ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

Biorational Approaches to Managing Stored-Product

Thomas W. Phillips1 and James E. Throne2

1Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66502; email: [email protected] 2USDA-ARS Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Manhattan, Kansas 66502; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010. 55:375–97 Key Words First published online as a Review in Advance on biological control, growth regulators, pheromones, physical September 8, 2009 control, sampling, decision-making The Annual Review of Entomology is online at Abstract by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. This article’s doi: Stored-product insects can cause postharvest losses, estimated from up 10.1146/annurev.ento.54.110807.090451 to 9% in developed countries to 20% or more in developing coun- Copyright c 2010 by Annual Reviews. tries. There is much interest in alternatives to conventional insecticides Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from All rights reserved for controlling stored-product insects because of insecticide loss due to 0066-4170/10/0107-0375$20.00 regulatory action and insect resistance, and because of increasing con- sumer demand for product that is free of insects and insecticide residues. Sanitation is perhaps the first line of defense for grain stored at farms or elevators and for food-processing and warehouse facilities. Some of the most promising biorational management tools for farm-stored grain are temperature management and use of natural enemies. New tools for computer-assisted decision-making and insect sampling at grain eleva- tors appear most promising. Processing facilities and warehouses usually rely on trap captures for decision-making, a process that needs further research to optimize.

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INTRODUCTION topics are available (38, 92). New research and primary literature on stored-product insects Stored-product insects are serious pests of continue to be generated at a steady pace by re- Pheromones: dried, stored, durable agricultural commodi- searchers at universities, but more so by scien- chemical signals used ties, and of many value-added food products tists at government-sponsored research centers between members of and nonfood derivatives of agricultural prod- the same species, some in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia ucts worldwide. Stored-product insects can of which are used in (82). cause serious postharvest losses, estimated from synthetic form for pest The motivation and influence behind cur- management up to 9% in developed countries to 20% or rent research on stored-product IPM are those more in developing countries (88), but they IPM: integrated pest that have led the field since the beginning, and management also contribute to contamination of food prod- more immediate objectives have been given im- ucts through the presence of live insects, insect petus by government regulations, consumer de- products such as chemical excretions or silk, mands, and broader commercial needs. The tra- dead insects and insect body fragments, general ditional objectives are to store grain and food in infestation of buildings and other storage struc- a wholesome way with minimum impact from tures, and accumulation of chemical insecticide insects or from chemical insecticides that may residues in food, as well as human exposure to be used in pest control. More recently, the dangerous chemicals as a result of pest control worldwide phaseout and ban of the fumigant efforts against them. There are many safe, effec- insecticide methyl bromide, an effective com- tive, and relatively simple prevention and con- pound for killing postharvest insects, under the trol methods available to manage populations international agreement of the Montreal Proto- of stored-product insect pests without the use col has motivated research into various alterna- of chemical insecticides. In this review we de- tives to replace methyl bromide (31). The U.S. scribe and give updated information on biora- Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 focused on tional approaches to managing stored-product evaluating all registered pesticides, with partic- insect pests. These approaches either (a) di- ular attention to worker and consumer expo- rectly use biologically based materials, such as sures to chemical residues; thus, reduction or biologically derived insecticides or biological elimination of residues in grain and foods was control organisms, to control pests or (b) take targeted by research for nonchemical alterna- advantage of key aspects of the pest’s biology to tives (82). In addition to regulatory pressures eliminate or manage pest populations through for low-risk control of stored-product insects, manipulation of the physical and biological en- consumers and governments around the world vironments of the target species.

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. set standards for organic food, which should Stored-product insects have been associ- be derived from raw products that are free of ated with human activities since the earliest human-made chemicals, among other require- civilizations, and methods for their diagno- ments (120). Thus, research on chemical-free

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from sis and control have been reported for over or biologically based methods to control stored- a century (60). Indeed, the first issue of the product insects was encouraged and supported. Annual Review of Entomology included an arti- This current review briefly covers the basic lit- cle on stored-product insects (79). Since then erature on our topic and is an update on more significant reviews have covered pheromones of recent literature, focusing on biologically based stored-product insects (15) and alternatives to approaches that have proven efficacy, are legally methyl bromide for controlling storage pests registered for use or are in the registration pro- (31). Recent edited books have covered ecol- cess, and have the greatest chance of commer- ogy and integrated pest management (IPM) of cial adoption by the grain, food, and pest con- stored-product insects (41, 103) and alterna- trol industries. Our review focuses on cereal tives to pesticides for controlling storage pests grains and their products, rather than oilseeds (104), and comprehensive textbooks on related and edible legumes, although the material is

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relevant to all durable stored agricultural prod- by pests whose larvae either feed and develop ucts, of both plant and origin, that may inside the kernel or develop outside intact be threatened by stored-product insects. Mites kernels. The internal-feeding insects have Aeration: the practice (Acarina) are not covered in depth, although been referred to historically as primary pests, of drawing outside air biorational management tactics for insect pests while those feeding outside the kernels on into a grain storage bin are generally relevant to mites. Vertebratepests, broken and fine material have been referred to or other structure for although of substantial economic and public as secondary pests. Some of the most serious the purpose of health considerations, are reviewed elsewhere economic insect pests of wheat are internal changing the temperature or (41). feeders such as the lesser grain borer, Rhyzop- moisture content of ertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), the stored grain which lays eggs outside the kernel and the External-feeding HABITATS AND GUILDS OF larvae bore into the kernel to complete de- pests: insects whose STORED-PRODUCT INSECTS velopment to the adult stage, and the rice larvae develop outside weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: sound grain kernels, Bulk Commodities are generally unable to Curculionidae), which lays eggs directly inside damage sound kernels, The stored-grain environment is unique among the kernel. External-feeding pests of wheat and predominantly most agroecosystems in that it is entirely are the red flour , Tribolium castaneum require broken human-made and not subject to rapid and ex- (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae); the kernels, grain dust or treme changes in environmental conditions. rusty grain beetle, ferrugineus milled grain products After harvest, grain is placed into storage in a (Stephens) (Coleoptera: ); for food structure such as a steel bin, concrete silo, a flat and the sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus Internal-feeding pests: insects whose storage such as a steel building, or simply on a surinamensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae). larvae develop inside concrete slab with the grain covered with plas- Insects most commonly found in shelled corn seeds and kernels of tic. Steel bins may vary in size, with volumes (maize) are internal feeders such as the maize grain and generally that hold 30 to 8000 tons of grain. A concrete weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, and cause damage to silo at a grain elevator typically may contain 500 the Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella otherwise sound to 800 tons of grain, and a flat storage, in which (Olivier) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae); external- kernels of grain grain is dumped into a large pile in a protected feeding pests include C. ferrugineus; the flat Stored products: dried, durable building, may contain as much as 80,000 tons of grain beetle, C. pusillus (Schonherr);¨ and O. agricultural products grain. Fall-harvested crops such as corn and rice surinamensis. Major internal-feeding pests of that can be kept in temperate climates are dried with forced-air rice are R. dominica, S. oryzae, and S. cerealella. without spoilage for heating to reduce moisture content shortly af- Insects’ long association with grain coin- weeks or months without refrigeration

