Park Fire Has Interesting Circumstances by Jim Stickford Furtaw, Park Public Safety Offi
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The Grosse Po1Ote Contestants are asked If you don't have a trIpod, News staff IS 10 the hoh- to mall or drop off by 5 !>etyour camera on some- day spirit, and we're look- p.m on Wednesday, Dec thmg steady. Better yet, 10gfor the best decorated 18, a photograph of the find a friend who's a shut- Let there be houses 10the Po1Otesthis exteriOr decoratmg of terbug and get him or her season their homes. The first. to take the pIctures for place w1Oner's picture you I Jio/H light for the Furthermore, gIft cer. will be run on the front of tlficates from our adver- the Dec. 26 Issue, and the Send or drop off pIC- the staff tisers wIll be awarded to other pictures wIll be run tures to. EdItor, Hohday those deemed to be the mSlde Contest, Grosse Pomte at the holidays first-, second- and thIrd- Here's a h10t Take New!>, 96 Kercheval, place finishers m the hol- your picture after dark to Grosse Pomte Farms, MI Grosse Pointe Iday contest. capture the colorful glow. 48236 Ne\vs "Inn l')40 ~ws 'nl. :;; • :\0. -IB • 4R pages Grosse Pointe. :'tJirhigan Home Delivery G(j( • :\('wssrand 7,')(' Nowmber 28. HH}fj Park fire has interesting circumstances By Jim Stickford Furtaw, Park public safety offi. StaffWnler cers discovered that the A fire that destroyed a home woman who called in the fire Photo by Thea 1.. Walker In the 1100 block of Maryland was not the owner. The real & Just south of Kercheval m owner of the dwelling IS stay- Concert tea Grosse Pointe Park turned out ing in a nursing home. When Grosse Pointe North and South ~ schools' choln have been rehearsing In to be more than Park public Park officials contacted the preparation for the annual holiday concert and tea at 1 p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 4, in safety officers bargamed for niece of the owner, they were WEEI< AHEAD the Grosse Pointe Community PerfonniDg Arts Center, 707 Vemler at Morningside "We received a call at about told that the house was sup- in Grosse Pointe WoocLs.The event, which is free, is a gift from the schools and 6 04 a m Wednesday, Nov 20," posed to be empty. Thursday, Nov. 28 their respective choirs to the community. Everyone Is invited to attend. Coffee, tea said WIlliam Furtaw, Park "The woman had apparently and refreshments wlll be served following the performance. The event Is sponsored Happy Thanksg'lVing. deputy dIrector of pubhc safety been getting III and out of the by the Parents' Club of North bigb and the Mothers' Club at South. "The lady who called m the fire house through an unlocked Friday, Nov. 29 was callmg from a phone at back door," Furtaw said "She Janet's Lunch restaurant She had been dOIng It for several The Grosse Pomte Village SaId that there was a fire in the months and neighbors thought Association's Santa Claus fireplace that had gotten out of she llved there. She even raked Parade begins at 10:30 a.m. control We sent a UnIt to the the leaves We dIscovered that at Fisher and proceeds along Old memories rekindled house immediately" the woman hved In the Park Kercheval to the Village. When firefighters arrived at and had her own home a few the house, they could see blocks away" Sunday, Dec. 1 at Cadieux school reunion flames shoot1Ogout ofwmdows Pollce took the woman, 69, The Village of Grosse on both Sides of the dwelhng, mto protectlVe custody and she Pointe Shores' tree lightIng By Shirley A. McShane clippings, yeaMlooks and pro- ed 10 1986 from the then- Furtaw saLd A second alarm was taken to the genatric psy- ceremony begins at 6 p.m. at StaffWnter grams from special presenta- newly constructed Grosse was sounded, and Units from chIatric umt at Holy Cross the municipal building. The pair of brick school tions. Pointe High School. She and the City responded The fire Hospital for an evaluation. Those in attendance will be houses on St. Clair in the City Students today couldn't Stock rellllIl1sced and shared was under control by about Because the woman is a psy- entertained by a choral of Grosse Pointe haven't con- imagine the school days olthe a laugh about the gIrls' gym 7:30 a.m chIatric patIent, and under the music group. tained the sounds of giggling 1920s, when lola Vernier uniforms pleated bloomers, "When I arrived on the JurIsdIctIOn of probate court as and shrieking school children Stock and Helen Wernet wlute blouses and shoes that scene, I could see flames shoot- specIfied by Mlclugan mental The fll1lt Grosse