:::p;ELio-Ws .it·~-n~~faitday-8J1d·. · . , .. , . _ . 1. the long curved span . ;a'crossilection of aferris-wheeL It's-a-sunset ':· :;::vie\'llr··iof the Old Mill :Wheel,.where seniorS wiD gather two ·;r~~:tomg:ht.ior_an afier~the:banquet frolic' and the . .:suigfiltg- of '.'Auld:Lang Syne:" Seni()ts may still buy tickets • .··. ·_·. .. 'senior :fuiance coDnnittee'i :a:oward Dawkins,. Gil~·· Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College : :·mei. J o~on;: Charles Bighsinith; Don ·J otdaD. Ticke~ ai'e ,:. .v:$L50a·'couple; $1.00-for one.·'Chairmen_ oftlie,(!tller w~ek·· VoL fir, No: ·23 Z 538 ·WAKE FOREST, N.C., SA~URDAY, APRIL fi, ~938 Ten Cents Per 0or>1 .,.=~'-"'·. .-. ,.::end. i:omlnittee~ are-Billy' Raynor; steering; Jack Sawyer; ==::====,;.7===.=:====;;===:=====:=~~===:=========:=====~==.======~==================== :'; progra,mi·. Gilbert: Potter; decorations; Rupert Bryan, ::.-:·dance: . · · · · · · · · · --------------~--~--~~------------~-------------------------------------0 WALLER, C. GADDY .REXY RACE Candidates for BEAD COMPETITION Ors(;laiJDLo~ _ P . the presidency of the ·· student body-are Jim Waller, left, and Carl Gaddy. Waller IN STUDENT BODY is familiar to "Old Gold and Black" readers as a wearer of Punch in ~atalog basketball togs. Gaddy is shown as he chops wood for his Young and Eutsler Chosen board at McCarter's. Class Presidents By Alleged Retroactive Measure Will Divide Acclamation Quality Points By Hours; Would Klll -:...-----------------~ ·-- Several Snmmas, Ma.gnas CAMPAIGNING PASSIVE A· dynamite charge exploded in the '38 cum laude squad this Publications Candidates week as the new college catalGg Jll,lde its_ appearance with a re· stricting "interpretation" of the- Yequirements for "summa's," Are Relatively "magna's," and "cum laude's." Unopposed According to .-~...;;;;.----------; "The catalogs of the past four I Har~yFair ... Day after tomorrow is election day. Jog every_ pros­ Four years ago- a few am­ pective grad-· bitious men of '38 bought their Student polls will be open Mon­ uate with 347 freshman · texts and thumbed day in student center from 8 to quality points through their catalog to find, 12 :30 and from 1 to 5. rated a summa. among other things, what kind The new · cata­ of grades they would have to log, bot .from make to rate a sum= or mauna. the- printers, And with grim determination states that a they ·set· to work to live up to student is al­ their own ambitions and to the lowed to grad­ ideals of the folks at home. uate under the catalog · of his freshman year. At the same time it states Local- Moochers· Share that nQ summa is granted un· less the student ···· .. _Clayton. Th.eatfe Pu·r se has averaged 2.8, . or tour­ -, ' ~ fifths A's. Cat Off From -Bank,_. :the Ripper Is· Lured Into Ambush and Decides on a · Bouse and a Lot . ... ~ming Up The publications board will meet Thursday night, April 21, for the election of editors and business man· agars of the three student 'publications, President Ray Brady announced yetserday. ' Candidates for these places are required to file application with the secre­ tary of the board by April 11, according to publica­ tions rulings passed this Spring. The board meeting was previously set for A prll 15. ' , ( ~ .. ' PAGE TWO OLD GOLD AND B~ACK l£1a1Dpus -1'1a" lOera I STUDENTELECTIONS Local Mooehers Share. Ray 'Scarborough:· "Ginime a ~ '-..; MONDAY Clayton-Theatre Purse chew." ®lb ~olb a.nb Jilack r....