KAMIsaiah Israel ESTABLISHED 1847 יזכור Book of Remembrance KAM Isaiah Israel Congregation 1100 E. Hyde Park Boulevard Chicago, IL 60615 kamii.org | 773.924.1234 Memorials Hallowing Their Memory If you wish to have the memory of your loved one permanently enshrined within our Sanctuary, you may inquire about a bronze Memorial Plaque at the synagogue office. For information regarding memorial gifts, please contact Andy Kirschner at
[email protected] or 773.219.0228. These beloved past and present members of our congregation departed from life during this past year. Jacquelyn (Yocheved) Seevak Sanders Jerry Kaganove Jerry L. Solomon Jodie Ackerman Marianne Dreyfus Muriel Rogers Rachel Nussbaum (Wichert) Trudy Lehnhoff Zelda Star The death of a loved one leaves us in a world of darkness. We feel unsure of what to do, where to turn. In the darkness, questions abound – the timeless theological questions of our people, and the urgent questions of the moment: “What do I do now?” “How do I make arrangements?” “How can my tradition guide me at this time?” As the practical dilemmas become resolved, we return to the questions of the heart: “How could this happen?” “What does Judaism teach me about death, about the afterlife, about immortality?” “How will I cope?” At no other time in our lives do we so need each other, our congregation, our community, and our faith. Yet, in all of our struggles we are blessed – Judaism’s practice and promise hold out a beacon of hope to guide us along our journey. This Memorial Book is part of KAM Isaiah Israel’s ongoing commitment to perpetuate the memory of our loved ones.