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Unm^Sok NEW CRISIS LOOMING AS .1 ^AQS TWELVE iKmtrIrfsifr Ettfttbts V m lft MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,198T AVRRAOB DAILY CIRODLATR)M' Taxes coUeetpd last Week totaled llcan Women's Association for the for tha Meath ef Aagwt, 1*81 , 88,6M.14, it wag reported this mom- promotion of party work already tlon; execuUve and mUitary trata- WBATHBR A B O U m W N McKenzie NOTIFIED 1 ^ ztood him w«U in hte ezamlna. 1» was to be named a member of J Ji lag by Tax Collector Samuel Nel­ started. tion. tta state police department that at P»eeenet of V. a Weather Bi son, Jr. The amount increased the The sale will be held in the eao- toe meeting o f CampbeU OouncU K. « Hartford 'J n o m ,T. Paaeoa, dceorater ftj- total of back taxes collected during When tha ftret afioouncement of 5 , 8 6 1 watktns Brothan, b c ^ wlU (ir e an venlently located store at AUyn' and ON STATE COP JOB of C, held early this moiito he de­ the first six weeks of the fiscal Hr. MeKenxle waa clined an advancement in toe Ust of M caber a f tha An*M Informal talk on **DeeoraUve Fab- year to 818,805.71. Trumbull streets, formerly occupied 10th in ua rating. He waa a b ^ Boreaa ef Cbealatlene Hca^ Uda afternoon at tha monthly by Hemip's. Baked goods. Jams, officers that wifiild have made him The H A I ^ CORR ■ola tonight: Wedooodny ,M r. to leave for milttaiy camp and waa a grand night in two years. maatlng of the Parent-Teachara Am- jellies, canned fruit and vegetables, Tnsfnicted to Report at Ridge-. given special permission to take bis MANCHiSTlR C o n T- oUghUy warmer • fartetlor. Miss Dorothy Rich has leased the The noUce that he received Sat­ MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE C H A ^ •Odation of the Noah Webater large office in the Rublnow build­ donated by- the women members Held Barracks for Training physical examinaUoa tefore goinc 4 ■ ■ 0dMol la Hartford. and friends throughout the county to camp. ’ a “-a urday instructs him to report at toe VOL. LVI., NO. 306 (c ing facing Main street next to that for Place on Force. Ridgefield barcacka on Monday, Oc­ oa rago 18b). of Dr. Sundqulst. It is reported will be offered for sale. Thera will So sure was Mr. McKenile t^ t tober IL . „ The Amaranth Sewing club win that she will open a specialty shop, also be tables where needlework (TWELVE PAGES) P R | q i THREE CENTO meet tonight with Mra. Rachel selling baby clothes and knitted and other articles and "white ele Daniel B. McKenzie of 14 Bowers TUESDAY SPECULS TUdan o f 40 Summer atreet. novel tiea phants" will be on sale. Large ar­ street, on Saturday afternoon re­ ticles such as quills and ruga arlll ceived official notiflicatlon that he From Varies Departments Homemade Grenades In China .^Mra, William C. C3teney o f Park be sold on a 10 per cent commission. had been named as one of the 25 Double HyH: Green Slafmps Given With Cash Sales DEMOCRATS HERE Straat will opca her homa tomorrow The aromen o f Glastonbury, in who are to be sent to the Ridge­ HOPETOINDUCE . afternoon at 4 o’clock for a tea at TO BE SALESWOMEN addition to their contributions will field barracks of the Connecticut ^ All Day Tuesday. Mtich the gueata will be all work- feature Italian dishes, samples of State Police for training as a mem-J eta in the recent oompalgn of the ber of the State Police department. | TIk H ^ L C CORK NEW CRISIS LOOMING AT G. 0. P. BAZAAR which will be given with each ITALY TO POLL ICkacheater Public Health Nursing recipe sold. Mr. McKenzie stood fourth in the M ANCHisTtR C o n n - 51” X 51” Plaid MAY BE nXEGAUY llanrlatlon. Uembera of the esecu- Mrs. Joseph Alaop, the president, merit examination that was given S ra board will aaalat lira. Cheney. Local Women to Have Part In and was one of eight of the 75 who and her enthusiastic co-workers an­ were certified who passed a 100 Rayon and Cotton OUT SPAIN ~ St. Margaret’a Circle, Daughters One-Day Bazaar to Be Held ticipate a busy day tomorrow and per cent physical examination. The Tuesday Shoppers Will Do Well a successful sale. AS OWNERS THREATEN OC'Iaabella, win hold ita tegular in Hartford Tomoirow. fact that he had sufficient educa- NAMED FOR OFFICE meeting tomorrow evening at fl To Buy These Self Serve And F n ^ , Britam Jinn Hands o'clock la the K. of C clubrooma. A Mrs. Emma L. Nettleton and Mra. aedal time will follow the biislneas James M. Shearer, will be among Health Market Specials the saleswomen at the one-day ba- Propoak far Noaiialioiu JAPAN MASSES to Head Off Action by ■ ICr. and Uta. Roy McIntyre of saar In Hartford tomorrow conduct­ TO BREAK THE STRIKE^ Hoehaater, N. T.. and Mr. and Mra. ed by the Hartford County Repub- DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CUfford Allen of New York City, League; Russia Opposed . epent the areek-end with Mr. «n/] RE-UPHOLSTERINfi CASH SALES ALL DAY TUESDAY Mra. Carl AUfn o f Henry street. 