Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 43

A Revision of the New World--Sp~ec~i~e~s~o,!:f====== Ganglbauer (Coleoptera: Cucujidae: Laemophloeinae)

M.e. Thomas Pest Identification Laboratory West Virginia Department of Agriculture Charleston, WV 23505

Abstract Jar genera. Of the genera most closelY allied to Cryp-- tolestes, Planolestes Lefkovitch seems to be adequately The New World species ofCryptalestes Ganglbauer defined and distinct (Lefkoviteh 1957), but A4icrobrontes are revised and keys, diagnoses, descriptions, and il- Reitter to hloeus Case and D smerus Case ose some problems. According to I etkovitch (1958b), Mirrnbrontes is "... well differentiated from Cryptolestes and from other seem Casey and L. bieDtor Chevrolat, are reassigned to Laemophloeinae..." Yet, my examination of the type Cryptolestes. Eight new species are described: C. dissimu­ s~ecies of Microbrontes M. laemophloeoides Reitter~ has latus (southwestern United States); C. dybas; (Florida); C. fned to reveal any differences of apparent generi im- portance between it and Cryptolestes uncicornis (Reitter) or C. punctatus (LeConte). C. uncicornis was described as ampiyacfls (Peru); and C. calabozus (Venezuela). Cryp a lAierobnmtes butLefkovitch (1958b) assigned it to C':!'P tolestes uncicornis (Reitter) is revived from synonymy tolestes noti~ that it" ~ossesses the diStin~iShin~ under C. punctatus (LeConte). C. schwarz; (Casey) is re- featur:s otc ptolestes "FeitherMicrobrontes cmlJf'F- vived from synonymy under C. weisei (Reitter), and four specific names are synonymized' C quadratus (Casey) [ C. uncicornis (Reitter)]; C. extricatus (Casey) and C. species of CryptoleStes fOr ¥lhich the genitalia have been adumbratus Casey [-c. punctatus (LeConte)]; and illustrated. However, a s;ecies described below from Laemophloells COllcavus (Reitter) [ C. bicolOl (Che\ifolat)]. Argentina (and dearly ted to lmcicol'llis and puncta dis~tus rei Cryptolestes horni (Casey) and C. Casey are re- tus ossesses a sin Ie enital sclerite while several r i . . loeus Sharp. Lectotypes are designated for Laemophloeus tal sclerites Several of these species also have narrowly gemmatus LeConte, Cryptolestes adumbratus Casey, and Laemophloeus quadratus Casey. Introduction Because ofthe economic importanceas stored pro- r Fi . 1 . However both of these , c arac er s a es are a so presen In • unClcornlS an onomically best-known genus of the family. Ho.wev~r, punctatus (Fig. 2), and I am assigning these species to taxonomic problems remain to be solved, espeCIally in Cryptolestes pending a worldwide study of Cryptolestes determining the generic limits of Cryptolestes and simi-

M.e. Thomas: Cryptol€Stes Pages 43-65 44 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 and related genera. but are not dealt 'with further here. Both Banks (1979) Other genera which seem to be weakly distin­ and Reid (1942a) incorrectly labelled the sclerotizations guished from Cryptolestes (as presently understood) are of the internal sac of various Cryptolestes species as the Leptophloeus Casey, the type of which is Laemophloeus an­ aedeagus and parameres, which have less value in dis­ gw;tulw; LeConte, and oysmerus Casey, the type of tinguishing species than do the structures of the inter which is D. bast/lis Casey. Lefkovitch (1959a) distinguish nal sac. ed adults of Leptophloeus from those of Cryptolestes by As with their , the biology of the stored their subcylindlical body and 5-5-5 male tal sal fonnula. products species of Cryptutestes has been intensively in- Lefkovitch (1962) described several African species that vestigated and is among the best-known of the Coleop- possessed 5-5-4 tarsi and placed them in a species group tera For fUrther details on the biology and ecology of separate from thebulkof Leptophloeus species. However, those species, see Ashby (1961); Barker & Johnson (1968); the male of Leptophloeus angustulus has 5 5 4 tarsi and Barnes & Kaloostian (1940); Bishop (1959); Borden et a1. possesses genital sderotizations similar to those of some (1979), Corbett et a1. (1937), Currie (1967), Da"ies (1949), species of Cryptolestes. And some species of Cryptolestes Dolinski & Loschiavo (1973); Dyte (1961, 1966); Finlayson possess a 5-5-5 male tarsal formula. so that the only (1950a. 1950b): Freeman (1952. 1962): Gupta & Sinha major distinguishing characters separating adults of (1960); Howe (1943); Lefkovitch & Currie (1967); Lef­ Leptopliloells from those of Cryptolgstgs appear to be the kOvitch & Milne (1963); Letkovitch (1959b, 19623, 1962e, subcylindrical body and concomitant narrowing of the 1962f); Loschiavo & Sinha (1966); Lucas & Oxley (1946); intercoxal process of sternum III. Additionally, I have Payne (1946); Rilelt (1949); Sinha (1961,1965); Sinha et al. seen specimens of an undesctibed species hom the (1962); Snnth (1962, 1965, 1966, 1972); SUI tees (1963, 1964, western United States that strongly resembles C. fer­ 1965); Tuff & Telford (1964); Watters (1969); Williams rugineus in general babib!s, even to me laterally ex- (1954); WOjcik (1969) panded mandibles in the male, but would be assigned The biology of the non-economic species of Cryp- currently to Leprophloeus because of its subeylindrical rolestes is almost completely unknown, except that, like body and narrow intercoxal process of sternum III. It most laemophloeines, they occur under bark of hard- may be that some of these character states, e.g., laterally wood logs and are apparently fun&vorous. However, expanded mandibles and possession of gemtalic scler- LefkOVltch [1965a] reported that C capens,s and C jer- otizations in both males and females, are ancestral for rugineus are n • •• actively though not exclusively preda- all or most of these genera and are subject to secondary tory...U Individuals of one of the new species described loss. Adults of Dysmerus are distinguished from those of below have been reported to feed on scale , and Cryptolestes by their subcylindrical bodies, bizarrely at least some members of Leptophloeus and Dysmerus modified male antennal scapes and the lateral attarn- have been recorded as predators of bark . ment of the pedicel to the scape in both sexes (Lef­ In some species ofCryptolestes the last larval instar kOvitch 1958). spins a silken cocoon in ",ihich to pupate (Roberts & Clearly much more workneeds to be done in Cryp- Rilett 1953). They are apparently unique among Coleop- rolestes and related genera to adequately delineate the tera because the silk is produced from epidermal glands characters that define the generic groupings. It is cer- on the prosternum. tainly premature to begin splitting up Cryptolestes into Four species of Cryptolestes, ferruginells (Stephens), subgenera, as Iablokoff- Khnzorian (1977) has done, tllrcicus (Grouvelle), pllsilllls (Schonherr), and plIsi/lOides when the limits of the genus as a whole are still unclear. (Steel and Howe), are important stored products pests of Lefko',ritch arranged the economic species in groups nearly worldwide distribution (Howe &. Le£kot..itch based on palterns of sexual dimorphism and humidity 1957). Three others, capensis (Waltl), ugandae Steel and requirements (Lefkovitch 1965b) and their predilection Howe, and ldapperichi Lefkovitch, are also known from towards predation, cocoon characteristics, and resist- stored products but are of more limited distribution ance to methyl bromide fumigation (Lefkovitch 1965a). Cryptolestes capensis occurs in thecountriesbordering the The taxonomy and identification of the stored pro Mediterranean (Howe and Lefkovitch 1957). Laemo ducts species of Cryptolestes have been the subjects of phloells rotundicollis Casey, described from South numeJOus papers, among which are. Banks (1979), Biege CaJOlina, was synonymized with capensis by Lefkovilch & Partida (1976)' Green (1979)' labJokoff-Khnzorian (1967)' I have not seen any North American specimens (1978); Lefkovltch (1959a, 1962g); Reid (1942a). SIX of capensls dunng thiS stUdy. Cryptolestes ugandae IS re­ cosmopolitan species that have been recorded from, or stricted to Central ...\frica (Leikovitch 1962c) Cryptolestes which are likely to occur in, stored products in the New klapperichi was described in 1962 from Afghanistan (Lef- World are illustrated and included in the key to species, kovitch 1962a) and shortly thereafter 'ivas recorded from

