For Saturday Only
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v qAMrTCjrSJ fJfWPIW a??rW"??S ,C'. J'Tli'li-- rt tlT" v1"? ''AIT v , w v ; v"' "jvrT'" r VW ( yv ' - 4 4?S i l J! V M..,.vV-44- t - a ' eift i n ; t .' ' ' W u , .. t V; . s x " W i smmii,. ... 1 a J. I. I ' 71 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURD- AY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1902 opposite tho palace Is seen ft typical to Glenslde, to nn Informal dejucner. black gondola, which evidently tho cardi- Later there whs a reception, when the nal and hli canon have Just left to tnko bride nnd groom received the congratu- their way to some errand of mercy, or MUSICAL moro accurately, perhaps, to Blrctch their lations of their many friends, mut a, legs on tho quny, collntlon was served, The ipectator sees only the backs of Among those present, besides the tho two men, but what majesty of char- many Oakvllle guests, were Beveral GOSSIP acter In the attitude of the thoughtful from Toronto, Alfred Lewis, of Buf- News ns hn strides forwardl Ills red Social cardinal falo, and J. A. Stephens, of Brldport, Week's OSCAR B1BSON, wlfo of tobc gives that focal dash of color, which England. MRS. sombre composition of so Slsson. of tho Dixie theater, relieves the Dr. and Mrs. Sturge left Glenslde at may now bo numbered nmong the resi- For Today's LBflslness . 5 many modern pictures; though this one M but, dusk amid a shower of rice, nnd tho lient vocalists of Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. Teed's Is by'no means sombre, entertain- Mr. T. II. Wntklns. steeped In golden splen- good wishes of their friends, which will Slsson first appenrcd hero nt nn . i COUNTRY CLUU certainly, President on the contrary, City AVhecl-me- S ,Vi "HliS President Mr. .1. HenJ. IJlmmlck. sky Is like mighty follow them to their home here. They ment given by tho Kloctrlc m put on Its gnlu attire lycflter-- 4' VUc dors: and the "a favorites. They gf Secretary and Treasurer Mr. Albert G. hollowed turquoise for bltieness." tip were the recipients of a large number nnd nt onco became tCj tiny In honor of the tenuis tour- - enough," nlso gnvo a funny iketch at Dlxlo's on Hunt. there tho nlr seems "delicious of very handsome presents. the opening week. Mrs. Sleson, who Is imnient ittul tho first glimpse of Directors Mrssi. J. JJ. Dlmmlck, K. h. quoting from Ddgnr Pawcett, "to make tlio Improved club house. The Puller, .1. XV, Onkford, 12. U. Sturgex, T. one wish ono might ensk stores of It for Mr. nnd Mrs. II, J, Gesslor were ten- po cool, so bright, tho 11. Wntklns, C. 8. Weston, A. U. Hunt, on the pavements, Dinner tlay was that futuro use." Helow, dered n surprise on Thursday evening Your Sunday i beyond tho N, G. llolicrlson, W. V. Scranton. Is moro saturnine: and mountain seemed but just tho atmosphere nt their home, 1433 Olive street, by a , !l Tho benutlful turf, velvety, House Committee Mr. T. II. Vntklu, perhaps the haze teferred to Is what the touch. .1. Dlm- ' number of friends, In honor of the fif sweet, flecked with yellow sunshine, Mrs. Henry Jlclln, Jr.Mrs. UenJ. English term ummer colt. K. 1,. Puller, Mrs. XV. XV. Is a pleasure to teenth anniversary of their wedding. a good cup wns never so lovely ns this Benson. The mlck. Mrs. "Tho Cardinals Palnce" Will be better relished if you have of Scranton, Airs. T. 11. Watklns, Mcssts. .1. behold and an Inspiration to Btudy. It The congratulations and esteem of of the pines wns odorous In the Hobcrt-sn- n, breath It. Dlmmlck, A. (!. Hunt, N. G. expresses the brilliant development of nn their friends were extended to Mr. nnd - of coffee. Our Special Blend hits the spot. nlr nnd the rich verdure the forest Amcrlenn-n- nd wo are proud to add a Mrs. Gesslor In the presentation of a tho, pic- A. 11. for ii bnrk ground lntensltlcd Orcein Committee Messrs. Storrs, Dlnghamton-palnt- er, trained In tho hnndsomc cut-gla- service. Those grouping1 Illnlr, Jr.. J. II. Itrnolc, F. C. Pul- of the atnllers of turesque about the tennis .lames matchless technique present were: P.ev, mid Mrs. G. Dobl-li- n, .1. II. Torroy. fondness for courts nnd porticos. Theie were nuiny ler. Home, and with ii certain Mr. Mrs. .1. Golf Captain XV, J. Torrpy. of method thnt, how- nnd Hetzel, Mr. mid brilliant red coats, and the color effect Italian traditions Mrs. Charles Schank, Mr. and Mrs. II. charming. Kntortnlnment Committee Miss Allca ever, only give n more perfect accent to v'ns Matthews, Mrs. J. O. Sanderson, Miss tho brush for men Kaufhold, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. C. Brady, Tho club house Itself, extending far what ho attempt with Augusta A re ribald, Miss S. Allls Dale, training, of coure, can furnish no artist Mr. and Mrs. J. Bans, Mr. nnd Mrs. to Into pines In , out tho left the classic Mlt-- s Jessie M. Peck, Miss Lehi V. Steell. .t.i. 