ER 105 Birds in Lycia I Made This Trip As a Tourleader of the Dutch Travel Agency SNP-Natuurreizen

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ER 105 Birds in Lycia I Made This Trip As a Tourleader of the Dutch Travel Agency SNP-Natuurreizen ER 105 Birds in Lycia I made this trip as a tourleader of the dutch travel agency SNP-Natuurreizen. Short description of the visited areas : Kemer area : we stayed in hotel Berke ranch, situated in a wooded valley inland. A short hike was made through pine forest to the coastal ruins of Phaselis. Myra area : a hike was made to the ruins of Myra. A few birds were seen in a big coastal lagoon near Beymelek from the bus. Kas : small port and touristic village. Some time was spent birding in the village and its surroundings. Ücagiz -> Gökkaya hike : we made this hike east of Kas, passing through mediterranean shrub and went back to Ücagiz with a boat, passing by the Kekova island. Kalkan area : some time was spent birding the village and its surroundings. A hike was made from Caykoy to Akbel. The Xanthos ruins were visited too. The beach, the dunes and the ruins of Patara were visited. From Patara a hike was made to Yesilköy. Close to the ruins in Patara are a few small lagoons. Antalya : big city with a nice old centre, coastal boulevards and parks. Termessos ruins : this spectacular ruins lay at an altitude between 900 and 1200 meters, close to Antalya. Few birds were seen in the surrounding forest. List of mammals : - Bat spec : 43 ex - 8 ex (5), Kas - 10 ex, Kalkan area - 25 ex, (20), Antalya - Crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata : 2 sites - 1 spine found and lattens, Ücagiz -> Gökkaya hike - latten found Kalkan area - Red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris : 1 ex, Kalkan area, near Üzumlü - European hare, Lepus capensis: 1 ex, Kemer area, Paselis ER 105 Birds in Lycia 1 List of reptiles and amphibians : - Green frog, Rana spec. : 5 ex - 3 ex, Berke ranch - 2 ex, Kalkan area - Land turtle , Testuda graeca : 9 ex - 1 ex, Myra - 2 ex, Ücagiz -> Gökkaya hike - 6 ex, Kalkan area - Agame, Agame stellio : 12 ex - 5 ex, Myra - 2 ex, Ücagiz -> Gökkaya hike - 5 ex, Xanthos - Gecko : 5 ex, Berke ranch, voice - Lacerta spec. : 7 ex - 2 ex, Ücagiz -> Gökkaya hike - 5 ex, Patara - Yesilköy - Snake spec : 2 ex - 1 ex, Phaselis - 1 ex, Kalkan area Number of species : 75 Observer : Frank van Groen Number of visits : 11 Nic. de Roeverstraat 20 Number of visitdays : 17 1093 KK Amsterdam Period : 17-10-04 / 23-10-04 Tel : 020 - 7762160 Visits - Kemer area : 17-10-04 / 18-10-04 , 2 Day(s) - Finike : 18-10-04 / 18-10-04 , 1 Day(s) - Myra area : 18-10-04 / 18-10-04 , 1 Day(s) - Kas : 18-10-04 / 20-10-04 , 3 Day(s) - Ücagiz -> Gökkaya : 19-10-04 / 19-10-04 , 1 Day(s) - Kalkan area : 20-10-04 / 22-10-04 , 3 Day(s) - Elmali area : 22-10-04 / 22-10-04 , 1 Day(s) - Kuruova pass : 22-10-04 / 22-10-04 , 1 Day(s) - Antalya : 22-10-04 / 23-10-04 , 2 Day(s) - Karaín cave : 23-10-04 / 23-10-04 , 1 Day(s) - Termessos : 23-10-04 / 23-10-04 , 1 Day(s) Species List Numbers between brackets refer to day totals - Little Grebe , Tachybaptus ruficollis : 45 ex 5 ex , Myra area , Beymelek lagoon , 18-10-04 40 ex , Kalkan area , Patara swamp , 21-10-04 - Cory's Shearwater , Calonectris diomedea : 1 ex 1 ex , Kalkan area , Patara beach , 21-10-04 - Grey Heron , Ardea cinerea : 4 ex 2 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 2 ex , (1) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 - Great White Egret , Egretta alba : 8 ex 8 ex , Kalkan area , Patara swamp , 21-10-04 - Little Egret , Egretta garzetta : 2 ex 2 ex , Myra area , Beymelek lagoon , 18-10-04 - Common Teal , Anas crecca : 200 ex 200 ex , Kalkan area , Patara swamp , 21-10-04 - Sparrowhawk , Accipiter nisus : 1 ex 1 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 - Northern Goshawk , Accipiter gentilis : 2 ex 1 ex , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 18-10-04 1 ex , Kalkan area , Patara beach , male , 21-10-04 - Buzzard , Buteo buteo : 4 ex 2 ex , Kemer area , Chimaera , 17-10-04 2 ex , Kalkan area , Xanthos and Patara , 21-10-04 - Long-legged Buzzard , Buteo rufinus : 2 ex 2 ex , Karaín cave , 23-10-04 - Bonelli's Eagle , Hieraaetus fasciatus : 1 ex ER 105 Birds in Lycia 2 1 ex , Kalkan area , Patara -> Yesilköy, juvenile , 21-10-04 - Kestrel , Falco tinnunculus : 1 ex 1 ex , Kalkan area , Kalkan , 22-10-04 - Water Rail , Rallus aquaticus : 1 ex 1 ex , Kalkan area , Patara swamp, voice , 21-10-04 - Moorhen , Gallinula chloropus : 5 ex 5 ex , Kalkan area , Patara swamp , 21-10-04 - Common Coot , Fulica atra : 1020 ex 1000 ex , Myra area , Beymelek lagoon , 18-10-04 20 ex , Kalkan area , Patara swamp , 21-10-04 - Common Sandpiper , Actitis hypoleucos : 1 ex 1 ex , Myra area , Beymelek lagoon , 18-10-04 - Audouin's Gull , Larus audouinii : 1 ex 1 ex , Kalkan area , Kalkan , 20-10-04 - Yellow-legged Gull , Larus michahellis : 47 ex 30 ex , Kemer area , Phaselis mainly , 17-10-04 1 ex , Finike , 18-10-04 4 ex , (2) , Kas , 19-10-04 9 ex , (8) , Kalkan area , 21-10-04 3 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Rock Dove , Columba livia : 35 ex 5 ex , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 18-10-04 20 ex , (15) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 10 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Collared Dove , Streptopelia decaocto : 385 ex 16 ex , (10) , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 17-10-04 120 ex , (80, 35) , Kas , 18-10-04 10 ex , Myra area , 18-10-04 5 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , Ücagiz , 19-10-04 25 ex , (15) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 2 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 207 ex , (200) , Antalya , 22-10-04 - Palm Dove , Streptopelia senegalensis : 30 ex 30 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Rose-ringed Parakeet , Psittacula krameri : 3 ex 3 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Barn Owl , Tyto alba : 1 ex 1 ex , Kalkan area , Kalkan from hotel roof , 21-10-04 - Tawny Owl , Strix aluco : 1 ex 1 ex , Kemer area , Berke Ranch male calling , 17-10-04 - Kingfisher , Alcedo atthis : 13 ex 3 ex , Kemer area , Phaselis , 17-10-04 1 ex , Myra area , Beymelek lagoon , 18-10-04 8 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 1 ex , Kalkan area , Patara swamp , 21-10-04 - Syrian Woodpecker , Dendrocopos syriacus : 2 ex 2 ex , (1) , Kalkan area , Caykoy ->Akbel hike - 1, Patara - 1 , 20-10-04 - Calandra Lark , Melanocorypha calandra : 7 ex 7 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 - Crested Lark , Galerida cristata : 19 ex 12 ex , Kalkan area , Xanthos and Patara , 21-10-04 7 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 - Woodlark , Lullula arborea : 1 ex 1 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 - Eurasian Crag Martin , Ptyonoprogne rupestris : 7 ex 5 ex , Kalkan area along coast , 20-10-04 2 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Barn Swallow , Hirundo rustica : 3 ex 3 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Yellow Wagtail , Motacilla flava : 1 ex 1 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya ssp feldegg , 19-10-04 - Grey Wagtail , Motacilla cinerea : 32 ex 6 ex , (4) , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 17-10-04 1 ex , Finike , 18-10-04 5 ex , (3) , Kas , 19-10-04 14 ex , (8) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 