M.e. Thomas: Cryptolestes Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 45 ~. ,«) ~ 1----- ..... _... ~ ..- \\\\ v rr )) '\./ TTT\I \II \\11 I III '1 _----..jj)i~ ~1? \~ 1'J ~1J1 I 2

~ ~ ~ ~ ., ,,/ Iff/ "!. "- /' 3 U( 4 /ft/ Ii ~ 1/ ') '\\ Ir ---"'"'\ - / n I C-/ 'I ~ ~ ~ (I if "\ ~ - 1\ ff ~ " II J ,,- II (j)J ~ ~) ((1.,''0 ~} ~J ~ # ~ J IV II hI

Fi9ures 115. Crypwlestes spp . l\nterior eOltaI cavities: 1))C. (erru"ltffiSgl (pSte hen~;))~ C. ltllcioomis ()Reitte~; armature of in ternal sac: 3) C pusillus (Schonherr); 5) C dissimulatus Thomas, n.sp.; 6) C klapperichi Lefkovitch; 7) C turcicus (Grouvelle); 8) C. pusilleides (Steel & Howe); sclerotization of bursa copulatrix: 9) C. pusillus (Schonherr); 10) C. ferrugineus (Stephens); 11) C dissimukltus Thomas, n.sp.; 12) C klapperichi (Lefkovitch); 13) C turcicus (Grouvelle); 14) C pusilloides (Steel & Howe); 15) e. dybasi Thomas, n.sp.

Arabia (Lefkovitch 1965b). Less than 15 years later, Green Type Species: Of Cryptolestes, Cucujus ferrugineus (1979) recorded klapperichi in stored products from Sri Stephens [by subsequent designation of Casey (1916)]; Lanka and Malaysia. I have seen a long series of speci- of Fractophloeus, Laemophloeus (ractipennis Motschulsky mens of this species collected by M.A. Ivie from the asco- [by subsequent designation of LefkoviLch (1959a)]. Diagnosis: I'he combination of the following char- is the first record of klI1ppI?riChi from the New World. acter states is diagnostic for this genus: epistomal suture not marked with transverse groove; labrum rounded In addition to the economicall~im;ortant species mentioned above, there are six spe iesecOIded from anteriorly; anterlIlomere II longer and more robust than Euro e Lefkovitch 1959a . ei ht from Africa Lefkovitch III; sublaterallines of pronotum carinulate; metasternal g ; 0 om aun ius an eunion e ovi c 1964a); two from Arabia (Lefkovitch 1965b); and 13 are process of sternum III broadly rounded anteriorly; ante- rior tibial spurs subequal in length; elytra with three recorded here from the New World. I have seen speci- mens of unidentified and probably undescribed species complete cells, body dorsoventrally compressed. from Hawaii, Australia, and the New Guinea area. Where label data are given in descriptions of new Key: New World Species of Crypfolesfes, Adults species, they are listed verbatim in double quotes, with data from different labels separated by slashes. Abbre­ 1. Pronotum with a secondary line between sub viations for North American collections are those given lateral line and lateral margin (Fig. 29, 31, 33, 36, by Arnett and Samuelson (1969). 41,) 2 j' Pronotum without a secondary line between Genus Crypto/estes Ganglbauer sublateralline and lateral margin 8 Leptus Thomson 1863:92 (not Latreille, 1896; not Duft­ 2(1). Punctures of pronotal disc elongate 3 schmid, 1825) 2'. Punctures of pronotal disc circular 5 Cryptolestes Ganglbauer 1899:608 (not Tate, 1934; not Seconda sublateralline attainin neither ost- ovace , erior nor anterior angle (Fig. 29); male antennal FraciupMuelIs Kessel 1921.28 scape elongate, with scoop shaped process on

M.e. Thomas: Cryplelestes Pages 43-65 46 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

mesal face, male genitalia as in Fig. 30 (Argen- 9'. First and second ely ttal cells enclosing thr ee tina) spatulifer Thomas, n.sp. rows of setae 12 3'. Secondary sublateralline attaining either basal 10(9). Males WIth mandibles expanded laterally; pro­ or anterior margin of pronotum; male antennal notum strongly constricted posteriorly in males scape either elongate and unmodified or elOn ...... 11 gate with hook shaped process on mesal face; 10'. Males without mandibles expanded laterally; male genitalia not as in Fig. 29 .4 pronotum not strongly constricted posteriorly 4(3'). in males 12 II (10) Accessory sclerite of internal sac as in Fig 3; sclerotization of bursa in female as in Fig. 9 (cosmopolitan in stored products) .

