Penny Press , NV Volume 3 Number 29 APRIL 13, 2006 Oral Sex For Special Oral Sex Dario And RESTROOM The Boys Is This A Great County Or What? See Story Page 3

POLITICIANS ONLY! THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 2 The Penny Press is published weekly by Penny Credits: 5010 Productions, Inc. All Contents © Penny Press 2006 Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors: Letters to the Editor are encouraged. They should be sent to our offices at 418 1/2 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Press Fred Weinberg Brent Jordan Al Thomas Vegas 89101. They can also be emailed to: Logotype Circulation: Doug French Bill Here [email protected] No unsigned or unverifiable let- Pointedlymad Charlotte Weinberg Brent Jordan Pat Choate ters will be printed. licensed from: Rich Gast Joyce Meyer Bob Jennings 702-740-5588 Fax: 702-920-8215 Penny Press LAS VEGAS, 16 PAGES VOLUME 3 NUMBER 29 APRIL 13, 2006 These People Are Scumbags

By BRENT JORDAN Cheetahs, ran up a monster tab for Tony Montagna, head of security calls Mike Galardi and tells him Penny Press Contributing Editor lap dances and drinks, and were and resident FBI drug dealing snitch, how much the Herrera tab is and taken care of––their bill comped– is in the office and shrugs his steroid gets the okay to take the cash out of Journalists for the Las Vegas –there were no less than a dozen bloated shoulders at the news. the safe and get everyone paid. Review Journal and the Las Vegas Cheetahs employees who were pain- Susan, Caprice and Jen the Herrera and company leave, Sun are continually writing articles fully aware of it. cocktail waitresses take Herrera and ranting and raving and boasting and casting doubt on Mike Galardi’s I will use Herrera’s name, but company’s drink orders through the bragging the whole way. testimony about how he “took care you could replace his name with night. Does any of this sound like a of” a laundry list of public fig- any influential figure who came into Joey and Sean the bartenders secret? ures during his ownership tenure at Cheetahs: comp the drinks. It’s not. Herrera and a party of four show Kevin rounds up Lilly and Ashley At least to me. up at the front door. Leo the door- and Brittany and Denise and Carrie You see, I was there. Commentary man and Sally the cashier comp the topless entertainers to lap dance The problem is that in order for them through. for Herrera and his friends. Dario, Erin, Lance, Mary, Mikey Mike and Brent the floormen Rob and Charlotte and George, and the county’s cast of hundreds Cheetahs. I find it difficult to believe drag a few customers off a table for the morning shift manager, bartend- of as yet unindicted co-conspirators that anyone in the media can not see Herrera and his party to sit at. er and floorman come in to work and to get their well deserved stay in a the truth in this. It isn’t exactly a John the floorman tells Kevin are immediately faced with Herrera’s prison of the government’s choice at secret. It never has been. the shift manager that Herrera is in rant and threats about the Cheetahs our expense, it appears lives, unfor- Every time Herrera or McDonald the house. security not allowing him and his tunately, have to be ruined. or Mac or Malone or Guymon or Kevin informs Dean the general friends to leave until the lap dance That is because Las Vegas is Rhodes, or any of the dozens of manager who immediately runs and and drink bill has been paid. no longer the Wild West where law other influential figures came into hides in the office. Rob goes into the office and Continued on page4 JOE TARTARO PAGE 5 The Conservative Weekly FRED WEINBERG PAGE 6 Voice Of Las Vegas DOUG FRENCH PAGE 7 BILLHERE PAGE 8 Inside: Penny Wisdom PAT CHOATE PAGE 9 AL THOMAS PAGE 10 For four-fifths of our history, Right To Bear Arms our planet was populated by BULLRING RESULTS PAGE 11 pond scum. JOYCE MEYER PAGE 12 —J. W. Schopf Very Important DIANE GRASSI PAGE 13 See Editorial Page 6 PET OF THE WEEK PAGE 15 THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 4 Proving They're Scumbags Continued from page 3

enforcement just entails a trip to the desert. We have rules and one of those rules is that we have to prove to a jury—I won’t insult the jurors by calling them peers of the defendants—of average, decent, hard working taxpayers what people like me and you already know. These people in the dock are scumbags. I’m sorry. I can’t take it any more. When the Federal prosecutors put a former Cheetahs bartender on the stand (I refuse to expose her name in the press again) in the trial, it was the last straw for me. To prove their “currency of corruption” charges against , they took a good woman, who has a troubled past, and forced her to relive those troubles and that past in front of judge, jury, the media, and her com- munity. It is, unfortunately, the nature of a system where the 12 jurors did not spend as much time as I working for Mike Galardi. The prosecutors cannot will the stories into evidence. It must be told. She admitted she had taken money from Galardi to perform oral sex on Dario Herrera in the Cheetahs VIP bathroom. She admitted to prostitution. That makes her far more honest than any of the defendants. And you could look at her as one of the unsung heroes if these scumbags get what they deserve from the jury. This woman took the stand and took a bullet for Galardi and the Feds. I hope her life isn’t totaled because of her testimony There are dozens of other former and current Cheetahs employees who could have proven the same thing, albeit not as graphically or dramatically; dozens of us who had to deal with Herrera and the other corrupt city offi- cials in the daily course of our jobs. This woman is not a bad woman. She testified to a mistake she made during a moment in her life when she was desperate. Put yourself in that position and try and imagine what sort of threats it would take to get you to take the stand in front of the world––the commu- nity that you need to live, work and maintain your home and family in––and testify that you had resorted to prostitution in the bathroom of a second-rate strip club. Throw the first stone if you will. But know you are throwing it not at an cal corruption, and worse, but one thing that the government is doing in this evil woman, but at a good woman who made a grievous error. Operation G-sting case is even beyond my capacity to endure. Mike Galardi, this week, did something he swore he would never do. He The Feds used a drug dealer, to catch a bribing strip club owner and told about his sexual escapades with . extortionist city officials. Kenny had a “thing” for giving Galardi oral sex while parked in his To me, Federally sponsored dealing of drugs is a weightier crime than SUV out behind Galardi’s Jaguars strip club. political corruption. Especially since six of the seven Cheetahs employees I don’t know Mike Galardi’s motivation to finally tell of these episodes, who have died in the past five years, died as a direct result of the same sort but I know at one time he had been dead-set against it. of drugs FBI snitch Tony Montagna was dealing at Cheetahs. Did the Feds stop to think of what this admission would do to Erin To the innocent people who got caught up in this