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.1 ^AQS TWELVE iKmtrIrfsifr Ettfttbts V m lft MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,198T AVRRAOB DAILY CIRODLATR)M' Taxes coUeetpd last Week totaled llcan Women's Association for the for tha Meath ef Aagwt, 1*81 , 88,6M.14, it wag reported this mom- promotion of party work already tlon; execuUve and mUitary trata- WBATHBR A B O U m W N McKenzie NOTIFIED 1 ^ ztood him w«U in hte ezamlna. 1» was to be named a member of J Ji lag by Tax Collector Samuel Nel started. tion. tta state police department that at P»eeenet of V. a Weather Bi son, Jr. The amount increased the The sale will be held in the eao- toe meeting o f CampbeU OouncU K. « Hartford 'J n o m ,T. Paaeoa, dceorater ftj- total of back taxes collected during When tha ftret afioouncement of 5 , 8 6 1 watktns Brothan, b c ^ wlU (ir e an venlently located store at AUyn' and ON STATE COP JOB of C, held early this moiito he de the first six weeks of the fiscal Hr. MeKenxle waa clined an advancement in toe Ust of M caber a f tha An*M Informal talk on **DeeoraUve Fab- year to 818,805.71. Trumbull streets, formerly occupied 10th in ua rating. He waa a b ^ Boreaa ef Cbealatlene Hca^ Uda afternoon at tha monthly by Hemip's. Baked goods. Jams, officers that wifiild have made him The H A I ^ CORR ■ola tonight: Wedooodny ,M r. to leave for milttaiy camp and waa a grand night in two years. maatlng of the Parent-Teachara Am- jellies, canned fruit and vegetables, Tnsfnicted to Report at Ridge-. given special permission to take bis MANCHiSTlR C o n T- oUghUy warmer • fartetlor. Miss Dorothy Rich has leased the The noUce that he received Sat MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE C H A ^ •Odation of the Noah Webater large office in the Rublnow build donated by- the women members Held Barracks for Training physical examinaUoa tefore goinc 4 ■ ■ 0dMol la Hartford. and friends throughout the county to camp. ’ a “-a urday instructs him to report at toe VOL. LVI., NO. 306 (c ing facing Main street next to that for Place on Force. Ridgefield barcacka on Monday, Oc oa rago 18b). of Dr. Sundqulst. It is reported will be offered for sale. Thera will So sure was Mr. McKenile t^ t tober IL . „ The Amaranth Sewing club win that she will open a specialty shop, also be tables where needlework (TWELVE PAGES) P R | q i THREE CENTO meet tonight with Mra. Rachel selling baby clothes and knitted and other articles and "white ele Daniel B. McKenzie of 14 Bowers TUESDAY SPECULS TUdan o f 40 Summer atreet. novel tiea phants" will be on sale. Large ar street, on Saturday afternoon re ticles such as quills and ruga arlll ceived official notiflicatlon that he From Varies Departments Homemade Grenades In China .^Mra, William C. C3teney o f Park be sold on a 10 per cent commission. had been named as one of the 25 Double HyH: Green Slafmps Given With Cash Sales DEMOCRATS HERE Straat will opca her homa tomorrow The aromen o f Glastonbury, in who are to be sent to the Ridge HOPETOINDUCE . afternoon at 4 o’clock for a tea at TO BE SALESWOMEN addition to their contributions will field barracks of the Connecticut ^ All Day Tuesday. Mtich the gueata will be all work- feature Italian dishes, samples of State Police for training as a mem-J eta in the recent oompalgn of the ber of the State Police department. | TIk H ^ L C CORK NEW CRISIS LOOMING AT G. 0. P. BAZAAR which will be given with each ITALY TO POLL ICkacheater Public Health Nursing recipe sold. Mr. McKenzie stood fourth in the M ANCHisTtR C o n n - 51” X 51” Plaid MAY BE nXEGAUY llanrlatlon. Uembera of the esecu- Mrs. Joseph Alaop, the president, merit examination that was given S ra board will aaalat lira. Cheney. Local Women to Have Part In and was one of eight of the 75 who and her enthusiastic co-workers an were certified who passed a 100 Rayon and Cotton OUT SPAIN ~ St. Margaret’a Circle, Daughters One-Day Bazaar to Be Held ticipate a busy day tomorrow and per cent physical examination. The Tuesday Shoppers Will Do Well a successful sale. AS OWNERS THREATEN OC'Iaabella, win hold ita tegular in Hartford Tomoirow. fact that he had sufficient educa- NAMED FOR OFFICE meeting tomorrow evening at fl To Buy These Self Serve And F n ^ , Britam Jinn Hands o'clock la the K. of C clubrooma. A Mrs. Emma L. Nettleton and Mra. aedal time will follow the biislneas James M. Shearer, will be among Health Market Specials the saleswomen at the one-day ba- Propoak far Noaiialioiu JAPAN MASSES to Head Off Action by ■ ICr. and Uta. Roy McIntyre of saar In Hartford tomorrow conduct TO BREAK THE STRIKE^ Hoehaater, N. T.. and Mr. and Mra. ed by the Hartford County Repub- DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CUfford Allen of New York City, League; Russia Opposed . epent the areek-end with Mr. «n/] RE-UPHOLSTERINfi CASH SALES ALL DAY TUESDAY Mra. Carl AUfn o f Henry street. 