3-PIECE. LIVING ROOM SUITE Odd Medal **"™— ■ ST'.iX s; w * ™ops Head of Truckers’ Orgsri-I Dorothy H. Keeney A real value. Fast color novelty lunch cloths to Plan, Advises Airplanes : The Asbury group of the Wealeyan 1 YEAR TO PAY with colored plaid centera and borders. Col­ Hold Strike Leader <3uild haa voted to serve all the Teacher of Piano Tour salts stripped to the frame, lebnllt, i«- ^ ors: Gold, green and red. Sizes 51” x 51” Not to Take Advantage NEAR SIBERIA aaontbly pariah suppers at the FLOUR U\ lb. bag $ ]| .11 Special! * - ation ffints Tint W itt i OrmduMte o f tbo covered, new springs and flUIng added, wood- Geneva, Sept. 28—(A P ) —France South Methodist church this season, Hertford School of Mnoie and Britain Joined hands today to the first one Wednesday evening at w o^ reflnished. ALL WORK GUARANTEED They Decide Last NighL Under $10,000 Bail; 48 Honrs Thq^ M aj Ust S:S0, with Mrs. E3Ien Crossen as Phone 7689 >4-Pound-Pound OakeeOakes Hersbey Baking Ijll 70” X 80” Heavy Plaid H\. Foreign Observers Report forestall League of Nations action general chairman. It will be a Jurt Phone 3615— Have Our Representative Call With In the Spanish cIvU war. Inferring Yoeat lamb supper and the commlt- The probabfilty that 10 of toe 18 that they wished first to get Premier Non-Union Drnrer^ A lj tae arould like to have an teserva- CHOCOLATE ifo r t ^ c I - Sheet BLANKETS 8 9c That Tokyo Fears Clash MusaoUnl to agree to withdraw Charge Conspiracy .thins in by Tuesday noon if possible Samples. ■ We Go Anywhere — Over 31,000 Customers. - _________ L “ I Good quaUtviblald sheet blanker. v._____ _ _ Democratic candidateo for election Italian volunteers from toe Spanish II » d Wue. gold, green Defireries But MOk, Brcadj Mrs. Thomas Ventikrd heads the .14-Oonce Bottle Burt Olney'a to town office next Monday, includ' With Rnssia; Claim Ad­ insurgent army. Hdiet committee. ing an but one of the candidateo for Foreign Minister Tvon Delbos of Hartford, Sept 28.—(AP)—Four* to assault and conspiracy to commit men, including John J, Murphy, ■ toe Board of Selectmen, France announcen'. this policy be­ breach of toe peace. , , and PlaUicatioos S lo| pe| .1 X Hr. and Mrs. Clarence K. Peter- KETCHUP 2 bottles 2 5 c if it I vances On Cldnese Fronts. fore toe League Committee on Poll- leader of tod’ truckmen’s steike Similar charges are lodged •m and daughter Dorothy of 107 Manchester Upholstering Co. inegaUy proposed for nomination tlcal Questions which is conslderi^ were arrested today on bench war­ against Raphael La Cafto, of Hart­ porter street have returned after a CLOSE OUT!— was discuiaed during o meeting of r.-aln’s appeal against what It rants and held in 810,000 bonds ford, and WUUam Renaud of Bkwt jreek’a tour to Washington, D. C 48 Madison Street toe RepubUcan Town Committee charges Is "Fascist invasion." each on several counts which In­ Hartford, Sept 28.— (A ] Busy Since 1922 BUIXETTN! Hartford, both said to be membere jiad Virginia. About 10 Dozen last night but It was decided not to Referring to toe propos^ con­ cluded two of conspiracy. of Luoal 671, Truck Drivere, Chauf­ —A possibility that tnaj PRUNES contest their election on that eedre. Nanktag, Sept 28— (AP)— versations by France, Britain and A fifth man, described aa "R ed band grenade at Japanese positions feurs and Helpers Unkm. trucking com piles soon mighi -Q roup 8 of Center church women The claim o f lUegallty waa baaed Dimitri V. Bogonioioff, the So­ Raly, on toe question of volunteers, Cook," now a fugitive, is being Harry Borden, 81, of Hartford, is •01 meet this avening at 8 o'clock Children’s on toe fact that Fred J. Dielen viet Arabaaaador to Chlw^ left Sln^Japanese batUe fo r Shanghai, tola Chinese soldter risks Delbos said, "the moment haa come sought by State Attorney Hugh M. attempt to break the strike i Armonr*s snddealy for Moeoow today on his Ufe co^ng part way out from a barricade. This photo was held on charges of oonsplracy to ai the church parlor. Generators achneider, member of toe Demo- flown to th« United States. when a clear declaration must be Alcorn.
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