WAD MAY INTOMTIONAL mt j SwrsoiooL DELICo cms Lesson mim (rty E. O. SELLERS. Acting Director of Sunday School Course Moody In- stitute, Chicago.)

CHDI5TIANITY What shall bo dono with tho Negro? ing, cheerful man, regardless of color. LESSPN FOR JANUARY 24 This question Is frequently asked and "What the futuro of Boley will bo but seldom given a rational, Intelli- depends not only on men the and GIDEON AND THE O gent, satisfactory answer. Possibly women who have planted a thriving THREE NE of the most desirable results of tho It ought to be changed to read thus: city In a rough country, but also upon present world war will be the elimina What shall the Negro do with him- tho Negroes who aro trained (nnd will LESSON TEXT-Jud- ges 7:1-- tion ot Turkey as a power and tho liber self? Not a few Negroes are answer- bo trained within tho next few ing question GOLDEN TEXT Not by might, nor by ation of tho territories under her yoko, tho in this form and in years) for leadership In education, power, but by my Spirit, salth Jehovah of Including the Holy Land, with all tho very satisfactory fashion, too. In- business and public health, as well as hosts.-Ze- ch. 4:0, It. V. sites of Biblical history and the Savior's stance tho Negroes who have been in religion and law. lllfe.for so many years In Moslem hands. building up the town of Boley, Okla., "Dr. Washington's visit to Boley, his This was the period of Israel's Then, at last, we shall see an end and Its surrounding section. Thero words of encouragement and advice, transition from a nomadic to an ag- of outrageous conditions that allow la an Illustration of the successful and together with his vital relation to ricultural life. The record wo havo the problems the barbarous Turks to control the holy suggestlvo working out of tho of race adjustment, glvo is an alternate succession of idolatry mm city of , with the sepulcher of idea. It has been de- tho demonstration in "big business' for and subjugation with a return to Je- the Savior, the temple of Solomon and scribed and commented on by the tho Negro more than passing hovah and to liberty. Southern Workman: Us other almost Innumerable sacred sites I. "Gideon and All the People," vv. Christian civilization has gained some rights In. "Boley, Okla., Is tho largest Negro Rallying city about him his clansmen Jerusalem, but in other In the United States. It is sur- I am suro that It will prove both Gideon chose position by a at the spring, sacred places ot the rounded some of tho richest land interesting and educatlvo to many of of Hnrod near Jezreel, his back to In neighbor Mt Holy Land Christians tho world and has in its your readers to have laid before them Oliboa and the Mldlanltes to the north hood most of are entirely shut out by valuable mines coal certain statistics of church work next to Mt. Moreh. He thus con- the Turks or must and wells of oil. Recently it was among tho colored race, and gleaned trolled the fords of the Jordan and venture there at the the scene of Joyous activity when Dr. from the recently issued Living could prevent the enemy from return- ot lives. Booker T. Washington and some 400 Church Annual and Churchman's Al- ing to their homes In coun- risk their delegates the desert In Jerusalem to the National Negro Busi- manac for 1915, writes George F. try. Outwardly great discrepancy the league the American tourist could, ness came to Its citizens from Bragg, Jr., In a communication to the of numbers mado the situation look: Muskogee, - before the war, visit through Okmulgee, Boyn- Living Church. dubious for Israel, but In reality tho such sites as gar- ton and Clearvlew, where Negroes are Organized congregations to the num- danger was that the army was too the succeeding den of Gethsemane, In farming, in cattle rais- ber ot 33, within 53 dioceses and mis- large, since when tho victory was with the olive tree ing, in mining, in tho oil and gas sionary districts, report 23,706 colored gained they might "vaunt themselves." where the Savior was fields and in storekeoping. communicants. They are distributed Individuals and churches usually betrayed by Judas and "Boley was founded In 1904 by as follows: count their strength according to num the garden tomb ot Je- Thomas M. Hayes of Texas In the Tho province of New England: In bers. (See II Cor. 12:9.) If wo desiro sus, near Mount Cal- rolling prairie land on the Fort Smith two dioceses and five congregations, God's strength it must bo as we our vary. & Western railroad between Deep there are 1,413 communicants. selves aro weak (Isa. 40:S9). God is Fork and Many of the most In- North Canadian rivers, and The province of New York and sometimes limited by having too many Is in