The Ground Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Southeastern Altai R
ISSN 0013-8738, Entomological Review, 2010, Vol. 90, No. 8, pp. ???–???. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2010. Original Russian Text © R.Yu. Dudko, A.V. Matalin, D.N. Fedorenko, 2010, published in Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 2010, Vol. 89, No. 11, pp. 1312–1330. The Ground Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Southeastern Altai R. Yu. Dudkoa, A. V. Matalinb, and D. N. Fedorenkoc aInstitute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia bMoscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, 129243 Russia e-mail: cInstitute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119071 Russia Received October 1, 2009 Abstract—Long-term studies of the ground beetle fauna of Southeastern Altai (SEA) revealed 33 genera and 185 species; 3 and 15 species are reported for the first time from Russia and SEA, respectively. The following gen- era are the most diverse: Bembidion (47 species), Amara and Harpalus (21 each), Pterostichus (14), and Nebria (13). The subarid (35%) and boreal (32%) species prevail in the arealogical spectrum, while the mountain endem- ics comprise 13% of the fauna. The carabid fauna of SEA is heterogeneous in composition and differs significantly from that of the Western and Central Altai. The boreal mountain component mostly comprises tundra species with circum-boreal or circum-arctic ranges, while the subarid component (typical Mongolian together with Ancient Mediterranean species) forms more than one-half of the species diversity in the mountain basins. The species diver- sity increases from the nival mountain belt (15 species, predominantly Altai-Sayan endemics) to moss-lichen tun- dras (40, mostly boreal, species).
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