'Vn nnrniihrase from William Gundtnch, Mrs. L. Kaufhold, Grocery outlines, seems like an entirely new Emerson, work here briefly noticed Mary The tennis tournament Is attracting the ' Misses Slnntz, Louise Slantz, building, ns the bowling alley, squash "Is n fine cfllorcscenco of line powers. Mame Hetzel, Hnttle Baumann, Anna court nnd additional ' rooms produce many members to the club. The new French chef Is nlso an attraction. Table Berghnuser, Helen Schank, Lillian such changes In tho general effect. The A large nnd Interested circle of AVnlter, Percy Hughes, Hobert Hnng, has been under the direction of d'hote dinner will be served tonight, as church, work every Saturday. friends gathered nt St. .Tilde's Edgar Kaufhold, Charles Haendlgcs. Secretary A. G. Hunt, who has re- Oakvllle, Canada, on Tuesday, Sept. 2, mained In town all summer to superin- 1.30 p. the mar- Good 1902, nt in., to witness BIr. and Mrs. Walter AA'atson and Prices What promises to be un Interesting tend details, and he deserves great riage of Lillian Isabel Heaven, eldest daughter Cundiice, of Catasaunua, are credit for tho superb success which has exhibit of paintings Is to be held next Geo. and shop, exhibi- dnughter of the late Arthur guests of Mr. and Mrs. AV. AV. Watson, attended his efforts. week nt Grlflln's art tho Glenslde, Oakvllle, to ami tor being Douglas Arthur Teed, of Mrs. Heaven, of of Monroe avenue. Mr. AA'ntson The Interior of the club Is radically - city. Tho ttlnghamton, one of the most success n.- rMiriii stiircp. of this family returned this week from Mont- .'hanged. The large living rooms are church was profusely decorated with rose. hung In yellow burlap contrasting ful of our younger American artists. MRS. OSCAH SISSON. Plnghamtun nofra hvrirn nanus and nalms. The warmly with gobelin blue draperies In a recent Issue of the man, Dr. D. A. Only groom and his best The marriage of Miss Lydla Luther known upon the stage as "Esther Wal- for Saturday Republican Leon Mead thus wrote of nnd upholstering. There arc many u go to Mil n canvas by Mr. Teed, "The Cardinal's Webb, nlso or Scranton. stood uncier to Mr. Herbert C. AA'arner, of Green lace," will to Eltnlra next week new pieces of furniture partaking ot limvpiv awaiting bride, 8, nn engagement as singer ot Illustrated Palace": vnriinhin the Ridge, will tnke placo October at the i the oriental type which Is also carried who entered to the strains of the wed residence of the bride's parents, Mr. songs. She has u charming personality and possesses a mezzo-sopran- o voice of out In the rugs. Flemish oak has been It was Coleridge who mid: "A picture ding march from Lohengrin, unuer. me and Mrs. Conrad Luther," on Irving ;i In of pieces to match Is nn Intermediate something between a wide range and greut power, and the added a number nrni of her brother, Claude C. Heaven, avenue. necessary those nlrendy In use. Yesterday tho thought and u thing." Tho observation almost perfect enunciation for ii Douglas who gave her away. success in the rendition of descriptive i great fireplace was surmounted by seems apposite to Arthur Tred's ceremony was performed b the Law AVatkins has so Creamery Butter Inlost, and in many respects his best cun-Vn- s, The far recovered music. golden rods which adorned the mantel Worrell, assisted by the from the effects ot his recent alarming gave pleasing repetition of entitled, "The Curdlnnl's Palace." Rev. Canon and a the That there is thought, imagination and brother of the bride, tho Rev. Cecil A. Illness that he will bo nhlo to go to the Tho Conservatory of Music will begin The finest at a price that ought to induce every color note. moral purpose In It even cnvllcrs could Heaven. While tho bridal party was country today with Mr. and Mrs. AVa- Its seventh year on Thursday of nqxt Is hung In 1 week. Already a very largo number have Tho dining room a rich not question; that "the real thing," in the vestry a charming solo was tkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brady, jr., lover of good Butter to visit this Grocery Department geranium bod with d hang- so far as color can make It. everyono who Chlsholm. Tho been occupying AVatkins' registered. Tho "Conservatory Review" sung by Mrs. Alex who have Mr. for September announces n specified Quantity limited to 5 pounds to a n.