:::p;ELio-Ws .it·~-n~~faitday-8J1d·. · . . , .. . . , . . _ . 1. . the long curved span . ;a'crossilection of aferris-wheeL It's-a-sunset ':· :;::vie\'llr··iof the Old Mill :Wheel,.where seniorS wiD gather two ·;r~~:tomg:ht.ior_an afier~the:banquet frolic' and the . .:suigfiltg- of '.'Auld:Lang Syne:" Seni()ts may still buy tickets • .··. ·_·. .. . 'senior :fuiance coDnnittee'i :a:oward Dawkins,. Gil~·· Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College : :·mei. J o~on;: Charles Bighsinith; Don ·J otdaD. Ticke~ ai'e ,:. .v:$L50a·'couple; $1.00-for one.·'Chairmen_ oftlie,(!tller w~ek·· VoL fir, No: ·23 Z 538 ·WAKE FOREST, N.C., SA~URDAY, APRIL fi, ~938 Ten Cents Per 0or>1 .,.=~'-"'·. .-. ,.::end. i:omlnittee~ are-Billy' Raynor; steering; Jack Sawyer; ==::====,;.7===.=:====;;===:=====:=~~===:======:=====~==.======~======:'; progra,mi·. Gilbert: Potter; decorations; Rupert Bryan, ::.-:·dance: . · · · · · · · · ·

------~--~--~~------~------0 WALLER, C. GADDY .REXY RACE Candidates for BEAD COMPETITION Ors(;laiJDLo~ _ P . the presidency of the ·· student body-are Jim Waller, left, and Carl Gaddy. Waller IN STUDENT BODY is familiar to "Old Gold and Black" readers as a wearer of Punch in ~atalog basketball togs. Gaddy is shown as he chops wood for his Young and Eutsler Chosen board at McCarter's. Class Presidents By Alleged Retroactive Measure Will Divide Acclamation Quality Points By Hours; Would Klll -:...------~ ·-- Several Snmmas, Ma.gnas CAMPAIGNING PASSIVE

A· dynamite charge exploded in the '38 cum laude squad this Publications Candidates week as the new college catalGg Jll,lde its_ appearance with a re· stricting "interpretation" of the- Yequirements for "summa's," Are Relatively "magna's," and "cum laude's." Unopposed According to .-~...;;;;.------; "The catalogs of the past four I Har~yFair ... Day after tomorrow is election day. Jog every_ pros­ Four years ago- a few am­ pective grad-· bitious men of '38 bought their Student polls will be open Mon­ uate with 347 freshman · texts and thumbed day in student center from 8 to quality points through their catalog to find, 12 :30 and from 1 to 5. rated a summa. among other things, what kind The new · cata­ of grades they would have to log, bot .from make to rate a sum= or mauna. the- printers, And with grim determination states that a they ·set· to work to live up to student is al­ their own ambitions and to the lowed to grad­ ideals of the folks at home. uate under the catalog · of his freshman year. At the same time it states Local- Moochers· Share that nQ summa is granted un· less the student ···· .. _Clayton. Th.eatfe Pu·r se has averaged 2.8, . or tour­

-, ' ~ fifths A's. Cat Off From -Bank,_. :the Ripper Is· Lured Into Ambush and Decides on a · Bouse and a Lot .

... .

~ming Up

The publications board will meet Thursday night, April 21, for the election of editors and business man· agars of the three student 'publications, President Ray Brady announced yetserday. ' Candidates for these places are required to file application with the secre­ tary of the board by April 11, according to publica­ tions rulings passed this Spring. The board meeting was previously set for A prll 15. ' , ( ~ .. ' PAGE TWO OLD GOLD AND B~ACK

l£1a1Dpus -1'1a" lOera I STUDENTELECTIONS Local Mooehers Share. Ray 'Scarborough:· "Ginime a ~ '-..; MONDAY Clayton-Theatre Purse chew." ®lb ~olb a.nb Jilack r....------~-----..;... ..J (Contlnued from pace •ne) "Yf a It e r Clayton: "Gimine · , ___ Young was acclaimed president of IConUnued from page one) room." · the rising· senior class, and Billy check,_ a che?k! My friend-" He The reporter finally chirrups Eutsler was nanied president of slaps the Ripper on the back.. in a small, weak voice: "Gimme the incoming junior class. The reporter, sidling unobtru- a statement." The incoming sophomores were sively into the gathering: ".A.h-h Walter Clayton (very dis- apparentlydisgruntleda~outsome- er har-umph." ' gruntled): "Tell 'em I'll buy a thmg _or other, fo~ a notice on the Walter (the Ripper) Clayton: hpuse and a lot." bulletm boards hsted the nomi- Why. don't they open this dern Clem Crabtree: "A lot of nees for the UPRISING sopho- bank!" what!" STAFF DAVID MORGAN ...... __ .,_ .... .Editor more class. The scene shifts hurriedly to A student arrives BILL STATON .• ·-··--···Burines8 Mana.glt N e"l'"ertheless, James Earley, the College Sody Sho e - same . . " at a s~rat~ Marshall Du1·ham and Bedfo:td t' pp giC time, bellows: Who wantnn EDITORIAL STAFF PRINCETON HAS . ' . . 