Federally-Listed Species That May Be Present in the Great Plains Region (Current As of 1 March 2005)

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Federally-Listed Species That May Be Present in the Great Plains Region (Current As of 1 March 2005) Federally-listed Species That May Be Present In The Great Plains Region (current as of 1 March 2005) * indicates critical habitat has been designated Common Name Scientific Name Status Location MAMMALS Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Black-footed ferret Mustela nigripes E Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming Canada lynx Lynx canadensis T Colorado, Montana, Wyoming Gray bat Myotis grisescens E Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma Colorado (south of I-70), Gray wolf Canus lupus E Oklahoma and Texas (west of I Southwestern DPS 35) Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Eastern/western DPSs T Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming Grizzly bear Ursus arctos horribilis T Montana, Wyoming Herpailurus Gulf Coast jaguarundi E Texas yagouaroundi cacomitli Indiana bat Myotis sodalis E Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma Ursus americanus Louisiana black bear T Texas luteolus Mexican long-nosed Leptonycteris nivalis E Texas bat Ocelot Leopardus pardalis E Texas Preble’s meadow Zapus hudsonius preblei T Colorado, Wyoming jumping mouse* BIRDS Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Bald eagle Haliaeetus luecocephalus T Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming Black-capped vireo Vireo atricapilla E Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas Brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis E Texas Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Eskimo curlew Numenius borealis E Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas Golden-cheeked Dendroica chrysoparia E Texas warbler Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Interior least tern Sterna antillarum E Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas Mexican spotted owl* Strix occidentalis lucida T Colorado, Texas Northern aplomado Falco femoralis E Texas falcon septentrionalis Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Piping plover* Charadrius melodus T Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas Red-cockaded Picoides borealis E Oklahoma, Texas woodpecker Southwestern willow Empidonax traillii E Colorado, Texas flycatcher extimus Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Whooping crane* Grus americanus E Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming FISH Arkansas River Notropis girardi T Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas shiner* Big Bend gambusia Gambusia gaigei E Texas Bonytail* Gila elegans E Colorado Bull trout Salvelinus confluentus T Montana Clear Creek gambusia Gambusia heterochir E Texas Colorado Ptychocheilus lucius T Colorado pikeminnow* Comanche Springs Cyprinodon elegans E Texas pupfish Devils River minnow Dionda diaboli T Texas Fountain darter* Etheostoma fonticola E Texas Greenback cutthroat Oncorhynchus clarki T Colorado trout stomias Humpback chub* Gila cypha E Colorado Leon Springs Cyprinodon bovinus E Texas pupfish* Leopard darter* Percina pantherina T Oklahoma Neosho madtom Noturus placidus T Kansas, Oklahoma Ozark cavefish Amblyopsis rosae T Oklahoma Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus E Dakota, South Dakota Pecos gambusia Gambusia nobilis E Texas Razorback sucker* Xyrauchen texanus E Colorado San Marcos Gambusia georgei E Texas gambusia* Topeka shiner* Notropis topeka E Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota REPTILES Concho water snake* Nerodia paucimaculata T Texas Green sea turtle* Chelonia mydas T Texas Hawksbill sea turtle* Eretmochelys imbricata E Texas Kemp’s ridley sea Lepidochelys kempii E Texas turtle Leatherback sea Dermochelys coriacea E Texas turtle* Loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta T Texas AMPHIBIANS Barton Springs Eurycea sosorum E Texas salamander Houston toad* Bufo houstonensis E Texas San Marcos Eurycea nana T Texas salamander* Texas blind Typhlomolge rathbuni E