Fine Famy Groceries. BELMAR Ocean City Ice Ant Goal Co. RB
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fe&;^*^H^"i'>^'"ii!'''Vv-v~i:'i'i.:'-""';:'•'•"• •"."•'••. .'•.••'•••• •''• .•••''!'•' :•• '•'•.',: '• •'' • - '...•.. ,•'• •• • . •.'••"•'. •••. : -.-• •:"T: "'•;.:, ' '..,..''';\V^v;:'^^^^^|^^^ \ '• : Wft)*iWl'».'»JUA;tJtj-Jwi'l-T.Tr—,.'Jty. .r',J*n m n i, ••,.,/, |t|f. '.•.... • , • ._...,., ,' : _. • 'j •',*,••••• • .i ' ' '• • ' ' •,..'. bating overheard, tiro C6of<?dcrat<> gen,- J AFRICAN BURIAL CU3TOM8; A REMARKABLE BANQUET. —'- ,to.;%.cdoyiuisa,tlo0 , In wjiich they die* seuted'liy i\w broaaiflrcploci. ;:••;•.?' ',V<-' •';'• "•!</,• ;• i>J" sit-oiiij^pM^-^'£'^i» ) 1 greatj.bflcH<!W alilnw*..;. bri, a • wj^ '"'•—.t* '"'"o' more~ -"^hl for r GettysburGettbu ig n ftnil*** Vs* Rxnanantar, Oiisisus •«*•' ^ut^Totml Dinner -Tsis*). Wu i night. It nlutters nut how tiiuny Vvrin- • or'Hnirfiifai ilL^ '1'lmA 'at*.'**.. 1 -^-V—' •f Ui f.'JlK. vrnor; One of the most remhrkabie private lV : v ( ! J her »IIOU|IIIIIOU|IIIM H sUmpml n?ltb. On tho Ivory Const Invest "Africa be- ..•-.,. -f.W/,'' •;'V;'''" »;i"t '. .yl>i'»V'."''.' .''i'' '' •i)"'" 'for«« >tdned to-mecr their oppbpouts 1 f tweeoi 'tberlvern Baudama anij Nal Uier« "dinners In the lilstury. of Delmonlco'a at' QcttTsburfr.'' And today :the T'hlld nn .of: a bIbngllfu. 'If 'you was given In tfow Vork, recently. by 'pnlutvd a Madnnrldri, hher s woulld bivtutbh v lives a cnrloua'uugro trlbu kuowil as l! <> 1 Is to decidv all the great battles, flinke the Banle, which Is a mixture of sev- Mr."George Heye. For the pleasure of .•-J. i.''.<r "' •'.•<'••'•'. MBBanBa'''''.'»"''t'' -''*' ''''' nUtlie laws, settle nil tho destlnlos anrf fuce. What n Koiitlu hniid slit' bad eral mcen. The collins used J>y these entertaining nlno, guotts from OftMn us^ervlni«heLWcrldV splyatleo or * when wo were Blclf and what n Voice 1 g uro reetptigiiUir,reepg,. and'eo,«andeo,«h u) minutes past 7* o'clock uiitll half puat :.< ..-_ "••-,\w^r^B,-i,nn.t!onaJ.i- to sootbo nnjnjnml woB'thcroniiJ one, dafll t f l blk 10 o'clock Mr. Ileyo tnijiKfornied tlio who could so OU np it cooiu with pAice fashioaedjcarjpfully out of, a largo block of mahogany. The sides, moreover, are red tooin jpf Etclmoiilco's (uto.n uilnlu- and purity, and light?., And \vli|it a ture bower. In.a pine forest and spjeiid 4 sa&day tliut waa. when wu cuuiu home, ornuuiuuted .with color bas-rellefa.' and tho cover I* usually-wrought In'most before them a ro|>jiBt which.cost him ,KotIco tlil^ Blblo nlglit and shu could greet us not, for her lips itmiit- finn fnr pni>h nf tin- ten t-iiyvpi Sj^i'^:~Ki-WA«iniroToirHDoc<.'A h -artlstte-styles—On^onerwhhih wa» maile- of Dr. Tausageui full of the. nativity ^nrfproyFfflniFVi Rnnmkc. utEc^~ T ^ jtho thrve'n'lso men kneeling'before ihe In thesu CiiriatuwA tltuiBimJ tuko your In ISU5 for tbo mummy of a cl laid. .. , ^^i«!s^^pi>roprla» for «he boll4ay.r text, Dlvlpe Infant? "Not boors.' n»\ Igno- the. said chieftain Is represented yaT Hundreds of pine'-boughs, says tho : old place niid, an tun or Y\Vuiuy or Ufty sMfe v.f; %'tn*e>|fc .10. VAnd.they came- with bafte rtbiuiiea, but Caapar. BdltbdMir and yours. auo. como und opsn the old Ol- on a leopard sklta. which bap been er- New York" Herald, •" bud Irani brought ;,fQand Mary and Joseph aud tho;McIi!bldri men who know all that was tlstlcally ongmved. the spots therein 1 bio an you navd to: read and kneel Id 'from the woods; and. thoxo wero HO ud- tf»tvlf<f»4n*n iMingf' * ..'