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(/) IJJ :r ~ 0 0 , n (.J .~, ; ... 10 :J cu. vJ R " fJ· <.J ::J 'J , Cl. 0 r~ I") :J .. , (It • 3:'< 1 IJ· I , . .' WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ... ESTABLISHED 1869 Pubt~at~ N",mbef USPS 396MO .....

Vol. 116,No. 29,Three sections, 26Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, JANUARY23,I98S-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN 'S

l' <.. •• '0 OJ _ .r------Nn Fight continues ..,' over plans to use ·sp~ce at DeHoCo

By KEVIN WILSON any additional prison, penallnslilutlon or correctional facility Of any type State legislators will receive conflic- within their territorial limits." ting opinions this week from Wayne The township resolutions continue to County and from Northville and state that "in the event such additional Plymouth townships regarding what Institutional land use is Imposed upon • should done with the House of the populace" certain concerns must be Correction. addressed by the state. County executive William Lucas is These include: forwarding the final report of his Com- • Allowing no temporary housing on mission to StUdy Prison Needs, adopted the site; January 17, recommending that • That only a regional prison pattern- DeHoCo be used as temporary housing ed after the prototype under construc- for 1,000 state prisoners almost im- tion in Northville be considered at mediately and that it be renovated for DeHoCo; permanent use as a medium security • That any institution on the site be prison. owned and maintained only by the .• But Northville and Plymouth state; township boards of trustees were • That a cap of 1,375 be placed on the meeting Tuesday night to adopt a joint number of prisoners housed in the resolution stating that they are "inalterably opposed to the siting of Continued on 7 City advises industry to request annexation

f) City officials will invite Normae In- quest be denied, however, and Normae corporated of 720 Baseline Road, a was advised that it could obtain water if manufacturer of machinery used in it were annexed to the city. processing drill bits, to petition the "Normae is located in a hollow below state boundary commission for annexa- a bank which Griswold Road runs tion to the city. along," Walters stated in his recom- Record photo by STEVE FECHT • The firm, located just east of the mendation to council. "There is no Snow ~rougbt out sledders like Jeff Nield, 6, 'surfing' his sled down a hill at Cass Benton cider mill, is within the township boun- practical way the township could pro- < daries, and supervisor Susan Heintz vide water or sewer service in the said the township will oppose any move future. Access to Normae is on a city • to annex the property to the city. City street maintained and plowed by the ci- manager Steven Walters stressed that ty. The city police department patrols Park tobogg~n run starts to climb back the city action, approved by council this area and routinely passes Normae Monday night, is not an aggressive one in its daily operation. In contrast, the in which the city itself seeks the annex- township police department would have ByB.J.MARTIN , "Your tax dollars at work," he said, has returned to its former level of "A lot of the improvements we've ation, but simply a notification to Nor- no cause to patrol this area, which is laughing. Then after a pause he added, operational qUality, it's apparent the made are cosmetic," Relkel said. "But mae that "we would be pleased to have outside of its jurisdiction. The township The toboggan was waxed and ready "It's about time." county intends to get serious about last August, when we had to start plann- them annexed to the City of Nor- fire department is also remote to this to shoot down the well-lit, newly- He was right about that. It had been rebUilding it. Ing our winter activities, we embarked thville." location. refurbished toboggan run at Cass Ben- six years since Wayne County last "We receiVed a $2.5 million ap- on a very ambitious winter recreation ton Park last 'Vednesday. The tobog- program. The issue arose when the firm an- "As a result, Normac receives city operated an active winter sports pro- propriation to fund the parks for '84- nounced plans to expand and asked the , services by default and should logically ganers tucked in their arms and legs gram at Cass Benton Park. In the 85," said Eric Reikel, the new director "We had to get waivers from the township to extend water service to its be incorporated into the City of Nor- and began lurching around to make the meantime, buildings had deteriorated of Wayne County Parks and Recrea- workers' union so we could hire people facility. Due to the geography of the thing take off. No use - it woullLl't through lack of use. Workers to super- tion. "That's $500,000 less than we had seasonally," he added. "We fixed up thville," he concluded. budge. • area, the township water department Heintz said she only learned of the vise use of facilities had been laid off. asked for. But before I~t year, the ap- the bUildings we'd Jeft go for a long found it impractical to do so and re- issue Monday and has not yet explored propriation was for about $1 million a time. When the weather improves, Finally a chilly Wayne County Parks Slowly, the park began to acqUire a we're going to remove some trees, quested that the city extend service whether township services could be ex- and Recreation worker trudged over reputation for shoddy upkeep and - year. For a 4,OOO-acrepark system, that from its line in Baseline Road. doesn't scratch the surface. There had clear out underbrush and fix up picnic and gave the group the push needed to even in Northville - as a site for crime. tables. Walters recommended that the re- Continued on 7 careen downhill. to be an incre~ in ap~ropriation." While nobody is claiming the park "The idea" the key to the whole Northville's share of the budget has system - is to get the parks back to an so far been most visible at the toboggan acceptable standard for people to begin run on the east side of Cass Benton using them again. Our goal is to Drive between Six Mile and seven Mile upgrade them completely, but that's Ward Presbyterian plans use of acreage roads. The lights for the run can be seen going to be a gradual process - $2.5 plainly by drivers. There are rest room' mlllion may sound like a lot Ofmoney to and warming shelter facilities you and me. But to operate as much By KEVIN WILSON of the committee that selected the new perty Is just beginning and that no visitors every SUIlday - people who available for public use, and there is a park territory as we have, It's barely • site. timetable exists for construction. have never been there before." recreation facilities supervisor on hand enough." Ward Evangelical Presbyterian "The property was purchased with Phenomenal growth Of the church The site selection committee he head· between 10a.m. and 10p.m. daily. For years, Relkel was director Ofthe Church has purchased nearly 140acres the intention that it will serve the con- congregation may be restrained due to ed explored three options, Tyrpak said: "Those runs are just for toboggan- Oakland County Parks and Recreation of land at the n.>rthwest comer of Six gregation into the next century," said the crowded conditions at the present continued eXpansion at the present site, ing," Relkel pointed out. "People can Department. He was hired by Wayne Mile and Haggerty roads to serve the Tyrpak. "No specific plans have been facility, Tyrpaksaid. purchase of an existing facility (such as sled anywhere else there's a hill, but it County when the 'parks and recreation expanding .needs of the fast-grOWing made." "There are 4,500 members. but the a vacant junior high school in Livonia) won't be supervised. They'll be sled- department split off from control by the congregation. . Possible developments for the site In- numbers don't tell the whole story," he and purchase of open la:Jd. ding at their own risk." . Road Commission last. August.. .' '. The chur~h has '\,500 members, and clude new administrative buildings, a said. "If we had more space now, 11m· "~though we still need immediate In communities southeast or Nor- "We think that by increasing activity the purchase of the property in Nor- new sanctuary, ChrisUan education agine we'd have 5,000, maybe 5,500 in relief, the decision was to purchase raw thvllle, there are more shelter stations, at the parks and by increas;pg superVi- thville Township was the result of a facilities, athletic fields, a school or a the congregation. The church is crowd- land in order to be more flexible In ad- supervised skating, tobogganing and sion, people Will feel more secure in Us: search for ways to relieve its crowded retirement vlllage, Tyrpak said. He ed, and there are totally inadequate dressing the need for more space," he sledding facilities, and cross-country ing the parks. If we can addreSs their facilities at Farmington and Six Mile in cautioned that the process of determin- parking facilities. Despite that pro- ski trails - again, for the first time in desires better, we can take more • Livonia, said David Tyrpak, chairman ing what uses will be made of the pro- blem, we average ISO first-time, new Continued OIl 8 years. • positive action." .

Northville battles the"deep freez~, ..'

For most local residents, last and Taft Gas-n-Go service station went lIut Sunday - so all the calls c~e weekend's sub-zero temperatures operated by James Davis Monday after 7 a.m. Monday," the telClihoOe meant frozen pipes and automobiles afternoon. Batteries, other breakdowns answerer reported at the station. She that wouldn't start. For some, however, as well as those whose cars were stuck estimated 20-25calls were logged then. the cold meant more business than they were major reasons callers gave In Station attendants, bundled up:tn could handle. seeking help. warm gear and covering their faces City DPW workers clocked an ll-hour The Super Bowl game also was with scarves, were adviSing motorISts day Saturday as streets were scrapped credited with adding to the Monday and given extra salting. emergency calls. "I ~on't think anyone COIItlDued ~. Monday, reported DPW clerk Becky Dozier, several calls reporting frozen pipes were received. Some, like Our Lady OfVictory SChool and the recrea· tion building, had not previously had problems, she said. The city has about 55 water blllings that are called "runn· Ing water accounts" because In freez· ing conditions they are asked to keep water running to avoid freezing. More than 350 calls were received Sunday and Monday for AAA service, reported Phil Rosselle OfPhU's 76 Sere vice at 130West Main. Most came Mon· day morning although the station still was getting many Monday night. Most, he said, were "won't starts" with many needing tows because Ofthat. Rosselle estimated that the station's load was 70 JUMPING - Northville High School student on the jumper cable while sister Tracy, 161h, percent above usual Monday . Tiffany Nelson, 15, who took advantage of tried to start the car in frigid temperatures. "We're six hours behind on calls," • Monday's school closing to shop, kept an eye Record photoby Steve Fecht. reported an employee Ofthe Eight Mile 2-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, January 23,1985 •• • Northville's Schulz' anchors newscasts on Alpena station

Northville High School graduate Kel- reporter at ABC af(jJiate WGTU/WGTQ ly Schulz, 'SO, has become a familiar TV 29 in Traverse City. face' to television viewers around At U-M, Schulz performed in Alpena. musicals. and worked on the student ,For the last threc months, the radio station while maintaining a 3.4 daughter of West Main residents grade point average. She graduated William and Betty Schulz has anchored last year with a bachelor's degree in tlie WBKB Channel 11 (CBS aUiliatel 6 music and communications. p.m. and 11p.m. news broadcasts .• At Northville High School. Schulz was ·Aside from her anchor duties, Schulz a member of the Nationaillonor Socie- produces the newscasts, rewrites copy, ty. a state finalist in forensics for four reports, operates video and audio straight years, and performed in the eqUipment and edits her own video band. pacRages. Schulz attributes her success to being "It certinly is a high·pressure job, lucky. trying hard and being persistent. and it's a lot of work," she says. "But I As for advice for fellow future broad· love it. I find it very challenging." casters, she says be prepared to pound :Schulz got her foot in the door in pavements, take rejection, and start broadcasting during her senior year at out earning very little money. Jniversity of Michigan. During her last Schulz's eventual career plans are to summer vacation at the university. become an anchor in a major television • Schulz was granted an internship as a market, such as Detroit. Kelly Schulz is familiar face on Alpena televison newscasts Community Calendar AARP offers tax aid BPW to hear stress management talk at center and library The Plymouth· Northville American November and December, 1983,and the. Association of Retired Persons (AARP) first 10 months of 1984, states Marion WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 SENIORS MEET: Northville Senior Citizens in guidance counseling and is a part-time instruc. tax aide counselors will be assisting Elton, tax coordinator for Plymou~., Council hosts an afternoon of cards, games and senior citizens and low income and Northville. tor at Schoolcraft College. For more information, " AMERMAN PARTY: Amerman Elementary refreshments from 1-5 p.m. in Room 216 of the call 464-4511. residents in preparation of their tax • 7 School will host a retirement party for principal Board of Education building. returns at no cost. A free Michigan Taxpayers's Guide is : William Craft from 4-7p.m. at the school. A dinner available to area residents, It contains KIWANIS MEETS: Northville Kiwanis meets at Counselors will be at the senior will follow at Northville Charley'S at 7:30 p.m, 7 p.m. at Crawfords' Restaurant. information on property taxes, the pro:-' citizen drop in center in Northville, SOl perty tax credit, Michigan income tax, • FRIDAY,JANUARY25 West Main, room 216, every Tuesday FlNANCIAL SEMINAR: IDS/American Ex- TOPS MEETS: Northville TOPS meets at 7 p.m. single business tax and other tax~ • from February 5 through Apri19. Hours related SUbjects. - '. . press will present a free financial planning SPINNAKERS MEET: Spinnaker Singles will ~ at First Presbyterian Church. For more informa- will be from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. sem~nar with emphasis on IRAs at 7 p.m. at the host a mystery meal and fun night at 7 p.m. For in- tion. call 34ll-8055. Catl; Sandburg Library in Livonia. For reserva· Sessions also are being scheduled at "This year's guide will assist anyone formation or reservations, call the hotline at 349- in filling out, tax forms," commented \ tion~ or more information, call 827-1230 during 6474. BOARD OF EDUCATION: Northville Board of the Northville Public Library, 215West bus'i!less hours. Education meets at 7:30 p.m. at Silver Springs Main, from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. February State Representative Willis Bullard, Jr .. (R-Oakland County), noting that " Elementarv School. 6, February 20, March 6 and March 20. GREAT DECISIONS: Great Decisions '85 study SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 Those taking advantage of the free "because tax laws change so often MASONS MEET: Northville Masonic Organiza- many people find it difficult to complete gro)ip of the Northville Branch of the American PAPER DRIVE: St. Paul's Lutheran Church tion meets at 7:30 p.m. at Masonic Temple. service are reminded to bring last ASS¢iation of University Women will meet at 7:30 School will hold a paper drive from 3-4 p.m. in the year's return and any W-2 statements their own forms. This publication pro- p.m.·at the home of Peg O'Doherty, 521West Main. church parking lot. of interest, dividend or pension as well vides citizens with information in JUNIOR BASEBALL BOARD: Junior Baseball understandable language on the ma~y To!!i!: for the evening will be "Budget DefIcit. Board of Directors meets at 8 p.m. at First asSSA-I099. Tra(\e and the Dollar - The Economics of Foreign Michigan tax laws." MONDAY, JANUARY 28 Presbyterian Church. Anyone planning to itemize deduc- Poll~Y." tions should bring statement of The free booklet is available at local . • WRC EMPATHY TRAINING: The Women's TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 hospitalization, other than Medicare, city and township offices and at many n Resource Center at Schoolcraft College will be of- and any related expenses such as banks. -' I KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Northville Knights , ~ of Columbus will meet at 8 p.m. in the Administra· fering an empathy training orientation at 10 a.m. ROTARIANS MEET: Northville Rotary Club mileage, prescription drug costs, hear· tion Building at Our Lady of Victory. today and Wednesday, January 30. at the Women's meets at noon at First Presbyterian Church ing aid, denture and glasses bills. Any residents of the 60th district - Resource Center. 18600 Haggerty. For reserva· fellowship hall. the Oakland County portion of the city Homeowners should bring property THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 tions, call Mary Ellen Goodwin at 591-6400,exten- of Northville - can write to him at the 1 sion 430by January 25. NORTHVILLE ASSEMBLY, NO. 29: Northville tax statements for 1984; renters should State Capitol, Lansing, 48909, or call) Assembly No. 29, Order of Rainbow for Girls. will have the amount of rent paid and to him at 887-8045(his district office) to, CHAMBER BOARD MEETS: Northville Com· NEWCOMERS LADIES DAY: A luncheon and meet at 7 p.m. at Masonic Temple. whom as well as heat' 19 bills for obtain a copy, Bullard said. munity Chamber of Commerce board of directors tour of the Schoolcraft Culinary Arts School is plan- , , meets at 8 a.m. at the Cham,ber BUilding. ned from noon to 3 p.m. as the Northville CIVIL AIR PATROL: Sixgate Squadron Civil Air Newcomers Ladies Day event. Patrol meets at 7 p.m. at Novi Middle School South. TOPS MEETS: Daytime TOPS meets at 9 a.m. Denby High slates May reunion at First Presbyterian Church. BPW MEETS: Virginia Kennedy will discuss AMERICAN LEGION: Northville American "Time and Stress Management" at the Northville Legion, Post 147,meets at 8 p.m. at the post home. Area residents who were members of Members of the Class of '49 should; BASE LINE QUESTERS MEET: Base Line Business and Professional Women's Club dinner ~ Denby High School combined classes of contact Dawn Ballou Krolikowski, 778-. Questers will hold their January meeting at 1 p.m. meeting at the Mayflower Hotel. Cocktails will be PWP MEETS: Northville-Novi Parents Without 1949and 19SOare being sought for a 35 at the home of Gerry McCrumb. 3541,while Class of 'SOmembers should ~ at 6 p.m. with dinner at 6:30. Kennedy holds an MA Partners meets at 8p.m. at Plymouth Hillon Inn. year reunion to be held May 11. contact Sally Mann Gamble. 469-3170. '

Henderson finishes basic training RID YOURSELF OF THE THE NORTHVILLE RECORD JANUARY BLAHS ..• PubliShed EaCh WedneSday Airman Charles H. G. Henderson, son 8y The Northylile ReCOrd customs and received special instruc- witha l04W MaIO of Henry B. and Beryl K. Henderson of tion in human relations. NounYllle Michigan 49016Ridge Court, has completed Air 48167 SeCO"'ld Class Pos1aoe Paid Force basic training at Lackland Air Completion of this trainin'g earned At NOflhvllle MIChIgan Force Base, Texas. SUbSCflphon Rates him credits toward an associate degree InSide Counties Cll\I'lngston Wayne Oakland Washtcndw In. Tlie airman. who is remaining at in applied science through the Com- gham) $14 one year 522 two years Any 2 Sllgc"llvlnQslon Lackland for specialized instlllction in munity College of the Air Force. newspapers $21 one year SpeCial Scnlor Clllzcn rale 01 S7 ont. the education and training field, studied yearoniv Airman Henderson is a 1983graduate OulSlC,e Counties lall areas Outsldp Ihose lISIt.d dbOvCI dr.' S21 ) the Air Force mission, organization and of Northville High School. per year prepaid JaCk W Hollman VIce Preslden1 & General Manage, ! Sliger/LIVingston Pubhc3hons Inc I A SubSidIary of Suburban Communlcahons Corp PoslmaSle, send addresschanges 10 The Norlh.llle Record Post Bo.899 B"Qhlon i MI48116 POLICY STATEMENT All aave'llslno pubhShCdIn Shge',. ) NOW AT WASHINGTON CLOTHIERS Mon. Fri. only Llvlngslon Publications In<: IS subJecl 10 Ihe condihons staled In & tl'1e applteiblc rate card copies 01 whiCh arc avaIlable hom lhe with Cheryl or Cyd adverllslng department The NOflhvllle Record 104 W M~ln Nor. 'til Jan. 31, 1985 IhYllIe Michigan 48161 13133"9-17001 SlIger/Llvlngston PubliC. • • GENUINE hems Ine reserves 1he "01'11n01 10 accept an aave-Hlser 5 order SlIger/llvlngs10n PubhCahons Ine ad lake,s have no aulhouty 10 212 S. Main bind uus newspaper and ani.,. publication of An adve'hsemcnl shall ' LEATHERS Northville constltule 'Inal accePlance ollhe aave,lIser 50order Postl"ldSlcr • send address Changes to Tne NOflhvllle Record Pasl Ollice 80_ l You ve seen leathers like thiS for 899 e"Qhlon M148116 , more than tWI~e the price save UP to I ';' now on all seleCted Styles. all L..-----PuDhca"onNumberUSPS39688C ---I{ sizes all COlors. all UP to 'f,off All coats complete With ZiP linings Choose from COlOrSlike Bran ..-, dYWlOe Gunstock Brown. Desert sand, sahara Tan. rFEETHuRT?DON~WALK~PA~:lMost foot prOblems can be corrected In our ollice. You need not suller wllh painful Russet, ClaSSIC I Gray or Jet I bUnions. corns or calluses any longer These procedures may be performed uSing BlaCk .1 mlcro·a,r power eqUlpme~t right 10 the ollice • Fractures • Sprains I Laurel • OrlhopcdtCFool Problems • Warts(Hands& Feel) • IngrownNalls • Calluses FURNITURE I ·SpotlSRelaledInJufles • CllculahonProolems • Bunoons • Trauma I ·O"o<:eHospitalTrealmenl& Surgery • Heel& Arch Pain • Flal Feel • Corns I • CIllldrens OnhopcdlCFOOlProblems • HomeV,SlIS 1 ·AmbulaloryOnlCeSurgery • NerveProolems I I • Foot& Ankle Proolems • HammerToes I FIND OUT THE FACTS ABOUT I 1/20FF~ 1 LASER FOOT FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION I I SURGERY E'Clud,ngX raY' ".almen' la6 vaIOdw"h.aOilly I For Ollie, Nearest LIVONIA 8 1166 I I You CaU478·1166 309317M,leAd (2blks EastolMernman) 47 - Sealy sale FOOT NOVI 1 I • HEALTH 41630 W 10 Mite Ad (al Meadowbrook) 349·5559. I:e.:- CENTERS NORTHVILLE III A ~ FOR TOTAL FOOT CARE 331 N Center (Sheldon) near Chalhams 349·4904 I including Posturepedic ! IDr. Kenneth Po", POd,alrosl.O"eclor DETROIT 864 84"'4 The beller the mallress the more you save. We've taken these Sealy L 130llW McNiChOlS(Jusl Easlol Schaeler) ., ... best-sellers and reduced our everydayprices by 50% alld more. Nobody, but ------~ nobody can offer you a beller night's sleep at a beller price. You Really Care How You Look. So Do We. It's important to look your best at all times. We'vededicated over 50 years to helping folks do just t~at. We pfovide fast, dependable full se~ice cleaning & pressing,and we are sure you Will ~gree- our fIRequality workmanship proves , that expenence counts. 00 "I $59 tw~-:i~: $89°°1w:::~~ r Full.a. pc. reg. '199 .....NOW '89 Full ... pc. reg. '250_,NOW '1111 ~ frt9bl'~ Queen Ht reQ.'~79._NOW :- QUMnHt reg. 'SIlO_NOW'" ~l King Ht reg. 679 .... NOW 299 King Ht reg. '79a"_NOW '3M washington Mon ·Thurs II·g DRy' CLEANING SPECIALISTS Fn & Sat 10·9 584 W. ANN ARBOR TRAIL (between Lilley & Main) PLYMOUTH 112 E. Main clothiers Sun 12·5 LF82 Open DallylI:3O-e, Th. I Fri. 'tllll, Sat. 'tll 5:30 453-4700 NORTHVILLE " 349·0777 -- • •• Wednesday. January 23.1985- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-3.A Impact study requirement delays township rezoning though the ordinance is set up for By KEVIN WD.SON sending planners scrambling to review visited Lansing to lobby for sale of the chaser of the property could seek a The proposal being considered would their own ordinance and its re- land. which the state department of private petitioners and is not specific rezoning, and still could request a make that portion of Plymouth Center Those attending could practically qUirements. They had to admit no im· mental health has declared surplus. about board·initiated petitions. change despite the township action, west of Sheldon industrial, excepting' hear the brakes squeal when Northville pact stUdyhad been ordered .. Heintz said she hopes legislators will "Just like the state." Coates said, Coates said the rezoning action would the Sheldon Road frontage. which • Township planners were reminded of Tile township initiated the rezoning push through a bill putting the land on "the township doesn·t have to hold to its send a message to potential purchasers would be zoned for office uses. The area their own requirement that petitions re...,jesl on its own. at the request of the market'in the next few weeks. Since own procedures." prompting laughter regarding the township's intent for the to be zoned for office would include not seeking rezoning to office. commercial Supervisor Susan Heintz. As the peti· the planning consultant has to prepare in the meeting hall. Ruttan shook his property. only the state's Plymouth Center pro-. or industrial uses on parcels larger tioner, the township is itself responsible the impact stUdy, it will be January 29 head at the remark. Heintz noted that a potential buyer perty, but also a portion of the Wayne than five acres be accompanied by an for proViding the impact stUdy. While before the planning commission can "We should do it," Heintz said. "We who saw the reSidential zoning and ex· County Child Development Center im· environmental impact assessment. the board of trustees has authority to make a recommendation to the board. required that of the state when they had amined the township master plan to mediately north of the state property. waive the reqUirement. Heintz said and it will likely be February before other intentions for that land - we determine what other zonings might be , . What had been a race to rezone more "this administration has taken the view rezoning can be accomplished. should followour own requirements." acceptabie would flOdthat the master Farther east. behind the present than 200 acres of state-owned land at that we are following our own pro- "I was not aware of the requirement Coates said at the hearing that the plan shows the property as Plymouth Center main building which' Plymouth Center before it is sold came cedures - we're not going to make ex· for an impact study." Heintz said. "I township's interest in rezoning the land. "institutional/governmental use." will remain in the mental health to a screeching halt January 8 when ceptions for ourselves." remembered it when Gordon asked which is presently classified for single "We're not trying to zoneout a prison system. Coates suggested an RM Gordon Ruttan of the Wayne County Planners were meeting January 8 in about it. but we hadn't discussed doing family housing. is keyed to the impen' - the slate can do what it wants with (multiple family residential) zoning.· . • Planning Commission raised the ques· hopes of making a recommendation for one at all." ding sale. eminent domain regardless of our zon· Township board members authorized ' tion of an impact study. board of trustees action at its regulaJ: Planning consultant Claude Coates "We're doing the zoning change now ing." Heintz said. "What we want to do the order for an impact study at their "Have you ·followed your own pro- meeting two days later. Heintz had examined the township ordinance and so that if the land comes on the market. is make the property attractive to January 10 meeting after Heintz ex· cedures to do an impact study because hoped to have the documentation of the told commissioners the township board the zoning is what the township feels it . developers who would put it back on the plained the situation. Cost for tlte study it's over five acres?" Ruttan asked. rezoning in hand last week as she has authority to waive the reqUirement. should be." Coates said. Whileany pur· tax rolls if it is put on the market." was estimated at $1.100. Tax abatements possible IRS holding refunds Several Michigan taxpayers When a refund is returned by Industrial development district formed listed as liVingor having lived in the postal service. the IRS at· the Northville-Novi area are • ~y two buildings. tempts to locate the taxpayer by KEVIN WILSON apprOVing designation of the district. Doheny Drive was estimated at $750,000 among 1.479whose refund checks • noting that even at the 50percent level. and Doheny said he hopes to move in by Attorney Michael Lewis of Kerr. follow-up mail. "But there are .- An industrial development district of property tax revenues from the June. Over the next two years. he Russell and Weber. representing worth more than $673,000were always a small number who can- returned by the postal service as not be found," Parks said. 8.98 acres was established by the development would far exceed that estimates expanded operations would Doheny at the board meeting. said in a undeliverable. township board of trustees January 10. derived from the vacantland. add five permanent jobs at the com- letter to members that Doheny is con- Anyone due for a refund from the clearing the way for land owner Jack "I've been on record as being pany. which presently employs eight sidering financing "all or part of its The Internal Revenue Service 1983federal tax return who has Doheny to seek tax abatements for new generally opposed to tax abatements," persons. Relocation of Doheny Sup- project through the issuance of tax· is trying to locate these tax· not yet received it should contact construction on the land. payers who are still due tax the IRS. said trustee Richard Allen. "In this plies. he said. may allow Belanger. exempt Northville Township Economic refunds from the 1983federal in- Designation of the district between case, I don't have any problem with it. Inc.• which leases part of the present Development Corporation (EDC) Taxpayers may call 1-800-424- Doheny Drive and Lake Success makes come tax returns. Mr. Doheny has a record of exceptional bUilding,to expand without relocating. bonds. and National Bank of Detroit has Charles A. Parks. IRS. district 1040for information. • development within it eligible for a 50 developments; his operations being Two more structures of similar size expressed strong interest in purchasing Listed as local residents with percent abatement of property taxes director for Michigan. said the located here have been an asset:' could be built on the parcel. which in- such a bond issue." refund checks range in amounts undelivered refunds are: for up to 12years. The board of trustees Doheny told board members he plans cludes more than two acres of Lake mUst approve any reduction in taxes. to construct a 30,000 square foot Success surface area. Additional An early draft of Doheny's request from $1 to $19.227and average From Northville - Kevin M. which apply only to the improvements. building as new quarters for Jack bUildings would also be eligible for for tax abatement states that im- $455. Cavanaugh, Patricia Hartt. Lyn- not the land itself. A public hearing on Doheny Supplies, Inc., including 3,000 abatement, but each would be reviewed Internal Revenue Service da Hennings. Patricia Lutosky. provements to the land for the first believes most of these taxpayers Doheny's request for tax abatement is square feet of office space and 27.000 separately by the township before tax bUilding would cost $26.000; the Stanley L. Polzin and Harriett sdieduled at 7:30p.m. February 14. . square feet of shop. assembly area and . reductions are approved. building would cost $600.000; moved or changed their last Clum (also with a Farmington "'We're quite happy Mr. Doheny has warehouse. The firm manufactures Doheny said his plans call for the new machinery and eqUipment including a names during the year. and failed Hills address). chosen this route." said township' sewer cleaning machinery and needs industrial park buildings to be designed paint booth, overhead crane. hoist, to notify the postal service or From Novi - Brad Stevens. . . suPervisor Susan Heintz. "We want to room to expand. he said. as a complement to offices on the op- computer and heavy duty air com- IRS. Ernest and Marilyn Stockwell. • keep him here in Northville." Investment in the new building just posite shore of the lake in the city. He pressor $111.000and miscellaneous of· Board members were unanimous in north of the firm's present site on also owns that property and one of the fice equipment $5.000. , Obituaries February memorial service planned for Crispen Hammond

Memorial services for former Nor· A memorial service also is scheduled ROSE ADAMS January 19 at Greenbriar Care Center sise leaves his wife Minnie (Newkirk), thville resident Crispen Nellis Ham- for 1 p.m. Saturday, February 2, at in Howellafter a year's illness. two sisters Ethel and Virginia. four mond are scheduled here and in Florida Faith CommWlityPresbyterian Church Rose Adams, mother of Jack Hinman Mr. Prosise, who was retired from brothers Charles, Homer, Henry and • . where he had been living. Mr. Ham- at 4440 Ten Mile in Novi with the of Northville, died January 20 at Byer , had moved to the Clifford. three grandchildren and five mond, 41, of Coral Gables, Florida, Reverend Richard Henderson of- Hospital in Ypsilanti at age 78.. area in 1930. great grandchildren. drowned while on a backpacking trip in ficiating. A homemaker, she was born June 14, He was born February 20, 1908.in .. Kauai, Hawaii, November 26. The family suggests that memorial 1906, in Massachusetts to John and Salem. South Dakota, to Samuel and The family suggests that memorial He was born January 27, 1943, in tributes may be sent to the Fellowship Louise (Merkel) Gehring. She married Sarah (Massie) Prosise. tributes may be made to the Leader Detroit to former Northville residents and Education Wing Fund of We Christ Peter Adams who preceded her in In addition to his daUghter, Mr. Pro- DogSociety. Crispen and Eleanor Hammond who the King Lutheran Church, 11295 death in October, 1984.She also was nowlive in Cheboygan. Southwest 57thAvenue, Miami, 33156. preceded in death by a sister and In 1952.he and his family came to brother. Northville where he was graduated Survivors in addition to her son in- Postal rates increase from Northville High School with IAN M.C. ALLAN clude two grandchildren. Elaine and • highest honors as a National Merit Dianne. Getting ready to mail 100wedding in- last raised and nearly four years for ad- Scholarship winner. Funeral service for Ian M.C. Allan. Mrs. Adams was a member of the vitations or clUbannouncements? justments in most other rates. This in- He received his engineering degree 67,of 18860Jamestown Circle. was held First Congregational Church of Anyoneplanning to send any quantity crease, he explains. was necessary to from the University of Michigan and at 11a.m. Monday at Ross B. Northrop Westfield. Massachusetts. of first class mail can save two cents on offset rising costs that threaten the At last There's a permanent solutIon has been working for nine years for the and Son Funeral Home with the A private funeral service was held each piece by mailing by the middle of to the problerr of loose. sore denlures Postal Services' mandate under the "NEWSOFT DENTURES'" Through water and sewer department in Miami· Reverend Wallace Hostetter of· with burial to be in Massachusetts. Ar· February. Postal Reorganization Act to operate as the use of a unrque space age matenal Dade, Florida. For the last 18 months ficiating. rangements were by Casterline Northville Postmaster Wallace Cates nearly as possible on a break even the NEWSOFT DENTURES ht securely. .' he held the position of chief engineer in Cremation followed at Grand Lawn Funeral Home. The family suggests reminds patrons that first class letter yt>t softly. eliminating the need lor basis. adheSIves and most denture ad- the department. Cemetery. that memorial tributes may be made to rate of 22 cents will go into effect at Justments. D,scover the comfort and In addition to his parents. he leaves a Mr.Allan died January 18at St. Mary the Michigan Heart Foundation. 12:01a.m. February 17.A 14cent rate The rate package also includes an 18 convenrence never 'hought POSSIble daughter Lori, 22. and a son Michael. Hospital in Livonia. for post cards also will be charged. cent rate for regular presorted first WIth "NEWSOFT DENTURES" from -, Unrted Dental 20, both of Miami; sisters Julia Enright Self employed, he operated Allan LLOYD M. PROSISE Cates points out the rate increase is class mail and 17cents for carrier route AvaIlable lor new or relined dentures. of Arlington. Texas. and Peggy Meyer Tools in Redford Township. He was a the result of recommendations from the presorted first class mail and a rate in· Funeral service for Lloyd M. Prosise. Call '0r free consultatron. , '. • of Northville; brothers James Ham· member of the Northville Masonic Postal Rate Commission approved by crease of 13.8 percent for third class , mond of Appleton. Wisconsin, Lieute- Lodge. 76, father of Mrs. George Merwin of the board of governors of the Postal regular bulk mail. . • _____ '>~"'"ASSOUAH'"'~ • , nant Colonel Gordon Hammond of Mr. Allan was born in Michigan July Detroit. a former longtime Northville Service to change rates and fees for Stamps for the new first class rate . , Honolulu, Hawaii. and Edgar Ham· 19.1917. resident, was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at various services. and the new postcard rate are schedul· • • mond of Walled Lake. He w~s the father of James of Nor- Casterline Funeral Home. Father He notes that it has been more than ed to go on sale at the Northville post of- Novi Family Dent~'" A memorial service will be held at thville, Shirley Jean Butt of Brighton, Leslie Harding, pastor of Church of the three years since first class rates were fice February 2. Christ the King Lutheran Church at Beth and Chris of Fort Lauderdale, Holy Cross in Novi.officiated. 24101Novi Rd. 12:30p.m. this Sunday. Mr. Hammond Florida. He also leaves brothers Bill of Burial was in Michigan Memorial If you didn't get your paper on Wednesday Call was a member of the church choir and Brighton and Ross in California as well Park in Flat Rock, Michigan. at 10 Mile (Mich. Natl. Bldg.) had just been voted to serve on the as five grandchildren and one great Mr. Prosise, who had lived in Genoa Circulation church council. grandchild. Township in LiVingston County, died 348-3100 ·k-.·: • 349-3627 ------;..,. ,

• • ,•

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a --'-- --.J 4·A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesdav. Januarv 23. 1985 •• • It may look strange, but for winter·fun, curling is the thing •

By B.J. MARTIN standing members of the Detroit Curl· ingClub. . If some wandering extraterrestrial She grew interested in the sport from an advanced civilization ever throUgh her husband. "He's been curl- beamed down to Earth and materializ· ing for 15years, and I've been doing it ed at a curling match, he'd probably for 10," she says. Very well, too, Mrs. decide our planet was ripe for an easy Schneider might add. The couple once takeover. competed together at the national mix· Beginning next Wednesday, Novi ed curling finals in Colorado. "We Community Education will offer area • didn't get too far," she laughs. residents a chance to learn the arcane • This March, the DCC will host the na· skills of the old Scottish game, surely tional mixed bonspiel for one of the weirdest-looking activities the first time. It's an appropriate time, mankind has yet devised. since the club is celebrating its centen- 1'he Scots are renowned for their nial this year. bizarre ideas for fun and games, of Directing the bonspiel will be a Nor- course. They gave us post throwing, thville resident, Linda Handyside. Like hurling (an unbelievably savage cross SChneider, Handyside is a longtime between field hockey and lacrosse), DCC member who followed her hus- golf, and of course, curling. band into the sport. Maybe you've seen a curling match "Tom loved it," Handyside says of • while flipping channels past Canadian her spouse. "He's been hooked on it TV broad cats. Some guy with a broom ever since a friend took him to see a in one hand and in his other hand match, back when we were living in something resembling a brake drum Bowling Green


-,~< " ' What are they doing? Here's the explanation •

. Curling is the national sport of "throwing" a stone by sliding it toward 'Scotland, where it has been played for the other end. The stone must be releas· more than 300years. It enjoys a popular ed by the thrower before he crosses the following in Canada, and a small-but- hog line nearest his end. The stone must steady cult-like circle of devotees in the cross the far hog line or it is removed U.S. Here is a brief guide to how it is from play. The lead and second sweep played: the ice before the stone according to the orders of their skip. Sweeping increases l...------...:-::;;;,...-_.-_~_l '. : THE ICE: Two goals are imprinted in the distance the stone will travel and :the ice with their center points 38yards also affects the spin, or curl placed on llpart. Concentric circles surround the it. USUally the skip throws the last two center point, called the tee. Between stones for his team. The last stone POOR each tee and the middle line, a line call· thrown is known as the hammer. ed the hog line is placed. REPORT THE STONE: Each team has eight SCORING: If a stone touches or lies stones. Each is squat, circular and within the largest circle surrounding CARDS? Due 10: made of granite, with a concave bottom the tee, it may be counted as a point if • Motivation and an iron ring on top for gripping it. there is no opponent's stone closer to • Comprehension the tee. When all 16 stones are thrown, • Study Skills/Organization They weigh nearly 40pounds each. • Gaps In Basic learning THE TEAMS: Each team has four an end is completed, and the teams then Skills "- players. The skip directs his team· take turns throWing stones at the op- Our Programs Include: mates from near the tee by showing posite tee. Usually, a match consists or .~~c:;~=~ngbY It .CU. them where he want!; the stone placed. eight ends, with the team accumulating • DiagnOStiCTesting The vice of each team takes turns the most points winning. • Supportive setting CALL: ",~_ (313) 553-8550 ...... ,"DAVIS COUNSElING CENTER,P.e. r 32985 Hamilton Court Sulle #220 Deli & Farmlnglon Hills, MI48018 Brnie"S Restaurant Grand River. Drake In Muirwood Square J THE REDWOOD &ROSS • 478·0080 MON.-SAT. 7:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. WINTER ClEARANCE FOR W01v1EN. SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Join ji.. '~ K~miht's Don't Miss Our Great "When will you be having a sale?" is ~ ~ J,:< loot Breakfast Specials probably our most frequent customer inquiry. :-''I:I With QUick, Early Service! • '<~ S·L·E·U·T·H·S Half the year we reply, "Jul)T,"And the OJ, 2 Eggs any style, $ _ ....'_" February other half we answer, "Januar:y." • Hash Browns, 3 Slices 2 19 of Bacon, Toast & Coffee Only • 19R5 ~ is National Oh, sweetJanuarys here at last. I ~ iCom iNi;c.-Dh;,;;r2lTv;r-&- OnTo~"Din";;: Children's Throughout this month, we amply Dental Health I • for '7.95 I for '6.95 I reward your patience. You can save up to 40% on I I I Month I 011 com beef & c:abbIge dInnerI wIItI IGel 2JIver & onion dinners wI1h lOSS soled, I ~ our fine traditional fall and winter clothing. I loea 1IIIId. poIa1o and bc1Mldbilk... I potato Inchegetable and breIId bakel. I , Children '5 Check Up Days 13:30 IIIdoling Ilm/l one coupon 1*visit 13.30 IHIclosing limit one coupon 1*visit I Unlike the merchandise at other stores' Ino IUbItIlutIona no CIIT)'-OUlIno IUbatIMIona no canyout I . 'I S 16 SpeCial Fcc For A:I Children sales, ours has never been on sale before. Nor I Expires January 31, 1985 I Expires January 31, 1985 I! I t4 Yrs and Und'H A speCial day With speCial fees to show how do we bring in "special" items just for a sale, You 1 2 Bri8ket Dinners I Saturday Night I" much we care Services Include cleanmg. ) I------·-~------I necessary x-rays. liuondc & an exam. get solid Redwood & Ross quality' at substantial I for '8.00 : '1.00 off coupon I --- KIDS· don', forget to enter our Cuddly • II..-2~ ,-~--1 _I .... ICome to ernie', on any S81urday II throughout our store . -- _ _.....,011_. night and buy any 0' the dinner Criller Drawlllg 10 wm a slulled animal, savings I potatolnchegltableandbc1Mldbllklt. lentr_llated above and gel $1.00 I alter your check·up. So come to our sale and save till your 13:30 IIIdoling IIrn/l one coupon plnlllt I off each dinner purChaMd I - Their smiles are wor'h..:...i:.:..'- .... lno IUbIllluIIonI no CIR)'oGUl13:30 II doling limit one coupon 1*visit I hearts content. I I no IUbltltvtlona no cerry-ou1 I Convenient Dental Care Center Expires January 31. 1985 L Good Saturdays Ihru January 31. 1985 1055Novl Rd. , 22320Pontiac Tr. It's been a long -&~Ros-s- \-1 --Rebwiio~ --1_ '------ASk~OOr------~ Northville South Lyon In Restaurant Catering avallab1e for Sunday Affairs 349·7560 437·8189 wait. But, oh, is it worth it. Jesse F. Grimm, D.D.S. & A"soc. Twelve Oaks • NOVI • H9·949.~

, ' •• Wednesday, January 23,1985- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-f>.A •Police Blotters Canton youth seriously injured in toboggan accident

The township officer called to the back and chest area. The complainant told police unknown and at that point while the State and Northville Township police • In the 1.'owl1ship •.. scene was met by a witness who Community Emergency Medical ser- subjecl-jl KIT KIT .: • 109 x 84 1 way - -878.00 119 .Get your pIctures back Tomorrow or * 2 OZ. '\::" lOOi<'842w~ I~.OO 100" get Ihem Free Good on diSC,110, 126 or 35mm color print 111m(full Irame. : ~ CLAIROL BALSAM • • r~ :: 119 x 84 2 w~i=~.:OO 136°0 C·41 process). Monday through Thurs· : " 0 COLOR FROST & TIP ~";~QUIET TOUCH 'i day Holidays excluded Ask fordetails OTHER CUSTOM SIZES AT EQUAL SAVINGS 99 55 Over 5 .tores In the Oelrolt area alone! *.... < $1 44' $.5 IX 'IKIT... '" $5 ',~- . No charges accepted - PreviOUS orders excluded ; 2 OZ. • • • Offer expires Sat., Jan. 26, 1985 For nearest Fox Photo store, please " ( 11 check your telephone directory b·usi· ness white pages or call 453·5410. * mIImI ~';~;,~ )714' c·,,,,,- ",.t. o••~,, )e' oe )OUI o.t"'" ~~.. 0"" ":l' 00 ", ...,,,,,1." ..... & ''''\01'1 ')f I)(J r"I""'''IIC'' ",I" & ''''II'' ')0 1]0 •• )1], U6 411) 0 s..- U 00.00 .)1]1 41' ] I)) (lUll ~...... , ~~~ 5!!ii55~RJK PH01O. • drapery boutique • • -n", 35",,,, Spc."/II/M •• •


