Merry Christmas from All at Sage House Supported by CONTENTS PAGE Follow GEORGE and His Tips for Christmas

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Merry Christmas from All at Sage House Supported by CONTENTS PAGE Follow GEORGE and His Tips for Christmas ACTIVITY AND WELLBEING PACK 4th Edition Merry Christmas From all at Sage House Supported by CONTENTS PAGE Follow GEORGE and his Tips for Christmas ...........................................................................................................................4 Welcome message from Sally Tabbner ........................................................ 5 mischievous adventures at Legal Matters ...............................................................................................................................6-7 Sage House during lockdown Your Suggested Daily Planner .................................................................................................... 8-9 Wayfinding Service .........................................................................................................................10 Chatter Table Online Service .......................................................................................................... 11 @DementiaHub Activity Safety, Exercises & Staying Safe at Home ...................................................................12-19 Signage for around the house ................................................................................................20-21 Befriending Service .......................................................................................................................22 Mental Health Additional Services ...............................................................................................23 Hand Washing Technique ............................................................................................................24 November .................................................................................................. 25 Bonfire Night Activities ............................................................................................................ 26-30 Picture Fun Activities .................................................................................................................31-33 Remembrance Day Activities .................................................................................................. 34-37 St Andrews Day Activities ........................................................................................................38-41 Autumn Short Story ................................................................................................................. 42-44 December ................................................................................................... 43 Art and Craft Activities ............................................................................................................ 44-48 Keep Busy Activities ............................................................................................................... 49-56 All About Christmas Activities ................................................................................................. 57-66 Christmas Song-sheets........................................................................................................... 67-69 Happy New Year! ..........................................................................................................................70 January ........................................................................................................ 71 Winter Short Stories ................................................................................................................. 72-74 Keep Busy Activities… ............................................................................................................ 75-82 Nestle Reminiscence Pack ............................................................................................................83 Spotlight on January ............................................................................................................... 84-87 Create a Memory Box ............................................................................................................. 88-90 February ......................................................................................................91 A Spotlight on February .......................................................................................................... 92-93 Quick Craft Chinese Lantern .........................................................................................................94 St. Valentine’s Day Activities ................................................................................................... 95-99 Keep Busy Activity ................................................................................................................ 100-102 The Theme of Love Song-sheets ......................................................................................... 103-106 Solutions ..............................................................................................107-116 2 If you have any concerns or worries please contact us on 01243 888691, lines open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm @DementiaHub @Hub4Dementia 3 Tips for Christmas Firstly, welcome to our fourth Activity and Wellbeing Pack!! We hope that you are keeping safe and well. We are so thrilled at how popular the packs have been and it has been Enjoy Precious Moments with your loved ones this Christmas lovely to receive such great feedback from those of you who have been keeping busy with them! We have loved hearing from you, so please do The festive period can be an overwhelming time, particularly for people living with dementia. continue to let us know how you are getting on. Here’s a few reminders of how we can all minimise stress, stay calm and enjoy more Precious Moments together this Christmas: All of us at Dementia Support would like to wish everyone a safe and peaceful festive season. We would like to also thank everyone for their support of the charity in what has been a difficult year for everybody. Whilst challenging it has also been a very busy and productive year, and we are grateful to our customers, our supporters, our sponsors and especially to anyone who has made a personal donation to help us continue with our work throughout. Please remember that we are here to help as many people as possible navigate the journey of dementia, both pre and post diagnosis, supporting family, friends and carers. If you need advice, guidance or support please do get in touch with us. Finally, along with everybody at Sage House I am looking forward to next year being able to invite back our customers and carers and we cannot wait to meet and see as many of our new found friends who have enjoyed our Activity and Wellbeing Packs during this last year. With very best wishes, Sally Tabbner, Chief Executive 5 Simple Tips 1. When it’s cold and bright, enjoy some exercise in the fresh air together. Look out for birds and winter wildlife, for example along the Chichester canal. 2. Enjoy dementia-friendly activities at Christmas such as carol-singing or simple Christmas crafts. Have a look at our busy Activity programme every week at Sage House. 3. Spend time with friends and family in smaller groups, for shorter amounts of time. Remember Daisy’s Café at Sage House is a relaxed place to get together. 4. Notice and be grateful for the Precious Moments when they happen, from snuggling up under a blanket, to dancing along to your favourite Christmas hit. 5. If you or someone you know needs some support, our dementia Wayfinding Service is free, timely and open to all, just get in touch to make an appointment. 4 If you have any concerns or worries please contact us on 01243 888691, lines open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm @DementiaHub @Hub4Dementia 5 Why should I ake a Will? Mang a Will ensures that hat you on your estate) s given to people you hoose and proper planning an minimise or remove any potental nhertane Ta liaility thout a ll: • your spouse or children won’t automatically inherit your whole estate • if you’re unmarried, your partner has no automatic legal claim to anything • your hldren may not be care for y people you ould hoose • the robate proess an e sgnifantly more epensve and lengthy • your estate may e sujet to nhertane a at 40% Legal Matters I ade a Will a while ago. Nothing’s changed so I don’t need to update it, do I? here are reent hanges to the nhertane a thresholds hh potentally eneft marrie ouples A revie s avisale every 5 years or so n any event ameron ames Legal offers a free ll revie As you’ll have seen from Sally’s letter on page one, Cameron James Legal have been proud to support service Sage House since the very beginning. We specialise in legal work around Powers of Attorney, Wills & Trusts and Probate. The Directors of Cameron James Legal are Dementia Champions and have helped What abot rsts? many clients of Sage House since it opened. We offer regular on-site legal clinics and are also able to rusts an e nlude in Wills to provide aditonal protetion aganst ertan rss to your estate. assist clients nationwide. We pride ourselves on offering an exceptional, personal service; we do not or eample believe in 0800 telephone numbers and customer reference numbers. Our promise is that we treat • Disretonary rusts an protet the value of your estate for a enefciary for hom t may e rsy every client as if they are our only client. to reeve an nhertane all n one go hs ould nlude a benefciary going through a divore, banrupty or fang other personal hallenges We explain below the legal matters in which we specialise, which are relevant
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