2015-2016 Corporate Matching Gift List.Pdf
BP Davidson Companies Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Deacon Brooks Resources Corp. Deerfield Institute Butler Manufacturing Co. Dell * Deluxe Corporation C Deutsche Bank Americas The Doctors Company Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Dow AgroSciences, LLC Calpine Dow Corning Corp. Campbell Group, LLC DST Systems, Inc. Capital Group Companies Duke Energy Cardinal Health * Carnegie Foundation E Caterpillar, Inc. Charles Schwab and Company, Inc Ease Software, Inc. Chevron Corporation Eaton Corporation Chevron USA eBay Chubb and Sons, Inc. Ecolab, Inc. CIGNA Corporation Eli Lilly and Company Circuit City Stores, Inc. Equifax, Inc. Climax Portable Machine Tools, Inc. ExxonMobil CNA Insurance Coates Kokes F Coca-Cola Company FEI Company Coinstar FIJI Water Columbia Sportswear Company First Data Corporation The Commerce Bank of Oregon First Horizon National Corporation Consumer Cellular First Independent Bank * Consonus Healthcare First Tech Federal Credit Union Cooper Industries FLIR Systems, Inc. Corning, Inc. FM Global Costco * FMC Technologies, Inc. Countrywide Franklin Templeton Investments Covidien Freddie Mac Creekside Medical, PS Crown Pacific Inland Sales G CSX Corporation Gallatin Public Affairs D Gannett Company, Inc. Gap, Inc Insurance Services Office, Inc. Garth Rouse & Associates Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Gartner Group Intel (matches volunteer hours) GATX Corporation Intuit Inc. GE Geico J General Mills, Inc. Jensen Investment Management, Inc Genesee & Wyoming, Inc. John Hancock Life Insurance Company The Gillette Company Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Gladys & Rolland Harriman Foundation Johnson Controls, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Jones Lang LaSalle Goodrich Corporation Google K W.W. Grainger, Inc. Gramco Construction Kaiser Permanente * Grand + Benedicts, Inc. Keen Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Company Key Knife, Inc. KeyBank H Kimberly-Clark Corporation Kinder Morgan Hallock Modey, Inc.
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