freight train of filth, I Kenny’s children? What have her children done to deserve this? Is it the hope you’ll recover. child’s fault their mother is a despicable character? We may never know if the testimony of these people was necessary. It is no secret that I have a strong stomach for criminal behavior: I have But whether or not these scumbag politicians get sent to the place they all admitted to strong-arm robbery, falsifying police reports, facilitating politi- deserve to go, from one citizen to another, thank you. THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 5 Dumb Anti-Gun Zealots Hope Americans Are Even Dumber By JOSEPH P. TARTARO trump reason, and for some people restrictive regulation of firearms would have preferred using a gun Executive Editor, Gun Week it does work that way. But most ownership by law-abiding men, but screening laws were too strin- Special To The Penny Press Americans of average intelligence women and even teenagers is focus- gent, according to a letter read at a still don’t succumb to the fear and ing on the wrong subject. Fighting hearing in his case. One has to wonder about the hysteria of the anti-gunners because the idea of people having the means Mohammed Taheri-Azar drove intelligence quotients of the anti-gun they are attuned to the realities of the to defend themselves without being a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of crowd. They have not been doing world around them. punished from a righteous use of students Mar. 3 at the University of well in advancing their agenda the The 9/11 attacks provided a huge deadly force is a losing argument. North Carolina at Chapel Hill and last few years, but they still haven’t lesson for many, showing that per- But that doesn’t stop the anti- hit nine people, none of whom had learned—and still haven’t given up. sonal defense against domestic and gunners. Lately, to fight the “Castle life-threatening injuries. What is worse is that they assume imported terrorists is as important— Doctrine” or “Stand Your Ground” A police officer read the typed everyone in America is as dumb as maybe even more so—as defense legislation that is under consider- letter in court on Mar. 24. they are. No matter how many so- against predatory attacks by home- ation in several states, they have “I would instead use a handgun called studies they generate, even grown criminals. been trying to frighten the public by to murder the citizens and residents with the help of researchers and But that doesn’t stop the anti-gun, calling it “Shoot First” and “License of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but professors who share their distorted anti-self and community- defense to Murder” legislation. From their the process of receiving a permit understanding of human nature and crowd from going back to the same own dark side, the anti-gunners have for a handgun in this city is highly history, the basic element is always well again and again. tried to paint a scary picture of restricted and out of my reach at fear. Trying to solve society’s prob- mindless people everywhere shoot- present, most likely due to my for- They believe that fear will always lems by focusing on ever more ing each other over trivial disputes, eign nationality,” the letter said. or without reasonable cause. Taheri-Azar, a 2005 graduate of The Free States Alliance has the school, also had two cans of pep- even come up with a whole new per spray and folding knife in the website called “licensetomurder. rented vehicle. He has said the act com” in an effort to play their trump was to avenge deaths of Muslims card of fear. caused by the US around the world. But they are ignoring reality. The “I do not wish to pursue my career people who are really bent on com- as a student any further because I mitting murder, even mass murder, have no desires to amass the imper- will get the guns anyway they can, manent and temporary fame and ignoring every gun law on federal material wealth that this world has and state books. And when the gun to offer,” the letter said. law actually deters a lunatic, a crimi- “However, I made the decision The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To: nal, a mass murderer or a terrorist, to continue my studies and to gradu- other means are available. ate from the University of North Judge William Jansen who, despite allowing murder suspect (if you can call Some years ago a disturbed man Carolina at Chapel Hill so that the a guy who committed murder on television a suspect) Michael Chambliss killed over 80 people in a New York world will know that Allah’s ser- out on a ridicules bail bound him over for trial. “The video clearly shows night club using a gallon of gasoline vants are very intelligent.” that the deceased did not come after the defendant with his fists,” Jansen said. Jansen also determined that the pocket knife used by Jansen was a and a match. The terrorists who I have a little problem with the deadly weapon for the purpose of a trial. “Now it’s up to a jury to make the attacked the World Trade Center and last part of his letter, but then the final determination,” Jansen said. Now, Jansen may have to re-examine the the Pentagon used box-cutters and anti-gunners will say that North bail. commercial airliners. Carolina’s gun laws did what they Now, The Charlotte (NC) were supposed to do: cause the erst- Murder defendant John Moxley who chose not to attend the first day of his Observer reports that the man while terrorist to use a car. Thank, trial for killing his infant son. This should make the trial go faster. charged with trying to kill students Allah he didn’t decide to use an IED The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer by hitting them with a car said he (improvised explosive device). And A Bouquet of Weeds To: Want A Penny PressIn The Mail? Mexican national Arturo Martinez who by now has been deported. He was the star of a story in Sunday's Review Journal where he said, “You make one mistake $55 per year First Class Mail and that’s it.” Martinez's mistake was to be an illegal alien, have two kids and Name______Penny Press then get arrested on a drug charge, serve 16 months at Indian Springs and then Address______418 ½ S. Maryland wonder at the unfairness of it all. In the immortal words of Robert Blake, who City_____State___ZIP_____ Las Vegas, NV 89101 was found innocent, "don't do the crime if you can't do the time." THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 6 OPINION From The Publisher... Real Americans Learn About America On the back page of this week’s newspaper is an ad for one If we’re going to insist that new and potential citizens—how- of the best conservative events which takes place every ever they originally came into the country—know about our year. (If you’re reading this online, go to history, we probably better make sure that we citizens also understand these things. In fact, it’s not really a “conservative” event because it cel- ebrates an Amendment to the Constitution of the United There is no better place to learn about one of the most States. important areas of citizenship than the 23 through 25th of September in Charlotte. And, except for a hotel room and It’s really just an American event. travel, it’s free.