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. ter harvest and before being placed into storage. cides with the development of agriculture in Stored cereal grains may be cooled with ambi- civilized human societies, as evidenced in grain ent aeration after storage, if aeration equipment found at archaeological sites such as the ruins is available, to lower temperature to reduce of ancient Rome (53). Most stored-grain in- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from insect population growth. Temperature-based sects are found worldwide because grain has preventive pest management is more challeng- been transported around the world for millen- ing in grain stored in tropical and subtropical nia. Thus, there are few quarantine issues with climates. Both temperature and moisture con- stored-product insect pests. A notable excep- tent of grains should be carefully controlled tion is the khapra beetle, granarium during storage to maintain quality, and grain Everts (Coleoptera: ), which is per- should not be exposed to rainfall or direct sun- haps the most notorious stored-product insect light that would cause degradation. of quarantine significance (37). Stored-grain in- There are complexes of insect pests that sects are also common in nonagricultural ar- infest grain, and the particular species present eas; for example, Sitophilus weevils and stored- depend upon the type of grain. All cereal product bostrichids can infest seeds and other grains and many stored legumes are infested structures of wild plants (23). Stored-grain • Managing Stored-Product Insects 377 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

end uses. The milled grain products are im- PSOCOPTERA mediately vulnerable to infestation by insects that are usually unable to breach an intact grain Psocoptera have long been known to occur in stored grain and kernel. Thus, these external-feeding insects of grain-processing facilities, but they were not considered pests of the bulk commodity habitat are the predomi- substance until the early 1990s in Australia and China and until nant pest insects infesting the habitats of pro- the 2000s in the United States. They pose a challenge because cessed foods. Internal-feeding insects, such as little is known about them and because their biology and control R. dominica or S. oryzae, find host materials differ from that of other stored-product pests. For example, many mostly in the bulk storage bins of processing of the pest species are parthenogenetic and have rapid population plants and thus are not commonly encountered growth. Their behavior is also unique, e.g., they will leave a bin as a problem for the finished product, although of low-moisture grain at night to rehydrate outside the bin and internal feeders such as Sitophilus can be pests then move back inside the bin in the morning. Most of our control of finished pasta products. Pest insects such technologies have been developed for control of beetle and moth as Tribolium flour ; flat grain beetles in pests, and psocids respond in varying ways to these control tech- the genera Cryptolestes and Oryzaephilus; and niques. Psocids are naturally tolerant to the fumigant phosphine, the complex of stored-product pyralid moths apparently because they delay egg hatching until the phosphine (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), including the Indian- dissipates. Behavior can also affect efficacy of insecticides. For ex- meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hubner),¨ the ample, lower mobility in Liposcelis bostrychophila appears to make almond moth, Cadra cautella Walker, and Ephes- it more tolerant than L. entomophila to surface insecticides. Pso- tia species thrive in mills, food-processing facil- cids historically were believed to be associated with high-moisture ities, and warehouses with processed food prod- products, but some species develop more quickly at lower relative ucts. The milled grain products and the dust humidities. from the processing sustain these populations of external-feeding grain pests. The physical habitat of food-processing fa- insects are predaceous on other insects, partic- cilities and warehouses are ideal for stored- ularly the dorsoventrally flattened pest species product insects when combined with preground in the genera Cryptolestes and Oryzaephilus that grains. Although the desired product of the pro- naturally occur under the bark of trees (61). cessing is usually moving within a closed system Book or bark lice (Psocoptera) are now con- of conveyors, belts, and chutes, the constant sidered serious pests of stored products (see grinding and milling of grain in such build- sidebar, Psocoptera) (77), and they have rapidly ings generates dust in the air that then settles evolved resistance to phosphine fumigant (75).

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. in places that are difficult to clean. In addi- tion, processing machinery and conveying sys- Value-Added Food Products tems have so-called dead-spaces, where food products accumulate, do not move, and can

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from Many of the same species of stored-product in- be cleaned only when machines are stopped sects found in bulk storage of raw commodi- and disassembled. Thus, food accumulates in ties also occur in processing facilities such as areas where stored-product insects can breed, flour and feed mills, food-manufacturing facil- and their control and management is inherently ities and bakeries, as well as in all the struc- problematic for value-added food facilities (9). tures in which value-added food products are stored or transported (37). However, the rela- tive importance of some species changes after MANIPULATING THE PHYSICAL the grain is processed. Processing of grain prod- ENVIRONMENT ucts typically begins with grinding the grain, or Sanitation and Exclusion milling, followed by fractionation of the vari- ous milled products such as bran, endosperm, Sanitation of grain and food storage facilities and germ for segregation and ultimate different and the effective exclusion of stored-product

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insects from such structures and from food disturbance. Double-wall construction and sus- packages are the keys to preventive manage- pended ceilings should be avoided or removed ment of storage insects. For bulk-stored grain so that hidden voids in food plants do not retain it is imperative that newly harvested commodi- food debris and cryptic insect infestations (65). ties be stored in clean bins and not be loaded Effective exclusion of stored-product insects into bins that contain older products that may from storage bins, processing plants, and fin- harbor insects. Harvesting equipment, trans- ished food packages can prevent infestation. portation containers, loading areas, and stor- Roofs and sidewalls of storage bins should be age bins need to be as clean as possible be- sealed to prevent insect entry as well as moisture fore harvest and storage of the new crop, and damage and mold growth following water leaks sometimes it is prudent to treat the surfaces of from rain. Bin sealing is critical for effective inside walls, floors, and ceilings of such struc- use of chemical fumigants when needed. Proper tures and machinery with a residual insecticide roof ventilation and subfloor intake aeration to kill any insects that may remain following vents are needed for proper temperature and the previous storage season (7, 92). Thus, me- moisture management of grain (see below), but chanical, electrical, and structural engineering these must be equipped with effective insect- aspects of buildings and bins containing stored proof screening when in use and sealed when products must be considered during construc- needed for fumigation (17). Packaging materi- tion and maintenance of such structures. In als for finished food products at both wholesale mills and other food-processing facilities it fol- and retail levels of marketing must be resistant lows that the raw grains, which may be stored to penetration by postharvest insect pests (69). for several months before processing and might Two commonly encountered groups of stored- harbor growing stored-product insect popu- product insects that invade food packages are lations, be physically located in bins that are those that can actually chew through and pen- separated from the processing areas and even etrate the packaging material and those species further separated from the packaging and that invade packages through breaches or other finished-product warehouse or loading areas. weak points in the seals or closures of the pack- Lighting can attract insects of all kinds, includ- age (42). Thus, food packages need to be sealed ing stored-product insects (100), to buildings; very well to deter invaders and need to be con- thus it is recommended that light fixtures not structed of durable materials to resist penetra- be mounted directly over outside doors but that tors. Technology has been developed to im- lighting be mounted on poles away from, but di- pregnate food packaging material with low-risk