6-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, January 23,1985 wIte NurtItuille i!\ecnrll • Our Opinions Prison study failed Listening to readers • • • on renovatIon Issue by Kevin Wilson Political expediency rather bUildings,then, is eaten up over the conveniently left some vital con- long term by added operating One thing a writer learns fairly qUickly in this business is had treated the incident so lightly. • siderations 'Jut of the report of the costs. that there's no rational means of predicting. prior to publica- Wayne County' Commission to tion, how readers will react to a particular piece, More commented about the last item in the column - a Study Prison Needs, leading to ill- No discussion of this issue can jesting suggestion that churches put statues of famous advised recommendations regar- be found in the Lucas commission's Tell them, on the front page, that the state expects to build a Americans on their lawns for July 4 to see if the ACLU would' ding state use of the Detroit House report. And the final recommenda- prison next door or print an editorial suggesting that Coleman react. Many thought that was an amusing comment on the of-Correction and a county-owned tion list suggests renovating Young is less than the two-headed monster most suburbanites organization's suit against the City of Dearborn seeking building in Westland. DeHoCo as a medium security believe he is, and no one says a word. But tell the story of a lost removal of a Nativity scene from the lawn in front of city hall. > • prison. This does not fit in with the cat or toss off a cheap one-liner in a column and you can't turn When folks commented about it, Imerely nodded acknowledge- ... This purportedly far-reaching regional prison concept supported around without someone offering a comment about it. It was the ment. Those who spoke with me directly said it was funny. But I document was, from the day it was in another segment of the report. latter deed that reminded me of this fact of journalistic life in could sense there were others who didn't take it so lightly. given its charge by county ex- Alsosuggested as a renovation pro- the past two weeks. though they didn't say anything. And I was uneasy about it from .':. ecutive William Lucas, directed ject is the N BUildingat Eloise in the moment I wrote it. toward certain conclusions On January 9 in this column I tossed out a few off-the-cuff Westland. This county-owned remarks in the form of "lists" in what were intended as a light- regardless of the evidence. As a That little sentence was the big finish to the column - the'. I structure may be available, and hearted departure from my more usual pontificating. That consequence, it never sought out the county may want to find a use kind of zinger that I expected would go over well. Problem was." . piece of flUffhas drawn more reaction than anything I've writ· it didn't really reflect my own opinion of the ACLU action. It .', evidence in conflict with those con- for it, but that doesn't support the ten for the paper in maybe six months. You'll look in vain for let- ciusions. conclusion that it should be used as pandered to what I knew from conversation around town was a ' '.' ters to the editor dealing with that column, but trust me. people prevailing local attitude toward the ACLU and anyone else who a prison. responded. I've been unable to go anyWhere in town without so- A major problem with the com- saw a threat in the popular expression of Christian faith on the _.. ,.; meone saying something about it, and one thoughtful reader part of a city government. . " mission report is that it fails to directed a letter to me personally politely taking me to task for meet one of its charges: "Deter- No one should be fooled by the its shortcomings. • mination of a reasonable criteria commission's recommendations It was a lopsided summation of another failed column idea. ' -. ~ That column would have made clear that I thought the ACLU. ,,' for design and site selection and the into thinking that"the renovation of And there were shortcomings. The lists were basically an had the right idea but is often needlessly confrontational and ~ • impact on neighborhoods of site DeHoCo and Eloise has been accumulation of column ideas that fell short. For example. self-righteous. It would have asked if having colored lights on ~.~~ selection." The commission simply studied and found to be a there was mention of sighting a deer on the bike path adjacent Northville's township and city halls. or in dozens of downtown .. adopted the state department of reasonable response to the state's to 1-275.I tried but failed to make a full column out of that. The areas inclUding NorthvilJe's, were not as serious an issue as a ....h •• corrections' own standards for site critical need for additional prison sighting raised dozens of questions in my mind: Did anyone else Nativity scene. It would have wondered if a display of . selection, which are part of a space. Detroit wants to rid itself of see it? What was a deer doing there? Did it find its way back to Christmas nostalgia at a government-funded library or . _ regional prison planning document DeHoCoand Wayne County wants safer environs unharmed? Judging by its speed. it must have museum comes under the same umbrella. It would have sug- : which the legislature has never to find some use for its white been terrified. What does that say about us and what we are do- gested government-funding either be offered to all faiths or to ..:. ratified. Left unexamined were elephant in Westland, so these sites ing to what had been, prior to the past decade. a largely rural none, and contemplated the idea of making pUblic space ... criteria for prison design, an ab- have been offered to the state. area? How do we reconcile our desire for open space with our in- available to all applicants. solutely crucial element of any sistence on convenient vehicular travel? ,.. discussion regarding renovation of The letter writer, who made clear his intentions to remain, ". existing bUildings for use as The state is desperately sear- Frankly, I had more questions than answers and couldn't anonymous, basically suggested I put more thought into lhese prisons. ching for a way to get around ad- make a column that made sense out of it. So I tossed the simple things before I print them. Usually. I do. I only wish that doing .' mitting responsibility for its failure fact out and figured I'd let readers think about it for themselves. so would bring the same sort of reader response we gel when we ' to hasten construction of prisons. Many came up with the same questions I did. and asked why I goof.' .. During last year's abortive at- The legislature has failed to sup- tempt by the department of correc- port the regional prison planning tions to have Plymouth Center for document, construction of the Scott j(O< "After' Human Development renovated for Regional facility has been delayed, ~ ... {" t prison use, state representative and many of the leaders now Gerald Law turned up some in- screaming for prison space were • teresting information regarding nowhere to be seen years ago when fn sight th'e the cost of operating renovated a ballot proposal seeking funding prison space as opposed to the cost for prison construction was of running a newly-constructed defeated by the voters. Detroit, fact prison. The renovated spaces, he Wayne County and Lansing can cut By Steve Fecht By found, are more costly to run due to as many deals among themselves PHILIP JEROME energy efficiencies and, more im- as they choose, but please spare us portantly, because they reqUire the contrived documentation pur- more guards to prOVidethe same porting to prove that they're doing level of security. Any short-term anything more than scratching "Why don't you ever write about sex in .• cost savings realized by renovating each others' backs. your column?" We were watching television when she asked the question, and my attention was divided between "Miami Vice" and the School boundaries crossword puzzle. • "What?" I asked, not sure I had heard . correctly. overdue for change "I mean it," she responded, "Why don't .• ~ you ever.write about sex in your column? ~ Northville Board of Educa- It came as no surprise that tion's decision last week to approve "Haven't you heard what's being going' some central city residents voiced on this week? Somebody wrote a letter to Ann an administrative recommenda- anger over the board's action. Landers, saying she would prefer just to be tion for realigning the district's at- After all, they will be the most af- tendance boundaries is both ap- hugged and could skip the act entirely. fected by the decision. However, "So Ann Landers polled her readers, and propriate and timely. While the we were somewhat alarmed at the closing of Moraine and Cooke 72 percent of them agreed with the lady who animosity displayed at the public wrote the letter. They said they'd like to be' schools mandated redistricting. hearing. hugged and could do without the act very' there is no doubt that such action nicely, thank you. has been long overdue. At some point or another, the "I'm surprised you haven't heard about • , Information provided at the schism between city and township it. It was front page news in all the papers,' : . January 9 public hearing and the has been evident at nearly all and every columnist in America is writing: - : board's last meeting clearly il- levels. However, there has never about it. Mike Royko is even starting his own :: lustrates the need for change. been a distinction between Nor- poll of men, asking what they think. So why :. Withouta doubt, oneof the problem don't you ever write about sex in your col·::: areas in the district is in the former thville's city and township schools. umn?" .': Main Street Elementary atten- As one resident pointed out at the "We've got a family newspaper," I::: dance area where students have an public hearing, Northville is a com- responded finally. "When people pick up our·.:.:: option of attending either Moraine munity school district - there is no newspaper, they can be assured that they .". QrAmerman. separation between city and won't be subjected to all that lurid type 0(. .• township. sexy stuff which the metro dailies use to lure: . : readers. .,-:: : The option available to these "Haven't you noticed how often the ~ students resulted from the closing We hope negative comments dailies put that sex stuff on the front page? . of Main Street in 1975. To calm the made by some city residents were Editorial integrity is a joke to anyone wh,Q'.•: public furor over closing a unintentional. Northville's reputa- pays attention. Let Vanessa Williams po~>:: l'1eighborhoodschool, the board of tion as a quality school district has nude in Penthouse and you can bet the dailies ...•; education agreed to offer the option been maintained through the sup- will run the story above the fold on Page One. . and to bus students in the Main port of the entire community. This Street area regardless of the fact support needs to continue - "If one of those brothels in Nevada goes that many live within a mile and a especially during this time of con- up for sale, you can just about bet the dailies ' half of their respective school. siderable change. will run an in·depth analysis somewhere on ...• the front page. ::','." "I may be wrong, but I still ~ave coli:;' , . The administration admitted The school board's decision to fldence that legitimate news Is enough to self 7'; :last week that transporting central maintain the district's open atten· newspapers, and it's not necessary to resort, " 'city students within the mile and dance policy best exemplifies the to all that sexy sensationalism to attract: , half mark is a violation of school district's confidence in Its total pro- readers." .district policy. Such an exception to gram. Parents who believe their I finished my little speech and looked the rule not only has been an added child will receive a better educa· over to see her reaction. :burden to the district's transporta- tion in a city school rather than a :Uonoperation but to its pocketbook township school - or vice ver<;a- "That's what I like about you," she smll· • willbe sadly disappointed. Making Tracks ed. "A man of principle. Why don't you give' ;asweJl. me a little hug? " . . •• Wednesday.January23.1985-THENORTHVILLERECORO-7-A Readers Speak Confessions of an LP junkie They appreciate facility To the Editor: residents to share, lots of good The residents of Allen Terrace conversation and hilarity, good want the community to know music in the background and a by B.J. Martin that, no matter how low the fire in the fireplace. temperature was last weekend, On Monday, due to no nutrition there's no deep freeze In Allen program, our dear friends and Terrace. neighbors put together a lun- cheonwhich was served for those What sh~s are to women, records are to petroleum product is eased from its sleeve? to recorded on a quadrophonic graphic- Caring and sharing is very me. much alive and well at Allen Ter· who cared to join - this at no Of gingerly lowering the disc onto the turn- equalized Dolby digital half-speed master race. cost. table as if it were the last card in a card- laserdisc. Due to several of our residents Thank YOIi,dear ones, for car- No, I don't wear them on my feet. I'll ex- castle? Of watching the needle descend - masterminded by Kay Lee, ing and sharing. plain. You know that sheepish look a woman auspiciously and waiting, waiting for that Wait a minute, that's not quite right - I (we) held a spontaneous get Submitted by gets when she's asked how many pairs of soft "pop" as the needle clicks neatly into the don't get the same chills, I get the same together in the Activiites Room Sallee Johnson. shoes she owns? You don't? Well, ask one. I'll groove. And then, all at once ... amount of chills. Good country music makes on Sunday afternoon. Coffee, Edna Newton wait here. my ears buzz, my throat dry and my eyes cake, crackers and cheese, (residents of the ... There it is. The sound human beings wet. Good classical music makes my several goodies brought by senior citizen facility) ..There. See what I mean? produced in another time and place, all there diaphragm tremble and my shoulders get , for your very own listening pleasure. Who? goosebumps. Good jazz makes my cranium I confess it. I'm no different. Only instead Where? When? There it is - right there pn vibrate like a La-Z-Boy and my hands twitch. of bonded strips of leather to shield my feet, I the jacket! You trace the credits with your Good rock music does all of this at once and I County GOP to meet get cravings for grooved black plastic disks trembling finger. A string quartet in Stut- can only listen to it in moderation. with holes in the middle. I can't resist them. I tgart in 1978! The Beatles in London, 1969! Wayne County RepUblicanswho were Vacancies from any state delegate don't understand how people can. Elvis Presley in the Memphis Sun studios, elected and appointed precinct district may be filled by a nommati!ln. 1955!Hank Williams in Nashville,I945! Louis As you no doubt surmise, I'm a real bar- delegates in and following last year's made by other county delegates from I know people who think nothing of spen- Armstrong and King Oliver just before Black rel of laUghs once you get me near a stereo. August 7 election will meet in this Tues- within the appropriate jurisdictional' ding a thousand bucks on a stereo system, but FridaY,I929! Or a record store. More than once, I've had to day'S (January 29) WayneCounty Con- area and confirmed by a vote of the eri- vention to elect delegates and alter- tire County Convention. Any vacancies won't spend ten dollars on something wor- ignore the dimmed lights and the drumming nates to the RepUblican State Conven- not sofilled shall be filled on an at-large thwhile to play on it. To me, this is something For 20 minutes per side, you can close fingers of sales clerks as I pored through the tion. basis by a vote of the entire County Cort- like buying specially-imported Danish your eyes and completely re-create the time, half-price bargain bins trying to decide bet- Twenty·nine delegates and 29 alter- vention. . crystal and serving your guests Boone's place, the musicians' frame of mind, even ween Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor nates to the state convention will be Vacancies for any county delegate Farm Apple Red. I've got nothing against what was going through the composer/- and Debby Boone Sings Prince. elected, in accordance with the may be filled with Republicans from Boone's Farm, mind you. I just use my Yogi songwriter's head. Michigan Election Law, at the County thoseunits who are registered electors•. Bear mugs to serve it in, that's all. In that spirit, I would like to make a Convention, which will take place at but only by action of the entire converi·· I've gotten to the point where I don't even modest proposal: that we canonize Thomas 7:30 p.m. at Plymouth Township Hall. tion. . ': 42340 East Ann Arbor Road. How does a hopeless record junkie care what type of music is on, as long as it has Alva Edison and make him the patron saint of The Republican State Conventi0'1.' describe the rapture of ripping the vinyl that sonic impact. I get the same chills from a music. He's done more for it than any other The state delegates will be chosen from specially-created districts. which will take place February 16-16.is. plastic covering from a shiny new cardboard scratchy monaural 45 rpm single by a crack human being. I'll even forgive him for the Delegates to the County Conventionwill held for the purpose of electing the state record jacket? Of listening to the static par- rhythm section locking into a groove as I get unspeakable damage his greatest invention caucus in the follOWing jurisdictional party officers: chairman, first vice- ticles crackle as the gleaming black from the opening bars of a good piano concer- has done to my checking account. areas and shall elect the following total chairman (who will be of the opposi(e- number of state delegates and alter- sex of the chairman), second vice- nates, according to the districts chairman, third vice-chairman (who specified: whenelected shall not have attained the .•Battle over DeHoCo use op.ens a Lansing front Northville Township - three, City of age of 25), fourth vice-chairman, fifth Northville - one, City of Plymouth - vice-chairman (who when elected shall three, Plymouth Township - seven, have attained the age of 60) and sixth' ContInUed from page 1 county. In its final form, Lucas' com- inLansing.>" porarily on the site. Discussion has in- Livonia - 15. vice-chairman. . • mission recommendations were altered Dumas said sheand Lelko stated that cluded having Detroit continue to area; to meet the desires of the state depart- they agreed with 90 percent of the com- operate the facility and lease space to • And a legislative ban be placed on ment of corrections, according to coun- mission repol t but had to dissent from the state until legislative approval is Guitar concert slated at Madonna additional institutional usesof any kind ty commissioner Mary Dumas (R- the recommendations regarding given for anoutright purchase. A Classical Guitar Concert will be na, Jablonski teaches guitar at the' in the two townships. Livonia). DeHoCo on the basis that the "Plymouth Township has a real pro- field at Madonna College at 3 p.m. Sun- Herb David Guitar Studio in Ann Arbor. Northville Township superVisor Heintz and Dumas drafted a minority Northville/Plymouth area is already blem wi..h that," Heintz said. "There day featuring Madonna instructor She's studied with Joe Fava. Matthew Susan Heintz said the joint resolution report which is appended to the com- saturated with state institutions and has been a terrible walkaway problem Helene Jablonski and guest Michael Mischakoff and Manuel LopezRamos.' , was prompted by meetings in Lansing mission document, objecting to the that the use of DeHoCo would violate with the way it's being run now, and Casher. Casher, who teaches private lessons last week between local leaders and commission recommendations to use the state's own planning documents by then they start talking about continUing Having performed in the Detroit area in his home, has studied with Matthew state legislators. Heintz and Plymouth DeHoCo on a temporary basis and placing nearly 1,400prisoner within one the same way but with state felony in' for the past five years, Jablonski and Mischakoff, Manuel Lopez Ramos and Township supervisor Maurice Breen eventually construct a new regional sauare mile. mates." met with state Senator Harry Gast Jr. - B t (th rt) .. . th t "Some people in the department of Cashercombine their talents to provide Robert Guthrie. . prison on the site. "u e repo ISgomg up m a a program with a wide history of (R-St. Joseph), the new chairman of the form, going to the governor and the corrections seem to think they can The concert will be held in Kresge joint capital outlay committee. That The latter recommendation, legislature, recommending rehab of transfer the operation from Detroit to musical expression including works by Hall on the Madonna campus. There is committee must approve expenditures however, was changed at the last DeHoCo," Dumas said. the state without legislative review or Bach, Sor, Scheidler and Granados. a$1 fee. In addition to instructing at Madon- on newprisons. minute in response to a request from While the battle over long-term useof approval," she said. "Maurice Breen For information, call 591-5098. "senator Gast asked us to adopt a Bill Kime of the state department of DeHoCorages on, Heintz noted there is and I don't think that they can, and concurrent r:ese>!utionstating, if in fact corrections, said Dumas. a more immediate concern regarding we're getting our legislators to make we have objections and what exactly "What they did was amend,the sec- the proposal to house prisoners tern- sure it doesn't happenthat way." thoseobjections are," said Heintz. tion when corrections said they didn't . NOTICE She-ana -Breen, sfirsald, also mel- want to build a new prison there, bur -I::' • • . _. - CITY OF NOVI With Senate majority leader John that they would rather renovate'''''~'lty suggests annexatIon I • Engler (R-Mt. Pleasant> and represen- DeHoCoas a medium security prison," REQUEST FOR BIDS tative J. Michael Busch (R-Saginaw), she said. "It would mean they would the house minority leader to present reconstruct or rehabilitate the existing CooUnued from Page 1 prior to the meeting of his recommen- REBID - ULTRASONIC L1aUID LEVEL RECORDER their case aga!nst state useof peHoCO. bU~ldingsrather than ~uild a region~ tendedto the area in question. dation. The City of Novi will receive sealed bids for a Ultrasonic liqUId The townships are up agamst some pnson. Naturally, I dissented as did "There's two sides, of course, to any "The recommendation of the city level Recorder according to specifications of the City. hea':YWeight .0PpoSitio~, thOU~, in- David Lelko (.towns~ip ma~ager, who story," said Heintz. "They haven't filed manager is well-intended," said Ver- Proposal blanks and specifications may be obtained at the Of- c1udmgthe chief executive of their own was representmg Hemtz while she was the papers yet. The township position non. "I understand there will probably fice of the City Clerk. will be that we're going to be against it be some resistance from the township. Bids will be received until 2:00 P.M., prevailing eastern time - we'd be against any removal of ter- In a similar situation, we would pro- Wednesday, January 30,1985 at the Office of the City Clerk, 45225 Bloodmobile to he in Plymouth ritory from the township. Now, we're bably feel the same way." W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michian 48050. Bids will be publicly open- going to take a closer look at it to see If Normae follows the manager's sug- ed and read at that time. All bids must be signed by a legally Donating a pint of blood takes less ban location: what can be done about servicing that gestion and petitions for annexation to authorized agent of the bidding firm. Envelopes must be plainly than an hour, is relatively painless and area." the city, the petition would go to the marked, "ULTRASONIC LIQUID' lEVEL RECORDER," and must bear the name of the bidder. ' • cansave up to four lives. • Saturday, January 26, First Council voted unanimously to have state boundary' commission. Public The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids What's more, the American Red United Presbyterian Church of Walters notify both the township and hearings would be conducted where the Plymouth, 701 Church Street, Normae that water service would be of- petitioner, township and city would to waive any irregularities, and to make the award in a manner that Crossis going to make it convenient for is in the best interest of the City of Novi. you. Plymouth, from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. For an fered the firm only if It were annexedto state their cases before the commis- Red Cross bloodmobiles will be sta- appointment, call Karen Karam, 420- the city. Mayor Paul Vernon said he sion, which would then make the final Carol J. Kalinovik tioned in the following northwest subur- 2030. had instructed Walters to notify Heintz decision. (1/23/85 NR, NN) Purchasing Agent

TO ALL RESIDENTS OF NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR NOTICE NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIp! CITY OF NORTHVILLE Omnlcomof MichIganwill be leasingchannelson Its GENERAL CONTRACT cable televisIon system. If you are Interested In You may be eligible for the federally funded REFUSE PICKUP leas!nga channelfrom Omnlcom,pleasewriteto: Targeted Fuel Assistance Program. This pro- (All Trades Work) for gram will provide up to $200.00 in fuel Due to a truck breakdown. Mondays refuse .(I~ Frederick G. Collman assistance payments to those low-income pickup was not made, however. it will be picked ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO General Manager households with high heating costs in relation up on Tuesday. Each day's refuse pickup will a485 Ronda Drive to income. be one day later than usual. with Fridays being NORTHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Canton, MI 48187 For further information regarding eligibility picked up on Saturday. Joan G. McAllister NorthVIlle PubliCSchools Willaccept new sealed proposals lor a Generat We will then send you an application and policy requirements, please contact Vicki Williams at Contract lor All Trades Work lor the Additions and Alterallons to NorthJllle . statementregardingleasinga channel. the Township Hall. 348-9000. City Clerk High School. consisting 01 Architectural. MechaOicaland Eleclncal Trades Ted Mapes, Work. all as shown on the Contract Documents dated November5. 1984.Ad- (1/23/85 NR) (1-23-85NR) DPSSuperintendent dendum No.2 dated December19.1984.Addendum No 3 dated December31 1984and Addendum No.4 dated January28.1985. Northville PublicSchoolswill receIVesealed proposalSuntil 3:00P.M.. local time. Thursday.February7.1985 at the offices of NorthVille PubliC Schools. 501W. MaIOStreel. NorthVille. Michigan 48167.Proposalsreceived alter that time Willnot be accepted All pro· NOTICE OF HEARING OF posals will be publicly opened and read aloud at the same time and place All IOterestedparlles are IOvltedto allend. ProposedContractDocumentsmaybe examooedatlhe 101l0wooglocations. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT during normal business hours by prospective B,dders a.The offices 01: IMPROVEMENT BY Coqulllllrd I DundonI Petersonand Argenta Architects and EnglOeers . 3000TownCenter- SUIte1515 NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP Southheld. MichIgan48075 Telephone: (313)354·2441 BOARD b. The Construction Association 01Michigan. Oetroll. MIChIgan . ~\ C.F.W.DodgeCorporation. DetrOit.Michigan l TO THE OWNERS OF ALL THE FOllOWING DESCRIBED General Contract Bidders may secure copies 01 Ihe proposed Contract, Documents from the Archltect-EnglOeer alter November t2. 1984on a loarl lOTS AND PARCELS OF PROPERTY: . basisas lollows: lots 21-49 and 53-83, inclusive, of Grandview Acres Subdivi- 1. Three (3) copies 01 the Project Manual. plus Ihree complele sets 01 sion, T.1S., R.8E., Northville Township, Wayne County, Michigan. pnnts of Drawings upon payment 01Sl00.00depOSit.completely relundable II all sets are returned in gOOdcondillon to the Archltect·EnglOeerwltt"n live WHEREAS, the Northville Township Board has tentatively daysalter bid opening. ' determined to make certain water system improvements to ser- 2. Additional copies 01the ProJectManual. IOCludlOgSpeclhcallons. plus vice the above described premises; and additional sets 01 prints 01 the DraWings.lor the cost 01 reproduction and handling. non-relundable. WHEREAS, this Board having tentatively declared its intention ~.No partial sets Willbe Issued. . . to make such improvement and tentatively designated the above Each proposal must be accompanied by an acceptable bid secunty 10 Ihe . described premises as a special assessment district against lorm 01a certllied check. cashiers check. or standard lorm bid bond. made • payable to Northville Public SchOOlS.501W. MaIOStreet. NorthVille.MIchIgan I which the cost of said improvement is to be assessed; and 48t67.in an amount 01not less than live percent 15%)01the base bId submit· . WHEREAS, this Board has caused to be prepared plans show- ted. Failure 01 any accepted Bidder to enter into contract lor the work Will . ing the Improvement, the location thereof and an estimate of the cause lorfelt 01his bid security. Alter contracts lor the work havebeen SIgned.I, all bid securities will be returned. costs thereof which have been filed with the Northville Township .Theaccepted Bidder will be required to lurnlsh a sallslactory Pertormance Clerk, Northville Township, Wayne County, Michigan, for public Bondand Laborand MaterialsPaymentBond. each 10 an amountequal to 100%' examination. 01his Contract. Rates 01wages and Irlnge benellls to be paid to each class 01mechaniCS Public notice is hereby given that this Board will meet on employed In the project by the Contractor and all 01hiSsubcontractorsshall be Thursday, February 7, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., Eastern Standard time, at not less than the wage and fringe benelll rales prevailing 10 the locality to the Northville Township Hall, 41600 Six Mile Road, Northville, which the work is to be perlormed and as determined by the MichIganDepart· Michigan, to hear objections to the petition, to the improvement ment of Labor, all as per the Prevailing Wage Law. Act No. t66. PA 01 1965. Amended 4·1·79.Refer to Prevailing Wage Determinationincluded 10 the Pro· and to the special assessment district therefor. JectManual. All objections and comments pertaining to said improvement Bids may be withdrawn up to the time and date 01bid openlOg.Alter bId will be heard at said meeting. opening, bids maynot bewithdrawn for a periOdof 45days thereafter. The Owner reserves the right to waive any irregulanty or IOlormality 10' bids, to reject any andlor all bids. in whole or In part. or to awardany Contract Georgina Goss to other than the low bidder. should It be deemedin his bostlntorestto do so (1/23,1/30/85 NR) Northville Township Clerk BY:JAMESPETRI' (1·23,1-30-85N·NWL) SECRETARY

\ 8-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. January 23. 1985 •• Cold snap hits area CODtInued from Page 1 Superintendent George Bell said he made the decision to close schools to add a can of dry gas to their tanks as around 9:30 p.m. Sunday In light of the they filled up Monday. sub-zero temperature readings. The telephone was ringing steadily at The superintendent noted that while Long's Plumbing. Lois Long reported transportation employees started buses close to 50 calls Monday from residents over the weekend, temperatures provo with frozen or broken pipes. ed too cold for students standing at bus "They're still coming in, and I expect stops and those walking to and from we'll hear more from those whose school. frozen pipes break," she said. "We No delivery problems were reported repair the broken pipes as best we by the Northville post office Mon,day. can," she added. Mail carriers were getting through The firm, she said, uses heat guns their routes. However, the post office and electric thawing devices, on frozen said more than the usual number of pipes. She said she was advising callers calls as residents wanted to know If with frozen pipes to apply heat to them there would be delivery. Martin Luther and to open doors under vanities. King Jr. day, the office said, will not be If pipes are not in the walls, she said, a postal holiday until next year. heat tapes can be effective. When heat But there was one group of citizens is applied to frozen pipes, she caution- that actually enjoyed the situation ed, it is important to have the water tap created by the frigid weather: Nor- open. thville senior citizens at Allen Terrace · Northville was one of many school got together both Sunday and Monday districts in the tri-county area closed to share food and friendliness - and Monday due to the severe cold even wrote The Record to tell how great temperatures. It was (see letter to the editor.> Ward church growth

CoDUnued· from Page 1 Johnson, Johnson and Roy of Ann Ar- bor," Tyrpak said. The firm does site Said. planning work for the University of · "At present there are no plans to Michigan and oUler large institutions dispose of the present facility," Tyrpak worldwide, he explained. A meeting to stressed, noting that priorties for launch the site planning process took development of the new property are place last week, he said, with church not yet established. leaders discussing their needs. : "Some would say let's build a sanc- Two major developments - a Chris- tuary first," Tyrpak said. "Others say tian school offering K-12 or high school we have a greater need for more ad- education, and a retirement village - COOKIE SELLERS - These local Girl Scouts soon will be knock- Wagner, Kathy Sanford and Laura Whichello. Back row includes ministrative space. I would imagine are definite possibilities under discus- ing on your door. Front row from left is Deborah Sanford, Rebecca Dianne Kuckenbecker and Jennifer Schuerman. that a sanctuary would be near the top sion, Tyrpak said. Anderson and Erica Whichello. Center is Cortney Gazlay, Lisa of a priority list, but there is no order- "In terms of how to use 140 acres, Ing of priorities as yet." which is a very large parcel of land, a : With purchase of the land In retirement village is a definite December, the site search committee possibility," Tyrpak said. "When I was dissolved and replaced with a site speak of Christian education facilities, Local Girl Scouts begin cO,okiesales Friday development committee, Tyrpak said. I'm speaking of ongoing classes for lIe is a co-ehairman of that committee, church members on Wednesday even- Dieters beware. Nearly 9,000 Brownie, Junior, provides a 98-cent contribution to Girl pastry cake filled with lemon creme which may be designated a site ings and Sunday mornings. And we do Beginning this Friday, local Girl Cadette and senior Girl Scouts in the and frosted with a pastry glaze, is new • Scouting. . development council to coordinate the need more space for that. Scouts will be taking cookie orders for Huron Valley Girl Scout Council (of In addition to Pecan Chocolate Chips, this year. work of seven committees with roughly "However, it is possible to expand to such delectables as Thin Mints, Peanut which Northville is part) will be taking Peanut Butter Sandwich, Thin Mints, Packaging also is a new feature with 50 members who are stUdying issues K-8 or K-12, to someday have a Chris- Butter Patties, Caramel deLltes and cookie orders January 25 through Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, and pull tabs on each side of the box. related to use of the Northville tian school on the site," he continued. Shortbreads. February 15. Caramel deLites, a new variety has A nutritional information guide is Township property. "As far as a high school goes, there are Heading this year's sale locally is Deliveries wl1lbe made March 4-16. been added to this year's list of cookie provided on the side of the box for those : "We have retained the services of several other Christian elementary Sharon Leannais of 43411 Galway, one Cookie prices have remained firm at favorites. who' wish to know. It even includes a ratlier prominent site planners - schools in the immediate area." of 37 area cookie chairmen. $1.75 per box. Each box of cookies sold Lemon Pastry Cremes, a delicate calorie count.

~ .."'-~ ,.." .~.. , --"~"'.~.. '-~,'" TAX and ACCOUNTING SERVICE ~~~~~~ '''' if-l;~~~~-::"~~,t{J. )~'K~~J'. ~')'/'%:" ~\'\J'''~,"":~)~. Business - Individual ~- '\"', ~(e.fJ)"VUQt,..f r)~f~ Albert J. Geisler, C.P.A. ~ :l 'ii Don'tforget yourSnowbfower ~t ~n~ Bernat Yarns a\::, ~~William'sEDgiDeService J~. ~() 689 N. Mill Classes now f' '~ ~~) ~t7 Old Village formingIn O'>:l (" 630 S. Mill, Plymouth W~ PLYMOUTH KNITTING and 0'1;;, \\v~ ),,~- Jat the corner 01Ann Arbor Trail) -..:- IP") l~ ~() RUG BRAIDING \'-'.'!"..Y!!:. " ;':ffi-,~{\"~,.,\;f .',t.- ,"-""~2~ • .l)1\: \t'~r\\":~1 459-6600 --, -'.' -.''''''' '- "~"- ,..., _.."'\....~ __ ..7 ~t7 Mon.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm' Thurs. 10 am-7 pm (J"l;;, ~~ c::.<::>.c::.~c:::..c:::..<::>.c:::..c:::..~<.:>~ ~p e? (/ e? e? e? e? e? e? ('T t7 " (/ C7 (/ O'>:l :•••••••••••••~ ~ NOVI BOWL ': ~ JOIN VS FOR FUN. • • ic • JUSTCOINS~ ic TWO EXTRA WEEKS OF ic AND JEWELRY ic MOON LITE DOUBLES ic AND STAMPS 5 AND SUPPLIES ic 300 1st Place ic January 26 and Feb. 2 AND ANTIQUES -tc ic ic Entry Fee 515 Starts 11 p.m. ic AND SILVER AND GOLD WeAl.o BaS' All Of The Above t FAMILY SPECIAL t 1039 Novl Rd. Northville 348-8340 ic RENT -A-LANE LAST CALL ~ ic $5 Per Hour, MINI- ~ .' ic Per Family ~ ic Sun,9a.m.-l p.m. I LEAGUE '"" You're Invited ToAn ~ I SIGN-UP t ,'OPENHOUSE ~ NOVIBOWL t Sunday. January 27 1-5 p.m. -te~~~~~i~~~il~d. 348-9120 ic · At the Historic Victorian Home of Dr. ~ ~ · Beebe, now renovated into the medical ••••••••••••• • :offices of: KRISTINE M. DUFFY, M.D. OBSTETRICS and GYNECOLOGY THE BIRD ,120 N. Wixom Rd. - Wixom At Pontiac Trail BUSTERS The number one seiling trap and skeet 669-1009 loads In AmerICa Available In 7V,. 8 or ~'_. 9 shot Excellent patterns. scores and , Vl ~:<~ reloaclablhty NowspeCiallypncecl 'j '" ~'- " : ~ '.r ,. I·'...... " \~o"" ~ 'I' ~.1. i~ : '&~ '1'¥n;- -:.: ..~.. ~.!~ Ponto.cTr.i1 I 'r• .,' , -.i I ~ ,.. • '. - ~ '. ] , ...... 1.... ,.,. .~'i/'{ri.l: • ...(-*-~J.;J'-"'J!1rf""'" c{ •

Seniors You Can Now • "Citizens Subscribe to ,'Special/* the NORTHVILLE RECORD 'You must be 62years old or older and come In to our offlco In personal For Only 104 N ., • 'wille ,------_. • •, Want Ads Section GREEN SHEET INSIDE B Sliger/Livingston East • ... .. Wednesday, January 23, 1985 Need a maid? Business is brisk for local house-cleaners

• By SHARON ROSE sistt:r 1.0 clean fOI"me. I loved to come home on tho~ days." Chope said. She and her sister formed a partnership, Hate housework? You're not alone. According to a varie- designed a flyer and called themselves, "Clean·a·Holics." ty of cleaning services consulted locally, business is brisk. "We haven't used that name for awhile, though. My sister And whether you prefer a team of anonymous cleaners to has gone on to a nursing career, and for the last two years I whisk through your happy home in something under an haven't advertised at all. Once I got started, I operated on hour, or an individual cleaner to spend two to four hours referrals." making the homestead shine, you won't have any trouble Chope likes to meet and interview her customers before finding someone to oblige you. she begins a job so she can find out what their expectations An old-fashioned maid like grandmother had, who polish- are. She has a list of do's and don'ts that closely match ed the silver, cleaned out cupboards and even finished up other cleaning services, but if a customer wants something • the ironing, Is a tad harder to find, Ifnot altogether extinct. special, it can be negotiated. "All my customers are extremely considerate. They're For many people, a home is their most expensive posses- nice people and appreciative of what you do," she explain· sion, and common sense dictates the necessity of good ed. "With a maid service, you'd never know who was com- maintenance if only for the purpose of resale value. ing. I think people feel better about knowing the same per· By its very nature, housework Is pretty tedious stUff, no son is cleaning all the time. It's a little more personal." matter what those daytime TV ads promise. In order to be effective and efficient, a homemaker must do routine clean- How much can you expect to pay to delegate the ing at least weekly, depending upon traffic and use. A badly household chores to a maid? Prices quoted recently ran neglected bathroom or kitchen (please pass the gas mask) from $25 (generally for a small apartment> to $50 Ilarge is not only a discouraging sight, but can take two or three colonia!), and were based on size of the home, expectations times longer to spruce up than one which is regularly main- of the owner, and sometimes even the decorating scheme • tained. (early American curves, ruffles and knick-knacks are A number of options are available to the homeowner who much more time consuming to clean than modern straight wants help, and the best bet is to check out want ads, look edges, chrome and glass). Some services charge slightly through the Yellow Pages or consult acquaintances for more for the first visit. recommendations. Don't expect The Brady Bunch's Alice With some variation, this is what a homeowner can ex- to show up on your front porch. pect a cleaning service or maid to do - dust and vacuum all rooms, sweep and wash tile floors, completely clean Mini Maid is a franchised cleaning business based in bathroons, scour sinks, clean doorwalls and outsides of ap· Georgia and owned in Oakland County by Gilma and Dave pliances, change linen and possibly polish furniture. Truesdell and his brother Tom Truesdell. Owners are re- Most workers bring their own eqUipment and some prefer qUired to participate in a week of training in Georgia to to use their own cleaners. For the most part, they will not • learn the standardized, waterless cleaning method. They move heavy furniture, do laundry, or care for pets, plants employ teams of four cleaners, each of whom has a specific or children. Noone washes windows. responsibility, and can visit seven or eight homes in a day. Services will not substitute jobs, with good reason. Their "It's an interesting, challenging business," said Gilma. estimates are based on time, and any new or out-of-the- "I think that with the organizational method we have, we ordinary chore is bound to throw off the schedule. Cleaners can do a better job. My cleaners do the same thing all the are trained to start at one end of the house and keep going time; they don't change jobs. They spend one hour in a till they walk out the door. home, then have a break between homes so their energy levels stay high." They have all their eqUipment at their fingertips, and Gilma cited an instance when a gentleman had his home there is no backtracking, answering phones, smoking or cleaned as a surprise anniversary gift for his wife, and eating. No wonder they can accomplish what you do in half another occasion in which a woman had her sister's home the time. , done just before some out-of-town relatives arrived for a If you want your maid to polish the silver and skip the visit to attend a family Wedding. dusting, or clean the oven (good luck!> Instead of a • Daisy Maids is a fully Incorporated Michigan business bedroom, your best bet is to find an independent cleaning based in Nov!. Owner Joyce Chmel said she always had person. A maid you pay directly and with whom you friends who cleaned" and everyone was booked Solid. develop a more personal relationship may be more willing to bargain or do extra chores for a bonus. "I was interested in running a business." she continued. One resident confessed that her treasured cleaning lady "One week I was baking cookies ... the next I was calling would do almost anything. Yes, even windows. Needless to lawyers and accountants. I began on October 1and by mid· say, she refused to divulge the dear woman's Identity. December Ihad a waiting list of customers." _ ~••. Wha,tilr.e the pitfalls of cleaning for a living? . Chmel says her biggest problem Is finding help. "Il's Aching backs, dishpan hands and an occasional run·in good part-time work. If I could find 10 homemakers who with a cranky pet: . have nothing to do a couple of mornings a week ..." she sigh- One maid describeQ the time a customer's pet Iguana • ed. leaped out of its terrarium and ran across the room she was Deborah Chope is an independent cleaner. When she lost vacuuming. The 11k-footlizard sat in a corner hissing as she her auto-related job five years ago, she decided to go into left. something with more flexible hours so she could return to Mini Maid can be reached at 349-7490. Daisy Maids' phone school and work on a degree. is 349-8960. Deborah Chope says she's booked solid, but will "I was working 50 to 60 hours a week and paying my take names for a waiting list - 397-0704. Joyce Chmel runs Daisy Maids, Inc., from her home inNovi Secretaries' group to meet SNOW BLOWING BARGAINS ....ACOBSEN • "The Importance of Having a Will" trust officer of Manufacturers National :t.l,:"3Ii':~ will be the program topic at the Bank, will be the speaker. Sno-Burst Snow if20" Shp Snow January meeting of the Chain 0' Lakes The evening begins with a social time Chapter of Professional Secretaries In- at 6 p.m. Dinner Is at 6:30 p.m. and the Thrower '""-\ ~ Thrower I ternational (PSll today (Wednesday, program begins at 7 p.m. Dinner cost Is Reg. '399.95 ' ..~ Reg. '739.95 . t January 23) at 6 p.m. at the Steak & Ale $11.50. Nancy Day, a MlUord resident 95 near Twelve Mile and Orchard Lake and treasurer of the organization, may saleS .~':;4 sale$495~' Road. be called at 685-7010 for information 267 -3hp Gas Powered Engine 0 1 -5t\p Briggs & Stratton EnOine Robert Calhoun, vice president and about the chapter and Its meetings. -2 Speed Power .. -2·Way Tracllon ContrOl I :~~?SS~::~'t'Vil,~~ ·'ndependont ClutCh & Auger &*:lft -ThrowsSnow uptolSteet 1 • :~~~~~r~:~~~~S145' 11. ~ __ 'I -20" Clearing Width -AdJustable SCrapmQBar • 'FINALLY! Electric Start Kit A PASSIVE SOLAR HOME .- Reg. $124.95 Sale 539.95 WOODCUTTER SPECIAL YOU CAN LIVE WITH ... HOMELIT. CHAINSAWS Reg16" pnceSUPER$4 19XL95 ~J'~~~~~G~ Current dealer cost S2119.26 Super 2

