Caltech Glee Club Sponsors Saturday's Choral Festival
.................. e CaliforniaTech California Institute of Technology Volume LlX Pasadena, California, Thursday, April 24, 1~58- Number 24 Caltech Glee Club Sponsors Saturday's Choral Festival H TALKS College Choirs Will Dine In Houses, - Perform At City College Auditorium TONIGHT Twelve southern California glee clubs will perform Saturday Nuclear weapons tests will night as Caltech hosts the annual Intercollegiate Choral Festival. be discussed by Drs. Beadle, A record 580 vocalists' will participate in the spectacular song PIesset, Lewis, Press, and fest, and the planners hopep to fill 'the Pasadena City College Brown in a panel discussion physical reqUirements for the fes- tonight at 7:30 in Culbertson The sponsorship of this highly Hall. This discussion, sponsor Yell Leader regarded event represents an ed by the YMCA, is off the other victory in a whirlwind record and open only to the Allesina campaign to bring local and na Caltech community. tional recognition to the Caltech "Australians" Wilkinson, Juvin, Baer, and Walsh bone up for After brief introductory re Spot Open Glee Club. Olaf Frodsham's sing the 1958 Model United Nations. marks by each member of the "A good ,opportunity for a guy ers, now in their sixth year, are panel, moderated by Dr. with lots of sp~irt and enthusi already recognized as one of the i IIA III II George Beadle, Chairman of asJV. for athletics," is available top groups in the area and are Techs ustra lans the Biology Department, spe according to .AJSCIT Activities attracting the notice of Eastern cific aspects of the problems Manager, Bob Thompson. Appli.
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