has appointed W. 1 rn Arthur, The school board Planter with 160 rods of wire; I 'indefinite time. The older son, . Murphy as truant officer and he 1 (fort! shelter, nearly new; will leave later to join them and ac- 1 Deering { ruraTgeean/ngs : will have a strenuous time from now nearly new; company them on their journey west •fay...packer, 1 fanning on keeping track of the . ’biU-j Sharpies cream separator ward. J* and * In Tn» i «-»»i'a|" <:•»¦>>» corrmpviHieiH i other articles. i you not K-1- to my place Monday, October **ery W*li»M| lh H>r county If Overcoats!! Came "' Overcoats! >' /•? that yoar towroblp i* not 1 ••<•’ ••’¦" <’ u"' mi Household Goods. 1 youl TRENTON. 19, seventeen head of cattle. Owner tkta ?»«Aitnx write un HinJ w•• will K'-li'i I Emblem range; arariipeti •-!<»;•• » ar.', pap'-r 1 hard coal lb« rw-< *st.»i y en' can have the same by calling at my heat- Ml t-wnaponoern* murt be (ignM M »»•« er; 2 bed room suites; many «1 coiT'-spohileiit Harry White was -e«n in Brooking Overcoats!!! farm >/2 mile soutli and 2 miles west oth r Ki-rmll' articles. Saturday. of Brookings and paying- expenses. I tons of Hay. NEWS WANTED .Julius Ust. Good Valley It. S. Carter was an Aurora caller A Lot of Garden Vegetables. The Register would like to secure Saturday. Prof. C. Larsen, head of the dairy FREE LUNCH AT NOON. correspondent in every locality a good V. 11. Staarman is marketing grain Coats, department of the State college, went TERMS —Sums or be very pleased Pur Coats, Fur Lined Fur of $lO less, cash- in the county and will to Sioux Falls yesterday morning to anyone who these days. oft sums over that amount time to receive the names of ’ Oats, Coats, Mil- will Write us Tri in mud Auto attend the annual convention of the will act in that capacity. Ed Gunn vas seen in ; in Tren- be given till November 1, 1909 on South Dakota Buttermakers and Dairy- Q fl r 9nr particulars. ton hl t Week. da i v Coats, Cravunuttes, Sheep- bankable paper at 8 per cent interest men's association. No property to be removed John Fabrick ca'l -d i.i ! • : ''mil on- until set- AFTON. skin Lined Molokin Coats,Sheep- tled for. da.• last we< k. In the list of premium winners of Coats. the county fair which the Register A. SCAMAN, Prop--ietor. Mrs. Oren Ward spent Thursday Mr. It eves wa- a Bro king- caller skin Lined Corduroy published in full the week after the C, W. Koenig, Auctioneer. fl with home folks. last Wednesday. fair. Wood Thompson was credited W. A. Burgess, Clerk. Mr, ami Mrs. Frank Papka spent Mrs. W A Canfield ¦. < la pping in ¦ with first premium on Barred Plym- Sunday at Mr. Cppendahl’s. Brookings Monday. outh Rock chickens when it should WHAT CAN OSTEOPATHY DO? were business made a trip to town Mr. ami Mrs. Offerle G. il Crawford A large assortment at a saving of from 10 to 30 per ct. have read F. F. Slocum, who was the During the past few weeks callers in Brookinus Thursday. the first Of the week. winner. we have been called upon to answer this qu . Herman Johnson is building a ma- Orville Atkins finish'd thn-hlng for es Before the Brookings-Watertown tion many times; but the chine shop and coal house combined. Dan Feidh r last week. achievements football game the Public Opinion ex- of Osteopathic Physicians within Koenig ami Howard Luckin- Herman Schlobohm went to Brook- the C. W. pressed the belief that if Brookings present decade have been so numercrus departed Wednesday for Le Mars, ings the last of the week. bill failed to win they would disband. and Important that volumes of statis- lowa. Frank Simmons purcbas< d some cat- Well, any time a Brookings team tics Would be necessary to rec rd the Mrs. S. H. Doughty entertained lady tle in these parts recently. can t beat Watertown at any old game facts, Wednesday alter- friends at her home Jas. Holliday has b< n looking alt' r we would require them to disband. In’ brief, however, we will stat- that noon. ntly. all diseases, far n interests here rec Mrs. Cora Mayland Hoff, who for curable whether acute or Koenig is enjoying a Big- chronic, are being Mrs C. W. Paul Hartman called at Tom years held the position as primary successfully '.