
Introduction - Theology, 40 —: The Legend, 4 Ilsensine, 40 —The Bowels of the World, 4 Maanzecorian, 41 —Encounter in Darkness, 5 —Consequences, 6 Psychology and Society —Inside the Illithid Mind, 42 Beliefs, 42 Illithids: What They Emotions, 45 Concept of Time, 45 —Mind Flayers at a —Society, 46 Glance, 7 Lot of the Thrall, 46 s Abilitie , Anatomy Inter-illithid Relationships, 46 and Limitations, 7 The Elder Concord, 47 Creeds, 48 —Illithid Social Customs, 53 Life Cycle and Coming of Age, 53 Variations 3 5 , r Elde e th g Joinin —Eggs, 10 Entertainment, 54 —Tadpoles, 10 Nonpsionic Communication, 56 —Ceremorphosis, 11 Illithid Names, 56 —Adults, 12 Outcasts, 56 —Illithid Variations, 14 Illithids and Undead, 57 Arcane Illithids, 14 Illithids and Githyanki, 58 Ulitharids, 15 Illithids and Githzerai, 60 Elder , 16 Alhoons (Illithilichs), 17 An Illithid Community Illithid Vampires, 18 —Abstemious, 61 Urophions, 18 72 , Dwelling r Flaye d Min l Typica A — Neothelids, 18 —Engendering New Communities, 74

Psionics: Options, Abilities, and Drawbacks —Philosophy of Psionics, 20 y Technolog d Illithi Optional Psionics Rule #1, 21 —Psionic Item Distribution, 77 Optional Psionics Rule #2, 21 Psionic Item Descriptions, 77 Psionic Attack and Combat, 21 Unique Psionic Items, 83 Quick Psionic Rules For Illithids, 22 Illithid Psionic Attacks, 23 Illithid Psionic Defenses, 24 Mind Flayer Quick Stat Reference Illithid Psionic Disciplines, 25 —Standard illithids, 86 —Unique Illithid Psionic Disciplines, 28 6 8 , illithids e —Arcan Unique Menu, 28 —Ulitharids, 86 Unique Psionic Power Descriptions, 28 —Alhoons, 87 —Psionic Drawbacks, 33 —Illithid vampires, 87 Psionic Cascade, 33 —Brain golem, 88 Psionic Disease: The Ashen, 34 Psychic Flareback, 34 —Grimlocks, 88 Partial Personalities, 35 —Lugribossk (Ilsensine's Proxy), 89

History and Theology Monsters —Origins, 36 2 9 , Brain r —Elde —Ancient History, 38 —Urophion, 94 9 3 , Empire f o l —Fal —Neothelid, 95 —Recent History, 39 —Gohlbrorn, 96 Introduction Illithidsf O . : Thnot) r o t i eo t t Legenadmi y the r d (whethe s elve k dar e th course, sifting the for valuable items suitable for resale on the surface requires constant exploration Colloquially known as "mind flayers," illithids t i , end e th n I . routes e trad f o n expansio e requisit e th d an universally. elicitfeared imaget mos sI os f horror creature an e dth fead r infoun I th t e mindtha e s of inevitabl s wa surface dwellers and underworlders alike. Illithids shock and repulse other races due mostly to their practice of The Bowels cephalophagy, otherwise called brain-eating. This of the World abominable habit has such power to appall that the saying, Always quick to exploit new opportunities, I orga- "The 'flayer hasn't eaten yet!" was coined centuries ago to nized an underdark trade expedition as soon as news convey hope ir n the facrocksee ee of near-impossiblelusiv f o y colon a e g situationsconcernin . e m d reache elves. I was familiar with the rockseers only through sto- s "Wakeman' f o r operato d an r owne e principl e th s A t agreemen e trad a t tha e m d convince s tale e thes t bu , ries - se n upo s depend e lin m botto y m " Exotics, n Subterranea could prove profitable. As usual, my associates Rasteno cure trade routes into and out of the underdark, a realm and Cazpar accompanied me, along with a dozen sea- g Usin . earth e th b honeycom t tha s tunnel d an s cavern f o soned mercenaries. My associates tended the goods we the mos- t stringenmerce e th t cautionare whil , y measuresgrainohol) d an , me y agent(kaffe e s antrad do t I d wishe y b d feare s illithid g brain-earin s viciou e th d avoi o t y tr s encounter e aggressiv t agains e insuranc d provide s narie g underdark—includin e th g inhabitin e rac r othe y ever . world e th f o s bowel e th n i - vol d long-dea a f o r interio e th o int d descende e W - Caz . darkness p dam e th o int d journeye d an t ven c cani e multi-stag e th n i l vita e wer s skill g mountaineerin s par' belay downward. While not the easiest access to the ; anonymity e relativ s u d assure e rout l vertica r ou , depths an annoying band of bandits had recently begun harrying our regular paths, and we wished to avoid them. After a descent of some 3,000 feet, the vent finally e th f o s fringe e Th . tunnels l horizonta f o s serie a d pierce underdark lay before us. Encounter in Darkness Three days of rapid travel through previously mapped tunnels brought us to the edge of familiar terri- - un n ru o t e wis t no s it' s a , progress r ou d slowe e W . tory prepared through the uncompromising ecosystem of the s ha h eart e th w belo s resource f o h deart e Th . underdark elevated competition among predators and intelligent species to a lethal degree unknown in the world above; d foo s underdark' e th f o t par e becom o t g wishin t no r ou t scou o t s mercenarie e th f o o tw d deploye I , chain forward trail. Soon we were off, hunting for rockseer elves and profit. How does the old saying go: "What does it profit a man..."? I can't recall, but I have a feeling that the lesson contained therein addresses the subsequent n i d ahea s pres o t n decisio y M . expedition y m f o s fortune spite of the scouts' report of unfamiliar spoor was incautious at best—though sheer folly is a more apt description. s a l wel s a , close g passin s bolt w crossbo f o e whistl e Th screams laden with blood lust, announced the sudden, savage attack. Two well-aimed bolts destroyed the t ignoran l stil , darkness o int d plunge e wer e w ; lanterns of our foes' identity and number. Ringing steel and the sudden warning cries and shouts of the mercenaries left no doubt in my mind that the enemy pressed its advan- - desper w gre s mercenarie e th f o s exclamation e Th . tage ate before I produced my lampstone. Golden light washed across the cramped cavern, revealing half a score of blank-eyed, gray-skinned in mortal combat with the outer ring of mercenaries. The warriors had fared poorly during the lightless seconds—fully half my men lay dead or s A . floor n caver g unyieldin e th n upo d wounde y mortall e abl s wa I , however , illumination l magica e th f o t resul a to put a name to our enemy. We fought cannibalistic e liv o t t ligh e th k forsoo s ancestor e whos n me , grimlocks . earth e th h beneat s live d blin , brutish It was touch and go for a while, but with the return of vision, the remaining mercenaries—as well as Rasteno and Cazpar—began to repel the grimlock onslaught. s a t Jus . however , lived t shor s wa y victor g seemin r Ou face of the illithid's obvious mental attack. I finally the white-orbed " dead! l al s e gavewe'r r groundo , thing , t ourtha mercenarl "Kil , out y d choke captain turneds fropart m l the equa enem f o p u y e to bury a loncry—mad s g thi swor r dafte t tha d afrai m I' . compatriot a f o k bac e th o int p dee o t e du y probabl , out d passe I desperation— d an r terro The mercenaries wavered in reaction to the sudden the aftereffects of the illithid's brain blast. betrayal at their flank, and their line collapsed completely when the grimlocks renewed their ferocious Consequences n captai y mercenar e th d watche I , Horrified . advance A . command e erstwhil s hi n dow w he o t e continu Unrelieved blackness defined my world. I lay for . mind... y m n i w gro d an t roo e tak o t n bega n suspicio some few seconds bereft of , the cold, hard stone Just then, Rasteno's arm whipped forward, pointing pressed against my face. I uttered an involuntary moan down a dare kth sidf o es tunnel. memorie "Something' s a s hand y sm bacd k there!clutche y " he reflexivel d an screamed. Those were the last words I ever heard him preceding moments trickled back into my consciousness. speak. y m n i d nestle l stil , lampstone e th n o e pressur d Renewe I turnedg quicklyrevealin , to look and illumination behel f o e d the incarnatioresurgenc a d n of produce , palm my fear staring back at me from the flickering shadows my plight. of the tunnel. The robed figure stood just out of , The dead lay everywhere, their bodies intertwined in - mis s it d reveale y diml n illuminatio s lampstone' e th t bu their final struggle, a grisly metaphor of the animosity shapen hea. d and thdarkness eo t writhingn bor e , coilinthos d an g t clusteligh o t r on f slicbor n k me n betwee tentacles that depended from it. As I opened my mouth Next to me, Rasteno's form lay rigid, his last frozen ex- to give warning of the true enemy at our backs, I felt a pression communicating pure pain. Overcoming a fear . mind y m f o e surfac e th s acros h scratc so tangible that it tasted like blood, I turned my head to Rasteno screamed again, this time inarticulately, and look into the side tunnel where Rasteno first noticed the - re I . convulsion t violen a f o p gri e th n i d groun e th o t l fel . creature d tentacle mained standing. , in flayer betted rmin controe th f o l m of mfor ye facultiepron e th sr in ove th d e stoo r Cazpa . me e fac o t d turne e h s a d re e wer s hand s Hi - evi f relie , said e h " slain, u yo t though I , "Wakeman dent his voice. g returnin h wit t bu , shakily d replie I " yet, t "No strength. It was luck that saved me—luck and Cazpar's deadly d joine y easil e hav t jus d coul I t tha w kne I . skills l martia the rest of my men, their lives spilled out across the rock. I shook my head in sadness, and the thought assailed me: Why was I spared? I d an , then n questio t tha o t r answe e th w kno t didn' I I e carnag e th d surveye I s a , However . now w kno t don' realized that my fear and ignorance of the illithids was responsible for the deaths of those in my employ. I re- e gruesom s Rasteno' f o e sit e th n upo , then d solve t firs y m s flayer d min f o y stud e th e mak o t , demise Illithids: What They Are

. light s it n i e liv t tha s creature l al d an n su e th e hat y the Their mental abilities are formidable, and they feed on the gray matter of all other sentient creatures. These mental powers also grant illithids an innate telepathy. n ofte s illithid h althoug , silently e communicat y The punctuate their mental conversations with lashing tentacles. Mind flayers dress in flowing, dramatic robes and cloaks, and they often sport high, flaring collars and dark hats. Decorations adorn their clothing, most often interpreted as signs of death and despair by their vic- tims. These accoutrements actually signify individual n a m proclai d an s science c psioni e th n i t achievemen illithid's Creed (faction) within its own community. Anatomy, Abilities, and Limitations o t r refe y anatom d illithi f o s description g followin e Th l interna t Importan . 8 e pag n o n illustratio l anatomica e th anatomical details also appear in order to highlight those illithid special abilities and limitations that vary from humanoid parameters. Generally speaking, illithids are amphibious d an s bodie r thei w ho d comprehen o t y necessar t firs s i t i , illithids d understan y trul o T hermaphrodites. How- minds function. These creatures share a few physical attributes with othe- r humanoistruc l dinterna r thei , ever races, but portions of their anatomy are totally alien in make-up and compositionr simila y . Annotabl e ar s ture to that of more standard n examinatio d detaile a s a l wel s characteristics—a d humanoi s analogou r thei f o s analysi humanoid races. These r close e com e w d an , comprehension r ou s systems—fuel l physiologica c esoteri r thei f o s structure s analogou include an internal to realizing the truth about illithids, , lungs , heart , skeleton d an , intestines , stomach Mind Flayers at a Glance other familiar organs. At the same time, illithid flesh is distinct from the tissue of other creatures; anyone famil- An illithid is comparable to a human in height and iar with its slick, clinging consistency would never general build, but it possesses sickly, violet skin that glis- mistake it for any other humanoid tissue. e thre y onl e hav s hand s It . mucous s ubiquitou h wit s ten - seem , white d dea e ar s eye s it d an , thumb a s plu s finger See Chapter 8 for a quick reference of the standard s illithid' n a , ominously t Mos . pupils f o d devoi y ingl bulging head contains four grasping tentacles surround- illithid's game statistics and abilities. ing a circular mouth ringed with many teeth. Illithids generally live in subterranean colonies, as - elon s posses s Illithid : Head 1. bright light Unlike other races that gated and ridged heads coated with f o s sense d develope s les s posses mucous (see 6 below). Many have infravision, the illithids' infravisual likened the illithid head to that of an clarity compares favorably with nor- s illithid d standar , however : mal vision within its functional possess only four tentacles (see 4 range. This range decreases in below). This comparison may ac- g increasin e th o t e du t ligh r brighte count for the many apocryphal sto- "polarization" of the white sclera. ries and diagrams describing mind . mouths d beake h wit s flayer 3. Auditory Canals: An illithid Unlike most other humanoid does not possess exterior ears like e th k lac y completel s illithid , races , Instead . races d humanoi r othe y man ability to sense odor in their environ- it relies on small, ridged holes on ment. Their psionic capacity (see either side of its head. These fleshy Chapter 3 for more details) some- l cana y auditor h eac d surroun s ridge g missin s thi r fo s compensate t wha e lik e degre d limite a n i n functio d an - weak a s remain t i h sense—thoug real ears, collecting vibrations over a ness sometimes exploitable by wide surface area and channeling . opponents r cleve e ar y the e wher , canal e th n dow m the o n , However , sound o int d processe 2. Eyes: The eyes of a living illithid illithid can ever achieve the acute au- are featureless and white, similar in ditory perception of a creature pos- appearance to blind cave fish that have sessing true ears. r registe o t d nee e th m fro y awa d evolve - how , comparison s Thi . light e visibl Illithids suffer a -10% ever, is inaccurate. Illithids actually penalty on any attempt to s capacitie l visua l supernorma s posses in the infrared spectrum; the pale , noise r hea t ou s screen s eye d illithi g coatin a scler all visible light, but allows infrared - disturb t mos e Th : Tentacles 4. light easily. ing aspect of an illithid's physical n A . cluster e tentacl s it s i y anatom l Infravisua d Illithi , elongated n a s i e tentacl s illithid' Range flexible, unsegmented extension range l infravisua d Illithi d an grasping, , feeling r fo d use varies with ambient visible - ten h Eac . nourishment g procurin light. As ambient light in- n i t fee 4 o t 2 n betwee s measure e tacl creases, illithid infravisual length in the mature illithid, Al- range decreases, as noted on the following table: - volun l ful s posses s illithid h thoug , appendages e thes r ove l contro y tar the tentacles are apt to writhe and Darkness/starlight 480 feet e th e whil y absentmindedl e undulat t fee 0 24 t Candle/moonligh creatures engage in actions not re- fee0 Torct12 h light d illithi , addition n I . them g quirin Lantern/magical light 60 feet - commu mental e punctuat s tentacle Light on a cloudy day 30 feet nication, manipulate special tools, Direct sunlight 15 feet and allow mind flayers to read their g writin d (engrave h qualit l specia The sclera also insulates the c "Nonpsioni e se ; touch y b e readabl illithid's own body heat from its in- r fo 6 5 e pag n o " Communication - al s illithid , Thus . organs l fravisua more details). ways perceive the world with Despite its multiple uses, a ten- infravision, whether in the dark or in tacle's primary function remains that When extracting the brain of a victim (usually after a psionic attack that stuns the hapless amplifying the personal psionic might of creature), an illithid inserts its tentacles into the victim's skull l anmenta e d th draw g s oureducin td than es brainillithid , l individua killing its prey in one round. A mind flayer can also use its tentacles in close melee; each strain of psychoportive powers by easing successful tentacle attack inflicts 2 hit points and restrains the target. While at least one illithid penetration into the Astral and Ethereal s bonu 1 + e cumulativ a s accrue k attac e tentacl g succeedin h eac , victim e th s hold e tentacl Planes. to the illithid's attack roll (to a maximum of +3 for the last tentacls a s e attack)mucou e th .o t s point r furthe e Conjectur Player characters struck by an illithid tentacle ca| n free t themselvesignifican ' s fromflayers d themin offendine th f o e g sourc e th appendage with a successful bend bars/lift gates roll. Sucl h an attempmateria e t takepsi-activ e sTh on. e full resistance c magi - im y sufficientl s ha d illithi e th , victim e th o t d attache e hav s tentacle r fou l al e Onc . round l magica l repe o t , nature y ver s it y b , seems . round t nex e th n i t ou n brai s it w dra o t t targe g strugglin e th d mobilize effects. Quick to take advantage of the psionic am- of brain extraction. As shown in the anatomical cross section, an illithid plification qualities of their epidermal mucous, illithids have incorpo- o t e bas s it r nea d locate d glan a m fro s run t tha t duc n thi a s house e tentacl rated excess slime into psionic items (see Chapter 7 for more details), the tentacle's, tip, body Th d e glanillithi dg (onelivin pea rm tentaclefro d ) secreteremove n s whe an , d storemucous s e a powersam e th - , However - en t tha e enzym g flesh-and-bone-dissolvin l fu ables an illithid to insert its tentacles quickly The psionic boost provided by illithid mucous already figures into their psionic might - e dis Th . h victim d throug g intende s it coatin f s o e cas n mucou r brai e thei th e o int los t tha s Illithid . details) e mor r fo 3 r Chapte e (se e valu t Poin r Powe c Psioni e bas r thei f hal enzym e los eo rapidlals e y deactivatetortur r o , s on contacmolting t t with air,inadverten , ease d m fro e enzym unmoleste e , th t healthy harves a o t n i s s attempt l proces al r d an twenty-four-hou a ( s rejuvenate s mucou e th l unti - in e enzym e th s render s illithid e captiv r o n slai illithid). n A . compromised s i y integrit l activemucosa .f i s degrade o als e resistanc c magi s illithid' n A illithid completely devoid of its slimy covering loses all but a base 18% of its magic resis- 5. Mouth: Like the lamprey, an illithid pos- tance. As mucous regenerates, magic resistance also regenerates at a rate of 3 percent- - cir a n i t se h teet y horn f o s row l severa s sesse age points per hour. After 24 hours, both the mucous and magic resistance return to g overhangin h beneat h mout s jawles , cular normal (90% magic resistance). n e a , damag f o however , s point lamprey 0 a e 1d1 r Unlik . suffe r tentacles laye l mucosa r thei e rejuvenat o t e unabl s flayer d Min . illithid'occurs y s moutfinall h h cannodeat l tunti ras, p aloss holr e inwate ito t s vice -du y da r pe o t h teet s it s use d illithi n a , Instead . body s tim' masticate and swallow exposed brain tissue extracted from the victim's loses all ability to resist magic. Nonillithids remain mostly unaware of y the s a , mouths r thei h throug e breath s creature e thes , Additionally . skull the true psionic capacity of the mucous—though rumors tell of some lack nostrils. human mages who possess a formula for a potion of ESP that uses The absence of mind flayer vocal cords—as well as the lack of an oral illithid mucous as an effective ingredient. - al y abilit c Psioni . mute s illithid s speech—render g shapin o t d suite y cavit n i , species t sentien y an d an r othe h eac h wit e communicat o t s illithid s low 7. Hands: As shown in various renderings, illithids possess hands spite of their verbal deficit. At will, they can use line-of-sight telepathy to that are quite humanoid in appearance—except for the lack of an index f o e us r thei t inhibi t no s doe r powe s thi ; creature y an h wit e communicat d re o t e mauv s posses b thum d an s finger g remainin e thre e Th . finger . abilities c psychi r othe shading. Illithid nails are thick and black; however, they are too blunt to e th ; yelling r o g talkin s flayer d min f o s example e giv s account w fe A deliver an effective claw attack. authors of these particular stories mistakenly attributed psionic commu- nication for actua. l speechboots d , unawartwo-lobe e e that telepathidistinctiv t cwithou communication see y rarel e nar is s theIllithid : Feet 8. only way illithids can "speak." Beneath this covering, illithids possess two-toed feet conjoined by thin webbing. While wearing boots, this webbing remains folded. However, 6. Skin ans d Mucoustoe o tw e : th Th , e moist, suppllounge-basins en i ski x n orela f moso t s t amphibianboot r thei e s ab-remov s illithid n whe sorbs water. and oxygenspeeds g . Illithidswimmin d s diffeillithi re in that enhanc thei o t rg hideouwebbin s e mauvth g e skinallowin , widely x fle glistens with as thin origin laye c r of mucous, pre-ceremorphi preventin s illithid' gn tha f eo epidermit remnan s a (oute e ar rs layetoe d r webbe e Th of skin) from passing oxygen. However, the mucous does keep essential (see Chapter 2 for more details). moisture sealed in. Below the lower layer of the skin (called the dermis), mucous glands constantly replenish this coating. The glandular secretions Due to their amphibious origins and vestigially webbed give some illithids faint odors (detectable only at close range, but unde- feet, illithids are quite adept in water. They actually possess a . vanilla n eve d an , garlic , onion o t r simila ) illithids r othe o t e tectabl . unshod d an d immerse e whil 2 1 f o e rat t movemen g swimmin While regulatingy skithe n; moisturfish a e e lik i sr vitalwate , illithie d mucoubreath t s servecanno s s anotheillithid t radul t tha e Not equally importan. t role in illithiorganisms d physiologyland-adapte : r The mucouothe y an se islik r partiallai r fo yp u e com t mus psi-active, Sages theorize that this mucous acts as a psychic resonator, Life Cycle and Variations

fluid; the pool basin usually extends at least 2 feet above y b d lai s clutche d unhatche l Severa . surface s fluid' e th different illithids often simultaneously coat the inner edge, making it slick and lumpy in appearance. After a period of only one month, the eggs hatch, releasing . below d flui g waitin e th o int s tadpole g writhin , small Tadpoles Without exception, the briny pools used for ; community d illithi n a f o r cente d protecte e th n i r appea these pools serve as aquatic nurseries for immature . below) e (se s brain r elde d illithi e hous d an s illithid y tin s a l poo y brin e th n i s live r thei n begi s Illithid s gill l externa f o s mean y b e breath t tha s tadpole e mauv a s posses t no s doe e tadpol a , first t A . lungs f o d instea s it , Furthermore . tail a e hav t i s doe r no , shape e definit mouth is simply a V-shaped sucker located on the e tadpol a , grows d hea s it s A . body s it f o e undersid develops a round mouth with a homy rim. At the same rime, it sprouts four tentacled growths connected by translucent webbing; these growths serve as the young illithid's tail. This tadpole stage lasts for a full 10 years, during Cazpar, the current operator of Wakeman's Sub- which time the illithid continues to grow and develop. terranean Exotics, was instrumental in locating, collat- An illithid tadpole subsists on an allowance of brainmeal ing, and expounding upon the various notes and prepared by adult mind flayers. The fatty brainmeal pro- journals scribed by S. Wakeman. With Cazpar's assis- vides essential nutrients for a tadpole's survival— , cycle e lif d illithi e th f o w overvie e comprehensiv a , tance although portions of raw brains might suffice for its . possible e becam n variatio s specie d an , diet d prepare e th f o e absenc e th n i s requirement l nutritiona formula. Eggs Those tadpoles surviving a full decade reach a length t somewha k loo d an p ti e tentacl o t d hea m fro s inche 3 f o g durin e twic s spawn r flaye d min c hermaphroditi e Th similar to elongated miniature octopi. Illithid tadpoles are subsentient throughout their development, remain- its entire life, depositing. a gooey aggression clutc f o e h ofac f e cleath n ri eggs s defenseles g in h Eac . each r diamete n i h inc n a f o h one-sixt g measurin Most of the tadpoles in a clutch do not survive to s i y majorit y unluck e Th . survive) 0 1:100 y (onl y maturit l al , eggs d thousan e on y approximatel s contain h clutc e th n i g residin n brai r elde e th y b n predatio o t t subjec bound togethe- tad g r by a sticksurvivin y yan masw svie os f illithiillithid d e mucousMatur . . depths s pool' poles as the best of the clutch, suitable candidates for t mois e th g alon h clutc g eg h eac t deposi s illithid e Th ceremorphosis. inner edge of a briny pool, just above the surface of the Ceremorphosis tions" on page 7) complete the genesis of the mature mind flayer. Cerernorphosis is the eerie transformative process e nam e Th . adult n a s become e tadpol d illithi n a n wherei Ceremorphosis completely replaces the original tissue for this closely guarded illithid secret comes from the of the victim with illithid tissue; when the transforma- disease, Cure . dead s i m victi l origina e th , complete s i n tio s mean morphe d an " "brain. s mean e Tongue—cer r Elde remove curse, raise dead, restoration, resurrection, and/or "form." Ceremorphosis similar spells cannot re- t adul n a n whe s begin verse this process. Fur- Ceremorphosis Raced illithi e th , thermore illithid inserts a mature bears no resemblance to a f o r ea e th o int e tadpol Criteria for Humanoids its victim following cere- helpless humanoid. The l vita f o e presenc e th n upo s depend n selectio e Rac bear any of its victim's - neurochemi e thes ; tadpolbrain s e burrowvictim' e th n si ints o its neurochemical . characteristics l sexua victim's brain, quickly cals act as essential chemical cues for the initiation of ceremorphosis. Adult illithids lack these cues and are Adult illithids exercise consuming much of the unable to host ceremorphological processes. - replac d - an r gith , matte y gra githzerai , drow , elves , Humans : Acceptable extreme care in the ing the consumed brain yanki, grimlocks, gnolls, goblins, and orcsd . humanoi f o n selectio Unacceptable: , dwarves, derro, duergar, - tis d squali n ow s it h wit victims for tadpole sue. In effect, the tad- Other races are potentially acceptable, assuming implantation. Only they possess humanoid characteristics and fall - un e th h wit s meld e pol certain humanoid races m ste n - brai r cere r fo lowe e n eate unacceptabl e prov s race l additiona y Man n the d an , acceptable e ar , weight , ofheight thr e victimthei y b d , killing aldetermine ls a , morphosis only individuals within a or nonhumanoid origin. Generally speaking, non- remnants of the person- particular height and ality and spirit of the weight range. Illithids victim, while leaving the Ceremorphosis Physical Range Criteriar fofo rs victim e choos n ofte physical body alive for Humanoids e th m tra s ceremorphosi the tadpole to use as its Certain height and weight criteria exist fon ri a s successfuspecimen l t healthies transformation. Implanted tadpoles develop too quickly , days n Withi . body n ow their slave pits— additional morphologi- Such developmental mishaps abort the whole process, although they also cull . catadpole le transformationsth d an m victi e ,th h bot g killin victims from underdark o t s raid d worl e surfac r o additions, and sub- Weight (Ib.) Height (feet) tractions (se" e "Anatomy5'4"-6'2 , 0 130-27 t bes y ver e th e assur - Limita d an , Abilities stock. s i m victi e th , occurs n implantatio e tadpol e Onc doomed. A tadpole requires only three rounds to burrow into its victim's brain, after which it immediately sub- sumes the creature's personality, replacing it with its own awakening intellect. Generally speaking, the point

after implantation. Any time after this, it is impossible to restore the victim; his or her spirit seeks its fate in the Outer Planes. Ceremorphosis continues normally for the . helpless s remain t i e tim h whic g durin , illithid g emergin The transformation from humanoid to illithid tissue con- . days n seve n i s clude Adults s weigh d an l tal t fee 6 y roughl s stand d illithi t adul n A in at 170 pounds, on average. Generally speaking, adult f o t tha o t r simila t weigh d an t heigh a s posses s illithid e Sinc . ceremorphosis o t r prio s victim d humanoi r thei illithids are hermaphroditic, no sexual differentiation is possible between individuals. e th o t t subjec d an d bloode m e ar s flayer d Min harmful effects of extreme heat, cold, and other hostile environmental conditions. Of course, many individuals y completel r o e mitigat t tha s power l menta s posses alleviate the discomfort or lethal nature of such environments.

From the time an illithid comes into its adult form, it can expect to live anywhere from 115 to 135 years. Dur- ing this period it grows in psionic power, formulates a s accumulate , races r othe l al f o t conques e th r fo s plan . brains s eat d an , slaves f o m hare e tissu n brai n i y onl d foun s hormone d an s Biochemical are essential nutrients for adult illithids. However, - con t quotien c psychi e th r fo e mor s brain t ea s illithid tained in sentient gray matter than the physical nutrients.

