VOLUME XXXII. NUMBEB New S. G. Officers DIKE COLLEG VS RETURN FOR FINAL SERU 147 WOMEN MAY Danny Farrar Wins, GET DEGREES OF!*, Mann T oses First Installed At Formal DUKE UNIVERSITY ~ ™n ^ ^?- tf Council Ball Tonight Diplomas Conferred Early ii June; l.isl of Elicibles For Struggle In Chicago Durham Lad Falls Before Arts and Science Degrees Administration Headed liy Protege of Joe Louis; 11 Below Last Year's Total Tom Southgate Will Be Matulewicz Makes First Presented to Student liod.v Appearance Tonight During Affair TonieM DIPLOMA ORDER That Caroline Miller. I' ALREADY GIVEN it/or prize siulhor whosne WEST VIRGINIA THOMAS SAYS s,.| ..lieilnled for April 1,1.1,a liekele- Only Three Candidates For MEN DEFEATED BALL FORMAL ,„ . jliaiiieeiim Science Degree in Complete L Denver Welch, Micky iilulln -enrl. Till- Iia List Made Public by Deans Les Brown To Furnish Music Lost in First Appearance; For Outstanding Social Pontecarvo Fiwhts Well; Fete ot Year; Chaperons Semi-Finals Tonight For Affair Are Announced

CHICAGO, Mss.v 1 Dnke miivc-r- ;ty lield a .31X1 average here tonight

candidates aire aa r

REIST itfPOINTS 27 MEMBERS OF lieket, No, 1521;a-5 ticket, No. 370; eel, VS. S. Army, Hia ticket, No. 199. NEW COMMITTEE ,oongster; though Blinds, was -veil ahe Mother's Day Carnation Sale sit througlwut the n First Project of Group; DEVILSOVERCOME Final Orders in Tomorrow

e Tom Southgate .. all- a- SAINTS; OPPOSE Sklent He aaill thi GEOLOGY COURSE Leland, Aiken Elected To NAVY TOMORROW emy weight lighter B Gain 7-1 Win Over Sl. Johns ADDED TO CLASS Head Chronicle Next Year 1 M For .750 on Northern Trip; ' t tV ""> Lambeth Chosen New Editor of Chanticleer With Coan as Lost to Maryland Nine SCHEDULE HERE fri-alale-.l Is '} Business ; Post Picked For Archive Edi­ E. Walton Berry, Ohio State torship; Upchurch New Business Manager I ber. Duke's University Geologist,To Be tn tlie start by the Oetros Assistant Duke Professor ftoderic S. Leland, a member of Lambda Chi Alpha, Ne.v Canaan Conn., was elected to the editorship of the CHHONICT.P for l!>36-.Ti as, falling to aril at o meeting of the Publications Board Wednesday. He i>ill Ink. over hia duties .villi tin- Tuesday edition. airiilar.-l Klisaslln ound. Itingaaide . reli, Shirley Jlieini.ei.il. I ... I DUKE SYMPHONY y Trimble t Hughes, F.eellisT Gann , Gibson Goo Tlie third member ol tbe Desk PLAYS FOR FINAL Dorothy Fairl ia.selse-lls Slnail. squad, Ray Msstulaewie-sa, lariat is s|_- I well, Anna * Mary I «u Ise Y.M.C.1C0NCERT Warren, Lonil necoiid period Tuesday, Orchestra Plays First Full length Program Tuesday in Final Concert of "Y" Series

. he lield Saint Job

'neat Virginia lli.iappoiut

t Wednesday wli i who failed to safely. Park<

of the day, both doohles.

ooklyn 'In Be Held Neant Sunday . t',.,-l>-

y ei. Ktter, Shippensb' Benet, Prominent Critic And Poet, Speaks Here Delta Sigs Bring Navy To Noihdrnf Elected President Front In Traditional Ball Of German Club Last Ni hl a sab ill elon llnki S

Km, John I,. Ly James. 11. Duk • OiUc-i' auditor

Mr. Benet divided liis; leeta ™ and thc gaps are too wide be- Frosh Women Lay Plans For Beginning with 1D1S Mr Benet Class Tea Dance Tomorrow •r Ce.lllia-eles-, Miless (iaa.l,-. em poetry, and Ille- -a-e-eaead ea A Adcoek, Ivan Fran Al Preyer and His Band FurnisI Lots Shields. Music for Two-Hoar Affair 1. Atkins, Jr. "Mnest people think that pa idler, Jerry J made Up of figure* eel -]se-a- .el A. Agncllc eerlitie'e-ee ,,[ eat.vle-." lee-aiaaas Mr. ailas.ld 11. I.„l,11 inn. Boston 'Signs Weafer "but this Is only partly true.