the a region capa- teresting parts of Jeru- heart of vast New Jersey: In six dioceses 19 con- and not enough of the right sort. ble producing salem have, however, of such diversified gregations, 4,439 communicants. When God delivers he leaves no room, crops as corn, wheat, cotton, potatoes, not been open to the Tho province of Washington: In for boasting (Eph. 2:8, 9;' Rom. 3:27). alfalfa, apples, peaches, grapes, ber- visitor or the explorer. nine 63 congregations, 6,432 God can savo as well by tho few as ries and the common garden dioceses, Chief among these Is communicants. by the "many (I Samuel 14:6), nnd fre- quently uses the Mid-Wes- tho weak nnd despised site of the temple The province of t: In eight "This Negro town is "making good.' things to confound mighty (I Cor., of Solomon, which can- dioceses, 15 congregations, com- the Today it has over eighty business con 2,318 1:27, 28), glory not be touched by a municants. that "no flesh should cerns, an electric lighting plant, eff- in his presence" (I Cor. 1:29). These Christian or a Hebrew The province of Southwest: In eight because icient waterworks, two banks, several were two tests whereby Gideon was it is occupied dioceses, IS congregations, com- by attractive churches, a high school 1,189 to select his warriors: (1) "Go to, a Mohammedan municants. mosqUe. worth over $15,000, a normal and In- proclaim . . . whosoever Is fearful dustrial supported by C. M. The province of California: In two . . Excavations in the school the let him return" (v. 3). It is E. church, flourishing dioceses, two congregations, 222 com- temple area may still fraternal orders, not well to criticize too severely tho a Masonic temple of Oklahoma municants. 22,000 In Gar- reveal the altar of sac- the ju who returned; oven tho rifice, the brazen risdiction worth $35,000, a telephone The combined colored communicant den not only Peter, but all the'dlscl- - altar, system, lists in the states Alabama, the table of shew bread, several cotton gins, a cham- entire of pies forsook the Master and fled. God molten sea ber of commerce, a city hall, a Ne Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Ten- does not choose men because they are and various nessee, other sacred nhwtc gro station agent and a Negro news Arkansas and Texas amount heroes, but to make, heroes of them paper. to just 266 more communicants than by the power might. (2) mentioned In the Bible. of his Thero From 15,000 to 20,000 people live in are reported by the .single colored par- Is yet another sifting. God gives Gid- oUPnfCeK0t SoImn. ere he received the the region surrounding Boley 3,000 ish of St Philip's church, New York. eon the clue (v. 4), viz., to decide by U B bUlldlnS L ! ?' concerning which are in the township of Boley and 1,300 It would certainly seem that the their method of drinking. Those who E rp4refT,3naturar ten. It was "built ot are In the city of Boley. Here, then, church needs the "Racial Episcopate," drank "as a dog lappeth," were those When the stories of Her-tai- S Is the beginning really an excellent or something else, which promises bet- not to be taken off guard even whllo are unearthel s salem " not improbable that since 1867, and a little digging was done of Ne- ter results tho machinery we drinking. An ox glues eyes upon may e beginning a demonstration In than his found the cedars of Solo-o- f outside the present city limits to determine the gro city building which will be have tried for a whole halt century. the water and is oblivious to all else, ,n those times they lines of the Eim?! Wnei0T had a habit ancient walls. In the course of the watched closely by those who aro In- Here Is tho real thing which tests not so a dog. God cares more for ruins ot superficial Btudy their predecessors. of the land a number of Impor- In tho catholicity of church. quality than for quantity and thero A notable terested the Negro as a factor tn the instance of a Biblical site of extraor- tant monuments were discovered still standing business. were too many cowards, too many dinary interest front which upon the surface In 1868 the mission- investigators are German "The people of Boley, all of whom Steps taken to improve facilities who thought most of t, to excluded Is ary, Klein, discovered inscription the tomb of Abraham and the an of Mesha, are Negroes, have shown rare pluck for the education ot the Negro are allow them to enter this battle. It Hebrew patriarchs king of Moab, who is 3. at in Palestine. It was mentioned, II Kings In In going into a new country and doing summarized in an Installment just was also a strange equipment God here that Abraham, the 1880 some boys, playing in forefather of all the Israel-tes- , the