Curriculum Vitae

Emily Boyd

School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Sciences (SAGES) Reading, RG1 6AH, UK Phone: +44 (0)118 3787756; Fax: +44 (0)118 975 5865; email: [email protected]

Present appointment Professor of Resilience Geography, School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Sciences (SAGES)

Research climate resilience, adaptation & mitigation, governance and development theory

DEGREES 1999-2003 Ph.D. University of East Anglia, School of Development Studies title: Forests Post Kyoto: Global Priorities and Local Realities Supervisors: Prof. Katrina Brown & Prof. Neil Adger. External examiner: Tim Forsyth, LSE.

1997-1998 MSc. , School of Plant Sciences 2.1 Thesis title: A natural resource assessment: A case study of Ncaute village in Namibia. Supervisor: Prof. Jeff Burly

1994 BSc. University of East Anglia, School of Development Studies (Hons)(2.1) Development Studies, 1st Class Final Dissertation


2011-2013 Reader, University of Reading, School of Human and Environmental Sciences, 2010-11 Maternity leave 2009-11 Lecturer in Environment and Development, , School of Earth and Environment; Deputy Director, Global Development Centre, University of Leeds Research on adaptation & mitigation, risk assessment UK, resilience theory, India, UK 2007-09 Leverhulme early career fellow, University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute Research on resilience, CDM and sustainable development in India 2006-07 James Martin research fellow, University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute Research on adaptation to climate change, vulnerability to climate risk 2005-06 Postdoctoral researcher and co-director MSc Environment, Governance and Globalisation, Centre for Transdisciplinary Environmental Management, Stockholm University Research on climate change, carbon governance and livelihoods in Bolivia and Brazil, 2004-05 Postdoctoral researcher, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia Research on adaptation to climate change, defining successful adaptation 2000-04 Writer and editor, International Institute for Sustainable Development, Earth Negotiations Bulletin 1998-99 Research assistant, CIFOR and European Commission DG8, Brussels and Zimbabwe, Africa Research on poverty and management of natural resources in Miombo woodlands 1 Curriculum Vitae


Director, Human Environments Group, Department of Geography and Environmental , University of Reading Reviewer The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) FAR WGII Editorial board Climate Risk Management (2012-) Editorial associate Journal of and Society (2007 -) Guest editor Development and Change (in review) Guest editor Antipode (2011) Guest editor Geographical Journal (2011) Guest editor Development Policy Review (2009) Academic Peer Review Group ESRC-DFID (22.11.10); CDKN (2011) Member of Evaluation Panel for Nordic Networks of the Programme “Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change” (Nordforsk), January 2010. Reviewer Living with Environmental Change: Adaptation and resilience to a changing climate (06.08.08) Reviewer Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Social Sciences (25.08.08) Reviewer Norwegian Research Council (28-29.04.10; 01.11.10; 04.11.110) Reviewer for: Philosophical Transactions Royal Soc. B (2008), GEC (2009), Ecology and Society (2009), World Development (2009, 2010, 2011) Environmental Science and Policy (2009), Environmental Education Research (2009), Environmental Policy and Governance (2009), EPA (2010); Science (2010), Global Environmental Politics (2010), Ecology and Society (2010), Development and Change (2011), Ecology & Society (2011), Small Scale Forestry (2011), E&S, Regional Development (2012), Science (2012), Global Environmental Change (2013).


2013- 15 Co-I ‘What are the limits for poverty alleviation and have these limits been exceeded?’, Ghana and Ethiopia, NERC/ESRC/DFID ESPA; Lead social scientist on two work packages identifying and assessing poverty indicators, designing participatory scenario planning, and managing PDRA while in the field for three years.

2013- 15 Co-I ‘Attributing the impacts of external climate drivers on extreme weather in Africa (ACE)’ Ghana and Kenya, NERC; Lead social scientist, social science design of the study, co-supervising PhD with Meteorological Department, Reading University.

2013- Co-PI ‘Sudan Early Warning System’ – Collaborative pilot project with SMA, Practical Action, Rainwatch (CIMMS), AfClix, and HERG, Sudan, Walker Institute Research Development Fund/SHES Internationalisation Fund; Lead social scientist, conceptual design, network mapping of community based organisations and remote management of data collection.

2011- PI ‘Adaptive Governance,’Ekoklim Transdisciplinary research programme at Stockholm University that investigates climate effects on biodiversity, ecosystem services and their governance, Sweden and International (2009-2014); Lead social scientist of team of senior scientist, 3 postdocs and 1 PhD student; oversight of multiple study design, planning and execution remotely and in situ, member of the Advisory Board.

2012- 13 Co-I ‘Public private people partnership (4P) for climate compatible development in Maputo, Mozambique’, CDKN Innovation Fund; Lead social science on the actor 2 Curriculum Vitae

mapping, study design, remote management of data collection and fieldwork in Maputo, assessment and lead on academics outputs.

2012 PI ‘Adaptation and Mitigation co-benefits in Ghana: REDD status, lessons, challenges and opportunities’, Ghana, Walker Institute/SHES Research Fund; Design of study, primary fieldwork data collection, semi-structured interviews, and analysis of study.

2010 Co-I ‘Valuing, Implementing and Evaluating Payments for Ecosystem Services in Latin America’, DFID/NERC; Contributions to the design of the social science component of the study, and an advisory role.

2010 Co-I WUN Research and Development Funds World Universities Network Grant on Gender and Climate Change; Contributed to the network development and communication, and an advisory role.

2007-09 PI ‘Harnessing carbon markets for the poor in India’ Leverhulme; Lead social scientist, supervision of research assistant, conducting primary data collection in India, provision of academic and policy relevant outputs (2007-2009).