Pointe in 60 years. Lindow attended Cadieux came to mid-calf. ing over the houses next door," health laws, said Furtaw, he Park Christmas tree lighting And those children of yes- school. "You wore them - or else," said Furtaw. "One of our declined to release her name. program begins at 6 p.m. at terday, who did attend the "It was a happy time," said Lindow. Stock nodded biggest concerns was contain- To add Insult to InJury, Kercheval and Lakepomte. first school in the Grosse Stock saId, recallmg the days her head In agreement and Ing the fire so that It dId not Furtaw sood, someone robbed a Girl Scout troops 3090, 1393, Pointe Publlc School System, when her famlly lived on then both women shared a spread to adjacent homes. You CIty fire truck whIle the house 891, 2907 and 862, along found a SIgnificantly different Vernier near Marter and she hearty laugh. Lindow grew up have to remember that m thls was burnmg. with members of the Grosse building when they returned traveled, by streetcar along in Grosse Pointe Park and neIghborhood, homes are much "We had our trucks In front Pointe South choir and to it on Nov. 20 for a special Lakeshore, to the school. She has lived In the Woods for the closer together than in other of the house and the City had Grate United Church choir, reunion. was one of five glI'ls who grad- last 41 years. Grosse POInte neIghborhoods. Its truck In the alley behind will sing carols. In commemoration of the uated In the class of 1923, the Mary Chisnall Berger was So I asSIgned a detachment to Maryland," said Furtaw. "They Grosse Pointe school district's second class since the forma- delighted to find her class pIC- contain the fire, and prevent- were pumping water from the Monday, Dec. 2 75th anniversary, the admin- tion of the district in 1921. ture - in which she IS a smil- Ing it from spreading." fire hydrant in the alley. It IS ing dark-haired preadolescent The Grosse Pointe Woods istrative offices contamed "We didn't have a formal When firefighters attempted standard polley to have a pump City Council meets at 7:30 within the former school commencement," she said. gu-l wearmg a headband, to enter the home, they found engineer monitor a truck when p.m. in the municipal court houses at 389 and 399 St. Neither did the school have a standing in the back row - two of the doors blocked, said it's in use, and the City had one at city hall, 20025 Mack CllllI'were transformed into 8 lunchroom in the beginning, on the wall in the main hall- Furtaw. The mtenor of the on duty. He was called away for way. Berger, who lives in the Plaza. "museum of school dlstnct she added. In the warmer house was filled Wlth stacks of about two mmutes, and when history" last Wednesday, as months, students trekked to a City of Grosse Pointe, attend- old newspapers, clothes and he got back the portable gener- about 25 former CadIeux lakefront park and pICJUcked. ed primary school at Cadieux, other items. ator used to power hghts and school students celebrated a In the winter, they ate their when her family lived on 'We think that the house's fans was mIss1Og." INSIDE class reumon. brought-from-home lunches Notre Dame. She attended Inhabitant was burning The generator was found In a The event began with a at their desks. Stock Junior lugh at the new Grosse clothes, papers and other items nearby trash bin a htUe bit far- Opinion 6A tour of the buIlding. Outside, remained In the Pointes and Pointe HIgh and then com- 10 the fireplace," Furtaw saId ther down the alley, Furtaw repBlJ'S to the structure are still lives in the Woods. pleted her high school educa. "When questIOned, the woman SaId. He beheves that the thIef ~s 13A ongoing. When reunion atten- Lindow attended the told us that she had left the had a hard tIme carrY10g the Schools 16A dees arrived, they found CadIeux school, but graduat- See REUNION, page 2A room for a few minutes and generator, and so he stashed It painters and brick masons on when she came back, the fire In the trash bin so that he Obituaries 20A scaffolds. rep8lC1ng the 80- had spread from the fireplace could come back later, perhaps Seniors 21A year-old buildIng's eaves and We beheve all the papers and With a car Business 22A patching the bnck edifice. clothes fed the fire, helpmg It WhIle firefighters were suc- Entertainment _. 7B InSIde, what remams of the spread qUIckly." cessful m preventmg the school houses' onginal ardu. As a part of a routine check Sports 1C tecture had been cleaned up performed after every fire, SaId See FIRE, page 2A Classified ads .