conduit which together what most people said Ne made public of the forthcoming re- gave this army. All they took was dwelt with his leads to the pool of Slloam, discovered an Inscrip- family, as the book of Genesis groes never could do Initia- port of tho general educational board. food and trumpets (v. 8). The all- - tells us. tion in ancient Hebrew dating exercise characters from tive and judgment in building up busi Assistance is shown to have been essential things for the followers of the time of King Hezekiah. In 1891 Schumacher Before he died Abraham bought the cave of ness enterprises apart from white given what the board alludes to as Christ are the word ot God for food Machpelah discovered a monument of Rameses II (1292 from Ephron the Hlttite as a burial men. They have won their present some ot tho moro efficient of the In- (I Pet. 2:2) and the voice of prayer place B. C), who was probably the Pharaoh who op- for himself and his family (Genesis 17). found the oldest known manuscript of the Bible. success by making lot one with dustrial training schools as follows: for a. trumpet (Num. 10:9, 10; II Tho pressed the children of Israel In Egypt, and in their site of the cave of Hebron has been known from The monks have occupied this ancient mon- the man on the farm. Hampton Institute, $138,000; Tuske- Chron. 13:14; Rev. 12:11.). time 1901 Prof. George Smith discovered a beau- immemorial. It was known in early Chris- astery for about 1,800 years, since the foundation 'Boley Is in many ways a substan gee, $196,912; other institutions, $85,-38- 4, II. Gideon's Second Assurance, vv. tian times, tiful stele of Seti I, the father of Rameses II." and In the days of the Savior. No con- of the Christian religion. This monastery lies tial evidence of the ambition, thrift making a total ot approximately It was absurd, humanly speak- fusion along The Harvard expedition at Samaria 1909-191- 0 has ever arisen as to its position, such as the route by which the Turks were re- in and capacity of the Negro who takes $558,780. ing, for 300 men to expect to defeat has occurred in the case of other Bible sites. ported to be advancing to attack the British de- discovered remains of the palace of the more seriously average To provide for higher education ot Hebrew kings life than the 135,000. God "strengthened" Gideon The cave of Machpelah Is fenders of Egypt. It is possible that the peace- Orari and Ahab, and in one ot its man ot race Is Negroes, contributions have been made situated within an chambers potsherds the and not interfered (v. 11). Gideon and Phurah, at God's Inclosure called the Haram, ful inmates of this very ancient sacred building were found containing busi- with by unwise friends or to colleges and universities as fol- formed by a gigantic may ness accounts command, entered the valley and drew Herodlan wall. Above the cave be driven out by war. written in a character similar to enemies. Boley reflects on lows: Atlanta Baptist college, $5,000; Avoiding stands a church that of the Slloam inscription. credit near the Mldianite host. the built by the crusaders in 1187, but since converted At the foot of the mountain lies "the plain Mr. Haynes and his coworkers. It Atlanta university, $8,000; Flsk univer- guard, it any, they drew near enough These discoveries are only beginning Le-lan- Into a mosque and for many pos- of assembly," where the Israelites waited for a of the gives promise of great things. It sity, $70,000; Lane college, $7,000; d to telling centuries in the exploration of hear a man his dream to session of the Turks. Moses to bring down the laws to them. Palestine. The sites excavated, ought to be better known by young, university, $2,000; Livingstone his fellow," The latter Interprets except that of Samaria, are relatively unimpor- In the cave were burled Abraham, his wife, Sa- Persons who have read about certain modern doubting Negroes, especially city Ne- college, $12,500; Mines Memorial col- this as nothing else than tho "sword tant towns. The great religious an- rah; his son, Isaac; the wife, Rebekah; enterprises in Jerusalem and other parts of the centers of groes, who are dissatisfied with their lege $5,000;' Paine college, $5,000; of Gideon" (v. 14). Gideon worshiped latter's tiquity, such as Hebron, Jerusalem, Jacob, son of Isaac; Leah, Jo- Holy Land may have gained an idea that the Bethel and lot and are ignorant of what the South Shaw university, $18,000; and Vir- God and at once to wife of Jacob, and Dan, remain unexplored. returned arouse seph, son ot Jacob and Rachel. In the mosque Turk has become more amiable In recent years. Hundreds of large and the Southwest offer In golden op ginia Union