-21Seu., ..-.gIIIM.~ 14"88, -.g ·fuII 3J8 "'0 CfIoon -, 9 QI 1"1 enone .~ - .. cx:.k.1 lID tw .1I1ftrtCII c:on -. ... oonlrol .",01__-.--"-On ·3SCU.,ongone """''''''' .""'"'"""*"9,,--"')'"'.\' Reg $309.95 ·1Of0CkeC to bit :~.-"", SALE Reg. $249 95 SALE -. OUR SALE PRICE $20995 $15995 $26900 FME EIlTllA CHAIN 011 CAIlIIYIIIICl CASE FIlEE CARRYIHO CA • --- • 'PurCI'\aM 01 ..... BuyAProBar • Get AFree Chain . . . AND AFFORD TOO! 16" $74.29 540°0 20" $82.88 544°0 roits Most Homelite Saws FROM; $69,900 ~ 7628 EXT. WALLS • R·38 CEILING _ ...... ~('IoHIIt sq (, .• 2 x 6 SOUOPll'lE"'cu:r HD INSUL. - 700' x 760 LOT, TWO CAR GARAGE '-"-~-5249..... _....._. G E. DISHWASHER· HEATILATOR FIREPLACE ._---- .,04-" ... "4" MUCH MORE. MUST SEE" ~'~~'" :,,t; pro/eel by' .. Chain Oil " r SOUTH SUN DEVELOPMENT l "~···f1: Reg, $7.95 gal. - ~ DAVID S. McGRATH arch Ibldr. I • t I . I I. I' t. Sale $395 1, 437-4010 ~ Gal, • ~, :ttra._.--._--~.JIO.mo" 1Ir:(Uft[1I579--. .~·n. Cash limited -model open' this weekend - , and New Hudson Power Quantities ! Carry 53535 Graad River at Haa. . sat. & sun. 11 :00-5 :00 .~------' Hours: Mon-FrI9-6; Sat 9-3 (313) 437-1444 2·B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday, January 23,1985 •• Business Briefs Realtors' group reports~; 12.9 percent sales gain:: THE INDUSTRIAL CO'ITAGE DRAPERY SHOP, Gallery, Bouti· que opened recently at 115East Lake in South Lyon under the owner· IYear-end statistics from the Metro popular method of financing. The ~ak ship of Neison and Rachael Turnage of Detroit. Draperies have been a MLS showed its 3062 Realtor and was reached InMarch with60,2percent family business with Nelson Turnage's family since his grandfather, Realtor Associate members increased of sales involving conventional m'pr· Luther W. Turnage, opened a shop in Detroit in 1928. sales by 1,600units In 1984over 1983 tgages, Use of land contracts, wh)ch The South Lyon store, managed by Rachael Turnage. features figures. were employed for 29,5 percent of saies custom-made draperies, curtains, bedspreads, dusters, pillowshams, Representing a 12.9percent gain, the in July, dipped to 22.5 percent: In decorator pillows, tablecovers, Austrian, Roman and balloon shades. 13,967units sold gave the 'multiple December. . ~ , listing service its best sales year since The sales Increase by Metro MLS _.)n.addition, the shop accepts art works, crafts and antiques on a con· 1979and a 65 percent gain over the 1982 members In 1984 was well sp~ad :. , 'slgnment basis, Trims, workroom supplies, drapery hardware and recessionyear. throughout its 1,600square mile ler· _:i-=~'pard·to-find" parts as well as custom fabricating of bay and curved Metro MLS found listings declining ritory covering Northwest DetrOit and :.... , rOds are also part of the offering at the new shop. some two percent last year with the major portions of Wayne and Oakl~nd "We believe your window treatments should provide beauty, style, percentage sold showing a healthy 6.8 counties. • long life, easy care, thermal insulation, privacy and light control at a percent jump, indicating that the The greatest Improvement was foUnd good price and we guarantee our workmanship for five years," average home was remaining on the in Livonia where 154 added sajes Rachael Turnage commented. "We do sales, service and installation. market for a shorter period than in brOUghtthe 1984total to 1,403.Other " Our motto is, 'We sell the best and repair the rest. ..' 1983. communities showing strong gains Average sales price during the year were Westland (up 144 units), " MICHIGAN ARTIST SUPPLY at 317 North Lafayette in South was $58,081,just $5 more than the Southfield (an increase of 123unils), · :. Lyon is offering picture framing classes from 7:30·9:30 p.m. starting average In 1983.The highest monthly Farmington/Farmington Hills (up '15 January 22 for six Tuesdays. average came In December at $60,256 units), West Bloomfield Township/- , Instruction will be given in professional framing techniques, mat -.a possible signal that home prices OrchardLake(up~units).Plymout1t/. cutting, mounting, glass cutting, assembly, needlepoint framing, and willshowmore substantial increases in Plymouth TownshIp (up 58 units) and wood and metal frame cutting. 1985. RoyalOak (up52units!. : A special-extended discount for students will be allowed during the The peak sales month for the year With Dearborn Realtors joinlng was Maywhen 1,492homes were soldat Metro MLS, sales in Dearborn 4nd classes. Rates for classes arc $30 for one person and $50 for couples. an average price of$59.478. Dearborn Heights were reported: at , For more information or to register call 437·5404. Conventional mortgages, including 1,404for the year. Sales inDetroit shOw· strong use of those with adjustable ed a slight declinebut ended the yeat at J.J. ZAYTI TRUCKING, INC., of Northville was low bidder on a rates. were restored as the most 2,151. • project in southern Florida. The announcement was made by James J. Zayti, president. ! The firm submitted the low bid on Raiderville Improvement Area , ~ Phase IIin Palm Beach County, Florida. Social Security System ~ The company, a local firm since 1947.is an interstate contract car· THE NOVI HIGH SCHOOL Marching Band performed at the 1985 -. - rjer. Its asphalt division was established in Okeechobee, Florida in Detroit Auto Show which was held at Cobo Hall in Detroit last week. 1983. The band also participated in the 1984show. Drumming up excitement for the show (above) are members of requires status reports; EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY has announced the apppointment the band with Marty Feldman of Marty Feldman Chevrolet in Novi. of South Lyon native Richard T. Bourns as manager of the Electronic The 1985Auto Show featured more than 500 new cars and trucks, As the newyear begins, SocialSecuri· • You have cash, bank accourits Media Manufacturing Division, Mass Memory Division. ty officials are Issuing a reminder that • the most ever according to auto show officials. bonds, property other than your ho~e: Bourns joined Eastman Kodak Company in 1958and his most re- youmust report if: ~E .CO~ICATI~NS, Inc" a public relations agency or other belongings totaling $1.600!or 'cent position with the company was manager of Electronic Media Pro- • Youmove. more ($2,400 or more if youare married ducts. speclahzmg 10 busmess·to-busmess marketing communications, has • You start or stop working or the and liVingwithyour spouse). beginnmg Bourns has a a master's degree in chemical engineering from relocated from Orchard Lake to the Riker Building in Pontiac. amount ofyour earnings changes. January I, 1985. i ". Michigan State University. He is a member of the Society of Profes- President Seth Lampe said the move was made to be "where the • Any beneficiary dies or becomes To report these changes and liny sional Scientists and Engineers and the American Institute of action is." unableto handle benefits. other changes that affect your SSI p4y- · . Chemical Engineers. . "Most i~partia~ observers can see the strong signs of growth and 1D~nt,contact yourlocalSocialSecurity , He cll.rently resides in Spencerport, New York. mvestment 10 Pontiac, and we are excited about getting in on the • Youare confinedto a jail, prison. office.Youcan report by phone. mail:Or ground floor," said Lampe. "We also want to project our image of in· penal institutionor correctional facility in person. Phone numbers and' ad- • · '" - BERNIECE M. PETERSON of Peterson Realty Company in Nor- dependence and creativity by the offices we occupy." forconvictionofa felony. dresses are listed in the telephone bOOk thville has been elected to a one-year term on the board of directors of ~amp~ added that the refurbished high·rise also offers very high • Aperson for whomyou are filingor under SocialSecurity Administration: who is in your care dies, leaves your Social Security officials state that the Western Wayne Oakland County Board of Realtors and its mUltiple quality offices at a cost effective price and, most importantly, is dif- care or custody,or changes addresses. listing arm, MLS. changes should be reported as soonas ferent. "After looking at lots of buildings. we decided that we did not • Your marital status changes - by they happen. If they are not repoi-t)!d Jerome A. Delaney of Weir Manuel, Snvder and Ranke in want to move into just another two- or three-story office cracker box marriage, divorce or annulment of within10days after the monththey hap- Plymouth will serve as 1985secretary of the two organizations. spaced at regular intervals along a main road," Lampe said. marriage. pen, a penalty may be assessed. ~'TRuTH Wixom Bird Feed All Ortho Products ALL VINYL Reg. $725 ~.=,', When the North Atlantic $7.86 501bs. 2S%OFF REPLACEMENT , .' Treaty Orgamzatton \\8S , , fonned In 1949, It wa.' fonn- WINDOWS .'. ed for one reason To ,top Rock Salt Corn ..';. • Soviet a~ion In Europe We have never been ;:: It has done so 95 50 , $4 (Shelled)$7 100 Ibs. <'· 801bs. undersold PONTOON" Sportsman 20·16' Deck Town Club Pop K-1 FIRST SALE OF 1985 Call Now And Save Plus S3.95(case of 24) sl.55 Gal. :~TRUTH 4 Entr.ance Gates ,J, ~:: The past 35 year.. (Ifpeace Padded Captam Chair have been one of the lon~""t WIXOM CO-OPERATIVE ",10·to30% Bow Rails"" . ' periods of European peace 8' x 8' Canopy In recorded hIStory 49350 Pontiac Trail FREE IN HOME ESTIMATES lIgnts ~ 'I" • Wixom 624-2301 Tank Tray Call 227-4320 Carpet Wolmanlzed Plywood Deck NATO. Factory Direct Deal With Owner Captain Stand 1ft'S HOCKEY sEASTINl Alummum Ponloons ' Mechanical Steering

.' ! (}u#:'!iJt~ f/ "," ". ..; Red Wings ~. New York Rangers ~J ~.'r------.., I Thursday Jan. 24 8:00 P.M . .' Help , IWXON TV20 I~~ FEET HURT? • ~~ DON'T WALK IN PAIN-MOST FOOT PROBLEMS : as Red Wings vs Washington Rangers CAN BE CORRECTED IN OUR OFFICE Tuesday Jan. 29 7:30 P.M. ~~-much • Ingrown Toenails • BUnions Red Wings vs St. Louis Blues • Corns/Caliouses • Adult & Children's Foot Problems • Fractures & Sprains • Office & Hospital Surgery Thursday, Jan. 31 8:00 P.M. :~,~syou • Warts (hands & feet) • Heel & Arch Pain ,~"can. IWXONTV201 FOOT SPECIALISTS • FOOT SURGEONS -=- Dr. H. LEFKOWITZ ~A~~TR - ~ Antcra( .lIl • Reder .." ApHp~Y~fMBEYNT DR. I. STEINER PLl~ssu:tcWTED '. ~~ktiHCARE " ~'-"t~,"Lau~el.L I CENTERS ~.· HIGHLAND-MILFORD FOOT SPECIALISTS, P.C. '. 1183 S. Milford Rd., Highland, Lakeview Plaza " > FREE Initial Consultation· 'Trcalmen, lab XlayS b,lIedlo,n'ulan'. 887 -5800 ~ .' Do You Know Us? :;,------'+ 0- We are home care professionals, serving the Ann Arbor area .',.' .', for over thirty years, ,·.' We are registered pharmacists, knowledgeable regarding' current standards, regulations and product availability. We., • are registered respiratory and oxygen therapists, on call 24 ' hours a day. We provide therapy as well as equipment ••••••• monitoring. ' . .'. r-FREEFlji:-(oi(i-: .'..' We are hospital consultants, working with area physicians': to keep the medical community informed of items available, . ,I MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE I • and to better serve your needs with the assurance that our" inventories are updated and complete. We offer the widest, ' variety at the best price, If you have difficulty finding an item. ' .. • : ONYOURF~L~~~~2~~O~~~~SORMORE': •. '.. let us know, Research and referrals are a standard service at I.... , • L Offer Ends Jan. 31,1985 I Laurel. ~ We. are equipment specialists. We can establish a total' .:' maintenance program for your rehabilitation devices, help. • --FisHER-FUii------. ing to avoid costly repairs and inconvenience, When health care becomes a problem, yOU need expert', advice and concerned, attentive service. At such a time, let:' the Laurel people help. Our entire staff represents many: · years of experience in the home care field, Your doctor trusts I.;" us , , , so can you. .:~ • • We're here when you need us. Ii: .,:. • • If eligible, we process Medicare. Medicaid and ol/'er Insurance claims, • .• • WE BEAT COMPETITION .' '. I NEWHUDSON ,•.,t I . _ _ _ We Deliver On Saturdays VISA ". ' • ~I • ; ~, LUMBER CO. 1~lurel North. Ilhl9 W Gr.mll IU\'l'l, Bn~hl(\11• L2'l-'lI'lh :1-: 56601 Grand River ID.wis Mellll..,1 Cl'nll'r, Slllll' Kl , '" ,~i New Hudson 1~lI1rel Pharmacy, I~lllrel Aill' • ,JIl7n Clark, Yp,i1,lnti • ,I.U -h2LIl :':: Laurel We:.! • 37·15 1,ll'k"'n, AIIII l\fllm, • ir,'l- i\.\lI ,:c.."L;.':.------437·1423 ..... ,-- ... ••••••• ------• •• Wednesday. January 23. 1985-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MilFORD T1ME.~;3'O ANIMALS One local call places a want ad in Animal Services 156 Farm Animals 153 over 64,000 homes through the Horses & Equip. 152 follOWing newspapers: Household Pets 151 Pet Supplies 154 Sliger/Livingston Publications AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles 240 Northville Record Autos Under $1000 241 Auto Parts & Service 220 "- (313)348-3022 Autos Wanted 225 .. Boats & Equip. 210 Walled Lake News No vi News Campers, Trailers & EqUip. 215 (313)669-2121 (313)348-3024 Construction Equip. 228 G'REEN SHEET EAST • 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles 233 Motorcycles 201 South Lyon Herald Recreational Vehicles 238 (313)437-4133 Snowmobiles 205 Trucks 230 Vans 235 lli Milford Times EMPLOYMENT VISf Business & Professional (313)685-8705 CLASSIFIED, ' ACTION ADS Services 175 Brighton Argus Business Opport. 167 • Help Wanted General 165 •• (313)227-4436 Help Wanted sales 166 Income Tax Service 180 •010 Special Notices 013 Card of Thanks 016 Found 021 Houses for Sale 021 Houses For Sale 021 Houses for Sale- I Situations Wanted 170 ______~.:.i,- FOR RENT County Argus/Pinckney Post OPEN a tax delerred IRA lor as MALE orange tom, white and e. Apartments 064 WE wIsh to thank Father Mur· BRIGHTON Township BRIGHTON Corporate own· FOWLERVILLE. Must sell (313)227-4437 BuildIngs & Halls 078 httle as 55 per week, payIng phy of St. Pats Church. Father black whiskers, rong tall Custom brick, 3 bedroom ed. gorgeous newly decorated SituatIOn I Reducedl C!Jstom Condominiums. 11Yl% interest. (517)223·8708. Frankhn and SIsters of St. (313)227·2331or (313}227·2194. ranch on 5 Nooded acres In· and carpeted 2 story, 4 contemporary. 2'h acres, 2 Country Argus/Hartland Herald Townhouses 069 OIL palntong classes being Chrlstophers Church of TWO tame whIte rabbIts, cludes 2'12 baths, walk out bedrooms, 2 5 baths. fireplaces, 2 story barn Only Duplexes 065 given In Brighton by proles· DetroIt. Dr Chern en of Januarl' 1" east of Brighton. basement. screened porch, fireplace, large wooded Site, S69,9OO Call Linda Roberls Houses 061 (313)227-4436 slOnal. (313)437·6827. Brighton. Keehn Funeral (313)227·3272 deCk, 3V, car garage. 2 barns mInutes to town and ex· PrevIew Properties. (313)227· Indust.-Comm. 078 Home. all neIghbors and (2 stalls on one). add,toonal Lakefront Houses 062 TRI-COLOR Beagle weallng a pressway Reduced to S76.000 2200 (R513) Fowlerville Review OVERWEIGHT? Don't be froends who helped with our lenced 10 acres avaIlable Land 084 collar, after Fllday check With Call HIlda W,scher. Real GREGORY. Sale or lease WIth Lose weIght now. sorrows. The family of Andrew $139.800 (313)227-5709 Estate One (313)227·5005 (517)548-2570 Living Quarters Guaranteed. Call Carol Humane SocIety (313)437- optoon to buy 1.800 sQ ft, 3 To Share 074 Depa. (313)878-2573. 1327 BRIGHTON Country loVing In bedroom, 2 baths. (u'l'base- Mobile Homes 070 WE at TropIcal ParadIse wIsh Livingston County Press YOUNG male Shepherd mix? BRIGHTON City, four bedrooms, two ment, 2 car garage. 2'~ .acres Mobile Home Sites on PREGNANCY HELPLINE, aka to thank our customers for baths. tNO acres, 2'12 car O"lceSpace 080 Dawson Rd and South M,lford ENERGY CONSERVING (517)548-1960 (517)548-2570 AbortIon AlternatIves 24 their patronage durong the last garage, small barn Assume Rooms 067 area. Weallng red collar (2 x 6WALLS) GREEN OAK - newly ,remodel· hours. (313)632-5240. Problem half of 1984 Hope to be of con· Storalle Space 088 (313)685-2390 MODEL HOMES Open. Fllday. mortgage $49,900. (313)229- ed ranch With famIly ~oom, 3 pregnancy help, Iree pregnan- t,nued servIce to you e Vacahon Rentals 082 Saturday. Sunday. 12-6 pm or 9045. (313)231·9281 bedrooms. 2V, car garage. POuCY STATEMENT All advertising cy test, conltdenUal. Monday. throughout the New Year and Wanted to Rent 089 by apPointment From $54,700, large lot Priced to sell $47,895 publiShed In SlIger/livlngston FOR SALE Wednesday, Saturday, 12 welcome others who have, or COMMERCE Township. Lake Newspapers IS subjee1 to the conch· including lot CIty water and -.· . RATES cemetery Lots 039 noon to 3p.m 9250 W Sherwood access 10].% Realty World Van s (313)227. Itons stated inlhe .ppUeable ,.te card. thought of aCQulllng. bllds or REAL ESTATE sewer. finanCing avaIlable ~ies of which aro .y,U,ble from the Condominiums 024 HIghland Road (1.1·59) assumable mortgage Two 3455 GREEN SHEET fish to stop by and see us. Dan 1095%.30 year foxed ------~r_-- adYOflislng department. SlIgor'. Farms. Acreage 027 Hartland West Side door of story, four bedrooms. 2'/, HOWELL Repossessed and Gerry, 1017 East Grand fOR SALE Dlrechons, Grand River to Llylng~ton Newspapers. IOC W Main. Houses 021 whIte house. baths. full basement Newely Ranch style home on 4-acres, ACTION ADS North ....lle. Mtchlgan 41S7 (313)34~ tncome Property 035 RIver. Howell, next to Dan's Broghton Lake Road, turn decorated. ImmedIate oc- located 8 miles South West of 10Words 17'00 Slioer/Uylngslon Newspapers Indust.-Comm. 033 REDFORD High School Reu· Donuts (517)548-5009 south to Thlld Street, turn left reserves tho right not to .ceept an n,on, January and June Class 021 Houses For Sale cupancy Reduced to S109900 HONell 1,404 square feet With advertlser's Older. $IlgerlLiYlngston Lakefront Houses 022 to models Check for Im- for $4.49 Lake Properrty 029 01 1965 Contact Kathy 015 Lost ADL€R HOMES. INC full basement and 2 car attach- Newspapers adtakers have no .uthQrio. BRIGHTON /Hartland IHowell mediate occupancy. Non-CommerclaJ Rate ty to bind newspaper only Mobile Homes (313)632·8222 ed garage 3 Bedrooms. 2 this and 025 Crocklord Fallon. (313)632- ADLER HOMES. INC 24' Per Word Over 10 publac.tion an adyertlsement shall Real Estate Wanted 037 "BUCK" black and tan male area 3 Bedroom ranch. large baths. 2 file places • $64,500 o. 5817. (313)632·6222 SUbtract 35' for constitute 'Inal aec:eptance01 the Vacant Property 031 German Shepard. wore red famIly room WIth fireplace, WIth 15°{, down on Land Con- tdvertl,,.,·sorder SPORTS car dealers wanted FOWLERVILLE. 3 bedroom repeat HOUSEHOLD collar wIth tag. mIssing Since basement. large outbUildIng. 4 tract for 5 years Federal Land lor show on 1-27-85 For In- home completely carpeted, Insertion of same ad AnhQues 101 January 13, on White Lake acres Land Contract terms, Bank (517}546-5617 Auctions 102 formatoon call (517)546-7035 completely remodeled Will Garage sale, Lost. Wanted RoadUS 23, reward. (313)629· S74,900. (313)632-7717 after offer Land Contract 5 miles HOWELL6m-;les west of I Building Materials 114 6 pm. To Rent, Situations Wanted Equal HouStng Opportunity statement We 2153 Bflghton 3 bedroom ColOnial, are ~edQed to the letter and SPtrii or U S Electronics 113 north of town (517)223-9790 & Household Buyers Direc- Farm Equipment 112 BLACK and white Spronger/· BUY repossessed homes • pOCt<:ytor the ~hteYemenl 01 eq\U.' ~S- THE after 5 pm 1'12 baths, 2 car garage. full tory Ads Must Be Pre-Pald lno epportut'llty thtoughOut the HaltOn Wtt Farm Products 111 Collie mIX, female Answers to from Government SI 00 plus basement $49.900 or option to encourage and suppor1 an aUtrmab-we ' FENTON / Hartland area Firewood & Coal 105 "Pat". Collar. and tag. Lost ,. repaors/taxes. Throughout BRIGHTON • new home. : buy S2,OOO (313)229-8007 advertISIng and ~rko"ng program tn Garage & Rummage 103 PHONE MAN Modern ranch, 4 bedroom wh'<:h therO a'e no baUlersto Obtainhous- Telephone installatIon at 30% 18-a5, Sexton/County Farm Michigan/Nationwide Details bedrooms, 2 car garage Land Household Goods home on 10 acres 2Yl baths, (517)546-9791. Classified Ing because of r.ee COIOt. rel'OtOn or na. 104 Rd. area (517)546-3597. $3.95 to: Homestead, P.O. 909- contract terms Close to honalorlQtn to 50% savings. (313)227-5966 HOWELL Brighton vlest 6 Lawn & Garden A33.lnola, OK 74036 elementry school S49,995 2'12 car garage. formal dining EQIHIHous,no Opportunity slOgan Care & Equip. 109 HALF Doberman half Shepard, room. walk·out basement, mIles New 3 bedroom bl- Equal HOU$lng OppOftundy Realty World Van's (313)227- Display Miscellaneous 107 red collar and choker chain, BRIGHTON 3 miles north. Tabtelll-ltfustrattOn US OJ's' Weddings. partIes, 3455. close to lakes, golfIng. level Lower level IS ground Contract Rates 01 Publlshe' s NOllCe Miscellaneous Wanted 106 dances. etc Lowest prices female. (313)449-8236 New 3 bedroom b,-Ievel under horseback rodlng and more level 545.900 (313}229-8007. Publisher sNotteo Altrealesuleadvertls- Musical Instruments 106 construction. 2 car garage Ex- BRIGHTON - lovely 3 bedroom Available cd In thiS ne-Sp.iper is ::sublec:t '0 ,he and you'll have the best of LITTLE brown puppy. Hartland schools Appraised, (517)546-9791. Feder.al fa.r HouSl"'O Act or 1868 whteh Sporting Goods 110 cellent sub With paved roads ranch, in nice subdiVISion. Full Want eds may be placed un- tomes. JIm or CIndy (517)223· NIcholson Road between S106,Ooo'(313)629·4020 HOWELL. on town, close to makes It Illegal to ache'hs. • any PERSONAL and dnveway. 555,900. Call for fInIshed basement and til 3:30 p.m. Monday. for that prerf'renee. 'Nnt~bOn or dtS(nITunal-on BlnllO 011 9379 if no answer. leave North Grand RIver and Can· FOWLERVILLE Two fam,ly schools and shOPping 2 ~Sed on race. color. rehQtOn Of NttOnal more delalls, (313)229-8007. garage. Close to town. week's edition. Read your Card of Thanks 013 message. verse. (517)223-8058. home WIth two car garage. pOSSible 3 bedrooms caved OOOln. Of any Intent~ 10 m.like any such (517)546-9791. S65.107 Realty World Van's advertisement the first time prelerenee. h""tabon or d'$CnmtnatlOn • CarPools 012 LOST or found a pel? Call large lot. excellent ceIling on Iovongroom and don· Thl' newspaper Will not knowtngly accept Found 016 BRIGHTON Pinckney. 1095% (313)227-3455. It appears. and report any Animal Protecllon Bureau home With rental income, two 109 room. 1V, baths, base- any advertlSlno tor real estate whiGh IS en Free 001 BRIGHTON • great starter • error Immediately. Sliger/- WK>IattOft of the law Our readers .lire WARM UP Interest. 30 year fixed rate Happy Ads 002 (313)231-1037 and Humane blocks from downtown shopp· ment. spllt-ra" fenced yard. Livingston Newspapers will hereby Informed tNt all dwellings "dYer mortgage WIth only 5% down home 3 bedrooms, 1 year old In Memoriam 014 SocIety (313)876-2581. 109 area $48,500 (517)223- carport. shed 548,500 not Issue credit for errors In Used In this newspaper are a.,allabJe on an YOURWINTER while avaIlable Energy eff,- drain field and septic Newly eQualoPPO'funlly Lost 015 Keary's Famoly Sauna ..the $500 REWARD for Information 9811. after 5 pm (517)223-8403 (517)546:.--88:..::..::c87,--_ ads after the first Incorrect (FROoc n-4M3FlIed3-3112 a 4Sa m) iil0 • c,ent ne~. homes, S50.000 to redecorated. only 535,450 Special Notices leading to the return of brown Insertion. hnlshed bath experoence S70,Ooo' Must ask for Joe Realty World Van's (313)227- Perfect after skIIng, skating, 4 X 4 Chevy PIckup. stolen Phares. The LIVingston Group 3455. from W,xom VIllage Apart· other outdoor fun Provate (313)227-4847. BRIGHTON. PrestIgIous area. ments, Monday nIght the 14th absolutely rooms by appo,ntment. Owner wanls to sell. WIll co- • e' e • 001 Absolutely Free 010 Special Notices VehIcle 'MI9004A692K031183. BRIGHTON 3 Bedroom can· (313)687-4568. operate extenSIvely ,n flnanc· License plate 'FN2750 Please temporary. secluded on 5 wooded acres. parklike set· Ing. One acre, 2,300 SQ It 4 SHEPHERD dog, 1 year, FREE Color AnalySIS. Profes· phone. (313)624-7950. FREE. WOMEN, do you enJoy tmg, spnng·fed SWim pond bedrooms, paved roads. spayed lemale, to good home. sional color analysis WIll singing' Can you carry a tune? 2'h Year male Beagle, mostly With Island, 4 years old. near t- Reduced to S104,9OO. Call · • All items offered in this After 6p.m. (517)546-6514. dramatically change your Iofe. Sing G above hIgh C and/or 0 black and tan, red spots on 96/US-23. Bnghton schools. Chnssy Agrusa. Preview Pro- "Absolutely Free" column SCOTIIE dog, 9 years old. Watch as the "correct colors" below middle C? We sing four legs, "Andy", Lost $129.900. (313)227·26n. perhes, (313)227·2200. (RS58) • mL'st be exactly tliat. free male, to good adult home. instantly cause your eyes to part harmony. Come VIS,t us' Argentine/Foster area. to those responding. This (313)478-8442after6p.m. brighten, your skIn to Call (313)227-8307. Howell, 12·26-84. He'~ shy. newspaper makes no glow.,.call today to fond out STEREO. fruitwood cabinet, WANT to hear from man who Reward If caught. If seen, call • charge for these listings, how you can get your free col- collect (313)595-0699 or you pick up. Call after 6 pm. got our German Shepherd dog • but restricts use to or analYSIS and receive your (313)721-4923. (313)229-4628. called Jackie, from Howell residential. Sllger/- own Iree color book (313)231- Northville Ino. Dog Pound. Was supposed to YELLOW Lab, year, male, 1-11· Livingston Publications TWO puppies, black Lab/· 9101. 330 N. Cent.,. ' •• watch gas tanks. Would Ioke a BS, Pleasant Vailey/Molford • accepts no responsibility Colhe/Shepherd mix. (313)624- ... :. snapshot, will pay well for It. Road. REWARD. After 3 p.m. for actions between in- 8445. FOSTER HOMES Mrs. Bernard Bousoon, 6299 (313)887·2143, (313)685-8954. OLING dividuals regarding Ab- TWO chairS, washers, dryer, Needed for tempo'ary hous- Derby Road. Applegate, MI. solutely Free acls. (Non dishwasher. relngerator, all REAL ESTATE INC. e Ing of abused, neglected and 48401. 016 Found Housing Shortagel commercial) Accounts on- need work. (313)685-3643. abandoned animals. Humane ~ 201 S. lafayette ly. Please cooperate by TO good home. Male puppy. SocIety. (313)878-2581. 011 Bingo BEAGLE, black, 'tan, gray, placing your "Absolutely Will be small dog. (313)887- male. Fowlerville School area l.:J : 437.2056 Free" ad no later than 3:30 (517)223-8643 Due to the tremendous Increase In sales 7520. FRAMING of pictures, hand- 012 Car & Van Pools p.m. Friday for next week BLACK Lab, female. Found 1- -- 522·5150 dunng the past 60 days. the aggresSIve THREE month gray Tabby work. Excellent job, publication. 10-85. Golf Club and Gulley sales staff at Earl Kelm In NorthVIlle has ffx.r female killen, htter trained. reasonable. (313)624·7035, -- 013 Card of Thanks penenced 'a hOUSing shortage We ha.u~ • Road. (517)546-7066. SOUTH LYON-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (517)546-1085after6 pm. After4 pm. Large 1'12 story 4 bedroom home. recently purchasers In need 01 the lolloWlng type WHITE rock hens, 16 layers. GIVE the ulhmate Valentine's homes: • 001 Absolutely Free renovated, new lurnace. kItchen Resldenhal use. (5171223-85~:.:::91:.:.. _ Day gilt, a hot air balloon /Ide. POSSIble SImple assumphon. S38.OOO Condomlmlums ...... $40.000 to $90,000 BEAUTIFUL German WHITE pet rabbit, free 10 good (313)4n·9569. • Ranch Style . $40.000 to $130,000- Shepherd mixed male, nine home. (313)227-8731. HAVING trouble fInding the RANCH ON 3-PLUS ACRES Colomals .. $50.000 to ??? months, must sacrifice. righl entertainment for your 3 Year English Cocker spayed, Super 3 bedroom home on hilltop, orchard. In Town ...... S open (517)223-3824. weddmg? Call (517)548-2425for all shots, papers. (313)227-3418 fireplace, formal dIning, 2 baths. parhally IInlshed 1 or more acres. $20 000 to ??? BLACK female cat, declawed, evenings. detaIls. walkout basement, rebuilt 1982. $99.500 .. Iiller trained, young adult, af· Don't wait 'hi sprlOg to market your proper- • fectionate. (517)548-5075. 002 Happy Ads ~ TUDOR ON 2112 ACRES ty GIve US a call today and fond out why · . BLUE lemale Great Dane. ITTV EAST INC. 4 bedroom custom home. 6·panel doors we're called. · abandoned and starving, now LOWEST PRICES PLUS throughout, 3 baths, lire place In famIly room. For· NEW OPTION OF LIVE • healthy and happy, needs mal dining room. den, prestIge area Sl14.900. · country home. (517)546-7066. SPORTS. (P.A.S.S.) NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP NOTICES CALL (5171546-1803 CLOTHING. Howell Church of If privacy. but not country. is what you're looking SILVER LAKE WATERFRONT •.. The HelpfUl People Christ, 1385 West Grand RIver, -..11 lor. this IS it. Lovely newer-bUilt 4 bedroom. den. Completely rebUIlt 1981. 3 bedroom ranch WIth 7 pm to &30 pm,Monday. family room with fireplace With bar. 2'h baths. finished walkout. IIreplace and woodstove. lormal Deck backs to woods and overlooks lake In dining. Flonda room. sun room, and deck CLOTHING, Church of Chltst, 010 Special Notices LOSE WEIGHT distance. Asking $124,900. Call 349-6800 for apt. overlooking lake. Land contract terms. $165,000 349-5600 6026 RIckett Road. TueSdays, ADULT foster care, Howell ... and make money with • e' e • • 6-8 p.m. area. Opening pnvate or semI- natural herbal program. Call · • CLOTHING, Our SavIor privale room, male or female. (313)437·5714. • Lutheran Church. Fenton Must be ambulatory. (517)546- Road. Hartland. Please con- ee52. ( tact Ginny Richards, (313)832- BEAUTIFUL hand crafted, • - 7624 or the church (313)887· hand painted, ceramic, heart '. ::::43~00::...----c::oc--- shaped, name pms, any name, MELODIES • Prolessional OJ • All types of : COLOR TV, works. TV com- $3.00 plus 50 cents postage, mUSIC for memorable occa· .. bination, TV needs repaIr. Col- perfect valentines gift. Slons. Wedding Specialists. onial sofa. (313)632-6264. (313)632-7281. George and Lynn Gardell. Call CAT. eleven months, lemale, BODY massage, therapeutic (313)227·5731alter 5 p.m. /. sPdyed, good with chIldren. and pre-natal, reflexology. salt ~ (313)449-2984. glows. Very relaxing. By cer- MEMORY - persons between tified Myomassologlst. , COLLIE. Shelty mix, lemale 60 and 65 years 01 age WIth (3131229-4688. , and puppy. AI~o Shepherd, memory dlfoculties are saught Husky. (313)348-0702. BEEF SIdes, good, $1.25 a lor an expenmental medIca- DESERTED Sheltle mix pound; choicfl. $1.35 pound. tion study, Dlltculties should female, adult, great dISPOSI- PIgs $1.05 pound. Cut, wrap- have perSIsted for at least 1 ped, and froze. Richardson , tlon. (313)878-9570. year. Phone University of WOODED AREA Meats, linden, (313)735-7268. !: FREE puppy to good home. Michigan MedIcal Center 10 PRESTIGIOUS BEACON WOODS THE HOME to entertain In. Three bedrooms, 2'12 GREAT FAMILY HOME • (313)229-8325. COMPUTER class. Cobol and Ann Arbor, (313)763-9259. THIS GORGEOUS walkout ranch has everything. baths. A master sUIte With pnvacy and backs to POPULAR NOrlhvllle area WIth 4 bedrooms. 2 fUll , FREE 48 chickens, (517)546- Pascal. Starting January 28. Neutral decor, prolesslonally landscaped. Custom wooded area. $89,900. 348-6430, baths, 2 car garage, treed street close to schools & shopping. $69,900. 348-6430 • •. ; ~5609~,~ __ -.,..,. __ 1985. MAY BE FREE. Call NEED CHILD CARE? decks. Alarm system. sprinkler system, premium (313)685-1511,extensIon 213. Home away from home for lot. Crown moldings. 2 hrep)aces & more. $189,900. Full sIze mallress and box spr- 348-6430. " Ings, with frame. Serviceable your preschooler, age 2Yl condItion. (313)887-2061. CLASSIFIED DEADLINES through 5, lots of actIVities, Fnday 3:30· hot lunch, nap facllihes, ex· • FOUR chickens, 1984 batch, 3 Monday Green Sheet, all cellent rates. ViSIt anytime or layers, 1 rooster. (517)223- Business Directories, and the call LOIS at Lucky Duck 9347. shoppers, Monday 3:30 (313)227·5500. , FIVE month lemale, tri·Terrier Wednesday Green Sheets. mix. Needs love. great with • kids. (313)227·9329. FIVE killens, two black, three IIger, six weeks, (313)629-3732, '., GE pot scubber dishwasher, Are You Bored, Depressed, • built·ln. (313)474.0539. Unemployed? GERMAN Shorthair Poonter. male adult, excellent disposi· LEARN MORE and lion, (313)878·2581. SHOWPLACE • Helen Dodd IS this weeks Red EARN MORE! MANY EXTRAS LOVELY 3 bedroom Colomal on one acre treed lot. ' , Wing IIcket wlnnerl LARGE 4 bedroom colonial In beaulliul Lexington 2 lavs, 1 full bath, FamIly room wllh heatolator : HALF Husky, whole mistake. Commons, Home has huge family room With walk ,fj foreplace. Many other extras. $92,850 348-6430 Fuzzy, cute, healthy puppies, Pontiac out patio which overlooks Inground pool. alarm (3t3)437·4781, system & more. $129,900. 348-6430. NORTHVILLE/NOVI LHASA Apso Terrier pups, 6 months. 20 pounds, wispy Business hair. (517)546-7066. BUILDER'S HOME 348-6430 GRACIOUS LIVING at Its besl. An executive's LONG haired, black and white Institute paradise on 30 acres, Northville Malhng. 3 MOVE RIGHT IN A BARGAIN cat. Male black kitten. offers: bedrooms, 3'12 baths. $194,900. 348-6430. ENJOY THIS 3 bedroom, 2'12 bath Trl·Levelln great UNIQUE small town locatIon FantastIc school, (517)546-5637, Quality Career Training 10: area. Walk to schools. Neutral decor, much up- system. This 3 bedroom colonial has a natural MIXED puppy, four month 'Gata Processing COUNTRY LIVING dallng in the last 3 years. New roof on house & fireplace, 111: bathS, finished roomy basement : male, molher Poodle, shots, 'Word Processing SPACIOUS 4 bedroom ranch With 2'h baths on 3 garage. Eallng area between kitchen & hVlng plus a 2 car attached garage $81.000.348-6430 • wormed. (3t3)476-0946. 'Accountlng acres, Family room with fireplace, lormal dlnmg room. $82.500, 348-6430, MANGLE Ironer with Chair, 'Medical, Legal, Execulive Secretarial room. lull basement. Loaded With extras plus a fair CLOSE TO SCHOOLS . , works. (3t3)348-0365. 'Medical Asslsling price of $129,900, 348-6430. PRICED RIGHT GREAT two bedroom starter home With countr1 at- , EASY TO LIVE IN, Two bedroom Tuck under model mosphere In the city, $39,900. 348-6430, MOTOROLA TV, 23 Inch, • 'Financial Aid Available with super deck and pallo. Docorated well, Quasar, console, needs work. ,. Job Placement Assistance VILLAGE OAKS $79,900.348-6430, BIG RANCH (313)348-6435, LARGEST MODEL In sub. Located on one of the quietest streets In SUb. Formal dining, 4 ON OVER 1 acre 101. Under $60,000 Large hvmg PiT-Bull mixed puppies, 6 Call PSI for more Information bedrooms, country kitchen with Island counter & , ENERGY EFFICIENT room, 4 big bedrooms, 2 full baths, newer roof & , weeks old. (3t3)685-2645. CI ... ea Forming Now pantry. Built In bookcase In family room, First floor THREE bedroom ranch, Movo·ln condition. carpet. Plus assumable mOrlgage or Land Con •• PIANO. you pick up. (517)548- laundry has both gas & electric hook-ups. $90,900. Neutral decor thru-out. Appliances In basoment tract, $59,900. 348-6430. : Pontiac - , 2329 333-7028 348-6430. stay. Nicely landscaped. $87,900. 348-6430. : PART ShOpherd, nino monthS, Oxford - 628-4848 • · • ,spayed, all shots. (5171546- Farmington - 476-3145 5962, 4·B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD TiMES-Wednesday. January 23. 1985 ••