2013- Walker Institute Research Development Fund/ SHES Research Fund Sudan Climate Early Warning System and Adaptation Strategies (SCEWAS) – collaborative pilot project with SMA, Practical Action, Rainwatch (CIMMS), AfClix, and HERG

2013-15 NERC/ESRC/DFID ESPA ‘What are the ecosystem limits for poverty alleviation and have these limits been exceeded?’ Co-I UoR, Oxford (2013-2015)

2013-15 NERC ‘Attributing the impacts of external climate drivers on extreme weather in Africa (ACE) (Oxford –Reading University) lead by Professor Myles Allen (School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford)

2009-14 MISTRA Ekoklim Transdisciplinary research programme at Stockholm University that investigates climate effects on biodiversity, ecosystem services and their governance

2012-13 CDKN Innovation fund Development of a Public Private People Partnership (4P) for climate compatible development in Maputo, Mozambique

2012 Walker Institute/SHES Research Fund Adaptation and Mitigation co-benefits in Ghana: REDD status, lessons, challenges and opportunities

2010 DFID/NERC Valuing, Implementing and Evaluating Payments for Ecosystem Services in Latin America

2010 WUN Research and Development Funds World Universities Network Grant on Gender and Climate Change US

2007-2009 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship , Oxford University

2006-2009 James Martin Fellowship, Oxford University

1999- 2002 Economic Social Research Council PhD Studentship

1996-1997 NERC/Linacre College MSc Studentship

1994 BP Conservation Programme Award 3 Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. George Neville RH/UoR ESRC DTC Provisioning water services to 2013-2015 the poor in urban Ethiopia Ph.D. Abdul Razak Saeed UoR Commonwealth Ecosystem services and poverty 2013-2015 Scholarhip alleviation in the context of Ghana and Liberia Ph.D. Hannah Parker NERC Attribution and climate 2013-2015 governance in Africa Ph.D. Dennis Mailu, UoR Self-funded Resilience and urban ecology in 2012-2014 Nairobi Kenya Ph.D. Peter McManners, UoR University Social The interface between economic 2012-2014 Sciences globalisation and sustainability: Studentship challenges and solutions Ph.D. Margarate Kunje UoR WWF Can forests protect people from 2013-2014 climate change? Ph.D. Idegbe Ebereonwu, UoR Niger Delta Energy Policy and 2012-2014 Development Environmental Pollution in Commission Nigeria Ph.D. Tariya Yusuf UoR Bauchi State The role of stakeholder 2012-2014 Scholarship, participation in enhancing Nigeria sustainable environmental strategies in Nigeria PhD Tahia Desschiver, Oxford Self-funded Forest fires and institutions in 2012-2014 University Bolivia Ph.D. Diego Gafalasi, Stockholm EkoKlim Transformations from a social 2012-2014 University ecological network perspective Ph.D. Nicola Favretto University Self-funded Biofuels and development in 2009-2010 of Leeds, RSG member Mali Ph.D. Sally Lampkin, School of ESRC Motivation in low carbon 2004-2010 Environmental Sciences, development University of East Anglia DPhil Alison J Ashlin, Oxford NERC/ESRC Biodiversity, natural hazards and 2007-2009 University the 2005 Tsunami MSc Festus Asaaga UoR Deforestation and local 2013 knowledge interplay in Ghana MSc Ffion Watson UoR Early Warning Systems in Africa 2013 in the context of Kenya, Africa. MSc Zablon Shilenje Early Warning Systems in the 2013 context of Sudan, Africa. MSc Shani Haruna, UoR Can improve 2013 climate change research? A case of the University of Reading MSc Richa Gurung. UoR Barriers to adaptation in the 2013 context of communities in the Terrai in Nepal MSc Huang, Wei, University of Can CDM deliver poverty 2010 Leeds alleviation in China? MSc McInnes, Karen E, Contemporary REDD narratives 2010 University of Leeds in Ghana: a reflection of their history and evolution of deforestation

4 Curriculum Vitae

MSc Singh, Tanu, University of Critical evaluation of the climate 2010 Leeds change adaptation strategies in urban India MSc Aaron Holdway, Oxford Impacts of climate change on 2010 University adaptation and tourism in Mauritius MSc. Alex Bozmoski, Oxford CDM in South Africa 2009 University Msc. Simon Billet, Oxford CDM in Mexico 2009 University MSc. Martin Herren, Oxford Climate policy and G77 2009 University MSc. Lindsey Jones, Oxford Barriers to adaptation 2009 University MSc. Nick Moss, Oxford Adaptive governance and marine 2009 University protected areas in Fiji MSc. Emma Marjorie Awuku, Biodiversity and livelihoods in 2009 Oxford University Ghana MSc. Emma Woods, Oxford Participatory video in 2009 University biodiversity conservation RA Hanoch Ilsar, Oxford Carbon development 2008 University MSc. Saeed Abdul-Razak, Redd in Ghana 2008 Oxford University Msc. Bernadette Kwok Jia-yan, Adaptation in urban Sydney 2008 Oxford Univesity MSc. Jean-Christophe Amado, Adaptation and mitigation 2008 Oxford University synergies MSc. Julia Rawlins, Oxford Urban adaptation in Berlin, 2008 University University of Oxford MSc. Leina Wu, Oxford CDM in China 2007 University MSc. John Coles, Oxford CDM in Brazil 2007 University MSc. Anneli Nordling, Forest governance in Cambodia 2006 Stockholm University MSc. Cecilia Agbhor, Forest governance in Cameroon 2006 Stockholm University MSc. Andy Pelsma, Stockholm Urban adaptation and the 2006 University Olympics MSc. Blaise Mkwane, Forest governance in Cameroon 2006 Stockholm University


Level Institution Subject Hours Date UG/MSc University of Reading Resilience for Sustainable 20 Autumn 2012 Development UG University of Reading Human Geography 20 Autumn 2012 Principles and Practice UG University of Reading Sustainable development 20 Autumn term 2011 UG University of Reading People and Places global 10 Spring term economy UG University of Reading Skills in human geography 14 All year UG University of Leeds Climate science, policy 11 Spring term 2010 5 Curriculum Vitae

and management MSc University of Leeds Module coordinator: 18 Spring term 2010 climate change mitigation MSc. Oxford University Centre , markets and 11 Hilary Term for the Environment development 2008/09 (option module) MSc. Oxford University Centre Ecosystems, markets and 11 Hilary Term for the Environment development 2007/08 (option module) MSc. Oxford University Centre Methods in social science, 9 Hilary Term for the Environment, Development & 2007/08 Environmental Change Environment and Management (ECM) MSc. Stockholm University Governance theory 3 Autumn Term (Natural Resources, 2005 Governance, and Globalisation) Programme course coordinator

Guest lecturer Level Institution Subject Hours Date MSc Stockholm University Adaptive governance: a 2 15.01.10 critical perspective MSc. Leeds University Climate change 2 4-5.05.09 governance: CDM and Development MSc. Oxford University School of Governing markets for 2 20.02.08 Geography development MSc. Centre for Transdisciplinary Governing markets for 3 20.09.2005 Environmental Research, development. Stockholm University. School British Council, Bangladesh Aspects of development 15 16.12.2005 - and climate change 22.12.2005 policy, including on development, CDM, and adaptation.