university, $11,500, to- the camp ot Israel. This is a mistake. You only mounds exist all over the country, within which hard-work- - above the cave are monuments In tho form of can get anything portunities for the sober, tal, $144,000. III. The Sword of the Lord and of from the by paying him exorbitantly, the records of ancient times are1 deposited one tombs to Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Leah and Turk and Gideon, vv. 16-2- In all probability Is always above the other in chronological order. It Is not Joseph, but they do not inclose the actual bones. this not possible. these men wore their usual weapons unreasonable to expect that, if these mounds The Negro Year Book, 1914-191- has That tho men of the Negro race are These are presumably In the cave below. Tho "Until recently," writes the Rev. Lewis B. Pa-to- as soldiers and could be explored thoroughly many more Baby- the Tuskegee strongly averse to taking own carried food for their Mohammedans venerate the Hebrew professor of Old Testament history in Hart- Just been Issued from their use in pursuing enemy. patriarchs, lonian tablets such as those found at Institute, Alabama, Monroe N. Work, lives as a way out of world ot woo the However, although they oppress descendants. ford Theological seminary, "no permits for exca- Tanach this for this mldnigh't they their would be discovered. is a more thorough com- Is proved most conclusively by the attack needed Ordinarily Christians and Hebrews are not vation were given by tho government, and when, editor, and only three weapons, lamps, pitchers Perhaps' even a whole .library might be un- pendium ot vital Information than suicide and attempted suicide records even allowed to enter the Haram surrounding tho under European pressure, firmans were at last and trumpets. Each of these have a earthed in such a place aB Klrjath-Sepher- , whose ever before, not only to persons of of Houston for the past Ave months. mosque. Occasionally Christians of great Influ- granted, these were hedged around with so many spiritual suggestion for Christian. name means "Book Town." Since Hebrew In- race, all ot life Bichloride of mercury have no the ence, such as the king of England's heir, have restrictions that they were of little practical the but students the tablets (See Matt. 25:4; Fs, 119:105; scriptions have been found already there is no and growth ot race, and all who fascination for him and all other forms also II been permitted to the mosque. value. According to the present Turkish law of that Cor. 4:6, 7, and 33: 3, 6; enter reason why more might not be found, or why to informed regard to a of poison are classed in Ezek. I. Cor. Recently photographs were antiquities, the consent ot the local authorities wUh be in, the "don't 14:8.) Gideon s stratagem of dividing taken for tho even manuscripts might not be discovered sealed wmcn naa nau touch" first time of the six cenotaphs must first be secured before a permit will be people amazing growiu list his men Into companies or memorial tombs up in earthen Jars, which, as we know from Jere- In in and On hand, the women ot three and the patriarchs mosque. issued in Constantinople. To obtain this a lavish numbers and all material the other then as "the pitchers broken to of within the These are miah 32:14, was' the custom of the Hebrews. development 'since the Negro race are not so prone to arei reproduced in report expenditure of money is necessary In order to Intellectual their blow the trumpet caused a lively panic a recent of the Palestine Think how the world would be startled. If some emancipation from slavery hardly take solace In the carbolic acid bottle exploration fund, which gives very inter- overcomo the fanaticism and prejudice ot the among the Mldlanltes. That Gideon some of the lost books mentioned In the Old Testa- moro half a century ago, the as are the women of the whito race, esting Information about provincial authorities. than bad faith and courage In himself, and the building. ment were rediscovered, or ancient manuscripts present Issue ot 448 pages Is about and in following tho statistics still "In the church pavement," says A. B. "The site desired for exploration In the word of Jehovah, is suggested the Rer. must be of some ot the canonical books! 