021 Houses 021 Houses for Sale 021 Houses for Sale 021 Houses for Sale 021 Houses for Sale 021 Houses for Sale 021 Houses for Sale 025 Mobile Homes 025 Mobile Homes For Sale For Sale HARTLAND 268 acre wOOOed HOWELL 2 bedroom home. HOWELL. Country charm Is 01. HOWELL. $2.000 can move HOWELL. Four bedroom HAMBURG. Excellenl condl· SOUTH LYON area ~arm NORTHVJLiE/So~lh--~Ly~~ llUllj,"O site. $15.500 newly remodeled. $34.900. fered throughout with an open qualified buyer here with ranch on over an acre of land BRIGHTON. Sylvan Glen. nice tlon. two bedroom ranch With house With 3 bedrooms. 1'12 SlOgIe • Retiree • ~ewlyweds HARTLAND 10 acre wood eo Land contract. floor plan. 2 lovely acres. Full seller payong all purchasers Large rooms Ask to see the 2 bedroom With FlOrida room 1,500 Sq.". garage and baths. country sethng With 1 1973 Champion 12xSO 1.2 bUilding sIte. $31.500 negoloble (8313)624·9229. after basement. Immaculate clOSIng cost Newly Video tape 01 thiS lovely home $12.500 Cresl (517)548·3260 workshop plus allached acre. Convement to ex· bedroom. stove. Irldge. HIGHLAND. 145 x 200 treeo. 5p m. $69.900. Call Tert KniSS. decorated California droft· $75.000 Call Star for details. BRIGHTON. Deluxe 14x75 garage. across from presSway. (313)4379656 washer. dryer. mirrors. cur. Idke access bu,loong site. Preview Properties. (313)227· stone fireplace. Wood burner Preview Properties. (517)546· Many exlras. $14,900 Cresl H'OWELL -:-'seclud'ed 2 neighborhood shoppmg. gas SOUTH LyoiC4 -bedroom. $13900 220<1~L3.Q.3)_. _ heats the whole house 7550 (R386) 2 (517)548·3260 lalns. deep bath. screened bedroom home wllh fireplace heat. new wmdows. two acre bath. fireplace. rec room. porch Appraisal· $5.500. sell TOM ADLER REALTY $39.900. Call Tert KnISS 101. $54,900. Oren Nelson Real BRIGHTON Excellent condl' and wood burner. Lake HOWELL 20 Year Land con· garage. trade In accepted. (313)632-6222 prlvledges Super VA assump· (313)227·2200. Preview Proper. Estate. (313)449·4486. (313)449· tron. 2 bedroom Mallelle. :~:314~~:g~~. (313)437,5187, tract' 41 acres for Just $90.000 VanReken. (3t3)588-4700. tlon $43.500 Realty World ties. (~103) Licensed for dog kennel. All 4467. :·800-462-0309. many extras $6.900 Crest S-6UTH Lyon: Redlicedl Van's (313)227:3'!.55 brock farmhouse Many out· (517)548.3260 1975 Sheffield. 12 x 60. 2 HAMBURG. O'rastlcallileduc~ Three year old "cream puff" bUildIngs Ask for Kathy bedroom. furnished, 1m. ed. Owner must sell. Almost spacIous three bedroom quail· DOUBLE WIde. 3 bedroom. Kamonsky Preview Proper· mediate occupancy. $7.000 new 3 bedroom ranch. full Iy bUill home. Beller than mobile home. 24 x 55. 1'10 ties (517l546·7550 (R563) (517)521.4785 basement. garage With access new. finishing touches com· baths, laundry room, large to StraWberry Lake and Huron plete. $73.500. (313)437·7113. bedrooms. separdte dining SOUTH LYON. will accept HOWelL SHOWPLACE River cham. $63,500 Lakes area, asking $13.000. poSSible mobile home as down pay. IIJHITMORE take acres Really. (313)878·5646 or '53 terms. (313)437·9789 ment on 4 bedroom home, plus three car two story Owners arlrst,c talents are (313)426·2115. famIly room With allached garage plus farm oulbulldlngs. FOWLERVILLE. l'jz acres. reflected on the tasteful decor HOWELL. :; year -Oid~Mo garage. VanReken (313)588- three bedrooms. 1'12 baths. 14 x 70. private lot 2 Carol of thiS 1.500 sq ft tudor Great 4700 square foot home on pnvate renovated farmhouse. Pnce bedrooms. 2 baths. air condl- room. large master. 2 baths. 2 WIXOM 1981 Skyline. t4x70. c€\TI all sports lake. features 3 large reduced. $129.900. Oren tlonong. cellrng fans. 10 x 12 Mason fireplaces. heat pump. and bedrooms. 2 12 baths. 3 wal~· Nelson Real Estate. (3131449· porch. Immaculate $26.000. $19.500 (3131887-2757evenings central air On hall acre wood· ' outs. sItuated on '12 acre lot 4466. (313)449·4467. 1.800-462· (517)521·3810 and weekends. ed lot Only $62.500 Call Milt Pnced below reproducllon, . 1?~ 0309. WEBBERVILLE. 12x60 2 today (313)229·8431 The L,v, $119.900. Century 21 Subur· WHITMORE Lake:-fhree bedroom Schultz. $3.900. Ingston Group ban. (3131349·1212. GLOBAL HOMES (517)223-8151 NICE HOME In Village Salem. Newer kItchen. bedroom ranch 10 super con· 0' HOWELL 4 -bedroom5,"'2112 dltlon With nchly flnoshed WEBBERVILLE 12x60. 1970 carpet. enclosed porch. large lot Only $51.900. HOWELL Move on conditIon INC. baths. IIvmg room. dining fower level With hreplace. Broadmore. A" COnditioner. Central air. bath on master Now's the time to sell your INCOME PROPERTY-3 apts .. over 3.000 sq. ft. Ex· room. kItchen. family room private lake priVileges. washer. dryer. relngerator. bedroom. fourlh bedroom or Manufactured home cellent locallon In Soulh Lyon Large lot. ReqUires wllh fireplace. full basemenl. 2 $73,500 Oren Nel:;on Real stove. Has some new office WIth bath on lower level some work but look at the prtce. Bring all oilers car allached garage. 2 barns (1 Estate. (313)449-4466, (313)449- 10%. COMMISSION remodeling. $3.000 (517)521. Small barn and rtdong tractor with 5 box slalls and tack 559.900. 446!-J.~~~~309. _ IF LISTED IN JANUARY 4295 oncluded $71.000 Call Sharon room), on 10 acres With pond. PROFESSIONAL COUNTRY TRI·LEVEL on 2 acres. Approx. 1700 sq Goebel at (517)546·7550 well treed. back 5 acres fenc· 022 Lakefront Houses EVALUATION 027 Acreage. Farms ft.. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. sauna. Ige family room. Preview Properties. (H800) What a beautiful home!! And Just waiting for you ... ed 2 miles north of high ForSale Call D,ane or Carol For Sale hVlng room w/flreplace. Walk-out basement. beauhful Village Oaks Sub boasts this well main- HOWELL You must'seethls" school. $115.000. Shown by ap· (313)669-9030 tained coloma I With new Vinyl Windows. sprinkler Reduced over 56.000. For qUIck sale. Now only 24x34 lwo story liVing room pomtment (517)546-1248, aller BRIGHTON. Lakefront home CHATEAU NOVI 029 Lake Property system. exceptional landscaping. neutral 573.500. 6p 01 lor sale orrent 1.500 sq. fl.. 3 With full wall fireplace" Loft 29522LeGrand For Sale carpeting. and the best 0' care. 576.500 IS so little den or 4th bedroom. Woods bedroom. 1'12 baths. ap- LOVELY RANCH With extra large lot. some large NORTHVILLE:- Ownerleavmg NOVI, MICHIGAN for so much ... pliances Included. ImmedIate trees. 3 Bedrooms. profeSSionally hnlshed base- and stream behInd house stale. Must sell. Prime loca· occupancy. Terms available. ~' ment With bar. 1'12 car garage. Washer and Outstandong buy. $89.900 Call lion Three bedroom tn·level, CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Rental available in February. 5700 per month 'or (3131229-4n5. refrigerator In basement stay 557.900 Bob Johnson. Preview Proper· overlookmg treed '12 acre, . Thursday 3 30· tlus great three bedroom condo With basement Ioes. (517)546-7550 (B204) many quahty 'eatures Asking ENJOY - -;lnte;-and- summer A NEW DELUXE HOME Shopper Busoness D"ectory. and garage. Call today .•• NICE RANCH DUPLEX on 1.75 acres One-Two HOWELL Roomy older home $89.900. Call Belly Greenlee, recreatron at your doorstep. Fnday 3.30 • Monday Green bedroom. One-One bedroom. Carpel thru·out. on a good location near town. Earl Kelm Realty. (3131349· bUilders specral. contem· $11,900 Sheet. Green Sheet Busmess And a new condo IS great If you can purchase for porch. garage. 1200 sq. ft. Asking 549.900 Extra lot New deck. new roof and many 5600. porary home on the lake. 3 15 year finanCing features O"ectoroes. and the shoppers $44.500. And you can do it ... Townhouse model. available. other Improvements $47.900 NORfliViLLE-BYOWNER bedroom. walk'ln closet. large bay Window & garden Monday 3 30 - Wednesday garage, basement and everything you need to tub balh. Comptetely furnosh- With 4 acres. extra acreage Unique. quality, custom·bullt Sludy. I'h balhs. laundry Green Sh~e~. __ . make the move 'rom an apartment to a place of 1ST OFFERING on thIS nice ranch on a large lot 4 ed. delivered. set up. steps. avaIlable Call Janet Keough colomal. Mamtenance free. room. basemen\, Anderson skirting & tIe downs your own ... Bedrooms. 2 baths. 'amlly room. natural fireplace. today at (517)546-7550 (F600) Windows. many extras. Must 030 Northern Property '.' wet bar. 'enced yard. and pallO. Much more Only wooded h,"op lot. good view. HOWELL la-ke -Chemung Near downtown. 1975. Allach· see Minutes to expressways Wonderland For Sale We really do need rentals. 'olks ... If you have a 550.900. SpacIous 2.400 sq. ft col· ed garage. secunty system. Brighton TownshIp. $89.000 MOBILE HOME SALES INC prpperty to rent. call us. we Will do the fob for you. HARTLAND. Lot No 35,n Roii .. onoal. Formallovong and donong large master bedroom. (313)227-1843.(313)227·7493. 45475 MtChlgan A-vc al BelleVIlle Ad Ing HIlls of Hartland CENTURY 21 areas. country kItchen. family hreplace. air. new carpet and HAMBURG. Huron R~ver fron· 397-2330 (Blueberry HIli Road). 2,3 344-1800 HARTFORD SOUTH-WEST room WIth fireplace. Large lot paint. finished basement. tage on Chain 01 Lakes 2 acres. pOSSIble walk·out v 22454 PONTIAC TRAIL Reduced to $97.500 Call Bob many new custom features bedroom home. country kit· HOWELL Chateau. 1978 homeSite onto pl~e foresl,:- 41766 W. 10 Mile RD. Novi, MI 48050 437-4111 Dongler PrevIew Properlres See to appreciate. $110.000 chen. 2'12car garage. $51.800. BaYView. adult sectIOn. southern exposur,e:_ (3131227·2200 (R545) (313)346-7526.(313)565-5368. (313)231-3654or (313)522·5633 $tl.000. Aller 5.30 pm. underground utIlities.; PINCk-N-Ey. smail'home at PINCKNEV:Tandcontractand (517)546-0505 beautiful ,subdIVISIon w,lh \ Pallerson Lake. one bedroom. waterfront together create. a HOWELL double 'wlde With ex· quality homes. near US-23 and all newly remodeled. Askmg must see for thiS 3 bedroom tras Owner transferred Must M·59 $16.900. (517)546·4646 $21.500 With Land Contract home WIth fireplace. $64.900 sell. (517)546-7089 after 5 30 P'!!. _ Terms. $3.500 down. (313;876- Realty World Van's (313)227- 3824. 3455. HIGHLAND. 1984 Patrlol14x60. 031 Vacant Property 2 bedroom. 1 bath. large Iront PINCKNEY. Waterfront 0;; SOUTH LYO~ S~ver Lake For Sale [OMEGA HOMES] kitchen With Island cooking Huron River. VA 30 year fixed New. 3 bedroom ranch. stove. snack liar diVides kit- rate mortgage. New well. in- Brighton Schools. Includes BRIG H TO NTow n sh I-P- • chen from Irvong room on dou· sulatIOn and more. Includes lakefront property. $75.000 Resldenllal bUIlding site. ble Wide cornor lot at end of COZY ... COMFORTABLE ... QUALITY •.. ~e:~ pontoon boat. Owner (3131437·0249or 13131229-4396 natural gas. $5.900 (313)632- wants offer. Call Mary park Movong. must sell 5580 w06-6'tANC)Lake -Three $16.500 or best offer (313)887· Marowsky PreView Proper· FOWLERVILLE reSidential. 5 bedrooms. sandy beach. new 8054. (313)629·6114 lies (313)227.2200 (B205). seawall and landscapong. new· or 10 acres. perked. call even- PINCKNEY Th-reebedrooms. Iy remodeled kitchen. 89 ft on HOWELL'- Chateau Estates ongs (313)~49·l!644 12 x 54, 2 bedroom. fully 2'12 baths. flnoshed walk-out I'!ntry and 2 story foyer entry SUPER CLEAN & NEATI4 Bedroom bl·level home . PLYMOUTH: 4 Bedroom quad level 10 popular 1972. For Sale PRICE: $99.900.00 "Lakepomt .. Nal. fireplace. family room and part 2 Full baths. hardwood floors. Close 10 schools. "Burldlng Fine Homes For Fine FamIlIes" finished base. 575.900 shopping and convenient access 10 expressway. BRIGHTON.- OffIce complex. Great buy! 569.600. GLOBAL 4600 sq It prome locatIon. I' LAKEFRONT: Get ready for summer fun 10 thIS HOMES,INC. long term land contract well kept 2 bed. home live 10 year round or lust Your Listing/Selling Dealer available. (313)227·3188 right for your summer COllage $54.800 Excellent Selection BRIGHTON. 4800 sq It .- love [OMEGA HOMES] ofNew& 'plus acres. overhead doors. NORTHVILLE CONDO Newly hsted 2 bed uOll 10 Pre-Owned Homes hOISt. US·23 x·way frontage. deSirable "HIghland Lakes" FamIly room With In Stock For near 1-96x·way Land contract. • 1250 Old MlIlord Farms Dr •• Milford (313)685-2020 fireplace. hn base Simple Assumpllon 559.900 Estate, ~,...1IlB~al ImmedIate Delivery zero down. lease. terms 10% down (313)227·1092.(313)227·9101. IlLJ. IlIi... Inc convenIent terms available NEWHOMES FOWLERVILLE LIke new of· MIlfOrd-(313)68~666 No payments unhl March loce bUlldmg. Seven ondlvldual en~ Hlghland-(313)887-7500 Many Homes to choose from 10 offices. secretaroal pool Con· l.:J Hartland-(313)632-7600 Highland. Millord. While lake venlent location 10 downtown Ask lor Pal. Uncle Bill Ideal for profeSSional ofloces :!'! 5800 HIghlandRd . $85.000 Call Nancy Bohlen Mlllord(M~1 ~ . PrevIew Properties. (313)227· 887-3701 2200 ",' "'111 ~-' ~ FOWLERVILLE Dance StudIO for sale (5t 7)223-8769 or -::~"".Il~' ...,-...._:'. NOVI MEADOWS (3131437-8197. ~ HOWelL Excellent Invesl· • *- APARTMENT DWEllERS *.;. ..,:,~ ment Operatmg la'l~dromat MILFORD - This custom colOnialIIon one acre· With home behind Located paved road IS perfect for the executive who wants Are you tired of mvestmg 10 one b'ock from new post of· your landlords future? serenity 0' the country. convenience of Mlllord f,ce Good cash flow Call ROll VIllage and qUIck access to 1·96. QUALITY + quail· Monette for details $98.000 ty has been the molto of its BUIlder. Decorator and Are your tIred of makmg Preview Properhes (517)5A~~ landscape artists. Fantastic master bedroom payments wllhout bUilding 7550 (M4031 - equity? sulle. ASSUMABLE FINANCING at 11.75 or LAND UNION Lake area Comm-er·. CONTRACT TERMS. $331. 5124.600. Are you l"ed of paymg hIgher clal parhally developed Will oncome taxes because you bUild 10 SUII MUSI sell 1111- rent? mcdldtclv (3131698·3200 STOP 035 Income Property Investmg on the landlord and ForSale the IRS we here at Global WIXOM. Duplex, 5\ acres t ... Homes have the answer We pl:s offer affordable yet luxuroous 26x30 frame. unfmlshed home. • QCHOLIt:! full basement Excellent loca- LTVI • manufactured housong. 10% down. lIexoble fmanclng up to hon 10 rapidly developong G)_ 30 years Property owners area Reduced to $89.000. 16. 348-3044 year. 12% mortgage, assump· could qualify for zero down hon avaIlable. Call Whllney. 1985 models on display ready Century 21 Broghton. (313)229- for Immediate occupancy Still Want Land Contract Terms? 2913. (313)227·3511. Also a noce selecllOn of pre. 1 15575 Fry. NorthVille Township. Reduced to owned homes Free delivery 037 Real Estate Wanted 542,900. up to 150miles A Bargaon Cash lor eXlsh'!!! 2 45882 7·Mlle. Northville TownShIp. Custom Start mvestmg on your future Land Contracts or Mortgages home. 8/10 acre. today and enloy a full year of Highest Dollars· Lo\\est dls" tax wrote-off count Perry Really. (3131478- 3. 9615 Tower. 3.4 acres. 3 BR. den. 590.000. 10 GLOBAL MOBilE HOMES 7640 ' • year. 10%. (313)349·6978 CASH for your land contract. Open 7days don't sell before checking wIlh us for your best deal. Howell office. (5t7l548·1093. or (3131522·6234 LAND coniiacls purchased' II NORTHVILLE $43,900.00 you're collecllng on a 13119 Dandy starter or retiree home, Only $3.900 down. contract and fleed cash. L.C. Terms. G phone (3131229·6672. '" . NEED vacant land to renl. 300 i NORTHVilLE $87,!iOO.00 DARLING acres or more. desore location : You'lI be proud to own thiS roomy 3 Unit alum. In· Mobile Homes somewl1ere from 30 10 45 : 'S come 10 prestigious downtown histOrical dislrlcl. mIOules of metro DetrOIt. :; on Novi Rd. prefer open land. call Jack III • NORTHVilLE HIGHLAND LAKES. lakelront' 3 (3131420·2475 01( B.R .• baths, nat. hreplace. 563.900.00. 2'h Novi 349·7511 SOUTH LYON. ~ny- reiilly-at. '. cepted as down payment on ' NORTHVillE, gorgeous brick ranch. peace'ul. The best selection sharp 4 bedroom home. many secluded lot. basement. 2 car garage. 574.000.00. of pre-owned homes extras. VanReken (313)588- at reasonable prices ~7oo. WHITMORE LAKE $25,900.00 Best Buy! 2 B.R. year round home. Large lot. Lake with good financing. WE BUY HOMES. You must ask for Nick Natoli at the L,v, priVileges. For listing or IOgston Gr0l!P, (313)227.~6l1.O._ ./ buying information 039 Cemetery Lots 349·8700 Call For Sale NOVI. Oakland HIIIS:- Garden Bruce Roy Realty, Inc. of Lawn. 68 graves. good loea· 349·7511 ",,,,,,.,,,,lion. $100 ..cacho'313,.....,".56.800. . ) ----~------


065 Duplexes For Rent 076 Industrial. 101 Antiques 104 Household Goods 105 Firewood 107 Miscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous FOR RENT Commerlcal For Rent and Coal HOWELL. Spacious two BEO, Queen, 2 leather mens CAMERA Canon AE·l With LANGS beef and beef 1>1· bedroom duplex, $300 per SOUTH LYON. Retail or office THE BACK DOO~E coats, wooden stereo stand, ALL seasoned oak and mixed auto exposure. skyhght lens product dog and cat food, $11.60 per case. H,·Llle dog I month plus secunty, avaIlable space. downtown locahon. DIV. MAR LEE INC. (313)229-6688. hardwood. 537 face cord. and fIlter. Kako flash atlach· 061 biSCUltS,25 lb. box $12.50. Tuf· . February 5. Call after 4 pm. (313)455-1487. 123 North Grand COUCH and chalf, good con' 4x8x18, delivery available ment. Asanuma auto 3X Tel (517)546-0385 dillon, brown plaid, $75 or best (517)546-3146 converter and camera bag 111' fy's high energy dog food, BRI(jHTON. 3 bedroom, FOWlerville, 50 lb. bag $14.90. Cole's new HARTLAND, three bedroom, 078 Buildings & Halls offer. (517)546-4722. AAA Flrewi>od. coal. Super K cluded. $175 (313)227·2160 kItchen, tile bath. No pets. Elevator, east end of Marion For Rent DEEP Freeze refrigerator wllh kerosene, propane I.lIlng COMMERCIAL tailor sewing References reqUired. (313)349· one car allached garage, Collectibles, glllware, small St. in Howell, (517)546-2720. freezer on top, $30. 4 ft. dry Open 7 days Fletcher & machllle for upholstery or • 122, (313)437·1202. country selling, Hartland tools, folk arl, china cabinets. DON'T schools, no pets. $400 per 080 Office Space hall trees. chairs, desks, mar· bar With culling board, 2 RIckard Landscape Supplies. other heavy duty Jobs. $200 or MAKITA miter box saw, less BRIGHTON, 5 miles west. month. (313)632·5292 For Rent ble' stands, etc. Tuesday. drawers. glass holders, S20. (313)437·8009 best offer. (313)227·3201 than a year old, asking $125. Large home, country setllng. WAIT UNTIL (313)878·2192. PINCKNEY. 2 bedroom 1 pm to 9 pm or by chance or (313)685-2081. A·l seasoned hardwoods. CONSIDER ClaSSIfied then $685. (313)229-5328. BRIGHTON. Prime locatiOn. MONDAY! duplex. children welcome, no appointment. ELECTRIC range, double white oak, red oak, maple and conSider It sold. MORTON water softener salt, BRIGHTON. Lakefront home You can place your ad any day pets. $335 month including 955 SQ. ft. atlraclive offIce (517)223-8707 oven, gold, asking $250. cherry. Cut, split and 80 lb. bags. System Saver • for sale or rent. 1,500 SQ. ft .. 3 of the week. Office hours are electflc. (313)878·5238, cenler. ImmedIate Occupan· (517)223.9668after6 pm. delivered. $45 per face cord pellets $595. Super pellens. bedroom, 1'/2 baths, ap· cy. (313)229-8500. $7.75. White crystals. $4.50. 8 30 a.m. to 5'00 p.m. Monday (313)878-6297. ELECTRIC 30" Id (4 x 8 x 16 to 18 Inches) 2 CIRCULATION pllances mcluded, Immediate stove, ,go, face cord minimum. (313)231. Rust Rout, 50 lb. brine bJocl\s, • Fnday Our phone room WHITMORE LAKE. Furnished BRIGHTON. 2.700 square feet self-cleaning. $50. Also gold NORTHVILLE RECORD occupancy. Terms available available, all or part, new con· 5460. Cole's Elevator, east salespeople Will be happy to In·level, pnvate entrance. 011 TEL-12 MALL kitchen and bathroom Sinks. ::277:.,;.;:;8:....:-:-,.- __ :- --, (313)229·4775. temporary office building, ANTIOU E SHOW & SALE 313-349-3627 end of Manon SI. in Howell help you. heat, large bedroom. kitchen. (517)548-1379. ACE slab wood. large 4x4x8 Hacker and Grand River Ideal TELEGRAPH AT 12 MILE (517)546-2720. " HOWELL home for lease. 4 (313)437·4133 dlnelle. liVing room. ullilty ELECTRIC dryer, excellent, bundles (approximately 3 face for the profeSSional. (313)227· THURS. JAN. 17 CLASSIC ocean fish fldvor cal bedroom, near school, fenced (313)348-3022 room. Spacious closets. Near $90 5 7 5 6-3249 cords, $20 per face cord). Sold MILLING machine, vice, bor· 2440. THROUGH SUN. JAN.27 . ( 1 ) 4 by bundles. Delivery available dlllner. 10 Ib bag, $5.75 yard, appliances. satellte TV. (313)669·2121 shOPping. In country. Flfst and 'ng head. cullers, power feed. MALL HOURS $750 plus secunty and clean· (313)227-4436 security. $275 month. Older BRIGHTON. 1,250 to 6,700 sQ. FOUR walnut finIshed dining LIVIngston County Lumber. Kaylee gUinea pig pellets, noldlng clamps and studs, :~ "Haviland Matching Servlce, chairs, $125. (517)546-2476. (517)223.9090. • ng depOSIt. One year lease. (313)685-8705 couple prefered. no pets. feet on Grand River 1/4 mile 5 Ib bag, $1.90. Jolly Rabbit angle plate. $1.650 (313)229· Stiver Matchlllg ServIce. 0011 (517)548-4196. (517)548-2570 (313)231.16.1:.:6::,' _ west of Brighton Mall. fIrst FURNITURE: Sofa. ear· "'A"'LL'-'=s::Oe'::'a.o:so:':n'-e-d-m-,x-e-d-ha-r-d.pellets. 25 lb. bag. $3.95 Wild 6105. Repa,,". flllch food. 10 Ib bag, 57.90. HIGHLAND Area. 3 bedroom, class modern bUlldlllg. Call thtones. $300. Cold velvet wood, one cord $55, two or NEW step bumper, rustproof· basement, fenced yard. paved EXTRA large 2 bedroom apart· 067 Rooms For Rent Century 21 Bnghton Towne chair With matching olloman. more $50, delivered locally. Cole's Elevator. east end of ed, $50. Captains bed, $50. Manon St. In Howell. (517)546· road. refrigerator, stove. black ment. Heat mcluded, QUiet Company. (313)229-2913. THE UPSTAIRS SHOPS, 342 $200. Blue print rocker, $100. (517)546-1736. 1974 pIckup cap, $75. Electnc • 2720 top drIVeway. $425 monthly. sellmg on 2 acres wllh pond. BRIGHTON. Grand RIver, North Malll, Milford. We Invite Pecan tables· 2 lamp, 1 coffee ~:,o.=.:.::...:c:..:.;:':"'----:--,-----, cham fall. $175. Smlth·Corona •\ CLASSIFIED DEADLINES With smoked glass tops, $350 CUT your own wood. oak and Security depoSll required. $360. (313)227·2265 you to come in and browse CENTERLINE pre·englneered typewnter. $50. Sears 15.1 Thursday 3.30· downtown. 3100 square feel, maple. Two mIles west of Alter 4 p.m. (313)685-1668. Professional or CommerCIal through our 5 rooms of coun· set. Pecan hexagon storage Howell, corner of 1.96 and steel bUIldings at discounted upright freezer, $200. 3 .' GREEN OAK Township. Very Shopper BUSiness Dlfectory, Office space. Excellent traffiC try antiques. Selected Items . table, $100. Two smoked glass Burkhart Road Call (517)546. Wtnter prtces. Plan ahead for snowmobiles, $125 each, your .' HOWELL. 6 miles west of prelly one bedroom upper flat. Friday 3 30 - Monday Green exposure. Call Whitney. Cen· are now on sale. Open 12 to 4, lamps, $SO pair. Ward's 19" Sprmg BUY NOW AND SAVEl choice. (313)632·7681. Brighton 3 bedroom home. $250 a month (313)437-6981. Sheet. Green Sheet BUSiness color $200. Dark pine roll 3=1",46~-=c=-=-__ --: _ ' tury 21 Bnghton, (313)229-2913, Tuesday through Saturday. TV. Call 1-800-635-2246, Ext 126 for Fireplace, 2 car garage $575 HOWELL Applications being Dlfectories. and the shoppers. top desk and chair, $350. Allin FIReWOOD· mixed hardwood. RUBBER stamps· Milford. (313)227·3511. (313)684·5432. your best deat per month. Will consIder op- accepted for one and two Monday 3 30 - Wednesday excellent cond\lOn. Also white split and delivered. (517)851. Times. 436 N Main. Milford. lion. (313)229·8007. (517)546- BRIGHTON. 240 sQ. ft. COMPUTER, RadIO Shack (313)685-1507. bedroom apartments, 308 Hol· Green Sheets. vmyl sofa bed, $75. Cherry 7017:-,':-:-:-=::c--.,----,.. 9791. available With prime Grand Model 4. 128K. $950. (517)546- Iy Drive. Monday through Fri· SOUTH Lyon area. Rooms for drop leaf table With pads, $45. FIREPLACE wood, seasoned. RUSTY HARD WATER? WHY • River sldeage. Very 7107 HOWELL Bnghton. 6 miles day. 1 pm to 5 pm (517)546- ladles In refined home, non· 16 CubiC ft. refngerator, works split, delivered. (517)546-8064 SUFFER WITH IT. Call nght reasonable. (33)227·3188. COMPLETE weight bench west. 3 bedroom new home. 9777. smokers. (313)437-1091. $75. (313)231·1461alter 10 a.m. FIREWOOD, seasoned, Ash now, Jack Brauher or Tom' $545 per month. Will consider BRIGHTON. 1,285 SQ. ft. assembly. custom made, less Brauher. We repair all make , HOWELL. Ouall Creek IS now WHITE LAKE. Beaullful clean GM mini washer. apartment and Elm. $45 per cord. option. '(313)229·8007. (517)546· Available Immediately. weights $60. firm. (313)348- softeners. We sell recondi- accepl'ng appllcallons for 1 or room. kitchen priVileges. size. Runs good. $25. Ask for !::(5::,1:::7):;548-.:c:..:36=78::.:.-:--:-_--:c-::7:: 9791. ' (313)229-5550 0702 tioned Softeners and' 2 bedronm apartments. Ap- (313)887·7628. Kevin. 8 am to 5 pm. (313)554- GREEN unspllt firewood. $33 HA F\TL:-A-:-:-:N:::D:-.-=E=-x-e-c-u:-to-ve-3 manufacture new ones. Rent pOintments are available 9 to 5 BRIGHTON. Office space for 6354. After 6'30 pm, (313)624· face cord picked up, 4x8x16 Monday through Fnday. Call 068 Foster Care AntiQue MallO or Buy or we' II fix your old bedroom home'on 10 acres. rent. Prefer profeSSional per· 3429. 538 delivered With ten miles. (517)548-3733. fSOealers DON'T one. Low Payments. New. ". Horse barn and fenCing, $700 son. engllleer, manufacturer GREEN flowered love seat, (313)632-5537. per mQnth, optIOn available. HAMMONS adult foster care rep, phone answermg and Antiques·CoUeetlbles·Furnlture Softeners and Iron F,lters starl home has 1 opening for male Downtown Howell 517·546-5360 like new. $100 or best offer. 716~to~18:-:::ln:::.c:-:h"""'b"""'10-C"""'k-S-.$3=2-:f-ac-e WAIT UNTIL 5289.00. CRYSTAL SOFT Charles Buell, 8205 W. secretarial services. (313)227· New Dealers Welcome! Saginaw LanSing, 48917. HOWELL reSIdent. (517)223·3600. 2097. (313)349-4145. cord. 4x8x16. free delivery on MONDAY! WATER COMPANY (313)666- Open 7 Days GAS stove. works, $15. Room· three cords or more. Call 2210. Servmg Clean Water' 1(517)626-6105 or 1(517)627- ROOM and board, supervised BRIGHTON. Beautiful You can place your ad any day size pieces of carpet. $25 for 0 e m e use E x c a v a tl n 9 . SmceI9~5. 2169. PINE TREE living for adults onty. (313)231· manicured OffIce space up to of the week. Office hours are all. (517)546-5215after 4 pm .( "5,,,17:.!.)=::54.::.6-~2=::7oo:.:,:-'_--,---::-----:-----= SAWS sharpened, shafts and ~OWELL, 2 bedroom far- 1068. 1200 square feet available for UPSTAIRS NOWOPEN 830 a.m. to 5 00 p.m. Monday APARTMENTS GAS logs for fireplace or JANUARY SpeCial. Poplar 3 parts made and repairs. Saw Wmhouse. Newly decorated. Large 1 • 2 bedrooms. from ImmedIate occupancy. Come help us celebrate our • Friday. Our phone room 069 Condominiums, Franklin slove, excellent con- cords, 5100. Free delivery In Shop, 4524 Pmckney Rd., great for small family or 5295, Includes heat, ap- Located on Grand River, 'A newly expanded showroom. salespeople Will be happy to Townhouses dilion, sell or trade for good Bnghton area. (313)229-6857. Howell. (517)546-4636. couples Just starting out. 'A mile from 1-96. Call Phil More space, more merchan- help you. pliances. secunly doors, pool For Rent mile from paved road. Oc· and club house. No pets. We (313)229·2190. dise. Furniture stripping done gun. (313)227·n40. MID-WINTER speCial. $28 (517)548-2570 (313)227-4436 cupanc~, first of February. accept Section 8. BRIGHTON. Two bedrooms, HOWELL. Offices 1400 sQ. ft .• by hand. We sell stnpping GE Hol POint elect roc clothes delivered Within reason. Call (313)689-2121 (517)546-8867. no pets. $425 month plus multi telephone lines in, $575 a supplies. Wednesday through dryer, excellent condition. before 10 or after 5, (517)546- (517)546-7660 (313)685-8705 HAMBURG area, 10 mmutes security. (313)231-3055 after month. 2711 E. Grand River. Saturday 1 to 5 pm. or ap- $100. (313)348-1876.9668 =~'--:-_----, -,-----: (313)348-3022 (517)548-1300. pointment. (517)546·8875. 19 Inch Zenith Color TV. $75. OAK firewood. seasoned and from US-23. 2 bedroom home HOWELL. Byron Terrace 5 pm. (517)546-7784. Lake Chemung (313)426-4209. split, one 555, two for $100. (313)437·4133 With garage and fireplace. $400 Apartments now taking ap- NOVI. 2 bedrooms with allach- MILFORD, downtown. Two of- Oldies, 5255 E. Grand River. per month. first month plus ed private garage, $495 mon- fice suites ,n landmark KENMORE 700 series washer three for $135, truckload nine pllcallons for 2 bedroom apart· DECORATOR custom drapes security. No pets. (313)231- thly, lease and depOSit re- bUilding. 825 and 550 sq.ft. Howell. $175. Electric dryer. $125. Both for $385. (313)437-3451. ments. Call (517)546·3396, with sheers, 2 windows. Must 2442. qUlfed. (313)348-0627 Parking, heat included. for $250. (517)546-9832. OAK. maple, ash and beech. Monday thru Fnday 9 am to see to appreciate. PaId 51500, HIGHLAND, waterfront. 3 (313)685-2203. YE Olde House antiques and 30 in. MagiC Chef gas stove, 4x8x16 splot. $45. Free local 1m· 5 pm. saCrifice $400. (313)227-3964. e:edroom, carpeted. fenced. 070 Mobile Homes MILFORD. Downtown basket supplies, 202 E. Main, full oven. excellent condition, mediate delivery. (313)229· HEATING 011 wanted. Con- $400 and security. (313)887· For Rent Storefront location. Days Bnghton. (313)227·2326. Winter you haul. (313)887·5278. :::54;:5::,7'-.-=-...,--...,-...,--c-- verted to another heat 6616. GRAND PLAZA (517)548-2000. Ask for Nancy hours: Open Monday, HIGHLAND 14x65 Wednesday, Friday, Saturday MOVING sale. Walnut office 100% Red and white oak. cut source? I'll pump your left HOWELL. Lovely four Thomas. desk modern, with chrome and split. $40 per face cord. APARTMENTS Whitehouse, 2 bedr'Joms With 10 a.m. ·4 p.m. Closed Tues· over 011: (313)632·6248. bedroom, m town. Garage and chair, seven months old. 5200. 4 x 8 x 16 to 18, picked up. shed. New carpeting and day. Thursday. Sunday. HIGH chalf, crtb (no mallress), basement. Available 1m· IN HOWELL NORTHVILLE Aluminum 10 fl. John boat, Seasoned. Delivery avaIlable water heatear. $9,600 walker. (517)546-0822 days on- mediately. $550 month. Call with oars, $200. (517)546-0696 "(3:.,:1,,,,318;::7:,:8-,:=,6:,:,10=::6;.:,''--_''''-__ negotiable. Must see. 102 Auctions ly. Margaret Funk, The Llvmgston .lentals from $313, In. (313)887-6037after 6 p.m. Modern ProfeSSional Building, or (517)546-1804. SEASONED and seml- Group. (313)227-4600. cludes heal, water. carpet. Medical, Dental, Business or f seasoned, $30 to $55, pIcked HAMBURG. One bedroom on MOVING, musl sell. So a bed, up. And Kentucky coal. Eldred NORTHVILLE. 3 to 4 bedroom, drapes. range three acres. 5200. monthly executives space for lease. BRAUN. HELMER $175. Mahogany table, SIX 2 bath, unfurnished. No pets. refrigeralor. garbage plus utilities. Evenings Minutes from 1-275. Call leaves. 5275. Recliner chair, and Sons. (313)229-6857. IT-TV (313)349-3980. AUCTION 8EIMCE $690 per month. (313)349·4877. dIsposal. Clubhouse. and (313)231-15i"8. Farm, Houaehold. An6- $35. Stereo console WIth Am· SEASONED hardwood. face 'I> Off IIIstallallon, movies 24 pool No pets. Opened 9 hours, adult late night mOVies, PINCKNEY. Cosy two HOWELL, 2 bedroom mobile que, R.al Eatate, Fm radio, $55. End table, $15. cord (4x8x16), white and red a.m to 5 p m Closed PASS Sports available. bedroom house overlooking home near shopping center SOUTH LYON storefronl. MJ8,ceIlaneOUa. 19 inch color TV, 550. Oueen oak. (31",3),=229-==-,6:;:9:.::3",5.,------:-:-:---:- Portage Lake. Furnished. $325 Tuesday. Downtown, parking. (313)349- UoydR.1nun size bed, $85. Two pine SEASONED Oak and Maple. (313)229-7807 (51n54&-7773 and restaurants, 1 months rent ~onthly plus utilities. After plus security deposil reo 3730 days. dressers, $50 each. Two oak $40. face cord, 4x8x18. You .~ p.m. (313)426-4322. HOWELL Elllclency apart· qulred. Fairlane Estates, SOUTH LYON. OffIces Jettrt L. HeImer...•....- desk chairs, $45 each. Call Jan pick up. (313)878-6469 or 54111chJohn Deere snowplow. after 5 pm, (313)227-5591. (517)548-2368. PINCKNEY, 4 bedroom, family ment In Christian home, (517)546·1450, call after available in Industnal Park Fits 4·way hydrauhc 16, 18 and room. garage, Bass Lake utilities included. 5250 per 12 noon. With warehouse available 111 ROUND table, four chairs, 74X"':8i-'x~16~tO=I;::8'""=S-ea-s-o-n-ed-;-0-a7""k,20 horsepower John Deere priVileges, $500 per month month with $100 deposU. near future. Secretarial ser· JERRY DUNCAN'S $100. Sofa bed, $100. Both m stored Inside. easy to get to. tractor. $350 or best offer. plus $500 security depOSit, References. (517)546-4686 072 Mobile Home Sites vice available. (313)437-8181. good condition. (517)546-5969. (517)223-8291. (313)629-1510aller7 pm. (313)437·1408 or (313)348-5068, For Rent Auctioneering SATELLITE Systems· Highest S'=E"'A"'S"'O:...N==E"'D,;-:-h:-a-r"""'dw-oo-d.,-,-C----:ut HOWELL. 1 bedroom apart· 082 Vacation Rentals KARATE, Kung-Fu. NinJa, alter 5 p.m. ' quality, complete custom :md split. $42.50 per face cord variety martial art supphes men\, 2 blocks from FOWLERVILLE. ChOIce lot Service SOUTH Lyon. House for rent downtown. $375 per month m- available. Cedar River Park. FORT Myers Beach, Florida. 2 Farm. Estate. Household, systems. includmg projection 4 x 8 x 16, delivered. 535 (uniforms and weapons). In the country. Available cludlng utilities. First month (517)223-8500. bedrooms, 2 baths, condo .• Antique, Mlcellaneous. tv, for the discrimlnatmg picked up. 2 minImum on PRIVATE LESSONS AT YOUR February 1st. Three plus security. No pets. adults, after Apnl 14, (313)229- buyer. Contact JIm Atherton at delivery. (517)548-2640. HOME or mille. PersIstently, bedrooms, two baths, three (313)231-2442. 5494. 437-9175 or 437-9104 Michigan Satellite Systems. SEASONED firewood 2 face (313)231·1184. car garage, very secluded. COACHMAHSCOVE Helen Dodd IS thiS weeks Red '(313)761-9011 or (517)543-6211: • cor d' 4 x 8 x 16 't 0 18 KNAPP shOe dlstrlbutcr, 5600 per month. (313)349-6046. A beautiful mobile home communi- Wlllg ticket winner! SINGER zlg·zag machine. delivered, cut and split. 590 leonard Eisele. 2473 Wallace CARA E.LAVIGNE a,sOUTH LYON, 4 bedroom, 2 MILFORD area. Two bedroom ty right on BIg Portage lAke. C0n- Cabinet model. Automallc dial within a 10 mile radiUS of Pin' Road, Webberville. (517)521· MARCO Island, Flonda condo. AUCTIONEER W'oath, basement and garage, apartment, $325 per month, crete streets & natural gas. regular model. Makes blind hems, ckney. (517)546-9247. 333.2. Two bedrooms, two baths, 6345 Dean Road VanReken, (313)588-4702. large yard. Call Homemaster & double wldes. 3 miles N. of 1-&4, designs, bullonholes. etc. SEASONED firewood, split KEROSENE heater. new. Ideal 15 minutes of Arbor. pool and gull. (313)420-2738. Howell, Mi. 48843 SOUTH LYON. 3 bedroom. No Realty. (313)685-1588. W. Ann $125 Repossessed. Payoff $53 and delivered, $50 face cord, for Ice flshmg. no vent SARASOTA. Fifth wheel (517)548-1274 permonlh. cash or monthly payments. 4x8x16. (313)669-9551. pets. $390 month. Security NEW Hudson. Scenic wooded camper, $450 a month in- (517)54£·1278 (313)632-8007. WANTED' Guaranteed. Universal Sewing SEASONED White Oak, split. depOSIt. (313)437·0600 before selling, spacIous two 517-686-2936 cludlllg utlh\les. March 12 -. 6 p.m. bedroom, carpet, appliances, Center. (313)334-0905. 535. per face cord 4x8x16" WALNUT TIMBER HOWELL. Choice lots (313)629-3810. deck. $385 monthly. (313)348- 103 Garage& SEARS gold uprlgh: freezer, pIcked up (517)223-9238 WALLED LAKE. Beaullful 3 available. Oak Crest Mobile & WHITEOAK' bedroom home on dead end 8896. 084 Land For Rent Rummage Sales 13.3 cu.ft., good shape. 5150 SEASONDED oak and maple. VIllage. (517)546-3075. Call street, carpeted,' fenced m NOVI. 2 bedroom IIat in far- (5m548-3229. $50 for one, $45 for two or (616)642-6023 backyard, 1'07 car garage. $450 mhouse, $350 Including heat. TWO contemporary Henredon more, delivered. 543. pIcked ,...------., 074 Living Quarters 088 Storage Space ALL GARAGE & l-!UMMAGE orwnte per month. Occupancy In Flfst and last months rent. loves eats, excellent, celery. up. Seasoned softwood. $30 To Share For Rent SALE ADS PLACED IN Frank Risner March. (313)348-6364. (313)553-2540, 6p.m. 8p.m. $500. (313)348-5236. delivered, $25 picked up THIS COLUMN MUST 6435Jackson Road BRIGHTON. Female 21, wants ONE bedroom. handicapped 089 Wanted To Rent Green hardwood blocks, $30 RUBY Saranac. M148881 START WITH THE CITY same to share 2 bedroom barrier free unit. Must be 100% WHERE THE SALE IS TO WATER BEDS AND delivered. .$25 picked up. OFFICE SUPPLY WHAT IS THE apartment. ImmedIate oc- OUIET family of four need to Deflvered locally. (517)546- handicapped or over age 62 to BE HELD. THE AD MUST SUCH BY SHAD WHITE auto malic zlg·zag sew- , : Qualify. Call Woodland Apart· cupancy. Jill (313)229·7278. rent 3 to 4 bedroom house. 1371. • BARGAIN BE PRE·PAIDATONE Complete frame, headboard, Ing machme, deluxe fealureS',. : • : MILFORD. Roommate to share Pinckney, Brighton, Dexter ments. (313)685-1155. Equal OF OUR OFFICES OR ma\lress, heater, liner, fill kIt, WELL seasoned mixed hard· Office Supply maple cabmet. Early American HOUSing OpportuOlly. 2 bedroom mobile home. 5200 area preferred. Excellent BARREL? PLACED ON A MASTER choice of stain and 6 drawer woods. $32. per 4x8x18 block design. Take over montllly, a month mcluding utlillies, refertlnces. (313)878-5768. Sale If you have an Item you Wish to SOUTH LYON. 1 bedroom, CHARGE OR VISA CARD. pedlstal, 5300. Everything the wood, picked up. (517)223· payments or $49 cash balance .. '. prefer female. (313)685-8825 sell for $25. or less or a group ground IIoor, private entrance, RESPONSIBLE family of 5 With same WIth regular pedlstal, 8289. Super Savings 5 year guarantee. Umversal- ';~ before 5:30 of Items sellmg for no more $300 plus heat. (313)553-4659, pets needs 3 to 4 bedroom $190. Many others from $150. Sewmg Center, (313)334-0905•• '·:;.;, 106 Musical Instruments up to 60% than $25. you can now place an (313)437-6397. PINCKNEY, on Rush Lake. home with garage in No particle board used. 14 ...... ad m the claSSIfied sectIon for One or two roommates, fmlsh· South Lyon. Lease With op- WEBBERVILLE apartment. 2 FREE year warranty on all mat- GUITAR lessons. begmners Northville '07 price! Ask our ad·taker to ed basement With shower and lion to buy. Reasonable rent, bedroom. carpeted, drapes. tresses, custom orders and advanced. 55.00 per hour" WHAT IS THE place a Bargain Barrel ad for living room. $250 month. please. Excellent local GARAGE SALE Plaza Mall ::;1;' appliances. alf conditIOning, welcome. Wayne (31)227-1833 you, (10 words or less) and UtIhileS IIIcluded. (313)878-2543 (next to See of State Oll,cel garage. No pets. (517)521-3323, references. (313)437·8372. 313-349-6535 BARGAIN :~~~: she Will bill you only $2.25. after7 p.m. KITS! GRINNELL plano, spmet. West 7 Mile Road (313)553-3471. WANTED house to rent. ASK ABOUT YOURS WHEN good condillon. $350. (313)229- (This speCIal is offered to PINCKNEY area. liVing Howell area by March 1. NorthVille BARREL? :~";~: WHITMORE LAKE. Private YOU PLACE YOUR 8833. If you have an Item you wish to ::' alIomeowners only-sorry. no quarters to share. Male or Established working woman furnished apartment. Care for GARAGE SALE AD IN 348·7170 sell for $25. or less or a group" .: .~ommercial accounts). female, furnished room, 1m· HAMMOND organ. model L ...J lawn. (313)449-4158. With child. (517)548-3126 after THE GREEN SHEET WHATISTHE of Items selling for no more .,. mediate occupancy. $135 mono 6 p.m. 9812. Leslie speakers, Note-a· (You must pick up your kit at cord, One Imger chords, than $25. you can now place a~.· '. 065 Duplexes For Rent thly. One·thlrd utilities. WANT to rent • one or two BARGAIN 062 Lakefront Houses your local newspaper offlce Autochord and special ef· ad in the claSSIfied section for" ~"" (313)878-5816. bedroom apartment between during normal business For Rent BRIGHTON. O'le bedroom, BARREL? fects. 51,000 or best offer. 'h price! Ask our ad·laker 10 : ~~ WOULD like a woman to share $1()().$25Oper month, as soon hours.) appliances. carpeted. 5215 ff you have an Item you wish to (313)685-7012. place a Bargain Barrel ad fok'~ BRIGfolTON. Waterfront, Island a duplex in city of Pinckney. as possible in town of Howell. vou, (10 words or less) and'" plus s~curity. Before noon, sell lor $25. or less or a group KESSLER'S Music Store, fme Lake. Gorgeous remodeled 2 $150 month plus half utllilles. 1 Call (517)546-3077. Ask for she Will bill you only $2.25•• .;;; (517)546-1553. of Items selling for no more Country and Blue Grass in· bedroom with loft area, finish· child OK. (313)876-2192. Judie or Jim. 104 Household Goods (ThiS speclal':s offered to ~. , Ihan $25. you can now place an struments. 9641 Mam, Whit· ed wa1k-out, 1 year lease. BRIGHTON, 2 bedroom, un- homeowners only-sorry, no :~ furnished, no pets. $355 mono 076 Industrial, ATTENTION. buying used fur· ad in the claSSified section for more Lake. (313)449-2153. references and security nlture, sporllng goods, tools, '07 pncel Ask our ad·taker to commerCIal accounts) , ~;, thly. 5325 secunty, includes Commerical For Rent LOWREY Debut organ with deposit, $500 month. Real and miscellaneous household place a Bargain Barrel ad for Estate One, (313)227·5005 ask heat. (313)227·3642. HOUSEHOLD rhythm track, excellent cond" . -: N- you, (10 words or less) and r :. ANN ARBOR/Bnghton Cor· ilems. (313)43,,,,7...;-54,,,,,,69;.;.'_ for Hilda Wlscher. HOWELL. 2 bedroom duplex tlon. S8OO. (313)685-2742. ... rldor. 2,000 to 6.300 SQ. ft. In· AVOCADO Tappan gas range, she WIll bill you only $2.25. With stove, refngerator, fully dustrtal bUilding With beautiful '- J (This special is offered to MAGNUM Pro electnc gUitar, Stop and Save :.~:. 064 Apartments carpeted, drapes and laundry, works excellenl, 535. (313)231· Z=-=E7':N7: ::- =-v-I"""'de-o-dl-sc-p-la-y-er-e"":x:~::' offices. 4 years old, very clean homeowners only-sorry, no PAF pickups, with case. $300 IT H For Rent facilities on large lot close to 3153 ask for Shar. In Store Specials .1_-:--- _ and energy effiCIent. 9 Mile at 101 Antiques commercial accounts) or best. (313)229-5139. cellent condition, Asking $100: • ; .. expressway. $330 month rent ANTIOUE white dinning set, 23 X·way. $600 a monlh and up. PIANO, Grmnell Brothers. thru Feb. 2, 1985 (313)348-1579. ' i: Includes garbage piCk up, pecan top with server, $325. WATER BED. king size, com· (313)437-6981. plete. three years old. $125. spmet, good condition. $700. I BRIGHTON lawn maintenance and snow CLASSIFIED DEADLINES (313)348-4153. 108 Miscellaneous • =:' BRIGHTON. 1.200 square feet. (313)231.1084. (517)546-3670. LEXINGTON MANOR removal. $330 depOSIt. 1m· Frtday 3:30· AMERICAN of MartinSVille 5640 M-59 Wanted ' :. 9935 East Grand River. Slore 9 Piece drum sel. good condi· 1 BEDROOM FROM $275 mediate occupancy. (517)546- Monday Green Sheel, all walnut trestle table, 40x57. 4 WHIRLPOOL avacado gas eas' 01 Howell Wed 'Sa' 10-5 front or office. (313)227·5100. tlon. $350 (313)227·7240. 2 BEDROOM FROM $345 7688, after 5p.m. (517)548-1923. Business Directories, and the caned back chairs, servmg/- dryer. dryes great, $75. 546-5995 A Bargam. Cash lor existing' • Includes heat, pool and HOWELL, upper duplex now HOWELL, 4,000 sQ. ft., all or shoppers. Monday 3:30 - storage cart, askmg $600. (313)348-9854. SPECIAL Sale. Plano-Organs, Touch of Country Land Contracts or Mortgages. carpeting. Senior discounts available. Lovely carpeted Iiv· part, 5 miles north of Howell, Wednesday Green Sheets. (313)348-1579. WALNUT triple dresser, two new and used. Best deal this . Highest Dollars· Lowest dls, • 229-7881 109 room, bedroom. Modern paved road, terms negotiable, DAVISBURG ANTIOUES mirrors, door chest, head· area. New from $960 and used count. Perry Realty. (313)478- from $100. We also buy your ... 7640. cabmets In kitChen/dining available Immediately. Call MARKET. JANUARY 27. Spr· board. (313)231·3655 after area. Refrigerator, stove. mornings before 11 am. ingfleld • Oaks Center. Take 5 pm. old pianos, Sohmer, Tokal, BOOKS WANTED. We buy col. THEOLENS Sided rive. rear parking. (517)548-2537. US-23 to M·59 to Ormond Road Gable, Kawai. Dealers· 209 S. lections of hard covered'. LIVe10 IoYeIy wOOdedarel nllr WHIRLPOOL side· by-side garden space. References, HOWELL. 1400 sQ. ft. on Grand north to Davisburg Road east Main Street, Ann Arbor. books. Call TueSday thru.' Gowniown BrlQhlon EISY IC· WHOLESALE DlRECiTOYOU refrigerator, Kenmore 30 inch (313)663-3109. .!illIT.L Saturday,1-(313)546-5048. . , cess 1096 and 23 EI"cler.cy. 1 security depOSIt. $275 mono River, $575 per monlh. 2717 E. to AndersonVille Road south Furniture Wholeaale eleclric range. Gold, SPINET console plano. • & 2 bedroom un"s wtlh Ihty. (517)546-9800. Grand River. (517)548-1300. '07 mile. fiours: 10 am to 5 pm. Dlslrlbutors of Michigan aell· reasonable. (313)349-2530. HAMBUR:;'G:':,:":2:=7 "'e"':'dr-00-m-w""U:-h Admission $1.50. Parking free. Responsible party to take over sp.clous rooms. prlv.le b HOWELL. Light Industrial and Ing all new merchandise In WORLDPOOL heavy duty balconies. fUlly c.lrpeled .p- plano. See locally. Wrtte to: electnc Included, flfSt, lasl Warehousing space WIll be HISTORIC MONROE ANTIOUE original C4rtons. 2 piece mat- estate series washer, 5 years pllances. pool Mr. Beck, P.O. Box 1146, Yp- plus secunty, $335 (313)231· available June 1, 1985 in Grand SHOW. Saturday, January 26, tress aets. twin $59, lull old. harvest gold, $100. StartlnO At S335 Per Montll $79. silanti. Mi 48197 or call 9296. Oaks Industrial Park. Will built 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday. queen $99. sol_leapers $119, 22t-m7 (313)878-9811. (313)485-4316. to,suit. (313)229·5480. January 27, 10 a.m. tll 5 p.m. bunk beds complete $88, 7 NOVI. For retaIl or six offices Monroe County Fairgrounds. piece living rooms $239. 105 Firewood 107 Miscellaneous on Grand River. Prime loca· M·50 between US·23 and US- decorator lampS Irom $14.88, 5 and Coal 24. Free admission, parking. tlon. (313)348-1942. piece wood dlnellea $158. S800 ANTHRACITE. coke, AMWAY Connection. Buy your pits now $375. bituminous coal. All available Amway products, free slain Now open to public, skip the by bag or bulk. We deliver, removal chari for new middleman. Dealers and In- (313)474-4922. customers. Call Audrey, stllutlonal salea welcome. (313)227·5884. Relax, PONTRAIL Name brands Serta, etc. ABSOLUTELY Seasoned 1·2 years Apple, Ash, Beech, ALL January Speciall Wed, You're home 11451 Buffalo, Hamtramelc, 1 ding InVitations 30% oil: Ins· .. ,11 block N. 01 Holbrook, 1 block Oak, Birch, Maple, etc. or the APARTMENTS "DELUXE MIX." Delivered. tant Printing, up to 1,000 E. 01Conant. Free kindling. Michigan'S copies, half off: Deluxe In South Lyon on Pontiac Trail 875-71ll11 Mon. thN Sat 10 tll7 Christmas CardS, half off. ~ 18708 Telegraph. 2 bIockI8. of finest since 1970. Also semi ~l'"Norlhvllk loads of 100" oak poles. Hank Haviland Printing & Graphics, between 10& 11 Mtte Rds. I Mlle. Howell, (517)546-7030. 532-4OllO. Mon. thN Sat. 1001, Johnson. Phone persistently, srACIOUS: I DORM - S31>Sq. FI 7 days. (313)349-3018. ARIN snowblower, used 5 , 2 8I>RM.- tOt~ or '071> Sq II CABLE TV AVAILABLE SUn.1M hours, 2 stage, 3'h 144l1O Gratiot. 2 blocks N of 7 ARROW Tree and Firewood. , BIlRM - USI> Sq n horsepower. (517)548-2016. Rent from $300 per month Mlle. ~-3500. Mon. thN Sat.. Seasoned hardwood mix, $55 BABY announcements, o Abundanl Storage .lOd Closel Spae<' 1N per face. Aromatic holiday HEAT INCLUDED mix, $65 per face. Free golden and SIlver annlver· o Private f.nlrance 10lI08 Grand River. comer 01 Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom units available with delivery this week. (313)437· sarles, engagement an· o C1l1bhou,e Jnd I ire~ide lOlll1ge oakman, ll34-IIOO. Mon. thN central air, carpeting, all electric kitchen. 81t1007 04335. nouncoments. and much o Beat Included clubhouse and pool. 4lI7SDIxie Hwy. IS mllel W. 01 ALL Oak, all seasoned more. The Milford Times. 436 r I ',Mlh,\"'''''': I ~,"\~Ul:'lI,,·R,..,.1 Tetearaph), WaterfOrd Twp" firewood. Free delivery to N. Main, Milford, (313)685-1507. PontJac. 174-4121. Mon. thN Oakland and Livingston Coun- BARN boards, 12 Inch, various (ll"'" "t.u" ., I In ~ I' IH 349-8410 437-3303 81t.1N; Sun, ties. (11-$55. (2) or more $50. lengths. $1.25 per ft. or offer or HobboW •• ..,. ••• , 1M '-'••' ....un 11", I' III i each. (517)826-6109. lot. (313)685-1759.

