Rampton & Parish Council

Minutes of Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council held on the 15th Jan 2018 in the Community Centre, Chadwick Walk, Woodbeck, , DN22 0JS. The meeting commenced at 7:00pm.

Members Present Cllr Muriel Arden Chairman Cllr Libby Hauton Vice-Chair Cllr Alan McGarry Cllr Pam Hawkins Cllr Ivor Lewin Cllr Peter Copeland Cllr Sue Kyle Also, Present Ed Knox Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer 6 Members of the Public

➢ Parish Name Change On 14th December 2017, Bassetlaw Council approved the name change of the parish from ‘Rampton’ to ‘Rampton & Woodbeck’.

134 To Advise Site Health & Safety Cllr Arden advised the location of the fire exit assembly point, fire exits & toilet facilities.

135 To Approve Apologies for Absence None.

136 To Record Declarations of Interest in any items to be discussed None.

137 To Approve Minutes of the Previous Meeting After discussion, the council resolved to accept the minutes. The chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record.

138 Finance: The clerk circulated the Council members by email prior to the meeting the following: 1. To Approve Payments: after discussion, the Council approved the following accounts: - Payee Item Amount Mrs E Russell-Duncombe Neighbourhood Plan Prize Draw Winner £50.00 E Knox Net Salary & Mileage Clerk/RFO Dec £476.20 S Foster Net Salary & Mileage Village Warden Jan £390.00 HMRC PAYE Income Tax £110.60 E-On Post Office Electricity £14.97 Coles’, Moorpool & The Eyre St Thomas Day Charity Tarmac Rent 2017-Moorpool Field 0.5 Acres £53.88 Coles’, Moorpool & The Eyre St Thomas Day Charity S.137 Payment – Seniors Celebration £30.78 Wardell-Armstrong Land Agents & Advisors Fee 2017 Tarmac Lease £93.36 Lexique Signs Ltd Safety Sign for Mast on South Inge Yard Gate £38.10 NALC Membership Subs Renewal 2018 £157.30 Retford Waste Ltd Skip Hire Village Hall/Warden’s Waste £135.00 Total Payments £1,550.19


2. Receipts: Receipts Received: From Item Amount Wardell Armstrong Tarmac Rent 2017 Council 12.195ac & Charity 0.5ac £1,229.93 Mr C Raynor Post Office Rent 06.10.17 – 29.12.17 £234.38 Total Receipts £1,464.31

3. Bank Balances The Current Account Balance £7,345.40* The Deposit Account Balance £5,467.59 * £2,806 ring-fenced for Neighbourhood Plan

139 To Record Receive an Update on Pinder Park Trim Trail Warranty Claim The Clerk advised that an engineer from Sovereign has asked for a scan of the paper inspection logs for the park before the decision on the warranty claim can be made. Cllr Lewin handed the claim log file to the Clerk. Action, the Clerk to Scan and upload the inspection logs for Sovereign.