This year, it is scheduled for September 23, 24 and 25 in On a related subject… Charlotte, North Carolina and it’s free except for getting there and lodging. The revelations last week in the G-Sting trial that oral sex seems to be a currency among bribers and former members It is, of course, the 21st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference of the tells us how little regard and, in spite of a name that suggests eye glazing seminars, those people in the dock had for us as their constituents. it is a three days exchange of ideas about a subject so uniquely American that our founding fathers actually devot- It appears that many if not all of the members of the ed one of ten Amendments in the Bill of Rights to it. Commission seem to think that this is just one big game and the object of getting elected is to see how much they can We’re moved to write this in view of the immigration rallies amass in wealth and perks. which have been taking place for the past few weeks. We are well aware that the two clowns being tried now and As we looked at all of the coverage of all those people who the one clown who will be tried in August are not the only were saying to us in Spanish that they loved America and ones. We hope that the voters will take an extraordinarily wanted to be Americans, we wondered exactly how many close look in August and November at each and every can- of them could tell us what the Second Amendment was and didate running for anything and not hesitate to vote against why it is important. anyone who you even remotely think is a bad seed.

We wondered how many of those people who are telling Because if we are learning anything from these trials, we are us that, despite having come into this nation illegally, they learning that disgusting behavior is almost considered the should be entitled to citizenship, support the concept that norm by these people and it appears to be more widespread in America, we have an absolute right to keep and bear than anybody originally thought. arms. If you have a 15-year-old and you tell them not to do some- In fact, we wondered how many of those people demon- thing and they answer that, Dario Herrera did, we would strating even knew what the Bill of Rights is. certainly hope that you will be in a position to say that Dario is now serving the public in a whole new way—10 to 15 with As we have said in this space before, we are not fundamen- time off for good behavior. tally against giving these folks a path to citizenship. We would certainly hate to think of the message it might But we have a serious problem with the concept of making send to our children if these clowns somehow get off new citizens out of people who do not know much of the his- because a jury didn’t think that their behavior “rose” to that tory of this nation nor much about its governance. of somebody who should be imprisoned.

That’s why the 2006 GRPC is important. FRED WEINBERG THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 7 Commentary: Doug French which candidate best serves the general interest and voting accordingly,” Stop Supporting The State writes Friedman, “most of the benefit of your expenditure goes to other people. The barrage of garish political signs that have popped up like weeds this You are producing a public good: a vote for a better candidate.” The spring tells us that in HL Mencken’s words; “a sort of advance auction sale total benefit may be great, but the individual payoff is zero. Thus, voters do of stolen goods” or election is near. not get informed, they are rationally ignorant and the public good of good There will be the usual rah-rah about getting out and voting, and that candidates is under produced, “which in turn means that democracy does you have no right to complain if you don’t vote, and other such baloney. not work very well,” Friedman explains, “so we cannot rely on government These clichés are so nonsensical it’s amazing they continue to be constantly to act in our interest.” uttered by government cheerleaders. Friedman also made the point in his APEE speech that politicians have No doubt this column will move someone to write in something to very insecure property rights. Thus, they don’t act in the long-term interest the effect that, “to make change, a person must vote,” or “This is a pre- of the electorate, because they themselves will not be in office controlling cious freedom people must exercise,” or “It’s our civic duty.” Just based political property long term. Politicians act for their own short-term politi- on historical evidence, we know all of that’s ridiculous. The more people cal benefit, at the expense of the citizenry, and rationally so. vote, the bigger government gets and the less freedom we have. People In addition to the fact that the odds of effecting an election are astronom- should mind their own business, stay home and do something productive ical, Doug Casey lists four other reasons not to partake in voting. “Voting in on Election Day. a political election is unethical. Voting compromises your privacy. Voting, The world would be a better place. as well as registering, entails hanging around government offices and deal- Besides, statistically, there is virtually no chance that a single vote will ing with petty bureaucrats. Voting encourages politicians.” decide an election. Sure, there have been a few elections decided by one A few readers may think this view unpatriotic: That somehow Americans vote, but out of the millions of elections held it’s an infinitesimal percent- must blindly support a system that keeps knaves and tyrants in power. But, age. As Doug Casey explains in this month’s International Speculator, today’s America isn’t anything like what the founding fathers had in mind. “Politicians like to say [your vote] counts because it is to their advantage to This nation was founded on principles that today are called libertarian. And get everyone into busybody mode.” the political establishment as well as the press view libertarians as: Even if you are an informed voter, ignorant voters drown your vote At a minimum too radical, or in many cases, just plain nuts. Voters feel out. the same way, the number