This psychic essence metaphysicalls Increment yt nourishes the illithiAdvancemen y d Abilit d Illithi far more efficiently than a diet of mere flesh ever could. Illithids use this liberated psychic essence to reenergize THACO: 1 step per year aged Max: 11 their metabolism so effectively that the consumption of HD: 1 HD per year aged Max: 8+4 only one brain a month constitutes a healthy illithid diet. MR: 04% per year Max: 90% Of course, illithids sometimes eat many more brains in PSPs: 1 d4 PSPs per year Max: 350 one month's time if they can procure them without de- MTHACO: 1 step per year aged Max: 10 pleting future supplies. MAC: 1 step per year aged Max: 5 Only intelligent creatures (Intelligence of 3 or more) Psionic Lvl: 1 Ivl per year aged Max: 10 Psionic Abilities: 1 per year aged Max: 21* contain the necessary psychic quotient to nourish an *See Psionic Abilities illithid properly. Illithids do occasionally snack on the brain tissue of animalh wit s l that theypowerfu considee mor w r culinargro s race y d humanoi s a t Jus f o s form e immatur e th , ustilagors s a h delights—suc t tha d illithi n a , Thus . illithids o d o s , experience intellect devourers. However, illithids become grows older in isolation and doesn't study does not m minimu e th f o e absenc e th n i k wea d an d malnourishe grow more powerful, but instead remains at the basal n a h mont y ever r Fo . month r pe n brai t sentien l essentia power level of a neophyte illithid. t hi l origina s it f o 1/4 s lose t i " "hungry, s goe d illithi The abilities that are dependent upon an illithid's s starve y finall t i l unti , Points r Powe c Psioni d an s point age are: THACO, HD, Magic Resistance, PSPs, to death following the fourth month of MTHACO, MAC, psionic Lvl, and number of psionic privation. abilities. If all goes according to schedule, an illithid , one y b e on y categor r particula a n i s abilitie s it s gain e bas r thei t a n begi s abilitie l Al . year y b r yea s age t i s a . above d provide s increment e th n i e increas d an l leve

segments of the population with less than stellar abilities. Illithid Variations

From Neophyte to Maturity The following catalogue of illithid variations repre- sents an exhaustive compilation of S. Wakeman's notes, Even thoug. h ceremorphosiadventurers f o s s producesgeneration f illithido s s thareport e t th ap s -a l wel s a t no o d s illithid e neophyt , uninitiated e th o t e matur r pea Hundreds of daring men and women risked their lives possess anything near the experience or mental abilities that outsiders attribute to all illithids. Just like any other returned. race, illithids must grow into their strength and powers, though such knowledge is guarded by mind flayers. Arcane Illithids e tim e th o t " "born e ar s illithid e tim e th m fro , fact n I their powers mature, many years will pass. Just like Accounts speak of illithids utilizing arcane abilities other living organisms, experience brings wisdom and and spell-like powers. In truth, illithids are psionic in na- new abilities; illithids that live long enough can expect to ture almost by definition. It is likely that such accounts f o s year 1 2 n withi l potentia d standar s race' r thei h reac derive from witnesses unfamiliar with psionic devo- their emergence. Thus, while an illithid force of traders, tions, or from those who feel (perhaps rightly so) that all explorers, or other important group consists of mature manipulation of the physical world that occurs without s possesse s illithid f o y cit n subterranea large a , illithids " "arcane. s i s method l physica o t t resor Spells and spell-like powers uti- Nonpsionic Option lize logic-independent spells and Campaigns that do not employ psionics (as described in The Complete formulas to manifest effects, PLAYER'r o S OPTION: Skills Powers)d an game shoulth e edus d garnere e ar s effect c psioni e whil statistics for arcane illithids provided in Chapter 8. The creature's abilities through psionic "science," a should replace the listed psionic abilities of the flayer-kin (elder brains, word seldom used to describe urophions, and neothelids) and illithid variants (ulitharids, alhoons, and true magic. Perhaps this goes illithid vampires) described in this tome. some way to explain why illithid psychoactive mucous is so resis- . magic f o s effect e th o t t tan The mental abilities utilized by mind flayers are Ulitharids I cises that catalyze change external to the enactor's mind d an d tappe s force e th r whethe e argu e Som . body d an Approximately 1 out of every 25 illithid tadpoles re- manipulater fo d y by psionicsufficientl devotione matur o st ar) e synonymouyears 0 (2 g lon ss a wit e h twic e quir the energy tapped by arcane spells. However, the incon- ceremorphosis; these tadpoles ceremorph into d actualize e ar s effect c psioni t tha s remain t fac e testabl ulitharids if given the chance. However, prior to cere- according to a philosophy at odds with that used by morphosis, nothing distinguishes them from other tad- spellcasters and arcane beasts. poles in the brine pool; that is, ulitharid tadpoles do not stand a better chance of surviving predation by the The elder brain remains alive despite the deaths of its elde- r sci brai c n thapsioni ne do normaintricat n a l a tadpolesvi o s s . doe Normally t I . , contributors e tissu r pe s tadpole d ulithari 0 4 t abou e ar e ther g maintainin , behalf n ow s it n o y ceaselessl s exert t i e enc e th g clutchcoverin d , anflui y d onlbrin ye 2Th out of 1,00entropy. f 0o e tadfac - e th n i f itsel poles in a clutch survive to cere- elder brain also serves as a preservative, complementing r elde e th , morphosisAdditionally . . Only 1 ulitharipreservation f o s d ineffort c psioni s it r eve ) clutches 0 (2 s tadpole 0 20,00 brain preys upon the thousands of tadpoles that share its reaches full maturity. pool, extracting the pre-sentient psionic complexus from g Nothin . existence n ow s it l fue Ulitharido t r orde n i s e tadpol h eac e th r afte e r tadpol a thei f o r s ove r remain l towe oi d an e brin g driftin t bu lesser kin, elder brain feeds upon it. Despite the gradual addition of tadpole life force and the mass of new r neve n brai r elde n a f o e siz e th , brains d illithi s illithid n eve t No . diameter t 10-foo a d beyon s swell standing approximately 7½ feet know for certain why the elder brain doesn't burst the s ulitharid , size r thei s Beside . tall confines of its pool over the ages. Many theories exist, possess two additional tentacles, granting thems a totabrain r l ofelde sit x tha intrusiv e believ e y tentaclesgenerall s and theillithid , rev- elders r thei erence of most four-tentacled mind flayers. Finally, an shunt excess mass directly into a psionically maintained d an , years 0 25 t leas t a r fo e liv o t t expec n ca d ulithari node on the Astral Plane. The astral portion remains r elde e th g joinin e befor r longe r fa d survive e hav e som wholly functional and unified with the brain remaining . Plane l Materia e Prim e th n o Ulitharids are, in a sense— , "supercommunity " d mindillithi flayersn a s ;rule then ybrai r elde e Th quickly rise to the top of the community which engen- although the role of each elder brain varies between lo- dered theme , exercisinoverse s g theibrain r r wilelde c l upondespoti normay l illithidparticularl w sfe A . cales for the greate- com rs glorit s y of affect th y e race. Apotentiall n t ulitharid'tha n s decisio y ever d an h eac , tentacles a extr o tw s it m fro g arisin , status " "favored munity. However, the majority of elder brains are more n expeditio , Creed-master f o e offic e th n i t i s place n ofte passive; they serve as consultants, advisors, and, most - How y simultaneousl e thre l al r o , liaison y godl , leader importantly, the living repository of the community's ever, the infrequency o. f an ulitharid'expertise c s psioni birt d han , meanshistory tha, t technology n a t boas n ca s colonie d illithi 0 1 y ever f o t ou 1 y onl Because it is the center for all lore within its commu- ulitharid eldert . contac l menta t constan n i s remain n brai r elde n a , nity s i e structur s It . telepathy a vi " "children d illithi s it h wit See the , Mind Flayedistinct 0 1 ro t Quicp u n k Stat Referencmaintai n ca n e brai i nr Chapteelde n a rt tha h suc n brai r elde e th o t s Querie . conversations l menta l paralle 8 for quick, referenceprecedent l gamlega e g statistics concernin os n ulitharidsquestion f o . m for e th e tak tunnel engineering, psychic reference, and psionic in- s Brain r Elde - func o als n brai r elde n A . few a t jus e nam o struction—t d illithi n a n withi " "library o de-fact e th s a s tion The elderc brain organi lie e sth an t the withi cente n r of an illithiinformatio g d commurecordin , - community e th t a s reside t tha d min d disembodie , sentient a s i t I . nity lattices of its mind. Any illithid can tap into this living li- bottom of a pool filled with . briny query fluidc . Thetelepathi eldee r brain'simpl a h s wit y brar cognizance stems from the cast-off brain tissue of re- The elder brain has a telepathic range between 2 to 5 cently decease, radius d s minthi dn flayersWithi . . Isize n d effectan e , ag as n it elden o rg brain is dependin , miles a conglomerate of illithid minds mingled and alloyed in the elder brain is aware of all thinking beings, making it united consciousness. It is the right and duty of every difficult to penetrate an illithid community without its illithid on- e dadis d y tan o n join theinvasio eldee th rg brain indetectin exaltey d mentalimmediatel n - brai r elde . community e erstwhil s it g shepherdin d an g guidin , ity patching illithid enforcers to deal with intruders. An While most illithids believe that their personality will elder brain can telepathically communicate with every survive the transition, the elder brain actually suborns sentient being within its range, even through solid stone. s suffuse t tha s consciousnes t gestal e th o t s ego l individua Within this range, the elder brain can also relay commu- , tissues s fibrou , tangled f o s mas s it t no e ar t tha s illithid o s , individuals n betwee s nication within each other's line- - elder e whos d overmin of-sight can still commu- t connec s neuron n brai nicate. via the Astral Plane. A sage named d woul y entit n a h Suc Hapworth claims that possess vast powers. It n brai r elde h eac t tha y unlikel s seem possesses the ability to illithid deities would ap- bud a portion of itself prove the birth of such a into a humanoid shape g bein r multi-plana and then secrete a s prerogative e whos membranous skin to y certainl t almos d woul cover over the naked . own r thei h wit e compet brain tissue, creating an known as a brain h Hapwort . golem See Chapter 9 for believes that brain e gam n brai r elde golems are created at the statistics, abilities, and behest of the illithids to e th n i s guardian s a e serv strategies in the face of e Whil . community aggression. y ver y ma " golems n "brai well serve as extra n i , pinch a n i e muscl Alhoons reality they function as (Illithilichs) physical extensions of r elde n A . brain r elde e th Rogues exist within brain creates each every culture, and mind c specifi a r fo n extensio flayer society is not im- purpose; once a brain mune from individuals s it s complete m gole that fly in the face of - re r creato s it , purpose convention and act in absorbs it. For the most ways that flout illithid n remai s illithid , part . sensibility d an e sens e purpos e th f o t ignoran y stra t tha s flayer d Min of each mobill e buddingpersona f o , anh d ssearc o n thei y y regardideolog braid nillithi m fro t furthes golems as temporary servants while the creatures power sometimes ignore their mental development in remain apart from an elder brain. favor of the more chaotic rewards of magical study. Of Among illithids, a peculiar rumor exists concerning course, illithids frown on arcane experimentation in gen- elder braine ar s y and theisorcer g r final dispositionpracticin y secretl . d The foun rumo s r sugillithid e - Thos . eral t bu , themselves n i d en n a t no e ar s brain r elde t tha s gest m fro barred r foreve , community d illithi e th f o t ou d turne rather serve a purpose that will be realized in the full- uniting with the elder brain at their lives' end. ness of time. Proponents of this theory regard individual Without fail, mind flayers that prove magically adept f o r numbe l tota e th n Whe . cells e singl s a s brain r elde seek to learn the arcane formulae necessary to extend d as-yet-unrealize e som s reache s plane l al n o s brain r elde their lives beyond their normal span. Illithids successful - instanta l wil e flar c psychi n sudde a , number l critica - al s a n know s creature d undea e becom t ques s thi n i neously unite every elder brain. into a singlillithilichs r eo , coherenlichs d t illithi , hoons Alhoon. s superficiallvictims r thei o t y e resemblcurs r e thei thei n o rs livinpas o gt kine ; howunabl e -ar s flayer ever, their skin is dry and wrinkled, free of the ubiqui- Finally, mind flayers hate and fear vampiric illithids just tous mucout s hun tha s t coverillithid ; s livinraces gr minothe do flayersd n tha , . Psionicallmore t no f i y, much s a f o s power c psioni d limite e th s posses s alhoon , speaking , Thankfully . appear y the r wheneve s creature e thes n dow . powers s it f o k pea e th t a t ye t no d illithi t adul g youn a . imminent s i s flayer d min c vampiri f o e plagu o n e alleviat n alhoo n a f o s power g spellcastin e th , However . power c psioni n i t defici y an See the Mind Flayer Quick Stat Reference in Chapter — singly e liv s alhoon , illithids x orthodo y b d Spurne although the rumor of an alhoo. n conclavstatistics e egam doed s existillithi c . Al- vampiri r fo 8 hoons owe allegiance to no one, and they would not - spell r o - thought s a s flayer d min g livin e us o t e hesitat Urophions . itself d presente y opportunit e th f i s slave d controlle Likewise, illithir d thei communitie n i t inheren l s activelypotentia e seeth e k and destroappreciat s y flayer Mind alhoons, ruthlessly following up all rumor of alhoon ac- ceremorphological life cycle. Although adapted to utilize tivity wite h deadlmatur o t y e intent.tadpol m fro e passag r thei n i s form d humanoi mind flayer, illithids sometimes attempt tadpole See the Mind Flayer Quick Stat Reference in Chapter implantation in other species in order to create flayer- kin, hoping for enhanced and novel abilities that stem . statistics e gam n alhoo r fo 8 l origina e th d an s tadpole' e th f o s synthesi e th m fro creature's capabilities. In almost every case, such Illithid Vampires experiments yield nothing. However, efforts in this area e th f o s genesi l successfu e th y b d inspire , continue Nothing short of twisted, obscene obsession could ac- urophion, or illithid roper. - pro s A . flayer d min c vampiri a f o e existenc e th r fo t coun The urophion is a formidable and violent creature, ca- fane to the natural world as either are alone, an illithid pable of indulging its lust for gray matter by first stun- vampire seems like the product of deranged imagina- ning potential meals with a mental blast from the tion. Unfortunatelyf o n brai e th , g illithid vampireextractin n the sd dan o s not exisdarknes t f simplo t y concealmen in nightmares- ac t .I Rather. bulk s , it thes m efro evie l creaturedistanc e s stalk thconsiderabl e a nat t a - m victi s it t tha r hunge l supernatura a h wit g burnin , world l ura x si l al f o e us s simultaneou e th h throug s thi s complishe e lif d an , brains , blood e th h wit y onl e slak n ca y the of its ropy tentacles. A urophion retains most of the men- . innocent e th f o y energ tality and psionic ability of standard illithids. However, e Demiplan e th f o s confine e th m roa s vampire d Illithi its relatively immobile form prevents other illithids from of Dread, unable to breach the misty barriers that keep viewing it as an equal. Thus, the urophion usually finds s appear t i , However . prisoner e populac s demiplane' e th itself functioning as a guardian for most of its life. that at least one such creature escaped to the Prime Ma- Urophions that spend their lives in service to an - vir n o t thirs g undyin s it h quenc o t g seekin , Plane l teria illithid community can expect to join the elder brain just n a h wit l dea o t d unprepare s population n gi e becom n ofte s urophion , However . illithids d standar e lik abomination. discontent with their second-class status, and they es- The vampirin ow c r minthei df o flaye s rgoal appeare spursu muco t k h alteredunderdar froe th m o int e cap - un y pre g stalkin f o t habi s it o t e du t par n i , kin g livin s it choosing. clothed. Its cranium is visibly devolved, shrunken, and swept back. In addition, its feeding tentacles are omi- Chapter 9 contains the full new monster statistics for nously longer and thicker than those of living mind flay- . bludgeonings l letha g deliverin f o e capabl y obviousl , ers the urophion. - diffi t i g makin , creature e th d blackene o als s ha h Undeat cult to detect in the darkness. The word that best de- s i r flaye d min c vampiri e th f o e imag e th s scribe "predator." Tadpoles in the pool of an elder brain either serve as Three factors mitigate what at first glance seems a ter- psychometabolic food (most likely), or mature and un- rible threat. First, vampiric mind flayers are insane; they dergo ceremorphosis under the supervision of adult possess the cunning of a rabid animal, not that of a rea- illithids. It is illithid taboo not to implant a mature tad- soning being. Secondt no s i e , the procesoccurrenc sn a tha h t createSuc . d these creaform-donor a o - int e pol tures is purely . artificialbrain r ; ielde n thg e wildlivin y , an vampiri f o y c minmemor e d th n i d recorde Of course, , whelarger n, an eldelonger w r braigro o nt diess , is drivecontinue t i , n offpass ,s or isyear e th s A killed, the illithid community surrounding . it collapsesdangerous ;e mor d an . attention o little-to-n garner l poo e brin e th n i s tadpole s manage g slu g growin e th t tha n brai t sentien t firs e Th n brai r elde m fro e repriev f brie a y enjo s creature e Thes to eat triggers reciprocal sentience. Self awareness and a predation—thoug, measure l h theletha yn i d oe not undergcombin l o ceremorphosispotentia c psioni g . blossomin - ab e th n i y hungr w gro n soo tadpoles e thes , However assuring the success of the creature's continued growth sence of regulaa rs a feeding y entit .e th s consecrate t even s Thi . survival d an - tad r olde e th d an , starvation d towar s turn r Hunge - pro e dragonlik f o d possesse g slu n leviatha a neothelid— - ex e th t a l surviva g buyin , younger e th n o n tur s pole s mucou f o l trai n poiso a s leave t tha e malic d an s portion pense of their siblings' lives. When only the largest and in its wake. A neothelid also breathes a flesh-corroding most viciouf o s e tadpoletissu n s remainbrai y fatt , e theth t y turbu l nal os n each othedissolve t rtha e substanc e singl y an t tha e rar s i t I . concludes y org g feedin e th l unti . illithid r o , drow , man t i e prey—b d intende s it tadpole survives this scenario—but sometimes, one does. m for l larva n i n remai s amphibian f o s specie n Certai e tadpol A . neoteny d calle n phenomeno a , lives r thei l al

that fails to undergr fo s o ceremorphosis—bustatistic r monste w ne l t onful ee thath s t lives contain 9 r Chapte e th o int e brin f o l poo s it f o t ou r slithe o t h enoug g lon the neothelid. g growin e Th . phenomena s thi s air—experience f o d worl tadpole survives by preying upon subterranean vermin, extracting nourishing (even though nonsentient} brains. Illithids possess psychic powers: the ability e chang o t s resource l menta r inne n upo l cal o t and manipulate the environment without recourse to physical effort. Mind flayers can mentally examine, confuse, and/or control other minds with their own fearsome intellects. In addition, they can instantly travel between two d an e Thes . power n brai e pur g usin s location other powers are known collectively as psionics. s Psionic f o y Philosoph At least two schools of thought exist re- . abilities c psioni f o e natur e tru e th g gardin e initiat s psionicist t tha t i s ha y philosoph e On t residen y energ g usin s effect l menta r thei - ar n positio r othe e Th . itself d min e th n withi s shape d an s initiate d min e th e whil , that s gue the psionic effect, the energy of actualization . source s extraneou n a m fro s stem - pro d beyon s repercussion s ha e debat s Thi viding fuel for the mouths of sages. If psionic , alone d min e th n i d en d an n begi y trul s effect then psionics remains completely divorced from magic; spells and psionics ignore each . light f o s beam g opposin e lik r othe y reall s power c psioni f i , hand r othe e th n O flow from the mental manipulation of exter- s thi t tha s argue * Dagger s Ackaem' , forces l na force is likely the same ambient energy ma- nipulated by spells. If true, then the same essence energizes both a continual light spell and the psionic science of teleportation, even though both effectl s areuniversa channelef o d fiel de bysam come th -p ta c magi d an s psionic f I pletely different bu , t meansresistance .c magi % 90 n retai s illithid o d y wh , energy 'Ackaem's Daggere : Aresistanc universac Magi : l rule statinAnswer ? g that the resistance sim c - psioni % 90 t no - cor e th y likel s i s theorie g competin e mor r o o tw f o t ples does not target "universal energy" per se, but rather rect one. It seems that most worlds have some variation of hampers the conduit used to channel this energy (i.e., this simple aphorism. spells and psionic discipline are opposing "conduits"). affect undead—even intelligent ones. Thus, undead pose Optional Psionics Rule. 1 illithids o t t threa t greates e th - cam r o e gam a o int s psionic f o n introductio e Th - bal n retai o T . it e unbalanc o t l potentia e th s ha n paig t Comba d an s Attack c Psioni ance in a scenario where previously only magic reigned, treat psionics as tapping the same field of To open the mind of an unwilling target, an illithid d describe s (a s spell y b d utilize y energ l universa t agains s attack e thes e us n ca t I . attack c psioni a e us t mus above). y specificall t tha s spell s give s thi , terms e gam n I s exhaust t tha d min c psioni a , Thus . pool P PS a t withou ) descriptions l spel e th o t g (accordin c magi h wit l dea its store of PSPs becomes nonpsionic for purposes of equal efficacy against psionic effects. For example, an- mental combat; as soon as an exhausted mind recovers detect charm detect , powers c psioni k bloc d woul shell timagic , domination) s a h (suc l contro c telepathi t detec d woul at least 1 PSP, it reverts to psionic status. detect invisibilitye woulth n i t d allowcomba l the castephysica r e to lik perceiv s work e t comba c Psioni psionically invisible creatures, and detect magic and AD&D game; the attacking illithid selects a specific psionic attack and makes an MTHACO roll (Mental To ous psionic effects (again, such as domination). Note Hit Armor Class 0) that must bypass the that a campaign does no. t haveClass) r to adherArmo l e to th(Menta e validaC MA s - defender' tion offered for this optional rule in order for this op- For example, a psionicist with an MTHACO of 16 attacking a target whose MAC is 6 needs t affec o t l potentia e th e hav s spell l Additiona a roll of 10 or higher to succeed. An attack roll of 1 al- e compar o t s i b thum f o e rul e th ; devotions c psioni , MTHACOs d Illithi . succeeds s alway 0 2 a d an s fail s way areas of influence. If a psionic power mimics a dis- #AT/round, and MACs appear in the statistic box on - de r o y modif o t d designe l spel y an , effect l spel e cret C MA s defender' a s give 2 2 e pag n o e tabl e Th . page s thi tect the first spell also affects the psionic power in question. The DM's ruling is final regarding all ques- based on the sum of the potential victim's Wisdom and tions of efficacy. Intelligence. y onl s require ) creatures c psioni r othe e (lik d illithi n A . mind c nonpsioni a n ope o t k attac c psioni l successfu e on Every n illithiupo de (and scienc psioni r o n c entitdevotio y c in generalpsioni a e ) us ha o t s t an in- attemp n ca t I ternal store of psionic energy known as Psionic Strength l menta e determin s PSP o d y onl t No . (PSPs) s Point c Psioni . abilities c psioni r empowe o als y the , strength Optional Psionics Rule 2 illithids draw their d PSPan c s fromagi m e a uniforbalanc o mt y poowa l y to activateas d an k e quic r Anothe h Eac . defenses d an , attacks , devotions , sciences c psioni n i , spell . vs w thro g savin a e introduc o t s i s psionic time an illithid uses its PSPs, it deducts the cost of the effect replacing the standard procedure for determin- . total P PS s it m fro y abilit r Armo t Hi o T l Menta g utilizin s effect c psioni g in - de r o e scienc c psioni a h wit e creatur r anothe t affec o T . (MAC) s Clas r Armo l Menta d an ) (MTHACO 0 s Clas votion, an illithid must first open the mind of its target Targets of a psionic attack designed to open the vic- d an s character l al f o s mind e Th . attack c psioni a h wit - at e th g allowin s (thu t contac r furthe o t d min s tim' n ca y entit n a , However closed. y naturall e ar s creature t agains s science d an s devotion c psioni e us o t r tacke d Undea . contact c psioni o t d min s it n ope y voluntaril o t l spel . vs w thro g savin a e receiv d woul ) target e th represent an exceptios nsucceed tr o this ruleattacke e .th Psionif I . c abilitiecontact d s thatattempte e th t resis require their targets to have "opened" minds cannot in making contact, the defender receives another sav- c specifi f o s effect e th t resis o t l spel . vs w thro g in psionic sciences and devotions. Both psionic and nonpsionic creatures benefit from Illithid Psionic Statistics this optional rule. However, only victims who have exhausted (or never possessed) their psionic strength #AT 1; MTHACO 10; MAC 5; Lv 10; PSPs ld100+250; points (PSPs) can attempt a saving throw vs. spell Psionic Attackst ; egocomba whic p (EW)psioni t , id insinuatioconduc , n Otherwise (II) . , contact t agains mind blast (MB); Psionic Defenses: All; Psionic Dis- normally. Once an "opened" mind closes {see above , equilibrium y bod , levitation , body l contro : ciplines - sub n o l spel . vs w thro g savin a s receive t i , details) r fo probability travel, teleport, astral projection, domina- attempts to reopen it. This option can work tion, awe, ESP, post-hypnotic suggestion. 1 e Rul , tasts e linkPsionic l . Optiona h wit a target in the same round that it opens its victim's

A target with an "opened" mind can close it in the next round by making a successful saving throw vs. par- alyzation with a -4 penalty. If the psionic attack or disci- Defender's MAC t targe e th t agains d use e plin Wisdom + wasn't successful, the victim Intelligence MAC y penalt 4 - a r suffe t no s doe 31 or less 10 to his saving throw vs. para- 32 8 7 3 3 If the defender success- 5 4 3 fully closes his mind, any 35 4 psionic discipline currently 2 6 3 y newl e th t agains e us n i 37 1 - func o t s cease d min d close 38 0 - success r defende e th ; tion 39 -2 fully breaks contact. If an 40 -3 h reestablis o t s want d illithi 41 -4 t i , discipline c psioni r othe . mind s target' e th n ope o t t attemp n agai t mus When an illithid attacks another psionic mind, "psionic combat" ensues. In psionic combat, one crea- - an h crus o t t attemp n a n i k attac c psioni a s use e tur e defens d an k attac s Thi . defense c psioni s other' alternates between opponents; each has the chance to

s illithid r fo s Rule c Psioni k Quic The following Quick Psionic Rules contain a streamlined version of the psionics rules presented n PLAYER'i S OPTION: Skills d Powers.an Howevere th , h wit e compatibl o als e ar w belo d liste s power c psioni the psionics system from The Complete Psionics Handbook—with the following modifications:

Replace the MAC listing for each psionic disci- pline with a Power Score. Simply add 6 to the MAC number in order to determine the Power h wit r powe a , Thus . ability c psioni h eac r fo e Scor a MAC of 6 has a Power Score of 12.

To determine the Preparation Time of those powers unique to mind flayers, divide the initial PSP cost by 10 (any result less than 1 translates to a 0), rounding down. Thus, sever the tie has a Preparation Time of 1. Downgrade the Prepara- tion Time of those powers not unique to illithids - men r superio e th t reflec o t ) 0 f o m (minimu 1 y b tal agility of these creatures. both attack and defend at least once in the round, based modes operating. If successful, id insinuation leaves the - op h eac f o r numbe e th d an s rule e initiativ d standar n o ) defend o t e abl t (bu t ac o t s powerles d an d confuse t targe t comba c Psioni . (#AT) d roun r pe s attack c psioni s ponent' for 1d4 rounds. e Th . PSPs s it f o l al s lose t opponen e on l unti s continue ; MAC s hi o t s bonu 2 + a r defende e th s give e rang m *Mediu defeated mind become. MAC ss a nonpsionidefender' e th co t mins d bonu unti5 + a l is t re-offer e rang g lon . points h strengt c psioni s it s generate Mind Blast Illithid Psionic Attacks PSP Cost: 8+variable. Area of Effect: Cone, 60' x 20' base Illithids have access to the psionic attack forms of ego whip, id insinuation, and mind blast (unique to illithids). This psionic attack is available only to illithids, and it is All three or f thesothe ee attacUnlik k . formblast sc can forcpsioni d e a closestandar de minth s a de to sam e th t no open for further psionic contact. However, mind blast has psionic attacks, the illithid mind blast has two alternate - stan e Th . minds d close h wit s target t affec o t y capacit e th k attac c psioni a s a s function t i , form t firs s it n I . uses : statistics g followin e th e hav s attack c psioni d illithi d dar against a single target in psionic combat. A massive wave of power washes over the target, stunning her brain. Ego Whip k attac t blas d min e th g energizin s PSP 8 y ever r Fo PSP Cost: 4+variablP PS s etarget' e th , roll) k attac l successfu a r afte d (declare * long , yards) 0 (8 * medium , yards) 0 (4 t Shor : Range . damage c psioni f o s point 2 1d1 e cumulativ a s suffer l poo (120 yardsn )ca t blas d min h thoug n Eve . PSPs 6 s cost k attac d faile A drain the PSPs of an opponent, it never opens an oppo- a e lik y individualit s target' e th s assault k attac s Thi nent's mind to further psionic contact, nor can it open glowing whip, slicing open the wells of inferiority and nonpsionic minds. worthlessness buried deep inside all creatures. For every Its second, more traditional form, affects several nonp- 4 PSPs energizing the ego whip attack (declared after a successful attack roll), the target's PSP pool suffers a cu-

. PSPs 2 s cost k attac d faile A . opens) d min c sioni When used against an opened mind, the attacker ) bonus 2 + a h (wit l rol O MTHAC l successfu a e mak t mus t no s doe r defende e th h thoug n target—eve e th t affec o t possess any psychic defenses. If successful, ego whip dazes the target for 1d4 rounds. While dazed, all of a - re ) etc. , throws g savin , rolls k (attac s roll e di s character' ceive a -5 penalty. Furthermore, a dazed spellcaster can- not cast spells above 3rd level. *Medium range gives the defender a +2 bonus to his MAC; . MAC s defender' e th o t s bonu 5 + a s offer e rang g lon

Id Insinuation PSP Cost: 6 + variable Range: Short (60 yards), medium* (120 yds), and long* (180 yards)

Like a mental battering ram, this attack bursts the . constraints l socia m fro s need e primitiv g separatin s wall - tar e th , insinuation d i e th e energiz t tha s PSP 6 y ever r Fo c psioni f o s point 8 1d e cumulativ a s suffer l poo P PS s get' damage (or one nonpsionic mind opens). A failed attack costs 3 PSPs. O MTHAC l successfu a e mak l stil t mus r attacke n A (with a +2 bonus) in order to affect an opened mind— even though the opened mind has no psychic defense phased by the mental assault. The frequency at Psionic Attacks o t Vs r . orde Psioni n i r cpowe s Defenseit l hur t mus sd illithi n a h whic t canno y simpl s mind c nonpsioni Towee r multipl n stu Mind c Thoughpsioni a t f o Mentas l defense e Intellecactiv r o te of passiv iro e nth e pierc blank shield barrier fortress will mind. PSP Cost: (3) (2) (5) (4) (6) Ego whip -3 -4 -2 +4 +3 Insinuation +5 +3 +1 -2 -5 Illithid Psionic Defenses t blas d Min +3 +2e activat n -2ca y entit c -3 psioni r othe -r 4o d illithi n A Mind thrust +3 +5 a psionic defense at the beginning of a psionic Psychic crush -1 +4 -4 +1 +2 l al t agains s protect e defens s Thi . round t comba Psionic blast +3 -2 +5 -4 -3 g durin y entit e th t a d launche s attack c psioni that round. An illithid pays the particular de- sionic minds within a cone 60 feet long, 5 feet wide at its fense's PSP cost only once per round, no matter how - nonp y An . end r fa s it t a e wid t fee 0 2 d an , origin f o t poin . round t tha n i t agains s defend t i s attack y man sionic mind—whether opened or closed—within this - Fail . wands . vs w thro g savin a e mak t mus t effec f o a are Mind Blank PSP Cost/Round: 3 h throug s rip r powe s blast' d min e th t tha s indicate e ur s featureles , vast a g formin , mind e th s hide e defens s Thi the targets' brains, stunnin. g them foconception r s 3d4 roundsvacuou f o e . expans l menta Stunned creatures cannot perform any actions. Illithids may use mind blast only once every turn when attacking Thought Shield PSP Cost/Round: 2 multiple targets—despite normal rules of usage tied to This defense erects a shield composed of hope for sanc- PSP costs. tuary against mental attacks. a n withi t caugh e creatur r o r characte c psioni y An - un s remain t effec f o a are k multiple-attac s blast' d min Mental Barrier PSP Cost/Round: 5 This defense throws up a wall of dissembling thoughts.