3-PIECE. LIVING ROOM SUITE Odd Medal **"™— ■ ST'.iX s; w * ™ops Head of Truckers’ Orgsri-I Dorothy H. Keeney A real value. Fast color novelty lunch cloths to Plan, Advises Airplanes : The Asbury group of the Wealeyan 1 YEAR TO PAY with colored plaid centera and borders. Col Hold Strike Leader <3uild haa voted to serve all the Teacher of Piano Tour salts stripped to the frame, lebnllt, i«- ^ ors: Gold, green and red. Sizes 51” x 51” Not to Take Advantage NEAR SIBERIA aaontbly pariah suppers at the FLOUR U\ lb. bag $ ]| .11 Special! * - ation ffints Tint W itt i OrmduMte o f tbo covered, new springs and flUIng added, wood- Geneva, Sept. 28—(A P ) —France South Methodist church this season, Hertford School of Mnoie and Britain Joined hands today to the first one Wednesday evening at w o^ reflnished. ALL WORK GUARANTEED They Decide Last NighL Under $10,000 Bail; 48 Honrs Thq^ M aj Ust S:S0, with Mrs. E3Ien Crossen as Phone 7689 >4-Pound-Pound OakeeOakes Hersbey Baking Ijll 70” X 80” Heavy Plaid H\. Foreign Observers Report forestall League of Nations action general chairman. It will be a Jurt Phone 3615— Have Our Representative Call With In the Spanish cIvU war. Inferring Yoeat lamb supper and the commlt- The probabfilty that 10 of toe 18 that they wished first to get Premier Non-Union Drnrer^ A lj tae arould like to have an teserva- CHOCOLATE ifo r t ^ c I - Sheet BLANKETS 8 9c That Tokyo Fears Clash MusaoUnl to agree to withdraw Charge Conspiracy .thins in by Tuesday noon if possible Samples. ■ We Go Anywhere — Over 31,000 Customers. - _________ L “ I Good quaUtviblald sheet blanker. v._____ _ _ Democratic candidateo for election Italian volunteers from toe Spanish II » d Wue. gold, green Defireries But MOk, Brcadj Mrs. Thomas Ventikrd heads the .14-Oonce Bottle Burt Olney'a to town office next Monday, includ' With Rnssia; Claim Ad insurgent army. Hdiet committee. ing an but one of the candidateo for Foreign Minister Tvon Delbos of Hartford, Sept 28.—(AP)—Four* to assault and conspiracy to commit men, including John J, Murphy, ■ toe Board of Selectmen, France announcen'. this policy be breach of toe peace. , , and PlaUicatioos S lo| pe| .1 X Hr. and Mrs. Clarence K. Peter- KETCHUP 2 bottles 2 5 c if it I vances On Cldnese Fronts. fore toe League Committee on Poll- leader of tod’ truckmen’s steike Similar charges are lodged •m and daughter Dorothy of 107 Manchester Upholstering Co. inegaUy proposed for nomination tlcal Questions which is conslderi^ were arrested today on bench war against Raphael La Cafto, of Hart porter street have returned after a CLOSE OUT!— was discuiaed during o meeting of r.-aln’s appeal against what It rants and held in 810,000 bonds ford, and WUUam Renaud of Bkwt jreek’a tour to Washington, D. C 48 Madison Street toe RepubUcan Town Committee charges Is "Fascist invasion." each on several counts which In Hartford, Sept 28.— (A ] Busy Since 1922 BUIXETTN! Hartford, both said to be membere jiad Virginia. About 10 Dozen last night but It was decided not to Referring to toe propos^ con cluded two of conspiracy. of Luoal 671, Truck Drivere, Chauf —A possibility that tnaj PRUNES contest their election on that eedre. Nanktag, Sept 28— (AP)— versations by France, Britain and A fifth man, described aa "R ed band grenade at Japanese positions feurs and Helpers Unkm. trucking com piles soon mighi -Q roup 8 of Center church women The claim o f lUegallty waa baaed Dimitri V. Bogonioioff, the So Raly, on toe question of volunteers, Cook," now a fugitive, is being Harry Borden, 81, of Hartford, is •01 meet this avening at 8 o'clock Children’s on toe fact that Fred J. Dielen viet Arabaaaador to Chlw^ left Sln^Japanese batUe fo r Shanghai, tola Chinese soldter risks Delbos said, "the moment haa come sought by State Attorney Hugh M. attempt to break the strike i Armonr*s snddealy for Moeoow today on his Ufe co^ng part way out from a barricade. This photo was held on charges of oonsplracy to ai the church parlor. Generators achneider, member of toe Demo- flown to th« United States. when a clear declaration must be Alcorn.