70 pages larger the last previ- further it Is shown by the records that In purchased price than in his words, "Look on mo and ' do Grimaldl this article, "are three movable slabs at a estimated by the owners. Not only the sacred places of the HolyXand ous issue. Another Interesting pub- there" are fower attempts at suicide by give After permission Is likewise." We are to look to "cap- which access by ladder or rope to the cave. local secured endless delay but the most famous sites of. the ancient and lication is Crisis, a Record of women of the white race than by men. the But two are up, and bakshish necessary "The tain ot our salvation" (Heb. 13:2) and fastened and not even Moslems are before an edict can classical world, barring those of' Greece and tho Darker Races," published weekly Houston (Tex.) Post are allowed to by the Is be secured from government by our lives ot obedience .prove tho enter third. It used to the central When Rome, He under the clutches pf the unspeakable at 70 Fifth avenue. New York city. In throw down written petitions to Abraham; and, at last It is obtained a .Turkish commissioner, Among phosphate deposits devotion of our life (John 15:14, Turk. them are Constantinople, Troy, both publications the question ot race Rich have been already looking down, the floor is seen to be covered as whose expenses are paid by the excavator, must Babylon, Nineveh, discovered 14:21), As suggested, there . Damascus, Tyre, SIdon, Ar,bela segregation Is dlscussod at some in Chile. g snow-flakes- were probably no defenses Burround-In- with be constantly In attendance to decide what may and many others. length. King V may dis- the enemy and in the darkness "When George (then prince of Wales) and what not be done, and all antiquities Before the war French archeologlBts had Just Western Australia's gold fields cover visited the mosque a light was down, and covered must be turned over to the imperial Otto- Gideon and his men easily approached let the begun some very interesting researches Con- Georgia prison 224,000 square miles. , at The warden of a has the .camp. It Is easy to imagine rocky sides were seen and a doorway entering man museum. These conditions stand in dis- stantinople. They have now partially laid bare to give one tho agreeable been puzzled by an order scene the midnight hour, army out ot this antechamber Into the tomb cave itself. contrast to the liberal provisions in the ruins ot the palace ot ConBtantlne, which, days' allowance Portland, Me., has a who has the granting ot Egypt, any competent person of his prisoners a ten barber suddenly awakened by a deafening With the freedom to the Inhabi- where Is allowed of course, is of great interest as ,the residence of tho sentence is been in continuous service 60 years. on his sentence. As shout, the blasts of trumpets, 300 tants ot Palestine the representatives ot religion to excavate, and Is required only to divide his the emperor who gave his name to the city. This difficult to carry tho for life the order is torches flashing forth amid the crash and science will be able to enter this mysterious finds with the Cairo museum. amazing building, covered a space of many acres, population is 51,340,000. out Austria's ot earthenware, and all of in cave and disclose its contents to the world, "At the beginning the exploration ot Pales- including quarters, baths and every luxury for this Around Hebron center all the interesting dense darkness. The Mldlanltes In tine was confined to the study of places and the one thousand persons who composed Im- d goods one-thir- d the Alien law may bar a Cotton constitute about the contusion turned weapons event of the patriarchal age recorded In the objects that remained above ground. Edward perial household and the guards ot the palace. England's their man, but It won't bar a ot manufactured against each other and fled Bible. Here Abraham prepared to sacrifice his Robinson, the distinguished American archeolo-gis- t It surpasses Incomparably both In extent toward and woman. the Jordan and Into regions be- own son, Isaac, in obedience to the will of God, and professor In Union Theological seminary, splendor the palace ot the Caesars at Rome, and the Jacob years yond toward the desert Others fol- labored seven for Rachel, and Esau New York, in a series of journeys carried on dur- yet It is probably equaled in Interest by many ot capacity of a wom- New Brunswick has 17,393,000 acres pottage. Tho earning lowed by the ten thousand, fleeing to- sold bis birthright for a mess of From, ing the years following 1838, and the French the other ruins in the city. to vote of land, of which only 1,474,076 acres Joseph an determines her right in ward Succoth and Penuel. Wo ot here started on his fateful Journey to scholar, Guerin, ascertained the modern names Few Americans realize extraordinary in- the Norway. , are cleared. this day have our wars and Egypt. of many localities, and succeeded In identifying terest of Constantinople and the strange manner battles A remarkably Interesting against the wrongs, the principalities relic affected by the them with places