39247 Final Report Public Disclosure Authorized TOWARD AN OUTWARD-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR SMALL STATES: ISSUES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND RESILIENCE BUILDING A REVIEW OF THE SMALL STATES AGENDA PROPOSED IN THE COMMONWEALTH/WORLD BANK JOINT TASK FORCE REPORT OF APRIL 2000 Public Disclosure Authorized by Lino Briguglio, Bishnodat Persaud, and Richard Stern * Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized August 8, 2006 * The authors may be reached by e-mail at
[email protected],
[email protected], and
[email protected], respectively. Acronyms and Abbreviations ACP African, Caribbean, and Pacific GDP Gross domestic product AGOA African Growth and Opportunity GNI Gross national income Act GSP Generalized System of AIDS Acquired immune deficiency Preferences syndrome HIPC Heavily-indebted poor country CARIBCAN Caribbean/Canada Trade HIV Human immunodeficiency virus Agreement IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on CARICOM Caribbean Community Climate Change CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of ITIO International Trade and Government Meeting Investment Organisation CMA Common Monetary Area MDG Millennium development goal CPIA Country Policy and Institutional MFA Multi-fibre arrangement Assessment NGO Nongovernmental organization CRNM Caribbean Regional Negotiating ODA Official Development Assistance Machinery OECD Organization for Economic CSME Caribbean single market and Cooperation and Development economy OECS Organization of Eastern EBA Everything but Arms Caribbean States ECCB Eastern Caribbean Central Bank PAHO Pan American