1me, same town, same reporter. on a case of beer?" JACK SA.WYER. ••••••••••••• A.ssociate Editor u. BILL Hv>IPHRIES ... - ... Monaoing Editor 1HE LARGEST COLL£CT­ Black Will enter the. hsts m the The scenery· Bromo Seltzers - / · RAY STROUPE ...... Ntnvs Editor '1l4RU 1HE DISOJVERY' TEn PJULIPS...... Contributing Editor ION OP DEAiH MASKS race for president of the sopho- opened College Humor s:U~ W~lter ~layton weakly raises . RUFUS 0&\TER. ..•.....Oontributing Editor ("PORTRAITS IN PLASTER") OF OIL a-1 ITS lAND, more .class. . Smith. ' the right mdex finger. . iHE: UNNERSlTY OF SPORTS DEPARTMENT IN 1HE UNrfED STATES. A complete list of m>minees for Th~ f;m. df th . · k The curtain falls with a bang GORDON A. PliiLIPS••. --..•• ------.Directof. TEXAS HAS FOO­ FRANK P. MC0ARTKY...... d.asociat• FITED 1l:> THE OOENT all positions follows: l'ng H .Y got a edr blS scpeac- and knocks two planks out of the PHrLIP LATTA. •.• - •..... -•. -...... - ... Asaociate . · . e · 1s por raye y :fl. FATE BEAL WESTON HATB'lELD OF 417,500,000! Student Body - President: Whitacre local th t • t · oor. - HODGE NEWELL ...... Stoff Fotoman . , earemagnae. J ames I . Wll a er of N ashville, He expounds thll.sly: ·- ''Yessir, - REPORTORIAL STAFF Ten~., and_ Carl E. ~addy of Col- when we' --called 1834, there he , _____;,._ ___....:.._...., PHIL l-IIGHFH.Y• JAMES COPPLJII THE SENIOR russ AT MUJ.ILENBURG EARL ETHERIDGJO CAII.L DULL umbw i nee president: :S:eath was; there was the Ripper, calm Donee Correetion BOBBY HELM' RAY PITTM'AN COLLEGE IS ALLOWED TO PI.ANT r-tY I .LDI>OS G I!,],JI.AND R M. FLOYD Bumgardner of Sta~ley; James as could be, witli outstretched r....-~------~~ JACK KESTER.. , ...... Artist IF THEY ARE AU. JA:\[ES GREEXE BACHELORS I W. Clontz of Salisbury, and palm." Ralph Earnhardt of Kannapolis; C t . b. "Old Gol!l and Black'' re- · --o~ BUSINESS &"l'AF'F secretary-treasurer: Irvin Dick- b' uds omderd (kwit long white cently. carried a list of pro· N. L. BRITT SHERWOOD STATON lfi.IASN'T BEEN ear an ar g1 asses) · "Giro FRAXK HESTt-:R .,., eliS of Roanoke Rapids, an~ Davis C C , · · fessors as' chaperones for a THO:\IAS J. B'l'RXE, Circulation llanager PLANTED FOR ~/ H · me a oca- o1 a. . 25YEARS.' 4 errmg of Turkey. , . . Pan-Hellenic dance. The Msmber of Rising senior class _ Presi- Ben Elhot and Fred Wllhams, . NORTH CAROLIYA !NTEROOLLEQIAT.J: l')RESS .ASSOCIATION I dent Smith Young of Lexington together: "Okay, chum.'' list was. released by promo." Approved by MERCH.\N'I'S ASSOCIATIOY, RALEIGH (elected by acclamation)· vice The customer's beard catches in ters of the dance.before all year .. president: Wirt Corrie of Crewe, wad· of chewing gum stuck on prospective chaperones had cept the Hepresented lo~ National Ad,·erti~ing by National Advertising Service, I ,!I c .... Colle':e Publishers Hepresentatl\.-e, 420 :Mndison Avenue, New York, V a., and Jack Knight of Jessup, counter, and Walter (the Rip- been invited. Some later de­ bet that N. ): . ; Chwngo, Boston, San Francisco, Los ADgeles, Portland, Seattle. Ga. ; secretary: John Scott of per) Clayton steps from behind clined. Their names should ploy a • Entered as ~econd·clnss matter January 22, 1916, at the postoffice at Roc~y )Mount (elected by accla- ~~b;tsh·,, He utters to wit: not have appeared. punt)-and­ \\ oko ~ orest, N. 0., under the act of Mnrch 3, 1879. Tms matlon ; treasurer : Cyrus John- Olses · The list also appea~ed in back) All matteTs of business sllould be addreJ;sed to the Business ?tfanager COLLEGIATE son of Goldsboro (elected by ac- .. A young riot ensues as. old and school Bo~ 2<)18, and all ot.h~r matters should be addressed to the EditOr·in·Chiet: clamation); historian·: Howard new friends close in on the Rip- state papers. News bureau Box ... 18. Ad,·ortlstng rates quoted on request. Subscription due in ThEt ad,·nnce. Raleigh office: Ed"'nrds & Broughton Compan;-. GENERATION . Glenn of Atlantic City, N. J. per. . officials stated yesterday , (Continued from page one) Jim Mason's picture hasn't ap- (elected by acclamation); poet: Smut Aderholt: "Gi=e a cig- that they did not release In Detail, Summa-Magna Change • • • smart patch of low-ground be- peared in the Howler as the hold- R: .M. Barefoot of Wils?n, an:d arette." this or other dance stories. At the bottom of discussion regarding requirements for summa fo_re breakfast. And the AKPi's er of some high and mighty posi- DICk H~rdaway of L:no1r;. stu- , . · · · h With Elton Peele and "Lord SI's t1'on that Charley LI'ttl th" dent legislature: 1\{elvm Yancey~.,~"""~""·"""""' .., ...... ,...... · au magna<1 Istmctwns IS t e fact that: · e IS 0 ~< ~~<-••""'d~-· ..~-..