-e ;i t- d from l.e Mars, by visit from her mother gar's one evening recently. teacher in our public schools, gave our rational methods in even ,-taie lowa of the Union at the present time. It seems as though we are going John Blakely wire Our household goods arrived in Los her friends a most joyful surprise by Mr. and Mrs. If other .Mr. John Miller of White, was a good weather again. her arrival on Saturday methods have been tried to have • nt« rtained at the Chapman home Sun- Angeles about three weeks after we in Redfield the John Lucas home Wed- to no effect, allow us to explain and guest at 11. McKinney and Elmer Sechrist day evening. did and having but a small home, we morning. She will remain in Redfield nesday. demonstrate Osteopathy to you. We were hauling hay Wednesday. were soon settled. We have a garden several days as the guest of Mrs. E. Will Sloan and Mabie Chapman will cheerfully devote a liberal Mrs. Winders assisted Mrs. George and chicken yard and have bought a W. Fiske. —Redfield Journal-Observer. amount Dan Feidler called at P. J. Hag- were Sunday callers at John Sloan's o'f our time to the study of your Nun Wednesday in packing goods for small tlock of chickens, as eggs are case gard's the first of the week. in Brookings. and there will be no charge shipment. forty-five cents a dozen here. The CLAUS JOHNSON MARRIED. for con- A few from Trenton attended the I ver Dybdahl lias been spending sultation. —Dr. E. W. Forsee. Osteo- nern|an Johnson has been doing latter ought to be a good investment. sale at O. Simpkins' last week. a few day in the country visiting his From the Springfield, Minn., Ad- path. Graduate under the founder A. carpenter work for Fred Falk the We have now been here seventy-six Tom Nutt has recently moved on brother, George. vance we get the following account T. Still. Office in Colter Building. past week. days and in that time the sun has the farm vacated by Mr. Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kennedy and Mrs. of the wedding of Claus Johnson, Brookings. S. D. McKnlght daughters, shown every day but two. On these Mrs. A. E. and of Telkamp brothers and J. Culbertson Fred Gillett took in the play, "Puss two rained quite hard. The catcher the Brookings Reds during Ava and Ethel, visited relatives at it first marketed stock in Aurora Saturday. in Boots," Monday evening. the seasons 1905-06. NOTICE Bushnell Wednesday. came much earlier than usual Miss Crump spent a few days here did “On Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock Jas. Jenks this week moves on the Hattie and considerable damage to The annual meeting Mrs. E. C. Brink and Mrs. Alva at the home of bride in this city of the G. A. R Avery farm vacated by Fred Polsean. with her sister, Mrs. A. W. Farrenkop the drying raisins and other fruits. the Winders spent Friday afternoon at the association will be held at the G. A. IL latter part of the week. I planted garden was solemnized the marriage of Miss Wilbur Atkins has been enjoying the the’ the second week hall on the first Monday in M. S. Thayer home. Effie Matter of this city and Claus November. tine by plowing on the Holli- Miss Tressie Duff spent the latter we were here and we are now enjoy- 1908 at p. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tinker of Brook- weather Johnson of Delano, Minn., the cere- 2 o'clock in. day farm. part of the week with Mrs. Robert ing beets, cucumbers, lettuce, peas and Minnie Fox, Secretary ings, were over Sunday visitors with mony being performed by Rev. and Treats. Blakely helping her settle in her new beans as a result of the planting. It J. hi vicinity. The steel bridges are about ready relatives this seemed odd to be planting garden in Schneider of the German M. E. church. for use. One is completed and the home. The Eddie Dahl, who has made his home August, but things will ceremony was witnessed by a and Mrs. Fred Rilling and grow here any DEMOCRATIC HOPE SIDETRACKED other is nearly so. , Mr. large gathering of with Mr. and Mrs. Milt McKnlght the time if they have plenty of water. I invited friends and are rejoic- daughter. Elsie from Brookings attend- past three years. Is at present making Mr. and Mrs. Ed Matson hope to have new potatoes for relatives. Taft and Foraker Shoulder to Shoul* ed church in Prairie Home Sunday Thanks- 1 lis home with Ben Falk. ing over the arrival of a young son. giving. “The witnesses were Chas. Johnson, der for Republican Princlploa. and babe doing well. afternoon. groom's brother from Mother are I saw a cucumber lately raised here the Delano, and Another Democratic hope has been BUSHNELL. a large crowd from this vicini- Miss Maud Femie Albert Allison and family this week Quite that measured inches in length Hammett. Little Bidetracked. That was that United ty attended William Wilson's funeral Bott acted as flower girl. Immediately States Senator Foraker sup- moved to the farm near Brookings, and 11 inches in circumference. It would not Mr. Gibson lost a horse on Sunday. Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- after the ceremony a elaborate wed- port the Taft candidacy, and would which he has rented fir the coming is now on exhibition at the Chamber Miss Tibbetts spent Sunday son have the heartfelt sympathy of the ding dinner thus impair his chances of carrying the Hattie year. of Commerce. was served. u-lk*an passenger. Mrs. Schultz. Chafin made the best speech of them The Ladies' society * Aid of the First the , maid'’- arrangement. Misses Bul- all. party.” The Aurora house has changed Ix>w Billick has moved over his Presbyterian church will meet at the ger Fricke leaving and a young to In response Senator Foraker denied and hands, Mr. Collins having We enjoy this climate very much home of Cutler, Thursday, sold out to farm and Ed Pape has rented the Mrs. Oct. enmity between Mr Ihdy from St. Paul coming. and I might say for the benefit of hay that had existed C. Schmidt. farm Mr. Billick vacated to a gentle- 22. Mesdames. Shepard, Roys and Taft and himself, and said: A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. fever suffers that I have been Miss Myrtle Buckley visited at the man and family from Watertown. Austin will assist in entertaining. All “Under the circumstances I hope 1 Clem Stanley Saturday morning. Both entirely free from that affliction, which are cordially home of her aunt, Mrs. Judd of Tren- We would like to see the great writ- invited. may be pardoned if I say here in this uiotber and son are doing fine. is a new experience during August Episcopal had ton, Sunday. er who told us that South Dakota had The Guild will meet with presence— the first time I have Margaret and Lizzie Casser- and September for more than ten Mrs. W. H. Roddle Thursday, opportunity to say it—that there is not Misses Mrs. F. T. Baker and daughter at- the largest oat crop it had ever seen. October years. But we miss the Brookings 29. All far I know there never fy left on the noon train for an over glass- are invited. now and so as tended the play “Puss in Roots,” at That fellow surely had on dark any Sunday at friends and shall always be glad to has been the slightest illfeeling of visit home in Elkton. Monday evening. On Thursday, November 12 at 5:30 the Grand es. see or hear from them. I have set kind between Mr. Taft and myself Mr. Watcher has had his hotel re- the Ladies Aid society of the First Miss Bertha Baldwin Is expected to S. A. Buck of Ortley. S. D., was out a couple of orange trees and, true “If there is anything I have a right Mr. Barton his barber shop Presbyterian church will serve a sup- fainted. arrive here Saturday from Spring Val- in Preston looking after his farm and to my promise, the fruit of one of t* claim beyond another, it is that I «u;d Mrs. Chilson her house. Mr. Car- per in the dining rooms of the church. sixty- ley to spend the winter with her sis- calling on old friends. Mr. Buck is them is to be set apart for Brookings *es Republican three hundred and son of Aurora doing all the work. He Menu: Chicken pie. mashed potatoes, my pref- X ter Mrs. Geo. Baker. postmaster at Ortley and president of visitors. five days In the year. I have gives good satisfaction. baked beans, brcrwn bread, cabbage erences sometimes as to who should The relatives here of Mr. and Mrs. a bank. With best wishes, Wm. Chilson, a Cuban veteran, with salad, Parker House rolls, jelly, pickles, receive the honors of the party, and P. Alstott of North Dakota, received Mr. Austin and son. Guy, were driv- R. B. McClenon. light they fits family has been visiting his par- coffee, and dark cake. 25 cents everybody generally finds out what word that their Infant son was not ing through this part of the county plate. But I am one of those old-fash- ents the past five weeks. They left a are. expected to live. The friends of Mr. Sunday. Mrs. Austin is in lowa visit- ioned Republicans who settle every such fcr their homes in Minnesota last Fri- and Mrs. Alstott hope tn hear of a ing and Mr. Austin is his own boss at A BIG STOCK SALE! question at the convention. When the day. Mr. Chilson is now conductor and speedy recovery. present. Local Personal convention nominated Mr. Toft on a freight train. Having - the The first number of the course of W. E. Plumb has the best yield of sold my ranch and intending to he the Republican candidate f A farewell reception was tendered Ellef Sandro, one of the old timers Instant ne entertainments to be given here this potatoes we have heard of yet. His to move to North Dakota I will sell Presidency this year, that of Lake Hendricks township, was doing He has been Mesdames. Bushnell and Churchill crop the following personal property at became nay leader. n»v winter was held in Rexford's hall was about 200 bushels to the business in Brookings Tuesday Tuesday evening at Mrs. Mary Parks' and ler.der ever since, and he wl’l be my Wednesday. October 14. by Robert O. acre and he is selling them readily at auction at the old place. 