North Korean Asylum Seekers in the ROK: National Identity and Social Integration
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Université de Montréal North Korean Asylum Seekers in the ROK: National Identity and Social Integration par Regina Lee :Etudes internationales, maîtrise Faculté des arts et des sciences Mémoire pres enté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obligation du grade de Msc en :Etudes internationales option mémoire avril 2008 © Regina Lee 2008 Ce mémoire intitulé: North Koreans in the ROK: National Identity and Social Integration présenté par: Regina Lee a été évalué par un jury compose des personnes suivantes: David Ownby président -rapporteur Dominique Caouette directeur de recherche Sarah Turner membre du jury Résumé Dans les derniers années, l'augmentation des demandeurs d'asile nord coréens en Corée du sud, a causé des soucis important au gouvernement sud coréen. Malgré que la présence de ces saetomins comprend moins que 1% de la population totale de la Corée du sud, leur taux d'arrivée qui est devenu soudainement élevé. Ceci a eu pour effet de force le gouvernement du sud à révaluer leur programmes d'intégration pour les nord-coréens. Ce mémoire examine la relation entre le processus d'intégration des saetomins et l'évolution de l'identité national coréenne, vis-à-vis la Corée du nord. Les indicateurs utilisé pour determiner cette vue sont: les recueils des textes primaires sud coréens, les journaux et les symboles nationaux comme les monuments et la célébration de la journée de libération coréenne. L'étude démontre que l'image d'hostilité et d'agression des nord coréens s'est transformé pour en devenir une de pitié, qui ont besoin de l'assistance du sud comme guide et protecteur. Mots clés: Corée du nord, Corée du sud, demandeur d'asile, intégration, nationalisme Notes sur la transcription: Le système de transcription Revised Romanisation pour la langue coréenne est utilisé dans ce mémoire. Les noms les plus utilisés sont écrits dans leur forme la plus connues. 11 Abstract The increasing number of North Korean asylum seekers in South Korea in recent years has created a eause for concem for the Republic ofKorea. Although the saelomin account for Jess than 1% of the total South Korean population, the rapid rate of increase in their arrivai has prompted the South Korean govemment to re-evaJuate its resettlement policy and support programs for the integration of these asylum seekers. For the purpose of this study, in which the correlation between the changing image of Korean national identity in South Korea is examined in relation to the integration process of saetomin, three tàctors are used to identify the South's views of its North Korean 'Other'. They include the image of North Koreans found in South Korean primary sehool textbooks, print news media and in national symbols such as memorials and the celebration of Korean Liberation Day. The study revealed that the image of North Koreans has changed from hostile enemies to one of pit y and empathy, requiring aid from the South to instruet, nourish and guide them. The South has assumed the role of the wiser, older sibling, whose dut y it is to proteet the saetomin who have sought refuge in the South. ~...z..-:.-'-==' North Korea, South Korea, asylum seeker, integration, nationalism Notes on Romanisation: The Revised Romanisation system of Korean romanisation is used. However, well-known Korean names are given in their best known forms. III Table of Contents Abstract (French) ........................................................................................ i Abstract (English) .................................................................................... ii List of Tables ......................................................................................... .iv Dedication ............................................................................................. v Acknowledgements .................................................................................. vi Map of the Democratie People's Republic ofKorea ............................................ vii Introduction ............................................................................................ 1 Chapter 1 - Theories of Nationalism, National Identity and Social Integration ............. 15 Chapter 11- History, Division, Identity - Korean Nationalism ................................. 37 Chapter III - Contending Korean ldentities ...................................................... 50 Chapter IV - North Korean Migrants .............................................................. 83 Chapter V - North Korean Asylum Seekers in South Korea ................................... 95 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 123 Bibliography ....................................................................................... 130 Appendix la - Statue ofTwo Brothers ............................................................. .1 Appendix 1b - Statue ofTwo Brothers ............................................................1I Appendix 2 - Glossary of Terms .................................................................. III IV List of Tables Table 1 - North Korean Asylum Seekers in South Korea ...................................... 98 Table 2 - The Number of Migrants from the North to the South - 1945-1953 ...............98 Table 3 - Criteria for Basic Assistance .......................................................... .1 05 Table 4 - Criteria for Supplementary Assistance ............................................................ 105 v Dedication This thesis is dedicated to my mother for aIl her love and support. It is also dedicated to my aunt, Sister Anna Maria, o.c.d. VI Acknowledgements J would like to express my gratitude to those who helped me complete this thesis. First and foremost, 1 would like to thank my thesis advisor, Professor Dominique Caouette for his great dedication and words of encouragement. J would also like to thank Professor Dennis Hart of Kent State University for ail the South Korean primary school textbooks he sent me; to Dr. Park Jung-Ran at the Seoul University Institute for Unification Studies, in Korea for we\coming me at the lnstitute and her generosity in providing me with numerous sources for my thesis. A special thanks also goes to the professors of Korean Studies l have met during the course of my studies who have provided me with valuable advice and encouragement for my thesis. Lastly, 1 would like to thank Université de Montréal for giving me the opportunity for this experience. Map of the Democratie People's Republic of Korea DEIVIOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPlTBLIC OF KOREA ~.' c H '" ,. Source: United Nations - Map No. 4163 Rev. 2 Introduction Since the mid-1990s, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) or North Korea l has been in a continuous state of social and economic deterioration. The death of thousands of its citizens caused by the onset of chronic famine, extreme flooding and economic implosion, has compelled this isolationist state into opening its tightly controlled borders to foreign aid (Williams 2002, 114). Despite contributions of food and supplies from various international organisations, inadequate provisions persist. Consequently, regardless of the risk ofpolitical persecution, the rising fear of starvation and malnutrition has, in recent years, led to an increasing exodus from North Korea. The sensitive nature in dealing with North Korean asylum seekers and the lack of openness regarding the issue results in a large margin of error in the estimation of their numbers. While the govemments of China, Russia and South Korea, which are directly affected by the exodus, try to show that the issue of North Korean asylum seekers is not a serious