140 To discuss an Idea for a Community Building on Pinder Park Cllr Arden gave an overview of an informal discussion between representatives of Rampton Village Bowls Club, the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The Bowls Club require storage for their equipment to maintain the bowling green. Ideally, in the long-term they would welcome access to a community pavilion at Pinder Park, a small building that is not duplicating the village hall facilities, containing a kitchenette, public toilets and storage. Such a building could be owned by the Parish Council. Cllr Arden explained that the initial focus is the bowls club’s request to allow storage. At the informal discussion the Bowls Club said they would like to install a 30ft x 8ft x 9ft shipping container within the demised land which they currently rent from the parish council. Cllr Hawkins raised concern that it would be both unsightly and a potential climbing risk to children who might climb onto the flat metal roof. Cllr Lewin raised concerns as to what the Bowls Club might store within the container, hazardous substances such as fuel, pesticides and weed-killer. Cllr Copeland pointed out that the Parish Council as Landlord may have access rights by giving notice to the Bowls Club if they wish to inspect their storage. The Clerk checked the lease document and it contains a clause for the Parish Council to issue an inspection notice on the tenant. Cllr Hauton raised concern that the shipping container may be a magnet for thieves/burglars. Cllr Arden received a lengthy phone call from the Chairman of the Bowls Club on Saturday, Mr Morris advised Cllr Arden that the Bowls Club arranged an ad-hoc meeting of its members on Thursday night and agreed to immediately wood clad the shipping container if the Council agreed to its installation, to make it a little more astatically appealing. Cllr Hawkins asked Cllr Arden to disclose the full content and context of the phone call in the interests of transparency and openness. Cllr Arden agreed and advised that Mr Morris had some reservations that the container would fit within the demised area, there are drainage issues and that the Bowls Club were looking at purchasing a container this weekend at Tuxford. Cllr Arden was advised by Mr Morris that if the Council said no to the Container, they would install it on the land owned by Rob Mellors as they have his written consent to do so. The clerk explained that according to the 2002 deeds, the former owner of the South Ing Yard field (which contains the farmland and Pinder Park) retained the ownership of an area of land 130m x 15m that is adjacent to the boundary line of White Lodge’s hedge from the entrance to 130mtrs down past the bowling green. Cllr Arden explained that she clarified the matter with Mr Mellors on Sunday and he has not given any consent to the Bowls Club for putting any form of storage or container within this land and has no plans to do so, Cllr Hawkins Proposed, Cllr Lewin Seconded and the Council unanimously agreed that the 30ft shipping container is too large, and for the aforementioned concerns raised in this minute reference, the Parish Council does not grant permission for the purchase and installation of the 30ft container. However, the Council will consider permission, at a later date, upon submission of sufficient details,


for a smaller and more attractive storage unit, for potential sighting within their rented area. Action, The Clerk is to write to the Secretary of the Bowls Club to inform them of the decision and ask for details of a more suitable storage unit/container to be provided.

Cllr Arden advised that this covered the short-term issue of the Shipping Container and asked Council its thoughts on a longer-term project of a community pavilion. Cllr Arden stated that the recent revelations of 300+ unmarked and previously unknown graves of Rampton Hospital Patients, buried at currently unknown locations within the lawn to the North of the village hall, has resulted in the loss of this lawn area for community events and private parties at the village hall. A community Pavilion could be a potential solution to this dilemma. The Clerk clarified that the covenant within the deeds to the field state that the field may be used for either agriculture, sports facilities, car-parking for sports facilities and for the erection of a suitable building for pavilion purposes. If a pavilion building can incorporate a public WC then an annual Public Convenience grant can be applied for its maintenance. The Council agreed that facts and figures should be looked into to ascertain whether or not it will be possible to install a public pavilion, without affecting the loss of the grass area of the park. Any potential building would only be obtained by grants. Should no grants be forth coming, no building would be built/installed. Additionally, grants could be sought for maintenance and the building hired out for events such as sports days in the park or hired for parties. Action, The Clerk is to obtain facts and figures for consideration.

141 To Update the Emergency Plan The Clerk advised he had reviewed, updated and retyped the Emergency Plan document. Mrs Van Nieuwehuyzen has confirmed she will continue to act as the Emergency Coordinator and will arrange a meeting with the Initial Response Team members. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the updated Emergency Plan. Cllr Hawkins asked the Clerk to check with the County Council to clarify what the current Snow Plough procedures are and do the County Council provide Sandbags. Action, the Clerk is to upload and edited version of the plan to the Rampton webpage, this is minus Appendix’s A, B & C as they contain private personal data of individuals. The master electronic version shall be kept by the Clerk with copies issued only to the Emergency Coordinator and Initial Response Team members. The Clerk will now pass the matter of an initial Emergency Planning meeting to Mrs Van Nieuwehuyzen to be held in the village hall. The Clerk is to contact County Council regards Snow Plough and Sand Bag provisions.

