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Electronics-1987-05-28.Pdf SPECIAL REPORT: THE MOVE TO ONE-CHIP LINEAR SYSTEMS/70 HOW SEQUENT'S NEW MODEL OUTRUNS MOST MAINFRAMES/76 MAY 28, 1987 Eleigétronics TEKTRONIX: BRIGHTER, CRISPER LCD/61 PLANAR: FULL-COLOR EL COMING SOON/63 While others talked "industry standard' only Mentor Graphics became one. Just what is an "industry standard"? impressive cost per MIP, the Series 3000 has gained Ask any three people and you'll likely get three very instant and enthusiastic acceptance throughout the non-standard answers. engineering world. In the end, what matters most is that an industry Any true standard must embrace other existing standard be one that's widely accepted and used in the standards to survive. And the Series 3000 workstation marketplace. does lust that CM and an optional DOS card provide By this common sense definition, only Mentor immediate access to avast array of engineering tools. Graphics can claim the industry standard in electronic And an Ethernet option links you to the largest of design automation. network communications standards. With over 6,000 installations throughout the world, Best of all, we're an open standard. For instance, we the Mentor Graphics IDEA Series - is by far the most widely give you an open database architecture, so you can easily accepted of all electronic design automation systems. integrate your applications with ours. The same goes for More engineers use more IDEA Series design tools to our Compute Engine- global accelerator, which includes develop more IC and PCB products than any other system. acomplete set of software development tools. In fact, more than two thirds of our business comes from In electronic design automation, only Mentor Graphics existing customers who are committed to the Mentor has become the standard that's more than just talk. Call Graphics standard and are aggressively expanding their us toll-free for an overview brochure and the number of IDEA Series networks. your nearest sales office. And our Apollo-based Series 3000 workstation is Phone 1-800-547-7390 itself rapidly becoming astandard. With true 32-bit (in Oregon call 284-7357). desktop processing, high-speed networking and avery Mentor FSLX is atrademark of Bel !Lab,. GraphIcse Ethernet is atrademark of Xerox Corporanon. SURPRISE! Shake. Rattle and...Roll. No incandescent holds up like HP'S newest LED There's anew standard of depend- HLMP-A200 series lamp. Now, ability for all those indicator appli- add in the fact that the A200 radi- cations where afailed bulb could mean ates Ion of its available light flux in disaster: medical instrumentation, auto the visible region. This eliminates gmM"‘Itile lighting, avionics, military hardware... the need for filtering to get the color See the light! Or, any switch indicator that has to you need, giving you essentially the For free samples and adata sheet, fight for its life against mechanical same usable light as acomparable mail this coupon to: Hewlett- shock and vibration. It's the Hewlett- incandescent...at athird the power Packard, 1820 Embarcadero Rd., Packard T-2 Incandescent Alternative. consumption! Palo Alto, CA 94303. In Europe: Even in less dramatic applica- Fragile incandescents just can't Hewlett-Packard, Nederland By, tions, its performance has another compare! See for yourself on your Central mailing Dept., PO. Box very important benefit: cost savings. next design. 529, 1180 AM Amstelveen, The Consider what it costs these days To order, call your nearest autho- Netherlands. to have someone replace alamp. You rized Hewlett-Packard components or your customer will replace seven- distributor. In the U.S.: Almac Elec- Name teen #86 incandescents before it tronics, Hall-Mark, Hamilton/Avnet, Title becomes necessary to replace one or Schweber. In Canada: Hamilton/ Company Avnet or Zentronics Ltd. Address/Mail Stop HEWLETT City/State/Zip U/3 Application CG08701 PACKARD 5/28/07 Circle 1 on reader service card It's hard to compete when you have no competition. When we looked for asingle-chip group's lowest BER (Bit Error Rate). lion Package, call The Fairchild modem system to compare to our Maybe that's why we're the largest sup- Customer Information Center at SurelinkTM family, we couldn't find one. plier of single-chip modems. With over 1-800-554-4443. Simply because nothing else comes close. 