Notice of Meeting: I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of Operations & Activty Performance Committee will be held on: Date: Wednesday, 8 February 2012 Time: 9.30 am Meeting Room: Committee Room 1 Venue: Municipal Building, Garden Place, Hamilton Barry Harris Chief Executive Operations & Activity Performance Committee OPEN AGENDA Membership Chairperson Cr M Gallagher Deputy Chairperson Cr A O’Leary Members Her Worship the Mayor Ms J Hardaker Cr D Bell Cr P Bos Cr G Chesterman Cr M Forsyth Cr J Gower Cr R Hennebry Cr D Macpherson Cr P Mahood Cr M Westphal Cr E Wilson Quorum: A majority of members (including vacancies) Meeting Frequency: Monthly Fleur Yates Senior Committee Advisor 1 February 2012
[email protected] Telephone: 838 6771 Operations & Activity Performance Committee Agenda 8 February 2012- OPEN Page 1 of 145 Role & Scope . The overall mandate of this committee is to request and receive information concerning Councils activities and develop consistent and pragmatic reasoning that will enable Council to be informed of future directions, options and choices. The committee has no decision making powers unless for minor matters that improve operational effectiveness, efficiency or economy. To monitor key activities and services (without operational interference in the services) in order to better inform elected members and the community about key Council activities and issues that arise in the operational arm of the Council. No more than 2 operational areas to report each month . Receive reports relating to organisational performance against KPI’s, delivery of strategic goals, and community outcomes and vision.