Minutes 25 June 2021 - adopted 30 July 2021

BRADWORTHY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Friday 25 June 2021 in The Memorial Hall, Present: Chairman: Cllr S Lander Cllrs R Boughton (also TDC Cllr), V Chapman, M Coles, L Holloway, D Nicholls, S Payne, V Stevens, S Wright Cllr J Morrish (DCC) Cllrs A Dart & S Harding (TDC) C Kett (Clerk) 087/21 Apologies for absence None 088/21 Public Comment Session Richard Boughton, in his role as Churchwarden, informed the meeting that he had obtained an additional quotation for the felling works required in the Churchyard. He had contacted TDC for advice from the Tree Officer, but there is no Tree Officer at the moment. As the trees are in the Conservation Area an application had been made to TDC for the works required. Regarding finance, the cost of the works is in the region of £3,000. The Church has had a very difficult 15 months due to Covid. The usual fundraising activities had not been possible and the congregation is ageing and dwindling, hence the application to the Parish Council. 089/21 Councillors Declarations of Interests Cllr R Boughton declared an interest in item 104/21 (iv) (churchwarden) 090/21 Minutes: (i) to receive, confirm and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28 May 2021 Resolved: That the minutes are a true and accurate record and they be signed by the Chairman (ii) progress report on ‘Action’ points from the minutes (not already included on the agenda) 077/21: completed 079/21 (i) (a) & (b): completed 080/21: The Footpaths Officer had suggested a meeting with Ros Davies from DCC and Cllrs Stevens and Lander would be meeting her on 9 July 081/21 (i): completed 081/21 (ii) (c): completed 081/21 (iv): completed 083/21: Motorbike – Westward Housing Officer carrying out routine inspection 24 June Missing road sign – referred to non-safety defect signs team at DCC (iii) matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda None 091/21 Chairman: report The Chairman welcomed Cllr Morrish to the meeting and congratulated him on his recent election to DCC. She stated that she felt that the War Memorial looks lovely following its cleaning and refurbishment and locating the flower barrels in front of it would, hopefully, prevent cars parking there. She had received many positive comments. She thanked Mick Jones for his assistance in providing the soil for the barrels, filling and positioning them, Karen Barclay for the barrels, plus all the councillors who had assisted with their planting together with the flower beds in The Square and the Millennium Garden. The coffee morning which had been suggested had to be put on hold until later in July when the situation regarding Covid might be clearer. The question as to whether a Parish Council meeting should be held in August was raised and

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Minutes 25 June 2021 - adopted 30 July 2021

discussed. It was agreed that a Parish Council meeting be held on Friday 27 August. Action: clerk to book Memorial Hall for 27 August PC meeting 092/21 Clerk: report The Clerk reported the following: • Airband had been unable to attend the meeting. The TDC councillors provided information regarding the Airband presentation to Hartland Parish Council • the public toilets have been vandalised – broken toilet seat and the door handle wrenched - pulling out the bracing on the new door. Reported to TDC. • Litter pickers have been delivered. Kymble Eldridge had raised some queries regarding insurance cover for volunteer litter pickers Action: clerk to clarify the situation regarding insurance for the volunteer litter pickers 093/21 District Councillors Report Cllr R Boughton (TDC) reported that he had attended TDC’s full council meeting where the Carbon, Environment and Diversity Plan had been adopted. TDC had agreed to make an application to the ‘levelling up’ fund for . TDC had turned down an application at Northam for 35 houses which had been outside the Development Area. Cllr S Harding discussed the improvement plans for Bideford. Cllr A Dart informed the meeting that a new head of the Estates Management Team is in the process of being appointed. 094/21 County Councillor: report Cllr Morrish introduced himself. He had succeeded Barry Parsons who had stepped down at the May elections. He was still in contact with Barry. One of his new appointments was chairing the Investment and Pensions Board. He has already been lobbied about DCC investments. So far he had attended 21 parish council meetings and potholes came top of the list of concerns at a local level. The area around Stibb Cross and had already been done. He urged people to email him about any problems. 3 out of 6 Cabinet members are now from Torridge and North Devon, so hopefully this area will receive additional attention from DCC. He feels that parish councils are an important part of local democracy. He has a ‘local’ budget of £10,000 for minor items in his parishes and he asked that the parish let him know of any future items which he can help fund.