mentioned in the Bible. The In which the wealth of the ages has been stu- locked Success is always due more to the Manchester, England, has 1,000 and powers of evil, which are around war is the monastery of St. Catherine, on Mount Palestine exploration fund, founded in England up in it. Constantinople has a longer evening continuous ability to stand the bumps than any- dents in an school of us and within us. Such re- Blnal, shown In one ot the accompanying photo- In 1865, and largely supported by American con- history any great city worfd. battles than other in the thing else. quire the same courage, and graphs. This occupies the traditional spot where tributors, conducted an elaborate survey of Pales- Everybody hopes one skill, and that ot the first results consecration of ourselves, ns the Lord delivered the ten commandments to tine, whose results were embodied in 'Great of the war will be to 'free this did the their ancient center of As a rule the censor West Virginia declares her "blue wars of those ancients against the Moses. Way of Palestine,' which Is still the standard. culture and Christianity, as well aB Holy (o the ot other people's morals has a busy sky" ldw void, overlooking a chance enemies that threatened the very ex- In the library ot this monastery was recently "Other explorations were carried on at Jeru Land, from the horrible, barbarous Turks. time of It shoot it full of holes. istence of the people of God. I3na Eph. 6:10-18- ; ,1 Tim. 6:12.) Tho The "America" Manuterlnt Working Days Increased. Plenty of Room for It. Always in Opposition. trumpets were a call to God and a Perhaps the most precious The geological survey reports that Horace Traubel, poet, author and District Attorney Whitman was fa IV. Uncle 8am Will Test Your Watch. cation of European testing methods type of prayer; the pitchers (earthen by any library type of late tho number of working days at the editor, has a head covered with dis- Ing at tho Lawyers'. club in Now York, Regular testing .of watches for the ana uie esiaDiisnment of certain stand- vessels) a of our frail bodies la Its the original manuscript of "Amer anthracite mines last year was the orderly white hair that makes him about a very troublesome litl irnnr. public was inaugurated by the United ards of tolerances for nrnrtlrnl wtrcu we have the treasure ot thu (2 ica, of which Harvard university largest on record 257. The average look like a luxuriant chrysanthemum. "Ho keens the lawyers busy." M States bureau ot standards recently, Ice. The possession of a government gcspel truth Cor. 4:6, 7, Matt. recently. - tho custodian The man- number of men employed was 176)745, He was walking down Chestnut street Mr. Whitman. "Ho always baa two thus taking up the testing and certifi- ceriwcaie win enable the Owner of a 5:16). Our business la to blow long rascrlpt la the gift ot the son of Dr. an Increase ot about one thousand the other day when a hurrying news- or three suits on hand. He reminds cation ot watches in a similar manner "certified watch" to know that ho his and loud the trumpet and hold forth, Samuel Francis Smith. Doctor Smith seven hundred over the previous boy passed by and then stopped to me ot Blanc. to that carried on by tho Kow observa- a timepiece which conform in th the light, which la tho Word (Phil. ob- average 2:16), being wrote the famous hymn In 1832, year. Owing to the increase in the look. " 'My, goodness, George,' said Blanc's tory In England, the Besancon and reasonable performances and broken ourselves three years after he was graduated use ot artificial gas and coke, says "Hey, misier," called the urchin, wife, plaintively, 'I don't know what servatory in France and the Geneva ui uigu-grau- e aajuBiea watches. The (John 12:24. Gal. 2;20 R. V,), expect from Harvard. It was first sung on tho report, there is little probability "go git a haircut" would happen' if you ever agreed with and Nouchatel observatories In Swit- fees for tests will merely cover the to See the enemies of God overthrown. the Fourth of July ot that year In that the production ot anthracite will And then a. reflec- me about anything!'3 zerland. Preliminary tests upon the aciuai cost ot tne trials. As every man stood In his appointed after moment's types tfea, Park Street church In Boston. show any marked Increase In the fu- tion he added: "'Humph,' growled Blanc, I'd be various and makes of American place (v. 21), God did the fighting and Youth's Companion. ture, Exchange. "Git two haircut; wrong. I'd be wrf " watches have already been made, (be There are 2,640 dally and 572 Sun brought confusion to the enemy (v. .results ot which have been the modlfl- - day papers in the United States.