11'. Accessory sclerite of internal sac as Fig. 24

...... capillulus Thomas, n.sp. 12(10). Dorsal surface slightly, but distinctly, convex; accessory sclerite of internal sac as in Fig. 4; sclerotization of bursa as in Fi .10 cosmo oli- i r p u male with or without modified antennal scape (St~p~ens~ 6 ferrug;neus 12'. 5'. Dorsal surface distinctly punctate and pubes- cent; male antennal scape elongate but other- as in Fig. 11 (southwestern United States) wise unmodified (Fig. 26); male genitalia as in ...... dissimulatus Thomas, n.sp. Fig. 27-28 (southwestern United States) ..... pubescens Casey 13(9') Mandibles of males expanded laterally' acces- sory sclerite of internal sac as in Fig. 6; scleroti- 6(5) zationof bursa infemale as in Fig. 12 (Old World ot inner an outer surfaces ig. 5); 0 Y and U.S. Virgin Islands) . form elongate, narrow (Venezuela) ...... ldapperichi Lefkovitch ...... calabozlls Thomas, n.s~. 13'. Mandibles of males not expanded laterally ... 6'. Male with antennal scape either unmodified I . 14 with tooth only on ventrolateral surface' body form broad 7 14(13'). Dorsal surface of head and prothorax coarsely punctate, more so laterally vihere punctures are 7(6'). two or more...times the diameter of an eye facet,

trolateral moth; male genitalia as in Fig 43-44 (Peru) ampiyaclls Thomas, n.sp. States) schwarz; (Casey) 7'. Sublateralline and secondary line of pronotum 14'. Punctation of dorsal surface of head and pro­ ~i~ distant 36; in male, female unknown; male thorax not as above, punctures laterally Hot al- most contiguous nor forming longitudinal genitalia as in Fig 37 (Trinidad) furrows; antennae fihform or momlIform ..15 ...... trinidadensis Thomas, n.sp. 15(14'). Humeral carinae of elytra strongIy produced, 8(1'). Basal angles of pronotum obsolete (Old World e~tral disc concave (Fig. 19); bod; often dis- in stored products, but not seen from New ti ctly bicolored, male ~enitalia a is Fig. 20 World in this study) capensis (Waltl) ~uba) bicolor ~chevrolat) 8'. Basal angles of pronotum present 9 15'. umeral carinae of elytra not str ngly pro- 9(8') First and second elytral cells enclosing four duced, elytral disc not concave; body not dis- rows of setae (this character is best observed in tinctly bicolored; male genitalia not as in Fig. 20 a slide mounted specimen) 10 ...... 16

M.e. Thomas: Cryptglestes Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 47

ally (Fig..21); male genitalia..as in Fig. 22, without bursa without sclerotizations (Mexico and Gua-

adorally; males with crescentic accessory

tions 17

(Cosmopolitan in stored products) .


sclerotization of bursa in female as in Fi . 14 (Cosmopolitan in stored products) .

18'. Accessory sclerites of internal sac as in Fig. 18;

(Florida) dybasi Thomas, n.sp.

I sf dissimulafus Thomas 16 new species

semble those of ferrugineus but can be distinguished by F~U: 16 Cryptolestes dissimulatus Thomas, n sp, habih1s their greater flatness (Fig 16) and by the stmcture of the male and female genitalia (Fig. 11, 16). es: Holo e male in USNM with followin data: a v. a ey nz. on ecaymg a e-pa m tissue behind the fibre"/"No 66 FSStickney" Twenty- tures distinctly microreticulate; antenna filiform, ex- five paratypes as follows: 13, same data as holotype; 9, tending beyond base of pronotum, all antennomeres ". I "'II' • " Ion er than broad' enae roduced ventrolaterall ;

.. , ly; anterior angles acute, posterior angles barely obtuse; surface sculpture and pubescence as on head. Description: Length, 2.2mm. Testaceous, mouth parts, Genital sclerotization of male as in Fig. 5. Scleroti- antennae and legs paler. zafion of bursa as m Fig. 11. Tarsal form l l1a in both sexes 5-5-5 Head: Transverse (1:1.75), eyes small, flattened and ad­ Variation: Paratypes range in length from 1.8mm to vanced about once their diameter from base of head; epistome very slightly convex medially; disc relatively 2.211Iln. flat. frons slightly depressed below level of clypeal alea Discussion' I his is the species mentiOned by Borden and vertex; punctures about the diameter of an eye (1921:665) as an important predatorof the red date-palm facet, separated by one to two dIameters; each puncture scale (Phoenicoccus marlatti Cockerell) in California. "Oc­ subtending a pale seta three to four times longer than casionally defillite gallelies of destroyed scales were

M.e. Thomas: Cryplolesles Pages 43-65 48 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

~,. , ~ ., HV'''''' YH"'~ 'H~"~ V~~U~" ,~,~ . ~'U" v~~u~ was also found feeding..on the scales out on the fruit OJ OJ • April" (Borden 1921:665). There are three specimens of "\ ~i . . " . ~~ 'J ,,~ ...... K TV ,,_v ([ identified as "Laemophloeus (Cryptolestes) tmncatus Casey rr i•• ( (Stephens) by L.P. Lefkovitch. With the USNM speci- \- I ....• ~D~" ~f "HD~D f;..n ~f 'io. ~ , • Jo collected by Stickney near Tempe, Arizona "in decaying / .F ~_11 <:\ U ~ ,'-~ "...... ~ j1 \ // vI [ldY ~t W ~ IT association with date palms. I suspect that this is not a " f l:ltlVP I'lJPW W nrl 1'1 \Am" IP .~ southwestern United States with the date palms. From , . '~'''''-'' ~ , ...... ,J .l u'..' ...~ -r predator of the red date-palm scale. It is surprising that such an should remain . .