·~ "l'1i:A"l::i~~~"'"'"'"'"'"'~~~~~~ d sle" p:rambulate in a doddery year's secretar -treasurer ~f the o_f xford ~ ele?ted by acclam~- . "A student has the privilege of graduating under the pro· Franklm. But that of Hugh Col- 1 h . Y . " . tlon) ; pubhcatwns board: Phil visions of the catalogue under which he matriculates pro- !ins and the ministerial madmen aw, ~~ ~ol, lS lettmg the honest Latta of Atlanta, Ga., Frank M EE T A f T ER T H E 0 A N C ES vided that he completes his course within six years; after is the most exciting one of the one 8 PIC appear as treasurer of Brannock of Lexington, and J. the interval of six years he is expected to conform to there- lot. The other night someone bor- the aforementioned body.· Hunt of High Point; student FRED, BEN • ete. (S~) quirements specified for the class with which he is graduated." I'owed this venerable vehicle with- council: Sloane Guy of Carthage, (1938 Catalog, page .) · out llermission of the copyright Stuffunonsense: A. P. 0. "Shir· Marshall Breedlove of Middle­ otthe 48 owne~·s, and Chief Nuckols and ley" "Oceans of Fun" Staton burg, Rufus ::Marshbourne of On this basis this year's seniors may graduate under the 1934 Shenff Coppedge finally located d . , Rocky :Mount, J. Bumgardner of catalog, which ushered in the quality point s~·stem and a new basis it on "Sky Hill" with this note appeare tn court t other day, Wilkesboro, Ralph Ruscher of COLLEGE SODA SHOP for graduation distinctions. According to that catalog: attached to the steering gear: not as a defendan~ but as a ~t- Wilmi~gton, Ray Scarborough of "Under the quality point system effective for those who "Zorro Rides Again." ness.·· · E.mploymg every wile, Mt. Gilead, Roy Evans of Mill- """'-""~'~ ~ ..... _...... H...... he displayed a well-rounded an- town, N. J., and :Myers Cole of m ~<~ ...... ~ ...... , ...... r; ...... "" ...... ~ ...-,,.~~~,..~~m~~~~l$ entered under the Catalog of 1934 or later, graduation dis· tinctions will be determined as follows: When _males become old enough kle and winked at the jury.~ .• Charl~tte. . . : to matnculate at Wake Forest We miss Red Johnson's "East- Jumor class:-P.resident: Billy "A candidate for the B.A. or the B.S. degree who is cred- they ar~ deemed old -enough ern Carolina -jointed pea- Eutsler ~f Wh1tev~lle (elect_ed by ited with 347 quality points is declared .summa cum laude; to act hke adults. Many com- nuts; healthy, delicious, and ap· acclamatiOn); VIce. president: SELECT YOUR SPRING OUTFiT one with less than 347 but not less than 310, -magna cum ments have heretofore been made petizing" at the ball games Ben Ussery of Rockmgham, Ru- laude; one with less than 310 but not less than 248 cum concerning ungentlemanly con· "DuPont" Snyder can't· ; • · pert Pate of Goldsboro, and Bob . AT laude. Records of candidates for other degrees and 'those ~u~t, but the most disgraceful do something about that? • ~~ Tauscher of Bristol, .V a. ; secr.el d · mcident ever to come to our ears Luther Settle while thumbum- tary-tr:asurer: Claude MeNe1ll a m1tted with advanced standing are calculated propor· happened right here on our cam· ming home, c~rried a book with of El~m, Fletcher Freeze of Kan- tionately." pus recently. There is a fresh· 1iim to read between rides...• napoh~, and Da.n Bo!ette of WRIGHT'S Just above this paragraph in tlw 1934 catalog is a detailed state- man, the son of a man high in The truck magnate R ::M th' Ahosk1e; student cmmcil: B. L. . h 1 1· · · ' · e Ias D · 0 f L G B"ll P men t regar dmg t ose w 10 were graduated under the 1933 catalog re lgiOUs Circles, the brother of Barefoot and "Coach" B b aYis agrange, a., I o- Complete Line of- Sports Wear or preYionsly. It is unnecessary to quote this, however, since it states an ordained minister, and him· Hardaw~y are waging a hot fi ah: teat of W a~e Forest, Kyle Own­ exactly the same requirements as does the 1938 catalog, except for self a professed ministerial stu· for the high office of poet of ~he bey of Wmsto~-Salem, Eu~ene BUSH .JACKETS SPORT SlACKS the use of the word quality point. The 1938 ruling follows: dhie~t, who _threw a brick at two senior class. . . . "Crip Shot" : orrell .WB_nstol, SVla., Riley straining c ldren nding bicycles across waller and "Zioncheck" Gaddy poon o;f mston- a em, and POLO SHIRTS SPORT SWEATERS "A candidate for a baccalaureate degree who is credited th_e campus. The brick barely .haYe dropped their slouchy dress, Powell ~land of G?ldsboro; stu- SOCKS with quality points which give him a ratio of not less than mlSSed the tiny tots, but struck and are now specimens of sarto- de~t legislature: J liD Hayes of 2.80, in relation to the total semester hours completed in Wake one of the bicycles and brokesev- rial splendor .... Could it be on Wms.ton-Salem, Page Acree of The Newest Potterns ond Styles in Forest College, is graduated with the distin~tion summa cum eral spo~es. When he was re· account of the forthcoming elec- !lfullms, S. C., Alan Sc?tt of SPRING SUITS laude; not less than 2.50, magna