STON, May s — (UP) - to do with poetry. We, eanni Bach woman is entitled i .- ., like our forefatliers josl as ' "The chief char act e.i.tia-s of this, OOH :ei,el two eeleej! hl.lea. I'lil- ilnnce (•lei.-eejii, ew poetry wercs the Influence ..I -ill but two in, Irom four to sis er la a slz-foote «-,-!=a-l,!„s_ greatness In poetry Is reall> MILLER-BISHOP COMPANY "Where Duke Men Meet" . Man 9, 1086 f H E DUKE CHRONICLE BLUE DEVIL CINDERMEN FAVORED OVER INDIANS Wilh The Blue Devils DUKE LINKSMEN J.V.DIAMONDERS Al Deemer Faces Nation's BASEBALL TEAM Track Team Meets William CHARLIE WHNRICH Sports Editor PLAY TOMORROW FACE CHRISTIANS Finest Outboard Skippers WINS OVER ARMY And Mary There Saturday IN S. LTOURNEY HERE TOMORROW Duke's National Intercollegiate Racing Champion Entered Devils Won Last Year by 2(1 in Annual Albany to New York Race; Forced Out AND TIGER NINES Warren Calls Spring Ring Points; Indians Lack Team Defend Title on Hot Springs B Team Seeks Third Win of Last Year After Turning Over Twiee Princeton Defeated 6-4 With Session for Monday, 4 p.m. Balance; Boast Fast Men Course; Perry, Deupree, Season; Campbell Defeated Naktenis on Mound; Army in Dashes, HSU, and Mile Glagola, and Poe to Play in 12 Innings; Frosh Win Trounced by 21-Hit Attack open Monday, May 12, for all VIRGINIA CONTENDER Springs competing and freshman squads, it was an-

sity boxing manager, yesterday. Coaeh Add Warren will return

a d-4 victory over llae Tigers Tacs y afternoon. He allowed i„„ d. t by nearly iwenty [ •a, only aaue of which was good fo

STROKERS MEET This season, tlae .Willi llibeken's single over aahotreatop a intba- Duke opeil,-!l Ilea- .a-eei-inf I. ll wns Ihbi'keai's only hit of the , This will be tbe opeiiiu? aaf the I- third aeill, e, e-illgle . TWl N. Y. UNIVERSITY Knot Count in Eighth a-lslli geaWa. l.a.I summer Dee Trailing f..r .1 Bi lie.- eaeeeee.-. -aas iiiunt successful, compeliaag is ll.e Devils were held scoreless unti IN LAST MATCHES M 'll" 7 [i\W-' ^hieT''\hty Blue ll.-e-iles ].us-liecl ..eraiss three s rgattas, taking three firsts and ie eighth when they got one mora should undoubtedly win. lime nomber of seconds, Hl£ ' Devils Have Met Some of the NO WALK-AWAY •aired iu ll„- ninth. East's Crack Teams on An­ nual Tour; W.&M. Beaten

truck out only two. Carl Hiiiskami ing of any favored team. Evans, ind Ace Parker each had three hiti Cranio, auul Heaulley. of Maryland. PHI DELTS COP TITLE SENIOR LEaADS CO-EDS o lead the Duke attack. Hulskanll !Ot a and Parker a dsiubli . bus been playing Ih WITH SOCCER VICTORY IN NATIONaU TOURNEY along with two single's. Herljie Cheek Eight Women I'artieipate in •onneeted for two singles. legiate Archery Match; llul Pace With 279

Kifaalal. oo-eals pairtk-ipssted :

Wednesday ssttiTiiiiieri, -11011111 r

y Academy Wednesday ai eiUKlli-.l fear Ilia- tratil-ai-esil s Down Deacons rs. The only team lhat ha I' e'H-eesli illy ivelt again

