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Djvu Document Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 43 A Revision of the New World--Sp~ec~i~e~s~o,!:f================== Cryptolestes Ganglbauer (Coleoptera: Cucujidae: Laemophloeinae) M.e. Thomas Pest Identification Laboratory West Virginia Department of Agriculture Charleston, WV 23505 Abstract Jar genera. Of the genera most closelY allied to Cryp-- tolestes, Planolestes Lefkovitch seems to be adequately The New World species ofCryptalestes Ganglbauer defined and distinct (Lefkoviteh 1957), but A4icrobrontes are revised and keys, diagnoses, descriptions, and il- Reitter to hloeus Case and D smerus Case ose some problems. According to I etkovitch (1958b), Mirrnbrontes is "... well differentiated from Cryptolestes and from other seem Casey and L. bieDtor Chevrolat, are reassigned to Laemophloeinae..." Yet, my examination of the type Cryptolestes. Eight new species are described: C. dissimu­ s~ecies of Microbrontes M. laemophloeoides Reitter~ has latus (southwestern United States); C. dybas; (Florida); C. fned to reveal any differences of apparent generi im- portance between it and Cryptolestes uncicornis (Reitter) or C. punctatus (LeConte). C. uncicornis was described as ampiyacfls (Peru); and C. calabozus (Venezuela). Cryp a lAierobnmtes butLefkovitch (1958b) assigned it to C':!'P tolestes uncicornis (Reitter) is revived from synonymy tolestes noti~ that it" ~ossesses the diStin~iShin~ under C. punctatus (LeConte). C. schwarz; (Casey) is re- featur:s otc ptolestes "FeitherMicrobrontes cmlJf'F- vived from synonymy under C. weisei (Reitter), and four specific names are synonymized' C quadratus (Casey) [ C. uncicornis (Reitter)]; C. extricatus (Casey) and C. species of CryptoleStes fOr ¥lhich the genitalia have been adumbratus Casey [-c. punctatus (LeConte)]; and illustrated. However, a s;ecies described below from Laemophloells COllcavus (Reitter) [ C. bicolOl (Che\ifolat)]. Argentina (and dearly ted to lmcicol'llis and puncta dis~tus rei Cryptolestes horni (Casey) and C. Casey are re- tus ossesses a sin Ie enital sclerite while several r i . loeus Sharp. Lectotypes are designated for Laemophloeus tal sclerites Several of these species also have narrowly gemmatus LeConte, Cryptolestes adumbratus Casey, and Laemophloeus quadratus Casey. Introduction Because ofthe economic importanceas stored pro- r Fi . 1 . However both of these , c arac er s a es are a so presen In • unClcornlS an onomically best-known genus of the family. Ho.wev~r, punctatus (Fig. 2), and I am assigning these species to taxonomic problems remain to be solved, espeCIally in Cryptolestes pending a worldwide study of Cryptolestes determining the generic limits of Cryptolestes and simi- M.e. Thomas: Cryptol€Stes Pages 43-65 44 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 and related genera. but are not dealt 'with further here. Both Banks (1979) Other genera which seem to be weakly distin­ and Reid (1942a) incorrectly labelled the sclerotizations guished from Cryptolestes (as presently understood) are of the internal sac of various Cryptolestes species as the Leptophloeus Casey, the type of which is Laemophloeus an­ aedeagus and parameres, which have less value in dis­ gw;tulw; LeConte, and oysmerus Casey, the type of tinguishing species than do the structures of the inter which is D. bast/lis Casey. Lefkovitch (1959a) distinguish nal sac. ed adults of Leptophloeus from those of Cryptolestes by As with their taxonomy, the biology of the stored their subcylindlical body and 5-5-5 male tal sal fonnula. products species of Cryptutestes has been intensively in- Lefkovitch (1962) described several African species that vestigated and is among the best-known of the Coleop- possessed 5-5-4 tarsi and placed them in a species group tera For fUrther details on the biology and ecology of separate from thebulkof Leptophloeus species. However, those species, see Ashby (1961); Barker & Johnson (1968); the male of Leptophloeus angustulus has 5 5 4 tarsi and Barnes & Kaloostian (1940); Bishop (1959); Borden et a1. possesses genital sderotizations similar to those of some (1979), Corbett et a1. (1937), Currie (1967), Da"ies (1949), species of Cryptolestes. And some species of Cryptolestes Dolinski & Loschiavo (1973); Dyte (1961, 1966); Finlayson possess a 5-5-5 male tarsal formula. so that the only (1950a. 1950b): Freeman (1952. 1962): Gupta & Sinha major distinguishing characters separating adults of (1960); Howe (1943); Lefkovitch & Currie (1967); Lef­ Leptopliloells from those of Cryptolgstgs appear to be the kOvitch & Milne (1963); Letkovitch (1959b, 19623, 1962e, subcylindrical body and concomitant narrowing of the 1962f); Loschiavo & Sinha (1966); Lucas & Oxley (1946); intercoxal process of sternum III. Additionally, I have Payne (1946); Rilelt (1949); Sinha (1961,1965); Sinha et al. seen specimens of an undesctibed species hom the (1962); Snnth (1962, 1965, 1966, 1972); SUI tees (1963, 1964, western United States that strongly resembles C. fer­ 1965); Tuff & Telford (1964); Watters (1969); Williams rugineus in general babib!s, even to me laterally ex- (1954); WOjcik (1969) panded mandibles in the male, but would be assigned The biology of the non-economic species of Cryp- currently to Leprophloeus because of its subeylindrical rolestes is almost completely unknown, except that, like body and narrow intercoxal process of sternum III. It most laemophloeines, they occur under bark of hard- may be that some of these character states, e.g., laterally wood logs and are apparently fun&vorous. However, expanded mandibles and possession of gemtalic scler- LefkOVltch [1965a] reported that C capens,s and C jer- otizations in