6 ex , (5) , Antalya , 22-10-04 - White Wagtail , Motacilla alba : 67 ex 6 ex , (4) , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 17-10-04 1 ex , Finike , 18-10-04 5 ex , Myra area , 18-10-04 21 ex , (15) , Kas , 19-10-04 25 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 7 ex , (4) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 2 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 - White-eyed Bulbul , Pycnonotus xanthopygos : 29 ex ER 105 Birds in Lycia 3 5 ex , (3) , Kemer area , 17-10-04 8 ex , (5) , Kalkan area , 21-10-04 16 ex , (15) , Antalya , 22-10-04 - Red-backed Shrike , Lanius collurio : 7 ex 1 ex , Finike juv , 18-10-04 1 ex , Kas juv , 19-10-04 3 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya juveniles , 19-10-04 2 ex , Kalkan area , Patara , 21-10-04 - Wren , Troglodytes troglodytes : 1 ex 1 ex , Kemer area , 17-10-04 - Robin , Erithacus rubecula : 250 ex 40 ex , (25) , Kemer area , 17-10-04 40 ex , (25) , Kas , 18-10-04 2 ex , Finike , 18-10-04 10 ex , Myra area , 18-10-04 40 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 90 ex , (47) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 13 ex , (10) , Antalya , 22-10-04 15 ex , Termessos , 23-10-04 - Black Redstart , Phoenicurus ochruros : 20 ex 1 ex , Kemer area , Berke Ranch male , 18-10-04 3 ex , Kas , 20-10-04 13 ex , (9) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 1 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 2 ex , (1) , Antalya , 22-10-04 - Redstart , Phoenicurus phoenicurus : 3 ex 1 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , Gökkaya , 19-10-04 2 ex , (1) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 - Whinchat , Saxicola rubetra : 1 ex 1 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 - Stonechat , Saxicola torquatus : 6 ex 1 ex , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 18-10-04 2 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 3 ex , Kalkan area , Patara , 21-10-04 - Blue Rock-thrush , Monticola solitarius : 22 ex 4 ex , (2) , Kas , 19-10-04 1 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 17 ex , (12) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 - Common Blackbird , Turdus merula : 16 ex 8 ex , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 18-10-04 1 ex , Kas , 19-10-04 5 ex , (3) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 1 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 1 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Song Thrush , Turdus philomelos : 3 ex 3 ex , (1) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 - Mistle Thrush , Turdus viscivorus : 2 ex 2 ex , Kuruova pass , 22-10-04 - Sedge Warbler , Acrocephalus schoenobaenus : 1 ex 1 ex , Kas , 20-10-04 - Olivaceous Warbler , Hippolais pallida : 2 ex 1 ex , Kas , 19-10-04 1 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , Gökkaya , 19-10-04 - Willow Warbler , Phylloscopus trochilus : 10 ex 10 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , Gökkaya , 19-10-04 - Chiffchaff , Phylloscopus collybita : 16 ex 4 ex , (2) , Kemer area , Berke Ranch , 17-10-04 5 ex , (3) , Kas , 19-10-04 2 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , 19-10-04 3 ex , (1) , Kalkan area , 20-10-04 1 ex , Elmali area , 22-10-04 1 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Blackcap , Sylvia atricapilla : 3 ex 2 ex , Kalkan area , Caykoy ->Akbel hike , 20-10-04 1 ex , Antalya male , 23-10-04 - Lesser Whitethroat , Sylvia curruca : 19 ex 2 ex , Ücagiz -> Gökkaya , Gökkaya , 19-10-04 15 ex , (10) , Kalkan area , Kalkan , 21-10-04 2 ex , Antalya , 23-10-04 - Sardinian Warbler , Sylvia melanocephala : 25 ex 3 ex , Kemer area , Berke Ranch
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