cum laude; not less than buked, this freshman said, "Aw, tion~ ... Mr. Ed Knott of Ox- Goldsboro, and Ross Hill of you can' buy 'em two for a ford ''isited in Wendell last ev _ Rutherfordton; prublications 2.00, cum laude." nickel"; referring, we hope, to ning..... And the scoop of t:e board: Dick York of Sanford, 233 FAYETTEVILLE STREET The significance of it nll is that the 1934 catalog set forth a plan the spokes. Although he now dis· day: The Madness of the M d and Frank Castlebury of Ra­ whereby students would be rewarded for taking extra hours. The guise~ himself in long trousers, Boys, Elsie Berry Yates, had ll:r le~gh; poet: Bill Walker of Wil- extra quality points thus gained would be added to the quality points we think he is still young enough picture in the '36 Howler . .•• nungton, _and_ J. T. Hughes of i~~;;~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~; for the first 124 hours. to be, and should be, subjected Who sponsored her then~ Selma;. h1stonan: Luther Reaves For example: under the old system-before 1934-a man had to to a strong dose of old-fashioned ~f Lexmgton (elected by accla- woodshed medicine. Quoting Rufhouse Crater: mation). . average 2.8 on all his courses regardless of how many he took. (A "There's a dead rat in the Stu- Sophomore class-President: equals 3; B equals 2.) It's been so long since Honest dent office and it's not me, James Farley of Aulander, Mar- Under the plan announced in 1934: men were able to get the re- ' · shall Durham of Burlington, ~uired.34:7 points either by averaging :·son 124: hour~ or by aver~g- FEELING ANTI- MEDICAL- MEN Bedford Black of Kannwpolis; "THE BIG THREE" Ing a httle less on more courses. He nught get 34:7 pomts by makmg \'ice president: Newell Ashburn A on 49 hours, for example, and B on 99, making a total of 148 of Atlanta, Ga., Graham Bartlett }lOurs. JAP IN POLL GONORTHWARD of Greensboro, and David Schrum of Newton; secretary: • A GOOD COLLE

' OtD GOLD AND BLACK P.A.GB rBRBa - . l ~RIIUIIIUIIIII ..mUIIIIfnRIIWJIUR"IUlUIIddniHDDIIIng lf'i':;::;r:;::;r:;::;r~~::o=;:"i"P*-:y::;=;::;~=;::;'1J a: iii ~ = ·LA.TE. DJt~~ON ll.e .· Physical Ed. Dept. 1 SPORT. NEWS Expanded by the A.·,s··J o·E··s I .ttND FLA-SHES ps a= *. * Trustees !I.e ii IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllmmBY THEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUmutnnm•mB ~~~~,.,,.,~~~~~~~~~ *· * STAFF IS· SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1938 a Carl Byrd (pic· * * * * turel in column 2) looked .·. . .. ~· .· - . d 0 I SPIKEMEN MEET •r 0 ** * * of impressive as the Williams- : p ort (A's fa r m) nine llaseh~ll First an , n y . NORFOLK TEAM 1,.ew epartJnent trounced Erwin recently; in ·a gaine which saw the win­ ·Lo-ve of A!>s Carl Byrd - Plans Released ners collect 22 safeties. · · " Deacs Engage William and Byrd struck out six meii in ea Mary Brmch At 2 Physical Education System Undergoes Many three innings. ~ .• Teiunmate O'clock Doyt Morris, former Deac, Important Changes; To Go Into tg too, smacked the apple four. The spikesters of the Norfolk Effect Next Fall le out of six times : branch of William and Mary · Looks· as By College wm invade the Deacon though Ru­ FRANK (RED) McCARTHY pert Bryan, a stronghold this afternoon in the Associate Editor J• Durham son, initial meet of the '38 season for A sweeping change in the Department of Physical Edu­ w:ho . played the locals. The field events are at a guard cation, whi~h involves the setting up of on athletic system position on scheduled to get under way at on a par with other courses of instruction offered here, was the Walker 2:00 o'clock. officially announced this week. eleven last The Deacs will attempt to re- fall, will pulse the vaunted Virginians in * According to the quarterly cat­ their invasion of North State'r alogue, which apneared Wednes- coach at ------.;.1 soil, but from present indications day, the departmental renovations Ahoskie next Champ year.... Bryan, should lie ac­ it appears that there is only a will go into effect next fall, but cept the spot (and it is a sure slight hope that the home guard the changes have already been bet that he will), intends to em­ will be strong enough' to subdue sanctioned, not only by the facul- ploy a hybrid Weaver (short their opponent's. This year, ac- ty, but by the Board of Trustees punt)-and-Walker (double wing­ cording to Coach Phil Utley, the as well. back) system with . his high locals are "average," and a trifle Purpose school gridders. below the '37 aggregation. Wil- The purpose of the physical ed- liam and Mary was one of the · ucation department is "to provide Th~ ·high flying Pender­ two teams to defeat Wake Forest opportunity for general physical