of libertarians ever elected to office probably “Rational voters are rationally ignorant,” law and economics profes- matches the number of elections decided by one vote. sor David Friedman told the crowd at APEE (The Association of Private Those that support government by voting are the ones that have no room Enterprise Education) here in Las Vegas last week. to complain. No matter who gets elected, the government always wins. As Friedman writes in his book Hidden Order that voting is how individuals Doug Casey says, “Participating in politics is an act of ethical bankruptcy.” make government act in our interest. Thus, voting is the private production Cleanse your soul this election by not participating. of a public good. However, “when you spend time and energy deciding DOUG FRENCH You Can Get Billhere's Calendar and Newsletter FREE by email! The FREE, e-mailed, Newsletter and complete index of Las Vegas coupons for shows, buffets and attractions is available on the internet at: THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 8 The Best Vegas Calendar BAR NONE! By Billhere The FREE, e-mailed, Newsletter and complete index of Las Vegas coupons for shows, buffets and attractions is available on the internet at: APRIL, 2006 6= Boxing. de la Hoya vs. Mayorga-MGM Grand. ======6= World Supercross-Sam Boyd Stadium. Through Apr.12= David Copperfield- MGM Grand. 6= UNLVINO -Paris Las Vegas. Info: Through Apr.29= The Matsuri Show - Unique musical from Japan events.html being showcased in Las Vegas - Riviera. Through Jul. 31= Art 9-11= G2E Global Gaming Expo-Red Rock Station. Exhibit of Rubens And His Age - Guggenheim Hermitage Museum 10-11=Bryan Adams- Las Vegas Hilton. inside Venetian. 11-17= Howie Mandel - MGM Grand. ++++++++++ 12-13=Johnny Mathis- Las Vegas Hilton. 13=Better Than Ezra, Sister Hazel- Mandalay Bay. 12-13=Jay Leno- Mirage. 13-17= Dennis Miller- MGM Grand. 12-14=Frankie Avalon- Suncoast. 14= Lesley Gore - Cannery. 13= Tanya Tucker-Buffalo Bill’s Arena-PRIMM,NV 14-15= Brad Garrett- The Mirage. 13=The Goo Goo Dolls- Red Rock Station. 14-16= Comedian Kathy Griffin - Suncoast. 13-14= Gun & Knife Show - Cashman Center. 15= Luis Miguel - Mandalay Bay Events Center. 14= Mother’s Day. 15= LeeAnn Rimes - Primm Valley Resort. 19=The New Cars, Blondie- Aladdin. 15-17= Dragon Boat Festival - Lake Las Vegas. 19-20=Ray Romano- Mirage. 16= Easter Sunday. 23=Academy of Country Music Awards- MGM Grand. ++++++++++ 20= Brad Paisley - Buffalo Bill’s Arena-PRIMM, NV. 18= RED ROCK STATION CASINO: Station Casinos opens this 20-21=The Gin Blossoms- Suncoast. $475 million, 2,000 employee, hotel/casino with: 414-rooms; 25-28=Air Supply- The Orleans. 198-ft. tall tower; 2,800 slot and video machines; 60 table 26=Ron White- Mandalay Bay. games; race and sportsbook; 12-table poker room, 600-seat 26-28= Kevin James - Mirage. bingo parlor; nightclub; six bars; 16-screen Regal movie theater; 27=Clay Walker- South Coast. arcade; four ballrooms, salon, fitness center, childcare center; 28= “Avenue Q” will end, after only a five-month engagement pool and beach area; full-service spa and 10 restaurants. Private - Wynn Las Vegas. poolside cabanas will be available with two poolside bars and pool- 29= Memorial Day. side cafe. Rande Gerber, husband of Cindy Crawford and owner of 29-June 1= Jewelry Show - Mirage. Whisky Sky nightclub in the Green Valley Ranch will be opening a ++++++++++ lounge and nightclub ; Located at Charleston and Interstate 215. May ??= HARRAH’S Andreotti’s Italian Restaurant reopening after Info.: major renovations. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 18-26= Howie Mandel - MGM Grand. May??= MGM MIRAGE is building the RESIDENCES AT MGM 20-22= Debbie Reynolds - Stardust. GRAND. The project will have three Towers, each 40 floors high 20-23=Boyz II Men- The Orleans. and each Tower will have 576 condominium units. The Towers 21-22=Jay Leno- The Mirage. are very creatively called: Tower A, Tower B and Tower C. The 21-23= Vicki Lawrence & Mama - Suncoast. condominium units can be rented by the public under the MGM 22= Rob Zombie- House of Blues. Mirage program called The Signature at MGM Grand. Tower A will 22= Hootie & the Blowfish - Silverton. open in May, 2006 and hotel reservations are now being accepted 22= The Las Vegas Historic Museum will be closed - Tropicana. from the public. Tower B will open in December, 2006. Tower C 27-May 10=Tom Jones- MGM Grand. will open in May, 2007. The whole project is being built where the 27-30=Sesame Street Live -Cox Pavillion MGM Grand Adventures Theme Park was located, in the back of 27-30=Englebert Humperdinck- The Orleans. the MGM Grand property. Turnberry & MGM Mirage are partners 28-29=The Bellydance Superstars- Flamingo. in this project. Tel. 1-888-891-1688 or (702) 891-5555. Beautiful 28-29=Wayne Brady- The Mirage. internet site is at: 28-30= Home Decorating Show-Cashman Ctr. ++++++++++ 28-30= The Letterman-Suncoast. May ??= MIRAGE opens a new 90-minute show created by Cirque 28-May 11= World Series of Poker - Caesars Palace. du Soleil, featuring a celebration of Beatles music. Will replace 29=Tiger Jam IX with Sting - Mandalay Bay Events Center. the closed Siegfried & Roy Show. A new $100 million theater 29=Kid Rock- Palms. replacing the Siegfried & Roy Theater and seating 2,000, with 29= Twisted Sister - Silverton. 360-degree seating, is nearing completion. The stage will be a 30=Depeche Mode- Hard Rock Hotel. theater-in-the round. Cirque performers will appear from below 30= The Scintas contract ends. Will their contract be extended? as well as above the stage. - Rio. ++++++++++ MAY, 2006 May??