I - " 6·B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday. Januarv 23.1985 •• ~------_._------108 Miscellaneous 109 Lawn & Garden 110 Sporting Goods 110 Sporting Goods 111 Farm'producls 112 Farm Equipment 152 Horses& 165 Help Wanted Wanted Care and Equipment PETS Equipment GUNS· buy. sell. Irade. All GOOl>, clean quality hay. APPLICATIONS belOg ac- LOOKING lor Oak. Cherry. WEIGHT lilting press benCh YANMAH diesel tractor [ Nl:W and' used taCk Solie.4·H cepted tor Nurse Aides. Ex. HOMElIll: saw repall. Sachs· klOds. new and used Com- SpeCIal rates lor large quan· Pine. Wainul. Wicker fur. WIth accessones. excellent speCial 22hp. 3 cylonder sponsored. February 2. 10 am peroence helpful or WIll Iraon Dolmar saw repall. Howlell plele reloadIng headquarters condlllon S60 or best offer. Iolies and " you pIck up Call doesel. love hydraulics. love ~l nllure Plus crocks dollS. to 3 pm. Hartland HIgh Call (313)685·1400or apply Bros. Gregory (313)498.2715 Guns Galore. Fenlon. (313/629· Sharon, (517)223·3388 10YS qUIlls. glassware and (313)349·1J18. P.T.O" power shIft Save 151 Household Pets School, table $5 (3t3)878·6638 Wesl Hickory Haven. 3310 INTERNAT10NAL Harvester 5325 HAY and slraw delivered. cali 51,637, one only al 55.695. or (3t3)878-3449 /ellow ware (313)229-4574 111 Farm Products West Commerce Road. cub cadet. model 125 12 hp. SCIO Valley Farm. (313).475- 12.9% flnanClOg. 20 10 stock AKC PremIumPuppIes. Cham- OUARTERhorse. very genlle. Milford. Weekdays. 8 30 am 10 SCRAP copper. brass. from 14hp 10 33hp • 2 and 4 radlalors balleroes lead. lion. hydrostatIc dflve. 38 In GUN SHOW·JAN 26.27 ALL Iypes of hay • slraw 8585. pion Lhasa Apso. ChdlOplon t5 hands. 5500 Includes 100 330 pm mower. snowblower and YPSILANTIARMORY delivered, 300 bale mlnomum HAY. IorSI~second-;-ihordcUl- wheel dnve Hodges Farm Peklngesc. Shih Tzu. balesot hay. (313)437.3311. ,~ lun, cars Used auto parts EqUIpment./3131629·6481,Fen- sOld cheap Free appliance trailer. excellent condItion. 1·94eXIt 183-9to 5pm (313)798-3373. ling All grades • all pllces Yorkshfle. Mlnlalure FREEPARKING ton. Smce 1946 REGISTERED thoroughbred ACCOUNTING CLERK dumping Regal's (517)546· 51.100 (517)546·1248 aller FowlervIlle (517)223-8147. Schnauzer. Slud servIce Iype mare, dressage tralOed. 6p m , ALFALFA/Tlmolhy Hay-'Forst (517)546-5784 Expellenced person Wllh 3820 and second cuI No raon HAY for sale ForslaOdsecond 113 Electronics 153. 6 years. 52500 (313)227. 10hp Sears Iraclor. mower ITHACA-mag- 10deluxe-grade AD-BAAmencan P,I Bull Ter. ASSOCIatesDegree onACCOUll· WANTED Washer. k,tchen (313)231.2207. clilllng. No ralO. Big bales t833 \tng or eqUIvalent wanled for deck. snowblade. chaIns. and 10 guage seml·automatlc Candelover (313)685-2982. ATARI 400-with 48K memory, fler pups, outstanding ChairS full size bed. dresser APPLES-and Cider alSPlcer lull·llme pOSlllon wllh the (517)5'.6-0822days rear we,ght $600or best offer shotgun. Itke new. 5550.W,n· lape player. accessolles. bloOdlines. ready January 25 chester 1300 XTR pump 12 Orchards SpeCial thIS week. HAY. large bales~ exc-ellent (313)994.1016. midwest's largesl computer (517)546·3628aller 5p m qualoly. Will deliver (313)887- $300.(313)437.5378 SAWDUST WANTEDoffIce desk and f,le guage shotgun. wlnchoke Ida Red, 5395'I: bushel Open dlstrulbutor. The Ideal can· cablOel C111(313/229·2748 SNOW IhrOwer. Ford. 7 HP • 8409 C.B. equipment-Cobra 2000, AKC reglslered -Cocker DELIVERY dldate .vIII possess. along with system wllh 4 chokes. lIke dally and Sunday. 9 am to (313)697-0934 Iwo stage 5225(3131231·3969 530 pm. US·23North to Clyde HAY ForSI CUllIng - (313)348. Palamar 300-A. Moonrakers. Spaniel PUPPICS.buff colored. bookkeeping skills. IYPlng new. 5240 (313)229-4958.after CDERotor. (313)498·2052 healty (517)851-8999. t09 Lawn & Garden 1975 Sears lawn tractu,. 12 5p.m RoadEXIt 0779 skills and past exposure 10 Care and Equipment HP. mower. chains. snow SEARS diSC player~ $130 ALL Breed-Dog confomiilllon compulellzed account'ng K2 StInger -skIS and poles. BAG balm antlsepllc. 4'1:~Ib OATS and S'lraw. Shell corn. btade. 5750 Snow blower. 7 pall. 517.90 Cole's Elevator Earcorn (3t3)878-5574 (~ 7)~46-8766. Classes. Wednesday. January SAWDUST systems Submll work and AAA peaf. 10psoII bark. sand. Soloman 444 bindings. Nor· 30 1985. MIller Elemenlarv HP. elecltlc start Kohler East end of Manon SI. 10 LIVINGSTONCTYLUMBER salary history to our corporale gravel Decorahve stone 1m· engme. chams. 5250 Both dlca boots sIze 8. 575 for POTATOESIred orwhltel,-clll: 114 BUilding Materials School. Bnghlon. Michigan. DELIVERYAVAILABLE Ofllcssat. package. also exIra boots Uowell (517)546·2720 med,ate delivery. Open 7 need mlOor repair (517)548- rOls. OOions.and cabbage. 11 7 15-815 pm beglnnong con. FROM56 50A YARD LOWRYCOMPUTER days Flelcher & RickardLand· (Garmonl sIze 9. 530)(313)227- BEEF SIdes,- gOOd: 51.25 a miles norlh of FowlervIlle on 3819 7750 • lormaloon. 815·9 15 pm ad· (517)223-9090 PRODUCTS ScapeSupplies (313)437-8009 pound. chOice. 5135 pound. Fowle'rville Road, 3 mIles east CLASSIFIEDDEADLINES vanced conformation. 8 week 7100WhItmore Lake Rd SEARS GT 16 hp traclor. 42 PIgs 5105 pound. Cut. wrap- 10 5885 Braden Road. Mahar Fnday 3 30 1978 Aroens 10 HP 32 Inch Inch mower. 36 Inch classes. Forsldog $35.second Broghlon.MI. 48116 srow blower. five speed. ped. and froze. R,chardson Polalo Farm (517)634.5349. Monday Green Sheet. all dog 520 4·H members. 520tor WANTED Tack. good condl' (313)229·7200 snowblower. 48 Inch blade. MealS.LlOden.(313)735-7268. BuslOessDlrectoroes.and the 1lon.(517)223-9366 chams Less than 10 hours 51.600WARDSvarodrove16hp PEABODY OrChard;s Fa~m Ihe fUll sessIon. All dogs musl use. paint stili on muffler 5800 MINNOWS CAROL'S'- Pluck~n-g Parlor. Markel Fall fresh qualoty ap- shoppers. Monday 3 30 haveproot of shols and recent tractor. hydraulic "". 42 lOch Small to exIra large and Ice Wed~esdayGreen Sheets. 153 Farm Animals BOAT lIgger - mechanoc Ex· or trade for snowmobile mower. 36 lOch snowblower. your chickens and turkeys ples from our controlled at· worm check for Ihe flrsl night pellenced. references reo (517)548-3819 48 lOch blade. 51.400 WARDS foshlng equlpmenl Eldred's butchered For appomlmenl. mosphere slorages Open FII- 115 Trade Or Sell 01 class. For furlher onforma- LARGE white feeder pigs qUlled Wonderland Marone ARIENS5 hp snowblower. 24 snow blower. 8 hp . 2 slage. BaIt Shop (313)229·6857 (313)878-5606. day. Salurday. Sunday. lD- lIon. Laune Paulson (313)685- (517)223-8291. Wesl. Howell (517)548-5122 lOch cut. 2 stage. eleclroc electroc slarl. 5450 JACOB- DRIED shelled corn. 5575 5 pm Call to shIp apples TRADE my Pt.' St- LUCIe. 0516or Bnghton Adult Educa· NATURAL colored sheep. direct (313)629·6416 12326 Flollda home With 8%% toon.Penny(313)229-5000 BOOKKEEPER for ~onstruc· start. like new. Callafter 6 pm SON snowblower. 5 hp . self whole. S6 cracked Brongbags young bred ewes and ewe lion Company. one person of· (517)5469284 _ propelled. 5200 SEARS (517)546-4498 Foley Road. 4 mIles Soulh of assumable mortgage for your BAS E NJ I.S • Ihc -r are lambs. 575 10 5100. (313)750- SKIIS '<:2 150cm.550 Alomlc Fenton. flce POBox 241. Milford • CubCadets sales and servIce. snowblower. 3 5 hp . self pro- l8Ocm. 565. wllh bIndings FIRST and second - C'Ulllng BlIghlon area home. boal. "barkless" breed. odorless. 0102. 48042-0241 motorhome, or ? (313)229-2301 plrts Suburban Lawn EqUIP' pelle'!. 5150.(313)878-6547 (313)227·1613 qualtty hay. (313)878-3550. STRAW. 5'- per bale large non·shedong clean pups. 20 RABBITS for sale (313)231· ment 5955 Whitmore Lake bales. can delover (517)468- ~rJ3.!3)227·'277~ _ pounds when fUll grown. 110 Sporting Goods WEIGHT lIfting bench- and FIRST-culllllg' hay for sale 3420 BRIGHTONTACOBELL Road Broghton(~13)227-9350 (51.?l548-3243 3437. shols. free cage and ac- welghls 550.(313)437-09~7 116 Christmas Trees cessoroesWItheach pup 5250 STEWINGch-;Ckens~50 cenls Now acceplong appllcaltons SfRAW~ Goodslzed -bright each. minimum of len Openong and closong shifts ba~s. (517)546'l!!~ _ up Have both parents. all 117 Office Supplies champIon hnes Also have (517)223·7356. Appty 10 person 112 Farm Equipment and Equipment housebrol<;enadults for sale. 154 Pet Supplies Karen. (313)229-7353. BLADES 3pl. -5-:&:7ii, from COMPUTER. RadIO -Shack BABY·SIITER wanted parI· 10Biack Lab Golden Relllever 155 Animal Services $150.3pt snowblOwer. 4. 5. 6. Model 4. 128K,5950.(517)546- puppies 520.(313)887-3028. lime mornongs Call (313)632- 7ft. Iraclor tore chams 3pl 7107. 6592. BrCHON- Fr;se-pU-ps. AKC. ALL breed boardlOg and P.T O. buzz saws from 5595 FILECabrnel~~f20:DE;sks~515. BABY-SlITER In my house for Win 2 3pt hydrauloclog splollers from ChampIon pedigree. Also groomIng at very affordable Chaors.55.And more. (313)698- Yorkles. and ShIh Tzu's rates by profeSSionals With Iwo 2 yE'dr olds Teachers 5349. HOdges Farm EqUIp- 3200. schedule. Call (313)43?-3608 • ment. (3131629-6481. (517)546-1459. over 25 years expellence ed Wing MUSTsell. "2 meiaT desks. 1 COCK:a:;;Oo:e;ghl monlhs:-all Tamara Kennels. (313)229· BABY·SIITER needed In my FORD641WIt" pOwer-sieermg Iypewroter desk. several 4339 home. Monday and and front hydrauloc blade. shots. neutered (313)348·1478 secrelary chaors.SIdechaors.1 after 5'30 pm. Thursdays. 8 am to 6 pm $3.250. M.F 2135 Industnal olloce couch and matchIng (313)227·2397 GOLDEN-Reliie-;;erpUPP;Eis.6 PUPPIEPAD Tickets! loader. 3pt. P T.O. John Deere chaor. 1 eleclllc Iome clock BEAUTICIANS(Sellous mond- weeks. $100. (517)546-7066 ProfeSSIonal ali breed dog 420, love hydraulics, 3pt.. (new), 1 Paymastercheck em· ed) wanted for extended salon 52.150 20 olhers. Hodges groomtng. 18 years ex- bosser /new). metal wasle GOlDENAe.r;eve~ pUPS:AKC pellence. Reasonable hours Self·employed chall Farm Equlpmenl. (313)629- baskels. many mIscellaneous regIstered. Shols, wormed. renlal. Choose your own 6481. Sallsfacloon guaranteed items Call (313)887-7230after ready 10go. (517)546-1722 (517)546-1459. hours. As hIgh as 70%for pro· JOHN Deerc-H traciOr. 5750 ~O _P~. ,_ .__. __ . Heren-OOddfSliiiS;"'eeksRe-d ven cllenlele Hartland Salon Olher anloque John Deeres WlOglockeI wlnner (517)546-6933between 7-8 pm. (313)231·2653 118 Wood Stoves ' REGISTER-ED 'German PIT Bull Ternors'-femates:-4 Shepherd stud service (Confld.enltal~_ _ ~ KOHLERgenerator. 5000wall, AIRTIGHTIorebrlCkl~nE;dwood months. $150.Not ontendedfor (313)878-564~, 107hp.. 2 cylinder. air cooled. stoves and foreplace Inserts. Illegal purposes. (313)629--5179. 115 -240 volt. electllc start. full guarantee. 5350. PUREBREDAmencanP;t-Sull 51.500.(313)453-9417. Homegrown Wood Stoves puppies for sale Call alter NEW three pOOrll-PTOdriven (313)227-5185 • 5 pm. (517)546-3578. EM PLOYM ENT buzz saws. 30 lOch. list 5995. oT HIckory orlsert: $45G.hk"e REGISTER -Ch-ocolale-'ab. ii sale $650plus tax. Small selec· new. heals 2.000 sq. ft male. 2 years old. 5100. loon of used Irade·lOs. Dave (313)887-4279. (313)498-3327. Stetner Farm EqUIpment. SALE--: Bu-ckSlove-Smoke' 165Help Wanted General (313)695·1919.(313)694·5314. REGiSTEREDYeiioWLab~ado'r Burners. 8 lOch prpe. ch/m Refnever puppies. Call after ~ - ~--~ REWARD' -for ',nformatlOn AFC supervisor. IIve·lO. must guards. chImney brushes. 5 E.~:J~'-3)878-~~8 _ be responSIble (313)231-1068. leading 10 recovery of 101m· from 30%oll (313)349·4215 \ . plement lores and IIms slolen 152 Horses & "ADDITIONAL "i'ncome:;' ex- Secretanes from FaorloeldStock Farm. In· Equipment peroence unnecessary' For processlljg mall, send self ad- Typong 55 wpm formalton confIdentIal Shorthand 80 wpm Just semI your name and address. including your ZIp code. on a post card addressed ~!3)887-9372 AR-AB- mare~gentle. mUSt sell. dressed. stamped envelope to 5350 or best offer. (313)348- to· Add,llonal Income. 1365' 3426 Stamtord Road. A. Ypsllanll. Word Processing 1.11. 48197 RED WING TICKETS HORSES' boarded. EngliSh. Operators GREEN SHEET ACTIONS ADS Western lessons. traonong APPLICATIONS'belng'laken. available. Veteronary approv- all restaurant poslllons open - LANIER 101 N. Lafayette. South Lyon MI 48178 ed. Exceploonal care. Indoor Kales P,er 23.9839MaIn. Whit- ·WANG arena. slall,on servIces more Lake (313)449·2500 • DECMATE II We'lI pIck names for winners from our entlles Catch excIting Detroit Red Wings "DON'T PROCRASTINATE ••• avatlable. RenaIssance Ara· -XEROX blans. (517)548-1473. - IBM DISPLA YWRITER Hockey at JoP LOUIS Arena and watch your Green Sheet ClaSSIfied section. because H that's where the winners' names Will appear ••• INSULATE HARTiAND - Equ-estrlan Center. BoardIng Indoor WORD PROCESSORS Clerk ~ypists arena. large stalls. Lessons. II you find your name. call 517-548-2570. 313-437-4133. 685-8705. 227·4463. For Greater Energy SaVings AND Typong 35-40wpm ,.." -4 J.umplng .and Dressage or 348-3022 and claIm your tickets It's as easy as thatl Winners must call by 5 p m. FII' Horses for salel Open dally. SECRETARIES day. INSULA TION SPECIAL Kalhy's Tack Shop. (313)632- With Iypmg 50 to 55wpm Data Entry 5336. and general ofhce skIllS Tickets Will be sent to winners through the mall well In advance of the game (Sorry. 00 HARTLANOEqu-estrlan FREEWORDPROCESSING Operators • no date subslltullons ) Center BoardIng. Indoor TRAININGAVAILABLE 5300 Long & Short Term arena. large stalls Lessons. ForBlIghton.Howell& M'llord Temporary Assignmen~s Per 1000Sq. Ft. Ceiling JumpIng and Dressage areasCalltoranappoIntment 6" Slown Fiberglass (R-14) Horses for sale' Open dally. IIyou re,"Ierestedcallforan GREEN SHEET Kathy's Tack Shop (313)632- appolntmenlMondavthruFlIday. 5336 _~/ . between9OOam·3 OOpm ACTION ADS JONES HORSEshoeIng and tllmmlng (horse or pony). R,ck Morse. (313) 227-2034 INSULATION SUPPUES INC. BlacksmIth. 1-/517)223.9305. MORGAN horses for-sale Call 348-9880 IELL~l~lrt- 517-548-2570 313-227-4436 685-8705 437-4133 348·3022 BoardIng stable With ondoor Blanket Insulation ndong nng. pasture board •...FR\"tCES available. lIdong lessons MILFORD NOtan Agency-Never a Fee Available (313)685-9600 ava~I~I~J313)3i8~1 _ EOE/MFH •


DEAOLINE DEADLINE IS FRIDAY IS FRIDAY AT 3:38 P.M. HOUSEHOLD SERVICE AND BUYERS DIRECTORY AT 3:30 P.M. Livingston County Phone 227-4436 or 548-2570 Oakland County 437-4133,348·3022, 685·8705 or 669·2121 Wayne County 34$-3022 Washtenaw County 227-4436

Drywall Alarm Service Brick, Block, Cement BUilding & Remodeling Building & Remodeling Carpentry Catering Handyman I Landscaping ------_.- ALLSTAR-A1ariTlCo Burglar OUALITY bUlldong at the COMPLETEhome remodeling CANDLELliE C3tenng. all oc· DRYWALL.hang finished and HANDYMAN.Carpentry. roof. TREEremoval. Limbs. debriS,• alarms. reSIdential and com· CUSTOM FIREPLACES ACTION lowes I pllces. Addillons. dnd carpenlry. drywall, elec· caSlons, large and small. lextured Gall Frank (517)546- Ing. electrical. plumbing. ce- general clean up. In some merclal (5t7)546-4847.2071 Brock, block. :eramlc tile HOMEIMPROVEMENT garages, repairs, roollng, trlcal. and plumbing, call alter licensed. msured. (313)878- 5389or Jim (517)546-3634. ment. (313)437-4834. cases Iree of charge. Call Lan· Mason.Howell. Woodstove Ins lallation Repall or replace SIdIng. cement and block 600 p m. or belore 800 a.m. 9638 DRYWALCand paliliing: tap- HANDYMAN -: C-arpentry. don Outdoor Services ALARM SYSlemS Commer- Repalls Ouallty work Call doors. Windows, cablnels. work. (313)437-1928. askfor Oon,t313)632·5528. Ceramic Tile In9. hanglllg. textullng. No lob home maintenance. furntlure (313)227-7570" no answer cIal. resldenllal. hre. burglar Wayne. doorwalls. eel... Call (313)227· TRiM-=i.'NE -RemOdeling. CARPENTRY.- OffIces and 10 big or small. 19 years ex· restorahon. No lob too small. (313)229-1076. A McCardell. 5486 losco 7728 Carpentry work. replacement finished basements. Free All ceramic tile expertly done. pellence. Free eSllmates. (313)632·5164. Road. Webberville (5t7l223- (313)348-6875 windows, roollng, Siding, estimates. 28 years. (313)476- new and repall. LIcensed (313)624·9379. • HANDYMAN.Plumbing. elec· 3162 painting. wallpapellng. 9597 (313)2~7·7754.(3.!3)474-oooB. L1VINGSTO'N Pla'Stellng/. Incal, minor carpenlry repall. Fletcber& CEMENT. masonary. Quality plastellng. drywall. Good Aluminum 80B'S CERAMIC TILE WIll Texture Company. Repaors. minor aulomoblle. (3131437- Rickard work Reasonable proces It costs no more references. Bob. (313)47&- remOdeling,customiZing. pro- 7307. Free estimates Licensed remodel bath or kitchen com- JOHN'S Aiumlllum. licensed ... toget 3117. * BRAD CARTER* ptete. 1'1111 repaor or replace '''sslonal quality. (3t3)227· Landscape Supplies (517)54&-0267 CARPENTER HANDYMAN. Palnllng. conlractor We do resldenllal first class workmanship ule Free estimates. Call , '?5 drywall, carpentry. paneling I, HENRY Slamper and Sons Bulldozing Specializing In and commercIal work ~ree FIRST PLACE WINNER o· (3t3)229-2529. 1.1 B DryWall. Quil,ty ~ork. and home repallS. Free Open 7 Days eSllmales. and reasonable Cement and mason contrac- two NatIOnal Awards, Free esllmales. Reasonable tors. Cement work. blOCk BAGGEn---- CERAMICTile Insialled Free esllmates. Cait Loren. • Peat. TopSOil. Bark, rates on aluminum and vlOyl HAMILTON has beer, BASEMENT rales. (31~~2.:5699. (313)349-2246. Sand Gravel. work. block basemenls. foun- satlsfymg customers estimate.(~13187S-3862 sldong. gUllers tnm. storm Decorative Stone dahons 35 years experoence for over 20 years. EXCAVATING REC ROOMS Electrical Windows, Thermopane Chimney Cleaning & Health Care (lmmedlale Delivery) replacement wllldows. storm Call(517)54&-2972 You deal dlleclly with the Septic syslems, base- 352-0345 Repair doors. awnongs. enctosures. owner. All work guaran- ments, bulldozing, ,.* * ELECTRicIA-N. licensed: • Garden Supplies Heating & Cooling cuslom made shullers. car· teed and compelltlvel" gravel, driveway cul- qesldentlal and commercial. • Absopure Water INGRATTA&SON Free estimates. Reasonable ports. mobIle home skirting plIced. verts, parking lots and QUALITY carpentry and CHIMNEYS-FIREPLACES • Softener Salt Insurance work welcome. 30 CONSTRUCTION • FREE ESTIMATES remOdeling. LIcensed. Free BuildIng and repall. insurance rates (313)227-1550.(313)437· ·Coal reasonable and rllllable con· sewers. 1913 NORTHVILLE REFRIG. years expellence Call • Designs esllmales. Reasonablepnces. work, also cleaOlng and In' • Super K. KerOSene (517)223-9336or (517)223·7t68 crete. brock. block and lot • Addillons • Kitchens NORTHVILLE spectlon. State licensed, in· ELECTRICAL-servIce. day or grading. 15years expenence. (5t7)54&-0267.. _ HEATING & COOll~t • Fllewood : 24houranswenng service • Porch • Enclosures, 349-0116 sured. NorthVille Construc- 'lIght Residenllal, commer· • Propane Filling CommerCial. Induslrlal. etc. Carpet Cleaning lion Free esllmates (313)348- ;Ial. andustllal. Crampton Specializing 11\ Appliance Repair resldenllal rree est,males BULLDOZING, grading. 1036. Electnc. Days. (5171223-9691. all Burner Servff' ,. While You Wail CallRIco backhoe work. trucking and PROFESSIO-NALcarpet, fur· Eventngs,(517)223-7t96. SAPUTO Appltance Repaor (517)546-56t6 HAMILTON IIIture. wall cleaning. Fire and drain helds. Young BUilding & ELECTRiCiAN. Dependable. .. Boilers" 437-8009 Kenmore and Whllipool and Custom Excavating Enterpllses. smoke. water damage. 2 slep all Malor brand names.No ser· cleamng, ServlceMasler of OlDE ENGLAND qualily work. No lob too small. Central Air Condo • 54001Grand River Remodeling (3f31878-6342.(313187U067. CHIMNEY SWEEP (5f71546-81~2.. _ vIcecharge. (313)624·9166 Call 559-5590... 24 Hours Howell. (517)54~560. Sales & Service New Hudson WINTER MASON Carpentry SERVICE Auto Repair Brock. blOCk. cement. hie. Carpet Service ProlesslonalSweeping ELECTRICALSERVICES Carrier Dealer flleplaces. woodsloves. CARPENTER, 30 years ex· smce 1979 Licensed • dependable. All RADIATORS, Healer cores. chimney repalls Call TIm at penence. Remodehng and CARPET -'nslaiialion and CharterMemberMI Iypes of work, home or NORTHVILLE Maid Service low. low pnces. At Mechanocs (313198t·3172 repairs. A·l work at repairs. 15 years expenence. ChimneySweep bUSiness.24 hour emergency Aula Supply 4990Soulh Old BURNS AND SONS reasonable pnces. t517)223- (313)227-4897. (313)231-1189 servIce, Iree estlmales. Mike, Us·n. Bnghton. (3t3)229-9529. 3146 CARPET, Vinyl and tile In' 13t3)887·292t. 349·0880 OLD.FASHIONED (313)229-9520 Building & Remodeling QUALITYBUILDER slaller 20 years experience, THE Mad Haller. Fileplaces, CLEANING' LICENSEDANDINSURED CARPENTERinterested in dO: wood stoves, repairs, ac· Ing the work that you need alSOhas good buys on carpet FURNACErepa". Gas or 011. CALL Brick. Block. Cement A.A A. Construcllon. we dO-II For free eSllmales on YOurad· and pad. Call Bob (3131227· cessolles. Cleanliness all makes. 24 hOur service. all. Additions. basemenls, kit. dillon. dormer, new home, done RemOdelingand repair. guaranteed. Insured. (517)54&- CallWaller 0110 (313)43!·n50. 5625 Furniture Refinishing (5m2?3-~ . BRICK. Block. Cemenl Work chens and bath remOdel, garage. rool or siding. call: 6358 SUSIE'S I and FOOllngs Also carpenter drywall. roofing, sldang. (313)426-3396 DIp and strIP,-SlnPPlng all Home Products work and excavallng. 30Years dormers. garages. gullers. Classes done by hand, 10% 011. HOME SERVIC~ Expenence Young Bulldong plumbing and eleclrocal.Win' SIEDE • SOli STEEL (~3166!')_~. _ __ Home Maintenance and Excavallng (3t3)87~7 JOHN Wanko'bullder, hcims· Complete cleam'ng dow replacemenl and pole ed, quality remodeling, Clean Up & Hauling barns. LicenSed (517)546- Handyman GENERALelilBiiing'-services, and maid servi~e or (3t3)878-6342 repalls. electllcal service. & BUILDERS SUPPLY 67tO. JUNK ~emo;aCiighl j,iiui,ng, (517)54&-a412. A Com",.,,, Build.,. Supply r.nI COMPLETEhome-remOdehng two dependable women, ALL Iypes of repalls and Reasonable rates. (313)349- reasonable rates. Homes, 01. 363·3737 KITCHEN remOdeling: 8205. and carpentry, drywall, elec- remodehng 25%011 all Home STEUREAMS HINGES Irical, and plumbing, call aller lice, excellent references. Improvement. No ,Ob too cabinets and countertops. COLUMNS JOIST ANGU Aller 6 pm, Tammie,(3t31887. 563·6321 References. Tom Nelson. HEADER PlATES NAILS Clock Repair 8:00 p.m. or belore 8:00 a.m. 7510. CEMENT,BRICK, small. Call now and make ap- 13t3)632-5135. askfor Oon,(313)632·5528. Expellenced.bondedInsured BASEMENT SASH LOCK SETS UNEMPLOYED' maintenance BLOCKAND pointment lor Free Esllmale. CULVERTS PlPI: & SUPPUES call belween9a m and6 p m Licensed. (517)546-0900days. Delivery Service EXPERIENCED handyman. man can do any repair. ALL MASONRY ANelLE IRONS nNlSH HARDWARE Homerepairs, plumbing. elec- (3t31632~ evonl'lgs L. B. CONSTRUCTION _E ROD SKYLICHTS Healing. plumbing, electrical, Large Jobsand all repalls. LICENSEDBUILDER Irlcal, cuslom remodeling. (xpellCnced, Licensed & WIRE MESH AND MORE roollng, carpentry, siding. ADDITIONS, decks, new Kilchens, Bathrooms, Base- Doors & Service. Free esllmates, sallsfactlon (313)229-4591. Insured.Work mysell Fasl homes. remodel, IOsurance ment remOdeling. Free 1279S. Old US-23. Brighton guaranteed. Call Dick, READ THE BUSINESS & elielent. Free estlmales work Licensed bUilder Free eShmates.(3t3)666-3121. (313)227·2889or Ron (313)227· DIRECTORY. , ,SMART 348-0066or 532·1302. (313) 227-7323 Drywall Inaulatlon • estil!lates. (517154&-0267. ~'------SHOPPERS DO ..._..._---..j~._------,