goose-Aderholt-Payne-Glass last season. quartet· picked up those development and for participation Deacons entered in today's straw -sun helmets for- a. · (Please tur11 to page four) meet are: dime apiece • • • which dis­ 100 yard dash-Castello, Day, pells the report that Ader­ Mayberry, Edwards. holt's Uncle Durante sent 220 yard dash-Ca.stello, Day. the lids .up from Cuba to 440 yard -Donald, Dobson, Cansler. the lads. · 880 yard run-Staton, Robertson, Gamma Eta Gamma, winner Smith. Mile-Hart, Bu!e, Holloman. of the fraternity intr.amural bas- 2 mile-Hart, Bell, Hensley. ketball league, received· some na- o Low hurdles-Braswell, Moore, Byerly. tiona! publicity in a recent issue Former Deac Due For Star• High hurdles - Byerly, Harris, of the Greek letter law frat's dom As Pitcher League Sykes. Dress Up For Easter monthly mag. . . . Buz (Six- '· Javelin-Pate, Roberts, Corrie, tinles-in-five-hou!"s) Falls, man- Experts Say Anderson, Donald. Shot Put-Pate, Powers, Beaver; ager of the barrister cage team, Roberts. . (Editor's Note: Thls ls the second of a got a good plug, too. new series of a.rt!cles written by the na.· High jump-Castella, Byerly Har­ tlon' s outstandlng sport scribes. Red ris. Rumor has it that the Smith 1s &lllllated with the sports sta.1f of the "l'hUadelphill, Record," and ls con· Discus-Pate, Beaver.. Roberts. local golf course will be ren· sidered an "a.ce" in his field.· His com· Broad jump - Castello, Braswell, Vogue mentarles ~f pr&-season doings of the JUg Mayberry, Harris, Byerly. ovated ..•• E. B. Earnshaw L""'&Uers have a.ttTacted world-wide at­ tention. This article is reproduced here Pole Vault-Moore, Castello, is contemplating making the this week through the courtesy of the Harris. course more difficult ••• and "Record" a.nd scribe Smith.) Says grass greens will replace Carl L. Byrd, the 6.-foot-Z, 190-pouna· right-hand hurler By RED Sl\IITH the present sand putting the A's secured from. Wake Forrest at the end of last season, . BILOXI, Miss., March 26. - The is going to gel· a;· year's schooling at Williamsport; On the THE grounds. [Week's Sport Menuj ·Byrds of old Virginia are born with left is a close· up of the hurler says ''is another NEW COLORS Castello will be out to blood as blue as a reformer's nose. Earnshaw in the making.'' On the right Byrd geta ready to Healthily red is the blood that fog one down the groove. BASEBALL IN break Hobo Daniel's high courses in the veins of the Byrds of jump record of 5 ft. 10 ins. North Carolina. Their birthright is ------­ Tuesday, Carolina, there. in this afternoon's meet•••• an aristocracy Of muscle, of huge, Wednesday, Duke, there. symmetrical bodies, lithe limbs, In practice Castello has magnificently vast shoulders. Talley, Payne, Tallie · FROSH Spring rolled over the bar set at No exception Is Carl L. Byrd. Today, Duke, here. 5 ft. 8 ins. • • • without Had he grown up on the city streets Saturday, Duke,. there. Watch ontfor them dukes! Shown instead of the dusty byways of Er­ ·rally As Deacs Win,3-1 straining a muscle•••• win, N. C., he wl>uld almost cer­ TRACK aboTe is ~47 pounds of dangerous Suits tainly have been snatched up by a Today, William and Mary, sinew, for Claude H. McCall, soph­ Jakie Friedman or Yussel Jacobs Pitelter Joe Bits Bomer, Allows Six llits here. omore, is the man in the trunks. who would have seen in him a. fu­ ARE Friday, Gpilford, here. liicCall is the recent winner of the Bulletins ture heavyweight champion. and Strikes Out 12; Hoosiers Tri-State 147 pound noTice class • ·• But in the Carolinas boys think TENNIS of baseball first. In Byrd's case it Outldt Deaes crown. GREEN OBSERVATION was baseball first and last and al- Monday, William and Mary, ways. ~e never had another job. there. Trenton, N.J., April 7.­ By TED PHILLIPS From short pants on he just threw. Tuesday, W. & M. (Nor· TAN- Stanley (Turk) Apple, cap­ ..BY the time he entered high Staff Writer DEACLETSPLAY folk), there. tain of the Wake Forest Col­ school he had a pretty good hook. . • h ·f·f h b k 1 1 k J By the time he finished he had a Smackmg a homer m t e 1 t to rea a - not, oe lege basketball team during Wednesday, Richmond, DEVILETSHERE iob ":ith Ayden, in North there. MOUSE GRAY ·the past season, is under ob­ Carolma's~pitcher semipro Coastal Plane Talley ' Deoc southpaw pitcher ' held Cornell to six hits and ... ·Thursday, Washington and servation by physicians h~re, League. That league, by the way, one run on Wednesday afternoon, Wake Forest winning 3-1 . First Year Men Grapple was the baseball cradle of at least . . . ., ______Lee, there. ' it-was learned tonight. half the Athletics' young . In the thud mnmg of the game Today at 3 O'clock; Saturday, Lenoir-Rhyne, Apple suffered a back in­ • * • the visitors scored one run after a nell's Ken Bro,vn, and Wake For- No Definite Linenp The New Models The ears of 'Wake Forest Col- d p h there. jury in the Richmond uni­ . lege's baseball coach, Jolm single and a steal by Al Galley est's Dupree an ayne "' o A.re versity game early in the Cad dell, are assh arp as those of was converted by George Polzer's batted two for f our, two f or t h ree, r------r Thwarted in their first attempt season and doctors believe any other suceessfnl sports in· 11 I to open their current season, the SINGLE that .a possible fracture of structor. In the summer of 1SSS double. In the fourth Dave Fu e'l:, and two f?r four respectively. The Sport Results Baby l1eacons will meet the Duke they picked up reports ooneern- local first baseman, scored from game was 0 ,·er in ninety minutes. _ Blue Imps this afternoon in the and the spine is inlpairing his ing the prowess of Ayden's 18· second after a center field single ASEBALL eyesight, which at the pres­ year-old righthander•. As a dl· B . initial game for the local first DOUBLE ent tinle seems to be in a rect result, Byrd was a Wake by Virgil Payne, and in the sixth NO CONTRACT YET Springfield, 2-5.* year men. BREASTED Forest fresl1man the following Tallie Dupree was driven in by Ri hm d 3 g * serious condition. X-rays of Sep te mb er. Joe Tally's home run drive. · · W'll'c on , · · 5 The Deaclets, scheduled to DRAPES the athlete's condition will * * • Molding pitchers IS one of I lam & Mary, 3- .* meet Darlington (Rome, Ga.) Materials be made later this week. CURVE BALL PRAISED Under Control Coach John Caddell's hobbies Cornell, 3-1.* Prep. two weeks ago, were dis- Among college coaches Caddell Outhit 6-5 the Deacons still with Bv d on the way TENNIS appointed when the engaged club GABF.RDINES has a reputation as a fine developer k t thi ' ell under control · · · "r · · ., 7 f of pitchers. That's why the Athlet- ep nga w. . and in the present line-up the State, -2. ailed to make its appearance for HERRING BONES SHIRTS ics' scouts, among others .. keep a but the Roosters offered 11tt1 e . . Cornell, 9-0. the confab. STRIPES The Monogram club rules weather ey~ peeled every time he trouble after the fifth inning. Tal- Deacs have something there m GOLF The starting lineup for today's that students using the ten· comes. up with a new hurler. ly fanned twelve men to Cornell's the way of a lanky fellow who Wt'll;"m & Mary, 10-8.* · t C h Durmg the college seasons of 1936 , . , ... game remams a mys ery as oac nis courts on Route 1, south and 1937 scouts saw plenty of Byrd. Dodds one, and they walked two calls hunself Talley. · · · Hasn t Richmond, 10 1·2-71-2.* Murray Greason is unable to ap- PRICED of the campus, must wear tedBoys against like Wayne the Wake Ambler, ;Forest who staff,b.at- and· five. respectively. a contract. , with any of. Judae" Virginia U., 17 1·2-1-2. point definite men to positions at JOme sort of shirt while play­ universally rate Byrd the best Battmg honors went to Cor- Landis crowd as yet, either_ - . . *Donates Deac win. the present time. ing. curve-bali pitcher they saw during Men issued uniforms are: 17-50 their undergraduate careers. Hoyle, Nelson, Galovich, Tolar, AGAIN organizationThere was aawaiting spot in theByrd Athletics' when- ITHERE'S AREAL · TEST FOR DEACS NEXT WEEK Waivers, · W'll'1 rams, Byrd, Eason, Once again Frank (Red) ever he should decide he'd had Pittman, Byrne, McClean, Groom, enough higher education. He made · B r · d p .J McCarthy, associate sports that decision at the close of the A courageous Deacon nine will fielder, to pre'l"ent an upset by th while Smith held Dartmouth to a wms, an enuergast. editor, takes over the helm 1937 school year and 24 hours later face the battering artilleries of Deacons six hits Tuesday, with the Dukes C lllllr of this section's destiny due he was working out under Connie Duk d c r t T d . orne lW t T 35-00 to the absence of Editor Mack's scrutiny before a game in e an aro ma nex ues ~y Tougher smearing the V'isiting club 23-8. Lo e uten °P Washington. and Wednesday afternoons m The following afternoon Coach Sluggers col Courtmen 9·0 Gordon (Scoop) Philips, "If he doesn't turn out to be an- Southern · Conference-Big Five J h C dd ll' b l't l b d who will not return from other Earnshaw it's a horse on me," B th ·n o n a e s razen 1 t e an On the DeYil line-up appear the . . Connie exulted, running a gloating engagements. o opponents Wl f h tl '11 . D k f . Cornell Umversity defeated the spring holidays until tomor­ 0 eye over the six-foot-two, 190-pound be played away from home. us ers .Wl ~tep m:o u e n~mes 0 Bergman, short-stop; Deacon netters 9-0 Wednesday; row. figure. Inwardly Connie permitted In meeting