David B Lipsky | 9781400076932 | | | | | Absolutely American Four Years at West Point 1st edition PDF Book

I would give this 3 stars. Check nearby libraries Library. LinkedIn provides some additional insights: During Lipsky's four-year immersion, West Point's administration was struggling with the fact that the US Military Academy used to be the introduction to a year military career, whereas now the majority of USMA graduates complete their five-year commitment to the Army and then depart for civilian jobs. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. I learned how to read a uniform and how to tie many types of knots. In a barren room above, a fanatic watches, engaged in the details of his life's most An excellent book. See more about this book on Archive. Buy It Now. They chose the people I could speak with, they sat in on the interviews. I must have traveled to about thirty-five colleges in the five years before I first went to West Point. From t "A superb description of modern military culture, and one of the most gripping accounts of university life The book was very detailed about military procedures and discipline. From the cadet who struggles with every facet of West Point life to those who are decidedly huah , Lipsky shows people facing challenges so daunting and responsibilities so heavy that their transformations are fascinating to watch. Tell a West Point administrator you're considering the Field Artillery, he might nod. Nowhere in the world is weather as volatile and powerful as it is in North America. Really remarkable book, some of the best non-fiction I've ever read. Lipsky''s underst, "A superb description of modern military culture and one of the most gripping accounts of university life. David McPhail Paperback Books. He depicts young people of every race and class, and details a rigorous training program that erases their preconceptions and makes them a tight-knit community. Given that I have some interest in the USMA, I found it an interesting read, though with a few problems in the structure of the book. About David Lipsky. From these sparse facts, Malouf has fashioned an audacious and Audio CD in English - Abridged edition. Add another edition? There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Read an Excerpt Preface I came to love, really love, road marching. Peter David Paperback Books. Error rating book. I found the topic and the people profiled fascinating. A mesmerizing and powerfully human spectacle"- Time Magazine "Masculinity has traditionally been associated with the military. His approach and style remind me of Tracy Kidder. Paperback , pages. Absolutely American is a thrilling portrait of a unique institution and those who make up its ranks. A place where everyone tried their hardest. At West Point, cadets wear gray, but when they dream about their futures, it's all green, the posts and uniforms of the United States Army. First edition. For weeks, wherever he went, he felt two futures dragging over his head like a pair of clouds: he could be loyal to everything he'd always wanted or to all the things he might want. Then, in the morning, at five, everyone shook themselves off and we marched again. Particularly interesting were the really well reported accounts of the long- term I never read or listen to abridged versions, but this was the only audiobook available. What kind of person are you, and what can you make yourself finish? Absolutely American Four Years at West Point 1st edition Writer

In all, I spent four years on post, to find out what kind of men and women would subject themselves to the intense discipline of West Point, and to discover what it means to attend the Academy during the most trying time in its history. Read an Excerpt Preface I came to love, really love, road marching. Error rating book. The Civil War was an armed West Point reunion, old friends catching up by firing at each other. Riding outside a helicopter, Whitey felt the wind slam his face, watched his boots sway over the Florida night. In the beginning, the author seems very much enamored of West Point which leads him to betray a level of objectivity. Last edited by ImportBot. Apr 17, Tom rated it really liked it. Absolutely American, which vividly traces West Point cadets through their four years at the Academy, deals with both sexes and tells a lot about the changing definitions and conditions of masculinity and femininity in the new century. Can you hang with the rest of us? Whether or not you have any interest in the military, I highly recommend reading it. My friends were full of questions: What kinds of people still wanted such a regimented life? Each graduate is the culmination of an investment far exceeding the roughly quarter-million dollars their college education is valued at. In the first century A. An edition of Absolutely American I could have the run of the place. See more about this book on Archive. Indeed, I wish this were more the book I remembered it being fro This had such potential, but instead just told the story of four years at West Point. Nowhere in the world is weather as volatile and powerful as it is in North Really remarkable book, some of the best non-fiction I've ever read. West Point is clearly a different college experience and the author bends over backwards to not just record the differences, but to seem appreciative of the differences. As most Americans of the s fixed their attention on the battlefields of Shiloh and None of that meant squat to the Rangers. A mesmerizing and powerfully human spectacle"Time Magazine "Masculinity has traditionally been associated with the military. Whitey got Rookie of the Year. It includes poetry and prose by today's best and most well-known writers. Plebes report with underwear and a toothbrush; everything else is Army issue. Next morning, he'd go be student body president at the Jesuit high school. David Lipsky. When cadets fell, other cadets would move forward, lift them up. But, no, just a bunch of vignettes. They outfitted him with laser-sighted weapons, night-vision goggles, a hundred pounds of gear and tackle, and sent him on practice missions: evacuating pretend hostages, breaking up pretend ambushes. Return to Book Page. I've been approached by a number of par I heard the author interviewed while my son was in the process of applying for admission to West Point and bought it for him to gain a better understanding of life as a cadet. Other editions. Sophomores are yearlings or yuks, juniors are cows, seniors are firsties. The book recounts four years in the lives of students at the United States Military Academy. Enlarge cover. Absolutely American Four Years at West Point 1st edition Reviews

I must have traveled to about thirty-five colleges in the five years before I first went to West Point. In its campaign against the culture gap, the Academy has retained a glossy New York public relations firm. Error rating book. I would recommend this book to you only if you have the mental patience to read through it. While Lipsky's friends back home wrestled with nagging, existential questions, he steeped himself in the demanding yet salubrious routines of cadet life, reveling in the youngsters' comaraderie and marveling at their commitment to the academy's core values, "Duty, Honor, Country. Home 1 Books 2. I would give this 3 stars. More Details At some points, it seems like he is checking off boxes. I thought it was well written. At West Point, cadets wear gray, but when they dream about their futures, it's all green, the posts and uniforms of the United States Army. Then it became a pretty hard, thundery storm. But I mostly wanted to give people the experience of spending forty-seven months at the United States Military Academy, an experience that only around sixty thousand people have had since the place got up and running two centuries ago. Absolutely fantastic prose, and a deft hand with characterization and setting, too. Particularly interesting were the really well reported accounts of the long-term learning and changes so many of the characters experienced. However it is undeniable that the book is extremely well-written, the character descriptions are both balanced and insightful. Written in English — pages. No matter what, this book and the stories in it were amazing to read. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

Absolutely American Four Years at West Point 1st edition Read Online

I wish more time had been spent with the women throughout. A little dated by now. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. August 14, History. Infantry meant sticking with the military for a career. Readers also enjoyed. Light Years. It will be difficult in the Army, they say challenging. In the beginning, the author seems very much enamored of West Point which leads him to betray a level of objectivity. Like any mountain, the climb to West Point is cut with paths, the ropes and bridges left by other climbers. I must have traveled to about thirty-five colleges in the five years before I first went to West Point. The history of African-American life and thought presented in this anthology represents a far-reaching written About this product. How teenagers get turned into leaders is not a simple story, but it is wonderfully told in this book. Original Title. About this product Product Information "A superb description of modern military culture, and one of the most gripping accounts of university life Take a good look: this is the face America turns to most of the world, and until now it's one that most of us have never seen. A mesmerizing and powerfully human spectacle"Time Magazine "Masculinity has traditionally been associated with the military. West Point wants scholars and athletes with good leadership potential. This was no exception. Wonderfully told.

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