Master List of Native Groups
Help Pages to Native Catholic Record Guides See User Guide for help on interpreting entries MASTER LIST OF NATIVE AMERICAN GROUPS new 2003, rev. 2006-2008 These groups indigenous to the Americas are documented in the Catholic- related archival records surveyed by Marquette University and/or found in the archival records at Marquette University. These terms are Library of Congress subject headings that are cultural and linguistic terms and not necessarily the legal names of tribes and communities. Brackets denote alternative and/ or additional community, ethnographic, historic, and legal names whereas parentheses denote past and present homeland and community locations noted in the records. Abenaki Indians (Maine) Ahtena Indians [Athapascan] (Alaksa) Alabamu Indians [Alabama] (Louisiana, Texas) Alsea Indians (Oregon) Apache Indians [Athapascan, Chiricahua, Cibecue, Jicarilla, Mescalero, White Mountain] (Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas) Apalachee Indians (Florida, Louisiana) Arapaho Indians (Oklahoma, Wyoming) Arickara Indians (North Dakota) Assiniboine Indians (Montana) Atsina Indians [Gros Ventre] (Montana) Bannock Indians (Idaho) Brulé Indians [Sicangu, Dakota, Lakota, Teton Sioux] (South Dakota) Caddo Indians [Adai, Hasinai] (Oklahoma, Texas) Cahuilla Indians (California) Catawba Indians (North Carolina) Cayuga Indians [Iroquois, Iroquoian] (Oklahoma) Cayuse Indians (Oregon) Chelan Indians [Colville Confederated] (Washington) Cherokee Indians (Kansas?, North Carolina, Oklahoma) Cheyenne Indians (Montana, Oklahoma) Chickasaw Indians
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