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. rectly illuminating, buildings. Window screens insecticides (90), and research has been con- and doors to the outside of buildings, as well ducted on insect repellents applied to pack- as those between major processing, bulk stor- ages to reduce infestation (43), but commer- age, and warehouse areas in a building or com- cial adoption of insect-repellent or insecticidal Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from plex of buildings, need to be in good service food packages has not occurred, likely owing to reduce movement of insect pests. Machin- to low cost-effectiveness and low potential for ery should be situated in such a way that it can consumer acceptance. be easily accessed and dismantled for thorough cleaning. Cleaning in large processing plants should employ careful sweeping and/or vacuum Temperature Management cleaning of food debris for complete removal, Insect populations can be managed by manip- rather than conducting blowdowns of debris in ulating the temperature of their environment. order to concentrate it for removal as this can The maximum rate of growth and reproduc- result in spreading dust and food products to tion for most insects occurs between 25 and inaccessible areas such as ledges and tops of 33◦C and is reduced at temperatures above and beams where insects can easily breed without below this range, with complete cessation of • Managing Stored-Product Insects 379 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

development and eventual death at approxi- heaters for disinfestation of rice (78), but again mately 13 and 35◦C (29). Use of aeration to cool the method is not widely used. A propane heater grain and reduce insect population growth rate is effective for disinfestation of empty grain bins Irradiation: the ◦ practice of applying is regularly used in steel bins but is less com- by raising the temperature to 50 C for 2 h (115); electromagnetic mon in concrete silos and flat storages in the however, the cost is much greater compared radiation of certain United States. Aeration of large government- with using insecticides (116). wavelengths and owned flat storages in China is common. Heat has long been used to kill insects in energy to a commodity Aeration can be useful even for summer- mills (12, 22, 65). With the impending loss of for the purpose of pest control harvested crops because grain temperatures can the fumigant methyl bromide, heat is gaining be reduced 3 to 4◦C by running aeration fans popularity as an alternative method of disinfes- at night; however, research on summer aeration tation. Either the whole plant or problem areas for controlling grain insects in the United States may be heated. Generally, the goal is to raise has had mixed results (6, 36). Summer aeration the temperature of the mill to 50–60◦C for 24 h, reduced insect populations in some years, but which can be effective for insect control (94). A not in other years (6). This may have been due to challenge in heat disinfestation is uniformity of temperatures at the grain surface, where many temperature throughout the treated area, which insects occur, being lowered from lethal levels may be improved with fans. One valid concern of 40◦C in warm climates to more favorable lev- with use of heat disinfestation, which is shared els for insects by summer aeration. Aeration can anecdotally among food industry sanitarians, is be effective for pest management in fall-stored that older buildings may be structurally dam- crops in cool climates. Aeration is compatible aged and that some equipment is heat sensitive with other control strategies, such as chemical (31). or biological control. Although freezing can be effective for in- Use of automatic aeration controllers, which sect control, it is generally not used because of turn fans on and off based on grain and ambient cost. However, freezing is one of the few op- temperatures, can be more efficient than man- tions available for disinfestation of durable or- ual aeration for cooling grain (10). In Texas, ganic commodities, such as grains, infested with grain temperatures were 8 to 10◦C cooler in insects. Usually 2–3 weeks of storage in com- September and October and 3 to 6◦C cooler mercial freezers is required for disinfestation during the rest of the storage period when us- (48, 49). ing automatic rather than manual aeration of rice, and resulting insect populations were also Irradiation

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. lower in bins using automatic aeration. Chilled aeration, the process of blowing refrigerated air Irradiation of durable stored products is legal in through a grain mass, can reduce grain tem- most countries and can be conducted using ion- peratures and insect populations below those izing radiation such as gamma rays, which have Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from achievable using ambient aeration or no aera- the potential to dislodge electrons from chem- tion (47), but chilled aeration is not commonly ical bonds in molecules, and nonionizing ra- used for bulk grains because of cost. A solar ad- diation such as radio frequencies, microwaves, sorption cooling system was successfully tested or infrared rays, which do not break bonds but for chilling bulk grain in China and may provide essentially heat the product and the insects by a more cost-effective alternative (62). vibrating bonds in water (40). Irradiation could Various forms of heating have been used to be used to disinfest product entering a grain kill insects in bulk grain (12), such as microwave storage system or as a remedial treatment for or infrared radiation. However, the methods infested product in a storage system. Infrared have not been widely used because of the time irradiation is the same as heating, described required to treat large amounts of grain. Re- above, and can be applied to the air and surfaces cent studies show efficacy of infrared catalytic of structures as well as directly to commodities

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that will tolerate it. Microwaves and radio fre- atmospheric gases over time (i.e., the relative quency also heat water in the insects or the sur- abundance of atmospheric gases changes from rounding commodity, causing death by cellular tolerable to toxic). Target gas concentrations Controlled or disruption, but these need to be directed at a for insect toxicity are 3% or less of oxygen modified moving commodity in a thin layer over the in- and/or 60% or more of carbon dioxide. Thus, atmosphere: an dividual kernels and thus cannot be applied to a one type of controlled atmosphere would be alternative mixture of atmospheric gases that whole structure. High-energy microwaves have addition of CO2 to levels above 60% for 24 h been applied to flowing grain in a pilot-scale or more, or flushing an exposed space with an is insecticidal, due to having very low trial with effective insect kill and no negative- inert gas such as nitrogen to displace O2 be- oxygen levels or high quality effects on the grain (85), but commercial low 3%. A low-oxygen atmosphere can also be carbon dioxide, and adoption is cost-prohibitive and would require achieved and maintained by applying vacuum, imposed on an infested much higher throughput levels of grain than or low pressure, to an infested commodity in a commodity in a those studied. gas-tight chamber so that all the atmospheric gas-tight container Ionizing radiation at dosages of up to 10 kGy gases decrease, including oxygen (64, 82). The (kilogrey) for grain is safe for the commod- dynamic gas concentration of a modified atmo- ity and usually has delayed mortality of insects sphere can be achieved under hermetic storage through cell cycle disruption following dam- of an infested commodity in which the activity age to DNA. Typically, doses of 0.4 kGy or of aerobic and microbes consume

less are required to be effective for most insects the O2 in a gas-tight structure and generate (39). Insect eggs and young larvae exposed to CO2, resulting in a decrease in O2 from ambient effective doses of gamma rays fail to develop concentration of about 20% to below 10% and a

to adults, and treated adults are reproductively increase in CO2 from an ambient concentration sterile. Sources of ionizing radiation are from of 0.04% to approximately over 20% in a mat- radioisotopes such as cesium or cobalt, or they ter of weeks to months. Toxicityresponses of in- are generated like X-rays via an electron beam sects to controlled or modified atmospheres are (40). Unfortunately, adoption of ionizing irra- similar to those with chemical fumigants: Ex- diation treatments for postharvest agricultural posure times needed for effective kill decrease products has been minimal to nil in the United as temperature increases and as the most lethal

States owing to public concerns regarding the concentration (e.g., lower O2 or higher CO2) safety of radioisotope facilities and public mis- is approached. As with chemical fumigants, life perception that treated food becomes radioac- stages most susceptible to altered atmospheres tive and that those eating the food could suffer are those most active, the larvae and adults,