OJ j OJ that Lefkovitch has described from the Old World, r:h

r. ft OJ Fi' ff from C. erru'lineus. I have not seen anv specimens t\ n 0 ...... ~n . I} '.~ -" /' BlVIC Uta" JV yca,,, aov allU UlC ",-:: ~- "ollthwp"tprn I LS nonlliation m:lV no loncrpr pxi"t. A /J search should be made for this species in the date 17 'Ft .. \-/ .... "'I~ ""'~"D" ~f "' .... ~ ,,~ 7 "- r o~ that its potential as a biological control agent can be 1/7/ \ \\ IJ I) # • '# I, ...... , Figures 15, 17, 18 ... \\J:,( / DiagnOSIs: The male gemtalia (Fig. 18) and sclerotlza- -.-ow .~ :~_ At .1.D l. .~~~ ;_ .1.n'tA~~IA Im~ 11:\ ~~n •• • \ .. / Tvoes: Holotvoe male in FSCA with the followinl! '(to\ l(/fm . . . V \I Ud[Cl. r ....n; L/IXll;: ~~'''''J' ':>.;)1111. !'1. VIU lUW" 1'\.£• .:>':t'7, - - OJ . paratypes, 3, with following data: I, same as holotype; Figures 17 and 18. Cryptolestes tlybasi Thomas, A.Sp. 17) I, "FLA:Dixie County, 3.5mi. N. Old Tovm Rt. 349 13 I habitus of male; 18) male genitalia. 1980 M.e. Thomas"; 1, same, except collector is H.S. Dybas. PaIdLypes ale deposited ill FSCA alld MCTe. facet, separatedby1-2 diameters; surface between punc- DescriptIon: Length 1.5mm. Testaceous, legs paler; tures smooth and glossy; antennae short, robust, anten­ body slender and parallel sided (Fig. 17). ~om:e~I;;lch.sho:~r than I~ III-YIIT sllbeqllaJ in engt; - ormmg Istinct clu . Head: Transverse (1'1 57): epistome produced anteri- orIy, truncate over labrum; lateral hne represented by a Thorax: PlOllotUIlI slightly LIallSvelse (1.1.09), surface slight ridge and associated groove; punctures medially sculpture and punctation as on head: subIateral line rep- much smaller than an eye facet, separated by three or resented by a ndge bordered by a slight groove; elytra more times their diameter, each subtending an erect 1.8 times longer than wid~ parallel-sided, apices evenly pale seta, laterally punctures about diameter of eye rounded to suture.

MC ThOmas' Cryptolestes Pages 43--65 Vol. 2, no. I, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 49

Male genitalia as in Fig. 18, sderotization of bursa Head: Almost quadrate (1.1.1), eyes small, con"ex, in female as in Fig. 15. about one diameter in advance of base of head; disc slightly convex, epistome subtruncate medially; punc- Variation: Paratypes range 10 length from l.3mm to tures greater in diameter than an eye facet, separated l.4mm. Ratio of length of head to width ranges from mostly by one to three diameters, more JNidely sepa ~rothorax ;ra~es 1:1.67 to 1:1.9; that of is constant in rated medially, each subtending a fine, pale seta two to at 1.1, elylta lange trm 1.9 times to 2.16 till s I el three times longer than diameter of puncture; mandi­ than wide. bles smaB, expanded latemlly and ablUptly bent medi- Crypto/estes bicolor (Chevrolat), ally; right mandible with acute process at lateral angle; new combination, antennal scape rObust, twO times longer than broad, Fig. 19-20 with vestiture of long setae on mesal face; pedicel large, broader than antennomere III; antennomeres III VII Laemophloeus bir%r Chevrolat, 1863'612 gradually increasing in length, VII 2.6 times longer than LaenlOph/oells concaVllS Reitter, 1878:192, new synonym broad; VIII shorter than VII, IX-XI elongate, XI 3.7 times longer than broad, barely expanded distaliy: genae pro- Types: Not exammed, presumablyeaher10 BMNH or MNHN duced anteriorly as acute teeth. Thorax: Transverse (1:1.2), anterior fifth laterally Diagnosis: The acute humeral carinae and concave rounded, then doubly sinuate to obtuse posterior angle, disc of the elytra (Fig. 19), extremely elongate antennae, surface sculpture and J?ubescence as on head; intercoxal and bicolored body make individuals of this species among the most easily recognized of New World Cryp- to/estes. The male genitalia (Fig. 20) also are diagnostic. Variation: Length of the paratypes ranges from 1.4mm Taxonomic Notes: Grouvelle (1896'205) suggested to 1.8mm. The antennae of thefemale are relatively that Reitter's species might be based on the female of shorter, barely attaining the basal third of the elytra Chevrolat's species. Although I have not examined the types of these species, Reitter's description lea'"es little Cryptolestes capillulus Thomas, doubt of their conspecificity. new species Distribution: Both Cfievrolafs and Reitter's speCies Fig. 23·24 were described from Cuba, vJithout a precise locality. I Diagnosis: Males of this species are most similar to have seen only four specimens of this species, all col- those of C schwarzi but differ in the structure of the leeted by E.A. Seh"l'arz at Cayamas, Cuba, in March and gemtaha (FIg. 24) and the less coarse punctation of the February, and in the USNM. dorsal surface of the head and prothorax, as well as Crypto/estes mexicanus Thomas, longer antennae. The female is unknown. new species Types. Male holotype in the Polish Academy of Fig. 21-22 Sciences with the following label data' "Rio [Grande] do SuI Sta Cathanna ColI. Kessel"/"ex colI. F. Kessel Mus. Diagnosis: The combination of the follovling cha Zool. Polonicum J,Alarszawa 19/46". Two paratypes in racter states is diagnostic for this species: the very elon­ Polish Academy of Sciences with same data. gate antennae with the scape conspicuously pubescent; the slender form (Fig. 21) and the male genitalia (Fig. 22). Description: Length, 1.3mm. Testaceous, legs and mouth parts paler; body elongate, parallel-sided. Types: Holotype male in FSCA with following data: "Mexico, Oax[aca]. Matias RomanJuly 31975 D.S. Cltan- Head. Tlansvelse (1.1.7), epistome slightly emalgi- dlerleg." Three paratypes. as follows: 1, "MEXICO: State nate. disk of head moderately coarsely punctate: punc- of Veracruz, Lake Catemaco, 'Coyame 7'KE. Woodruff tures, espeCIally laterally, somewhat longitudmally 79 VII 1963 blacklight trap" (FSCA); 2, "GUATEMALA: elongate, diameter ofeach puncture about equal to that Alta Verapaz57.6 kIn. N. El RanchoonnewCobanHigh­ of an eye facet, punctures separated by about their way 1463 mts. 30 May 1973"/"Envin & Bevel Central diameteI, each subtending a pale seta more than five American Expedition, 1973" (USNM). times a long as a puncture diameter, surface between punctures smooth and glossy; antennae elongate, at­ Description: Length, 1.6mm. Dark testaceous, an- taining basal third of elytra; scare large, globose; pro- tennae, mouth parts and legs paler.