= PALMS: The first new Playboy Club in the world since ======1984 and 17 years since the last one closed. Opens in the new 2-3=The Wiggles- Thomas and Mack Center. Fantasy Tower (which will feature a retractable roof). Bunny cos- 3= The Scintas show closing - Rio. tumes will be snow leopard accessorized with a rhinestone collar 3-7=Reba McEntire- Las Vegas Hilton. and metallic gold bow tie. 4=R. Kelly- Hard Rock The Joint. ======5= Cinco de Mayo. Please e-mail errors, omissions and additions to: 5=2006 MiniMoto SX- Orleans. [email protected] THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 9 Commentary: Pat Choate new amnesty measure will further of their growing use of such work- “social persecution” invite massive Real Immigration weaken respect for our immigration ers by assuring a level playing field fraud and endanger the security of law. Therefore, all amnesty measures for all employers and demonstrat- this nation. Similarly, treating aliens Reform must be defeated. Laws against ille- ing effective enforcement actions illegally residing in the country the gal immigration must be enforced, if against employers who continue same as foreigners on legal visitor This week we saw millions of ille- they are going to act as a deterrent. to exploit illegal workers. No U.S. visas for purposes of the Temporary gal immigrants, and their American Redefining illegal aliens as “guest- industry has jobs in which there Protected Status designation is illog- supporters, marching in dozens of workers” or anything else is just are no American workers. If illegal ical and a form of amnesty that must cities urging the U.S. Congress to that: a redefinition that attempts to workers are decreased over time, be ended. enact legislation that would give hide the fact it is an amnesty, not wages offered will rise to attract Sixth Principle: Immigration them amnesty and double the num- reform. back more American workers. Real Time Out ber of people we allow in annually Third Principle: Protect Wages shortages, as noted above, can be We must restore moderation to as “guest workers.” and Standards of Living met with short-term temporary for- legal immigration. Beginning with In reality, hundreds of millions Immigration policy should not be eign workers. the recommendations of the Jordan of people around the world would permitted to undermine opportuni- The Basic Pilot Employment Commission in 1995, we need to like to come to America and have ties for America’s poor and vulnera- Verification program must be made restrict immigration to the mini- the freedoms and opportunities we ble citizens to improve their working mandatory and at no extra cost to mum consistent with stabilizing the possess. Most respect our immigra- conditions and wages. The need for employers. U.S. population. Overall immigra- tion laws and follow the rules we guest workers must be determined Effective immigration enforce- tion must be reduced to balance out- have established. Eleven million by objective indicators that a short- ment on the border and the interior migration, i.e., about 300,000 per people, however, have ignored our age of workers exists, i.e., extreme of the country requires that staffing, year while still permitting nuclear laws and come here illegally. wage inflation in a particular sector equipment, detention facilities, and family reunification and a narrowly The crucial question is what of the labor market. The current sys- removal capabilities be adequate to focused refugee resettlement pro- should be in any “reform” immi- tem accepts self-serving attestations fully meet current needs. The mea- gram. A moratorium on all other gration package. The Federation of employers who seek lower labor sures needed to identify and remove immigration should be immediately for American Immigration Reform costs as protections of American illegal aliens will also remove the adopted pending true comprehen- (FAIR), an organization of which workers. True reform requires an ability of potential terrorists to oper- sive immigration reform. We should I am a Member of the Board of objective test of labor shortage dem- ate freely in our country as they plot abolish the extended relation prefer- Directors, has developed a set of onstrated by rising wages to attract the next catastrophic attack on our ences. principles that Congress should use more American workers. people. Seventh Principle: Equal for true comprehensive immigration Fourth Principle: Major Fifth Principle: Stop Special Under the Law reform. Polls reveal that at least 80 Upgrade in Interior Enforcement, Interest Asylum Abuse There should be no favoritism percent of American voters believe Led by Strong Employer Reforming the refugee and asy- toward or discrimination against any in this set of immutable principles. Penalties lum system means returning to the person on the basis of race, color, First Principle: Cut the Employers who knowingly original purpose and definition of creed, or nationality. All admission Numbers employ unauthorized workers are the the program: “any person who... of immigrants should come within a Any level of illegal immigra- magnet that attracts illegal entry into is unable or unwilling to return to, single, stable ceiling which is peri- tion is unacceptable, and current the U.S. These employers are com- and is unable or unwilling to avail odically reviewed on the basis of a legal immigrant admissions of about plicit in the illegal alien cartel activ- himself or herself of the protection reasoned, explicit goal of achieving one million persons each year are ity of smuggling, trafficking, harbor- of that country because of perse- population stability. We should abol- entirely too many. Any measure ing, and employing and must be pun- cution or a well-founded fear of ish special preferences such as the that increases either illegal or legal ished. We must reform the current persecution on account of race, reli- Cuban Adjustment Act. immigration violates this principle. system by enforcing employer sanc- gion, nationality, membership in a Members of Congress are now Immigration is a discretionary pub- tions and fully punishing employers particular social group, or politi- home meeting with their constitu- lic policy. who break the laws of this country. cal opinion....” America must honor ents. Go visit them in their local Second Principle: No Amnesty These punishments will be fines, jail- it responsibilities to protect people offices. If they want real reform, or Mass Guest-Worker Program ing for repeat offenders, and loss of who are fleeing true political perse- these are the principles they must The 1986 amnesty was a failure; corporate charters.