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. radiation poisoning. Also many countries and whereas eggs and pupae are typically more tol- customers have zero tolerance for live insects erant of controlled atmospheres. Cereal grains in grain or finished products, and ionizing irra- and oilseeds treated with controlled or modified diation does not cause immediate acute insect atmospheres experience virtually no adverse Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from mortality. effects. Application of controlled or modified atmo- spheres presents several logistical challenges, Controlled and Modified Atmospheres although once overcome the methods present Exposure of insects to toxic concentrations of opportunities. Paramount to the success of atmospheric gases has been practiced for cen- these methods is having a gas-tight or mini- turies and has been promoted in recent years mally permeable chamber or storage structure as a biorational substitute for chemical fumi- in which to treat the infested commodity. Treat- gations (74). A controlled atmosphere is one ment of a typical mill or food plant would be in which a target concentration of a particular impractical in most cases because these build- gas is maintained, and a modified atmosphere ings are too leaky to maintain the needed gas is one in which there is a dynamic change in concentrations. Well-sealed grain bins, either • Managing Stored-Product Insects 381 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

metal or concrete, that are filled with grain bins is 7%, have few insect problems. However, and thus have 40% or less free air space are drying can cause cracks in grain kernels (66), good candidates for CO treatment if gas can making the grain more susceptible to insect in- Diatomaceous earth 2 (DE): fossilized be maintained for several days at temperatures festation (110). In general, artificial drying has ◦ remains of the silicon over 25 C. The best structure for controlled not been used as an insect control method. dioxide skeletons of atmosphere treatment is a gas-tight chamber Control of stored-product insects by desic- diatoms, which are that can maintain the desired gas concentration cation can be facilitated by treatment of infested aquatic algae, that are for the times needed. Hence, the broadscale commodity and spaces with diatomaceous earth insecticidal as desiccants adoption of controlled or modified atmosphere (DE). DE represents the fossilized silicon diox- treatments is impeded by the lack of suitable ide skeletons of diatoms, which are unicellular chambers at food companies and by the limi- aquatic algae. Deposits of diatoms from ancient tation any chamber of a reasonable size would seas and lakes are plentiful for mining in various place on throughput of a treated commodity. locations worldwide. DE kills insects follow- The cost of gases needed for controlled at- ing contact exposure by absorbing the hydro- mospheres may also be a hindrance to adoption. carbons from their cuticles, which causes dehy-

CO2 is expensive and must be available in large dration and ultimate death (54). The activity of supply for certain applications. N2 for use in low DE is increased under low humidity and higher O2 treatments is less expensive and can be gen- temperatures. An enhanced DE was developed erated from ambient air, in which it is close to that utilizes added silica gel, a finer and more 80% concentration, via membrane-adsorption homogenous source of silicon dioxide (55). DE technology (74). Technologyexists for the gen- is nontoxic to vertebrates and is even a com-

eration of low O2 and high CO2 burner gas mon food additive and food-processing agent through cleaned effluent from an exothermic with the designation GRAS (generally regarded gas-burning generator (102) that can deliver a as safe). The efficacy of DE varies significantly controlled atmosphere to a structure for days. among its geographic source locations where A low-cost alternative to a gas-tight chamber it is mined, so users must follow label instruc- made of rigid construction is the use a flexi- tions closely to ensure control (54). Application ble polyvinyl chloride bag, or cocoon, that can of DE at effective rates to an entire grain mass hold from 1 to 20 tons of infested commod- can cause a significant loss in bulk density, thus

ity and be treated with CO2 or subjected to lowering the quality and value of the treated low O2 by attachment of a vacuum pump to grain (56); care should be taken to use minimal achieve low pressure (74, 82). Hermetic storage effective rates or to treat problem areas only

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. for generating a dynamic modified atmosphere (e.g., the top or bottom layers of the grain mass). has been demonstrated extensively in Israel and Other disadvantages of DE are that workers can parts of Asia and Africa, and provides a means of be bothered by high dust levels, and the abra- safe storage in locations where electricity or ac- sive property of the material may slow or dam- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from cess to gases or permanent storage structures is age conveying equipment if care is not taken. limited (74). Nevertheless, DE represents one of the most effective and safest nonchemical methods for controlling storage insects, and in the United Humidity Control and Desiccation States DE is organically compliant for several Most insects that occur in stored grain thrive at commercial formulations. moisture contents of 12 to 15% (45), so reduc- ing moisture content is an option for control. Regions with low-moisture-content grain and Impact and Removal low temperatures at harvest, such as Canada and Turning grain, which involves moving grain the extreme northern United States, where typ- from one bin to another, with a pneumatic ical moisture content of wheat when placed in conveyor can result in 70–100% mortality of

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larval and adult beetle pests, depending on stage pheromones for males (107). Stored-product and species (124). However, grain is not usu- species with long-lived, feeding adults, all ally turned in farm storages, and elevators turn examples of which are beetles, utilize male- grain only to add phosphine fumigant to kill produced aggregation pheromones that attract insects or to cool the grain. Any movement of both males and females. Release and perhaps grain can cause cracking, which makes the grain production of the pheromones by males is more susceptible to insects. Cleaning of grain, closely tied to feeding or contact with food: through sieving or so-called scalping, has been Males locate food, produce pheromones, attract proposed as a method for limiting population females and other males, and mate; females growth of external-feeding pests by removing oviposit at that site, where larvae ultimately broken material, but there is a lack of evidence develop. Aggregation pheromone systems have from controlled field tests that this practice is been described for stored-product pests in the cost-effective (34). Entoleters, or impact ma- families Bostrichidae (20, 24), Curculionidae chines, are widely used in flour mills to kill in- (86, 122), Cucujidae and Silvanidae (76), and sects in flour (89). They are less useful for killing Tenebrionidae (46, 106). Pheromones provide insects in whole grains or in coarse-grained highly sensitive tools for insect detection, products because of damage to the product. because a pheromone trap may detect the pres- ence of an insect while numerous traditional samples would detect none, and pheromones BIOLOGICALLY BASED are highly specific to a target species. CONTROLS Pheromones are commercially available for approximately 20 species of stored-product Pheromones and Other insects as slow-release formulations of lures to Semiochemicals be used in monitoring traps (83). Among those Attractant pheromones, which are intraspe- that can be purchased, the most commonly cific chemical signals, and other attractant used pheromones are those for P. interpunctella, semiochemicals have been identified for over the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne 40 species of stored-product insects over the (F.) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), the red and past 40 years (15, 18, 81, 83). There are two confused flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum and broad categories of pheromone systems recog- T. confusum Jacquelin du Val, respectively, and nized in stored-product insects, which follow the warehouse beetle, Trogoderma variabile Bal- life-history models for insects in general. lion (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). The efficacy of

