Biological Sciences 3
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Biological sciences 3 THE FAUNA OF BEETLES (COLEOPTERA) OF THE TURKESTAN REGION Abdikassym A.A., Tolymbek G.M., Sailauova B.B., Zhalgasbek M.A., Ospanova G.S., Bozshatayeva G.T. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, e-mail: [email protected] One of the objectives to research is to study the species composition and ecology of ground beetles inhabiting the nearby areas of the center of Turkestan region, the second – the study of xylophilic Coleoptera, which gives valuable information on the General state of ecosystems, patterns of development biocenosis of Turkestan region, the third – coccinellide, which are important regulators of the number of phytophages, including aphid –sucking pests and vectors of viral diseases of agricultural plants. As known, representatives of the family of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) play an important role in natural and anthropogenic landscapes, methods of collecting beetles are simple, and the definition is not associated with the use of labor-intensive methods. This may explain the choice of beetles of the family Carabidae as a model as flight time and to monitor the status of biocenosis, biologi- cal method of combating pests of agriculture. Analysis of the literature data shows that possible indicator groups of insects in Kazakhstan is the account of species composition and number of beetles – black beetles, ground beetles, xylophilic beetles, etc. According to preliminary data, the species composition of beetles living on the territory of three districts of Turkestan region varies: the most diverse in terms of species Tulkubas district. Among the caught ground beetles predators are such species as Cicindelaturkestanica, Calosomasycophanta, Lebiacyanocephala, Lebi- apunctata, Lebiacruxminor, Carabusgranulatus. Seven species of xylophilic beetles belonging to three families were registered in the study area. Keywords: species composition, ground beetles, saproxylic beetles, coccinellides, abundance, frequency of occurrence Now ladybugs are purposefully used in the dance. Ground beetles inhabit almost the entire biological method of pest control. One larva range of latitudes from cold tundra to deserts. of a ladybug during its development destroys Due to the large size and bright color, rep- up to 500-700 aphids, and an adult beetle per resentatives of some groups of ground beetles day – 50-60 aphids. are of aesthetic importance, are also a favorite The study of coccinellids of South-East collectible. [4] Kazakhstan is devoted to the work of G. I. Sa- In Kazakhstan, representatives of about voy, which was composed of definitive tables 100 families of the order of Coleoptera, be- for 133 species of larvae and 180 species of longing to the 2 largest sub-orders: carnivores imago coccinellids. [1, 2] (Adephaga) and Polyphaga (Polyphaga). Ground beetles – among Coleoptera be- Inhabit all habitats land, except the eternal long to the largest and most diverse family. snows of the highlands, and freshwater (the most Currently, the number of species in this family numerous and noticeable predaceous diving bee- is estimated in numbers from 20 to 40 thou- tles Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae water scavenger sand, which determines their importance as the beetles and whirligig beetles Gyrinidae). most important components of communities Most numerous in terrestrial ecosystems, that play a huge role in maintaining natural ho- are ground beetles (Carabidae), Rove bee- meostasis. tles (Staphylinidae),scarab (Scarabaeidae), Ground beetles are of great importance in chernotsky (Tenebrionidae) blister beetles environmental studies, they respond quickly to (Meloidae), leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), changes in microclimatic and soil-plant condi- Longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae), weevils tions, therefore they are often used as one of (Curculionidae). the convenient bioindicators for assessing the Representatives of these families, meet the state of the environment. [3] criteria of indicator species, can be widely used Large ground beetles of the genera Calo- in assessing the state of various ecosystems. [5] soma and Carabus eat shaggy caterpillars (for According to Ishkov E.V. et al (2001) in example, unpaired (Lymantriadispar L.) and the Aksu-Dzhabagly nature reserve, located Siberian (DendrolimussibiricusTschetw) silk- in Tulkubas district of the Turkestan region, worms, which in nature have almost no other there are about 700 species of beetles belong- natural enemies. ing to 300 genera and 41 family of the ground However, there are also herbivorous spe- beetles – 113 species, the fauna of beetles of cies in this family, some of which are primary dendrophagus – 73 species, 25 species of lady- pests of