115 Help Wanted 165 He/o Wanted 165 Help Wanted 185 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted BABY-SITTER. 5 days. 2 kids, CAREER oTlenfed people ELECTRICAL Assembler. Ver- FULL and part·lIme dehvery LOOKING tor a great luture' MEDICAL Asslstantl- PURCHASINGAgenl.N L B RECEPTIONIST I Secrelar y $1.00 an hour sllghlly DIE Makers. Must be capable needed for management alld satex Industlles IS expanding personnel and cooks Part· The Ground Round on Farm· Recepllonlst Immediate Corp. the leader on the hIgh needs some bookkeep,ng negoliable. S.10 a mile your of bulldlllg progressive alld counseling work. College We are In need of entry level lime female coullter help. Mr ongton Hills IS olferong opening for parI lime pOSlllon tech waler Jetllng eQUlpmenl record keepong. tYPing plea· transportation. For questions line dies from start to hnlsh degree preferred. but not assemblers. II you have Naturals Cafe. (313)624·9300 employment securoty lor ex· Expellenced only need apply manufactUring Industry IS sant persondloly Prefer or Interview. Call 6p.m. to wllh minomum supervIsion. essential. Part·tlme or full. mechanocal Skills, expellence peroenced. motIvated, hne Please send resume 10 H A seekIng a career minded ex· mature woman Call lor dP' IIp.m .• (517/548-5071. Full benehts. Call Jerry Smith. GERt.fERACfood·· SilrVICe lime. For conhdenllal onter. Slar Manufactunng. (313)227· With power lools. and an In- worker. part-time evenong cooks. host, and servers, for Poraka. MD. 8619 Wesl Grand pellenced purchaSing agent poontment. (313)229·8900 BASS player wanted serious View call. (3131878-5161 3230. terest In the eleclllcall· pos,hon. Farmongton Hills our new menu concept Apply River. BlIg'1ton. 1.11 48116 With excellellt oral and wrlllen RN or LPN needed for 11 pm IIf!t. onqulrles only. Call Bruce In person at 30005 Orchard (313)227·6788. communlcallon skills. ThIS IS a cusfciiilANS wanted ----part- DENTAL recepilOn~sT."-piirt~ electronics field we would area, Call between Sa m and 10 7 am part· lime coverage U (313)227·2961. welcome your application. Lake Road An Equal Op· NEED money to pay - oll new posillon With growth lime only. PrevIOus ey. hme. expellenced In In' 2~.!" (313)~7!.7586_._ Call (313)685-1400 or apply BABYSITTING In Product knowledge and prac· portunlty Employer -my Navi pellence necessary. Novi surallce billing and pegboard. Chllstmas bills or maybe 1985 potential lor the right In' West Hickory Haven 3310 IIcal tralnong Will be prOVided home for 13 month old. 40 area (313)349.7969 Call Monday. Wednesday or GENERAL OFFICE LATHE Operator - Eyelet IS the year to purchase those dlvldual experoenced In Wesl Commerce Road. To further investigate thiS op- new Items you've been Capital equIpment purchases hours per week. non·smoklng. COO-K/waltress - oi!Po-rtunoty. Friday (313)349·7560 ask tor Must be good tYPiSt and have Tools progressIve die details. MIlford Weekdays. 8 30 am 10 references. Call (313)348·6642 portunoty please apply In per· dreaming of LIVingston Care as well as In all aspects of pur- 330 pm Expellenced and mature Part· Helene. bookkeeprng experience For new work and repa". Full time son at 111 Summit In Bnghton Cenler IS now horlng for full chaSing department func· BABYSITTER needed, my time and weekends now a small manufacturing com- program Wages to eaual ab,h· SUPERIOR Olds Servl~c IS (Ox· DENTAL Hygienist (hcensed). between lhe hours of lOa m and parl·lIme on 311 shilts Ap- I,ons Please forward resume home. 5 days per week. Ap- Please cOlltact Waldenwoods pany on Southheld (313)352- ty ProgressIVe Metal Form- pandlng We need mechaniCS Hol,sllc olhce. must be per- ply 1333 West Grand River. onCludlng salary hlslory to N proximately 3 hrs. day Irom at Hartland. (313)632-6400 bet- ~~'!I_------7376 ong. 10850 Hall. Hamburg, MI Must be cerhf,ed All ... eas sonally health onented. like to Howell An Equal OpportunIty L B Corp, 29830 Beck Rd. 2 p.m. (3131878-3260 ween 9 and 5 or apply In per· 48139 needed Ask lor Douq or Lee help people and value ex· Employer Wixom. MI 48096 Allenllon BABYSITTER. Experienced Son. cellence. Excellenl salary. FOSTER HOMES HAiRSTYUST. Milford area LINE QUALITY CONTROl: IN· (313)227·1100 Needed for temporary hous· NURSE A;des Small. baSIC Mr G J DeSanlls Vice Presl- woman to care for newborn on· CARRIERS wanted to deliver Call Howell. (517)546-7920 Part·lIme to start. full-lime SPECTOR small manufactur- STYLIST wanted. part·tunc or Ing of abused. neglected and care nursing home on Union dent fant. 5 days a week, my home the Monday Green Sheet and near future (313)684·5511 lor Ing plant 1925 Easy. Walled fulI'lIme Call for InterVI('N DENTAL office (Howeiilneeds aballdolled animals Humane Lake (313)669·4610 Lake area has an opening on PREMIUM PAY for openong or yours. Must have own the LIVingston County Press an outstanding person With Interview. (313)227-5090 ask for Char Society. (313)878-2581 all shilts for people 10 work as and clOSIng shifts Accepllng transportallon. References re- Routes open In Howell. areas HIGHLANO- area-group -home LOOKING for-- construction STOCK room clerk. prevIous denIal offIce expeTlence for Nurses Aides Experience applocallons for all hours U I • qulred. non·smoker Call of Fiemillg. East Brooks. Norkers who are lookong for a electrolllc parts handelrng and asslsllng and Insurance work· has part·tlme afternoon shift preferred. but Will Iraln Call you are a team worker. apply (313)229-5697 between 7p.m. South Michigan and Pullord FiND yourself·wlth -morelome career change working In the onventory conlrol expellence a execellent hours Monday thru openings to work WIth Monday thru Fllday. ask for now dt McDonald·s. 373 Zeeb andl0p.m. SIreets. II onterested please than cash after the holidays? finanCial Industry, full and plus $3 75 per hour. apply al Fllday.1I you are expellenced. developmentally disabled Michelle. between 9 am and RQad al 1·94. 2000 West BARMAID and waitress call C,rculallon (517)546.4809 Inteltlgient. compassionate Whitmore Lake McDonald's IS adults M O. R. C tralnong parl·tlme avaIlable Call Dale 10087 Industllal Olive. Ham now hiring for morning and 3 pm (313)363.4121 Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor wanted. part-lime. nights COSMETOLOGIST Ex- and care about your own preferred but nol essential. Vlgloarolo. (3131356:4820 burg.MI nlght shifts. ftexlble hours to NEEDLECRAFT Instructors EO E M/F/H and/or weekends. Novi penenced ExcelientIOb.loca- health (non-smoker) call Dr. Please call (313)887-8591 SURFACE gronder hand for a accommodate moms and Experience helpful but Will PERMANENT poslhon for (313)348-9120. lion Clientele wailing Cutllng Healln (517)546·4208. Wednes· automotove stamping com· houseWives. Apply 11033Whit- HEATiNG a~da~rc;';dlt;onmg train. Earn extra money. set general ollice Clerk Must be Room. FUll Service Salon. day or Thursday evenong. 7 to service man. ImmedIate POSI' MANAGERS pany Only experoenced peo- BABY-SITTER for teachlmiili· more Lake Road • .Nhltmore National Film Expanding. own hours Call Mary (517)655- accurate tYPiSt and good at Bllghton Mall. (313)227-6545 10pm. lion, benefits, expellenced ple need apply Full benehls \ fant and 4 year old, on my Far- Lake looking for people wl\h 1841after 4p m figures Some experience . mlllgton Hills home. DENTAL -Assistan-,f. EXPERIENCED- automohve Highland area. (313)698-2043 Call Jerry Smith Star FULl.lUne bookkeeper:- must management ability Call NEED woman 10 Sit for 2 necessary Send resume and References. (313)553·3214 technoclans needed. good Manufacturong. (3139227·3230 Recepllonost. full or part·tlme. have a lillie computer ex- HOMEMAKERS-;-- use your (313)437·0880 children. 7 and 11 on 45-15 • salary requirements to PO some evenings and Satur- pay. Toyota/Renault ex- SECRETARY. Broghton area BABYSITTER needed. my pellence. Green Oak skills to help others and earn school system and occaSional Box 1685 In c/o The Bllghton days (3131348-9800. (313)591- perrenced preferred bul nol Broght. hard working person home. Red Oaks Trailer Park !o ...... nsh!~.are~ (~~)43?-8107._ excel/ent wages at the same after school (313)887.t843 Argus. 113 E Grand R,ver. 1447evenlllgs necessary. Call Mark DaVid for With excellent secretaroal and • (517)546-7640. lime. ParI hme housekeeping NANNY for 18 month old gill In B-"ghton, MichIgan ~8!'6 DENTAL Hyglenost. tull -or appointment. (313)478-0500. dUllng the day Call tor detaIls light bookkeeping skIlls Real CERTIFIED Teachers. Expan~ FILE CLERKS MACHINIST my home. (313)227-3068 after PROGRAM AIDE Group Home part·llme. Send resume to EXPERIENCEOCoQk-and (313)349·3496 Five years minimum ex- Estate background and ex- ding center seekong tUlors for 35 NEEDED 5 pm Milford Area M.O.R.C Iraln- 1ll6OO Northville Road. Nor· waItress wanted for large IMMEDIATE -opentng-:ex. peroence reQuored. Must be ef- cellent academIC achievement all academic areas Includong Temporary assignments In the OFACE- person needed for Ing preferred Call Debbie. thville. '41 48167. Atlent,on' lamlly restaurant Appty In helpful Send resume to P 0 foreign languages. both Plymouth area. hours 8 to 5. pedltor followup person for hClenl on all general shop full.tlme posillon FIIong. typ- 9

DEADLINE' IS FRIDAY • AT 3:30 P.M.: HOUSEHOLlfS'E.RVICE~ ... ' '\, ...... ~...~<...... "=," ...... );...; "~ AND BUYERS DIRECTO,RY ,liVingston County Phone 227-4436 or .54f..2570 oakland County 437·4133, 34S.3022, 485-8705 or 669-2121 Wayne County 348-3022 Washfenaw County 227<4436 ----_._------Miscellaneous Ornamental Iron Plastering Roofing" Siding . Roofing 8< Siding snowplowing Tree Service Wallpapering Well Drilling LIVINGSTON Plastering/- A.A.A. COllstrucllOn. New or J and B Roofing Inc .• shingles LUCKY'S snow plowliig: BILL Allor's Tree Tnmmong WALLPAPER-,nstaiiallon.very WELL dnillng and - rePaIl. .- Painting Decorating & Texture Contractors. Repairs. tear-off roof. siding 01 all and flat Single-ply systems. driveways. pnvate roads. and Removal. 30 years ex· reasonable. Expenenced Call POints Changed. prompt. etfl- BUSINESS A:lOuahtY~'Ork -at -sane remodeling. customizing. pro- types. Best prices In town. In- Mobile home specialty. Reasollable rates. (3131878- penence. free esllmates. In' Kalhit5t7)54j>-I?~ _ clent serv,c!l: (313)229-6672. prices. Jack's Palnhng. 12 fessional quahty. (313)227· ~,uE~pairs.(5~!!O. ~)~~~----- 3714. sured,J3131449-82?~ _ Wall Washing CARDS years expenence. (313)231- 7325. SNOW removal. residenhal Windows 72 . _.- piA:-S~T==EO-=RC-:IN-:-:G"'"and Drywall. and commerCial. Call (517)548- Trucking Printed ill 24 hours. Fllst 1m· 28 ~ or (~l§?3-4893. _ Water Conditioning -pression Pnnllng. 1255 E. New. repair and texturing. Ex- --r:>AINTING cellent quahty. Reasonable Tutoring WINDOWS .. Grand River. Howell. (517)546- STARR - '9798. Interior-Exterior ~!,es. (313)349-2563. _ Wedding Senices SOUTH LYON CONSTRUCTION TUTORING. Warin-.expenenc· INDUSTRIES WALLPAPERING Plumbing Roors ed reading teacher. (313)229- HAVING trouble hndlng Ihe BAGGET ROOFING 5~~Cls]stenlly. nght entenalnmen'- lor your 415N. LAFAYEnE .' Mobile Home Service Reasonable Rates EXPERT ROOFING (OLD****AND NEW) ANDSJDING EXCAVATING wedding? Call (517)548-2425for SOUTH LYON. MI. GLASS'S Mobile Home' Ser. Call LOU GALBRAITH PLUMBING TV & Radio Repair details Manulacturers ot arch,tec. and HEATING SHINGLES SNOW ' Ylce. Specializing In Awnings. (313)349-1558 Hot Asphalt BUilt-Up WEDDING - PHOTOGRAPHY turally deslglled pnme and Licensed and Insured. No job HOT ASPHALT replacemelll wllldows. also • Sheds. Skirting. Doors and Roofs. Shingle Roofs. PLOWING done super reasonable A New Year's SpeCial from B & too big. too small or too far. 20 RUBBER BASE storm Windows SlOp by our Windows. replaced or Aluminum Gullers and & 9 a m. ~o~ p:mJ313)449-213O repalled. Tie downs. roof W Painting. Most rooms $35. years expenence. ElectriC ALUMINUM SIDING Down Spouts. MICHIGAN factory showroom and see our sewer cleaning. Mobil Home REMOVAL coaling. Ul approved heat kitchens $30. Labor and while TRIM & GUTTERS Aluminum Siding and Welding display paint Included. Call (517)546- ServIce. (313)437-3975. Contracts available ANTENNA tapes. Plumbing. new or old. All Types Masonry Trim. Licensed & In- 24 Hour Service (313)437-4151 1762.ask for Bob Wirth. sured. 35 years water heaters and "xtures. Gall Dan FREE ESTIMATES SERVICE Well Drll/lng Licensed and insured. 24 Hour EXPERIENCED Palnter.- III' (313)348-0733 expenence. (313)(584-2707 Window Washing ~~~~e. (517)548-4.446. lerior and exterior. wallpaper. PLUMBING- JIM ROOT Satellite JAMESLayman Well Dllillng. 2 Free eshmales. Quahty Work All Siding and roofing. 16 Years Expenence Inch to 12 Illch WellS dnlled Call Steve. (517)546-8950. Repair-Replacement lIcensed. Free eshmales. Systems alld repalled. Pump Sales and Wood Stoves PAINTING. Intenor. exterior. Reasonble prices. (517)546- $1900& up Service. Watt:r Cunll.llonlng Modernization SAVE your back. let us make Dry wall repair. Quality work. 0267. installed and Ground Water Healing Wrecker Service ------your tracks. R & G PlOWing. reasonable rates. free Electric Sewer Cleaning equipment. Holly (313)634· ReSidential. CommerCial and 44855 Grand River eslimates. Call loren. LONG 9572. Industnal Free estimates. In' (313)349-22~ .• __ Sandblasting Nov! PLUMBING T.D. sured. (313)887·7t92. (313)887- 3359. 349-8895 AND Bjorling Sawmill PAINTING FANCY BATH Solar Energy INTERIOR - EXTERIOR BOUTIQUE &CO. Septic Tank Service Upholstery Stereo Repair Heln WALLPAPERING Serving the area All types. Shingles. CoMPLETE -sepUc- tankser: CALLSmllh-S;--Aii wo-rii since 1949 Flal roofs. Single Ply vice. Cleaned. installed. and GUARANTEED! Labor slans Storm Windows BY 190E. Main Street Rubber. Tear offs & repaired. Free brochures on at; Sofas. $150. Challs. $75. Repairs. Chimney savealifeo Northville-349-0373 request. Eldred and Sons Cushions. $t5. Check low FRANK MURRAY repairs. !~3)?~7. _ Telephone Installation d!~pery pnces. (313)561-0992. Neatness & Quality Work Snow and lee 30 Years experience. Licens· JANUARY Special. 10%'011 Guaranteed removal. Sewing S~D~S. -Ph-One SiirVlce: ed. highest in quality. depen· Top Grade Paint Applied Senior Discount Residenllal and commercial. material and labor. Speer's dable. fair prices. (517)546- 24 yrs. Experience CUSTOM- sewingand- ailera. over 29 years expenellce. ~P!l0Iste'Y:_(~~3~~. _ 8707.j5!.7)223-3t 46. _ Terry 437-9366 Donate lions. Quallly workmanship. complete P.B.X phone In· Free Estimates with No Vacuum Cleaners Obllgalion Pole Buildings Ca~1Marsha. (~1~)~7~~,-_ ~ta~la.!!on.(313)~78-074!._ __ 313-437-5288 AAA-Consuucllon:Any size. Blood., 6241E. Grand River Y!l!l!!~sonable. ~17)~71~. at Lake Chemung PAINTING. Inlef/or/exterlor. POLE BUILDINGS. Smithers ~Ol!l BulldinQ!:!517)851-8479. Americiln 20 years experience. Free 'RcdCross eSllmate~l?av~ t313)632.7~2~ One Call Places Your Ad In More RAY'S Mobile Home Service. Furnace. air condltionong. In· Pest Control stallation. cleaning and repair. Small ads Doors. windows. skirling. Ileat Photography Than 65,000 Area Homes· . lapes. licensed. Insured. (3.!~t~/-6723_. . get Plano Tuning attention. • Moving and Storage GEORGE $Coil. - Reasonaiiie Call 348·3022 \\C'" +Help Wi" 'rbll'? ..- -.~._--~.-,. South Lyon Herald rates. Call after 4:30 pm. l!1AMtots.r..c ... ' ....' ...... 1 ,"" ...... ,'''tc...'''( I Music Instruction (3t3~ .. · 313-437-2011 e·B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD T1MES:....WedneSday. January 23.1985 •• ----_~- 165 Help Wanled 166 Help Wanted Sales 170 Situations Wanted 180 Income Tax 205 Snowmobiles 225 Autos Wanted 230 Trucks 233 4 Wheel DrIve 240 Aulomoblles service AL'S AUTO PAPTS. My pllces Vehicles TYPIST~lUiiOr paft.tom~60 SILVER Lead Paont Co needs PRIVATE dUly nurse, LPN, 1964 Ford 5 yard dump, can't be beat. Ibuy Junked and ",pon Contact Mary at John responsible lull· tome sales hospital, nursong home ex- INCOME Tax, have yours mechanically excellent, tires JEEP Cherokee. 1981, power 19n Cutiass Supreme. am·lm, wrecked vehicles. Free ap· Alan Enterpllses near Zeeb perience, avaolable for home prepared In the pnvacy and good, body faor, must sell steering. power brakes, aor, rear defog. clean Interoor, person for ItS Howell store. pllance dumping. 9·5 Monday and Jackson Roads. Ann Ar· care. (517)546-6518 Mrs. Cann· convenience 01 your own $2,000. Trades considered automallc, aor condillonong, 51.700. (313)887.1965. Expenence preferred. Some through Saturday. (517)546- bor, (313)665-2966 heavy Ilftong reQuored. MedIcal home by a CPA. (313)348-2835. (313)229-8,~12~1.:...-,. __ ..,....._ rust proofed, A·l condotlon, A· 109. 2820. 1981 Cotallon, 4 door, TRANSPORT al"ds for nutrotlon beneltts available. Applocants PRIVATE duty nurse. LPN. INCOME tax returns prepared 1982 GMC half ton Grand 1 malntaoned, $6,250. (517)546- automallC, excellent condl' ~ BUYING Junk cars and late program must have ex- may apply at 201 West Grand hospItal, nursing home ex· In the QUiet and comfort of Soera, 6.2 Ol'lsel, bad motor. 5428. lion. 52600. (313)229·72~0. model wrecks. We sell new ecellen' dlivonQ record and Rover. Ho.!!w-,,-e~II _ penence. avaolable for home your own home. Associated 54,450. Call alter 5 p.m. MINI·Blazer, 4x4, 1984. Load· CLOSEOUT and used parts at reasonable 19n Covelle. 4 speed, am·fm ablp to perform heavy lIftong. care. (517)546-6518 Mrs. Cann· ~oth Michigan tax. All calls (313)426-3283. ed. Call alter 6 pm, (313)348- pnces. M,echoels Auto stereo, T·top. air. stored Must be 18 years of age or Ing:-. .... -,.., welcome. (517)546-8637 Tim SALE ON 1982 GMC S·15 pickup. 7698 _ TEACHERS AND COACHES Salvage (517)546-4111 wonters, 50,000 moles. 59,900. o:dlJr. apply at Out Wayoe Excellent part-tome opportuno. Ewald. Automatoc. , 5·10 Blazer, 1984 Loaded, ex- (313)685-7992after 5 p m. RESPONSIBLE mother would 1978 - Chevy Malibu ClaSSIC County Human Services In· ty leads to 'ull·tlme. ThiS os enjoy caring for your child In MIKE Kelly. (517)548-1248 after • Artic Cat power brakes, aor, cruise. tolt, tended warranty. $11.400 from Allzona, execellent con· 19'77 Chevy Blazer. $3.900 or corpo-ated, 13325 Farmongton where the growth os' Call Den. Fowlerville area, call Joyce 10 am. am·fm. V-a, many other extras. negohable. (313)632-6409 • Polaris dltoon. 53,200. (517)223·3661. best offer. (517)223·~ 11"ad, Lovo',::n~oa,--- _ nlS (313)358-4820 (517)223-3661. Excellent condotlon. (313)349· TAXES done on your home or 1983 Chevel!e. 4 speed. AMI· TELEPHONE Sohcotor Work • John Deere 0905, Gary. 235 Vans THOROUGH old fashioned mine. Low rates, experienced. FM. rear defogger. 54,400. 10 our qff'ce half way between WANTED 4 People WIth 1981 GMC Pickup. Excellent house cleaning done to your Mike Vincent (517)223-8441. • Toro Snow 1978 Chevy------,-van. customized. (313)887·2946 Ponlla~ Allport and Alpone Sko management, leacher or sales CLASSIFIED DEADLINES condotoon. 6 x 6 bed. lull satIsfaction on 1'Iz hours. Ask about dIscounts. Throwers am·fm radiO. good condillon, LOO\jlJ Work either 8-12 or 1-5, background, or small Fllday 3'30· wodth. 258 cylinder With 4 Reasonable rales, references. 53,200 or best offer. Call Monday Ih'rough Fllday Hours busIOess owners Mus' 'lave Monday Green Sheet, all speed overdrive transmosslon, 001(313)887·2898. SNOWMOBILE CLOTHING (313)437·8776 alter 6 pm or dre Ilrm. Must be pleasantly good self Image and ability to BUSiness Dorectoroes, and the whote wagon wheel roms, raiS- CIRCULATION TIME for a change? Lovong • .TRANSPORTATION & ACCESSORIES wpekends:-. ~ LIVINGSTON COUNTY aggress,ye. good telephone handle large Income. Anron shoppers. Monday 3.30 - ed leller tores. am·lm, char· Reliable· Expenenced. Infant vOice. neat appearance. non· ASSOCiates. (313)349·7355. Wednesday Green Sheets. coal gray, 48,000 moles, 24 mpg 1978 Chevy van. Runs good, and Toddler day care, Monday 20-50%OFF 517-546-4809 smoker.: ~3 35 per hour plus ~ -WANTED Suburban, late or more. Loke new, runs like a 5900 or best (517)223-8852, WANTED career monded real lhrough Fnday. Licensed commISSIon. (313)898-3200 & model, low mileage (517)546- top. $4.300 or best offer. (517)223·7138. estate person who wants to home. (313)229-4909. Parts Service 1977 Chevy Suburban 'n ton. TUTOR;to7feaChChlidren and work and make money Call 201 Motorcycles 3388. (517)521-'1841_ 1974 Dodge van, custom In· WANTED, shill monogramm· 350. V·8 automatic. 51900 aoulls • basIc conversaiionai Jim at (313)349·4030. NOTICE. We buy and sell uspd tenor, very reliable. Come servoces. (3131229-8388. 228 Construction (517)521-3871 _ French: 'Short term (517)5~6· 109 1981 CB650 Honda. 16,000 BAKER'S semo tractors and trailers. All dnve! 5550 (517)223-7218. 1978 Caprice ClaSSIC. Col· 3795. (313)832-657~ 167 Business WE woll clean your home or of- miles, Canton ental tores, full LAWN & LEISURE Equipment makes and models. Call 75 Dodge Maxl·Van. loaded, Itce, QUiCk and reliable! Judy. dresser. $850. (511)546-9434. orado car. never seen salt. no WA1TREsSEAS-:Cooksand pin Opportunilies 1550Milford Rd., Highland Charlie or Todd at Woxom Sup- good condition, 51.800 (313)878-9398. Doreen, rust. aIr. lull power, low mites. chasers: part·tlme Apply al '75 Harley claSSIC FlH. $3,400. 230 Trucks ply and EQuopment. (313)348- (313)227-3056 ARE you onterested on health (313)878-3900. excellent shape. 53.450 SoadafOrs Super BOWl, 929 Call after 5:30 or weekends. (313) 887-2410 5310 or (313)348-5321. Peter- 1983 Ford van, Ziebart. ex· and nutrlhon? Why not turn (517)546-8129. 1983 Chevrolet S·10 long bed, Serrous inqUiries only S<)uth~~owlervIII~_ buolt for parts. cellent condollon 59.800 After that onlerest onto a prolttable 175 Business & Yamaha 440 excellent stereo, V-6, Itve speed, cap, (313)878-9033alter 3 pm. 1980 Kawasako 550LTO. In· 19n 6 p.m (517)546-7635 spare tome careero Call Professional Services excellent condollon. Evenongs. cludes falnng, sissy·bar woth shape, low moleage, $1,000 or 233 4 Wheel Drive 81 Cotaloon, 4 doo(s, (313)885-8688 (313)869·4384. 1979 Ford van, captaons challs, rack, highway pegs. 51,200. best offer. (517)546-6462 after Vehicles automallc. power steenng and WHATISTHE OWN your own Jean· ACCOUNTING and all 5 pm. 1984 Chevy S10. V·6 engine, carpeted and paneled. near brakes, tilt steenng wheel. all Business Taxes done by a (313)231·2450 Ask lor Cathy. mont condItion onand out. Low sportswear, ladoes apparel, power steering, power 1982 AMC Eagle. wagon condlliong and crUiSO. low • BARGAIN CPA. reasonalbe rates. Small Alter 6 pm (517)548-5199. miles, $4.500. Alter 6p m. combonation, accessoroes, 210 Boats & Equipment brakes, aor, am·lm stereo limIted. fully loaded, low mileage. 53,850. (313)475-3326. BUSinesses welcome. 185cc Suzuki. On/off road :BARREL? large size store. Natoonal casselle, digital clock, ex- mIles, S7,800. (313)229-6290 (517)546-6847. (313)348·2982. gear, street legal, 2.600 miles. /Plymouth If vou have an Item you Wish 10 brands' Jordache. Chic. Lee, 215 Campers, Trailers tended cab. jump seats, bed· after5 pm. 1982 Ford wondow van. many $350. Ask for Kevon. 8 am to Voyager LE, 1984. Loaded, sell lor;525 or less or a group levi. Vanderbill. Izod. Esprot. ALTERATIONS, doll babies, Equipment loner. cap. extra payload extras 57.500 (313)437·9130. 5 pm, (313)554·6354. After & 1953 Army 6x6 stake truck, Sll.000 or best offer. call after 01 'tems, sellong for no more BnllaOlo, Calvon Kleon, Sergoo (Cabbage patch look·a·llke) trallerlng package, excellent 6:30 pm, (313)624·3429. automatic, snowplow, 52,500. 1978 Ford work van, excellent 6 pm. (517)548-4093. than S25.You can now place an Valente, Evan Pocone. and doll clothes. (313)878-9643. FULL sIze pickup camper, 2 condollon. $10,000. Ask for (313)887-7287. shape, runs great. 53.000 Call 1982 Cutlass Coera Brougham. ad In lh'&claSsll'ed sectoon lor Claiborne. Members Only, 1979 Yamaha 1100. Very good bunks and 3 cabonets. 5200. KeVin. 8 am to 5 pm. (313)554- Mike at (313)229-5388 or 1982 Bronco. AIr, cassette, 4 door. 49,000 miles. S6.500 or '12 PIiCe Ask our ad·taker to OrgaOlcally Grown. Healthtex, condotlon. 18,000 moles. $1,000. (313)685-8431. 8354. Alter 6:30 pm, (313)624· ' A'B captain's challs, XlS (517)548-4337. best offer. (313)229-4620 after place'a Bargaon Barrel ad lor 900 Others 57.900 to 524,900 on- Tree removal, tnmmong, (313)229-6472. ' SINGLE anxle traoler, askong 3429. package, extras, 29,000 mIles. 5 pm. yOLo (10, words or less) and ventory, aIrfare, traoning, hx- debns cleanup. forewood, 19nYamaha YZ-80. Good con· $300, brand new. (517)546-8487. 1978 Chevy '12 ton pockup, 238 Recreational (313)437-4332. 1978 Chevy Camaro. Z28. V·8. she Will' boll you only 52 25 tures, grand opening etc. Can snow plowong. (313)887-1032. dition, $200. (313)227-3418 TIME Out Camper lor motorcy· automatiC, power steering, Vehicles 1979 Blazer, 4x4, 23,000 moles, 350. 4 barrel 52.500. (517)546- (ThiS •s~eclal IS offered to open 15 days Mr. Loughlin evenongs. cle or small car. $850. (511)546· power brakes. am-fm stereo. ._--~.".,.,-= many extras. excellent condo- MOTORHOME. 1975 GMC 8303. \ homeowpers only-sorry. no (612)888-8.:::55::::5.'-- _ BOOKKEEPING set·up, 1973 Yamaha 250cc Enduro, 2619. runs goOd. $1,400. (313)878- commeTcoal accounts) toon, 56.200 or offer_ (517)546- Algonza II. Call alter 6 pm. TROPHY busoness lor sale. maintenance. taxes, and runs good. Askong 5350. 3513. 1984 Cadoilac Sedan De Volle. TANDEM axle car hauling 8835. (313)348-7698 GM execullve, low moleage. • (313)231-2347.(313)231-3576. payroll. Ten years expenence. (313)229-6105. trailer. $850. (51i)546-2619 alter 19n Dodge 4 wheel drive, very CJ-5 Jeep, 73, lillie rust, ex· 515,400. (313)348-0806. WORKING parents need full Twelve year old, 60 million (313)227-9478. 1981 Yamaha Exciter 250. ex· pm. clean. Call between 6'30 pm 240 Automobiles 5 ecellent condltoon, 88,000 and part·tome babY-SItters lor dollar company. goong multi cellent conditoon, low milage, and 9 pm. (313)878-5342. 1983 Cutlass Supreme miles 258-6 new rubber, onfant. 'Son, Northville area. level marketing, seekong ex· $650.(517)223-8236, after 6 p.m. 220 Auto Parts BUYING junk cars and late Brougham, loaded, sharp, ex· ; CLASSIFIED DEADLINES 1973 Dodge ~ ton pickup. needs top, $1,900. (313)437· (313)348-1183. perocned multo level markehng & Service model wrecks. We sell new lras. 57.600. (313)227-7630 or Fnday 3.30- (517)521·3424. 8770 alter 6. WANTED: Mature babysotter. 3 people lor ground loor op- 205 Snowmobiles and used parts at reasonable (517)546-4936alter 5'30 pm and Monday Green Sheet, all 1982 Datsun pockup, black, choldren: 5 days a week. portunity. (313)348-5572 or CARTIER Auto Parts and '79 Dodge 4x4, good condlhon, pnces. Miechlels Auto weekends. Business Directories, and the sharp, stick, am·fm. aor, new (313)227-1870. (313)474.Q162. 1981 Arctic Cat Jag 4000, and Sales. Open 7 days a week, 55,000 miles, power steering, Salvage. (517)546-4111. 1981 Cutlass Supreme Diesel. shoppers_ Monday 3:30 • 1979 Arctic Cat Jag 2000. Good 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (313)231-1619. tores, $4,000. (517)548-3249. power brakes, am-1m WANTED, counter help and 1977 BUick LeSabre, 350 V-8, Aor condo\loned, Landau top, UN DERCOVERWEAR Wednesday Green Sheets. condition, package only, 1984 F-15O Explorer pickup, 6 delivery person Delivery per- 4 Camero Rally wheels, com- casselle, $3,500. (313)229-7182. aIr, 56.000 moles. excellent other opllons_ Great Icondo- lad,es supplement your famo- OJ's available for all occa· $2500. (313)887-8239evenongs. cylinder. automatoc, am·lm, son m'llst have own car. Apply plete. with 2 snowtores. 5100. 1979 Ford 4x4. Power steering, condillon. $2,200. (313)878- toon Askong $3,850. (5.17)546- . Iy oncome by startong your own sions. KDS sounds, all types 8,000 miles. 57,850. (313)878- O'Corinor's Dell, Woodland 1971 Arctic Cat Panther. New (313)437-7484. ' power brakes, no rust. Ex· 6026. 7947. I' , -.,. full or part-tome busoness now. of music avaolable. Top 40, 3824. Plaza.- ~rand Rover. Bllghton. engone, excellent body and CHEVROLET 327/300 hp cellent. $3.900. (517)223·9090. BUICK Skyhawk T·type. turbo. 1981 Chevelle, 2 door hat· :- Sell quality IIngeroe at home country. rock. Reasonable track. 1973 Scorpoon Stonger, between 2 and 4p.m motor, zero miles on total hIgh 1984 Ford one ton pIckup. V-8, 1983 F-l0, 4x4, 4 speed, 4 1984. LIke new. (517)655-3358 chback. 4 speed. 4 cylinder. •• partoes. Call Mrs Kangas rates. Keolh, (313)897-2319. 881 miles, , ex· automatic, dual wheels, load· WANt help on horse larm, prelormance re·buolt. Show cylinder, 11.000 miles, 56,800. evenlligs. . beller than average condltoon. (313)878-3949. Sherry (313)836-2411. Dave cellent. $400 each. (517)548- ed. 11,000 moles. 512,050 own tr~nsportatoon. (313)632- quality. $1,200 or trade (517)223-7251. 1973 BUick wagon. loaded. (517)546-0657. (313)632-5814. 3819. (517)546-7054. 5336. Hartland. WORK for yoursell. 9 to 5 got (313)229-4607. 1983 Ford Ranger XL T 4x4. ex· New tiles. ballery. exhaust. 1983 Camaro Sport Coupe. 8 you down? Give yourself a lilt GUITAR lessons. all styles, all 1972 Arctoc Cat Panther 440, 1982 Ford XL. V·8, automatic, YMCA. part-lime posotlons 74 Datsun pickup parts and cellent condotoon, rustproofed, 5450. (313)437-1351. cylinder, I automallc, solver. sellong Avon. and earn good levels. Call MIke, (313)437· and trailer. Askong $500. power steering, power available for youlh sports, tores. (313)3~9-9383. lully equopped oncludlng cap, BUICK Regal, 1981. estate loaded, low moles. mont. must money too. Condy, (313)348- 0913. (313)229-6105. brakes, aor condltlonong, relerees, handIcapped pro- 1981 Datsun pickup box, 7 foot mags and bed liner. 57,450. sale, LOW mIles. aorcondItion· sell. S7,500 or best. (313)887- 0469 or Londa, (313)437·9392. HAVE your 1984 Tax Returns cruise contrOl, stereo, dual gram :coordonator. camp 1974 Chaparral snowmobile, long, on road only one year, (313)348-1415alter 5 p.m. ong. well equopped. $4.995. 1972. , . prepared in the Quoetand com· tanks. wheels. running counSelors. Contact West 5550 or best offer. Excellent lIke new. $400 or best offer. GMC Jimmy, 1983 (like a (313)227·3935. 1978 Cutlass Salon 4 door •• : 170 Situations Wanted fort of your home! Have a boards, new rubber, black, Oakla[ld YMCA. (313)685-3020. condition. (313)229-88-42 after Also bed liner for same, S80. Blazer) Excellent, 510,200. hogh miles. runs very well. ' •• Quallhed Michigan Tax Con· 6 pm. sharp. S6,OOOor best. (511)548- 1980 BUick Regal. Automallc. A-l cleaOlng ladoes, general or (313)229-8121. (517)655-3358evenings power steering. power uses no 011. 25 mpg. looks •. ' 166 Help Wanled Sales sullant Counselor prepare 2217. parhes. Mrs. Hoban or Mrs. 1971 Chaparral Firebird SS. 440 350 Engine with 350 turbo $200; 1976 GMC Jommy. $1,200, with brakes, air, Am·Fm stereo. good, good tires. 51995. your return. Computer pro- 1984 Ford F,150. lull sIze pick· Ross, (313)687-2197 Sach's, very fast, mont condo· 250 engine 5150. two 3-speed extra body parts. (313)231-1344 good tiles, 70.000 mIles. $3,950 (313)878-3484. AUTOMOBilE Salesperson. cessong. confodenltallty, com- up. 300 cubiC Inch 6 cylinder, 4 ALL Fall or weekly cleaning tion_ (313)449-2672. Muncles 575 each. (517)546- or offer. (313)685·1759. GM expellence preferred, petlhve fees. For appoint· speed overdrive, black. AM alter6 pm. 1978 Chevy Malibu. 50,000 beaUtifully done by an ex- 1973 ElTlgre. Excellent condi- 1301 alter 6 p.m. truck experoence helplul. ment, call (517)546-9600. radIO, undercoatong, step 1968 Jeep Wagoneer, 4 x 4, 1977 Buock Regal, light blue. V- miles. rust-prooled. very peroenced woman Home tion, $400. Call after 6 p.m. clean_ S3.000 or best ofler. Good closer, potentoal to earn HOME typing service. PIck up FOUR whote wagon wheels bumper. box IInner and p-215 runs excellent. $850. (313)887- 6. 63.000 moles. 51.600 or best Economost (on prolessoonal (313)229-6764. (313)229·8115. top dollars Call Paul or and deliver. (313)227-5543. with wide raised white leller IIres. 56,800. (517)223-3826. 2319'::. -:- offer (313)229-8115. Richard, Supenor Olds, maids uOlform) for homes and 2 Johnson snowmobiles. woth tires for Courier or luv trUCk. PIANO and organ instructoon. (313)227-1100. busonesses. Also full servoce traoler, $750. (313)887-2892, $125. (313\878-6210. housekeepong skills expertly Graduate from Royal • AN OhIO 011 Company offers (313)887-6612. ask for Mrs. FOR parts. 1978 Pacer. 4 perlormed: laundry. meal Academy, London (313)231- - hIgh ;(ncome, plus cash Rogers. cylinder, 4 speed, 5200. preparation, child supervi· 2173. bonuses. benehts to mature KIDDY Kat snowmobole, $250. (517)546-5907. slon. etc .. etc. (517)546-1439. TYPING. Brighton area. Term person 10 the Classlhed area, can be seen at Cal's Sunoco. papers, letters. etc. FOUR Keystone rims WIth five regardless of expellence. ACADEMY Pre-school plus Main Street. NorthVille, MI. Reasonable rates. (313)227· tores, 15x7 rear. 14x6 lront. Wllte M. W Read. Amellcan day care opeOlngs are hillng (313)349-1818. 3796. 5150 all. (517)546-9434. lubrocants Co., Box 426, up. call for Informatoon. 1·96 1974 340 OlympiC. good condo· 1974 Gremlin. Runs good. Dayton. 0111045401 and Pleasant Valley Road. tlon. $350. (313)229-8115. (313)227.53=30:'-. ~ 180 Income Tax . good shape for parts. Best of. CAREER.opportuOlty lor am- Service RAIDER tWin traCk. 440cc fer or trade. (517)546-5383. A-l ontenor paonltng. wall biliOUS and sharp ondlvlduals snowmobile woth gauges, new MAGNETIC sogns for your washong. crack repaor. light ACCOUNTING and Income for a SS:year old company We battery, warebars, and cover. truck or car. All sizes. Custom carpentry. Work guaranleed. Taxes done by a CPA, WIll completely traon to test Looks and runs excellent. designed for your needs. Call Doscount to senoor coltzens. reasonable rates. (313)348- water. poulutants and totally $350 Single place toll SWIvel (313)885-1507 or come onto the (517)223-7218 2982. dissolved solods High earn· traIler avaolable. (313)449-4030 MIllord Tomes, 436 N Main • lOgs and management POSI' A-l cleaning team. ACCURATE and fast Income SNOWMOBILE repair on all Street, Milford. tlon a posslblloty. Please call references, reasonable rates Tax Service. Rates starting at sleds. also parts new and us· '75 Nova for pails. 8 cylinder. lor appoontment at (517)548- (313)437-8806 $10. (313)878-6967. ed. Used snowmobiles for Best offer. (313)437-3'21. 4337. BABY SITTING. LOVing ACT now. don't moss a deduce sale or trade. (313)624·0058. mother woshes to baby-SIt PICKUP top. 575. Call after 5'30 DOE to S I E 's expansoon pro- lion. Former IRS tax examoner, 1971 Skl-Doo 640 for parts, other choldren. lull-time or or week·ends. (517)546-8129. gram • -4 mature men or degreed accountant, house engone runs. Plus 1972 SkI- RADIATORS. Heater cores. women. 'college helpful. !'lot part-time, corner 01 Mason calls. TAX MASTER. (313)832- Doo TNT for parts. 550 takes mandatOry Begon part-tome, and Burkhart. (517)546-7598. 5846. all. (313)231-3153. Ask for low. low prices. "t MechaOlcs Auto Supply. 4990 South Old '85 MUSTANG LX lIexltile:hours. car mandatory. BABYSITIING In pleasant at· Skeeter. We train you. New Networkong US-23, Bllghton. (313)229-9529, \ 'Tlosphere by mature nor· \ career onvolvong busoness EVERTON'S INCOME 1975 Suzuki Fury 440, very (313)229-9520. 2 DOOR smokong mother. Ten Mole and good condo loon, $475. (313)231- ~ man~g~ment, recrultmg. traon· Wixom Road (313)349·3528. TAX SERVICE TIRED of car problems? Major 2.3 hire engine, 4 spd., p.S., p.b •• Complete Tax ServIces 1580. 109. sales Income commen- BABY-SITIING by expenenc- or minor repaors, , spd. control, AM/FM stereo, surate- to ablloty. Call (517)546- At Reasonable Pnces 1972 Suzuko 360, good condi- ed mother, Napier Road. transmossoons, paint jobs premium sound, tachometer, 178110r·confodentlalontervlew. Plus 30% Senior tion. needs seat and tune-up. Work guaranteed. Call for gauges. p. locks. wore wheels. Diane (313)349-2031. Forst $125 takes. (313)887·2842 DARl.(NG Homes 01 Novi Cotizen Doscount estomate. (313)229-7611. plus much more standard equip- BABY·SITIING. weekdays Itll alter5 pm. sale$ .person for brokerage (Reltred or 62 ment. Stock No. 1577. 5 pm. Hawkins School area. Years of Age) '. 440 Sklroule, runs good. $150 \ dlvlsiori.· sales experoenced (313)227-'1906. preferred Will traon someone CALL or best offer. (313)887·1873. Interested on full-tome career. BABYSITTING. Licensed 1981 Sno-Runner (Ioke small VAR~~~:ALE grandmother Will care for (517)223-3865 $6390 * (313)~49-7511,ask lor Golloen motorcycle on skIS). ndden newborns and up to 6 years on Anytlme/24 Hour .. ' EXPEFllEl>lCED sales people less than one hour, like new. Oownpayrnent S95 cas" or trade APR 12% ...... my home. Live on South Lyon Answenng Service variable 60 months wlih appro",ed credit .', to cal~ on Industroal Manufac- $300or trade. (517)548-3819. off Ten Mile and Wellington. STEVENSON'S Amoun: financed $6295- Total Interest $2106 20 $140.02 per month turers' IOdustroal codongs, TOlal of payments $8401 20 tor (313)437-9869. 101 E. Grand River SUZUKI'S (two), 360 and 400, ..,~.- labelong' and tapes. Send Fowlerville run excellent, over·all good resume' P.O Box 40. South BABY-SITTING. Hartland condolion. $400 each. Call Shores Subdlvoslon. conve· Now upto Lyon, MI. 48178. All resumes HAVE your 1984 Tax Returns (313)449-2672. :held confldentoal. nlent to Hartland Twp. $50.00cash paid '85 TEMPO GL 4 DOOR '85 EXP Schools. Teachers onfants prepared in the QUiet and com· TWO Skl-doo snowmobiles '85 ESCORT FOOp SALES. We have op- ~..- preferred. (313)632·5244. fort of your home! Have a and lour place trailer. $750. for junk cars. 2 3 H S C 5 SP'" ..,r,.atllll' ,,\!" .. ' ...... A'" t" .' to sell real estate. Top com· CHILD care. 0-4 years. lood, (517)521-'1841. :>~,,"p.a.I'"'\f'''It S~..... ,;,tlP .: •• ~ ·~ Howell. (517)548-1700. OO.....np.aym.nl us cU!"I Of 1f~. APA ", wanaDlf' 60 mon'''', w,t,.. fiPprowt'(S C'ea,l Arnoll'" • n.a"Cf'(1 f'O'lO"llP'ls '" 1"1 ."0 c"f"~ • .,.4 "'''''''",1'1' .... " ..... · .' mIssIOns, bonus and trop on· tow rates, Ponckney. (313)878- 60 mOl'llh~ ...... th apprOved Cf"flt Amownt tln,lnCed 57095' T01,1 Inltres1 $137420 Totl' p.&ymenl$ 16m- let'" nto'C'\1 12'00 0":•.... '. "). ~." t'" .. J';"","~ ,...... ) cenrtve. Fast management op· 8498. SSt'S· TOlallnierestS1738 Tot,aIOI p.aymenll S69J3 $946920 ~' l