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. Species with short-lived, usually nonfeed- pheromone-baited sticky traps vary according ing adult stages utilize female-produced sex to their placement within a building (i.e., pheromones in which a receptive adult female proximity to walls, floors, and ceilings), and “calls” by releasing one or more attractant other flat landing sites enhance the response of Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from compounds and one or more males respond P. interpunctella males to pheromone-baited upwind to the pheromone after which mating traps (73). For beetles that tend to land and occurs. The female sex pheromone system is crawl to an odor source, traps are designed exemplified in many species of stored-product to sit on a floor or flat surface and capture moths, predominated by species in the Pyral- insects that walk into the trap, which even- idae, subfamily Phycitinae, and beetles in the tually become stuck to the trapping surface families Anobiidae, Bruchidae, and Dermesti- or ensnared inside the trapping receptacle. dae. Clothes moths in the family Tineidae Barak & Burkholder (11) developed a trap with have interesting pheromone systems in which horizontal layers of corrugated cardboard in males orient toward larval food sources and which responding beetles walked through the then produce pheromones in a resource-based tunnels of corrugations to reach a cup of oil manner (108), while females produce attractant into which they fell and became suffocated. A • Managing Stored-Product Insects 383 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

popular alternative design is what appears as a of a management tactic, such as fumigation or ramp-and-pitfall trap, in which beetles walk to heat treatment, by comparing trap captures be- the trap, climb up an inclined side of the trap, fore and after the treatment (84). and then fall into a receptacle of oil (68). The Pheromones can also be used to suppress oil in these floor traps serves both as a trapping and control pest populations of stored-product medium and as a pheromone synergist or insects. Mass-trapping males with a sex additive attractant, as many formulations are pheromone can theoretically control a popu- grain-derived (84, 86). Odors from larval foods lation if a large number of males are removed that also serve as attractants for adult moths, from the population (59). Male moths such as technically considered kairomones, were devel- P. interpunctella can inseminate an average of six oped for monitoring females of P. interpunctella females in their lifetimes; thus, a few surviving and other stored-product moths (67, 96). males in a population under mass-trapping When attractant traps are used properly in treatment could maintain the reproductive value-added food systems they can be a key rate of the population at a level similar to component of IPM. Detection is the simple that without mass-trapping. Despite the determination of the presence or absence of a perceived challenge of effective mass-trapping pest species using pheromone traps, and mon- of storage moths, several reported examples itoring refers to the collection of trap capture are known from Europe (83) and from the data over space and time in a building. Use of United States for food stored for retail (16). pheromone traps in bulk grain situations is not The attract-and-kill, or attracticide, method is as informative as direct and indirect sampling similar to mass-trapping, but instead of using of grain (see below), and pheromone-trapping traps, which can saturate with dead moths and will usually result in high trap captures that are need servicing, an insecticide-treated surface is not informative, or worse, in the case of aggre- coupled with the pheromone lure so that males gation pheromones that attract females, might contact the insecticide briefly and then die soon attract pest insects into the grain. Trapsin food- after (72, 83). Mating disruption, in which a processing and warehouse facilities need to be treatment area is saturated with an unnaturally distributed fairly evenly over the entire area of high concentration of synthetic sex pheromone interest at a density that is cost-effective for the and males are unable to locate and successfully manager, and they must be checked for insects mate with females, has proven successful for on a regular basis over time, perhaps every one stored-product moths under controlled con- or two weeks throughout the season of inter- ditions (101), and recently in commercial field

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. est or the entire year. Application of trapping settings (82, 95). Government registration of a data with spatial analysis or geographic infor- pheromone for the expressed purpose of con- mation software can be used to visualize loca- trolling an insect pest population is required tions in a building with high or low probabil- in the United States. Primary registration of Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from ity of encountering a pest insect or infestation the synthetic sex pheromone of stored-product (70, 71), but sometimes simple manual observa- moths, Z,E-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate, was tion of collected trap capture data over time will recently granted. This registration, which con- be highly useful information to a pest manager. siders the pheromone an insecticide yet does Traps provide relative population samples. The not set illegal residue levels for exposed foods as manager should be attentive to increases in in- is done with many other insecticides, allows for sect numbers in traps at one or more locations grains and foods to be present when using this relative to other locations, and to increases or pheromone to control stored-product moths decreases in numbers at one time compared to (28). This is perhaps the first registration of past sampling times. In addition, pheromone a sex pheromone for mating disruption for traps can be used to help determine the efficacy indoor use in the United States.

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Insect Natural Enemies at present, but examples of success on a small scale exist and the potential for further devel- There is a guild of insect natural enemies asso- opment is great (38, 98). ciated with stored-product insects, and most are as adapted to human-based habitats as are their prey and hosts. The literature on insect natural Microbial Insecticides enemies has been reviewed by Scholler¨ & Flinn A number of insect pathogens have been tested (97) and Scholler¨ et al. (98). Several species for control of stored-product insects, but none of parasitoid wasps from the Pteromalidae is in common use because of lack of suffi- are solitary ectoparasitoids of internal-feeding cient, broad-spectrum efficacy. Many tests have grain-infesting species of beetles, and similarly been conducted to synergize pathogens with there are several common species of Ichneu- other control technologies, particularly those monidae and Braconidae as ecto- and endopar- that might be expected to increase efficacy of asitoids associated with stored-product Lepi- pathogens, such as DE (51) by presumably doptera. Some species of free-living predatory abrading the cuticle, or grain varietal resistance beetles, true bugs (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), by delaying larval development (113), both of and mites prey on any life stage of numerous which might make the insect more susceptible species of stored-product insect pests that they to the pathogen. Laboratory evaluations of the can subdue and consume. Populations of para- commercially available fungi Beauveria bassiana sitoids and predators in storage systems display and Metarhizium anisopliae and the bacterium delayed density dependency in their dynam- Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), alone or in conjunc- ics that are typical of other predator-prey and tion with another insecticidal material such as parasitoid-host systems in other insect com- DE, generally result in complete control of only munities, and population declines of stored- some stages of some species, while other stages product pest species are typically followed by or species are poorly controlled (2, 51, 113). Bt increases in these natural enemy populations. generally has been most effective against Lep- It is legal to add insect parasitoids and preda- idoptera and Diptera, although some strains tors to bulk grain and to food warehouses show increased efficacy for beetles (2); how- in the United States under regulations passed ever, efficacy is still poor compared with con- by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ventional insecticides. This lack of efficacy lim- and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency its the use of pathogens in commercial appli- (EPA) (25). In short, insect natural enemies cations. Bt has been registered for control of were technically designated insecticides so they stored-product Lepidoptera for decades, but it

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. could be regulated, and then they were ex- has rarely been used because it does not con- empted from a requirement of a tolerance level trol beetle pests. An effective granulosis virus in food. The relevant FDA regulation for filth specific for P. interpunctella was described and a

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from in food refers to the allowable number of in- method for low-cost mass-production was de- sect fragments in finished food, such as flour for veloped (121), but commercial adoption has bread-making. Thus, fragments of pest insects been limited. and those of natural enemies are not differenti- Spinosad is an insecticide derived from ated, and the level cannot be legally exceeded. metabolites in the fermentation of the acti- These key regulations allow the addition of in- nomycete bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa sect natural enemies to stored-products systems Mertz and Yao (Actinomycetales: Actinomyc- and present an opportunity for biologically etaceae) (109). Spinosad is currently registered based management of storage pests with care- by the U.S. EPA (27) with a residue tolerance ful and knowledgeable use by pest managers. concentration of 1.5 ppm for use on stored grain Commercial suppliers of natural enemies for in both conventional and organic formulations. stored-product pest management are limited However, spinosad has not been released for • Managing Stored-Product Insects 385 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

