PREPARED FOR FINGAL COUNTY COUNCIL BY JASON BOLTON © Fingal County Council ISBN 9780954910365 For further information contact: County Hall, Swords, Co. Dublin Tel. 01 8905000 email:
[email protected] DISCOVERING HISTORIC FINGAL > FOREWORD & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Foreword & and other sources of information is then given together with contact details and a short description of each. The Guide also Acknowledgements details information available from Fingal County Council, local sources and a range of international sources such as the Guildhall Library in London. The importance of sources of information that During the formulation of the Fingal Heritage Plan one of the may not immediately spring to mind is underlined, including the issues which came to the fore was the need to provide greater large 20th century photographic and film archive held by RTÉ and access to information about all aspects of our heritage. the wealth of material housed in the National Gallery of Ireland. Discovering Historic Fingal - A Guide to the Study of Monuments, Historic Buildings and Landscapes is a response to this need. In Many people and organisations have been involved in completing particular, the publication of the Guide completes Actions 31 and this project and are to be thanked. The project was overseen by a 32 of the Fingal Heritage Plan 2005-2010. Heritage Forum committee comprising Christine Baker, Institute of Archaeology of Ireland, Tom Condit, National Monuments The Guide will be a first port of call for all those interested in Service, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local researching Fingal’s built heritage including planners, architects, Government, Fionnuala May, Conservation Officer and Gerry archaeologists, archivists, historians, members of local heritage Clabby, Heritage Officer, Fingal County Council.