The Celebration of Sacraments Dear People of God, While Journeying
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Dear People of God, While journeying through the Question Box for the Diocesan Mission for Non-Catholics, one can find some interesting questions, some amazingly questions and some that address political issues of concern to the early 20th Century. Politics back then dealt with the growing phenomenon of socialism as proclaimed by the move- ment which would install communism in much of Eastern Europe and Asia just a few years after the Question Box was being put together (How can they stop the menace from going to Canada and cannot stop it in Ameri- ca? ). Here’s a question which is in that ‘interesting’ category: How comes a Catholic calls a protestant child a heathen? I hope you don’t call any children heathen unless you know precisely what the term means and what the reaction to it ought to be! Simply put, the Catholic Church has never referred to a protestant child as a hea- then. This question actually illustrates the necessity to re-evangelize and explain terms which may or may not have religious, sacramental or ecclesial (a big Greek word for churchy) meaning. Catholics are members of an ecclesial community (church) which was founded by Jesus Christ on the bedrock of his abiding presence in seven sacramental ‘moments’ which bind us ever more closely to Jesus here on earth. The key sacrament, the entry way to all the others, is baptism, and it isn’t exclusive to the Catholic Church so that we happily recognize the merits of the sacrament for anyone who is baptized as Jesus commanded the disciples to baptize: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. So, we refer to children in most protestant ecclesial communities as ‘our separated brothers and sisters’. Of course, some protestant denominations don’t provide infant baptism and merely ‘dedicate’ their children to God much as Jesus was dedicated on the eighth day when he became part of the Covenant Community. Since these un-baptized are part of an ecclesial community, we’d still call them ‘separated brothers and sisters’. We can dig a little deeper and discover that since Jesus began his new move- ment in what we refer to as an Abrahamic faith (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), none of those people would be heathen. The word itself comes to us from the Aramaic and means a ‘desert dweller’, somebody who lives beyond the Covenant God made with humanity. So who are they? Today we don’t use the term heathen at all, at least not officially, but the idea behind ‘heathen’ leads us to refer to those good people as un-churched. We attempt to evangelize them by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. That summons to go to all the world and teach them we ought to be hearing regularly in Church is the Great Commission given by Jesus himself as he prepared to head on home to heaven and leave the disciples (you and me) in charge. That means that if the term ‘heathen’ ever did get used officially, it was used with respect for the person or persons and as an identifier to other Chris- tians to get busy and start proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. The Celebration of Sacraments Infant Baptism: The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated on Sunday during or after the Eucharistic Liturgy. Registered parishioners are asked to arrange for the Baptismal Preparation Class and the Liturgical Celebration by calling the Parish Office. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: RCIA is the process of growing in your faith and love of God. Weekly gather- ings take place from September until Easter. If you are interested in learning about Catholicism and joining us please call Deacon Tom at the rectory. Penance: The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at IC, 9:30 a.m. at HSP and 10:30 a.m. IC every Sunday or by appointment. Matrimony: Anyone planning to be married must contact the parish at least six months in advance. The exact date and time of your wedding should not be determined until after consultation with a priest or deacon. If either party has previously been civilly or religiously married, the Presider is not permitted to set a date for the wedding without resolving the previous marriage. Pastoral Care of the Sick: When a parishioner is admitted to the hospital, nursing home, or confined to home because of age or infirmity, please call the Parish Office. Parishioners are ready to visit and to bring Holy Communion. When one is seriously ill, the healing Presence of the Lord should be requested in the Sacrament of the Sick. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION TOLEDO, OHIO December 13, 2015 Immaculate Conception Welcome Visitors We would like to welcome our visitors to Immaculate Finance Council Pastoral Council Conception Church. If you are interested in becoming a Bill Carroll Liz Weiser parishioner please call the parish office at 419-243-1829 Mike Young Fred Garcia or fill out the registration form in the back of church Linda Miller Linda Garcia or on the web-site and return to the parish office. Fred Mahaney Maria Ochoa John Madigan Facilities Committee Fred Mahaney (Fin. Rep.) TJ Green Mary Jo Pilcher Bill Carroll Louann Harrison Jim Rushing Judy Westmeyer John Madigan Joe Westmeyer CALENDAR December 12– December 20, 2015 Sat 12:30 pm Quincenera/Raquel Quimbar Thur 7:00 pm Q of A Christmas Program in church 4:00 pm IC Mass (Msgr. Chris/D. Tom) Intention Deceased IC Parishioners Fri 8:50 am School Mass at IC Second Collection/Food for Pantry Sat 4:00 pm Mass (Msgr. Chris/D. Dave) Sun 9:30 am HSP Rosary & Confessions Anointing during mass 10:00 am HSP Sunday Mass Msgr. Chris/D. Tom) Intention Peggy Cassidy Songer Second Collection/Parking Lot 10:30 am IC Confessions After Mass Pictures with Santa 11:00 am IC Mass (Fr. Rudi/D. Dave) Intention Deceased Young Family Senovia Hernandez Sun 9:30 am HSP Rosary & Confessions During & After Mass Advent Confessions 10:00 am HSP Sunday Mass Fr. Rudi/D. Tom) Second Collection/Food for Pantry 10:30 am IC Confessions 11:00 am IC Mass (Msgr. Chris/D. Dave) Tues 8:50 am Mass moved to Friday Anointing during mass Intention Sylvester & Aurora Gonzalez Second Collection/Parking Lot STEWARDSHIP REPORT IC OUTREACH REPORT July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2016 July 1, 2015– June 30, 2016 Anticipated Expenses Dec 6 Year to Date Last Week Income Expense Goal $ 2,700.00 $ 59,427.00 Year to Date Year to Date Saturday Collection $ 898.00 $ 19,413.97 $ 480.38 $ 3,235.70 $ 615.04 Sunday Collection $ 1,107.00 $ 24,165.02 Actual $ 2,005.00 $ 43,578.99 This Week This Month Year to Date Over/(Under) $ ( 695.00) $15,848.00) Food (Families) 156 715 Last Week Year to Date Parking Lot $ 15.00 $ 2,272.64 THANK YOU!!! Preservation $10,000.00 $14,516.00 Roof Fund $ 1.00 $ 5,117.00 Always in need of Thanksgiving $ 10.00 $ 270.00 Homecoming $ 1,748.33 $ 1,748.33 Plastic bags, toiletries, aluminum foil, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, tuna, canned fruits & vegetables, spaghetti Thank You! o’s, non perishable items, baby food & cereal, diapers (assorted sizes) formula. WELCOME TO IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH “THE DARBY” Minister/Lector Schedule December 13, 2015 December 20, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent Second Sunday of Advent 1st Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-18a 1st Reading: Micah 5:1-4 Saturday: Linda Miller Saturday: David Tighe Sunday: Joyce Scarbrough Sunday: Bill Carroll 2nd Reading: Phillippians 4:4-7 2nd Reading: Hebrews 10:5-10 Sunday: Haileigh Parra Sunday: Guadelupe Zarate Eucharistic Saturday Sunday Eucharistic Saturday Sunday Ministers: MJ Pilcher Sierra Parra, Tom Meagher Ministers: G. O’Connell Cathy Carroll, Linda Garcia F. Villagomez Fred Mahaney, Janet Hickey John Madigan Mike Young, Joyce Scarbrough Servers Emelian, Maria, Joshua, Nathan, Daniel, Servers Tony Vallejo, Augustine Vallejo, Shawn Parra Cynthia, Miracle Martin Calderon, Armando Vallejo, Haileigh Parra, Guadalupe Zarate Children’s Judy Westmeyer Children’s Sr. Francis Marie Liturgy Liturgy Sanctuary Lamp Dec 13 Deceased Young Family Dec 20 Mary C. Gonzales Dec 27 (available) Jan 3 Sr. Theresa Rodriquez Bob & Judy Klein, Gilbert & Margie, Alvarado Family, Louann Harrison, Cheryl Grund, Msgr. Altar Flowers- Chris, Fred Hardy, Dolly Pauken Weaver, Anne Dec 20 (not available) Ackerman, Blanche Simek, Pam Samsey, Evita Dec 24 Michelle Irons Sanchez, Dr. Samsey, MD, Lt. Col., Edward Dec 27 Deceased Young Family Roecker, Diane Schwind, Barbara Robertson Jan 3 (available) Pray For Those Serving Our Country IC Birthdays Capt. Joseph Andrew Garcia, Marines 12/13 Adrian Wilson Second Lt. Brian Wood, Army 12/14 Elena Stobaugh STGSN Joshua J. Teneyck, 12/14 Patricia Winter SPC George “Joey” O’Connell Jr., Army, 12/15 Mireya Garcia 12/16 Zenaida Cannon St. Sgt. Tom, Army, 12/17 Mike Young Sgt. 1st Class Chuck Hindbaugh, Army, 12/18 Connie Strabley Capt. Jeremy A. Schiel, Army, 12/18 Alyssa Nino Capt. Ryan A Schiel, Army, 12/18 Dick Schrader 12/19 Gabriel Calderon PFC. Celia Hindbaugh, Army, 12/19 Hilda Wojciechowski PFC. Acea Hindbaugh, Army, Cold Steel Family IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Thanks to all who made our Homecoming so Little Blue Books special! It was so good to see our regulars and our old friends coming together. Let us ready our hearts for the birth of Let’s do this again next year! our Savior this Advent season! There Thanks, especially to those who helped set are booklets available for your prayer up, tear down, and DO all that was done! You and meditation during this holy season.