-------------~-----..;... ..J (Contlnued from pace •ne) "Yf a It e r Clayton: "Gimine · , ___ Young was acclaimed president of IConUnued from page one) room." · the rising· senior class, and Billy check,_ a che?k! My friend-" He The reporter finally chirrups Eutsler was nanied president of slaps the Ripper on the back.. in a small, weak voice: "Gimme the incoming junior class. The reporter, sidling unobtru- a statement." The incoming sophomores were sively into the gathering: ".A.h-h Walter Clayton (very dis- apparentlydisgruntleda~outsome- er har-umph." ' gruntled): "Tell 'em I'll buy a thmg _or other, fo~ a notice on the Walter (the Ripper) Clayton: hpuse and a lot." bulletm boards hsted the nomi- Why. don't they open this dern Clem Crabtree: "A lot of nees for the UPRISING sopho- bank!" what!" STAFF DAVID MORGAN .............__ .,_ .... .Editor more class. The scene shifts hurriedly to A student arrives BILL STATON .• ·-··--···Burines8 Mana.glt N e"l'"ertheless, James Earley, the College Sody Sho e - same . " at a s~rat~ Marshall Du1·ham and Bedfo:td t' pp giC time, bellows: Who wantnn EDITORIAL STAFF PRINCETON HAS . ' . 1me, same town, same reporter. on a case of beer?" JACK SA.WYER. ••••••••••••• A.ssociate Editor u. BILL Hv>IPHRIES ... - ... Monaoing Editor 1HE LARGEST COLL£CT­ Black Will enter the. hsts m the The scenery· Bromo Seltzers - / · RAY STROUPE .....................Ntnvs Editor '1l4RU 1HE DISOJVERY' TEn PJULIPS.......... Contributing Editor ION OP DEAiH MASKS race for president of the sopho- opened College Humor s:U~ W~lter ~layton weakly raises . RUFUS 0&\TER. ..•.....Oontributing Editor ("PORTRAITS IN PLASTER") OF OIL a-1 ITS lAND, more .class. Smith. ' the right mdex finger. iHE: UNNERSlTY OF SPORTS DEPARTMENT IN 1HE UNrfED STATES. A complete list of m>minees for Th~ f;m. df th . · k The curtain falls with a bang GORDON A. PliiLIPS••. --..•• ------.Directof. TEXAS HAS FOO­ FRANK P. MC0ARTKY.............. d.asociat• FITED 1l:> THE OOENT all positions follows: l'ng H .Y got a edr blS scpeac- and knocks two planks out of the PHrLIP LATTA. •.• - •..... -•. -.. ..... - ... Asaociate . · . e · 1s por raye y :fl. FATE BEAL WESTON HATB'lELD OF 417,500,000! Student Body - President: Whitacre local th t • t · oor. - HODGE NEWELL .............. .Stoff Fotoman . , earemagnae. J ames I . Wlla er of N ashville, He expounds thll.sly: ·- ''Yessir, - REPORTORIAL STAFF Ten~., and_ Carl E. ~addy of Col- when we' --called 1834, there he , _____;,._ ___....:.._...., PHIL l-IIGHFH.Y• JAMES COPPLJII THE SENIOR russ AT MUJ.ILENBURG EARL ETHERIDGJO CAII.L DULL umbw i nee president: :S:eath was; there was the Ripper, calm Donee Correetion BOBBY HELM' RAY PITTM'AN COLLEGE IS ALLOWED TO PI.ANT r-tY I .LDI>OS G I!,],JI.AND R M. FLOYD Bumgardner of Sta~ley; James as could be, witli outstretched r....-~-------~~ JACK KESTER.. , ................................Artist IF THEY ARE AU. JA:\[ES GREEXE BACHELORS I W. Clontz of Salisbury, and palm." Ralph Earnhardt of Kannapolis; C t . b. "Old Gol!l and Black'' re- · --o~ BUSINESS &"l'AF'F secretary-treasurer: Irvin Dick- b' uds omderd (kwit long white cently. carried a list of pro· N. L. BRITT SHERWOOD STATON lfi.IASN'T BEEN ear an ar g1 asses) · "Giro FRAXK HESTt-:R .,., eliS of Roanoke Rapids, an~ Davis C C , · · fessors as' chaperones for a THO:\IAS J. B'l'RXE, Circulation llanager PLANTED FOR ~/ H · me a oca- o1 a. 25YEARS.' 