grain crops (for example, bread ground birds, 34 species of darkling beetles. The first beetle or peun – Zabrustenebrioides). place in the number of species is the family of The wide ecological plasticity of the family weevils, or elephants. In these beetles the head members is the reason for their widespread abun- is extended into a long tube, often exceeding EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY № 3, 2019 4 Biological sciences the length of the body. All weevils are herbivo- Materials and research methods rous, larvae and adults feed on roots, stems, The material served as gathering of au- flowers, fruits, etc. thors, 2018, the Survey was conducted by the The ground beetles belonging to the group routing method. To collect the material used of carnivorous beetles are widespread in Ak- generally accepted methods in entomology: in- su-Dzhabagly, although there are both preda- sect sampling with entomological net and hand tors and herbivorous species among them. picking. In connection with all the above, we Among the predatory interesting horse Turke- can conclude that the study of ground beetles stan – medium-sized beetle metal-green with is of great practical importance. red spots on the back. He very quickly runs Barber traps were also used to collect in- round, well flies, prefers dry open spaces. The sects, in which a formaldehyde solution was larva lives in burrows, where it lies in wait used as a fixing fluid. [7, 8] for prey, catching that, pierces the mandibles and sucks. Results of the research and discussion The largest beetles of this family belong to the genus of real ground beetles (Carabus). Turkestan region is located in the South They are 7 species in the reserve, most of them of Kazakhstan, within the Eastern part of the are Western Tien Shan endemics and differ in Turan lowland and the Western spurs of the the early spring period of activity. Tien Shan. Most of the territory is flat, with Close to them are large, averaging 3 inch- the hilly-ridge Sands Kyzyl Kum steppe Sochi es long, the most beautiful we have-odorous (South-West, on the left Bank of the Syr Dar- Krasotel and Callisthenes Kushakevicha. The ya) and moyynqum (in the North, on the left first is painted in Golden-green, the second – Bank of Chu). in blue-purple with a metallic sheen.Krasotel The Northern part is occupied by the in the reserve are scarce, found mostly in the Betpak-Dala desert, in the far South – the reeds, and juniper bushes, very useful, be- Hungry steppe. The middle part of the region cause it destroys the larvae and pupae of lepi- is the Karatau ridge, in the South-East – the dopteran pests. Western outskirts of Talas Alatau, Karzhan- Kallistenes Kushakevich – West Tien Shan tau and Ugam (the highest point – Sairam endemic – most common in the foothills and low peak). The major rivers – the Syr Darya and steppe. Beetles are most active in April – may, at its tributaries Keles Kurkeles, ARIS, Bu- this time 14-18 individuals can be counted on 1 gun etc.) crosses the region from South to kilometer of the route 1-2 meters wide. Northwest, and the Chu river (downstream) Common in the reserve ground species of flowing to the North and disappearing in the ground beetles – dull (8 species) and black run- Sands of the Moyynqum. ners (7 species), small bembidions (11 species). The region is located in a zone of sharply Species with an interesting biology, mention continental climate. Fertile soil, plenty of should be made of Libi – beautiful, metallic- sunlight, vast pastures create great opportu- green, blue (labiolingually and point) or black nities for the development of various sectors cross with red and yellow pattern (Libya-Cru- of agriculture in the area, primarily irrigation sader) beetles with a flattened body with small farming and grazing sheep. High yields give dimensions. crops of cotton, rice, as well as gardens and In Aksu-Dzhabagly they are found in the vineyards. belts of steppes and juniper, often on trees and For the study of Coleoptera of the shrubs, usually under the bark of juniper, birch. Turkestan region was selected three dis- Adult individuals feed on aphids and other in- tricts-Tyulkubas, which houses the Aksu- sects, and their larvae parasitize on pupae of Dzhabagly reserve and the Sairam-Ugam leaf beetles. [6] national Park; Sairam – rasparenny near the In connection with all the above, we can con- city of Shymkent and Baidibek, typical gray clude that the study of ground beetles and other soils with significant tracts of salt licks and Coleoptera is of great practical importance. salt marshes. In connection with all the above, we can con- On the basis of collections, study of collec- clude that the study of ground beetles and other tion materials, as well as with the involvement Coleoptera is of great practical importance. of literary data, the preliminary data on bee-