Teaching assistant Level Institution Subject Hours Year MA. Development Studies, UEA: Research Methods for 20 2003 (Environment and Social Scientists Development) (RMSS) MA. Development Studies, UEA: Research Skills for 20 2003 (Environment and Social Analysis (RSSA) Development)


Level Name and institution Project Date PhD External Deborah Ley (Oxon) Adaptation and Mitigation in 13.12.12 examiner Guatemala PhD External Jessica Ayers, London School Adaptation in Nepal 06.01.11 examiner of Economics (LSE) PhD External Joel Scriven, School of Forest carbon and REDD 14.12.10 6 Curriculum Vitae examiner Geography, Oxford University PhD Transfer Philip Antwi-Agyei, Vulnerability and Adaptation of 10.06.10 University of Leeds Ghana’s Food Production Systems to Climate Variability and Change PhD External Bernado Peredo, School of Forest policy in Bolivia, 10.05.10 Geography, Oxford University PhD External Matilda Palm, Gothenburg CDM in India 24.11.09 University PhD Internal Adam Bumpus, School of Carbon markets and development 24.06.09 Geography, Oxford University DPhil Upgrade John Cole, School of CDM in Brazil 24.02.09 Geography, Oxford University DPhil Upgrade Adam Bumpus, School of Carbon markets and development 08.01.09 Geography, Oxford University DPhil Upgrade Bernardo Peredo, School of Governance of Forests in Bolivia 12.12.2008 Geography, Oxford University DPhil Internal Florence Crick. School of Exposure to drought: adaptive 21.11.2007 Geography, Oxford strategies amongst rural natural University resources dependent societies in Africa MPhil Internal Department for International CDM and Governance 01.02.2007 Development, Oxford University MPhil External Lisen Schultz Department of Community-based management of 24.05.2006 Systems Ecology, Stockholm natural resources: A case of University Kristianstad Vattenrike in Sweden MSc External Department of Systems Governance, Globalisation, and 30.05.2005 Ecology, Stockholm Natural Resources University


2012 Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA), Adaptation to Climate Change Seminar, 2 October, 2012. Title: ‘Weathering the drought: Strategies for adaptation under extreme risk and uncertainty’ 2011 Food Security and poverty alleviation under changing environmental conditions: Challenges and opportunities in Sudan International Symposium, Khartoum 12-14 December 2011. Title: ‘Social protection and wellbeing under climate futures’ 2011 Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, workshop on Resilience and Adaptation, Vienna, 21-22 February, 2011 Title: ‘Adapting institutions, governance and complexity’. 2010 Development Studies – past, present and future, International Development Studies 25th Anniversary Conference, Roskilde, Denmark,10 September 2010. Title: ‘Development futures under climate change: What is the added value of a resilience lens?’ 2010 High-level meeting on National Resilience, EastWest Institute and James Martin 21st C School, Oxford University, 29 October 2010. 2010 School of Geography, Oxford University, 26 March 2010. Title: ‘What is social- ecological resilience?’ 7 Curriculum Vitae

2009 Centre for Development Studies, Politics and International Studies, Seminar Series on Recession: Title: ‘Shifting gears: the recession and climate change’, University of Leeds. 10 November 2009. 2008 UK-Amazon network, ‘Understanding large-scale ecological patterns and processes in the Amazon: opportunities for learning and knowledge transfer in UK research’, The Flett Theatre, Natural History Museum, London 29th October 2008. Title: ‘Added value of a resilience lens for understanding governance of climate related transformations’ 2008 ESRC – ICSSR Workshop on environmental sustainability and climate change, New Delhi, India. 17-18 November 2008. Title: ‘Governing the new carbon economy for development’ and ‘Transformations in practice’ 2008 Commonwealth Policy Studies ‘Pro-poor forestry and carbon finance 1-2 August 2008. Title: ‘Governing pro-poor forest carbon’ 2008 Vulnerability and Resilience Colloquium, Stockholm University, 9-10 April 2008. Title: ‘Reporting on the Outcomes of the Oxford Workshop on Resilience, Research and Realities in African Environments’ 2008 Resilience 2008: Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times, International Science and Policy Conference, Stockholm, 14 April 2008. Title: ‘IHDP Current Challenges to Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation Agendas’ 2008 University of Reading SAPD seminar series, 30 October 2008. Title: ‘Governance of carbon markets and development’ 2008 Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna: Workshop on Resilience – A Concept of Socio-Economic Crisis Prevention, held in cooperation with Vienna-based international organisations, 26-27 February 2008. Title: ‘Application of Resilience to socio-ecological systems’ 2007 British Council, New Delhi, India: UK-India Young Scientists Networking Conference on Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change, 26-30 November 2007. Title: ‘Cultural interpretations of floods in UK and India in 2007’ 2007 Commodifying Carbon: The Ethics of Markets in Nature, Oxford University, 16 July 2007. Boyd, E. and Boyd, J., Title: ‘Revisiting markets for development’. 2007 Resilience, Realities and Research in African Environments, Oxford University, 18 June 2007. Boyd, E. et al., Title: ‘Resilience and development: Never the Twain shall meet’ 2007 IVL Stockholm, State of the Environment Dialogue, 15 March 2007. Title: ‘Resilience and climate change’ 2006 Sustainable development series, Stockholm University, 4 September 2006.Title: ‘Millennium development goals, ecosystems, and sustainable development’


2013 Panel speaker, Institute of Development Studies, ‘A Climate of Distraction: Are Current Efforts to Integrate Climate and Development Misdirected?’, 17 April, 2013 2013 Presenter, Governing urban climate change adaptation “Transformation in a Changing Climate Conference”,19-21 June 2013, Oslo, Norway. 2013 Panel presenter, ‘Bearing the brunt of environmental change: understanding climate adaptation and transformation challenges in African cities’, A Benchmark International Workshop in the Urban Studies Journal Seminar Series, Royal Holloway, 16-17, April 2013. 2013 Panel speaker, ECCA, European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, 18-20 March, Hamburg. Two papers accepted ‘Weathering the drought’ Boyd, Cornforth, Lamb et al.; ‘Admit it! Synergies between adaptation and mitigation’ Anderton and Boyd. 2012 Pre-film seminar, ‘Even the Rain’ – University of Reading Green Week, 13 November 2012. 2012 Panel speaker Amsterdam Workshop on Adaptation Governance, 23-24 March 2012. Title: Enabling adaptation: A polycentric institutional approach.