6 : Cost/Round P PS l Wil n Iro f o r Towe This defense builds an unassailable mental haven . cogitation d rigi f o s block g buildin h wit

. vs s attack c psioni s cross-indexe e abov e tabl e Th e defens c psioni h eac r fo t cos e th s list t i ; defenses c psioni in parenthesis and presents psionic combat modifiers (either as a positive bonus or a negative penalty) to the attacker's MTHACO roll. When a psionic attack clashes , other e th t agains e on x cross-inde , defense c psioni a h wit s attacker' e th o t r modifie g resultin e th y appl n the MTHACO roll. For the sake of thoroughness, all psionic t no o d s illithid h thoug n table—eve e th n o r appea s attack possess all of them. Illithid Psionic Disciplines Projection l Astra (psychoportative devotion) s mind t agains y onl s discipline c psioni e us n ca s Illithid MAC: 8 PSP Cost: 3/1 they have opened through psionic attack. To determine Range: N/A Area of Effect: Personal if a psionic power works against an opened mind, an illithid must make an MTHACO roll against the disci- Astral projection allows an illithid to travel without pline's MAC score on a 1d20. A roll of 1 always indicates its physical body (unlike probability travel) by creating failure, while a roll of 20 always indicates success. an astral form that immediately leaps into the Astral All disciplines (sometimes called powers) cost a num- Plane. Only creatures that also travel on the Astral Plane f o t lef e th o t d liste t cos e Th . use f o d roun r pe s PSP f o r be can see the form. A silver cord connects the astral body the slash in the discipline listings below indicates the to the physical one, stretching 10 feet from the astral number of PSPs needed to use the power for a single body before fading into invisibility. If the cord is severed, round. The , cost listedHowever t. o thdie ey righbod l t of the physica slas e th h d representan l astra s e th h bot e th f i r use e th y b d expende s PSP f o r numbe e th astral cords are nearly indestructible; only a powerful . fails l rol O MTHAC r warrio i githyank a f o d swor r silve e th r o e cyclon l astra o t d roun s power d activate n maintai n ca s Illithid can sever the cord. y simpl s roll O MTHAC l additiona g makin t withou d roun As described under probability travel, the Astral by expendin. g PSPplanes r s toothe f pao yd for thmyria e a power' o t g s cost—unlestravelin r fo l s usefu s i e Plan r fo 2 2 e pag e (se d min s it s close y successfull t targe e th When an illithid's astral body reaches a destination other y pa t no s doe d illithi n a t tha d roun t firs e Th . details) e mor than the Astral Plane, it forms a temporary physical the power'sh PSP cost—ordetail—thoug tht e momenexac n i y t abod targel rea ts it close g s its resemblin y bod e reactivat o t r orde n I . cease s effect s power' e mind—th this temporary form does not have its physical posses- the power, an illithid must either make a new MTHACO sions. The temporary body retains all the physical and - re d min s victim' e th f (i C MA s power' e th t agains l rol - disso r plana t tha e (not l origina e th f o s abilitie l menta d min s target' e th n ope o t t attemp r o ) opened s main e th n o g formin m fro y bod y temporar a s prevent e nanc . mind) s it d close r defende e th f (i k attac c psioni h throug The powers described below represent disciplines normally available to standard illithids. C

l rol t mus d illithi n a h whic t agains r numbe e Th (using its MTHACO) in order to activate the power against an opened mind. t mus d illithi n a t tha s PSP f o r numbe e Th : Cost P PS spend per round in order to use a psionic power (unless otherwise noted). The secondary number is the PSP cost if an illithid's MTHACO roll fails. t a r use e th m fro e distanc m maximu e Th : Range which the power has an effect. "Touch" requires an ordinary attack roll to use, in addition to the MTHACO roll. f o r numbe r o a are l physica e Th : Effect f o a Are beings affected by a power. m Equilibriu y Bod When an illithid ceases to use the astral projection ) devotion c (psychometaboli power, its temporary body dissolves, and its astral form MAC: 6 PSP Cost: 2/1 immediately journeys back to its original body, under Range: 0 Area of Effect: Personal

. circumstances l norma This power allows an illithid to adjust its body weight n a , Thus . stands t i h whic n o e surfac e th o t d correspon o t illithid can walk on water, quicksand, silt, or even a Awe spider's web without sinking or breaking through. If an (telepathic devotion) illithid activates this power at the beginning of a long + 4+/2 : Cost P PS 6 : MAC fall, it slows its descent enough to escape injury. How- Range: 0 Area of Effect: 20-yd radius ever, gusts of wind could dash the super-light illithid into stationary objects. Awe causes an open-minded target to hold the user in - men e ar r powe s thi y b d affecte s Creature . esteem h hig " might. e "awesom s illithid' e th e sens y cowed—the y tall y Bod l Contro Affected creatures have no desire to serve or befriend the (psychokinetic devotion) power's user, but they will not attack it unless forced to MAC: 4 PSP Cost: 8/2 - com d illithi e th d avoi s creature e thes , possible f I . so o d Range: 80 yds. Area of Effect: Individual e awesom s it e leav o t y opportunit t firs e th g takin , pletely presence. The PSPs cost (for bothumanoid' r h succesanothe f so l and failurecontro e )tak inn -ca d illithi n A t targe e th f o D H r o s level e fiv y ever r fo 1 y b s crease body with this power, In effect, the victim becomes a above 5t- h levelsur r he . f o t cognizan s remain e sh h marionette—althoug roundings while under control. Even after an illithid successfully opens a victim's ESP mind and makes a successful MTHACO roll to activate (telepathic devotion) this devotion, the victim receives a saving throw vs. spell MAC: 6 PSP Cost: 6+/3+ , throw g savin e th s make m victi e th f I . attack e th t resis o t Range: 180 yds. Area of Effect: Individual l stil t mus r attacke d illithi e th h free—thoug s break e sh pay the power costo t . d If the illithi victi n a s m failallow s ) the save(ESP n , the perceptio Extrasensory illithid gainsn controca bodr r describehe s f yuse (a lo e Th . d below)thoughts .s target' d open-minde n a d rea a e mak n ca r powe s thi f o s Target r o s memorie t no t bu , thoughts e activ r o e surfac e perceiv f o g beginnin e th t a w thro g savin subconscious landscapes. Most intelligent creatures each round to resist an illithid's think in their native tongue; however, an illithid's control. - crea t sentien h wit y telepathicall k spea o t y abilit s ha d illithi e th , works r powe e th f I ures allows it to perceive the language of its tar- - tar e th r ove l contro y rudimentar n i k thin s creature t Unintelligen . easily t ge get's limbs. An illithid can force its pictures, which are not always easily decipher- "puppet" to attack—althoug) h failure d an s succes h bot r (fo t cos P PS e Th . able such attacks suffer a -6 penaltye th . D H r o s level e fiv y ever r fo 1 y b s increase o t m victi s it e forc t canno t i , However target is above 5th level. e complet s retain t targe e th , fact n I . speak control over her speech centers and can cast Levitation spells with verbal-only components. ) devotion c (psychokineti The power dissipates if the victim does not stay MAC: 8 (base) PSP Cost: 5/2 within an 80-yard radiul s oPersona f : the illithidEffect f o .a FurthermoreAre , th e0 : Range victim gains another saving throw to resist control if the attacking illithid orders the target to do something obvi- This power allows an illithid to float by employing o int e div o t m victi e th g forcin s a h suicidal—suc y ousl s rise n devotio s thi g usin d illithi n A . itself n o s telekinesi the pool of an elder brain. at the rate of 60 feet per round. It can also descend quite quickly by giving its body over to gravity, then slowing Domination . ground e th r nea n dow ) science c (telepathi An illithid can carry its own weight, plus an addi- 8 : MAC PSP Cost: 6+/3+ tional load. Every additional 25 pounds worsens the l Individua : Effect f o a Are . yds 0 3 : Range - carry d illithi n a r fo C MA e th , Thus . 1 y b C MA s power' ing 32 pounds is 7. d min e th o int s command l menta s project n Dominatio Note that levitation does not provide an illithid with s i t wha s know t targe d dominate A . being r othe e on f o the ability to move horizontally. However, other powers A . will s illithid' e th t resis o t s helples s i t bu , happening or physical means used in conjunction with levitation n a d an , power s thi y b d unaffecte n remai s abilitie s target' e chang r o f itsel l prope o t d illithi e th w allo d coul illithid can utilize any of these abilities—if it knows direction. about them. However, domination does not reveal facts . target e th t abou s secret r o Post-hypnotic Suggestion n a n o n dominatio s trigger successfully d illithi n a f I (telepathic devotion) l spel . vs w thro g savin a s receive t targe e th , mind d opene MAC: 6 PSP Cost: 8/2 to resist the effect. If the save fails, the target falls under Range: 30 yds. Area of Effect: Individual the illithid's control for as long as that illithid pays the s target' e th o t g accordin s varie t cos P PS e Th . cost P PS 7 1 d an 7 n betwee e Intelligenc n a h wit e creatur y An level, as showd n belowillithi n a f : suggestion—i c post-hypnoti a e receiv n ca - sugges a s plant y simpl d illithi e Th . mind s it s open t firs Target's PSP tion of some reasonable course of action, as well as a sit- Level/Hs victim' De th n i n Cosactio ts thi r trigge l wil t tha n uatio 1-5 6/3 subconscious. When the illithid implants the post-hyp- 6-10 12/6 notic suggestion, the target is unaware of the suggested t targe 11-1e th 5, arises n 22/1situatio 1 e th n Whe . action f o e cours 16-20 32/16 must make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid acting on 21+ 50/25 the implanted suggestion. The target gains a +1 bonus to - orig d illithi e th e sinc s passe t tha k wee h eac r fo e sav s thi k Lin e Tast . suggestion e th d plante y inall (telepathic devotion) t no s doe t tha e on s i " action f o e cours e "reasonabl A MAC: 6 PSP Cost: 2/1 f I . restrictions s clas r o t alignmen s creature' e th e violat l Individua : Effect f o a Are . yds 0 18 : Range the suggestion is too strange, the target can refrain from Taste link allows an illithid to tap into the flavor . DM e th f o n optio e th t a , action e th g takin t firs e Th . creature) r othe r (o d illithi r anothe f o s sense - delica l (cerebra s eat d secon e th r whateve s taste d illithi Probabilit, y Travepoison s l ingest e creatur d linke e th f I . cases) t mos n i , cies (psychoportative science) the illithid using this power must make a saving throw MAC: 6 . link e th g PSP Costseverin d : an Special/ t ou g 5 passin d avoi o t n poiso . vs Range: N/y A actuall t no s Aredoe ak olin f e Effectth g : Individualinitiatin d + illithi e th , However suffer any other affects from the poison—even if the An illithid can traverse the Astral Plane physically, as linked creature dies. - psychoporta n projectio l astra e th e (se m for l astra n i f i tive devotion) when using this powerd . It does noIllithi t leave e Uniqu behind its physical body with this science and thus does . void l astra e th h throug d cor r silve e vulnerabl a l trai t no s Discipline c Psioni Probability travel requires 20 PSPs to initiate, but only . maintain o t r hou r pe s PSP 8 s require y b d Besidepossesse ss those generapower c l psioni The Astral Plane (also known as the plane oe f thethes , illithid y ever mind) boasts two-dimensional color pools, scat- creatures have many tered in random profusion. These poolss serve abilitie c psioni c Psioni e Uniqu - Mate e Prim e th n o s point t distan o t s portal s a unique to their race. Power Menu* e th d an ) worlds r (othe e Plan l ria Illithid psionic mas- Outer Planes (planes e thatthes hos d t develope s ter r Powe c Psioni 8 d . divine) d an l inferna h bot s power disciplinee s anTim d e Collaps 1 0 02 Crisis Of Breath Total distance moved per round charged the elder 03 Fatal Attraction y b d determine s i e Plan l Astra e th n o brains with their y Circuitr c Psioni t Imprin 4 0 the Intelligence of each illithid guardianshipk Lin e Tast ; the e Intrusiv 5 0 (17 or 18) x 30 feet, . It turn nor n i -, brains r elde 06 Microcosm f o s hour 6 1d6+ s take y mall continue to pass on 07 Sever The Tie o t d illithi n a r fo e tim l trave such knowledge 08 Shards reach its destination if proba- from one generation *Common illithids have a 10% bility travel remains activated. to the next. The fol- chance to roll once on the table, However, there is no guarantee thate aar colos r power g lowin normal illithids automatically roll pool will deposit those who use it withif o ng a de- samplin a y onl once on the table, ulitharids roll sired area on the . the myriad psionic two times on the table, and elder Illithids can take other individuals along ond these develope s o tw abilitie t bu l al e hav y generall s brain - out e th t a s PSP a extr 2 1 s cost r passenge h Eac . journeys over the millennia by of the powers listed on the table set, plus an additional 4 PSPs per hour. Furthermored , illithi d - scattere prohib o tw e th e determin o t l (rol each passenger adds one-half hour to the journey's masters. . powers) d ite length. l Astra e th n i e whil r powe s it f of s turn d illithi n a f I Plane, it cas n still move as it desireDescription r s througPowe hc the silverPsioni e Uniqu void. However, it loses its psychic connection to its desti- - spe e th f o n descriptio a t leas t a r o , map a t Withou . nation Common illithids do not possess every power de- s a , stranded s remain d illithi e th , sought l poo r colo c cifi scribed below; in fact, it is rare for a common illithid to a h throug s i e Plan l Astra e th m fro t exi y likel y onl e th know even one unique psionic power. However, illithids - suc o t y unlikel s i n exploratio d blin , However . pool r colo t a w kno r powe d an , persuasion , mien n uncommo f o ceed in the infinite space that makes up the planes, spark- least one (and more likely two or three) unique psionic . adventures planar s dangerou y man f o y possibilit e th g in power. The previous table is useful for determining A Guide. to the Astralflayers d min Plane y b d providepossesse s in-depts hpower informatioc psioni e n uniqu e thos . adventures h suc g creatin r fo l usefu e Tim e Collaps enough to encapsulate a living being entirely would kill ) devotion c (psychokineti . decanting r late t agains t i e preserv y entirel r o , subject e th MAC: 2- sig g PSwarehousin P h Costwit d : 30/15 associate y difficult e th f o e Becaus Range: 1 yar- ex df o s exist Ared a recor o fo n Effect , : l"-diametequintessence f o s r quantitie t nifican . question s thi g researchin s periment Collapse timea allowm fro sy an illithiawa d d toscrape crystallizy manuall ee timb n eca e Quintessenc from the continuume tim r , forminregula e th g n a dollorejoi o pt t oi f g thick,freein gooe, yobject d protecte s shimmer e Quintessenc . quintessence d calle l materia stream. Quintessence that undergoes such a severe trans- t transparen s i t bu , angles e som m fro r mirro r silve a e lik formation is 75% likely to evaporate back into the con- from others; it brings a cool numbness that slowly fades tinuum; otherwise it draws together into a n ca y abilit s thi f o r wielde e Th . skin e th h wit t contac r afte . usage r furthe r fo e availabl , bead r one-inch-diamete - appli e on y b d forme e quintessenc f o t amoun n a h smoot Multiple applications of this power could conceivably cation of this psionic power around any small object, produce large stores of quintessence. However, masses such as ac key, apsioni r ring,othe oe r an insignianegat e . Objectvolum e s sealed 3-foot-squar a n tha r large within quintessencd avoi ey are protecteusuall s d illithid fro o s m , the affectradius t s o20-foo f a n i s power time; in practical terms, they enter a state of stasis. Objects embedded in quintessence remain changeless, though quintessence kills organic matter with prolonged Crisis of Breath exposure. Any creature that remains in contact with a gob (telepathic devotion) t hi 5 1d10+ s lose n tur e on n tha e mor r fo e quintessenc f o MAC: 5 PSP Cost: 25/4 points; the portionl of its flesIndividua : h toucheEffect f do ba y thAre e materia . l hayds 0 s3 : Range s victim' s haples e th f o r remainde e Th . stasis o int e gon body finally dies as a result of temporal inactivity. Specula- Crisis of breath induces autonomic failure in an e larg e quintessenc f o s mas a r whethe o t s a s exist n tio opened mind. The nervous system is interrupted in such a way that the target's lungs- nsit o h Suc . situation s dangerou y potentiall r othe longer function automatically. Ing - savin a e mak o t t targe e th e requir s uation stead, the affected target must throw vs. death magic. If the target makes a suc- g breathin r he l contro y consciousl cessful saving throw, he wins free of the compul- at all times in order to remaie th nf I . himself t hur o t s seek r longe o n d an n sio alive. , cliff e th r ove f himsel s throw e h , save e th s fail t targe Unless a target receivetarge e sth healins Unles g . knife s hi o ont n eve r o , fire e th o int — means y extraordinar h throug s hi f o s hand e th t a e di l wil e h , indeed y luck y ver s i such as psychic surgery, heal, own augmented unconscious urge towards the black restoration, or their equivalent (cure disease precipice of oblivion. s suffer e malady)—sh s thi n o t effec o n s ha *Each time an illithid uses this power it must pay a single k attac , (saves s action l al o t y penalt -A a PSP cost of 35. rolls, ability checks, etc.), as she must con- centrate on breathing. Spellcasters must 6 - a h wit k chec e Intelligenc n a e mak Imprint Psionic Circuitry - con e whil l spel a t cas o t r orde n i y penalt (psychokinetic science*) centrating on breathing. The worst effect MAC: 5 PSP Cost: Vanes of the afflictiot objec r no il s the target'Individua : s inabilitEffect f o ya to Are h Touc : Range survive while sleeping, as a lapse in con- centration spells certain doom for the This science allows the illithid to imprint items or afflicted. individuals with psionic circuitry. Psionic circuitry exists Every sleepless night temporarily costs the tar- as filaments of ethereal substance interwoven with solid get 1d2 points from a random ability score. As a material or flesh; it is formed of equal parts psionic target's statistics degenerate, her irritability power and psi-active mucous (see Chapter 7: Illithid swells. The target also experiences hallucinations Technology). Usually, psionic circuitry is not visible with ever-increasing regularity. One full night of unless it is within the vicinity of a creature with an sleep restores the victim's statistics and mental Intelligence of 5 or higher, it is within the vicinity of a r characte d afflicte n a f i , However . well-being n a f o l wil e th h throug e activ s become t i r o , mind c psioni reaches 0 in any abilitghostl yh scorewit e , shflar e s suffers catapathway t - circui e Activ . illithid strophic nerve failure and dies. incandescence. After a period of 30 days, and every day there- When an illithid constructs psionic circuitry, it fash- after, the target can make a saving throw vs. paralyza- ions the circuits to hold a specific psionic impulse or tion to shakg e ofgrantin f ths a ee effectsimpl ss a o fe crisib n ca s t of breatheffec r o .e impuls s Thi . effect e singl a y pa t mus t i , power s thi s use d illithi n a e tim h *Eac a wearer 10 extra PSPs per 12-hour period, or as complex PSP cost oa f 25f o . e fac e th n o s dimension n betwee l porta a g openin s a stone wall inscribed with circuitry. See "Psionic Seals" in Chapter 7 for more details. Fatal Attraction Laying down psionic circuitry requires many months (telepathid c sai devotion f o n ) applicatio e th y b d followe , research s laboriou f o MAC: 3 e thre d PSspen Pt Costmus d : 35*/1illithi n 5a , minimum t A . research Range: 30 yds, . circuitry Arec a opsioni f t Effect:simples Individuae th n eve ld imbe o t s month while an expenditure of years is not uncommon in the - sub n hidde a t plan n ca d illithi n a , ability s thi g Usin creation of truly complex circuit diagrams. conscious impulse in an opened mind. The impulse se- Generally, it takes one month of work plus an addi- cretly augmente th y b s d the target'require t s deatPoin h h urgeStrengt ovec r a perioPsioni r pe dh of mont l tiona 1d6 days. Durina , gThus thi . s time,pathway thc e deatpsioni he urgth t e swellimprin so t likt e aneffec s circuit' abscess within the target's subconscious, while his con- psionic circuit that uses cause decay (PSP cost 4, from . unaware y completel s remain d min s sciou The Complete Psionicist's Handbook), takes an illithid four When the death urge has grown sufficiently stron. gbuild o t s month - con r fo s look s subconsciou s target' e th , days) 6 1d r (afte r powe a e mak t mus t circui e th g layin d illithi e Th venient wayg s to enimprintin d e hith s f lifeo g . For examplebeginnin e th t a , a) n affecteroll O d tar- (MTHAC k chec get is compelled to look over the side of a jagged cliff, process. Failure indicates that the illithid could not cre- draw very near a raging bonfire, or place himself in some ate the necessary amalgamation of ethereal filaments y circuitr c psioni l potentia e th ; essence l materia d an collapses. A successful MTHACO roll indicates that the illithid has created the basics of the psionic circuit; it can now a g Linkin . circuit e th o t y abilit c psioni r particula a k lin l equa s month f o r numbe a s take t circui a o t y abilit c psioni to the power's PSP cost. During this time, the illithid e th t agains l rol O MTHAC l successfu a e mak t mus t a k wor t mus t i d an , work f o h mont h eac C MA s power' e stag y an t a e Failur . circuit e th n o y da y ever s hour 4 t leas destroys the psionic circuit beyond repair. f o l poo a g requirin r powe c psioni a k lin o t r orde n i e multipl s acros d activate s power f o e cas e th n (i s PSP rounds), an illithid must first construct a psychic reser- voir (see Chapter 7 for more details on this item) and . circuit c psioni e th o t m ite s thi k lin Note that illithids cannot link telepathic devotions e requir s power e thes ; objects l materia o t s science d an an organic mind to function. Chapter 7 features more de- tails on psionic circuitry. The Complete Psionics Handbook Psionics Complete The g usin s Master n *Dungeo should change this power to a metapsionic science.

Intrusive Taste Link (telepathic devotion) MAC: 6 PSP Cost: 6/2 Range: 30 yds. Area of Effect: Individual a s create k lin e tast e intrusiv , devotion d relate s it e Lik - open r anothe d an d illithi n a n betwee d bon y sensor m fro s flow n informatio y sensor s Thi . creature d minde the illithid to the target creature. Usually, illithids use this power on their comrades during performance eating - illithids e som , However . details) e mor r fo 4 5 e pag e (se most likely members of the Abysmal Creed (see "Illithid Psychology and Society" in Chapter 5 for more de- tails)—set up links with enemy humans and humanoids while munching upon the brains of the humanoid's compatriot. This usually stuns the enemy humanoids for at least 1d4 rounds with shock and nausea (if a PC fails a e sens d twiste r thei h wit , Illithids . paralyzation) . vs e sav of humor, have also set up intrusive taste links with hu- manoids whose brains they are currently eating.

Microcosm (telepathic devotion) 5 : MAC PSP Cost: 8/2 Range: 30 yds. Area of Effect: Individual

o int t targe s it e plung n ca d illithi n a , power s thi g Usin a private world created from the victim's subconscious fantasies. While an illithid maintains this power, its tar- l rea e th m fro i stimul y conve r longe o n s sense s get' s hi s override d min n ow s target' e th , Instead . world . world y fantas t pleasan a f o s detail e th n i s fill d an s sense The specific details of the events within the mental microcosm are left to the DM, but in every case the mi- - pri e th , example r Fo . realistic y absolutel s seem m crocos s reverberate t tha y valle c idylli n a w sho d coul d worl e vat s comfort d an , lilies f o l smel e th s exude , birdsong h wit the fantasizing mind with soft breezes. Whatever the y physicall n bee s ha e h t tha s believe t targe e th , fantasy e h y realit n i e whil , question n i d worl e th o t d transporte stands mute, unseeing, and unresponsive to all real- world stimuli. If the victim believes at any time that he is a t attemp n ca e h , information y sensor e fals d fe g bein e fals e th f o e fre k brea o t n paralyzatio . vs w thro g savin sensorium. However, no outside stimuli can break him free of the hallucination while it continues. Shouting, smells, even physical hits that deliver damage are insuf- ficient to bring the target back to his senses while the . cost r powe e th y pa o t s continue d illithi

Sever the Tie (psychokinetic devotion) 5 25*/1 : Cost P PS 2 : MAC Range: 30 yards Area of Effect: 1 undead

Illithids hate undead. Thus, they developed this devo- e thos y b d pose t threa e th h wit l dea o t t attemp n a n i n tio - per r powe s thi h wit d illithi n a n Whe . abominations s "Illithid e se ; task y eas n a s alway t (no d undea s ceive and Undead" in Chapter 5), it can attempt to target one creature with this psionic attack. Sever the tie attempts to disrupt an undead's tie to the e Ti e th r Seve o t e Chanc . it g destroyin y thereb , psionically e Plan y Energ e Negativ Typs e or HD dangerou a s i s conduit r plana g manipulatin y Psionicall of Undear dseve t attemp y onl s Succesillithid d san Score*, *below) e (se r endeavo Skeleto- nstan oa rs 1 Hgive D w belo e tabl e Th . 09 straits e dir n i n whe e ti e th Zombie 10 dard illithid's chance to sever the tie of the listed Ghoue l oth r s 2 HD trigger y successfull d 1illithi 1e th g assumin , undead Shadow or 3-4 HD 12 psionic ability in the first place. If the power works, the Wight or 5 HD 13 offending undead falls to the ground and quickly mold- Ghast 14 ers into dust. Wraith or t 6 Hbu Dy abilit s thi s trigger y 15 successfull d illithi n a n Whe Mumme th f yo oy r 7 HD frequenc e th d misjudge s 16ha t i , roll e abov e th s fail Specter or 8 HD 17 negative energy conduit it was trying to disrupt. This Vampird emin os rit 9f o H n D portio e sensitiv a s 18 cause t judgemen n i r erro Ghost or 10 HD 19 to rub up against the deadly negativity with disastrous Lich or 11 HD 20 effects; A flash of black energy sends the illithid sprawl- Special e Failur c Automati ing and senseless for 10 full rounds. e singl a y pa t mus t i , power s thi s use d illithi n a e tim h *Eac **The DM must roll this number or higher on a d20 for PSP cost of 25. the illithid to sever the tie Shards ) devotion c (telepathi MAC: 5 PSP Cost: 25*/4 Range: 30 yds. l Individua : Effect f o a Are

This power attempts to shatter a target's cohesive h deat . vs w thro g savin a g failin t targe y An . self f o e sens - frag y personalit r he d an , self f o e sens r he s lose c magi - schizo s shard e th , united r longe o N . unravel s ment phrenically compete with each other for control of the body. The militant schizophrenia lasts until the mind t targe e th e tim h whic g durin , rounds 6 2d n i f itsel s reknit - in y an g completin f o e chanc ) (25% 4 1-in- a y onl s ha tended action (including defending herself against at- tack) per round as her personality fragments fight for g durin t ac o t unable s i t targe e th f I . body r he f o l contro any round, she stands motionless, her expression flicker- f o d myria a d an , fear , peace , rage n betwee y rapidl g in y finall s fragment y personalit e th n Whe . emotions r othe reknit, the target can once again act as a coherent indi- vidual. e singl a y pa t mus t i , power s thi s use d illithi n a e tim h *Eac PSP cost of 25.

Psionic Drawbacks Possession of psionic power far beyond the capabili- ties of common minds does not come without a price. Such rarefied manipulation of energies balances along the knife edge of achievement or ruin. True practitioners m ste t tha s precaution l menta s variou n i s themselve l dril psychic flareback. However, even the most venerable . mishaps c psioni f o y variet a r fea o t e caus s ha d illithi Psionic Cascade Illithids are basically super-charged batteries of n drai y repeatedl t tha s flayer d min d an , power c psioni their entire psionic reserve (when their PSPs reach 0) se- t tha s pathway l neura e th d an n brai r thei e damag y verel allow the manipulation of psychic energy. Every time an o d n ca t I . mind s it s damage t i , 0 o t s PSP s it s dram d illithi this up to 13 rimes before it risks a psionic cascade. How- ever, for every full month that an illithid does not drain d illithi n a , Thus . damage f o l leve 1 s lose t i , PSPs s it l al h mont a r fo s rest n the d an s time 1 1 s PSP s it s drain t tha . times 0 1 d min s it d damage y onl t i f i s a s function After an illithid damages its neural pathways 13 t nex y ver e Th . damage s seriou s suffer n brai s it , times s ha t i r (afte r powe c psioni a s use d illithi e th e tim obviously regenerated sufficient PSPs to energize an One disease in particular, called the ashen, seems to f I . episode n a r suffe o t e chanc % 13 a s stand t i , ability) afflict illithids on a regular basis, passing from individ- the illithid is lucky, it avoids the cascade, and does not ual to individual much like the flu in surface-dwelling - ac c psioni r furthe h wit s check e mor y an e mak o t e hav humanoids. Even in the face of psionic disciplines that d illithi e th f I . brain s it s damage r furthe t i s tivity—unles bolster an illithid's health, this disease remains active, again overtaxes its PSPs (reducing them to 0) it stands a possibly evolving some resistance to psionic treatments. 14% chance toy suffereadil r aw n fe episod a s ha e n withashe the eth nexf o e t uscas e a o fh itswit d illithi n A powers. In this way, the DM makes a check against the apparent symptoms, including a skin tone that fades - incre % 1 h eac h wit e cascad c psioni f o e occurrenc r colo h fles d humanoi h pinkis a o t e mauv s lustrou m fro s it s reache d illithi e th r afte e damag n brai f o t men (this contagion doesn't seem to affect nonillithid tissue). . 13% f o t poin d threshol More seriously, the ashen temporarily inhibits an y nearl d illithi Whe e th ng a mind flayerenderin , r sufferglands s s a mucou s illithid' l integra n a s psioniplay s c cascademucou s , it loseillithid' n sa controe l oBecaus f. slimeless its psychic faculties. The power part in its psionic capacities, its absence severely limits s operate e cascad e th g triggerin an illithid's psychic potential. While an illithid suffers - maxi s it f one-hal y normallyonl t a s , but function i nt i th, e folashen - e th m fro lowing round, mum PSP value, and its magic resistance drops to 18%. without the Psychic Flareback - mis t jus s abilitie c psioni s Sometime fire. Nothing else can adequately describe y especiall , flareback c psychi f o a phenomen e th y entit c psioni a s safeguard l menta e th l al f o t ligh n i illithid's volition, two addi- routinely utilizes while attempting psychic feats. Simply tional powers fire randomly. In put, psychic flareback is a mental short circuit. Normally, s it thm e fro roun y dawa aftey r thatsafel s , fourenergie oe f the illithid'intens s s channel d illithi n a powerse firth f eo simultaneously) all r (o n portio , a an , d eight however power , s (theSometimes . brain a g durin e onc t a e fir n ca h whic r numbe m maximu energy poured into a psionic power misaligns and de- cascade) fire simultaneously in the next round. This cas- structively discharges directly into the initiator's gray cade continues until it drains the illithid's PSP pool com- matter! t targe e cascad e th y b d activate s Power . pletely - psy , illithid) n a f o w vie f o t poin e th m (fro y Thankfull randomly; they have an equal chance of affecting the chic flareback is quite rare. To date, illithids do not seem r othe l al g attackin r o , nothing g damagin , itself d illithi r o , all t a s occur t i y wh o t s a r answe e reasonabl a e hav o t living creatures sdoe t ii n n the vicinityWhe . .again g happenin r eve t i t preven o t w ho Illithids that survive a cascade episode still suffer happen, psychic flareback permanently burns out a mind 1d20 points of damage from trauma. This time, the dam- flayer's ability to use psionic powers—which represents aged illithid's PSP. s regeneratbeing c psioni ey at a mucstrongl a hh slowesuc r fo r e rate: sentenc h deat a e th n whe y Onl . rest e complet f o y da r pe s PSP 0 1 illithid's PSPs once again reach maximum is it safe for it Illithids must check once every six months for a to use its psychic faculties. Any use of its psionics before the complets cost e t regeneratiotha y abilit c n of itspsioni PSa Pg poousin l n automaticallwhe k yflarebac c psychi triggers yet another psionic cascade. more than 10% of their current PSP pool. For example, an illithid with a current PSP pool of 200 must check for Psionic Disease: The Ashen a flareback (if it's been six months since its last check) m fro r suffe s abilitie l menta , abilities l physica e lik t Jus when using any power that costs more than 20 PSPs " cold, a s "catche d illithi n a n Whe . disease d an s sicknes s a t abilities—jus c psioni s it s affect y negativel s sicknes s it during a single round. There is a 1% chance of a a marathon runner's stamina would fall by the wayside psychic flareback ocurring under these circumstances. while fighting a contagion. Partial Personalities reminiscent of the form donor, the humming of a tune g scribin s unconsciou e th r o , donor m for e th o t r familia "There's someone in my head, but it's not me." of words in the form-donor's native language. In most t i t tha e awar e b n eve t no y ma d illithi d afflicte e th s case n partialisr h wit d affecte d illithi n a f o t statemen e —Th . partialism m fro s suffer If an illithid does discover, to its own everlasting A malady whose roots lie in ceremorphosis, "partial- horror, that it unknowingly carries a partial personality, ism" is the incomplete sublimation of the original form- it attempts to remove the affected portions of its brain donor's brain. To guard against this illness, illithids through psionic surgery or cruder methods—if ruthlessly excise subconscious personality fragments that necessary. Illithid society deems "partial personality" manifest in any mind flayer. While the retention of a few mind flayers as entirely unfit to join the elder brain at random memories of a form-donor is not unheard of, the the end of their lives. In the few cases recorded, partial - in f o e capabl s complexu y memor e complet a f o l surviva personalities do not seem cognizant enough to resist . uncommon y extremel s i n actio l dividua their own destruction. However, a dark illithid legend Partial personalities usually manifest while an illithid speaks of the Adversary. is somehow dazed, groggy, or preoccupied. When these The Adversary was an illithid lost to itself; a partial or similar conditions exist, the partial personality may personality of uncommon strength consumed a mind s odd t a y completel s behavior t exhibi o t d illithi n a e caus l al w overthro o t t sough d an y personalit s flayer' s i y personalit l partia a e Sinc . set d min l norma s it h wit illithids through the innocent guise of a fellow mind n a f o d min l overal e th f o t fragmen l smal a y onl y usuall flayer. Despite its apparent popularity as a story told to illithid, it is unlikely to retain enough autonomy to ac- frighten young-adult mind flayers, the Adversary legend complish much. Examples of partial personality mani- remains just that; no sage has ever catalogued the exis- y wa a n i s finger f o g tappin e th e includ s festation tence of such a being. History and Theology

