EPI-NEWS NATIONAL SURVEILLANCE OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Editor: Peter Henrik Andersen Dept. of Epidemiology Tel.: +45 3268 3268 • Fax: +45 3268 3874 Statens Serum Institut • 5 Artillerivej • DK 2300 Copenhagen S www.ssi.dk •
[email protected] • ISSN: 1396-4798 DANISH HEALTH RESEARCH IN GUINEA-BISSAU No. 34, 2006 In one of the world’s poorest years, the BHP has been the focus of yields 70% protection against countries, Guinea-Bissau in West 22 PhD theses, mainly Danish, and rotavirus diarrhoea, and 52% Africa, the Bandim Health Project nine doctoral dissertations. protection against reinfection during (BHP) has been engaged in epide- the first year following the initial miological research since 1978 Research focus areas infection. This high protection rate focussing on infection, vaccination Two-dose measles vaccination suggests that a rotavirus vaccine and the long-term effects of health strategy: would be an effective means to intervention. Infection with measles before the reduce the incidence of acute The BHP is a collaboration between WHO recommended vaccination age diarrhoea with dehydration and Statens Serum Institut and the at 9 months is a growing problem in associated deaths. Guinea-Bissau Ministry of Health. the developing countries. This is For further information on the BHP, Child mortality in Guinea-Bissau due, among others, to increasing please contact project secretary ranks among the highest worldwide: urbanisation and an increase in the Christina Rasmussen,
[email protected]. > 200 per 1000 live born infants share of mothers who were them- (P. Valentiner-Branth, K. Mølbak, during the first three years of life. selves measles vaccinated at a young Dept.