240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 24tl Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles

1982 Datsun B·210 hatchback. 1975 GMC Suburbdn. 454 1979 Dalsun 210 4 door. 4 1982 Ford Muslang GT. 50 4 1983 Escort. low riUies. good 1982 Escort 4 cylinder, 4 engme. new IN- factory air. AM/FM. SL cylinder. 4 speed. S2.570. speed. T-tops. reclonlng package. rear delogger and (313)349·7955. conditIon. lour speed. Am·Fm speed. good cond'hon $3.000 1980 Ford l TO 4 door, V-8. lellor excellen!, extellor very bucket seals. P,oneer am-fm stereo. (313)227·6641 after (517)546·5907. dUtO. power steeling. pONer good Must see to apprec,ate 1973 Monte Carlo 454 hlg wiper. low mileage. very good 1980-DodgeCoil.speclal cas selle stereo. excellpnt 1984 Ford Tempo, 5 speed. 5 pm brakes. aor, crUIse 52960 (313)498-2052 block mags stereo Must condItion. $4.000 or best offer package. luggage rack. AM· 198ITscort. 2 dOor4'S"Peed. condItion. low mIleage 57 200 red t",led glass body Side (313)349·7955 ~ell (313)229·4538 Call after 6 p.m. (313)855-0326. FM stereo. rear delroster and 77 EI CaminO-ClaSSIC. With power steeling, rear or best (313)887·9296 (313)685 molding, AM/FM stereo. rear 1984 Lincoln Town Car. 2 tone wIper. excellent condlllon. cap, all condltloOlng. tIll d"'roster. am-1m Slereo. 2920 WindON defroster low 1980 Ford FICJta Runs good. SIlver dnd charcoal naif top 1980 Mercury Bobcat HIgh' Wheel, stereo. power Windows 53.600. After 6p m (313)624. good condlt,on, extras leather. makes Must sell mIles looks and runs good 52500. (511)546-5991. 1-9~Ford - Escort: 2 door. 2 mileage S6 100 (517)223.3826 and locks. execellent condl' 3454 (313)229-5745 SI6900 (313)855-6337 $1.800 (517)546-8930 DODGE 024 Omnl.Excellirlt lone. AM/FM stereo cassette. 1983 Forebord Dark' blue. aor. We ByyClean toon. 52.500. (313)227·4837. condItIon. 1980. All condItion· power steeling. much more crUise. stereo. rear defroster, '77 Granada.-"·8.- air, power 1978 leSabre~ BUIck landau 1977 Monte Carlo. full power Cars &. Trucks Ing. am.lm casselle. 4 speed. 1984 Eldorado, black. leather. S5.9OOor IJk'! over monthly wore wheel covers. four steeling. power brakes, ex- Coupe. loaded. V·6. 49.000 amlm casselle. 68000 mIles' 2.2 engme. S3.000 hrm Dual 6 way stereo. 4,800 m,les payment~ (517)223·8534 after speed $8.000 (517)548.2763 celll'nt condillon 51 70~ or ollglOal mIles Worth 52.650 good condition 52.400 aller 3 GaJlWaltat (~:!)66g.9289 after 6p.m SI8,900. (3131229-2385 best offer J31~l43~·71~4 Cash talks (!13)229-8030 pm (313)227-2028 McDonald Ford 4 p.!!!.-_. __.. _. __ alter 5'p~ 349-1400

, EAGLE. 1981. 4 X 4 Olive '80 Full Size Blazer Winter Sale. $3.495. SilYerado Only 35000 miles. I '~', Automattc. air conditiOning. BRONCO II, 1984. Automallc, winter ready ·'Nmo..tx4's landau roof 'ow mIles. $9,995. to choose N-7. 1982. 4 speed. all. am·lm fromt .. $7990 $5990 casselle. 33.000 mIles Extra clean. '80 Buick Century 4 Dr. '81 Grand Prix LINCOLN BUYERS Tu·tone pamt. air condition- AulomallC. air cond,tlonlng. Ing. automatic, wires. low wires. super sharp' 1984 Town car. SI4995. 1984 mlle~ Mark VII. SI4,995. 1982 Con- $5490 Ilnental. 1979 Town Car. moon roof. loaded! 1978 Mark V. '·ilIRDS. 1978 Towne Landau. '835·10 Blazer 4X4 '81 Citation Air. winter ready, Stk No Front wheel drive, auto ,alf !>harp. 1 owner. same Day L13SS cond •36 000 miles Financing. TRANS AM. 1979. Loaded. T- $4450 '77 COUGAR '81 ESCORT 2 Dr. Tops On Showroom floor. va. 3ulo. alt. bargain prlced W/power steerang Sale price ONLY Must SEE! '78 Pontiac Phoenix L.J '81 Escort ONLY 51999 52699 DENT& Auto. 31r cand •wife,. only Front wheel drive. air eand • SCRATCH SALE 45.000 miles. tflple black gas saver, ONLY Escorts. Tempos. G.M .. '83 ESCORTS '84 BRONCO $3990 No 1seller front wheel drive A.I condition. V6eng • beautiful Chrysler &. AMC Products (20) $3690 Why Pay More ONLY to Choose-From as Low as rwolone SAVE 58999 $89Down. SI22 per month. 53999 LTD. 1982. Stallon Wagons. NO.1_~ ...... '78 PINTO 2 Dr. '83 GRAND MARQUIS LS lull sIze 1980, 1981 Fallmonts. Great Iranspottatlon speCial. 4dt ,Qreatcond • loaded 1981. '82: '83 Escorts. S49 savealltheway ONLY w/eqUip super buy ONLY down. same day IlnanClng. 57999 MUSTANGS 51299 13T0 CHOOSE FROM '79 MONARCH 2 Dr. '83 MUSTANG GT 1984 GT's. 1984's; Automallcs. Auto. air, stereo, wire wheels, SOeng •I-roof TRX wheels ION ~II; $6.595. 1983 GT. T-tops. save, great shape ONLY miles. only SAVE '382.1980.1979.1978.1977. 52999 57999 BILL BROWN '79CAMARO '81 CHEVETTE 4 Dr. AuIO.w/p •• why pay more, Auto trans ,low miles, extras USED CARS sayeblg ONLY 53699 ONLY 421-7000 53699


--GMC 5-15-- PICK-UP--~

IMMEDiATE 58676 DELI\'E~Y &: ~118/mo. Plus lax plalt._ Plus 4% use lax 40 month autovest payments Total obligatIon S5890.56 1st Rear delogger. pIn slropes. super stock month payment & securoty depOSit 01 S200 due wheels. white walls. AM/FM stereo, 2.5 liter electronoc luel injected engine. p.S., ,>.b .. upon delivery Option to purchase at end o! lront wheel drove. hnted Windows. reclining lease S3325. bucket seats. No. 238

1975 Chevy Suburban 1984 Cutlass NOW 59675 51395 Power steering & brakes auto. air stock no U578P Slock no U6A 1983 Olds Cutlass Ciera 1984 Delta 88 $219 permo .. dr : fully equipped stoc~ no U525A 511.295 Srock No 61SA 1982 Buick Lesabre 1984 GMC112 Ton Pickup $7995 Mmt cond • ps , P b • auta, stock na U4T3A 5225 perno loaded mmt cand stock na U-455P 1982 Buick Century 1984 Buick Century 57595 4 dt •otce equipment low miles srOCk na U5A 59450 Super clean car. stoell no U603A 1983 Chevy Camaro 1981 Chevy Luv Truck '231 permo 4..4, stock no U592A 5168 oermo Excellent cond In & oul, stock no U612A 1981 Phoenix 1983 OIds Delta 88 4 dr ,Iront wheel dflve Sioek no U3A 5123pormo 4 dr ,auto P s • air. stock no V-496A '8995 1983 Olds 98 Regency Sedan 1981 Honda Accord Nice car. stock na U550A. 5188 permo Loaded. stock no US99P '11,995 1980 Chevy 1980 Chevette • dr . srOCkno U618A .. dr • two to choose from '87 permo 1980 Toronado 1979 Pontiac Bonneville Stock No U602A '155 permo stock no US52A '2795 1917 Chevy Caprice 1980 Buick Lesabre '1295 Srock No U.71P 5196 permo slock no UTA 1983 Olds Cutlass Ciera 1980 Cutlass 4dr ,p S.P b ,aUla air. stock no U10fi '5795 'Iff P s • P b • aulo front wheel dflvc. stock no U59.cA '6995 REGARDLESS Where You Live •• It'. Worth The Drive to. •


°OETHER 0 "'" ~ ~~:::,=_:=AMER'CAI . ~ (RIGHT OFF JEFFRIES FREEWAY) ~;:::!:~~, So carpool America! Share a ride with a friend. The FuSQ Customer Store *IF ORDER RE UIRED DISCOUNTS WILL BE HONORED. A Publ ic Service of This Newspaper,. the U.S. Department of Transportation & The Advert.ising r I COunCil to-a-SOUTH LYONHERALD-NORTHVILLERECORD-NOVINEW5- THEMILFORDTIMES-Wednesday.January 23. t985 .0 • Buying in Livingston County Saves Dollars and Makes Sense! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. - WALDECKER w~ '85 SAVINGS 1985 RANGER 4 WHEEL DRIVE

\(6, 5 speed overdrive, cloth & Vinyl trim op- tronal axle ratio, raised white leller tires 'step bumper, 13 gallon auxiliary fuel tank iinted ---I~ ..~~·. - glass. western mirrors, p.s., p.b .. sportwheels tS d~-=- J and more "~-_rj~ A, $9695 Plusshippmg, ~ , tax& title .-~~- 1985 1985 1985 PONTIAC 2000 Pontiac T-1000 BUICK SKYHAWK 1985 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS S 78 ONLy Includes. six passenger room. 5 lIter V8engine. aulo ONLY 149 overdllve.p s , p b . p Windows.AM/FMstereo. white ONLY $99 $149 'per month sidewallIlles. Vinylroof,powerlocks,autoparkingbrake per month release. till wheel. speed conlrol. tlnled glass.IWile Includes auto. rear defog .. p.s .. ~~~~la~':,"e~;~S;~~~I~~ndremotemIrrors.allcond , elec- or $5295 Includes rear defog., power stereo, plus tax, title & plates '4~monlnlease$24018permonlh.$25000 refundable steenng plus tax, title & plates secuflly depeslt $80000 capItalized cosl reduction. $23152 UnhiJanuary31, 1985 lotal due al Incephon $134078 Amount 01 lota1 pay· PerMonth add 4% use tax menl $11.55144 OOJer60 000 miles ddd 6' per mile ~~~ 1984 ---. 1985 GRAND AM --=--.BUICK REGAL ,.--,:;:::::, - $7995 .A-1 USED CARS ••• ALL PRICED TO GO! .. -~--... • & plales =-- '84 Cutlass Supreme '83 Chevy 810 '80 LTD '80 Ford F100 "'"-- I - - ONLY $187 ~\ Brougham .cdr air va au'o ....-..... per month ~ ~~ 6cyl,-OPd. V6loaded $9495 ~~n'l"ced $5995 ~a~ pb eltral'ltCt $4995 L.:;jjjjjjjjjj.--. --=- 1984 . _ sharp ~:~a';.XI,a 55695 . ______'__ PONTIACSUNBIRD ~ '84 Chevy 510 '82 Ford F150 '80 Fairmont Futura '79 Ford F150 V6,5spd. 32000mIles.6 15,000miles. $6895 Soor'Coupe clean cyl,auto, '6995 a".6cyl, '3695 1985 $139 1984 PONTIAC FIERO sharp auto p s . p b PARISIENNE 4 DR. $2000 '84 Colony Park Wgn. '82 Pontiac Trans Am '80 Cougar XR7 '79 Bronco _ - $9750 $199 permonth S~VE 8pass . luxury 28 000mIles $9295 V6 air auto va. auto. p ~ IOleoor. $12 695 V8.auto,alr· pb ,Iu-tone $5995 ~ permonth 41n ~ ~ loaded , ~,:.."pb very$5395 green .. C~- ~~ .. - :';;:'::0;"". JEEPCti:~OKEES SIOC~~ '83 Escort Wagon '81 LTD '80 Lemans WE BUY GOOD Stick. stereo. "dr .ocyl. aul0. aIr. p s , USED CARS & ~~~~porlatiOn$4995 pb TRUCKS 1985 RENAULT ALLIANCE & ENCORE We will not be undersold! Ie Bring in your best deal. WE'LL BEAT IT! LIFETIME . SERVICE OVER DEALER INVOICE GUARANTEE' 1984 BUICK LESABRE'S ONLY 2 LEFT SAVEUPTO • 1985 BUICK $2500 PARK AVENUE'S Bring in your neighbor 71N STOCK or friend. We'll give you a commission if WE DEAL! we sell them a car! ••Allpayments based on $1,000down. cash or trade plus tax. All cars subject to pre-sale. Title and plates on approved credit. •

Don;tbefooled'by I.' We.s.~lIonly' '.' other dealers W'A' D' ECK'E'R" .' the best . phony baloney . ' .' . " ' OVE~ $300,000 WORTH OF USED CARS MUST GO.! ALL.TYPES! - "', 1985 Chrysler 984 Buick Park Ave. 1984 Buick Regal Lmt. Coupe Now$14,695 58 LeBaron dr sedan,factoryoll,clalWas$16,495 Loaded low miles ONLY $210 permo ular equIpment 2 dr., POPt0 tone palOt. 1984 Renault Fuego Turbo 1984 Honda Accord package, ~est auto.. air, ONLy$21058 permo center arm wsw StOCk ullyequlpped 2 dr .5 speed. stereo ONLY $199°~ermo p, wlOdowS. . .. NO5202 1984 Datsun Nissan Coupe 60 1984 Buick Electra Este. Wgn. ONLy$149 permo Loaded. nIce Was $12.995 $11,995 5 NOW ~~~15 10,995 * 1983 Buick Regal 40 1983 Olds Toronado Bro. dr .6 cyl .low owner mile:; ONLy$190 permo FullyeqUipped,SharpWas$12,995 NOW $11,995 1985 Reliant Wagon Auto,reardefrost,all,luggagerack, Was 510 297* 1983 Buick Park Ave. 5 1983 Olds Cutlass Ciera Bro. ~~~i70ntrol.stereo,p locks Stock 510,706 , dr.factoryoll,c,al,loadedwasSt3 995 Now 11,995 FullyeqUIpped,sharp ONLY $1904~ermo 1983 Buick Century T-Type Car $19040 1983 Renault Alliance Coupe 1985 Dodge Aries cyl,lowmiles,sharp 0NLY permo 5speedslereo ONLY $1142~ermo Was 2dr.. auto.. reardefrost,stereo. p s & p b ,hll. StockNo.5112 58689 58422* 1983 Renault Alliance 76 1983 Chevy Citation ONLY $89 permo .. dr CL like new ONLY $1441~ermo 1985 Dodge 0·100 Pick.U~ 1983 Pontiac Bonneville 1983 Pontiac 2000 LE $1832~er",0 $1659~ermo 6cyl 4spd/overdllve,step bumper. as ONLY .dr aulo air ONLY stereo. p s 58503 57995* 1983 Chevy Cavalier Wagon s 1983 Plymouth Turismo $176 germo dr ,a.r. sleroo. auto ONLY 51108~ermo Air," speed ONLY 3 . 1985' Chrysler LeBaron Turbo 1982 Buick Riviera Bro. 1982 Renault Fuego 42 4dr.. popularequIpmentpackage $1w1,a s *. ONLY $216°~ermo Air. cass stereo ONLY 591 permo 1985 Plymouth auto"all,StockNo.5178 8 87510,995 Caravelle 24 Month124,OOOMile We sell only 1983 Ford Ranger 4x4 Twolono Warranty Available the best! 4speed,lockouthubS ONLY 51745~ermo rear defrofrarnt,aUlo"a'r 1985 Dodge Ramcharger lOCks, Sler' p Wrndowsi. ChOOse'ro eo, I"l. 2 10 4 wheeldrove,ProspectorIII package. 1982 Honda Accord 1981 Buick Regal Coupe Lmt. ill, twotoneparnt,RoyalSEdecor,~18 ONLY $1874~ermo Fully eQ•.upped,low miles ONLY 51687~ermo Was • auto.. sunscreenglass,all.p.WIndowsWas S14 499 & locks.cruise, hie r.w.1tiles,Stock $15 826 ,. 1981 Oldsmobile Omega 1981 Plymouth Reliant '11,502 $10,903 * No.5199 , $9999 permo • dr •• speed stereo ONLY 51093~ermo ..df ." cyt ." specd. air ONLY 1985 Chrysler LeBaron : 1981 Olds Omega Coupe 1982 Pontiac T·1000 02 59374 permo ..dr ,auto, stereo ONLY $85 permo 4dr popularequipmentpackage.all, Was 510 995* ONLY p.~;ndOws& locks,StOCkNo.5257 511,807 , : 37 1981 Olds 98 Regency ONLY .584 permo .. dr • fully equIpped. low miles ONLY $2406~ermo ·plus tax, title and license DESTINATION CHARGES INCLUDED 1981 Mercury Marquis 1981 Olds Cutlass Calais Coupe RuckelsealS,lu.tone ONLY $1874~ermo 4 dr • loaded low one ownor miles ONLY 51624~ermo • 1980 Chevy Malibu Coupe 1980 Buick Century Lmt. 12 $1476~ermo 6cyl,stereo ONLY $78 pormo .. dr • loaded. lOW miles ONLY 1980 Datsun 200SX Coupe 1980 Buick Regal Coupe ONLY $1406*ermo .. cyl •• spoed, Sharp ONLY '1125~ermo 6cyl.aulo .storeo BRIGHTON 1980 1980Datsun 2802X6L 252 $2087~ermo ONLY $123°:ermo loaded loc.alo*ner ONLY IChrysler.Plymouth.Dodge I 1980 Ford Mustang Coupe 42 1980 Ford LTD Sedan ONLY $99 permo ..dr • air, 31.000mlles.llko new ONLY $132°gNmo •Allpayments based on 10%down plus tax and plates. 9827 E. Grand River Brighton HOURS: 9797 E. Grand River (313) 229·4100 Mon. & Thurs. 8:30-9 BRIGHTON Open: Mon. & Thurs. 8·9 T-W-F 8:30-6 WALDECKER Tues,. Wed. & Fri. 8-6 Sat. 10-3 . Sat. 10·2 AMC IJeep IRenault 227·1761 .' •• Wednesday. January 23. 1985-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD T1MES-l I·U Buying in Livingston CountySaves Dollars and Makes Sense!

'82 ~d~~~o:,~Je~~~~~~.Re~~e ~,It. $6995 LEASE vinyl toP. rally wheels HILLTOP' '80 FORD FIESTA $2295 • speed,radlo Ford-Lincoln '78 CAPRICE $4295 ANEW _"'I~ 4dr .alr, V-S. stereo. P door locks. low mlle5: _",ltC '83 S-10 PICK-UP 4x4 Mercury Extended Cab. V-6.Tahoe pkg . 'Woo lump $7995 seats. aluminum wheels. door locks ~~~ '82 BUICK LESABRE 1985! .. dr •air. stereo. defogger. spill seats. lilt vinyl $6995 .. toP. cruise 546·2250 '81 PONTIAC GRAND LEMANS .. dr all, stereo. spht seats. door locks, wIre $5595 ... wheels. defogger. ttlt crutse --_-~'79 OLDS DELTA 88 $3995 1976 Granada • Q .. dr • all, aula. stereo tilt. erulse $595 '81 CHEVY CITATION ·$3295 4dr. ONLY ~.~ .. dr • power sleenng. radio ... cyl · '82 DELTA ROYAL 1978T-Bird ONLy$1595 ~~ .. dr •air, power seals wlndowS.IIII cruise • $7995 slereo. vinyl top • • •. S '80 FORD PINTO $2395 Aulomatlc 19770ldsCutiass $1995 1985 Buick '75 PONTIAC LEMANS $595 4dr. ONLY ·II~TransPOrlaUon special. sold as IS no .....arranty '77 HONDA WAGON $895 1979 Ford Country Squire Wgn ~ SOld a~ IS. no warranty !o~e~t~~~~~~ ON~yl 79~~mo. month payment on 48 month lease lease · ONLY$1995 • 307W. Grand River, Fowlerville ~GooJ~ 1978 Cougar XR7 ,.• 517-223-9129 OPEN SATURDAYS ~~~~"'?.B ONLy$2495 \. 12~~OVolare ONLy$2595 • 1979 Grand Pri~NL Y $2695 • 1982 Escort Station Wagon • Discover Your Livingston ONLy$2995 1982 Lynx • County Auto Dealers 2dr .. auto ONLy$3295 ~~e~~~p~t~1st ON~y152~~mo. month payment on 48 month lease • Don't trudge off to the 1981ZephyrZ-7 lease $3295 • Auto .• alr ONLY • big city 1979 T-Bird , P NTIAC-BUICK • ONLy$3995 .. tomake WALDECKER 1984TempoGL $6395 4dr .• 5spd .• alr ONLY .AMC I·Jeep I Renault . ~1- your 9797 E. Grand RiVer 1983 Cutlass Cierra Holiday Coupe Brighton car deal Loaded ONLY $8595 227-1761 1984 Marquis Sta-Wgn Auto .alr.stereo. cruise. hit ONLY$8495 , -when everything you need is here 1984 Marquis Brougham at your doorstep! 4 dr •V-6. every option. 13.000 miles, extended - '. 'warranty - ON'-Ya; $8995- . • 1983 Coupe DeVille loaded ONLY $11,695

Vans & Pick-ups 1972 Ford Van $295 '- x ONLY • 1978 Dodge va~NLY $1595 1981 Ford F-l00 6cyl.4spd. ONLY $4895 1982 S-10 Pick-up .AUTOVEST & JOHN COLONE A GREAT LEASING TEAM! 4spd. ONLy$4895 1981 F-1S0 Pick-up $5195 RELIANT Auto. ONLY • , - Stock No. 5C196. Auto, tape I . ~- ~ - -.. stripes. stereo, power steering, • ~ ,0."'"k".•"'.I1'" 16~~~~:~SO ONLy$5395 1982 F-1S0

I ; e ~ 513974~months ~tIT~sslde.auto .. loW ONLY$6695 $800down Withsecurity depoSIt01 $250& 1stmonths payment. 1983 Ford Van $6895' DODGE CARAVAN 4spd. ONLY Stock No. 5C028. Base pkg .. floor mats. auto .• power steering. spare 1983 F-1S0 hre, w/s/w. 5 passenger seating ~~~s·stereo.dual ONLY $7695 '. •· . < 5181 O~months 1984 Ford Van $769 $1000down Withsecurity depOSit01$250& 6cyl .• auto. ONLY 5 1stmonth payment 1984 F-1S0 $7995 6cyl.. auto .• 9001mIles ONLY Dl00 PICKUP 1983 Ford Club-Wagon 131. wb. 4 spd. od. 223 cld eng •• hd ~~~~:,alr.stereo.8 shocks. 4800GVW ONLY$9295 • 7 1983 Ford Van Tra-Tech Conversion 5125 2months ONLy$9995 $750down, $250secullty depOSit& 1st 1983 Chevy Beauville Window Van months payment. We Don't Want to be the Biggest-We Want to be the Best! ONLy$9995 1983 Ford Club-Wagon ~~~~ed,low mlles.t,u- ONL y$l 0,995

·...... •, -: .. 12·B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday. January 23.1985 ••

240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles

1984 Pontlac Sunblrd 2000 Tur· boo Loaded. custom paint. 4· COULDYOUUSEANEWCARAND FRONT speed with low miles Must see. $tl.ooo or best (313)227· WHEEL DRIVE 4728 1978piymoulh -sapp-orO;--5 '81 Dodge Aires speed. $1.200 (313)437·3354 CASH BACK? 1984Pontoac 6OOO:power win· ~~::~~t~"'r $4195 dows. locks. trunk. hit. cruise. :'84 Chevy Cavalier casselle. $7.700 (313)231.1672. 1982P1y-mouth TC-3~4 cylinder • •FUllyequipped. 5to choose •• ftom, on.y 4.000 miles automatic. rear defrost. cruise. Iront wheel dflve. very $8295 dependable In snow $3.200. UPTO '82 Chevy Citation (313)878-6297. t978 POntlac Sunbltd---si"X Choose 'rom 2. 'ull powe,. auto ...... 000 miles. one cylinder. automahc. good con· owner dlhon. $1.700 (313)231·3079 $4995 1980 Plymooill! Grand Fury. 4 door. alt. power locks. rear '81 Citation delroster. $2.100. (313)878· 2dr .auIO. 6547. $4,000 :~.~~ereo. $3495 1978 Regal New hres. ex· haust AM.FM casSelle. sun· ASK FOR US~D CARS' rool. 68.000 miles. runs good. very clean. $2800 (313)437· ~rls 8305=---;---;- __ . CASH 1977 Sunbltd. great condition. automahc. alt. $1.500 (313)227· CHEVROLET 3027 2199 Haggeriy 1977 Suburban. 454-;-traller IN. or 1~Mile) package. crUIse. hit. excellent Walled Lake' running condition $2.795 or REBATE 624:"450~ best (313)227·7740 1984 Tempo GL. 4 door. 4 on 1984 new cars and speed. stereo. speed control. '_WHAT IS THE excellent condlhon. 13.000 demonstrators miles. rust prooled $5900. <~.BARGAIN (517)546·6836 Use as Down Payment ::: : BARREL? 1979 Toyota Corolla wagon. 5 orputcash IIyOu.have an Item you Wish to speed. alt. $1,600 or best oller. seU far $25 or less or a group (517)546-9832 in your 01 Items seiling lor no more 1979 Trans Am. 66WS6 handl· pocket! than $25. you can now place an Ing package. 150 miles on new ad In the classilled sechon lor engine. stored winters, T· ';" pflce! Ask our ad-Iaker to tops. mint condlhon. extreme· place a Bargain Barrel ad lor ty last, $7.300. (517)548-3374 you. (10 words or less) and 1978 Toronado Brougham she Will bill you only $2 25. Power steeflng. brakes. win· (ThiS speCial IS ollered to dows, scats. sun·rool. alt. homeowners only-sorry, no cruise. $1,850. (313)349-1242. commercial accounts) 1971 yellow VW Bug Good shape. new rebUilt engine 1982 Mustang GL. 2.3 Liter. 5 $1.200 (313)231·2842 speed overdrove, am·lm casselle. sharp. $4.500 or best oller. (313)437-1504 alter 6 pm The Torturos weren't covered by any in~ur- 1978 Mercury Cougar, sharp, ance. Red Cro~s found them a place to ~tay. We $2,150 or best oller. (313)227· 1895. gave them food, warm jackets and winter boots. 1979 Monte Carlo. T·top. Am· Mo~t people think it take~ a major di~a~ter Fm stereo, air. Call1ornta car, like a Ilood. a hurricane or an earthquake for the 58.000 miles. $4.000 or best 01· ler. (313)349-2351. '835-10 Blazer 4X4 Red Cross to respond. But Michael and Phylli~ '71 Mark III. Showroom mint t.~~b~~;'k $8995 Torturo know differently. Their Red Cro~s di~a~ter claSSIC. $4.500. (313)348-1414. relief didn't stop with just food. clothing and 1977 Monte Carlo. good condl' '82 Jeep Wagoneer hon, runs great, $1.000 or best shelter. We helped them re-e~tabli~h their ~ource oller. (313)685-9425 or (313)474· 1200duflng bUSiness hours. of income. Then showed them how to u~e tho~e fund~ MUST sell, 1984 Fiero SE '82 Datsun King Cab 4X4 Loaded, excellent condlhon to obtain a trailer home for their family. Paid $13.100. Will sell lor ~~'p~~r:~arp$ $10.500. Call Jan alter 5 pm. 7695 What if the next fire in town destroy~ your (313)227·5591. '79 Jeep Wagoneer home'? Who can you count on to lend a helping 1982 Mercury Cougar. Voyager wagon, beautiful car With ;,~,o.sle,eo·$4295 hand? Youcan count on u~. every option, excellent cond" tlon. $6,500. (313)229-8121. 1983 Olds Custom CrUiser, 9 e passenger station wagon. We'll Help, \"ill You'? Loaded, low m"es. rust· prooled. $10,000. (313)231·2640 1979 Olds Cutlass Supreme 2 American A Pub, C Service 01 ThiS Newspapfltf r:trI door. V·6, auto, power steer- Red Cross & The AdvertL~lng CounCil ~~S ing. Vinyl top $3.280 (313)349· 7955. OLDS Starhre. 1978. high per· formance V-6, 4 speed. LOW miles, excellent condition $2,395. (313)227-3935" -.". . WHATISTHE 1978 Plymouth Volalte. 4 door. automahc. 6 cylinder, good BARGAIN s' llody, $1,400 or best oller. lohnny barely speaks, (517)546-4850'. BARREL? If you have an Item you Wish to 1980 Pinto, no rust. new ex· sell for $25. or less or a group haust. new radmls. Runs 01 ,terns seiling for no more out he wants to say great. $2,695 (313)437·8689 than $25. you can now place an PONTIAC, 1982, Tl000, ad In the claSSified section for automahc, alt, am-1m Asking ';" pncel Ask our ad·taker to ((Th k" ~ (313)477-1073 place a Bargain Barrel ad lor an s. you, (10 words or less) and she Will bill you only $2 25 (ThiS speCial IS ollered to . VANS' homeowners only-sorry, no commerCial accounts) '83 Z28, fully loaded. 27.000 PICKUPS miles. best offer (313)437· '84 Chevy Silverado 7104. Red full power. aIr. Sl~reo u:>e hit cruise. spl wheels a 000 m,les war 241 Vehicles ,,,'y ONLY '10 995 Under $1000. '84Van ' Work wan V8 aulO p s p b 1972 BUick LeSabre, transpor- AII/FII.13000mll., s8395 tation. many new parts. needs brake work. $400 or best oller. '80 Datsun King Cab (313)229·7623 after 5 pm ~,mc:~'~ .• UIO. '4995 1976 Chevy suburban, runs '78 Chevy Beauville Van goOd. dependable $595 or V~,.,clean a.f•.auto p s P b best oller (313)498-2265. AM/FM stereo till cruIse 3 se.' 12 ..... ng.. S4595 1974 Camaro, super depen· dable' Looks mce, Wile's car. '77 Chevy ~ Ton Pickup Must sell. asking $750 ~~:itsealS.ru:s S1595 (517)223·7218 '75 Chevy LUV Pickup '73 Cutlass Olds 350R Runs excellent, $500 Iltm. Alter s1495 5p m (313)669·3433 ASK FOR USED CARS· 1977 Chevy Maltbu $950 (517)223-9009 ~riG 1973 Chevy 4 door:-QOOd engine and transmiSSion, CHEVROLET $175 (517)548·3447. 2199 Haggerty 1972 . 400 V· (N .•oI1SMilc) 8. 2 door. (313)229-6161 after Walled La}(e 6 pm. DODG-EAspen. 1977 Slan~ 624·4500 three speed. 69.000 miles. very dependable. good gas mileage $995 (517)548-2391. 1976 FOfclF-loo pickup. 6 VARSITY'S cylinder stick. $550 (313)437- JANUARV'S STEALS 5811. ON BUDGET WHEELS 1975 Ford LTD. alt, am.lm o DOWN stereo. crUIse, good cond,· hon. $750. (313)887·8204, I. errA TlOH4 DOOR (517)548-2050. Fran' ...heel drive. glS saver seamonth. 36months 1975 Ford LTO. 4 door. Johnny Hillman is a hemophiliac, He'll probably need blood for Illl1'1ESCORT automatic. V-S, power steeflng ca.ooo ortglnsl miles. Ioke new and brakes. runs good $450 the rest of his life. Hurry at only see month. ca (517)546-5907. monthS Whenever Johnny has needed blood, it's been there. Thanks to 111112ESCORT 2 DOOR 1973 LeMans, gOOd mOlor and Front ...heel dflve. storeo transmiSSion $200 or best. someone like you, casselle. only S99 month ca (313)685-2546. monthS i9~Mercury Comet, gOOd Right now, somebody, somewhere, need" your type of blood to 1171 ZEPHYR 2 DOOR transportation. Askong $450 Automatic •• ". 000d tr.nspor· go on living. 'Ilion S69 month. 30 mon'hs Call (313)887-2282 ,m OOOGE VAN 1976 Malibu ClaSSIC, 2 door. Call Red Cross today for a blood donor appointment. CONVERSION gOOd condition. $650. or best Fln,,', vleilion tun" $99 (517)521-3424. And bring a fiiend, month. 30 monthS American 1171 OMNI024 1974 Olds wagon, 67.000 miles. Thanks. AutOlnllie. power stoenng Ind great body. transmission Red Cross brlkes. stereo. grelt MPG On· needs work. $450 or best Iy$70month. 36monthS Alter 5 p.m .. (517)546-5645. 1lll1'1CHEVY ~ TON CUSTOMDELUXE 1972 Plymouth Satelilo With PICKUPWIlli CAP am·lm radiO. needs work, Sloo 49.000 miles. lutomltlC. po.... , or besl oller. (313)878-5768. ~, steeflng Ind llflk05. O,lrl 1977 Pontiac Sunbltd. Deluxe eleln $112 month. monthS ca model, automatic, tow bar . . WE HAVE140 SHARP V CARS TRUCKS AVAILABLE G,VOuS $875. (313)437·8517, I UII Of' come In II you don', 1974 -Pontiac-Catalina,- runs see ...hlt yOU're 'OO\lng '0"11 and ndes very well. $450 Ask Donate Blood. + WE'RE DEALING ... for Ray, (313)887·7286 Call In Your Credit Come 1976 Pinto. You- conneciliiO In Pick-Up Your Ca,l! dnve train. All parts oncluded We're Easy. plus spares. $250 (313)227· A PubliC SelVlee 01 ThIS N.... spaper "'" 2114. & The Adverliling COune,l ~I 1979 Spirit. automatic, 4 © The AmerICan Nallonal POll Cross t981 996·2300 cylinder, fender damage, runs good, $~~:...(313)4..3?·_115~'-_._ ,.,~ 1974 Volkswagen. runs gOOd. $35O:.E,!O~I.n..OS (313)?27·96~ __ .'r------~ 1 Wednesday, January 23, 1985 v. OurTown In Our Town 3 Church programs 3 w~e Nort~uille 1!\ecoro Spikerswin two 4 • Recreation Briefs 5

By KEVIN WILSON electricity shock upon touching a door handle. This isn't the Detroit Auto Show for nothing - Importers There was ritual to be followed here. get display space, but the visitor gets an eyeful of Dad took me to my first Detroit Auto Show before domestic iron first. I'd ever been to school. Vivid memories survive This was okay with dad and me many moons ago from when I was age 6 or 7 and already stealing his - Ford was the outside of the Oreo, the imported copies of Road & Track or Sports Cars Illustrated sports cars the creamy inside we saved for last. before he could finish reading them. Corvairs and The man In the press room told us that he didn't the original Mustang on pedestals In Cobo Hall are understand why, but the show got more press atten- the first images that come to mind when January tion this year than at any time In the recent past. I rolls around. had my suspicions, confirmed after a tour of the You always park on the Cobo Hall roof. Never main exhibit hall. mind that you always go on the day of the first big That Ford had race cars on display again was the snow of the new year. Never mind that the wind first clue. That even Buick and Oldsmobile had race whips off the river at 25 bone-chilling miles per cars in their exhibits was proof positive. hour. You've gotta drive that spiral ramp, stare at It's okay to like cars again. And there are cars the lighted buildings and test the severity of winter worthy of passion. The American Love Affair with by how much ice is on the river. , the Automobile lives. In the past 15years. I've missed only two of these There was a time, 'not so long ago, when the an- things - once I was at college in the Upper Pen- nual trek to Cobo took on overtones of duty rather ninsula, the other time the doctors wouldn't let me than celebration. I loved cars, but from 1975 to out of the hospital before it was over. Neither year about 1980it seemed that no one else did. Sometimes ever felt quite right. the stuff on display in the mid-'7OSmade one wonder Start with the Fords. Originally. this was because if the manufacturers even liked the things. Only Dad never liked Fords and wanted to get it over true believers could maintain interest, and even we with first. (Fix Or Repair Dally. he used to sayl. had a tough time mustering enthusiasm. '/ Later, it was because Ford had race cars - Let the sociologists worry about whether the LeMans-winnlng Ford GT Mark VIIs, Indianapolis revival of passion for cars was prompted by the oil racers, dragsters - and the kid had an all- glut, Improved economy or bottled-Up demand. All I Car heaven consuming passion for racing. know is there are one whale of a lot of good cars on Besides, that's the way the show Is always laid out the market, and somebody (not me) has the money: ,<. - Ford. Chevy and Dodge right near the entrance. to buy them . imports near the exit where tired visitors may ~ar-crazy reporter Kevin Wilsonleans on decide to go home rather than bear another static Continued oii2 the new Volkswagen Jetta (:move). He ,confesses that the picture at right inspires ,lust inhis heart - notfor the model;but for , new LeBaron GTS. When even The good, bland and the ugly !Buickdisplays race cars (below); it must be okay to lovecars again. Photos by Steve ,.F.~t -"'-"O'_-_-.~--~. --.'_ Part of going to the auto show is forming opinions about cars you've never driven and likely never will. These are highly personal and SUbjective reac- tions that probably say more about the person than • the cars. My own biases are toward'anything that smells of high performance, looks a little different from the mass of three-box sedans and bears an undefinable quality I call "character." There are lingering in- fluences from being raised in a Chrysler household, a "little knowledge is a dangerous thing" admira- NewMerkurnameplate: too large tion for' exceptional engineering. and a cosmopolitan outlook probably inspired by an im- Good : Ford's Special Vehicle Opera- ' migrant parent who never took U.S. citizenship. tions group was let loose on the T-Bird. Low. black With those caveats in mind. I offer my own list of and sleek. Make these. the Good, the Bland and the Ugly as viewed at last Bad concept car: Chevy Camaro GTZ. PearL· week's Detroit Auto Show. Yellow paint. more gee-gaws and junk than a self- : respecting high SChoolkid would pile on a car. The' . Show cars used to be a major attraction. Memory Camaro and its sister Pontiac Firebird are the best- cites the Astrovette. a three-wheeled jet-powered styled cars in American production. No one notices contraption that looked like nothing so much as a jet because there are so many. If the nameplate said fighter, and the Chrysler turbine car as standouts. Porsche or Ferrari and production was limited to This kind of show car doesn't exist anymore. maybe 10,000 a year. these things would sell for What we get are "concept" vehicles. Marketing ex- $40,000. no questions asked. Why Chevy asked a 15- perts caused this:Where the show once was reason year-old to draw up a "design study vehicle" and enough for the manufacturers to produce something then put it on the auto show floor is a mystery. that showed off the engineering might of the cor- poration, the marketing folk now use the shows for Chevrolet's Cavalier was the best-se\llng car in research. That means today's concept car is a America last year. It leaves me cold. It's the pragmatic mix of daydreaming and current produc- McDonald's Quarter Pounder. the processed cheese tion technology. spread of American cars. Wide appeal, no bad There were dozens of concept cars this year, but traits. but no excitement either. Baseball, hot dogs only two real design studies. One was Ford's Ghla- and apple pie. Decent stUff. No adrenalln. designed aerodynamic four-wheel drive wagon on a Tempo platform. Attractive, but not exciting. Big anticipatil'n for me was for a firsthand look at The other was Chrysler's Stealth tWG-seater. the new Merkur XR4Ti at Lincoln/Mercury. It's an Yuck styling. If they ever use the name Stealth. I import from Ford of Germany. The car still excites hope they treat it seriously. Such a car should be in- me. though the styling is not for everyone. Primary visible to police radar. Do that, and there'll be one in my garage overnight. Continued on 2 )irst-timer gets an eyeful in guided auto show tour

By MICHELE M. FECHT separating the automobile Idiots from those who really know cars Is a simple task - particulary at an auto show. Had I known my first trip to the Detroit Auto Show . While Kevin Is checking out engines and the other stuff would result In this brief and unenlightened expose, I'm under the hood, I'm looking at how many gadgets there not so sure I would have gone along for the ride . are on the and the upholstery design on the • Actually, I enjoyed the auto show (much to my sur- seats. prise) - thanks to the guided tour I received from Kevin I can't understand why Kevin rolled his eyes every time Wilson, our resident auto authority. I mentioned that a car was "cute." Going to the auto show with Kevin Is like touring An· I don't mean to make this a sexist thing. There are tletam with Bruce Catton (or would have been as the many women out there who make It their business to know award·wlnnlng Civil War author passed away several about cars. Just as there are many men who leave the car years ago). know-how to mechanics. As long as I've worked at The Record, Kevin's desk has However, I am not among the enlightened. Hey, don't been cluttered with scads of auto magaZines. He's the only sell me too short. I pump my own gas - once or twice a writer I know who hordes the latest press releases from year. car companies. I did find one thing that almost anyone can understand However, one does not realize the extent of a car bUff's - the sticker price. enthusiasm until placed In an entire room fUllof chrome, As we toured Ford's luxury cars, I exclaimed, "Hey, .)ass and rubber. this car talks to you." For $26,000 it ought to. I. Upon entering the show at Cobo Hall, I had the feeling I It's depressing when a so-called "mid-priced" car ex· should be wearing sunglasses. The glare off the shlpy new ceeds your annual Income. And that's only the base price .• cars only Is equaled by the shimmering evening gowns If you're Interested In a rear view mirror, steering wheel worn by countless mannequin-like models. and hubcabs yOU'llhave to t!1keout a bigger loan. Without even glancing at his press kit or one ol the Having attended my first Detroit Auto Show, I can J!rochures put out by the auto manufacturers, Kevin honestly say I thoroUghly enjoyed myself. Just being able begins rattling off vital statistics. to sit behind the wheel of a a Saab Turbo Is worth the ad· ',.)efore I know it he's describing the Intricacies of turbo mission price. "Drool on the seats, Michele, and they'll engines and Isexplaining things like aerodynamics. About make you bUy It." Cute, Kevin, real cute. Qle only response I could muster was "Oh, really." For tho~ who are bored, bored, bored with cars - fear .. I confess to knowing VirtUally nothing about cars. In not. There also Is authentic Mackinac Island fudge for , Record photos by STEVE FECHT -tact, I don't even drive them ~mber through the end of sale. cCounUess mannequin-likemodels' Included tbls one besideToyota's new ~ two-seater March (believe me, cars and snow don't mix). How appropriate. , . .\ ...~.,.~.. " '2oC- THENORTHVILLERECORD-Wednesday,January23.1985•• Auto show regular spots improved range of offerings