Origins Whence came illithids? As far back as credible histories recall, these fearsome creatures appear. In fact, several texts that omit references to younger races mention mind flayers. Such evidence suggests a truly d min n commo e th h whic f o e heritag d illithi t ancien . unconcerned t leas t a r o , unaware s seem f itsel r flaye Sites of ancient illithid habitation sometimes yield up . origins d illithi g regardin e evidenc f o s piece e suggestiv e pag e (se h qualit d illithi e translat o t l skil e th , However o t y abilit e th t Withou . trait e rar a s i details) e mor r fo 6 5 plumb illithid secrets directly scholars must rely on second-hand sources of information, often highly suspect due to the extreme age of the pertinent archives. Crumbling stone tablets unearthed beneath the Ruins of Sargonne convey confusing and possibly apocryphal information on a variety of topics; even the identity of . circles n certai n i e debat e fierc s spark s builder s ruin' e th e authoritativ n a s mean o n y b e ar s themselve s tablet e Th source, and the information scribed therein may be suspect. For lack of a better interpretation, sages decided o t s attempt n Sargonnia d represente s tablet e th t tha foretell the future (and so named them The Sargonne Prophecies), in spite of certain passages that parse better as prehistoric myth. While the quoted section does not offer specific o t e du y suggestive—especiall y highl s i t i , information the glyph, which resembles an eyeless illithid head, carve dtablete intoth . t jus , origins d illithi h wit s deal y trul e passag e th f I what exactly does it tell us? Could it be that illithids ? a vi e otherwher e strang e som m fro d arrive - Infesta k thic e th g explainin n i y wa g lon a o g d woul s Thi tion of illithids among the stars. Unfortunately, the text's description of the strange object's mode of travel bears little resemblance either to the phlogiston of wildspace or to spelljamming crafts familiar to the starfarer. Other interpretations offer themselves at this juncture. One assumption is that at some ungodly distant time, illithids—or their evolutionary precursors—appealed in the continuum from elsewhere. The fearsome images The above transcript was recovered from the rem- supplied by the Sargonne text lead one to believe that nants of the Library of Olefin centuries after it burned. the point of origin for the illithids' ancestors was a ter- Unfortunately, no other corroborating evidence exists; all rible realm far from our own, from which even the mer- we have to connect The Sargonne Prophecies to Hawkin's est contact negativels thi s Doe y . affecteOutside d o out e r own continuumreferenc s mage' .e th s i s addres A realm so obviously inimicable to common life term describe the same location named in The Sargonne seems an unlikely place from which organic beings like Prophecies? If so, then one wonders who the last visitors the illithids would hail. Reasonable minds might conjec- to this far realm really were, and in what way they were ture that the illithids used the terrible realm depicted in altered. the Sargonne Prophecies as an intermediate step to our The suggestion of tentacles in the Prophecies sud- own continuum—e tal s a dangerouHawkin' , s addition pat In h . to greenetelling e r pasturesquit s , become y denl as it were. of visitors (who possibly possessed humanoid forms be- Unfortunately, if we throd w ouname t the e theorplac s y ofcuriou illithis thi g d visitin e for precursors originating froy mwh Outsidn eexplai (whateveo t y wa g r lon tha a s t regoe - ) Outside ally means), we are still left with the question of their illithids, despite their alien physiology, true origin. Picking up this thread of inquiry we can knit are yet so suited to take sustenance from humanoid it to another, as illuminated by the sorcerer Eno Hawkin brains and reproduce using humanoid forms. in his address to the Olefin Temporal Society 400 years Could the creature referred to by Hawkin be an illithid , only d an , first e th g bein h wit d credite s i n Hawki . ago forerunner? No other source hints at such an outlandish mage to initiate and return from a temporal slide to the . itself e tim f o y boundar support upon which to build a theory. Still, the idea is certainly evocative. Unfortunately, Hawkin could not elaborate on his position, as some sort of timelike "elas- tic" effect snapped him out of the present to an un- recorded fate. While sages have not discovered further n explai o t t attemp s doe t tex e on " "Outside, o t e referenc illithid origins authoritatively. This tome gives a nod toward the notion that illithids were not always as they appear now—although the text remains questionable in some particulars: A race of bastardn i children,e mor s i e hiddenher d beneathreprinte theh worldmyt n by theircreatio e th y Certainl progenitors, refused to go gracefully into oblivion. Instead, line with origins ascribed to many other races and marshaling theirg strengthbein a f o —e and boundexistenc e th togethery den t by theircanno s Sage . peoples hate for their creators—they mastered mentally mastered creators—they their for hate mutual - de s a , Planes r Oute e th n i g residin e Ilsensin d name powers resulting from their mutant heritage. Led by the by Led heritage. mutant their from resulting powers latent e th n upo e Relianc . tome s thi n i r late y full e mor d scribe the Lugribossk, and illithid them, among minds strongest s seeker s relieve h trut r utte e th s a h myt n creatio e Ilsensin utterly destroyed their creators. their destroyed utterly and unbidden rose mutants - cross e th d an , translations , searches s odiou m fro and heroes their of one of name the took creatures These f o s text y dust g amon s concept e abstrus f o g referencin spawned the illithid race. questionable value. However, an easy route to knowl- —Excerpted from the Astromundi Chronicles. edge does not always guarantee accuracy. Perhaps some m fro , texts g foregoin e th f o h eac n i s lie h trut f o t elemen which the logical mind can deduce milestones pointing d an s sage , source g interestin n a s remain t tex e th h Thoug . story l rea e th s toward other scholars r haveprio pointed existe d s out "suspectIllithid : "clear sections i g thin s e ofon th , e event y an n I Astromundi- Chronicles.incar n hidde s Fothi rg instancedurin e , other sourceSometim . s plainlhistory d y recorde o t list the entit. y calleempire r d Lugribossmultiplana a kd as a proxfounde s y of thflayer ed illithimin e dth , nation Ilsensine. Also, no other source has ever mentioned an individual with the name Illithid; some fanciful story- Ancient History , Finally " cloth. e "whol m fro t i d create e hav t mus r telle the proposition that illithidcrowning the s are before merel yworlds, mutantpresent humanof s knowledge all Past y contrar f o t hos a r fo n explanatio e simpl r rathe a s seem when OuterRa, the of Planes flux, werein while and yet the - her e ar s illithid t tha t fac e th s i h whic f o t leas e lore—th elemental planes remained untarnished by counter- maphroditic amphibiansempire. , whileancient humanan sheld are mammalsillithids the . contamination, All in all, this author looks dismissively upon the Astro- Boundless, illithid influence enfolded worlds without . origins d illithi n explai o t m clai Chronicles' mundi the Astral, the infested domination flayer mind number; Ethereal, and even threatened the borders of the Outer Planes . sources l mythologica d standar o t k loo s u t le , Next s world d an s land e alternat n i s myth n creatio l Severa their defend to marshaled armies planar Vast themselves! mention creatures that are no doubt illithids, and some respective realms, and even the eternal Blood War was stayed even go so far as to give illithids a definitive origin. for a time to assess the illithid threat. —From The Planetreader's Primer, a tome of truly ancient "... and the union of Fatheritself. SkySigil andin Mother Earthpublished producedreputedly ro-lore useful and bust issue, numberless in diversity and attributes. Each child founded its own abode in the cosmos according to its nature, temperament, and Despite the dearth of corroborating histories, it is ability; in later epochs other creatures regarded these beings as gods.... clear that illithids once held incredible power. Never In turn, thesed an godsn in theircohesio e vastth d realms appliedthreatene o s desiree forc toe the emptysingl a s ha n agai spaces within- en thed an celestial d gran firmament,formingo s e scal a n o s worldscosmo eache accordingentir e th f o s proces its own desire. For the first time, the efforts of one god crossed the crossed god one of efforts the time, first the For desire. own its to e th ; appetite d illithi e th g feedin f o e cours e th n i d nate of another; thus was strife born. strife was thus another; of purposes energy of suns was rechanneled for works of inter- More so - than otherslave r fo beings e ofasid t itsse ilk,e onewer s entity, plane called e Ilsensinewhol ; by itsconquest r plana was what fill up, raised was what down knock to always strove siblings, d illithi y ever e serv o t s wa e purpos y onl e whos s race whenever others; by fashioned lovingly was what break and hollowed, . livestock d an , fodder y militar , burden f o s beast s a e desir it. against always strove Ilsensine established, was convention The discerning reader might rightfully wonder how In time,d creaturescoul , possessedestablished ofe mortalonc , framesempire andd self-aware,illithi e incredibl n a h suc minds appeareds race g within thethinkin f o firmament—the s thousand f o t creation of anenfettermen un-e Th . fall r eve named deityn or thewhe y result of a generative impulseovercome—especiall o t r of the barrie firmament difficult a s seem counter-creation, de- counter-creation, a loosed soon Ilsensine nature, its was As itself. d illithi g invadin f o s rank e th d fille s slave y ver e thes to subordinate, control, and consume all of these mortal races. mortal these of all consume and control, subordinate, to signed armies that conquered yet more populations. curse upon—and curse a as appeared race illithid the that was it Thus There is, however, a philosophical principle which ap- between—the- manyab s it worlds.o t f itsel s manifest g somethin n Whe : here s plie solute boundaries, polarities often reverse, and the —Elven Creation Myth manifestation flips over to its opposite. In this vein, when it seemed that absolutely every race would finally fall to the illithid agenda, and that mind flayer fortunes were at their absolute peak, the very slaves upon which the illithids built their empire rose up. Fall of Empire While slave revolts were not unknown in the illithid empire, they never posed a true threat against the psionic shackles imposed by the illithids—at first. As generation after generation of slaves labored under the psionic whip of mind flayer overlords, their minds de- veloped small resistances and immunities to psionic - poten c psioni f o s clue w fe t firs e thes h Wit . domination tial, wily slaves began secretly developing their own psionic powers with which to resist their illithid masters. In the fullness of time, the slaves judged the moment right; the illithids' arrogance in their own superiority was at its height. Under the leadership of a female slave champion named Gith, the slaves rose in utter, obdurate

A chain reaction spread from world to world and from plane to plane like fire among countless blades of prairie grass; once ignited, the revolt could not stop until it stamped out every vestige of the former empire and freed every slave. Thus was the empire of the mind . low t brough y finall e rac r flaye Recent History n soo s slave d self-liberate e th f o s succes e th e Whil , time n i , (which s difference l interna o t e du r sou d turne split the slaves into the racially distinct githyanki and d plunge s illithid e th f o s circumstance e th , githzerai) lower yet. With the empire shattered and vast portions of the mind flayer race slaughtered, surviving illithids lost contact with each other, becoming isolated commu- s plane n eve d an , worlds , continents y b d separate s nitie of existence. Illithids were stranded on every celestial shoal across the length and breadth of wildspace, as well as in alternate planes. Where mind flayers did not die im- mediately from exposure and lack of resources, they were forced to seek survival deep within planetary spheres, where they could hide from the fury of former slaves (perhaps one such instance instigated the infor- mation presented in the Astromundi Chronicles). Epochs of collected knowledge, technology, and psionic lore were forever lost when countless elder brains were slain by the psionic sword of the slave re- d min e th t tha , great o s s wa s los d illithi e th , truth n I . volt flayers have not fully recovered from it, even millennia later. y man n o e forc y deadl g growin a s posses o d s Illithid Ilsensine worlds (as well we all know). However, their threat re- mains cloisteren i ds in darksizzle s , subterraneawave n brai s n placesIlsensine' faf o r ren - bur t constan e Th moved from the concerns of the world above, or else lost the mind's ear. No secrets stay dark; no evil thought or in the darkness os f the wildspacIlsensine' . e betweeunrevealed ns worldsremain s . Only sicknes l menta those who journey into these forbidden places need fear thoughts pound against the mind like waves of hatred, n i m bo , anger d illithi g still-smolderin e th g encounterin - megalo d an , imagining d beyon s perversion , lies k dar n resolutio e race-wid r thei r o , might t pas r thei f o n rui e th mania. This power believes that illithids are meant to light. the darken suns—to myriad the out put o t n overru t tha " "cattle e th e enslav o t , multiverse e th e rul the lands, to use them, and to consume their minds. e th w belo m real n subterranea a n i s reside e Ilsensin Outlands (also known as the Plane of Concordant Oppo- s deitie m clai s illithid , races t sentien r othe Like ) Plane l Materia e Prim e th f o s native y man o t n sitio specific - to theimen a r s ideologiesi d go d . Cosmologicaillithi e Th . l mysterieThought f o s s Cavern e th d calle e determin o t e impossibl h nig s i t i , are y the t wha g bein tal/spiritual entity manifesting as a disembodied brain the originc of these divineganglioni s , or diabolicalcountles s trail t , tha beings e hu d . But, emeral t lamben f o - rela e th g concernin s arise n questio a , disturbing e mor t ou d an e desmesn s cavernou s it t throughou s tentacle tionship of illithids to their deities, a question that into the infinite planes. It is said that its far-reaching springs from the nature of the illithid life cycle. "nerves" allow it to gather information from all worlds s Plane r Oute e th n i e afterlif n a k see t no o d s Illithid d an t secre y ever g learnin , simultaneously s plane d an after death; instead, they endeavor to join—mind and storing it away for later use. spirit—with the elder brain of their community. The It is also said that on extremely rare occasions, Ilsen- promise of lifl e afterspectra deatd h that so two-tentacle man , y huge deitie a ( r s holavata d n ovea s r send e sin their worshipers does not offer the same appeal to many brain that radiates green light) or proxy (Ilsensine's illithids. Thus, illithid deities suffer a lack of after-life favored proxy is Lugribossk) to those illithids that most spirits (petitioners) from the very race that believes in revere the deity's name, or to those communities that them. could most benefit from a specific godly intervention. r Furthe . indeed y quandar g interestin n a s seem s Thi - cur s sage r o s scholar y an p u r offe d honore o s s Illithid : paradox d assume e th r clea o t s help , however , research , homage e Ilsensin y pa o t r orde n i e captiv t kep y rentl Deities do non t neewithi d s petitioners—onlillithid f o r ynumbe worshipersl smal a e . It isdedicat y the d an s illithid t tha e assum o t n reaso f o s limit e th d beyon t no their community to the priesthood of Ilsensine. This n i d go e th l fee y simpl y the e becaus s deitie n certai e rever priesthood is a small and select one, given to dying out question is worthy of worship—holding ideals, beliefs, after the demise of the initial illithid priests so chosen. and goals r in commothei g n withdevelopin thn i ed illithid raceintereste e . Inmor factm ,see s flayer d Min illithids may revere certain outer-planar entities because own personal psionic powers than in channeling the . return n i g somethin t ge o t e hop y ma y the power of another—even a deity.

twin his and Diirinka, god, their of tale a tell Derro The n concer s priest d Illithi : Priesthood e th f o s Dutie Diinkarazan, when they were but newly formed newly but were they when Diinkarazan, brother, children of the dwarvene th , pantheon. knowledge Seeking f o t to expandpursui e th h theirwit s themselve were and earth the into deeply delved two the dominion, own exploration of new territory, and the exploitation of soon rewarded; they unearthed a vast cavern streaming with knowledge gained through these explorations, Standard young two the As artifacts. alien with strewn and energy raw illithids do not abhor priests of Ilsensine in their squabbled over the find, Ilsensine manifested in manifested Ilsensine find, the over squabbled deities spectral terror, furious to find the young deities rooting communities as they would illithid sorcerers, However, through its realm. In a paroxysm of fear, Diirinka stabbed his there is usually not much mixture between each group. in the back and fled, leaving Diinkarazan's mind to be to mind Diinkarazan's leaving fled, and back the in brother Specifications: Illithid priests have access to the was body his while one, tentacled the by consumed horribly thrown into, the AbyssNumbers , whereLaw , yet it lies.Divination . Charm , Astral , All f o s Sphere from Sigil and Beyond, a tome regarded as regarded tome a Beyond, and Sigil from —Excerpted Sun (reverse). Thought, and Time. Illithid clerics cannot sacred among afficionados of the Outer Planes. turn undead and cannot advance past 12th level, The main advantage Ilsensine offers to those who serve it is the ability to cast clerical spells. Thus, an illithid priest does not have to forgo its development of . power c psioni l persona Knowledge is the secondary advantage Ilsensine of- - un d illithi e reasonabl y an s a , and , worshipers s it o t s fer t pries d illithi n a f I . power s equal e knowledg , derstands can prevail upon Ilsensine's favor, it can gain answers to s plane e th n i e plac o n t almos s i e Ther . questions t difficul inaccessable to llsensine's neurons. In addition, the deity dispatches deceptive spies, in the form of cranium rats, to serve as its eyes and ears in those places beyond its in- fluence. Ilsensine remembers all and knows more than possibly any other entity. The disadvantages to an illithid pledging its service to Ilsensine are twofold. First, the illithid loses its right to join the elder brain. Secondly, but more immediately, the n ca t i t tha o s e resistanc l magica s it f o t mos s lose t pries - re s Thi ! Ilsensine f o r powe y godl e th l channe y effectivel t ac e simpl a h throug s occur e resistanc c magi f o n ductio y integrit l mucousa e Th . Ilsensine f o t par e th n o l wil f o of illithid priests remains unbreached; however, their * 18%. o t s decrease s effect l magica e negat o t y abilit *One wonders if some similar reduction of magic resistance - mage f o r favo n i s psionic w esche t tha s illithid e thos n i s occur - spell d illithi t tha t secre a s i t i t bu , happen s doe t i s Perhap ? craft casters keep close.

See Chapter 8: Mind Flayer Quick Stat Reference at tome r th gam f efo o ed statisticen e th n Ilsensine'o s s proxy, Lugribossk, and for the description and statistics of cranium rats.

Like Ilsensine, Maanzecorian believed that illithids are the natural rulers of all planes, worlds, and other races. r neve d coul n Maanzicoria f o n veneratio e th h Althoug - influ s Ilsensine' f o e spher t selec e th n eve d reache e hav d dismaye e wer y deit e th d revere e onc t tha s illithid , ence d channele r thei t tha d fin o t d sleep-perio e on e wak o t spells no longer functioned, and their prayers were no n divinatio , Finally . omens d an s sign n i d answere r longe - to d dwindle m real y ver s Maanzecorian' t tha d showe a s toward t poin s indication e dir h Suc ! extinction s ward single, inescapable conclusion: Something killed this illithid deity. Maanzecorian is now a dead god. Psychology and Society Inside the Illithid mind Mind flayers truly appreciate the "gifts" of those from e rar e thos n i n show s nourishment—a e deriv y the m who glimpses into the illithid outlook. Readers of the above account cannot help but be horrified and perhaps a bit s idealize y soliloqu s thi , However . sickened - sin s illithid t tha t fac e th g emphasizin , cephalophagy n boo a e cattl d humanoi r thei t gran y the e believ y cerel . brains t extrac y the r wheneve Beliefs s illithid l individua ; one l lawfu a s i y societ d Illithi hold many beliefs in common. Of course, some individu- als evidence extreme variations from societal norms, but the majority of illithids hold to the following basic pre- . convictions d an s cept

n brai r elde e th m fro s flow m wisdo l Al - con y communit r flaye d min y ever f o n brai r elde e Th d live e onc t tha d illithi y ever t almos f o e essenc e th s tain . member y communit l individua n a s a d breathe d an Thus, an elder brain possesses a vast storehouse of s i n brai r elde e th e Sinc . centuries g spannin e knowledg n i s fear l prima d an s image s hideou e conjur s Illithid e th f o r membe y an r fo y awa l cal c telepathi a y merel the minde s oth fe other racesreferenc n . Foofte rs someflayer , illithidd min l s embodyindividua , evil community incarnate; aftea rn i all s , whatime y t otheman rd racemin oe f creatures gainconglomerat e sth itf so m wisdo sole source of nourishment from the living brains of twenty-four-hour period. other thinking, intelligenr fo e t beingsconvenienc ?h suc e tak d woul s race e som e Whil f o t fon r thei e venerat o t e ceas r neve s illithid , granted w ho d understan o t l usefu s i t i , paradigm e th g Flippin knowledge. illithids view themselves and their role in the universe, Joining the elder brain is the greatest reward for a Comprehension of the illithid mindset bringt sspen l wel e lif r o e fat h throug . who e thos o t t empowermen Every illithid perceives that its physical life apart . darkness e th f o s master e thes r encounte , happenstance s gloriou , final s it o t e prelud a t bu s i n brai r elde e th m fro manifestation when it merges with the conglomerate Illithida e s dliv o t not mus perceiv l e themselveindividua h eac t s atha se creaturerecogniz ss of Illithid . mind y constantl " "Order f o s agent s a r rathe t bu , horror r utte long, full life in order to garner experience, wisdom, and working toward the betterment of the multiverse perspective—so as to add to the overall greatness con- through their own manifest destiny of ultimate control. tained within the elder brain. Thus, a lawful illithid never ends its life earlier than its nucleus. The elder brain subsumes additional person- g joinin n ow s it n quicke o t y merel s year proscribed s it alities—only utilizing their skills, hard knowledge, and w fello s it , so o d o t e wer d illithi n a f I . brain r elde e th h wit memories of significant events. mind flayers wouls thi dg exclude ipenetratin t s from thillithid el aggregatindividua e f braio y n possibilit e Th as punishment. However, undeniably distinct illithids— lie is quite small, as elder brains will not divulge any in- d an w ne r discove t tha s flayer d min l individua e thos r o formation for fear of jeopardizing their supply of fresh o t n permissio e receiv y disciplines—ma c psioni e valuabl s i t i , truth e th n lear s individual e tim e th y B . matter y gra t grea a n permissio s thi m dee s flayer d Min . early e merg already too late; they have become a permanent portion . Fiction l Essentia e th n i e believ y the e becaus r hono . brain r elde e th f o The Essential Fiction implies that "Life with the elder brain represents the highest form of being!" Illithids be- What is not illithid is thrall t sor e som n i e surviv s psyche l individua r thei t tha e liev l corporea r thei e onc n fashio d individuate , exalted f o . equals s a s race r othe consider y trul r neve s Illithid bodies diy e anonl t d theibu , r braipeers s na s tissue mergenonillithid t s wittrea s h that of thsometime ey ma y The elder brain. if such treatment improves trade or other delicate nego- In point of fact, the personality of each elder brain de- tiations. Every mind flayer instinctively knows that velops during its first few years as a sentient creature those creatures it pretends to treat with respect will serve and is controlled by the original illithid minds forming even better as thralls or, at the very least, square meals.

unique gifts, : Yourinevitable brow—exquisite befor , all f o n e in its simplappreciatio e symmetry—ith e th r fo d s shapelyexpose e b o t , , plucked . spot e th s hit t tha , Ah . consumption... t arden d an m war , close d Snuggle . treasure y tang g concealin e packag e fragil Dominion is life tery of a superior race to restore order. After all, thralls f o n dominatio e th h throug y onl t tha w kno s Illithid require supervision, and only the illithid race can pro- d an , needs , desires r inne r thei e actualiz y the n ca s other vide that service to others across the width and breadth future goals. A mind flayer cannot truly call itself an of the multiverse. If illithids do not take up this impor- illithid until it passes the first rite of adulthood; the dom- tant task, they deny their destiny! . thrall) s a d translate r (bette e slav w ne a f o n inatio y destin f o n interpretatio s thi g questionin s Creature The relationshil pbiologica betweee th e n illithidexamin , s andillithids theie th ro t thrall g s is accordin , must quite intimatel al d an . , In factchain , d illithidfoo e sth f suffeo x r ape whe e th nt a thei d r thrallstan s s Illithid : facts die from agee , diseasetru e th f , o o t r conflictfee e th h . An illithibeneat y d withounaturall l tfal as race r othe mind to control is missing an integral part of itself. Mind masters. flayers in this situation seek to reestablish new retinues It is important to note that illithid communities g ignorin s possible—sometime s a y quickl s a s thrall f o quickly root out and kill any mind flayer that questions other goals in the process. this maxim. o t e unabl l individua y an s view y communit d illithi n A secure mental slaves as flawed. Usually, an illithid in Darken the light n i y communit s it s flee n situatio e untenabl n a h suc shame. Bereft of the constant companionship offered by Ah, the accursed sunlight, with its searing heat and thralls, these poor mind flayers either die quietly or lose sight-dissolving radiations! It is only through the wan- their faculties to loneliness. ton energy of such orbs that thrall races thrive and grow strong. Dominion over all What need have illithids of such overbearing sources of illumination, sources whose very excess clouds vision and s thrall l potentia f o d myria a s contain e univers e Th s indigenou t tha r Bette ? dryness o t n ski t mois s expose - whatso e guidanc y an t withou d buil d an , grow , live t tha c geothermi e th n o y solel t subsis d worl h eac f o s specie ever! Such an untidy state of affairs demands the mas- properties endemic to every planetary orb, as does the , advantage r unfai s thi f o n destructio e th h Wit . race d illithi c eideti e th n upo e relianc e Complet . empires r o s nitie the thrall races would soon realize their own inferiority qualities of the elder brain, as well as the lack of hard . basis l equa n a n o s illithid e th t agains g competin r afte records, may contribute in part to this disregard of the It behooves the illithid race, as a superior people, to past. take matters into their own tentacles. The multifarious The concept of the "future" does not have the same orbs of sunligh. either , t whicraces r h illuminatothe r fo s e doe a t i millio s a s n worldillithid r sfo musg t meanin t roo be extinguished. Put out the sun! Darken the light! To the mind flayer, the future merely represents an as- yet-unrealized portion of the Present that will invariably Emotions transpire according to plans currently in motion. Perhaps this is another reason for illithid frustration. Illithids are organic beings that possess individual d min t tha r appea y ma t i , nonillithid a o T . emotions t ben s being s emotionles e ar s flayer only on the domination of other crea- tures. However, illithids feel anger r fea , goals r thei f o d cheate n whe , thralls s rebelliou h wit d face n whe happiness after the delightful in- r fo d hatre , brain y tast a f o n gestio s illithid e th y den d woul o wh e thos their right to rule, disgust for h wit y parle d woul o wh e thos - sad d an , basis n eve an n o s thrall ness upon learning of the death of a compatriot far from the mental embrace of the elder brain. The emotion illithids most s a , frustration s i e experienc n ofte their racial goals of domination . unrealized n remai y master d an Such a constant undertow of dis- content subtly colors every other . action d an , thought , emotion e th f o e on s remain n frustratio , Thus mind flayers' defining emotions.

Concept of Time The illithid concept of time is o T . races r othe t mos f o t tha e unlik t Presen e th y onl , mind d illithi e th matters. In fact, mind flayers per- y constantl a s a t pas e th e ceiv - ever an , medium g fluctuatin shifting environment accessible - com h Eac . brain r elde n a o t y onl s sift n brai r elde s munity' - expe l usefu r fo t pas e th h throug e som e hav t migh t tha s rience . circumstances t presen n o g bearin So ingrained is their disregard of the past that illithids do not possess recorded histories of their commu- mark denotes the captive's future service to a Society preselected Creed (see below) or individual illithid. Illithids exist within a structured, ordered society Sometimes, an illithid brands a captive possessing where every mind flayer has its place and purpose. - char , study f o s course d undeclare , drifters o n e ar e Ther particularly important skills with psionic seals (see t tha s Individual . illithids g noncontributin r o , cases y it Chapter 7 for more details). find themselves in this situation do not long retain their hold on life. The path to such order lies in community. Illithids live The racial make-up of an illithid community's slave together in. subterranealocation n nupo communitieg dependin y s or wildspacwidel y var n eca n populatio n betwee g rangin n populatio d illithi n a g holdin s habitat , slaves k grimloc e featur s communitie d illithi e Som t a , has d illithi h eac , addition n I . flayers d min 0 2,00 o t 0 20 others use drow, surface-dwelling humanoids, kuo-toa, - it y communit e th e whil , thralls l persona o tw , minimum e th p kee o t y tr s illithid , speaking y Generall . derro r o self possesser o e son t a thraljus o t l d militialimite ann d generapopulatio ll thralthral lr poolthei —f o x mi l racia s slave f o r numbe a s contain y normall h whic f o h eac g breedin e slav r thei l imperi o t t no s a o s , races o tw equal to 10% of the total illithid population. Thus, the programs. smallest illithin di s citietask s l containphysica 64d 0an ok r morwor l e individualsmenia e th f o ,l al o d s Thrall f o s exces n i s size h reac n ca s population t larges e th d an an illithid community. They serve as work crews on e mor h cities—wit r large f o s Rumor . individuals 0 6,40 community projects, bearers and accountants for illithid than 6,400 illithids—abound among sages. merchants, and personal lackeys to individual illithids. Thralls als rankillithie n a th o f t filso dou l population's Lot ofe theoutsid t Thralagains y l communit e th g defendin , arm y militar aggression and serving as the agents of destruction and dark her away snips carefully Samantha shears, the up Taking - ad n a f o y master r fo d bi a e mak s illithid n whe r slaughte with a with shears Replacing scalp. stubbled her exposes she until hair . territory l ditiona razor, she shaves away the offending bristles until her head is com- Illithids, ever conscious of resource management, do pletely smooth.e hav She y fastidiouslythe h whic n washesupo s her baldthrall e patethos withf o s fragrantbodie e th t le t no and scented oil. As her illithid master prepares for its repast, its for prepares master illithid her As oil. scented and soaps fed go to waste; after all, living thralls require suste- on smile vacant a feeding-stocks, the into head her bows Samantha nance as well. her pale lips and a tear of regret moistening her soft cheek. of tale true the on based story bardic popular a from —Excerpted Inter-illithid Relationships Samantha's final days in illithid captivity. illithid in days final Samantha's Queen n i d encountere y onl y usuall d an l lawfu h thoug n Eve a community of their fellows, illithids are highly individ- f o t though e th s a n imaginatio e th s terrifie o s g Nothin - aver y unseeml n a g competitive—harborin d an c ualisti - im t no s creature e Captiv . illithid n a y b d capture g bein sion towards the pooling of their mental powers. It is mediately utilized for nourishment face a terrible series unclear why illithids avoid such psionic disciplines as of suborning psionic conditioning sessions designed to convergence and rapport. However, it is likely due to the - trans d an n rebellio r o e escap f o s thought l al e subjugat , dies r flaye d min l individua n a n whe t tha f belie ' illithids form what d was oncecombine ane th individuaf o l inthierarchy oe ath mostln withi y s willinstatu gs receive t i s face l stil t i , state s thi s reache e slav a r afte Even . thrall elder mind commensurate to its accomplishments while the possibility of losing its brain at a moment's notice to an individuated being. Thus, feelings of competition be- the hungry whim of its illithid master. tween others of their own race are commonplace among o t d allowe t no e ar s urge e competitiv , course f O . illithids When an illithid first captures a creature, it shaves stand in the way of the greater good; where individual and powders s rule th g e haplesbindin e sth victie m utiliz wits h a bug-killinillithid l lawfu e g th dus , t fails n actio of politics to unite them. (this is done on a regular basis thereafter) and checks it d an , accomplishment , seniority f o n combinatio A for communicable diseases (which could contaminate psionic power determines standing among illithids. As other slaves). In addition, an illithid captor brands a an illithid advances in these areas, its standing rises l politica e th n withi s thu d faction—an n ow s it g amon a g raisin , forearm t lef s captive' s it n o o tatto l smal structure of an illithid community. significant welt for easy tentacle identification; this However, an equality of attitude exists even among illithids of different standings; these creatures do not Every illithid community has an Elder Concord. demonstrate any outward sign of deferential behavior When the goals of more than one illithid community toward their superiors. Such behavior is only for thralls. overlap, the two or more ruling concords in question Of course, within their hierarchical structure, illithids of form a temporary body referred to as a Grand Elder lower standing must obey higher ranking members of Concord. This body oversees the execution of the perti- e viabl s remain d Concor r Elde d Gran e Th . objective t nen from the t supremi e Onc e. illithid rulinunrealized s g bodyremain l (seegoa below)y .primar s it s a g lon s a . dissolves t i , objective s it s achieve The Elder Concord Aedileators . Concord r Elde e th f o s dictate e th y b d rule e ar s Illithid y communit t se o t r powe e th s ha d Concor r Elde e Th Within its sphere of influence, the Elder Concord elects goals, arrange for the execution of these goals, arbitrate various illithid officials, called aedileators. Though not disputes betweeo t t n illithidsrepor s , anofficial e d takthes , e care oConcord f r all otheElde e rth def o - s member tails importany t to thday-to-da ee rulinth g g of arunnin r communityfo e . Thresponsibl e Eldear d an r y bod t tha m fro s representative d illithi r senio f o s consist d Concor affairs of the community. Each particular aedileator has s a r bette d (translate s faction d recognize e th f o h eac the power to draw excess thralls from the general thrall Creeds) thate exisar s t within aedileator th l e communityIndividua . . tasks s it h accomplis o t l poo n brai r elde n a , community e th f o d shepher s a e rol s it n I - build r o g repairin , order c publi r fo e responsibl y variousl n I . Concord r Elde e th y b e mad n decisio y ever o t y priv s i - individ n betwee s dispute g handlin d an , works c publi g in r fo n actio f o s course e propos o t r powe e th s ha t i , addition r thei f o w fe a t jus a e nam o illithids—t l ua debate, place tie-breaking votes, and, most importantly. roles t , importan . agree t no s doe t i h whic h wit n actio f o s course o vet Quastors Illithids with strong opinions on a particular subject, - quas d calle , officials s elect o als d Concor r Elde e Th or those mind flayers with specific philosophies, usually . finances s community' a r fo e responsibl e ar t tha , tors join one of the various Creeds available within a com- n a o t e availabl s fund e th r fo t accoun d an d hol s Quastor munity—although it is by no means necessary that Elder Concord. Normally such funds stem from the dues every illithid belong to an objectified group. In many each Creed must pay in order to remain a recognized cases, an illithid may hold beliefs that coincide with r Elde e th y b y solel d directe s activitie , However . faction more than one Creed; however, most Creeds require Concord sometime. sideology prove on eh profitablwit n e as affiliatio well n . Specifiretai o t s c member r thei Creeds also elect internal quastors to see to their individ- An Elder Concord "recognizes" the various Creeds ual finances. and suffers their existence—if they pay a periodic due to One oft-recurring duty of a quastor involves the dis- the ruling body. Each Creed pursues a particular agenda, k underdar s variou o t s merchant d illithi f o t patchmen s feel t i t tha , philosophy e distinctiv a h wit f itsel s align r o communitiee th ss (nocase t t necessarilmos n i h y confineAlthoug . d only to othesignificance l r specia f o e b o t illithid communities). These merchants trade for special- objectives of one Creed have absolutely nothing to do ized merchandise and rare materials. In fact, sages spec- with the goals of another, there are cases where agendas ulate that certais n less-than-scrupulousometime y ma s Creed e s thralmor r o lo racetw , s fact n I . compete engage in an illicit brain trade. work at cross purposes.