�Employers who cution as defined by U.S. and inter- follow. rather than reducing illegal immi- knowingly or unknowingly employ national law. Efforts to expand those PAT CHOATE gration, it led to an increase. Any illegal workers must be weaned off definitions to include all forms of THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 10 Commentary: Albert Thomas then do not send money. Trading is dangerous enough without doing busi- Make A Million With A Good System ness with a company that is being secretive about their method. Actually there are companies that will tell you what they are doing, but what the Shucks, it’s easy! It must be. I see those ads in the financial pages adver- customer needs is someone to pull the trigger when a buy or sell signal is tising a trading method that has a 98% success record and how one of their given. customers started with $500 and made $500,000 in 6 months. Why can’t I For an in-depth study of many futures systems you might want to sub- do that? I’d be a millionaire in nothing flat. Yes, and pigs can fly. scribe to a magazine called Futures Truth. Every 2 months is gives a perfor- Come on, now, you and I both know that if it was that easy everyone mance breakdown of about 200 systems. would be rolling in cash so there must be a catch. The basic rule for any- It is amazing that so many traders will pay big bucks for a system and thing you put money into is doing your due diligence. You want proof of then not follow it. Many methods will charge $3,000 and more and the every statement made. Most folks don’t know what to ask so let’s see what trader will think the next trade is not going to be a winner so he will not needs to be investigated. enter it. 1) Is the example given real or hypothetical? If it is hypothetical stop Until the trader becomes very familiar with the method it would be a right there. good idea to paper trade it until the signals are completely understood. This 2) How much money do I need to enter every recommended trade? could take a few months, but could also save capital because an error can 3) How many trades are made in one year? Winners? Losers? be very costly. 4) How much was the biggest single losing trade? Some systems sellers have several brokers who know the method and 5) How much was the biggest single winning trade? will execute each trade for the customer. If a trader buys it then it would be 6) What was the largest continuous loss? a good idea to have a broker who will execute the trades properly. It is good 7) What is the won/lost ratio in dollars? for the trader, the broker and the system seller. 8) Does the example include slippage and commission? There is nothing wrong with buying a good trading system. Just be sure 9) Are stop loss orders recommended and used? it is everything it claims to be. 10) What is the exit strategy? Very important. AL THOMAS 11) How long has the system been operating? 12) Ask for a printout of last year’s monthly statements. Al Thomas’ book, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!” has helped thousands 13) Ask for 3 references. of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. 14) It must fit your personality: long or short term or day trading. Read the first chapter at and discover why he’s If it is a legitimate system they will give answers to all the above. If not the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.

1.877.821.9302 THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 11 Clyne Wins Super Late Model Feature At Bullring By TARA BARKIS Burke was fourth fol- Special To The Penny Press lowed by Eric Martin. “Chris Bray built this race Chris Clyne drove his No. car,” said Hamm. “It looked 14 Miller High Life/Gilley’s like he lost his brakes and Saloon and Dance Hall we were able to win with it.” Super Late Model to victory IMCA Modified driver lane after winning the 50-lap Michael Morrissey won the Super Late Model feature at 30-lap feature. Sebastian the Bullring at Las Vegas Couture finished second and Motor Speedway Saturday was the top qualifier. Tim during the NASCAR Dodge Richter and Craig Stewart Weekly Series. finished third and fourth. The Bullring fans Aaron McMorran was fifth. received a special treat as Thunder Roadster driver 13-time NHRA Funny Car Bobby Ruppert won the 15- Champion John Force and lap feature. Roger Hocking his daughter Ashley threw finished second. Matt Daly the green flag to start off the and John Thompson finished evening. third and fourth. Johan Clyne of Las Vegas, Timmer was fifth. NV was the fastest qualifier Bandolero Bandits driver Chris Clyne celebrates in victory lane on the Miller Lite/Gilley's number 14 Chevy and won the Dash for Cash. Blake Leuth won the 15-lap last Saturday. Larry Burton Photo John and Ashley went down feature. Houston Franco and to victory lane to congratu- Jacob Bishop finished sec- late Clyne after the race. ond and third. Rounding off Alex Haase started on the the top-five were Nicholas pole after a three-car invert Huggins and Austin Craig. and held the lead position John Davis won the until Scott Gafforini made Bandolero Young Guns a pass on lap 35. Clyne 15-lap feature. Damon took the lead from Gafforini Blakeman and Justin Hurdle on the same lap and led the finished second and third. entire feild to his first Super Rounding off the top-five Late Model victory of the were Greyson Weaver and season. Mitchel Taylor. Taylor Barton was second Official results from the followed by Tom Lovelady. Bullring at LVMS, April 8 Gafforini and Justin Johnson Super Late Models Main Event Results (50 laps): 1. Chris Clyne, were fourth and fifth. 2. Taylor Barton, 3. Tom Lovelady, 4. Scott Gafforini, 5. Justin Johnson, 6. David Anderson, 7. Tony Clark, 8. Billy Mitchell, “We didn’t have a real- 9. Thane Alderman, 10. Richard Bridges, 11. Fabian Bray, 12. Jimmy Parker, Jr., 13. Dennis Rock, Jr., 14. Matt Jaskol, 15. Alex Haase, 16. Dustin Ash, 17. Joe DeGuevara, 18. Bob Wickey, 19. ly good car but we were Travis Swalwell, 20. Rich Attasani, 21. Steve Anderson, 22. David Quartaro, 23. Brian Collins, 24. Mike Haslam, 25. Justin Cicchini, decent,” said Clyne. “I have 26. Bob Barker. a brand new crew this year Late Models Main Event Results (40 laps): 1. Doug Hamm, 2. Chris Bray, 3. Dan Howell, 4. Glenn Burke, 5. Eric Martin, 6. Don and things are great.” Sargent, 7. Nick Antrillo, 8. Morris Sealy, 9. Dave Campoverde, 10. Fred Kiser, Jr., 11. Todd Standcliff, 12. Doug Matter, 13. Eric Bauer, Doug Hamm won his first 14. John Taylor. 