CaoUnued from 1 everywhere you turned. Anyone of Maps and travel information at the them Is a better overall performer than touch of a finger, with a moving Yuppies, they say. High disposable a sports car of 10years ago. Chrysler pentastar to show the car's income and a thirst for quality material There were also nifty new products location. Too bad you can't get one yet. goodscreated the demand that promp- like minivans and low-cost rnld-englne The soonerthe better. ted these cars. I know that virtually the sports Chevrolet's Astro van was cars. Next door there Is a Bulck Riviera entire product line-Up is not oniy dlf· the star of that exhibit, people were with a less elaborate but no less useful ferent, but better, than it was a decade craWling all over the Plymouth "Graphic Control Center." This a trip ago. Voyager and Dodge Caravan and monitor, radio and climate control with The Japanese always get the credit Ford's preview of the Aerostar pulled a CRT screencontrol. for forcing Detroit into a more com- more people into the truck exhibit than petitive posture. That may be so, but I've seenIn years. Bad news was that foreign sports the new products out of Detroit aren't No wonder people are excited about cars, once the cream in the Oreo, are following Japan's lead, but Europe's - cars again. The downside Is that in· hidden. Britain doesn't send us cheap primarily Germany's. To the car bUff. dlvlduallty is a little thin. There were sports cars anymore, and the expensive there Is goodand bad newsin this. more than 500 cars on exhibit on the oneswere corralled behind the van con· BMWs and Mercedes are as thick on Cobo floor. Those that stood out from versions in another ball. For some the ground as blades of grass in certain the crowd were far fewer - when near- reason, Porscbe managed to put a parts of Oakland County. They used to ly every car has its charms. It takes $53,000 928S on the main floor - how a be the car bUff's secret, and we liked It something really outstanding to catch car that can beat the national speed that way. But the popularity of the eye. Understatement is so dominant limit by a clean 100 mUesper hour, sells understated German sedans with per· a trait that one needsto pay attention to In low volumes and costs the same as formance to outrun anything short of pick out the gems - they don't jump off the average metro area house avoided the C'oncordeprompted Detroit to build the floor and yell at the visitor being cast Into the "exotic cars" exhibit cars aimed at that market. anymore. beats me. This year's Auto Show was so full of Thankfully, the talking cars of last I drooled over It anyway. The new understated, high performance Euro- year were gone. Having cars nag you four-valves·per-cyllnder V-8 engine style sedansfrom America that an old about fuel level or endlessly repeat the was on display. Teutonic art. I pointed oxcarl like the Chevette looked totally nonsensethat "the door Is ajar" didn't out the magnesium intake manifold to lost. The Infection has even spread to go over. Instead, there were displays of the photographer and lost myself In theeconobox.There were turbocharged useful electronics. Chrysler's satellite dreams of the autobahn. hatchbacks sporting wide tires and navigation system display wins my There were, after all, rituals to be at- Recordphotoby STEVEFECHT spoilers for less than $10,000 award as-best idea of the 1985 show. tendedto here. Electronic gadgetry like Buick's Graphic Control Center got a lot of attention An opinionated look at good, bland and ugly from '85 sh0!V

Continued from 1 the nose. The new Merkur nameplate is an enor- mous saucer-sized blemish on the front end. The Influencesseemedto be a melted one-poundblock of SVO Mustang got a nice simple blue Ford oval to butter and the Sopwith Camel. Call It eclectic. break up the blank spot on a similar. nose. But the But there was disappointment. I'll try to make upscale Merkur gets this chrome doo-hickey. Dear this short, sobear with me. There was this girl I was Ford, if you must put this large an ugly thing on an Involved with In college. Her dad was a Ford attractive car. at least use some of the space as a engineer, doing a stint designing trim. At the time, a pronunciation guide. "(Mare-Koor)" would fit very redesigned German-import Capri IIwas due to ar- nicely under the Merkur and give owners an rive on these shores. I loved the styling. The trim authoritative response to the people who want to • guys In Dearborn destroyed it with a three-inch call it a "merker." wide rub strip on the side made of chromed plastic The guys who made up the brochure knew - they and pebble-grained vinyl. What was an attractive used a silver car and the new nameplate doesn't car suddenly looked like it belonged on a carnival look too bad. On charcoal gray or black, however, ride. The dad thought it was great. This was the tur- it's hideous.EnOUghranting. ning point - I got out of engineering and Into liberal arts. The girl and I didn't last too much longer Still like Chrysler'S LeBaron GTS.America's own either. SaabTurbo. Not as quirky. Not as expensive either. and nohasslesfrom the "Buy American" crowd. Someonein Dearborn still doesn't understand. I thought maybe they did when the T-Bird front end Toyota enters the Fiero market with the MR2. was made available this year with a body-colored I've been calling my son Mister Two since his se- grill instead of a chrome waffle iron on the nose. condbirthday last August. Why do 1never copyright • The literature distributed for the new Merkur thesethings. Anyway. Toyota's Mister Two is not as XR4Ti notesthat it "has a smooth, uncluttered front attractive as the Fiero. It doos,however, have more end bereft of traditional brlghtwork." It's a major storage spaceand a seriousengine in its.first year. Recordphotoby STEVEFECHT styling element. One of the few real show cars was Ford's Ghia-designed four-wheel drive wagon on Tempo platform Some silly gooseput untraditional brightwork on - Kevin Wilson

'.. Gary D. Greely D.D.S., P.C. FAMILY DENTISTRY SIX - PARK PARTY STORE .. Announces the opening of his practice to 17071 Northville Rd. (6Mile & Northville Rd.) Northville FREE*" ~4 new patients for: Beer, Wine, Liquor, Keg Beer ~~ CROSS ~OUNTRY SKIS ~P/17 Comprehensive Family Dental Care . U . PEPSI ,IIr;:$ chOice of: Extra 1l..;r~';2 8 Pack-16oz. Bottles !JrgJ Emergencies Seen Immediately-Telephone Answered 24 Hours ~=a.r:.!~~-PepsiCoil. DlelPepsi. ~ E~n1~ J Large I:~~ Pepslllghi. MounilinDew. '1 Muckle TR49 ,S . 349-1616 4..l4.ill Eggs ~EPSI~ PepsiFree,DlelPepsiFree Landsem Waxless 158 East Main Street, Northville --- ...... "'q ~ Ii S169PlusDep Above Crawford's Restaur~nt Expires 1-29-85 ONLY w/coupon Rossignol Touring ~ 59C Per Dozen MICHIGANLOTIERY OR FOR $RD'" C1JrCl6/e Guernsey EPOKE ellesmere WC1Jr~r (Virgmla,thelrlendlyones,Ruth) Buttermilk idIiOdl '\ FISHER Fibre Crown ess IceCrE>am lJ • 349-4640 Egg Nog TRAK oslo-A omnibase • .1 EPOKE900 - ·with purchase of SNS Boots and Bindings . - BOOTS BINDINGS 15 Salomon SR40 *59 SNS automatic *2515 Ross B. 15 ","11 ..1 or "lIll.:II' qllilill~ ..t Jals8 Lathi *59 • I 15 I1lt II tncllAllnu 11111,1\'" ,\, Salomon SRSO 17915 SNS touring 119 pt'"h "'1 • If IU..'lIl1lt. & ( ....NA'~!'t I ,. Son V\.lh I '"'"" I'J,,,j"1 Northrop • 32715 GRAND RIVER, FARMINGTON Funeral Directors BetweenFarmingtonRd.& OrchardLake .* _ -:Ii ~ IBen:hmark ·477-8116 Caring Since 191 0 sUNg~~~:~a~~ALS O~;~h~~~:~S lAiiiial. III!!!JI!III OPEN NOON - 9:00 p.m. M-F COCKTAILS ~.... 10-5 p.m. SAT.· NOON - 5 p.m. SUN. Jim Storm SundayOmners NEW DAILY 11 oo~r:n&1~a~Opm Noon-4p.m. 11 ooam.Mldnlghl 19091 Northville Road ,51 43320 W. 7 Mile $4.50.$5.50 each SPECIAL Sun,Noon·1000 pm (."0$$ r,om little c.es.Jr SI Northville t M d th h F da ~".OU1"v.,lable Chinese on. ay ro~g n y - Northville 348-1233 Cantonese 11.00am.-4. 0 p.m. 42313':'r~:~n~ MIle 349·6810 Hong Kong Features: (Nortn.lllePIIlI Mill) ~. ., Deli& Mandann Soupof the Day 22401 Grand River Szechuan LunchCombmallon Plate 349.044'1 c;;; rnf,e S :RestaurilDI _I'I.~ Redford '- Amencan Cuisine Teaor Coffee , \ GrMd Rlftr • Drab InMulrwood Squar. ~ 7. \ 'lA ...... 478-0080 !..,...... _-- 581-0537 - MON.-SAT. 7:00 A.M.· 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Mid-Winter Din'ner Valuel r.. ."-'iIIt . 4!9S _ ..... -.-."- " . ••. 95 475 _T..~-._.v...... -O'-"~.v..- " 4:'$ ~.~.~_."-_ ". ..25 e-_---...c...... ,__-_.v..-. . 450. L-....e-.._...v_, , ..: . .:::; • Hoo __ ,._.v..-. . .•.9S LOANING MONEY TO CHILDREN ...=.~...:-...-:.~ (AI Prwpered FOOdI .. HornM\ede) If you've been loaning money this for loans fhat are under I 2 Com Bell a CIbbIgt DinnIrII2 Liver & to children without charging In· ,------~---~-oniOn'Dinneri: '10,000 and which earn less terest, this can still provide tax than '1,000 a year. If the : • for '7.95: '6.95 : savings and other advantages amounts are larger, for tax pur- .'or . under current tax laws. By do- poses the IRS will assume that I Get com belt & CIbbIgI dInnIra wIItI I Get 2.. & onion dInnIn wIItI to. iliad I Ing this you can let the child In- the child is paying you annual I toIIlIIId, polito Ind brIId bIIkIt. 1 polito Ind WIQItabIIInd brIId bllket.' I vest the funds. Whatever earn- interest at Treasury rates. 13:30 tII doling limit one coupon pervItIt 13:30 III c:loIIng RmIt one coupon per vtslt I ~\ Ings are realized would build up For more Information about lno IUtlIUtutIonI no ~I no IUbItIIutIoiia noCll1'yout I )I ",.., . in the child's name. Because how to use loans to children 1 expiresJanuary31, 1985 1 expiresJanuary31. 1985 , the child has a lower Income and other tax strategies to your ~ f'tI- ~ fIfo.... than you do (or no taxable In- advantage, call us for an :- -2-B~i;k;.iDi;n-;;'- - r-..8;';;a;N~h'-- -: ~~~ come, depending on the cir- appointment. _...... ~t/...,. ~\ ~" cumstances), the tax liability I '1.00 oft coupon . : ,,11i" ._..&\, .- would either be minimal or : 'or '8.00 : ~(ff>"'" ~. nonexistent. You also have the From the office of: I Get 2 hot btIaktC cIInnn wIItI tOIIlIIId, I ~ ~ Embuy.. •• on any Saturday, option of calling In the loan and , polItO Ind vegatabIt andbrIId baikal 1 IIatecI Illy or the dinner · 1--t;r. above and get $1.00 I Holland, Newton and getting your principal back. I3:30 tII doling ImIt one coupon per*" VIf MCtI dinner PUrchaaed I This tax advantage allows Associates lno IUIlItIutIol'lI no ~ 13:30 tII cbIng RmIt one coupon per ¥IeIf I H.A., SMITH you to shift a part of your In· I ExpIresJanuary31, 1985 I no IUIIItItutIont no ClrI')'oOUl I CPA's .. ,- ~SalurdaysthruJI/lUIIY31,1985 • / Lumber Supplies come into the child's low bracket and stili retain control 101 E. Dunlap, Northville 28575 Grand River ASIC al)c)Uf ------II-. - -/ over your money. Under cur- In Restaurant Catering available for Sunday Affairs (Near 8 Mile) 474·6610 or 535·8440 rent tax laws you are able to do 349-5400

\ • •• Wednesday, January 23, 198~ THE NORTHVILLERECORD-3·C In Our Town Parents name Trip east follows double ring ceremony newborn sons As Jeanne Marion Windisch walked down the al· Society ball's returning Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thelen of sle of Our Lady of Victory Church to become the Plymouth announce the arrival of their bride of Eric Michael Frid, she wore her mother's son, Daniel Thomas. . . wedding gown of candlelight satin. By JEAN DAY He was born January 2 at Providence' The bride is the daUghter of Mr, and Mrs. Emmett Hospital and weighed six pounds. l{). ':, Northville Historical Society is inviting everyone in the L. Windisch Jr. of Northville. Her husband is the son ounces. . community to go dancing again for a cause. The successful din- of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frid of Norihville. The newborn was welcomed home by . Father Frank Pollie officiated at the summer his sister Betsy, 18 months old. ner dance benefits begun in 1972and held annually until four double ring ceremony. Mrs. Thelen is the former Marianne years ago are being revived. Crain of Northville. The. event this year is being called the Historical Society Maureen Windisch was maid of honor for her . Mr. and Mrs. James Crain of Nor-: CandlelIght Ball. The Mayflower Meeting House in Plymouth sister. Bridesmaids in periwinkle Qiana gowns were thville are maternal grandparents,' has been reserved for March 23. the bride's sisters Pam Pasly of Ann Arbor and Paternal grandparents are Mr. ·and Paula Gibbons of Plymouth and Susanne Foulkrod Mrs. Carl Thelen of Lansing. : Nancy Bohn is chairing the dinner and ball. Assisting her and Terri Baker of Northville. • on the committee are Judith Sechler, Sonja Lane and Cheryl Cassady. Mrs. Sechler, who chaired the last dinner dance given Mark Frid was best man for his brother. by the society, is hosting an evening coffee January 30 for Groomsmen were Kirk Frid and Scott Boyd of Nor· thville, Steve Zoll of Walled Lake an Dave von· Announcement of the birth of their. workers. The committee would welcome ticket seller Walthausen of South Lyon. The bride's nephew Dan· first child, Benjamin David, is made by volunteers. Mrs. Bohn says she is hoping to have sellers in all ny Gibbons was ring bearer. Connie and David Sherman of Water, areas of the community. Tickets will be $18a person, $36a cou- ford Township. He arrived December ple. There will be a limit of 300 sold, Volunteers who would like A reception for 180 guests was held at The Chalet 26 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in ~on- to work on the benefit should call Mrs. Bohn at 348-5096. of Farmington Hills. tiac weighing seven pounds, 13:11~•. . The committee already has signed the Hytymes to play for ounces. . . The bride is a 1978 Norihville High School Maternal grandparents are Carol and' the dancing. graduate. The bridegroom is a 1976 N.H.S. David McLaUghlin of Northville. Pater- • ~: In announcing the ball plans, Mrs. Bohn points out that the graduate. Following a wedding trip to the east coast nal grandparents are Lee and Fred . ~vent is replacing the progressive dinner this year - the fund the newlyweds now are making their home in Sherman of Grand Rapids. . raiser substituted for the dinner dances. All proceeds are used Brighton. Great grandparents are Charles and '. for work in the Mill Race Historical Village. Newest project is Thelma Higgins of Willow Grove. Penn· . 'completion of the blacksmith shop adjacent to the Wash Oak MR. AND MRS. ERIC FRID sylvania, and Herschel and Freda. School. Under the direction of Fran Gazlay, the stone building Heritage of Grand Rapids. exterior and roof were constructed before winter.

Newcomers schedule two "raml·1I('w ,"'1'111:-0 Methodist seminar focuses on positive parenting .. Northville Newcomers President Judi Amatangelo reports A seminar on positive parenting will March 24. from 5-0:30 p.m'. The classes. evening for child care. practIce and patience ... the courage to je lead off a series of classes on parenting Berquist announces, will use the be open to and accept new ideas and at- The classes are planned as small that both the February Ladies event and the February Couples' at First United Methodist Church of Systematic Training for Effective tItudes ... practice in applymg the group discussions. If they are not filled party will be new activities for the club. Northville from 5-7 p.m. Sunday. Parenting (S.T.E.P.) program, which techniques at home in your own fam!ly: by the church membership, BerqUist - Northville Newcomers Ladies will be meeting for a unique Jane BerqUist, director of Christian she terms a realistic and sensible ap- ... patience for the time it takeS: tl) states, they will be open to anyone in' Education, reports that Dr. David Hall proach to child·parent relationships for discourage your children's on<;e- evening of handwriting analysis at Mill Race Historical Village terestP.d. from 7:30-9:30 p.m. February 7. of the Center for Psychological couples, one parent and a single parent. effective misbehavior patterns." Ber- Mini-pastries and coffee will be served and a mystery Counseling in Flint, will lead the There will be a $5.50 charge for books "Learning more effective ways of quist observes in explaining .th~ seminar. She notes that it has been and supplies and a $1 per child per relating to your children takes courage. positive parenting goals. • ' . master of the art of handwriting analysis will be doing in- postponed from the originally announc- dividual mini-readings on each participant. Reservations are ed stariing date to avoid conflict with being taken now through January 31 by Lynn Ader at 420-2798. Super Bowl Sunday. • Limited to 40, the event costs $4.50a person. Dr. Hall has led many workshops and OL V forum topic: Aiding grieving child Newcomer couples will meet at the Northville Community parenting groups and comes highly Center February 23 for a Games People Play party. The even· recommended, she states, adding that "Death, Grieving and Children" will ed by the church family life committee When a parent, grandparent or friend ing will begin at 8 p.m. with each person signing up for the child care will be available. be the topic of the Friday Family to focus on some of the concerns facing dies, what is the effect on the children games and times of his or her choice - everyone will play four Parenting classes will continue for Forum at 7:30 p.m. this Friday at Our families today, Anne Evans Moloney, in a family? Are there differences in the eight Sunday evenings following the Lady of Victory parish social hall. director of religious education, an- grieving process? How do we help kias different ones during the evening - with Trivial Pursuit, seminar. from February 3 through Pinochle, Yahtzee, Boggle and Uno listed among the many The program is one in a series plann- nounces. deal with death? choices. A variety of delicious appetizers and drinks will be served to all as they play, says Mrs. Amatangelo. Reservations are being taken through February 2 by Ruth CHURCH DIRECTORY Schulenberger at 349-1831.Cost is $16a couple with reservations For information regarding rates for church listings call • limited to 50 couples. All residents of Northville who have lived The Northville Record 349-1700, here less than five years are eligible for membership. Alums GRACE CHAPEL Novi/Walled Lake News 624-8100 and guests are welcome. . Carpet Cleaning Stain Removal J FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Dog. Cat and other J WELCOMES YOU FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH _ Household StaIns Mothers' Club's serdll{! IIJ1J1izza 200 E. Main St . NorthVille 21260Haggery Rd 348-7600 349-0911 (1-275at8 M,le) ; VAC'S Sunday School 9 45a m Northville Mothers' Club members know a good benefit Worshlp-9 30& 11:00a m. WorshIp 11a m .6p m .. AndMore ChurchSchool-9'30a m &11.ooa m. BIble Study Wed 7 p m when they see one.!F:.or.the third year the club is sponsoring.a If you're looking for a church that re.ally cares Or. Lawrence Chamberlain-Pastor 1033 Novi Rd. Or. Jo Tahaferro-Mlnlsrter of Education " ",';" .' Or_R!Chard P.arr9lt. p'a.stC?r pizza-supper in connection witb-a basketball gameA~he pizza ...: • • Northville- aooufyour needS. you'll find a wa'fiil 'welcome supper will be served.-in the high school cafeteria from 5-7:30 349-3535 SPIRIT OF CHRIST WALLEDLAKEFIRST BAPTIST CHURCH at our groWingchurch. \\€ takethe Bir,re seriously. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF NOVI • p.m. before the Northville-Walled Lake Central game. 309 Market St 624-2483 : Nancy Perpich is chairing the supper and is assisted by yet relate it to life in a fresh way. Our goal is to Ten MIlebetween Meadowbrook &Haggerty WorshIp. 10a.m WIthNursery Wendell L Baglow, Pastor .Carole Lower (who is in training for next year's chairmanship.) strengthen your family Nursery. Youth Minister. Coffee &Fellowship. 11OOa.m Wed. 7'30 BYF. Sr. HIgh thru Adult Tickets will be sold at the door for $2.50 for adults and $2 for Presently worshiping at: Sunday Church SChool11:3Oam Sunday, 9'45 Study, 11:00a.m. WorshIp Church Office - 477-6296 Nursery AvaIlable At ServIces students. Club members will be selling them in advance. William lYndale College Pastor Thomas A.Scherger - 478-9265 12 Mile & Drake Roads OUR LADYOF VICTORY ST.JOHN LUTHERANCHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH Farmington Hills. MI \ 770Thayer, Northville (A L C)Farmington 23225 GIllRd.FarmIngton Church office: 422-6350 WEEKEND LITURGIES 3 blks S ofGd River.3 BlksW ofFarmingtonRd Saturday, 5:00 p.m. PastorCharlesFox • Douglas L Klein. Pastor Sunday. 8, 9:30. 11a.m. &12.30pm. Church·474-0584 Church 349-2621. School 349-3610 Sunday School 9:30 am SundayWorship8 30& 11am , floor ([Dvf!1n~ Rehglous EducatIon 349-2559 SundaySchool9 .wam. White Boutique Salon \\brship 5efvice 10:45 am :J------+- FIRST APOSTOLIC...... ;------..;.~LUTHERNCHUROf!.' Coffee FeDowshlp 11:45 am ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Tile-Carpeting-F ormica 'V"lll Enhance your appearance 26325Halstead Rd. atll M,le '.; • with Color Analysis! \\ednesday Service 7:30 pm HIgh & Elm Streets, NorthVIlle Farmington Hills. MIchIgan •.. C. Boerger. Pastor ServIces: 10:30a.m. Every Sun. . : ~ $10 W/additlonal T. Lubeck. Pastor 7.00 p.m. lst&3rd Sun. of each month • 100'5 of Samples , Reg. '45.00 Now color purchase ~vangelical Presbyterian Church Church &School 349-3140 Sunday School 9.15 a.m. . : Expires 2·15-85 Sunday Worship, 8'30 a.m. &11.00a.m. BIble Class 7:45p.m. Tues. - . Daily 9-5: Thurs. & Fri. 9-7 116 Center St., Northville Saturday Vespers: 6:00 P.M. Song Services 7.00 p.m. 1stSun. of mo~t~ 145 E. Cady Northville 349-4480 Closed Sun. &Mon. 349·3480 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.------f-----_~ HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST .. 12 MIle East of Haggerty SCIENTIST ..' Farmington H,lls 1100W. Ann Arbor TraIl Sunday SCboo19:15 a.m. Plymouth, MIchIgan e ~--~------. Worship,10:30a.m. Sunday WorShIp, 10:30a.m. mojl'-otreet ~ V.H. Mesenbring, Pastor Sunday School, 10:30a.m. p) New Year's COMPLETE Phone: 553-7170 Wednesday Meellng, 8:00 p.m. I-' - "'i PERM SPECIAL FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN COMMUNITYCHURCH SALE INCOME TAX OF NORTHVILLE For Month of February 0 (Assemblies of God) Ends 2-28-85 41355S,x Mile Rd.• NorthVille No Coupon Necessary 8Mlle&TaftRoads (j) SERVICE Rev.Enc Hammar,MinIster Rev. Larry Frick-348-9030 ..... Super Savings Sunday School. 10'00 a.m QO' WorShipServIces 9 30&11a m Sun Worshlp.llam.&600pm up to 60% AverollIS a lull lime, year round. professional la. Church School, Nursery thruAdult9 30am Wed "Body LIfe" Serv .7.00 P m ::s servIce now.1nIts 35th year. Inour provateoffIces, Nursery thru 3rdGrade 11a m ChnsMn Comm Preschool &K.8 your relurn will be handled by an experienced tax $35 preparer in a personal. conhdenhal and competent BUSHNELLCONGREGATIONAL Ruby Office manner. ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH 430 E. N,cholet Supply Walled Lake 48088 21355Meadowbrook Rd., Novi At Brc- We welcome your phone call Phone: 624-3817 Quet Rd (8'12 MIle) Northville Plaza Mall regardln9 our servIces and rates Church Service, 10.00a m. Morning WorshIp. 9 30a m (next to Secretary of State) Church School. 9'30 a.m. 348.3348 533·0121 Church School, 10.00a.m. Or. Robin R. Meyers, Pastor-348-7757 West 7 Mile Road • Northville 25974 Novl Rd. 26201 Grand River Rev. Leslie Harding Coffee &FellowshIp follOWingservIce (at Grand River) (near Beech Daly) 348-7170 Mon.·Thurs., 9·8 - Fri.·Sat., 9·5 NOVI UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. NOVI 41671W. Ten M,le-Meadowbrook 4530111 MIleat Taft Rd. , i~8E. Main Northville 349-2652(24 hrs.) Home of Novl Christian SChool (K.12) : . ._------~---_. 8:45 a.m. &11a.m. WorshIp Services Sun. SChool, 9.45 a.m. J 9:45 a.m, Church School· AllAges Worship. 11:00a.m. & 6:00 p.m. 9:45 &11a.m. Nursery Care AvaIlable Prayer Meellng, Wed" 7:30 p.m. Charles R. Jacobs. Kearney Kirkby R,chard Burgess. Pastor McNEFF ACCOUNTING Pastors 349-3477 Ivan E. SpeIght, Asst. 349-3847 ORCHARD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH FAITHCOMMUNITYUNITED • SERVICE PRESBYTERIANCHURCH 23455 NOVIRd. (between 9-10 MIle) Bible Study For AllAges 9.45 a.m. 44400W. 10Mile, Novl '12 mile west of Novi Rd. WorShip Services atl1 a.m. &6p.m. WorshIp &Church School. 10.00a.m. TAX PREPARATION Wed .. Mld·Week Prayer Serv .. 7 p.m. P.O. Box 1 349-5666 Gary W. SChWltZ,Pastor 349-5665 RIChardJ. Henderson, Pastor

:: For Business & Individuals CHURCH OF THE HOLYCROSS Bob Stawkey began preparing laxes with our Firm EPISCOPAL FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF Small Business Accoun.ting In 1968. He has a degree In business from the NORTHVILLE University 01 Detroit and likes to dig for every 10Mile between Taft &Beck, Novi 217N. Wing 349-1020 Year Around Tax Planning allowablededuclion when he prepares a tax retum. Phone 349-1175 Dr. James H. Luther, Pastor Casterline31lntral 2Iome, .9",. Services: Saturday 5:00 p. m. Sunday WorshIp, 11a.m. & 6:30 p.m. , Sunday 8'00 a.m. &10.00a.m. Wed., 7:30AWANA,7:30Prayer Service Worship &School Sunday School 9:45 a. m. 200 South Main Street SERVING YOU F'OR3 GENI:RATIONS The Rev. Leslie F. Harding Northville GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERANCHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WIXOM& • WIXOMCHRISTIAN SCHOOL(K.10) "Across from the Well" Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod 122 WEST DUNl.AP STREET Wixom &W. Maple Rds. NORTHVIl.l.E, MICHIGAN 48167 Worship Service 10.00a.m. Family Bible School, 9:45 a m Donald G. McNeff (313)348-7575 (313) 349.Q61 I Sunday SChool & Bible Class 11:15a.m. Family WorShip, 10:45a.m. &6·30 p m NovlCommunity center, NoviRd. lust S. of '·96 Family Night Program (Wed.), 7.00 p.m. Fulure site 9 Mile&Meadowbrook Robert V. Warren, Pastor RAY J. CASTERLINE Gene EJahnke, Paslor-349-G565 624-3823 (Awana& Pro-Teens) 624-5434 1893 - 1959 FRED A. CASTERl.INE • RAY J. CASTERl.INE II ~' * The Only Place to Shop My Home Town. •• -tt • ... , - 4-C- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. January 23.1985 •• • Sports W~t Nort~uUlt iKtcorb •

Mustangs topple Spikers 3-0 in league Northville's varsity volleyball team "They don't have a real good offense, is already halfway to a division title. but they hustle a lot on defense," • t:wo WLAA foes A 15-11,15-9conference victory over McDonald said. "Each time it looked Farmington January 14and a 15-12,11- like we had a ball headed for the floor, IS, 15-8win over Plymouth Canton last they dug it out. If we hustled like they By B.J. MARTIN Wednesday landed the Mustangs in a do, we could win all the time." tie for first in conference and division The Mustangs bolted ahead 10 all Don Norton and Mike Hilfinger thaw- standings. Northville is 3-0 in the three games against Canton, and each ed out their shooting hands just in time WLAA, 2-0in the Western Division and time the Chiefs fOUghtright back. "It to give Northville a 56-53 win over Dear- 'The tide finall y 4-1overall. seemed like every time we'd get a big born last Friday. turned ... It was time "With each win we're building a little lead, we'd lose our concentration," .After some icy shooting in the first more confidence," said Coach Steve McDonald said. • half, Norton canned three unanswered somebody else missed McDonald. "Our morale is good - pe0- Once again, Northville benefited IS-foot baskets in the fourth quarter, ple are getting some playing time, and from some strong individual showings .. then set up a 15-footbaseline jumper by (foul shots) against us.' I'm not afraid of putting anybody in the Twelve of Nicki LaRoque's 18 serves Hilfinger that proved to be the game- game." were good, and the senior made three winner. aces. Spaman also had a big night, put- Northville outscored Dearborn 17-13 - ()mar Harrison The Mustangs were in fine form Mon- ting 14of her 15serves in and acing the, during the final quarter, thanks in part day against the 2-2 Falcons. A perfect Falcons twice. to ,the tandem's scoring punch' - but Mustan~ ca~e coach night of serving from Cheryl Spaman thanks also to some timely rebounding and Chris McGowan's 10good serves in Ryan turned in her best hitting game ffom' Greg Wendel and John Storm, and 11tries led the way. "I felt pretty good of the year. The lanky senior pounded· some cool-headed play from point about how we served," McDonald 17 hits, six for kills. Henderson had 15' guard Kirk Morrison. reported. "We'd been pretty inconsis- hits, four kills and one dink, and'. .In the final minute of play, Dearborn tent. The girls are still learning when Spaman and LaRoque combined for 19 went to the free throw line three times they have to get the serve in. They're hits, four kills and seven dinks. for a one-and-one and a chance to add to Morrison's eight rebounds helped the getting better at it." McGowan and Olgren turned in some the Pioneers' 53-52lead. All three times Mustangs' cause, but not so much as McDonald has found his alternating good back row play, McDonald added. the junior's steady play at point guard. Erin Ryan with Mandy Olgren in the uie Pioneers came away empty. Northville's game against Walled ,After the third miss, Northville got Morrison did an outstanding job of lineup has worked out well. Ryan has thwarting Dearborn's dOUble-team responded with good front-line play Lake Western, originally scheduled for the ball upcourt and started moving the tonight, instead will take place tomor- ball against the Pioneer zone defense. pressure defense with sharp passing while Olgren has been especially con- and ball control. sistent in the back row. row at 6:30 p.m. at home. The With just over 30 seconds to play, Mor- Against Farmington, Ryan had nine perennially-strong Warriors should be rison got the ball to Norton on the left Earlier in the week, Northville hits, three for kills, and one dink. Bev one of the contenders for a Western • wing. disposed of division rival Walled Lake Henderson slammed 10hits with three Division crown this year. The hot-shooting forward drew out Western 46-42. dinks, and put away five kills. the Pioneer defense and found Hilfinger Northville will travel to South Lyon open in the comer. Hilfinger barely got The Mustangs never trailed, holding Although Canton had not won a con- for a non-eonference match Monday, his shot off over a defender, but it fell the Warriors to just 13first-half points. ference game yet, the Chiefs gave the then return home to face Plymouth for a 54-53 Mustang lead. "We should have won by at least eight Mustangs all they could handle two Salem, from the WLAA's Lakes Divi- The Pioneers rushed the ball upcourt, points," Harrison declared. "We were nights later. sion. but missed a perimeter jumper with 15 up pretty much the whole ballgame, but seconds to play. Storm rebounded the we couldn't put them away." miss and the Mustangs hung on to the ball and the lead. One reason was some miserable foul OLV boys trip Lakers 37-27 With six seconds to play, forward shooting. The Mustangs hit only l0-0f-24 Eric Gala was fouled intentionally. from the line against the Warriors. Our Lady of Victory's "White" Grade The Grade 5-6 girls' team fell to 2-414· GaIa coolly stepped to the line and sank 7-8 boys' basketball team upped its Hilfinger led Northville with 12 4 overalll when Our Lady of Sorrows • both ends of a one-and-one to ice the league-leading record to 5-1 15-3 scored with just 22 seconds to play to game. points, Norton scored nine, Wendel overall) with a ~-'J:l victory over Our win 15-13.Ashley MacLean scored six "The tide finally turned for us," said seven and Doug May six. Leading Lady of the Lakes Sunday. OLV points and had six rebounds, while Northville Coach Omar Harrison. Mustang rebounders were Wendel with sprinted ahead 15-2 after the first Maria MacInnis turned in five rebounds "We'd been outscoring other teams in 12and Storm with seven. Morrison con- quarter and breezed to the win. Phil and five steals. field goals all season. If we could start tributed four steals. Lickman scored eight points, while hitting our free throws, we'd have a Matt Scarlett and Derek Dregowski Both the Grade 7-8girls' team and the Now riding a two-game win streak, grade 7-8 boys' "Blue" team remained winning record. It was time somebody Northville (3-5, 1-4 WLAA) will try to , contributed good defense. else'missed them against us." winless in 'league play. Sorrows extend it with games this week against defeated OLV 29-23 in the girls' game Norton finished the game with 16 Plymouth Salem and Friday at Livonia The Grade 5-6 boys' team was just pbIDts and six assists. Northville's big • nipped by Our Lady of Sorrows 42-39. despite gO

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AnENTIOH HIT GOLF BALLS MOBILE/MAHOFACTORED HOMEOWHERS: ALL WINTER cmZENS Wants To Your finanCial Help You Save Money I TRY THE INDOOR assetsare pnvale II you own a mobll"/manufactured hom", but your phy,>tcal you know your Insurance nOt.~s oro d.fforent a.,setsare seen by C Gymnasts top Vogt~Candela stay hot, Farmington for first win but matmen fall twice The going got even rougher for Nor- flrst·period pins against all hve. When Slowly but surely, Northville's varsi- thville's wrestlers last week. As If the John Lazar lost his 132-pound match on ty gymnasts are chmbing toward a flu bug weren't enough to contend with. a 4'() decision, the Mustangs quickly. respectable competitive level. along came division rivals Livonia found themselves in a 33'()hole. . , A 106.60-101.40 Victory over Farm· Churchill and Walled Lake Western in Kehoe broke Western's strmg by wm· Ington last Wednesday has the team no mood to be lenient. ning on a pin at 1:26. Then came back· headed Inthe right direction. Five Mustangs WOIlmatches against to-back errors at 145and 155pounds. At Mandy Walts registered Northville's the Chargers Tuesday, but It was Chur- 145,Dennis Nadeau held a ~ lead when top scores In parallel bars (7.1), chill that prevailed 44·23. he was suddenly reversed and pmne~iat balance beam (7.55) and floor exercise Joel Vogt snapped up a pin at 1:l., I)f 5:27 of his match. Dana Letarte held a (7.75), while senior classmate Diane the 185-pound match, and Tim Millen 5-2lead in the 155-pound match when he Hale's 8.1 In vault edged Walts' score of needed just five seconds longer to pin was suddenly flipped over and pinned 7.85. his 198-pound rival. But only those two an instant before the second period Hale had trouble with parallel bars Mustangs managed to put their buz~er. managing only a 6.55. She scored 6.9 i~ Charger draws on their backs. Candela and Vogt brought Northville balance beam and 7.2 In floor exercise. Dino Candela won a 154 deciSion at back to respectability with second- Tonia Hickman scored a much- 167 pounds and 98·pounder Keith period pins at 167 pounds and 185 improved 6.15 In bars and added a 5.4 in Graham picked up a "major" deciSIOn pounds, respectively. beam and 6.2 In floor exercise. Kim by an 11-1score. Northville's only other But NorthVille could pull no closer. Wobermln scored 6.6 In vault, 5.35 in win came from 132·poundJohn Lazar. Tim Millen lost on a pin at 2:31 of the bars and 6.6 In balance beam. Lazar was trailing Scott Priebe 2-1 198-pound match. Neither team could Cheryl Lane was Northville's fourth until the fmal 30 seconds of his match, certify a heavyweight. . finisher In vault (6.45) and fifth in floor Record photo by STEVE FECHT but the senior sprung a reversal to pick "We've got some good young exercise (4.35), while Missy Smith's up two points and a 3-2victory. wrestlers, but we really lack ex- 4.75 rounded out Northville's top four Darius Mikalonis broke Northville's 500yard freestyle record against Ypsilanti Three Mustangs pLtlled up sick the perience," noted Northville Coach Jack floor exercise scores. Kathy Alfinito night of the meet. Jason Lazar could not Townsley. "All of our five lightest guys registered a 6.25 in vault. finish his 145-pound match and took a have no varsity experience. and that's At the 16-team Dearborn Invitational default loss. John McRae also was going to cause us problems until they' Saturday, Northville managed to finish Mustangs drown Chargers stricken, but he lasted 5: 13 of his 155- mature in another year or two." . ahead of only three teams. But the pound match before being pinned. Scott Townsley said he has been pleased Wiley (12) was sick, and freshman With the performance of the few team's score of 107.30showed continued in 50 free (23.8). dividual firsts were Mikalonis In 200 improvement. Darius Mikalonis' 5:07.3 clocking in backup Brad Guerro wound up losing veteran seniors he does have on the The Mustang 4x100 freestyle relay I.M. (2:09.8), Buell In butterfly (57.6), Walts recorded her best floor exer. the 500 freestyle last Tuesday didn't on a pin in4:44. roster - especially Vogt, Candela and te~m ' ed a 10th·place medal in the event. stlantl - but It did put the junior records this season. and Vogt's 12·2 Valade's personal-best time was an decision at 105 pounds and Paul Walts scored 7.9 In vault, 7.0 in bars and tanker's name in Northville High in 3:31.1. mark leads the team. . eye-opener. Valade clipped his hand on Maliszewski did likewise at 119. But 6.95 In beam. Hale scored 7.75 in floor School's record books. Joel Grasley had a fine meet, taking Northville (2-5 overall) will traverto' the split rope on his first leg and then Maliszewski (126) and Ken Kehoe (138) exercise, 7.7 In vault, 7.3 in bars and Despite Mikalonis' record-setting second in diving with a personal-best Walled Lake Central at 6:30 p.m. point total of 202.0, and registering a his pair of borrowed goggles slipped off, fell on first-period pins. 7.05in balance beam. swim, Ypsilanti edged he Mustangs 43- Walled Lake Western was equally tomorrow. then will go to Algonac on 23.1split in the medley relay. making it impossible to see for half the Hickman posted a 7.2 In floor exer- 40, Northville's closest meet of the formidable on Thursday, handing the Saturday for the 10-team Blue Water Gans was much more pleased with event. He swam stroke-for-stroke with cise. Wobermin scored 5.45 in beam, 5.3 season. While Northville took the ma- Mustangs a 47-20defeat. Classic. After their return. the his squad's 104-68swamping of division Churchill's top distance swimmer, in bars and 5.05 in vault. Lane con- jority of first place finishes at the meet. Taking advantage of Northville's in- Mustangs will wrap up their conferen'ce rival ,Livonia Churchill Thursday. eventually pulling away on the last leg. tinued to improve. scoring 6.2 in vault, Ypsilanti made it up with depth. experience at its five lightest weight seaon with meets against Plymouth "Fantastic meet," he enthused. "Some classes. the Warriors simpy registered Salem and Canton. . , 6.3 in floor exercise and 5.9 in balance "Everybody swam well," said Nor- of the races were very close, but our Registering seconds were Jeff beam. Smith added a 5.8 in floor exer- thville Coach Derek Gans. "If a few guys really came through." Pawloski in diving (209.6 points), . . ' cise. more of our fourths had been thirds, we Both Mustang relay teams won - Johnston in 200 free (1:59.7) and 100 Freeland took top team honors at the would have had them." Johnston, Bainbridge, Buell and free (53.0), Mikalonis in backstroke meet with 131.90points. (1:00.8), Wayne In butterfly (1:01.2) "We've been improving our scores Mikalonis also won the 200 free, turn- Mikalonis took the freestyle relay in ~HEeFfEifTI()N-B:RtEFs-- and John Gass in 50 free (24.5>' ~ ". little by little," noted Northvlle Coach ing in a 1:53.3. Other firsts were record- 3:34.1; and Bainbridge, Leindecker, Michelle Charniga. "I've been able to ed by Doug Buell in 200 individual Buell and Grasley won the medley Northville (2-2 overall, 2'() WLAA) get juSt about everybody to compete in medley (2:12.0), Doug.Bue!1 in l?O but- relay in 1:50.8. swims at Walled Lake Western at 7 each meet, so a lot of girls are getting terfly (55.7), .Jeff Bambndge m 100 Northville posted 1-2-3sweeps In but- p.m. tomorrow and hosts Inkster OPEN SWIM Soccer registration will take place at some experience. backstroke n.00.5~ and Ron Johnston terfly and backstroke. Taking in- Cherry Hill on Tuesday. the Northville Community Center Open Swim at the Northville High from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. "Some of the girls we're counting on S::hool pool will be offered from noon Junior baseball sign-ups will also be are brand new," she added. "They're R b· b to 2 p.m. Saturdays, 8-9 p.m. taken on Saturday, February 2. doing well for their first year." 0 lns may e a hockey bl~e-chip Wednesdays, and from 34 p.m. Northville (1-1 in dual meets) was (adults only) Saturdays. Fee is $1 ADULT OPEN GYM scheduled for a home gymnastics meet Northville alumnus Scott Robins has cond in the league in scoring for the from pro scouts, especially at his cur- per participant. against Plymouth Canton Monday, but been making a name for himself as one World Hockey Association-owned fran· rent rate of production. At mid-season, An Open Gym for adults Will take the meet was canceled due to bad of the up-and-coming hockey hotshots chise. Picked from the rookie draft last he had 25 goals and 30 assists - a JUNIOR LEAGUES place Sundays from 5-7 p.m. at the weather. The meet has been tentatively in the Atlantic Coast farm league. fall, Robins was named player of the season at double those figures would Northville Community Center. Fee rescheduled for Friday. • month in the circuit, an,!ihe's currently make him a prime candidate for at Northville Junior Baseball and is $1per participant. Beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nor- the top-scoring rookie in the league. least a trial offer from an NHL team. thville will comnete at the Saline Invita- Robins, a center for the Pine Bridge tiona!. (North Carolina) Bucks is currently se- Rob~ns will be getting the once-over , Wouldn't ·USEDTIRES-- ---r:-···---·ASHBYTAX . " "'" ~.. and STAINED GLASS ACCOUNTING SERVICES WINDOW • WHY NOT look good in your house? We can teach you how $1 O~2up Individual & Business to do it yourself. We offer classes taught by JOIN US? professional instructors. SENIOR 349-0770 SPACES LIMITED - CALL TODAY! VIP V.I.P. For your convenience call for an 4 Week beginners class ••••••••••••••••••• $25 CI-ue Contact Your Local appointment. 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