142 To Discuss the Benefits and Costs for Council specific email addresses Cllr Copeland felt that it would give the Council a more professional presence for interaction with the public and that it would increase security and minimise possibilities of data-breaches. Cllr Hauton asked about the pending GPDR Data Regulations and how it may help the Council comply with these. The Clerk explained that there had been several emails and documents from NALC surrounding preparing for GPDR, but at present there was confusion over who can and cannot be the appointed Data Protection Officer for the Council. The Clerk agreed to forward on all existing correspondence and send an update to the Council once the final details from NALC are known. Cllr Copeland advised that it is possible to have domain names for the email addresses ending ‘. gov.uk’ an and that initial set up costs are in the region of £300 with ongoing monthly fee of £27. Cllr Hauton asked if there are any other Parish Councils locally who have upgraded to the ‘. gov.uk’ email system. The Clerk advised that Tuxford use it. The Council unanimously resolved to make a decision in March once full details surrounding prices and the GPDR regulations have been received. Action, 1) The Clerk to email all GPDR guidance to Cllrs. 2) Cllr Copeland to provide full details around the new email system, including prices.

143 To Progress the Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Copeland advised the next steering group meeting will be held on Monday 22nd January at 7:30pm at Rampton Village Hall to discuss the way forward with the plan, this will involve identifying and approaching local land owners face-to-face to ascertain whether or not they wish to designate or exclude their land for potential housing developments in Rampton & Woodbeck Parish. Cllr Arden clarified that this will include Woodbeck. Cllr Copeland stated that a minimum of 70 new properties


are looking to be built within the next 15 years. Once potential sites have been identified and agreed with local landowners, these will be highlighted on a map and taken to public vote via a 2nd survey.

➢ Adjournment – 15 Minute Public Forum Cllr Arden adjourned the meeting to allow members of the public to speak and the timer was set. Rev Ferriter advised that the Parochial Church Council has suspended the appointment of a new vicar for 5 years. There is a regrouping if the Parochial parishes, Leverton has separated from Rampton. Rampton is now grouped with Woodbeck, , Stokeham and East Markham. Rev Ferriter said that the new wall at The Royal Oak House had been built, however the intrusive Heras fencing was still encroaching upon the pavement. The Clerk advised he would inform Highways to investigate the matter. Rev Ferriter advised that an elderly resident of the village had fallen and hurt herself whilst trying to walk past the overgrown hedge on the pavement at Greenways. The Clerk clarified that the matter had been repeatedly reported to the Highways dept and he would escalate matter with the Highways Manager. Mr Weaver gave thanks for Sam Foster for his hard work on the footpath between Rampton and Woodbeck, that it has made tremendous improvement. Mr Weaver explained that his wife had written to the Clerk and Council members many years ago when the attractive village signs were installed across Bassetlaw and had received no reply. Mr Weaver urged the Council to consider the installation of signs at either side of Woodbeck on Retford Road. The Clerk advised that it would be possible to attempt to apply for funding for signs from the Notts County Council Local Improvement Grant Scheme, however, the closing date for applications is 31st January and he would need the Chairman’s help to obtain support from the County Councillor. Mrs Pressley asked the Council to confirm again how many discs were on or to be installed on the mast. This question had previously been asked in October and the Clerk had emailed Mrs Pressley at the time to confirm that CTIL had planning permission for up to 2 discs in addition to the antennas, however, CTIL had confirmed there were no plans to install any discs. Cllr Lewin clarified that if CTIL ever wished to increase the equipment installed on site they would have to seek planning permission. After answering as many questions as possible, Cllr Arden thanked the public for their participation and reconvened the meeting.

143 Any Other Business Items for the Next Agenda Cllr Hawkins requested Dog Fouling, Cllr Copeland requested Council Specific email addressed and Cllr McGarry asked if the declined request for an additional streetlight on Retford Road, Woodbeck, could be challenged with highways. Action, The Clerk to add the first two items to the next agenda and to send full details of the rationale for an additional light to the Notts County Highways Manager.

144 Date/Time/Location of Next Parish Council Meeting Monday 12th Mar 2017 – Rampton Village Hall 7:00pm

145 Closure of Meeting There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 8:26PM. Signed Date