8 Curriculum Vitae

2012 Panel speaker ‘Association of American Geographers New York. Title: ‘Carbon forests in Haryana India: An environmentality analysis’ 23-28 February 2012. 2012 Panel convenor for Planet under Pressure. 26-29 March 2012. Title: Adapting Institutions. 2011 Panel convenor, ‘Re-imagining development under climate change: urgency, politics and transformations’, Resilience 2011 Conference, Resilience, Innovation, and Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change, 11-16 March 2011, Arizona State University. 2010 PERG workshop sustainability futures, Birmingham University, 6 -7 May 2010 Title: ‘Permissible vulnerabilities adapting institutions to flood events in Urban India’ 2010 Panel speaker, Development Studies Association, 5 November 2010. Title: ‘The CDM as ethical development?’ 2009 Panel convener, Development Studies Association, Ulster University 2-4 September 2009. Title: ‘Climate change and development: urgency, politics and transformations.’ 2009 Panel Chair, Climate futures: transformations, politics and urgency, organised by the Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University, with Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Walker Institute, St Anne’s College, Oxford University, 1-2 June 2009. 2009 Panel convenor, ‘Theorizing the carbon economy’, Oxford University. September 2009. 2008 Panel Discussant, STEPS Centre Symposium 2008 Reframing Resilience: Transdisciplinarity, reflexivity and progressive Sustainability, Sussex University, 24- 26 September 2008. Title: ‘What insights might constructivist perspectives and the politics of knowledge bring to resilience thinking?’ (http://www.steps- 2008 Panel Discussant, ‘Varieties of carbon governance, the Clean Development Mechanism in newly industrialising countries’, International Expert Workshop of the Research Centre University Potsdam, Berlin. 3-4 July 2008. 2008 Panel moderator, Resilience 2008: Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times, International Science and Policy Conference, Stockholm,14 April 2008. Title: ‘Adaptation and Social Sources of Resilience.’ 2006 Panel moderator, book launch, Lynas, M. (2006) ‘High Tide News from a Warming World’. Stockholm University, 9 February 2006 2005 Panel presenter, side event COP-11 Montreal, 1 December 2005. Title: ‘Adaptation to climate change’ 2005 Panel discussant, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Dehradun, India. Theme: Facilitating Forestry Mitigation Projects in India 15-17 June 2005. Title: ‘What needs to be done for the promotion of forestry mitigation projects?’ 2004 Panel discussant, Institute for Environment and Development and the Regional and International Networking Group, Buenos Aires. Theme: Development and Adaptation Days at COP-10, The Science of Adaptation 12 December 2004 2004 Panel discussant, EFIEA Science-Policy Workshop, UEA 1-2 November 2004. Title: ‘Sustainable development and climate change’


2013 Boyd,E and Juhola,S. Governing urban climate change adaptation Transformation in a Changing Climate Conference, 19-21 June 2013, Oslo, Norway. 2013 Boyd et al Governing urban climate change risk: evidence of early transitions in Maputo, Mozambique, Transformation in a Changing Climate, 19-21 June 2013, Oslo, Norway. 2013 Boyd, E., Cornforth, R., Lamb, P. et al. Resilience strategies for local adaptation strategies under extreme climate risk and uncertainty. Accepted ECCA conference 2013. 2103 Anderton, K. and Boyd, E. Admit it! Climate change responses can be systematic and successful; but require more collaborative governance systems. Submitted to Accepted ECCA conference 2013. 9 Curriculum Vitae

2012 Boyd, E. and Kjellen, B. Enabling adaptation: A polycentric institutional approach. Amsterdam Workshop on Adaptation Governance, 23-24 March 2012. 2012 Boyd, E., Castan Broto C., Ensor J., Caban Y. Environmentalities of urban adaptation (risk) in the context of Maputo, Mozambique, RGS, Edinburgh, 3-5 July 2012. 2012 Boyd, E. Environmentality and CDM forests: A case from Haryana, India AAG, New York, 24-28, 2012. 2011 Boyd, E. and Boykoff, M. (2011) Permissible vulnerabilities: adapting institutions to flood events in urban India. Paper presented at Resilience 2011. 2011 Mosse, N. and Boyd, E. Building Resilience through Adaptive Co-management: The role of Adaptive Governance in the FLMMA Network, Fiji. Paper prepared for Resilience 2011. 2011 Ashlin, A and Boyd, E. (2011) Disasters, discourse and new directions? Reflections on the renewal phase in post-tsunami Sri Lanka. Paper prepared for Resilience 2011. 2010 Boyd, E. (2010) Environmentality and community-based forest carbon: Cases from India and China. DevNet Conference, Nature, Poverty, Power Assessing Challenges to Sustainable Development, Uppsala University, 25-26 November. 2010 Boyd, E. and Goodman, M. (2010) Tripping the carbon fantastic: CDM as ethical development. Development Studies Association Annual Conference, London. Development paths: values, ethics and morality, 5 November. 2010 Boyd, E. and Boykoff, M. (2010) Permissible vulnerabilities adapting institutions to flood events in urban India. PERG workshop Birmingham, Sustainability Futures, 6-7 May. 2009 Boyd, E. and Boykoff, M. (2009) Permissible vulnerabilities? Examining cultural interpretations of climate risk and resilient adaptation strategies among urban elite in Mumbai. Paper presented at the World Bank (2009) 5th Urban Research Symposium Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda. Marseille France, 28-30 June. 2009 Osbahr, H. and Boyd, E. (2009) Resilience in Practice: IHDP, 2009 2009 Boyd, E. and Osbahr, H. (2009) Resilient responses in networked organisations: IHDP, 2009. 2008 Osbahr, H. and Boyd, E. (2008) Resilience and Development. Paper presented at the Resilience 2008 Conference, Stockholm University 17-21 April. 2007 Boyd, E. and Hope, R. (2007) Ecosystem services, poverty and property rights. Paper presented at the Developing Area Studies Group, Berkeley University 16-17 April. 2007 Boyd, E. (2007) Privatizing the commons: why markets are a cause for concern? Paper presented at the Annual Association of Geographers, San Francisco 17-25 April. 2007 Boyd, E. (2007) Adaptive Governance: A remedy for Amazonia? Paper presented at the Fate of the Amazon Workshop, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, 20- 22 March. 2006 Schipper, E.L., Boyd, E., Kohler, P.M. (2006) Adaptation to Climate Change and Ecosystem Management: Exploring Synergies. Paper presented at Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Conference, Bali, 6-9 December. 2005 Boyd, E., Tompkins, E.L., Nicholson-Cole, S. (2005) Conflicts and tradeoffs among UK adaptation stakeholders. Presented at the 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community “Global Environmental Change, Globalization and International Security: New Challenges for the 21st Century”, University of Bonn, Germany, 9-13 October. 2005 Boyd, E. (2005) Addressing vertical cross-scale interplay among scale dependent resource regimes: a case of the NKMCAP in Bolivia. Prepared for: The USGS Workshop on Institutional Analysis for Environmental Decision-making, Fort Collins, Colorado, 28-29 January. 2005 Boyd, E. (2005) Property rights, process, and partners in the emerging carbon market, Prepared for: Structures of Vulnerability: Mobilisation and Resistance, Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Stockholm University, 12-14 January. 2004 Boyd, E. (2004) Addressing cross-scale institutions in carbon sequestration: a case of carbon sequestration in Bolivia. Prepared for: the Tenth Biennial Conference of the