use by the manufacturer as of this writing due resulted in insect control, but such control was to the lack of full approval for tolerance levels not at commercially acceptable levels like those on stored grain by all international trading part- achieved with synthetic fumigants. Insect growth regulators (IGRs): ners with the United States as called for under Pyrethrum, a commercial mixture of com- synthetic insecticides the Codex Alimentarius (internationally recog- pounds derived from Chrysanthemum cinerari- that mimic insect nized standards or guidelines for food safety). ifolium, is perhaps the most successful botanical hormones and act by There is much interest in the use of spinosad on insecticide throughout all modern pest control, disrupting the normal stored grain because other residual insecticides and this is certainly the case for stored prod- development of immature stages of registered in the United States and elsewhere ucts. The active ingredients from pyrethrum target insects have limited efficacy against the major pest of are called pyrethrins. Synergized pyrethrum stored wheat, R. dominica, either because of sim- commonly contains the synergist piperonyl bu- ple lack of efficacy or because of development toxide, commonly referred to as PBO, which of resistance. Spinosad is effective for season- suppresses metabolic degradation of pyrethrins long control of R. dominica in stored wheat; it in the insect. Synergized pyrethrum is com- is highly toxic to larvae of many stored-product monly used as an aerosol in flour mills (117) insects and shows good compatibility with in- and is usually combined with another insecti- sect natural enemies (21, 105, 119). cide that has longer residual activity because the pyrethrum achieves only quick knockdown of insect pests at best, while the other insecti- Botanical Insecticides cide with which it is combined provides longer There is a plethora of studies on the use of plant activity (5). Organically compliant pyrethrum, extracts or whole plant materials for insect con- which lacks any synthetic synergist and is ex- trol, but few are used on a commercial scale tracted from chrysanthemum flowers by meth- (91). Farmers often use homegrown or naturally ods approved by the USDA National Organic occurring plant materials for insect control in Program, has been registered in the United developing countries. Problems with botanical States in recent years and shows potential for insecticides are lack of consistency, safety con- managing stored-product insects (16), but reg- cerns, and sometimes odor. It is often falsely istration of a stored-product use is pending and assumed that because a plant material is used suitable efficacy has yet to be investigated. as a food flavoring or medicine that extracts from the material will be safe for human con- sumption. Various extracts from the neem tree, Insect Growth Regulators

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. Azadirachta indica, collectively referred to as the Insect growth regulators (IGRs) used in stored- insecticide Neem, are commercially available product systems in the United States and botanical insecticides, and local formulations elsewhere include the insect juvenile hor- have been widely used in some parts of the mone analogs methoprene, hydroprene, and Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from world for stored-product insect control (57). pyriproxyfen (8). All three compounds mimic However, commercial formulations show only the effects of sustained increased titer of in- moderate levels of efficacy (1, 52). Crude pea sect juvenile hormone by disrupting normal flour, and the protein-rich fraction of field peas, development between larval instars and in Pisum spp., as well as that of other food legumes metamorphosis from larvae to pupae and then (e.g., species of Pissum, Phaseolus, and Vignia), from pupae to normal adults. These IGRs are are toxic and repellent to stored-product insects not directly toxic to adults, although their po- (13, 30). Direct application of protein-enriched tential effects on reproductive sterility have not pea flour to bulk grain at 0.1% by weight re- been fully investigated. Another key attribute sulted in substantial reductions in stored-grain to these IGRs is their low levels of toxicity beetle populations (44), and broadscale applica- to mammals and inherent high level of food tion of pea flour to the inside of mills reportedly safety.

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Methoprene was considered so nontoxic insects in mind. Despite this, much variation that it was exempted from a requirement of a in resistance to stored-product insects has been tolerance by the EPA in the United States (26). documented in commercially available crops.

The LD50 value of methoprene, when admin- Hull integrity is the best predictor of istered orally to rats, is >34500 mg/kg (14). rice resistance to R. dominica (19). Pheno- Methoprene applied at 1 ppm to stored grain lic content in corn, which may be related can retain insecticidal activity for over a year, to kernel hardness, has been linked to re- perhaps owing to the environmentally protec- sistance to the maize weevil, S. zeamais, and tive environment of grain storage with regard to the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus lack of temperature extremes and degradation (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) (4). Variabil- from UV radiation. ity in resistance of sorghum to storage insect Hydroprene is a structurally close isomer of pests has been correlated with integrity of the methoprene with slightly more volatility and hull, hardness, and thickness of the endosperm thus is considered to function better as an (111). There is variability in wheat in resistance aerosol in space treatments of structures be- to stored-product insects, but the factors re- cause of its ability to penetrate voids and spaces sponsible for this are poorly understood (111). not treated directly. However, the structurally United States oat cultivars vary in their sus- different pyriproxyfen has qualities slightly su- ceptibility to storage insect pests, with some perior to hydroprene with regard to length of varieties almost immune to insect population residual activity when applied to a variety of development (112). Again, the mechanism of surfaces (7). resistance in oats has not been elucidated. Despite safety and efficacy of IGRs for stor- Transgenic avidin maize was developed for age systems, they have not been widely adopted harvesting avidin for medical testing, but it is re- for stored grain when compared with tradi- sistant to all storage insect pests against which tional residual contact insecticides and fumi- it has been tested except for P. truncatus (58). gants, probably because of cost and lack of im- Avidin kills insects by sequestering the vitamin mediate knockdown. IGRs are widely used for biotin. Two Bt transgenic rice lines developed aerosol treatment of food-processing and fin- for control of the Asiatic rice borer, Chilo sup- ished product storage areas, particularly when pressalis Walker, incorporate cry1Aa and cry1B combined with pyrethrum or dichlorvos, which genes and had mixed nontarget effects on stor- are added for immediate knockdown of active age insects (93). P. interpunctella did not survive insect life stages. Increased use of IGRs may be on semolina produced from the two lines, while

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. attributed to pest managers seeking alternatives S. oryzae progeny production was reduced on to methyl bromide. IGRs represent low-risk, one of the lines and progeny production of the biologically based insecticides with potential for psocid Liposcelis bostrychophila (Badonnel) (Pso- more adoption in the food industry in the fu- coptera: Liposcelididae) was reduced on the Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from ture. The chemically synthetic nature of IGRs, other line. however, precludes them from use in strictly organic practices. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT Resistant Crops and Foods IPM is a decision-making process that utilizes Varietal resistance was once considered a use- information about the managed product, the ful tool for management of stored-product in- insect pests occurring in the product, the abi- sects but has not been used in the United States otic factors of the system in which the product since the use of inexpensive insecticides such as is managed, the tolerance for given numbers malathion began in the 1970s. New varieties are of pests or pest-related damage or contam- not developed with resistance to stored-product ination that may determine action levels, • Managing Stored-Product Insects 387 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

and maximization of product quality drive IPM decision-making for value-added food products. Synthetic chemical insecticides, par- ticularly the fumigant gas hydrogen phosphide, commonly referred to as phosphine, are com- monly used in stored-product systems and will continue to be important tools. Nevertheless, in the context of biorational IPM, judicious use of chemical insecticides following knowledge- based decision-making is strongly advocated.

Sampling and Population Estimation Sampling is an essential step in pest manage- ment because it allows the pest manager to take remedial actions only when pest populations Figure 1 reach levels that justify the cost of remedia- tion. A number of techniques have been tested A technician inserts a grain trier into a mass of grain to remove a sample. The trier is a tube within a and many are used in stored grain. The most tube, such that grains enter the oblong opening commonly used manual commercial method once the device is fully inserted into the mass, and for grain stored in steel bins and grain in tran- then the inner tube is turned to close the openings sit vehicles is the use of a grain trier, which so that the entire sample can be withdrawn. Photo is a metal spear up to 4 m in length that can Grain trier: a courtesy of Oklahoma State University. spear-like metal tube be inserted into grain to withdraw a sample used to obtain a (Figure 1). Once the grain sample is removed and the risks of various kinds that need to be sample of grain from a with the trier, the external-feeding pests in the storage structure for considered in making management decisions. grain are removed by sieving. Mechanically op- the purpose of Sampling-based decision-making is the most erated pneumatic grain triers are routinely used examining the grain straightforward form of IPM for relatively for the presence of to sample grain at points of sale in commercial low-value and high-insect-tolerance bulk com- insects or to measure transport by truck, rail, or barge. A deep-bin modities, while near zero tolerance for insects grain quality factors probe cup can be used to take samples from deeper in a grain mass (3), but this is not usu-

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. ally done because of the difficulty in pushing the probe into the grain mass. Sieving the sample to remove insects has the disadvantage of not sampling internal-feeding stages, which might Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from make up a substantial proportion of all insects in a grain mass (80). These internal-feeding pests can be detected by various techniques (114), none of which is practical for farm-stored grain. Use of digital X-ray equipment may be practi- cal at an elevator for detection of internal in- sects (Figure 2). The method is quick, but only a small sample can be scanned (10 × 10 cm Figure 2 area) and the equipment is relatively expensive A digital X-ray image of rice kernels, some of which are infested with larvae, (114). Image analysis of digital X-rays is accu- pupae, and teneral adults of the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica. Photo rate for detecting insects, but the number of courtesy of USDA. false positives can be high (50). Probe traps

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Figure 3 A grain probe trap (WB-II; Trece Inc., Adair, OK) inserted into a grain mass to sample live insects. The main body shaft of the trap has numerous holes through which insects fall inside the shaft, through a narrowed funnel bottom and into the collection tip Figure 4 for eventual recovery. Photo courtesy of USDA. An electronic grain probe insect detector (InsectorTM, OPI Systems Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada) shown in full view, left, approximately 45 cm in (Figure 3) have long been available for de- length, and a cut-away view of the counting sensor near the bottom. The device tection of insects in grain (83, 123), but they is inserted into a grain mass; insects moving through the grain pass through the holes, fall through the shaft, and break an infrared beam of light at the sensor, have not been widely used because of costs and as shown with this example of a red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. The safety concerns associated with bin entry. An device is connected to a computer system so that count data unique to a specific automated probe trap (InsectorTM, OPI Sys- device are recorded with a date and time stamp to facilitate remote sensing with tems, Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada), which minimal servicing. Photo courtesy of USDA. incorporates infrared beams to count and de- termine species of insects falling into the traps (Figure 4), overcomes these shortcomings (99), although accuracy of species determination varies (35). Conventional probe-pitfall traps can be used throughout the grain mass (3), but they rarely are used in this manner because of the dif- ficulty of pushing them into the grain mass and need for regular servicing. Insects in concrete

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. silos can be sampled throughout the grain mass using a vacuum probe sampler (33) (Figure 5). Several automatic grain sampling devices are used in large terminal and export grain han- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from dling facilities to collect samples from flowing grain at regular time intervals (Figure 6) for the purpose of quality grading and insect detection (63). Figure 5 The numbers of insects in grain samples A powered vacuum probe grain sampler is applied are usually considered to be absolute estimates from the top of a commercial concrete grain silo. of population levels because they represent the The technician in the foreground is adding a 1.3-m number of insects in a given quantity of grain section of aluminum pipe that is pushed into the grain mass as the vacuum pump (not pictured) at one point in time. The disadvantage is that at provides suction through a flexible hose, and samples normal infestation levels (two injurious insects of 3 kg are collected into a hopper (with technicians per kilogram of wheat is considered actionable in the background) associated with each section of in wheat exported from the United States), few pipe. Photo courtesy of Oklahoma State University. • Managing Stored-Product Insects 389 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

practice. Sanitation and pest-free management are the goals of IPM in value-added food sys- tems. Relative sampling of insect populations in food-processing facilities using pheromone traps or other insect sampling methods (e.g., light traps and product recall data) is the norm. Interpretation of trap captures at processing fa- cilities to estimate population levels has been difficult, but recent attempts (71) to use the number of traps with no insects to estimate pop- ulation levels look promising and practical at commercial food-processing facilities.

Risk Assessment and Decision-Making Figure 6 IPM decision-making is based ultimately on A technician uses an Ellis cup to collect a sample of grain from a fast-moving risks of economic loss that encompass lost value conveyor belt at a commercial grain storage facility. Samples can be collected from product defect, losses due to regulatory manually, as here, or by automatic sampling devices while grain is moved between bins or when it is moved for export or brought in for initial storage. action following illegal practices, or increased Photo courtesy of USDA. costs due to pest control itself (87). Various computer-assisted tools have been developed insects are found in trier samples, so it is for risk assessment and decision-making in difficult to estimate population levels. For farm-stored grain. The Stored Grain Advisor example, in a nine-month study of psocids in (SGA) expert system (32) can be used to aid 32.6 tons of wheat stored in each of two steel in decision-making in farm-stored grain by bins, 547 psocids were found in trier samples inputting grain abiotic conditions (temperature (40 480-g samples taken every two weeks) and and moisture content) and insect pest levels de- 77,502 psocids were found in InsectorTM probe termined by sampling, and then models in the traps (10 traps inserted into the grain for one expert system predict future insect infestation week every two weeks) (77). Although probe levels and make recommendations for manag- traps catch more insects, they are collecting ing the grain. SGA was modified for use at grain insects as they move through the grain mass, so elevators (33). Decision-making in processing

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. catches are affected by various factors such as facilities and warehouses is more difficult, and behavior and abiotic conditions. These relative computer-assisted software to aid in this process estimates of population level can be converted is currently lacking. Managers of processing to absolute estimates of insect density by facilities historically relied on calendar-based Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from incorporating temperature into regression fumigations for insect management, but, with equations (118). A major problem with probe the phaseout of methyl bromide, this is no traps remains that they are only able to sample longer true. Managers of these facilities are the surface of the grain. A vacuum probe more likely now to rely on trap captures sampling system overcomes this problem by and direct inspections to make management taking a 3 kg sample of grain every 1.3 m in decisions, but, as mentioned above, there grain down to depths of 13 m or more (33). is at present no uniform method for doing Sampling of value-added finished products, this. Biorational approaches to IPM in stored especially when packaged for retail or whole- products should promote reduced risks while sale marketing, is impractical and not done in providing cost-effective pest management.