Cllr Morrish left the meeting at 7.43pm

095/21 Planning Matters: (including any received after the issue of the agenda) (i) Applications (a) 1/ 0502/2021/FUL: single storey extension to dwelling at Lew Farm Resolved: That Bradworthy Parish Council has no objection to the proposed development (b) 1/0580/2021/FUL: conversion of attached barn to provide additional accommodation for the property at 2 Lake Cottages Resolved: That Bradworthy Parish Council has no objection to the proposed development

Cllr R Boughton left the room (c) 1/0604/2021/FUL: erection of agricultural livestock building at land at Worden Farm Resolved: That Bradworthy Parish Council has no objection to the proposed development

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Cllr R Boughton was invited back into the room

(d) 1/0481/2021/FUL: part retrospective application for the change of use and conversion of part of an existing agricultural building to a holiday let at Barn at Brexworthy View Resolved: That Bradworthy Parish Council has no objection to the proposed development (e) 1/0632/2021/OUTM: Outline application for up to 22 dwellings with all matters reserved except access at land west of North Road An extension to the consultation period had been granted and this application would be considered in detail at the next parish council meeting on 30 July. Resolved: That Bradworthy Parish Council request that one of the TDC councillors call in this application Action: one of TDC Cllrs Boughton, Dart or Harding be asked to call in this application (ii) Decisions: 1/0480/2021/FUL: conversion of workshop to dwelling at workshop at Grid Reference 230856 113805 APPROVED 096/21 Maintenance Person: report and consideration as to the bus shelter seats The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk had met two of the applicants for this post. Paul Shotton had been engaged and had already started working on strimming and repairs. He had looked at the bus shelter and was proposing replacement of the seating along the back wall of the bus shelter which would give more room in the shelter for people and pushchairs. He would get a steel frame made up and have it galvanised to reduce future maintenance. Resolved: That the bus shelter seat be replaced with a single seat along the back wall of the shelter Action: clerk to inform the maintenance person 097/21 Transfer of Assets: update The Clerk informed the meeting that the Head of Legal Services at TDC had stated that a partial transfer was not possible and the Clerk outlined the items within the transfer which were problematic including accepting responsibility for the road into Collacott Close and the Calor gas bottles attached to the side wall of the public toilets. Cllr Dart had already stated that a new Estates Manager would be starting soon, so that may be an ideal time to revive and review this issue with TDC. 098/21 TDC – Area Advisory Group Meetings: consultation on the proposal to merge and Torridge Area Advisory Groups Discussion followed. Resolved: That the Parish Council respond stating that it was difficult to see how the proposed merging would ‘provide a better forum for consideration of those concerns which matter most’ when they are very different areas with very different concerns and the rural areas would be swamped with issues relating to the larger urban areas Action: clerk to respond accordingly to the consultation 099/21 Langdon Trust: consideration as to the status and representation on the Trust The Chairman had carried out some research into the history of the Trust. It was apparent that the incumbent vicar had not been invited to become a member of the Trust until sometime in the 1960’s. Discussion followed. Resolved: That the Chairman write to the present vicar proposing that the documentation relating to the Langdon Trust be deposited in the parish archives Action: chairman to write to the vicar