M.e. Thomas: Cryplolesles Pages 43-65 50 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

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(/f~':' " /. WI '\ f/f/ \~ \\

\/ / / \\ \/ J// \ ~ 1/II "In

6,7n//, /' ,,\_./ ZU \/

FigUI8S 19 alid 20. Cryptoiestes bicoiOl (ChevlOlaL). 19) habitus of male, 20) male genitalia.

M(I bomas- ( ryptolPstes Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 51

Figures 21 and 22 ('ryproLeStes mexiCaulis Ihomas, n sp 21) habitus of male; 22) male genitalia

pOl lions of anlellllomeles Variation. The lwo male palalypes ale 1.2mm and 1.5:1.5:2. 1 3mm in total length and differ from the holotype in somewhat less dense punctahon of the dorsal surface of Thorax: Pronotum subquadrate (1:1.2), weakly nar- the head and prothorax. rowed posleriorly, broadest just behind apex; anterior and poslerior angles obluse; punclation and pubes- cence laterally on disk as on head, medially punctures Cryptolestes scllwarzi (Casey), smaller and more Widely separated; surface between ~~~:~tus punctures smooth and shining; elytra 1.6 times longer than broad and 1.4 times longer than the combined Laemophloeus Schwarzii Casey 1884:91 lengths of head and pronotum. Cryptolestes weisei (Reitter) (in part. sensu Lefkovitch Male genitalia as in Fig. 24. Female unknown. 1967:246)

MC Thomas' Cryptozestes Pages 43--65 52 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

Figures 23 and 24. Cryptolestes capillulus Thomas. n.sp. 23) habitus of male: 24) male genitalia.

Diagnosis' The pubescent, coarsely punctate dorsal jng label data: 1. flFLORIDA: Highlands Co.. Highlands surface of the head and prothorax are diagnostic for Hammock St. Pk. 23-IV-1982 M.e. Thomas" (MCTC); 1, adults of this species. The male genitalia (Fig. 2.5) are also "GA. Clafk€ Co. WhitehaU Forest emerged 20 Feb 1975 diagnostic. Because of the confusion surrounding this R. Turnbow" (FSCA). species, the Florida male is described in some detail below Types: Female lectotype (designated by Lefko'litch Head: Transverse (1:1.6); epistome produced anteri 1967, see discussion below) in USNM with following od excavate, almost foveate, at basal an les; truncate " , Schwarz"I"Cotype No.4657 U.S.N.M."!,L. Schwarzii sociated groove: disc of head coarsely punctate, with CaseY7"Cryptolestes schwazi [sic] Casey". I have seen coarse, conspicuous, mostly recumbent, pale pubes- only two other specimens, both males, with the folJow-

M(I bomas- ( ryptolestes Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. I, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 53

i(( ~... , \l ",. -- \L ?R \.i ,: \ \

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/ " III \\\\ // / \"\\ I ! '\J "'-J

.\ / ·UI" V "'W Iff W 1\ 25

Figures 26 28. Crypwlesles spp. 25) e. schwam (Casey), aedeagus; e. pllbe".,cens (Casey), 26) antennal scape; 27) median lobe; 28) internal sac. cence setae medially on frons suberect· punctures me- riorly: posterior angles produced right: surface sculp- dially about diameter of an eye facet, separated by 1-2 lure and pubescence as head; elytra 1.75 times longer diameters, laterally more than twice the diameter of an thanbroad and1.53 times combined lengths of head and eye facet, almost contiguous and tending to form longi- prothorax; first and second elytral cells enclosing three tudinal furrows; a median longitudinal line from vertex rows of setae. to anterior margin of epistome is conspicuous: antennae Male genitalia as in Fig. 25: female genitalia dam- short, barely attaining base of prothorax; scape and aged. pedicel robust, antennomeres III VIII monilifOrm, an Biology: The Florida specimen was collecled by beat­ tennomeres IX-XI wider and longer than preceding an- ing a dead blanch of a live oak (Quercus L.). lennomeu:'s. virsiniana Taxonomic Notes' Although Casey (1884'91) de- Thorax: Transverse (1:1.1), broadest Just behmd rounded anterior angles; moderately constricted poste scribed this species from three specimens collected in

M.e. Thomas: Cryptelesles Pages 43--65 54 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