10 Curriculum Vitae

IASCP: The Commons in an age of Global Transition, Risks and Opportunities. Oaxaca, Mexico, 9-13 August. 2004 Boyd, E. (2004) A case for socioeconomic criteria in the emerging carbon market: evidence from Bolivia and Brazil, Managing the transformation to a low carbon economy, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 23-24 August. 2004 Boyd, E., Gutierrez, M. and Chang, M. (2004) Adapting carbon markets to small-scale projects for low-income communities. Prepared for: Climate Protection as Development Opportunity, International Conference, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, 7-8 June. 2004 Boyd, E. (2004) The politics of cross-scale governance in carbon sinks: global priorities and local realities. Prepared for: Millennium Assessment Bridging Scales and Epistemologies Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, 17-20 March. 2003 May, P., Boyd, E., Veiga, F., and Chang, M. (2003) Toward socially and environmentally friendly carbon: learning from pilot projects in Bolivia and Brazil. Prepared for the International Congress on Globalisation, Localisation and Tropical Forest Management in the 21st century. Amsterdam, 22-23 October. 2003 May, P., Boyd, E., Veiga, F., and Chang, M. (2003) Toward socially and environmentally friendly carbon: learning from pilot projects in Bolivia and Brazil. CIFOR International Conference on Rural Livelihoods, Forests and Biodiversity, Bonn, Germany, 19-23 May. 2002 Boyd, E. (2002) From global governance to local realities: a case study of the Noel Kempff Climate Action Project Bolivia. Prepared for: Working Forests in the Tropics, University of Gainesville Florida, 25-26 February. 2002 Acutt, N., Ali, A., Boyd, E., Hartmann, A., Kim, J.A., Lorenzoni, I., Pyhala, A. and Winkels, A. (2000) Interdisciplinary research: a key to global environmental issues. Prepared for the Postgraduate Forum International Conference on Methods or Madness: the Use and Abuse of Interdisciplinary Research, South Hampton University, 23 September. 2000 Boyd, E. (2000) The global commons and local forestry initiatives for offsetting carbon dioxide emissions: A rights-based perspective. Prepared for: the Development Studies Association Multi-disciplinary Conference on Environmental Resources: conflict, co-operation and governance, University of Bradford, 17-18 May


2012- Co-chair of the Climate Humanitarian Working Group 2011- Steering board, Ekoklim, Stockholm University 2011- Associate, the Walker Institute for Climate Systems Research, 2010-2011 Visiting fellow, WSL Zurich 2009-2011 Deputy director, Global Development Centre, University of Leeds 2007-2010 Team leader Adaptive Governance, Stockholm Resilience Centre 2009 Invited expert Foresight Drivers of Change ‘Imagining the Difficult to Imagine Drivers of Change to Food Production and Consumption’, City Inn, Westminster, London, 12-13 October 2009; Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, London School of Economics, 8–9 October 2009; Commission on Climate Change and Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm. Assess the approach and policy relevance of a draft paper entitled ‘The human dimension of climate change’ for a framework to address climate change adaptation for the Commission on Climate Change and Development, 9 January 2009; International Commission on Land Use Change, Westminster. 8 September 2008. 2008-2011 Member of board for Latin America Research Programme, Research Council of Norway (3 year appointment from September 2008) 2008-2011 Faculty associate, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, Oxford University 2008-2009 Member of review committee SEI Research Innovation Fund 11 Curriculum Vitae


Professor Diana Liverman Regents Professor of Geography and Development, University of Arizona Visiting Professor of Environmental Policy and Development, School of Geography and Environment, and Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University Co-Director, Institute of the Environment Marshall Building 845 N Park Ave, Suite 532 Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: (520) 626-2910 Admin Phone: (520) 626-4345 Fax: (520) 626-6227 Email: [email protected]

Professor Tim O’Riordan Emeritus Professor Environmental policy analysis Zicer Buidling, University of East Anglia Norwich Norwich NR4 7TJ UK Phone and fax: Please use email [email protected]

Professor Yadvinder Malhi Professor of Ecosystem Science School of Geography and the Environment Oxford University Centre for the Environment (Dyson Perrins Bldg.) University of Oxford South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1865 285188 Fax: +44 (0)1865 271929 Email: [email protected]

