Local Clubs to Participate In. Anti-War Strike
• tf'AO FOREST COLLEGE LIBRARY PATRONIZE ST.AND BY OLD GOLD AND BLACK THESE MERCHANTS ADVERTISERS THEY STAND BY YOU Published Weekly by the StudentS of Wake Forest College I VlQl. XX, No. 24 .. W.AKE FOREST, N. C., SATURDAY, .APRIL 17, 1937 Ten Cents Per Copy LOCAL CLUBS TO PARTICIPATE IN. ANTI-WAR STRIKE ----~--------------* Patterson Releases List of 128 Wake Forest Head Honored By ;-----------: Literary, Religious, and Musi Men Averaging About Jefferson Medical College Elected cal Organizations to Take 90 Per Cent This Week Part in Demonstration TWO FRESHMEN AND ONE KITCHIN HAS SERVED CLASSES TO BE CUT SHORT SOPH MAKE STRAIGHT "A" AS COUNCIL OFFICER TO PROVIDE FOR MEETING Copple, Gilmore, Stanfield and Dean R. V. Patterson of Phila· Martin and Shore to Speak; Modlin Hit Bull's Eye For delphia Institution Sends Con· Prize Offered for Best Plac Top Grades ui All Subjects; gratulations; Great Progress ard; Opposition to Plan Noted . ~eniors Lead List With 36 Seen in Wake .Forest During in Some Quarters; High School Sebolars,· Frosh Come Next Administration of President Students Will Join College With 33, Juniors 31, Sopbs Kitchin; $700,000 Building Men in Demonstration; Judg· 22; Law and Med Schools . Program Completed During ing of Frat Banners Will Be Place Three Each. Last Seven Years. Held at 10 O'clock Thuisday The Wake Forest college mid-se- Dr. Thurman D. Kithin this week Cooperating with l,OOO,OOO other mester honor roll, released by Reg- was made president of the General college students, throughout the na- istrar Grady S. Paterson this week, Alumni Association of Jefferson tion, the Statesman's club, literary listed 128 men, of whom four made Medical College, according to a dis· societLes,· .
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