80 design wins and parts available right We'd also SURELINK We reali7e this may sound abit boast- now. In quantity. like to suggest SINGLE-CHIP MCDEMS ful. But we have every reason to be. The Surelink family includes the comparing us to the competition. According to TeleQuality Associates' Bell 212A-compatible p.A212AT, and the But there doesn't seem to be any. Modem Performance Analysis, the CCIYF V.22-compliant ptAV22. Both 01987 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation. Surelink is atrademark of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation. Fairchild µ,A212AT has the best perfor- offering 1200 bps, on-chip tone-dialers, °Reprinted with the permission of TeleQuality Associates. mance of any single-chip modem IC in and the lowest power consumption of existence, and better performance than any modem chip or chip set —just 35 We're taking the leading 2-chip sets. mW. And since Surelink is aconstantly the high ground. When they tested us against Gould/ growing family, we offer an evolutionary RIM ilia al AMI, SSI, Sierra, Rockwell, and ahand- migration path for the future. Along with FAI RC H11—.1= ful of others, only our modem performed comprehensive design aids and support. MM. completely without fault. And scored the For acopy of the Surelink Informa- A Schlumberger Company pA212AT FAIRCHILD ...... ..... 1200/300 bps .••••ewell A ...Number, Là,,rWe, ov. Full Duplex Modem you S•oloolme 1m AiWanced S.iV.J Wiwowinfii II DewrIplion Connection OWorarn n The (.12AT 1200 bps rnadem mom it Menu,. 2$-Load CO2 e rwchkre wIreenno, OciWionory SOcomew• CW06 PO• (Top Vi•Pe) --miPW55 im0 "Menu elt OW. immii we "All manufa asid cturers' e, theIn our simulationclaims test 1 --Sge of U. S. telephone network, only the Fairchild pA212AT performed comoletelY C-1 ." hwithoua lf -comprt faultomis eamon equalizationtheg fixed 212 modem chips tested," ...... ..... ...... ..... - .••••••.••• 1—• .... e or- ....... • • .•111•1111.•ai ' • illi u 'li • OTAIF 2011• .I • Pin wol Firmware Gorman (Without 21•95.1 01501 for INi . .îl • C•ii WhOnew Tone Detect. AppWations • On Chip OaclOator Pees Stan 1 . • Pea Paternal Component. 13 • industrial Temperature Pampa .45'01 1' • Operatio from +5 and -5 Voft • L./ Operaang Power 35 rehi % • tel•ogl Canonic OM. 211-Lawl W-Limia Oro.. Mount 15 • • 5•Oproes te 4/61,1 .111/91 .h DISCRETE SOLUTIONS s1FRRA ROCK' ; GOULD/AM1 SS' PUBLISHER'S LETTER Electronics o stay on top in our three-color EL display is Thighly competitive on p. 63. business, Electronics' de- But that wasn't all. "A partment editors not only couple of months later, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF have to keep up with the along came Tektronix Robert W Henkel latest technological devel- with aprototype of its liq- opments, but they must uid-crystal display, one EXECUTIVE EDITORS know which companies with high contrast and a Samuel Weber (technical), Arthur Erikson (news) are working on them. wide viewing angle. It MANAGING EDITORS GROUP Then their job is to track looked so good that it Bernard C Cole, Lawrence Curran, Tom Manuel, the work and, when the didn't look like an LCD," Benjamin A. Mason, Jonah McLeod, time is ripe, talk with the says Tom. "We knew im- Stan Runyon, Howard Wolff, Jeremy Young companies to develop arti- mediately that we had a SPECIAL PROJECTS cles describing it. good one and that we Stan Runyon Compared with the way MANUEL: Keeping in touch and wanted to keep track of ART DIRECTOR we turn around on adime doing thorough groundwork. how Tek was doing so Fred Sklenar to cover major, late-break- that we could run an arti- ing news stories—we described in the DEPARTMENT EDITORS de when the display was out of the pro- CAD/CAE: Jonah McLeod (San Mateo) last issue how we do that in mere totype stage." The article on that devel- Communications: Tom Manuel days—that watch-and-wait process with opment is on p. 61. Components: Samuel Weber which we originate the feature articles Then, early in the year, we learned Computers & Peripherals: Tom Manuel that appear in the center of the maga- that Cherry was going to culminate a Jonah McLeod (San Mateo) zine is downright leisurely. That, of three-year design effort by introducing Lawrence Curran (Boston) course, is a plus: with our international its EL display—but one that uses thick Industrial & Consumer Wesley R. Iversen circulation, we are constantly reminded rather than thin film (p. 58). Says Tom, (Chicago) that our decisions about important de- "That was the key to our timing: with Military/Aerospace: Ron Schneiderman velopments carry a great deal of Packaging & Production: Jerry Lyman the Society for Information Display con- Semiconductors: Bernard C. Cole (San Mateo) weight. We don't want to force our edi- ference coming up in New Orleans in Software & Microprocessors: Tom Manuel tors to make split-second judgments of the middle of May, we had a natural Test Instruments: George Sideris (San Mateo) the significance of technologies that still package of articles about flat panels. In may be in the lab. Also, often aseries of this case, it was the Cherry development NEWS DEPARTMENT related developments lends itself to a that was the charm. And that's particu- Features Editor: Jeremy Young broad look at what's new. larly true, because it has all the ele- Front of the Book: Howard Wolff In this issue, the cover roundup on ments that make for good technical New Products: Jack Shandle flat-panel displays is acase in point.
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