Texas salamander Wyoming toad Bufo baxteri E Wyoming INVERTEBRATES American burying Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Nicrophorus americanus E beetle South Dakota Bee Creek Cave Texella reddelli E Texas harvestman Bone Cave Texella reyesi E Texas harvestman Braken Bat Cave Cicurina venii E Texas meshweaver* Coffin Cave mold Batrisodes texanus E Texas beetle Cokendolpher Cave Texella cokendolpheri E Texas harvestman* Comal Springs Stygoparnus comalensis E Texas dryopid beetle Government Canyon Cicurina vespera E Texas Bat Cave meshweaver Government Canyon Neoleptoneta microps E Texas Bat Cave spider Helotes mold beetle* Batrisodes venyivi E Texas Higgins' eye pearly Lampsilis higginsii E Nebraska mussel Kretschmarr Cave Texamaurops reddelli E Texas mold beetle Madla's Cave Cicurina madla E Texas meshweaver* Ouachita rock Arkansia wheeleri E Oklahoma pocketbook Pawnee montane Hesperia leonardus T Colorado skipper montana Peck’s Cave Stygobromus pecki E Texas amphipod Robber Baron Cave Cicurina baronia E Texas meshweaver* Scaleshell Mussel Leptodea leptodon E Oklahoma, South Dakota Tooth Cave ground Rhadine persephone E Texas beetle Tooth Cave Tartarocreagris texana E Texas pseudoscorpion Tooth Cave spider Neoleptoneta myopica E Texas Uncompahgre Boloria acrocnema E Colorado fritillary butterfly Unnamed ground Rhadine exilis E Texas beetle* Unnamed ground Rhadine infernalis E Texas beetle* Winged mapleleaf Quadrula fragosa E Kansas? mussel PLANTS Ashy dogweed Thymophylla tephroleuca E Texas Echinocereus Black lace cactus reichenbachii var. E Texas albertii Blowout penstemon Penstemon haydenii E Nebraska, Wyoming Bunched cory cactus Coryphantha ramillosa T Texas Chisos Mountain Echinocereus chisoensis T Texas hedgehog cactus var. chisoensis Clay-loving wild Eriogonum pelinophilum E Colorado buckwheat* Colorado butterfly Gaura neomexicana T Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming plant* coloradensis Echinocereus viridiflorus Davis’ green pitaya E Texas var. davisii Desert yellowhead* Yermo xanthocephalus T Wyoming Dudley Bluffs Lesquerella congesta T Colorado bladderpod Dudley Bluffs Physaria obcordata T Colorado twinpod Gypsum wild- Eriogonum gypsophilum T Texas buckwheat* Hinckley oak Quercus hinckleyi T Texas Johnston’s frankenia Frankenia johnstonii E Texas Knowlton cactus Pediocactus knowltonii E Colorado Large-fruited sand- Abronia macrocarpa E Texas verbana Little Aguja Potamogeton E Texas pondweed clystocarpus Lloyd’s mariposa Echinomastus T Texas cactus mariposensis Mancos milk-vetch Astragalus humillimus E Colorado Meads milkweed Asclepias meadii T Kansas Sclerocactus mesae Mesa Verde cactus T Colorado verdae Navasota ladies’- Spiranthes parksii E Texas tresses Nellie cory cactus Coryphantha minima E Texas North Park phacelia Phacelia formosula E Colorado Osterhout milk-vetch Astragalus osterhoutii E Colorado Pecos sunflower Helianthus paradoxus T Texas Penland alpine fen Eutrema penlandii T Colorado mustard Penland beardtongue Penstemon penlandii E Colorado Slender rush-pea Hoffmannseggia tenella E Texas Sneed pincushion Coryphantha sneedii var. E Texas cactus sneedii South Texas ambrosia Ambrosia cheiranthifolia E Texas Star cactus Astrophytum asterias E Texas Terlingua Creek cat’s- Cryptantha crassipes E Texas eye Texas ayenia Ayenia limitaris E Texas Texas poppy-mallow Callirhoe scabriuscula E Texas Texas prairie dawn- Hymenoxys texana E Texas flower Texas snowbells Styrax texanus E Texas Texas trailing phlox Phlox nivalis ssp. texensis E Texas Texas wild rice* Zizania texana E Texas Tobusch fishhook Ancistrocactus tobuschii E Texas cactus Uinta Basin hookless Sclerocactus glaucus T Colorado cactus Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, Ute ladies'-tresses Spiranthes diluvialis T Wyoming Walker’s manioc Manihot walkerae E Texas Water howellia Howellia aquatilis T Montana Western prairie Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Platanthera praeclara T fringed orchid Oklahoma White bladderpod Lesquerella pallida E Texas Zapata bladderpod* Lesquerella thamnophila E Texas .
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