40-lap Late Model feature IMCA Modifieds Main Event Results (40 laps): 1. Michael Morrissey, 2. Sebastian Courture, 3. Tim Richter, 4. Craig Stewart, of the season. Eric Bauer 5. Aaron McMorran, 6. Pet Petrie, 7. Wayne Morris, Jr., 8. Dow Woerner, 9. Tom Barber, 10. Joby Baugh, 11. Richard Streker, 12. started on the pole after a Thane Alderman, 13. Kenny Thompson, 14. Todd Burns. three-car invert. Chris Bray Thunder Roadsters Main Event Results (15 laps): 1. Bobby Ruppert, 2. Roger Hocking, 3. Matt Daly, 4. John Thompson, 5. was the top qualifier. Johan Timmer, 6. Matt Lutz, 7. Jovon Halen. Bray took the lead from Bandolero Bandits Main Event Results (15 laps): 1. Blake Leuth, Bauer on the second lap. He 2. Houston Franco, 3. Jacob Bishop, 4. Nicholas Huggins, 5. Austin Craig, 6. Patrick Cambum, 7. Jonathan Eakin, 8. Lucas Reilly, 9. held the top position until Jacob Tilton, 10. Trent Kassik, 11. Kayli Barker.

Hamm made a pass in turn Bandolero Young Guns Main Event Results (15 laps): 1. Damon Blakeman, 2. Justin Hurdle, 3. Greyson Weaver, 4. Mitchel Taylor, four on lap 22. Hamm led 5. Chris Vesper, 6. Cheyanne Schindler, 7. Trevor Hurdle, 8. Jackson Smith. (First-place finisher John Davis (No. 38) was disqualified the field for the remainder after his car failed to pass post-race inspection.) of the race to take the check- Bullring Bombers Main Event Results (30 laps): 1. Matt Larson, 2. Gary Wyatt, 3. Marvin Reeder, 4. Kevin Gantz, 5. J.J. Nunn, 6. ered. Scott Grossardt, 7. Ken Marr, 8. Warren Harris, Sr., 9. Travis Boyle, 10. Vinny Raucci, 11. Chris Gray, 12. Fred Harding, 13. Matt Cunningham, 14. Lawrence Snedeker, 15. Michael Robinson, 16. Chris Bray and Dan James Lauk, 17. Jan Matter, 18. Tammy Sargent, 19. John Hanns, 20. Wade Pearson, 21. Ed Cifelli, 22. Russell Ward, 23. Chad Mattas, Howell finished sec- 24. Tracy Loy. ond and third. Glenn THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 12 Commentary: Joyce Meyer and he’s behind the scenes. People Dave came to me and said that he right. But if we focus on being the The Power To BE want to know if it bothers him not to realized that God had anointed me person God made us to be, the doing be the one to be noticed. to teach, and that he knew that his will take care of itself. Did you know that God is far Dave had to work this out with place was to back me up and support JOYCE MEYER more interested in who you are than God in the very early years. But it me in any way he could. So today, if in what you do? He knows that if He didn’t take him long—in just two or you want to know why Dave is so For more on this topic, you may order can get you to focus on the person three weeks he was able to under- happy, it’s because he’s confident in Joyce’s four-part series, Pressing In you were born to be, your actions stand what God was doing and how who God has anointed him to be. and Pressing On, which is available will take care of themselves. he fit into the Lord’s plan. Remember, if we focus on the by calling 1-800-727-9673 or online Acts 1:8 talks about God fill- Once he worked it out with God, DOING, the BEING will never be at ing us with His Holy Spirit. The message of this verse is powerful. It does not say that God has given us the power to do witnessing. He doesn’t give us the power to get up every day and try to produce some kind of positive behavior that will impress Him or those around us. What He has done is given us the power to BE like Jesus. A long time ago, I was on the evangelism board at my church. My husband, Dave, and I would go out every Wednesday night knocking on doors and telling people about Jesus. Now, I loved the Lord, but I wasn’t a witness for Him. Sure, I was doing the act of witnessing, but I was certainly NOT a witness. I hadn’t allowed the Lord to do the work in me that would let me be a positive witness for Him. I was a controlling, manipulative, angry, bitter, resent- ful, rebellious, hateful, hard to get along with, self-centered woman! Why would anybody ever want to be like me? I didn’t become a witness until I understood the Lord’s power in me to BE. Now that doesn’t mean I never make a mistake or never have a bad day. But it does mean I have far more good days than bad and my behavior continues to improve. It’s not easy to be happy when you are continually trying to be someone you’re not. All you get is the stress and pressure that comes from trying to live outside the per- son God made you to be. Do you know why my husband, Dave, is so happy? When we travel, Dave is always asked how he han- dles the fact that I’m the one up front THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 13 Commentary: Diane Grassi the President actually signed a different version of the bill than the House Law Already Requires Proof of Representatives actually passed. Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA) on March 30, 2006 stated, “I Of Citizenship For Medicaid have learned that the Speaker of the House advised the White House of the differences between the House-passed bill and the bill presented to In the midst of numerous proposals before the Senate regarding legisla- the President before the President signed the legislation.” Representative tion concerning the legalization of illegal aliens has arisen a little known Waxman is now calling for a Resolution of Inquiry which requests all docu- provision of the recently signed 2005 Deficit Reduction Act. On February ments relative to the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act which the President signed 8, 2006, President George Bush executed a bill into law which now requires on February 8th. So far the White House has failed to respond. recipients of Medicaid benefits to provide either an original birth certificate Whether or not Representative Waxman truly cares about the Constitution or passport in order to apply for or to continue to receive their health care or is doing that which