CBC Times 510527.PDF
PRAIRIE RE SCHEDUL May 27· June 2, Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME IV No. 22 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG. MAY 18 Sl.OO North America's..-.{y / '/ .?' -$~ -$' Newest j -e,. ~a. and Busiest Radio Centre * HE RADIO CANADA BUILDINC was opened T officially on the evening of :May 18. Listeners to the Trans-Canada network last Friday heard a series of actuality broadcasts from the new radio centTe, and brief addresses, during the opening ccrcmonies, from the Honourable ]., J. MeCwill. M.D. Minister of National Revenue; A. Davidson Dunton, Chairman of the cnc Board of Gov ernors; and Dr. Augustin Frigon. General Manager of the Corporation. Listeners across Canada hear many programs from the Radio Canada building, for tlle cnc's Montreal studios originate morc hours of network broadcasting in a year (nearly 6,000) than any other cnc production centre. At right is shown the renovated exterior of the building. The Rawo Canada Building, above the studio :md control room level, looks much the same as The Rat/io Canada Building, Montreal. any other office building except for the variety of work being carried on. In the Transmission Gnd Development Laboratories, CBC engineers do divided into the English Language Service, French Central Records where eight bags of mail arrive research, tllst equipment, and plan technical proj Language Service, Latin American Service, .every day, and from which messengers equipped ects. In the Plant Maintenance Department, they Northern European Service, Central European with market-type basket carriers set out every 45 attend to the repair of equipment. In the Archi Service, and Eastern European Service, represent minutes to dio:tribute and pick up files, mail and tectural Deparbnent, draftsmen work at plans and ing a total of 14 languages.
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