4 errmg of Turkey. , . Pan-Hellenic dance. The Msmber of Rising senior class _ Presi- Ben Elhot and Fred Wllhams, . NORTH CAROLIYA !NTEROOLLEQIAT.J: l')RESS .ASSOCIATION I dent Smith Young of Lexington together: "Okay, chum.'' list was. released by promo." Approved by MERCH.\N'I'S ASSOCIATIOY, RALEIGH (elected by acclamation)· vice The customer's beard catches in ters of the dance.before all year .. president: Wirt Corrie of Crewe, wad· of chewing gum stuck on prospective chaperones had cept the Hepresented lo~ National Ad,·erti~ing by National Advertising Service, I ,!I c .... Colle':e Publishers Hepresentatl\.-e, 420 :Mndison Avenue, New York, V a., and Jack Knight of Jessup, counter, and Walter (the Rip- been invited. Some later de­ bet that N. ): . ; Chwngo, Boston, San Francisco, Los ADgeles, Portland, Seattle. Ga. ; secretary: John Scott of per) Clayton steps from behind clined. Their names should ploy a • Entered as ~econd·clnss matter January 22, 1916, at the postoffice at Roc~y )Mount (elected by accla- ~~b;tsh·,, He utters to wit: not have appeared. punt)-and­ \\ oko ~ orest, N. 0., under the act of Mnrch 3, 1879. Tms matlon ; treasurer : Cyrus John- Olses · The list also appea~ed in back) All matteTs of business sllould be addreJ;sed to the Business ?tfanager COLLEGIATE son of Goldsboro (elected by ac- .. A young riot ensues as. old and school Bo~ 2<)18, and all ot.h~r matters should be addressed to the EditOr·in·Chiet: clamation); historian·: Howard new friends close in on the Rip- state papers. News bureau Box ... 18. Ad,·ortlstng rates quoted on request. Subscription due in ThEt ad,·nnce. Raleigh office: Ed"'nrds & Broughton Compan;-. GENERATION . Glenn of Atlantic City, N. J. per. officials stated yesterday , (Continued from page one) Jim Mason's picture hasn't ap- (elected by acclamation); poet: Smut Aderholt: "Gi=e a cig- that they did not release In Detail, Summa-Magna Change • • • smart patch of low-ground be- peared in the Howler as the hold- R: .M. Barefoot of Wils?n, an:d arette." this or other dance stories. At the bottom of discussion regarding requirements for summa fo_re breakfast. And the AKPi's er of some high and mighty posi- DICk H~rdaway of L:no1r;. stu- , . · · · h With Elton Peele and "Lord SI's t1'on that Charley LI'ttl th" dent legislature: 1\{elvm Yancey~.,~"""~""·"""""' .., .......,... ... ... ....... · au magna<1 Istmctwns IS t e fact that: · e IS 0 ~< ~~<-••""'d~-· ..~-..·~ "l'1i:A"l::i~~~"'"'"'"'"'"'~~~~~~ d sle" p:rambulate in a doddery year's secretar -treasurer ~f the o_f xford ~ ele?ted by acclam~- . "A student has the privilege of graduating under the pro· Franklm. But that of Hugh Col- 1 h . Y . " . tlon) ; pubhcatwns board: Phil visions of the catalogue under which he matriculates pro- !ins and the ministerial madmen aw, ~~ ~ol, lS lettmg the honest Latta of Atlanta, Ga., Frank M EE T A f T ER T H E 0 A N C ES vided that he completes his course within six years; after is the most exciting one of the one 8 PIC appear as treasurer of Brannock of Lexington, and J.
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