both males and females, are ancestral for rugineus are n • •• actively though not exclusively preda- all or most of these genera and are subject to secondary tory...U Individuals of one of the new species described loss. Adults of Dysmerus are distinguished from those of below have been reported to feed on scale insects, and Cryptolestes by their subcylindrical bodies, bizarrely at least some members of Leptophloeus and Dysmerus modified male antennal scapes and the lateral attarn- have been recorded as predators of bark beetles. ment of the pedicel to the scape in both sexes (Lef­ In some species ofCryptolestes the last larval instar kOvitch 1958). spins a silken cocoon in ",ihich to pupate (Roberts & Clearly much more workneeds to be done in Cryp- Rilett 1953). They are apparently unique among Coleop- rolestes and related genera to adequately delineate the tera because the silk is produced from epidermal glands characters that define the generic groupings. It is cer- on the prosternum. tainly premature to begin splitting up Cryptolestes into Four species of Cryptolestes, ferruginells (Stephens), subgenera, as Iablokoff- Khnzorian (1977) has done, tllrcicus (Grouvelle), pllsilllls (Schonherr), and plIsi/lOides when the limits of the genus as a whole are still unclear. (Steel and Howe), are important stored products pests of Lefko',ritch arranged the economic species in groups nearly worldwide distribution (Howe &. Le£kot..itch based on palterns of sexual dimorphism and humidity 1957). Three others, capensis (Waltl), ugandae Steel and requirements (Lefkovitch 1965b) and their predilection Howe, and ldapperichi Lefkovitch, are also known from towards predation, cocoon characteristics, and resist- stored products but are of more limited distribution ance to methyl bromide fumigation (Lefkovitch 1965a). Cryptolestes capensis occurs in thecountriesbordering the The taxonomy and identification of the stored pro Mediterranean (Howe and Lefkovitch 1957). Laemo ducts species of Cryptolestes have been the subjects of phloells rotundicollis Casey, described from South numeJOus papers, among which are. Banks (1979), Biege CaJOlina, was synonymized with capensis by Lefkovilch & Partida (1976)' Green (1979)' labJokoff-Khnzorian (1967)' I have not seen any North American specimens (1978); Lefkovltch (1959a, 1962g); Reid (1942a). SIX of capensls dunng thiS stUdy. Cryptolestes ugandae IS re­ cosmopolitan species that have been recorded from, or stricted to Central ...\frica (Leikovitch 1962c) Cryptolestes which are likely to occur in, stored products in the New klapperichi was described in 1962 from Afghanistan (Lef- World are illustrated and included in the key to species, kovitch 1962a) and shortly thereafter 'ivas recorded from M.e. Thomas: Cryptolestes Pages 43-65 Vol. 2, no. 1, March 1988 INSECTA MUNDI 45 ~. ,«) ~ 1----- ..... _... ~ ..- \\\\ v rr )) '\./ TTT\I \II \\11 I III '1 _----..jj)i~ ~1? \~ 1'J ~1J1 I 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ,,/ Iff/ "!. "- /' 3 U( 4 /ft/ Ii ~ 1/ ') '\\ Ir ---"'"'\ - / n I C-/ 'I ~ ~ ~ (I if "\ ~ - 1\ ff ~ " II J ,,- II (j)J ~ ~) ((1.,''0 ~} ~J ~ # ~ J IV II hI Fi9ures 115. Crypwlestes spp . l\nterior eOltaI cavities: 1))C. (erru"ltffiSgl (pSte hen~;))~ C. ltllcioomis ()Reitte~; armature of in ternal sac: 3) C pusillus (Schonherr); 5) C dissimulatus Thomas, n.sp.; 6) C klapperichi Lefkovitch; 7) C turcicus (Grouvelle); 8) C. pusilleides (Steel & Howe); sclerotization of bursa copulatrix: 9) C. pusillus (Schonherr); 10) C. ferrugineus (Stephens); 11) C dissimukltus Thomas, n.sp.; 12) C klapperichi (Lefkovitch); 13) C turcicus (Grouvelle); 14) C pusilloides (Steel & Howe); 15) e. dybasi Thomas, n.sp. Arabia (Lefkovitch 1965b). Less than 15 years later, Green Type Species: Of Cryptolestes, Cucujus ferrugineus (1979) recorded klapperichi in stored products from Sri Stephens [by subsequent designation of Casey (1916)]; Lanka and Malaysia. I have seen a long series of speci- of
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    University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Insecta Mundi Florida 2016 Checklists of Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae, and Silvanidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Iran Michael C. Thomas Florida State Collection of Arthropods, [email protected] Hassan Ghahari Islamic Azad University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons, and the Entomology Commons Thomas, Michael C. and Ghahari, Hassan, "Checklists of Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae, and Silvanidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Iran" (2016). Insecta Mundi. 1002. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Insecta Mundi by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. INSECTA MUNDI A Journal of World Insect Systematics 0498 Checklists of Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae, and Silvanidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Iran Michael C. Thomas Florida State Collection of Arthropods Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services P.O. Box 147100 Gainesville, FL 32614-7100 Hassan Ghahari Department of Plant Protection Yadegar - e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran Date of Issue: August 26, 2016 CENTER FOR SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY, INC., Gainesville, FL Michael C. Thomas and Hassan Ghahari Checklists of Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae, and Silvanidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Iran Insecta Mundi 0498: 1-12 ZooBank Registered: LSID: Published in 2016 by Center for Systematic Entomology, Inc. P. O.
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