l symbo e distinctiv a e tak h eac s Creed s variou e Th identifying their core beliefs. This symbol is a e th r fo d use h qualit l four-leve e th f o t varian . 56) e pag e (se d illithi e th f o e languag n writte l additiona o tw s contain l symbo h eac , However levels, for a total of six lines. Perhaps such symbology Vigileators came abou a resul s a f tulithari o t d influence? o t d Concor e th y b n chose s officer e thos e ar s Vigileator The following section details the more common direct the security of an illithid community. Illithid secu- illithid Creeds and identifies a few that exist at the rity forces normally consist of three bodies, each of fringe of illithid culture. All Creeds do not have a pres- : concern y securit r particula a r fo e responsibl s i h whic ence in every community. However, large and wealthy - intelli d an , defense d an e offens y militar , order l interna Creeds attempt to seed agents in many communities. gence. A singld e vigileatoillithi e th f ro head l al sd each securitidentifie t ye ys a branch t no e . hav s Scholar Illithids electe- de e filo dt particulaa l thos n tha rr officiaothe t l positioexis s n Creed l additiona ; Creeds must put aside any Creed affiliations for the good of the scribed here. community as a whole. Any illithid demonstrating a Creed-based bias in the execution of its duties loses its The Creatives - immedi y communit e th n withi g standin d an n positio ately. Of course, Creeds can legitimately attempt to influ- s consist d Cree e Creativ e Th ence an official's performance through its representative of illithids whose chief desire . Concord r Elde e th n o I lies in the research and creation Generally speaking, elected officials are chosen from of novel psychic disciplines, Creeds whose ideologies most closely resemble the I psionic items, and new technol- . question n i s dutie r particula e th f o t thrus ogy. Illithids joining this group - con h throug y onl t tha e believ | Creed- s even d an e advanc e whol a s a e rac e th n ca n creatio l tinua tually master the universe. Of course, the personal thrill Unknown to most surface dwellers—or even other of research and discovery is the main stimulus that underdark denizens—illithid. members s s group Creed' themselves thi f o y s intomajorit e th s drive factions, called- Creedsmain d . MembershiCree e Creativ p e inth a, Creed can becircumstances al idea r Unde very important thing for an individual illithid, as repre- Concord. r Elde n a p u e mak n factio h eac m fro s sentative various members can congregate to pursue their private s succes e th s house o als y facilit s Thi . research t join d an The Possessors (and failures) of past projects in sealed vaults. The Possessor Creed holds The Awaiters I that wealth is the single most g achievin n i t elemen t importan s consist d Cree r Awaite e Th I utter dominance. Simply put, d rapi w esche t tha s illithid f o I great wealth equals great e cohesiv f o r favo n i g schemin n a , wealth h enoug h Wit . power I planning. Only after an illithid can unbar any door, un- Awaiter patiently calculates earth any secret, and contract any service imaginable. t i s doe r facto e - con possibl s y ever Possessor , resources t sufficien g obtainin n Upo . motion n i n . pla d reserves h propose cas a r t thei pu e stor o t h whic n i s vault y might t struc . rash o to s i e rac r thei t tha l fee s Awaiter t mos , general n I These vaults are marvels of security; only the foolhardy These illithid, straps see, k experienceguardians y s man i nr a multiversthei t pas p sli e o ot ft continattemp - d woul ual flux. and psionic deadfalls. Generally, the Elder Concord c periodi g requirin f o u lie n (i t vaul a f o n portio a s lease seems chaotic. Awaiters, however, believe that Law—the dues from the Possessor Creed) for the storage of their order thao t enforces a y s all change—guidecommunit y ever n i s srage the e chaosdebat e . Th . reserve n ow Illithidse claiminth r o s g the symboConcord' r l Elde o fe this Creedlarger—th are ear usualls yreserve e whos impartial to other philosophies beyond that of calculated Possessor Creed's? e th y b d electe s themselve d fin n ofte y the d an , action a r sponso n ofte s Possessor , vaults e th o t n additio n I Elder Concorh fort ds to fill venture aedileato t tha s r positionmerchant d s becausillithi s e of thiambitiou s f o p grou trait. Awaiters are usually the impetus behind the most into the underdark to engage other races in trade—even diabolical of illithid schemes. though these races are but thralls in waiting. In this way, illithid merchants import many nurse an undying hatred toward mind flayers, e unattainabl y normall s item and they go so far as to organize illithid hunting y communit d illithi n a n withi forays. It lies in the best interest of each mind due to lack of specializatiot nagains t (or vigilan r eve n remai o t y communit r flaye - pos t tha s thrall n retai o t e failur the possibility of an attack from one or both of these n specializatio e requisit e th s ses vengeful groups. or skill). These merchants usually sell The Thorough Biters the imported products at the Bazaar—a profitable business venture The Creed of the Thorough I also sponsored by the Possessor Creed. Biters gains its name from its Of course, the Elder Concord allows the peculiar credo: Life Is Biting Possessors to sponsor the Bazaar fo- r be th s e Biter h Thoroug . Through trade it engenders. The ruling body n lear n ca s illithid t tha e liev turns a profit every time it sends out new concepts only through e rar c specifi g targetin s mission e trad failure. materials essential to an entire illithid For a Biter, the multiverse is lawful. However, this order remains inscrutable to most beings, and it pulls the It goe, s withouacts d t sayinillithi n a n g thaWhe t . Possessorways e s unfathomabl n i e multivers make ideal quastors, and it is often the it does so in accordance with the lawful macrocosm. Yet case that other Creeds contract individual an illithid can never really know the entire consequences Possessors to serve in that capacity for their of its actions. Acknowledging this failure through the . faction r particula observation of an action's effects affords the observant illithid with an opportunity to learn. The next time the The Tamers illithid in question encounters a similar problem, it will choose the proper course of action. t d mos Cree e r unlik Tame , e Th Biters h Thoroug f o d Cree e th f o s Member | believes that military illithids, have a sense of humility—although they regard I might is the most im- this sentiment simply as a vehicle for learning. Thorough - fu e th - n i r facto "frustra t l racia portan e th f o t amoun t leas e th e evidenc s Biter ture master multiversee th f yo . tion" so common among illithids because of their unique r thei e impos s o t k see accord s d Tamer Concor r Elde e Th . failure t abou s perception will upon the world through special attention to the opinions of this Creed, as their r o , tricks , diplomacy g alone—forswearin e forc l martia opinions are generally reasonable. alliance. These illithids believe so strongly in the impor- tance of military might that some members actually train The Nourishers in the warrior disciplines. Such warrior-trained illithids sacrifice some ability in the psionic arts; however, they The Nourisher Creed believes believe that this sacrifice is more thans paid back community' throug d hillithi an t tha e ar s Tamer . ability g fightin e tangibl f o n acquisitio e th thrall population is its most pre- - commu e entir e th g servin , vigileators s a d electe n ofte cious resource. Nourishers trea- nity with their fanatic insistence on martial dominance. sure their thralls above all else - main d Cree r Tame e th , circumstances l idea r Unde and do not take for granted the tains a martial facility where member- s under mee s t tothrall t discustha s s chore y man the philosophl al , y ocourse f f warfareO . race , d to devisillithi e eth novef o t l tactics, ariimprovemen de th r fo e tak r offe t tha s Facilitie . war f o s art e th n i y ferventl n trai o t illithids recognize the importance of thralls; the Nourisher such training generally sport a small arena, where Creed merely seeks to promote the significance of the t agains g fightin y b e experienc l martia n gai n ca s illithid thrall in contrast to all the other special interests and slaves. Creeds on which other illithids attach their hopes. One of the most important duties relegated to the Nourishers often maintain the facility that houses the Tamer Creed is that of providing a sound defense general thrall pool; this Creed's devotion to the thralls against githyanki hunting partie. s andduties rrakkmh suc o t a d (githzerasuite t imos s seem hunting parties). These former thrall races continue to The Abysmal The Influencers s feel d Cree l Abysma e Th The Influencer Creed con- that the terror and disgust all g unearthin e th h wit f itsel s cern other races feel toward the of secrets and the swaying of illithids serves as an ideal too! t indirec h throug s opinion d illithi f o n promotio e th r fo methods. According to an Influ- policy. This faction proposes encer, riches, psionic power, and - pro y consciousl s illithid t tha military might avail nought in mote thi. s perceptiogoal c nspecifi aa t alg l times.regardin In f other raceinformatio st suffiexac f -o e absenc e th e giv o t y likel e mor e ar y the , threat d illithi e th r fea y cientl Such information gathering goes hand-in-hand with r thei f o t fac e th g dominance—acceptin d illithi o t y wa the creation of a web of influence which best channels thralldo. m oncthreat ed and for perceive all o t . e respons s enemy' n a f o n directio e th s opinion r thei r fo t dissen g stron w dra s Abysmal e Th Many a thrall city has fallen due to insufficient prepara- among other illithids, although from time to time the tion in the face of an illithid threat; the lack of preventa- viewpoint off thio t s Creefee e th d t wina y s throughsolel s fall . s Certaicase e n illithithes n i ds en- measure e tiv terprises are colored with the Abysmal's core philosophy: Influencer agents. Perform an actiog n in agatherin way that generateintelligence r s as vigileato muc d hlea horron ofte rs Influencer as possible in all nonillithids affected by the enterprise. operations. Influencers normally maintain a small com- - infiltra f o s art e th n i n trai s member d Cree e wher x ple tion and spying. The Darkeners The Gatherers The Darkener Creed embod- - con d Cree r Gathere e Th f o d hatre s race' d illithi e th s ie stantly ruminates on why the sunlight (as illustrated under illithid race splits its efforts so "Beliefs" above). Illithids know widely between so many com- d suite t bes e ar s bodie r thei t tha munities. They ask, "Wouldn't to cool darkness and revealing our purposes be better served d woul s race l Thral . shadow if we consolidated our crumble before the illithid presence if the advantage ac- strength, gathering together our far-flung communities, corded to them by universal whim were extinguished. and amassed such power as would cause all other thrall Darkeners r are a maste prominen e tru d an t e Creeon e dth is na almoss u e t every acknowledg o t s race illithid community. Members maintain a central facility race?" Gatherers feel that disparate communities splinter where they—as well as some members of the Creative illithid power in almost every area—including psionic Creed—labor long and hard upon various schemes that research, military might, and regional domination. might some day provide a viable method to achieve Unlike many other Creeds, the Gatherer Creed is a their darks endsthi n I . . In addition, communities Darkener n betwee s n ofteeve n, employ In- organization e singl fluencers to search among thrall races for any means of way, vocal proponents of community fusion can coordi- . suns g extinguishin nate their efforts among various Elder Concords. To Unfortunately for them, Darkeners are generally un- date, the Gatherers have made little progress. It should successful in their efforts to put out the light. Suns are be noted, however, that in almost every case, the Gath- vast, burninr g ballElde d s ofGran volatil a f o g e energymeetin e ; simplth d e psioniorganize s c ha d Cree r ere abilities (or magical spells) do not have the sheer power Concord. to affect such embedded structures of the cosmos. Still, Darkeners continue their age-long research into extin- guishing natural sources of sunlight. The Arisers Cominq of Aqe The Ariser Creed believes Following ceremorphosis, an illithid possesses the h pus d shoul s flayer d min t tha size and bearing of an adult; however, its mental o t d upwar n dominatio r thei e th e world—despit e surfac e th development is far from complete. A young illithid's mind hindrance of sunlight. Arisers is not as blank as that of a newborn thrall. The psionic think that by limiting them- selves to just half of the entire web provided by the elder brain and other illithids of the world (ths it e e subterraneawhil d illithi n g half)youn , illithida f o d s armin e effectivelth s yeducate rey - communit d worl e complet g holdin r eve m fro s themselve g signin body finishes transforming. Still, there are certain things e th r fo g waitin t tha l fee s flayer d min e Thes . dominance - at d illithi n a y dela l wil n su e th h extinguis o t s Darkener that only experience can teach. The two most important e evolv r neve y ma y the , Worse . late o to s i t i l unti k tac are the domination of a thrall and the consumption of a such a method—in which case the illithid race will never brain; usually, the two go hand in hand. . destiny s it e realiz g developin e tim r thei f o n portio e larg a d spen s Ariser e on n withi n brai a e consum t mus d illithi g youn A equipment that allows illithids to move in as unhindered month of its ceremorphosis or risk starvation. When the a manner- as bal possibl a o t t e whilbrough e s i i nd full daylightillithi y hungr . Thee th , y alsnear os draw e tim plan domey db communitiesd maintaine l , illithipoo l d surfacthral l e genera colonie e th g s pro- overlookin y con tected fro- m sup th ed raginan t g light of thencouragemen e e sunth .h Wit . Creed r Nourishe e th port of its peers—and at least one overseeing adult - psioni d an l thral Thy e Veneratorlikel a s select sr youngste e illithid—th cally commands it to ascend to the balcony. When the t tha s s it illithid s e ar s gobble d illithi Venerator g youn e th , balcony e th s reache l thral directly revere and represent first feast. When the grisly scene plays out, the young- n I . Ilsensine f o s interest e th I ster officially comes of age; it can legitimately make its I fact, these Cree. d membersociety d sillithi n i y wa n ow s acolyte d an s priest s a n functio I s flayer d min t Mos . Ilsensine f o I Joining the Elder Brain l persona p develo o t t conten e ar psionic might and look forward to integration with the Illithids do not speak of dying, but of Commence- elder brain at their death. The Venerators, however, give ment. An illithid does not face oblivion or some spiritual their lives to Ilsensine and reap the benefits of service to communion with its deity after death. Rather, it experi- the Tentaclede Lord (seexistenc f eo Chaptee stat a r, 4: Historybrain r elde ane dth Theologh wit n y unio s ence for more details)o s r . time—o l al r fo t las l wil s abilitie d an d min s it e wher The Veneratod illithi r w Creefello d a makef o h s adeat poine th , t to spreaThus . d itsbelieves d illithi h eac membership to as many different communities as pos- is not a time of sorrow, but a time of celebration and sible for the "Glory of Ilsensine!" However, there are cer- envy. tainly some communitie- im s fellow s s wherit , e illithidhome s it m s cannofro r fa ts channedie d l illithi n a n Whe a spell from the illithid deity. mediately extract its brain and preserve it against further r Venerato e th y b " "blessed s communitie e Thos e th f o l poo e th m fro d flui y brin e som g applyin y b y deca Creed's presence possess temples dedicated to Ilsensine. elder brain. Because this is such an important facet in the Here the faithful can offer up their reverence to the self- Commencement of an illithid, all mind flayers traveling proclaimed god of the illithids. abroad carry vials of this fluid for such occasions. The return of an illithid's preserved cerebral matter to its community is always a prime goal of illithids carrying Illithid Social Customs. burden a h suc a r afte r (o y communit s it n withi s die d illithi n a n Whe Like any other creatures, illithids engage in a variety preserved brain returns from abroad), the creatures hold of practices and customs unique to their own mind set. a short ceremony at the edge of their elder brain's pool. a o t t bu , life f o y wa d illithi e th t a e cring y ma s race r Othe r elde e th h watc o t e congregat s peer s deceased' e Th mind flayerr , its matte communit y gra w ne y e lifth e y is richden r o ant d rewardingaccep o t n . decisio s brain' d now-decease e th s accept n brai r elde e th f I . itself o int ons in a manner analogous to the way surface-dwelling mind, it mentally welcomes the new addition with lov- jockeys ride their horses. In dominance tournaments, - de n the d decease e th f o n brai e Th . endearment g in however, illithid competitors face off against each other scends into the pool via telekinesis. suspended on stone platforms high above the actual f itsel n brai r elde e th f o d pseudopo a , deposited e Onc field of battle. Each competitor is linked to its champion e Th . matter y gra g free-floatin e th s absorb d an s engulf so that taste, touch, feel, and other thrall sensations are living illithid- dom s e theTh n. mentallycontroller haid l theiillithi e rth eldeo t e r brain,availabl y immediatel wherein all one day hope to reside, and leave the cham- inated thralls fight to the death under the complete con- ber to celebrate the successful union through a variety of trol of their illithid "riders." . entertainments d illithi Large audiences of noncompeting illithids view the s crystal d attune y psionicall l specia h throug e spectacl Entertainment strategically placed around the arena. These spectators wager on the success of favored illithid competitors. d illithi n i n ofte s occur s sort s variou f o t Entertainmen . expense ' thralls r thei t a y mostl h culture—althoug g Eatin e Performanc One of the most popular entertainments in illithid cul- Dominance Tournamente wher e spastim c psioni a , eating e performanc s i e tur Most scholars know that illithids enjoy pitting their taste-linked audience illithids share in the artistic con- thralls againsa s i r t eaceate he other in gladiatoriaperformanc h Eac . l arenasbrain s ; ththrall' e a trut f o hn sumptio of the matter,y howeverspeciall ) , is subtlerNourisher . a Whil y e it (usuall i s d true thaillithi n t gourmet—a thralls compete against each other in mortal combat, trained to exact the most delightful prelude to the meal, each combatant is actually under the complete psionic and then to evoke every pleasing environmental factor e th f o r membe a r (o competitor d illithi n a f o l contro and tasty nuance during the actual consumption of a Tamer Creel d smal jus n i tr beginninoccu y g tousuall trais n in martiaperformance l arts)h Suc .. brain s thrall' - champi l thral d favore r thei " "ride s competitor d Illithi . eating e performanc r fo y especiall e asid t se s auditorium

Nonpsionic Communications name d Illithi o t y abilit r thei n i s race r othe t mos s surpas r fa s Illithid Illithid names are more complex than those of crea- - hyper-intelli e ar y the , Still . mind o t d min e communicat - communi o t s sound l one-dimensiona y onl g usin s ture gent beings, creatures that realize the advantages of cate and to convey concepts. The very nature of psionic other forms of communication. telepathy allows true telepaths (such as illithids) to gar- ner far more from a simple name. To nonillithids, an Qualith e th f o n portio e th y onl n upo s impinge e nam d illithi Putting their prodigiou. things s mindh suc so t tog work,meanin thn e illithidassig o t sd use n brai . touch d an e textur n o d base g writin f o m syste a d devise This writing, called qualith, attempts to capture the Thus, an illithid name may seem no more complex essence of the immersive telepathic contact normally than the name of any individual from a foreign culture. s level r fou s utilize h qualit e Th . communication r fo d use d an , Ralayn , Aurangaul , Suit , Sard , Drukt s a h suc s Name of logic simultaneously: four striated lines, each alter- nately solid om r brokenfro t , alondifferen y g which illithidexceptionall d s rusoun nt theino o rd n S'venche tentacles in order c to perceivpsioni e th e , meaningcourse f . O Thus . , aMarta typicar o , lJon , Branwen line of illithid text carved into a rock wall or punched e multitud a s convey e nam s flayer' d min a f o g referencin into stiff parchment could look like the following: , age g illithid—includin n a o t n informatio l additiona f o status, Creed, and psionic ability.

Even though elder brains are conglomerate minds, they do possess personalities of their own. In fact, many e Thes . form t firs y the n whe s name e tak s brain r elde - un o t d har y fiendishl e languag s thi d fin s Nonillithid names may be some derivation of the prime minds that derstands . Onlbrain y r thoselde e , creaturesHowever . employing a personalities tentacl e cor r e othei r p u e mak o t e chanc y an e hav s line r fou e th f o h eac n o e appendag , events , feelings t sugges t tha s name c enigmati e tak n ofte grasp its full meaning, as each line of the "text" modifies or even states of mind. In an economical manner, illithid - mean e complet e th , Thus . lines r othe e th f o g meanin e th communities take their name from their elder brain. ing only materializes in the gestalt presented by all four . together s line Outcasts t tha s communitie r flaye d min e rogu f o t exis s Rumor experiment with magic and spells—a thoroughly de- Illithids almost never leave their communities perma- testable, and unnaturahowever , l eventSometimes b. y thnot er o light y s of thvoluntar er illithid nently—whethe majority. Such communities have supposedly developed an illithid may grossly violate the tenets of its own qualith inty o a simplercommunit e , lesth , s rigorouscases h suc , trun I . e writteCreed s nit lann -eve r o s specie guage in ordee ar s r to investigattraitor e thes , e the mechanicGenerally . s traitor oa f t speli s l brand d Cree r o . casting d an n memorizatio . escape o t e manag o d e som t bu , immediately d execute Running away from the community and the elder Illithid Sigd n Languagwoul d min t e righ s it n i d illithi n a g somethin t no s i n brai o t d Cree r Tame e th y b d develope , medium s Thi ever do, death sentence or not. Therefore, fleeing illithids stymie psionio t cs eavesdroppindesire g stron e g frohav my rrakkmma d an s a and othedeviant y r probabl e ar illithid foes, utilizes a highly complex form of sign lan- learn magic. guage. This language engages all four of an illithid's ten- Strangely enough, mind flayers denied the possibility of f o m for d engrave e th s a s rigorou s a t no e Whil . tacles later communion with the elder brain usually end up wor- d illithi , telepathy c psioni s a g far-reachin s a r o h qualit - even n a g findin f o s hope n i y Ilsensine—probabl g shipin e undetectabl g bein f o e advantag e th s ha e languag n sig y equall s i t i , However . spirits t outcas r thei r fo e hom l tua - crea e thos n eve ; bugging c psioni r o g eavesdroppin y b likely that illithids in such straits will seek out the secret of tures viewing it are unlikely to interpret the meanings of immortality first through magic alone, but finally through four rapidly signing tentacles. magical preservation of their bodies. These creatures be- l al h wit s odd t a y completel , monsters s blasphemou e com that normal illithid culture holds as true and right. Illithids call these foul creatures illithilichs or alhoons. Illithids And h Undeanig s d themselve g renderin s thu , chameleons undetectable to the infravisual capabilities of illithids. Illithids are masters of the mental sphere; therefore, all e thes e notic s illithid n ca , infra-light d reflecte y b y Onl creatures that walk on, below, and between the worlds are subject to the wiles, whims, and dictates of the mas- creatures. Unfortunately, illithids can only spot undead ters. All creatures, that is, except the undead. under these conditions at a distance of 20 feet—when it Undead—those creatures whose spirits have fled for - im t no o d d an " "mindless e realms—ar ) lower r (o r highe . action e appropriat r fo e lat o to s i pinge at all upon the mental plane. However, the foul power of necromancyt bu , allowundead e s theiloath rd bodiean r sfea ts o actrace witt hmos t tha e tru s i t I dark purposes , feel echoin d gillithi failean t d endeavorwha o t d s andcompare cheating nothin g s i r fea h suc r lesse h Bot . vitality r fo n animatio g substitutin y b h deat o S . creatures e damnabl e thes h wit d confronte n whe y The : trait e terribl e sam e th e shar d undea r greate d an used to the mastery of others with a thought, illithids are invisible to illithid mental perception and immune to tremble when they encounter unassailable minds. Unfor- . domination l menta d illithi tunately for mind flayers, undead are utterly and com- y ver r thei y b n manipulatio c psioni o t e immun y pletel As if ts o add insulappear t i , t to injurythings g , undeaviewin f o dy dowa s not radiatillithid' n ea o T . nature as if undead were created long, long ago just to thwart infrared heas l likha f e everbelie a y h othesuc rt animattha y e creatureunlikel s i t I . . Rattier, dominance d illithi e lik s surrounding r thei f o e temperatur e th r mirro y (he any validity, but regardless of the truth, undead are no enemies. However, illithids see this as a natural y creatures—particularl g livin l al o t s threat t everpresen illithids. function of a universe filled with ignorant thralls that do - commu d illithi n a f o y vicinit e th n i d undea f o t repor e Th not know any better than to snap at the hand of their e th y b d threatene s illithid l al n o t affec g unifyin a s ha y nit news. These creatures shelve agendas and temporarily eventual masters. t threa e th e eradicat o t s plan h hatc y the e whil s dispute e settl as quickly as illithidly possible. Eradication is usually ac- complished through the use of a hardened group of loyal Perhaps no other creatures demonstrate this better (conditioned) thralls—creatures better able to deal with the than the githyanki and the githzerai. As noted in Chap- psychologicad l trauma ohumanoi ft facingdistinc ae mindlesthes , s creatureTheology d . an y Histor : 4 r te races were once unified under illithid control. In a fash- ion still not completely understood by illithids even Illithidd s an an l d Githyankcontro d illithi f o e iyok e th f of w thre h git e th , today attained independence. Unfortunately, thousands of t tha e littl s i e ther , undead h wit r encounte n a s Beside years later, both races continue to harbor ill feelings to- e hav s creature e thes t tha y sa o t t no s i t Tha . fear s illithid wards their former mentors. s Partie g Huntin d Illithi

Illithid hunting parlies are usually led by a 7th- level githyanki "knight" (note special powers) i githyank g spellcastin a sword, silver a g carryin "warlock" of 5th level, and nine 3rd-level githyanki warriors. There is a 35% chance that one or two (1d2) red dragons accompany such a group.

Githyanki knight (7th-level fighter): AC -3; MV 12; hp 70; THACO 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d10+l e paladin-lik , psionics A S ; sword) d two-hande 1 (+ abilities; SD paladin-like abilities; SZ M (6' tall); ML Elite (14); Int Genius (17); AL CE; XP 7,000. d an s power e th f o l al e hav s knight i Githyank : Notes abilities of a human paladin—except these powers are turned toward evil. They can also plane shift at will. Mind Rip SA—command undead, detect good, cause disease (once (telepathic devotion) / (2hp wounds cause d an good, from protection , week) r pe MAC: 2 PSP Cost: 25/4 level once per day). Range: 30 yds. Area of Effect: Individual SD—Immune to disease, +2 bonus on all saving throws. When a githzerai successfully employs mind rip Psionics Summary: #AT 1, MTHACO 12; MAC 7; Lv 7; PSPs 1d100+150; Psionic Attacks of mental energy temporarily rips away 1d4 points of s Discipline c Psioni ; All s Defense c Psioni ; All the victim's intelligence. Creatures affected by this levitation, bod1 yf o equilibrium e rat a t a s , probabilitpoint e y travelIntelligenc t ,los n regai y abilit . ESP d an , awe , domination , teleport point per hour. However, targets drained to 0 Intelli- t shu y bod d an n brai r thei s a y immediatel e di e genc ; 8 C A : mage) l (5th-leve k warloc i Githyank ; (staff) 6 1d g Dm ; 1 T #A ; 19 O THAC ; 40 p h ; 12 V M p ri d min s employ y successfull i githzera a n Whe SA psionics, cast spells as 5th-1evel mage; SZ M against a psionic target whose PSP pool has been (6' tall); ML Elite (14); Int Genius (17); AL CE; exhausted through mental conflict, a savage talon of XP 2,000. mental energy permanently rips one psionic ability Notes: Githyanki warlocks can plane shift at will. from the target. The DM should randomly choose the Psionics Summary: #AT 1, MTHACO 14; . ability d affecte MAC 9; Lv 5; h PSPsuc s 1d100+150— d min s ; Psionibeing' a f o c Attackn portio sl integra n a n Whe s Discipline c Psioni ; All s Defense c Psioni ; All as a psionic ability — is messily ripped out without , teleport , travel y probabilit , equilibrium y bod regard for precision or technique, the victim experi- and ESP. ences a certain amount of pain. Thus, a creature losing a psionic ability also suffers 3d6 points of damage as Githyanki warrior (3rd-level fighter): AC 0; searing, mental flames wash across the back of its MV 12; hp 30; THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 head. (two-handed sword)w ;cla So At psionicsp ri d min ; Se Zus My (6' tall); successfull t tha i Githzera ML Ave (9);t Int Exceptionamus e creatur r l (15); Aanothe Lm CEfro ; Xy P 975abilit c . psioni a y awa Notes: Githyanki warlocks can plane shift at will. refrain from using it again for at least 24 full hours, C MA ; 14 O MTHAC , 1 T #A : Summary s Psionic d require s energie l menta e th f o l contro e los y the t les 9; Lv 3; PSPs 1d100+150; Psionic Attacks All; for such an invasive attack. Such loss of control indi- - proba s Discipline c Psioni ; All s Defense c Psioni cates a 65% chance that the githzerai will permanently bility travel, and ESP. lose one of its own psionic abilities. h lic l fou r thei f o d comman e th r unde , Githyanki Illithids and Githzerai t tha s hunter d illithi f o s group m for y constantl , queen seek to scour the planes free of illithid influence. Appar- Githyanki are not alone in their perpetual for ently, every githyanki warrior must serve time in an vengeance against the illithid race; the githzerai also ex- , way s thi n I . training l persona r fo y part g huntin d illithi d illithi n i d quenche e b o t t ye e rag g burnin a e perienc s experience e sam e th f o e som m clai s warrior i githyank blood. Like githyanki, githzerai organize themselves into s flayer d min e th t agains d warre o wh s forebearer r thei s a bands whose only purpose is to slay illithids. They call - in n a s posses s partie g huntin e Thes . freedom r thei r fo . parties g huntin r o , rrakkma s band e thes - pow d an , habits , tactics d illithi f o e knowledg e credibl The githzerai have developed a very deadly psionic ers. They ard e alsBase o. awareflayers od f thmin e t capabilitieagains e us sr offo miny d flayespecificall r e scienc thralls. g bein c enigmati n a h wit r encounte t ancien n ow r thei n o Despite the earlier noted illithid nonchalance, illithids known only as Khulgar the Mind Ripper, the githzerai truly fear these hunters, and they take extra precautions affectionately call this psionic ability the mind rip. n informatio e Th . themselves t protec d an l concea o t given in "Illithid Hunting Parties" reflects an average . party g huntin githyanki An Illithid Community

