Th or collective redistirbution of any portion article of any by of this or collective redistirbution SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE JAPAN/EAST SEA articleis has been in published Oceanography Winter 19, Number journal of Th 3, a quarterly , Volume Atmospheric Conditions only permitted is means reposting, or other machine, photocopy over the Japan/East Sea Th e Structure and Impact of 2006 by Th e Oceanography Society. Copyright Severe Cold-Air Outbreaks with the approval of Th approval the with BY CLIVE E. DORMAN, CARL A. FRIEHE, DJAMAL KHELIF, ALBERTO SCOTTI, JAMES EDSON, ROBERT C. BEARDSLEY, gran e Oceanography is Society. All rights reserved. Permission or Th e Oceanography
[email protected] Society. Send to: all correspondence RICHARD LIMEBURNER, AND SHUYI S. CHEN The Japan/East Sea is a marginal sea strategically placed phy of the Japan/East Sea and its surface forcing. During between the world’s largest land mass and the world’s this program, we made atmospheric observations with largest ocean. The Eurasian land mass extending to a research aircraft and ships to understand the lower high latitudes generates several unique winter synoptic atmosphere and surface air-sea fl uxes. We report here weather features, the most notable being the vast Siberian several highlights of these investigations with a focus on Anticyclone that covers much of the northeast Asian land the dramatic severe cold-air outbreaks that occur three ted to copy this article for use in teaching and research. Repu article for use and research. this copy in teaching to ted mass. The Japan/East Sea’s very distinctive winter condi- to fi ve times a winter month.