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SUMMARY POINTS 1. Stored-product insects are ubiquitous, essentially cosmopolitan, occurring in feral habi- tats as well as in human-made facilities, and infestation can be a continual year-round process that makes pest control difficult. 2. Grain, and its associated insect pests, has been transported across regions and around the world for millennia, so there are few quarantine issues yet common problems faced worldwide. 3. In developed countries, stored-product insects are an economic issue because of their presence and perception as filth and contamination to food, not because of quantitative losses to products in storage, which is more the case in developing countries. 4. Sanitation, the cleaning and removal of food debris that harbors insects, is the first line of defense in grain stored at farms or elevators and for food-processing and warehouse facilities. 5. Temperature management is one of the best bio-based methods for insect control in stored grain by cooling the grain to retard insect population growth with ambient air aer- ation with fans on bins, and by using hot forced air distributed through food-processing facilities to kill insects with heat. 6. A full toolbox of bio-based pest management methods is available for stored-product sys- tems, including inert DE as an insecticidal desiccant, the microbial insecticide spinosad, highly safe synthetic IGRs, controlled and modified atmospheres as alternatives to tra- ditional chemical fumigants, insect natural enemies that can regulate or control pest populations, and pheromones and other semiochemicals that can be used in traps for monitoring or applied as control tactics in mating disruption or attract-and-kill. 7. New tools for sampling grain for insect numbers and the application of these data in computer-assisted decision-making appear most promising at grain elevators. Systematic collection and use of insect infestation data for pest management decision-making in food processing also occurs. by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. FUTURE ISSUES 1. Further research is needed to determine the economics of cleaning as a management tool

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from for stored grain to limit growth of external-feeding insect pests in particular. 2. Economic and pest management research should determine efficacy and cost- effectiveness of exclusion of insects from grain storages as a management tool. 3. Interpretation of trap catch data in both stored grain and processing facilities needs further research to aid in pest management decision-making; continued development of automation in the collection and use of trap count data is also needed. 4. Research should optimize or further develop attractants to aid in monitoring of some stored-product insects and provide new tools for species for which attractants have not been identified. • Managing Stored-Product Insects 391 ANRV397-EN55-20 ARI 2 November 2009 12:21

5. Commercial sources for obtaining biological control agents against stored-product in- sects are needed. 6. Work on molecular biology and genetics is needed to develop insect-resistant stored grains safe for human food or biopesticides that are effective and targeted at stored- product insect pests as well as environmentally benign and safe for food and feed. 7. Research should identify methods for disinfesting and maintaining organically compliant commodities, such as optimizing the use of freezing. 8. The economic feasibility of biorational pest management methods should be determined so that storage managers can select the most cost-effective management methods.

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We sincerely thank our colleagues Frank Arthur, Paul Fields, Paul Flinn, and Manoj Nayak for their constructive comments on an earlier draft of this review. The authors appreciate finan- cial institutional support from Oklahoma State University, Kansas State University, the USDA Agricultural Research Service, and various grant-funding programs from the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. Mention of trade names or commercial prod- ucts in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by Kansas State University or the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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Annual Review of Entomology Contents Volume 55, 2010

Frontispiece Mike W. Service ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppxiv The Making of a Medical Entomologist Mike W. Service pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1 Ecology of Herbivorous Arthropods in Urban Landscapes Michael J. Raupp, Paula M. Shrewsbury, and Daniel A. Herms pppppppppppppppppppppppppp19 Causes and Consequences of Cannibalism in Noncarnivorous Insects Matthew L. Richardson, Robert F. Mitchell, Peter F. Reagel, and Lawrence M. Hanks pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp39 Insect Biodiversity and Conservation in Australasia Peter S. Cranston pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp55 Ekbom Syndrome: The Challenge of “Invisible Bug” Infestations Nancy C. Hinkle ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp77 Update on Powassan Virus: Emergence of a North American Tick-Borne Flavivirus Gregory D. Ebel ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp95

by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. Beyond Drosophila: RNAi In Vivo and Functional Genomics in Insects Xavier Bell´es ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp111 Dicistroviruses Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from Bryony C. Bonning and W. Allen Miller ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp129 Olive Fruit Fly: Managing an Ancient Pest in Modern Times Kent M. Daane and Marshall W. Johnson ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp151 Insect Silk: One Name, Many Materials Tara D. Sutherland, James H. Young, Sarah Weisman, Cheryl Y. Hayashi, and David J. Merritt ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp171 Bayesian Phylogenetics and Its Influence on Insect Systematics Fredrik Ronquist and Andrew R. Deans ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp189 Insect Fat Body: Energy, Metabolism, and Regulation Estela L. Arrese and Jose L. Soulages pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp207

vii AR397-FM ARI 12 November 2009 9:17

Sex Differences in Phenotypic Plasticity Affect Variation in Sexual Size Dimorphism in Insects: From Physiology to Evolution R. Craig Stillwell, Wolf U. Blanckenhorn, Tiit Teder, Goggy Davidowitz, Charles W. Fox pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp227 Facultative Symbionts in Aphids and the Horizontal Transfer of Ecologically Important Traits Kerry M. Oliver, Patrick H. Degnan, Gaelen R. Burke, and Nancy A. Moran ppppppppp247 Honey Bees as a Model for Vision, Perception, and Cognition Mandyam V. Srinivasan pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp267 Invasion Biology, Ecology, and Management of the Light Brown Apple Moth (Tortricidae) D.M. Suckling and E.G. Brockerhoff pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp285 Feeding Mechanisms of Adult Lepidoptera: Structure, Function, and Evolution of the Mouthparts Harald W. Krenn pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp307 Integrated Management of Sugarcane Whitegrubs in Australia: An Evolving Success Peter G. Allsopp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp329 The Developmental, Molecular, and Transport Biology of Malpighian Tubules Klaus W. Beyenbach, Helen Skaer, and Julian A.T. Dow ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp351 Biorational Approaches to Managing Stored-Product Insects Thomas W. Phillips and James E. Throne ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp375 Parallel Olfactory Systems in Insects: Anatomy and Function C. Giovanni Galizia and Wolfgang R¨ossler pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp399 by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. Integrative : A Multisource Approach to Exploring Biodiversity Birgit C. Schlick-Steiner, Florian M. Steiner, Bernhard Seifert, Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from Christian Stauffer, Erhard Christian, and Ross H. Crozier ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp421 Evolution of Plant Defenses in Nonindigenous Environments Colin M. Orians and David Ward ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp439 Landscape Epidemiology of Vector-Borne Diseases William K. Reisen ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp461 Role of Adhesion in Immune Recognition Otto Schmidt, Kenneth S¨oderh¨all, Ulrich Theopold, and Ingrid Faye pppppppppppppppppppp485 Physical Ecology of Fluid Flow Sensing in Arthropods J´erˆome Casas and Olivier Dangles ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp505

viii Contents AR397-FM ARI 12 November 2009 9:17

Managing Invasive Populations of Asian Longhorned Beetle and Citrus Longhorned Beetle: A Worldwide Perspective Robert A. Haack, Franck H´erard, Jianghua Sun, and Jean J. Turgeon ppppppppppppppppp521 Threats Posed to Rare or Endangered Insects by Invasions of Nonnative Species David L. Wagner and Roy G. Van Driesche ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp547 Malaria Management: Past, Present, and Future A. Enayati and J. Hemingway ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp569 Regulation of Midgut Growth, Development, and Metamorphosis Raziel S. Hakim, Kate Baldwin, and Guy Smagghe pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp593 Cellulolytic Systems in Insects Hirofumi Watanabe and Gaku Tokuda pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp609


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 46–55 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp633 Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 46–55 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp638


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Entomology articles may be found at by Kansas State University on 12/15/09. For personal use only. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2010.55:375-397. Downloaded from

Contents ix