lives close enough for the occasional skirmish. Abstemious contains about 200 illithids and approxi- mately 500 thralls—bringing the total population to around 700 individuals. Unless noted otherwise, game statistics for illithids and their minions can be found in Chapter 8. The outer facade of the community houses the thrall population, while deeper areas contain the bulk of the r oute an e hav s area r deepe e Thes . population d illithi - cav l thral e th o t s connect g rin r oute e Th . ring r inne d an erns. However, there is no physical connection between the outer and inner ring; the inner ring is accessible only . space-time f o g twistin ) magical r (o c psioni e th h throug The edge of the inner ring contains the bulk of the illithid community and is dominated by an axial plaza (communities larger than Abstemious might boast sev- eral axial plazas). The rest of the inner ring houses areas of extreme importance to all illithids—including the pool of the elder brain. All areas are numbered consecutively from area 1 to 21. However, the three separate maps included in this chapter show various levels of detail. The Abstemious cross- section map illustrates the connection Whether illithids are world bound or range widely in the depths of between the two detail maps: The Outer y protectivel s communitie r fo e preferenc l racia a n retai y the , wildspace Ring map and the Inner Ring map. e thes , Thus . body l asteroida r o d worl a f o e surfac e th w belo p dee t buil 1. Entrance Cavern creatures maintain a certain conformity of architecture between their communities. - pas k underdar g windin o tw t leas t A sages open into this gargantuan fissure created through natural geologic Abstemious process. The ceiling is home to hundreds of damp stalac- tites that continually drip condensation to the floor The text below details a typical illithid community, below. The cavern's floor holds a large village of grim- d illithi e Whil . Abstemious n brai r eide e th y b d shepherde lock thralls—although illithid control is not immediately communities vary according to the world upon which evident to the casual eye. In spite of the vigilance of the they reside—and upon the extant Creeds making up the grimlocks housed in guard towers (area 2), the psionic Elder Concord—many of the features described below awareness exerted by the elder brain usually notes the are almost universal among mind flayer cities. presence of approaching intruders. Abstemious detects The community of Abstemious exists deep in the bowels all unshielded minds within the entrance cavern and of the underdark, fairly distant from immediate threat of down each approaching underdark passage, to a dis- other subterranean races. However, a colony of derro tance of 300 yards. s Tower d Guar . 2 p to s it t a m platfor d crenelate a s ha r towe d guar h Eac Two 30-foot-high guard towers cover each of the un- and two lower stories. Four grimlock sentries constantly derdark passaget agains s t that openvigilan , s inttower o h theeac entranc f o m e cavernplatfor e th . An t upo d stan the behesl al t og f theiramon illithin d rotatio masters s ,follow grimlocy dut d k thrall(guar n s builtintrusio n foreig these rough towers from stone blocks mined from the billeted within the tower). In addition, 12 other grim- floor of thf eI . caverntower h itselfeac f . o s storey r lowe e th n o h watc d stan s lock intruders cannot legitimately account for their presence, illithid have thoroughly conditioned the grimlocks liv- y ever t aler o t h enoug d lou g gon a d soun s sentrie e th ing in this cavern to accept their servitude willingly. In grimlock in the cavern. fact, the thralls no longer require constant psychic domi- , weapons l persona t bu l al f o e bar e ar s chamber e Th nation; however, four illithid overseers do keep an eye . cots s mos d an , provisions . 4) a are e (se " "village k grimloc e th n o The grimlocks living here serve as a first line of defense 3. Grimlock Village in the event that invaders attack the illithid community. In addition, these grimlocks function as skirmishers dur- Thise caverher s n is thrall hom e th ef o t oy a largMan . e populatioaggression nd of grimlocillithi f o s k period g in thralls. Crude domesreturn t bu , , roughbelow y buildings communit (enoug d illithi he toth housn i e e serv n ofte s accoutrement e th l al d an , grimlocks) 0 20 y approximatel . rest d an d fee o t n caver e th o t y periodicall . cavern e th n i r appea e villag n subterranea e sizeabl a f o l severa , nursery a , lodge g huntin a f o s consist e villag e Th 4. Inlet s tract e larg , spring a , each) s grimlock 2-5 g (housin s hut of soil set aside fo- rbe ths e productioseem t I . nlarge t of bu edibl e e crud mos s i e s and structur e ston s Thi d her l smal a g containin n pe d line y speciall a d an , fungi nign from the exterior, but in fact it always holds four of gohlbrorn livestock (see Chapter 9 for more informa- illithid overseers (wearing the symbol of the Nourisher - leather a , stonecarver a , addition n I . gohlbrorn) n o n tio y the ; hours x si f o s shift y dut d stan s overseer e Th . Creed) worker, a parchment maker, and a crude blacksmith keep tabs on the activities of the grimlock village and s complete y quarr k roc l smal A . village e th n withi t exis pass warnings on to the elder brain in the event of a . community k grimloc d sophisticate s thi f o p u t se e th s brain' r elde e th s elude w someho t tha k attac l physica k lac t apparen e th e not y ma s observer g Discriminatin psionic surveillance. of a central authoritys it .n i Thi r s is, ofchambe t coursesecre ,a dus e to thcontain e o facals tg buildin s Thi that the - grimlockcham e sth f aro er notfloo mastere th n i sd of theilocate r e own fatepassag l . Thsmal ea ; center her leads toward the outer ring of the true illithid com- and psionically in the same round. munity. The door to this secret chamber is 10 feet high SD—The creature constantly emanates a psionic field n i h fort y sall o t e forc e larg a g allowin , broad t fee 0 2 d an (at no PSP cost) that renders it immune to normal and case of an emergency. When closed, the door is difficult magical fire; this field also reduces its damage from elec- to detect, requiring a normal find secret doors roll. The tricity to 1 hit point per die of damage rolled. In addition, t fee 0 2 d an h hig t fee 0 1 o als s i d beyon l tunne h roug . enchantment 3 + n tha s les f o s weapon o t e immun s i t i . 5 a are d towar y steepl s descend t i ; broad f o t poin 1 t inflic y onl t enchantmen r greate f o s Weapon damage per successful strike. Finally, a death spell is only 5. Checkpoint s remain kill word: power a t bu , succeed o t y likel % 25 effective. s grill g viewin w narro h wit t inse s door n iro t Stou SW—A protection from evil spell keeps the intellect de- n Withi . chamber l artificia , large s thi f o e sid r eithe d guar s creature e thes e driv s fire d an s light t brigh ; bay t a r voure the chamber, a contingent of twenty 4HD grimlocks away. under the control of four standard illithids monitor the area. In the event ; o7 f aC n attackMA ; 12 , O the mind MTHAC flayer , 1 T s#A sen: d Summary s Psionic r elde e th ; brain r elde e th o t n communicatio l menta d i , (EW) p whi o eg s Attack c Psioni ; 200 s PSP ; 8 v L , Meanwhile . community e entir e th s warn , turn n i , brain insinuation (II); Psionic Defenses intellect fortress n withi d respon d an e mobiliz 0 1 a are n i s force l additiona , (MBk) k blan d min , (MB) r barrie l menta , (IF) five rounds. - ectoplas s Discipline c Psioni ; (TS) d shiel t though The Tamer Cree- ex d , also maintainpower n s itschameleo , facility in associaequilibrium y -bod , form c mi e th n i n show s a , 9) a are e (se t checkpoin s thi h wit n tio , domination , projection l astra , reduction , pansion Outer Ring map. mindlink, aversion, and telempathic projection.

6. "Watchdogs" g Rin r Oute . 7 n caver natural-looking s Thi The outer ring is shown on contains a small spring, hang- both the Abstemious Crossec- ing growths of dark fungus, l detai r greate n i d an p ma n tio s devourer t intellec e fiv d an on the Outer Ring map. The - fun e th t amids k bac n hidde corridor composing the outer n o d fee s creature e Thes . gus t fee 0 2 d an e wid t fee 0 2 s i g rin the ubiquitous empathic fun- tall; it completely encom- gus, but they also supplement e th d an a plaz l axia e th s passe their diets with an occasional illithids' private dwellings. It yummy brain. connects to those areas via The intellect devourers will four large passages. not attack illithids, creatures s Wakeman' n i d describe s A - grim r o , illithids y b d escorte journal entries, this wide pas- locks. The intellect devourer sage is humid and heavily r othe l al r conside s watchdog carved with motifs not unlike creatures fair game. - con l neura d expose f o e thos nections. Superimposed over C A : (5) s Devourer t Intellec e th n o s carving e decorativ e th 0 6+63 D p H ;h ; 15 V M ; 4 s continuou a s run l wal r oute (average); THACO 13; #AT 4; line of illithid qualith. The Dmg 1-4 (x4) (claw x4); SA psionic abilities; SD +3 illithids, gives precise direc- ; hit o t n weapo r bette r o tions to the various locations c Fanati L M ; (6´long) M Z S and facilities accessible on the (17); Int Very (11); AL CE; Outer Ring. XP 6,000. Every Creed maintains its Notes: SA—The intellect de- . Ring r Oute e th f of y facilit e th , facilities d Cree s Beside

9. Tamer Facility various offices of elected offi- cials (aedileators, vigileators, The Tamers maintain a etc.) connect to the ring. The complex of chambers con- s area e thes f o t importan t mos nected by locked iron doors. have their own numbered Members of this Creed over- entry. see the combatants in the main Arena (area 11), watch a Plaz l Axia . 8 s troop k shoc l thral e th r ove s armorie p kee , 10 a are n i a plaz , axial r o , central e Th filled with arms suited for l spherica h hig , wide a s i d an , illithids d an s thrall h bot chamber constituting the prime area of social congre- where illithids physically en- gation for the illithid popula- d an s duel n i r othe h eac e gag tion. The floor of the plaza . challenges l martia holds a series of wide, shal- d illithi 0 1 o t p u , Normally low basins, where a lounging Tamers work within the en- n i t res t migh r flaye d min e thes f o y Man . complex e tir comfort after long hours individuals wear illithid- spent working in various ca- s exoskeleton d customize t a s ha n basi h Eac . pacities and tentacle-extensions (see least two or three eating- Chapter 7: Illithid Technol- stocks overlooking it, so that ogy). Ten to twenty 4HD hungry illithids need not stir thrall warriors also spend o t r orde n i l poo r thei m fro time here—often serving as dine on gray matter. sparring partners to these Normally, 20-40 standard d min d military-minde g takin d foun e b n ca s illithid flayers. their ease and filling up on brain tissue in this chamber. Ten to twenty grimlock thralls also attend every need of 10. Thrall Troops d fin s one y unluck e th e masters—whil t recumben r thei their heads in a stock. This facility houses those utterly subjugated thralls e th f o g ceilin d an s wall l spherica g curvin d inwar e Th that have received military indoctrination by Tamer plaza hold dense evidence of cliff-dwelling architecture— illithids. These troops generally lay at ease on moss mat- the private domiciles. of mosalert n a t oo t f thd e illithirespon ds communityalway y the t . bu , tresses The community- heregrim is D smal4H e l enough thirty-fiv t o, afford almoscircumstances tl norma r Unde t tha w windo r o y balcon a h wit g dwellin a d illithi y ever y particularl A . troops l thral ' Abstemious s a e serv s lock opens onto the plazath s . Very command youn y g mindirectl k d flayersSus d , howevername d , ulithari e fierc inhabit those dwellings without a view of the plaza. The thralls in the event of a conflict. This ulitharid has mas- r thei f o s need e th s a g dwellin e thes d expan n ca s illithid s it f o l al h wit g attackin y simultaneousl f o t ar e th d tere community grow. See page 72 for a description of a stan- tentacles and a physical weapon. Susk possesses the sta- dard illithi- d domicileexoskele n a .s wear e h d an , ulitharid d standar a f o s tistic l centra e th f of d lea s avenue t equidistan e larg r Fou ton suit and tentacle extensions. Susk also wields a y archwa d sculpte y highl a s contain e avenu h Eac . plaza two-handed psychic sword in melee (see Chapter 7: that shows groups of thralls working at various tasks for Illithid Technology for descriptions of these items). To its s lead s accessway e thes f o h Eac . overlords d illithi r thei credit, Susk has routed more than one marauding band . there d house s facilitie e th d an g Rin r Oute e th o t y directl . githzerai a rrakkm f o Hanging on a crystal chain from the plaza's ceiling is a 20-foot-diameter sphere of polished obsidian. This ob- 11. Arena - spec e visibl e th n i t ligh f of e giv t no s doe e spher n sidia d infrare e th n i y strongl s radiate r rathe t bu , trum The arena sponsors various competitions and domi- spectrum—bathing the entire plaza in a warm glow nance tournaments (see "Entertainment" on page 54). It . perception s illithid' an o t e visibl ; arenas l gladiatoria e th o t r simila s feature y man s contain e provid t no o d y the t tha n i r diffe s arena d illithi , however - wall r fou , Instead . spectators r fo g seatin l physica mounted (15 feet high and one to a wall) crystal orbs o t y opportunit e th s viewer d illithi d intereste e provid y psionicall s orb e Th . telepresently e spectacl e th h watc relay visual and audio information to within 1 mile of the arena. Interested gladiatorial enthusiasts need only "tune in" psionically to catch a dual between their fa- vorite competitors. In the case of dominance tournaments, the competitor is most likely an illithid. The current favorite in Ab- s Thi . Mrenden d calle " "rider d undefeate n a s i s stemiou gladiator is a standard illithid of the Nourisher Creed. Though incredibly ferocious, the illithid champion wears a colorful red jumpsuit during its competitions.

12. Nourisher Headquarters y the e wher , complex n caver s thi n ru s nourisher e Th - performance t hos d an l poo l thral l genera e th e supervis - de , eating e Performanc . theater l smal a n i s event g eatin spite its name, serves a real purpose in the illithid community. Just because illithids only need to eat a single sentient brain in a month, doesn't mean they don't crave many more. By sitting in on a taste-linked l ful a y enjo y vicariousl s illithid , performance g eatin meal without the need to bloat themselves or undercut thrall resources. The general thrall pool exists at the bottom of a 40- foot-deep shaft with glass-smooth walls. Brasker, the pit overseer, deposits and removes thralls from their filthy warrens via telekinetic powers. Brasker possesses the statistics of a standard illithid and has an exceptionally e th s keep o als d illithi e Th . ability c telekineti g stron thralls supplied with minimum amounts of water and h raw—thoug f i plentiful, s i d foo e th , Thankfully . food - re t wha t ea o t h squeamis o to n ofte e ar s captive w ne n ow s it d extracte s ha d illithi n a r afte s main nourishment. s captive t newes e th s contain l poo l thral l genera e Th yet to be eaten, fully conditioned, or assigned some - grim t no y usuall e ar e her s captive , such s A . task r othe locks; they represent the illithid's latest acquisitions and may come from a variety of different races—including - limit f o y polic ' illithids e th f o e Becaus . dwellers e surfac n i s nongrimlock , race e on o t s population l thral r thei g in the general thrall pool usually end up as dinner. - war w dro e fiv f o s consist l poo l genera e th y Currentl riors, two derro, one very dehydrated kuo-toa, and a foolish group of surface-dwelling adventurers. Only three heroes remain from that adventuring party: a 7th- level male ranger named Starvendel, an 8th-level female human warrior named Trish of Woodgard, and a 14. Halls of Creation 6th-level male dwarf cleric named - cham , rooms y man e th n i t outle Kurash of Dimbold Deep. Kurash, Creatives s Hall ar e th usuall p u g y chargemakin s dlab d an , bers - continu , wounded y sorel h thoug of Creation. ally tries to rally the other captives tion, and Creed members enjoy ex- Up to 20 standard illithids (with to escape before it's "too late." l equa n a d an s illithid e thre r o o tw pounding upon the potential found in the alchemical/psioninumber of technicianc frontiers. per lab) 13. The Vaults The fervor of these illithids has its work steadily in the dozen or so The Possessor Creed maintains many vaults, connected by winding e thes f o e Som . runnels e catacomblik - individu f o h wealt e th d hol s vault als, some hold the wealth of other Creeds, and one even contains the treasury of the Elder Concord itself. Illithids are lawful creatures. Thus, the security offered by these vaults does not protect the commu- g thievin t agains h wealt s nity' illithids. Rather, the vaults guard Abstemious' treasures against the . invaders g thievin f o t threa The chamber that sits directly off the Outer Ring serves as a "public o t s acces t reques n ca s illithid d ate e ar e Ther . vaults l persona n ow r thei e thes n withi s vault l persona 0 21 caverns. Generally, no single d an y b d lease e on y vault—especiall individual illithid—contains items worth more than 5-20 (5d4) gp. t vaul l individua h eac , However does have 1% chance of containing an item worth up to 100 gp. The real wealth appears in the vaults main- tained for the other Creeds (1,000- 6,000 gp value), the vault assigned e th f o s fund y discretionar e th o t Elder Concord (10,000 gp value), and the Possessors' own specially protected vault (14,000 gp value). Each vault has a poison-trapped d spike l occasiona e th e whil , lock pit-trap opens upon any creature that breaks into the vault tunnels. h wit d affiliate s illithid t eigh o t o Tw the Tamer Creed also stand guard, and a brood of three intellect de- vourers (see area 6 for statistics) - sepa s passage e th l patro y constantl rating each vault. outer labs) . EachIlsensine laf o b c consists (symboli o fn a chambebrai n r 25 feegargantua a te onlik as look f itsel side, illuminated by small infra-spheres set in the ceil- whose many tentacles burrow into the hard stone floor— ing (similar to the stone hanging from the plaza, but apparently reemerging as the aforementioned columns. much smaller). Wall shelves and a central island of The associated chambers and cloister house the smoothed, polished stone hold a variety of implements temple's 8 priests and 10 acolytes. The acolytes possess germane to either mechanical or psionic research. These the statistics of standard illithids. The priests, however, implements include alembics, crucibles, coils of distilla- are standard illithids with "priestly" abilities (see the tion, mortar and pestles, scales, tongs (both miniature Ilsensine section in Chapter 4: History and Theology for and gargantuan), and a host of other less-identifiable more details). Each priest is between 1st and 6th level. items. Strange specimens—both living and dead—com- Ohlcaig*, the head priest of the temple functions as a plex psionic symbols, multicolored flames, and noxious 9th-level priest. It is a vocal member of the Elder Con- fumes are also fairly standard decor in these labs. cord, inevitably attempting to leverage any decision in a All the creativity expended here confers a base 15% way that most benefits the interests of Ilsensine. Thus, chance that each lab contains a functional psionic item Abstemious, the elder brain, often votes directly against (choose an appropriate item described in Chapter 7). Ohlcaig's positions. The outer labs are all open. However, this area houses a *Ohlcaig's spell selection (4/4/3/2/1): 1st—detect magic, detect single inner lab, sealed to all but the senior members of poison, darkness (x2); 2nd—hold person (x2), augury, find traps; the Creative Creed. The single restricted lab is set up 3rd—locate object, speak with dead, continual darkness; 4th—free ac- much like the outer labs. Currently, Noheask (the eldest tion, imbue with spell ability; 5th—commune. illithid Creative) uses this lab to investigate the signifi- . Egg t Nigh e Th d calle t objec d acquire y recentl a f o e canc 17. Spring Though unsure, Noheask thinks it may hail from another plane. At this time, the illithid has made little progress in Although illithids subsist on the fatty gray matter har- discovering the artifact's real power(s)—if any. vested from sentient creatures, their peculiar diet does not render them immune to the biological need for 15. Luminarium water. The spring near Abstemious has not faltered in its upwelling in the last 200 years. The Ariser Creed uses these chambers to conduct their In this chamber, a large tiled basin retains a portion of experiments without bothering those illithids uninter- the spring's upwelling, serving as a reservoir in the ested in their aim of colonizing (he surface world. To event of dire need and allowing easy access for many - Lumi e th h wit d associate s room e th f o y man , end t tha thirsty illithids. Two grimlock thralls work tirelessly in narium are bathed in blinding white light, so as to pre- this chamber, cleaning the water in the basin with special pare enthusiastic Arisers for the environmental cloth filters and keeping the growth of water organisms conditions of the surface world. Some of the chambers at bay. serve as simple meeting rooms, complete with wading pools. The Arisers use other chambers as feeding rooms 18. Bazaar and labs (built similarly to those in area 14). At any one time, 11-20 Arisers (standard illithids) When Possessor merchants return from dangerous work in the Luminarium complex. All illithids in lit trade missions, they sell their inventory to their fellow chambers possess glaregoggles and dampsuits (see items illithids here in the bazaar. While those illithids servings of the same name under Chapter 7: Illithid Technology). as traders do find it financially rewarding, they must re- turn a significant percentage of any profits to the Posses- 16. Ilsensine's Temple sor Creed. An illithid can find a wide assortment of items in the The Venerators (priests) keep up a series of chambers bazaar—though the selection changes on a weekly basis. that serve as Ilsensine's Temple. The initial chamber con- Furnishings, clothing, tools, and other such mundane nected to the outer ring serves as the central area of wor- items not fashioned by the grimlock population of the ship, and its decor holds many features in common with "surface" village (area 3) are the usual hottest sellers, as other temples throughout the multiverse. Two rows of the illithid community itself does not produce those columns march south, each column resembling a coiled items. On average, 11-20 illithid shoppers and 2-8 tentacle thrust up through the stone floor. All of the illithid merchants frequent the bazaar at any hour. columned "tentacles," however, originate from the mas- sive idol in the southern section of the chamber. The idol g Rin r Inne . 19 - com n ca t i t tha o s s pod g birthin e th f o e on o int y bod The Inner Ring—an area completely encased in plete its transformation from humanoid to illithid in rel- stone—liesd 10an 0s feetmos belok wthic s the levesport d l opo fg the axiabirthin lh plaza'Eac . s privacy e ativ n betwee l trave ) nonmagical r o c (nonpsioni l Physica . floor . garlic d an n cinnamo f o y strongl s smell the outer and inner ring is an impossibility. Only those There is a 35% chance that 1-4 (1d4) ceremorphing capable of sliding past the stone through extraordinary youngsters occupy a particular birthing pod. These mor- measures (such as probability travel and teleport), or phing bodies are in various states of transition. Some of s acces o t e hop r eve n ca s illithid y b g alon t brough e thos e th t bu , normal y completel k loo s bodie g convulsin e th - ar e Thos . ring r inne e th f o e cor e th t a r chambe t secre e th bulk of them have sprouted tentacles or are even closer to riving by such means generally materialize in the ring awakening. Any chamber that contains growing illithids portion of thiso t leveld , as assigne i t d is highlillithi d y disrespectfustandar e on t l foleas t ra a s visi- contain o als . chamber s brain' r elde e th n withi y directl r appea o t r to nursemaid the youngsters through their birthing. Like the circular through way of the outer ring, this passage is steamy and resembles exposen dBrai brair nElde tissuee th f .o Al Poo . 21 r ove d superimpose s i h qualit d illithi f o e lin s continuou y ever f o e nam e th g recordin , bas-relief g disturbin e th Here lies the alpha and the omega of the illithid com- illithid tha. t mergefluid y d brin wit h h wit th d e eldefille l r braipoo r n after death. 30-foot-diamete a : munity The edges of the pool are coated in a white, lumpy goo— s Pod g Birthin . 20 the remnant of hatched illithid spawn—while hundreds g Loomin . fluid e th h throug y sinuousl m swi tadpoles f o As describe, dcenter ins Chaptepool' e th r 2n i : Lifd e Cyclesubmerge and d Variationssubmerge d ,an , darkly illithids are born through ceremorphosis. Once an lies the elder brain itself. illithid tadpole successfulll physica e yth mergeh bot e s witth s i h r a form chambe dono s thi , r way y ever n I (see area 21), other illithids drag the quivering, flailing and spiritual center of the illithid community. When the s edge e th d aroun s meet t I , conclave n i s i d Concor r Elde cular, or even spherical, so that every illithid's dwelling of the elder brain's pool. When an illithid spawns, the looks out over a central space. This subterranean archi- s i e tadpol a n Whe . side s pool' e th g alon s occur g hatchin tecture resembles a cliff dwelling to the untrained eye. introduced to a form-donor, it begins the process at the Illithids, however, perceive such buildings as communal fel- s it , over s i e lif s illithid' n a n whe , Finally . edge s pool' areas. n i n brai r elde e th o t e psych s it t commi s flayer d min w lo a , Geddeil o t s belong w belo d describe g dwellin e Th this room. standard illithid claiming membership in the Abysmal , esper-talk r thei n i n reig r chambe s thi g visitin s Illithid Creed. Geddeil is only 10 years past its ceremorphosis keep tentaclf o s e oscillatiomember r n tothe o g a minimumamon g , anstandin dd activelygoo s ha rey - alread t bu its Creed. Thus, its dwelling is only two levels above the , Concord r Elde e th f o s member e th Even . walls r o r floo . wide e quit s i y balcon s it d an , plaza l axia during their weekly meetings, restrain themselves in the . brain r elde e th f o e presenc l physica 1. Balcony n ca s mind c nonpsioni n eve t tha e presenc s it s i h Suc sense the elder brain's brooding, powerful presence— Hanging 20 feet above the plaza is a large stone bal- although mosw t nonpsioninarro A . wall e c mindsid l s broughspherica e tth tom thifro s t chamou g - juttin y con ber serve as form donors for the next generation of mind stair connects the balcony to one below it, and then to flayers. e th f o e sid r eithe o t d an , below , Above . floor s plaza' e th e th m fro e protrud s ladder d an , stairs , windows , balcony g Dwellin r Flaye d Min l Typica A stone wall, forming a two-dimensional community wrapped around the spherical plaza. In those communitief o p li e th s t possessina l poo e g centraston e l gatherinportabl a d g place s ha l Geddei — Abstemious f o a plaz l axia e th s a h chambers—suc - comfort x rela o t r flaye d min e th g allowin , balcony e th illithids build their dwellings side by side, and above ably in its own domicile. For convenience, the balcony e th w follo n ofte s dwelling e Thes . other h eac w belo d an d pushe y currentl s i t i t bu , feeding-stock a s possesse perimeter of the plaza, whether the perimeter is flat, cir- against the far railing away from the steps. 2. Sitting Room s Geddeil' h wit d associate e expens a extr e th y pa o t s tinue This large chamber serves as the living, dining, and "experiments." recreation rooms for Geddeil. It contains various throw pillows (filled with spongy, dry moss), artistic s sculptureQuarter l s Thral . 3 (best appreciated by tentacle touch), resonance stones e se ; emotions t pleasan h wit d embedde s crystal l (smal Every illithid has at least one personal thrall that , information) e mor r fo y Technolog d Illithi : 7 r Chapte rarely leaves its side. Personal thralls open doors, pick - din r fo p u w sho s guest e cas n (i s feeding-stock l severa up items of interest to its master, clear paths along busy ner), and- a reg larg a n eo musicas owner l instrumentd illithi r thei , called a bonecompliment , - throughways thriven. ular basis, and generally accomplish menial tasks. In f o e coupl a n o s work l Geddei , dwelling s it n i e Whil t tha l thral l persona a s find d illithi n a e onc , cases y man h wit e coincid s hobbie s it Happily, . projects t pe t differen o t y wa s it f o t ou s goe r flaye d min e th , it h wit s agree the stated aimr o or f the Abysmahunge f o t lbou Creeda n i n . Geddeibrai s l alsthrall' e oth g eatin d avoi c musi t discordan g composin y da a s hour y man s spend anger. Some thralls have lived out their entire lives as y an s horrifie d an s unsettle c musi s thi ; instrument s it n o the personal servants of a single mind flayer. humanoid creaturer thei ; s that listedwellings n ' to it. masters r thei n i e liv s thrall l Persona When no- t composingcon , wants d , Geddeian s lneed givec sbasi r in tothei r gluttonyfo e , provid s quarter eating fa- r morhang es than aration singld drie ef braio s n perbundle month, . Geddeimattresses s l mos g tainin e th s aid t i t tha g claimin y b n drai e resourc s thi s justifie . water g drinkin f o s basin d an , ceiling e th m fro w lo g in mind flayer's owd n explorationame e mal k n of the grimloc effecta , s othrall fl horror persona o ns Geddeil' thralls. Its obesity, combined with its sickening pallor Ogham, is also allowed to store a few changes of clothes and the accumulated debris of past meals caught in its in this chamber, as well as a few small trinkets (shiny clothing and upon its tentacles, has a certain demoraliz- rocks) and toys (very crude dolls) to keep him happy ing effect on nonillithids. So far, the Abysmal Creed con- during his "off" hours. 4. Study lamps carved to resemble illithid heads (the light shines This chamber resembles the office of an eccentric sur- from the illithids' eyes and mouths), a dish of hard candy m fro s artifact l cultura f o r clutte A . sage g face-dwellin shaped like miniature human hands, a petrified human e th n eve d an , desk a , shelves r cove s race l thral s variou . items r othe f o s dozen d an , foot a r ove s hang e sconc l wal n elve an , example r Fo . floor - human a y b e sid e on n o d brackete , battlemask n dwarve 6. Sleep Chamber a y b r othe e th n o d an t po y cla e decorativ d crafte gnomish toolsuit. The fact that illithids require sleep is the best argu- n a e mak o t r orde n i s item e thes d collecte s ha l Geddei ment that currently exists for the supposition that . significance l cultura r thei d understan o t t attemp t hones illithids originated from a planet with periodic sunshine. e th d understan y trul n ca t i f i t tha s feel e creatur e Th Why else would illithids develop sleep patterns that so mindset of the various thrall races, it will be that much closely resemble the sleeping habits of surface-dwelling more successful in devising means of promoting cultural . Geddeil r fo k wor s day' a n i l al s It' . fear d an r terro Geddeil's sleep chamber is a 10-foot-diameter mass of Geddeil´s desk is a simple stone platform. Below it sit thick, damp, cushioning moss bounded by a small stone a ( r striato A . parchment k blan f stif f o s sheave l severa d an s stand l smal s Variou . room e th f o r cente e th n i p ste psionic pen used to imprint parchment with qualith; see shelves in the room contain odd knickknacks that appeal Chapter 7m : Illithifro d d Technologycollecte s shell y ) lies ghastl o n: the desdecor f o k e alonsens gs Geddeil' o t with several sheets of qualith-imprinted parchment. The a nameless subterranean sea, humanoid tooth sculp- - pa d egg-shape , black a h beneat t res s piece t parchmen tures, a collection of silver bells, and an infra-painting. e ston e resonanc a y actuall s i t paperweigh e th ; perweight - wave h distinguis o t e abl e thos o (t s show g paintin e Th imprinted with pure horror. Any creature touching the lengths in the infrared) a landscape of foaming chaos stone muse t th mak t A . e a savinvisible s gi throh eart w g vs. spelfloatin f l o o rd suffeshar a r h whic h throug effects similar to a fear spell for 3d6 rounds. The written base of the painting, a line of qualith reads, "Beyond the records beneath the "paperweight" have Geddeil's notes Pale: A Resonance Island." The painting is a memento of - observa h suc e includ s note e Thes . them n upo d recorde Geddeil's travels. tions as "humans fear the dark," "dwarves fear deep An open archway in the chamber leads to Geddeil's water," "elves fear moral compromise,' and "halflings walk-in closet. The closet contains several dozen robes, fear starvation." boots, gloves, and other illithid clothing accessories. f o l sigi d raise e th h wit d imprinte s i g clothin e th f o t Mos Geddeil's Creed association. Hidden in the inner lining 5. Storage d contraban a s i t close e th f o k bac y ver e th t a e rob a f o - Ged f o e som f o t frui e th s hold r chambe d locke s Thi wand of magic missiles (56 charges remaining) that Ged- y completel e wer h whic f o l al projects—not t pas s deil' - ordi ' Abstemious f o e disobedienc n i s keep y secretl l dei successful. Piled against the walls and upon a central nance. Geddeil keeps the wand out of a secret stone tablr e lieflaye jumbled min e sth ot f oddtha n s and endsfascinatio .a Thes, e magic pile h s wit in n - fascinatio a n i s shaving l meta , limes d drie , grouse d stuffe e clud has only just begun to explore. steel chest, a bone horn that sounds with a weak and d aci c formi h wit d fille f hal e pip r wate a , blast e plaintiv Engendering New Communities - candle , swallowed) r o d spille f i e damag f o s point 0 (4d1 Illithids continually desire to expand their sphere of o t m the r fo y necessar s i t i o s d an , control d an e influenc f o d carve s tube f o y assembl e massiv A : Bonethriven send colonists out to engender completely new colonies . chamber g resonatin a g surroundin s bone l thral d discarde . - con r afte y (usuall e rip s i e tim e th n Whe . flayers d min f o Illithids proficient in this instrument can produce a wide quering the indigenous peoples of a particular territory), range oe f soundscoloniz bo yt blowing gyoun f througo p h thgrou ea mouthpiecs choose ed while Concor r Elde e th opening an0 d closin11—2 f go ths e 12 differenconsist p t grou stops thi s , with bothUsually . fingers territory w ne e th and tentacles. A master thrivenist (a player of the bone- standard illithids. thriven) can elicit sounds of such horrible intensity that The colonists are each allowed three thralls, chosen humans and demihumans must check morale each round from among those most conditioned to obey the illithids' they hear the instrument played. Victims failing a single commands. If possible, colonists bring along thralls that . continues " "music e th e whil s roll e di l ai o t 1 - a r suffe k chec , construction , mining f o e knowledg d specialize s posses smithing, and other arts the illithids deem too menial to learn. Once assembled, the colonizing caravan, drawn entire colony's survival are significant enough without on the bacs k of subjugateColonist . d underdarfriction l kpotentia beastsf o s , headarea l s out toadditiona g addin make itss fortuneedge e .th g patrollin n i e rol e activ e mor h muc a e tak o als r fa e ar s colonie r flaye d min , expected e b t migh s A of their territory, overseeing the construction efforts of more crud- e main tha d nan thei , r communitiesraces w ne h wit e . Thestrad g e coloniesdevelopin ma, y thralls r thei continue to exist in far more generic states—possibly taining ties with the parent illithid community. containing architectural elements of the areas' former in- The parent community continues to support the ef- habitants. forts of a fledgling colony up until the time when that f o e villag e facad a f o n constructio e th , instance r Fo w ne a e Onc . forms y successfull n brai r elde s colony' conditioned thrally s is a luxurcommunit t y availablparen e th , e onlcolony y e toth rear l ove s take n brai communitiese th g . Instead, most of the thrallresponsibility—consignin sf aro " e kept to-tentacles s it s "washe gether in a centrad an s l slave pistrength tn or ow simila s it n o r fortifiee failur r do enclosures succes o .t y colon Colonizin- g in illithid d illithi s musg t "rough it,ever-expandin " e possiblth , yway s fothi r an I s . weaknesses r elde w ne a l unti , generations e thre r o o tw s a y man fluence is not negatively impacted if one or two colonies . colonists t oldes e th f o s mind e th m fro m for n ca n brai fail to prosper; the larger communities each remain inde- Before tht e genesibu g s onothin f ao t communitd tie e ar s y elderfortune braine , whos th s e entitie t penden colonists are at their most vulnerable. the force of their own assembled intellect and psionic Illithids in new colonies rarely have the time or incli- eminence. nation to splinter into the Creeds so common in more n a f o s concern y day-to-da e Th . communities d establishe Illithid Technology

, objects e inanimat d forge y newl o int s mucou e activ devices, and even weapons. This method included - cir c "psioni h wit s device h suc g imprintin f o s mean e b d coul e impuls c psychi a n wherei , sorts f o " cuitry stored and later activated by specific mental stimuli of a sentient user. Once activated, a device fulfills its psychic potential according to the instructions stored in its inert e th m fro f itsel g powerin y pathways—usuall c psioni brain wave activity of the user itself.