"Fla." and "D.C.", Lefkovitch (1967.246) was able to find Cryptolestes spatulifer Thomas, in the USNM only a single female, which he designated new species as lectotype I,efkovitcb (1967'246) synonymized Casey's Fig. 29-30 species under Cryptolestes weisei (Reitter), described from Germany. Reitter described weisei as being shining and Diagnosis. Theform of theepistomeandscape makes with the pronotum finely punctate, neither of which ap- plies to schwarzi. I have seen two specimens of weisei, in­ emae can eIstmgms e om emaes 0 punctatus cluding the specimen from the Grouvelle collection in and uncicornis by the weakly indicated secondary sub the MNHN mentioned by Lefkovitch (1959:110). Aspeci­ lateral line of the pronotum. The male genitalia (Fig. 30) men of weiSel from Poland ","as also made available bY also are diagnostic. SA Slipinski of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Both of Types' Holotype male in Museo La Plata, Argentina, these specimens are very different from the specimens with following data: "S[antiago]. del Estero Camp Gallo of sdzwalzi; they are larger, paler, more shining, mOle VI 1933"I"Bosq" (on underside of top label)f'Laemo depressed, less densely punctate, and show no sign of ~hloeus s~."/"Bruch det." ~ on underside of second tbe longitudinal line tbat is so conspicuous on tbe ante- bel)/'Mu eo La Platau. 0 Ie female paratype with rior part of the head capsule in the specimens of schwarzi. same data mounted below holotype. For these reasons, I am removing CaseY's species from synonymy under C. weisei (Reitter). Description: Length 1.7mm, brownish, glossy, mouth parts and legs a little paler. Cryptotestes pubescens (Casey), Head: Transverse (1:1.65), roughly triangular in out­ new combination line, broadest across the eyes; epistome produced ante- Fig. 2628 riody and slightly deflected downward, medial Laemuphlueas pabescens Casey, 1884.93 emargination slight, antennal insertions situated at about midpoint of head; eyes small, about one-fourth Types' Lectotype, here selected, see discussion below the length of the head, advanced less than once their Diagnosis. Although this species has an elongate :~:;~::~a:~::;01a~e::~ fa~~~t~~i~t7; ~;:~;a~~,r:;~ antennal scape in the male (Fig. 26), male genitalia with­ out accessory genital sc1erites (Fig 27-28), and traces of arated by 1 2 times their diameter and each subtending secondary sublateral lines on the pronotum, it differs a pale seta 3-4 times as long as the diameter of the punc­ considerably in facies from the otherspecies havingelan ture, surface between punctures smooth and glossy; n nnal sca e elon ate exceedin sli htl the len th dense, circular punctureson the headandpronotumand the dorsal sur face covered with conspicuous pubescence in the form of setae about six times longer than the diameter of a punchIre Individuals of the other speBes with elongate scapes in the male have mostly elongate setae; pedicel globular, slightly longer than wide; anten­ punctures of the head and pronotum and inconspicuous llomeres III-VIII moniliform, IX- XI elongate, but pubescence about four times the diameter of a puncture. scarcely broader than preceding antennomeres. Taxonomic Notes: This species was described from Thorax: Transverse (1:1.33), slightly narrowed poste- an unstated number of speCImens from Cahforma. I have riorly, punctures and pubescence as on head; an obso examined the single specimen (male) in the USNM: lescent longitudinal line paralleling sublateral line; "(gold disc indicating California)"/'TYPE USNM anterior angles acute, posterior angles almost right. 49164"I"CASEY bequest 1925Ypubescens type Csy" Male genitalia as in Fig 30 (Casey's fiSS) I here selecUhis specimen as l~ctotype. Variation: Length of the female paratype is 1.6mm, the Additionany, i have seen the folrowmg speCImens: 7, frons is less produced than in the male, and the anten­ "Wheatfields near Globe, Arizona D.K. Duncan"/"ApriY' nal scape is globular Additionally, tbe bead and pro- (UAlC); 1, "Westmoreland Ind.[rio] Co., Cal. XII-30­ notum are less transverse (1:1.50 and 1:1.27, 1944"/ "ex pecad'f'Anderson Ilanson collector"j"Cal. respectively). There is no sclerotized structure in the Dept. Agr. No. 45UA35" (CDAE). walls of the bursa copulatrix.

M,e. Thomas' Crypto/estes Pages 43--65 Vol. 2, no. I, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 55

Figure 29 and 30. Cryptolestes spatuUfer Thomas, n.sp. 29) habiIDs; 30) aedeagus; 3Oa) internal sac.

Cryptolestes punetatus (LeConte) unstated number of specimens from "Louisiana and Fig. 31-32 Georgia." I have examined a single female in the MCZC bearing the foHowing data. [orange disc, indicating Laemophloeus punctatus LeConte 1854:75 Southern States]I"Type 6792"1"1. geminatus Lec." I here Cry-ptalestes ptlllcttlttlS, Lefkovitch 1958.93 select this specimen as lectotype It is conspecific with Laemopbloeus geminatus LeConte 1854'75; syn by Casey plIfletatlli>. There are two specimens of adllmbratus glued 1884:108 to a single point in the USNM with the following data: Laemophloens extricatns Casey 1884.92. new synonym "Borden 18.6 Tex"/"CASEY bequest 1925''!'TYPE USNM Cryptolestes adumbratus Casey 1916:134, new synonym 49165"l"adumbratus 2 PARATYPE 49165"l"adumbratus Csy· [Casey's mss] I bere select tbe specimen on the Diagnosis: Length 1.4mm - 1.8mm. It superficially is left as lectotype. Both are conspecific with punctatlls. Casey (1884:92) described extrrcatus from a smgle specI­ men with the follovling data: "Mo."('CASEY bequest 1925"I"TYPE USNM 49163"l"extricatus Csy." [Casey's lllSS.]. It is conspecific with puncta/us. Taxonomic Notes. LeConte (1854.75) described punctatus from a single male with the following data· Biology: Little is known about the biology of this spe- [orange diSC, mdlcatmg Southern StatesV 1248' [penCil cies. Like uncicornis it occurs beneath the bark of hard­ on brown paper]/"Type 6791"/"L. punetatus Lee." 'vVoods, especially Quercus spp., and is collected in (MCZC). LeConte (1854:75) described geminatus from an ultraviolet light traps.

M.e. Thomas: Cryptelestes Pages 43--65 56 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

Figure 31 and 32. Cryptolestes punctatus (LeConte): 31) habitus of male: 32) male genitalia.

Distribution: It has been recorded from South Crypto/estes unc,cornis (Reitter), Carolina, District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, and new status Louisiana (Leng 1920); New York (Leonard 1928); Ala- Fig. 2, 33·34 bama (Lading 1945), Indiana (Blatchley 1910), Illinois (Park 1929) and South Carolina (Kirk 1969 1970) The Microbrontes uncicornis Reitter 1876:45 record for the VIrgIn Islands (Miskimen and Bond 1970) C1yptolestes ttllcicol'11is, Lefkovitch 1958b:93 is for uncicemis (I have seen the voucher specimenin the Laemopbloeus recticollis Reitter 1876'52; syn by I ef- USNM upon which this record was based). I have seen kovItch 1958b:93 more than 150 specimens of ptlllCttltltS from Florida, btemuphlueus denticomis Casey 1884.94; syn. by Lef- Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, kovitch 1958b:93 North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Oklahoma. Laemophloeus iteratus Sharp 1899:528; syn. by Lefkovitch 1958b:93

M (. Thomas' ( 'rypfOlesfi's Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 57

Figures 33 and 34 ( ryptotestes uncicorms (I~eittei); 33) babjfns of male; 34) genitalia

Laemophloells addendlls Sharp 1899:529; syn. by Lef­ nal scape which bears at its apex a hook-shaped process. kovitch 1958b.93 The scare of major males of rnmcttltus (Fig. 31) is not Laemophloells quadratus Casey 1884:90, new synonym sinuate and does not bear an apical process. Both the Cryptolestes pllllctatlls, sellsu Lefkovitch 1958b:93, not t eConte 1854 Diagnosis: Length l.3mm 1.8mm. Although con fused in collections and by Lefkovitch (1958b:93) with rior pronotal margin, diverges posteriorly from the pUI/c1a/us, ul/cicolllis diffels hom that species in male sublateralline and attains the basal angle. In unciwmis antennal characters, male genitalia, and pronotal cha- the secondary sublateral line attains the anterior mar- racters In both sexes. Major males of lIncicornis (Fig. 33) gIn, parallels the sublateral lIne to about the midpOInt are easily recognized by the elongate and sinuate anten- of the prothorax and then becomes obsolete.