is politically expedient for himself, is of concern. benefits, commencing July 1, 2006. Firstly, the discrepancy in the Senate Bill signed was different in substance The Medicaid program, available to American citizens who fall into a from the House Bill. It impacts some $2 billion in spending for “durable specified low income bracket, provides health care to adults and children, medical equipment” such as wheelchairs and oxygen for those in the as well as the elderly and those in nursing homes. While much hand wring- Medicare program, which provides health care to the elderly and the dis- ing and spin continues in the U.S. Congress regarding how to best deal with abled. At issue, is the length of leases for durable medical equipment which the status of illegal aliens, which directly impacts costs of U.S. government was 36 months in the House version and 13 months in the Senate version. entitlement programs, this new requirement has yet to be discussed. As the During transmission of the final bill to the President, the Senate Clerk result of the newly passed Massachusetts universal health care plan, which made a change to the legislation. It no longer contained the Senate amend- will include the Medicaid program, the new provision was just publicly ment which provided for 36 months for oxygen equipment. The Senate Clerk revealed. upon learning of the mistake advised House Republican leaders in January However, the present requirements for Medicaid require no such docu- 2006, well before the date of February 8, 2006, the date the President signed ments, relying only upon a signature of the applicant to certify whether or the bill. The error failed to be corrected. But according to Article I, Section not they are American citizens. And as a result of the unaccountability for 7 of the U.S. Constitution, both the House and the Senate must include the Medicaid fraud abuse over the past several decades, the U.S. government same substance and version of a bill which is required for presentation for may be penalizing the vast majority of law abiding citizens, according to signature by the President. numerous patient advocates. But the issue is more about the continuing lack So the entirety of the law has been put in jeopardy and could eventu- of enforcement of U.S. immigration law rather than an attempt to cut down ally wind up in the Supreme Court, as there exists precedent. In the case of on Medicaid fraud. Field v. Clark, 143 US 649 (1892) the Court wrote that the burden would According to Families USA, a consumer advocacy organization, the be to prove that the House Speaker and President were deliberate and pur- disabled, the mentally ill, the homeless, the elderly and the chronically ill posely signing the wrong bill. That in fact is what Waxman contends, when will unfairly suffer as the result of this new proviso, as they would have on March 15, 2006 he wrote a letter to then White House Chief of Staff, difficulty accessing copies of birth certificates, and would be far less likely Andrew Card, “seeking information on the President’s knowledge of the to own a U.S. passport. Therefore, they will be unfairly denied necessary bill’s constitutional infirmity.” health care beginning as early as July 1st. Meanwhile, hospital emergency While Waxman’s inquiry provides interesting fare for a Constitutional rooms may still not turn away any person of any status nor may they ask the Law class, the scope of the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act is perhaps get- legal status of any patient, according to the Emergency Medical Treatment ting lost. The new Medicaid documents requirement being served up as a and Labor Act of 1985. tightening of immigration law enforcement is almost laughable. And those While patient advocates may be correct regarding the most vulnerable patients in wheel chairs and those patients requiring oxygen, will most being put at risk, on balance it would seem that without addressing social likely not be notified of a cap on their benefits until after that period of services’ access requirements across the board, with respect to illegal aliens, 13 months expires. Previous to the 2005 law, wheelchairs and oxygen and it does seem quite unfair to put this burden only upon Medicaid recipients durable medical equipment were provided patients indefinitely. at this late date in 2006. Furthermore, there are no set mechanisms yet in If indeed the President made an error, it should be addressed if anything, place nor systems between federal and state governments for enforcement to give clarity to the Medicaid and Medicare patients it impacts. And fur- of the law. Such a sweeping change should require administrative oversight thermore, should Representative Waxman pursue the legality of the new law, by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare and require necessary outreach to that he would take the approach that it was a procedural oversight which patients for this purpose well ahead of such changes. should be either amended appropriately or pursued in the present session But perhaps for those desperately trying to get copies of their birth of Congress. But it will require the cooperation of both the Congress and certificates at this time, there could be some breathing room as another the Executive branch of government, keeping in mind the most vulnerable debate brews relative to the validity of the law itself, based upon the U.S. of U.S. citizens. For there must be some measures of government which Constitution. When President Bush signed S. 1932 on February 8th, accord- transcend politics. ing to House Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dennis Hastert, DIANE GRASSI THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 14 THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 15 Pet Of The Week Adopt This Pet ! My name is LUCKY - ID#A125829 I am a neutered male, blonde cocker spaniel. The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 02, 2006. For more information about this animal, call: The Animal Foundation — Las Vegas at (702) 384-3333 Ask for information about animal ID number A125829

1.877.821.9302 THE PENNY PRESS, APRIL 13, 2006 PAGE 16