Carolina Tuesday park and swmg Willows Wlth Jack Tipton, center-fielder; Gaddy, Complete re~ults: Sobel defeate.d Cahoon, SLACKS himself to hope the· resemblance • d · h h C b , Bl D . I 6-1, 6·1; Devme defeated Melhllan, 6-4, Would l·nclude only phys1·cal assets, the Deacs wrll be face Wit t e oom s ue evil pow!:rhouse. left-fielder; Urban, , and 6·2; Pearce defeated Liodsay, 6·4, 6·2; · • • D • . . . Boochever defeated Hayes, 6-4 6-1· Tath· UP The Demon Deacons may not gastronomical preferences. task of trumpmg the twrrhng of uke lS perhaps the tougher of Morns, thtrd baseman, who have burn defeated Moore, 6·3, 6-2'; Schwartz- see action against a pro out­ * • • Tar Heel Henry (Bud) Hudson, the two foes the home guard will I been slugging the Durham aggre- m•;.::::-;~~ ~:?~·d:f~4~,:lMcMillan and fit Monday afternoon should He has lea- . d sf ce tileD he Ash '11 d t A a'IDS t Da t meet n xt k In t th t'lOll t 1 "d d VIC . t . Lindsey. 6·0,Cahoon 6·3; andDevine Davis and Rathburn_ _ • - ue n en e pro uc . . g r · e wee . wo games e ga o ops1 e ones. defeat~d 6 2 6 4 present negotiations go need hare no fears on that mouth HudsoB. lteld the Indians Devils have collected an amazing Wake Forest at the present Boochcver and Schwartzma'n score. Byrd ls as tractable as he ' ' Moore and Hayes, 6-4, 6·3. d~feateci through, an official source Is big, When thirsty he thinks to two lone hits while his mates total of 5.1 runs, while the oppos- time, is undefeated in Conference ·disclosed last night. Coach of water. went on to triumph, 4-1. ing nines aggregated but 8. play, while she has yet to taste Linksmen Tumbled John Caddell, it was said, is GOOD SOD*DlY • In the supporting roles, Stirn- Deacon Jimmy Denning will Big Five cl>mpetition. Carolina attempting to engage a Some day, if the verdict of this weiss, .;hort-stop, Bissett, first most likely face pitcher Dave bas successfully triumphed oYer Wake Forest met with its first g;ime with Rocky Mount at camp is to be believed, he will be sacker and Grubb, third sacker, Smith on the mound. Denning DaYidson, and went on Tuesday defeat in Conference and Big the pro outfit's headquar- summera fine major he will league be a pitcher.Williamsport This will couple their batting power pitched Wake Forest to a 5-3 win to knuckle out a 6-5 verdict over FiYe play Wednesday when the -ters. pitcher. with the stellar Burnette, center over William and Mary recently, the N. C. State Red Terrors. linksmen of Carolina won 14-4. PAGE FOUR OLD GOLD AND IJLACK

below are the sponsors for Wake Forest's second annual· Tri·Fraternity Ball, to be Progr~ SPORTS SH 0 W N held at the l\'ashlngton-Duke Hotel, Durham, N. C., April 8-9. The sponsors will he escorted as follows: .. ' ~. Continued From Page 3 Miss nuth Daughtery, Goldsboro, with Fred Johnson, Louisville, Xr., Theta :Kappa Nu; Miss Gene Turnage, Ayden, with Frank Parrott, Goldsboro, Theta Kappa Nn; 1Ifss Eleanor Qulrl, 1Vasblngton, D. C., with Jess neid, Wake Forest, Theta Xapps,Nu; Miss :Mary Jane Lindley, Winston-Salem, with Harry 1Villiams, Charlotte, APO; Mlss Nell Stnrkey, Bryan,· Ohio, with 1Virt Corrie, Crewe, Va., NEW DEPARTMENT Al'O; ~llss Frances Johnson, Raleigh, with Rufus :Marshboume, Rocky :Mount, Al'O; 1Ifss :Mary Leigh PLANS RELEASED Parnell, Parkton, with Irwin Blanchard, Woodland, Phi Chi; Miss Margaret Grayson, High l'olnt, with Charles Byrd, Erwin, Phi Chi; Miss Elsie Berry Yates, Suffolk, Va., with Lynwood lVDllams, Kinston, Phi Chi. · (Continued from page three) in sports," and "to give training / in the theory and practice of physical education, suited to the t'II.I~\\\\~'11\~W_ll ~~~~.~Oil_: . needs of those who wish to be- 11111 come coaches, officials, and direc­ tors of recreational activities." In general, the department will EDITION OF be conducted paralleling that of any other major department in the college. Credit will be given towards graduation, as does every other department, and each sport . Ml~i P.Ulll DAU6HTEI\Y•mi~S ELEAIIOR ~Uli\K • mi~S 6f.OE TUI\DA6E or athletic subject will be similar to any class procedure. Not more than four semester hours from TRI·FAATERN.ITY BALL gymnastics and seasonal sports, .PUI CUI . howeyer, may be accredited to­ • wards a degree. ALPHA As before, two semester hours of physical education are required i PUI of all candidates for degrees or omE6A entrance into the school of Law • or Medicine. .. lHETA, James H. Weayer, Director of KAPPA. Athletics, has been given the full HU title of Professor of ~hysical Ed­ ·mi5S fMftCE.S JOHN)On • ffii~S ELSIE BEI"WJ YATES • ffil1~ ffiAIW JAn£ linDLEY' mtS~ ffiARV LEI~\1 PAR hELL ucation, and his subordinates ------­ ha>e been given titles according A p ZI to rank. Weaver's title and