* Menu m Ite c Psioni d12 Psionic Item 01 Brainmate 02 Cephalometer 03 Dampsuits 04 Exoskeleton 05 Glaregoggles s Seal c Psioni 6 0 s Reservoir c Psychi 7 0 d Swor c Psychi 8 0 Given the illithids' intelligence (some go so far as to 09 Resonance Stones label them geniuses), it probably doesn't come as a sur- 10 Striator prise that they have produced a wide variets y of technoExtension -e Tentacl 1 1 logical marvels over the years. What is most interesting, 12 Voice Box however, is the illithid penchant for building psionically . devices d empowere e th n o e onc l rol o t e chanc % 30 a e hav s illithid n *Commo e tabl e th n o e twic l rol y automaticall s illithid e notabl , table While certainly not the only interest of illithid and ulitharids roll three times on the table. engineers, psionically empowered devices are the * Menu* m Ite c Psioni e Uniqu d4 Psionic Item n ofte s tool d enchante y magicall e th o t r answe ' illithids utilized by thrall races. What illithids lack in spell r Transceive n Brai r Elde 1 0 components, they more than make up for in their r abilityAncho t Ghos 2 0 m fro s mucou e psi-activ f o s quantitie t vas e produc o t 03 Hazard d Helms/Nautiloi g Spelljammin s Serie 4 0 ! skin n ow r thei n withi s gland **These items are unlikely to appear randomly, but are y b d metho a d reveale h researc d illithi f o s hour Many . sake ' completeness r fo e tabl e th n o d liste - psi s exces e incorporat d coul s flayer d min e th h whic m Ite c Psioni Items that specificalld illithi ys call exces fo y rb thd e surrounde o t r observer/wielde n a f o e intelligenc The brainmate retains some sen- Distribution activate—or items that incorporate Illithidr fo n s do nofunctio t t normallno o y possescircuitry—d sc psioni - an o t d create t no s wa t i h 9)—thoug e th , fact n I . items c psioni e multipl alyze and evaluate problems. golems, undead, or any other animate s posses o t y luck s i d illithi n commo Rather, the brainmate carries large even one e psionitru s c itemposses t . no Illithid o d t stha o s f creature d specialize t importan f o s portion w belo s creature , addition n I . minds memory for use by an illithid sepa- power tend to possess at least one rated from the elder brain itself. Average Intelligenc- cor e mak t e cannocanno e t use thesbrainmat e a , Thus or three. The Psionic Item Menu items, unless otherwise noted. relations. It simply contains a por- table is useful for determining any d an s skill s brain' r elde n a f o n tio unique psionic items possessed by e th t a n the e ar h whic , knowledge mind flayers. The Unique Psionic Item Menu table lists beck and call of the brainmate's owner. Usually, a brain- - seg t bu , developments l technologica d illithi w ne r othe mate's areas of expertise fall into two or three subjects. A regates them from more common items. through the perceptions of its owner. Thus, when an illithid returns its brainmate to the elder brain, the brain- y b d fashione s e wer w belo d Description m describe s ite item c e th f o Psioni Many mate uploads this recorded information for the further . brain r elde l centra e th f o n edificatio a e Onc . Creed e Creativ e th f o r membe e som f o s hand e th - nonil a f o s hand e th o int l fal o t e wer e brainmat a f I device is created, it is usually far easier to reproduce the lithid, it is entirely possible that it would telepathically item by following the mental directions stored away in answer questions put to it—just as it did for its illithid . brain r elde e th f o s cell e th creators. After all, a disembodied brain often leads a soli- Of course, illithids create nonpsionic items as well. tary existence. In game terms, the information contained f o e thos h wit d interspace r appea s device e thes f o l Severa - indi h eac ; sage a f o t tha o t l equa s i e brainmat a n withi . manufacture c psioni y purel vidual brainmate rolls three times on Table 61: Fields of Study in the ™ Guide. Questions put to Brainmate the brainmate in these three areas are generally answer- s forget r neve e brainmat a , Also . specific o to s unles , able When illithids travel far from their community, they anything it senses through its owners, so it can make a are out of toucd h witcapture h a th , e elder brainHowever . . To creaturenecessary f i d spro usey d memor t grea to the constanr o , t susurratioindependently n e of the eldeconjectur ro t brain' e s unabl thought l stil s i e , brainmat knowledge- , ande r do perceptione puzzl a e , thsolv e loso t r s of orde contac n i n t with theinformatio e correlat t tha s Companie . unsettling e quit e b n ca n brai r elde duce an answer. travel for long periods of time outside the reach of an s Illithid . below) e (se r transceive a n o y rel n ca n brai r elde Cephalometer belonging to less-ambitious forays are often forced to — loss t contac f o t brun e th r bea d an s tentacle r thei n stiffe The cephalometer is a metallic, psionically empow- unless they are one of the fortunate few to own a ered device that directly measures the head sizes of t a d connecte s projection d curve y inwardl o tw a vi s thrall f o e glob r 5-inch-diamete a s a s appear e brainmat e Th - vary o t d en s thi e clos d an n ope n ca d illithi n a ; end e on s it d fin d an d hea a s encompas o t r orde n i s width g in . fluid y heav , languid a n i d suspende n brai d disembodie size. In addition, this device measures the innate psionic Illithids often wear this globe on a chain around their potential of the head in question, as well as the chemical neck whil- e inhor usel , or crania els d e an the s y safely store itneurotransmitter awaf o t y withihos a f o n e balanc a well-cushione- ap s d chestreading .e Th . nutrition d illithi o t t importan s mone The brainmate is a result of one of the very few illithid pear on a small blank panel on one arm of the e bas o t r prefe y normall s illithid ; biomancy o int s foray cephalometer, using the distinctive striated lines of e th e Onc . calipers e th n i s remain d hea e th e whil h qualit . case s thi n i n exceptio n a e mad y the t bu , materials e mat - sub s striation e th , head e th m fro d remove e ar s caliper . more e onc k blan t i g leavin , panel e th o int k bac e sid

Dampsuits - dry t agains n protectio y an r offe t no r fo d Cree r Arise e th y b d Designe c metalli d reinforce , Rather . ing illithid activity in dry, sunlit areas, - be n interwove s brace d an s plate d min f o l marve a s i t dampsui e th tween the suit's layers offer en- flayer ingenuity. Composed of slick hanced protection to the y perfectl s fit t sui e th , leather k blac exoskeleton's wearer—giving the - in n eve t I . form d illithi e th r ove d carapace , structured e mor a r use cludes a skull cap that pulls down . 1 f o s Clas r Armo n a s a l wel s a , look s leave t ye , head s illithid' n a r ove In addition to providing en- room for its tentacles to protrude d embedde , protection d hance psionic circuitry within the ex- within a tentacle pouch. While oskeleton enhances the wearer's seamless on its exterior, the damp- Strength and Dexterity when fueled s layer r interio l severa s contain t sui y Dexterit d an h Strengt e Th . PSPs y b - nat h wit n conjunctio n i k wor t tha enhancement equals ½ the number ural illithid skin mucous, storing of PSPs channeled into the suit on a and preserving life-giving moisture. round-by-round basis—although s i t sui e th f o y integrit e th e Whil neither the wearer's Strength nor its maintained, frozen tundras and Dexterity can increase above 20 at sweltering deserts are equally any time, regardless of the number . illithid d protecte e th y b e tractabl . suit e th o int d place s PSP f o t no s doe d illithi an , Furthermore , tamer e th k Sus , example r Fo s Illithid . suited e whil k drin o t d nee wearing its exoskeleton, has a wearing dampsuits and glaregog- Strength of 12 and a Dexterity of 10. gles operate almost normally on the e mele e th f o g beginnin e th t A surface of a world—although the o int s PSP 4 1 s channel k Sus round, 1 t leas t a e requir s doe t dampsui the exoskeleton for Strength and 14 pint of water per week to recharge f o l tota a g addin , Dexterity r fo s PSP its reservoir. Additionally, an illithid a m hi g (givin t sta h eac o t s point 7 (or other humanoid creature) re- 1 r fo ) Dexterity 7 1 a d an h Strengt 9 1 a g wearin e whil C A s it o t 1 - s ceive round of combat. If Susk wishes to dampsuit. However, too many continue operating with heightened slashes and cuts in the armor even- - chan o t e continu t mus t i , statistics tually destroy its integrity, render- h eac n exoskeleto e th o int s PSP l ne , Generally . useless t sui e th g in . round y ever d an g savin m ite e mak t mus s dampsuit The exoskeleton can absorb up to c specifi t agains ) leather s (a s throw a maximum of 200 PSPs in a s wearer r thei e tim h eac s type k attac twenty-four-hour period. Once it suffer damage from an attack. For surpasses this level, its psionic cir- . vs s save t dampsui a , example r twenty-fou r fo n dow s shut y cuitr - weap y b t hi n whe w Blo g Crushin y abilit o n ; recover o t r orde n i s hour - light a y b t hi n whe y Electricit , ons - refrac s thi l unti e possibl e ar s boost ning bolt, and so on. Once a . elapsed s ha d perio y tor dampsuit fails its item saving throw five times, it becomes useless.

Exoskeleton f o r pai a s a r appea s Glaregoggle tight-fitting black lenses complete n i d use y technolog e th n o d Base with side shields; illithids use the creation of a dampsuit, the ex- s item e thes e secur o t s strap r leathe oskeleton is almost identical to that e Th . heads r thei d aroun y snugl - damp e th e Unlik . device e protectiv - emit t (ligh t ligh e visibl r filte s lense suit, however, the exoskeleton does ted by candles, torches, lanterns, or the sun), translating frequency and wavelengtf o s h downEffect -e Possibl e th m fro s escape t ligh d infrare y onl t tha h suc ward e creatur y an w allo s Glaregoggle . side e opposit ' lenses Personal Psionic Seal normally possessing infravision to see normally in direct d10 Effect sunlight. However, infravisual ranges are not in any way s hour 4 1x/2 s point t hi 0 2d1 s Heal 1 0 extended by glaregoggles. Additionally, glaregoggles do 02 Immune to one physical attack every 24 hours - ab n a s i e ther e wher s region n i n visio d infrare w allo t no 03 Allow wearer to transfer up to ½ of its PSPs to sence of visible light; a creature with infravision would l sea r simila h wit d illithi r anothe n i s circumstance h suc n i s goggle e th e remov o t d nee 04 Reflect 1 spell (that's already breached magic order to see normally with its infravision. k 1x/wee r caste n o k bac ) resistance s Seal c Psioni 06 Hastens wearer to 2x normal actions for 3 rounds 1x/twenty-four-hour period y Circuitr c Psioni t Imprin e th o t s acces h wit s Illithid y ever n illusio e on e pierc o t r weare s Allow 7 0 - in n ca ) details e mor r fo 3 r Chapte e (se e disciplin l menta 24 hours scribe psionic seals upon inanimate objects, portable ob- s lock l norma o t y ke n skeleto a s a s act l Sea 08 jects, or upon living creatures (similar to tattoos). 1x/24 hours Although psi-sensitive individuals may see these psionic 09 Wearer can resist 1 poisoning attempt per seals, they may not immediately understand their week significance a n i d undea f o e presenc e th e sens n ca r Weare 0 1 In essence, a psionic seal is a small bit of psionic cir- 360-foot radius 1x/24 hours cuitry incorporated into an object (or being) that was not e ar s seal c psioni , Thus . it s posses o t d designe y originall - an n a s a s act t objec e th h object—althoug e th o t l externa A variety of effects can be imprinted into a psionic chor to thed seal. standar f o t lis A . complexity s it n upo g dependin , seal e pag n o s appear s seal c psioni r fo s effect d an s placement . exhaustive s mean o n y b s i t lis e th , However . 85 r othe r o , passages , doors n upo r appea n ca s seal c Psioni a f I . intrusion m rando t agains s guard s a g actin , places e th k spea t no s doe a are d seale a h throug g passin e creatur proper deactivation code, the psionic seal subjects the in- terloper to 10d6 hit points of psionically generated pain (1/4 damage on a successful saving throw vs. death magic). Generally speaking, immobile seals of this sort function five times per day. After a twenty-four-hour refractory pe- riod elapses, the psionic seal is once again fully recharged . intruders l repe o t e abl d an s a h objects—suc e mobil n o d place e b n ca s seal c Psioni . satchel r o k trun a f o e outsid e th r o k boo a f o e pag e th Generally speaking, such seals psionically lock the item d comman r prope e th y Onl . opening y naturall m fro word (or thought) temporarily disengages the seal so . opened y successfull e b n ca r containe r o k boo a t tha Note that such seals can also appear on doors, acting much like the lock spell. Finally, an illithid can imprint a psionic seal upon the flesh of a living being as a tattoo. Sometimes, mind flay- o t s illithid e th g allowin , thralls o int s seal h suc d bran s er know the location, health, and mental state of any im- printed slaves. Thralls branded in this way are also eas- l specia f o g bein s a s illithid r othe o t e identifiabl y il a s i l thral a n o l sea c psioni a f o e us e th s a , importance great investiture of time. n upo l sea c psioni a t imprin t migh s illithid , Alternately y circuitr c psioni e th , cases e thes n I . kind r thei f o r anothe inherent to the seal generally possesses some stored ben- eficial power upon which the branded illithid can call upon once per day. These powers often resemble normal psionic abilities germane to illithids. However, when ac- tivated from a psionic seal, such powers do not drain any PSPs from the illithid using the seal. The table below gives a few additional examples of the benefits provided t tha e Not . creature r anothe o t d brande l sea c psioni a y b a t a s tattoo e thre r o o tw y onl r wea n ca l individua n a single time before the subdermal extent of the psionic circuitry inherent in each seal threatens to cross and . circuit t shor

Psychic Reservoir f o t gobbe e malleabl , small a s a s appear m ite s Thi s hang t tha e membran r clea a n i d boun s mucou d illithi from a neck chain. Illithids can store up to a maximum of 50 PSPs within each reservoir, which they can then use at their discretion. Any time the reservoir's PSP total drops below 50 PSPs, the item can be recharged. Recharging a psychic reservoir requires one hour's l persona f o n applicatio e th d an n concentratio f o h wort psionic points—one third of which are actually stored within the pouch. For example, an illithid might channel 60 PSPs to the reservoir over an hour's period, but only 20 of those PSPs remain in the item at the end of that hour.

Psychic Sword e th , Creed r Tame d combat-obssesse e th y b d Develope illithid psychic sword is based to some extent on the sil- silver sword silver a e Whil . enemies i githyank r thei f o sword ver t tha y circuitr c psioni d embedde m fro r powe s it s hagain s magical components, an illithid psychic sword

- sen a y b d hel n whe e blad e th t throughou s glow y visibl tient being; the blade remains dark and inert while un- used. Illithids generally construct psychic longswords— though they do fashion other types of psychic weapons. Like their magically enchanted counterparts, psionic weapons possess attack and damage bonuses; these bonuses function for all intents and purposes like magi- cal bonuses. However, a weapon's psychic bonus de- n i g varyin , score e Intelligenc s wielder' e th n upo s pend accordance with the strength of the wielder's mind as shown on the Illithid Psychic Sword table below. Wield- ers of higher Intelligence can also catalyze cumulative t I . blade e th f o y circuitr c psioni e th n i d embedde s effect is likely that different blades have different impulses Resonance Stones Illithid Psychic Sword Appearing as egg-sized chunks of polished crystal or c Psioni e Attack/Damag s Wielder' gemstone, resonance stones are each psionically im- y Abilit s Bonu T IN printed with an emotion. In most cases, the emotion im- 03-12 s enter t -/- tha d min t None sentien y an o t d radiate s i d printe 13-14 +1/- None within 20 feet of the stone. Often, an illithid will place a 15-16 n +2/+decoratio l 1 Non-detectionpsychologica f o t bi a *s a e ston e resonanc 17-18 +3/+2 Body equilibrium** within a room; such a stone can radiate a broad range of - Enchantment*** e Ignor 3 +3/+ + 19 feelings, including satisfaction, elation, anticipation, or satiation. Those within the emotive perimeter of the - magi g usin s item r o s spell y b e undetectabl s i r *Wielde stone can only feel an emotion that they have previously - de c psioni t agains d protecte y equall s i d an n divinatio l ca h wit d associate e ar s emotion h suc , Often . themselves t fel tection (such as that used by an elder brain). Effect only a particular illithid's dwelling in much the same way as catalyzed while blade is drawn. a familiar, distinctive smell might be associated with the **As the psionic devotion of the same . name. Effecdweller e t onlysurfac a f o e hom . drawn s i e blad e whil d catalyze Sometimes, illithids set resonance stones to radiate ***Against magically protected foes, each swing of the darker, more powerful moods. These stones are often psychic sword, has a 50% chance to ignore magical touch activated, and illithids use them defensively. Any- l magica s a s item h suc y b d offere n protectio f o " "pluses one within 20 feet of an activated stone must make a suc- protection. of rings r o , bracers , armor cessful saving throw vs. spell or bear the brunt of the s emotion e Possibl . stone e th y b d carrie r powe l emotiona set in defensive resonance stones include fear, disgust, coded intoe theiar r r psionipowe s c circuitrystone' e th f o ; howevers Victim . , the tablapathy r eo , exhaustion . sword c psychi c generi a f o e exampl n a s give w belo a are e th n i e ar y the e whil s action y an m perfor o t e unabl h strengt e th y b d overwhelme y simpl e ar y the ; effect f o . stone e th y b d exude n emotio e th f o Striator sets in. Once a mind flayer removes an extension, it t implemen l smal a s i e devic s Thi cannot activate that particular device for another 12 that at first glance appears like a pen hours. - re , however , inspection r Close quill. r o l smal r fou s possesse m ite e th t tha s veal Voice Box - re r Striato e Th . end e on t a s extension c metalli mains inert until grasped. In the hands of a This psionically empowered device sentient being, thoughts are translated directly translates its wearer's telepathic speech to the pen tips, which in turn psionically - lan d preselecte a f o s word e audibl o int raise a four-level striation upon stiff parch- a s a s appear x bo e voic h Eac . guage ment or paper as the Striator is moved small, flattened block of dull metal, across the page from left to right. Even if usually hung upon a chain or pendant. the being using the striator cannot read The small box normally contains one illithid touch script, the striator still line of qualith identifying a single lan- unerringly translates the thoughts of guage (it could be drowish, common, - read c logi l four-leve o int r wielde e th - prese e th y ke s illithid ; etc.) , elvish able by most illithids. lected language into the voice box . item s thi f o g fashionin e th g durin Tentacle Extensions d illithi an , box e voic e th e us o T wears it on a belt or around its neck While unattached, tentacle exten- and toggles the box with a mental f o s arrangement n i d (groupe s sion e th , on t poin t tha m Fro . command four or six) appear as damp cables l menta y an s verbalize audibly m ite 3 feet in length; these extensions speech directed at it; this "transla- - at s blade p shar r razo e hav n ofte tion" occurs at an average decibel tached to one end. When an illithid - lan d preselecte s box' e th n i l leve f o d en t blun e th s place y physicall y mentall n ca d illithi n A . guage d an p ti e tentacl s it o t n extensio n a change the volume of the voice box spends 5 PSPs, it psionically causes with another separate command or the device to energize and graft to a h wit t i e deactivat y temporaril the end of the illithid's tentacle. third mental command. The voice Once grafted, the tentacle exten- t no t bu , loudly e quit k spea n ca x bo sion acts in many ways like the so loudly as to cause damage to lis- t albei , tentacles l natura s wearer' teners in an enclosed area. with an additional 3 feet of length. A small duct within the extension Unique Psionic Items also conveys an illithid's natural flesh-dissolving enzyme to the The following is a listing of rare bladed extension tip. psionic items used in some Illithid A tentacle extension grants its wielder a +2 attack bonus (for ten- tacle strikes only). In addition, an Elder Brain Transceiver - in e devic a h suc g utilizin d illithi - dam f o s point 4 ld4+ f o l tota a s flict s illithid f o p grou e larg a n Whe age with each successful hit, and it know that they must operate au- f i n brai s victim' a w withdra l stil n ca h wit t contac t (withou y tonomousl four tentacles gain a foothold on the ) community r thei f o n brai r elde e th foe's cranium. Tentacle extensions for long periods of time, they often remain active as long as their wear- construct a transceiver that boosts ers spend 5 PSPs every turn. How- their telepathic range in order to ever, illithids cannot wear tentacle maintain contact with the elder brain. extensions for more than two hours e larg e ar s transceiver n brai r Elde e fatigu g debilitatin e befor e tim a t a t buil e ar y the o s , nonmobile d an only whent out-of-toucbars/lif d ben h l illithids knosuccessfu a wh ahea(wit y d ofawa tim k e thabrea o tt e chanc their base of operations is unlikely to shift in the future. gates roll) else Ghost Anchor remains attached. While , component n mai d egg-shape e larg a s ha r transceive e Th the psionic-spear remains in place, it neutralizes all which stands on end to a height of at least 8 feet. The egg spell-like powers, spells, or psionic abilities of the is hollow; anyone wishing to enter the device can d. o so target d pierce . cases) e som n i , bottom r (o e sid e th n o l porta a h throug y silver e th f of e Ti : options o tw s ha w no r wielde e Th Extending from the egg, tentacle-like cables provide a cord to an inanimate present location, or grasp the cord base for e thth e g device beforanchorin y e finally trailinobject—thereb l g off intetherea oe thth el sidepul sd an y full ) pool r pe e tentacle-cabl e (on s pool g wadin l smal t eigh f o ethereal creature to the Prime Material Plane. Once this s tentacle-cable s it d an g eg e Th . object e th d surroun t tha - for e th n upo t attachmen s it s lose r Ancho t Ghos , occurs . appearance c organi , crusted r thei n i e aliv t almos m see e creatur s haples e th , However . creature l etherea y merl . creature g livin a t no s i r transceive e th , However suffers severe disorientation, and it cannot use any men- s occupie r flaye d min e singl a , device e th e operat o T tal or magical powers for a full 10 rounds. In addition, a disoriented creature cannot travel back to the Ethereal h eac r ente s illithid r othe t eigh e whil , egg w hollo e th Plane during this time. Once an ethereal creature (such p u y abilit c telepathi r thei e concentrat d an l poo g wadin as a ghost) is brought into the solid world, it is often much easier to deal with using mundane methods. through the appendages and into the egg. The illithid

inside the egg then channels the combined) andItem e (Uniqu d Hazar amplified energiec s ofpsychi thd e other mindone-of-a-kin flayera o t n s angive de setnam s e upth s i d Hazar rapport wite h itTh s. own elder braincharacteristics l . specia w fe a s possesse t tha d swor weapon is a longsword and has all the abilities native to ) Item e (Uniqu r Ancho t Ghos a standard psychic sword—including full empowerment to wielders with Very High or better Intelligence—as Using portions of the technology necessary to fashion well as the following abilities that function no matter the - psy a d constructe d illithi d long-dea a , blade c psychi a . score e Intelligenc s wielder' chic spear possesse, dtime of fo speciad l powers that havetwenty-four-hour-perio yey t toever e Onc : Luck be duplicateo t dd successfullyHazar f o r . Inpowe timec , thpsychi e e psychith n cupo speal cal rn ca r use e th gamed the appellation "Ghost Anchor" due to its partic- manipulate chance and fate. The wielder can reroll a . capacities r ula failed saving throw, attack roll, or ability check (includ- Ghost Anchoe hid , r is agates t throwinbars/lif g d speaben , r and doors appear n ope s a a s a skill h suc g in long shaft of transparent iron (called nephelium by the in shadows, etc.) and substitute the better of the two . spearhead p razor-shar a o t s taper y slowl t tha ) duergar rolls. However, the wielder cannot sidestep the universal The blunt enn d oagai f n theca speae r trailcreatur e s th ae 75-fooBefor . t lengteasily ho os fs sheet e balanc strong, silvery cord, which is amazingly strong despite make use of this power (twenty-four hours later), it must . diameter n thi s it reroll an important saving throw, attack roll, or ability Againso ttw norma e th f o lt creaturespoores e ,th Ghos e us d t Anchoan ) rDM acte th s y likb en an (chose k chec s throw g savin m ite e mak s doe t i h spear—thoug e averag rolls. Note that the luck conferred by Hazard need not be on the steel column with a +4 bonus. It is against ethe- related to the use of the psychic sword itself. real creatures that Ghost Anchor is most efficacious. The Unerring Strike: Once during a creature's possession - crea l etherea l al e se o t e abl s i r Ancho t Ghos f o r wielde of Hazard, it can choose to succeed at a saving throw, at- tures withie n 60 feerecours t t whilewithou graspiny g the hafautomaticall k t ofchec thy e abilit r o , roll k tac glasslike weapone th n i s . The remain wielde d rHazar ca, n attacused s i r k visualizepowe s thi e d Onc . roll a o t ethereal creaturel s with additiona Ghos3 f o t m Anchor bmaximu ya r castinfo n g the possessio s wielder' spear. Suce th h attackn i r s owne ar ew madne a ek againssee o t s t the ethereavanishe t i h l creawhic r - afte , rounds ture with ae +3 bonusprim o t f , anitsel ds all appropriatpsychoport d e missilHazar , e attacUsually . k multiverse bonuses due to the high Dexterity of the caster are also worlds where creatures may easily find it. Sometimes, incorporated into the attack roll. though, it psychoports within crypts or dragon hoards, A successfud l attacrecovere g k bein inflict y s finall 1d10+e 3befor s hit pointage r fo s of dam-languishe t i e wher age upon the ethereal creature. More importantly, through "luck." No power has yet proven sufficient to t targe e th s hook d an s pierce r Ancho t Ghos , though prevent Hazard from divorcing itself from a wielder once e on s ha d entangle o s e creatur e Th . harpoon a e lik h muc that wielder has called upon the Unerring Strike power. Nautiloids t (no e trad d cross-worl m fro t brough s feature e uniqu d an , nautiloids d calle o als , vessels g spelljammin d Illithi s i m ra s nautiloid' e piracy—th d cross-worl n mentio o t carry a cargo of up to 35 tons. Such ships. normally boasdecoration) r fo t t jus t no y occup t mus h whic f o 5 2- , illithids 5 3 t leas t a f o s crew the series helm to provide motive force for the craft. A Series Spelljamming Helms - ap e th s ha d an g lon t fee 0 18 y approximatel s i d nautiloi - pro h whic m fro , shell s snail' e massiv a f o e pearanc Some communities of illithids are not bound to subter- trudes a tapering bundle of tentacle-like spars that ranean depths; rather, these creatures inhabit the dark spaces between worlds. Such mind flayers generally view The coiled shell of the nautiloid (see diagram below) world-bound illithid communities as rustic, but necessary provides thn eo , comforillithids t d of enclosed world-boun space e sSom whil. eplans atd the illithi r furthe o t same time providins a s g protectiorelation g n againsworld-hoppin tr directhei w t sunlightvie , hand . r othe e th s it t agains d seale y completel t no s i p shi e th , However . considerations l practica y b d ungoverne , creatures h ras d an , heated , pressurized f o m fil A . environment r oute Whatever the truth, the ability to travel between c atmospheri s Thi . ship e th s coat e atmospher e breathabl worlds is imparted by a series spelljamming helm (the t agains d protecte s illithid d (an s thrall d illithi s allow m fil term spelljamming is an archaic reference to magical ver- possible sunglare) to move freely from interior to exte- sions of the illithid series helm). These devices appear as rior as their duties dictate. a series of linked seats with recesses for head, arms, legs, e hav s communitie d illithi d space-base y onl , Normally - ves e larg a o t d attache y solidl e ar s helm s Serie . feet d an docking facilities and shipyards for nautiloids. In some sel capable of carrying an illithid crew and cargo. When e th o t e clos s communitie d world-boun , however , cases illithids occupy every seat in a series helm, the creatures' surface may maintain a docking facility (accessible combined psychic power is drawn out by the device, - partic a f o p ti e th t a ) tunnels n subterranea g lon h throug e provid o t s a o s d directe y precisel d an , amplified ularly large mountain. A community in contact with enough motive power for the vessel to rise up in the air spelljamming illithids is sure to contain a host of strange and exit the atmospheric envelope of a planet! Mind Flayer Quick Stat Reference

