cheek seep deal beet creek bean feast feed creep clean heap feel greed each least feet greet eat meal green heel leave neat deep peel mean peace need reed real peach see speech sea peak seed speed seat plead seen Lesson #22 draw saw crawl paw straw claw dawn drawn law lawn shawl squawk yawn awe bawl hawk raw caw fawn gnaw sprawl thaw Lesson #23 tall wall small talk walk salt calm chalk halt palm stalk stall bald ball fall malt Lesson #24 Lesson #25 cry baby fly berry my body sky carry try copy why marry by study dry worry shy pony sly puppy bye twenty dye army lye hobby rye ferry spy entry fry trophy pry injury funny envy county gravity family glory party pantry story city Lesson #26 Lesson #27 after injure turkey artist insect twenty border lumber umpire carpet market under chapter master walnut chimney monster welcome dentist morning whimper elbow napkin window current number winter canyon orbit wonder harvest order plastic barber pardon organ basket pencil lumber cactus person carpet canyon picnic perfect capture pilgrim master carpet picture thirty center plastic fellow chapter powder enter children problem harvest chimney public index compass pumpkin insect contest reptile problem costume rescue rescue dentist seldom seldom dolphin sentence sentence doctor signal signal fabric sister thunder garden subject turkey harvest Sunday velvet hammer temper welcome helmet thunder husband trumpet .
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