Ffcklljieger h:„ l„,.„ topniUB 12 taaet (i ilia-bee n both sides. The vsiialt, and sla< I push 1 e played here last Down Indians and .foe I.eidy for top he boys from Chapel Opening their trip in Williamsburg, George llarley wa- successful in a. the Duke racquet weildcrs slop­ his third attempt to w,„ tla,- thir- ed long enough to trounce the Will m and Mary netmen without basins State meet. Leidy lias 1: although she was hit harder tlian single match, Every match was -, aal.ot his way t„ Individual 1 on in straight sets with the exeep- leading .Ine Powell of Duke by lowed ten hits but kepi them well on of tlie final doubles match aalicai ee strokes eaver Ilea- fla.I Sp ' shby and Gill after dropping tbe big lead. Wales Forest defeated lls.r- rst set 1-6, applied the pressure anil etly steady golf, took tile e ley in his two previous starts 13-3 pionshlp l,i i, comfortable maris lams, B-l, 6-21 Mailer over Pletch- freshmen participated in the archery ti-2, ti-t); Koonce over Van Heneke, ran,,,!. Tliey eer.-a Alma Hull, "" " ; !>-(., e-3, McNeil! over M their erine Upclmrols, Edith Saiook, Wayne Ambler and Claude Corbltt , 7-5; Shelnutt uvia-r Csasldberg, S-t, Rauschenberg, /.enora Davison, aa a! I,, el ..Is Cell,ill' smashed out four hits to pace the abetb Penned, Jean Siepesi, Blue Devil hitters. Shortell, W. Huis- Ca,re.line 111-eedlove. hlts. Bill Huiskamp's triple was the piekiug the probable eainf, In thc Duke line-up hit safely at least BUSINESS me tyepe of golf that tliey have cat- SCIENCE jited tlais season in keeping thei] COURSES Tuesday, May vJl it not,

a. Also, tlie gulf simteliiss lis right baud In a "pepper" game end now plays witb the middle flngei lls-s-iasli- li,l,r,i,-y .1 Atli- The standings in tlie volleyball and licit ing out of his glove. .aid be convinced thai Matu- eks ago when Poe was sssebnll leagoes ivill he pubtlslied In rier. is the class of the light- ee man to land in land PEIRCE SCHOOL lis eohlll.la llae lieaat issue, alOMB With ivies., e-ap.a-ially after he had ;ood taste of how it felt to Harrill, Deacon cs-.sti-i-li.-l.li-J-. pi i,- batters with a .'.ingle, , -iple. 'I'oiu tiaiddv Besot two leal- ,e Dnke frosh. Wake Forest outhlt The only machine toplght, Jimnde McLsnln aaill i, In all, Duke has about completed ne year. . . The grid team rosae to • heights in 1 lit- national world of its kind

500 camshafts can be inspected heads lower automatically, mea­ iJ^Home every hour by an automatic sure the shafts,-then rise. As the machine which has been designed conveyor moves the shafts to the and built by the Ford Motor next station, other mechanism Company. It is the only one of rotates and indexes them for the and save» its kind. It has a gaging accuracy next set of gage heads. of one ten-thousandth of an inch. The gage heads contain hard- = Ihe national ehainpi.ms.hip. laundry y^t ^ It gages Ford camshafts at 25 alloy-tipped measuring plungers . It has been a great year I miii-sti should he even *ily and jLXWSe points. Any dimension not within which are linked to amplifying economically. Simply notify the folks /**/ the specified limits causes elec­ levers. Variations in shaft sizes, .h„ „ „. .a,appenB »ou, e.„,d„ Ishanae trical and mechanical devices to beyond set limits, close a set of by Railway Express} and ask them to reject the camshaft as it leaves contact points which operate two- ae way. If you wish, the machine. solenoids. One sets the rejection There are ten inspection sta­ mechanism; the other raises a , c'laallsu-li. What .lea tl.e. and detail, and loose change. tions. The camshafts are placed marking plunger which puts a in registered position in carriers daub of copper sulphate solution Railway Express ia fast and d mounted on an endless linked on the shaft where the dimension conveyor and carried into the machine. At each station the When shafts come out of The Young Men's conveyor stops momentarily. Au­ machine they are automatically Shop tomatic centers engage the ends passed or rejected. All told, of the camshafts and hold them there are 54 inspections on every Sty ted hy will pick up the package at your door rigidly. Then 25 floating gage Ford V- 8 camshaft. JANTZEN Catalina K. V. I). ir Information telephone FORD MOTOR COMPANY WIKIES 'The Story of Wool and eMohair,