Arcane Illithid: AC 5; MV 12, Sw 12; HD 8+4; THACO 11; #AT 4; Dmg 2 (see Tentacles under Anatomy in Chap- charm person, charm suggestion, blast, mind A S ; 1) r te monster, ESP, levitate, astral projection, and plane shift; SD infravision; SW -10% to all hear noise checks; MR s Geniu t In ; (15) n Champio L M ; tall) ' (6 M Z S ; 90% (17-18); AL LE;XP 9,000. r pe e onc s power r thei e us n ca s illithid e SA—Arcan : Notes The following chapter contains a summary of impor- round at the 7th level of ability. An arcane illithid's mind blast af- tant information about illithids and other creatures that fects a cone-shaped area 60 feet long, 5 feet wide at its base, and figure prominently in illithid society. 20 feet wide at its far end. All creatures within the cone must make a saving throw vs. wands or be stunned and unable to act s illithid d Standar for 3d4 rounds. Illithid: AC 5; MV 12, Sw 12; HD 8+4; THACO 11; #AT 4; Ulitharid - infra D S ; powers c psioni A S ; 1) r Chapte e (se 2 g Dm vision; SW -10r % to allstronge heas r noisepossesse checks) flayer ; Md R 90%min e ; (nobl d ulithari e Th SZ M (6y ' tall)onl ;d ML Champioulithari n a , n (15)Thus ;. Int Geniuillithid l s (17-18)norma a ;n tha s tentacle AL LE; XP 7,000. needs to secure three tentacles on its victim to draw out Psionich s eac Summary , melee f : o #A t T 1,even MTHACe th n I O. 10; MAbrain s C 5; Lv 10creature' s ; haples e th - in d i , (EW) p whi o eg s Attack c Psioni ; 1d100+250 s PSP - at l successfu a n o e damag f o s point 4 1d inflicts e tentacl sinuation (II), mind blast (MB); Psionic Defenses All; tack. When at least one of the ulitharid's tentacles holds Psionice Disciplinescumulativ controa s l bodyreceive e , levitationtentacl g , body equilibsucceedin h - eac , victim a - domi , projection l astra , teleport , travel y probabilit rium, +1 bonus to its attack rolls (to a maximum of +5 for the nation, awe, ESP, post-hypnotic suggestion*, and sixth tentacle attack). . link* e tast e intrusiv Ulitharid's possess the same complement of psionic ' Indicates a unique illithid psionic ability detailed in Chapter 3. abilities as their illithid kin; however, they possess a 100 PSP bonus to their PSP pool above the illithid norm (see Arcane emor r Illithidfo s Limitation sd an s Abilitie c Psioni : 3 r Chapte details). e produc o t s facultie r thei e concentrat s illithid e Arcan spell-like powers. The abilities of arcane illithids (as op- Ulitharid: AC 3; MV 12, Sw 14; HD 11 +8; THACO 9; posed to psionic mind flayers) are subject to the disrup- #AT 6; Dmg 1d4 (by tentacle); SA psionic powers; SD tive effect dispelf so magic simila; d an 95% rR M spells ; , whereachecks e nois sr hea l al o t % -10 W S ; infravision psionic powers may remain unaffected by such magic— SZ L(7' 6" tall); ML Champion (16); Int Supra-genius d min s illithid' e arcan n a t tha e Not . option s DM' e th t a (19-20); AL LE; XP 11,000. a o t n aki e mor s i t i ; ability e spell-lik a t no s i t blas ; 5 C MA ; 10 O MTHAC , 1 T #A : Summary s Psionic dragon's breath weapon. Lv 10; PSPs 1d100+350; Psionic Attacks ego whip (EW), Dungeon Master; All s can easilDefense c y substitutPsioni ; e(MB) t the blas spell-lik d min , e(II) n insinuatio d i powers listed under the arcane illithids entry for the Psionic Disciplines As per standard illithids. n illithid-ki r o d illithi d standar y an f o s abilitie c psioni . campaign r o e adventur c nonpsioni a g runnin n whe Alhoons ture automatically loses the appropriate number of life energy levels. e th n upo e din d an w withdra n ca ) (illithilichs s Alhoon t i , energy e lif s drain e vampir d illithi n a r Wheneve brain of creatures after the fashion of their living rela- heals 2d8 points of damage—in addition to its automatic n actio e th s replace h strengt d undea e brut h rives—althoug ability to regenerate 3 hit points per round. This regenera- y cephalophag h thoug n Eve . enzymes g flesh-dissolvin f o c vampiri a g reducin n eve t tha e effectiv o s s i y abilit e tiv t ea o t e continu y the , alhoons n sustai o t y necessar t isn' . creature e th y destro t no s doe s ashe o t y bod s flayer' d min r thei f o s glimpse e receiv s sometime y the e becaus s brain The only way to ensure destruction is to separate the t though e Thes . dining e whil ) (25% s thought ' victims e th m fro y awa n portio h eac l sea d an s portion o int s ashe glimpses are random unless an alhoon concentrates on a others. If these separated piles of ash ever reunite, the topic, in which case the thoughts are closely related to the illithid vampire will soon reform to spread its terror. chosen topic. Note illithilich chancs % hav10 absoreo a et b On the flip side, vampiric illithids cannot charm ene- - tran n the n ca y The . brain d devoure s caster' a m fro l spel a mies or use any other standard vampiric ability. Clerics scribe these spells into their spellbooks. and paladins of sufficient level can turn these crea- : (Spells s mage l 9th-leve s a s spell t cas y normall s Alhoon - at r thei o t y penalt 6 - a r suffe y the h tures—althoug 4/3/3/2/1)s . Howeverillithid c , theyvampiri s cannoburn tr castwate spelly hol s, in the samaddition n I e . tempts round in which they psionically or physically attack. for 1d6+l hit points of damage, and they cannot regener- ate hit points lost in this way (they can, however, heal Alhoon: AC 5; MV 12; HD 8+4; THACO 11; #AT 4; this damage naturally or through life energy draining}. Dmg 1d4; SA psionic powers, spells: SD infravision, im- Finally, sunlight burns illithid vampires in the same way t tha s spell o t t subjec , sunlight W S ; unturnable , munities as holy water. l Specia r unde d detaile e thos g undead—exceptin t affec Vampiric mind flayers require gray matter as well as Defenses below; MR 90% SZ M (6' tall); ML Fanatic blood to remain active, and they use methods similar to . 9,000 P X ; LE L A ; (17-18) s Geniu t In ; (17-18) their living relatives to extract brains—although brute , disease , poison o t e immun e ar s SD—Alhoon : Notes g flesh-dissolvin f o n actio e th s replace h strengt d undea sleep, hold, and charm-related magic; they also remain un- enzymes. - cold , sunlight evil, from protection , water y hol y b d harme wrought iron, and silver weapons. Illithid Vampire: AC 1; MV 12; HD 8+4; THACO 11 Psionics Summary: See standard illithid. (9 with undead strength); #AT 4; Dmg 1d6+4; SA infra- vision, regeneration, psionic o t e immun D S ; blast d min Illithid non-magical weapons, poi- d an hold, sleep, , disease , son Vampires charm-related magic, un- harmed by sunlight, cold- Vampiric mind flayers wrought iron and silver - pow d an s abilitie e th s posses y hol , sunlight W S ; weapons ers of both vampires and R M ; water y hol , symbols l anima f o Although . illithids 90%; SZ M (6'tall); ML Fa- intelligence, illithid vampires s Geniu t In ; (17-18) c nati retain the use of their mind (17-18); AL LE; XP 9,000. blast psionic attack; they use this power to stun their prey before charging into melee. : SD—VampiriNotes s cillithid Each of an illithid vam- r pe s point t hi s regenerate pire's four tentacles can at- round. g inflictin round, e on n i k tac SW—Holy water and sunlight ld6+4 points of damage per burns these creatures for 1d6+1 g drainin d an e strik l successfu hit points. two life energy levels per ten- Psionics Summary: tacle from the victim. Every d standar s a , only t blas d Min s it s retain e tentacl a d roun illithid - crea e th , victim a n upo p gras Brain Golem s Rat m Craniu Elder brains sometimes bud one to three brain golems. A cranium rat resembles a normal rat, except for the Once they serve their purpose, each brain golem returns small bulge of exposed brain tissue upon the crown of its to the elder brain. head. Individually, cranium rats are simple vermin, but h wit , Vmind p grou a s posses s creature e thes s pack n i Brain Golem: AC 3; MV 6; HD 12; 60 hp; THACO 9; every five rats contributing 1 point of Intelligence and 10 - immu l spel D S ; blast d min c psioni A S ; 2d12 g Dm ; 1 T #A PSPs (that is, a pack of 10 rats has a single mind with an , tall ' (8 L Z S ; 70% R M ; hit o t s weapon r bette r o 2 + , nities Intelligence of 2 and 20 PSPs). The following table gives 5' wide)- ; Min Lf Fearleso e s (20)presenc e ; th In h t Low (5-7)throug d ; AL LEgaine s ; XP abilitie c psioni e th 10,000. creasing numbers of cranium rats (magical equivalents y the d an , first s wizard t a e strik s alway s golem n Brai : Notes - cam c psioni a g runnin t no s DM e thos r fo w belo r appea have an innate ability to target the weakest character in a group. paign). Cranium rats gain the benefits listed in only one SA—The golem's mind blast affects everyone within 60 feet; affected creatures must make a saving throw vs. spell or suffer 2d8 points of damage and become stunned for 1d10 rounds. Cranium Rat Psionics Those who make their saving throw suffer only 1d8 points of dam- . round t nex e th n i e initiativ r thei e los d an e ag INT Psionic Ability (Wizard Spells) SD—Brain golems are immune to poison and all mind-in- 1-6 None None fluencing spells (such a* s charmlevel l s andspel illusions)1 . They are als n o devotio 1 7 immune to death magic. 8 2 devotions 2 spell levels 0 10 ; turn r pe e onc t blas d Min : Summary s Psionic * blast** d min * blast* d min 9 PSPs, 1/3 rounds 1/3 rounds Players Option: #AT 1; MTHACO 10; MAC 5 10 3 devotions 3 spell levels 11 4 devotions 4 spell levels Grimlocks 12 mind blast** mind blast*** 1/2 rounds 1/2 rounds Grimlocks have been subtly altered by centuries of 13 5 devotions 5 spell levels - some d an , gray , thick s i n ski r Thei : living n subterranea 14 6 devotions 6 spell levels times scaly; their hair is filthy and unkempt; their nails 15 mind blast** mind blast*** are strong and clawlike; their eyes ard e blanroun y k orbever s (grim- d roun y ever locks are totally blind). A grimlock's sense of hearing 16 Immune to gases Same and smell somewhat compensate for their loss of sight. 17 Immune to cold Same They can distinguish objects and creatures within 20 feet 18 10% magic resistance Same just as well as if they were able e tSam o see—thoug e h theresistanc c y aremagi % 40 9 1 still immune to spells that affece t Sam vision . e Continuouresistanc c s loumagi d % 70 0 2 . feet 0 1 y b n perceptio f o d fiel r thei s reduce e nois h wit k pac a , example r Fo . daily s spell t cas m a s rat m Craniu * an Intelligence of 10 can use either one 3rd-, one 2nd-, and . day r pe s spell l 1st-leve e thre r o , spell l 1st-leve e on Grimlocksn i (20-200) d detaile : As a C r 5; MVpowe s 12thi ;f Ho Dn 2; THACOdescriptio c 19; psioni e th e Se * * #AT1; Dmg 1d6 or by weapon; SD +1 on surprise rolls, Chapter 3. o t e immun , fighters l 6th-leve s a s throw g savin l al e mak . ability t blas d min s illithid' e arcan e th e Us * ** vision-affecting spells; SW noise reduces vision and im- pedes combat ability; SZ M (5½ '-to 6' tall); ML Steady Rat packs also confer heightened defenses to their in- (11); Int Average (8-10); AL NE; XP 175. dividual members. When calculating damage from area- Notes: For every 10 grimlocks encountered, a 3 HD leader affecting spells, treat the Hit Dice of a pack as a pool (an with an ACf i o fs 4 wilrat l8 bs e presentdestroy ; s grimlocrat 0 3 k f groupo k s pac wit a ht a ove t r 4cas 0 l firebal D H 8 members takk e orderpac e sth frof i m4 ay champioonl d an n , of 4 HDthrow ang d ACsavin 3s . it s fail k pac e th SW—Continuous loud noise reduces grirnlock vision to 10 makes its saving throw). In addition, cranium rats save k attac r thei o t y penalt 2 - a h wit t figh o t m the s cause d an t fee r thei s a e Dic t Hi y man s a f o s creature e wer y the f i s a rolls. pack's Intelligence (a rat whose pack has an Intelligence of 8 saves as an 8 HD creature). Certain stories tie cranium rats to a hidden master. Those with the eyes to see report an astrally pulsing green vein that ties every cranium rat to Ilsensine. Ap- When enraged or in battle, Lugribossk calls upon the s eye s it s a y deit d illithi e th e serv s rat m craniu , parently power of its lord to grow and change to a more fearsome and ears on a thousand planes. form; this change requires 1 turn to complete. In this form, its height reaches in excess of 30 feet, its tentacles ; 19 O THAC ; 1 D H ; 15 V M ; 6 C A : (2d10) t Ra m Craniu d four-fingere s it n o s nail e th d an , long s a t leas t a w gro #AT1; Dmg 1d4; SA packs form group minds, psionics; hands and two-toed feet grow to menacing black claws. SD.packs savs e it a sd if an o , f HD equal to beacon-fires Intelligence lik w eglo os f packeye s ,it , addition n I L M ; long) " (6 T Z S ; varies R M ; attacks l menta o t t resistan mauve skin leaves a suggestive brail of purple radiance Unsteady (7); Int varies; AL NE; XP 65 each. in the air to mark its passage. Finally, the enlarged e availabl e th s thu d (an e Intelligenc l overal e th e Reduc : Notes proxy's tentacles continue to secrete flesh-dissolving en- powers)m of the eac s h packrender bye 1 siz poine t everyextrem ' time a membetentacles e r th o , f the However . zyme pack dies. useless as implements of brain extraction. In fact, it r highe r o 5 f o e Intelligenc n a e hav s pack e whos s SD—Rat s a s tentacle e fearsom e thes e describ o t r bette e b d woul are immune to sleep spells. Spells such as suggestion and acid-soaked battering rams. charm monster only affect a single rat (though the rat still bene- fits from the pack's saving throw), as the rest of the pack Lugribossk (changeling form): AC 0; MV 24; . individual d controlle a o t k lin c telepathi s it s break y quickl HD20+20;hp160;THACO-1;#AT8;1d10+6x6/1d12x2 (6 s Varie : Summary s Psionic tentacles/2 claws); SA psionic powers; SD infravision; 5 C MA ; 10 O MTHAC ; 1 T #A : Option s Player ' (30 G Z S ; 90% R M ; checks e nois r hea l al o t % -10 W S tall); ML Champion (15); Int Genius (18); AL LE; XP 16,000. Psionics Summary: #AT 1; MTHACO 5; MAC 5; Lugriboss- in d i k, (EW) p whi o eg s Attack c Psioni ; 550 s PSP ; 20 v L ) Proxy s (Ilsensine' sinuation (II), mind blast (MB); Psionic Defenses All; Psionic Disciplines control body, levitation, body equilib- Ilsensine is far more apt to dispatch a proxy than an rium, probability travel, teleport, astral projection, domi- when the deity stirs from its brooding dreams of nation, awe, ESP, post-hypnotic suggestion, taste link*, domination. When Ilsensine does send a proxy to assist a collapse time*, crisis of particularly bold illithid plan of subjugation, that proxy breath*, fatal attraction*, . Lugribossk y usuall s i and shards*. a s appear t i , Normally . forms o tw s ha k Lugriboss * Indicates a unique illithid an ulitharid (a 7-foot-tall, six-tentacled illithid). psionic ability detailed in In this form it takes the role of an impor- Chapter 3. t distan a m fro r Creedmaste t tan illithid city, arriving to con- sult on an important matter (use the statis- tics of a stan- dard ulitharid while the proxy uses


Elder Brain CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean FREQUENCY: Very rare ORGANIZATION: Solitary : CYCLE Y ACTIVIT Any DIET: Psychic energy INTELLIGENCE: Supra-genius (20) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 10 MOVEMENT: Nil HIT DICE: 20 THACO: Nil NO. OF ATTACKS: Nil : ATTACK / E DAMAG Nil : ATTACKS L SPECIA s psionic , golem n brai d Bu : DEFENSES L SPECIA Nil : RESISTANCE C MAGI 90% SIZE: H (10' diameter on prime) MORALE: Fearless (20) XP VALUE: 13,000

The elder brain is a huge, fibrous mass of cognizant e singl A . feelers g writhin h wit d covere e tissu n brai Elder Brain Psionic Summary elder brain floats within the depths of a briny pool r elde n A . community d illithi s it f o r cente e th t a d foun This psionic summary indicates the minimum psionic ability e pulsat o t t i e caus s abilitie c psychi s prodigiou s brain' . brain r elde n a f o and glow like a windblown ember, charging its : gray Summary s Psionic i i s allow y vitalit s Thi . purpose d an y vitalit h wit r matte Level Dis/Sci/Dev Att/Def Score PSPs - indi e th f o s death y bodil e th r afte g lon e activ n remai o t 20 6/21/31 EW.II. MB/All =lnt 1d200+450 - en o t d harveste e wer s brain e whos s flayer d min l vidua Players Option: #AT 2; MTHACO 7; MAC 0 gender it. Clairisentience—Sciences: clairaudience, clairvoyance; y telepath e innat n a a vi d worl e th e sens s brain r Elde . location w kno , vision d all-roun : Devotions . specimens) t oldes e th n (i s mile 5 o t p u f o s radiu a h wit Psychokinesis-—Sciences: create object, molecular re- - non l al s detect n brai r elde n a , radius s thi n Withi - con , attack c ballisti : Devotions ; telekinesis , arrangement d soli h throug n beings—eve t sentien d shielde y psionicall , barrier l inertia , sound e creat , light l contro , body l tro - commu n ca n brai r elde n a , range e sam s thi n Withi . rock levitation. nicate with anyy creaturenerg , e throughealing e h thecomplet us: e of its innate metabolism—Sciences o Psych g willin y an f o s eye e th h throug y scr o als n ca t I . telepathy , control y bod : Devotions ; metamorphosis , containment (or psionically dominated) individua. l withianimation n d its telesuspen - , equilibrium y bod pathic radius, , althougtravel y h itsprobabilit worldvie, wbanishment i: s biased towards Psychoportation—Sciences the mental plane. teleport, teleport other; Devotions: astral projection, time shift, time/space anchor. n ca n brai r elde n a , warning t sufficien n give f I : Combat - domina s mas , ejection , domination : Telepathy—Sciences a s a s function m gole s thi ; golem n brai a w gro d an d bu , ESP , awe : Devotions ; probe , mindwipe , blast d min , tion r elde n A . itself n brai r elde e th f o n extensio l physica false sensory input, id insinuation, mind thrust, post- e on g requirin , golems n brai e thre o t p u d bu n ca n brai hypnotic suggestion, taste link, psychic crush. h eac m for y full o t n attentio d undivide f o r hou l ful - ultra , surgery c psychi , empower : Metapsionics—Sciences avatar. During the budding process (which costs 1d10 blast; Devotions: cannibalize, magnify, prolong, psionic n brai r elde e th , formed) m gole n brai e th f o D H r pe s PSP . drain c psychi , inflation - be y abilit r o e influenc c psychi l externa y an t exer t canno brain loses its anchor to the prime and becomes trapped yond communication. on the Astral Plane—a rogue creature without ties to its s it n whe g buddin o t s resort y onl n brai r elde n A e rogu a f o s become t wha n uncertai s i t I . community - occur t infrequen n inadequate—a e prov s abilitie c psioni r thei e los t tha s communitie d illithi , however ; brain r elde rence at best—as its psionic arsenals. contaiapart l n fal th y e comswiftl - n brai r elde f o s hundred y possibl f o e knowledg c psioni d bine contributing illithid minds. The elder brain can use its Habitat/Society: The elder brain is the center of its psionic abilitie- im t s amos t , twicand er normaadviso ln rangea s a g . servin , community d illithi n a f o y fur c psioni e th d withstan o t e abl r aggresso n A portantly, the living repository of the community's tech- n i e obstacl l physica a e overcom l stil t mus n brai r elde d an t righ e th s i t I . expertise c psioni d an , history , nology order to engagn brai r e in elde mele e th eh witwit he the creaturemerg o t d . Sincillithi y e anever f o n obligatio elder brain g is approximatelguidin e whil y y 10 feementalit td in diameteexalte n i g r and death—livin r afte e 30-foot-wid a ( l poo s it f o e surfac e th w belo t fee 0 1 s float and shepherding its erstwhile community. While most e th r ente t firs t mus s attacker , basin) p 30-foot-dee y b illithids believe that their personality will survive the creature's watert ygestal domaie th o t nd (incurrinsuborne e g ar underwate s ego l r combaindividua , t transition - at e missil l Norma . melee n i g engagin e befor ) modifiers . mass e tissu e th g suffusin s consciousnes tacks (fired from the surface into the water) will not - at l spel t mos h brain—thoug r elde d submerge e th h reac f o s thousand e th n upo s prey n brai r elde n A : Ecology tacks functiot n normallypre-sentien e , th provide s dextract tht i e; braipool ns it i s e withishar t n ththa e tadpoles t no s doe n questio n i l spel e th d an e sit f o e lin s caster' psionic complexus from each tadpole to fuel its own ex- change effects when cast into water. istence. Despite the gradual addition of tadpole life force If death is imminent, an elder brain relinquishes its and the mass of new illithid brains, the size of an elder - com s withdraw d an e Plan l Materia e Prim e th n o d hol brain never swells beyond a 10-foot-diameter. It shunts s mas s it f o k bul e th e wher , Plane l Astra e th o int y pletel d maintaine y psionicall a o int y directl s mas s exces y an r elde n a , way s thi n i f itsel s transport t i e Onc . resides node on the Astral Plane. Urophions CLIMATE / TERRAIN: Subterranean FREQUENCY: Rare ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: INTELLIGENCE: Genius (17-18) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil NO. APPEARING: 1-3 ARMOR CLASS: 0 MOVEMENT: 3 HIT DICE: 12 THACO: 9 NO. OF ATTACKS: 6 : ATTACK / E DAMAG 3-6 : ATTACKS L SPECIA s psionic , Tendrils : DEFENSES L SPECIA Ignore lightning, ½ dam cold : WEAKNESS L SPECIA -4 penalty to saves vs. MAGIC RESISTANCE: 45% SIZE: L (9' tall) MORALE: Fearless (20) XP VALUE: 9,000

9 g outcroppin y rock a s resemble n urophio a , distance a m Fro n i t foo 1 o t g narrowin , base s it t a r diamete n i t fee 3 d an l tal t fee diameter at its apex. Upon closer examination, an individual can see that the corded ridges of water-sculpted rock girding y tightl s tendril e tentaclelik k thic y actuall e ar g outcroppin e th clinging to the purplish-gray pillar. When roused, the creature opens a single milky eye near its top and displays, a horribledistance a ,t circulaa e rmele mao t s w that tendril resemble s it e us o s aals lamn ca -n urophio A prey's mouth. In seconds, six extensive tendrils loose their while its body remains shrouded in darkness. Each successful s i s tendril e thes f o h eac ; fury g thrashin h wit p gri d camouflage s grasp t i s a e damag f o s point t hi 2 ld4+ s inflict k attac l tendri . mouth r circula e th t abou y equidistantl d locate d ben l successfu a h wit l tendri a e remov n ca s victim ; target e th Because a urophion actively adjusts its body temperature to bars/lift gates roll. When at least one tendril holds a victim, d standar y b e undetectabl t almos s i t i , surroundings s it f o t tha each succeeding tendril attack roll accrues a cumulative +1 infravision. Adventurere th e Onc s . with infravisioattack) t las e nth r stilfo l 5 suffe+ f o r m the standarmaximu a do (t s bonu -4 attack roll modifier when battling this creature in darkness. uriphion attaches four tendrils to the victim, it sufficiently im- mobilizes the target and draw out his brain in the next round. - ten g stron s ha t i d an , malleable s i y bod s urophion' A : Combat The creature immediately brings the dripping brain to its drils that allo- wcon s it to stantendril g d uprightremainin . Ie nth thie s waywhil l , the morse creatur e th s eeat cad nan h mout a e resembl o t e pron e li , stalagmite a e resembl o t t uprigh d stan tinue to melee with the victim's companions. . stalactite a e resembl o t g ceilin e th m fro g han n eve r o , boulder Each uriphion tendril is AC 0 and can withstand up to 6 hit Thus, a urophion'. sweapon opponentd edge n a sh suffewit e r a strik - 2e penaltsingl a y m to surprisefro e .damag f o s point A urophion's s initiatentacle s lit attact a y k issolel ad psionidirecte c s mind attack blas m t affectinfro e gdamag at tha e Not cone-shaped area 5 feet wide at its origin, 60 feet long, and 20 affect onl uriphione yth s tota pointt lhi s feet wide at its extremf o h e endBot . . If thtough ee creaturquit e ar e s succeedtentacle s d witan hy its bod s uriphion' A psionic attack, it mobilizes all six of its tendrils (which can these areas are immune to electrical attacks and suffer only half n brai s victim' d shinne e th t ou g drawin , feet) 0 5 o t p u h reac damage from cold-based attacks. Uriphions do, however, suf- and killing him in, one roundFinally . fire . . vs s throw g savin r thei o t y penalt 4 - a r fe . illithids o t n aki n infravisio s posses s urophion y the h althoug , powers c psioni r othe s possesse o als n urophio A Urophion Psionic Summary have not developed them to the degree of their illithid cousins.

Psionice s th Summary , below) " : "Ecology e (se n creatio d illithi n A : Habitat/Society Levet l bu , Dis/Sci/Deflayer d min ve th Alt/Deo t n l aki s Scorabilitie ec psioni PSP s s possesse n urophio 9 3/2/8 EWJI, MB/AII =lnt 1d100+100 its uncouth appearance and immobile form consign it to a sec- ond-class position. Thus, most urophions find themselves ' Players Option: #AT 1; MTHAC011; MAC 5 working as mere guards for most of their lives, protecting out- . levitation , body l contro : ..Psychokinesis—Devotions . control d illithi r unde s region g lyin Psychometabolism—Devotions: body equilibrium. Ecology: Illithids sometimes attempt tadpole implantation in - post , ESP , awe : Devotions ; domination : Telepathy-—Sciences nonhumanoids to create flayer-kin with enhanced and novel _ hypnotic suggestionn a n , tastbetwee d e linkhybri . a h suc f o t resul e th s i n urophio A . abilities . roper n subterranea d an d illithi Neothelid : TERRAIN / E CLIMAT Subterranean FREQUENCY) unique y : (possibl e rar y Ver ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Brains INTELLIGENCE: Genius (17-18) TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: l evi l Lawfu NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 0 MOVEMENT: 9 HIT DICE: 16 THACO: 5 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 (bite) or 4 (tentacles) DAMAGE / ATTACK: 6d6 or 3d6(x4) : ATTACKS L SPECIA s psionic , weapon h Breat SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil : WEAKNESS L SPECIA Nil : RESISTANCE C MAGI 45% SIZE: G (120' tall) MORALE: Fearless (20) XP VALUE; 20,000 d neotheli a , proportions e dragonlik f o m wor d slime-covere A y pre s it s bring t I wake. s it n i s mucou f o l trai n poiso a s leave down with flesh-corroding exhalations that dissolve all but the fatty brain, an essential component of its diet. An adult reaches 10 feet in diameter, but its wormlike body grows longer . feet 0 12 f o s exces n i s length g existence—reachin s it t throughou Four 20-foot-long tentacles sprout from an adult's eyeless - swal o t h enoug e larg w ma r circula a d aroun g thrashin " "face, Any prey that survives a breath weapon attack must face d roun s talent c psioni s Dangerou . whole y pre d man-size w lo g attackin n A . arsenal l physica e impressiv s neothelid' e th out what- maysuffi bm e thfro e y underdark'bod n s mosgargantua ts fearsomit h wit s e predatorstrike d an .s coil d neotheli s neothelid e mistak o t e som d cause s ha n coloratio e rnauv s It e surfac a e lik h caverns—muc n subterranea e larg y cientl for purple worms at a distance; thankfully, both creatures are rare. python. If its attack is successful, the creature bites for 6d6 A neothelis d sensetentacle g s its world vi20-foot-lon r a innatfou s it e telepathh wit s yflail wit r o he a radiudamag sf o s point - non l al f o e awar s i d neotheli e th , radius s thi n Withi . feet 0 36 f o for 3d6 points of damage each. If a neothelid needs to, it will psionically shielded sentien. t beingvictims s it an n do car n bea communicat o t s abilitie c e withpsioni s it s bring intelligent creatures via telepathy—even through solid rock. Aneothelid's body glistens with poisonous mucous; a slime trail marks its passage. Those who come in contact with the s it o t s resort t firs t i , prey s it s corner d neotheli a n Whe : Combat e fac r o n poiso . vs w thro g savin l successfu a e mak t mus s mucou flesh-dissolvin. g breatpoison) s h weaponthi o t e . Thiimmun se weapoar s n iflayer s d not a(min n s acidturn , 0 but1d1 n i h deat rather an enzyme that liquefies most organic tissue. A neothelid can use itr s breatflaye hd weapomin t ntha t twiceeven pee r rar dayy , affectinremarkabl ge a th cone n I : - Habitat/Society shaped area 5 feet wide at its origin, 60 feet in length, and 20 tadpoles develop in the absence of illithid adults, a small num- e th n i t caugh s creature g Livin . edge e extrem s it t a e wid t fee - neothe o int p develo o t n ow r thei n o h enoug g lon e surviv r be s throw g savin l (successfu e damag f o s point 6 12dl2+ e tak t blas y the s illithid y an t hun y indiscriminatel s creature e Thes . lids s slough h fles r thei s a ) half y b e damag e reduc n weapo h breat . vs f o s new e th o t d respon , turn n i , Illithids . upon e chanc y ma y completel n weapo h breat e th y b d kille e creatur y An . away neothelid emergence with utter disgust, and they quickly orga- melts, save for its clothing, possessions, and exposed brain. nize hunting parties to exterminate the abominations. Neothelid Psionic Summary Ecology: An illithid tadpole that fails to undergo ceremorpho- sis gradually grows into a neothelid—assuming it survives its Psionics Summary: first 100 years as a mindless slug eking out a living on subter- ranean vermin. Once a tadpole is powerful enough to be called s PSP e Scor f Att/De v Dis/Sci/De l Leve t i , brain) t sentien t firs s it f o g eatin e th y b d (triggere d neotheli a 0 1d100+35 t =ln H MB/A . EWII 8 4/2/ 9 s creature g livin r othe l al g huntin , danger e terribl a s become Players Option: #A. T 1; MTHAC011hunger e insan , ; MAC 5insatiable n a h wit ) illithids g (includin Psychokinesis—Devotions- neothe , : controlunderdark bodye th f ,o telekinesiss predator .e larg r othe e som e Unlik o t m the g forcin , rock d soli h throug w burro o t e unabl e ar s lid . equilibrium y bod : Psychometabolism—Devotions a n Whe . caverns d an s tunnel d delve y previousl r o y naturall t hun Psychoportive—Devotionse mov y ma s : neothelid dimensio , n walkexhausted s i .m ecosyste n subterranea l loca Telepathy—Sciences. : dominalionabilities e ; Devotionspsychoportiv r : awethei a ,vi ESs R postrunnel " - "greener o t - unan f o t hos a s engender s neothelid e th f o e existenc e Th hypnoticf o suggestion n origi e , tasttru d e [inkan e . natur l actua e th g regardin s question d swere . themselves s illithid e th o t n eve y myster a illithids— Gohlbrorn fight in a highly organized Gohlbrorn manner; they concentrate their attacks on spellcasters before engaging other enemies. : TERRAIN / E CLIMAT Subterranean /Underdark Often, gohlbrorn utilize "hit and run" tactics; FREQUENCY: Rare they assault an opponent, then dive back ORGANIZATION: Group into their tunnel, only to attack again from : CYCLE Y ACTIVIT Any a different position. DIET: Carnivorous Their favor- INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) melee at- TREASURE: Nil tack ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil consists NO. APPEARING: 3-6 (1d4+2) of a ARMOR CLASS: 3 powerful claw, which inflicts MOVEMENT: 9, Burrow 18 2-12 (2d6) points of damage, HIT DICE: 5 h whic , bite s ferociou a d an THAC0: 15 causes 3-18 (3d6) poin NO. ATTACKS: 2 + Special of damage. DAMAGE / ATTACK: 2d6/3d6 and special In addition to SPECIAL ATTACKS: Launch stones these awesome at- SPECIAL DEFENSES: Natural Coloration n gohlbror , tacks MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil can spew large SIZE: M (5'-7' long, 5' high rocks from their gul- MORALE: 9 2- g inflictin , force Elits e (13-14tremendou ) h wit e strik s missile e Th . lets XP VALUE: 975 (1d8+l) points of damage. The creatures store these rocks as they burrow through the earth; each gohlbrorn has 2-8 (2d4) The gohlbrorn, a relative of the fearsome bulette, hunts. stones e availabl throughout the cavern complexes of the underdark. The A school of gohlbrorn rarely stands its ground in a losing d armore y thickl d an e shap t bulle s cousin' s it s share n gohlbror battle; the school quickly flees if overwhelmed. These intelli- body, though it is considerably smaller and more intelligent gent predators have long memories, however, and it is not un- than a bulette. common to see them flee a battle, only to return with greater p dee o t e blu k dar m fro e rang s hindquarter s creature' e Th brown; its head, which takes up a considerable portion of its body, is a dark gray. The thick scales and plates of the Habitat/Society: Gohlbrorn wander throughout the almost gohlbrorn reflect the color of the surrounding stone and rock. limitless expanse of the underdark, though they prefer to hunt This coloration allows it to blend in with its surroundings. It is around large populations of easy prey (such as grimlocks, indistinguishable us n e froofte mo naturawh , l stonillithid e eth 45r %fea oy f thThe e . timelike) . e th d an , quaggoth The gohlbrord an , n possessesvirfneblin s e anth inned fin rd eyelian , d that filtercommunities s r all lighthei n i tn gohlbror brighter than candlelight. This nictitating lid protects the crea- their illusions, far too bothersome to hunt. ture from the blinding effects of light spells and is an invalu- Although gohlbrorn have highly structured hunting groups able aid when it hunts close to the surface world. with the strongest acting as leader, they rarely set up perma- Gohlbrorn have their own complicated language that nent lairs. Mated pairs set up temporary lairs to shelter 1d6 t no s i t I . ear d untraine e th o t g rumblin t distan e lik s sound h althoug , death e th o t s egg r thei d defen s creature e Th . eggs known whetheg r thesyoun e predatorth r afte n s casoo ns reproduchatchling er thethei speecn h oabando f s parent e th - un d an n lear n ca y the t tha , however , likely s i t i ; creatures r othe emerge from their shells. . own r thei s beside s language r othe d derstan - compari n i d short-live e ar n Gohlbror : Ecology f o l schoo A . fighters g cunnin y extremel e ar n Gohlbror : Combat to other denizens of the these predators often uses its natural coloring to observe its underdark; they can ac- prey before attacking; gohlbrorn do not attack obviously pow- tively hunt for about erful prey unless they believe the odds to be in their favor. 20 years before age slows them down. Unlike many predators, how- ever, gohlbrorn do not abandon r younge e th , fact n I . school g huntin e th f o s member r olde hunters often catch prey for those creatures too frail to hunt for

Gohlbrorn eat just about any sort of prey. Draw, however, seem to be a much-sought-after food.