12 Curriculum Vitae


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Boyd, E. and Cornforth, R, Lamb, P. et al. Building Resilience in the Face of Recurring Environmental Crisis in African Sahel. Nature Climate Change 3, 764 (2013) doi:10.1038/nclimate1969 (33.3% contribution) Boyd, E. and Gosh, A. Local innovations and networks for climate resilience in Mumbai. Environment and Planning C (in press) (70% contribution) Mustalahti, I., Bolin, A., Boyd, E. and Paavola, J. (2012). Can REDD+ reconcile local priorities and needs with global mitigation benefits? Lessons from Angai Forest, Tanzania. Ecology and Society 17(1): 16. (25% contribution) Boyd, E., Boykoff, M. and Newell, P. (2011) The ‘new’ carbon economy- what is new? Introduction to Special Issue Antipode 43:3. (33.3% contribution) Boyd, E. and Goodman, M. (2011) The Clean Development Mechanism as Ethical Development?: Reconciling Emissions Trading and Local Development. Journal of International Development Vol.23(6) 836-854. (90% contribution) Jones, L. and Boyd, E. (2011) Exploring social barriers to adaptation: insights from Western Nepal. Global Environmental Change, 21 (4). pp. 1262-1274. ISSN 0959-3780 doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.06.002 (33.3% contribution) Goodman M. and Boyd, E. (2011). A social life for carbon? Commodification, markets and care. The Geographical Journal 177 (2), 102-109. (40% contribution) Boyd, E. (2010) Societal Choice for Climate Change Futures: Trees, Biotechnology, and Clean Development. Bioscience, 60 (9), 742-750. Boyd, E. and Osbahr, H. (2010) Resilient responses to climate change: Exploring organisational learning in networked development organisations. Environmental Education Research, 16 (5), 397–411. (Selected by Routledge as one of 100 top articles on climate change and development). (80% contribution) Edwards, D.P., Fisher, B.F. and Boyd, E. (2010) Protecting degraded : enhancement of forest carbon stocks under REDD+. Conservation Letters 3:313-316. (33.3% contribution) Barlow, J., Ewers, M., Gardner, T., Anderson, A., Aragao, L., Baker, T., Boyd, E. et al. (2010). Using learning networks to understand complex systems: a case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon. Biological Reviews Biological Reviews 86:2, 457-474 (10% contribution) Tompkins, E.L., Adger, W. Neil, Boyd, E., Nicholson-Cole, S., Weatherhead, K. and Arnell, N. (2010). Observed adaptation to climate change as initiated transition: UK evidence. Global Environmental Change 20(4), 627-635 (25% contribution) Miller, F., Osbahr, H., Boyd, E., Thomalla, F., Bharwani, S., Ziervogel, G., Walker, B., Birkmann, J., Van der Leeuw, S., Rockström, J., Hinkel, J., Downing, T., Folke, C., and Nelson, D. (2010). Resilience and vulnerability: complementary or conflicting concepts? Ecology and Society 15(3): [online] URL: (25% contribution) Boyd, E. (2009) The Noel Kempff Project in Bolivia: gender, power and decision-making in climate mitigation, in Terry, G. (ed) 2009. Climate Change and Gender Justice. Working in Gender and Development Series. Oxfam and Practical Action Publishing. Pp. 240.

13 Curriculum Vitae

Boyd E. and Juhola, S. (2009) Stepping up to the climate change: Opportunities in reconfiguring development futures. Journal of International Development, 21 (792- 804). (50% contribution) Boyd, E. (2009) Governing the Clean Development Mechanism: Global Rhetoric versus Local Realities in Carbon Sequestration Projects. Environment and Planning A, Vol. 41 (10) Boyd, E., Hultman, N., Roberts, T., Corbera, E. et al. (2009). Reforming the CDM for sustainable development: lessons learned and policy futures. Environmental Science and Policy. Vol.12:7, 820-831. (50% contribution) Boyd, E., Grist, N., Juhola, S., Nelson, V. (2009) Exploring Development Futures in a Changing Climate: Frontiers for Development Policy and Practice. Overview to the Special Issues. Development Policy Review. Vol. 27, No. 6. (50% contribution) Hultman, N., Boyd, E., Roberts, J.T., Cole, J., Corbrera, E., Ebeling, E., Brown, K. and Liverman, D.M. (2009). How Can the Clean Development Mechanism Better Contribute to Sustainable Development. Ambio, 38(2): 120-122. (25% contribution) Doria, M., Boyd, E., Tompkins, E.L., Adger, W.N., (2009) Using Expert Elicitation to Understand Successful Adaptation to Climate Change. Environmental Science and Policy 12(7):810-819. (25% contribution) Boyd, E. (2008). Navigating Amazonia under uncertainty: learning from past and present forms of environmental governance. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Vol.363: 1498. Pp. 1911-1916. Boyd, E., Osbahr, H., Ericksen, P., Tompkins, E.,L., Lemos, M.C. and Miller, F. (2008). Resilience and ‘Climatizing’ Development: Examples and Policy Implications. Development 51(3). Pp.390-396. (25% contribution) Boyd, E., Corbera, E. and Estrada, M. (2008) UNFCCC Negotiations (Pre-Kyoto to COP-9): What the Process says about the Politics of Sinks in the CDM. International Environmental Agreements. Vol 8:2. 95-112. (90% contribution) Tompkins, E., Lemos, M.C., Boyd, E., (2008). A less disastrous disaster: Managing response to climate-driven hazards in the Cayman Islands and NE Brazil. Global Environmental Change, Vol.18: 4. Pp. 736-745. (20% contribution) Boyd, E., May, P., Veiga, F. and Chang, M. (2007). Can the CDM bring sustainable development? Insights from carbon forestry projects in Brazil and Bolivia. Environmental Science and Policy 10 (5): 419-433. (33.3% contribution) Boyd, E., Gutierrez, M. and Chang, M. (2007). Small-scale forest carbon projects: Adapting CDM to low-income communities, Global Environmental Change 17 (2): 250-259. (50% contribution) Lemos, M., Boyd, E., Tompkins, L., Osbahr, H. and Liverman, D. (2007) Developing Adaptation and Adapting Development. Ecology and Society 12 (2): 26. [online] URL: (25% contribution) Biggs, R., Raudsepp-Hearne, C., Atkinson-Palombo, C., Bohensky, E., Boyd, E., Cundill, G., Fox, H., Ingram, S., Kok, K., Spehar, S., Tengö, M., Timmer, D. and Zurek, M. (2007). Linking futures across scales: a dialog on multiscale scenarios. Ecology and Society 12(1): 17. [online] URL: (10% contribution) Schipper, E.L. and Boyd, E. (2006). UNFCCC COP 11 and COP/MOP 1 At Last, Some Hope? Journal of Environment & Development 15 (1): 75-90. (50% contribution) May, P., Boyd, E., Chang, M. and Veiga, F. (2005). Incorporating sustainable development into carbon forest projects in Brazil and Bolivia. Estud.soc. agric., 13 (1): 5-50. (33.3% contribution) Boyd, E. (2002) The Noel Kempff Project in Bolivia: gender, power and decision-making in climate mitigation, Oxfam Gender and Development Journal 10 (2). Boyd, E. and Schipper, E.L. (2002) The Marrakech Accord - At the Crossroad to Ratification, Journal of Environment and Development 112: 184-190. (50% contribution) Boyd, E. (2002) The Paradox of the Clean Development Mechanism and Sustainable Development, The International Forestry Review 4(1): 77-80.