M.e. Thomas: Cryptelestes Pages 43-65 58 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

Taxonomic Notes: As can be seen hom the syn- Biology: Little is knowII about the biology of tmcicOl- onymyabove, this is a variable species that has been de­ nis. 1have collected it under the bark of hardwood logs, scribed a number of times The sexual dimorphism and especially Quercus spp, in Florida, and it is often ml- allometric development in antennal and head structure lected in ultraviolet light traps throughout its extensive has not only led to a number of synonyms but also con range. fusion with P/lIlctatus, with which ul/droll/is was incor- Distribution. Reitter described rectly synonymized by Lefkovitch (1958b:93). The type (1876.45) unciwrnis specimens of uncicornis, recticol/is, iteratus, and addendus ~o: S~ri~ an~ ~~ ~d re~i~l~s (~87~'52) ;rm 13: arp escne I usromex­ were examined by Lefkovitch (1958b:100) and will not oam (8: ) era be dealt with further here Since Lefk(witch examined ico, British Honduras, Guatemala, and Colombia, and (1899:529) from Guatemala. Casey's species the types of the species described by European authors, addendus were described hom the southern United States. This is I tentatively accept his synonymies. Hov.'€ver, he did one of the most commonl collected and wides read probably would not have synonymized uncicornis under it Casey (1884:90) described quadratus from an un- and Lesser Antilles. I have examined more than stated number of specimens from the "Gulf States." In 700 specimens from Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and the Casey Collection in the USNM are three specimens Texas in the United States, as well as from Mexico, standing under the name quadratus with the following

"L. quadratus Casey" (mss.)/'Cryptolestes quadratus Cas." (mss.); I, uColumbus 24 6 TexasufColl Hubbard & Schwarz"; I,"Selma Ala"/'ColI Hubbard & Schwarz". All are conspecific with uncicOlnis. Although Casey did not state the number of specimens in the type series, the 10- Cryptolestes calabozus Thomas, cality given indicates that more than one specimen was new species present. Hovl€ver, the description mentions no varia Fig. 35 tion in structure or length. The first listed specimen, a Diagnosis' The form of the antennal scape and acces- female, agrees well with Casey's description and is here sory line of the pronotum (Fig. 35) are diagnostic for selected as lecto e. Whether the other two s ecimens .. . an e si ere syn es is u There are three specimens of ikutimrnzs in the Types: Holotype male in USNM with following data. Casey Collection from Texas, the type locality, but they "VENEZUELA Guar., 12Kms. Calabozo 11-6-12-1969 P. & cannot be considered as representing the types. L.L. Bu P SpangIeI"'1" Est BiologJca I os llanos Black I igIit chanan, in two notes ~inned with the s;ecimens, wrote: Description: Length, },7mm. Testaceous, elongate, "dmticolllis was desc~bed from 2 Texa (males) colI. by narrow, parallel-sided. Schwarz. The 3 Casey ex. are labelled Tex = (Houston) & probably colI. by Casey. In the Nat. Museum coll. is a Head: 1ransverse (1:1.57), eplstome emargmate medi­ specimen from 'Selma, Ala' labeled dent/corms (sy in ally, frontoctypeal area depressed; mandibles abruptly Casey's handwriting and labeled 'cotype.' The location bent medially at almost right angles; lateral line com- of the real types is unknown."; and "It is possible that posed of ridge bordered by a fine gtoove, punctures the 2 ex. of disseptus Csy are the original set of denticor- much less than the diameter of an eye facet. separated nis ". One of the specimens now in the Casey Collection mostly by 2=4 diameters, each subtendmg a long pale bears a label applied by Buchanan (I indroth 1975) des- seta; surface smooth and glossy between pI mctures; ignating it as neotype; the designation has no nomen- antennae elongate, filiform, attaining basal third of ely- datural standing. I have examined one of the specimens tra, scaFe highly modified, with acute laterally and ven of Cnlptolestes disseptus Casey (1916:133) mentioned by tromedially directed processes; proportion of Buchanan (in iitl., above), it plOpedy belollgs to Rhab­ antennomeres is 2.6:1.1:1.0:1.3:1.4:1.7:1.6:1.4:1.7:, doph/oeus Sharp and is here transferred to that genus. genae acutely produced anteriorly Casey (1916:133) also transferred to Cryptolestes hiS Thorax: Laemop,!l[oellS horni, which also is here reassigned to Transverse (1:1.4); broadest at about apical Rhabdophloeus Sharp. fourth; slightly narrowed basally (1:1.15); anterior angles acute. slightly produced. posterior angles obtuse; PUlIC-

M.e. Thomas' CryptolCStcs Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 59

Figure 35. Cryptolestes calabozus Thomas, n.sp., habitus Figure 36. Cryptolestes trinidadensis Thomas, n.sp., habitus of male bolotype of male tation, pubescence and microsculpture as on head; ac- than half length of head, facets large, convex; eye sepa- cessory line situated midway between sublatelal line rated from pronotum by diameter of one facet; epistome and lateral margin. complete from base to apex. Ante- truncate medially; punctures large, shallow, sparse, less nor coxal caVitIes are narrowly open and the mtercoxal than the diameter of an eye facet in width, separated process of the prostemum is broadly curved. mostly by about two diameters; surface between punc- Genitalia of type damaged during dissection. tures on disk smooth and glossy, that of frontoclypeal area distinctly microreticulate; each puncture subtend Cryptolestes trinidadensis Thomas, ing a short seta which barely emerges from puncture; new specIes flOntudypeal area distinctly depressed below level of hiss allosi located above each an enna mse IOn; scape ro us, pro uce ven a yas Diagnosis: The habitus of the males of this species is a transverse tooth; pedicel robust, larger than anten- distmctIve (Fig. 36), as are the male gemtalia (Fig. 37). nomere III and about same length as IV; antennomeres The female is unkno¥m. V-VII elongate, subequal in length, VIII shorter; IX XI Types. Holotvpe male in FSCA with the following data: "TRINIDAD: Simla, Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd., 27­ as in Fig 40 Gena pointed anteriorly (Fig. 39). VlI-75 J Price blackligbt trap" One male paratype with same data except collection date is 25-VII-75 (FSCA). Thorax: Transverse (1:1.5), broader than head at its broadest; anterior angles acute, not produced; posterior Description: Length, 1.4mm. Robust, ovate, testa- angles obtuse; sublateralline a ridge bordered medially teous, elytra and legs paler. with a shallow, punctate groove; laterad of sublateral Head: Transverse (1:2.3), eyes large, occupying more line is a second ridge Which joins lateral margin at about