that fl onorS of the other members of the coach­ 0 Outstanding ing staff were officially sanctioned by the Board of Trustees when Alumni at Banquet Tonight ON THE SCREEN the department was put on the RICARDO CORTEZ same basis as other colJegiate de- PHILLIS BROOKS in partments recently. Celebrating its 28th anniver- Taylor, Dr. J. B. Wheless, .Al Farley, Harry Williams, Billy After completion of the pre- sary, APO fraternity will spon- Martin, J. H. Matthews, Berry Eutsler, Thomas Byrne, Marion IICITY G.IRL" scribed ph y s i c a l education sor a banquet to be held at the Anderson, and R. T. Kirkland. Floyd, Ben Floyd, M. L. Britt, News Comedy courses, a certificate of proficiency Washington-Duke Hotel tonight, Guest of honor, selected on the Sherwood Staton, Ross Hill, WEDNESDAY will be given those who are en- just preliminary to the Tri-Fra- basis of having shown the most Wirt Corrie, Bob Shell, Edward Bank Night _ $50.()(} titled to receive it. ternity Ball. interest in the local chapter dur- Blanchard, Sim Caldwell, Bill Fred Stone - Dorothy Moore in 1 Thursday-Friday Fox News - Comedy' Subjects offered include physi- Harry Williams, president of ing the past year, will include Staton, Jim Mason, Bernie ...... ,. .,.,.., "QU 1CK MQN EY" · J~cmette McDonald _ Nelson Ed~y ology, hygiene, physical education the fraternity, will act as master BenT. Ward·, T. Settle Graham, son, Bill Bellois, Comedy Cartoon Musical 1 GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST' anatomy, football, baseball, bas- of ceremonies. and George D. Taylor, Greens- Townsend, Regan Mcintyre, ketball, and others. Around 100 are expected to be boro attorneys, and Robert N. Walter Gray, Culbert :McLean, SATURDAY- DOU~LE FEATURE It is generally conceded that in attendance, including the mem- Simms, Jr., Raleigh attorney. Ray Whitley, Perry Bland, Tom Tyler in ,"LOST RANCH" also the development of the new physi- bers of the fraternity, who are Present members of the chap- Charles :Mayberry, Rufus Marsh- cal education program will result to escort their girl friends and ter are Frank Hester, Walter burn, Leslie Morris, and Irvin .John Deal • Sally Eilers In "DANGER PATROL"

~~~~~a~a~~.~~a~~~C-l:ar=k~,:~:·:~::·e~R:i:n:~~o=hl=,~H::ar:~:drB=~=n=~=a=r=d~------~~~~~~~~S~~~I~A~L~~~~~~C~O~.M~~ED~Y~~~~~~~M~U~S~IC~A~L~~~~~~~School of Physical Education ulty adviser of the fraternity, _ here in the near future. will be in attendance with his wife. : :. :: LOCAL DEBATERS Alumni expected to attend in- elude David Britt, I. J. Bullard, GIVEN NOD OVER mn. COLGATE RIVALS Seil McKeel, Joe Prevatte, J. H. Pre Moore, Benny Weatherford, Bill yes1 Radio-audience votes tabulated Klocke, 0. V. Hamrick, Jonah 1 since the recent Wake \Forest------­ Mi!J ripe tobaccos .. anJ 1. Colgate debate, which was broad- tic~ cast over Raleigh's WPTF, give TUXEDO FOR SALE $1.( a 4:3 to 16 win to the Baptist de­ Very, Very Cheap-Cash Fin baters. Polling 73 per cent of pure cigarette paper Ho, the votes, Wake Forest was rep­ SIM CALDWELL ·Doi resented by Eugene Worrell and 131 Simmons A. P.O. Gill Bobby Helm. • ... these Chesterfteld F ingredients are the best ROLLS DEVELOPED a cigarette can have . Au'feight eille JW¥"er·fede 1'011 kodt!k V &lox film priDie ~ for OOly 25 ~ ,_ ,n--..did foHrr...... , ,_,_,,~, -Hi,..- -eiPJWfo"'illeed. ser.v Woi.VAIIILII: PIIBIHVMI 4II¥Mr ij ~: ·: •• ,, ••. ,_ •• MAIL YOUR FILMS 'fO 6 quei and !hers 9, leig !JIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIliiiUIIIIIIUJJIUIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII!!, ~ ~ E COLLEGE BOOK STORE E .~-( j This Week's Specials I I "CHRIST AND PRESENT CRISIS" By DR. A. C. REED 'l'o Last Formerly $1.00 : NOW $0.75 er "THE STOP LIGHT" Jtlfj By DR. BILLY POTEAT . Dr .. NOW $0.75 Tu "WSTORY OF N. C. BAPTISTS" E= E= Prol By DR. G. W. PASCHAL E = WE $0.75 ~ "ON THE CAMPUS" = Glee E en}o!l in Chesterfields = 6: l\uUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/Illllllllllnliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDWIWUJUWIIIIUUruunUIUIIIIHIUIIJdi Dr. •. the reason they give so many smokers . Tl11 Pub] ALWAYS RETURN BOTTLES more pleasure ••• is the full flavor and aroma p.l of mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turk· Prof m1 ish tobaccos, blended like no other cigarette. DeSJ Shearons Dairy Tl The Champagne cigarette paper used J!t"i GR A_DE in making Chesterfields is pure • • . it Glee Fi PRODUCTS burns without taste or odor ••• it's the Dr•. -Oont PHONE 2561 best cigarette paper money can buy. . .fo: ' - "( TWO DAILY DELIVERIES \ ..• you'll find MORE PLEASURE in 3•'.. ' .tllmays Call for Shearons Products Stu Chesterfield's- milder better taste Glee p1'1 I I • ,. .. ,. ''" I 4 I 44 I I au -