Under review 14 Curriculum Vitae

Boyd, E. and Juhola, S. Adaptive urban climate governance. Urban Studies (subject to minor revisions) (50% contribution) Holdway, A and Boyd, E. Barriers to adaptation and fishing communities in the Maldives. Ecology and Society (40% contribution) Castan Broto , V., Ensor, J., Boyd, E and Allen, C, Macucule, D Participatory urban planning for climate compatible development: a handbook. Output from the CDKN project: A ‘Public Private People Partnership’ for climate compatible development in Maputo- An action-research project (25% contribution) Boyd, E, Ensor J., Castan Broto C.,Juhola, S. Environmentalities of urban adaptation in the context of Maputo, Mozambique. Global Environmental Change (60% contribution) Boyd, E. and Peredo, B. Looing back and thinking forward: 10 years on what have we learned from carbon forests in Bolivia? Development and Change (provisionally accepted) (80% contribution) Ashlin, A and Boyd, E. Disasters, discourse and new directions? Reflections on the renewal phase in post-tsunami Sri Lanka. Ecology and Society (provisionally accepted) (40% contribution) Boyd, E. and Kjellen, B. Enabling polycentric institutions Ecology and Society (90% contribution) Boyd, E. Juhola, S., Ensor, J. Theorising adaptation to climate change: Reconceptualisations, agency and scale in development. Development and Change (50% contribution) Elmhagen, B., Boyd E. (many authors). Spatiotemporal linkages of change in climate, land- water use, biodiversity and ecosystem services. (under review)

Special Issues

Boyd, E. and Juhola, S. (in review) Climate and Development. Development and Change (50% contribution) Goodman, M. and Boyd, E. (2011) guest editors. Special Issue. The Ethics of Commodifying Carbon. The Geographical Journal 177 (50% contribution) Boyd, E., Grist, N., Juhola, S., Nelson, V. (eds) (2009) Development Futures in a Changing Climate. Special Issue of Development Policy Review. Vol. 27, No. 6. (25% contribution) Boyd, E., Boykoff, M. and Newell, P. (2011) The ‘new’ carbon economy. Special Issue Antipode 43:3. (33.3% contribution)


Anderton, K., Boyd, E. and Juhola, S. ‘Future proofing climate change’, In review Boyd, E. (XXX) Rethinking development futures: a resilience approach to global environmental change. Springer Verlag. Contract signed. Newell, P., Boykoff, M. and Boyd, E. (eds) (2012) The New Carbon Economy: Constitution, Governance and Contestation. Wiley-Blackwell. (33.3% contribution) Boyd, E. and Folke, C. (eds) (2012) Adapting Institutions: Governance, Complexity and Social Ecological Resilience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (80% contribution) Boyd, E. and Tompkins, E. (2010) Climate Change a Beginner’s Guide, Oxford: OneWorld (Featured on the Guardian Bestseller List 2010) (50% contribution)

Book chapters

Ensor, J., Boyd, E., Juhola, S. and Castan Broto, V. (2013) Building adaptive capacity in the informal settlements of Maputo: lessons for development from a resilience perspective. Chapter in Inderberg, T.H., Eriksen, S., O’Brien, K., and Sygna, L. (eds) Social

15 Curriculum Vitae

Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries: “Development as usual is not enough” (25% contribution) Boyd, E. (2013) Climate Change and Development: An Overview. Chapter 6.3 in Potter, R. and Dessai, V. (eds) Companion to Development Studies, Third Edition, Hodder Education (forthcoming). Boyd, E. and Cornforth, R. J. (2013) Building climate resilience: Lessons of early warning in Africa. Chapter in Moser S. and Boykoff, M., (eds) Successful Adaptation to Climate Change: Linking Science and Policy in a Rapidly Changing World. Routledge. (80% contribution) Boyd, E. (2013) Exploring principles of adaptive governance for managing tipping points. Chapter 5.2 in Lenton, T., and O’Riordan, T. (eds). Tipping Points. . Cornell, S., Downy, C., Fraser, E., and Boyd, E., (2012). and society: a focus on the Anthroposphere. Chapter in Cornell, S., Prentice, I.C., House, J., Downey, C. Understanding the Earth System: Global Change Science for Application. Cambridge University Press, pp.294. (10% contribution) Boyd, E. (2012) Adapting institutions to global climate change: Evaluating resilience in two public institutions. Chapter in Boyd, E and Folke, C. (eds.) Adapting Institutions: Governance, Complexity and Social-Ecological Resilience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Boyd, E., Street, R., Lonsdale, K. et al. (2010) Leading the UK adaptation agenda: a landscape of stakeholders and networked organizations for adaptation to climate change. Chapter in Ford, J and Ford, L.B. (eds) Climate Change Adaptation in Developed Countries. Springer. (50% contribution) Lemos, M.C. and Boyd, E. (2009). The Politics of Adaptation Across Scales: the Implications of Additionality to Policy Choice and Development. Chapter in Boykoff, M. (ed). Politics of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. (50% contribution) Liverman, D.M., and Boyd, E. (2008) The CDM, ethics and development, 47-58 In Olsen, K.H. & Fenhann, J.V., 2008. A reformed CDM – including new mechanisms for sustainable development, Forskningscenter Risø Roskilde. (50% contribution) Boyd, E. (2006) Scales of Governance in Carbon Sinks: Global Priorities and Local Realities. In: Reid, W et al (eds.) Bridging Scales and Epistemologies: Linking Local Knowledge and Global Science in Environmental Assessments. Island Press, Washington DC.