.,: '.' ' Yv "" to be' fenoua. : They were- the Isaac tbo smile pluw where you used tp.pruy. bclug shown by square* cut out of the Justed upon tbe walls, celling uud lloor OU want your business on a ' shutters of a De- Nowtans nDdQeracbt'ta and FAraclayU and look upon tin. HH of old. wbou you wood. Alioyo'the dead man. Is an en- of tbo apartment as to coinplotely .con- ' paying basis; to have: its. thrown open.' und.) of thplr time. Tlicir alchemy waa tbo wlubml UA 11.merry CbrlxtiuaiTbr u hap- graving of iro umbrella, tho symbol of ceal tbolr original cburiteter.' liivlnllile singers of • world frtfrut r of orour.. nubllnw cbeuilBtrybeuilBtry. py nb\v ywirl Hut. no! Tlmt would b|» high iwslt.lon on earth, and beneath whre* wlfro *tretched tlirniiub tliutn nud share of the people's -pa- ;• . -frr "'' "^^r^^ri^'Q^it* _ stood there ami. their anthology tlitl o nibtborobtbf our wng- not In- fnlr to call yon Itack.' You bnd It a box of cartridges has been drawn, connected with bundrtilH of small In- tronage. /The' only way the "drapery of cloud. Ou tbo left I* represented tbo'gold bllt- -. '/il.- r; vj >•'-,,:!>.. ; '. nltlccnt astrniioiny, and when I seetroubles enough uud uclies enough, and candescent oloctrlc lluht globes, which VOL. XXI : Chanted a peace anthem nntll all. tbe these Ht;lentlHiH bowing beforii tbo beau- bcreaveuiuntii enough while you were . ed salier which he wore on-parade or peeped out from- the iirtsMi boughs on to get it there in this age of Special OCEAN OITY, N, JM THURSDAY. JANUARY 2. UK)2r echoes of bill and .valley applauded' anil tiful linbi- I see the1 prophecy of the bere.' Tarry by tho throne., inolbor, on tho warpath, and above It Is an en-- walls oud celilnu. Iia^h. globu was encored the halleluiah chorus. Comb. " hustle" is to judiciously adver- INotlce tlniu when all the telescopes' afad micros till we Join you there, your prayers all graving of his favorite drinking cup. shaped llko an orebld mid slinno with UOTEMAIID COTMOCl. — | • let us go Into that Christmas scene as answert»d. lind In the eternal homer On tbo'rightlIn like: manuor may be ATTOBSjr.VU- AT.CA W. jBf "" 'A 8OIS.Q' OF A DREAM. " """.* '. It was tho small boy bo bad seen oa scopes, and,all the Ldydbn.Jor*. and a pale green light tin., lout reality to tise. If you don't your competitor "" A TAILORS MISTAKE. THR STORM FtOWBO. : DISCOVEREO-BY-' though we bad never., before worship- all the olectrlo batteries, and all tbostead of our f!od we shall ninilu beop Been drawings of his dagger and of hi* tho Bcuiblauco of tbo rare woodland OCEAN CITY SENTINEL ' tbo upper deck a few minutes before. ;3EM will, arid you are sure to be the We print and Ut» llttsM llnffcr In th»'Bardenf«w«)t, Bow It Operated to.lke AdTaatali* 1 ed at tbe monger. Hero Is a Madonna Christmas'Jubilee together. But Apciik gun. • Ilelow the • corpso l» a death's flower..".' , • ; HOTEL ATGLEN J^ORGAN HANd, - Ami on thtf bill* tho trulilunnxl's] mitvii "Nui" grawled tbe man, leaning again ' ate tune wllti the aUat tH m observatorlcH. and all .the; unlvurxltk's ,. * . VOIILISHIlb WSSKLV AT , . ol • D«<ee«lT«. ' ' ' ;' 1 worth looking at ' I ..wonder not • that sbull bow to JeHUH., It Is inucb tlint from your tlironi'a. nil you glorlllud head uud tbe tiiruro <>f u woman, .who Is 'Over tbe crash that covered thu floor loser. -Place .your. advertisement . keep for sale Legal <l<>»f KK NINTH AMD CSHTHAI. AV*.. ATTORNEY and but autumn wbltpcm In cath rvil (utri'a over tlm rail, . : •'•v VMA narrd theaagrr K/. '•' ." '.' i '. tbe'.most frequent name In all hinds niotboni. and miy to nil tbeiH*. yoiii* son* Thy tinum, thy drvamT . - . "I. owe the sroatcst success of my ca- .the north «M (fcooud a Ule ef .WT»*,., Avuy alri'ady. Wboro,lB tho college that holding ju ber hand a saucer tilled with bad been strewn plno 1HIUJ;1IX. taugliM OCEAN CITY, N. J., ' Tho boy moved nearer and leaned But I tboueht U.«W» lo Ba. ' ' . and In all Christian centuries Is Mary. and <lnuchtem. wordu of love, worilx of bread. ' ' in the *• Sentinel" and you Blanks of every OCEAK CITY, N. J. COU NSELLOR-AT-LAW. over beside him. "Water's pretty, butt reer to'a mistake niy wife's tailor once doen no^ bavo nioralng .prayers, '.thuB of thick woodland moss and bnsbols, of —MV— . ' ' Sollollor, Uul't and KxamliHir In Ohauonry Ttw gold ol nti my •rracloua ttaita tow Uuw— ,q,, And there are Marys In palaces and Tlio death'* head represent* tbat one autumn leaves In nil their rlclr tints of Hapranie Court Cainiuluilitner. Notary l*ubllo Hutu lor tliy -Buurnlntft-.Mu* with ld itr •. ' .-.-.'• made,"' said the'dotrctlve. -'Uo sent 1I>* wtliHywIiliiInc movi . i. ;, tho , Worcester,. bowing at'the ninriser? Wbo have been warning. of cheer. Tboy. will be on the right road. description: NuMr.opcn. Terms (I.BO per dsy. I tioiight It m moauatt bloom.'1 Vary*' In cabins, and. though German tlio greatest puyHlclnnHT' Omlt'tlrig the nmorur the'dead man's slaves who, ac- acarlel. yellow aud gray, A round tn R. C. ROBINSON, Editor anil Froiirietor CAPE MAV COURT HOUSE; N. J. Thero was no answer. Aftor a mo- faonio a bandsoraoly ctubrolflertHl Jack- has; been a matter of <. and French and Italian and Spanish, your voice, for'tboyjbnvc. traveled far. But whursj U now. In all IKa'i m>i*t«ry, I'thomM Unto aui(. that luutklag namoa of the living limt wo should be and with uiany n-hc-iirthrtMilf Mlni.-tf you cording to ancient custom, should have bio. eight foot. In diameter, imide of un< ' -You must-use GOOD printed Deeds,-Mortgages a c. GOKF. (Opposite l'ublic llulldloga). Thy dtesun. thy drvMtuf ' * ment tbo boy began again, "Bay. hurt et, which sue refused to accept because IMablim^l njr nurovreca.;. ; .. oducators, for bo bqs long and English pronounce It differently/ Invldlotuv 'have 'we not bad among been sacrltkt'd ut tho time of his death, finished oak.