7 miles east residence. A goodly number were Wednesday. lender until the polls close on the night Bowman. Mr. Bowman proved to be fifty cents a of White and 5 miles west and 2 miles bushel. the present to bid the ladies godspeed. The Boston Ladies orchestra, the south of Hendricks. Lake Hendricks •f election.” an excellent entertainer and imper- Grift Waite lately returned from a Mr. Forak*r followed with an esti- Substantial refreshments were served. first number of the college lecture township, commencing at 11 a. sonator. trip to Canada. Grift was greatly m. mate of Judge Taft's fitness for the I. of town was threshing, urday evening. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1908. southeast PRAIRIE HOME. hay or grain and does not seem to be Fallows bad said before him. sparks set fire to a barn nearby en- 412 Head of Live Stock 412. he said, "that taken up with that part of the world. Mesdames. Wm. Cameron, Alfred “I want t*> repent it.” tirely consuming it, also other small 163 Head of Cattle. his experience on the bench, in the Miss Myrtle Blakely spent Sunday Nelson and F. H. Ainsworth visited buildings, stacks of hay and grain and 67 steers coming two years old; 25 , as Secretary of War. In with home folks. with Mrs. Horton at Volga yesterday 1,200 grain. FROM CALIFORNIA. spring calves; heifers, years the construction of the Panama Cana’ about bushels o£ threshed afternoon and evening. 12 2 old Mrs. James Sloan spent Sunday he has filled, has Mrs. W. E. Hendricks has been hav- with with calf; 35 heifers, coming 2 year in all the positions i - her daughter, Ix)s Angeles. finished loading been such as to qualify Mr. Taft al- ing some carpenter work done about Flossie. Calif.. October 17, 1908. John Grudem a car old; 1 2 year old grade Hereford bull; son To ,he Register:— today and departed for Schaller, North most beyond every other man for the Ber residence and has had the house Melvin I.ar called on the Sloan 2 bulls, coming 2 years old; 12 milch Dakota, where he has Presidency. We are going to elect him. boys Sunday afternoon. | Thinking that perhaps some of your a farm and will cows, 10 giving milk now’ and two re-painted white, which greatly im- and if he does not make a roccesa of readers would be Interested In an ac- make his home for the future. coming fresh November 1; 8 other proves its appearance. Mrs. Watcher Mr. and Mrs. Ira Blakely spent Sun- it, be hie own fault." count of our experiences since leaving it will says she likes to live in a good look- day evening at John Blakely's. Attorney John C. Jenkins who has good cows; 1 Shorthorn grade bull, Senator Foraker followed thia state-

« „ , Brookings last July, I write t v n. „ * venture to Tacoma, weight 1600. ac- . living Wash., to review his early ing house. • . . .. been at writes ment a of Mrs. John Duff was a caller at J. you with . a short .. letter. paper to 243 Head of Sheep. quaintance Judge Taft, and the ... Portland, Ore., daugh- s Saturday . . . have his sent with Mrs. Jennie Churchill and D. Wilson afternoon. »* , e left Brookings July 29 and reach- evidently 40 2 year old ewes; 35* yearling favorable Impression be then gained of s<*¦¦ -4' ters, Myrtle and Lylah, boarded the Mrs. Arthur lArson and daughter where he has located for the e d the morning of Aug. 3. ewes; 35 3 year old ewes; 40 4 year him. nooa train Friday for Denver, Colo., were Fountain visitors last Sunday. future. The hottest day of the whole trip was old ewes; 50 other good breeding wkere they will make their future Swarthout, living Mrs. Arthur Larson was a pleasant the first one, the weather being com- A. L. who has been ewes; good high grade 3 bucks. Appetite. home. Miss Churchill has a claim caller the Larson home Monday. at Bakersfield, California, has moved Bismarck’s at fortable all the rest of the journey, Hogs. Bismarck, had there, and is also teaching school. to Tracy and writes to have his paper the Iron Chancellor, Bub Duff departed Wednesday even- even across the desert Our route was 2 large Chester White brood sows; an enormous capacity for eating and Judging by the copious tear fall, Lylah Omaha, forwarded to that place. Mr. Swart- Ing for southern lowa to spend the vU Denver and Salt Lake City, Poland China boar. drinking. He once told a friend that will M misoed by her young friends hout is a son-in-law of James winter. The scenery over the Denver * Rio Natesta, the largest number of oysters he ever here. city, formerly a aa4 tamffc, whore they intend to stay an of the ** Nrttofr. a license. ft. Milwaukee mower, in good repair; from England.

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