Book reviews

Boyd, E. (2001) Climate for Change: Non-State Actors and the Global Politics of the Greenhouse by Peter Newell Cambridge University Press, 2000. In Environmental Politics, Vol.10:3. Boyd, E. (2001) Watson, R.T., Noble, I.R., Bolin, B., Ravindranath, N.H., Verardo D.J. and Dokken, D.J. (eds.). Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. In the International Forestry Review, Vol.3:3. Boyd, E. (2001) The Global Commons Environmental and Technological Governance by Vogler, J., and Engelwood, N.J., John Wiley. Environmental Politics, Vol. 10:1.

Popular articles

Boyd, E. (2012) Building climate resilience: people, places and prosperity, Walker Institute for Climate Systems Research, Research Highlights 2012. p.14. Newell, P, Roberts T.J., Boyd, E., Huq, S. (2009) Billions at Stake in Climate Finance: Four Lessons from Aid's Past. Sustainable Development Opinion Brief, International Institute for Environment and Development. Bozmoski, A., Lemos, M.C. and Boyd, E. (2008) Prosperous Negligence: Governing the CDM for markets and development. Environment, Vol. 50, No.3 (May/June Issue)

16 Curriculum Vitae

Boyd, E. (2005) Emissions trading cannot solve Amazon deforestation. 25th November 3 Boyd, E., Gutierrez, M. and Chang, M. (2005) Adapting Small-Scale CDM sinks projects for low-income communities, Tyndall Working Paper 71 Boyd, E., Corbera, E., Gutierrez, M. and Estrada, M. (2004) The politics of afforestation and reforestation activities at COP-9 and SB-20, Tyndall Briefing Paper No.12 Boyd, E. and Gutierrez, M. (2004) Small projects in poor communities, Tiempo, Bulletin on Climate and Development: Issue 53 Boyd, E. (2004) Can climate change policy be brought down to earth? SciDev.Net, 7th September 1) Boyd, E. (2003) An overview of COP-8- from technical matters to governance dichotomies. Tiempo, Bulletin on Climate and Development, Issue 46. Boyd, E. (2001) Sinks and the CDM. Tiempo, Bulletin on Climate and Development, Issue 38/39.

Research reports and discussion papers

Boyd, E. and Abdul Razak, S. Adaptation and mitigation co-benefits in REDD+: a case study of Ghana Walker Research Note (in review). Boyd, E. and Goodman, M. (2011) The Clean Development Mechanism as Ethical Development? Reconciling emissions trading and local development. Working Paper 37, Kings College London. Goodman M and Boyd, E. (2010) A Social Life for Carbon?: Commodification, Markets and Care. Working Paper 36, Kings College London. Boyd. E., Frame, D., Wade, S. (2010). The Oxford Workshop on lessons learned from model based impacts studies and adaptation decision-making processes, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, 24 November 2009. Co-organized by the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, Oxford University and HR Wallingford. Tompkins, E.L., Boyd, E., Nicholson Cole, S.A., Weatherhead, K., Arnell, N.W., Adger, W.N., 2009. An Inventory of Adaptation to Climate Change in the UK: challenges and findings. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Working paper 135. Pp.133 Osbahr, H., Boyd, E. and Ericksen, P. (2007). Resilience, Realities and Research in African Environments. Workshop Report, 18th June. University of Oxford. Mansfield, M. and Boyd, E. (2007). Commodifying Carbon: The Ethics of Markets in Nature. ECI Workshop Report, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. Boyd, E. et al. (2007). The Clean Development Mechanism: Current Status, Perspectives and Future Policy. Tyndall Centre Technical Report 114. UEA, Norwich. Boyd, E., Crepin, A.S., Galaz, V., Norberg, J., Olsson. P. (2007) Climate Change and Resilience – Foundation Report for the Climate and Vulnerability Inquiry (Dir. 2005:80). CTM, Beijer Institute and Swedish Water House. Tompkins, T. L., Nicholson-Cole, S. A., Hurlston, L. A., Brooks-Hodge, G., Boyd, E., Clarke, J., Gray, G., Trotz, N. and Varlack, L. (2005). Preparing for and adapting to climate change in small island states: A guide for national level planners. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. Tompkins, E., Boyd, E., Nicholson-Cole, S., Adger, N., Arnell, N. and Weatherhead, K. (2005) Linking Adaptation Research and Practice; A Report Submitted to Defra as part of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Cross-Regional Research Programme. 17 Curriculum Vitae

For access to the report see: 2664_FRP.pdf Brown, K., Boyd, E., Corbera, E., Adger, W. N. (2004) How do CDM projects contribute to sustainable development? , Tyndall Centre Technical Report 16 May, P., Boyd, E., Veiga, F., and Chang, M. (2004) Local sustainable development effects of carbon forests in Brazil and Bolivia: a view from the field. Markets for Environmental Services: No.5, IIED, London Acutt, N. Ali, A., Boyd, E., Hartmann, A., Kim, J.A., Lorenzoni, I., Pyhala, A., Winkels, A. (2000) An Interdisciplinary Framework for Research on Global Environmental Issues, CSERGE Working Paper GEC-2000-23. Boyd, E. (1999) Options and constraints for AIJ/CDM and community based natural resource management: local realities in Zimbabwe. Unpublished Report, CIFOR, Bogor Boyd, E. (1997) A participatory resource assessment of a common forest resource: a case study of Ncaute village, Kavango, Namibia. Unpublished MSc Dissertation, The Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford Boyd, E. and Offord, S. (1993) A critique of women’s income generating projects in the communal areas of Zimbabwe. Unpublished BSc honours Dissertation, School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia.