Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol Scenes of the Annual Golf Tournament Hosted
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Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 30,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CVI PPASSAIC,ASSAIC, NN.J.,.J., AAUGUSTUGUST 223,3, 22017017 NUMBER 5102 Scenes of the Annual Golf Tournament Hosted by Assembly 59 Hollenback Golf Course + North End Slovak Citizens Club +Wilkes-Barre, Pa. + Sunday, July 9 Assembly 59 Golf Tournament 1st Place Winners: Joe Irwin, Steve Hvozdovic, Rick Chmielewski and Steve Hvozdovic, Jr. 2nd Place Winners: Joe Hvozdovic, Jr., Robert Washney, Chas Tokach and Mike Coury 3rd Place Winners: Bob Bachman, Andrew J. “Butch” Hvoz- dovic, Bill Barber and Paul Pasonick Close to the Pin Winners: Joe Owenc and Bob Bachman A total of 40 participants enjoyed this annual fraternal competi- tion. Following the action on the greens, an enjoyable victory recep- tion and dinner was enjoyed at the North End Slovak Citizens Club. Thanks and gratitude go out to all who had a hand in the tourna- ment’s success. An enjoyable time was had by all in the best tradi- tions of Sokol fellowship and fraternalism. Zdar Boh! Renee Pizzella Assembly 59 Secretary First Place Winners are shown above and include, l-r, Joe Irwin, Steve Hvozdovic, Rick Chmielewski and Steve Hvozdovic, Jr. Second Place Winners are shown above and include,l-r, Joe Hvoz- dovic, Jr.,Robert Washney, Chas Tokach and Mike Coury. Supreme President Michael J. Horvath is shown above center, fl anked Third Place Winners are shown above and include, l-r, Paul by Honorary Supreme Offi cer Andrew J. “Butch” Hvozdovic and Pasonick,Honorary Supreme Offi cer Andrew J. “Butch” Hvozdovic, Tony Rasimas. Bill Barber and Bob Blackman. (Continued on page 7) PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, AUGUST 23, 2017 48th Slet Participants collect 468 pounds of Message from our Supreme President Crayons to be donated to The Crayon Initiative by Michael J. Horvath by Katie Swift Even though the signs are ev- Association’s President, Cynthia Supreme Assistant Physical Directress erywhere, it is hard to believe the M. Maleski, which recognized Caring and sharing is an apt tional Slets, we encourage our to support what is known as The summer of 2017 is coming a close. 125 years of fraternal service and description of the ideal fraternal- young people to concentrate on Crayon Inititive. The Supreme Some of these signs are, it is the wishes for future success. We also ist. The Slovak Catholic Sokol a particular project. At our re- Physical Fitness Board decided to middle of Au- want to thank President Maleski for encourages our members of ev- cent 48th International Slet held work with this organization that gust, the sun her kind invitation asking us to join ery age to learn about the joy of at SUNY- Brockport, N.Y., July takes used, unused, broken and is rising later them at their celebration. assisting others. At our Interna- 12-16 our participants were asked old crayons and melts them down and setting On September 16, our Society is to become new crayons. These earlier, the lo- holding the Group Presidents meet- “new” crayons are then donated to cal produce is ing in Cleveland, Ohio. Besides the various children’s hospitals. The in abundance Slovak Catholic Sokol Convention, Crayon Initiative is an organiza- and the ads the Group Presidents meeting is its tion started by a gentleman named are increasing second most important meeting. Bryan Ware. I thought this would with back to The Group Presidents meeting al- be a project that would interest school sales. lows all of our 19 Group Presidents our young Slet participants since Even with its pensive mood, August to gather and discuss issues that it is more of a kids helping kids still has a lot of summer fun in it. relate to the Society’s current con- project. I hope everyone had an enjoyable dition and future direction. I am We were very pleased with the and fun summer no matter what looking forward to the meeting as response of our 48th Slet partici- you did or where you went. Your is our Supreme Secretary, Scott T. pants to this philanthropic ‘good Society had a great summer with a Pogorelec, to meet our 19 Group deed’ project. Each Group was very successful 48th International Presidents and hear from them on asked to bring their old, broken, Slet and last weekend a great 62nd what the Society can do to help and used crayons to donate to this International Golf Tournament. solve common issues, increase project. WOW! The results were I wish I could have been at the their membership and their mem- overwhelming. As the Groups ar- Golf Tournament but I had to build ber’s participation in our fraternal rived, there was a small box with sand castles everyday at the shore activities. The Crayon Initiative label on for the grandchildren. Since this is the time of the year it for the children to place their On July 29th myself and our Su- where everything is changing, pre- crayons. That little box was put preme Chaplain, Reverend Andrew paring for the end of summer and to shame as the Groups arrived. S. Hvozdovic had the privilege the beginning of a new school year, Group 3 of East Douglas, Mass. of representing our Society at the now, is a good time to look at our arrived fi rst with four large printer First Catholic Slovak Ladies Asso- own and our family’s insurance paper boxes fi lled with crayons. ciation’s 125th Anniversary at the coverage. If you fi nd yourself not Group 7 of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Marriott Downtown Cleveland in having enough insurance and want- brought a massive box! Group 4 Cleveland, Ohio. It was a wonder- ing to increase what you already of Chicago, Ill. brought several ful religious and fraternal celebra- have or purchase new insurance boxes and bags as Riana Hoeck tion that brought together members contact our Supreme Secretary took on this project personally of the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Scott T. Pogorelec or our Director for her Group and collected for Association and other fraternal so- of Marketing and Sales, Albert J. weeks before the Slet. Each Group cieties leaders to witness this his- Suess for information and take ad- donated several bags of crayons toric milestone. Father Hvozdovic vantage of the Society’s “Insuring and the project was a HUGE suc- and I had the honor of presenting Our Sokol Legacy” campaign. cess. Luckily, during this time the a Slovak Catholic Sokol plaque to Zdar Boh! AC Moore craft store is offering the First Catholic Slovak Ladies With God’s Blessing to all! a deal to ship all the crayons to its headquarters in California as well as donate one dollar per pound of crayons collected. When Supreme Sokol Calendar Assistant Sports Director Frank P. SUN.AUG.27 in the U.S. and Canada, at the Shera- Laury dropped off the crayons on Q Summer Festival hosted by SS. ton Wild Horse Pass, Chandler, Ariz. the way home from the Slet, he re- Cyril and Methodius Parish on the SAT.SEPT.9 ported that a total of 468 pounds of parish grounds, 218 Ackerman Ave., Q 100th anniversary celebration of crayons had been collected, which Clifton, N.J., 1-7 p.m. Assembly 167 of Barberton, Oh. be- means that the AC Moore Craft AUG.30-SEPT.2 ginning with Mass at Prince of Peace Store donated $468.00 as well! Q Conference hosted by the Federa- Church, 1263 Shannon Ave., Barber- What a wonderful outreach project! tion of Genealogical Societies with ton, Oh. at 5 p.m. followed by dinner Thanks and gratitude go out the Western Pennsylvania Genealog- in the church hall at 6:30 p.m., $25.00 to all Slet participants who par- ical Society at the David L. Lawrence per person. ticipated in this fun way to help Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. Q 42nd annual Sokol Golf Open ben- others. Doing good deeds is what for details contact societyshowcase@ efi t hosted by Assembly 28 at Blissful fraternals in general are all about Meadows Golf Club, 801 Chockalog and the Slovak Catholic Sokol is SEPT.2-3 Road, Uxbridge, Mass., registration in particular. Zdar Boh! Q 83rd annual pilgrimage in honor of at 7 a.m.,tee-off at 8 a.m.; for infor- Our Lady of Perpetual Help, hosted mation call Roger J. Manyak at 508 OUR NEXT ISSUE IS by the Byzantine Catholic Sisters of 476-2668, email rmanyak1@Char- SEPTEMBER 6TH St. Basil the Great at their Mother- In keeping with our bi- house, Mount Macrina, Uniontown, Q 12th New York Slovak Fashion week ly publishing sched ule, Pa. (Continued on page 13) the next is sue of the Slovak SUN.SEPT.3 Cath o lic Fal con will be that Q Annual Slovak Day Festival host- HOME OFFICE of Wednes day, September ed by the Cleveland Slovak Radio CLOSING 6th. Dead line for all pho tos Club at St. Anthony of Padua Parish In observance of the Labor and in for ma tion for this is- Hall, 6750 State Road, Parma, Oh. Day holiday, the Home Of- sue will be Thurs day, August 12 noon to 8 p.m.; cultural program fi ce will be closed on Monday, 31st. View e-Falcon on our begins at 3 p.m. admission $5.00 for September 4th.