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100/21 Footpaths: update Cllr Val Stevens reported that a meeting with Ros Davies from DCC to discuss the parish paths had been arranged. The maintenance person had carried out a photographic survey of some of the paths and produced a report of the issues of concern found. Cllr Stevens would report back after the meeting with DCC. 101/21 War Memorial: report The Clerk reported that the refurbishment and cleaning had taken place. The lead lettering had been repainted. She had consulted with the niece of Mr Garfield Bond (whose bequest was being used to pay for the refurbishment) and a wording for the plaque had been agreed. Action: clerk to ascertain how and where a plaque could be affixed and arrange for the plaque to be purchased 102/21 Telephone Box: update Following on from the suggestion from a member of the public that the Telephone Box be used as a book and information exchange a poster had invited other suggestions with the cut-off date being 20 June. No further suggestions had been received. Resolved: That it is agree the telephone box be used as a book and information exchange when the current restrictions permit 103/21 Co Option advertisement – following insufficient requests being received to trigger an election No request for an election had been received by TDC. TDC had, therefore, asked the PC to proceed with co-option to fill the vacancy. The Clerk had drafted a poster advertising the vacancy. The closing date was discussed and it was agreed that the closing date be set as 26 July. Action: clerk to advertise the co-option on the website, noticeboard and social media 104/21 Finance: (i) Invoices for payment: to consider and approve the schedule of payments Resolved: That all the payments listed on the Schedule of Payments appended to these minutes be approved (ii) Bank Reconciliation as at 31 May 2021 Noted (iii) Provision of Flowers: consideration of a donation to North Devon Hospice following the donation of plants for the Parish Council flowerbeds. Ann Archer had provided 280 plants for the parish flower beds. She had not required any payment for the flowers but had requested that the PC consider a donation to North Devon Hospice. Resolved: That a donation of £250 be made to North Devon Hospice and a thank you card be sent to Ann Archer Action: clerk to arrange donation and card (iv) Bradworthy Church: request for funding towards the cost of felling trees

Cllr Boughton left the meeting.

Discussion followed. It was felt that, given that the Parish Council had recently spent nearly £8,000 for repairs to the clock and clock mounting (which belongs to the Parish Council) it was felt that the Parish Council could not justify providing additional funds to the Church to cover what is not the Parish Council’s responsibility. Resolved: That the request for funding is not agreed Cllr Boughton was invited back into the meeting

(v) Bradworthy Runners: consideration of application for funding The Clerk had not received a response to her email regarding the means of providing funding to Bradworthy Runners.

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(vi) Bradworthy Football Club: consideration of application for funding from the Forestmoor Community Fund and Recommendation from the group of councillors meeting to consider this application Discussion followed during which it was agreed that funding could be made from the 2021/2022 grant funding pot rather that the Forestmoor Fund. Resolved: That a grant of £500 be made to Bradworthy Football Club Cllr Anna Dart (TDC) suggested that the Football Club contact Vicky Feather at TDC to discuss if any revenue funding would be available. (vii) Fireproof Safe/Filing Cabinet/Key Safe: consideration as to the purchase for storage of PC minutes and documents etc The Clerk informed the meeting that the cost of a 4 drawer fireproof safe was in the region of £1,000. There were a lot of documents (original minutes, deeds, Collacott diaries etc) which were irreplaceable should a fire break out in the Memorial Hall. Resolved: That a Fireproof Safe/Filing Cabinet/Key Safe be purchased for the storage of parish documents 105/21 Correspondence: (i) Bradworthy Bowling Club: email thanking the PC for the grant awarded (ii) CAB: email thanking the PC for the grant awarded (iii) History Society: email thanking the PC for the grant awarded (iv) 1st Woolsery Scouts: email thanking the PC for grant awarded 106/21 Matters for consideration and matters to be noted at the Chairman’s discretion None

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm Next Meeting – Friday 30 July 2021 7pm

SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Approved 25 June 2021

Payment Payee Purpose Amount VAT Total Method O/L Payment Memorial Hall Hall hire 28 May 2021 for PC meeting £ 24.00 £0.00 £ 24.00 O/L Payment Community First Annual insurance premium £ 698.90 £0.00 £698.90 Debit Card SW Locksmiths Key cut & A4 storage pockets £ 5.99 £0.00 £ 5.99 O/L Payment BM&G Strimming & repairs, 8 June - 24 June £ 155.00 £0.00 £155.00 O/L Payment IMI War Memorial cleaning, refurb £1,950.20 £390.04 £2,340.24 O/L Payment Vanessa Chapman reimburse for plants-entrance to village flower box £20.97 £0.00 £ 20.97

TOTAL £2,855.06 £390.04 £3,245.10

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