M.e. Thomas: Cryptolestes Pages 43-65 60 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988

I .... (/ "\ ]7/ \I oJO 1/ / ~ ( '\ 7 I ( /


.1111 ~ / \ 39 Figures 38-40. Cryptolestes trinidadensis Thomas, n.sp. 38)

I( // \\ \\ , " . T" ~'\ new species // ) ..,- ...... , \ \~ \ J!(I pronotum (Fig. 41); the almost impunctate dorsal sur- \\ II r , " .". ,. ia..<: Vi ll<:ay allY 1~ , allY Lt.<: ...... '- ~ 37 makes fFip". 43-44\ males of this snecies easily recolmized among me l'leW vvona species or Lryprute:;te:;. '\.~ j! ...... ~/ "7 7' ';1" , • "PERU: Loreto, Estiron, Rio Amoivacu. XI-13 t~ XIl-9, / IIfl'r"m'" / tnT\\', l~Ol D. ~7'umrer-uarK'.Tvvu 1"' OJ 1"' \~ /T n::lIP~ \All' ,,::I: np l::It::l

Description: Length, l.5mm. Testaceous, legs, mouth Figure 37. Cryptolestes trinidadensis Thomas, n.sp., male genitalia. parts and elytra paler (FIg. 41) Head: Transverse (1:1.7), eyes large, length about half basal fourth· surface between sub1ateral and secondary ~~t of h~d, co~rselyiacetei; epist~~e emargi~ate o~r rum;ontoc ypeal area Ist10ct yImpresse; man 1- ridges follows general CJ llvature of pranotal disc; area a between secondary ridge and lateral marg10 abruptly hies small, not laterally expanded; lateral lines com dedivous; a short, somewhat crescent shaped ridge ex ~~~:~~f~s~:~:~;,a;;'~c~~:~:~~~~:~i~~Te;~I~~oa~~::; tends anteriorly from posterior angle; punctures of disc smallel than those of head, sepatated by two to fOUl diameters; surface between punctures weakly microre- ficulate medIally, more strongly so laterally; Impunctate laterad of sublateralline; pubescence as on head. i\nte surface between punctures smooth and glossy; an- rior coxal cavities broadly open posteriorly and inter­ tennae elongate, stIOngly filifolm, attaining midpoint of coxal pIOcess IOunded apically (Fig. 38). ~~g~.p~~~~~~ns of antennom~res 2:1~J:1.3:1.6:1.6: Male genitalia as in Fig. 37. Female unknown. Variation: The single male paratype does not vary from the holotype to any '\Iisibly significant degree. Thorax: Pronotum transverse (1:1.4), widest just be- hind anterior angles; sublateral lines composed of a ridge bordered medially by a groove, secondary line

M.e. Thomas: Crypt()lestes Pages 43--65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 61

Figures 43 and 44. Cryptelestes ampiyacus Thomas, n.sp. 43) male genitalia; 44) enlargement of distal portion of aedeagus.

theIr length (FIg. 42, Inset), and In the non-Impressed frontodypeal area. Length of the female 1.3mm. Acknowledgements typ~s ~n~ mjteria~ncL£or Variation' I he single male paratype IS very similar to For the loan of other the holotype and measures 1.4mm in length. The female paratype differs in the structure of the antennae, 'Nhich U.S. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, are almost monilifommattain on~ the base of the pro- L. de Santis. Museo La Plata. La Plata. Argentina: notum, and the te~inal thn, antennomeres are nc.: A.F. Newton, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- abmptly enlarged to form a distinct club; the arrange- bndge; S.A. ShpInski, Pohsh Academy of SCiences, War­ ment of the pronotal carinae, which are widely sepa­ saw; R.E. Woodruff, Florida State Collection of rated throughout and not almost adjacent for two thirds

M.e. Thomas: Cryptelestes Pages 43--65 62 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. I, March 1988

~ 1nn ,nn ,nn '"' ...... LVVoJ.7U-.L77. \., ~ Barnes, D.F., & C.H. Kaloostian. ". l''±U. .t'lignr naDirs ana aDu...... " or \/ / c1ri~c1_fM1it in"p('t" T F('on Fnt ~n·llt;..l1Q \ '. ) ~( /' ~ t;(J Biege, c.R., & C.J. Partida. ~'I··.·c~{~ 1976. TaxonomIc characters to identiry- three spe- ( ~ -aro f--1 / . /r.' . r." ..T Kansas Ent. Soc. 49:161-164. ~ \-}) \ ,-- "- "- . w / j 41 fJ\ 1959. The comoarative bionomics of American ~ ~ .. / LTv -r - .ua....- tP"1 "I nrpc p-r

A5hby, KR. ve es. n. Soc. nt. rance. -. Corbett, G.H.. Yusupe, M.. & A. Hassan. 1961 O;~~~~~7:::~~u:~1us7&~~:~:;r (t~~:n~~~ cujidae) at high temperatures and humidi 1937. Insects associated with c0Iara in Malj..a, In. Insects, Fungi and Bacter' associate with ties. Bull. Ent. Res. 52:353-361. copra in Malaya Dept Agric. Straits Settle- BankS, fl.]. ments and Federated Malay States, Sci. Ser­ ]979 Identification of stored product Cryptolestes ies 20:1 91. spp. (Coleoptera:Cucujidae): A rapid tech­ Currie. J.E. nique for preparation of suitable mounts. J. 1967. Some effects of temperature and humidity Australian Ent. Soc. 18:217-222. on the Iates of development, mOItality and Barker, P.S., & J.A. Johnston. oviposition of (Schon- 1968. ReplOductive capacity of two strains ofCtyp- herr) (Coleoptera, CucuJIdae). J. Stored Prod. tolestes turcicus (Coleoptera: Cucujidae). Res 3'97-108

M,c' Thomas' CrypwleStes Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 63

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M.e. Thomas: Cryptalestes Pages 43-65