The RAILWAY EXPRESS Young Men's Shop 126-128 K. Main Street NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE THE DUKE CHRONICLE SOMERVILLE CHOSEN ITALIANS EXPECT CO-EDS APPROVE ART ASSOCIATION Home Styles Changing COLUMBIA PRESIDENT THAT DIPLOMATS JW FINANCIAL SHOWS WORK OF NEW YORK—(UP)—The triri LEAVE ETHIOPIA PLAN FOR CLUBS MODERN ARTISTS f tlae lPSO's, are just as e.nl ,,f-d. tiate Foreign Kepresen- Representatives of 38 East Curry and Benton Pictures ow aa tsbe iron stag, the glng Ident Of tlie society t. ivcs Not Welcome Now Campus Organizations Ao- Are on Exhibit in Woman's rend porcbeai and the eoiy corners Conquered Territory ii-pl Centralized Treasury ireesldeiit, Norman Van Nostrum] College Library Until June

I Miller, Mam.bur,:, l'a.; record secretary, W, L. Carson, Euclid

Gardner, Uass.i oorreapa „

B, L. Flowei

^tS'tOfattColor m- COLLEGE be funds of these ezroiaii Life Span Set by Bay Span an, which was explained 1 "PENNANTS! .-sslsii's meeting Isy W. *

iY I-UtltAll WINS, I. MANN LOSES FIRST STRUGGLE IN CHICAGO With Every i afleta Chaplin Film" CZtttopoint^if^ orREALITE PENCIf 1

foalkennu tiekets available for home-coming series will, johnny long Pupils Keep Honor Rating losed by the ; imauiae'bail tla (Zutej^ouyt eaeiajlal ki-i-|a ae

e UNlVERSIT,? •illiela-eieaii lay cheek oo the ei PALM BEACHES Il|fKr u DVIiMUBERDASHERY

Flier Declared Legally Dead $16.75 SYDNEY, N. S.-(l'l') Air Com­ MILLER-BISHOI' CO. modore Sir Charles Kingsford Smith

Kingston! Smith, has been gvlen leaive la the Probate Court in Sydney to 147 WOMEN MAY GET DE­ GREES HI DUKE UNIVERSIT* Ideal, Useful and Appropriate Gifts for Mother's Day VISIT THE BETTY LOU SHOPPE "Where Smart Women Shop"

Our stocks are now complete with new, stylish and sen lot labile merchandise— e?lb£ Dresses, Suits, Hats, Gloves, Bags, if, Lingerie and Hose. Give theto for aglfts balance > West Main St it — Durham, N. C. Just Arrived— my budget* COTTONS AND LINENS Miracle for Style and Low Pric


Keep your at Sears Savings social poise in a FineQuality Rackets Palm Beach Tux $2.98 $3.95 nsTrWifciTitu FOR THOSE EXAMS! MARK TWAIN You can look os cool as a trained seal on ice, in Irish Linen Suits OUTLINES 3 BIG DAYS a Palm Beach Tox,this summer. And, what's more, HISTORY 92 including all the required STARTeNG SUNDAY you'll be that way • One thing about Palm Beach outside reading JEAN ...it ends lhat mopping and sweltering lhat go ECONOMICS 52 HISTORY 52 ARTHUR with heavier clothes in summer. Even a dance HISTORY 1 HISTORY 2 HERBERT wilh a warm number won't run your temperature Big Bill Tilden and many others 193G Chaaii>ionship, MARSHALL up unduly • And Goadall tailoring (exclusive in TENNIS BALLS SOUTHERN TUTORING Palm Beach) insures utmost smartness ond modern­ SERVICE 35%, 'If You Could ity of lines. A white P. B.Tux wilh black P. B. trousers Only Cook' makes a super swank combine • Same remarks apply lo Palm Beach day wear. Your clothier will show you the new Palm Beach whites, blues, greys, Tennis Oxfords tans, etc. A two-piece suit dents your budget only ,£ $16.75. Smart slacks, $5. Tux Ensemble, $18.50. H;ir ™ .»•""" 'fi'49 SEARS.ROEBUCK AND CO. Goodall Company • Cincinnati Patronize CHRONICLE Advertisers