THE OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF THE 51/2 Spring 2021 EDITORIAL SFRA SCIENCE FICTION RESEARCH ASSOCIATION COLLECTIVE Review ISSN 2641-2837 GENERAL EDITORS SFRA Review is an open access journal published four times a year by the Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA) since 1971. SFRA Review SENIOR EDITOR publishes scholarly articles and reviews. As the flagship journal of SFRA, Ian Campbell the Review is devoted to surveying the contemporary field of SF scholarship,
[email protected] fiction, and media as it develops. EDITOR Virginia Conn
[email protected] Submissions EDITOR SFRA Review accepts original scholarly articles, interviews, review essays, and Amandine Faucheux individual reviews of recent scholarship, fiction, and media germane to SF amandine.faucheux studies. Articles are single-blind peer reviewed by two of three general editors before being accepted or rejected. SFRA Review does not accept unsolicited reviews. If you would like to write a review essay or review, please contact REVIEWS EDITORS the relevant review editor. For all other publication types—including special issues and symposia—contact the general editors. All submissions should be NONFICTION EDITOR prepared in MLA 8th ed. style. Accepted pieces are published at the discretion Dominick Grace
[email protected] of the editors under the author's copyright and made available open access via a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. ASSISTANT NONFICTION EDITOR Kevin Pinkham
[email protected] SFRA Review History FICTION EDITOR SFRA Review was initially titled SFRA Newsletter and has been published Jeremy M. Carnes since 1971, just after the founding of SFRA in 1970.